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David A.


Islamic Mathematical Astronomy

London 1986
British Library C lP data King, David A.
Islamic mathematical astronomy. — (Collected
studies series; CS231)
1. Astronomy, Islamic — History
I. Title
520'.917'671 QB15
ISBN 0-86078-178-X
Copyright© 1986 by Variorum Reprints Preface ix-xi


I Some Reflections on the History

o f Islamic Astronomy 1-5
Adapted from an article in
Bulletin o f the Middle East Studies
Association o f North America 4, 1980, pp. 10-26

II On the Astronomical Tables

o f the Islamic Middle Ages 37-56
Studia Copernicana 13.
Wroclau 1975

III The Astronomy o f the Mamluks 531-555

Isis 74.
Philadelphia 1983

IV Mathematical Astronomy in Medieval Yemen 61-65

Arabian Studies 5.
London 1979


V A Double-Argument Table for the Lunar

Equation Attributed to Ibn Yunus 129-146
Centaurus 18.
Copenhagen 1974
Published in Great Britain by Variorum Reprints
20 Pembridge Mews London W11 3EQ
VI Ibn al-Majdl's Tables
Printed in Great Britain by Galliard (Printers) Ltd for Calculating Ephemerides 48-68
Great Yarmouth Norfolk With E. S. Kennedy
Journal fo r the History o f Arabic Science 4.
VI Vll

V II Some Astronomical Observations MISCELLANEOUS

from Thirteenth-Century Egypt 121-128
With O. Gingerich X IV On Medieval Islamic
Journal fo r the History o f Astronomy 13. Multiplication Tables 317-323
Cambridge 1982 Historia Mathematica 1.
New York 1974
V III Indian Astronomy in Fourteenth-Century
Fez: The Versified Zlj o f al-Qusuntlni 3-45 XV Supplementary Notes on Medieval Islamic
Multiplication Tables 405-417
With E. S. Kennedy
Historia Mathematica 6.
Journal fo r the History o f Arabic Science 6. New York 1979
Aleppo 1982

XVI A Handlist o f the Arabic and Persian

Astronomical Manuscripts in the Maharaja
Mansingh II Library in Jaipur 81-86
Journal fo r the History o f Arabic Science 4.
IX Ibn Yunus’ Very Useful Tables Aleppo 1980
for Reckoning Time by the Sun 342-394
Archive fo r History o f Exact Science 10. X V II Islamic Mathematics and Astronomy.
Heidelberg, Springer-Verlag 1973
A n essay review o f the Chapters
on mathematics and astronomy in S. H. Nasr,
X Astronomical Timekeeping
Islamic Science: A n Illustrated Study 212-219
in Fourteenth-Century Syria 75-84
Journal fo r the History o f Astronomy 9.
Proceedings o f the First International Symposium Cambridge 1978
fo r the History o f Arabic Science, Aleppo 1976, II.
Aleppo 1978
X V III Islamic Mathematics.
XI al-Khallli’s Auxiliary Tables for A review o f A . A . Daffa,
Solving Problems o f Spherical Astronomy 99-110 The Muslim Contribution to Mathematics 295-296
Journal fo r the History o f Astronomy 4. History o f Science 17.
Cambridge 1979
Cambridge 1973

X II Astronomical Timekeeping Addenda and Corrigenda

in Ottoman Turkey 245-269
Proceedings o f the International Symposium
on the Observatories in Islam, Indexes:
Istanbul 1977 Subjects 1-3
Names 3-6
Titles 6-8
Technical terms 9-10
X III al-Khallli’s Qibla Table 81-122 Modern authors 10-11
Journal o f Near Eastern Studies 34.
Chicago 1975
This volume contains a total o f 342 pages.

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The papers reprinted in this volume would not have seen the light
o f day had it not been for my family, my teachers and various
academic institutions. In paying due tribute, it may be appropriate to
It is a pleasure to thank Ms. Eileen Turner for her understanding explain briefly how I came to an interest in the subject o f medieval
and patience during the various stages o f the preparation o f this Islamic astronomy.
volume. Professor O. Gingerich and Professor E. S. Kennedy kindly I imbibed the history o f astronomy from an early age. When I was
agreed to the reprinting o f articles which they co-authored (V I, V II at high-school in England, my father, Henry C. King, wrote The
and V III). Permission to reprint individual articles was generously History o f the Telescope (1955) and The Background to Astronomy
granted by the following journals, presses and institutions: Studia (1957). But my own interests were elsewhere, in other parts o f this
Copernicana, Polish Academ y o f Sciences and Ossolineum planet and other cultures. Little did I know at that time that I would
Publishers, Wroclau (I I ) ; Isis (University o f Pennsylvania) (I I I ); one day choose to study the same Greek and Islamic astronomical
Arabian Studies (I V ) ; Centaurus and Munksgaard International traditions which my father had been researching for that second
Publishers, Ltd., Copenhagen (V ); Journal for the History of Arabic book!
Science and the Institute for the History o f Science, University of Somehow I survived the rigours and absurdities o f a higher
Aleppo (V I, V III, X , X V I); Journal for the History of Astronomy education restricted to mathematics, perhaps only by reading in
and Science History Publications, Ltd. (V II, X I, X V II); Archive for history and religion and travelling regularly to Southern Europe. A t
History of Exact Sciences and Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg (IX ); the age o f twenty I visited the Middle East: the peoples, culture and
Kandilli Observatory, Istanbul (X II); Journal of Near Eastern history o f that region captivated me. M y first appointment was with
Studies and The University o f Chicago Press (X I I I ); Historia the Sudan Government Ministry o f Education (1964—67), teaching
Mathematica and Academic Press, Inc., Orlando, Florida (X IV , English and Mathematics to high-school students in the provinces.
X V ); and History of Science (W hipple Science Museum, Cambridge) From El-Fasher in Darfur I wandered to New Haven,
(X V III). Connecticut, there to immerse myself in Near Eastern Studies at
Yale University. It seemed like a good idea at the time and turned
out to be a move I have never regretted. Prof. Franz Rosenthal
taught me how to read Arabic manuscripts instead o f newspapers;
Prof. Bernard Goldstein introduced me to Arabic scientific
manuscripts and Ptolemaic planetary models; and Prof. Asger
Aaboe taught me things not recorded in any book. A t a seminar at
Brown University I met Prof. E. S. Kennedy, the leading scholar in
the history o f Islamic astronomy, who at that time was on leave from
the American University o f Beirut.
Through these personal and academic encounters my own
professional fate was decided. It was quite apparent to me that the
history o f science in the Islamic world was an exciting field in which
to conduct research on primary sources. Men who had discovered
X xi

