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The cash flow is the incoming and outgoing of cash it represents the operating
activities of an organizations. When I search the meaning of cash flow I don’t
understand but when I read it carefully I was better understand what is cash flow.
Cash flow is a financial statement that shows how changes in balance sheet
accounts and income affect cash and cash equivalents, and breaks the analysis
down to operating, investing and financing activities.

The notes financial statement provides additional information pertaining to a

company's operations and financial position and are considered to be an integral
part of the financial statements. Financial statements are prepared to ascertain
the profits earned or losses incurred by a business concernduring a specified
period and also to ascertain its financial position at the end of that specified
period. There are two generally types of notes financial statement the income
statement and position statement. For me this notes financial statement is
difficult to understand, but gradually I learn step by step by the help of my book.

I don’t have any background about accounting. When I was in senior high school
the strand that I took up is GAS or General Academic Strand. So it’s difficult for
me to understand the accounting subject.

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