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From: Sylvia Lowrance

To: James Kenney

Subject: Celebrate eagles to confront a disrespectful Trump
Date: Monday, June 4, 2018 10:26:38 PM

Sent to Governor Wolfe as well

My  and his friends and neighbors in philly are devastated by the political move by Trump to
rob the eagles of their White House appearreance by cancelling it   It is an obvious attempt to
politicize the win of a team from a multicultural city and an owner who criticized him, and
even more to set up a fall leading to 2018 midterms that involve politicizing every game based
on political purity!  This is outrageous. Please take an aggressive stand. Set up an alternative
in the state capital on the same day they should have been at the White House! Even better go
to philly. Call a holiday. Re-do the super bowl parade on the day they would have met with
trump. Make it great and eclipse the great divider.  Please lead. If u don’t he wins.  Please all
of philly would declare a holiday and turn out under your leadership.  What a positive. Way to
confront tyranny. And what a great way for philly to remain proud. Please don’t let them get
away with this outrage. And don’t let them politicize  our sports!  It unites us.  Not much left. 

Sent from AOL Mobile Mail

From: Susan Kaminsky
To: James Kenney
Subject: Mr. Kenney....thank you for...........
Date: Tuesday, June 5, 2018 7:14:00 PM

Mr. Kenney,

Thank you for your insightful and admirable comments about Trump.  He
is a horrible person and I am always grateful when people of stature --
such as yourself -- call him out for the racist self-serving crook that he is. 


Susan D. Kaminsky 
To: James Kenney
Subject: Go Eagles!!
Date: Tuesday, June 5, 2018 7:52:11 PM

Hey, Jimmy!  
It was exhilarating today to watch President Trump give a knee to the gonads of the unpatriotic Philly
"Beagles".   You might want to change their name to the Philly Assholes.  Their mascot could be
someone in an inflamed hemorrhoid costume!  Hate to break it to you, sweet pea , but the "Beagles" are
just a pack of thugs with brain damage and mean zip to virtually anyone outside of shithole Philadelphia...
…..  Luv ya!  MAGA!!   Keep up the great work making Philly a bigger Democrap shithole that ever
To: James Kenney
Subject: Trump
Date: Tuesday, June 5, 2018 7:34:03 PM prick. GO TRUMP!! GREATEST PRESIDENT IN HISTORY.

From: Barbara McClary
To: James Kenney
Subject: Thank you Mr. MAYOR!
Date: Tuesday, June 5, 2018 7:19:04 PM

I hope you get this email of thanks personally. 

Thank you Mr. Mayor for sticking up for the athletes of the Philadelphia Eagles.  I also thank you for sticking up
for  the races and ALL people.  I heard your interview on CNN.  Thank you from my heart!  IF only we had more
leaders like you....the world would be a different place!  Any TRUE leader attempts to bring people together.....not
cause division among them as we witness almost everyday from the highest office of the land.  You Mayor are a
TRUE Leader!  And....I thank you, thank you from my heart!

Pastor Barbara McClary

Sent from my iPhone

To: James Kenney
Subject: White House Snub of a piece of shit team with a piece of shit mayor
Date: Tuesday, June 5, 2018 6:45:54 PM

Your nothing but an ignorant Philadelphia POS mayor. I live in Dallas and you and your fans are the
most arrogant, mean, ignorant fans  in the NFL. I have been to a Monday night game where Dallas
played the Eagles. Even though your fans were in our stadium the yelling, cursing, abusive language
was rampant. Just showed me the true colors of an NFL city and franchise that will always be this
way. You are the lead pitiful idiot who showed his  true democratic colors by saying what you did to
our president. Your city is failing. Rampant crime, murders, failing schools etc etc but you find time
to chastise Trump.
You are who we thought you were even before you opened your big mouth today. I would say that
you embarrassed your city and your team but its irreparable. You can do no worse.  Democrat mayor
for major cities spells failure.
Bob Stein
Cowboy fan, Texan, American.
From: Elaine Doremus
To: James Kenney
Subject: Good for you!!!!
Date: Tuesday, June 5, 2018 6:42:04 PM

Dear Mayor Kenney, I agree with your statement about Trump. Good for you for saying what
you did. He needs to be put in his place. He is horrible for this country. Thank you. I back you
up. Anything you need, you just let me know. Elaine Doremus,
  Fellow Democrat. 
From: Francis Stellitano
To: James Kenney
Subject: tRump is a Moron
Date: Tuesday, June 5, 2018 5:56:50 PM


I live in and heard your comments about tRump, football players, and patriotism.

Excellent remarks !!!

Frank Stellitano
To: James Kenney
Subject: Comment regarding President Trump
Date: Tuesday, June 5, 2018 6:26:44 PM

To Mayor Kenney,

     I would like to respond to your comment regarding President Trump on the Eagles
situation. You stated that he is nothing,when in fact YOU are nothing. You have
ruined the city of Phila since you were elected. You have no respect for the men &
women serving this country & have lost their lives fighting. I cannot believe that you
do not believe in kneeling for the American Anthem, which is an honor. The players,
however have NO PROBLEM taking their big, fat contract checks though. This
country has given them the opportunity to become RICH while many, many people
live week to week just to pay their bills. I am SO GLAD that I did nit not vote for you &
would never vote for you. I could go on, but I am so disgusted with you & how you
have been since taking office.
From: Mum Bey
To: James Kenney
Date: Tuesday, June 5, 2018 6:19:27 PM

Thank you for expressing my exact sentiments regarding the Eagles white house visit. I am
so glad you are and that I voted for you to become Mayor. You always side with the Heavens
with a heart for the people in the decisions you make, which always help, and a whole lot, and
we can testify to that Thank you for being there, for being You, and all the very best to you
for you are always in our prayers.

Sincere regards,

Patricia Bey
From: Tracy Engels
To: James Kenney
Subject: Eagles
Date: Tuesday, June 5, 2018 6:11:10 PM

Thank you for standing up to a narcissistic racist and standing behind your players. Whether or
not your players kneeled for the nation anthem (and I for one will never stand again) he is self-
centered and couldn't care less about Philadelphia, its people, or its players. 

Anyway, thanks fof standing up for them.

Tracy Engels
To: James Kenney
Subject: Eagles
Date: Tuesday, June 5, 2018 6:08:23 PM

Dear Mr. Mayor,

Thank you for standing up for the Eagles. The President has no idea what patriotism is. The team’s accomplishment
earned them an invitation. If some stay back because of a moral conviction, they have every right. So sorry to have
missed seeing the guys honored.

Janice Nachbar
From: Preston Gilroy
To: James Kenney
Subject: A Visit To Your City
Date: Tuesday, June 5, 2018 5:32:26 PM

I’ve never visited your city and I had recently been planning a visit - in spite of negative things that I’ve heard about
it over the years.
After listening to your comments about President Donald Trump I have changed my mind and I will NEVER visit
your city while you are the mayor.

You should have more respect for our country and our President. You’ve done a good job of playing to your
Democratic voter base because there's only thing that matters to you - getting reelected.

Preston Gilroy
From: Joe
To: James Kenney
Subject: Eagles Visit
Date: Tuesday, June 5, 2018 4:40:43 PM

Dear Mayor Kenney, 

I'm the 63 year old daughter of a 30 year Marine navigator who served in WWII, Korea and 2 tours in
Vietnam. Dad's honorable service lasted from 1941-71 and I had to write after hearing your conversation
on CNN last night.
You made me happy to hear you defend these young Americans and backing their decision to not attend,
especially after none of them took a knee this year!
Donald Trump has twisted and twisted people's minds with his phony patriotic lines for way too long and it
has saddened me deeply. Too many gave their lives and limbs for our rights to see them spit on by a
president like Trump. 
As a child of a serviceman. I learned deep respect for all Americans rights and responsibilities under our
constitution and both of my older brothers join and served as well.
During the Vietnam era, we all saw people burning, stomping on and spitting on our flag in protests  and I
was horrified by it. 
In 1968, after my father returned from Nam, I watched the news with my family nightly and asked my
father one day how it made him feel to see that going on over and over. 
He said he was heartbroken by it, but made it very clear to all of us children, that although it angered him,
those Americans were within their rights to do so and because he gave an oath to uphold the constitution,
he had to accept it and hoped we all would too.
I'm saddened that Trump the draft dodger can't take his oath of office as seriously as my father did by not
defending those rights and that angers me more than those who kneel.
As a Seahawk fan, I haven't approved of those who've knelt on our team either, but using their platform is
their right and am one who stands for equality for all and will not disparage their rights. 
I place my hand on my heart for our anthem, just as you and I also stand by you in protecting any and all
Americans rights under the constitution. 
My father and mother, both American born children of immigrants in the early 1900's, took their
responsibilities as Americans very seriously and taught us the same, no one, should be denied their rights
because of race, color or religion.
My father put it well once when he said, "as a soldier on a battlefield, if the soldier beside me is a black
man and we're both shot at the same time", then stated, that we all need to remember, "we all bleed the
same color blood, and his service for our country is just as meaningful as any white man's service as
Knowing as many blacks as I I did growing up at Cherry Point, MCAS, his words hit deeply in my heart
and it never left me and I just had to say Thank You to you, for defending and honoring all who use our
constitution legally. We need more politicians like you, who are willing to defend it instead of causing hate
and and division as he has so blatantly done.
Congratulations to the Eagles on their win and you, the city, for backing them as you have!
See you on the field and best of luck to both of our teams this coming season, Mary R Moon
From: Stephen Knight
To: James Kenney
Subject: MSNBC
Date: Tuesday, June 5, 2018 3:59:54 PM

Hishonor (at least when I was active in Philadelphia politics back in the 60s, that's what we
address the mayor as),

Good job today with your other phone call into MSNBC news. The points you made and the
succinct way that you presented them maybe make one wonder if you're really and truly a

Spot on Mayor. Keep fighting for the people you represent and others like them around the
country and the world.

It's been a long time since I've been in Philly oh, and I've been doing real well and my chosen
profession out here in LA, but you might be able to take the man out of Philly, but you could
never take the Philly out of the man:

"Fly Eagles Fly!"

Warmest regards to you and to the rest of my birth City, Philadelphia.

Stephen Knight Demo, Bio, Links and More...

VOICE OVER demos and More:

Launching Soon:

The meaning of life is to find your gift. The purpose of life is to give it away. - William
From: Michael Kowitz
To: James Kenney
Subject: With all due respect
Date: Tuesday, June 5, 2018 3:23:01 PM

Dear Mayor, 

What I believe you fail to realize is that millions of people are offended by the taking of a
knee because they perceive the taking of a knee at the playing of our national anthem as a rude
and disrespectful gesture. 

IT IS REALLY THAT SIMPLE. The purpose of good manners is to reinforce the idea of a
civil society. It is about fairness and it is a bout unification and not division. 
You sound somewhat reasonable but the Democratic party's radical shift toward
authoritarianism under the LIE of democratic socialism will result in the utter destruction of
the moderate centrist that used to be the backbone of the Democratic party. In effect, the
traditional blue collar worker. 

All the Philadelphia Eagles have achieved is to diminish their brand and the good work they
do. Think about it mayor, manners prioritize time and place and reinforce our collective
commitment to be civil even to those with whom we disagree. 

The Philadelphia Eagles have done nothing but disappointed their fans, your city and our
nation. President Trump's rescission of the invitation is similar to a parent send their child to
their room without dessert due to poor behavior. 

Your recent appearance on MSNBC simply ignores the main issue in play. Of course you
probably disagree with my viewpoint and there is nothing like reality to clarify your erroneous


Michael Kowitz
From: pat warnock
To: James Kenney
Subject: Yours and President Trump"s differences
Date: Tuesday, June 5, 2018 5:22:47 PM 
Mr. Mayor please  tell your NFL players to click on this link to see why we stand and salute our flag
and sing the Star Spangled Banner.  10 of hundreds of thousand’s of reasons why we respect our
Patricia Warnock
Sent from Mail for Windows 10
From: Melinda Crawford
To: James Kenney
Subject: Mayor statements to Ali Velshi, MSNBC June 5
Date: Tuesday, June 5, 2018 3:16:46 PM


I listened to you comments this morning re: your great football team visit to the White

Having heard your opinions, and the passionate way that you expressed them, I have one
comment to make: "Please run for higher office!"

Melinda Crawford
Special Projects
Image IV Systems, Inc.
From: Joe Jarock
To: James Kenney
Subject: You guys should get a team photo and insert President Obama into it. That would really piss Trump off!!!!
Date: Tuesday, June 5, 2018 3:43:27 PM
Attachments: image001.png



Joseph L. Jarock
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From: Chad Craft
To: James Kenney
Subject: Traveling to Philadelphia - now changing our plans
Date: Tuesday, June 5, 2018 3:02:14 PM


My son and I are traveling to Lehigh University on July 5-8 for a campus visit and our eight Mancation. We’d
intended to stay in Philadelphia and visit the Phillies and Eagles stadiums along with other area sites both before and
after the Lehigh visit. However, your recent derogatory comments directed toward the President of the United States
have changed our minds. We will spend our travel and tourism dollars elsewhere. 

We’re all free to express our opinions, but those opinions can have consequences. And while I sometimes disagree
with the POTUS and his behavior, I don’t use his actions to justify similar actions on my part. 

Sent from my iPhone

Chad R. Craft
To: James Kenney
Subject: Eagles Reception cancelled
Date: Tuesday, June 5, 2018 2:30:21 PM

Your Honor,

Perhaps you should know that there are people like me, who are gay in this City and
white, who disagree with you on so many things - including the Eagles cancelled trip
to the Whit House.  When the facts come out, and it shows all the black players
refused to attend (isn't that racist?), and the front office also tried to reschedule to
conflict with his Singapore trip (maybe at your urging and that of Sen. Casey?), egg
will be on your face for sticking up for them.  Imagine if Obama was president and all
the white athletes stayed away - wouldn't you be the first to scream racist?  You are
such a poor Mayor - bring back Michaell Nutter a true leader, not a political hack. 
You should have urged all thw Eagles to attend and be honored (you would have if
Obama was President), but again, you pander to the Progressives.  What a shame.

Tim Kiser
From: karen guse
To: James Kenney
Subject: Idiot Trump and your wonderful Eagles
Date: Tuesday, June 5, 2018 2:47:07 PM

Dear Mayor,
Thank you for your response to Trump’s latest (ignorant) opinion on our National Anthem,
White House visitation, and your Eagles.  I’m one of many principled folks who doesn’t agree
with Captain bone spurs’ position on mandatory standing for our National Anthem.  I also
respect the Eagle’s option to accept (or ignore) an invitation to visit Trump’s White House.
Four generations of my family have provided over 150 years of active military service to our
country.  Part of our service has been to guarantee and respect player’s rights to stand (or not)
during our Anthem.  And to visit (or not visit) the White House.  We understand protest and
First Amendment rights. 
Living where I do, most folks support the Pack, the Bears, or maybe the Vikings.  The Eagles
stance on players rights has added them to my list of “favorites.”  I hope they have a fantastic
Karen Guse
From: Drew
To: James Kenney
Subject: Eagles visiting White House
Date: Tuesday, June 5, 2018 12:56:37 PM

Your comments regarding the Eagles visiting the White House are boring and predictable. You obviously have a
deep thinking and great mind to come up with "this is a democracy and Trump should never have been elected."

Respectfully, you are just another political hack.

Ex- Philadelphian Drew Spaeth

Sent from my iPhone

From: Joaquin Salas
To: James Kenney
Subject: Philadelphia: Patriotism and Unity
Date: Tuesday, June 5, 2018 1:37:20 PM

Dear Mr Kenney, I’d just like to say I’m proud to align myself with you, the City of Philadelphia, it’s
fans, and the Eagles.
When I see, or hear about someone exercising their constitutional rights, I couldn’t be more proud.
My job is to support and defend the constitution of the United States. What better validation for the
oath I’ve taken than to see people exercising those rights that it’s been my honor to protect.
It hurts my soul when I hear people demanding an action over a song, or a piece of cloth. In my
mind, that reflects a bit too closely on what was expected of German citizens in the ‘30s and early
I’m proud to have defended our constitution for over a quarter century, and I thank you for publicly
doing your part to protect it as well by saying and doing what is right in these difficult times. Thank
you for trying to unite the city of Philadelphia and not letting those that are trying to divide our
Country win simply because they hold a larger pulpit.
Joaquin A Salas

Joaquin Salas | Polaris Government & Defense

2100 Hwy 55 | Medina, MN 55340 | |

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From: Doris Bostick
To: James Kenney
Subject: Fwd: Very Interesting Theory On Trump"s Success
Date: Tuesday, June 5, 2018 1:03:27 PM

So, say anything you want about this president - I

get it - he can be vulgar, he can be crude, he can be
undignified at times. I don’t care. I can’t spare this
man. He fights for America!
Richard D Agostino

theory on
The mayor of Livermore
California explains Trump’s
popularity and success. This
is perhaps the best
explanation for Trump's
popularity ....
Marshall Kamena is a
registered Democrat and was
elected mayor of Livermore,
CA.. He ran on the democratic
ticket as he knew a Bay Area
city would never vote for a
Republican. He is as
conservative as they come.
He wrote the following:
Trump’s 'lack of decorum,
dignity, and statesmanship'
By Marshall Kamena, Mayor
of Livermore, CA.
My Leftist friends (as well as
many ardent
#NeverTrumpers) constantly
ask me if I’m not bothered by
Donald Trump’s lack of
decorum. They ask if I don’t
think his tweets are “beneath
the dignity of the office.”
Here’s my answer: We Right-
thinking people have tried
dignity. There could not have
been a man of more quiet
dignity than George W. Bush
as he suffered the outrageous
lies and politically motivated
hatreds that undermined his
We tried statesmanship.
Could there be another
human being on this earth
who so desperately prized
“collegiality” as John
We tried propriety – has there
been a nicer human being
ever than Mitt Romney?
And the results were always
the same. This is because,
while we were playing by the
rules of dignity, collegiality
and propriety, the Left has
been, for the past 60 years,
engaged in a knife fight where
the only rules are those of
Saul Alinsky and the Chicago
I don’t find anything
“dignified,” “collegial” or
“proper” about Barack
Obama’s lying about what
went down on the streets of
Ferguson in order to ramp up
racial hatreds because racial
hatreds serve the Democratic
I don’t see anything
“dignified” in lying about the
deaths of four Americans in
Benghazi and imprisoning an
innocent filmmaker to cover
your tracks.
I don’t see anything
“statesman-like” in
weaponizing the IRS to be
used to destroy your political
opponents and any dissent.
Yes, Obama was “articulate”
and “polished” but in no way
was he in the least bit
“dignified,” “collegial” or
The Left has been engaged in
a war against America since
the rise of the Children of the
‘60s. To them, it has been an
all-out war where nothing is
held sacred and nothing is
seen as beyond the pale.. It
has been a war they’ve fought
with violence, the threat of
violence, demagoguery and
lies from day one – the violent
take-over of the universities –
till today.
The problem is that, through
these years, the Left has been
the only side fighting this war.
While the Left has been taking
a knife to anyone who stands
in their way, the Right has
continued to act with dignity,
collegiality and propriety.
With Donald Trump, this all
has come to an end. Donald
Trump is America ’s first
wartime president in the
Culture War.
During wartime, things like
“dignity” and “collegiality”
simply aren’t the most
essential qualities one looks
for in their warriors. Ulysses
Grant was a drunk whose
behavior in peacetime might
well have seen him drummed
out of the Army for conduct
Had Abraham Lincoln applied
the peacetime rules of
propriety and booted Grant,
the Democrats might well still
be holding their slaves today.
Lincoln rightly recognized
that, “I cannot spare this man.
He fights.”
General George Patton was a
vulgar-talking.. In peacetime,
this might have seen him
stripped of rank. But, had
Franklin Roosevelt applied
the normal rules of decorum
then, Hitler and the Socialists
would barely be five decades
into their thousand-year
Trump is fighting. And what’s
particularly delicious is that,
like Patton standing over the
battlefield as his tanks
obliterated Rommel’s, he’s
shouting, “You magnificent
bastards, I read your book!”
That is just the icing on the
cake, but it’s wonderful to see
that not only is Trump
fighting, he’s defeating the
Left using their own tactics.
That book is Saul Alinsky’s
Rules for Radicals – a book
so essential to the Liberals’
war against America that it is
and was the playbook for the
entire Obama administration
and the subject of Hillary
Clinton’s senior thesis.
It is a book of such pure evil,
that, just as the rest of us
would dedicate our book to
those we most love or those
to whom we are most
indebted, Alinsky dedicated
his book to Lucifer.
Trump’s tweets may seem
rash and unconsidered but, in
reality, he is doing exactly
what Alinsky suggested his
followers do. First, instead of
going after “the fake media”
— and they are so fake that
they have literally gotten
every single significant story
of the past 60 years not just
wrong, but diametrically
opposed to the truth, from the
Tet Offensive to Benghazi, to
what really happened on the
streets of Ferguson, Missouri
— Trump isolated CNN.. He
made it personal.
Then, just as Alinsky
suggests, he employs ridicule
which Alinsky described as
“the most powerful weapon of
all.”... Most importantly,
Trump’s tweets have put CNN
in an untenable and
unwinnable position. ... They
need to respond.
This leaves them with only
two choices. They can either
“go high” (as Hillary would
disingenuously declare of
herself and the fake news
would disingenuously report
as the truth) and begin to
honestly and accurately
report the news or they can
double-down on their usual
tactics and hope to defeat
Trump with twice their usual
hysteria and demagoguery.
The problem for CNN (et al.)
with the former is that, if they
were to start honestly
reporting the news, that
would be the end of the
Democratic Party they serve.
It is nothing but the incessant
use of fake news (read:
propaganda) that keeps the
Left alive.
Imagine, for example, if CNN
had honestly and accurately
reported then-candidate
Barack Obama’s close ties to
foreign terrorists (Rashid
Khalidi), domestic terrorists
(William Ayers & Bernardine
Dohrn), the mafia (Tony
Rezko) or the true evils of his
spiritual mentor, Jeremiah
Wright’s church.
Imagine if they had honestly
and accurately conveyed the
evils of the Obama
administration’s weaponizing
of the IRS to be used against
their political opponents or
his running of guns to the
Mexican cartels or the truth
about the murder of
Ambassador Christopher
Stevens and the Obama
administration’s cover-up.
So, to my friends on the Left
— and the #NeverTrumpers as
well — do I wish we lived in a
time when our president
could be “collegial” and
“dignified” and “proper”? Of
course I do.
These aren’t those times. This
is war. And it’s a war that the
Left has been fighting without
opposition for the past 50
So, say anything you want
about this president - I get it -
he can be vulgar, he can be
crude, he can be undignified
at times. I don’t care. I can’t
spare this man. He fights for
Please pass this on...over and
over, and again and again...

To: James Kenney
Subject: White house and Eagles and liberal bs
Date: Tuesday, June 5, 2018 12:30:57 PM

Don’t like our country? Our Anthem? Our Flag?Our President? Guess what you liberal socialist elitist. I’m a life
long Democrat but I’m getting  sick and tired of democrats elitists ass wipes constantly against our country and our
president! Hey grow up! He’s the president like it or not the People voted him in, just like you and we can vote them
out Just LikeYou!!!! Quit being a spoiled lil  kid and put on your big boy pants and grow the hell up!!!!!! Stand up
for our Country or move somewhere else! Simple!!!!

Sent from my iPhone

To: James Kenney
Subject: Eagles-Trump comments
Date: Tuesday, June 5, 2018 12:14:41 PM

Mayor Kenney:
I just wanted to send my support to you regarding your thoughtful and pointed remarks about
President Trump’s cancelation of the Eagles’ White House visit.  You were measured, yet spot on, in
calling out this childish behavior.  I believe your reference to his desire to have us “bow down” to
him and his beliefs is particularly compelling.  This man is hijacking patriotism in an effort to cloak
himself.  It is disturbing and not enough people in leadership are calling it for what it is.  Please
continue your vigilance.  Do not let this man distort and lay claim to everything ordinary American’s
Judy Samelson
Sent from Mail for Windows 10
From: John Gustin
To: James Kenney
Subject: Your comments regarding PRESIDENT TRUMP
Date: Tuesday, June 5, 2018 12:12:39 PM


How dare you refer to the PRESIDENT of the United States as an ego manic act.. You are incredible. The un-
American players of the Eagles won’t stand and give our great nation the respect and honor it deserves and you
support this. Maybe you and your piece of shit players who are unhappy with America should leave the country.
kenny you are part of the problem in America not part of the solution. Many brave men and women have given there
life for this country but you choose to disregard them and support this pathetic players. May God have mercy on the
your city as it is needed having you as there mayor.


From: John Gray
To: James Kenney
Subject: Can"t have it both ways
Date: Tuesday, June 5, 2018 12:12:19 PM

I believe the Eagles have the right to stay away from the White  House just as the President is correct in canceling if
only a small contingent plans to attend. It's simply another opportunity lost by turning everything into a political
football. We know in this case which came 1st, it was the eagle not the egg. Enjoy the locker room, smells like

John Gray
Stonewood Floors

sent from my iPhone

From: Lynda Wilczak
To: James Kenney
Subject: Thank you Mayor!
Date: Tuesday, June 5, 2018 12:08:15 PM

Dear Mayor,

Thank you so much for all you do not only for your city but the whole country.
I am grateful that you are so truthful and are not afraid to speak out for what is right.  We certainly need more
politicians like you.
I have never been to Philadelphia but my dream has always been to visit there and your state. My maternal
grandmother is from Pennsylvania and my grandpa was a coal miner there.
After seeing you on the CBSN news this morning I wish you would run for president.
God bless you Mayor Kenney and thank you.

Lynda Wilczak

Sent from my iPhone

From: Gibson-Merriweather, Sabrena R
To: James Kenney
Subject: CNN
Date: Tuesday, June 5, 2018 12:12:15 PM
Attachments: image001.png

Hi I just wanted to say that I appreciate your comments on CNN regarding the
National Anthem and the Eagles not going to the White House. It takes courage
to tell the truth, stand in it and accept the consequences. Thank you for standing
with us. Your words made me feel hopeful that not everyone in America is
divisive and focused on taking us back to segregation legal or not.
I appreciate your comments.
Thank you    
Sabrena Gibson-Merriweather | Optum
Business Operations Specialist
12501 Whitewater Drive MN004-0100
Minnetonka MN 55343 

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To: James Kenney
Subject: Your Comments on Eagles White House snub
Date: Tuesday, June 5, 2018 12:08:17 PM

Dear Mayor Kenney,

I am sorry but I have to disagree with your characterization of the retraction

of the Philadelphia Eagles invitation to the White House. This isn't about "a
fragile egomaniac obsessed with crowd size". It is about respect for our

A large number of NFL players have displayed disrespect for our flag and
our country by taking a knee during the National Anthem over the past
season. Because they have a right to do this does not make it the right thing
to do. There are many ways and places to protest or, more importantly,
actually try to do something about the issues that minorities are facing.
Given the financial resources at the disposal of even the lowest paid NFL
players, you would think they could find a more productive action to take
other than protest during the most patriotic part of an athletic event. The
national anthem should be our moment to stand together as one United
States of America given what the song represents. Our veterans did not
kneel when they were called into service in defense of all our Flag and
National Anthem represent.

By choosing to send fewer than ten players to the event, the Eagles
organization has extended the kneeling controversy and caused further
divisions within our country, something the players claimed they were trying
to change by their protest.

You have characterized the White House event as "a party (to) which no
one wants to attend".  NASCAR winners, the New England Patriots, the
West Point football team, Houston Astros, and other teams have proudly
participated in this "party" and recognized the honor it is to go to our nation's
home. Sadly, many of the Eagles cannot seem to comprehend this and
apparently neither can you. I would have thought the civic leader of the city
that is famous in history for religious tolerance and independence might
have taken the high ground in this issue. Sadly, you demonstrated that you
are nothing but a partisan politician unable to rise above the democratic
party line. 

Daniel Mathias
Ballston Lake NY
To: James Kenney
Subject: RE: 1st Big Soda _2nd Sanctuary Cities_ 3rd Our Eagles
Date: Tuesday, June 5, 2018 12:18:52 PM

You did it again Mayor –

Thanks for shedding light on our team as well as the true reasons for the protest. I commend you for
representing our city the way you do.
I know you cannot please everyone, but, you have receipts. Sooooo, should we expect another one
of our mayor’s in the big chair in Harrisburg? : )
Keep up the great job…  
“Philly Strong”
Eddie Henderson
Middletown, DE
From: James Kenney <>
Sent: Tuesday, February 28, 2017 7:13 PM
Subject: RE: Thanks for Standing Up to Big Soda

Dear Eddie,

Thank you for writing to me to express your support for my administration and our institution
of the Philadelphia Beverage Tax. I greatly appreciated hearing from you and the kind words
that you wrote to me.

I look forward to your continued support as my administration works towards making

Philadelphia the best city that it can be. It is truly an honor to be elected to serve our beautiful
city. If you ever need help with anything, please feel free to contact my office for assistance.

Thank you again and best wishes to you.

Mayor Jim Kenney
Sent: Thursday, February 23, 2017 12:16 PM
To: James Kenney <>
Subject: Thanks for Standing Up to Big Soda

Mayor Kenney,
I want to applaud you for your stance on the sugary drink tax. I grew up in North
Philadelphia and now call Delaware my primary but still second home and I know 1st
hand what was readily available in my neighborhoods growing up. Over access to
sugary drinks has always plagued our communities.  With an eye on generating
revenue for the city I still love and hold dear to my heart, and hioefully curving some
of the selections of our Philly residents in making better healthier choices, I simply
want to commend you on the early success of the tax and your stance against the
business leaders that are in an uproar. The domino effect can be so unbelievably
positive for the city and our residents. At any rate, stay strong, stay vigilant,  and
smile some more : )

Best regards,

Eddie Henderson

Get Outlook for Android

From: Nida Cline
To: James Kenney
Subject: Insult to the President
Date: Tuesday, June 5, 2018 11:47:13 AM

Dear Mayor Kenney:

I am greatly offended and amazed at your lack of patriotism.  In supporting the refusal of the Eagles
to stand in respect of our national anthem, you—not President Trump—are supporting the anti-
patriotic behavior prevalent in the NFL, an organization that has  consistently shown disrespect for
our Nation by its ungrateful behavior.   The National Anthem is part of our foundations and anyone
living in this country should have great appreciation for the fact they are Americans and show
respect for that anthem.   We are more blessed than any other nation on earth.
You have enjoyed the benefits of being an American and most definitely have the members of NFL
likewise benefitted.  NFL members are wealthy while veterans are often homeless after having
served their country at the risk of their lives.   All of you need to develop some gratitude  for your
blessings instead of spending your time putting down  America.  God has blessed this nation greatly,
yet many of us have turned against Him and our Nation so we are in danger of falling apart.
You need to apologize to the President for your derogatory comments, for your response to his
actions is not appropriate.  Frankly, I agree with him that it would not be appropriate to have the
NFL  come to the White house to be  honored since they refuse to honor our anthem.  I am neither
Republican nor Democrat but am an Independent, so I am not siding with the Republicans but
believe the Office of the President—regardless who is President—should be respected.
Thank you for your time.
Nida G Cline
From: Sydney Cleveland
To: James Kenney
Subject: Idiot Eagles
Date: Tuesday, June 5, 2018 11:45:32 AM

Sir: when you and the NFL stand up for America instead of kneeling to overpaid traitors, you will cease to be idiots.
From: Mark Kirszner
To: James Kenney
Subject: Today on CNN
Date: Tuesday, June 5, 2018 11:41:11 AM

I am proud that our city had a defender of civil liberties as mayor.  Sure, the Eagles are great, but your description of
the president as as fragile egomaniac is better than the final play of the Super Bowl.
Mark Kirszner

Sent from my iPhone

To: James Kenney
Subject: Bless You...You Get It!
Date: Tuesday, June 5, 2018 11:45:24 AM

Dear Mayor Kenney,

I listened to your profound and articulate response to the questions swirling around
the Eagles and the White House.  You have always called as you've seen it, and
that's why I've always supported you!  But, this time you took time to TEACH a
serious lesson to those who may not understand the gravity nor the depth of racism.
You spoke of how a particular powerful child views life... You addressed white male
privilege...You explained, with empathy, the pain with which some citizens must deal
on a daily basis.   

The content of your succinct message was both Meaningful and Awesome!!  I am so

proud that you're my mayor.

Be well and be blessed.


Jan Gillespie-Walton
To: James Kenney
Subject: Thumbs Up!
Date: Tuesday, June 5, 2018 11:24:05 AM

Good for you, Mayor Kenney!

The Eagles don't need validation from the infantile and vicious scum inhabiting the White
House to know that they are a great team. The right to free speech in this democracy will
stand. Racism will not be tolerated. I stand or kneel with the the Eagles!
Congrats for your fabulous performance, Eagles! Well done!

Judy Guggenheim, Maine

To: James Kenney
Subject: Philadelphia Eagles Visit to White House Canceled
Date: Tuesday, June 5, 2018 11:22:25 AM

Mr. Mayor,

It never ceases to amaze me how far the left progressives will jump on a decision by our
President to cancel an event that was going to be ill attended by 9 members of the team
and berate him.   It is obvious this was a publicity stunt to embarrass President Trump,
again planned and coordinated by far left opposition.   There used to be one place in
America that politics were rarely spoken, on the playing field, however the progressive far
left has found a way to infiltrate the MLB, NFL, and NBA with planned and coordinated
attacks against Patriots in this country.    Your party is destroying America and
American Values, it is so painfully obvious and I will continue to fight against the tyranny
your party represents.

Colin Kaepernick and the NFL stated this mess. They are to BLAME!   This is America, not
communist China or Fascist Russia!  President Trump is the True Patriot and is applauded
for his courage and leadership by thousands of veterans across this free land!  I will
continue to boycott the NFL for its position of allowing players to hide when our National
Anthem is played and our flag is respected.  You sir are the epitome of ignorance when you
support this anti-American movement and do not respect our flag and what the National
Anthem represents by supporting the protests.  While I believe this is a free country and
everyone has a right to express their feelings, kneeling during the National Anthem or
hiding in the locker room is a disgrace.   I will urge my 4,000 veteran contacts to reach out
to their contacts and continue to boycott the NFL.  

Ken Vanek
Disabled American Veteran 
Hinckley, OH
To: James Kenney
Subject: The Eagles
Date: Tuesday, June 5, 2018 10:51:49 AM

The Eagles are racially and liberally prejudiced and don't deserve a visit to the White House. I wouldn't let
them or you near it.
From: Patrick Kelley
To: James Kenney
Subject: Your comment on WH-Eagles party
Date: Tuesday, June 5, 2018 10:37:00 AM

Honorable Mayor, 
You got sucked into bad politics and the worst protest.  The
cop hating oppression protest vows to continue until it no
longer exists.  There will be no end to police brutality and
oppression, as it will remain as a convenient perception and
talking point.

The protest is telling you to fix your own police brutality

and oppression.  So what are you doing about it?  Should
they be holding disruptive vigils or spitting on your liberty
bell.  That would bring attention to Philly’s brotherly love
and their cause.

Would you condone a protest of Philly’s catholic churches

for pedophile priest until eliminated?  I am sure a vile
symbolism of disrespect can be created on church steps
before you address that issue.

Free speech comes with responsibilities to have a goal of

unity and resolve.  You missed the chance to address the
real diversity of oppression.  Don’t let your hatred for
Trump ruin your ability to lead and guide.  You got sucked
into a bad protest on both sides!

Sent from my iPhone, while out doing stuff with best regards,
Pat Kelley
To: James Kenney
Subject: Your Statement to Donald trump
Date: Tuesday, June 5, 2018 10:26:15 AM

Mr. Mayor,

Thank you for standing up to this misguided bully.

You nailed it.
I am so proud of you for standing up to this man/child. More people need to do this while we still have a
Bless you!

Yours in Peace,

Rev. Victoria Jewell

St. Mary Magdalene Catholic Faith Community
1903 Crafton Ave
Baltimore MD., 21222
From: Figliola, Mike
To: James Kenney
Subject: Re: CNN"s New Day
Date: Tuesday, June 5, 2018 10:44:12 AM

Yes I did and you came thru for us this morning! Thank you again for everything- Deana was
super helpful setting this up

Sent from my iPhone

On Jun 5, 2018, at 10:43 AM, James Kenney <> wrote:

Dear Mike,
Thank you for reaching out. Please send your inquiry to the Mayor’s Office of
Communications at
Mayor Jim Kenney
From: Figliola, Mike []
Sent: Tuesday, June 5, 2018 5:03 AM
To: James Kenney <>
Subject: RE: CNN's New Day
Hi Mayor,
This is Mike with CNN’s New Day

Hope you are well

Would love to have the you join us this morning at either 7a or 8a for 4-7 minutes live
via phone (or studio if possible) to discuss President Trump calling off the Philadelphia
Eagles visit to the White House over National Anthem dispute
Hosts are Alisyn Camerota and Jon Berman
Please let me know your thoughts as soon as possible.
Mike Figliola
Editorial Producer
CNN’s New Day


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From: Robert and Susan
To: James Kenney
Subject: Eagles Disinvited to DC
Date: Tuesday, June 5, 2018 10:26:21 AM

Listen,I can buy into this,”Equally proud of their activism off the field.” But,the key words are-“off the field”.
Everything involving an NFL game is on the field. I don’t care what the perceived grIevance is,YOU NEVER
SACRIFICED SO MUCH THAT YOU CAN PLAY THIS GAME! Period!!! These overpaid football players can
certainly do so much in their communities,or cities,to do everything possible to right these wrongs. So many do!
This is not the venue to make their little protest.

I lived in Cherry Hill for 30 years,and still have family in the area, and I am used to the political climate, and the
number of black Americans in the tri-state region. So,you did your little vote getting speech,BUT you’re wrong in
the spectrum of what’s really important regarding this total subject.

Robert Patrick

P.S Still an Eagles fan!

From: Elizabeth L. Surma
To: James Kenney
Subject: Eagles Visit
Date: Tuesday, June 5, 2018 10:22:52 AM

Dear Mayor Kenney,

I am extremely offended by your comments about the President.
The President has every right to disinvite the Patriots to what was to be a celebration.
I will not be visiting Philadelphia anytime in the near future in protest of your remarks.
Elizabeth L. Surma

From: kim arruda
To: James Kenney
Subject: NFL
Date: Tuesday, June 5, 2018 10:19:21 AM

I do not understand why you would support a NFL team who did not support there
country! The entire team stood in the locker room for the National Anthem is like a
slap in the face and should not be tolerated! I for one am glad you and the team
where dis invited to the White house if you do not like America then move go to where
ever you think it is better and support them sing there National Anthem , play there
sport and get paid by them as well!

Anyone who is against America should not hold a seat in any office in America nor
should they be paid by America's money nor should they be able to play for an
American NFL team. why do you think there is such a decrease in the support of NFL

Your team is disrespectful and for you to support them is also disrespectful , I hope
you are out of office soon. Just my opinion !

Kim Arruda
From: Dan Burke
To: James Kenney
Subject: Thank You!
Date: Tuesday, June 5, 2018 10:13:19 AM

Dear Mayor Kenney,

Just a note to thank you for your willingness to stand up against Donald Trump. (Note I
can't even bear to put the word President in front of his name.) 

I've seen and heard many of your comments today in response to his childish move to
"disinvite" the Eagles from the White House. As you also have described yourself, I am a
privileged white male who will never be able to fully appreciate the prejudices the black
community faces/will continue to face. I can, however, admit that tremendous inequity
exists and I realize we need to do something to stop it. 

Yet, instead of our President uniting the country through the simple, traditional
"Championship Visit" to the White House, he stokes the flames of racism that are still far
too strong in our country. I agree with you; we should be scared of this man. He is a
narcissist who is ruining our country and everything we stand for.

