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Adding Safety Fence

Sometimes, the carpenter might need to cut different area such as the
edge of the wood. In order to get a clean cut, there should be additional
support while doing the cutting process. It could be simply done by
screwing wood fence in between the miter gauge and the blade. Adjust the
blade so it won’t cut the fence.
Installing Riving Knife

This is an additional tool that is beneficial even for professional carpenter.

It is installed right behind the saw blade, approximately 6mm away. With
this tool there will be less chance for the wood to kick backwards.
Moreover, the operator could adjust the position. Try to tilt, raise or lower it
for better position.
People often start to think about complicated things when they deal with
advanced tools like table saw. In order to use this technology effectively,
the trick is to check the basic things. Pay attention to the spinning direction
of the blade and add safety block if necessary. Happy wood working!

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