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Appendix III - PPAP Check List Form Rev - 4 Rev Date Aug 2009


Supplier Name & Location: P & L Development & Manufacturing
Cooper Part Number: ∇ 9M64-2A335-AC Rev Level / Date: C2 20070821
PSW Date: 01/27/2010
2.2.1 Design Record
A. Hard copy of engineering print or CAD/CAM. math data?
B. Print indicates approved release number and release date?
C. Print is 100% ballooned and sequential numbered for dimensions, notes and specifications?
D. Material Specification(s) if requested?
(Note that hard copy will not be printed out for Cooper interplant PPAP that have access to WIndchilll.)
E. All Engineering Specification(s) if requested?
(Note that hard copy will not be printed out for Cooper interplant PPAP that have access to WIndchilll.)
F: For Polymeric (plastic) Parts if requested,. 1SO 11469/1043-1 or ISO 11499/1020 specification.
(Note that hard copy will not be printed out for Cooper interplant PPAP that have access to WIndchilll.)

2.2.2 Authorized Engineering Change Documents
A. Are any changes authorized that are not yet captured by the current print?
Comments: Customer specific documents will be included as applicable.

2.2.3 Customer Engineering Approval
A. Are CSA or Customer Engineering Approvals Required? (ECR - Engineering Change Request)(SREA) (Forever Req.) (etc.)
B. Are Approved Customer specific documents included?
Comments: Customer specific documents will be included as applicable. (e.g. Alerts, concerns, notices, SREAs, EWO, TWO, GM3660
[Engineering Source Approval], GM1411 [PPAP Worksheet] DV [Design Verification] and PV [Production Validation] forms)

2.2.4 Design Failure Mode & Effects Analysis (DFMEA)
A. If design responsible, is a Design Failure Mode & Effects Analysis (DFMEA) present and in the latest AIAG format?
C. Are SEV 5-8 & OCC 4-10 identified as Key Characteristic? If none, is there evidence of redesign to reduce SEV or OCC?
D. Is the document linked to the Drawing ? Part Number / Revision Level or Process/Part Name.
Comments: If the DFMEA is Proprietary, include a blank DFMEA with a Proprietary Information Statement.

2.2.5 Process Flow Diagram
A. Is a Process Flow Diagram present?
B. Is PFD up to date?
C. Is the document linked to the Drawing ?
D. Is document linked to PFMEA and Control plan? Part Number / Revision Level or Process/Part Name.

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Appendix III - PPAP Check List Form Rev - 4 Rev Date Aug 2009


Supplier Name & Location: P & L Development & Manufacturing
Cooper Part Number: ∇ 9M64-2A335-AC Rev Level / Date: C2 20070821
PSW Date: 01/27/2010
2.2.6 Process Failure Mode & Effects Analysis (PFMEA).
A. Is a Process Failure Mode & Effects Analysis (PFMEA) present and in the latest AIAG format?
B. Is PFMEA up-to-date?
C. Are SEV 5-8 with OCC 4-10 identified as PHIC? If none, is there evidence of actions to reduce OCC?
D. Are Sev 9 and 10 identified as CC?
E. Is in agreement with PFD, Control Plan and WI's/SOP's? Key characteristics must be listed at specific operation/sequence.
F. Are SEV Ratings Appropriate?
G. Are DET Ratings Appropriate?
H. Is the document linked to the Drawing (i.e. P/N, Release Date, Revision Date)?
I. If no Actions are identified, is None indicated?
J. Are failures at one process step identified as the cause of failures at the appropriate subsequent step?
K. Are the RPN's calcualted correctly?
Comments: If PFMEA contains proprietary information, a blank PFMEA is to be included in package with a Proprietary Information Sheet.

2.2.7 Control Plans
A. Is a Control Plan present?
B. Are Special Characteristics Identified?
C. Is Control Plan up-to-date?
D. Is there linkage to DFMEA (as applicable), PFMEA, PFD, and Operator Instruction?
E. Reaction plans are identified and realistic?
F. Is the document linked to the Drawing (i.e. P/N and Release Date)?
G. Are both Process and Product Characteristics controlled?