the same in previous decades, such as the Sedillots, W oepcke, Suter, period, my interests moved towards folk science and its practical
Nallino, Wiedemann, Krause, Schoy, Luckey, Renaud, Millas, applications in daily life, although I still enjoyed “ zijjing about” and
Neugebauer, Hartner, Kennedy, Ullmann, Pingree, Toom er and trying to crack medieval tables.
Goldstein, were as easy to admire as they were difficult to emulate. The papers collected here describe some o f the materials located
Scholars such as Brockelmann, Storey and Sezgin, who had by their in previously untapped manuscript sources. Paper no. I offers some
monumental labours documented the Arabic and Persian manu­ personal reflections on the present state o f the field, which I hope
script sources available for the study o f Islamic civilization, likewise will draw attention both to the importance o f the Islamic
aroused my deepest admiration and respect. astronomical tradition and to the vast amount o f material awaiting
For my doctoral dissertation, Bernie Goldstein suggested an scholars in the future.
investigation o f the Hakiml Zij by the Fatimid astronomer Ibn Yunus Paper II describes the tables not discussed by Ted Kennedy in his
( A zij is an astronomical handbook with tables and explanatory text.) survey o f Islamic zz/es published in 1956. In a sense, both o f our
I set about gathering microfilms o f the relevant manuscripts, and in papers are mistitled, and mine is simply a supplement to his.
Beirut Ted Kennedy guided me through that zij and others. George Part o f my own research has been to survey each of these
Saliba was also a student o f T ed ’s at that time: he too was immersed categories o f tables. For example, Papers IX , X and X II are
in zz/es. Our colleague Dave Gordon in the English Department at overviews o f astronomical timekeeping in the three main areas
A .U .B . coined the phrase “ zijjing about” to describe our activities. where it was practised, and Papers X IV and X V describe the
Also in Beirut for that year was Prof. Owen Gingerich o f the different kinds o f tables used by medieval astronomers for
Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, who introduced both multiplication and division.
George and me to medieval astrolabes and modern computers. Paper X III concerns the determination o f the qibla or sacred
Before I had finished the thesis (1972), I had stumbled upon the direction in Islam. A great deal o f my more recent research has been
Cairo corpus o f tables for timekeeping and the various tables o f al- on the non-mathematical procedures which were commonly used in
Khallll, and had recovered some o f the “ lost” material o f Ibn Yunus practice and which account for the wide variation in orientations of
in later Egyptian and Yem eni sources. Bernie Goldstein wisely medieval mosques. Papers on this aspect o f the qibla problem, which
advised me to suppress all this at least until I had finished the thesis, fall into the category o f folk science, are not reprinted in this
and it was to take many years before this new material had been volume.
digested and evaluated. The reviews o f two popular works on Islamic science are included
Owen Gingerich saved a graduating doctoral student from the as Papers X V II and X V III in the hope that at least readers of these
bleak prospect o f unemployment by helping to organize a research reviews will see that the books concerned should not be taken as
project to catalogue the scientific manuscripts in Cairo. Initially authoritative. Future authors o f such surveys should familiarize
proposed for two years, the project lasted seven (1972-79) and themselves with at least some o f the abundant secondary literature
achieved rather more than its original aim. Based at the American on Islamic science before attempting to describe the Muslim
Research Center in Egypt, it was funded by the Smithsonian achievement in this area.
Institution and National Science Foundation, with additional T o each o f the institutions and individuals mentioned above I owe
support from the American Philosophical Society and the Ford a great deal. T o my wife Patricia, who shared my involvement with
Foundation. The project afforded me the opportunity to visit most Ibn Yunus, al-Khallll, and various other medieval astronomers from
o f the major manuscript libraries in Europe and the Near East. N o Andalusia to Central Asia, I owe still more. This volume is
less stimulating was my appointment at N ew Y ork University (1979 - dedicated to my parents, who made the whole venture possible and
present), teaching classical Arabic, Islamic Studies, and History o f encouraged me at every step o f the way.
Science. Research funding was provided by the National Science DAVID A. KING
Foundation, the National Endowment for the Humanities, the
Hagop Kevorkian Fund, and the University itself. During this

Some Re-Flections on the

History o-F Isi ami c Astronomy

(A d a p t e d -from an a r t i c l e i n t h e Bulletin of the Biddle East

The articles in this volume, as in all others in the Studies Association of North America , 4 ( 1 9 8 0 ) , pp. 10—26)
Collected Studies Series, have not been given a new,
continuous pagination. In order to avoid confusion, and to B e f o r e t h e a d v e n t o-f I s la m t h e Arabs o f t h e p e n i n s u l a had an
facilitate their use where these same studies have been i n t i m a t e kn o w le d g e o f t h e sun and moon and t h e c h a n g in g
referred to elsewhere, the original pagination has been n i g h t sk y t h r o u g h o u t t h e y e a r , a s w e l l a s t h e m e t e o r o l o g i c a l
maintained wherever possible. phenomena a s s o c i a t e d w it h t h e s e a s o n s . S i n c e t h e su n , moon,
s t a r s and w in d s a r e s p e c i f i c a l l y m en tion ed i n t h e Qur'Sn,
Each article has been given a Roman number in order t h e r e was c o n s i d e r a b l e i n t e r e s t in t h e h e a v e n s , b o th in t h e
of appearance, as listed in the Contents. This number is e a r l y I s l a m i c community o f t h e H e ja z and, i n l a t e r c e n t u ­
repeated on each page and quoted in the index entries. r i e s , t h r o u g h o u t t h e e n t i r e I s l a m i c w o r l d fro m t h e M ag h rib
to In d o n esia. The a s t r o n o m i c a l f o l k l o r e o f t h e A r a b s was
documented f o r t h e f i r s t t im e i n t h e e i g h t h and n i n t h c e n ­
t u r i e s and was d i s c u s s e d i n a w id e v a r i e t y o f t r e a t i s e s
th ereafter. A p p l i c a t i o n s o f f o l k astronom y t o c e r t a i n
a s p e c t s o f r e l i g i o u s l i f e , such a s t h e r e g u l a t i o n o f t h e
lu n a r c a le n d a r , th e d eterm in ation o f th e tim es o f p ra y e r,
and t h e f i x i n g o f t h e s a c r e d d i r e c t i o n ( g i b l a ) , a r e d i s ­
c u s s e d i n in d e p e n d e n t c o m p i l a t i o n s and a l s o f e a t u r e in
b o o k s d e a l i n g w it h t h e s a c r e d la w .

D u r in g t h e m i l l e n i u m which f o l l o w e d t h e i n t r o d u c t i o n o f a f a r
more “s o p h i s t i c a t e d " m ath e m a tic a l astro n o m y from I n d i a n ,
S a s a n i a n and H e l l e n i s t i c s o u r c e s t o t h e v i g o r o u s c u l t u r a l
s c e n e o f A b b a s i d I r a q in t h e e i g h t h and n i n t h c e n t u r i e s ,
Muslim s c h o l a r s made s u b s t a n t i a l c o n t r i b u t i o n s t o a l l
a s p e c t s o f as tro n o m y . They c o m p ile d a r e m a r k a b l y r i c h and
v a r i e d c o r p u s o f a s t r o n o m i c a l l i t e r a t u r e , d e a l i n g w ith
p l a n e t a r y a s tro n o m y , s p h e r i c a l a s tro n o m y , t i m e k e e p i n g ,
i n s t r u m e n t s and a s t r o l o g y . In a d d i t i o n , t h e s e w orks t r e a t
o f t h e r e g u l a t i o n o f t h e c a l e n d a r , p r a y e r —t i m e s and s a c r e d
d i r e c t i o n by m a th em atical means.

