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Child Interview

HD 305

Pacific Oaks College

Martha Lechuga

Professor Dr. Rogers


Child Interview

On this paper, I will talk about 3 Interview experiences that I had during 3 child observations

based on Piaget’s Activities. I interview 3 children from different ages, a five-year-old, boy a six-

year-old girl and an eight-year-old girl. Each of them had the opportunity to play with different

size sticks. I asked them to put the sticks in order.

The first girl that I observed was Jade, she is a 6-year-old girl. I did the interview in her natural

environment at her house. We were sitting down at the table. I asked her if we can play a

game. She asked me how the game will be. I told her that I had different size sticks, and I

wanted to see if she can help me to put the sticks by size from the smallest one to the tallest

one. I asked her if she can put them on top of the construction paper. She was attentively

waiting for me to give her the sticks. I gave her the sticks. She put the sticks at the table and

start looking at the sticks. Then she grabbed one stick, and put it on top of the construction

paper. She grabbed another one and put it next to the other one. She continued grabbing more

sticks and putting them next to each other. She put the sticks on the construction paper and its

looking at the, then she grabbed one that had already on the construction paper and move it to

another place. She continued moving one and another to different spaces and finally she said

that she finish. She left the sticks from the smallest to the tallest one in order just with minimal

of errors.

The second child that I interview was Kenjy, he is a 5-year-old boy. I went to his house to visit

his Mom. I was talking to his mom and he was closer to me. I told Kenjy’s mom that I brought a

game. After I said that, Kenjy look at me. I took the sticks out of a box that I had. Kenjy walked

toward me, and asked me” Can I play”, I told him yes. He sat down next to me. He asked me

how to play with the game. I told him if he can put the sticks by size, from the smallest one to

the tallest one. I put the construction paper on the table next to the stick. I asked him to put

them on top of the construction paper. He started putting the sticks on the paper. He put them

all on the paper, he just moved a few and left them like that. I asked him if he already finished.

He continued looking at the sticks and continued moving a few. Then he looked at me again and

said, “I finished”.

The third child that I interview was Hanna, she is an eight-year-old girl. I went to her house. I

told her that I had a game and I want to see if she wanted to play with me. She asked me what

kind of game was that, I told her that Is a game that I made, because I had to do a school

assignment. I asked her if she wanted to play with my game. She said yes. I place the sticks at

the table with the construction paper on the side. She grabbed the sticks and hold it on her

hands. She started looking at the sticks and start putting the sticks on the construction paper.

She started with the largest one, and then she continued placing the sticks on the construction

paper from the largest to the smallest one. While she was putting the sticks on the construction

paper, she started putting the end of the stick on the edge of the paper and then she was

looking at the sticks and move them from one place to another.

By interviewing these 3 children from different ages, I could observe different levels of

cognitive development and problem solving skills. I observe that each child had their own

individuality to resolve a problem.

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