I'm from Boston and, although I had a momentary dislike of Philly when you beat our
New England Patriots, I have gained a newfound respect for your city due to you having
the guts to stand up to Trump. It is sad how so many of our elected officials have been
bullied into silence by this dictator. I am glad to see that at least one has not. Thank you
for that. It gives me hope for the future of our country. ("Kenney 2020" - has a nice ring
to it, doesn't it?)

Go Eagles! (But only until we meet again in next year's Superbowl!)


Dan Burke
Boston, MA

From: gene walton
To: James Kenney
Subject: While House Visit
Date: Tuesday, June 5, 2018 10:06:32 AM

Dear Honorable Mayor Kenney,

I am a former Military Service Member that proudly served our Nation by preaching to our troops and conducting
funerals at Ft. Myer, VA for our retired and fallen “real America heroes” of all four Branches to be interred in
Arlington National Cemetery.

Mr. Mayor I am appalled by your comments and the Philadelphia Eagles disrespect of our National Anthem and
myself who swore an oath to protect and defend rich, spoiled, over compensated professional athletes and politicians
like you, there would be no Super Bowl.

If our enemies attacked your city today, the first person you would call is the same President that you and your
spoiled rich prima donna’s disrespect. The American Flag and National Anthem means a lot to many Americans
whose sons, daughters, husbands and wives have lost their lives and limbs to defend.

While politicians are courting voters and football players are chasing Super Bowl rings, some Americans are
chasing terrorist and dying so you may remain free. You and the entire Philadelphia Eagles Organization owe our
President and the Country an apology.

Pastor, Dr. Eugene Walton
Proud African American Army Veteran

Sent from my iPhone

To: James Kenney
Subject: White House Snubs Eagles
Date: Tuesday, June 5, 2018 9:59:49 AM

I would have snubbed the team also.   It is disrespectful to take a knee and not stand and honor
our country and all those that have died to protect it. 

Bob Melton
Alabaster, AL
To: James Kenney
Subject: Commentary
Date: Tuesday, June 5, 2018 9:49:19 AM

Thank you so much for your CNN comment about Trump and the NFL. It gives hope to those of us who despair
about what is happening in this country with Trump. I was born and raised in PA but now live in Maine. I am so
glad there is someone like you at the helm in PA. I am white, retired, upper middle class - but can clearly see we
have an enormous problem in this country  for the way we treat blacks, other ethnic cultures, gay men and
women, etc.  My son is gay and lives in Landsdowne and I fear for him in this culture that exists now of hate and
bias. Thank you again. I am a huge NFL football fan but have decided I will not turn on football games - except for
maybe the Eagles. That will be me taking a knee!
From: Marc S. Needlman
To: James Kenney
Subject: Eagles Support Statement
Date: Tuesday, June 5, 2018 10:06:50 AM

Dear Mayor Kenney,

I wanted to write to thank you from the bottom of my heart.
In this present political client your reply to President Trump’s inappropriate and appalling rhetoric
was emotional for me. 
You summed up the situation perfectly and I can’t thank you enough. 
God bless you and The City of Philadelphia!
Marc S. Needlman, Chief Operating Officer 

1480 Techny Road

Northbrook, Illinois 60062

From: Mike Wilhite
To: James Kenney
Subject: White House
Date: Tuesday, June 5, 2018 9:46:57 AM
Attachments: image001.png

It’s a shame you don’t have the backbone President Trump does. Football players kneeling or staying
in the locker room is a disgrace. Shame on you
Mike Wilhite
Health, Safety and Environmental Manager
O: 435-781-4541 |
29950 South Bonanza Highway | Bonanza, UT 84008

From: Bucket
To: James Kenney
Subject: Finally Taking Out America"s Trash
Date: Tuesday, June 5, 2018 9:26:49 AM

Mr. Mayor,
Hooray for Donald Trump for disinviting the Philadelphia football pukes
to the WH.
Your comment “… not a true patriot” blasting Trump is a reflection of
your breathless ignorance.
Philadelphia is truly one of America’s premier shit holes.
I know I used to live down that way a half century ago.

Thomas B. Wood

To: James Kenney
Subject: Eagles
Date: Tuesday, June 5, 2018 9:27:16 AM

I agree with your response to Trump 1000%


Harmon Spolan

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To: James Kenney
Subject: Eagles
Date: Tuesday, June 5, 2018 9:23:36 AM

Who gives you the right to decide the fate of a team who disrespects the anthem and the flag to move their agenda
over their right to protest anything shows their ignorance and selfishness to the real American. Trump has done
nothing to them but sign bills that help the black community. The argument is with the police and how they handle
events... You suck as a mayor and have no idea how to run a city. What's next, a tax on how white people are..
From: Courtright, Victoria (*IC)
To: Press
Cc: James Kenney
Subject: TMZ // Mayor Jim Kenny
Date: Tuesday, June 5, 2018 9:27:58 AM

Good morning!
I’m reaching out in regards to Mayor Jim Kenny for an interview on TMZ Live today with Harvey
We will be discussing Trump disinviting the Eagles to the White House on our show today, and
Harvey would love to have the Mayor speak on it. We saw his statement and I couldn’t agree more
with what he said. Our Executive Producer is also the biggest Eagles fan and would be thrilled to
have the Mayor on the show!
We ask guests to use either Skype or FaceTime for their on-air interviews, so he’d be able to appear
on our show from any location.
We can tape this at any time this morning between 6:00am-12:00pm PST/9:00am-3:00pm EST. Is he
available for 5 minutes?
Let me know when you can. Feel free to text/call me . Thanks so much!
From: Taylor Haney
To: James Kenney
Subject: URGENT: NPR Interview Request for Mayor Kenney
Date: Tuesday, June 5, 2018 9:02:40 AM

Good morning,
I'm writing from National Public Radio, with a request for an interview with Mayor Jim Kenney, about
President Trump's cancelling the Eagles' visit to the White House. This would be a live interview this
morning with one of our hosts.
Let me know if this might be possible, and we can discuss logistics. If this morning doesn’t work, we
might be able to set up an interview with our afternoon show as well.
National Public Radio reaches more than 30 million listeners on over 1,000 radio stations
Thank you,
Taylor Haney | Morning Edition | NPR News | |
From: Timothy Norman Fine Art
To: James Kenney
Subject: your recent statement
Date: Tuesday, June 5, 2018 9:14:57 AM

Mr. Mayor,
Regarding football players disrespecting the flag. "To hell with it!" I am very
glad the President will not have the White House made a spectacle by their
Timothy Norman

Timothy Norman Fine Art

1015 Sleepy Hollow Dr. N.

Irving TX 75061-4483

972.253.4159 (studio)


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Timothy Norman

Timothy Norman Fine Art
1015 Sleepy Hollow Dr. N.

Irving TX 75061-4483

972.253.4159 (studio)

From: Jim DeProspero
To: James Kenney
Subject: Re:
Date: Tuesday, June 5, 2018 8:31:29 AM

Hey Jimmy I thought you should see some of the comments out in cyberspace:

"This guy has to shoot off his mouth to hope he keeps his job. More proof Democratic mayors
do nothing for their cities. Higher unemployment rates (17.7%) and lower labor participation
rates (68.6% for nonhispanic blacks) than the rest of PA. Poverty rate 25.7% highest of
nation's 10 largest cities. Violent crime rate again one of the highest in the nation across
communities of all sizes. National data shows Philadelphia has the highest premature mortality
rate (age adjusted life lost before age 75) -of the 11 largest counties in the U.S. Getting the
picture? What's this mayor doing for Philly? Bad mouthing the one who is improving national
economy, creating jobs, restoring national respect, bringing home hostages. It's not about race.
Its a distraction. A ruse. Look over here, not at my record or city. Too late, pal. We got your
face and your number. Hopefully you will be out of a job the punks on your once
great Eagles."

Jim DeProspero

On Tue, Jun 5, 2018, 8:25 AM Jim DeProspero wrote:

Tell your ungrateful non victim millionaire eagle players to respect my country. And you
should do the same you jerk. I'm glad that PRESIDENT TRUMP dis-invited them!!! And go
fuck yourself! 
From: ragman rob
To: James Kenney
Subject: CNN Interview
Date: Tuesday, June 5, 2018 8:36:52 AM

Mr. Kenneth,
  EVERYTHING you stated about your city's football team ALSO applies to me. Yes, I voted for president Trump. I
did so because I could see the direction this country was headed and I decided to take my stand with my vote. As a
veteran of the United States Marine Corps I was sickened by the stance that the NFL took at the players actions and
decided that I would no longer be a follower. I would offer that if the eagles were a drain on your city's finances that
your opinion would change. It all comes down to the almighty dollar. The fact that the NFL charges the U.S.Military
for commercial time and/or appearances is another slap in the face. Sure, they put on a good front but that's exactly
what it is, a front. How many players of the football team served (yes "SERVED", a term they would consider
offensive) this country in the military? Please let me know. President Trump is right to not invite your city's team to
the White House, in the city that represents our capital. Yes they have 1st amendment rights of freedom of speech
but do it own your own time not while at work as a member of the NATIONAL or AMERICAN football
conferences. They can do whatever they want on their own time but don't push this social agenda view at me. I grew
up at a time where football players were role models and heroes and it sad that they have chosen this path but there
are many more who are proud of President Trump for taking the stand that true Americans know is the right one.
Robert Haga

Sent from my iPhone

From: Ron Nesbit
To: James Kenney
Subject: YOU
Date: Tuesday, June 5, 2018 8:30:15 AM

Sir- Our family and extended family are going on a Freedom Trail trip this summer (12 total).
 Philadelphia was on our itinerary before your ill advised and intemperate remarks regarding
President Trump. No more. Philly is out.  Wouldn’t spend a dime in your city.

The prima donna players on the Eagles need to learn to respect the flag of our country.
President Trump is in fact a patriot.  You are an a-hole.

Ron Nesbit
From: Nancy Dollard
To: James Kenney
Subject: Thank You Mayor Kenney for Standing Up to trump!
Date: Tuesday, June 5, 2018 8:29:33 AM

Mayor James Kenney:

I just wanted to applaud your public comments for

speaking out about trump.
You are right to hold trump accountable for disinviting the
Eagles as the Eagles have EVERY RIGHT TO SIT DOWN
for the national anthem. 
The protest of the national anthem was about racial injustice,
and of minorities dying at the hands of some racist police.
Since trump is obviously racist, it is better to not go
to the White House, and to speak out about trump's double standard.
The president we have in office is not a patriot, but an obvious criminal who
will hopefully be impeached soon.
In the meantime, I will vote Democrat, and support every
true patriot who SITS for the anthem until unarmed minorities
stop dying at the hands of some corrupt police forces.
Thank you for speaking out against trump as we need
everyone to hold him accountable for his cruel actions and criminal deeds.
You have support, and thank you for using your voice,
Nancy Dollard
From: joe payne
To: James Kenney
Subject: your statement on white house visit
Date: Tuesday, June 5, 2018 7:50:26 AM

Hello Mayor,
I am a former resident of Philadelphia who was written to you prior about disagreements with
your statements regarding the City. I read your statement regarding the President's opinion on
the White House visit cancellation and wow, completely disagree with you again. Your
opinion in among other things are reasons for the mass exodus of the population from the city
limits since the late 1970s and early 1980s. 

Mayor, hard working Americans actually view the actions of the anthem protesters within the
NFL work place as poor taste, not right/ wrong or patriotic, not patriotic. Your observation of
lack of patriotism is obtuse at its very best and tone deaf. Their position is intrinisically
inconsistent on many levels.

Take for example the opinion of the heart and soul of America that in spirit there is one
american flag. This one american flag  is sacred and has flown over this country since our days
of Independence, when Philadelphia was the Capital of our Country. This one American Flag
has always been respected by all Americans as a sacred time to reflect on our past and current
sacrifices made by our Veterans and our Pride in our country. It is not to be used for our
selfish views.

When studying the anthem kneelers, begin to consider how the anthem kneelers wold react in
different situations involving this one American Flag. At Veteran Services, the Flag is placed
with the Veteran to respect their service. Would the Anthem Kneelers kneel at these services
also? The answer is no.

When studying anthem kneelers, if they were on a warship overseas with military, would they
kneel in the presence of the anthem? The answer is likely no. The anthem kneelers would
likely stand to honor the flag.

When anthem kneelers are seen at their own community support activities, are there pictures
of them kneeling in recognition of their on-the-field protests? The answer Mayor is no. The
anthem kneelers could walk down Broad Street daily at 12pm in front of a flag and kneel
there. They aren't doing this. 

The anthem kneelers are hypocrites more than anything else. And hard working Americans
who make the median income that statistically make up close to 50 percent of this country, see
them as a bunch of millionaires out of touch with the sacrifices of our nation. 

In my opinion, your position on the White House visit is actually a continuing sign of
weakness in your Office. Many of us support social justice, criminal justice, and also are
against police brutality. However, the national anthem, the presentation of the Flag that has
flown in this country throughout our existience, is not the time or place to protest. The
heartbeat of America that has founded this country sees it in poor taste.

Once again, thank you for your continual service. You have a very difficult job and I do
support all public servants who make the sacrifice that you do. I just don't support your
position in this matter. And I hope you would change it and take Philadelphia back to a time
where the City grew and prospered with Liberty and Patriotism for the Flag and for the
Country. That is when we were at our strongest actually. We were the Capital of the Country,
a major location for immigration, strong military area, and a City that we were proud of. 

God Bless you and Thank you. 


Joe Payne, PE MBA

President - Joe Payne, Inc. (JPI)
9629 Gretna Green Drive
Tampa, FL 33626
From: David L. Kugelman
To: James Kenney
Subject: Philadelphia Eagles
Date: Tuesday, June 5, 2018 8:28:34 AM

Mayor Kenney
While you “rip” President Trump, many of us Americans applaud him. You can’t handle the
football team that represents your city, so he had to do it for you. Hats off to President Trump
for “standing up” for our National Anthem. As for you, maybe you should show a little respect
for our flag, our country, those who have fought, those who have died defending  us and the
millions of people who get up, go to work every day and make America great. Best of luck you
and yours, sir.
David L. Kugelman
President and CEO
Atlanta Capital Partners, LLC
Peachtree Center - North Tower
235 Peachtree Street, N.E., Suite 400
Atlanta, GA 30303
(404) 856-9157 Office
(866) 692-6847 Toll Free - U.S. & Canada

(404) 601-0780 Fax
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From: Scott Parker - ATL
To: James Kenney
Subject: Your position on the Eagles dis-invite to the White House.
Date: Tuesday, June 5, 2018 7:24:23 AM
Attachments: image001.png

Shame on you. Yet another liberal response to a president that cares about America and our values.
Instead of ripping Trump, you should have made a call to the Eagles management and informed
them that they represent the city, and with that representation comes an obligation to be moral,
civic minded and patriotic. Your anger is misdirected and on the wrong side of the issue.
I hear the liberty bell cracking… again.
Warmest Regards,

W Scott Parker, CLU, ChFC

Area Senior Vice President and Practice Lead

  |  direct: 678.393.5253

Please Note Our New Address:

1050 Crown Pointe Parkway, Suite 600
Atlanta, GA 30338
To: James Kenney
Subject: Eagles
Date: Tuesday, June 5, 2018 7:46:20 AM

With all due respect, your statements regarding President Trump and the Eagles visit to the White
House were uncalled for. You have shown yourself as a true politician. That is, say what will keep you
in office and not what is best for the country.
J. L. Adams
From: Scott Segal
To: James Kenney
Subject: From A life-long Philadelphian
Date: Tuesday, June 5, 2018 7:36:01 AM

Mr. Kenney,
Thank you for expressing what millions of people – not just Philadelphians – not just Eagles fans –
not just football fans, would have loved to say.
You eloquently hit the nail right on the head.
I only wish the Eagles had declined the invite in the first place.
But the guy in the White House did it for them, and he looks like a big schmuck for doing so.
I am deriving much joy in knowing he’ll NEVER get to hold an Eagles jersey with his name on it.
Thank you.

Scott Segal
To: James Kenney
Subject: Trump, NFL players and the rest of the dumb asses
Date: Tuesday, June 5, 2018 6:51:53 AM

Unfortunately, neither our president, nor you, nor the

NFL players and owners, nor the inane media in this
country get the point.  The NFL protests are wrong, but
not for any of the “reasons” listed.  This is about the
rights of the people who pay to see the NFL games to
get what they pay for, and not be forced to see highly
paid, privileged babies cry, demonstrate, show their
“solidarity” or whatever the hell else they call it.  These
“stars” (the word makes me puke), are simply paid to
entertain – PERIOD!  They are paid to do so because
over the years, enough people have paid ridiculous ticket
prices, ridiculous food and drink prices, ridiculous NFL
game package prices on TV and ridiculous memorabilia
and team gear prices, that the NFL owners can pay them
the way they do.  They have an obligation to provide
what we pay for, and we have the RIGHT to get what we
pay for, nothing more, nothing less.  It matters not
whether or not we agree with their issues or points of
view, what matters is this is not the correct venue.  Lord
knows they have so many avenues to express their
opinions that we fans simply do not.  The fact that they
choose to screw this up for us shows a disrespect to us. 
This is not about the flag, patriotism, racism, or any of
the other popular (in the media at least) issues that you
all trumpet.  We are very simply entitled to get what we
pay for.  You, of course, will offer no answer or counter
anything I say.  No one else has either.  What they are
doing is indefensible, for the simple reason I have put
forth.  Philly is a great City, America is a great country,
but you, Trump, and unfortunately everyone else other
than the working stiffs I talk to every day have got it dead
wrong.  I wish to hell one of you prominent guys would
summon up the testicular fortitude to stick up for the
jerks that pay for all this.  Have a great day.  Frank Ferro
From: Holway, Daniel B (NBCUniversal, MSNBC)
To: James Kenney
Subject: MSNBC Interview Request - Tuesday 1pm
Date: Tuesday, June 5, 2018 6:54:10 AM

Mayor Kenney,

My name is Dan Holway, I am a booking producer for MSNBC. I wanted to see if you might
be available to join Craig Melvin today in the 1pm hour to talk about Trump vs the Eagles. My
number here is . Hope to hear from you soon.

-Dan Holway
From: Glyn Goffin
To: James Kenney
Subject: BBC World News interview request
Date: Tuesday, June 5, 2018 3:29:16 AM

I make a programme that goes on air at 7am EST , would Mayor Kenney be able to do a live interview
at about 7:45 over skype on his invitation to the Eagles to visit City Hall.
To: James Kenney
Subject: CNN - Thanks
Date: Tuesday, June 5, 2018 3:13:46 AM
Attachments: image001.png

Good job of speaking out about Trump and the Eagles.  Every day this man is in charge there are new
lows.  This is one of those times in US history where presidential mandated term limits are going to
be very helpful.  
Thank You
Chuck Kohrer
National Sales Manager

O 800 592 0619 ext 2006
Natural Chemistry Pet & Home 2018 Catalog.pdf
From: Figliola, Mike
To: James Kenney
Subject: RE: CNN"s New Day
Date: Tuesday, June 5, 2018 5:02:55 AM

Hi Mayor,
This is Mike with CNN’s New Day

Hope you are well

Would love to have the you join us this morning at either 7a or 8a for 4-7 minutes live via phone (or
studio if possible) to discuss President Trump calling off the Philadelphia Eagles visit to the White
House over National Anthem dispute
Hosts are Alisyn Camerota and Jon Berman
Please let me know your thoughts as soon as possible.
Mike Figliola
Editorial Producer
CNN’s New Day

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From: Jon Ostrowski
To: James Kenney
Subject: Concerned American
Date: Tuesday, June 5, 2018 8:22:06 AM
Attachments: image001.png

Mayor Kenney,
I am a representative of many millions of members who fight with pride to protect the freedoms we
all enjoy daily.  First, I don’t necessarily agree with your politics, but I do have great respect for you
and your office your hold.  I would give you the respect you deserve for being elected to your
position.  Your comments to the press regarding the Philadelphia Eagles attending the White House
event is shameful.  Regardless of anyone's political beliefs, we as a nation of Americans should
respect our leaders even if we do not agree with their views.  That is what makes us the greatest
nation on this Earth.  You should be working to unite all Americans and encourage them to respect
our leaders.  Disagreeing with an opinion of our leaders is okay.  Our children don’t always agree
with a parents opinion, but at the end of the day, they should respect the authority of a parents
position, and if they don’t then, we have a problem with the parenting.  This logic holds true for our
politicians as well.  Please refrain from disrespecting our leadership in this country, and help shape
our citizens to respect all politicians and offices they hold.
Very Respectfully,


Jon Ostrowski | Executive Director | Senior Chief, USCGR, Retired

Non Commissioned Officers Association  |  4400 Fair Lakes Ct.  |  Fairfax, VA 22033
O (703) 549-0311 | | 
Current Appointments:

President-Elect, U.S. Coast Guard Chief Petty Officers Association

Chairman, Defense Health Agency Uniform Formulary Beneficiary Advisory Panel, DoD
Board Member, Joint Leadership Council, Commonwealth of Virginia
Board Member, AAFES Exchange Retiree Advisory Council, United States Army
From: Alicia Flanery
To: James Kenney
Subject: Congrats on Don Lemon Interview - Possible suggestion moving forward...
Date: Tuesday, June 5, 2018 2:08:12 AM

Dear Mayor Kenney,

First, I would like to say I watch Don Lemon nearly every night on CNN, including
tonight, and I really admired your interview. It's very rare I'm surprised (in a positive
way) by a guest's opinion, but I was by your ability to validate both your reason for
standing during our National Anthem as a white male and African-American players'
choice to participate in a form of protest on the same premise, namely the same
premise Colin Kaepernik laid out to start. 

In light of this current President's actions against the Eagles and the NFL as a whole
in regards to the protests, I have a possible suggestion. After seeing your interview
with Don Lemon, I thought I would reach out to you, as I am not in a position to
propose ideas in any meaningful forum. Since the main hot button topic being pushed
to create a false controversy in this situation is that the players are disrespecting the
troops by kneeling, each team should combat that with a simple show of support for
the troops each game. There's several different ways to demonstrate this (e.g., a yellow
ribbon symbol on the team jersey, kneeling while holding a picture of a wounded or
fallen African-American service member [the pictures can even be of different service
members at each game from the players' hometown or state], reserving a section of
the stadium for 1 veteran with their family per each starting player and have each
player walk the veteran and their family to their seats in that section pre-game, etc.),
but the only way it will work is if each team as a whole agreed on a method and the
teams as a league agreed to move forward publicly this way.

Obviously, as a white female, I may not understand every caveat of Mr. Kaepernik's
decision on form of protest, and this is not meant to undercut the message of
increasing racial injustice and police brutality in any way. In fact, I'm hoping it will get
it back on track. My background in research does tend to make me see things more
analytically sometimes, but the way I see it right now, dividing the country is horrible.
Using our troops as fodder to do it is worse, and it is the furthest place from patriotic
a President of the United States can get. On a larger scale, due to my background, it's
difficult for me to continually see facts matter less each day. I've found it difficult to
find a way to get involved in any way other than replying with occasional Twitter
posts, though.


Alicia Flanery, M.Ed.

Twitter: @aflanery89
From: Eileen Blair
To: James Kenney
Subject: CNN / Don Lemon
Date: Tuesday, June 5, 2018 1:01:56 AM
Attachments: CNNDon Lemon show.msg

Sent from Mail for Windows 10
From: Thomas R. Holt
To: James Kenney
Subject: Eagles White House celebration
Date: Tuesday, June 5, 2018 12:13:04 AM

Mayor are the cowardly egomaniac, not President Trump. You are so full of your self importance and
your political career that you fail to honor our brave military men and women who protect your right and the Eagles
players’ rights to live in this free country of ours. No one is forcing any of you to remain in this country that you
disrespect. There are many other countries that welcome immigrants who dislike their country of origin. You can
choose to emigrate any of them.

Thomas R. Holt

Sent from my iPhone

To: James Kenney
Subject: Thank You
Date: Monday, June 4, 2018 11:16:59 PM

I just heard you on CNN and I want to thank you for expressing my feelings about Trumps behavior regarding the
Super Bowl
As the daughter of two 
Parents from Philly and one who respected my father for serving his country in the US Navy for 30 years, I am so
sad that we have a President who does not embrace values I respect.
Thank you for your articulate comments, it is more than the rest of the NFL did for the players!
Fly Eagles Fly!!

Sent from my iPhone

From: laura brandt
To: James Kenney
Subject: Sports Illustrated/SI Now request
Date: Monday, June 4, 2018 10:56:46 PM

To Whom It May Concern,

I'm contacting you on behalf of Sports Illustrated's weekday streamed
show, SI Now.  Apologies for the late request, but the SI Now showrunner
wanted me to see if Mayor Kenney was doing any on-camera media on the
POTUS Eagles White House visit comments and could schedule a brief
skype interview tomorrow morning.  I look forward to hearing from you if
anything is possible.  Thanks for your time and consideration.

Laura Brandt
Talent Producer/Booker
Sports Illustrated/SI Now
From: Booker, Cory (NBCUniversal)
To: James Kenney; Jane Slusser
Subject: Fwd: MEDIA REQUEST! MSNBC - The Beat with Ari Melber
Date: Monday, June 4, 2018 11:32:07 PM

Please let me know how we can make this happen. Thanks so much, Cory


MSNBC, Producer

Begin forwarded message:

From: <>
Date: June 4, 2018 at 11:00:31 PM EDT
To: <>, <>
Subject: MEDIA REQUEST! MSNBC - The Beat with Ari Melber

Hello- reaching out to see if Mayor Jim Kenney was available to join Ari Melber
on the show tomorrow. We’re live in the 6pmET hour and could look into
pretaping at anytime that could work better. We’d like to have him on to talk
about President Trump canceling Eagles visit. Please let me know. Thanks so
much, Cory 


MSNBC, Producer
From: Jane Slusser
To: Booker, Cory (NBCUniversal)
Cc: James Kenney; Deana Gamble
Subject: Re: MEDIA REQUEST! MSNBC - The Beat with Ari Melber
Date: Monday, June 4, 2018 11:43:24 PM

Adding in our comms director Deana Gamble.

On Jun 4, 2018, at 11:32 PM, Booker, Cory (NBCUniversal) <>


Please let me know how we can make this happen. Thanks so much, Cory


MSNBC, Producer

Begin forwarded message:

From: <>
Date: June 4, 2018 at 11:00:31 PM EDT
To: <>, <>
Subject: MEDIA REQUEST! MSNBC - The Beat with Ari

Hello- reaching out to see if Mayor Jim Kenney was available to join
Ari Melber on the show tomorrow. We’re live in the 6pmET hour
and could look into pretaping at anytime that could work better. We’d
like to have him on to talk about President Trump canceling Eagles
visit. Please let me know. Thanks so much, Cory 


MSNBC, Producer
From: Booker, Cory (NBCUniversal)
To: Jane Slusser
Cc: James Kenney; Deana Gamble
Subject: Re: [EXTERNAL] Re: MEDIA REQUEST! MSNBC - The Beat with Ari Melber
Date: Monday, June 4, 2018 11:49:36 PM

Much appreciated! Again we can pretape at a time that works for the Mayor, if live in the 6pm
hour doesn’t work. We’ve been following this since the win. We had Torrey Smith on when
the players were deciding and we talked about not everyone wanting attend etc. Would like the
opportunity to have the Mayor on. Thanks, Cory


MSNBC, Producer

On Jun 4, 2018, at 11:43 PM, Jane Slusser <> wrote:

Adding in our comms director Deana Gamble.

On Jun 4, 2018, at 11:32 PM, Booker, Cory (NBCUniversal)

<> wrote:

Please let me know how we can make this happen. Thanks so much,


MSNBC, Producer

Begin forwarded message:

From: <>
Date: June 4, 2018 at 11:00:31 PM EDT
To: <>, <>
Subject: MEDIA REQUEST! MSNBC - The Beat
with Ari Melber

Hello- reaching out to see if Mayor Jim Kenney was

available to join Ari Melber on the show tomorrow.
We’re live in the 6pmET hour and could look into
pretaping at anytime that could work better. We’d like to
have him on to talk about President Trump canceling
Eagles visit. Please let me know. Thanks so much, Cory 


MSNBC, Producer
From: Rosgaard, Jessica
To: James Kenney
Cc: Rampley, Allison
Subject: Interview request: Tuesday, June 5 - HLN/Across America with Carol Costello
Date: Monday, June 4, 2018 10:07:14 PM


This is Jessica Rosgaard from "Across America with Carol Costello" on HLN. I hope this note
finds you well.

We're wondering if Philadelphia Mayor James Kenney would be available to join us tomorrow,

Tuesday, June 5, for a live interview to discuss the cancelation of the Super Bowl Champion
Philadelphia Eagles' visit to the White House. 

Carol would love to speak with Mayor Kenney, by phone or Skype sometime Tuesday during
our show, which airs live from 11am-1pmEST.

I've copied my colleague Allison Rampley on this email. Please let us know if Mayor Kenney
can join us, and we'll work out logistics.

Many thanks,
Jessica Rosgaard
From: Booker, Kalik (DCPS)
To: James Kenney
Cc: Mayor Bowser
Subject: Philadelphia Eagles Visit to Washington, DC!
Date: Monday, June 4, 2018 10:31:03 PM

Good Evening Mayor Kenny-

I cordially invite you and the Philadelphia Eagles to still visit Washington, DC and instead of
visiting the White House and I’d love for you to visit my school and The National Museum of
African American History and Culture for a tour. I was born and raised in Philadelphia and
was educated in the Archdiocese of Philadelphia. I moved to Washington, DC in 2012 to work
in education and I’m still a die heart Eagles fan for life!! Your statement released was well
said and I appreciate you standing up for the players of the Philadelphia Eagles! Let me know
if you’re interested in this offer so we can plan accordingly. I’m 100% sure Mayor Bowser
would support this gesture! I would love to welcome my home team and hometown to
Washington, DC.


Kalik Booker
Director, Strategy & Logistics
Ketcham Elementary School
1919 15th Street SE
Washington, DC 20020
F: (202) 698-1113
Our Students. Our Future. Our Responsibility.

Like the Ketcham Elementary SchoolFacebook Page!

Read our story in the Washington Post to learn more about our outdoor learning
We are doing great things for our students at Ketcham ES.  Read our story in the
Washington Post (here) to learn more!
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Link your Supermarket Loyalty Cards to Ketcham ES to support our PTO!  Details on
how to support us are in the Washington Post!
P Please consider the environment before printing this email!

Don’t miss DC’s 10th Annual DC Housing Expo and Home Show, June 9 from 10AM to
3PM at the Washington Convention Center. Learn more at or call
From: Foster, Tekella
To: Deana Gamble
Cc: Lesh, Jose; Figliola, Mike; James Kenney
Subject: RE: CNN New Day for Mayor Jim Kenney on Tues, June 5th
Date: Monday, June 4, 2018 10:47:35 PM

Hello, Deana.  Just learned the mayor is on CNN this evening. (Thank you)
Because we are leading with this story in the morning, we’d love for him to join us as well.  I truly hope he’ll reconsider.  Final answer?
Thank you,
From: Foster, Tekella
Sent: Monday, June 04, 2018 10:32 PM
To: 'Deana Gamble' <>
Cc: Lesh, Jose <>; Figliola, Mike <>
Subject: RE: CNN New Day for Mayor Jim Kenney on Tues, June 5th
Adding my overnight team just in case something changes overnight.  We are staffed 24 hours.  Please reply all to this thread. Thank you again.
From: Foster, Tekella
Sent: Monday, June 04, 2018 10:30 PM
To: 'Deana Gamble' <>
Subject: RE: CNN New Day for Mayor Jim Kenney on Tues, June 5th
Is there a time that works better for him?  We could do a phoner or facetime interview if that’s more convenient. 
From: Deana Gamble []
Sent: Monday, June 04, 2018 10:29 PM
To: Foster, Tekella <>
Subject: Re: CNN New Day for Mayor Jim Kenney on Tues, June 5th
Hello I’m sorry Mayor Kenney is not available during this time frame. 
-Deana Gamble 
---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Nefertiri Sickout <
Date: Mon, Jun 4, 2018 at 10:02 PM
Subject: Re: CNN New Day for Mayor Jim Kenney on Tues, June 5th
To: Tekella Foster

Hello Ms. Foster, I will forward your email to our Communications staff promptly. Mayor Kenney's calendar tends to be scheduled far in advance,  but I will certainly pass
this along this evening. 
On Mon, Jun 4, 2018 at 9:47 PM Tekella Foster <> wrote:

Nefertiri Sickout  

Dear Nefertiri,

Hope you’re well. I realize this is late notice so thank you in advance for
forwarding this request along to the appropriate contact.

I work as an Editorial Producer or Booker on CNN’s morning show New Day with
Alisyn Camerota and John Berman.

We would like to request an interview with Mayor Kenny on tomorrow,

Tuesday, June 5th between the hours of 6-9amET? We will make the necessary
arrangements to accommodate him in the morning.

Topic: Philadelphia Eagles Cancelled White House Visit

Please give me a call to discuss the details at office or

Thank you so very much,


Tekella Foster
Editorial Producer
CNN New Day
One Time Warner Center
4th Floor
New York, NY 10019
212-275-7850 office

Reply Not interested

View Tekella's LinkedIn profile

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This email was intended for Nefertiri Sickout (Deputy Diversity and Inclusion Officer at Office
of Mayor James F. Kenney).Learn why we included this.

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From: James Kenney
To: Gerrit Ritt
Subject: Re: NBC Sports Radio - Interview Request
Date: Monday, June 4, 2018 9:43:45 PM

Dear Gerrit,

Thank you for reaching out to my office. Please send your inuiry to the Mayor's Office of
Communications at

Mayor Jim Kenney

From: Gerrit Ritt

Sent: Monday, June 4, 2018 9:29:27 PM
To: James Kenney; Sylvie GallierHoward;
Subject: NBC Sports Radio - Interview Request

Hi, my name's Gerrit Ritt, I'm the executive producer of the NBC Sports Radio Network in
Los Angeles. Heard about Mayor Kenney's response to President Trump cancelling the
Eagles' visit to the White House tomorrow. We'd love the opportunity to get Jim on our
national show with Newy Scruggs to talk about the situation if he has 7-8 mins tomorrow at
some point .. Our show airs in over 100 markets (several in PA) and on SiriusXM Radio, with
these being some available times at the moment:

TUESDAY - 11:00, 11:15, 11:45, 12:15, 12:35, 2:35 or 2:45pm EST

I know it's late in the game, but hopefully something can fit. Really appreciate anything you
can do. Have a good night!

Gerrit Ritt
Executive Producer, NBC Sports Radio
From: James Kenney
To: Deborah Mahler
Subject: Fw: NBC Sports Radio - Interview Request
Date: Monday, June 4, 2018 9:46:10 PM

Also as an FYI--should be coming your way.


From: James Kenney

Sent: Monday, June 4, 2018 9:43 PM
To: Gerrit Ritt
Subject: Re: NBC Sports Radio - Interview Request
Dear Gerrit,

Thank you for reaching out to my office. Please send your inuiry to the Mayor's Office of
Communications at

Mayor Jim Kenney

From: Gerrit Ritt

Sent: Monday, June 4, 2018 9:29:27 PM
To: James Kenney; Sylvie GallierHoward;
Subject: NBC Sports Radio - Interview Request
Hi, my name's Gerrit Ritt, I'm the executive producer of the NBC Sports Radio Network in Los
Angeles. Heard about Mayor Kenney's response to President Trump cancelling the Eagles'
visit to the White House tomorrow. We'd love the opportunity to get Jim on our national show
with Newy Scruggs to talk about the situation if he has 7-8 mins tomorrow at some point ..
Our show airs in over 100 markets (several in PA) and on SiriusXM Radio, with these being
some available times at the moment:

TUESDAY - 11:00, 11:15, 11:45, 12:15, 12:35, 2:35 or 2:45pm EST

I know it's late in the game, but hopefully something can fit. Really appreciate anything you
can do. Have a good night!

Gerrit Ritt
Executive Producer, NBC Sports Radio
From: Foster, Tekella
To: James Kenney
Subject: RE: CNN New Day for Mayor Jim Kenney on Tues, June 5th
Date: Monday, June 4, 2018 9:52:31 PM
Attachments: image001.png

Mayor Kenney, bless you for reaching out directly.  I’ve emailed your team and patiently waiting. 
We are looking at a hit time for 7:15amET. 
Thank you again for following up.
From: James Kenney []
Sent: Monday, June 04, 2018 9:45 PM
To: Foster, Tekella <>
Subject: Re: CNN New Day for Mayor Jim Kenney on Tues, June 5th

Dear Tekella,

Thank you for reaching out to my office. Please send your inquiry to the Mayor's Office of
Communications at


Mayor Jim Kenney

From: Foster, Tekella <>

Sent: Monday, June 4, 2018 9:38:26 PM
To: Press; James Kenney
Subject: CNN New Day for Mayor Jim Kenney on Tues, June 5th
Dear Media Relations,
Hope you’re well.   I realize this is late notice so thank you in advance for considering this
I work as an Editorial Producer or Booker on CNN’s morning show New Day with Alisyn
Camerota and John Berman.
Is Mayor Kenny able to join our program on Tuesday, June 5th between the hours of 6-9amET? 
We will make the necessary arrangements to accommodate him in the morning.
Topic:  Philadelphia Eagles Cancelled White House Visit
Please give me a call to discuss the details at 212-275-7850 office or cell.
Thank you so very much,

Tekella Foster
Editorial Producer
CNN New Day
One Time Warner Center
4th Floor
New York, NY 10019
212-275-7850 office
From: James Kenney
To: Foster, Tekella
Bcc: Deana Gamble
Subject: Re: CNN New Day for Mayor Jim Kenney on Tues, June 5th
Date: Monday, June 4, 2018 9:45:14 PM
Attachments: image003.png

Dear Tekella,

Thank you for reaching out to my office. Please send your inquiry to the Mayor's Office of
Communications at

Mayor Jim Kenney

From: Foster, Tekella <>

Sent: Monday, June 4, 2018 9:38:26 PM
To: Press; James Kenney
Subject: CNN New Day for Mayor Jim Kenney on Tues, June 5th

Dear Media Relations,

Hope you’re well.   I realize this is late notice so thank you in advance for considering this
I work as an Editorial Producer or Booker on CNN’s morning show New Day with Alisyn
Camerota and John Berman.
Is Mayor Kenny able to join our program on Tuesday, June 5th between the hours of 6-9amET? 
We will make the necessary arrangements to accommodate him in the morning.
Topic:  Philadelphia Eagles Cancelled White House Visit
Please give me a call to discuss the details at 212-275-7850 office or cell.
Thank you so very much,

Tekella Foster
Editorial Producer
CNN New Day
One Time Warner Center
4th Floor
New York, NY 10019
212-275-7850 office
From: Gerrit Ritt
To: James Kenney; Sylvie GallierHoward;
Subject: NBC Sports Radio - Interview Request
Date: Monday, June 4, 2018 9:29:31 PM

Hi, my name's Gerrit Ritt, I'm the executive producer of the NBC Sports Radio Network in
Los Angeles. Heard about Mayor Kenney's response to President Trump cancelling the
Eagles' visit to the White House tomorrow. We'd love the opportunity to get Jim on our
national show with Newy Scruggs to talk about the situation if he has 7-8 mins tomorrow at
some point .. Our show airs in over 100 markets (several in PA) and on SiriusXM Radio, with
these being some available times at the moment:

TUESDAY - 11:00, 11:15, 11:45, 12:15, 12:35, 2:35 or 2:45pm EST

I know it's late in the game, but hopefully something can fit. Really appreciate anything you
can do. Have a good night!