The two d i s t i n c t b r a n c h e s o f astro n o m y p r a c t i s e d by Muslim

s c h o l a r s u n t i l t h e n i n e t e e n t h c e n t u r y p o s s e s s e d a pronounced
I s l a m i c f l a v o u r and went f a r beyond c l a s s i c a l f o l k astronom y
and m a th e m a tic a l a stron om y i n t h e i r i n t e r e s t s and a p p l i c a ­
tio n s. I s l a m i c astronom y s h o u l d n o t b e t h o u g h t o f m e r e ly a s
an i n t e r m e d i a r y betw een c l a s s i c a l and e a r l y European a s t r o n ­
omy, n ot l e a s t b e c a u s e t h e v a s t m a j o r i t y o f I s l a m i c a s t r o n ­
om ic a l w o rk s w e re unknown i n t h e West and h e n c e w ere
w i t h o u t any i n f l u e n c e t h e r e .

I s l a m i c t e x t s on f o l k astro n o m y and m a t h e m a t ic a l astro n o m y t o s u g g e s t t h a t t h e amount o f s c i e n t i f i c s o u r c e m a t e r i a l
a r e p r e s e r v e d in t h e m a n u s c r i p t l i b r a r i e s o f t h e N e a r E a s t , c u r r e n t l y a v a i l a b l e in any way a p p r o a c h e s t h e amount o f a v a i l
I n d i a , C e n t r a l A s i a , E u ro p e and t h e U n i t e d S t a t e s . Cata­ a b l e r e l i g i o u s , h i s t o r i c a l o r l i t e r a r y m a t e r i a l , b u t t o F.
l o g u e s o f v a r y i n g q u a l i t y e x i s t f o r most c o l l e c t i o n s o f S e z g i n and h i s monumental work g o e s t h e c r e d i t f o r i l l u s ­
m a n u s c r i p t s w r i t t e n i n A r a b i c , P e r s i a n and T u r k i s h , b u t most t r a t i n g t h e im p o r t a n c e o f s c i e n c e i n I s l a m i c c i v i l i z a t i o n .
w e r e p r e p a r e d by i n d i v i d u a l s who had l i t t l e o r no i n t e r e s t
in s c i e n t i f i c l i t e r a t u r e per se. The model c a t a l o g u e i s Numerous I s l a m i c a s t r o n o m i c a l i n s t r u m e n t s a r e p r e s e r v e d in
t h a t o f W. A h l w a r d t f o r t h e B e r l i n c o l l e c t i o n , b u t most museums arou n d t h e w o r l d . A v a l u a b l e s u r v e y o f Muslim
c a t a l o g u e r s a r e n o t s o f o r t u n a t e a s A h l w a r d t , who had t h e i n s t r u m e n t m akers was p u b l i s h e d i n 1956 by L . A . M ayer. The
m a n u s c r i p t s s h i p p e d t o him a t h i s home. F o r some o f t h o s e f o r t h c o m i n g s u r v e y o f I s l a m i c a s t r o l a b i s t s and t h e i r works
by A. B r i e u x and F. Maddison p r o m i s e s t o i n c l u d e a s u b s t a n ­
c o l l e c t i o n s which w e r e c a t a l o g u e d a t an e a r l y d a t e , such a s
t i a l amount o f new i n f o r m a t i o n and t o r e v i v e some i n t e r e s t
t h e B o d l e i a n L i b r a r y i n O x f o r d , t h e r e i s no s u p p l e m e n t a r y
c a t a l o g u e o f more r e c e n t a c q u i s i t i o n s . L ik e w is e , the in Isla m ic in stru m en tatio n .
h o l d i n g s o f what i s now t h e E g y p t i a n N a t i o n a l L i b r a r y in
C a i r o w e re c a t a l o g u e d in 1890, and t h e new m a n u s c r i p t s The h i s t o r y o f astronom y and m ath e m a tic s i n I s l a m i c c i v i l i z a ­
a c q u i r e d be tw e e n 1930 and 1950 w ere c a t a l o g u e d i n t h e t i o n h a s been documented by a s e r i e s o f s c h o l a r s o f d i v e r s e
1950’ s . But v a s t numbers o f m a n u s c r i p t s w e r e a c q u i r e d n a t i o n a l b a c k g r o u n d s who h a v e somehow a c q u i r e d t h e n e c e s s a r y
be tw e e n 1890 and 1936 and t h e s e w e r e c a t a l o g u e d o n l y i n t h e l i n g u i s t i c and t e c h n i c a l s k i l l s and th e n i n v e s t i g a t e d some
1970’ s . Both in E u ro p e and t h e N e a r E a s t t h e r e a r e s e v e r a l o f th e se m an uscripts f o r them selves. Some o f t h e s e s c h o l a r s ,
i m p o r t a n t c o l l e c t i o n s which a r e n o t y e t c a t a l o g u e d a t a l l . w i t h t h e i r d i v e r s e b a c k g r o u n d s and i n t e l l e c t u a l i n t e r e s t s ,
The l a r g e s t and r i c h e s t c o l l e c t i o n o f A r a b i c m a n u s c r i p t s i n a r e A r a b i s t s who h a v e become i n t e r e s t e d i n t h e I s l a m i c
g e n e r a l , and s c i e n t i f i c m a n u s c r i p t s i n p a r t i c u l a r , n am ely , s c i e n t i f i c t r a d i t i o n ; o th ers s t a r t e d l i f e as c l a s s i c i s t s or
t h a t in t h e S u le y m a n iy e L i b r a r y i n I s t a n b u l , i s w i t h o u t a m ath em atician s. (T h e r e i s no need t o b e an a s tro n o m e r t o
p u b lish ed c a ta lo g u e . u n d e r t a k e r e s e a r c h i n t h e h i s t o r y o f I s l a m i c a s t r o n o m y .)
Such i s t h e e x t e n t and v a r i e t y o f t h e s o u r c e m a t e r i a l t h a t
The f i r s t b i o —b i b l i o g r a p h i c a l s u r v e y o f t h e a v a i l a b l e a l l o f t h e s e s c h o l a r s have made o r i g i n a l d i s c o v e r i e s in
