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Erosion and Sediment Control Site Inspection Checklist

Site Inspection Checklist

LOCATION OF DEVELOPMENT ........................................



INSPECTION OFFICER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . DATE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

SIGNATURE ....................................................

N/A – not applicable

 – acceptable controls adopted

 – measures are not acceptable, or a potential problem exists

Part A: Initial site inspection

Item Consideration Assessment
1 Has an Erosion and Sediment Control Plan (ESCP) been
approved for the site? ...........
2 Have all necessary development approvals been obtained?
3 Are site conditions consistent with those assumed within the
approved ESCP? ...........
4 Are environmental values being adequately protected?
5 Are all ESC-related development conditions being satisfied?
6 Was the full perimeter of the work site inspected?
7 Are all reasonable and practicable measures being taken to
minimise environmental harm? ...........

Part B: Site inspection and monitoring

Item Consideration Assessment
8 Appropriate in-house site inspections of ESC practices are
being carried out such that all control measures are being
maintained. ...........
9 Site inspections and monitoring are being carried out at
appropriate times and intervals. ...........

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Erosion and Sediment Control Site Inspection Checklist

Part C: Site establishment

Item Consideration Assessment
10 Site access is controlled and the number of access points
minimised. ...........
11 Adequate drainage and sediment controls exist at site entry/exit
points. ...........
12 Adequate drainage, erosion and sediment controls have been
placed around the site compound. ...........
13 Office compound area and car park gravelled/stabilised where
necessary to control erosion and mud generation. ...........
14 Appropriate drainage and sediment controls are installed prior
to new areas being cleared or disturbed. ...........

Part D: Site and vegetation management

Item Consideration Assessment
15 Vegetation Management Plan (VMP) and/or landscape plan
has been prepared. ...........
16 VMP and/or landscape plan is being appropriately
implemented. ...........
17 Site personnel appear to be aware of ESC requirements and
have ready access to the Erosion and Sediment Control Plan. ...........
18 ESC measures are being installed in accordance with the
approved Installation Sequence. ...........
19 Adequate supplies of ESC materials stored on-site: such as
straw bales, wire, stakes, sediment fence fabric, filter cloth,
clean aggregate. ...........
20 Temporary access roads are stabilised where appropriate.
21 Permanent roads are programmed to be sealed as soon as
reasonable and practicable. ...........
22 Sediment deposition is not observed on external roads.
23 Adequate records are being kept on chemical dosing of
sediment basins, site inspections and site maintenance. ...........
24 The site is adequately prepared for the anticipated weather
conditions. ...........
25 “Witness Points” and “Hold Points” are being appropriately
managed and adhered to. ...........
26 Adequate protection provided for non-disturbance areas, buffer
zones, protected trees. ...........
27 Disturbances removed from the drip line of protected trees.
28 Brick-, masonry-, concrete-, and tile-cutting activities not carried
out within road reserves (if possible) and all liquid waste is fully
contained on-site or behind bunds. ...........

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Part E: Material and waste management

Item Consideration Assessment
29 Chemicals and petroleum products appropriately stored on site.
30 Emergency spill response plan has been prepared for the site.
31 Oil/petroleum spill containment/response kits available on-site
where appropriate. ...........
32 Adequate litter and waste receptors exist on-site.
33 Waste receptors for concrete, paints, acid washing, litter and
building waste are being maintained. ...........
34 Cement-laden liquid waste and wash-off is prevented from
entering waterways and stormwater systems. ...........
35 Waste water from construction activities such as wash water,
de-watering operations, and dust control is being captured and
treated. ...........
36 On-site mortar/cement/concrete mixing is carried out behind
earth bunds, or other such measures employed to fully contain
cement-laden waste and spills. ...........
37 Appropriate wash-down facilities provided from concrete trucks,
mixing and pumping equipment. ...........

Part F: Soil management

Item Consideration Assessment
38 Topsoil stripped and stockpiled prior to major earthworks.
39 Stockpiles located at least 5m away from top of watercourse
banks. ...........
40 Long-term soil stockpiles adequately protected against wind
and rain. ...........
41 Adequate sediment controls placed down-slope of stockpiles.
42 Stockpile sediment control (Filter Fence or Sediment Fence) is
appropriate for the soil type and site conditions. ...........
43 Adequate drainage controls placed up-slope of stockpiles.
44 Soil stockpiles do not encroach upon protected vegetation.
45 Subsoils adequately scarified prior to topsoil placement.
46 Topsoil is being replaced at an adequate depth.

