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Description in English Spanish Words to learn

1 • Write down any other new words you

hostage your enemy takes somebody as a rehén discover in your Oxford Graded Reader.
hostage because he wants something English Description in English Spanish
from you
• Translate them into your language.
• Now try to learn them!
Pocahontas king the most important man in a country rey
English Your language
Retold by Tim Vicary ............................ ............................

Glossary 3 leader an important person in a group of

dirigente, líder
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lock (v) to close (a door, box, etc.) with a key cerrar con llave
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English Description in English Spanish
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build to make buildings (houses, schools, construir marry to take somebody as your husband casarse
shops, etc.) or wife
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chief the most important man in an Indian jefe queen the wife of a king reina ............................ ............................

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enemy not a friend; a person who hates you enemigo sadly not happily con tristeza
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fever when you are ill with a very hot head fiebre sail to go over water (the sea, rivers, etc.) navegar
and body, you have a fever in a ship ............................ ............................

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fight to hit, hurt, or try to kill someone luchar, pelearse sow to put small plants in the ground sembrar

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glass bottles and windows are made of glass cristal surprise when something new or sudden sorpresa ............................ ............................
happens, you feel surprise
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gunpowder a powder used in guns that burns very pólvora try to work hard to do something intentar
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hard a lot (e.g. to work hard) duramente unhappy not happy infeliz, triste
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