m e d ie v a l l i t e r a t u r e r e l a t i n g t o astronom y and m a t h e m a t ic s w hichever a s p e c t o f the s u b je c t a t t r a c t e d t h e i r a t t e n t io n .
was p u b l i s h e d by H. S u t e r i n 1900. T h i s fu n d a m e n ta l
r e f e r e n c e work was b a s e d m a i n l y upon t h e i n f o r m a t i o n The s t u d y o f t h e h i s t o r y o f I s l a m i c astro n o m y and mathemat­
c o n t a i n e d in c a t a l o g u e s o f European c o l l e c t i o n s . A ddi­ i c s be g a n i n e a r n e s t w ith t h e l a b o u r s o f J . S e d i l l o t and h i s
t i o n a l i n f o r m a t i o n f o r A r a b i c and P e r s i a n s o u r c e s was s o n , L . A . P . S e d i l l o t , and t h e German F . Woepcke in n i n e ­
p r o v i d e d i n t h e monumental s u r v e y s o f A r a b i c and P e r s i a n teen th -cen tu ry P a r is . At t h e b e g i n n i n g o f t h e p r e s e n t cen­
l i t e r a t u r e by C. Brockelm ann and by C .A . S t o r e y . H .P .J . t u r y , t h e I t a l i a n A r a b i s t C . A . N a l l i n o and H. S u t e r , a
Renaud c o n t r i b u t e d u s e f u l a d d i t i o n s , m a in ly f o r M a g h r i b i m a th e m a tic s t e a c h e r from Z u r i c h , w e r e t h e l e a d i n g s c h o l a r s
s c i e n t i s t s , and M. K r a u s e i d e n t i f i e d many, b u t n o t a l l , o f in the f i e l d . Between W orld Wars I and I I t h e most s e r i o u s
t h e e a r l y s c i e n t i f i c w o rk s r e p r e s e n t e d in t h e S u le y m a n iy e . a c t i v i t y was co n d u c te d in Germany, w i t h s c h o l a r s such a s J.
Ruska, E. Wiedemann, K. Schoy, M. K r a u s e and P. Luckey
The r e c e n t p u b l i c a t i o n o f F. S e z g i n ’ s v olu m es o f h i s h i s t o r y making o u t s t a n d i n g c o n t r i b u t i o n s . In t h e e a r l y f i f t i e s , t h e
o f t h e A r a b i c l i t e r a t u r e up t o c a . 1050 ( i n German) r e l a t i n g A m erican s c h o l a r E . S . Kennedy t u r n e d h i s a t t e n t i o n t o
t o m a t h e m a t ic s , a s tro n o m y , f o l k astronom y and a s t r o l o g y in I s l a m i c a s t r o n o m i c a l handbooks w i t h t a b l e s ( z J j e s ) and
t h e e a r l y p e r i o d o f I s l a m i c c i v i l i z a t i o n , and t h e s u r v e y ( i n i n i t i a t e d a s e r i e s o f s t u d i e s s t i l l in p r o g r e s s . Based a t
R u s s i a n ) by G . P . M a t v i e v s k a y a and B . A . R o s e n f e l d o f t h e t h e Am erican U n i v e r s i t y o f B e i r u t , Kennedy was i n s p i r e d by
s c i e n t i f i c l i t e r a t u r e up t o t h e e i g h t e e n t h c e n t u r y , open up t h e exam ple o f 0. N e u g e b a u e r, whose t r e a t m e n t o f t h e s o u r c e s
numerous new a v e n u e s f o r r e s e a r c h . For th e l a t e r p e r io d the f o r t h e h i s t o r y o f a n c i e n t astronom y and m ath e m a tic s sto o d
number o f a v a i l a b l e m a n u s c r i p t s h a s been i n c r e a s e d c o n s i d ­ a s a m o d e l.
e r a b l y t h r o u g h my r e c e n t c a t a l o g u i n g e x t r a v a g a n z a i n C a i r o .
In t h e U . S . S . R . , g r o u p s o f s c h o l a r s w o r k i n g m a in ly i n Moscow
Anyone who l e a f s t h r o u g h t h e new volum es o f S e z g i n ’ s s u r v e y and T ash k en t and i n s p i r e d by t h e e x a m p le o f such s c h o l a r s a s
w i l l s e e t h e amount o f s c i e n t i f i c m a t e r i a l a v a i l a b l e fro m A . P . Y o u s c h k e v i t c h and B .A . R o s e n f e l d , h a v e a l s o made v a l u ­
t h e f i r s t f o u r c e n t u r i e s o f I s la m a l o n e , b u t t h e s o u r c e s a b l e c o n t r ib u t io n s t o the f i e l d . In p o s t w a r Germany, W.
from l a t e r c e n t u r i e s a r e y e t more a b u n d a n t . A l s o — and t h i s H a r t n e r p ro d u c e d a s e r i e s o f m a s t e r f u l m onographs. In
i s a p o i n t t o be s t r e s s e d w it h t h o s e who u n d e r e s t i m a t e t h e S p a i n , t h e eminent s c h o l a r J . Mi 11a s V a l l i c r o s a i n i t i a t e d a
im p o r t a n c e o f t h e h i s t o r y o f I s l a m i c s c i e n c e - t h e p h y s i c a l s e r i e s o f s t u d i e s h i m s e l f and i n s p i r e d s e v e r a l y o u n ger
s i z e o f S e z g i n ’ s v olu m es on alchemy and m e d i c i n e , and s c h o l a r s t o c o n t i n u e in t h e same t r a d i t i o n . In T u rk ey , A.
astronom y and m a t h e m a t ic s , amounts t o a lm o s t t h e same a s t h e S a y i l i co n d u c te d s e v e r a l s t u d i e s o f m a jo r im p o r t a n c e , and
t o t a l s i z e o f h i s v o lu m e s on t r a d i t i o n a l I s l a m i c s c i e n c e s , foun d a t l e a s t one s t u d e n t t o c o n t i n u e . In t h e p a s t two
such a s Qur'an s t u d i e s and co m m entaries, hadlth , t h e o l o g y , d e c a d e s s e v e r a l prom inent A rab s c h o l a r s , w o r k in g m a in ly in
la w , h i s t o r y and p o e t r y . T h i s o b s e r v a t i o n i s not in t e n d e d Europe o r t h e U . S . A . , have made s u b s t a n t i a l c o n t r i b u t i o n s .
I 1