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Part G: Drainage controls

Item Consideration Assessment
47 Construction Drainage Plans (CDPs) are consistent with actual
site conditions (i.e. current stage of works). ...........
48 Drainage Control measures are consistent with the ESCP.
49 Drainage Control measures are being adequately maintained in
proper working order at all times. ...........
50 Adequate diversion/management of up-slope stormwater.
51 Up-slope “clean” water is being appropriately diverted
around/through the site in a non-erosive manner. ...........
52 Stormwater runoff diverted away from unstable slopes.
53 Flow diversion channels/banks stabilised against erosion.
54 Flow not unlawfully discharged onto an adjacent property.
55 Spacing of cross drainage (e.g. Catch Drains or Flow Diversion
Banks) down long slopes is sufficient to prevent “rill” erosion. ...........
56 Earth batters are free of “rill” erosion.
57 Catch Drains:
(a) Adequate depth/width. ...........
(b) Adequate flow capacity is being maintained. ...........
(c) Stabilised against soil scour. ...........
(d) Clear of sediment deposition. ...........
(e) Appropriate grass length is being maintained. ...........
(f) Water discharges via a stable outlet. ...........
58 Channel Linings (mats):
(a) Lining is well anchored. ...........
(b) Mats overlap in direction of flow. ...........
(c) Lining is appropriate for flow conditions. ...........
(d) No damage to the mat by lateral inflows. ...........
59 Check Dams:
(a) Flow is passing over the dams and not around them. ...........
(b) Check Dams are not causing excessive channel restriction. ...........
(c) Rock Check Dams are not used in shallow drains. ...........
(d) Check Dams are appropriately spaced down the drain. ...........
60 Chutes (rock):
(a) Geotextile filter cloth is installed under the rock. ...........
(b) Rock placement has not reduced chute flow capacity. ...........
(c) Rock size appears adequate for expected flow velocity. ...........
(d) Water discharges via a stable outlet. ...........

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61 Chutes (geotextile):
(a) Lining is well anchored. ...........
(b) Mats overlap in direction of flow. ...........
(c) Lining is appropriate for flow conditions. ...........
(d) Water discharges through a stable outlet. ...........
62 Level Spreaders:
(a) Outlet weir is level and undamaged. ...........
(b) No sediment deposition within Level Spreader. ...........
(c) Discharges “sheet” flow to a stable, well-grassed outlet. ...........
63 Slope Drains:
(a) Adequate erosion/sediment controls at pipe inlet. ...........
(b) Pipes are well anchored. ...........
(c) No obvious water leaks. ...........
(d) Water discharges via a stable outlet. ...........
64 Stormwater Outlets:
(a) Energy dissipation is appropriate for the conditions. ...........
(b) Rock size is greater than 200mm. ...........
(c) Soil erosion is being controlled. ...........
65 Temporary Watercourse Crossings:
(a) Crossing type is appropriate for the stream conditions. ...........
(b) Sediment runoff from the approach roads is controlled. ...........
(c) Likely damage to the crossing and the stream caused by
possible overtopping flows is considered acceptable. ...........

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Part H: Erosion controls

Item Consideration Assessment
66 Erosion control standard is consistent with requirements of
regulatory authority. ...........
67 Soil erosion is being controlled to a standard consistent with the
level of environmental risk. ...........
68 Erosion Control measures are consistent with the approved
ESCP. ...........
69 Disturbance to existing ground cover is being delayed as long
as possible. ...........
70 Raindrop impact erosion is being adequately controlled.
71 Earth batters are free of “rill” erosion.
72 Dust problems are being adequately controlled.
73 Erosion Control measures are being adequately maintained in
proper working order at all times. ...........
74 All disturbed areas are adequately stabilised given:
(a) Erosion hazard risk. ...........
(b) Degree of downstream sediment control. ...........
(c) Days since earthworks were finalised. ...........
(d) Days before any soil disturbance will be re-worked. ...........
75 Erosion Control Blankets:
(a) Blankets are well anchored. ...........
(b) Blankets overlap in direction of stormwater flow. ...........
(c) Blanket strength is appropriate for site conditions. ...........
(d) Synthetic blanket reinforcing will not endanger wildlife. ...........
(e) Blankets not damaged by lateral inflows. ...........
(f) Blankets protected against movement by winds. ...........
76 Mulching (light):
(a) Minimum 70% coverage of soil surface. ...........
(b) Suitable tackifier used on steep slopes. ...........
(c) Drainage controls preventing mulch displacement. ...........
77 Mulch (heavy):
(a) Minimum 100% coverage of soil. ...........
(b) Minimum depth adequate to control weeds. ...........
(c) Drainage controls preventing mulch displacement. ...........
78 Soil Binders:
(a) No adverse environmental impacts observed. ...........
(b) No obvious over-spray. ...........
(c) Soil binders applied during appropriate weather conditions. ...........

