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1. Are you aware of HR policies in LANCO INDUSTRIES?

a. yes
b. no
2. If yes, which of the following HR policies that you come across?
a. Man power planning [ ]
b. Recruitment and training [ ]
c. Induction program [ ]
d. compensation [ ]
e. welfare programs [ ]
f. promotions [ ]
g. career development program [ ]
h. performance appraisal [ ]


3. What is the source of recruitment in LANCO INDUSTRIES?

a. internal source
b. external source
4. Through which mode you entered the organization?
a. campus recruitment
b. walk in interviews
c. employee reference
5. What is your personal opinion about recruitment practices LANCO INDUSTRIES?
a. highly fair
b. fair
c. satisfactory
d. biased
e. highly biased
6. Your level of satisfaction about recruitment?
a. highly satisfied
b. satisfied
c. average
d. dissatisfied
e. highly dissatisfied
7. Which kind of training practices organized in LANCO INDUSTRIES?
a. Technical
b. Non technical
c. Both
8. What is the duration of training practices in LANCO INDUSTRIES?
a. one week
b. two weeks
c. three weeks
d. > three weeks
9. How frequently training practices are organized in LANCO INDUSTRIES?
a. once in a year
b. twice in a year
c. thrice in a year
d. four or more times in a year
10. Your level of satisfaction about training practices?
a. highly satisfied
b. satisfied
c. average
d. dissatisfied
e. highly dissatisfied


11. What are the various methods of performance appraisal?
a. Straight ranking
b. Paired comparison
d. 360* method

12. How often Performance appraisal is been conducted?

a) Twice a year
b) Once in a year
c) Once in two year
d) once in three year
14. In what way Performance appraisal methods motivates you to work hard?
a) Comparison b) Promotion
c) Increment d) Additional responsibility

15. Rate the level of various performance appraisal methods?

Type Excellent Good Average Bad

Straight ranking
Paired comparison
anchored rating
360* appraisal


16. Do the HR organize induction program for the employees?

a. yes
b. no

17. what is duration of induction period in LANCO INDUSTRIES?

a. one week
b. two weeks
c. three weeks
d. more than three weeks
18. In what way the induction program is useful for employees?
a. losing fear
b. cultivating confidence
c. in performance level
d any other


19. what are the various welfare measures implemented by HR in LANCO INDUSTRIES?
a. allowances
b. leaves related rules
c. review structure
d. all the above

20. To whom the welfare measures are applicable?

A. permanent employees
B. temporary employees
C. both

21. what is your level of satisfaction?

a. highly satisfied
b. satisfied
c. average
d. dissatisfied
e. highly dissatisfied

22. Do the organization follows any method for promoting employees?
a. yes
b. no
23. if yes what are all the methods are following in LANCO INDUSTRIES?
a. Time bound
b Performance
c. Qualification
d. All the above
24. on what basis the promotions are given to employees in LANCO INDUSTRIES?
a. seniority
b. performance
c. experience
d. achievements

25. what is your level of satisfaction?

a. highly satisfied
b. satisfied
c. average
d. dissatisfied
e. highly dissatisfied

26. Do you feel there is ample opportunity for your career advancement at LANCO INDUSTRIES?

a) Yes b) No

If Yes mention the kind of career program carried at LANCO INDUSTRIES

…….. .… . .………………………………………………………………………………..

27. what is your level of satisfaction?

a. highly satisfied
b. satisfied
c. average
d. dissatisfied
e. highly dissatisfied

28. whether there is any grievance cell in LANCO INDUSTRIES?
a. yes
b. no
29. if yes, what are the major grievance represented by employee?


What is your overall opinion about HR practices followed at LANCO INDUSTRIES?

Good Satisfied Not satisfied

Team work

Working Conditions

Fair evaluation system

Career growth

Welfare programmes

Grievance settlement

21. Your expectation and suggestion



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