Functional Specification - Enhancements

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Functional Specification

Coke One North America - CONA

Functional Specification -
Title of Enhancement -
MTO-030-010-010 Promotion Types to use TVARVC table to read and to replace
hardcoding in programs.

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Functional Specification
Coke One North America - CONA

Table of contents
1 Object Overview ...................................................................................................................... 2
1.1 Document Details ................................................................................................................................. 2
1.2 Revision History ................................................................................................................................... 2
1.3 Business Details ................................................................................................................................... 2
1.4 Related Documents .............................................................................................................................. 2
1.5 Responsible Organizations .................................................................................................................. 2
1.6 Object Technical Details....................................................................................................................... 3
2 Functional Overview ............................................................................................................... 3
2.1 Enhancement Description .................................................................................................................... 3
2.2 Detailed Requirement........................................................................................................................... 3
2.3 Flow Diagram ....................................................................................................................................... 7
2.4 Switch Framework ................................................................................................................................ 7
2.5 Security, Integrity and Controls ............................................................................................................ 7
2.6 Assumptions ......................................................................................................................................... 7
3 Additional Information ............................................................................................................ 7
3.1 Configuration Requirements ................................................................................................................ 7
3.2 Custom Table/Structure Definitions ..................................................................................................... 7
3.3 Messages/ Error handling .................................................................................................................... 8
3.4 Performance Consideration.................................................................................................................. 8
3.5 Others ................................................................................................................................................... 8
4 Business Impact Analysis ...................................................................................................... 8
5 Change Management Requirements ...................................................................................... 9
6 Testing ..................................................................................................................................... 9
6.1 Functional Unit Testing Requirement ................................................................................................... 9
7 Appendix .................................................................................................................................10
7.1 Glossary of Terms .............................................................................................................................. 10
8 Review/Sign-off ......................................................................................................................11
8.1 Review Feedback and Comments ..................................................................................................... 11

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Functional Specification
Coke One North America - CONA

New Promotion Types in SAP CRM

1 Object Overview

1.1 Document Details

Release 1.0 SAP Module CRM-TPM
Complexity Medium Priority High
Stream Market-To-Order (MTO)

1.2 Revision History

Date Version Description Author
7/17/2013 1.0 Initial Creation Suresh Reddy

1.3 Business Details

Impacted UPM L2 MTO-030 Trade Promotion Management and Optimization

Impacted UPM L3 MTO-030-010 Promotion planning

Impacted UPM L4 MTO-030-010-010 Identify and create promotion options

1.4 Related Documents

Document Link to File Comment
Report Tech Design n/a
Business Requirement https://partner.coca-
Report/ Functional
Design Document bles%20Library/10%20Customer/CONA_
Process Design https://partner.coca-
Other n/a

1.5 Responsible Organizations

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Functional Specification
Coke One North America - CONA

Business / Process Owner CCBCC: Darrel Thompson, Jeff Bundy

CCBCU: Mike Suco, Tommy Ammons, Chip Sutter
CCR: Stennis Shotts (SFA), Jim Ryan (Price Strategy), Kevin Hagan (Price
Execution), Jason Reiling (Promotions)
Swire: Scott Neeley, Teresa Martinez, Jeff Edwards, Heather Curtis, Janice
Alires, Linda Rogers
Functional Designer Suresh Reddy

1.6 Object Technical Details

Associated Transaction Code TPM-WebUI: Create Trade Promotions
Objects/Transactions Affected Trade Promotion
Design Alternatives

2 Functional Overview

2.1 Enhancement Description

This feature will mainly be used for promotional types for Traditional Trade.
Previously there was a need to enhance the TPM functionality to behave in a certain way, when certain type
of promotion is executed in CRM, there are programs that gets called and these read values (promotion
type) that are hard coded in the program, now it has be decided to remove hard coding, we would be
entering these promotion types in TVARVC table for the programs to read.

2.2 Detailed Requirement

Trade Promotion types that were currently hardcoded in program were referring to following
 ZT01 – Discounts / Rebates Promotion
 ZT02 – Free Goods Promotion
 ZT03 – Value Added Consumer Promotion

All the promotion types will be entered in TVARVC table with the in meaningful naming convention for

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Functional Specification
Coke One North America - CONA

Please note that template already has field “MCM Pricing” implemented. This field should be reused for this
In addition, field “MCM Relevance” should be removed from configuration for screens (removed from
available fields list).

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Functional Specification
Coke One North America - CONA

Possible values for field “Mobile Activation” are

 Cannot be changed (=Default)
o Validity of trade promotion is defined in the backend (CRM-TPM) and cannot be influenced
by mobile device (CAS)
 Can be activated
o Trade promotion needs to be activated on the mobile device (CAS) prior to calculation.
Default value is deactivated, meaning no calculation will take place.
 Can be deactivated
o Trade promotion can be deactivated on the mobile device (CAS) to prevent further
calculation. Default value is activated, meaning promotion will be calculated according to

General checks to be implemented:

 Only enable field “Mobile Activation” for data for pricing relevant trade promotions. Set to display-only
when pricing relevant is not checked.

Checks to be implemented when promotion is saved:

 Don’t allow “Mobile Activation” different then “Cannot be changed” for
o Off-Invoice promotions
Mobile Activation option “Can be activated” or “Can be deactivated” not allowed for
Condition Usage = “BO” of selected Condition Type (Combination Spend Type / Spend
Category / Spend Method / Discount Method)
=> error message “Mobile activation or deactivation not allowed for rebate promotions”

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Functional Specification
Coke One North America - CONA

o Assortment Pricing / Bonus Buy

Mobile Activation option “Can be activated” or “Can be deactivated” not allowed for Spend
Types Z0AP = Assortment Pricing and Z0BB = Bonus Buy
=> error message “Mobile activation or deactivation not allowed for Assortment Pricing /
Bonus Buy Promotions

Please note that this functionality might be implemented in an upcoming release!