2.2.8 Measurement. System Analysis Studies
A. MSA's included and usage of the latest AIAG forms?
B. MSA for all gages, measurement and test equipment used to control product?
C. Use of ANOVA method?
D. Raw data is included in PPAP and available in an Excel file?
E. Do the MSA's meet minimum requirements (e.g. % Study Variance should be < 10% Good, 11% - 20% Marginal, 21% - 30%
Unacceptable - action plan required, > 30% No Good and may need to use new gage - action plan required).
F. Ford Specific: Does the % Contribution meet minimum requirements (e.g. % Contribution should be <1% is acceptable, 1% to 9% Marginal,
> 9% Unacceptable)?
G. Ford Specific: When using MiniTab, do the distinct catergories meet minimum Ford requirements (e.g. > 10 Acceptable, 5 to 9 Marginal, < 5
H. Ford Specific: When using MiniTab for attribute gages, do they meet minimum Ford requirements (e.g. Sample size should be 50 parts or
greater with a >90% Operator Repeatability, and Kappa > 0.70, Ford prefers > 0.90)?
I. Ford Specific: Are Destructive Gage R&R set up as "nested" and utilizing 3 operators, 5 parts (5 different batches each minimum), Multiple
replicates. (Note: you should assume that all parts within a single batch are the identical).
Comments: One R&R for 1 gage covers all like gages.
Use of a specific brand of calibration software is not required. Software is to be tested with the Ford data set & evidence of passing included.

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Appendix III - PPAP Check List Form Rev - 4 Rev Date Aug 2009


Supplier Name & Location: P & L Development & Manufacturing
Cooper Part Number: ∇ 9M64-2A335-AC Rev Level / Date: C2 20070821
PSW Date: 01/27/2010
2.2.9 Dimensional Results
A. Variable measurements for every (except reference) dimensions on part print are to recorded?
B. Dimensional results required for every unique manufacturing process?

C. AIAG Dimensional results form used? Part print information to be recorded on dimen. report, including level, date , org name,. part #, etc.
D. Are there 6 pieces for all cells or production lines. For multipual cavities, molds, patterns and dies, 1 per cavity at least 6 parts to be
measured. Individual data readings and master(s) sample provided?
E. Tracing included for Optical Comparator required for inspection?
F. If measured by CMM, reports included?
G. Results indicate that dimensional verifications required by print and control plan have been completed and results indicate compliance?


2.2.10 Material/Performance Test Results
A. AIAG Material and Performance Test Results form are used?
B. Are records of specified tests included?
C. Part print information to be recorded on Material/Performance Reports? Including engr. Level, date, p/n, etc.
D. Any authorized engineering change documents not yet incorporated into the design record, but present in the part?
E. Number, date and change level of specification to which part was tested?
F. Date on which testing took place?
G. Qty. tested if not stated within specification?
H. Actual results?
I. Material supplier's name (req'd) and code (if applicable)?
J. Ford Specific: Is the DVP&R included?

2.2.11 Initial Process Studies
A. All Special Characteristics need to show acceptable initial process capability prior to submission based on 125 pcs. Minimum? If non-normal
data set, reason are supplied to support acceptability?
B. Supplier shall obtain concurrence from the customer on which index is to be used? Use PpK (1.67 PpK)
C. Gage R&R is to be performed in order to understand how measurement error impacts the study measurements?
D. Initial studies will be provided in accordance with the Important Characteristics Summary sheet or Engineering designed drawing?
E. Initial process studies are summarized with capability or performance indices?
F. Studies were evaluated using these common techniques? Ie. Xbar Chart, Capability Histogram, R Chart, Normal Prob. Plot, Last 25
Subgroups, Capability Plot. (MiniTab software provides all of theses.)
G. Is the P Value >5%, if not has the study been evaluated for improvements?
H. Raw data is included in PPAP?
I. Electronic data format to be submitted either in Minitab, or the Raw Data provided in an Excel File.
J. If initial process studies are not satisfactory, is control plan modified for 100% inspection and Corrective action plan submitted to become

2.2.12 Qualified Laboratory
A. Testing performed by external qualified laboratory need to be certified to ISO/IEC 17025 or national equivalent?
B. Scope of laboratory is Defined (whether internal or 3rd party lab)?
C. If tested externally to supplier, results to be submitted on independent lab letterhead or their normal lab report?
D. If tested externally to supplier, Name of lab, date of tests and standards used to run the tests need to be enclosed?