Nowadays, i n d i v i d u a l s c h o l a r s w o r k in g m a i n l y in t h e U . S . A . fan tasy . I t i s t o b e hoped t h a t t h e a c h ie v e m e n t s o f Muslim
and t h e U . S . S . R . , a s w e l l a s Canada, F r a n c e , ( F . R . ) Germany, s c i e n t i s t s i n t h e m e d ie v a l p e r i o d w i l l b e p r e s e n t e d t o
S p a in and Turkey, a r e p u b l i s h i n g on I s l a m i c astronom y and f u t u r e g e n e r a t i o n s in t h e i r p r o p e r h i s t o r i c a l p e r s p e c t i v e
m athem atics. I n s p i r e d by t h e exam ple o f N e u g e b a u e r and (w h ich i s n ot t h a t p r e s e n t e d i n most W e s t e r n a c c o u n t s ) . Of
Kennedy, and a i d e d by t h e b i b l i o g r a p h i c a l t o o l s o f S u t e r , p a r t i c u l a r i n t e r e s t t o Muslim a u d i e n c e s s h o u l d b e t h e
S t o r e y , S e z g i n , and M a t v i e v s k a y a and R o s e n f e l d , t h i s i s an h i s t o r y o f t h e d i f f e r e n t a s p e c t s o f a stron om y a s a p p l i e d t o
ex citin g f i e l d fo r o rig in a l research. The F e s t s c h r i f t f o r e v e r y d a y r e l i g i o u s p r a c t i c e , b u t t h e r e a r e s t i l l no a c c o u n t s
P r o f . Kennedy, t o b e p u b l i s h e d in 1985, r e v e a l s t h e w id e o f t h i s s u b je c t in A ra b ic .
spectrum o f b a c k g ro u n d s and i n t e r e s t s o f many o f t h e s c h o l a r s
c u r r e n t l y w ork in g in t h e f i e l d . The e s t a b l i s h m e n t o f t h e I n s t i t u t e f o r t h e H i s t o r y o f A r a b i c
S c i e n c e i n A l e p p o a fe w y e a r s a g o , and t h e a p p e a r a n c e t h e r e
Most o f t h e s e c o n d a r y l i t e r a t u r e i s in German, F r e n c h , o f a f i r s t —r a t e j o u r n a l d e v o t e d e n t i r e l y t o t h e h i s t o r y o f
E n g l i s h , S p a n is h , R u s s i a n , I t a l i a n and T u r k i s h , and no one I s l a m i c s c i e n c e ( e d i t e d a t f i r s t m a i n l y by E . S . and M.-H.
s c h o l a r h a s y e t a tte m p te d t o s u r v e y t h e w h o le f i e l d u s i n g Kennedy) was th o u g h t t o a u g u r w e l l f o r t h e f u t u r e o f our
t h e w e a lt h o f a v a i l a b l e m a t e r i a l . V a r i o u s b o o k s which h ave su b je c t. At t h e p r e s e n t t im e , h o w e v e r , t h i s I n s t i t u t e seems
a p p e a r e d in r e c e n t y e a r s p u r p o r t i n g t o p r e s e n t an o v e r v i e w p a r t i a l l y p a r a l y z e d by p o l i t i c a l d e v e lo p m e n t s in S y r i a , and
o f I s l a m i c s c i e n c e h a v e been q u i t e u n s u c c e s s f u l , n o t l e a s t a good s h a r e o f hope f o r t h e f u t u r e c e n t r e s on t h e n e w l y -
b e c a u s e t h e i r a u t h o r s w e re f a m i l i a r w it h n e i t h e r t h e p r i m a r y fo u n d e d I n s t i t u t f u r G e s c h i c h t e d e r A r a b i s c h —Is la m is c h e n
nor t h e s e c o n d a r y s o u r c e s . The t im e i s r i p e f o r a s u r v e y , W i s s e n s c h a f t e n in F r a n k f u r t , d i r e c t e d b y P r o f . S e z g i n , and
b u t i t s h o u ld be a c o l l a b o r a t i v e e f f o r t o f t h e v a r i o u s t h e new j o u r n a l t o b e p u b l i s h e d t h e r e s t a r t i n g i n 1985.
s p e c i a l i s t s in each f i e l d . R. Rashed in P a r i s i s c u r r e n t l y
g a t h e r i n g c o n t r i b u t i o n s on d i f f e r e n t a s p e c t s o f I s l a m i c T h e r e a r e s o fe w s c h o l a r s w o r k in g on t h e v a s t c o r p u s o f
sc ie n c e fo r a general h is t o r y of the s u b je c t . a v a i l a b l e m a t e r i a l s t h a t i t w ould b e most u s e f u l t o have a t
hand f a c s i m i l e r e p r o d u c t i o n s o f m a n u s c r i p t s o f p a r t i c u l a r
As a branch o f I s l a m i c s t u d i e s , t h e h i s t o r y o f I s l a m i c im portance. The new I n s t i t u t e i n F r a n k f u r t h a s un dertak en a
astronomy h as not f a r e d w e l l . In J. S a u v a g e t ' s I n t r o ­ s e r i e s o f such e d i t i o n s . At p r e s e n t t h e h i s t o r i a n o f
d u c t i o n to t he H i s t o r y o f t h e M i d d l e Ea s t ( r e v i s e d e d . , I s l a m i c s c i e n c e h a s t o r e l y m a i n l y on m i c r o f i l m s o r photo­
1 9 65), th e s c i e n c e s in I s la m w ere d i s m i s s e d in a fe w l i n e s . g r a p h s o f m a n u s c r i p t s , which some l i b r a r i e s a r e u n a b l e o r
In t h e p u b l i c a t i o n e n t i t l e d The St udy o f t h e M i d d l e E a s t i sim p ly r e f u s e t o su p p ly . The more f o r t u n a t e s c h o l a r w ith a
Re s e ar c h and S c h o l a r s h i p i n t h e H u ma n i t i e s and t h e S o c i a l t r a v e l g r a n t may h a v e a c c e s s t o t h e m a jo r l i b r a r i e s o f
S c i e n c e s (1 9 7 6 ), s p o n s o r e d by t h e M i d d l e E a s t S t u d i e s A r a b i c s c i e n t i f i c m a n u s c r i p t s ; b u t i t w ould b e u s e f u l indeed
A s s o c i a t i o n o f N orth A m e ric a , t h e s c i e n c e s in I s la m were t o have a c e n t r a l r e p o s i t o r y o f m i c r o f i l m s and t h e new
c om p letely ig n o re d . Aware o f t h i s d e f i c i e n c y , P r o f . J e r e I n s t i t u t e in F r a n k f u r t h a s t h i s p o t e n t i a l .
L. Bacharach o f t h e U n i v e r s i t y o f W ash in gton in S e a t t l e
e n c o u ra g e d me t o w r i t e t h e a r t i c l e (now c o m p l e t e l y r e v i s e d Not o n l y i s t h e im p o r t a n c e o f t h e s c i e n t i f i c t r a d i t i o n in
and s u b s t a n t i a l l y e n l a r g e d ) from which t h e s e rem ark s a r e m e d ie v a l I s la m u n q u e s t i o n a b l e , b u t t h e r e i s a l s o no d e a r t h
t a k e n , a s he d i d P r o f . J. Len B e r g g r e n t o w r i t e on r e c e n t o f p r im a r y r e s e a r c h m a t e r i a l a v a i l a b l e f o r anyone who has
r e s e a r c h in I s l a m i c m a th em atics. the b a s ic q u a l i f i c a t i o n s n e c e ssa ry to h an dle i t . In a l l ,
o n l y t h r e e out o f a b o u t 200 I s l a m i c a s t r o n o m i c a l handbooks
I z i j e s ) have been p u b l i s h e d . We h ave no p u b l i s h e d e d i t i o n
As a bra n c h o f t h e h i s t o r y o f astronom y in g e n e r a l , I s l a m i c
o f t h e A r a b i c v e r s i o n s o f t h e E l e m e n t s o r t h e A l m a g e s t , nor
astronom y h a s not y e t g a i n e d i t s r i g h t f u l p l a c e . H is t o i—
o f any A r a b i c r e c e n s i o n s t h e r e o f o r com m e n ta rie s t h e r e o n .
i a n s o f astronom y s t i l l te n d t o s e e Muslim a s t r o n o m e r s a s
But then o n l y in 1974 d i d t h e r e a p p e a r t h e f i r s t modern
p r e s e r v e r s and t r a n s m i t t e r s o f c l a s s i c a l astronom y t o
commentary on t h e Al magest (b y 0. P e d e r s e n ) , and o n l y in
Europe. In f a c t , i n t h e l i t e r a t u r e on t h e h i s t o r y o f
1984, t h e f i r s t s c h o l a r l y E n g l i s h t r a n s l a t i o n o f t h i s
s c i e n c e ( a s d i s t i n c t from I s l a m i c s t u d i e s ) , t h e r e h a s been
monumental work (b y G. T o o m e r).
no improvement a s y e t on t h e c h a p t e r “O r i e n t a l A s t r o n o m e r s "
in J . L . E . D r e y e r ' s h i s t o r y o f astronom y f i r s t p u b l i s h e d
L . A . S e d i l l o t , whose p r i v i l e g e i t was t o work in t h e r i c h
a b o u t 1900. B .A . R o s e n f e l d and t h e p r e s e n t w r i t e r have
c o l l e c t i o n o f m a n u s c r i p t s i n P a r i s , w r o t e i n 1845: "Chaque
c o n t r i b u t e d a s u r v e y o f I s l a m i c astronom y t o t h e f o r t h c o m i n g
j o u r amene q u e lq u e d e c o u v e r t e n o u v e l l e e t v i e n t demontrer
Ge n e r a l H i s t o r y o f As t r o no my .
1 ' e x t r e m e im p o r t a n c e d ’ un examen a p p r o f o n d i d e s m a n u s c r i t s
de 1 ' O r i e n t . " G iven t h e v a s t amount o f a v a i l a b l e m a t e r i a l
The s c i e n t i f i c e n d e a v o u r s o f Muslim s c h o l a r s in m e d ie v a l
g a t h e r i n g d u s t in t h e l i b r a r i e s o f E u r o p e , t h e N ear E a s t ,
t i m e s have y e t t o b e f u l l y r e c o g n i z e d and d u l y a p p r e c i a t e d
I n d i a and C e n t r a l A s i a , and t h e r e l a t i v e l y s m a ll number o f
in t h e W e st, but i t w i l l t a k e s t i l l l o n g e r f o r them t o b e
s c h o l a r s c u r r e n t l y w o r k in g i n t h i s f i e l d , S e d i l l o t ’ s
r e c o g n i z e d in t h e Muslim w o r l d . Most p o p u l a r a c c o u n t s in
sta t e m e n t i s no l e s s t r u e i n our t im e th an i t was o v e r 125
c o n te m p o ra ry A r a b i c a r e summarized from W e ste rn p o p u l a r
y e a r s ago.
a c c o u n t s o r th e y a r e e i t h e r s i m p ly in c o m p e te n t o r b a s e d on