Gerrit Ritt
Executive Producer, NBC Sports Radio
From: Foster, Tekella
To: Press; James Kenney
Subject: CNN New Day for Mayor Jim Kenney on Tues, June 5th
Date: Monday, June 4, 2018 9:38:35 PM
Attachments: image003.png

Dear Media Relations,

Hope you’re well.   I realize this is late notice so thank you in advance for considering this
I work as an Editorial Producer or Booker on CNN’s morning show New Day with Alisyn
Camerota and John Berman.
Is Mayor Kenny able to join our program on Tuesday, June 5th between the hours of 6-9amET? 
We will make the necessary arrangements to accommodate him in the morning.
Topic:  Philadelphia Eagles Cancelled White House Visit
Please give me a call to discuss the details at 212-275-7850 office or cell.
Thank you so very much,

Tekella Foster
Editorial Producer
CNN New Day
One Time Warner Center
4th Floor
New York, NY 10019
212-275-7850 office
From: James Kenney
To: DiGiacomo, Janet
Subject: Re: CNN requesting
Date: Monday, June 4, 2018 9:12:46 PM

Dear Janet,

Thank you for reaching out to my office. Please send your inquiry to the Mayor's Office of
Communications at

Mayor Jim Kenney

From: DiGiacomo, Janet <>

Sent: Monday, June 4, 2018 9:02:49 PM
To: James Kenney
Subject: CNN requesting

CNN is asking if the mayor has a statement with regards to the President cancelling the schedule
White House visit of the Philadelphia Eagles.  You can reply to this email with your response.
Thank you in advance for your co-operation.
Janet DiGiacomo
From: DiGiacomo, Janet
To: James Kenney
Subject: CNN requesting
Date: Monday, June 4, 2018 9:02:53 PM

CNN is asking if the mayor has a statement with regards to the President cancelling the schedule
White House visit of the Philadelphia Eagles.  You can reply to this email with your response.
Thank you in advance for your co-operation.
Janet DiGiacomo
From: Mayor"s Office of Communications
Subject: Mayor Kenney Issues Statement on President Trump"s Decision to Cancel the Eagles White House Visit 
Date: Monday, June 4, 2018 8:56:14 PM

Mayor Kenney Issues Statement on President Trump's Decision to Disinvite the Eagles from the White

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For Immediate Release: June 4, 2018

Contact: Deana Gamble,, 215-686-6210
Mayor Kenney Issues Statement on President Trump's Decision to
Disinvite the Philadelphia Eagles from the White House
PHILADELPHIA - Mayor Kenney released the following statement on the recent
decision of President Trump to disinvite the Philadelphia Eagles from visiting
the White House:

“The Eagles call the birthplace of our democracy home, so it’s no surprise that
this team embodies everything that makes our country and our city great. Their
athletic accomplishments on the field led to an historic victory this year. Fans all
across the country rallied behind them because we like to root for the underdog
and we feel joy when we see the underdogs finally win. I’m equally proud of the
Eagles’ activism off the field. These are players who stand up for the causes
they believe in and who contribute in meaningful ways to their community. They
represent the diversity of our nation—a nation in which we are free to express
our opinions.
"Disinviting them from the White House only proves that our President is not a
true patriot, but a fragile egomaniac obsessed with crowd size and afraid of the
embarrassment of throwing a party to which no one wants to attend.
"City Hall is always open for a celebration."

Copyright © 2018 City of Philadelphia - Mayor's Office, All rights reserved.

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From: Brian Mckinley
To: James Kenney
Subject: Eagles statement on White House visit. Bravo!
Date: Monday, June 4, 2018 9:50:43 PM

Mr. Kenney-

Thank you for supporting American values and common sense in your statement to Mr. Trump about in un-inviting
the Eagles from the White House visit. Although the word Patriot has been hijacked by people who do not
understand the concept, you sir and your team and statement embody all that make us a nation of great individuals.

Keep up the great work. We are all in this together and together we can solve all of the issues that face us.

My niece will be attending Drexel university this fall and my family and I look forward to visiting your historic city.


Brian McKinley
Atlanta, Ga

Sent from my iPhone

From: Bill Schwalb
To: James Kenney
Subject: The Eagles got to show love to their fans. Who needs the White House?
Date: Monday, June 4, 2018 9:36:55 PM

Mr. Mayor,

You've done your city proud. Personally, I would make Kelce my Uber-Goober
in my cabinet, but, hey, that's just me.

Do right by all in your fine cheese-steak, Liberty Bell, Philly-soul-filled city.


Bill Schwalb

From: Randall Garton
To: James Kenney
Subject: Fwd: Trump snub
Date: Monday, June 4, 2018 10:02:43 PM

(From my wife, Sylvia Lowrance):

My son and his friends and neighbors in philly are devastated by the political move by
Trump to rob the eagles of their White House appearreance by cancelling it   It is an
obvious attempt to politicize the win of a team from a multicultural city and an owner who
criticized him, and even more to set up a fall leading to 2018 midterms that involve
politicizing every game based on political purity!  This is outrageous. Please take an
aggressive stand. Set up an alternative in the state capital on the same day they should have
been at the White House! Even better go to philly. Call a holiday. Re-do the super bowl
parade on the day they would have met with trump. Make it great and eclipse the great
divider.  Please lead. If u don’t he wins.  Please all of philly would declare a holiday and
turn out under your leadership.  What a positive. Way to confront tyranny. And what a great
way for philly to remain proud. Please don’t let them get away with this outrage. And don’t
let them politicize  our sports!  It unites us.  Not much left. 

Sylvia Lowrance
From: Reno
To: James Kenney
Subject: Eagles
Date: Monday, June 4, 2018 11:03:44 PM

Mayor Kenny, what a shame you don't think the Eagles should stand for our flag! You condone disrespect. Trump is
right in not having a group that does not believe or respect America in Washington.   Shame on you for allowing this
team to continue disrespecting our flag and doing nothing about it!!!

Sent from my iPad

From: King, Amanda
To: James Kenney
Subject: Fox News request
Date: Monday, June 4, 2018 10:46:08 PM


I hope all is well. I am reaching out to see if Mayor Kenney has some time tomorrow to join our host, Neil Cavuto,
for an interview between 4-5 pm ET. We would like to get his thoughts on the Eagle’s not attending the White
House ceremony this week. We are based in NY, but I can see what cameras we have near his location.

Thank you!
-Amanda King
“Your World with Neil Cavuto”
Fox News Channel

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From: Traci Jo Taylor
To: James Kenney
Subject: Brava
Date: Monday, June 4, 2018 11:26:10 PM

Thank you Sir for your actions and  thoughts on President Trump.  Please continue loudly. Respectively, Traci
From: David Thouvenel
To: James Kenney
Subject: No invitation
Date: Monday, June 4, 2018 11:09:30 PM


To bad you don’t extend to the President the same curiosity you expect him to extend to the players. Yes we all have
a right to our opinion, at least I thought until I saw your opinion.

So much for you, the nfl and your kind, that is I won’t watch the racist nfl.

David Thouvenel
Neskowin, Oregon

Sent from my iPad

From: Jay Bowman
To: James Kenney
Subject: Standing for our National Anthem
Date: Monday, June 4, 2018 11:19:45 PM

Your remarks about Trump and the Philadelphia Eagles only shows your disdain for our country and your disrespect
for our great military men and women.  Your stance on this topic speaks volumes about your character.

Captain Jay D. Bowman

Sarasota, FL

Sent from my iPad

From: Lia Rupp
To: James Kenney
Subject: Thank You For Speaking Out Tonight On CNN
Date: Monday, June 4, 2018 11:26:35 PM


Sent from my iPad

From: Barbara Strough
To: James Kenney
Subject: Thank you for your strong words
Date: Monday, June 4, 2018 11:12:42 PM

I’m watching Don Lemon on CNN and heard your phone interview. THANK YOU for standing up for your players
and the first amendment, and for your succinct, insightful, accurate, and strong words about President Trump.

Barbara Strough
Citrus Heights, CA
From: Joe Lenny
To: James Kenney
Subject: Thank you
Date: Monday, June 4, 2018 11:14:48 PM

God bless you and the Philadelphia Eagles.

Lenore “Lenny” Hawley
Littleton CO

Sent from my iPhone

To: James Kenney
Date: Tuesday, June 5, 2018 12:08:33 AM

Dear Mr. Mayor:

I am in Illinois, but I greatly appreciate deeply your comments on CNN tonight regarding your
model Eagles' Team, and President's Trump lack of patriotism.  I have said that so many
times, but I am so appreciative that a public official stated it on national TV. I do not
understand why our legislatures are so silent and are enablers of the President who basically
brings dishonor to the Office of the Presidency. He constantly exhibits lack of professionalism
and basic knowledge of his responsibilities, ignores the rule of law, denigrates our
governmental agencies and officials, especially the judicial unit, etc.  As you know, I could go
on ad infinitum. I, too, hope that, we, the citizens can soon restore dignity and respect to our
country with a new President.

Again, thank you for your dignity and boldness.  I wish you continued blessings and great
success in your city.

Best regards,

Lorine S. Samuels 
From: Blackie Knight
To: James Kenney
Subject: Thank You!
Date: Monday, June 4, 2018 11:14:56 PM

Dear Sir,
I have just listened to your remarks on CNN with Don Lemon and I just
wanted you to know that no matter what anyone else may say you have just
displayed the best patriotism that any modern American can right now.

Thank you for having the courage and integrity to support the 1st
Amendment rights of all of us American and especially the members of the
Eagles team.

Again, thank you for your courage and integrity and for encouraging all of us
Americans who live hoping for the most expeditious end to this corrupt
presidential administration.

May God bless you, your city and your city's team.
Very sincerely,
Michael Teague
Gulf Breeze, Fl.
From: richard ranieri
To: James Kenney
Subject: my humble opinion
Date: Monday, June 4, 2018 11:49:46 PM

You as a mayor of a major city should be ashamed of yourself backing thug football players who disrespect the flag
of this great Country over a sitting President who wants these spoiled rotten players to honor their Country and those
who fought and died for their freedoms.
You are a filthy disgrace backing these animals but your stupid reaction is not unexpected coming  from the Party of
Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer and Maxine Waters!   All disgusting anti American left wing wackos like yourself!  
You better get used to Trumpbecause she you osiers lose the November midterms you’ll be stuck with Trump for 8
long years.
From: Thomas Birnbaum
To: James Kenney
Subject: Go to hell Eagles!
Date: Monday, June 4, 2018 11:49:08 PM

Shame on Philadelphia! Supporting a "team" that disrespects our national anthem.

The NFL and the Eagles have their head in that place where the sun don't shine! Nothing more than a bunch of brain
damaged  overpriviliged thugs. Their disgusting behavior is not exercising freedom of speech! That requires
personal responsibility. And should be exercised in their own forum. Not in my football stadium.
From: Barbara Gautschi
To: James Kenney
Subject: Thank you
Date: Monday, June 4, 2018 11:51:17 PM

Thank you Mr Kenny for voicing your opinion about Trump, you were spot on.
Sent from my iPad
From: Robert Bell
To: James Kenney
Subject: Trump
Date: Tuesday, June 5, 2018 12:03:17 AM

A perfect encapsulation of our “President “.  Fragile and psychotic. Step up to the plate sir.

Sent from my iPhone

From: Joe
To: James Kenney
Subject: Thank you
Date: Monday, June 4, 2018 11:34:34 PM

Dear Mayor Kenney,

Thank you for your comments on Donald Trump’s disinvite of the Eagles team. There need to more people like you
who have the intestinal fortitude to stand up to the autocrat Trump.  

I am from New Hampshire and therefore a Patriots fan but the Eagles are my second favorite team because my
father grew up in Willow Grove and went to high school in Philadelphia. I have made many visits to eastern
Pennsylvania for family reunions over the years.

There are many great men with a social conscious on this Eagles team especially Chris Long who I admired from his
stint with Patriots and continue to admire for what he has done for social causes in Philadelphia.  These players of
principal don’t deserve to be treated as shabbily as they have been by Donald Trump.

Once again thank you for standing up to the divisive Donald Trump.

Gerald (Joe) Pearce Jr

Sent from my iPad

From: Bart Hess
To: James Kenney
Subject: Eagles White House denial
Date: Tuesday, June 5, 2018 1:03:40 AM

Dear Mr.Mayor,
Are you still reeling from Crooked Hillary's devastating loss in 2016?
Or is that evil criminal witch not letting your fatass suck on her withered,lefty titties?
Stop being a little bitch and go back to sucking musloid dicks,Fatfuck.You democRATS
LOVE blowing muzzies and selling out your own children to the muslims when you aren't
oppressing blacks and latinos.
Quit being a sore loser BITCH!

Bart Hess

From: Roger A Rader
To: James Kenney
Subject: Patriotism
Date: Tuesday, June 5, 2018 12:26:13 AM

Finally a President who stands for America and is proud to be an American.  It’s a damn shame some of the
overpaid NFL players don’t feel the same.
Your comments about President Trump are ludicrous; but what else could be expected from a typical dumb-o-crat as

God bless America!

From: Eric Hattabaugh
To: James Kenney
Subject: Eagles
Date: Tuesday, June 5, 2018 2:25:27 AM

Mayor Kenney,

I am disappointed that you felt it necessary to scold our President for uninviting the
Philadelphia Eagles to the White House. Your sophistry in trying to turn the table on President
Trump, and calling him 'unpatriotic", doesn'tfly with those of us who have defended this great
nation. It is the players who have been stupid enough to choose the Anthem, to do their

By using the National Anthem to try to make their point, for which most of us don't know
what that point is, has been a complete marketing debacle. They have disenfranchised most
Americans and caused the NFL viewer ratings to dip significantly. That my friend is
completely asinine. There are a multitude of ways that these protestors could have made their
point, whatever it is, and made an impact on their communities, through service and
foundations, but instead, they choose to offend every patriotic American, who used to watch
the NFL. And you sir...if you can't make the distinction, you are just as imbisilic as they are. 

It's sad, because you could have set the example and spoken out against the players unpatriotic
actions...and that is exactly what they are. But, because you are a Liberal, who like most
liberals, insist on putting race above what is right and truly patriotic, you have only proven
that you are not worthy to represent other Americans in political office. You are a disgrace to
your office.

 What kind of message are you sending to the young people in our nation?  You are telling
them that if you have an issue, you can trample on the flag and sit out the Anthem. That is
pathetic!  You are obviously as ignorant as the selfish player, and I would expect better of
someone in your position.

I have a foster son, who lives in Philadephia, and I hear story after story of how chaotic your
city is and how dishonest and corrupt people are in your city. It sounds like it is a reflection on
you and your twisted sense of patriotism. 

America is the greatest country in the world and you should promote it as such. And it would
continue to become even greater, if politicians like you would stop with the race baiting and
talk about the immense opportunities this great nation affords EVERYBODY. By the way, my
foster son is black and I am white. And many of my white neighbors are raising black
children, so does that mean that these children have "white privilege"? Stop with the pettiness
and start acting like an adult, who understands the difference between people who are patriotic
and those who aren't, and stand up for a President who is. A President that has done more for
black men and women, in a year and a half, than a black President did in eight years. It's about
time you give credit where credit is due.

Enough said

Eric Hattabaugh 
Proud American and Commander of American Legion Post 79.
From: Thomas McCarthy
To: James Kenney
Subject: President Trump did you all a big favor.
Date: Tuesday, June 5, 2018 12:24:37 AM

Below is your statement. If half the signers of the Declaration of Independence

did not show up for the signing, we would not be the nation we are today. They
had to set aside their differences to produce that document. This country was
greater that their self interests. So, if half of your city's players did not show up to
the White House, how would that look today, tomorrow, ten years from now?
Your city would be shamed to the end of time. Right now it's just you. This is a
business.  If these players want to protest, they should be doing it on their OWN
time. Do you realize how much money they are earning while they sit for the
Anthem? And, people are turning them off because of their selfish little prank is
unacceptable and the league does not have the guts, like our president, to take
decisive action.

Life in black neighborhoods is bad news - black on black crime is through the
roof. Why don't these role model football players get out into the neighborhoods
and start working to help right this floundering population? Their little protests
are nothing but self glorification. Until the black community begins to take
responsibility for itself (that goes a thousandfold to the democrat and religious
leaders who run the big cities), nothing is going to happen. The police are in a
thankless job dealing with all these bad eggs that are breaking the laws day in
and day out. Bad things are going to happen when bad dudes are doing bad

So, Mr. Mayor, apologize to the President. Look what he has done for black and
brown unemployment!! Why don't you stop your resistance and get to work
helping to make the nation great again, for everyone. That's what President
Trump is doing.

Another year without professional football - no problem. I have got much better
things to do than to bankroll unpatriotic gamesters.


Thomas K. McCarthy, PhD

Phoenix, AZ

Philadelphia Mayor Jim Kenney called out Trump, releasing this statement on
the cancellation:
“The Eagles call the birthplace of our democracy home, so it’s no surprise that
this team embodies everything that makes our country and our city great. Their
athletic accomplishments on the field led to an historic victory this year. Fans all
across the country rallied behind them because we like to root for the underdog
and we feel joy when we see the underdogs finally win. I’m equally proud of the
Eagles’ activism off the field. These are players who stand up for the causes
they believe in and who contribute in meaningful ways to their community. They
represent the diversity of our nation—a nation in which we are free to express
our opinions.
Disinviting them from the White House only proves that our President is not a
true patriot, but a fragile egomaniac obsessed with crowd size and afraid of the
embarrassment of throwing a party to which no one wants to attend. City Hall is
always open for a celebration,” said Kenney.
From: Dennis Osborne
To: James Kenney
Subject: Eagles
Date: Tuesday, June 5, 2018 2:50:53 AM

Let's do something this weekend for our community and EAGLES fans which is me to show
the country  that we stand together as brothers  at the Plaza  for all people let's show brother
love  and what philly is about
From: jerseym
To: James Kenney
Subject: Eagles
Date: Tuesday, June 5, 2018 3:58:53 AM

Thank you from the bottom of my heart for having the courage to speak the truth about not
only the Eagles but about our President. It is so difficult day after day to see this Country
become  a laughing stock and be so divided and feel like no one cares anymore. You restored
my faith if only for a day. Keep fighting the good fight. God bless.Sincerely an Eagles fan and
a patriot.
Mary Vath
Sent via my Samsung Galaxy, an AT&T 4G LTE smartphone
From: Hayden Smissen
To: James Kenney
Subject: You are a true American, thank you!
Date: Tuesday, June 5, 2018 12:15:07 AM

Thank you. You are awesome. Thank you for your response to the scumbag in the White House. Hopefully others
will be less afraid to speak the truth.

Hayden Smissen
From: Stacy Speicher
To: James Kenney
Subject: Well spoken, sir.
Date: Tuesday, June 5, 2018 1:02:35 AM

Dear Mayor Kenney -

While you understandably mostly care about the opinions of your constituents, I did want to
send a Bravo from Seattle for your courage in speaking out on what is clearly wrong with the
disinvitation of the Eagles to the White House.  Not only did you clearly and articulately call
out the president for his shameful behavior, you offered a meaningful alternative to the team
and their fans.  (As you probably know, the entire rest of the country was rooting for the
Eagles!). It is sad and ironic  that so few people understand that ‘enforced patriotism’ is the
polar opposite of the rights the flag itself represents.  I don’t know what will happen during the
fall, but it sure would be spectacular to see every single player kneel in solidarity.  Calling out
injustice with the hope of seeing our country do better is the definition of being a good and
brave citizen.  

Anyway - thank you for speaking out.

Kind regards,
Stacy Speicher
Seattle, WA
From: Lawyer37
To: James Kenney
Subject: Thank you for your honesty and courage
Date: Tuesday, June 5, 2018 3:59:41 AM

Dear Mayor Kenney,

I read your eloquent response this evening to Trump disinviting the Philadelphia Eagles to the White House. I also
heard your interview on CNN.  Your words moved me to write and thank you for speaking so honestly and boldly. I
share your outrage - and I live across the country in Texas. I respect you for standing up for what is right and true,
and for standing up to a bully. 

All the best,

Laura Castro

Sent from my iPhone

From: Kathy Fletcher
To: James Kenney
Subject: Players
Date: Tuesday, June 5, 2018 3:42:34 AM

Personally I am very thankful the overpaid pontificating unpatriotic players were disinvited to the white house, the
peoples house, my house. I wouldnt invite them to my home either. Grow up bubble elites. You have a higher duty
to set good examples and you only act like irrational hysterics, children mad because they dont get their own way.
America is on to you. You are not earning any respect.
Mrs. Fletcher
Redding, Ca. 

Sent from my iPhone

From: Barbara Voller
To: James Kenney
Subject: Your remarks
Date: Tuesday, June 5, 2018 3:18:30 AM

I read your remarks regarding the president’s rescinding his invitation to the Eagles. You said
exactly what I believe and I applaud you for openly stating your thoughts. This country is in
dire need of true statesmen to replace the cowering politicians desperately trying not to offend

I’m not from Philadelphia and, frankly, I’m a huge Packers fan (sorry, Eagles) but you
represent the birthplace of American liberty. And that means something. And you do it well.

Thank you for saying what so many of us believe: if leaders of this country are threatened or
offended by citizens exercising their Constitutional right to free speech, they are not fit to hold
any office.


Barbara Voller
Montrose, California

Sent from my iPad

From: Richard and Rebecca Sharpe
To: James Kenney
Subject: Weighing in from across America
Date: Tuesday, June 5, 2018 4:01:48 AM


While issues will always divide us, our commitment and respect to the American Flag and National Anthem should
not.  Many, many, many brave and giving souls of all colors, shapes, and sizes have spilled their blood so it may still
wave across this ever-changing, ever-growing landscape.  President Trump has taken a stand on that issue and I am
proud of him—of you I am not.


Richard Sharpe
Citizen, United States of America
From: NeoTaoist TechnoPagan
To: James Kenney
Subject: Fragility in politics
Date: Tuesday, June 5, 2018 5:47:14 AM

Philadelphia Mayor Jim Kenney slammed Trump for the disinvitation, claiming it

proves the president "is not a true patriot," but rather "a fragile egomaniac obsessed
with crowd size and afraid of the embarrassment of throwing a party to which no one
wants to attend."

See this is exactly why you won't win re-election. 

Enjoy your retirement. 

From: Sandi Wheeler
To: James Kenney
Subject: City of Brotherly....?
Date: Tuesday, June 5, 2018 5:42:56 AM

Hello Mayor!

Thank you for making it easy for me and my family to choose NOT to visit Philly
in the future. It was on our list of places to go but now that you have rudely
vented about our President and his disinvite of the Eagles, I believe that we are
not welcome in a city that WAS known as the city of Brotherly Love. Philly was
known as a city so prevalent in our history and its patriotic beginnings. 

So sad that you have to use divisive politics that show your true colors.

Sadly...we will NOT be coming to visit...not now! Oh brother!

Thank you!


Sandi Wheeler
From: Howard Klein
To: James Kenney
Subject: Philadelphia Eagles
Date: Tuesday, June 5, 2018 4:05:18 AM

Mayor Kenney,
Your Philadelphia Eagles got exactly what they deserved from the President. Their disrespect
for this country's National Anthem, flag, and the military men and women who have sacrificed
so much to defend them is disgraceful. The Eagles do not deserve to be honored at the White

You, on the other hand, have shown yourself to be a typical politician with an equal lack of
respect for the symbols of our nation. Demeaning those, like the President, who hold our
national symbols sacred shows you to be a self serving little man. You have earned my disdain.

Howard M. Klein
US Army retired
From: WWF
To: James Kenney
Subject: Hey Kenny, you couldn’t carry President Trump’s jockstrap! Melt snowflake!
Date: Tuesday, June 5, 2018 5:39:42 AM

Your city’s a mess of crime and drugs! I’ve been there, and couldn’t wait to get the hell out.
BTW, I haven’t watched football in over a year, and never will again, so who cares about
those crybabies? Declining NFL RATINGS  say less and less people. It’s always funny when
someone irrelevant tries to inject themselves int the conversation. In case you’re as stupid as
your comments, the irrelevant one is YOU!

Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPad

From: Rhonda Campbell
To: James Kenney
Subject: President trump
Date: Tuesday, June 5, 2018 5:30:28 AM

Sent from my iPho

I am flabbergasted at the hypocrisy shown by you  by such name calling of the President  of the United States.   I
know nothing about you but find your recent statement  quite inappropriate- regardless of the circumstances.
From: David Ruel
To: James Kenney
Subject: White House Visit
Date: Tuesday, June 5, 2018 5:56:16 AM

Mayor Kenney,

   I just read an article about the outrage over the Eagles being disinvited to the White House.

   Personally, as a 26 year veteran, I do not feel that ANY professional athlete deserves a visit
to the White House.  I do not feel that winning a game, while being paid millions of dollars,
justifies a visit and meeting with the President.

   In regards to the National Anthem protests, every American citizen has the right to protest,
but NOT on my time.  When I watch a game or buy a ticket, I am expecting a performance by
a paid performer, not a protest over their perceived injustices in our country.

   Do you really want to know what an injustice is; it's a 20 year old soldier making $25K a
year, sitting on his bunk in Afghanistan, reading a text book in hopes of getting his degree, in
between fire fights while a millionaire is playing a GAME, all the while being protected by the
police they protest when they enter and exit a stadium and then protesting inequality.

   I will be the first to admit that there are more good players than there are bad ones, but just
like the opinion of the police, if one is bad, they must all be bad.


David Ruel
From: David Pistorius
To: James Kenney
Subject: Eagles
Date: Tuesday, June 5, 2018 6:12:24 AM

Take your over-privileged Philadelphia Eagles players and teach them to respect MY COUNTRY!!!  I’m a Marine
combat vet and I don’t tolerate shit like that. President Trump was 100% right to disinvite those disrespectful
morons from visiting the White House!!!  The NFL, much like the democrat party, is done. #BoycottNFL
Sent from my iPhone
From: Daniel Garnett
To: James Kenney
Subject: FUCK YOU
Date: Tuesday, June 5, 2018 6:06:17 AM

fuckin worthless old man. 
From: Jimmy Mitchell
To: James Kenney
Subject: Don’t disrespect Combat Vets
Date: Tuesday, June 5, 2018 6:38:21 AM

Mayor Kenney,

Please do us a favor and support your flag and country.

Not the raciest NFL players. Currently you are an ignorant supporter of racism.
The Philadelphia Eagles players that do not stand are racists plan and simple.

I spent 10 years away from my family fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan for our flag. Not standing for our flag is
disrespectful to me and every other combat vet that gave to protect it.

Those who do not stand are racist.

You know it. I know it.  

Do me and every other American a favor. Be a patriot do not support BLM raciest.

James Mitchell
From: Suzy LeGault
To: James Kenney
Subject: Eagles White House dis-invitation
Date: Tuesday, June 5, 2018 6:15:21 AM

Dear Mayor Kennedy,

I am a Vermont resident and New England Patriots fan.  But I am now a bigger fan of the Philadelphia Eagles. What
backbone they have shown in standing up to President Trump. Your tweet about Trump being a fragile egomaniac is
so true.  He is incredibly divisive and is working hard to turn Americans against each other.

Thank you so much for calling out President Trump.  It is wonderful to see the mayor of one of our great cities tell
the truth about our President.


Suzanne LeGault (Burlington, Vermont)

From: Tom Moore
To: James Kenney
Subject: Mr Trump
Date: Tuesday, June 5, 2018 6:28:58 AM

Hey Jerk!
Just to b clear about patriotism, and who has it.
You are not equal to a pimple on President Trump's Ass, so u need to keep your stupid mouth
shut.   Even your own police department hates you!
From: Ginger Evans
To: James Kenney
Subject: You Are The Biggest Cry Baby Of Them All
Date: Tuesday, June 5, 2018 6:00:26 AM

It’s always funny to see a pot calling a kettle black. It seems the ‘men’ paid millions to play a game are the ones
who are not true patriots and fragile egomaniacs. Who wouldn’t be embarrassed to throw a party where no one
shows up? LOL You are laughable. Your precious players are the ones who balk and criticize the president, don’t
accept a party invite to celebrate and you freaking Democrats somehow try to flip the script to make it about the
person who is getting snubbed?!  WOW! Your little brain is clever…anything to stay relevant in the political world,
right Jimmy?

I don’t think tax payers should be footing the bill for 1% to put on a display of wealth. What’s up with you
Democrats always spending other people’s money to make yourself feel good?  Well, I’m glad that money has run
out.  I don’t watch football - I have other more important things to do than watch grown men play ball games for
millions of dollars. Stupid game, stupid people, stupid mayor.

If these men under  your purview (what are they? Boys to you?) can act up at their WORK and claim life is unfair
why can’t President Trump act up? I voted against Hillary not for Trump but I’m so glad he won. I’m sick of your
side acting like children because you didn’t get your way in one election! I didn’t get my way in the last two and
you didn’t see me behave the way you are! I do business in PA and you might be surprised to know the folks I work
with were on the Trump Train long before I cast my vote away from Hillary toward Trump.

You need to just shut up - you may be a hero to the freaks on the Left for an afternoon but you have now shown
your true colors by acting like a child. If I invited people to a superfluous party paid for by others, and over half my
guests refused to show up because I’m white and they don’t like my political ideas - I’d cancel the party as well. 

Every time I look at your picture I want to punch your white pasty stupid Democrap face.  What a pant load you
are.  It makes me happy that our beloved President Trump has upset your pasty face. Get over it….and grow the hell

Ginger Evans

When the players who get on their knees and offend our country actually do something of relevance in poor
minority  neighborhoods and mentor fatherless kids (hell, most of them don’t father the kids they put on the earth!)
and get involved with the community and the police to fix the problem…then you need to shut up.  Getting on your
knees doesn’t do a darn thing to fix whatever problems they believe they see in the country….but, isn’t that just like
a Democrap?  All you people know how to do is cry and spend other people’s money.  Sweat equity is lost on you
people!  Shame on you for getting involved in an endless war. LOSER!
From: Lunde, Michael CIV NAWCAD,
To: James Kenney
Subject: White House Visit
Date: Tuesday, June 5, 2018 6:31:32 AM


Nice job disgracing the President and the office he holds. It really shows the true Democrat colors, weak and putrid.
I am a retired Navy veteran and find you and your football team deplorable. Had to steal one of your words! I live
just south of you in the Communist state of Maryland. I refuse to visit Philly nor spend one nickel there. Like you
said it is my choice right? Your crime rate is 46% higher than the national average. Remind me again why I would
want to visit the city of brotherly love? The United States Government needs to take possession of the Liberty Bell
and move it to a safer place, like South Dakota, so it may be enjoyed without fear of harm. Have a nice day, and
keep on attacking conservatives. It shows your true maturity level.

Mike Lunde
From: r2p2c2
To: James Kenney
Subject: Proud of the Eagles?
Date: Tuesday, June 5, 2018 6:30:41 AM

I'm sorry to hear you're "proud" of these antiAmerican shitbirds. 

  I think their behavior is absolutely disgusting!!!!
  We used to love to come to Philly for the weekend but now I will go spend my American
currency in a city the promotes American values.
  It's a shame how you turned a city that was in the heart of the American revolution into a
democratic anti-American shithole.

Robert Cifrodelli 

Sent from my Sprint Samsung Galaxy S7.

From: Cyber Spud
To: James Kenney
Subject: President Trump
Date: Tuesday, June 5, 2018 6:07:23 AM

Mayor Kennedy,

Unlike you, the President is showing the leadership this nation leads. He is setting the example
for the nation on what true patriotism is and is not. He is showing what support of our troops
and appreciation of their sacrifice is. In the case of the Eagles, they have players that are
demonstrating what patriotism "is not," and the President is showing leadership by calling
them out on it.

You calling President Trump out on it? Very sad. You sir, are weak. You stand for nothing,
especially not this nation nor Her troops. You, frankly, should not be in office because of it
and I hope you will be voted out the first chance voters get. You are dividing this nation and
weakening it by your calling out the President when he is taking a stand for out nation and Her
troops. Again, very sad. Remember sir, it is "united we STAND, divided we fall." You should
apologize to the this nation and the troops and come out in support of it.

You also do not reflect the heart of a majority of the fans of the NFL, the military, and the
people of this nation.

I will say this, most Americans respect the players' right to protest, but fans have been (for
quite some time) abhorred that players use the national anthem to do so. Players need to find
another way and do it on their own time (not on the clock) like every other American. If the
players will choose a different vehicle by which to protest, I think they'll find the fans more
open to their plight.


From: Sjoblad, Steven C C6ITF
To: James Kenney
Subject: Thank You
Date: Tuesday, June 5, 2018 6:21:28 AM

Mayor Kenney
Thank you for what is one of the best descriptions of Trump’s character I have seen. Living in Connecticut I have
always supported the Giants and Patriots and will now add the Eagles to the list. The team is lucky to have such
support from the Mayor and it is too bad the NFL has taken a knee to Trump.
Steve Sjoblad

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From: william
To: James Kenney
Subject: The President
Date: Tuesday, June 5, 2018 6:45:28 AM

Disrespecting the President for refusing to meet with a delegation from the Eagles proves that you are not a patriot
and that you are a fool.

William Rohrbach
Denville, New Jersey

Sent from my iPhone

From: Bill Mason
To: James Kenney
Subject: Philadelphia Eagles
Date: Tuesday, June 5, 2018 6:54:21 AM

"Kenney slammed President Donald Trump as "not a true patriot" and "a
fragile egomaniac"


You are not even close to a patriot.  You obviously have

your  thoughts confused if you believe that the members of Eagles
football team represent America.

As with most NFL teams, they are a bunch of overpaid thugs and
demonstrate no respect for America, her Veterans and our heritage.

You are a step worse, supporting them.

From: Blake Allen
To: James Kenney
Subject: Eagles Are An Embarrassment...
Date: Tuesday, June 5, 2018 7:01:23 AM

…and you are so far out of line.

The President is The President, and your football team is bunch of ingrates in a league full of
ingrates. I couldn’t care less what causes they support.
From: Rosemary Graham
To: James Kenney
Subject: I love the Mayor of Philly
Date: Tuesday, June 5, 2018 7:16:08 AM

Dear Mayor Kenney,

I’m from Rochester NY,but I just wanted you to know that I love you for being a good human being,I love the
Eagles and I love Philadelphia.

Go Eagles,
Rosemary Graham

Sent from my iPhone

From: Chamarra McCrorey
Subject: Mayor’s Office Press Clips 6.5.18
Date: Tuesday, June 5, 2018 7:06:04 AM
Attachments: PressClips6.5.18.docx

Mayor’s Office Press Clips 6.5.18 

NOTE: Please send around to your department. If anyone in your department would like to receive our
emails, please email Harrison Morgan at
Mayor Kenney Mentions
TV & Radio Mentions
Philadelphia News
City Council
Pennsylvania News
National News
Inquirer/Daily News Full Article


Trump Abruptly Calls Off Eagles Super Bowl Celebration at White House
The New York Times // Michael D. Shear
President Trump abruptly called off the White House celebration honoring the Super Bowl-champion
Philadelphia Eagles after nearly all of the players and coaches said they would boycott the visit after the
president’s demands that players stand during the national anthem at games.

White House officials said that fewer than 10 members of the team were planning to attend the
celebration on Tuesday afternoon on the South Lawn despite weeks of planning for the event, which is
usually a nonpolitical celebration of a football victory.

Instead, this year’s event to honor the Eagles has become a bitter reflection of the deep divisions in the
United States over race, patriotism and Mr. Trump himself. When it became clear that most members of
the team would not attend, Mr. Trump issued a blistering statement disinviting them.

...In a statement late Monday, Mayor Jim Kenney of Philadelphia said that disinviting the Eagles “from the
White House only proves that our president is not a true patriot, but a fragile egomaniac obsessed with
crowd size and afraid of the embarrassment of throwing a party to which no one wants to attend.”

Philly Taunts ‘Fragile Egomaniac’ Trump Over Canceled Super Bowl Party
Huffington Post // Ed Mazza
President Donald Trump on Monday canceled a party celebrating the Philadelphia Eagles’ Super Bowl
victory ― but some in the City of Brotherly Love are wearing it like a badge of honor.

“Disinviting them from the White House only proves that our President is not a true patriot, but a fragile
egomaniac obsessed with crowd size and afraid of the embarrassment of throwing a party to which no
one wants to attend,” Philadelphia Mayor Jim Kenney said in a news release.

Kenney’s chief of staff, Jane Slusser, trolled Trump on Twitter:

Our party was bigger than yours #FlyEaglesFly

Rendell, Kenney, other fans react to Trump disinviting Eagles

Inquirer // Robert Moran
Ed Rendell, a diehard Eagles fan and former Pennsylvania governor, called Trump’s decision to disinvite
the Eagles from the White House “bordering on idiotic.”
Rendell emphasized that Trump has repeatedly mischaracterized what the players were protesting: how
blacks are treated in the criminal-justice system.

“The president should have expected this when he called some of the players ‘sons of bitches’ and saying
they were dishonoring the military,” Rendell said in a telephone interview. “This has nothing to do with the

...Mayor Kenney issued a statement calling Trump a “fragile egomaniac.”

Philly Mayor Rips Trump For Not Being A True Patriot After He Disinvites The Eagles To The White
Politics USA
Philadelphia Mayor Jim Kenney lit Trump up for throwing a party that nobody wanted to attend after the
president disinvited the Super Bowl champion Philadelphia Eagles to the White House.
Mayor Kenney said in a statement:

The Eagles call the birthplace of our democracy home, so it’s no surprise that this team embodies
everything that makes our country and our city great. Their athletic accomplishments on the field led to an
historic victory this year. Fans all across the country rallied behind them because we like to root for the
underdog and we feel joy when we see the underdogs finally win. I’m equally proud of the Eagles’
activism off the field. These are players who stand up for the causes they believe in and who contribute in
meaningful ways to their community. They represent the diversity of our nation—a nation in which we are
free to express our opinions.

Disinviting them from the White House only proves that our President is not a true patriot, but a fragile
egomaniac obsessed with crowd size and afraid of the embarrassment of throwing a party to which no
one wants to attend.

Eagles respond after President Trump cancels White House visit

Digging deeper into a culture war that he's repeatedly stoked, President Donald Trump called off a visit to
the White House by the Philadelphia Eagles, citing the dispute over whether NFL players protesting racial
injustice must stand during the playing of the national anthem.

Trump said in a statement Monday that some members of the Super Bowl championship team "disagree
with their President because he insists that they proudly stand for the National Anthem, hand on heart, in
honor of the great men and women of our military and the people of our country."

He said the team wanted to send a smaller delegation Tuesday, but "the 1,000 fans planning to attend
the event deserve better."

...Philadelphia Mayor Jim Kenney replied with his own statement, saying that he is "equally proud of the
Eagles' activism off the field" and that the players "represent the diversity of our nation - a nation in which
we are free to express our opinions."
Action, not just talk, needed to save Philly kids from toxic schools | Opinion
Inquirer // Jerry Jordan
As another school year draws to a close, it is important for all of us to reflect on our successes and
challenges of the year, and to work diligently to ensure that come August, our students are prepared for
success. Setting our students up for success is something we talk about frequently — but too often, it’s
just that — talk.

Philadelphia, we have some tough choices ahead of us. Are we going to invest in crucial programs and
services that our children not only deserve but to which they are also legally entitled? Are we committed
to expanding Mayor Kenney’s Community Schools initiative, where students all over the city are
benefitting from schools that are transforming into community hubs, bustling with activities, programs, and
energy? Do we believe that Dean Pagan, the young boy poisoned by lead paint in his classroom at
Comly School deserves the resources he needs to thrive and grow? Are we willing to recognize that the
systemic and massive environmental hazards in our schools will not get fixed without extraordinary
investment? Or, do we want to just talk?

