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How to great and say good bye ni english :

Meetings and greetings
1. Hi, Hiya, hey, hey man, hey girl
Within the English speaking world, people often say “hi” or “hiya” when greeting
someone, with “hiya” being slightly less informal than “hi”. These words are typically
used in casual settings, particularly among youngsters and friends. Some people also say
“hey” or “hey man/hey girl” – usually when meeting people they are particularly close to
or have met many times before.
It’s also important to know that the word “hey” can be used to grab someone’s attention.
So, if you’re using it to say “hello” to a person, try to say the word in a calm, relaxed way
rather than with emphasis as you might do when trying to make them notice you from
2. How’s it going? How are you doing?
As well as “how are you?” many people also say “how’s it going?” or “how are you
doing?” When living, working or studying in the UK, you will frequently hear people say
variations of “hey, how’s it going?” to which the reply might be something like “it’s
going well” or “I’m fine/I’m good.”
When learning English as a foreign language, it’s important to note the pronunciation of
“going” in a casual environment to avoid confusion. Said quickly, “going” can sound like
“go-in” but indeed it is the same word which should be spelt correctly during a listening
comprehension test.
3. What’s up? What’s new?
If you bump into someone you’ve not seen in a while, it’s normal to say something like
“hey, what’s up” or “hey man, what’s new?” This is an informal way of starting a
conversation and showing interest in someone’s life. While some people will answer
with “nothing” or “not much,” others will engage in a little small talk about something
interesting that is happening or has happened.
If someone asks you this question, feel free to say as much or as little as you like
depending on what’s appropriate at the time. Be aware, however, that in English culture,
people don’t typically give away a lot of personal information during a brief, informal or
accidental meeting.
4. Good morning, good afternoon, good evening
Instead of saying “hello”, you can say “good morning,” “good afternoon” or “good
evening” depending on what time of day it is. To make the greeting less formal, you
could also simply just say “morning,” “afternoon” or “evening” with a nod of the head,
hand wave or smile. If you want to wish someone well for the night before leaving or
sleeping, you can also say “goodnight.”
Saying goodbye
1. Bye, bye, bye!
Instead of “goodbye”, you can quite simply say “bye” or “bye, bye”. The latter is
commonly said by children and has a repetitive innocence about it.
2. See ya, see you soon, hope to see you soon
If you are leaving but plan to meet up with a person in the near future you can say
anything along the lines of “see you” or “hope to see you soon.”
3. Take it easy, take care, take care of yourself
These three ways of saying goodbye encourage the person in question to look after
themselves until you see them again. While informal, they are a polite, friendly way to
end a meeting.

2. Ucapan salam dalam bahasa inggris

Berikut adalah contoh-contoh kalimat salam yang umumnya digunakan dalambahasa Inggris;
 General Greetings / Formal
Kalimat salam jenis ini biasanya digunakan dalam situasi formal apapun, seperti rapat bisnis atau
bertemu dengan orang tua teman, guru, dll. Namun bisa juga digunakan dalam situasi informal.
1. Hello (Halo)
2. How are you? (apa kabarmu?)
3. How Are you Doing? (apa kabarmu?)

Hal ini memiliki perbedaan, antara “what are you doing” dengan “how are you doing?”. “How
are you doing?” memiliki arti yang sama dengan “how are you?”, sedangkan “what are you
doing” adalah untuk menanyakan kegiatan yang sedang dilakukan.
1. How is everything?
2. How’s everything going?

 General Greetigs / Informal

Kalimat salam jenis ini dapat digunakan dalam situasi informal apapun. Untuk menunjukan
antusias yang lebih besar, Anda dapat menambahkan kata “Hey” pada awal kalimat.
1. (Hey) Good to see you. (Senang bertemu denganmu)
2. What’s up? (Apa kabar?)
3. How is it going? (Bagaimana kabarmu?)
4. What’s good? (Apa kabar?)
5. What’s happening? (Apa yang terjadi?)
 Mengucapkan salam pada orang yang sudah lama tidak bertemu / Formal

1. It has been a long time. (Sudah lama sekali tidak bertemu)

2. How long has it been? (Sudah berapa lama kita tidak bertemu)
3. It’s been too long. (Sudah sangat lama tidak bertemu)
4. It’s always pleasure to see you. (Selalu menyenangkan dapat bertemu denganmu)
5. What’s new? (Ada kabar baru?)

 Mengucapkan salam pada orang yang sudah lama tidak bertemu / Informal

1. Long time no see. (Sudah lama tidak berjumpa)

2. How’ve you been? (Apa kabarmu?)
3. Where have you been hiding? (Dimana kamu bersembunyi selama ini?)

Contoh Greeting Menyapa dan Memberi Salam Dalam Bahasa Inggris

Setelah mempelajari dasar-dasar greeting, mungkin ada baiknya kalian perhatikan contoh-contoh
dalam salam dan tegur sapa berikut ini

 - Hi, Putri
 +Hi, Jeane
 - How are you?
 + Very well, thank you. And how about you?
 - Fine, thank you.
 + Good afternoon Mr. Thomas. What is your feeling?
 - I’m great, thanks.
Greeting untuk perpisahan
Diatas telah dijelaskan greeting dalam bahasa inggris untuk salam dan tegur sapa diawal
perjumpaan dengan orang lain. Penting juga untuk mengetahui greeting dalam menyatakan suatu
perpisahan. Kalian bisa menggunakan beberapa ucapan dibawah ini :

 Good night
 Good bye
 See you tomorrow
 See you later
 See you then
 Take care
 Be careful
 Bye-bye
 DLL..
Contoh :
+ Good night Rina, see you tomorrow
- Good night

+ See you tomorrow Rina, good bye!

- Good bye!

+ Take care Rina, see you later

- See you later

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