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Erosion and Sediment Control Site Inspection Checklist

Part I: Sediment controls

Item Consideration Assessment
79 Sediment is being controlled to a standard consistent with
legislative requirements and the level of environmental risk. ...........
80 Sediment Control is consistent with the approved ESCP.
81 Sediment Control is appropriate for the soil type.
82 No sub-catchment relies solely on “supplementary” sediment
control traps. ...........
83 Sediment Control measures are being adequately maintained
in proper working order at all times. ...........
84 Sediment control Buffer Zones are protected from traffic and
are free of excessive sediment deposits. ...........
85 Straw bales are not being used for sediment control, unless
justified by exceptional circumstances. ...........
86 Neighbouring properties are being adequately protected from
sedimentation. ...........
87 Collected sediment is being disposed of in an appropriate
manner. ...........
88 Entry/Exit Points:
(a) Control measures are appropriate for the site conditions. ...........
(b) Control measures are constructed to appropriate standards. ...........
(c) Excessive sediment removed from sediment traps. ...........
(d) Excessive sedimentation is not evident on roadway. ...........
(e) Stormwater drainage is controlled such that sediment is not
being washed onto the adjacent roadway. ...........
89 Field (Drop) Inlet Controls:
(a) Inlet control measures allow adequate ponding around
stormwater inlets to capture sediment. ...........
(b) The sediment control measures do not simply divert
sediment-laden water downstream to an uncontrolled inlet. ...........
(c) Sediment control measures will not cause a safety or local
flood hazard. ...........
(d) Sediment traps are appropriate for site conditions. ...........
(e) Excessive sediment deposition is removed from all traps. ...........
90 Gully Inlet Controls:
(a) Sediment traps are appropriate for the type of gully inlet,
either “sag” or “on-grade” inlet. ...........
(b) Sediment traps allow adequate ponding around or up-slope
of stormwater inlets to capture sediment. ...........
(c) Sediment traps do not simply divert sediment-laden water
downstream to an uncontrolled inlet. ...........
(d) Sediment control measures will not cause a safety, traffic or
local flooding hazard. ...........
(e) Excessive sediment deposition is removed from all traps. ...........

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91 Table drain sediment traps:

(a) Choice of sediment trap is appropriate for flow conditions. ...........
(b) Excessive sediment is removed from all traps. ...........
(c) Spill-through weir is set to an appropriate elevation. ...........
(d) Spill-through weir has adequate width. ...........
(e) Sediment Fence traps are formed in a tight U-shape that
adequately prevents water bypassing the traps. ...........
92 Sediment Fences:
(a) Choice of fabric is appropriate. ...........
(b) Bottom of fabric is securely buried. ...........
(c) Fabric is appropriately overlapped at joints. ...........
(d) Fabric is appropriately attached to posts. ...........
(e) Support posts are at correct spacing (2m or 3m with backing). ...........
(f) Sediment Fence does not cause flow diversion/bypass. ...........
(g) Sediment Fence has regular returns. ...........
(h) Lower end(s) of fence is/are returned up the slope. ...........
(i) Sediment Fences are free of damage. ...........
(j) All fences are free of excessive sediment deposition. ...........
(k) Fences are adequately spaced from toe of fill banks. ...........
93 Filter Tube Sediment Traps:
(a) Geometry and layout match design details. ...........
(b) Sediment-laden water cannot bypass the filtration system. ...........
(c) Filter Tubes do not need replacement. ...........
(d) Filter Tubes and embankment are free of damage. ...........
94 Rock Filter Dams (Sediment Traps):
(a) Geometry and layout match design details. ...........
(b) Excessive sediment removed from up-slope of all traps. ...........
(c) The filtration system is free from sediment blockage. ...........
(d) Rock Filter Dam and spillway are free of damage. ...........
95 Sediment Weirs:
(a) Geometry and layout match design details. ...........
(b) Excessive sediment removed from up-slope of all traps. ...........
(c) The filtration system is free from sediment blockage. ...........
(d) Sediment Weir and splash pad (if any) are free of damage. ...........
96 Sediment Trench:
(a) Trench geometry and layout match design details. ...........
(b) Excessive sediment removed from the trench. ...........
(c) Outlet structure (if any) is free from sediment blockage. ...........
(d) The open trench does not represent a safety hazard. ...........
97 Sediment Controls for Non-Storm Runoff
(a) Choice of sediment trap is appropriate for the site
conditions and level of environmental risk. ...........
(b) All sediment is being contained within trap. ...........