It’s good that the elected officials in our city recognize the enormous challenges before us and are taking
a variety of approaches to these challenges. Council President Clarke is pursuing an important bill that
would greatly expand affordable housing across the city—something that low and mid-income
neighborhoods, where residents are getting priced out of their homes at alarming rates—desperately
need. In fact, Councilmembers across the city are invested in causes that matter to them, and most
importantly, to every day Philadelphians.
Mayor, superintendent push for more Philadelphia school repair funding
6ABC // Vernon Odom
Philadelphia's mayor and the superintendent of city schools are pushing hard for millions of dollars in
repairs for aging buildings.

They were making their case at Woodrow Wilson Middle School in the northeast on Monday. The
building, which houses 1,400 students in grade six through eight, dates back to the 1920's.

But the principal here is excited since her school is getting more than $15 million for major renovations.

...Mayor Jim Kenney and Superintendent William Hite used the school as an example of the buildings
across the city that are in need of repair. They say they need $700 million over the next five years to get it

Refugee advocates begin national conference in Philadelphia

KYW Newsradio // Tim Jimenez
An organization that protects refugees kicked off their national conference in Philadelphia on Monday

HIAS, which has been helping refugees since 1881, is having its conference at an Old City hotel in the
shadow of Independence Hall.

Mayor Jim Kenney, in opening remarks, said immigrants and refugees share a common bond with

"All of us came from somewhere else, and all of us had the opportunity to make America our home and to
make America great — not again, but great," Kenney said.

Expanded initiative aims to get more fathers involved

The Philadelphia Tribune // Michael D’Onofrio
Six-year-old Chelsea Showell is done with school for the summer but her father, Kirk Berry, is making
sure her education extends beyond the classroom.

Berry, the director of Project Developing Acting Dads, or Project D.A.D., said he once again will take his
daughter, who recently graduated from kindergarten, with him to work, events and his speaking
engagements throughout the summer. The time together serves as a valuable example for her, he said.

“There are many things we can teach our children,” Berry said. “We can teach them basketball; we can
teach them football; we can teach them lacrosse; we can teach them soccer. We can also teach them to
be entrepreneurs and business owners and how to run companies.

“She still knows how to be a kid,” he added, “but at the same time she gets a living, breathing example of
what it takes to one day be a boss.”

On Monday, Berry stood alongside Mayor Jim Kenney, Councilman Derek Green and Bilal Qayyum,
president of the Father’s Day Rally Committee, inside the Mayor’s Reception Room in City Hall to ensure
other fathers do the same for their children.

Meek Mill asks Pennsylvania Supreme Court to remove Judge Brinkley from case
The Fader // Jordan Darville
Meek Mill is petitioning the Supreme Court in his home state of Pennsylvania to remove Judge Genece
Brinkley from his case, the rapper's legal team announced on Monday.

In a statement, Mill's lawyer Joe Tacopina accused Judge Brinkley of impartiality since the rapper was
released on bail earlier this year. “Judge Brinkley's conduct since the time of the Pennsylvania Supreme
Court's decision to grant bail to Meek -- including inappropriately commenting on his case through her
lawyer, treating him differently than the thousands of other uncontested PCRAs and stating under oath
that she has in the past and may in the future be disabled from performing her job -- necessitates her
immediate removal from this case. We have now asked the Pennsylvania Supreme Court to do just that
so that Meek can be treated the same as all other similar defendants have been treated in the past.”

...Meek Mill's legal team have accused Judge Brinkley of improper conduct throughout her the ten years
she has been assigned to the rapper's case following his conviction on gun charges in 2008. She is
alleged by the team to have taken an "unusual" interest in his career, and to have asked Meek Mill to
record a cover of Boys II Men's "On Bended Knee" for her. After questions surrounding the legitimacy of
Meek Mill's original conviction began to emerge, Judge Brinkley refused to release him position, despite
calls from Pennsylvania Governor Tom Wolf, Philly Mayor Jim Kenney, and D.A. Larry Krasner, who has
asked for the original conviction to be thrown out.


CNN: Mayor Kenney speaks to Don Lemon, says happy Trump disinvited team (11PM)

FOX: Mayor Kenney says disinvite shows Trump is a fragile egomaniac (11PM)

ABC: Mayor Kenney calls Trump a fragile egomaniac, afraid to throw party no one wants to attend

CBS: Mayor Kenney says City Hall open to celebration anytime for Eagles (11PM)

The CW Philly 57: Mayor Kenney says City Hall open to celebration anytime for Eagles (10PM)

KNPR: Mayor Kenney told CNN he is glad the Eagles will not visit the White House (11PM)

WDUZ: Mayor Kenney calls Trump a fragile egomaniac, afraid to throw party no one wants to attend

KOMO: Mayor Kenney calls Trump a fragile egomaniac, afraid to throw party no one wants to attend

WINS: Mayor Kenney says disinvite shows Trump is a fragile egomaniac (10:30PM)

KYW: Mayor Kenney says immigrants and refugees share common bond with Americans (11:30PM)

ABC: Mayor Kenney announced Fatherhood Week in Philly (5PM)

ABC: Mayor Kenney spoke at HIAS Conference, organization helping to protect immigrants (5PM)

FOX: Mayor Kenney was on hand at opening of Courtand Senior Community Center (5PM)

ABC: Mayor visited Wilson middle school in North Philadelphia, in need of work and funding (4PM)
ABC: Mayor wants 770 million for school funding (5PM)

NBC: Mayor Kenney will attend building collapse memorial dedication ceremony (6AM)

PCN: Mayor Kenney says Rizzo statue will move, discussion on if it should change (8:30AM)

Memorial To Be Dedicated At Site Of Deadly Philly Building Collapse
A memorial will be dedicated Tuesday at 22nd and Market Streets in Philadelphia.
5 years ago, a building collapse there killed seven people and injured 14.

A building under demolition fell onto a Salvation Army store next door.

The demolition site’s contractor and excavator operator are serving prison sentences.
Amid a building boom, a North Philly property collapses, killing well-known contractor
Inquirer // Caitlin McCabe & Julie Shaw
The violations from Philadelphia’s Department of Licenses and Inspections had stacked up against the
long-vacant property at Jefferson and Bailey Streets in North Philadelphia long before contractor Harvey
Figgs reported to work Monday.

The exterior of the structure at 2621 W. Jefferson St., just east of Brewerytown, was not sound, L&I had
deemed in May 2017. The property was “unsafe.” On a demolition permit issued Feb. 16, the building was
to be demolished “by hand-method only,” permit records show, to comply with a “dangerous case.”

Which is why Figgs, a prominent Brewerytown contractor who turned 59 Sunday, entered the building
Monday morning — to proceed with the demolition job that family members say he started last week.
Hired to help tear down the 2,800-square-foot building in the neighborhood’s booming real estate market,
Figgs was crushed under rocks and rubble when a wall at the back of the building collapsed shortly
before 11 a.m. He was found moments later by his brother-in-law, Anthony Baker, who works on the
block and rushed to scene after hearing a “loud boom.”

“He hollered, ‘Help me! Help me! Help me!'” Baker said in a telephone interview Monday, recounting the
moment he found Figgs. “And a bunch of other guys and I tried to dig the rocks off … but it was so many
bricks that you just couldn’t get to him.
At Least 1 Dead In Brewerytown Building Collapse
At least one person was killed following a building collapse in the Brewerytown section of Philadelphia on
Monday morning.

The fire department was called out to the 1500 block of North Bailey Street for a building collapse around
10:50 a.m. for reports of two people trapped. Demolition crews were working on the building when it came

The Philadelphia Fire Department responds to a building collapse in the Brewerytown section of the city.

The fire department says two people have been removed from the scene. Video from Chopper 3 showed
firefighters pulling one person from the rubble.

A worker with Gama Wrecking tells CBS3 crew members were inside the building when the floor gave
way and the building collapsed. The worker says one of his crew members died.

Fire department officials are on scene investigating.

In one Philly neighborhood, critics ask: Is gentrification closing our high school?
Inquirer // Kristen A. Graham
Is Strawberry Mansion High School closing? It depends whom you ask.

The Philadelphia School District says no. Officially, it describes what is happening at the hulking complex
at 31st Street and Ridge Avenue as a “gradual phase-out” of a neighborhood high school program that “is
no longer sustainable.”

The building will remain open, with alternative programs locating there beginning this fall, and others
landing in 2019 that will give the 2,000-plus high-school age young people in the neighborhood a viable
educational option close to home.

Don’t tell that to Tanya Parker, a neighborhood resident who shows up at events in a black “Forever
Mansion” T-shirt. She’s among a group of activists who believe the school has been deliberately ignored,
starved of resources, and then blamed for failing to attract students.

Now that the neighborhood is showing signs of gentrification, drawing white and middle-class people,
some longtime residents say the community is being asked to give an eleventh-hour blessing to a plan
they say was hatched by officials, designed to please others, and kept from them for too long: that a
building with some new programs is more palatable to new residents.

Philly DA Larry Krasner seeking to develop comprehensive list of tainted cops

Inquirer // Mark Fazlollah & Chris Palmer
The Philadelphia District Attorney’s Office has asked the city’s Police Department for nearly a decade’s
accounting of serious violations by its officers so it can compile a comprehensive roster of those who
have lied while on duty, used excessive force, racially profiled, or violated civil rights.

The exercise, unprecedented in scope in recent city history, is designed to help prosecutors flag officers
with credibility issues early in a case and possibly prevent their testimony, District Attorney Larry Krasner
said in an interview last week. Krasner declined to estimate how many officers may ultimately end up on
the roster, but said the number would almost certainly exceed the 66 on a similar list developed by his

The new protocol also will call for prosecutors to disclose an officer’s past infractions to defense
attorneys. Krasner and the head of his conviction integrity unit, Patricia Cummings, said that the roster
and new protocols are important to ensure prosecutors pursue cases built by honest and reliable police,
and that potentially damaging information against officers is turned over to defendants as required by law.

Krasner dubbed the effort “one of the biggest challenges this office has ever faced.”

Krasner Touts Homicide Convictions

Public Record // Tony West
oday, the Philadelphia District Attorney’s Office announced that since DA Larry Krasner took office in
January of 2018, its Homicide Unit has successfully secured 70 guilty verdicts and guilty pleas. The unit is
led by ADA Anthony Voci, a former homicide prosecutor recruited to come back to the office at the start of
the Krasner administration.
Of the 85 cases the unit has taken to court in 2018, only 12 have resulted in a hung jury or a not-guilty
verdict. DA Larry Krasner continues to push for sweeping criminal-justice reform while also efficiently
prosecuting serious violent crimes, his spokesman asserted.

Type of Case Total %

Guilty Verdict 27 31.7
Guilty Plea 43 50.5
Hung/Not Guilty Verdict 12 14.1
Nolle Pros (Charges dropped) 1 0.1
Pending 2 0.2
Total Cases 85

PECO worker and police officer save the day after wedding ring falls down Philly sidewalk grate
FOX 29
A Philadelphia police officer and a PECO worker helped a man get his wedding ring back after it fell in a
sidewalk grate at 12th and Market in Center City over the weekend. The ring was his grandfather's that
was engraved with his grandparents’ initials and wedding date.

The couple, Steve and Erin, were told nothing could be done until Monday when city hall reopened, so
they took matters into their own hands and headed to Home Depot.

This is what it looked like when they looked down the grate.

According to Erin, they spent the next several hours face down on the grate, searching for his ring at the
bottom. After only being there a few minutes, they spotted the ring and used the contraption to fish it out.
Sadly, it wasn't the ring.

Behind the 10-foot walls of Girard College, where a whites-only legacy has been turned upside down
BillyPenn // Michaela Winberg
Built 170 years ago and still operational today, Girard College is one of the city’s largest active historical
sites — but many Philadelphians might not be able to pinpoint where it is. That’s understandable, since
the school is hidden behind a 10-foot-high, mile-long stone wall.

If you’ve ever driven westbound on Girard Avenue, or taken the Route 15 trolley to the Art Museum,
you’re probably familiar with its physical location. Right around 21st Street, a massive, rhombus-shaped
plot of land appears smack-dab in the middle of your path, forcing the road to to loop around it. That’s
where the wall is — and beyond it, the campus.

What happens behind the wall, and what stories does the estate hold after nearly two centuries of
students passing through?

As part of Billy Penn’s Secret Philly series, we’ll take you inside.

Food rescuers race to battle waste, hunger

Inquirer // Alfred Lubrano
The kitchen was in pre-lunch frenzy at the Delaware Valley University Farm Market in Doylestown, the
kind of upscale spot you’d expect to find on a leafy Bucks County road, all high-end marmalades and
country gentility.

In the midst of the salad-chopping chaos, executive chef David Demko, 40, took a timeout to hand over
trays of unsold beef lasagna and roasted vegetables to Bob Ventresca of Bucks County Food Runners.

Ventresca, a muscular real-estate developer with a social conscience and a fast 2010 Nissan Altima
Coupe, stuffed the food into insulated bags and hustled it to a women’s shelter, in time for a midday meal.

Two big-time American problems got addressed in one afternoon: food waste and hunger.

'One-stop shop' senior living facility opens in Northeast Philadelphia

KYW Newsradio // Justin Udo
A new affordable housing complex in Northeast Philadelphia is taking an innovative approach to senior
living. The site of the former St. Bartholomew Catholic School in Frankford is now home to the latest
facility operated by NewCourtland Senior Services.

Silvia Boswell with NewCourtland says the seven-story independent living apartment complex also
features a LIFE Center that provides some unique healthcare services. (LIFE stands for "living
independently for elders.")

"It is actually what I consider one-stop shopping for senior care," Boswell said. "This center is extremely
important, because it allows seniors to remain in the community, independent as they want to be, and be
able to receive the supportive services they need."
She added, "They can have meals here, there is adult programming here, there is a clinic here, staffed
with physicians and registered nurses. We have a wellness center for physical therapy, occupational
therapy, speech therapy. We provide medication. We do a host of supportive services."

Philadelphia Zoo breaks ground on 20,000-square-foot Earth & Elm Restaurant

Philadelphia Business Journal // Alison Burdo
Shovels moved dirt Monday to make way for construction of the Earth & Elm Restaurant at the
Philadelphia Zoo, the West Philadelphia attraction that has been taking steps recently to elevate its dining

Zoo officials previously announced some details on the 20,000-square-foot dining facility, which will have
a roof deck and green roof infrastructure, though more specifics – including renderings – that were
released Monday paint a clearer image of what visitors can expect.

The Philadelphia Zoo worked with Daroff Design Inc. + DDI Architects PC on its vision for restaurant,
which will connect "guests with nature in a way that recognizes the growing awareness of the Earth's
dwindling resources," according to a press release.

“We are thrilled to have this opportunity to collaborate with the talented Philadelphia Zoo leadership team
to realize the new main restaurant project – an iconic building that will serve as the cornerstone of the
Zoo’s ambitious and transformative new master plan,” Karen Daroff, president of Daroff Design, said in a
statement. “Designed from the inside out to provide visitors with a unique dining, event, and learning
experience oriented to the surrounding landscape and exhibits, we hope the restaurant reinforces the
Zoo’s mission of connecting children and families with nature and wildlife.”

Craft beer pioneer Dock Street taps South Philly's evolving Washington Ave. for new brewery
Inquirer // Jacob Adelman
Dock Street Brewing Co. was an early insurgent in the craft beer revolution that introduced America to
sophisticated, small-batch suds.

Now it aims to be a pioneer in the revitalization of western Washington Avenue, currently a disheveled
industrial artery running through the resurgent South Philadelphia neighborhoods of Graduate Hospital
and Point Breeze.

The craft beer stalwart, which began brewing during the 1980s wave that also saw the birth of Samuel
Adams-producer Boston Beer Co. and Brooklyn Brewery, plans to open a new production space and
taproom in a former tile warehouse at 2118 Washington Ave. some time next spring.

Dock Street president and cofounder Rosemarie Certo said she aims to help the corridor blossom into a
bohemian-chic boulevard akin to the revitalizing area around its existing West Philadelphia location near
50th Street and Baltimore Avenue, which it will continue to operate.

Sen. Wagner gives contrite, optimistic farewell speech

The Morning Call // Steve Esack
In November 2014, Scott Wagner came to the state Senate as a brash wealthy businessman who vowed
to sit “in the back room with a baseball bat” to force Republican leaders to “start doing things” his way for
the people of Pennsylvania.

On Monday, he left the Senate as a contrite politician offering olive branches to anyone he may have
offended and who he would need should he win election for governor in five months.
“I came to Harrisburg with a strong personality and a strong will to get things accomplished,” the 62-year-
old said in a farewell speech on the Senate floor. “I’ll admit that I wish I would have given more thought to
some of the things I said when I first took office.

“But I’m the type of person, when I dive into projects that I know need close attention and present
opportunities, I become very driven and sometimes overly passionate,” he continued. “If I have offended
people inside this chamber, other people in the building or state government, I offer my apology.”

Starbucks chairman Howard Schultz stepping down
Associated Press
Starbucks Corp. says Howard Schultz is stepping down as executive chairman this month of the coffee
chain he joined more than 30 years ago.

Schultz, who oversaw the transformation of Starbucks into a global chain with more than 28,000
locations, had left the CEO job at the company last year to focus on innovation and social impact projects.

The Seattle-based chain says Schultz will take the title of chairman emeritus as of June 26, and is writing
a book about Starbucks' social impact efforts.

Schultz had often aligned himself and Starbucks with social issues like race and jobs for underprivileged
youth - even when those efforts fell flat, like the "Race Together" campaign that encourage workers to talk
about race with customers.

'Some disasters stand out.' Firefighters remember the Salvation Army collapse | Ronnie Polaneczky
Inquirer // Ronnie Polaneczky
On Tuesday, the city will dedicate a park on the site of one of the worst disasters in Philadelphia’s history:
the collapse of the Salvation Army Thrift Store at 22nd and Market Streets. The slender corner oasis — to
be christened the June 5th Memorial Park in recognition of the collapse on that date in 2013 — aims to
remind us of the heartache that happens when we put greed before human life.

Two men who will never need the nudge are Philadelphia Deputy Fire Commissioners Gary Loesch and
Craig Murphy. They were battalion chiefs at the time — Loesch was in fire operations; Murphy was with
special operations. With hundreds of other fire, rescue, police and other city personnel, they sped to the
scene when the wall came down.

They think about that day every time they pass 22nd and Market, their memories as vivid as if the
catastrophe happened five minutes ago, not five years.

Their brand of humble heroism is the only good thing that happened that day. Everything else was awful,
serving only as evidence of how craven developers are dazzled by dollars — and risk the lives of the
public and those who protect us.
Grant writing: One way you can help raise funds for Philly's troubled schools | Opinion
Inquirer // Laura Lau
As students and parents in Philadelphia have gotten frustrated with the lack of sufficient school funding,
they have tried to find ways to bring additional dollars to their schools.

And the Office of Grant Development at the central office of the School District of Philadelphia is trying to
help. In years past, we worked primarily with other central office departments at the school district
including curriculum, early childhood, and school climate, helping them find grant funding.

Now, we’re increasingly focused on working with community groups and community members interested
in helping individual schools, including parents, caregivers, soon-to-be parents, neighbors, home and
school associations, friends-of groups, civic associations, and sometimes businesses.

Last year, on average, our office received about one contact from a school community per week. This
year, it’s been one a day.
Prematurely closing nuclear plants in Pa. is risky move | Opinion
Inquirer // Martin Williams, Jr.
Pennsylvania today ranks second in the nation for nuclear power generating capacity, owed to a long
tradition of nuclear energy leadership and technological innovation. But that great history – and with it,
thousands of good-paying jobs – is now at stake.

Currently, two of Pennsylvania’s five nuclear plants are scheduled to close prematurely. Last year, Exelon
announced that Three Mile Island near Harrisburg will close in 2019. And just recently, FirstEnergy
announced plans to close its Beaver Valley Power Station located near Pittsburgh within the next three
years. This can be avoided. The owners of these power plants believe there is a need for public policy
changes that will allow these critically important assets to continue operating by fairly valuing the many
benefits provided by nuclear energy. And we agree.

Combined, Three Mile Island and Beaver Valley directly employ nearly 1,500 Pennsylvanians as well as
thousands of building and construction trades workers during refueling outages, like those recently
employed at Exelon’s Limerick Generating Station in Montgomery County and Talen Energy’s
Susquehanna Steam Electric Station in Luzerne County. Together, Pennsylvania’s five nuclear plants
contribute approximately $2 billion to the state economy, are responsible for 16,000 jobs, and contribute
$69 million in net state tax revenues annually, which helps fund important community services like
schools, roads, and law enforcement.

In addition to powering our economy, nuclear energy also keeps our air cleaner. Pennsylvania’s five
nuclear power plants produce 93 percent of the commonwealth’s carbon-free electricity and help avoid 37
million tons of CO2 emissions per year. Nuclear power is the only clean energy source that can reliably
produce large amounts of electricity around the clock.

Rendell, Kenney, other fans react to Trump disinviting Eagles
Inquirer // Robert Moran
Ed Rendell, a diehard Eagles fan and former Pennsylvania governor, called Trump’s decision to disinvite
the Eagles from the White House “bordering on idiotic.”

Rendell emphasized that Trump has repeatedly mischaracterized what the players were protesting: how
blacks are treated in the criminal-justice system.

“The president should have expected this when he called some of the players ‘sons of bitches’ and saying
they were dishonoring the military,” Rendell said in a telephone interview. “This has nothing to do with the
Rendell also criticized Trump for apparently trying to punish Americans for exercising their constitutional
right to free speech.
“If he’s using this to gain political advantage, shame on him,” Rendell said.

Mayor Kenney issued a statement calling Trump a “fragile egomaniac.”

“The Eagles call the birthplace of our democracy home, so it’s no surprise that this team embodies
everything that makes our country and our city great. Their athletic accomplishments on the field led to an
historic victory this year. Fans all across the country rallied behind them because we like to root for the
underdog and we feel joy when we see the underdogs finally win. I’m equally proud of the Eagles’
activism off the field. These are players who stand up for the causes they believe in and who contribute in
meaningful ways to their community. They represent the diversity of our nation — a nation in which we
are free to express our opinions,” Kenney said..

“Disinviting them from the White House only proves that our President is not a true patriot, but a fragile
egomaniac obsessed with crowd size and afraid of the embarrassment of throwing a party to which no
one wants to attend,” Kenney said.

On Twitter, the news quickly rose to the top of the trending topics list in the United States.

Jane Slusser, Kenney’s chief of staff, went viral with her photo comparison of Trump’s inauguration and of
Broad Street the night the Eagles won the Super Bowl.

“Our party was bigger than yours #FlyEaglesFly” she tweeted.

Our party was bigger than yours #FlyEaglesFly

U.S. Rep. Brendan Boyle, a Democrat who represents parts of Philadelphia and Montgomery County,
weighed in with his own invitation for the team.

“The @Eagles are still welcome to visit the US Capitol. I will have @Wawa coffee waiting,” Boyle

He later tweeted a salvo aimed at the Trump personally.

“Trump wasn’t welcome at Barbara Bush’s funeral. He’s not welcome at John McCain’s funeral. And only
10 Eagles players were planning to attend the White House ceremony. He’s just that much of an
embarrassment.,” Boyle wrote in Twitter.

U.S. Sen. Bob Casey, another Democrat, also tweeted an invite for the team:

“I’m proud of what the @Eagles accomplished this year. I’m skipping this political stunt at the White
House and just invited the Eagles to Congress. @Eagles How about a tour of the Capitol?” Casey wrote.

“It’s because our parade was bigger and cooler, isn’t it? #sizematters #JealousyJawn,” tweeted E. Amy
Janke, interim chair of the Department of Behavioral and Social Sciences at the University of the

“Nothing makes me prouder than the Super Bowl champion @Eagles refusing to visit Trump’s White
House. #PhillyPhilly !” tweeted Ed Glavin, a Philadelphia and Lindenwold native who is now an executive
producer of the Ellen DeGeneres Show.

Dennis DiGiovanni, who identifies himself as a resident in the Philadelphia area, supported the
president’s action.

“I’m glad Trump cancelled the visit. There are members of the Eagles who don’t agree with some of his
politics. They should respect the office of the president enough to go and be honored,” DiGiovanni

William Anderson, a conservative Philadelphia-area blogger, also sided with Trump over the Eagles.

“I’m an Eagles fan and I still love Trump for doing this. It wasn’t all of them but they should’ve been
respectful and manned up.” Anderson wrote.

Another Eagles fan and Trump supporter disagreed.

“As an #Eagles and a #Trump fan all I have to say is I think the Eagles were treated unfairly. It’s a huge
honor to go to the WH and they did nothing to not deserve it. No player knelt all season. Players
supported (VERBALLY) the players who knelt and that’s it. Horrible decision,” wrote “Dartmouth Mike.”
Action, not just talk, needed to save Philly kids from toxic schools | Opinion
Inquirer // Jerry Jordan
As another school year draws to a close, it is important for all of us to reflect on our successes and
challenges of the year, and to work diligently to ensure that come August, our students are prepared for
success. Setting our students up for success is something we talk about frequently — but too often, it’s
just that — talk.

Philadelphia, we have some tough choices ahead of us. Are we going to invest in crucial programs and
services that our children not only deserve but to which they are also legally entitled? Are we committed
to expanding Mayor Kenney’s Community Schools initiative, where students all over the city are
benefitting from schools that are transforming into community hubs, bustling with activities, programs, and
energy? Do we believe that Dean Pagan, the young boy poisoned by lead paint in his classroom at
Comly School deserves the resources he needs to thrive and grow? Are we willing to recognize that the
systemic and massive environmental hazards in our schools will not get fixed without extraordinary
investment? Or, do we want to just talk?

It’s good that the elected officials in our city recognize the enormous challenges before us and are taking
a variety of approaches to these challenges. Council President Clarke is pursuing an important bill that
would greatly expand affordable housing across the city—something that low and mid-income
neighborhoods, where residents are getting priced out of their homes at alarming rates—desperately
need. In fact, Councilmembers across the city are invested in causes that matter to them, and most
importantly, to every day Philadelphians.

And when the Council is asked, once again, to make hard choices for the constituents and communities
they serve, I know that they will find a way to make sure that the students we all serve have what they
need to truly thrive. That’s why, when the City Council Committee of the Whole meets on Tuesday
afternoon, I am hopeful that they will move legislation forward that will enable us to make critical
investments in our schools.

The Mayor has introduced a package of tax bills, some of which Council has already moved through
committee, to fund our schools. A property tax increase is certainly a tough pill to swallow for all
Philadelphians—but the alternative is simply unacceptable. Curtailing the community schools program, a
research-based intervention model that has been shown to have enormously positive effects on our
communities; going back to the not-so-distant-past days of mass layoffs and school closures; allowing for
school conditions to continue to deteriorate—these are simply not viable alternatives to providing school

In addition to the Mayor’s tax plan, part of which has been passed through committee already, there is
other legislation such as Councilwoman Gym’s tax abatement bill that could provide essential funding to
our schools. This legislation would modify the tax abatement to ensure that wealthy developers would no
longer be exempt from the School District portion of the property tax.

We can talk all we want about our children and their hope and dreams, but unless we do something about
the realities of our schools– crumbling buildings, lead paint poisoning, asbestos, a teacher vacancy crisis
affecting thousands of students—then our talk about the success of our young people means nothing.

Are we, as a city, committed to making tough choices to make sure that there is never another student
poisoned by toxic conditions in the very building they go to learn and grow each day? If the answer to that
question is yes, then it’s about time we talk directly to our elected officials and urge them to continue
making real financial investments into our schools.

Jerry Jordan is President of the Philadelphia Federation of Teachers.

Amid a building boom, a North Philly property collapses, killing well-known contractor
Inquirer // Caitlin McCabe & Julie Shaw
The violations from Philadelphia’s Department of Licenses and Inspections had stacked up against the
long-vacant property at Jefferson and Bailey Streets in North Philadelphia long before contractor Harvey
Figgs reported to work Monday.

The exterior of the structure at 2621 W. Jefferson St., just east of Brewerytown, was not sound, L&I had
deemed in May 2017. The property was “unsafe.” On a demolition permit issued Feb. 16, the building was
to be demolished “by hand-method only,” permit records show, to comply with a “dangerous case.”

Which is why Figgs, a prominent Brewerytown contractor who turned 59 Sunday, entered the building
Monday morning — to proceed with the demolition job that family members say he started last week.
Hired to help tear down the 2,800-square-foot building in the neighborhood’s booming real estate market,
Figgs was crushed under rocks and rubble when a wall at the back of the building collapsed shortly
before 11 a.m. He was found moments later by his brother-in-law, Anthony Baker, who works on the
block and rushed to scene after hearing a “loud boom.”

“He hollered, ‘Help me! Help me! Help me!'” Baker said in a telephone interview Monday, recounting the
moment he found Figgs. “And a bunch of other guys and I tried to dig the rocks off … but it was so many
bricks that you just couldn’t get to him.
By the time investigators arrived, Figgs had died. Several family members confirmed his death, although
the Medical Examiner’s Office said it was still investigating. It was one day before the city’s observance of
the fifth anniversary of the fatal collapse of a Salvation Army thrift store at 22nd and Market Streets in
Center City.

A man who was working with Figgs was able to escape uninjured after being trapped, Fire Commissioner
Adam Thiel said. An L&I spokeswoman said the city and the U.S. Labor Department’s Occupational
Safety and Health Administration were investigating. No additional information was released.

As Philadelphia has experienced an unprecedented development boom, with property values surging and
new real estate projects multiplying citywide, the collapse served as a stark reminder of the significant
construction risks that still loom. The Brewerytown area, in particular, has experienced prodigious
revitalization in the last few years, as developers of both large and small scale have inundated the once
dis-invested area, snatching up lower-priced properties to redevelop and flip for profits.

In long-neglected neighborhoods such as Brewerytown, where dozens of homes and lots have sat vacant
for years or decades, such redevelopment projects — while often jackpots for the developers who gamble
on them — can present hazards to the contractors who work inside them. According to information
provided by L&I in January, nearly 180 properties citywide were considered “imminently dangerous,”
meaning they posed such significant health and safety concerns that they must be eradicated
immediately. And 4,400 more at the time were deemed “unsafe” by L&I — still dangerous, but not
critically unstable.

According to multiple neighbors on the block, the property at 2621 W. Jefferson St. had sat vacant for
decades, and had racked up a list of L&I violations along the way — ranging from being deemed “unsafe”
in May 2017 to a violation as small as “exterior area weeds,” the latest, issued last October. The building
was last purchased in April 2017 by Rollup LLC, a development group based in Churchville, Bucks
County, for $260,000. (The adjacent property at 1501 N. Bailey St. was included in the deal.) Neither
Valery Kravets or Alex Yevtushenko, whose names are registered to the LLC, according to state records,
could be reached for comment.

The collapse of Rollup LLC’s building joins a growing list of buildings across Philadelphia that have
unexpectedly collapsed in the last four years. Since 2014, news accounts show, at least a dozen
buildings have unexpectedly collapsed — starting with at least eight buildings that buckled in March 2014,
followed by the partial collapse of a North Philadelphia apartment building in 2015, a Southwest Philly
warehouse in 2016, and then, earlier this month, the collapse of a home in Germantown, among other

None matched the tragedy of the deadly collapse that killed seven people five years ago at the Salvation
Army building at 22nd and Market Streets in Center City. The five-year anniversary of that accident will be
marked with a ceremony dedicating a memorial there at 11 a.m. Tuesday.

According to Karen Guss, a spokeswoman at L&I, only a small number of collapses occur in the course of
construction. Many buildings collapse on their own.

Still, construction safety advocates say, each has become a painful reminder of what can go wrong amid
Philadelphia’s development boom.

“It’s disturbing that collapses are still happening — especially on just about the five-year anniversary of
the largest building collapse in Philadelphia history,” said Andrew Duffy, an attorney at Philadelphia-
based Saltz, Mongeluzzi, Barrett & Bendesky, which represented victims in the Salvation Army collapse.
“… There is no reason anybody should go to work at a demolition project and not come home.”

In North Philadelphia on Monday afternoon, friends and family gathered outside Figgs’ home on 27th
Street to pay condolences.

“He was like an uncle to me,” said Coley Townes, 40, who previously lived beside Figgs and who stopped
by Monday to hug Figgs’ mother. “He was well-respected around here — it’s just sad that he died doing
what he loved to do.”

But Figgs was more than just respected, those who knew him said. As a nearly 50-year resident of the
Brewerytown area, he was a fixture.

In an interview with the Inquirer in April 2017, Figgs described moving to Brewerytown in the 1960s — not
long after the city’s race riots — and settling into a neighborhood grappling with massive disinvestment
and poverty. Eventually, as the area’s real estate market heated up, becoming one of the hottest markets
in the city, Figgs found consistent work as a contractor, he said at the time, working with both large and
small developers on new projects.

“I’ve done projects in Brewerytown because I’m a black contractor and I live in the 19121 zip code,” Figgs
said in the interview. “Most of these guys give me work because I’ve been in the neighborhood for so long
and it looks good when people see me with them and talking to them.”

Yet the gentrification in his neighborhood was not lost on him, he said, and he found himself often excited
by the work he was receiving as a result of the real estate boom, but upset to see African American
friends and relatives at risk of displacement as wealthier and whiter residents moved in.

That kind of concern for those around him, friends and relatives said, made him more than just a well-
known contractor in his community.

“He would give you the shirt off his back to help a person,” said Shawn Speedwell, 55, who grew up with
Figgs in Brewerytown. “Damn hard worker, damn good worker. He knew his job.”

His older sister, Ann Baker, reached by phone Monday, agreed.

“He liked to entertain family and friends and have company over, and he loved his [four children] and
loved his [two] grandkids,” Baker said. “He was responsible. He had a wonderful work ethic. Really able
to do a lot physical and manual labor unlike anyone else I knew that was his age.”

And those who knew him best, she said, knew he loved a good steak. For dinner on his 59th birthday
Sunday, surrounded by his children and grandchildren at Morton’s The Steakhouse in the King of Prussia
Mall, he ordered a ribeye — his favorite — and celebrated another year.
In one Philly neighborhood, critics ask: Is gentrification closing our high school?
Inquirer // Kristen A. Graham
Is Strawberry Mansion High School closing? It depends whom you ask.

The Philadelphia School District says no. Officially, it describes what is happening at the hulking complex
at 31st Street and Ridge Avenue as a “gradual phase-out” of a neighborhood high school program that “is
no longer sustainable.”

The building will remain open, with alternative programs locating there beginning this fall, and others
landing in 2019 that will give the 2,000-plus high-school age young people in the neighborhood a viable
educational option close to home.

Don’t tell that to Tanya Parker, a neighborhood resident who shows up at events in a black “Forever
Mansion” T-shirt. She’s among a group of activists who believe the school has been deliberately ignored,
starved of resources, and then blamed for failing to attract students.

Now that the neighborhood is showing signs of gentrification, drawing white and middle-class people,
some longtime residents say the community is being asked to give an eleventh-hour blessing to a plan
they say was hatched by officials, designed to please others, and kept from them for too long: that a
building with some new programs is more palatable to new residents.

“They always wanted to close Mansion, and now they’re closing it,” said Parker, who graduated from the
school. “This was systematically done. It’s about gentrification.”

Superintendent William R. Hite Jr. dismisses that idea wholesale.

“This is all about making sure that the 2,267 children also have an option in their neighborhood,” Hite
said. “This did not just start last year or the year before that. This has been going on for some time.”

The fight over Mansion

Mansion, which opened in 1964, is often the last stop for students who carry many burdens. Nearly all of
its students live in poverty, and some have returned from disciplinary schools, incarceration or mental-
health placements. It was spared from closure five years ago, after supporters, including City Council
President Darrell L. Clarke, fought hard to keep it open. Diane Sawyer and a camera crew then spent a
year chronicling turnaround work at the school.

But the school, rapper Meek Mill’s alma mater, still sits in one of the city’s most dangerous
neighborhoods. And in many ways, it symbolizes some of the school district’s struggles: a needy student
body, low academic achievement, a tough reputation, enrollment eroded in part by competition from
charter schools, and, lately, encroaching pressure from a changing city.

Ninety percent of the 2,267 high-school age kids who live in the Strawberry Mansion catchment area, or
attendance zone, already think the school isn’t their best option; They attend charter schools or other
public schools farther from home. Over 1,000 opt for night-school programs in other parts of the city, the
district says.

Built for 1,700, the school now enrolls just 235. Come fall, there will be no ninth grade, a plan unveiled
only in March. The School Reform Commission will vote to shrink Strawberry Mansion’s grade span this
month; initially, officials said the plan was for the SRC’s successor, the Board of Education, to continue to
remove grades until the last class graduates from Mansion in 2021.

Those officials now say what is being phased out is the school as it currently exists, and that traditional
graduating classes will resume again in 2023. But some in the community are confused — and not
convinced. North Philadelphia remembers the fate of the old William Penn High School, which
“temporarily” closed in 2009 with promises to re-tool and re-open. Instead, it was sold to Temple
University and demolished.
With home prices rising in the neighborhood and new businesses and developments cropping up on the
edges of Strawberry Mansion, Parker and others say they believe that the district is taking their school
away and remaking it to attract newcomers, cutting them out.

Former principal Linda Cliatt-Wayman, whom Sawyer’s coverage vaulted to prominence for her frank talk
and personal investment in students, said the plan to pause admissions doesn’t make sense.

“This plan would only be brought to the table for poor African American children,” said Cliatt-Wayman,
who said she would be an evangelist for changes if she believed in them. “But there is no concrete plan.
How can they move forward until they have a plan that educators and people who know the Strawberry
Mansion kids come up with?”

On Cliatt-Wayman’s watch, Mansion added or strengthened programs — sports, culinary arts, building
maintenance, an honors program. The rapper Drake donated money for a music studio. Kids went on
field trips and attended proms and pep rallies. The school came off the federal “persistently dangerous”
list — schools with a high rate of serious incidents — and saw its test scores, graduation rate, and
college-bound rate inch up.

But even with a charismatic leader and some progress, Mansion still struggled. It scored just a 5, 4, and 7
out of 100 in the three most recent years of the district’s internal report card for schools, based on factors
including test scores (just 10 percent of students met state standards in reading, and 4 percent in math)
and attendance (more than half of students attended school less than 80 percent of the time).

Its enrollment plunged 40 percent in three years, and its last principal, Tony Oyola, was removed after
complaints about his stewardship. (District officials confirmed his removal, but said they could not discuss
the personnel matter.)

Hite said Mansion, which was put in a special district program, the turnaround network, to give it more
support and scrutiny, had more resources per student than other schools in the district.

But those who were there in the last five years say that designation meant little, and Mansion needed

“It gets the students that they put out of charters and other schools,” said Jacquelyn Fritz, who taught at
the school for several years and left in 2017. “The population has so much else going on other than
school, and we never got the resources for that type of student.”

No one’s first choice

Fritz and Cliatt-Wayman say Mansion fell off a cliff when she retired in March 2017.

It has the fancy music studio, but no full-time music program. It has no culinary teacher, no building
maintenance program. Substitute teachers staff some classes. Entire floors of the building are now

This month the senior class — about 50 students — will graduate in the un-air conditioned auditorium,
because there’s no money for a better venue.

The district and Clarke, who is on board with the plans for Mansion, say what’s coming will be an asset to
neighbors, even the ones who now protest it.

“To not do anything is unacceptable, given the significant decline in population,” said Clarke. “There was
too much effort put into keeping that school to let it wither.”