The traditional approach of historians of science to Islamic astronomy

has been to stress the contribution which it made to European astronomy L
The works of the two most famous astronomers of Islam, al-Khwarizmi1 2
and al-Battani3*, are based respectively on the Indian and Hellenistic
traditions, and judged by the achievements of these individuals Islamic
astronomy ranks as little more than an intermediary, albeit an important
one, between classical and medieval European astronomy. Two other
Islamic works which were known in medieval Europe, namely the tre-

1 The best summaries of Islamic astronomy are by J. L . E. D r e y e r in A History

of Astronomy from Thales to Kepler, second edition., New York, 1953, Chapter 11,
and C. N a llin o ’ s article “ Astronomy” in the Encyclopaedia of Islam, first edition,
Leiden, 1913 —34, (both long out of date), and D. P in g r e e ’ s article “ cIbn al-hay’a ”
in the Encyclopaedia of Islam, 2nd. ed., Leiden, I960 — . See also the penetrating
study in D. P in g r e e , The Greek Influence on Early Islamic Mathematical Astronomy,
“ Journal of the American Oriental Society” , 93, 1973, pp. 32—43.
3 a l- K h w a r iz m i’ s astronomical handbook, compiled ca. 840, is unfortunately
lost, but wo do possess a Latin version of a greatly modified recension of the original
work by a l-M a jr iti (fl. ca. 1000), published in H. S u ter, Die astronomischen Tafeln
des Muhammed ibn Musa al-Khwarizmi in der Bearbeitung des Maslama ibn Ahmed
al-M adjriti und der latein. Uebersetzung des Athelhard von Bath, “ Kgl. Danske Yidensk.
Skrifter, 7. R., Hist, og filos. Afd. ” 3/1, 1914, and supplemented with an English
translation and new commentary by 0. N e u g e b a u e r , The Astronomical Tables
of al-Khwarizmi, “ Kgl. Danske Vidensk. hist.-fil. Skrifter” , 4/2, 1962.
3 On al-Battani see the article by W . H a r t n e r in the Dictionary of Scientific
Biography, New York, 1970 —. His astronomical handbook was edited with an anno­
tated Latin translation by C. N a lii no, al-Battani sive Albatenii Opus Astronomicum,
3 vols., Milan and Rome, 1899 — 1907.