Checks to be implemented when promotion status is released:

 Set field Mobile Activation to display only


Need to pass field “Mobile Activation” to ECC when promotion is released. Implement a Function Module
(OTC team to provide FM) and pass following information:
 Trade promotion ID
 Campaign ID
 Mobile Activation

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Functional Specification
Coke One North America - CONA

Archiving (Destination)

Custom program to archive Promotion Exception Data from ECC tables when trade promotion is archived
and data deleted in CRM.

2.3 Flow Diagram

2.4 Switch Framework

Please specify the switch framework information in this section. Provide the business functions that can be
controlled through the switches.
Business Function Link Technical Object
Please provide the business function Please mention the technical object that will be assigned to this
that can be made switchable. business function.

2.5 Security, Integrity and Controls

To detail the security requirements for processing this object, any data integrity issues associated with the
object and the teams that will be responsible for processing the object

2.6 Assumptions
Describe any assumptions that have been made in the process of completing this design.
ID Notes
1 [Enter assumption or comment here]

3 Additional Information

3.1 Configuration Requirements

Specify the configuration requirements for this object. Like in case of forms specify the configuration for
output type etc.

3.2 Custom Table/Structure Definitions

Specify any custom table that needs to be created for this development.

Field Name Primary Key (Yes) Description Check Table

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Functional Specification
Coke One North America - CONA

3.3 Messages/ Error handling

Message Text Logic Reference
“Mobile activation or deactivation Mobile Activation option “Can be activated” or 2.2 Detailed
not allowed for rebate promotions” “Can be deactivated” not allowed for Condition Requirement >
Usage = “BO” of selected Condition Type WebUI
(Combination Spend Type / Spend Category / Enhancements
Spend Method / Discount Method)
“Mobile activation or deactivation Mobile Activation option “Can be activated” or 2.2 Detailed
not allowed for Assortment Pricing “Can be deactivated” not allowed for Spend Requirement >
/ Bonus Buy Promotions Types Z0AP = Assortment Pricing and Z0BB = WebUI
Bonus Buy Enhancements

3.4 Performance Consideration

Specify if there are any specific performance factors that need to be taken into consideration during

3.5 Others

4 Business Impact Analysis

Overall Risk Assessment is determined using the following criteria:
A CR is classified as “High Risk” if any of the following are true:
• “Business Priority” is identified as “High”
• “Business Criticality to Deliver” is identified as “High”
• “Confidence Level in ability to deliver” is identified as “Low”
• Business determines “Risk to Critical Business Operations” is “High

If none of the above is true, then a CR is classified as “Medium Risk” if two or more of the following are true:
• “Business Priority” is identified as “Medium”
• “Business Criticality to Deliver” is identified as “Medium”
• “Confidence Level in ability to deliver” is identified as “Medium”
• Business determines “Risk to Critical Business Operations” is “Medium”

If none of the above is true, then a CR is classified as “Low Risk”

Description Classification
Business Priority (High, Medium, or Low)
Business Criticality to Deliver (High, Medium, or Low)
Confidence Level in ability to Deliver (High, Medium, or Low)
Risk to Critical Business Operations (High, Medium, or Low)
Overall Risk Assessment (High, Medium, or Low)

High Risk Narrative

If the Overall Risk Assessment is “High Risk”, include a brief narrative describing the specific risk .

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Functional Specification
Coke One North America - CONA

5 Change Management Requirements

List any additional training or change management requirements – A description of any special training
requirements needed by this development

6 Testing
Indicate the business-level/ technical test conditions used to verify successful operations of the report.

6.1 Functional Unit Testing Requirement

Please indicate the business level test conditions that should be used to verify successful operations of the
object. Please also include the impacted UMP L4 activities.
Please provide following - 1) testing an error-free run; 2) testing the exception processes; 3) testing the error

Step Condition Expected Results Data Business Role Impacted UPM

# Requirements L4
1 Create/update Trade Promotion MTO-030-010
Promotion (TP) for Planner
Planning Levels:
ZT01 – Discounts /
Rebates Promotion
ZT02 – Free Goods
ZT03 – Value Added
Consumer Promotion
1.1 Field “Mobile Field available in
Activation” “General Data”
1.2 Planning Level ZT03 field display only
when pricing related
flag not checked
1.3 Field Values Cannot be changed
Can be activated
Can be deactivated
2 Save TP Cross Checks Promotion MTO-030-010
2.1 Activation or Error message:
deactivation selected “Mobile activation or
for off-invoice deactivation not
promotions allowed for rebate
2.2 Activation or Error message:
deactivation selected “Mobile activation or
for Assortment pricing deactivation not
allowed for

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Functional Specification
Coke One North America - CONA

or Bonus Buy Assortment Pricing /

Bonus Buy
3 Release TP Promotion MTO-030-010
3.1. Field “Mobile Field set to display-
Activation” only

3.2. ECC-tables Check corresponding

ECC control tables

7 Appendix

7.1 Glossary of Terms

Term Definition

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Functional Specification
Coke One North America - CONA

8 Review/Sign-off
Specify the name of the reviewers and approvers for this object including quality reviewers.
Milestone Name Role Version Date
Peer Review
CCR Review
CCBCC Review
CCU Review
Swire Review
PSL Sign-off

8.1 Review Feedback and Comments

Copy and paste feedback you receive here as it comes in. Update the relevant document pieces which are
impacted by the feedback. Maybe sure you circle back to the sender of the feedback to show that the
feedback was handled.

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