But during the same years that Mansion seemed to be faltering as a neighborhood school, the
community, like other pockets of the city, showed signs of being on the upswing. Between 2012 and
2017, no neighborhood, at least defined by zip code, showed stronger sales growth. In 2017, more than
540 properties were sold in Strawberry Mansion’s neighborhood, up from 217 five years earlier, the data

Now that home prices are rising, and new businesses and developments are cropping up on its edges,
residents are wary of the district’s promises and avowals that their plan has nothing to do with a changing

“Have any one of you ever even spent any time in Strawberry Mansion High School or community?” one
skeptic, Mansion graduate Shirley Hooks, asked the schools commission this spring. “The community is
on the rise, and so is gentrification. Is this all part of the plan, as well, to phase out the school and make
room for the new and improved upscale community?”

For now, the building will remain open — it is even slated for extensive physical upgrades beginning this
summer — and neighbors will be consulted as possible options are considered for the 2019-20 school

Among those that have been mentioned as contenders are programs for workforce development
programs and those patterned after the district’s Workshop School, which encourages project-based
learning. YouthBuild, which re-engages students who have dropped out, has also been suggested. The
school system has not said whether the programs would be run in-house or by outside providers, as was
done at nearby Vaux Big Picture High School.

The fewer than 50 incoming ninth graders who had listed Mansion as their first-choice school this fall will
be routed either to Ben Franklin High, about 2.5 miles away, or Roxborough High, more than 4 miles

The programs the district has said might eventually come to the Mansion sound fine in theory, said Julie
Nicols an English teacher at the school for the last three years.

But Nicols wonders why they couldn’t have been brought in years ago.

“The kids are saying, ‘You can’t close our school when you’ve done nothing to make it better,'” said
Nicols. “They feel like things are being done to them, and they feel confused, because the message has
been so unclear.”

For as long as they’ve been at the school, a group of Mansion students said this month, they’ve felt
neglected by the district. Mansion was no one’s first choice, they said, but it’s their school.

“It’s messed up altogether,” said Nikki Butler, 15, a freshman at the school. “They just want to come in
here and take our building. Why do they care about us all of a sudden?”

It seems to be unfair, said Cliatt-Wayman. When changes needed to be made at Science Leadership
Academy, a well-regarded Center City magnet, parents and students were consulted early on. SLA will
move from a leased building to share space at Benjamin Franklin High School; a committee is spending
two planning years working on what the co-located space will look like.

“That’s not the way it happened here,” said Cliatt-Wayman.

The district stresses that the future direction of the school will be determined by the community; a
Strawberry Mansion working group, made up of anyone interested in joining, has already begun making
visits to other schools to scope out future possibilities for the neighborhood high school program it says
will re-open in 2019.

That doesn’t convince Cliatt-Wayman.

“For every breath I draw in my body,” she said, “I will travel this country and talk about how a district
destroyed its own school.”

1 dead in building collapse in North Philadelphia

Inquirer // Joseph A. Gambardello & Caitlin McCabe
A 60-year-old man was killed Monday morning in the collapse of a building under demolition in North
Philadelphia, police said.

Officials said the victim and another man were working inside the two-story brick building on the 1500
block of North Bailey Street when the rear wall collapsed before 11 a.m.

The other man also was trapped but was able to escape uninjured, Fire Commissioner Adam Thiel said.

The victim was pronounced dead at the scene. His identity was not immediately released.

The cause of the collapse is under investigation, Thiel said, adding that the building was under

The building is owned by Rollup LLC, according to public records. The entity purchased the building,
located at 1501 N. Bailey St., as well as an adjoining property on Jefferson Street, for $260,000 in April
2017, the records show.

An L&I staffer who was not permitted to speak publicly about the accident said Monday afternoon that the
job was legal and had all permits.

“You can be careful, and still sometimes … [stuff] happens,” the L&I staffer said.

The collapse came after a weekend of heavy downpours, and amid one of the largest real estate booms
in the city. Philadelphia’s Brewerytown neighborhood, just west of where the home was located, has
experienced massive reinvestment and an influx of younger, wealthier residents in the last few years.

It also came a day before the fifth anniversary of the collapse that claimed the lives of six people and
injured 12 others inside a Center City Salvation Army Thrift Shop.

That disaster occurred when the wall of an adjoining building fell on the thrift store’s roof during

Philly DA Larry Krasner seeking to develop comprehensive list of tainted cops

Inquirer // Mark Fazlollah & Chris Palmer
The Philadelphia District Attorney’s Office has asked the city’s Police Department for nearly a decade’s
accounting of serious violations by its officers so it can compile a comprehensive roster of those who
have lied while on duty, used excessive force, racially profiled, or violated civil rights.

The exercise, unprecedented in scope in recent city history, is designed to help prosecutors flag officers
with credibility issues early in a case and possibly prevent their testimony, District Attorney Larry Krasner
said in an interview last week. Krasner declined to estimate how many officers may ultimately end up on
the roster, but said the number would almost certainly exceed the 66 on a similar list developed by his

The new protocol also will call for prosecutors to disclose an officer’s past infractions to defense
attorneys. Krasner and the head of his conviction integrity unit, Patricia Cummings, said that the roster
and new protocols are important to ensure prosecutors pursue cases built by honest and reliable police,
and that potentially damaging information against officers is turned over to defendants as required by law.

Krasner dubbed the effort “one of the biggest challenges this office has ever faced.”

Cummings said: “Our primary objective…is making sure that we are fulfilling our constitutional obligations
within the prosecution of a criminal case.”

The policy is being developed in response to a similar program begun under former District Attorney Seth
Williams, whose administration created a so-called “do not call” list of officers with credibility issues that
largely prevented those officers from testifying in court cases. But Williams kept his program secret, and
did not disclose to defense attorneys which officers had been placed on the list or their violations —
something legal experts said likely violated rules requiring prosecutors to share evidence favorable to
defendants. Bruce Ledewitz, a law professor of law at Duquesne University, equated such a practice to
“playing with dynamite.”

Krasner released Williams’ list in March under a court order. The public defender’s office subsequently
filed more than 6,000 petitions for new trials for defendants arrested by officers on the roster. Courts
already have overturned some of those cases.

The new protocols, which Krasner said are still being finalized, would dramatically increase the
information that prosecutors disclose about abuses committed by officers who appear as witnesses,
though Krasner said he was not certain whether he would make public the new policy document or the list
of tainted officers upon completion. Krasner criticized his predecessors for failing to disclose such
information to defense attorneys previously, saying they seemed to live in the “land before time.”

“We have to move as quickly as we can with issues that have been, at best, ignored for decades in this
office,” Krasner said.

Edward G. Rendell, the former Pennsylvania governor who served as Philadelphia’s district attorney from
1978 to 1986, said he could not recall similar undertaking by the city’s prosecutor’s office. When he
worked in the DA’s office, he said, staffers largely maintained an informal understanding of which police
were more reliable witnesses than others.

The new policy could have a broad impact on criminal justice in the city, as questions remain over which
officers will be placed on the list, for what reasons, and for how long. It also was not immediately clear
whether an officer’s inclusion on the new list might impact old cases they helped build. It has not been
uncommon for new accusations against an officer to undercut long-closed cases.

For instance, several years ago, after federal prosecutors accused a group of Philadelphia narcotics
officers of misconduct, the District Attorney’s Office agreed to drop 800 cases and free scores of
convicted defendants. The City of Philadelphia has since paid out at least $2 million to settle civil suits.

More recently, Krasner’s office requested a new trial for the rapper Meek Mill after it was revealed that
Mill’s arresting officer, Reginald V. Graham, had been included on Williams’ “do-not-call list” because
federal authorities had been investigating him for alleged corruption. A judge is expected to rule on Mill’s
fate later this month.

John McNesby, president of Fraternal Order of Police Lodge 5, said the new policy could create an
“administrative nightmare,” with potentially hundreds of police barred from testifying even if the allegations
against them were false.

“You’re just painting the whole department with a broad brush,” said McNesby, who said he had not been
consulted about the new policy. Krasner said he had met with McNesby and union lawyers about it.

Capt. Francis Healy, special adviser to Police Commissioner Richard Ross, said the department was
“looking to make sure we can comply as quickly and promptly” as possible with the request from the
prosecutor’s office. He said the Internal Affairs Division had provided similar information to prosecutors in
the past, but acknowledged this request was broader than in previous instances.

In building a comprehensive list of potentially tainted officers, Cummings said prosecutors have asked the
Police Department for “any information contained in [internal] files that equals the qualifying misconduct
for every officer” dating back to 2010, she said.

Healy said the department would comb through Internal Affairs records and findings by the Police Board
of Inquiry. He also said the department would likely be “over-inclusive” in meeting the DA’s request, but
he did not know how many complaints or records might ultimately be sent.

Cummings said prosecutors would also work with the department to obtain such information on a periodic
basis moving forward, allowing prosecutors to modify the list as new instances of potential misconduct

Compiling a database of infractions, Krasner said, will help prosecutors be aware of officers whose
potential testimony might not be trustworthy, and notify defense attorneys. Krasner said it could benefit
the Police Department to know which officers his staff has deemed too questionable to testify.

“They need to know that so that they don’t put an officer whose credibility is in question in a position,
when they could have put an officer deemed credible, [and] thereby mess up a case,” he said.

Krasner and Cummings declined to say whether an officer’s inclusion on the list would automatically bar
the officer from testifying. They said evaluations would be made on an individual basis, with the approach
potentially varying depending on the details of the officer’s offense or role in the prosecution. Cummings
did say prosecutors generally view lying as the most damning offense for a potential witness — and that
they would disclose any instance of such misconduct, something that was not mandatory under Williams’

“We take [it] very seriously when somebody gets in trouble for lying and you absolutely have to disclose,”
she said.

Cummings said an officer’s inclusion on the list would not necessarily be permanent. An officer who
completes a probationary program for drunken driving, for example, may be taken off the list after
returning to active duty.

At the same time, Cummings said prosecutors may consider violations that are not part of the police
disciplinary system. If a judge concluded that an officer’s testimony was not credible in a particular case,
for example, the District Attorney’s Office would likely take that into account even if Internal Affairs did not
weigh in, she said.

McNesby, of the police union, said the policy seemed “too broad,” and that officers could be implicated for
a variety of reasons that might not be substantiated.

“You’re going down a slippery slope,” McNesby said.

The creation of a list of police with perceived credibility issues is not without precedent. Prosecutors in the
Seattle area, among other regions, have kept similar rosters for years.

Food rescuers race to battle waste, hunger

Inquirer // Alfred Lubrano
The kitchen was in pre-lunch frenzy at the Delaware Valley University Farm Market in Doylestown, the
kind of upscale spot you’d expect to find on a leafy Bucks County road, all high-end marmalades and
country gentility.

In the midst of the salad-chopping chaos, executive chef David Demko, 40, took a timeout to hand over
trays of unsold beef lasagna and roasted vegetables to Bob Ventresca of Bucks County Food Runners.

Ventresca, a muscular real-estate developer with a social conscience and a fast 2010 Nissan Altima
Coupe, stuffed the food into insulated bags and hustled it to a women’s shelter, in time for a midday meal.
Two big-time American problems got addressed in one afternoon: food waste and hunger.

Born of a Bible-study group brainstorm, Food Runners is one of a growing number of outfits that pick up
uneaten items from restaurants, caterers, and other spots where food is served. Someone with extra food
calls the Runners, and one of 25 volunteers picks it up and delivers it to a shelter or cupboard.

Other such services, such as Food Connect in Philadelphia, have an app that donors can download to get
their food ferried to a charitable organization. Throughout the region, there’s an increasing number of
people who see both the food surplus and the deficit among people in need, and cannot abide the
imbalance. They’re working to do something about it.

“Are we going to solve the problem of hunger?” Ventresca, 60, of Doylestown, asked. “No.

“But can we help? Yup.”

Tons wasted
About 30 percent to 40 percent of all the food produced in the United States is wasted, experts say.

That is 52 million tons of food a year thrown out by individual households, restaurants, groceries, and
other places where consumers buy food; 10 million more tons never harvested from farms; and one
million more tons lost in food processing, according to Zhengxia Dou, a professor of agricultural systems
at the University of Pennsylvania School of Veterinary Medicine. All that waste costs $218 billion
annually, according to ReFed, a nonprofit committed to reducing food waste.

In Philadelphia alone, Dou said, 650 tons of food are wasted every day

Aside from the loss of nutrition, the discarded food adds to climate change, because it sits in landfills and
becomes greenhouse gas — “a huge problem,” she added.

In fact, said Danielle Nierenberg, president of Food Tank, a global nonprofit dedicated to food issues, if
“food waste” were a country, it would be the third-largest emitter of greenhouse gas in the world, behind
China and the U.S.

As food spoils, one in five Philadelphians and one in 11 Bucks County residents go hungry, according to
data from Feeding America, the largest anti-hunger charity in America, headquartered in Chicago.
Throughout America, the figure is one in eight.

For Ventresca, the waste/hunger disparity came into sharp relief one day in Jenkintown three years ago
when he saw workers at a chain Italian restaurant wheeling endless cartloads of uneaten cooked food
into a Dumpster. They were one block away from a food cupboard.

“That drove me crazy,” said Ventresca, who brought it up with buddies Jim Dodaro and Kevin McPoyle.
The three are Christians who meet with other men on Friday mornings to understand their faith better and
to figure out how they can help people.

The odd thing is, both Dodaro and McPoyle had had similar “gnawing” thoughts about waste and hunger.
“We individually had the same calling to help,” said Dodaro, 56, of Furlong, who works in IT. Last year,
the men collected and distributed 21 tons of food.

The trio discovered that restaurant owners themselves disdain throwing out good food, but are fearful that
if someone were to eat something they donated and get sick, the restaurant would be liable.

But a nonprofit such as Bucks County Food Runners eliminates the worry because any food given to it is
protected by the 1996 Bill Emerson Good Samaritan Food Donation Act, a federal statute that says both
donors and organizations that receive and serve donated food are blameless if someone gets ill.

‘I can’t do nothing’
In the region, supermarkets contribute tons of food yearly to the hungry. And Philabundance, the giant
hunger-relief agency that’s part of Feeding America, has been rescuing food since its founding in 1984.
The group gathers it from grocery stores, the Port of Philadelphia, the Philadelphia Wholesale Produce
Market, and other places. About 17 million of the 25 million pounds of food Philabundance distributes in
nine counties is rescued food, an agency spokeswoman said.

None of it is restaurant food, however, which is where Megha Kulshreshtha comes in. The founder and
executive director of Food Connect, Kulshreshtha, 30, collects about 8,000 to 10,000 pounds of food a
month, much of it from restaurants and caterers. The group schedules pickups through a mobile app.

Kulshreshtha got her start in 2014. She had help from a collaboration among Philabundance, Share Food
Program, the Greater Philadelphia Coalition Against Hunger, and the city. Food Connect helped donate
uneaten food from the 2016 Democratic National Convention and last year’s NFL Draft.

An immigrant from India, Kulshreshtha said her parents inspired her to help others. “Giving back was
always part of the equation,” said Kulshreshtha, who worked in finance until she noticed food
overabundance coexisting with abject hunger. “That never sat right with me,” she said. “I can’t do

The work she does with roughly 50 volunteers is lauded. “Oh, my God, Food Connect is amazing,” said
Margaux Murphy, director of the Sunday Love Project, a nonprofit that feeds the homeless in Rittenhouse
Square and in Kensington. “They are good about food safety, and get it to us in minutes. It’s like the best
thing ever.”

Although food rescue garners more attention lately, it isn’t a panacea for waste and hunger.

Dou of Penn estimates that the difference rescuers make on overall waste is “negligible,” adding, “The
amount we rescue is less than 2 percent of the amount wasted.”

Similarly, Kathy Fisher, policy director at the Coalition Against Hunger, said that although reducing food
waste “is a win-win” in terms of battling waste and meeting short-term hunger relief, it doesn’t address
income inequality, low wages, and other issues that lie at the root cause of poverty.

Still, Dou said, on any given day in any given soup kitchen or shelter, if a person who normally would not
have eaten has a meal because a rescuer delivered one, “to that individual in that moment, it makes a big

Philadelphia Media Network is one of 19 news organizations producing Broke in Philly, a collaborative
reporting project on solutions to poverty and the city’s push toward economic justice. Read more at or follow @BrokeInPhilly.

Philadelphia Zoo breaks ground on 20,000-square-foot Earth & Elm Restaurant

Philadelphia Business Journal // Alison Burdo
Shovels moved dirt Monday to make way for construction of the Earth & Elm Restaurant at the
Philadelphia Zoo, the West Philadelphia attraction that has been taking steps recently to elevate its dining

Zoo officials previously announced some details on the 20,000-square-foot dining facility, which will have
a roof deck and green roof infrastructure, though more specifics – including renderings – that were
released Monday paint a clearer image of what visitors can expect.

The Philadelphia Zoo worked with Daroff Design Inc. + DDI Architects PC on its vision for restaurant,
which will connect "guests with nature in a way that recognizes the growing awareness of the Earth's
dwindling resources," according to a press release.

“We are thrilled to have this opportunity to collaborate with the talented Philadelphia Zoo leadership team
to realize the new main restaurant project – an iconic building that will serve as the cornerstone of the
Zoo’s ambitious and transformative new master plan,” Karen Daroff, president of Daroff Design, said in a
statement. “Designed from the inside out to provide visitors with a unique dining, event, and learning
experience oriented to the surrounding landscape and exhibits, we hope the restaurant reinforces the
Zoo’s mission of connecting children and families with nature and wildlife.”

Daroff was among the officials present for Monday's formal groundbreaking ceremony.

Set to go up next to the 42-acre Zoo's Treehouse, Earth & Elm will have 650 seats, as well as a glass-
enclosed pavilion. Diners will be able to take in views of the tree canopy and the Zoo's Bird Lake. One
interesting design element is an organic patterned façade that will light up to give visitors at night a guide
from the main path through rain gardens.

It is expected to open in 2019. Earth & Elm will also join other recently added dining amenities at the Zoo,
like Aldo’s; Chicken and Waffle; Pranzo!; and World Taco.

The Zoo is among the top 10 tourist attractions in Greater Philadelphia, according to the Philadelphia
Business Journal's "Book of Lists," which said it had more than 1.2 million visitors annually.

Craft beer pioneer Dock Street taps South Philly's evolving Washington Ave. for new brewery
Inquirer // Jacob Adelman
Dock Street Brewing Co. was an early insurgent in the craft beer revolution that introduced America to
sophisticated, small-batch suds.

Now it aims to be a pioneer in the revitalization of western Washington Avenue, currently a disheveled
industrial artery running through the resurgent South Philadelphia neighborhoods of Graduate Hospital
and Point Breeze.

The craft beer stalwart, which began brewing during the 1980s wave that also saw the birth of Samuel
Adams-producer Boston Beer Co. and Brooklyn Brewery, plans to open a new production space and
taproom in a former tile warehouse at 2118 Washington Ave. some time next spring.

Dock Street president and cofounder Rosemarie Certo said she aims to help the corridor blossom into a
bohemian-chic boulevard akin to the revitalizing area around its existing West Philadelphia location near
50th Street and Baltimore Avenue, which it will continue to operate.

With its proximity to University City, western Center City and the thriving culinary scene along East
Passyunk Avenue, “Washington Avenue is the best street in South Philadelphia,” she said. “Why would
anyone not want to be here?”

Real estate observers have long recognized craft brewers as a catalyst for the rebirth of blighted
industrial districts.

Small-scale brewers rarely have the capital to set up shop in areas with expensive rents, given the high
costs of equipment and other start-up needs, said A.J. Paniagua, a Carlsbad, Calif.-based research
analyst with real estate services firm Colliers International.

“As long as they have a roof over their heads, they can work with whatever space is given to them,” said
Paniagua, coauthor of a 2015 report that found growing demand among brewers for industrial properties.
“They’re a little more able to adjust to rundown space than other users.”

In Philadelphia, Yards Brewing Co.’s previous location in a former industrial building near the Delaware
River at Poplar Street made it an anchor to the neighborhoods of Northern Liberties and Fishtown as they
evolved into some of the city’s hottest real estate markets.

In its current location at a former warehouse at Fifth and Spring Garden Streets, Yards is now part of a
constellation of new beer makers that are helping to enliven the long-moribund industrial district north of
eastern Center City. Others include Love City Brewing Co. and Roy-Pitz Barrel House a few blocks to the

Farther north, St. Benjamin Brewing Co. and Evil Genius Beer Co. have set up shop in formerly vacant
industrial buildings on blighted blocks in and around South Kensington.

“Breweries are neighborhood changers,” said Thomas Donatucci, whose family’s Washington Avenue
property holdings include Dock Street’s future space. “Out with the tile stores and kitchen cabinets, and in
with things that serve the neighborhood and build the city.”

Dock Street will have some company on western Washington Avenue as a harbinger of change.

Across the street from the brewery’s future building, which it will share with robotic-drone developer Exyn
Technologies, developer Ori Feibush plans complex of apartments, rowhouses and stores across two
blocks, one of which is being cleared of a historic candy factory building to make way for the new

Chick’s, a restaurant and bar between 18th and 19th Streets, has been a popular addition to Washington
Avenue since opening in April 2017, while a new development of about 100 apartments and townhouses
with about 10,000 square feet of retail space is rising at 25th Street.

While projects involving residential construction along western Washington Avenue require variances
from its industrial zoning, the Dock Street brewery — as a production facility — requires no such special

Certo said her company’s entire canning operation will move from the 6,500 square feet that it occupies in
a former West Philadelphia firehouse and adjacent buildings to the 10,300 square feet it will lease from
Donatucci on Washington Avenue.

While Dock Street will continue to produce specialty and limited-run brews, such as its Jip the Blood
weissbier and its Nino’s Prickly Pears gose, in West Philadelphia for on-site consumption and keg sales,
most production will shift to South Philadelphia.

Through the expansion, Dock Street aims to ramp up production capacity from about 2,000 barrels
(equivalent to 4,000 kegs) a year to around 9,000 barrels, including a small amount it has brewed under
its label at a facility in Pittston, near Wilkes-Barre. (Philadelphia’s biggest brewer Yards, by comparison,
has capacity to brew 100,000 barrels a year at its new building.)

Dock Street’s increased production is aimed at better saturating the Pennsylvania and New Jersey
markets where it already has a presence, Certo said.

The Washington Avenue expansion will also mark the Dock Street’s return to the eastern side of the
Schuylkill after it closed its original location on the ground floor of the Two Logan Square office building at
18th and Cherry Streets in 1999, shortly before Certo and cofounder Jeffrey Ware, then her husband,
sold the business.

A few years after selling Dock Street, Certo bought the brand back and had beer produced under the
label at an outside brewery until the 2007 opening of the West Philadelphia brewpub, which was
expanded last year.

The opening of the Washington Avenue location will mark the start of a new chapter for the business, and
the South Philadelphia street, she said.

“It’s an area that’s ripe for innovation and rebirth,” she said. “It all kind of goes hand in hand.”

Starbucks chairman Howard Schultz stepping down

Associated Press
Starbucks Corp. says Howard Schultz is stepping down as executive chairman this month of the coffee
chain he joined more than 30 years ago.

Schultz, who oversaw the transformation of Starbucks into a global chain with more than 28,000
locations, had left the CEO job at the company last year to focus on innovation and social impact projects.

The Seattle-based chain says Schultz will take the title of chairman emeritus as of June 26, and is writing
a book about Starbucks' social impact efforts.

Schultz had often aligned himself and Starbucks with social issues like race and jobs for underprivileged
youth - even when those efforts fell flat, like the "Race Together" campaign that encourage workers to talk
about race with customers.

More recently, as the company tried to restore its reputation after the arrest of two black men at a coffee
shop in Philadelphia, Schultz said he didn't want people to feel "less than" if they were refused bathroom

Last week, the company closed its U.S. stores for several hours for bias awareness training, one of the
measures it promised after the men in Philadelphia were arrested as they waited for an associate but
hadn't bought anything.

Schultz, who had returned as the company's CEO in 2008, was credited with turning around Starbucks'
fortunes. He oversaw the expansion of the chain's food and beverage menu and the growth of its popular
loyalty program and mobile app.

Starbucks said Myron E. "Mike" Ullman would be the new chairman of the board upon Schultz's

'Some disasters stand out.' Firefighters remember the Salvation Army collapse | Ronnie Polaneczky
Inquirer // Ronnie Polaneczky
On Tuesday, the city will dedicate a park on the site of one of the worst disasters in Philadelphia’s history:
the collapse of the Salvation Army Thrift Store at 22nd and Market Streets. The slender corner oasis — to
be christened the June 5th Memorial Park in recognition of the collapse on that date in 2013 — aims to
remind us of the heartache that happens when we put greed before human life.

Two men who will never need the nudge are Philadelphia Deputy Fire Commissioners Gary Loesch and
Craig Murphy. They were battalion chiefs at the time — Loesch was in fire operations; Murphy was with
special operations. With hundreds of other fire, rescue, police and other city personnel, they sped to the
scene when the wall came down.

They think about that day every time they pass 22nd and Market, their memories as vivid as if the
catastrophe happened five minutes ago, not five years.

Their brand of humble heroism is the only good thing that happened that day. Everything else was awful,
serving only as evidence of how craven developers are dazzled by dollars — and risk the lives of the
public and those who protect us.

“I raced down Broad Street with an aide — the reports were coming in so fast,” recalls Loesch, 56, a 32-
year veteran of the department. “I’ve been on hundreds of incidents and fires in my career. But I’ve got to
tell you, when I got there, I went numb for a minute. The size of the footprint of the site, the chaos of it,
took my breath away.”

Murphy, who flew down I-95 from his headquarters near the Philadelphia Police Academy on State Road,
had an idea of what was in store for his workers. As one of 18 members of the Philadelphia Fire
Department who worked with first responders in New York on 9/11, he’d spent nine days helping to
recover the dead and stabilize the pile of rubble the World Trade Center had become.
“When I got to Market Street, I did a 360-walk around the site, to see where we should start the rescue,”
recalls Murphy, 56, a 31-year veteran who as deputy commissioner oversees planning and risk reduction.
“Right away, you could see there were unsupported walls in danger of collapse. We had to stabilize the
site before we could begin rescue.”

He had to literally pull firefighters off the pile, so frantic were they to rescue victims, one of whom was
screaming for help.

“All day long, firefighters were begging me to put them to work,” says Loesch, who was charged with site
safety that day. “I said, I have to hold you back in case a second collapse happens. I’ll need you to rescue
the guys in there.”

At many points throughout the operation, says Murphy, all machinery had to be shut down, generators
turned off, overhead choppers banished so that rescuers could call out to victims and listen for a

“You need silence,” says Murphy. “All that noise can work against you.”

Eventually, families began showing up, fearful that missing loved ones were in the rubble. They provided
rescue workers with photos and described sections of the store where their kin were likely to have been
working or shopping. The FBI was able to access some victims’ cell phones and make them ping, giving
rescuers a clue where to dig.

“It was tedious work to de-layer the pile,” says Murphy. “We didn’t want to bring heavy machinery directly
onto it; we didn’t want to crush the remains of victims who had not survived. Their families deserved to
receive them intact. It was very emotional. ”

He praises the L&I worker who painstakingly worked the grabber claw of an earth mover alongside the
pile, moving debris with skilled micro-movements.

“It was like the claw was his own hand,” marvels Murphy.

Both Murphy and Loesch will be at the dedication of the memorial. Murphy knows it will not be his last
visit. He’s drawn to the places he can’t forget.

“Every five years, I visit the 9/11 site,” Murphy says. “It feels like the least I can do.”

Loesch doesn’t stay in touch with those he has helped, nor does he know any firefighter who does.

“We have to stay detached to do what we have to do,” says Loesch. He’s still haunted by images of two
children he was unable to save in a pre-Christmas fire. They held his arms as Loesch worked frantically
to remove window bars that trapped them in a burning house. “It would be too much of a burden.”

Bless Loesch, Murphy and all first responders who’ll never need a park to remind them of such tragedies
— not when they see them clearly in their memories.

Grant writing: One way you can help raise funds for Philly's troubled schools | Opinion
Inquirer // Laura Lau
As students and parents in Philadelphia have gotten frustrated with the lack of sufficient school funding,
they have tried to find ways to bring additional dollars to their schools.

And the Office of Grant Development at the central office of the School District of Philadelphia is trying to
help. In years past, we worked primarily with other central office departments at the school district
including curriculum, early childhood, and school climate, helping them find grant funding.

Now, we’re increasingly focused on working with community groups and community members interested
in helping individual schools, including parents, caregivers, soon-to-be parents, neighbors, home and
school associations, friends-of groups, civic associations, and sometimes businesses.

Last year, on average, our office received about one contact from a school community per week. This
year, it’s been one a day.

School communities call for assistance in writing grants and finding money to pay for transportation for
class trips, playgrounds, technology and more. We listen to their needs, help them set priorities,
brainstorm ideas for funding, work with them on grant applications, discuss fundraising strategies, and if
needed connect them with specific central office departments.

Unfortunately, not every school has successful community engagement, which can lead to the further
deepening of the equity divide. In our office, we talk all the time about the schools that would be greatly
helped by having organized school communities. So, when a principal, a teacher, a neighbor or a parent
calls from a school that does not have such organized support, we pay attention a little bit more.

To help bridge the divide, in May 2017, our office published The Guide to Fundraising and Grantwriting
for Schools, which can be downloaded from our website. We have followed this up by offering trainings
to teachers, Americorps VISTA workers and parents. This year, we are offering three sessions:
Grantwriting and Fundraising 101; Marketing Materials; and Writing a Grant Together. Teacher specific
trainings will be posted in SchoolNet, the District’s professional development system. All school
community members are also welcome to request individual sessions if they cannot attend a training. If
we have the availability, we can visit your school to provide a group training. Send us your training

We just finished a sold-out three-course series in Family Academy: Courses & Training (FACT),
organized by the Office of Family & Community Engagement. The parents and caregivers who
participated came from these schools: Bethune, Fell, GAMP, Greenfield, Kearney, Lankenau, Lea,
Lincoln, Locke, McCall, Mifflin, Motivation, Nebinger, Olney Elementary, Steel, Strawberry Mansion, and
the U School. Check out FACE’s website for future sessions.

You can help fund our schools, even if you don’t have a child in the system now. Here’s what you can do.

1. If you are an alumnus of a Philadelphia Public School, become an active member of your alumni
association. If there is no alumni association, start one. And use it to raise money.

2. If you own a business or are part of an association of business professionals, contact the District’s
Office of Strategic Partnerships to learn how to partner with a school. Then find out what the school
needs, whether it is classroom supplies, air conditioners or sports equipment.

3. If you don’t have the time to directly volunteer with a school but still want to make a difference, then
donate to The Fund for the School Districts of Philadelphia. Please consider giving to a school not in your
neighborhood, using the crowdfunding site Philly FUNDamentals. This site, managed by The Fund, lists
School Principal priorities and is searchable by school name or zip code. Or dedicate your gift to a
District-wide project including Early Literacy, AED monitors, arts programs and GreenFutures, the
District’s sustainability initiative.

Every little bit helps.

Laura Lau is the Philadelphia School District’s Lead Grants Development & Support Specialist
Prematurely closing nuclear plants in Pa. is risky move | Opinion
Inquirer // Martin Williams, Jr.
Pennsylvania today ranks second in the nation for nuclear power generating capacity, owed to a long
tradition of nuclear energy leadership and technological innovation. But that great history – and with it,
thousands of good-paying jobs – is now at stake.
Currently, two of Pennsylvania’s five nuclear plants are scheduled to close prematurely. Last year, Exelon
announced that Three Mile Island near Harrisburg will close in 2019. And just recently, FirstEnergy
announced plans to close its Beaver Valley Power Station located near Pittsburgh within the next three
years. This can be avoided. The owners of these power plants believe there is a need for public policy
changes that will allow these critically important assets to continue operating by fairly valuing the many
benefits provided by nuclear energy. And we agree.

Combined, Three Mile Island and Beaver Valley directly employ nearly 1,500 Pennsylvanians as well as
thousands of building and construction trades workers during refueling outages, like those recently
employed at Exelon’s Limerick Generating Station in Montgomery County and Talen Energy’s
Susquehanna Steam Electric Station in Luzerne County. Together, Pennsylvania’s five nuclear plants
contribute approximately $2 billion to the state economy, are responsible for 16,000 jobs, and contribute
$69 million in net state tax revenues annually, which helps fund important community services like
schools, roads, and law enforcement.

In addition to powering our economy, nuclear energy also keeps our air cleaner. Pennsylvania’s five
nuclear power plants produce 93 percent of the commonwealth’s carbon-free electricity and help avoid 37
million tons of CO2 emissions per year. Nuclear power is the only clean energy source that can reliably
produce large amounts of electricity around the clock.

These statistics reinforce the message our members and supporters of nuclear energy have been
consistently communicating: Nuclear power is vital to our state’s economic and environmental health.
However, the potential loss of two of our state’s five nuclear power plants is something Pennsylvania
cannot sustain.

We believe this outcome is avoidable as long as policymakers are committed to solving the problem.
That’s why the members of Boilermakers Local 13 are proud to be part of Nuclear Powers Pennsylvania,
a statewide coalition that is working to educate all Pennsylvanians about the economic and environmental
benefits of nuclear energy and the industry’s positive impact on local communities throughout the
Keystone State. These nuclear plants are tremendous assets in many ways – assets we can ill afford to

The challenges facing nuclear power are very real and must be addressed immediately for the sake of
Pennsylvania’s economy and the thousands of hard-working Pennsylvanians who depend on the nuclear
industry for employment. We are very pleased with the recent announcement from the Pennsylvania
Nuclear Energy Caucus expressing great concern about the announcement of the premature retirement
of Beaver Valley and look forward to working with all members of the General Assembly to advance
policies promoting the long-term economic, environmental, and consumer benefits of nuclear power.

Martin Williams Jr. is business manager of Boilermakers Local 13 in Philadelphia and a member of
Nuclear Powers Pennsylvania.

From: Jim Dewalt
To: James Kenney
Subject: Statement on Rescinded Invitation
Date: Tuesday, June 5, 2018 7:15:52 AM

Freedom of speech only applies when you want it to.

No one else is allowed to have a view other than yours with out being denigraded.

 "Think as we do or you're not good enough."

That's real nice coming from the city of brotherly love.

From: Susan Clarke
To: James Kenney
Subject: Eagles
Date: Tuesday, June 5, 2018 7:40:30 AM

Dear Mayor Kenney, My husband and I would like to thank you so much for your brief but stunningly accurate
statement about Trump. We are so proud of the Eagles and we know that their protest has nothing to do with
disrespect for the military. Thank you for standing with them and pointing up the absurdity of this White House.
Susan and John Clarke.

Sent from my iPad

From: Gail Sharp
To: James Kenney
Subject: Your comments regarding President Trump
Date: Tuesday, June 5, 2018 7:08:59 AM

Mayor Kenney,

Just as you have every right not to go the the White House.

The President has the right not to have the Eagles visit, including you.

Frankly, I have family members that served  in the military and some died during their service..

One family member served with George Washington in the Pennsylvania 7th.

I have family members who lived in Southern Indiana and were involved in the underground railroad.

Everyone has the right to stand in the town square and virtually say what the wish (and make an ass out of

Unless the Dems are there with their friends - you folks like to stop free speech in the the town square!!!!!

I do not have to agree with you.

So if you disrespect the flag - you disrespect our military.

The flag to our service members is very important and the players of the NFL should get a lesson.

Their lesson is lost by their actions.

As a former engine development technician competing at the Indianapolis 500, try taking a knee in May at the 500
(by the way I have five national Championships and two Indy 500 wins - with 400,000 fans watching each time)!

Makes the Eagles stadium see very small!!!!!

Good luck if you get any fan to agree with you at Indianapolis Motor Speedway!

For you comments, it’s only politics, just as you would expect from a Dems like you.

Why don’t you do something about your dump of a city?

Why don’t you work for a business friendly place?

Why don’t you clean up the homeless mess you have?

Why don’t you reduce local taxes?

Why don’s you do something for your City?

Why don’t you do something for the people you say you serve?

I am glad you would not  visit the White House.

I will not watch the Eagles Games ever again!

Many are just over paid cry babies and need to get a life.

Be thankful other are will to give their lives so they can play a game and get paid for it.

With kind regards,

Gail Sharp
From: Theresa A Murphy
To: James Kenney
Subject: Eagles
Date: Tuesday, June 5, 2018 7:31:14 AM

Please Jim - don't blame the President for The Eagles behavior - we have a bunch of
million dollar cry babies and unfortunately their refusing to honor our national anthem
is the reason they are not making our city proud after finally winning a Superbowl.

I have also emailed the Eagles and Jeff Lurie - you want to talk about egotistical....I
am no longer supporting our home team, I am choosing to simply eliminate football
from my everyday life....because of them and people like you - the game of football is
being ruined, but left wing lefties ruin most things in the World....good job you should
all be proud of yourselves.

I find you and the NFL ridiculous....a lot of people do - good, hard working, country
loving-  Americans.....I can't wait for the day this city finally wakes up and realizes a
"D" behind someone's name means disaster.

Theresa Murphy

From: Francesca Savini
To: James Kenney
Subject: Thank You For Defending The Eagles!
Date: Tuesday, June 5, 2018 7:20:49 AM

Mayor Kenney,

Thank you for realizing how important it is to defend the players right to kneel.

It brings me joy to know that you have to guts to do the right thing. 

Francesca Savini
West Philadelphia

Sent from my iPhone

From: Ken Bryant
To: James Kenney
Subject: Eagles Disrespect Philadelphia
Date: Tuesday, June 5, 2018 7:23:26 AM

Eagles and now you are an embarrassment to this great City and Country!  Visit to White House would have been
great for this city!  Great for the people and our tourism!
Your lack of leadership and political courage are very disappointing ( harmful to the city also)

Sent from my iPad

To: James Kenney
Subject: Philly Eagles
Date: Tuesday, June 5, 2018 7:34:31 AM

Your rant quote was on F&F this morning, and it was a weak attempt by you --
nothing more than typical Democrat hyperbole -- to gain favor with your constituents.

You used your office platform in an effort to mix politics with a sport that's headed for
trouble if people don't become more patriotic. Everybody could find a reason to sit,
right? Or are you one of those limousine liberals who's too naive to know that?

Guys like you aren't respected because you don't have the balls to stand up to the
tantrums and biases of professional athletes. You don't have the courage to stand up
for America and tell others to stand, too.

As a Republican, I can proudly stand and say that I'm glad that two-faced cowards
like you are Democrats... you're one of many reasons we're gonna kick your ass in
From: cothm1
To: James Kenney
Subject: Hi James
Date: Tuesday, June 5, 2018 7:23:10 AM

Dear Mr. Mayor,

I was truly hoping we would get a much higher class of person, of mayor, but I see it is not
to be. As a life long Eagles fan, I agree that the Eagles reception at the White House
definitely should have been cancelled. Some of these low life, scum bag, cry baby, spoiled
brats, who refuse to stand do not deserve an invitation.

Definitely will vote against you when you are up for reelection buddy.
From: William J Urmson
To: James Kenney
Subject: Bring Trump Down Song
Date: Tuesday, June 5, 2018 7:56:51 AM

Mayor Jim this is the official impeachment song of Antichrist Donald J Trump. Please enjoy
and share this song If nothing else I hope you like it and Go Eagles!~
Thanx and peace,
William J Urmson aka cuaroundclown on Youtube
Political Folk Singer/Songwriter and Poet
Warren, Ohio USA
From: Mark Martnick
To: James Kenney
Subject: Celebrating the Champs
Date: Tuesday, June 5, 2018 8:12:06 AM

Mr. Mayor. Since Donald Trump has cancelled on the Champs, May I suggest you and the Philadelphia Eagles
invite President Barack Obama’s to come to Lincoln Financial to meet the team. I’m sure he would be interested.

