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matters go where no one has gone before

Deconstructing a 330m
World Record Dive Text by Pascal Bernabé
Translation by Aurelie Brun
and Michel Ribera
Photos by Francois Brun

Tuesday, July and the idea was stuck in my head. I

5, Propriano, look around. I see Porto Polo just a short
Corsica 9am distance down the coast. At my feet is
a big buoy under which 350 meters of
captions this This is the rope is suspended with a 50kg weight
page... moment I attached in the other end. It is waiting
for me. Pity that I still feel this knot in my
have waited stomach despite of all my relaxation,
for for years. I calm breathing and the good condi-
sit comfortably tions.
on the side of   Around me the team has sprung
into action: Hubert, François, Tono,
Denis Bignand’s dive Christian, Sophie, Frank and Denis from
boat and under my fins, U-Levante. I have already put on the
which are already dan- 18-liter double set with another 7-liter
for the dry suit, and very compact
gling in the water, I have
double wings. I have reduced the
a 400 meter drop off. equipment to the absolute minimum in
The Valinco waters are unex- order to lower the risks of making mis-
pectedly quiet. There have takes and becoming confused at the from the checklist, as if preparing for a 300 meters.
been so many times bottom. Only the gas quantities have spacewalk. The analogy is not entirely   With my movements being slightly
where we had to been over-dimensioned. I have always out place as the ascent from the bot- restricted by my six large tanks, I finally
postpone this dive been afraid of running out of gas. tom will take longer than a return jour- commence my dive. I leave the sur-
because of   I enter the water and finish gearing ney from space. face, the barrier that separates the air,
wind. Making up in a somewhat meticulous man-   It really is a trip into the unknown for my friends and security from the depths
this dive ner. I find it necessary, as I don’t want which I am preparing. In spite of all the of loneliness. At this moment, my
come to leave anything to chance. I focus meticulous preparations, uncertain- stress is supposed to disappear only it
true on holding on to my concentration ties remain, especially concerning my doesn’t. I pause at six meters, but only
grew despite some small last minute prob- state of mind and body at the bottom for a moment, to regain my focus, but I
into an lems. I visualize the dive one more time since there have only been three other am in a hurry to be at the bottom. The
obsession, and make sure I don’t forget anything scuba divers who have gone below descent commences, slow at first, then

feature World Record
increasingly faster because of my down to between 150 and 174 1998 where I reached a depth of my gloves. Too quickly! I need all
weights. At 70 meters, I hang my meters about 15 times, often more than 250 meters. The sec- my concentration to equalize, to
18/50 tank, switch to the 6/72, under challenging conditions and ond time was on the open sea off pass the tanks onto the big snap
and start gaining speed. with tasks to accomplish (explor- the Catalan coast (Northern part hook that secure me to the rope,
  I pass the 100-meter depth ing, unwinding lines, filming, assist- of the Spanish Mediterrean coast to inflate my drysuit, which is for-
mark without paying much atten- ing, etc). This gave me a certain – ed.), where I had the same tunately equipped with a big flow
tion and continue gaining speed. psychological ballast and confi- team as I have now. Then, I dove rate.
I pass the 150-meter tag. During dence diving to these depths and from the Majunga, François Brun’s   I am approaching the last
my first mixed gas dives in 1993, especially ascending and per- boat, and went to a depth of 20-liter tank, which is attached to
that depth seemed virtually inac- forming the decompression stops. 231 meters. But today, this almost the 250-meter tag. It is actually at
cessible. But since 1996, between   I fly past the 200-meter tag. This feels like just a formality, since the a depth of 265 meters because
the exploration of underwater is the third time since I started objective is to go much deeper! of the elasticity of the rope and
caves and assisting Pipin and practising deep diving. The first marked with a chemical light
Audrey Ferreras in their freediv- time was in the huge underwater Still no HPNS stick as is custom for all cylinders
ing record attempts, I went back cave of Fontaine de Vaucluse in The rope runs quickly between at such depths. I have a difficult
moment. I abandon the 6/72
20-liter travel gas that I have been
breathing since 70 meters and
start breathing on the bottom mix,
make the knot… too many things
to do at the same time.
  The High Pressure Nervous
Syndrome is now well developed
in the form of light shivers and in
particular, difficulties in concen-
tration. Worse still, the travel gas
tank I was supposed to attach
slips off the rope and gets away
from me! My friends get it back
a few minutes later without really
understanding what is going on
and not without a certain appre-
  For me, of course, things are
not getting better with the depth.
But I now feel comfortable with
only four big tanks filled with bot-
tom mix. Strangely, passing the
depth of 200 meters, I am shaking
less than I was at the Fontaine du
Vaucluse. I am not having any
obvious visual disturbance (dis-
tance problem) either, except 300-meter tag that really should sharp pain. My stress, which left
for an advanced “tunnel vision” have grabbed my attention. me when I passed 70 meters,
effect—my visual field seems A flasher is blinking, indicating returns with a vengeance. There
restricted and being without the very deep zone. I reach the and then, I am convinced that I
much peripheral vision. 320-meter depth tag (actually have a big lesion on my eardrum.
  My Apeks regulators and my situated at more than 335 meters) I quickly inflate my wings and
Aqualung Titan are working won- when a big deflagration occurs begin the ascent. The pain in my
derfully well. I hardly notice the in my right ear, along with a ear doesn’t get worse. I try not to