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Appendix III - PPAP Check List Form Rev - 4 Rev Date Aug 2009


Supplier Name & Location: P & L Development & Manufacturing
Cooper Part Number: ∇ 9M64-2A335-AC Rev Level / Date: C2 20070821
PSW Date: 01/27/2010
2.2.13 Appearance Approval Report
A. For parts having an appearance requirement on design record, a AAR must be completed for each part or series of parts?
B. AAR and representative parts to be submitted to customer for disposition?
C. AAR w/disposition :and authorized customer re signature to accompany PSW at time of submission?
D. AIAG form CFG-1002.(AAR) to be used for-Submission?

2.2.14 Sample Production Parts
A. Supplier provides sample parts as: specified by the customer
B. Note included in PPAP manual indicating # of functional sample submitted to what plant etc.

2.2.15 Master Sample
A. Master sample supplied and retained meeting PPAP requirements per AIAG?
B. Master sample is properly identified and stored?
C. Note is included in PPAP package referencing supplier's internal procedure governing master samples and their storage?

2.2.16 Checking Aids
A. Supplier to certify all aspects of checking aid to agree with dimensional requirements?
B. Supplier to certify all released changes have been incorporated into checking aid?
C. Supplier to provide for PM on any checking aid for the life of the part?
D. MSA to be conducted in accordance with customer requirements?
E. Checking Aids can include fixtures variable and attribute gages, models, templates, Mylar's, etc. specific to the product being submitted?


2.2.17 Customer Specific
A. Raw data for part weight (10 random parts) is included?
B. IMDS submission screen-shot provided?
C. PV results data must be less than one year old?
D. Barcode Label per CSA Requirements?
E. Run @ Rate (Appendix VII) per CSA Guidebook?
F. Packaging (Appendix XV) form per CSA Guidebook?
G. Valid TS or ISO9000 certification uploaded in CSA supplier portal?
H. Annual CQI-9 Heat Treat / Braze Assessment (Appendix IV) uploaded in CSA supplier portal?
I. Annual CQI-11 Plating Assessment (Appendix XVII) uploaded in CSA supplier portal?
J. Annual CQI-12 Coating Assessment (Appendix XIX) uploaded in CSA supplier portal?
K. Annual Supplier Profile (Appendix II) uploaded in CSA supplier portal?
L. Annual Quality Manufacture Basic Self-Asessment (Appendix XX) uploaded in CSA supplier portal?

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Appendix III - PPAP Check List Form Rev - 4 Rev Date Aug 2009


Supplier Name & Location: P & L Development & Manufacturing
Cooper Part Number: ∇ 9M64-2A335-AC Rev Level / Date: C2 20070821
PSW Date: 01/27/2010
2.2.18 PPAP Submission Warrant Status
A. Supplier shall submit the required AIAG's Forth Edition PSW form?
B. Is the PPAP ready for submission?
C. Has the warrant been signed by an authorized supplier representative?
D. Does the part name exactly match the print included in the Design Record?
E. Do the part numbers exactly match the print included in the Design Record?
F. Is there a unique customer part number?
G. Does Change Level and Date exactly match the print included in the Design Record?
H. Note any Additional Engineering changes not included in the released level?
I. Is supplier IMDS included?
J. Is supplier P.O. included?
K. Is the correct supplier and site code included?
L. Is the correct Buyer and Buyer code included (as available)?
M. Is the weight identified in Kg to 4 decimal places?
N. Is the Customer and the Division appropriately identified?
O. Is the correct submission level identified?
P. Is the production rate per hour included?
Q. Does the data to support the Production Rate exist in customer specifics?
R. Has the mold/cavity/processes been included?
S. All fields have been completed. N/A has been inserted if any field is non-applicable?

If the PPAP submission meets all Cooper-Standard requirements, checked the ACC box.
If the PPAP submission does not meet all Cooper-Standard requirements, checked the REJ box and note the reason for the rejection in the
specific comment sections above.

At a minimum, the Supplier PPAP should be reviewed and dispositioned by the Supplier Quality Engineer and the Business Unit Engineer

Reviewed By: '

Supplier Quality Engineer Date

Reviewed By: '

Cooper BU Quality Engineer Date

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