Thank you.
Mark J. Martnick
From: Jolene Krentzman
To: James Kenney
Subject: CNN
Date: Tuesday, June 5, 2018 8:13:18 AM

Mayor Kenneth,
You did a great job of defending us, Philadelphia and the eagles with that snarky CNN guy!!! Way to go!!

Sent from my iPhone

To: James Kenney
Subject: Kiss America’s Ass!
Date: Tuesday, June 5, 2018 7:46:12 AM

U r a perfect example of a typical disgusting liberal hack running a hole city with typical crime and murder.
America doesn’t want Trash like u or your worthless Eagles at our White House. Show respect to our President and
our Flag u liberal scum. U.S. Veteran
From: Greg Kelly
To: James Kenney
Subject: Comments on President
Date: Tuesday, June 5, 2018 8:12:26 AM

Mr. Mayor, your recent comments about the contraversey regarding the Eagles not standing for the
pledge are why the NFL and your team are loosing viewers.  Your disrespectful comments about the
President is a direct reflection of your bias and ego yourself.  The players that do not stand for the
anthem and use their employer for  political purposes show a blatant disrespect for the men and
women who gave the ultimate sacrifice for them to play a stupid game with a ball!!
I along with millions of others have stopped watching the NFL as you and the rest of the Liberal
Dems have ruined that too!
If you haven’t noticed there is already a movement to get you out of office and replace you with a
true American Patriot!  I along with others will donate, volunteer and see that you are defeated at
the ballot box.
Sent from Mail for Windows 10
From: Thomas Birnbaum
To: James Kenney
Subject: Know Nothing Mayor
Date: Tuesday, June 5, 2018 7:56:06 AM

Hey Jimmie!
So you think that it is more important for a bunch of ignorant football players to "protest" than it is to preserve and
protect our fragile democracy?  Go read your swearing in words.  The NFL, the eagles and you are a shameful
bunch of losers!  Not winners!
You deserve to be tarted and feathered!   I look forward to that!!!

Sent from my iPad

From: Scott Nelson
To: James Kenney
Subject: Phailadelphia Eagles - stay home!
Date: Tuesday, June 5, 2018 7:59:56 AM

If your team wants to act like assholes, don’t expect a public invitation to anything.
Tell your “team”, they (as many other teams) are a disgrace to the NFL.
I applaud the white House for showing support for the majority of sports fans and telling you to keep
your un-patriotic attitudes to yourself!
From: Diane Klopfenstein
To: James Kenney
Subject: Eagles
Date: Tuesday, June 5, 2018 8:20:03 AM

Dear Mr. Kenney,

I’m writing this email to you because I’m extremely disappointed with your comments regarding Our President and
the visit to the White House which was declined by most of the Eagles football team!

Your comments along with the actions of the Eagles are totally disrespectful to the office of the POTUS!!!!  It
doesn’t matter, who is holding the office, there is a respect for the office itself.  I would think that holding such a
position as mayor of a large city, that you would understand and expect respect for your office.

I feel it’s extremely rude to do what the Eagles have done. How would you feel if you extended such an invitation,
and players declined because they don’t agree with your political views?  You, The NFL; and the Eagles players and
franchise are setting a precedent and as role models, for many young people are teaching disrespect and


Diana’s Klopfenstein
Sent from my iPad
From: Robert Sander
To: James Kenney
Subject: Eagles White House Visit
Date: Tuesday, June 5, 2018 8:24:33 AM

Trump is RIGHT!!!! You are wrong!!!!

Sent from my iPhone
From: Bernard Grubb
To: James Kenney
Subject: I completely agree with you.
Date: Tuesday, June 5, 2018 8:13:32 AM

I have been watching you on CNN. I couldn’t agree with you more on your outlook of Donald
Trump.  I commend you for standing up and saying it as frankly as you did.  Not many
politians would do that.  Please continue to voice your opinions as you see fit.  I’m a Chiefs
fan because I live in Kansas City, but I admire your Eagles for winning the Super Bowl last
year and good luck to them this year.  Thanks again for standing up and supporting your team
and your city...


Bernard Grubb MHA, MLS (ASCP)cm

Bernard Grubb MHA MLS (ASCP)CM
From: Jim DeProspero
To: James Kenney
Date: Tuesday, June 5, 2018 8:25:39 AM

Tell your ungrateful non victim millionaire eagle players to respect my country. And you
should do the same you jerk. I'm glad that PRESIDENT TRUMP dis-invited them!!! And go
fuck yourself! 
From: Oakton
To: James Kenney
Subject: Thank you
Date: Tuesday, June 5, 2018 8:19:34 AM

Dear Mr. Mayor,

Thank you for speaking out so forcefully about the Eagles’ “disinvitation” to the White House. We need more
elected officials to point out how dangerous and self-obsessed Mr. Trump is, and to support all Americans’ rights to
free speech. I’m appalled at how nastily the NFL players have been betrayed and How the League acquiesced to the
Please continue to speak out. Many of us feel as though our officials have looked the other way in the face of Mr.
Trump’s disgusting words and actions counter to all we believe our country stands for.thank you for not being afraid
to speak.
Roxann Marshburn
Ann Arbor, MI

Sent from my iPhone

To: James Kenney
Subject: Your a loser
Date: Tuesday, June 5, 2018 8:26:14 AM

YOU are the unpatriotic one ...not Trump.. For a politician to defend people that use our National Anthem as a pawn
in some BS jihad against the police is unconscionable. Let’s hope your out of office sooner than later. People like
you are a shit stain on America.
From: Paul E. Carlson
To: James Kenney
Subject: White House Visit
Date: Tuesday, June 5, 2018 8:27:07 AM
Attachments: image001.png

I just heard your words about the disinvite of the Eagles to the White House. 
You are a buffoon!
Why would a patriotic President host a bunch of high dollar whiners who wish to disrespect
our national heroes (hint, Eagles Players are not National Heroes).  The lowly average private
Soldier in our Military is more hero to me that the entire Eagles organization.  Why don’t
those well paid players who wish to kneel actually do something more than symbolic to cure
the perceived ills they are protesting.  Symbolism over Substance is the hallmark of the hive
liberal mind.
I bet you laughed when that Bee woman called the First daughter the “C” word.  I knew it!!  I
wonder how you would feel if your wife or daughter were called that in
public…………….There wasn’t an iota of humor in the comments.  That is the trouble with
liberals, they have absolutely no sense of humor.  They simply are not capable of laughing at
themselves.  There is SOOOOO much to laugh at them about.  Or cry.
I guess you forgot that some of the famous Band of Brothers were from Philly. Would you
turn your back on them?  The highest decorated Marine before WWII was from Philadelphia. 
Major General Smedley Darlington Butler actually was awarded TWO Medals of Honor.  He
was actually a public official in Philly after his time in Military Service.  Kneeling for the
National Anthem disrespect this fine Marine and all the rest of his comrades all the way back
to colonial times to now.
When loud mouth politicians denigrate the President they are saying “all you people who
voted for him are IDIOTS.”  The People reject that position and will reject it in spades at the
next 3 elections.  I recommend you look at the Red vs Blue county map from the 2016
You talked about the egomaniac with an event no one wanted to attend.  So why do you
protest so much?  Evidently most of the Eagles didn’t really want to attend either.  Who cares
if a “small group” of Eagles players were the only one going to the celebration when we have
real evil to deal with around the world.
Have a little class rather than participating in the Anti-Trump bashing going on.  Evidently
you haven’t seen the favorability ratings.  The longer and louder goons like you protest him,
the more popular Trump becomes.  The blue wave is turning into  red wave.  Deal with it. The
average American Citizen is just sick of it!!  Besides if you manage to get rid of Trump other
than at an election you will have Vice-President Mike Pence as President.  He is more
articulate and has more experience in government than Trump and would likely be more
dangerous to the unlovable insider administrative state than Trump is.
Politicians like you are so full of Bovine Scatology you simply cannot think or see straight.
Additionally, this country is not a democracy it is a REPUBLIC.  You can look it up.  No
lesser Philadelphian than Benjamin Franklin, (remember him?), said so when asked by
another Philadelphian as the Constitutional Convention was wrapping up their work.. You sir,
should know better since the Declaration of Independence and the US Constitution were
composed in Philadelphia.
I used to be an NFL fan but (once was an Eagles fan when I was a young and callow juvenile
fool) since they decided to roll over for the social justice warriors and disrespect the Flag, the
Anthem and all they stand for I’m out of here.  When men and women willing go into harm’s
way. Sadly some lose their lives, their minds, or parts of their bodies so you can bloviate, well
certainly you should be thankful rather than disrespectful.  Then they go back for more of the
same for the liberty of The People of this once great land.  It is true that it only takes a few bad
apples to spoil the whole barrel full.
The Eagles started this by being disrespectful.  Trump finished it by walking away from that
disrespect.  Most Americans agree with Trump not with you.
Paul E.

"Don't fire unless fired upon. But if they want a war let it begin here."
—Captain John Parker, commander of the militiamen at Lexington, Massachusetts, on sighting British troops
A Deplorable and proud of it!
Tweets are for Twits!
2 Timothy3:1-7
“Courage is contagious—when a brave man takes a stand, the spines of others are often stiffened.”
--Evangelist Billy Graham
Stand with Israel
Liberalism’s biggest lie:  No one is complicit in his own misfortune!
We must reject the idea that every time a law is broken, society is guilty rather than the lawbreaker.  It is me to restore the American
precept that each individual is accountable for his actions.
--President Ronald Reagan
I will bless those who bless you,
And I will curse him who curses you;
And in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed.”
--Genesis 12:3
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable
Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among
Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed…
Declaration of Independence
“The Country’s Ruined.”
--Rance Rawlings, Uncle Provocateur
Please Visit:
Aloha Snackbar!
If you shoot an animal you are evil, If you shoot a human guns are evil; who knew?
We are all born ignorant, but one must work hard to remain stupid.
--Benjamin Franklin
Some ideas are so stupid that only intellectuals believe them.
--George Orwell
Every record has been destroyed or falsified, every book rewritten, every picture has been repainted, every statue and street building has
been renamed, every date has been altered. And the process is continuing day by day and minute by minute. History has been stopped.
Nothing exists except an endless present in which the Party is always right.
— George Orwell-1984
Congress can do whatever in their discretion can be done by money, and will promote the General Welfare, the Government is no longer
a limited one, possessing enumerated powers, but an indefinite one, subject to particular exceptions.
—James Madison (1792)
Republicans believe every day is the 4th of July, Democrats believe every day is April 15th.
--Ronald Reagan
For what avail the plough or sail, or land or life, if freedom fail?
--Ralph Waldo Emerson 
Some see private enterprise as a predatory target to shoot, others a cow to be milked, but few are those who see it as a sturdy horse
pulling the wagon.
--Winston Churchill
Never under estimate the power of ignorant people in large numbers.
--Mark Twain
"The right of the citizens to keep and bear arms has justly been considered as the palladium of the liberties of a republic; since it offers a
strong moral check against the usurpation and arbitrary power of rulers; and will generally, even if these are successful in the first
instance, enable the people to resist and triumph over them."
--Justice Joseph Story (1833)
"War is an ugly thing, but not the ugliest of things; the decayed and degraded state of moral and patriotic feeling which thinks nothing
worth a war, is worse. A man who has nothing which he cares more about than he does about his personal safety is a miserable creature
who has no chance at being free, unless made and kept so by the exertions of better men than himself."
John Stuart Mill; The Contest in America
In my many years I have come to a conclusion that one useless man is a shame, two is a law firm, and three or more is a congress.  
--John Adams
If you don't read the newspaper you are uninformed, if you do read the newspaper you are misinformed.
--Mark Twain
Suppose you were an idiot. And suppose you were a member of Congress. But then I repeat myself.
--Mark Twain
I contend that for a nation to try to tax itself into prosperity is like a man standing in a bucket and trying to lift himself up by the handle.
--Winston Churchill
A government which robs Peter to pay Paul can always depend on the support of Paul.
-- George Bernard Shaw, Communist  
A liberal is someone who feels a great debt to his fellow man, which debt he proposes to pay off with your money.
--G. Gordon   Liddy
Giving money and power to government is like giving whiskey and car keys to teenage boys.  
--P.J. O'Rourke, Civil Libertarian
Government's view of the economy could be summed up in a few short phrases: If it moves, tax it. If it keeps moving, regulate it.  And if
it   stops moving, subsidize it.  
--Ronald Reagan (1986) 
I don't make jokes. I just watch the government and report the facts.
--Will Rogers
If you think health care is expensive now, wait until you see what it costs when it's free!  
--P. J. O'Rourke                       
No man's life, liberty, or property is safe while the legislature is in session.  
--Mark Twain
Talk is cheap, except when Congress does it.
The inherent vice of capitalism is the unequal sharing of the blessings. The inherent blessing of socialism is the equal sharing of misery.
--Winston Churchill
The only difference between a tax man and a taxidermist is that the taxidermist leaves the skin.  
--Mark Twain
There is no distinctly Native American criminal class, save Congress.
--Mark Twain
What this country needs are more unemployed politicians.
--Edward Langley, Artist (1928-1995)
A government big enough to give you everything you want, is strong enough to take everything   you have.
-- Thomas Jefferson 
 Veritas vos Liberabit--Semper Vigilo, Fortis, Paratus, et Fidelis
 Read the Patriot Post:

From: Ray Nagengast
To: James Kenney
Subject: CNN
Date: Tuesday, June 5, 2018 8:37:12 AM

Mr. Mayor
I listened to you on CNN this morning and I totally agree with you about Mr. Trump. If him and his
family is so patriotic why did he dodge the draft and none of his kids have served in the military.  I
served our great country for 20 years with bad feet and I never tried to get out.  Plus I enlisted in
early 1973 and proudly served.
Raymond P. Nagengast.
Sent from Mail for Windows 10
From: Thomas Schmelter
To: James Kenney
Subject: Comments About Trump
Date: Tuesday, June 5, 2018 8:40:29 AM

Mr. Mayor;

Love your comments about our President. Very misguided. It just your NFL too have no class. 

As for "Patriots" and patriotism, again you do not have the capacity to recognize it. You
liberal ideology and your political hate blind you.  And that is a the Mayor of a city
so important to our early history,...with the Liberty Bell, William Penn, and Ben
just don't have it...a true love for our flag and country. What a disgrace you are...!

Also, as the Mayor of the "City of Brotherly Love" you sure don't show any "love", or respect
for your President. Now you are on record for all posterity as a disrespectful, petty, little
politician of a crumbling, dysfunctional, overrated east coast town. 

Shameful. You need to apologize and ask the President to forgive you.

Thomas P. Schmelter
From: Henry "Butch" Herzing
To: James Kenney
Subject: NFL
Date: Tuesday, June 5, 2018 8:32:16 AM

Your team does not deserve a trip to the White House as they have and
continue to disrepect the flag and what it stands for.  Your team are
irresponsible high paid spoiled brats.  I hope the NFL would lose so much
money this upcoming season that you players have to take a tremendous
cut in salary.
​Now let's see if we can determine when respect for the NFL
started to crumble!​
Somewhere along the way the word hypocrite rears it's ugly
Could it have been when these events happened?? 

> * In 2012 the NFL had an issue with Tim Tebow kneeling for each game to
> they also had an issue with Tebow wearing John 3:16 as part of his
> eye-black to avoid glare, and made him take it off.
> * In 2013 the NFL fined Brandon Marshall for wearing green cleats to raise
> awareness for people with mental health disorders.
> * In 2014 Robert Griffin III (RG3) entered a post-game press conference
> shirt that said "Know Jesus Know Peace" but was forced to turn it inside
> out by an NFL uniform inspector before speaking at the podium.
> * In 2015 DeAngelo Williams was fined for wearing "Find the Cure" eye black
> breast cancer awareness.
> * In 2015 William Gay was fined for wearing purple cleats to raise awareness
> for domestic violence. (Not that the NFL has a domestic violence problem...).

> *In 2016 the NFL prevented the Dallas Cowboys from wearing a decal on
> helmet in honor of 5 Dallas Police officers killed in the line of duty.
> * In 2016 the NFL threatened to fine players who wanted to wear cleats to
> commemorate the 15th anniversary of 9/11.
> So tell me again how the NFL supports free speech and expression, all
> of a sudden... It seems quite clear based on these facts that the NFL
> has taken a position against any action by NFL players demonstrating
> RESPECT for any issue: For God, social causes such as mental health,
> domestic violence, for cops killed arbitrarily for being cops, for the Memory
of 9/11...
> BUT they will allow demonstrations of DISRESPECT for our National Flag,
> our National Anthem, for America , and for the American People, if it will help
> mollify a particular Group and its supporters. That is who and what the NFL
> has shown itself to be.
From: Leslie McChesney
To: James Kenney
Subject: Thank You!
Date: Tuesday, June 5, 2018 8:30:08 AM

Mr. Mayor,
I want to thank you for your candor this morning on CNN.  You hit the nail on the head with
your direct words about Donald Trump.  
I am proud to be an American, but like you, I fear what this man is doing to our great nation.  I
was born in Philadelphia and I am proud to be a citizen of PA.  I now live in Stroudsburg, PA
and proud to stand up for what I believe in.  I am also an Eagles fan, (Philles also!) and I am
proud of them for not being bullied into a false display of respect to a person who has NO
respect for anyone.  
When you were asked how the fans would react to the Eagles not going to the White House, (
which was a slap in our face),  I can tell you Io, for one, am delighted!  I really had hoped they
would not go.
This is not about the party of this president, it IS about the man!  He is filled with disdain and
contempt for anyone who goes against him for any reason. 
Thank You again, many times over.
Leslie McChesney
From: fodisclosure
To: James Kenney
Subject: Trump and the NFL
Date: Tuesday, June 5, 2018 8:41:24 AM

It's obvious a bunch of fucking morons voted you in office.  Lay off my President you asshole.

Sent with ProtonMail Secure Email.

From: Buzz
To: James Kenney
Subject: Well said
Date: Tuesday, June 5, 2018 8:29:55 AM

Dear Mayor Kenney,

Listened to your interview on CNN this morning. I was gladdened to hear you tell it like it is
especially with regard to Trump’s military service or lack thereof. America should be reminded
of this every time Trump plays the patriotism card. It’s unfortunate that more folks who have a
voice aren’t standing up and doing so. Thanks!
Buzz Hooker
Marlborough, MA
From: Dan Booher
To: James Kenney
Subject: Eagles at White House
Date: Tuesday, June 5, 2018 9:05:23 AM

Mr mayor,
You freakin hypocrite.  It's an honor for a "team" to be invited to the White House.  If the "team" doesn't want to
show up, that's fine.  Don't blame the president.  Screw you!

Sent from my iPad

From: Manager Nordic Lodge
To: James Kenney
Subject: disappointed
Date: Tuesday, June 5, 2018 8:51:35 AM

Very disappointed with your comments. I served at the Navy base at the end of Broad street back in
the late 60’s . With the money these players earn they should be proud to be invited to the White
House. You wonder why fans are leaving the NFL and turning off their TV sets. Where else in the
world will they make what they make here in this great Country. You take up your grievances at the
Voting Booth not at Entertainment venues. I for one would encourage the President to close down
the Philadelphia Naval Shipyard based on your comments. Many residents have made a good living
working there.
Thomas Lemmer
Past State Commander
Veterans of Foreign Wars
Dept of Wisconsin
From: Swannee W
To: James Kenney
Subject: ASSHOLE!
Date: Tuesday, June 5, 2018 8:42:54 AM

Glad Trump cancelled your failing team’s day at the White House!  What a jackass you are and there
is a reason the world know you as KILLADELPHIA!  Your city is full of gang banging HUMAN SHIT and
is on the way to becoming a SHIT HOLE CITY to rival all others!  STAND or LOSE YOUR VIEWERS! 
Sent from Mail for Windows 10
From: Werner Raes
To: James Kenney
Subject: Eagles
Date: Tuesday, June 5, 2018 8:41:57 AM

Dear Mayor,

Understood that you HAVE to politically support your pro football team in fear of losing voters. However, the
Philadelphia Eagles, along with most other NFL teams, are “kneeling” themselves out of existence and lucrative
“jobs”. More and more of our nation is boycotting the NFL entirely due to the players total disrespect of our
American flag. “We the People…” are beyond happy that President Trump dis-invited the loony Eagles from a
White House visit. As a LEGAL immigrant and an honorably retired police detective in (Whacked out!) California,
cops do NOT needlessly arrest Blacks (too much paper work on every arrest these days!) but we do always stand for
our National Anthem!!!

As a mayor, your ONLY job is to absolutely support EVERYTHING that President Trump could possibly imagine
or even dream in his sleep….to make America NORMAL again!

Werner Raes
From: Joseph R. Bonamico Sr. / Pres. PWWC
To: James Kenney
Date: Tuesday, June 5, 2018 9:04:49 AM

Hey Mayor - shame on you and shame on the Eagles I hope you get voted out of office damn
fast you're a disgrace to this city. When I think of all the patriotism and the Bloodshed that
occurred in our great City you make me sick and you are nothing but a traitor. Bring back The

Sent from my Verizon 4G LTE Droid

From: Jane Edwards
To: James Kenney
Subject: Philadelphia Eagles
Date: Tuesday, June 5, 2018 9:04:47 AM

Mayor Kenney,

When I googled you, no surprise that you are a Democrat.

I am so glad President Trump disinvited the team. A handful of bad apples ruins it for everybody else. These guys
should stand for the anthem. Those that don’t, should be fired!
Playing football is their job and they make a lot of money. Everybody has rules at work and get fired when they
blatantly disregard them. They are no different than anybody else. USE THEIR OWN TIME FOR PROTESTING.

Trump is a true Patriot. When he believes in something, he follows through with his beliefs.

Sent from my iPhone

From: Stephen Levin
To: James Kenney
Subject: Proud
Date: Tuesday, June 5, 2018 8:47:15 AM

Mr Mayor,

I am a Philadelphia native living in the U.K.  And I have been proud of the city, its teams and its people for all of
my 72 years.  But I have never been more proud of the city than now.  The Eagles are a class team and you have
spoken truth to power. 

I thank you.

Stephen Levin
From: Larry Collins
To: James Kenney
Subject: Really?
Date: Tuesday, June 5, 2018 8:46:00 AM

How sad.  I suppose that since you are a Democrat we should not be surprised that you support
the knee-taking Eagles with a knee-jerk response when President Trump withdraws the
INVITATION to the White House.   When you plan a party and most of the people respond
"NO" to the RSVP, you often cancel the party.   In this case, the team SPURNED the
President's invitation with an in-your-face "no thank you."  Who can blame his for saying,
"Well then, never mind."

The Eagles are an EMBARRASSMENT.  They are the poster boys for what's wrong with the
NFL and why attendance and TV-viewership is down.  I haven't watched a game in 2
years...and I don't miss it.  Who wants to watch over-paid boys act anti-American while being
paid multi-millions of dollars while they complain about "mistreatment" in American?  Excuse
me, but the divas need to put their own money where their big mouths are and help the
communities from which they came.   Put up...and shut up.   

And you haven't helped the discourse either.  What are you?  An American, or a Democrat? 
Apparently it's increasingly impossible to be both.  You've shown you're true 'colors' and they
don't appear to be red-white-and-blue.

You can do better.

Larry E Collins
From: Ron Steiner
To: James Kenney
Subject: Bravo!
Date: Tuesday, June 5, 2018 9:08:08 AM

Greetings Mr. Mayor,

I just heard an excerpt of your recent comments regarding the canceled White House visit, on
ESPN and wanted to express my appreciation for your candor, eloquence, and courage.


Cheers, from a missplaced Chicago Bears fan living in Dallas, Texas.


*** Sent from mobile device. 

Please excuse brevity/typos.

From: Janet Neff
To: James Kenney
Subject: So thankful for you
Date: Tuesday, June 5, 2018 9:10:11 AM

This is a frightening time, and I am so thankful that you have stood up for the constitutional rights of the Eagles.
We, as citizens and leaders, must publicly voice our disapproval so the divisive and abusive antics of this
administration are not seen as normal and acceptable. Again thank you. Janet Neff

Sent from my iPhone

From: dianashore8
To: James Kenney
Subject: EAGLES
Date: Tuesday, June 5, 2018 9:24:34 AM

Mayor Kenney-
I am sick and tired and completely disgusted to hear you liberal Dimms bad mouth
this President!!!!!
Get a life.. these overpaid idiots (Eagles) are pampered pansies. I will not ever watch
football ..

At least this President is working every day, donating his government salary to good
causes and isn't a phoney talking out of both sides of his mouth ! 

A far cry from the worthless jerk that occupied the people's house before him!

Hopefully you will be voted OUT 

Sent via the Samsung Galaxy Tab E, an AT&T 4G LTE tablet

From: J R catalina
To: James Kenney
Subject: I am from Philly a long long time
Date: Tuesday, June 5, 2018 9:19:22 AM

and I don't stand with you on the Eagles.   Keep your mouth shut...

To: James Kenney
Subject: Pres. Trump
Date: Tuesday, June 5, 2018 9:22:52 AM

You are behaving like the Pot that calls the kettle black. Respect the President; respect Frank
Rizzo.Respect character not color.
D J Sesso
From: dw
To: James Kenney
Subject: Disinviting them from the White House only proves that our president is not a true patriot, but a fragile
egomaniac obsessed...
Date: Tuesday, June 5, 2018 9:34:05 AM

You can shove it Kenney.

From: rich
To: James Kenney
Subject: white house visit
Date: Tuesday, June 5, 2018 9:16:48 AM

Sent from Mail for Windows 10
Stop being an embarrassment, and you jackasses wonder why your ratings are so low, Nobody but a
few resisters think you are right,  And stop disrespecting this President, Shame on you
From: Joan Mahon
To: James Kenney
Subject: Thank you
Date: Tuesday, June 5, 2018 9:24:54 AM

Your Honor, 
Thank you for holding fast to the values I cherish. Just wanted you to know I admire you very
You have your eyes wide open to the nonsense Mr. Trump spews on an hourly basis. I have
not slept well since 1/20/17.
Keep up the good work and thank you for lowering my blood pressure with your honesty and
humanity. As I go to vote today, my hopes remain high for the midterm election.
Joan Mahon  
From: ben bourassa
To: James Kenney
Subject: Eagles - lack of Patriotism!!
Date: Tuesday, June 5, 2018 9:34:25 AM

Most of us don't even watch football anymore, now your team has been uninvited.  Keep your team in the
hole ---- The ShitHole!!
From: pat manion
To: James Kenney
Subject: Eagles no fly zone
Date: Tuesday, June 5, 2018 9:31:46 AM

Your disrespectful comment concerning our President Trump, who I add was elected by this
country craps on you!

Mr Manion
From: Gary Yarbrough
To: James Kenney
Subject: Eagles
Date: Tuesday, June 5, 2018 9:32:37 AM

Our president did the right thing in disrespecting the overgrown, immature adolescents who
disrespected me as a veteran, all our military, and our flag when they chose to kneel and disrespect
us during the national anthem.
The Eagles didn’t deserve to go to the White House.  Again, our president was right, and you should
be ashamed of your team.
Gary Yarbrough, M.D.
Vietnam Veteran, 1969-1972
From: Dan McDonald
To: James Kenney
Subject: Eagles to the White House
Date: Tuesday, June 5, 2018 10:00:49 AM

Mayor Kenney: taking the politically easy way out.

I disagree with your comments about the eagles visit to the Whitehouse. Why would a
President invite a team to the Whitehouse with only 10 members out of say 50 to be
recognized?  How about the eagles having the guts to admit and notify the president weeks
prior that only 1/5 of the team was going to attend.

Rather than lead you took the politically easy way out and blame the president. I'm

From: Holly Koerber
To: James Kenney
Subject: Fragile Egomaniac?
Date: Tuesday, June 5, 2018 9:27:41 AM

Your city is an absolute embarrassment to this great nation. It is so indicative of our garbage culture
because of liberal’s entitlement mentality. Your players are indeed blessed yet THEY choose to insult
the entire nation by thinking only of themselves.  The White House is the people’s house-the
individual occupant does not matter when it comes to traditions like winning championship teams
visiting. These players should have shown respect to the nation, instead only thought of themselves.
The nation is abandoning the NFL because of it’s spoiled, entitled players and coaches.
Please do not write back-I am sure you wouldn’t have taken the time anyway. I do not want to hear
how wonderful these players are and what good works they do. They do NOTHING sacrificially,
nothing. They behave like entitled brats and worse. Just as all of you throw traditions and respect for
our flag and anthem in to the garbage heap and in response, a significant part of our patriotic
citizenry throws sports to the garbage heap. Idiots that fritter away their blessings see the result.
Nothing could be more ironic or hypocritical than tossing the insult you did at our President and
nation that reflects each and every one of you entitled posers. I guess last year’s response to the NFL
went right over your heads.
Holly Koerber
To: James Kenney
Subject: Eagles Not Going to White House
Date: Tuesday, June 5, 2018 10:02:10 AM

So you support players kneeling at our National Anthem, or dismissing their visit to the White
House, but lay all the blame on the President of the United States for not wanting to
participate in this unpatriotic drama?

The Eagles area a Team (win or lose) and can win or lose based on the actions of a few
players.  As such, they do not deserve their visit.  Perhaps next season they can find other
ways to protest, support their political agenda, or exercise some other right that doesn't
involve unpatriotically disrespecting the very people that helped provide them the right to do

Get your priorities straight!

From: Andy Smith
To: James Kenney
Subject: your recent comments
Date: Tuesday, June 5, 2018 9:55:23 AM

Dear Mayor,

The President made the right decision. The NFL and especially the Eagles
should understand that the have every right to disrespect our flag but
the White House has the same right to dis-invite them to the  White
House. There is a great majority of the NFL fans that no longer will sit
silently while these overpaid boys throw a temper tantrum.


Andy Smith
From: wally
To: James Kenney
Subject: From an Iowan
Date: Tuesday, June 5, 2018 10:09:41 AM

I was an Eagles fan for the SB this year.  Good for you in taking Trump to task for the disinvite, although if
I was a player I would not go.  I have traveled all over the world and Trump is an embarrassment .  Keep
up the good work.   Wally Heitman in Iowa City
From: Marietta Denniston
To: James Kenney
Subject: Rump’s disinvitation
Date: Tuesday, June 5, 2018 10:17:05 AM

Congratulations on your comments regarding the president’s (small p, oh, is that a joke?) rude disinvitation to your
Eagles.  Consider the source and a great comeback comment from you.  Make America free again!

Mari Denniston

Sent from my iPad

From: Lyne Kurokawa
To: James Kenney
Subject: Statement on white house ceremony
Date: Tuesday, June 5, 2018 10:17:38 AM

I just watched the news on tv & couldn’t believe that you are condoning the Eagles players for their ignorance,
stupidity, & lack of patriotism; that has to be a political stance you’re taking as no mayor could possibly be that
ferel. And to support ignorance instead of taking a courageous stance is the cowardly side of you coming out!!!!
Pathetic character.

Lyne...Sent from my iPhone

From: Agnes Green
To: James Kenney
Subject: You are a class act
Date: Tuesday, June 5, 2018 10:09:01 AM

Thank you for standing strong against petty, sick minded Drumpf. I liked you before you made the official statement
defending our beloved Eagles. I love you more now.

Thank you for your public service.

Agnes Green
From: Matt Leg
To: James Kenney
Subject: White House
Date: Tuesday, June 5, 2018 10:14:23 AM

Why don’t you go soak your head! From an old vet.

From: Gene Siburn
To: James Kenney
Subject: Typical
Date: Tuesday, June 5, 2018 10:15:33 AM

Typical democratic attitude, standing by a bunch of disrespectful over paid

ball players, many of who have never done a thing for their country.
Running a disaster of a city that is not even safe to visit after dark. 
From: Fraser Falkner
To: James Kenney
Subject: Eagles to White House
Date: Tuesday, June 5, 2018 10:23:38 AM

Just to say "way-to-go" on your reply to Trump cancelling the meeting.

Finally, someone standing up on their hind legs and speaking frankly to the mans’ demeanour!
The emperor has no clothes!
From: Jeff and Mechele Cook
To: James Kenney
Subject: Leader
Date: Tuesday, June 5, 2018 10:20:03 AM

Mr. Mayor, saw your comment on the visit of the Eagles to the White House.  You are
NOT a leader, you are a jerk looking for votes.  It is easy for you to call Pres. Trump
names, but when you have accomplished as much as he has in life, then you have
that right.  But, until, button it up because you and your team are an embarrassment
to this country.  Take some time and teach your players about what an opportunity
they have had because they live in America.  Big salaries, no brains!!!!  Take a key
from Jessie Owens and knock off the politics!!!
jeff cook
Twin Falls, ID

From: Lisa Zipp
To: James Kenney
Subject: Trump comments
Date: Tuesday, June 5, 2018 10:21:11 AM

Mr Kenney

Please answer me this:

What have your Eagle players who are so “passionate “ about kneeling during their national anthem done privately
in their off season to address what they are kneeling for??
If “nothing” is the answer, then perhaps it is a selfish “look at me” moment to get on camera and make the moment
about them as is typical with overrated, overpaid athletes!
Maybe you should address that instead of taking the opportunity to get out your OBVIOUS hatred for our President!

Lisa Zipp

Sent from my iPhone

From: Sheila Colbenson
To: James Kenney
Subject: Stop Running Down "Our President" - NFL Players Should Stand for National Anthem
Date: Tuesday, June 5, 2018 10:18:55 AM

Jim Kenney ,

Where was your voice when Obama and the Clintons were selling out this country to our enemies.  Where are the
NFL players’ and their “ACTIVISM” when the marxist and communists were selling our United States to our
enemies.  Why aren't the NFL players on the Eagles Team protesting the “systematic” abortions of the African
Americans, the child trafficking done by the Clintons, Obama’s sending billions of dollars to Iran. 

Where are you and the NFL players screaming for answers about “Benghazi.”  Clinton and Obama left Americans
to die in Benghazi, and then LIED their assess off about it.  Where is the activism on who the hell is Obama? 
Where’s the activism on the Clinton Foundation fraud? 

Are you part of the marxist cabal?  Who are you?  Are you a Democrat or a communist marxist?

We LOVE TRUMP and the United States of America!  Stop running him down!
From: Thomas Campbell
To: James Kenney
Subject: Your offensive public comments
Date: Tuesday, June 5, 2018 10:29:31 AM

Mayor Kenny,

I was deeply offended by your hateful, public comments regarding President Trump's
decision to dis-invite the Philadelphia Eagles from a White House visit.

Count me among the millions of Americans who agree with President Trump's
decision.  The majority of Americans don't want overpaid, unpatriotic, NFL players
disrespecting the National Anthem and using a visit to the White House as a platform
for insulting veterans and other patriotic Americans.

You public comments fuel the hatred and racial animosity among many NFL players.


Thomas Campbell
From: John Dawson
To: James Kenney
Subject: WH Visit
Date: Tuesday, June 5, 2018 10:27:44 AM

Mr. Kenney,
Ya know, I feel badly for the few who wanted to come.
Trump unpatriotic & fragile?? What a joke! Let me guess Mr. Kenney …I’ll bet
you’re a Democrat so mom, home & apple pie you’re not.  Maybe you want to
cater to overpaid, whiny, un-American, BLM-thugs ….Trump & most ‘normal’
Americans most assuredly do not. Why don’t YOU & Casey host something for
these clowns, raise the ISIS, MS-13 or the Black Panther flag, remove your caps
& have a moment of silence for Assata Shakur and then you can ALL take a
J. Dawson
From: Alicia Healey
To: James Kenney
Date: Tuesday, June 5, 2018 10:34:05 AM

Dear Mayor,

A belated thank you for responding to me about the litter. I want to applaud you on your most
recent statement regarding 45 and the rescinding of the invitation to the Eagles willing to
attend the White House.

Best Wishes,

From: DK
To: James Kenney
Subject: Mayor
Date: Tuesday, June 5, 2018 10:49:02 AM

You are a lunatic. Because you hate Trump you feed the division of the country.
Shame on you

David Kratochvil 
From: hank barrett
To: James Kenney
Subject: Trump comments
Date: Tuesday, June 5, 2018 10:48:37 AM

Your (dis)Honor,

Your comments on Trump are disgusting, uncalled for and divisive. Shows you to be somewhere beneath an idiot.

H Barrett

Sent from my iPhone

From: Leo and Melody Pagliei
To: James Kenney
Subject: Patriot or not
Date: Tuesday, June 5, 2018 10:35:38 AM

President Trump stands for what is right, our flag. Your kind holds their finger to the wind to
determine which way to come down on an issue. So, who has the REAL backbone? As a veteran of
the armed services, I appreciate that our president supports what I fought for, the flag of the United
States of America.
Sent from Mail for Windows 10
From: K.A.B.
To: James Kenney
Subject: You are disgusting
Date: Tuesday, June 5, 2018 10:37:08 AM

I was in your city recently.  It is dirty bullet ridden and your crime is on the up.  My
purse was stolen as I walking into a wedding venue.

Why don't you stop criticizing Trump and grow an ego because you don't have one or
your city would not be in the horrendous condition that it is.

Kim Poligana
From: Gregory Walker
To: Gregory Walker
Subject: "Eagles" Not Flying So High in Washington, DC, as Trump Clips Winners Wings
Date: Tuesday, June 5, 2018 11:16:24 AM

The Politics of Sport, Race and Class

Philadelphia Mayor Sniped at U.S. President for Disinviting Eagles

Techbook Online

Mr. Jim Kenney called Mr. Donald J. Trump a fragile egomaniac after the 2018 Superbowl
Champions were disinvited from the White House. Read the full story

Shared from Apple News

Sent from my iPhone

From: Jason Darrow
To: James Kenney
Subject: Eagles Invitation
Date: Tuesday, June 5, 2018 11:04:39 AM

Dear Sir;
I heard on the news today that you are inviting the Eagles to
the city hall. Personally, I think  everyone of those black
players who can't stand for our flag should be exported along
with anti-American scum like you. President Lincoln was
100% correct when he felt that the negroes should be sent out
of the country.  Look at the mess we are in now thanks to the
ungrateful scum and the lying black we had for eight years.  I
try very hard not to be racist but theirs and your actions are
leaving a bitter taste in my mouth. Tell them they aren't on the
plantation anymore and to get over it. I've worked shoulder to
shoulder with black's, have helped my black neighbor out to
the tune of $2000.00 which I will never see and those bastards
on the Eagles team which make millions of dollars a year
should be grateful not hateful.
How dare you let our flag and National Anthem be desecrated
for your liberal and absent minded political expressions.
How dare you circumvent our duly elected President who is
trying to turn around all the anti-Americanism that you
democrats and the lying Obama caused for eight years.
If I saw you burning in hell I would throw gas on the fire.
Jason Darrow
From: Steve Dufort
To: James Kenney
Subject: No One Cares
Date: Tuesday, June 5, 2018 10:53:25 AM

Dear Asshole,

When a Muslim terrorist ambushes and shoots a Philadelphia police office while shouting “Alan Akbar” and you go
on TV to announce that there was no terrorism intent, we understood what a panty waist punk you are.  Understand
one thing, your credibility on any subject is nonexistent.  We don’t give a fuck about your disgraceful Eagles being
kick off the WH invite.  I am a fan of the Eagles and surely enjoyed their snub.

Go fuck yourself!

Sent from my iPad

From: Jeremy Wilds
To: James Kenney
Subject: Eagles
Date: Tuesday, June 5, 2018 10:56:10 AM

You are a fucking bigger lover!