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World Record
think about what may happen next and ness.
concentrate only on the ascent.   When I get up to 70 meters, there
  Reaching 265 meters, I am glad to are nine 20-liter deco/travel tanks that I
get to the decompression tank for my have to manage. Reaching 65 meters,
first deep stop. Then the ascent starts I get onto the second rope. There, I am
again, this time at a slower ten meters happy to see François Brun, with whom
per minute rate. This is another big differ- I usually explore deep shipwrecks, in
ence between this dive and diving the particular, one located off the Catalan
Fontaine du Vaucluse dive. Back then, I coast at 110 meters. Our last journey was
was hit much sooner by HPNS, and it left as exploration training dive three weeks
me later, too, around -70 meters. ago. He’s using a Inspiration rebreather.
  By contrast, today, I feel few symptoms He comes for an update and to provide
above 220 meters. At 215 meters, I make me with food and drink. I let him know
the second deep stop while I hang the about my pain in the ear and a light
second deco tank on. From here on, nausea. He rids me of four tanks, and
the ascent gets even slower with a snail after spending a little while with me, he
pace five meters per minute until I reach has to perform his own decompression
the 165-meter deco stop and the next profile.
tank. My ear doesn’t hurt as much as   Hubert Foucart relieves him at 50
I thought it would, and I feel as if I am meters. He is a follower of what he calls
back in familiar territory. “baroque” diving—deep dives either in
  From 150 meters, the ascent slows fur- caves or on the open sea, down to an
ther to an excruciating slow three meters impressive 211 meters, and he assisted
per minute ascent speed, and I have all Pipin, too. He gives me a mix of water
these tanks accumulating around me and Vogalene in order to prevent nau-
dangling on the rope and on my har- sea. Then, it is Denis’ turn to come to

The team • Christian Deit, specialized in raiding, • Francis Machecourt from the CREPS of
Sixteen people in total, divers or mariners cave diving, canyon exploration, scuba • Ajaccio and his wife Sylvaine
from Toulouse and from Catalonia, diving • Théo Laumonier
have followed this project (and other • Hubert Foucart, cave diver and ship- • Laurent Grillot (Lolo)
projects: shipwrecks, cave diving, etc) wreck explorer, with his passion for the • Pierre Schiffer and Christian Gay-
and have carried it on their shoulders deep dive Capdeville from Aquasport Contois
since the beginning; everyone has his • Sophie Kerboeuf, highly skilled diver • Pascal Vieux and Jean-Louis Léandri, a
own specialty but continues to multitask. who cooked good little dishes for me mariner from U-Levante
Preparations, cancellations, and doubts • Patrick Tonolini, cave diver and • Louis Lari from the Pilotine Santa Maria
have all been commonplace since my rebreather diver, who mixes everything and his son, Jean-Marie, pilote of the port
231m dive in 2003. Without these people with his Bauer-Purus
or the patience of their families, none of • And all the ones who were not able to Thanks to Henri Benedittini who brought
this could have been done. I will never come, amongst whom were Laurent and us all of his help one more time; Bernard
thank them enough for their kindness, effi- Paco. Gardette, the Comex scientific director,
ciency and devotion: for all his valuable advice; and Professor
In Propriano: Bourbon of the Nervous System Functional
• François Brun, a well known shipwreck • Denis Bignand and his instructors from laboratory (CHU Toulouse-Rangueil) for his
explorer U-Levante formation on mental preparation. ■