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98 Sediment Basin (1): Location . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

(a) Basin geometry and layout match design details. ...........
(b) “As constructed” plans have been prepared. ...........
(c) The basin does not represent a safety risk. ...........
(d) De-watering is conducted in accordance with best practice. ...........
(e) Excessive sediment removed from basin. ...........
(f) Sediment depth marker is installed and maintained. ...........
(g) Primary outlet structure is free from sediment blockage. ...........
(h) Flow conditions are not compromised across the spillway. ...........
(i) Emergency spillway has adequate scour control. ...........
(j) Adequate quantities of flocculant (if required) exist on-site. ...........
(k) Soil erosion is adequately controlled at inlet points. ...........
(l) The settled sediment layer is clearly visible through ponded
water prior to discharge such water. ...........
Sediment Basin (2): Location . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
(a) Basin geometry and layout match design details. ...........
(b) “As constructed” plans have been prepared. ...........
(c) The basin does not represent a safety risk. ...........
(d) De-watering is conducted in accordance with best practice. ...........
(e) Excessive sediment removed from basin. ...........
(f) Sediment depth marker is installed and maintained. ...........
(g) Primary outlet structure is free from sediment blockage. ...........
(h) Flow conditions are not compromised across the spillway. ...........
(i) Emergency spillway has adequate scour control. ...........
(j) Adequate quantities of flocculant (if required) exist on-site. ...........
(k) Soil erosion is adequately controlled at inlet points. ...........
(l) The settled sediment layer is clearly visible through ponded
water prior to discharge such water. ...........
Sediment Basin (3): Location . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
(a) Basin geometry and layout match design details. ...........
(b) “As constructed” plans have been prepared. ...........
(c) The basin does not represent a safety risk. ...........
(d) De-watering is conducted in accordance with best practice. ...........
(e) Excessive sediment removed from basin. ...........
(f) Sediment depth marker is installed and maintained. ...........
(g) Primary outlet structure is free from sediment blockage. ...........
(h) Flow conditions are not compromised across the spillway. ...........
(i) Emergency spillway has adequate scour control. ...........
(j) Adequate quantities of flocculant (if required) exist on-site. ...........
(k) Soil erosion is adequately controlled at inlet points. ...........
(l) The settled sediment layer is clearly visible through ponded
water prior to discharge such water. ...........
101 Other Sediment Trap (1): Type . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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Erosion and Sediment Control Site Inspection Checklist

(a) Choice of sediment trap is appropriate for the site ...........

conditions and level of environmental risk.
(b) The sediment trap allows adequate ponding to capture ...........
coarse sediment (Type 2 and Type 3 Sediment Traps).
(c) The sediment trap allows adequate filtration to capture fine ...........
sediment (Type 2 Sediment Traps).
(d) The sediment trap does not simply divert sediment-laden ...........
water downstream to an uncontrolled outlet.
(e) The sediment trap does not cause a safety, traffic or local ...........
flood hazard. ...........
(f) Excessive sediment deposition is removed from all traps.
102 Other Sediment Trap (2): Type . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
(a) Choice of sediment trap is appropriate for the site
conditions and level of environmental risk. ...........
(b) The sediment trap allows adequate ponding to capture
coarse sediment (Type 2 and Type 3 Sediment Traps). ...........
(c) The sediment trap allows adequate filtration to capture fine
sediment (Type 2 Sediment Traps). ...........
(d) The sediment trap does not simply divert sediment-laden
water downstream to an uncontrolled outlet. ...........
(e) The sediment trap does not cause a safety, traffic or local
flood hazard. ...........
(f) Excessive sediment deposition is removed from all traps. ...........
103 Other Sediment Trap (3): Type . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
(a) Choice of sediment trap is appropriate for the site
conditions and level of environmental risk. ...........
(b) The sediment trap allows adequate ponding to capture
coarse sediment (Type 2 and Type 3 Sediment Traps). ...........
(c) The sediment trap allows adequate filtration to capture fine
sediment (Type 2 Sediment Traps). ...........
(d) The sediment trap does not simply divert sediment-laden
water downstream to an uncontrolled outlet. ...........
(e) The sediment trap does not cause a safety, traffic or local
flood hazard. ...........
(f) Excessive sediment deposition is removed from all traps. ...........
104 Other Sediment Trap (4): Type . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
(a) Choice of sediment trap is appropriate for the site
conditions and level of environmental risk. ...........
(b) The sediment trap allows adequate ponding to capture
coarse sediment (Type 2 and Type 3 Sediment Traps). ...........
(c) The sediment trap allows adequate filtration to capture fine
sediment (Type 2 Sediment Traps). ...........
(d) The sediment trap does not simply divert sediment-laden
water downstream to an uncontrolled outlet. ...........
(e) The sediment trap does not cause a safety, traffic or local
flood hazard. ...........
(f) Excessive sediment deposition is removed from all traps. ...........