From: Robert Bradley
To: James Kenney
Subject: Lead ... Don"t Follow
Date: Tuesday, June 5, 2018 10:59:10 AM

Dear Sir,

I read your response to President Trump’s ‘disinvite’ of the Philadelphia Eagles White House Celebration.  Please
sit down and keep your mouth shut!  This dispute is not your business. You only look to politicize and inflame an
already hot issue for our country.

Let me get one thing straight, I did NOT vote for Donald Trump, but as an American, I understand that we have to
support the White House regardless of political party. The Eagles made the decision to politicize the issue by
snubbing the WH celebration.  Trump responded with his disinvite. Then you make a decision to inflame the
situation even further for your own political gain. I’m sure you coordinated with DNC Leadership to make sure that
your response was up to par.

Stay in your lane, Mr. Mayor.  Lead, don’t follow. Focus on Philadelphia — From what I can tell it needs alot of
From: Linda Braxton
To: James Kenney
Subject: Philadelphia Eagles White House
Date: Tuesday, June 5, 2018 11:17:46 AM

Thank you, thank you, thank you.  I live in Maryland  a Baltimore Ravens Fan. Die
Heart. Just changed my team affiliation     You said what so many other politicians are afraid to speak up and out.
Congress needs you!!

Sent from my iPhone

From: steve anderson
To: James Kenney
Subject: Philadelphia Eagles
Date: Tuesday, June 5, 2018 10:51:51 AM

Hello, Mr. Mayor, as you have seen the descent from decency in the White House, I call on
Pennsylvania to stand up for it.  Though the Eagles had a parade already, this snub by
cancellation deserved redress that I suggest could be had by Pennsylvania holding their own
celebration in Harrisburg or Philly.  As you know, the Golden State Warriors celebration was
previously cancelled with no consequence so this is an opportunity to show one.  I just talked
to a governor's aide, Thomas, who welcomed the idea and said he would pass it to the
governor. I am sending this same message to Senator Casey and the team.

I am not a Pennsylvania resident but decency does not stop at the state line so please make it
From: joe bennett
To: James Kenney
Subject: thank god you"re not my mayor
Date: Tuesday, June 5, 2018 10:59:44 AM

Hello Mr. Mayor,

I heard your radio interview on WIP this morning and never realized what a clown you are. You show
support for Meek Mill who has a rap sheet as long as anyone but somehow disagree with the majority of
America who believes you should show "RESPECT" during the national anthem. To support a criminal
thug like Meek Mill who has terrorized the streets of Philadelphia but not support our police just shows
what a pathetic politician you are. The reason I say you don't support the police is because you are
sticking up for the players who are protesting your police department. You say Trump is all about himself
and was doing this to the eagles for self gain but I can't imagine you actually believe Meek Mill was
wronged as much as it plays to your base. You're a hypocrite and the shitty city of Philadelphia deserves
someone like you because the more felons you lobby to get out of prison the more bodies will be piling up
in your streets and when you become the next Chicago at least your voting base will say "but Mr. Kenney
helps get us out of jail" Meek Mill had a gun charge and you are probably the same guy that cries saying
we need stricter gun laws. So which is it? Do we need stricter gun laws or lighter sentences for people
convicted of gun crimes? And if everyone is being so wronged by your police department all the time what
do you intend on doing about it?
From: Marcy Cope
To: James Kenney
Subject: Thank you
Date: Tuesday, June 5, 2018 11:10:04 AM

Thank you for supporting the Philadelphia Eagles and standing against the divisiveness and racism of  our president.
The people of Philadelphia should be extremely proud of Philadelphia being a sanctuary city and of your leadership.
Go Philly!!

Sent from my iPhone

From: Ward Finance
To: James Kenney
Subject: Eagles/Whitehouse
Date: Tuesday, June 5, 2018 11:43:53 AM

You have it backwards as to who are not patriots.  Only 6 to 8 of the whole teams squad was gong to the
Whtehouse so Who is
Not patriotic?   YOUR TEAM is who.  It is going to be a hell of bad year for you guys.  Never saw such a
bunch of low class Americans,
From: Allen Fuhrman
To: James Kenney
Date: Tuesday, June 5, 2018 11:29:07 AM

You should have also scolded the Eagles also. I understand why you didn't, but they are as
much to blame as the president.
From: Richard Morrill
To: James Kenney
Subject: Thank you
Date: Tuesday, June 5, 2018 11:55:16 AM

Thank you, Mayor Kenney, for speaking up.

I am a veteran.

When I served, the enemy was the Soviet Union, which did not permit freedom
of expression.

We veterans served to protect Americans' freedom to protest and demonstrate.

Now, Trump, who bugged out and did not serve his country, is pretending to be a
super patriot and is trying to stifle our right to freedom of expression.

And he does it for partisan political reasons.

It is wrong.

And, by the way, taking a knee is not disrespectful.

Thank you,

From: Robert P. Colling
To: James Kenney
Subject: Eagles
Date: Tuesday, June 5, 2018 11:55:36 AM

As a proud American, I’ve had many many ups and downs just like anyone else. I would never disrespect our
national anthem, as your and other NFL teams have.  I look forward to seeing all those empty seats at your stadium
this fall.


Sent from my iPhone

From: Janey Brink
To: James Kenney
Subject: Your football team
Date: Tuesday, June 5, 2018 11:19:18 AM

Dear Sir:
As a veteran of the armed services, I have bitten my tongue long enough on the national anthem issue. Hundreds of
thousands of loyal Americans have given their lives for our country. Unfortunately many of those were my friends
and fellow soldiers who fell in Vietnam. I don't think any of us thought America couldn't be a better country, but we
were proud of what it was because there was none better. When our national anthem is played, it doesn't mean we
have achieved a perfect country in which there are no injustices. Rather it is a time to honor all those who have
given their lives so that we can enjoy what we have, even as we work to make it better. When the national anthem
plays, I always remember all my friends who fell in 'Nam' so we could have the opportunities we have today. Your
damned pampered football team could do well to remember that. If they want to protest, let them burn their pay
checks in front of a recruiting office. You should remind them that if it weren't for football most of them would be
cutting grass rather than kneeling on it. Here's to an 0-16 season for the Eagles next year.
Charles Brink

Sent from my iPad

From: Richard E Bierma
To: James Kenney
Subject: Thank you for standing up to Trump
Date: Tuesday, June 5, 2018 11:58:32 AM

Thank you for standing up to Trump. You laid it on the line and let it be known what he is doing to
cities across the country. Best wishes to your team and the people of Philadelphia. Rick Bierma,
Durango, CO.
From: pfc.10616
To: James Kenney
Subject: White House - Eagles Trip
Date: Tuesday, June 5, 2018 12:03:26 PM

Politics has no place on the football field.  My employer does not tolerate me making political
statement when I'm on the job and neither should The Eagles!

Sent via the Samsung Galaxy S7, an AT&T 4G LTE smartphone

From: Dave
To: James Kenney
Subject: You ate an ass munch!
Date: Tuesday, June 5, 2018 12:06:06 PM

Don't be bad-mouthing my predident you dirt bag.  Trump is the man!  He's done more in a
year then any past snow flake you can name, has done their whole life.  So shut the hell up,
mayer douche-bag.
From: Michael Wiseman
To: James Kenney
Subject: Eagles
Date: Tuesday, June 5, 2018 12:22:48 PM

Heard you on radio "spot on " about Trump as only caring about his feelings and optics , well
done.. Michael Wiseman
To: James Kenney
Subject: Eagles disinvite by Trump
Date: Tuesday, June 5, 2018 12:20:24 PM

You're such a shit for brains mayor.  Screw your unpatriotic criminal thug football team and the
pattywagon they arrived in you democratic asswipe.  Fuck YOU!  Sincerely,  Charlie Handy.
From: Dale
To: James Kenney
Subject: Confusion
Date: Tuesday, June 5, 2018 12:14:27 PM

I’m just kind of confused as to why you would get involved in the football/ trump story. You are a mayor not a
person involved in the controversy. If you would let it go the story’s die but with everyone making a big deal it
gives fodder to the president. The football players are big boys they don’t need a daddy getting in on it.  Linda
Sent from my iPhone
From: Gerald Moresi
To: James Kenney
Subject: Eagles White House Visit
Date: Tuesday, June 5, 2018 12:40:28 PM

You have proved that you're even a bigger a******* and gutless scumbag than I thought. To
say President Trump is unpatriotic when you got these big black bastards that won't stand up
not. If they don't like it they should go back to Africa. Nobody has the guts to tell him that it's
a white man that made them multi-millionaires and you're blaming president Trump. You talk
about being unpatriotic. You are sick!
From: Rich Campbell
To: James Kenney
Subject: Eagles
Date: Tuesday, June 5, 2018 12:38:01 PM

TRUMP!!!!! Love him!!!

From: Lillian Leone
To: James Kenney
Subject: Go Trump
Date: Tuesday, June 5, 2018 12:29:19 PM

I was so proud that our President cancelled the eagles visit.  The Philadelphia eagles are a disgrace and it should
have been an honor for them to attend the White House.  Instead, as usual, everything is made into a racial issue by
these stupider over paid kids.   No one ever criticized that last looney tone that was in the Oval Office, wonder why.

Go Trump.  He is making America Great again.

Sent from my iPad

From: R Johnson
To: James Kenney
Subject: I"m disgusted by your statements
Date: Tuesday, June 5, 2018 12:23:55 PM

I was happy that the Philadelphia Eagles that won the Super Bowl and I was glad that none of
the players knelt during games this season. But the owner of the team and the players running
their mouth and then the players disrespecting the office of the presidency makes me sick. It's
one thing to not agree with a person but you should still respect the office of the presidency. I
and millions of people like me put him in office your statements are a disgrace and I would
have been a shame that the team wasn't going to show up I'm glad that he cancelled the
function. Enjoy supporting criminals rather than police. If you don't like police officers then
don't have any police officers and see how great your town is I'm pretty sure that you already
seeing what your town will be like. I'm sure the crime level is super great now.

Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android

From: Paul DalMonte
To: James Kenney
Subject: Eagles
Date: Tuesday, June 5, 2018 12:48:37 PM

Dear Mayor Kenney

I was disappointed with your hostile reaction towards the President as to the events leading to the cancelled White
House visit by the Eagles representatives.  As mayor of our great city,  you are representing a broad spectrum of
people that have a myriad of views and perspectives.  Many are offended by offensive and hostile language
especially coming from those in high places who have been voted into office such as yourself.  I hope this was just a
slight misstep on your behalf. A simple clarifying press release would go a long way.
Thank you for your attention
Paul DalMonte.

Sent from my iPhone

From: Catherine McCafferty
To: James Kenney
Subject: Good for You - Your Statement was Right-on
Date: Tuesday, June 5, 2018 12:34:30 PM
Attachments: image001.png

Dear Mayor Kenney:

On the very early morning news this morning I saw the transcript of the statement you gave
regarding 45 (I can’t even say his name and I will NEVER call him President) disinviting the
Philadelphia Eagles to the White House.  Good. For. You!  After reading your statement I jumped up
off the couch and applauded you!  And you know what?  Even though the City of Philadelphia has
already given the Eagles a big parade, in light of 45 disinviting them you should throw another
celebration for them at City Hall.  I can just imagine the turnout there would be.  Even though I’m a
Patriots fan and live in Patriot Nation, I would attend that celebration!
Sincerely yours,
Catherine McCafferty
From: Scalibur
To: James Kenney
Subject: Philadelphia trumps Trump
Date: Tuesday, June 5, 2018 12:34:13 PM

Mr. Mayor,

Pleased to see you push back on Tyrant Trump. Something has to give - we cannot continue down this
maniacal path much longer. A do-nothing Congress barely has a heartbeat and certainly not the heart to
stop him.


Bill Hawkins
From: Jean Wilson
To: James Kenney
Subject: President Trump
Date: Tuesday, June 5, 2018 12:37:58 PM

How can you even think that you're Super Bowl champion are not going to the White House because it has nothing
to do with our National Anthem it had ever thing to do with it. They threw the first punch by the majority not
wanting to go?. What was they protesting ? It all began because or the NFL not showing respect for our great county
. Just check all polls taken they are not on your side . You have no common sense what so ever.
Sent from my iPad
From: Annette Rivlin-Gutman
To: James Kenney
Cc: Annette Rivlin-Gutman
Subject: Thank you
Date: Tuesday, June 5, 2018 12:51:21 PM

Dear Mayor Kenney,

Thank you so much for speaking out about trump and his evil, ignorant, and childish doings. We are in dangerous
times and this country is in turmoil and we really need people like you who have a strong voice in your community
and in throughout the country to continue to publicly condemn this administrations’ actions and behaviors.

Due to so many overwhelming issues happening, as a California resident, in addition to writing to representatives,
signing petitions, attending marches, I have decided to focus my efforts. I am working to get teens registered to vote
and am wanting to help those children ripped from their parents. Perhaps you can also demand an investigation in to
why Senator Merkley was denied entry in to a detention center. There are children in there, how are they being
treated. This is so disheartening and sickening, it breaks my heart that our country has come to this point. We need
to get back on a better track.

Annette Rivlin-Gutman
Belmont, CA
From: michael gohrig
To: James Kenney
Subject: white house
Date: Tuesday, June 5, 2018 12:30:54 PM

DEMOSCUM  you probably aren’t aware that the white house is commonly called the peoples house
Sent from Mail for Windows 10
From: Pat Kane
To: James Kenney
Subject: Eagles
Date: Tuesday, June 5, 2018 1:25:53 PM

Thank you for standing up for the team and calling Trump out on his childish self-centered lying behavior. It is so
ironic that Trump avoided the Vietnam War 7 Times, always getting a deferment.  I wish there were more mayors
who had your courage.  Thank you from a WI Packer fan. Pam Acheson
Sent from my iPad
From: Nick Saunders
To: James Kenney
Subject: Eagles
Date: Tuesday, June 5, 2018 1:23:18 PM

So let me get this straight, over half of the a-holes on that team said they were boycotting the White House visit and
you say the President is the unpatriotic one? You truly are an ignorant leftist moronic a-hole, aren’t you? Thanks for
saying stupid things like other libs and unwittingly guaranteeing another four years!
From: Cathy
To: James Kenney
Subject: Trump
Date: Tuesday, June 5, 2018 12:51:32 PM

Thank you for your recent comments about president Donald Trump. More people need to stand against his tyranny.

Sent from my iPhone

From: John Paul
To: James Kenney
Subject: Trump
Date: Tuesday, June 5, 2018 1:08:12 PM

No Mr mayor trump is not a fragile egomaniac . He's a patriot.  But you are a useless scumbag and a fucking
spineless coward
John Paul

Sent from my iPad

From: Cathi Joe Ellison
To: James Kenney
Subject: What?
Date: Tuesday, June 5, 2018 12:59:23 PM

Sad to hear that you think that President Trump isn’t a patriot because he uninvited the Eagles football team, instead
he’s going honor our military service member and the United States flag.

You’re a sad very sad bunch and you don’t represent the nation as a whole.
Sent from my iPhone
From: dansredgt
To: James Kenney
Date: Tuesday, June 5, 2018 1:47:00 PM

Let me ask you one thing, did you stand for the pledge of allegiance when you were
young? Did you serve the country in military? Were your friends killed on 911? This is
a disgrace to the United States for not being patriotic to our county. Your response for
defending the Eagles and comments you made to our president are disgraceful. You
don't by any means deserve to be mayor or for that matter any position.  Your not an

Sent from my Verizon, Samsung Galaxy smartphone

From: Steven Conn
To: James Kenney
Subject: Eagles,WH
Date: Tuesday, June 5, 2018 2:00:21 PM

Thank you for your voice against the tyranny that is trump! As a leader longtime Philly resident(now in NJ) I was
happy to hear you standing up for what is right and against what is wrong. For Philly& the country. Always liked
you, more respect than ever now! Keep up the fight

Sent from my iPhone

From: Mark Rud
To: James Kenney
Cc: Deana Gamble
Subject: Eagles Fans at City Hall TODAY
Date: Tuesday, June 5, 2018 1:36:58 PM

Dear Mayor Kenney,

Some local Eagles fans will be holding an "impromptu" celebration of the Birds at City Hall
today, 6/5/18 @5:15pm. I am the organizer of a Facebook event for this happening. Please see
the attached link for more info: 

We would be delighted if you popped down to say "hey".

Mark Rud 
From: Steven J.
To: James Kenney
Subject: Eagles
Date: Tuesday, June 5, 2018 1:36:39 PM

How hilarious would it be if the entire Team showed to white house, And stood outside the
fence signing autographs, while Trump on the white house grounds with his thumb up his ass
Steven J
Sent from my toaster
From: Joe Kelley
To: James Kenney
Subject: Patriotism
Date: Tuesday, June 5, 2018 1:51:33 PM

Mr Mayor you seem to think you are more of a patriot than the president. This coming from a person who declared
Philadelphia as a sanctuary city, its called obstructing justice you chicken shit. The eagles are just as bad, they
protest the national anthem because according to you “they believe in a cause.” That is another dumb ass move. But
your a patriot...

Joe Kelley
Retired Air Force

Sent from my iPhone

From: David Keiser
To: James Kenney
Subject: Eagles/Trump ect.
Date: Tuesday, June 5, 2018 2:24:26 PM

Just keep passing soda taxes and driving businesses out of your city and shut up! The fans who throw snowballs at
Santa and boo the easter bunny. Like we need you being the arbitrators of fairness.
David A Keiser
Sent from my iPhone
To: James Kenney
Subject: Eagles
Date: Tuesday, June 5, 2018 2:18:35 PM

Dear Mr. Mayor,

I applaud your response to Mr. Trump's disinvitation to the White House.  Perhaps
when we get a president we can be proud of and who stands for our Philadelphia
values, the Eagles will gladly welcome an invitation to the White House.  I am
appreciative of the fact that the players will not have to "dance and curtsey" before
someone that most of us cannot respect as we should be able to do no matter what
our political beliefs are.


Elizabeth Bazis
From: Dale Jean Bernhardy
To: James Kenney
Subject: Eagles
Date: Tuesday, June 5, 2018 2:25:40 PM

Mr. Kenney,
What a sad statement you make concerning our president. He has never asked anyone to bow
down to him. You and your leftist colleagues have lost sight of what this country has done for
you. The athletes who make millions for playing games could not do the same in any other
country. My hope is that this clammering on their part will put them in their place. Normal
people with some talent making average salaries.
The ones who do appreciate and love our country, who should be making the big bucks are our
police, fire fighters, military service people, first responders. These are the ones who should be
honored and who WOULD NOT turn their back on our flag, our president or our country.
You are like all the other leftist morons. Hopefully your term will be short.
Dale Jean Bernhardy
Charleston, SC
From: Mike"s
To: James Kenney
Subject: Hypocrisy
Date: Tuesday, June 5, 2018 2:25:19 PM

You blast President Trump for not serving in the military, but I don’t see military service in YOUR biography. I did
22 years, you didn’t do 22 seconds. You have no place to criticize anyone else about military service. 

Michael J Lorenz, MSgt USAF (Ret)

Sent from my iPhone

To: James Kenney
Subject: remarks about President Trump
Date: Tuesday, June 5, 2018 2:16:54 PM

Heard what you had to say about President Trump, 

When did you serve?


From: Inet Transactions
To: James Kenney
Subject: Just heard your comments about Trump
Date: Tuesday, June 5, 2018 2:28:56 PM

Mr. Mayor,
I just listened to your comments about Trump’s decision to leave the Eagle’s off his agenda. Your
comments were disgraceful and reflect poorly on you, your administration and your city.
Philadelphia deserves better than you seem to be able to deliver. It’s a real shame that the rest of
have to be exposed to your toxic invective. Your comments are a shining example of the sewer big
city politics have lowered themselves into lately. Shame on you.
Bill Wood
From: Philip Cristiano
To: James Kenney
Subject: Takaways from SJP
Date: Tuesday, June 5, 2018 2:10:00 PM

Dear Mayor Kenny,

As a member of the SJP Class of ’77,  watching former classmates occupy the Office of the Mayor has
been at least interesting, and no, not just Bill Green. If you have the chance to read this email, I am
only offering a view of what I took away from my 4 years at 17th and Girard.
Early in your tenure, you refused to allow the Philadelphia police to detain persons wanted by
Immigration and Customs Enforcement, openly defying the law. I work with some wonderful who
have been waiting for family members to be approved for immigration since 2004. Families from
abroad who are following law and waiting their turn. You are disrespecting these law abiding citizens
when you refuse to detain suspected criminals for Federal agencies.
Now you have mocked a man in the Whitehouse because he believes in the oath he swore to on
January 20, 2017, and is upholding his duty to observe Title 36 of the United States Code. If you or
anyone else in your office has read the code, then you would not be siding with players on this one.
We all took away something different from The Prep.  I believe deep down, you are embarrassed
each time you mock law abiding citizens and promote law breakers.
· Kneeling during the National Anthem is contrary to Title 36 of the United States Code
· Directing your police force to ignore Federal Warrants because you disagree with the
immigration laws is embarrassing
I took away a respect for rules and for the law. Convincing others to change the law is the right thing
to do, becoming a scofflaw is not.  I believe you have taken away something different than I.
President Trump invited the Philadelphia Eagles to the White House to honor them for their victory.
Most of the Eagles players decided they would prefer to pass on the invitation. The invitation was
retracted. Whether the president’s following comments were ill placed or childish is a matter of
opinion. Adding your quotes concerning a dictatorship do not appear to be helping the situation.
Philip A. Cristiano, Jr.
Director of Operations
Philadelphia, PA - 9000 State Road, 19136 ¦215.333.9000 ex. 2236 ¦ fax  215.333.9004
Lannett Company, Inc. Confidentiality Notice: This e-mail message, including any
attachments, is for the sole use of the intended recipient(s) and may contain confidential and
privileged information. Any unauthorized review, use, disclosure or distribution is prohibited.
If you are not the intended recipient, please contact the sender by reply e-mail and destroy all
copies of the original message. Thank you for your cooperation.
From: melrena k Lason
To: James Kenney
Subject: Mayor Lewd Comments Against our Country
Date: Tuesday, June 5, 2018 3:18:41 PM

We are appalled at the Mayors tyrant against the President on Twitter when it was the Eagles who
pulled this awful Un-American stance as they have been by desecrating our symbol of our country,
the American Flag, our military, and the American people themselves.  We visited Philadelphia in
2017 and it was the biggest disappointment, the city is historically run down, crime ridden, filthy, it
host some of our richest history and heritage as a Nation and the national markers were so sad,
there was a major stench of urine every where, it was littered, and very dirty, not to mention a very
dangerous place…funny, how this Mayor touts his anti American judgments and also represents the
most filthiest city…but, he collects his almost 200K salary a year of your local tax payer monies for
himself….instead of raving his is non flag bearing feelings, he should really focus on his city and how
he has ran that place in the ground….your economy has been riddle with defeat, but thanks to the
man in the oval office your economy has just taken on a bit of momentum….I would rethink before
you allow your Mayor to speak, he made you all look like foolish.
From: David Nahrstedt
To: James Kenney
Subject: Comments on Pres Trump
Date: Tuesday, June 5, 2018 2:35:17 PM

GFY, Kenney.
What a scumbag.
Act like a treasonous, gutless, liberal you’ll be treated accordingly.
Dr D Nahrstedt
Sent from Mail for Windows 10
From: Jim Durning
To: James Kenney
Subject: Hello
Date: Tuesday, June 5, 2018 2:36:35 PM

Jim Kennedy. Just wanted to drop you a note to say how proud our family is today. Your standing up for the Eagles
Football team and your public address about the President’s unparalleled attack against free speech was heart
I’m sure my Dad. Jim Durning and your mom are smiling down on you today.
Just a quick thank you. My mom Kay who is turning 92 this month is also very proud of her nephew.
Best wishes
Jim Durning  (jr)

Sent from my iPhone

From: Tom and Roseanne Buckley
To: James Kenney
Subject: NBC News Interview...
Date: Tuesday, June 5, 2018 2:57:40 PM

Dear James Kenney-

I loved your interview with NBC News where you stated your position so clearly regarding
Trump and the NFL protest. I shared it on Facebook with a quote - "This guy nails it - nicely

Sincerely, Tom Buckley

From: Kevin Minnick
To: James Kenney
Subject: NFL/Trump
Date: Tuesday, June 5, 2018 2:36:22 PM

Dear Mr. Mayor

SHAME ON YOU!!! You are an embarrassment to this city and the country....not President Trump!
Your disrespectful and disgusting comments about an American president shows your lack of class. It’s not about
your ultra liberal views or the Eagles political views!! Trump won the election, get over it!!People and NFL fans just
want politics out of football...and YES they want them to stand for the anthem!!
NFL players have many other ways to display their political/social gripes...keep it out of football!!
You and you’re resistance followers will be the big losers here!!! Although Trump is not perfect,
 his policies ARE working, unlike the ultra liberal policies that have failed Philadelphia for decades.
People have had enough of your ultra leftist , America hating movement, which you and the NFL seem to support. It
is this great nation that gives players and you the ability to make an excellent salary. You can at least respect the
anthem and the White House, regardless of what ideology resides in the White House!!!
God Bless America!
God help Philadelphia and the NFL!!
Kevin Minnick

Sent from my iPhone

From: marhar1226
To: James Kenney
Subject: Your letter to the President re: Eagles. A personal response aside from politics and ego.
Date: Tuesday, June 5, 2018 3:03:45 PM

Honorable Mayor James Kennedy:

I'm writing you from Bloomington, Illinois regarding your personal response to the President,
giving him your reaction to the NFL Eagle team being uninvited to the White House.
Disclaimer:  I have no horse in this race as the Green Bay Packers are my team of choice. I
also have the ability to remove a good portion of the politics out of the equation.

IF someone is uninvited, obviously that means you first have to be INVITED. Which weakens
your comments regarding President Trump's concerns only being worried about crowd size
and no one showing up.

Your last paragraph sums up the issue. This was/still is a PROTEST, which a good portion of
the American population does not agree with happening during an NFL football game.
Our country is made up of individuals who are devoted to their causes. We all have likes,
dislikes, compassion, causes, etc. For most of us though we not only have obligations to our
communities, but also to our children, to our employers, etc. 
It is our responsibility to be an example of how we can all work together through compromise
and conversation. 
I wouldn't expect any more from one person to another. Whether it's the bus driver, a waitress,
a doctor or an NFL player, all I would hope for is this person is going to do their job and as a
result won't negatively affect my experience. 
A good majority of our country equate our flag and our anthem with sporting events to the
point of being totally inseparable. We take pride in our flag, our anthem, our military and our
sporting teams - again all enmeshed as one. 
But, it's also our Achille's heel - if you want to get someones attention, just tread on any of
these we (most of us) hold sacred. Obviously, this is the reason the flag and anthem were
chosen as ideal to use to get in the face of those who hold it so dear. Shock value! 
It may work to get our attention, but it then gets our ire. The NFL protesters, then gave
conflicting reasons for their protests, which only added the overall confusion.

You call out the President's ego - I call out the players egos. The players put themselves above
the expectations of their fans and disrespected what so many hold dear, if only by the lack of a
cohesive protest. 
I'm thankful that everyday Americans pretty much go about their everyday responsibilities
without causing commotion to others. If all the other workers everywhere can show up to
prepare the fields for the players, serve the players and the public during the games,  then
ensure a safe exit from the venue, then why shouldn't everyone expect the players to also just
do their jobs?

Children need to know there is a time and place for discussion.  Holding the flag and the
anthem hostage (practically) to get their point across is basically teaching the kids that
emotional and financial blackmail is a good way to try to get your way. Doing the same week
after week dilutes the message, as you would expect a plan of action at some point, sooner
rather than never is best.
And yes, you Mayor James Kennedy do represent the city in which most people in our country
bring to mind when we think of patriotism. It boggles my mind that your dispute is with our
President and not with a team named after yet another symbol of our country's pride and joy,
the eagles. It was the Eagles that decided to pare down the number of players that would
attend after first accepting the invitation without any conditions. It was the Eagles that decided
their politics and their egos were more important than being good and responsible
ambassadors for the city of Philadelphia. Rejecting an offer to showcase their achievements in
the most prestigious house our country has to offer does not reflect "brotherly love."
When will you and others understand it is not the snarky reactions that carry any weight. The
Eagles cheated their fans of some important memories they would have made by their White
House visit.  Especially hurtful after a year of cheating the fans out of a non-controversial
football season.  

ACCEPTING the President's invitation would have spoken volumes of the teams integrity. We
as fans don't always see what goes on behind the scenes, these players may do wonders for
their causes, but what we see is what they do on the field. Showing the President and the world
they could rise above this and be willing to move on would have been helpful. 
President Trump didn't instruct anyone not to extend an invitation because he didn't approve of
all the kneeling during the season, so it was a step in the right direction on his part. Can you
deny that, without trying to throw a political spin on your answer? 
We all need to be passionate about causes. Racism is one of the more important issues
affecting the cohesiveness of our country. We obviously have come a long way trying to
improve race relations in our country, on the other hand it's hard to believe we still have a long
way to go. We have so many opinions, answers, theories, etc., but it just seems like it sets us
back rather than moving us forward. 
It seems as though people talk, but people don't listen, because they think they have the only

We're becoming a country of trying to get reactions, rather than a country of action. It seems
like ego, rather than "brotherly love" is driving a good portion of our feelings. 
We've forgotten that we were born to serve. 
Self-importance is ruining our country. Temporary disasters bring us back to our core civility,
but it's short-lived, lost in the need for the  lime-light to shine on their individual importance. 
Be the example for all to see and show some "brotherly love" for everyone, even for your

Instead of your personal thoughts on the Republican President, or an opportunity to debate

good vs. bad (a.k.a. Republican vs. Democrat) maybe use the next oppotunity available to
come up with something constructive to unite rather than divide. 
Yes, our President has an ego. Yes crowd size does appear to matter to him. Yes, who wants to
throw a party and no one come? What's amazing is that these attributes can be used against
him (by you), if not for an ego would anyone enter into the arena of politics? You have to be a
special kind of person to endure just a single day in the life of a President. You of all people
know from your responsibilities of being a Mayor. 

Sure the President could have proceeded with just a few representatives from the Eagles team.
I think he did the city of Philadelphia and the Eagles a favor by uninviting them. Our memory
would have been a team that wasn't really a team because team represents the entire body
working together. Children would have seen what teamwork shouldn't really mean, because
the team is divided.  AND that the motto "brotherly love" must mean it's okay to exclude
people that don't agree with your opinion. 

Politics aside, facts and truth will prevail.  Are our hearts in the right place to do whatever we
can to make our country the best it can be for everyone?

We as a country have put our feet to the fire requesting the Mueller probe against our sitting
President. Soon, the outcome of the investigations along with the IG's report will expose the
truth. Unfortunately, half of our country will be vindicated and half won't as a result of our
current political environment. It should work this way, but we are not a country who wants to
hear the truth much in the last 15-20 years. We are more concerned with being right and
making unpleasant memories out of what should be enjoyable moments. 
Obviously, football should be fun and racism, attitudes regarding the police, etc. should be
discussed with extreme sincerity, at a time when all parties are engorged with truth and facts
and actually listening to each other.

Most sincere,
Mary Lou Berner

Sent from my Samsung Galaxy , an AT&T LTE smartphone

From: Brian Lane
To: James Kenney
Subject: WH disinvite
Date: Tuesday, June 5, 2018 2:36:33 PM

For you to support your disrespectful, America hating thugs is a veteran, EFF YOU!


Your city is a disgrace and so are you.

Brian Lane

Sent from my iPhone

From: Michael Chatary
To: James Kenney
Subject: Bad move
Date: Tuesday, June 5, 2018 3:42:02 PM

Mr. Mayor:

You've just alienated over half of the popuation with your caustic remarks that show your
personal feelings for the PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES. 

As mayor of Philly, don't you have enough to attend to? Honest to God, that's the nastiest,
scariest city I've ever been in! 

By the way, why ARE your football players kneeling? For the plight of Blacks? With the
outrageous amounts of money they pull in they could all donate to build housing units for
Philly inner city 

inhabitants----or provide some safe after school hangouts---or send every kid in Philly to
summer camp every year.  They choose to make NEWS, not CHANGES.

 Whatever their reason for kneeling is; there is no excuse for disrespecting our flag, our
military, and our country.

I doubt that those lavishly rich, entitled, narcissistic, whiny athletes you're sticking up for have any idea
about the daily struggles in the average black person's life. I believe most players don't know why 

they're kneeling during the ANTHEM. They do know it upsets patriotic Americans and
veterans, as well as our President; and that they have the support of the mainstream media.
They WILL keep it up. 

Paula Chatary

P.S.  Donald Trump has done more to help the average American worker [ black AND white ]
in a year and a half than Obama did in EIGHT!

P.P.S  By the way, Mr. Mayor, which branch of service were you honorably discharged from?
From: R G Martinez
To: James Kenney
Subject: A Dallas Cowboy Fan Salutes You Sir
Date: Tuesday, June 5, 2018 3:40:37 PM

To the Honorable Mayor James Kenney:

I salute you sir for your standing up to the man at the top as he continues to stir
alternative facts. I am writing to you because you hit the nail directly on the head
when you called out the POTUS regarding the numerous draft deferments that were
created for him because of "bone spurs". If he is such a stalwart patriot he should
have served his country instead of avoiding doing so by questionable means. I get
standing for freedom and standing for patriotism. I served and was lucky regarding
my assignments, but 60 plus graduates from my high school in San Antonio gave
their lives in serving our country. 

Selective judgement regarding first amendment rights does not serve our country
well. It is my hope that somehow we will survive this attack on our democracy. The
Eagles had a great season last year and the team deserves respect. They will be
hard to beat again this year.
Respectfully submitted,
Raul Martinez
From: ES
To: James Kenney
Subject: Philadelphia Eagles
Date: Tuesday, June 5, 2018 3:43:07 PM

Mayor? Kenney,

"The Eagles call the birthplace of our democracy home, so it’s no surprise that this
TEAM embodies everything that makes our country and our city great." A TEAM is
made up of 53 on the roster Mayor, NOT a few with a load of disgruntled overpaid
primadonnas that disrespect America, our flag and especially our military. Thank
GOD that President Trump puts ALL above your sorry ass social justice impotent ball
players who choose to have their panties in a bunch over respect for our nation.
There's not a nation on earth besides America that offers the opportunities and
blessings to EVERYONE to do what they hope to achieve in life, even if it's by playing
a football game that does nothing but entertain. So go ahead and prattle on like the
little man-child you are and perhaps even change your diapers when your done
soiling them over the team being uninvited but President Trump was right and no
crying by some snowflake lunatic Philadelphia mayor is going to change that

From: J S Rush
To: James Kenney
Subject: MSNBC Conversation - Thank you
Date: Tuesday, June 5, 2018 3:22:28 PM

Mr. Mayor:
I am not a resident of Philadelphia although I have been to your city many times in my life.  I
am a Vietnam veteran (and a Patriot fan), and I want to thank you for your comments with
MSNBC just a few moments ago.  Your comments about President Trump's evading his
obligation to the nation when the nation needed him are comments that needed to be spoken
publicly.  I just want you to know that this is one American and veteran who appreciates what
you said.  Thank you,

John Rush, Chesapeake, VA

From: Dale Shomette
To: James Kenney
Subject: Remark about Trump"s stand on the Eagles
Date: Tuesday, June 5, 2018 3:25:34 PM

Dear Mayor,
   Though we live in Virginia, my wife grew up in Philadelphia. I just heard your comments
concerning the current inhabitant in the White House and greatly applaud your remarks!
Political "correctness" has it's limitations and you, sir, have successfully and with political
courage spoken the truth! (My wife just walked in while I was writing this, noted that she had
heard it on her phone as well and commented, "Yes! That's why I'm proud to be a
Philadelphian.") Need I say more?
Dale Shomette
Montross, Va.
From: Shannon Stuckert
To: James Kenney
Subject: Thank You
Date: Tuesday, June 5, 2018 3:37:42 PM

Dear Mr. Kenney,

Thank you for vocalizing  your thoughts and concerns about our current President of the United States. I listened to
your interview last night on CNN and greatly appreciate what you had to say. I'm a public school teacher in Kansas
and a Catholic liberal democrat living in a red state. I teach English as a Second Language and most of my students
are immigrants from Mexico. I, as so many other Americans, are disgusted by Mr. Trump's narcissism. Living in
middle America, as an average middle class person, I have no way of voicing what needs to be said, so I greatly
appreciate that you had the courage to be a voice for what the vast majority of Americans are thinking. You should
run for President!
Shannon Stuckert

Sent from my iPad

From: Richard Longley
To: James Kenney
Subject: Draft Dodger Trump
Date: Tuesday, June 5, 2018 4:10:07 PM

Dear Mayor,

    I listened to your interviews today. You were spot on. You could have mentioned
Trump's lawsuit against the NFL in which he won $1 and destroyed the USFL in the
process. And his failed desire to be a NFL team owner.  Trump is all about payback. 
He's doing it to Obama.  And he's doing it to the NFL while feeding his racist base red
    I served with the 101st Abn. Div. in Vietnam during 1968-69. I watched my black
brothers die on the battlefield. They don't get credit for that while the draft dodger
uses them for political reasons.  Donald Trump is a disgrace along with Rodger
Goodell and the NFL owners that have given in to him.
    Thank you for speaking out.

Richard Longley
From: John Walker
To: James Kenney
Subject: Patriotism
Date: Tuesday, June 5, 2018 3:56:30 PM

Mr. Kenney - you are a simple a little mayor of one city that doesn't really embody anything
and the team that you are so proud of has nothing to do with Philadelphia.  It has to do with
individuals putting forth hard effort throughout a season to be the better team.  

Underdog is a term used by prognosticators.  I could have looked at the Eagles team and told
you that they weren't underdogs and that they won because they simply played a better game.  

Stop lifting these athletes to hero status and stop making yourself seem more important than
you are.  If everyone on the Eagles team wants to turn the privilege of  being recognized by
the President and visit the White House into a political event then screw them.  Nobody wants
to see them there anyway. 

In my opinion football players don't deserve that honor for simply winning an insignificant
game of football.  You have your opinion and let the world know what it was and let me
assure you your opinion is no more valuable than mine.  

Get over yourself and shut up.  People couldn't care any less about what a piddly mayor has to
say.  You wouldn't know patriotic if it walked up and hit you in the face.
From: Jmmaxwell
To: James Kenney
Subject: Trump
Date: Tuesday, June 5, 2018 4:10:59 PM

Your comments about Trump: the pot calling the kettle black!

Jack Maxwell

From: Seth Linkbeck
To: James Kenney
Subject: You are classless and fit into that classless city
Date: Tuesday, June 5, 2018 4:04:54 PM

You would choose to chastise our President rather than to tell those millionaire baby
athletes they are disrespectful to our nation.

You fit right in. Hope you are out of office for showing America how unpatriotic you

I will never visit your city again.