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feature World Record

Technical decompression compared to the 12 hours decompres- the idea because of the dangers of
sion that figures on my longest div- handling this gas as well as a remaining
Some important points and notes: ing tables and is also Nuno Gomes’ uncertainty concerning decompression
decompression time when he dove to and the effects of a fast compression.
Some initial one to two-minute very a depth of 318 meters three weeks ear-   But of course, the more nitrogen we
deep deco stops were performed from lier in Dahab, in the Red Sea. add, the greater the risk of nitrogen
265 meters. And from that depth, the   Therefore, I opted to use those tables narcosis or even the combined effects
ascent speed decreased in order to because of the water conditions, the of narcosis and HPNS! Everything is
avoid serious accidents of Type 2—that pains and the seasickness. I thought therefore about getting the dosages
is, vestibular/neurological accidents that staying longer would overexpose right. It is a balancing act. Too much
whose symptoms may start deep in me to exhaustion. helium means increased risk of HPNS.
that type of dive.   Moreover, I felt reassured knowing Too much nitrogen means too much
  The late John Bennett suffered from that in the 1960s, Keller had only a narcosis and increased risk of being
these kinds of symptoms after his three-hour decompression (in a cham- bent.
record breaking dive to 308 meters. He ber) after a 300-meter dive! Plus, in   In the practice, while attempting
suffered from dizziness and vomiting 2004, Mark Elyatt performed a dive relatively fast descents in the cham-
from 66 meters upward and during the to 313 meters in only six hours 36 min- ber (10 to 30 meters/min), it appears
whole decompression, which lasted utes. So, I felt that there was plenty of that levels of 13 percent to 18 percent
nine hours and 37 minutes. decompression time. nitrogen noticeably decrease the HPNS
  In this light, it is mindboggling that it effects, without causing too much nar-
was not too long ago that the accept- Helium—a sword that cuts both cosis. On extremely deep TEC dives,
ed standard rate of ascent was 30 ways the equivalent air depth for the divers
meters per minute (30 meters/min). In order to limit narcosis below 40 to at the bottom was 70 to 100 meters.
  These slow ascent speeds and the 50 meters, we used increasing propor-   An equivalent air depth of maximum
deep deco stops require large quanti- tions of helium in the gas mixes. The 60 meters seemed reasonable to me.
ties of gas. That is why we used 20-liter downside is that helium also subjects This is associated with a partial oxygen
tanks at 265 meters, 215 meters, 165 you to additional loss of body heat and pressure of 1.4 to 1.5 bars. That didn’t
meters (8/62), -145 meters, 115 meters, facilitates the onset of High Pressure prevent me from being significantly
(13/57), 95 meters and 80 meters Nervous Syndrome (HPNS). affected by HPNS from 260 meters.
(18/50) as well as on the second line   This syndrome gets aggravated by However, the mix I used probably mini-
that was about 60 meters long—at 60 helium below 150 and by the high mised its impact, and kept me from
meters (20/50), 51 meters (25/50), 39 speeds of descent characteristic for developing a dangerous case of nar-
meters (25/50), 30 meters (38/33), 21 those dives. It has also been demon- cosis.
meters (50 percent O2), 15 meters (60 strated during many experiments in   Concerning the descent speeds, it
percent O2). We also used two O2 sets chamber, and a few ultra deep TEC seems, according to the experiments
of surface supply diving equipment at dives showed that the presence of in chambers, that descending one
minus 6 meters. another narcotic gas, usually nitro- meter/min or even slower, will notably
  We used a large fraction of helium gen, masked the effects of the HPNS, improve performance. But it doesn’t
in the decompression mixes, which we which is characterized by shaking of seem useful to reduce the speed from
considered easier to eliminate in the the extremities and then of the whole 30-40 meters/min to 10 meters/min. On
last deco stops. We avoided exceed- body, visual problems, difficulties in the contrary, it is even likely that it only
ing 30 percent of nitrogen during the concentration and impaired perform- gives HPNS more time to manifest itself.
ascent up to 21 meters. ance. It will also considerably increase the
  All those elements allowed me to   A few years ago, I was thinking already very long deco stops. ■
have a relatively short decompression, about adding hydrogen, but I gave up