38 The Astronom ical Tables o f the Islam ic M iddle Ages 39

atises of al-Farghani4 and al-Bitruji5, confirm this impression: the former a list of over 500 Muslim astronomers and mathematicians, noting the
is a summary of the non-mathematical parts of Ptolemy’s Almagest and titles of all their known compilations and all of the extant manuscripts
the latter a misguided attempt to adapt simplified Ptolemaic planetary attributed to each author. Suter’s valuable book was largely based on
models to an Aristotelian system. the manuscript catalogues available to him and on medieval Arabic bio­
Now the manuscript libraries of the Near East, Europe, and North graphies and bibliographies. Although very much out of date it is still
America, contain thousands of Islamic astronomical manuscripts, the the most useful tool of the student of the exact sciences in Islam. The
contents of which demand a complete reappraisal of the Muslim achieve­ information which it contains is now supplemented by the indispensable
ment in the exact sciences. These manuscripts are mainly of works which bibliographical works of C. Brockelmann and F. Sezgin. G. Sarton’s
were not transmitted to Europe, and many of them represent the results voluminous writings on the Muslim scientists contain useful bibliogra­
of keen and scholarly activity in astronomy during the period from 750 phical information but otherwise are all highly derivative9.
to 1500. The high scientific level of this activity is especially apparent The first large-scale attempt to investigate Islamic astronomical ta­
in the extensive tables which were compiled by the Muslim astronomers, bles was made by E. S. Kennedy. In 1956 he published a survey of the
and the purpose of this paper is to describe certain categories of Islamic Islamic astronomical handbooks known as zije s 10, of which the zijes of
tables which were not transmitted to Europe, as far as we know®, and al-Khwarizmi and al-Battani are examples. In Arabic the word zij could
which have only recently come to light during research on manuscripts. also be applied to the Almagest and the H andy Tables , and to the De
Very few of the numerous collections of Arabic and Persian manuscripts revolutionibus and the Prutenic Tables. Kennedy’s survey listed over 120
have been properly investigated yet. For certain major libraries there Islamic zijes , many of which are still extant, although until now only
exist catalogues, although of widely divergent quality7, and the availa­ three have been published11. His research has also involved a systematic
bility of microfilms of manuscripts in certain collections lessens the need analysis of the parameters underlying the planetary tables in those zijes
for the modern scholar to wander from one library to another like a me­ 14, 1902, pp. 157 — 185, and the additional information in H. J. P. R en au d , Addi­
dieval peripatetic. tions et Corrections a Suter “ D ie Mathematiker und Astronomen der Araber", “ Isis” ,
The manuscripts which are our source material vary greatly in the 18, 1932, pp. 166 — 183, and M. K ra u s e , Stambuler Handschriften islamischer Mathe­
quality of their contents, particularly since the uncritical copying of matiker, “ Quellen und Studien zur Geschichte der Mathematik, Astronomic, und
Physik” , Abt. B, 3/4, 1936, pp. 437-532.
medieval astronomical manuscripts continued in the Near East until
* Cf. C. B ro c k e lm a n n , Geschichte der arabischen Litteratur, 2 vols., (2nd. ed.),
the 19th century. Many works from the early period of Islamic astronomy Leiden, 1943 —49, and Supplementbdnde, 3 vols., Leiden, 1937—42; F. S ezgin , Ge­
are unfortunately lost, and the majority of extant manuscripts are of schichte des arabischen Schrifttums, Leiden (volumes on mathematics and astronomy
later works. Nevertheless there are enough reliable manuscripts of works are currently in press); and G. S a r t on, Introduction to the History of Science, 3 vols.,
of consequence dating from the 8th to the 15th centuries for us to recon­ Baltimore, 1927 —48.
10 E. S. K e n n e d y , A Survey o f Islamic Astronomical Tables, “Transactions
struct a picture of the real contributions of the Muslim scholars.
of the American Philosophical Society” , N.S., 46/2, 1956. pp. 123 — 177. It is hoped
The first attempt to make a bibliographical survey of the Muslim to prepare a new edition of the survey, including several dozen zijes that have come
scientists and their works was made by H. Suter8, who in 1900 published to light in the past twenty-five years, and listing the basic parameters used in all
extant zijes or noted in other sources.
4 a l-F a rg h a n i’ a epitome of the Almagest was published in 1669 by J. G o liu s . 11 Namely, the Zijes of al-Khwarizmi (in a form rather different from the ori­
See also note 43 below. ginal) and a l-B a tta n i (see notes 2 and 3 above), and a l-B iru n i’s al-Qanun al-Masc-
s The Arabic text of his treatise and a medieval Hebrew translation, together udi (edited by M. K r a u s e and published in Hyderabad, 1954 —56). A summary
with an English translation and a valuable commentary, have been published by of the latter by E. S. K e n n e d y is shortly to appear in “ al-Abhath” . Mention should
B. G o ld s te in , A l-B itru ji: On the Principles o f Astronomy, 2 vols., N ew Haven and also be made of the so-called Almanac of al-Zarqallu (ca. 1100), published by J. Mill As
London, 1971. V a llic r o s a , Estudios sobre Azarquiel. Madrid-Granada, 1943 —50, pp. 153 —237,
* Further research on Hebrew and Latin astronomical manuscripts may reveal and analyzed by M. B o u te lle , The Almanac of Azarquiel, “ Centaurus” , 12, 1967,
transmission of some of this material to medieval Europe. pp. 12 —20; the Toledan Tables, analysed by G. J. T o o m e r , A Survey o f the Toledan
7 Catalogs are listed in A. J. W . H u ism a n , Les Manuscrits Arabes dans le Monde: Tables, “ Osiris” , 15, 1968, pp. 5 — 174; the introduction to the Z ij of Ibn al-B anna’ ,
une Bibliographie des Catalogues, Leiden, 1967. edited and translated by J. Vernet G in es, Contribucion al Estudio de la Labor Astro-
* See I I . S u ter, Die Mathematiker und Astronomen der Avaber und ihre Werke, nomica de Ibn al-Banna', Tetuan, 1952; the introduction to the Z ij of Ulugh B eg,
“ Abhandlungen zur Geschichte der mathematischen Wissenschaften” , 10, 1900, and edited and translated by L. A. S e d illo t , Prolegomenes des Tables Astronomiques
40 The Astronomical Tables of the Islamic Middle Ages 41

which are still available, in order to establish their relations with other which in modern sexagesimal notation is
sources, and the preparation of detailed studies on individual tables
for planetary equations and latitudes, parallax, lunar and planetary 23; 15, 54,
visibility, and eclipse computations*12. There are numerous zijes of great means
interest which deserve further investigation, but the number of workers
in this field is few indeed. 23 +15/60+54/3600,
The tables which I describe in the sequel are not generally contained
in zijes . They have been located by searching through manuscript cata­ 4. e.
logues and inspecting large numbers of manuscripts. The computational 23.265.
accuracy of these tables, generally high, has been investigated using
In sexagesimal arithmetic, more so than in decimal arithmetic, it
electronic computers13.
is useful to have a multiplication table at hand. Such tables are also
useful for division. W e now have numerous examples of Islamic sexa­
Se xag esimal mul ti p lic at io n tables gesimal multiplication tables 15 which give products

W e shall begin with arithmetical multiplication tables. All Islamic m x n(m and n = 1, 2, ..., 60)
astronomical tables have entries written in Arabic alphabetical notation14 such as
and expressed sexagesimally, that is, to base 60. A number equivalent to 27 x5 1 = 22,57 ( = 1377).
23 15 54 seconds, One particular table gives products
d'Oloug Beg, 2 vote., Paris, 1847 — 1853; and a l-M a rra k u s h fs treatise on spherical m x n(m = 0,1, 0,2, ..., 59,59, 60,0)
astronomy, translated by J.-J. S e d illo t , Traite des Instruments Astronomiques des
Arabes Compose au Treizihme Steele par About Bhassan A lt de Maroc Intitule Jam ic (n = 1,2, ..., 60)
al-mabddi’ wa-l-ghdydt, 2 vote., Paris, 1834 —35. such as
11 Examples of such studies are the papers by E. S. K e n n e d y , Parallax Theory
in Islamic Astronomy, “ Isis” , 47, 1956, pp. 33 —53; A Set of Medieval Tables for Quick
40,27 x 37 = 24,56,39
Calculation of Solar and Lunar Ephemerides, “ Oriens” , 18 — 19, 1967, pp. 327 —334;
The more common variety contains about 3,600 entries and the large
(with M. A g h a ) Planetary Visibility Tables in Islamic Astronomy, “ Centaurus” , 7,
1960, pp. 134 — 140; (with M.-L. D a v id ia n ) Al-Qdyini on the Duration of Dawn and
table contains a grand total of 216,000 entries. Fig. 1 shows an extract
Twilight, “ Journal of Near Eastern Studies” , 20, 1961, pp. 145 — 153; (with N. F a r is ) from this table; there are 180 such pairs of facing pages in the entire set.
The Solar Eclipse Technique of Yahyd b. A bi Mansur, “ Journal for the History of
Astronomy” , 1, 1970, pp. 20 —38; (with M. J a n ja n ia n ) The Crescent Visibility Table
T r i g o n o m e t r i c ta bl es
in al-Khwarizmi’s Z ij, “ Centaurus” , 11, 1965, pp. 73 — 78; (with H. S a la m ) Solar
and Lunar Tables in Early Islamic Astronomy, “ Journal of the American Oriental
Society” , 87, 1967, pp. 492—497; and (with W . U k a s h a h ) Al-Khw arizm i’&Planetary Most zijes contain tables of the sine and tangent functions for each
Latitude Tables, “ Centaurus” , 14, 1969, pp. 86 —96. There are several classes of Isla­ whole, or half, or quarter degree of arc16. Entries are generally given
mic astrological tables on which there is as yet no published material, such as tables to three sexagesimal digits, corresponding roughly to five decimal digits.
for the astrological houses and the projections of the rays, but Prof. Kennedy has
But certain Muslim scholars compiled more extensive sets of trigono­
also done extensive research on these.
14 On the use of computers in the history of astronomy see, for example, E. S.
metric tables which were not included in zijes. Already in the early 10th
K e n n e d y , The Digital Computer and the History of the Exact Sciences, “ Centaurus” , century al-Samarqand! prepared a set of tangent tables with entries to
12, 1967, pp. 107 — 113, and O. G in g e ric h , Applications of High-Speed Computers
to the History of Astronomy, in A . B eer, ed., Vistas in Astronomy, 9, London, 1967, 16 See further D. A . K in g , On Medieval Islamic Multiplication Tables, “ Historia
pp. 229 —236. I have recomputed most of the examples known to me of the various Mathematics” I, 1974, pp. 317 — 323.
categories of tables described in this paper. 14 See further K e n n e d y , op. cit. (note 10), pp. 139 — 140; and C. S ch oy, Beitrdge
14 On this convention see R. A . K . Ir a n i, Arabic Numeral Forms, “ Centaurus” , zur arabischen Trigonometric, “ Isis” , 5, 1923, pp. 364 —399, and Tiber den Qnomon-
4, 1955, pp. 1 -1 2 . schatten und die Schattentafeln der arabischen Astronomie, Hannover, 1923.
The Astronomical Tables o f the Isla m ic M iddle Ages 43