David Backer

Rockford Illinois
From: Tina Witek
To: James Kenney
Subject: Eagles vs. White House
Date: Tuesday, June 5, 2018 4:23:10 PM

Mr. Mayor - I am a Philadelphia born resident of Los Angeles and I was heartened by your
recent comments re the White House's "dis-invitation" of the Eagles. The WH should not be
dictating rules as to what constitutes patriotism for an American citizen and then criticizing
anyone who doesn't conform. Know that your views have the support of this citizen who is
proud to call Philadelphia, not only her place of birth, but also the  birthplace of this great
From: Norbert Belliveau
To: James Kenney
Subject: Your Post Re: Disinvite
Date: Tuesday, June 5, 2018 3:53:28 PM

Dear Mayor Kenney,

Bravo to you for speaking out against the juvenile behavior of that person that some people elected as their
president. I greatly appreciate your bravery and compassion, and most of all your support of the Eagles’ players and
their families. It’s important that people in positions like yours continue to speak out and I just wanted to say thank


Norbert A Belliveau
Northampton, MA

Sent from my iPhone

From: Martin Devaney
To: James Kenney
Subject: Super Bowl
Date: Tuesday, June 5, 2018 4:33:38 PM

Dear Mayor,

I have never heard of you until today but after your comments today I have heard enough. Your comments are so
phony it’s embarrassing. I understand the Eagles and their Super Bowl win is huge for the city and state but your a
lying phony. Our President is supposed to have 9 players out of 60 show up to celebrate their win and you can’t
understand why he cancelled? That’s a flat out lie. Why didn’t you go talk to the players and say go and try and have
a constructive conversation with the President and see if that helps with what issues they may have. But by
grandstanding you look like a weakling to most of this country other then Philly fans . You are wrong with the
comments “Trump and the White House are out of touch”. Your out of touch. Did you see the NFL ratings this past
year? Did you watch Colin Kapernick play this year? I have been a Giant fan my whole life and I watched 10
minutes of the first two games of the season and not another second the rest of the way. They are ungrateful thugs
who have no idea what any of the issues we have in our country. This is about the standing up for the National
Anthem which those dumb asses think has to do only with Donald Trump. I have been to thousands of sporting
events in our country and never have I thought about him once. It’s ridiculous. Can your secretary’s come to work
and kneel or protest while working and getting paid by the taxpayers? No they can’t so don’t even attempt to say
anything different.

I’m writing this not knowing what party your a with but I can guess . I believe you love your city, state and team but
if you want to be noticed why not try to make a difference instead of being a nasty Liberal PRICK. You were trying
to get votes for future endeavors today and you know it. Thats what you all do and that’s why 50% plus and growing
people in this country hate politicians.  Does everything have to be about which party your in? You should have
stood up and tried to help today instead of what you did. But we all know your afraid to tell how you really feel
because you might not get votes.


Martin Devaney

Sent from my iPhone

From: Fred
To: James Kenney
Subject: 70 Eagles Player were going to WH a week ago. 6 only today. It was a hit job to make Trump look bad.
Date: Tuesday, June 5, 2018 4:20:31 PM

70 Eagles Player were going to WH a week ago. 6 only today. It was a hit job to make
Trump look bad.

Philly mayor butthurt after Trump apologetically disinvites Eagles from White House.

I guess we will have to send the mayor a can of this. Man there has been a run on this
stuff for the last 18 months or so.
That’s OK , the American people still stands behind our President. Screw the Eagles and
screw Philadelphia.

Just a picture of the Philadelphia Eagles' President.

Truth exist, lies are invented
From: Anthony LaFalce
To: James Kenney
Subject: Eagles
Date: Tuesday, June 5, 2018 5:10:31 PM

Mr. Mayor,
Your comments on Mr. Trump were so moronic and your thought process so perverted, you
should be ashamed.
The political stunt the Eagles pulled was only made worse by your stupid comments. 
Grow up. There is so much good news no one cares about you or some over paid athletes.

From: Cloutier, Denis (Gest.portefeuille FBN)
To: James Kenney
Subject: Wow!! From Montreal Canada!
Date: Tuesday, June 5, 2018 4:34:02 PM

Mr. Kenny,
Inspirering and reassuring!!!
Done with finesse, class and self-respect!
I’ll make sure to visit next time instead of passing trough..
I wish you all the success and happiness you deserve.
You’re a true leader!
Denis Cloutier

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From: freedominfaith8778
To: James Kenney
Subject: Eagles
Date: Tuesday, June 5, 2018 4:49:05 PM

I'm a football fan and congratulate you for your stand against the tyranny against the man who
thinks he's king of us all. It's our white house and the Eagles should be honored by OUR
house...traditionally I am a 49ER  fan but now support the Eagles and you and  your city. A
truth seeker from Arizona..
with great respect 
 Diane Mallars

Sent via the Samsung Galaxy Note5, an AT&T 4G LTE smartphone

From: Rick Williams
To: James Kenney
Subject: I heard your speech to President Trump
Date: Tuesday, June 5, 2018 5:08:06 PM


Where can I find that sh!t your smoking ? 


From: Steve
To: James Kenney
Subject: Hmmmm
Date: Tuesday, June 5, 2018 5:04:20 PM

Far more scary than President Trump are crappy Mayors like you who prefer to pander and grandstand than to do
right by your constituents.

You don’t speak for the Eagles, correct?

Heck, you barely speak for yourself.

Such a Joke—


Sent from my iPhone with a tiny, unforgiving keyboard

From: Ryan Voell
To: James Kenney
Subject: Mayor Kenney does not speak for all Eagles fans!
Date: Tuesday, June 5, 2018 4:55:03 PM

How dare Mayor Kenney speak so disrespectfully of President Trump!  It is sad that many
members of the Eagles football team decided not to attend a ceremony that was supposed to be
about celebrating their Super Bowl win.  Instead, most of the players boycotted this honorable
event over their political and personal views over the controversial knealing during our
National Anthem.  It is ashame that President Trump cancelled the invitation, but I can
understand his thoughts behind it.   Sad, for all those who wanted to go and not make a
spectacle of this event.  Maybe, fans should stop coming to the games!!!   How would they
feel about a boycott?   President Trump is doing a fabulous job in my opinion.  
Unemployment is at an all-time low!  Americans first, not illegals!!   Yes, we are a country of
laws.  Glad there seems to be a little more order, as well! 
From: Shawn Wallerstein
To: James Kenney
Subject: Patriotism and military service
Date: Tuesday, June 5, 2018 4:57:56 PM

Dear sir,
    My name is Shawn Wallerstein, a resident of Broward County, Florida.  Moments ago, I was reading
online about The Philadelphia Eagles being disinvited to the White House.
On CNN, you said the following... "When he had the opportunity to serve his country for real, his father
got him out of it, and I think it's really disingenuous for him to talk about patriotism in any way shape or
Clearly and obviously talking about Donald Trump. While I certainly understand your dislike for the
President, I find your commentary appalling.
To associate military service with patriotism is wrong.  Me being disabled, does not allow me to service in
our amazing country's armed forces.  However sir, I am certain I am the most patriotic person you
would ever be lucky enough to meet.  That being said, not only do I believe you should detract from your
statement on CNN, but I believe you owe me an apology.
Shawn Wallerstein
From: sonya tompkins
To: James Kenney
Subject: Podcast Interview
Date: Tuesday, June 5, 2018 4:56:53 PM

Hi James,

Exavier Pope is interested in interviewing a spokesperson from the Mayor's office on the #SuitUP Podcast
about Eagles Super Bowl win/ Eagles players passing on the invite to the White House and Pres. Trumps
respond / Philly support.

We film Saturdays 8am-Noon EST. Please provide your skype ID.

Our guests have included ESPN, USA Today, NY Times, Sporting News, Washington Post, and other top
publication editors, reporters and analysts, star athletes, and attorneys representing high-profile cases, as well
as great special interest stories. 

We look forward to having you on!


Sonya Tompkins 
#SuitUP Podcast

Exavier B. Pope I, Esq.

Principal Owner | The Pope Law Firm, P.C. 
Principal Owner | 528 Media Group
Sport Legal and Business Analyst | TV Media Reel
Host | #SuitUP Podcast 
Sports Legal Contributor | The Athletic 
Business Address | 47 West Polk Street, Suite 100-110, Chicago, IL 60605
Business Phone | 312.890.2615 
Appearance/Speaking/Booking Inquires |
Legal Inquiries |

"Sports is a business. Let's talk about it." 

"Be inspired always!" 
"The X Factor in Legal Solutions"

Exavier B. Pope I, Esq. is an award winning attorney, on air legal analyst, media personality, Fortune 500 speaker,
content creator, writer, tastemaker, thought leader, and licensed yoga instructor. Mr. Pope is the host of
#SuitUP Podcast for his production company 528 Media Group. Mr. Pope's work and analysis has appeared,
contributed, or been featured: ESPN, Vox, The Hollywood Reporter, The Athletic, NBC Sports, Fox Business
Channel, CNBC, CBS Sports, Al Jazeera, WGN, Fox News Channel, Jet, Huffington Post, and Black Enterprise.
From: Diane Haney
To: James Kenney
Subject: Eagles/ White House
Date: Tuesday, June 5, 2018 5:13:18 PM

Only. 1 thing to say, the

Mayor of Philadelphia is a giant a...  Glad I am not a resident anymore. Absolutley never wil
be again.    What a total disgrace!!  Glad to know this mayor does not represent me!!!!!

Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android

From: mike keller
To: James Kenney
Subject: Eagles
Date: Tuesday, June 5, 2018 5:20:34 PM

You my friend are a piece of work. You don’t own or control your pathetic eagles. You are a citizen of this great
country and a rep for your city. Grow up. Also learn what’s going on with us and Korea before promoting fake
news. I, hope OUR President takes away the benefits of owning a team and make each team pay their own way.

Sent from my iPhone

From: Joy Muroff
To: James Kenney
Subject: Eagles
Date: Tuesday, June 5, 2018 5:23:51 PM

Dear Mayor Kenney,

I am a lifelong Philadelphian and Eagles fan and have never been prouder than when I read your statement today
about President Trumps antics. Thank you for calling a spade a spade. We in Phila know what good our Eagles do
both on and off the field and we don't need a fake ceremony at the White House. Maybe the next president will
invite the Eagles and the Golden State Warriors and whoever else may miss the opportunity to go to The White
House to actually celebrate them and not make it about the President.

Thank you again for standing up for our team and our city.

Joy Muroff
From: Thomas Sain
To: James Kenney
Subject: Remarks on President
Date: Tuesday, June 5, 2018 5:13:27 PM

I hate to say it but you are about the dumbest soul I have ever known to think Trump is not
doing a good job. And it's you that will go down before Trump because you are part of the
swamp we the people will get rid of.
I was once a democrat, I voted for Hillary, but since Trump won the election and I have seen
what he has done for this country I will never go back to the liberal ways. Open you eyes, then
maybe you will see the light.
Screw you and your fricking Eagles...even though they are not as bad as some of the teams
that have no repect  for this country and those that have died for it. Your stupid comment
made you a fool. 

Thomas Sain
From: Gaye Wallace
To: James Kenney
Subject: Thank you!
Date: Tuesday, June 5, 2018 5:16:42 PM

Dear Mayor Kenney,

I just wanted to thank you for your statements about the Flyers' and why they
should be able to take a knee or show a fist, because of the first amendment. I really
appreciate your honesty and kindness toward those players who are not white. I do
not agree with President Trump on many things and this is another one of those
I am very glad that you were elected Mayor!!

Gaye Wallace 
From: Jim Ronan
To: James Kenney
Subject: You look like a fool
Date: Tuesday, June 5, 2018 5:19:00 PM

Both my daughters went to Villanova. I am a big fan of Philadelphia. Great people and great food.
You sound like an idiot. Donald Trump is our President.
It’s great that you have an opinion, but insulting him is not an opinion. It’s the action of a loser.
God Bless America

Sent from my iPhone

From: Carolyn
To: James Kenney
Subject: You are a joke like the Eagles team
Date: Tuesday, June 5, 2018 5:17:21 PM

When will you liberals ever learn. 

The only Tyrants here are you and and the Eagles team.
The only egomanic is you.
Your jealousy of TRUMP is visible and so funny.
All you and your Eagles team wanted to do was to embarass the POTUS.  
But would they have done this to Obama, the black POTUS if he had this same stand.
I am laughing now.

Let me put this in terms that you as a man and the Eagles players can understand.
Out of 70 playres, all the management and YOU who are suppose to be a leader, 
do not have one set of balls between all of you.  The only one who has balls is Trump.

I do not give a toss that you and the millionaire players and the billionaires owners are
What you stand for is not the majority of what the county stands for.

By your actions and your hate speech just VALIDATES that you are all  BIGOTS.
The country now knows this as a FACT.  Your team will be sorry they made this
decision to be anti American. 

If you believe that standing fir the American Anthem is a politcal event, that is on

I no longer have to worry about coming to your state.  Or watching NFL.

If Colin Kapernick, who is black, who started all of this really wanted to do meaningful
work for justice system, he would have by now.  But as you can see HE HAS NOT.

From: mary marcy
To: James Kenney
Subject: eagles
Date: Tuesday, June 5, 2018 5:31:24 PM

You are wrong----these football players are acting like a bunch of spoiled brats who think they are
too good for everybody.  They could care less about the people and fans.  The lack of respect is
astonishing --- they may have been raised with lack of respect but not everyone in America was.  You
are wrong Trump is a great patriot and he shows it all the time.
Sent from Mail for Windows 10
From: David Bazzone
To: James Kenney
Subject: you
Date: Tuesday, June 5, 2018 5:24:20 PM

Exactly why I do not vote democrat anymore, because of POS like you. If you don’t agree with you
then you are a racist, homophobe etc… “F” you and the Eagles, cancelled Sunday tick after being an
avid fan and from PA. You make me sick. Maybe look back to your messiah , the last President who
promoted identity politics. I was raised as democrat and won’t vote democrat again. Oh by the way I
was just in your city and it is a shit hole, which is overtaxed and corrupt
Sent from Mail for Windows 10
From: George Sprague
To: James Kenney
Subject: Eagles
Date: Tuesday, June 5, 2018 5:53:30 PM

The Eagles got just what they deserved and what they asked for. Shame on them.

Sent from my iPhone

From: John Sherwood
To: James Kenney
Subject: Mayor Kenney’s Statement on Eagles’ Cancelled White House Visit
Date: Tuesday, June 5, 2018 5:35:39 PM

Fuck you 
From: Richard Barlow
To: James Kenney
Subject: Green & Orange is a Bad Combo
Date: Tuesday, June 5, 2018 5:39:59 PM

As a Dallas Cowboy fan for over 50 years I would just like to say:
E-A-G-L-E-S !
I am celebrating you, Mayor Kenney, and the Eagles for standing up for what is right.
I promise I will never curse Ertz again.
Thank you for not bowing to the orange moron (like the NFL).

My social comment / question - Why, during the anthem, is he OK with thousands upon
thousands of NASCAR fans presenting the flag of the country that killed more U.S. soldiers
than any other country?

Thanks for your time and keep up the good work.

From: John Sherwood
To: James Kenney
Subject: Mayor.... re the Eagles
Date: Tuesday, June 5, 2018 5:33:40 PM

Tell your mayor of my former city he is a dumb ass fuck.

Trump is right and your mayor is a douche bag idiot.
Dr John Sherwood
To: James Kenney
Subject: Standing for the flag
Date: Tuesday, June 5, 2018 5:29:50 PM

It’s mayors like you and that piece for trash nyc mayor that people around the country that got Trump elected...keep
doing what your liberal snowflake I want everything for nothing base wants and you will bankrupt your city and
turn it to the cesspool it is becoming. The city of brotherly love!....your crime rate is one of the highest in the must be proud of that huh.

Sent from my iPad

From: Frances Colby
To: James Kenney
Subject: Your response
Date: Tuesday, June 5, 2018 5:57:11 PM

Dear Mayor Kenney,

My name is Frances Colby, I live in Colorado Springs and I am writing to personally thank you for your response to
Trump’s childish behavior.  I (like so many people I know) am thoroughly appalled by what is happening to our
great nation and applaud you for standing up to affronts by Trump to our citizens.  Keep up the good work for your
city and the decent, hard working people.

Thank-you, thank-you, thank-you Mayor Kenney!!!  We sure need more folks like you who are not afraid to speak

Frances Colby
From: bill shenoha
To: James Kenney
Subject: Eagles - White House
Date: Tuesday, June 5, 2018 6:10:41 PM

Mr Mayor

Three people deciding to go from the Eagles team to DC ?    The NFL owners and team members continue to be a
disgrace to the USA —- your city too.   

Sent from my iPhone

From: Eric Alonzo
To: James Kenney
Subject: Go Trump!
Date: Tuesday, June 5, 2018 6:10:13 PM


Your tactic did not work. 

From: Sam Nardo
To: James Kenney
Subject: Eagles and your vile comments on the President
Date: Tuesday, June 5, 2018 5:57:21 PM

I find that these so called “professional “ athletes are nothing but cry babies and you’re also a member of this
disgusting group.  The blacks who would boycott the visit are all racist ,vile, ignorant, America haters. Had anyone
boycotted the muslim president’s invite all hell would have broken loose and all the race hustlers would have been
out venting their racist crap. I despise the Eagles, the NFL, and most of the other unprofessionally professionals. 
Trump is the frigging President you fool and your anti Trump comments are not wanted nor called for.  I despise
you and the Eagles for this latest attempt of disrespect.

Sent from my iPad

From: James Armstrong
To: James Kenney
Date: Tuesday, June 5, 2018 6:10:42 PM

Hey ass wipe PUNK kenny take you're countrt long nose ass back to wherever youre Punk ass
come from oh take all you're Spicks with you. TRUMP TRUMP TRUMP yoy wish you had
what TRUMP has, 8 years and we are going to rid PUNK'S like you get a real job ass wipe.
From: Dan Miller
To: James Kenney
Date: Tuesday, June 5, 2018 6:04:04 PM

Dear Mayor Kenney,

This afternoon I read online your response to President Trump's decision to cancel the
Philadelphia Eagles visit and other local events and your defense of the Eagles players and

Whereas I am in complete agreement that President Trump is, yet again, wrong on this issue, I
also take exception to you and other people making military service synonymous with
patriotism, if not the sole sign of one's patriotism. It is not only unfortunate but sad when love
of country boils down to whether you will go fight wars for American bureaucrats. As for
President Trump, he has done far worse things to show his lack of patriotism than evade the
draft to go to Vietnam. You may recall that was not a very popular war and was formative, if
not transformative, in encouraging young men, and now young women, to discern the
rightness and wrongness of going to war. Has sad that in your mocking comments about
Trump's bone spurs you essentially disparage anyone who has not merely to goose stepped
along and gone to war no questions asked. Conscientious objection can also be motivated by
love for one's country as well as for moral or religious reasons. Additionally, it is unfortunate
that over the last 25 years sporting events have been coopted in this country by the military
industrial system and that organizations like the NFL have climbed into bed with the "Big
Guns" because war is good for business. In this regards, I would suggest Colin Kaepernick has
been much more patriotic in his life and understands far more about what are the signs of
love of one's country than our current President.  

Perhaps it is time to retrieve or renew a healthier, more imaginative, and expansive

understanding of patriotism and how one serves one's country. People have been doing it for
well over 200 years -- and most of those people never went to war. It seems that civic leaders
might serve our country better if they were at the forefront of revamping such a narrow view
of what comprises being a patriotic American.


Daniel J. Miller
From: James Armstrong
To: James Kenney
Date: Tuesday, June 5, 2018 6:05:05 PM

F... The eagles that will be there very last Superbowl there like you kenny ALL PUNK'S !
better get ready punk Trump will BE IN THE (WHITE HOUSE) not black house you're the
real Punk ass bitch who can't stop the thousands of drug dealers, TRUMP don't want no ghetto
as PUNK'S there Punk............
From: Susan Coyle
To: James Kenney
Subject: White House
Date: Tuesday, June 5, 2018 6:06:45 PM

The Eagles tried to manipulate the circumstances in a bald faced attempt to embarrass
POTUS.  Shame on them and shame on you.  Yet again, Philadelphia is an embarrassment to
From: Jock Harmon
To: James Kenney
Subject: White House
Date: Tuesday, June 5, 2018 6:05:55 PM

You’re just another east coast commie.  Go Trump

From: michael worosz
To: James Kenney
Date: Tuesday, June 5, 2018 6:13:14 PM

Your disrespectful criticism of President Trump regarding the unpatriotic Eagles
failure to stand for our flag and the men and women who defended it and died
shows your typical blind sided Democratic position of lack of care about our
national values. You attempts for notoriety are self serving attempts to hope
that someone will remember who you are as I sincerely hope that you will
never be elected again. As a Viet Nam veteran I abhor your liberal views and
disloyal  behavior supporting the millionaire players who disrespect our flag
and values.
Sent from Mail for Windows 10
From: Tom Mueller
To: James Kenney
Subject: Eagles Not Going to Whitehouse
Date: Tuesday, June 5, 2018 6:13:53 PM

Mr Kenney,

I heard what you said about Trump, calling him an ego-maniac and "afraid to have his hands on the

You piece of garbage the best thing you Democratic F-ups who destroy cities and this country can do for
this country is walk in front of a very fast moving bus!!!

Trump is bringing this country back from the lying cheating Democrats!!!!!   Obama was the most corrupt
President in history!!!  Progressive Democrats are the REAL threat to this country.

Go screw yourself,
Tom Mueller
From: James Armstrong
To: James Kenney
Date: Tuesday, June 5, 2018 6:26:32 PM

violation of FEDERAL LAW jerk-off start dealing with all the thousands and thousands of
drug dealers! THE EAGLES S U C K just like You punk kenny.....
From: Linda Schauer
To: James Kenney
Subject: Philadelphia eagles
Date: Tuesday, June 5, 2018 6:11:35 PM

Your football team fans hit a child in the head with a full beer, your football team supported
that behavior, you support that behavior, you're all scum.  It is really too bad not worse could
happen to you all, but playing games with the presidential invites is indicative of the childish
behavior you and your team display.  You just keep proving over and over again President
Trump was the right choice as President because asswipes from Philly dont like him.    Keep
Philadelphia and all of Pennsylvania, we know what you are all worth, and honey that ain't
much.  Signed a Minnesotan who treated your fans like human beings.
From: Kevin O"Reilly
To: James Kenney
Subject: President Trump
Date: Tuesday, June 5, 2018 6:13:25 PM

Eat shit and die asshole. President Trump has bigger balls than you will ever have. Who needs a team from a shit
hole city like yours at the White House?

Kevin O'Reilly
From: allan meyers
To: James Kenney
Subject: you"re one of the reasons philly is a POS city
Date: Tuesday, June 5, 2018 6:29:15 PM

Your comments regarding president trump's decision were as childish as anything. Especially the
"nuclear code" comments. All you've done is prove you are a political partisan idiot. I've been to your
crime-ridden POS town. Never again. It's sad that the cradle of our democracy is now turned over to
morons like you.
From: David Seber
To: James Kenney
Subject: Dear Mayor, the disrespect some members of the Eagles showed to all of our veterans and their families is
discussing , if they wanted to protest they should have done it in a different way. Many veterans fought and died
so that the Eagles wo...
Date: Tuesday, June 5, 2018 6:44:17 PM

Sent from my iPhone

To: James Kenney
Subject: Anti-Trump; Anti-Police Bandwagon
Date: Tuesday, June 5, 2018 6:40:47 PM

Dear Mr. Kenney:

Despite your misguided impulses, you are not 'cool,' Mayor Kenney, for jumping onto a
bandwagon constructed of lies, deflection of true crime statistics, and disrespectful treatment
of our Flag and Fans.  People of courage will always choose the road less traveled -- where
that path leads to empirical truth.  Not 'feelings,' not blind geographical loyalties, but truth.

Do you really believe that the people are somehow 'lost' on the anti-police and anti-Trump
'games' being played by many (predominantly black) NFL players -- including Eagles?
Do you believe -- as they have stated, and still do state -- that the nation's police forces are
wantonly attacking blacks around the country?
Are you aware that authentic demographic statistics on race & crime -- to include police
involved shootings -- is available at and
Can you grasp the fact that the 'Police Brutality Against Blacks' (as some sort of systemic
condition) rhetoric was a blatant falsehood from the start -- begun by Kaepernick (of 'Cops as
Pigs' socks fame) and furthered by several Eagles?  Do you somehow reason that 'perceptions'
counter to factual evidence and statistics should be supported anyway -- just because 'race' is

Finally, your disrespectful statements about the President of the United States are a shameful
act, and a terrible example that you set for young people in Philadelphia, and around the

You sir, have brought the greatest of shame upon the City, and the larger society of loyal,
patriotic Americans.  Shame on you!


Alan J. Denis

Sent from Outlook

To: James Kenney
Subject: Congratulations!
Date: Tuesday, June 5, 2018 6:40:06 PM

Thanks for standing up to the asshole in the White House!

Go Eagles!

Glenn Avick

Sent from Glenn's iPhone

From: MB
To: James Kenney
Subject: President Trump
Date: Tuesday, June 5, 2018 6:44:00 PM

Seems to me you have more pressing things to do, since your city is such a crap hole now day and all, than to make
jabs at the great President the American citizens elected into office. 

Sent from my iPhone

From: Renee Solitaire1
To: James Kenney
Subject: THANK YOU!
Date: Tuesday, June 5, 2018 6:29:16 PM

Dear Mayor Kenney,

Thank you SO MUCH for your statements about trump! It is SO refreshing
to have someone say what I believe MANY millions of Americans are truly
thinking and dealing with daily since this dictator invaded our White House!
I live in Arizona so I am blue (literally) in a red state but trying hard to stay
sane! It is SO frustrating!! I am in full support of the rights of ALL athletes
and WE ARE ALL KNEELING AND PRAYING NOW! Keep up the great job!!
Sincerely, R. Rollette

Sent from my iPad

From: Kathy Thompson
To: James Kenney
Subject: Trump"s non-celebration of the awesome Eagles
Date: Tuesday, June 5, 2018 6:31:44 PM

Mr Kenney,
I told my husband last night that I had to write to you after watching your appearance on TV. That
was reinforced by what I read today of your comments. Your comments on Trump are EXACTLY what
I think. He is the most ineffective person I could ever imagine holding office and what he is doing to
this country (with the help of Republicans that won’t stand up to him) makes me heartsick. I only
hope it won’t take years to undo what he has done.
You, and the rest of Philly, celebrate hard with your Eagles today. It’ll be that much better without
Trump somehow taking the credit for the win!
Kathy Bryant
Richmond, VA
Sent from Mail for Windows 10
From: Philip Cerrato
To: James Kenney
Subject: Bravo
Date: Tuesday, June 5, 2018 6:46:01 PM

Mayor Kenney,
Thanks for re-stating the obvious about Mr. Trump & coming to the defense of our championship Eagles. As a
native born kid from Germantown, you made me proud again to be from the “Big Pretzel”! Now living just outside
the beltway in N. Va. & trying to survive these trumpish years. Gratefully,
Philip Cerrato

Sent from my iPad

From: Linda Fiske
To: James Kenney
Subject: WELL SAID!
Date: Tuesday, June 5, 2018 6:39:21 PM

Your comment with regard to Trump’s uninviting the Eagles to the White House was priceless….and
Thank you.
Sent from Mail for Windows 10
From: Jim Mouchka
To: James Kenney
Subject: comments about Trumps decision to cancel Eagle invitation
Date: Tuesday, June 5, 2018 6:49:35 PM

Just so you know I lived for 8 years under the terrible Obama administration. What a breath of
fresh air under Trump. I am astonished that Democrats can't get a grip on  this. We're returning
to what America is about and I'm proud of that. So sorry your Eagles tried to play a politcal
game with the White House and got Trumped!
Jim Mouchka
Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android
From: James Armstrong
To: James Kenney
Date: Tuesday, June 5, 2018 6:47:10 PM

TRUMP is going to make Philadelphia just like Atlanta Georgia with elegal's DEPORT
EVERY LAST ONE OF THEM I'm sick of my hard earned tax dollara being spent with full
welfare elegal means elegal there are NO good elegal's it's Federal Law jerk off kenny..
From: Joan Boland
To: James Kenney
Subject: Message to Trump
Date: Tuesday, June 5, 2018 6:48:57 PM

I live in New Jersey, more on the Jets/Giants side of the state, (sorry about that), but I can’t thank you enough for
expressing my own thoughts about the current resident of 1600 Pennsylvania Ave and his hissy fit against your
Eagles team. I have a hard time calling him Mr. President. His egomania is a major threat to all Americans. His rude
and ill treatment of your city’s team is a sad mirror into his own reflection.

I applaud your courage and honesty in your response to his appalling behavior.

Hoping you continue to use your voice and position to to accurately respond to his embarrassing actions .

Thank you,

New Jersey neighbor,

Joan Boland

Sent from my iPad

From: Nancy Garcia
To: James Kenney
Subject: Philadelphia Eagles and the White House
Date: Tuesday, June 5, 2018 6:56:51 PM

Dear Governor Kenney,

I just heard what you said to the reporters about the Eagles being un-invited to the WH.  I applaud
you for your frankness and honesty about the Trump presidency.  I think most Americans feel as you
do, but the Republican Congress is so worried about their own interests that they have forgotten
who they represent.  Going into politics should be about service first and your pocketbook second. 
Unfortunately these same people know what Trump is doing is dictator-like behavior yet won’t stand
up to him.  You are a hero to so many of us for being brave enough to be forthright during your
interview.  Thank-you,
Nancy Garcia
Sierra Vista, AZ
Sent from Mail for Windows 10
From: Jonathan Wing
To: James Kenney
Subject: Presidents uninvite
Date: Tuesday, June 5, 2018 6:57:09 PM

Dear Sir:

In watching the interview, you gave about the Eagles being disinvited to the White
House, you defended the Eagles turning down an invitation from the President of the
United States. This action was and is disrespectful.  Please note, I believe in freedom
of speech and expressing such. However, when The President of the of the United
States has stated it is shameful that the players are kneeling during the National
Anthem and disrespecting the American Flag I have to agree.  Many people have
died for this Nation.  The American Flag and Anthem is a representation of that Fact. 
Every veteran I’ve conversed with concerning this issue finds these actions of the
players kneeling during the Anthem insulting.  It is telling of how you protect a sport
over the welfare of this Great Nation. 
It comes as no surprise considering the Democrats have been contemptable,
disrespectful, and obstructionists.  To add insult to injury, you proudly exclaim the you
are the mayor of a sanctuary city, clearly violating Federal Law.  As an Independent
voter, who voted for former President Obama, and President Trump, I find your
actions shameful, and unpatriotic.

Jonathan Wing
To: James Kenney
Subject: Your response to Eagles situation
Date: Tuesday, June 5, 2018 6:51:24 PM

Mayor, I like many of the things you are doing for Philadelphia but you are way off on your
response to Trump cancelling the Eagles event. You had 80 Eagles who after responding they
would attend, suddenly back out? The Eagles were trying to embarrass Trump and the office
of the Presidency by backing out at the last minute. This is not acceptable. The Eagles should
be embarrassed at trying this cheap political stunt. This event would not have been cancelled if
the  majority of Eagles were coming. This action only makes the Eagles, the ownership, and
Philadelphia look bad. I am a lifetime Eagles and I know this will affect the Eagles chance to
win another Super Bowl. The team itself won't be affected, it is the energy that comes from the
fans that will be affected. Look at all the home games we won last year? You have to realize
that half or more Eagles fans agree with Trump and do not appreciate all the players who
cancelled at the last minute. I have heard from a lot of fans all day and they are not upset with
Trump, they are upset with the players. Be more careful with your anti- Trump statements
when they are not factual. Trying thinking for yourself instead of the state progressive
Mike Sohanic
From: Allen Zed
To: James Kenney
Subject: BRAVO MR. MAYOR..!!
Date: Tuesday, June 5, 2018 7:14:42 PM

Awesome mr. Mayor kenny sir...!!..COME ON TV EVERY DAY...AND MAKE PEOPLE


Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android

From: Jacqueline Burrows
To: James Kenney
Subject: Eagles comments
Date: Tuesday, June 5, 2018 7:13:40 PM

Dear Mayor Kenny, Thank you for your wonderful comments and observations following President Trump’s
ludicrous actions. You are right and are inspiring. You are also doing a wonderful job in Philadelphia.
Sincerely, Jacqueline Burrows, Chadds Ford, PA

Sent from my iPhone

From: Ernest Zenone
To: James Kenney
Subject: Honoring our President
Date: Tuesday, June 5, 2018 7:12:38 PM

Dear Mayor Kenney:

    I want to express my disappointment with your comments about President

Trump.  I have never seen such open contempt.  

    Also for the actions of the Philadelphia Eagles in so many refusing to attend
a Super Bowl event at the White House to honor the city and players for this

    For me, it's turned the victory into defeat.  It dishonors our Veterans who love
our country.    

   I had 5 brothers who served in WW2. Our family came from Sicily to settle in
Philadelphia in 1916.  I am the last of 14 children born to Eugenio and Marianne
(Lipari) Zenone. The city I grew up in is no longer the city I knew.  We were
immigrants who loved our country!

   By and large, too many never have heard what John F. Kennedy said as

     "Ask not what your country can do for you, ask, what can you do for your

      You say you want inclusion.   What about our Veterans?  How can anyone
take the oath of office to "honor and defend the Constitution"?  

    My parents were Sicilians, but they always said they were Americans first! 
Another time. Another culture.

   I am praying for you and our Nation.  We are more divided now on race and
philosophy than ever before instead of being "ONE nation under GOD".  

     "Blessed is the nation whose God is the LORD" -Psalm 33:12


                                                           Mr. Ernie Zenone Sr.


From: yes
To: James Kenney
Subject: Comments on your comments on Trump
Date: Tuesday, June 5, 2018 7:17:31 PM

We love your outstanding comments on Trump the bum.

Keep it up.   
 Sent from Mail for Windows 10
From: Deborah Schnell
To: James Kenney
Subject: I applaud you!
Date: Tuesday, June 5, 2018 7:16:45 PM

I live in Cincinnati, but I am reaching out to applaud you for speaking out about President Trump “uninviting” the
Eagles. You were professional, and yet firm in your view/position. Too many politicians today are weak, and
frankly not doing their jobs.

Consider running for a higher office!!!!

Deborah Schnell
From: Jeffrey Glenn
To: James Kenney
Subject: RE: Donald Trump
Date: Tuesday, June 5, 2018 7:01:23 PM

Dear Mr. Mayor:

As a Liberal Democrat, I totally agree with you, in regards to Donald Trump. Trump, is the dumbest piece
of shit, to be in the Oval Office.
Trump, was never qualified, to be our US President. Trump had the rednecks, 2nd Amendment lovers,
the illiterate, and some women vote for him. 
These are the morons and idiots, who made him our US President. Like you, I am scared to death, Trump
has his hands on the nuclear codes. 

Nostradamus said, this US President will create World War 3 eventually. It is just a matter of time. 
Trump has destroyed The Climate Control Agreement, Davos, NAFTA, DACA, Immigration, The Iran
Nuclear Deal, The US Embassy in Jerusalem, Dakota Pipe Line, The Border Wall, among other contracts
and areas.
Trump doesn't understand law, national policies, international policies, nothing. Trump knows nothing
about the US Government, how it runs, operates, and manages itself. 

Trump, has no understanding, what a US President is overall. No understanding, of the duties or

responsibilities of the position. Plus, I hate Melania. I never see her as a First Lady.
I have never seen a White House Administration fire 64 staff members before. 

We have to either impeach this dumbass in November 2018 or vote him out in 2020. 

The problem is this : Our educational system is very low in the US. I expect, to see many stupid US
Citizens vote for Trump in 2020. 
The Questions is : Can our Democrats get enough African Americans, Asians, Hispanics, Women, Blue
Collar Workers to vote Trump out of office in 2020 ?


Jeffrey Glenn
From: Mark
To: James Kenney
Subject: Eagles
Date: Tuesday, June 5, 2018 7:19:46 PM

You should encourage them to leave a city of Brotherly Love which they obviously don’t believe in.
Sent from my iPad
From: Lynannbb
To: James Kenney
Subject: Thank you Mayor
Date: Tuesday, June 5, 2018 7:19:16 PM

I live in Utah, love your city’s heart history & sports. 

Thank you for speaking out so clearly in regards to the fiasco at the White House and visit of the Eagles.
Best to you,
LA Bates

Sent from my iPhone

From: Vivian Kreutzjans
To: James Kenney
Subject: Thank you!
Date: Tuesday, June 5, 2018 7:22:43 PM

I just had to thank you for standing up for what is right! You have my respect and gratitude.  I am so tired of what
Trump is doing to America! He wants America to be his kingdom but with people like yourself, who stand up
for democracy and freedom there is hope, we will become the greatest country again!

Sent from my iPhone

From: Aveta, Debra A - Melville, NY
To: James Kenney
Subject: Thank You
Date: Tuesday, June 5, 2018 7:19:33 PM

Mayor Kenney,

I have heard you speak over the past 2 days about Trump.  Everything you have said is 100% accurate and
professionally delivered.  Hopefully other Governors, Mayors and Congressman will have the courage and character
to openly call him out for the way he is dividing this country. He needs to be held accountable. 

Thank you,

Debbie Aveta
Long Island, NY

Sent from my iPad

From: Mark Goodin
To: James Kenney
Subject: Mayor Kenney
Date: Tuesday, June 5, 2018 7:29:33 PM

Dear Sir,
We believe that President Trumps disinvitation of the Philadelphia Eagles is warranted as the
Eagles  literally "stood up" the President of the United States. 
Your remarks regarding our President are not only Disrespectful but a black mark on the city
of Philadelphia.
Please learn some manners.
The Goodins 
From: Gail Plewacki
To: James Kenney
Subject: Eagles
Date: Tuesday, June 5, 2018 7:23:45 PM

Mr. Mayor,

I am beyond impressed. I just saw your interview on CNN and you took my breath away. I wish you were my

I love this country beyond description. My father, the son of impoverished immigrants, served in World War II, I
have been married to a Vietnam war vet, and not only do I sing the national anthem, I actually know the lyrics.

But I would give my life, without hesitation, to defend the right of any American to take a knee during the national
anthem, burn the flag, or participate in any other peaceful expression of protest. Because that right is the soul of this
nation and our democracy. It's very soul. And sadly I see it eroding.

You sir, are a man of integrity and courage. I hope many across this country will take the time to tell you so.

Gail Plewacki
Stillwater, MN
From: Dennis Romanowski
To: James Kenney
Subject: Mayor
Date: Tuesday, June 5, 2018 7:45:23 PM

71 of 81 Eagles cancelled at last minute and you call our President a tyrant.
You are a moron who is only where you are because of politics and statements like this against our country are
going to be your downfall.
From: Dan Saver
To: James Kenney
Subject: Re The idiot mayor"s comments as per Mark Levin
Date: Tuesday, June 5, 2018 7:25:58 PM

Re your stupid comments in your interview as played on the Mark Levin radio show today
and your anti American comments re President Trump, I agree that you sound like an idiot and
I would add that you need a kick in the nuts as well.  I see that President Trump had to cancel
a get together with the Phil. Eagles as no one showed up.  The Eagles have crashed. 

You're part and parcel of the Democratic drain on intelligence.  Go fall in a hole.

Dan Saver, BA
Cache, Creek, BC
From: Laura Lay
To: James Kenney
Subject: We need more voices like yours!
Date: Tuesday, June 5, 2018 7:29:47 PM

Thank you sir, for succinctly giving voice to multiple concerns many Americans have
regarding both Trump's character AND his inability to lead.

Trump's lies and sly suggestions in dishonestly tearing down the Eagle players was
unconscionable and deserved exposure.

I very much applaud and appreciate you standing up and telling it like it us!

Laura Lay
Sacramento CA

Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android

To: James Kenney
Subject: Trumped by Trump
Date: Tuesday, June 5, 2018 7:52:41 PM

Hey Jim,

Disrespecting the President of the United States publicly just makes you look like the ass! Rise above, or you will
make the liberals look like silly, they already have the stigma of looking like the whiny 3rd grader on the

Steve Barrett
From: Jeffrey Pearson
To: James Kenney
Subject: Your remarks to Trump.
Date: Tuesday, June 5, 2018 7:29:10 PM

To: Mayor Kenney, first of all you should remember that several of the Eagles players refused
the White House invitation. President Trump did invite " the entire team " to the White House.
The Eagles won the Super Bowl as a team and they should go to Washington as a team or not
at all. Blame the spoiled little cry babies on the Eagles team that want to protest everything.
They blew the trip, not Trump. So stop whining and man up you little whiner. P.S. Way to go

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