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feature World Record
see me, also with his rebreather and brings dive of 8 hours and 47 minutes.
me Sophie’s good little purees and soups, in   The return to the surface that I dreamed
giant syringes. This salty food is a good alterna- about during the whole long time of the
tive to condensed milk, sweet chestnut puree, decompression is brutal—I am shaken by the
marmalade, jelly and water already absorbed. swell, which only makes my seasickness get
Then, he brings me a rebreather that, how- worse. My friends help me get rid of my equip-
ever, won’t work. Consequently, the rest of the ment, while I raise myself with difficulty on the
ascent will be done with open circuit, but at Zodiac. There, I am taken care of and quickly
least without any particular technical problem rushed to the shore by my old buddies, Tono
despite of the high percentages of helium. and Deit. Still exhausted, I keep breathing the
  From 30 meters, I start feeling the effects of oxygen for another half hour on the ground
the strong swell on the surface. The pain in my while rehydrating myself abundantly (water
ear increases and soon enough each move- and water plus Adiaril).
ment of the rope is becoming a nightmare. The   I should be happy. But I just feel a little bit
decompression turns into torture. And that is more serene, and a little bit frustrated by the
not all. At about 12 meters, I get seasick. vertiginous, but too short descent that already
  Dealing with the pain and the nausea begins just feels like a memory.
to exhaust me. The end of the decompression   The game has worked today; my blood
is done with Christian, Pierre, Lolo, Théo, Francis analysis wasn’t too bad. However, I am already
and his wife Sylviane, who stay with me up to -3 thinking about what could be improved. ■
meters. I finally break the surface again after a

Equipment: Norwegian at 225 meters, and even by John

It is simply of vital importance that, on such Bennett at 308 meters. It is also the most com-
a demanding dive, the equipment is simple, monly used regulator amongst English Tec
rugged and extremely high performing! We and cave divers in the worst conditions.
entrust it with our lives, here more than any- or Aqualung France
where else, and under the most extreme con-
ditions! AGA: AGA supplied ten Helium tanks and six
oxygen tanks.
Aqualung: One of the regulators that I used captions this page...
at the bottom was a Titan, which worked Petzl: Fifty snap hooks specifically for each
admirably. We often use it in cave diving, situation were used—locking snap hooks to Partners in Corsica: ● Vigna Maggiore Camping ● La Compagnie Méridionale de
because the second stage is easy to disen- secure the deco tanks as well as quick open- in Olmeto Beach Navigation (the meridional naviga-
gage. Le Gend regulators (the top of the ing ones for delicate or fast operations. Petzl ● Diving Center U Levante Location with a beautiful view. tion company)
line) were settled on all decompression tanks, also supplied all the spelunking handles, which in Propriano Jacques Bidani the friendly owner, ● Prima Gaz Company
even the deep ones. Hubert and I had used helped with manipulating ropes and bringing Without the help of Denis Bignand welcomed us with opened arms ● Barcarès Yatching
Aqualung regulators during assisting dives with the tanks back up. who knows the bay like the back and put us in two comfortable bun- ● Banque Populaire Toulouse Midi-
Pipin, between 140 and 170 meters. Hubert of his hand and all the best places, galows. He also entertained us with Pyrénées (and the association of
had also used them during a -211 meter dive. Tortec: Tortec supplied the seven to 18-liter and who organized everything hearty local stories. customers of this bank) tanks used at the bottom and during the there, without his competence and +33-4-95-76-02-07 ● Mr. Bordes and Mr. Mézergues and
+33 4 92 08 28 88 decompression. his efficiency, we might still be look- +33-6-20-55-51-78 the Echelles Centaures
ing for a site. He and his friendly ● Mr. Vinsonneau and Mrs. Demoor,
Apeks: All bottom regulators were Apeks ATX Béal: Béal supplied all the ropes—descent, instructors were a precious help to ● The Maritime Agency Sorba for their precious financial help.
100, whose breathing capabilities are really decompression, shot line, etc—more than us, and I thank them. in Propriano
impressive at 330 meters. With an Apeks, one kilometer in total, as well as the cord and which really facilitated the Marseille- ● The Socex
it feels like breathing at only 20 meters! I lines. Corsica crossing. in Castanet (31): Eric and Frank—
used those regulators with total confidence, +33-4-95-76-23-83 +33-4-95-76-00-98 oxygen and inspection. ■
since they had successfully been used by a ■ +33-6-22-44-75-99


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