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Erosion and Sediment Control Site Inspection Checklist

Part J: Instream works

Item Consideration Assessment
105 All necessary State and local government approvals have been
obtained. ...........
106 Temporary Watercourse Crossings (e.g. construction access)
have been reduced to the minimum practical number. ...........
107 Instream disturbance is limited to the minimum necessary to
complete the proposed works. ...........
108 Timing and staging of instream works will minimise exposure of
the site to storm and/or stream flows. ...........
109 Instream works are occurring at a time of the year that will
minimise overall potential environmental harm:
(a) avoiding seasonal high flows; ...........
(b) avoiding periods of likely fish migration; ...........
(c) avoiding active bird migration periods (Ramsar wetlands). ...........
110 Instream structures are not located on, or adjacent to, unstable
or highly mobile channel bends. ...........
111 Construction works are not unnecessarily disturbing instream or
riparian vegetation. ...........
112 Overbank disturbances are limited to only one bank wherever
reasonable and practicable. ...........
113 Stormwater runoff moving towards the channel from adjacent
areas is being appropriately diverted around soil disturbances. ...........
114 Erosion is not occurring as a result of stormwater passing down
channel banks. ...........
115 Normal channel flows are being diverted around in-bank
disturbances as appropriate for the expected weather and
channel flow conditions. ...........
116 Appropriate temporary erosion control measures are being
applied to disturbed areas. ...........
117 Synthetic reinforced erosion control blankets/mats are not
being used where there is a potential threat to wildlife. ...........
118 Adopted instream sediment control measures are appropriate
for the expected site and channel conditions. ...........
119 Sediment Fences have not been placed in areas of actual or
potential concentrated flow. ...........
120 Appropriate material (spoil) de-watering procedures have been
adopted. ...........
121 Site stabilisation and rehabilitation is occurring as soon as
practicable. ...........
122 Appropriate site rehabilitation measures are being adopted.

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Erosion and Sediment Control Site Inspection Checklist

Part K: Site stabilisation/revegetation

Item Consideration Assessment
123 Site stabilisation/rehabilitation plan has been prepared.
124 Site stabilisation/revegetation is occurring in accordance with
approved Plans and/or programming. ...........
125 Exposed areas are adequately stabilised given the site
conditions, environmental risk, and construction schedule. ...........
126 Soil surfaces are suitably roughened prior to revegetation.
127 Excessive soil compaction is amended prior to revegetation.
128 Seedlings are appropriately stored prior to planting.
129 Seedlings are not excessively mature for their pot/tube size.
130 Drill seeding (if any) is being applied across the slope (not up
and down the slope). ...........
131 Newly seeded areas are developing an appropriate grass cover
(not just strike rate), density and grass type. ...........
132 No newly seeded areas require reseeding.
133 Soil erosion within revegetated areas is being adequately
controlled (i.e. mulching) during the plant establishment phase. ...........
134 Grass turfing is not being placed directly on compacted soil.
135 Water application is appropriate for the site conditions and
water conservation requirements. ...........
136 Soils are being appropriately prepared (i.e. pH, nutrients, and
so on) prior to revegetation. ...........
137 Revegetation is controlling soil erosion as required.
138 Newly seeded areas have been lightly mulched as specified.
139 Adequate heavy mulching placed around seedlings.
140 Newly established plants are being adequately maintained.
141 Weeds and grasses are being controlled around the base of
newly established trees and shrubs. ...........
142 Plants damaged by traffic or wind-rock are adequately
supported or replaced. ...........
143 Dead or severely damaged plants have been replaced.

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Erosion and Sediment Control Site Inspection Checklist

Part L: Action summary

Item Consideration Yes or No
Answer “Yes” if further action is required on site
144 Do any existing control measures require modification?
145 Are additional ESC measures required on the site?
146 Are alternative ESC measures required on the site?
147 Is a revised ESCP required for the site?
148 Is further water quality monitoring required?
149 Do any ESC measures need repairs or de-silting?
150 Is additional erosion control (minimum 70% cover) required?
151 Will the underlying cause of any non-compliance need further
investigation? ...........
152 Will it be necessary for the site to adopt an alternative Code of
Practice better suited to the site conditions or work activities? ...........
153 Will further site inspections be required?












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