J**' \ ^ t «
r ~..... . - - ...• ...... . * * *-J* JLf> j> s „: .
>* . ........... * — Ci * a3a ! SiE
»- c- >—
* s. . r .,« — . l* j i ■ i0^1i ....V
.1 • ■■•’•> ». ■■■ / » » # » « ^ , b 3 «0 a ii
*4 “ i «A iT * * * * <*»**» lv
*4* >
J44, c /
C, j/fc
jft Wr fc }•. im
^ . -4,- '.X. r
tut ii# *r ik *•/ r> airf .-V*. J** tk .ui <. *T ■»*■•**■ •& »
/*i 7 i *y.
* ” H * W jIJ lf
fj /j/*
tt v^ jC 4^
Uf wfc ,L »* • 4f> A /m
A/ -j> %,
y C> +Z * K ***" X* *A -r
* * * *
I w L ^ W * rf • * iV fr* T Z Jk A* *A - 2 V - * # '*>
*-*-** ## W «.j* l
•- ^ r * 'ki i f tC fij( s(j»c »r ■'Jrf V*r *»* :w - * .k* .«.* ,MA j-
J \i riVJiJJ i-» jJ >} > } Jv 'r J f i/ **/J/ {> Jj * * uf ^ >><<**7r j L#L f e ll.
• i , t ? f t «-* :»* >•> r*i > f t I * a S^I tT *_
- «* {I i 'U *>* ** AV UV <?-’ f f f >*» c i £ j * { i <** M i
IT. ' T ? * \* t r ur*. >r 'J - tu JU 4ft. .L ^ y U
wUUWpi -
u^Zwl'Uf I* it / U -

iuiuij 4.A 4J& . t4 _ A

ir Z f

if Q i _____ „
liy jx ? t * 1 <^?- r
T ^ ^ l t l<!A
T u j» -r fU
i*Jz±tjjrL y ;i»t
J i t 't i j ? ‘ Ji je-Qj % x~~Xy
t ,A jW j f **k C J t *»-!>>' - i jt *
M S <»<-»>- f J ^ J!”
A jl fc. t *.

J, 1-.UJC ■J-jy D _i 1
iZ U i^ L U
\ Al —JU i

j '•‘.-J

Fig. 2. Extract from Ibn Y unus’ sine tables in MS Berlin Ahlwardt 5752 ( = Land-
berg 1038, fols. 13v — 14r). The right hand page serves arguments between 22;1°

JfJ ■/ MT +m
gi<J i_#»fit jft u
i «/ ,,-•, — «. /*■ wit
-**s •* jfS T T r ^ i i., and 23;0° and the left hand page serves arguments between 23; 1° and 24;0°. The
V _iy jl<* {i/ w u*(f
ff ^ ^ yj <7 i*< two main columns on the right hand side of each page display the values of the sine
is. S' M Z X ; , JJ ^ % Vf u £ -s •£ function to five sexagesimal digits for each minute of arc, and the two remaining
• * - * j » * - - - • i u 5 ? r J ; « K - V . ; i • « -ii .«f ^
fti > * ^ 44.i fJ--U H **7 * *+t j41-1 j< main columns on each page display the differences to be added for each second of
li: ..a u l 1.1. *:*«» ftt *-k yi. t i 14 . i
arc. Reproduced with kind permission of the Director of the Orientalische Abteilung
der Staatsbibliothek, Berlin.

three sexagesimal digits for each minute of arc17. Again, in the late 10th
century the Egyptian astronomer Ibn Yunus tabulated the sine function
to five sexagesimal digits, or about nine decimal digits, for each minute
of arc, also giving the differences for each second. He also tabulated
the tangent function for each minute of arc, and the solar declination
for each minute of solar longitude18. Fig. 2 shows two pages of entries
Fig. 1. Extract from the sexagesimal multiplication tables in MS Paris Bibliothfcque 17 S u ter, op. cit. (note 8), no. 501a. (al-Samarqandx is mentioned in the late
Psationale ar. 2552 (fols. l l v —12r). The horizontal arguments in this particular sub­ 10th century Hdkim i Z ij of Ibn Yunus.)
table are 3,21, 3,22, ..., 3,40, and the vertical arguments are 1, 2, ..., 60. Reproduced 18 See further C. S ch oy, Beitrdge zur arabischen Trigonometric, (see note 16),
with kind permission of the Director of the Section Orientale de la Biblioth^que N a­ pp. 394 —395, and D. A. K in g , The Astronomical Works o f Ibn Yunus, doctoral dis­
tionals Paris. sertation, Yale University, 1972, pp. 85—89, 96 —99, and 109.
44 The Astronomical Tables of the Islamic Middle Ages
from Ibn Yunus’ sine tables. Whilst these tables are not particularly
accurate, they prove that for a mathematician his heart was in the right
place. Over four centuries were to elapse before the compilation in Samar -
qand of the magnificent trigonometric tables contained in the Z ij of
Ulugh Beg and later also copied separately. These give the values of the
sine and tangent to five sexagesimal digits for each minute of argument,
and are generally accurate in the last digit19.
_ U tw ifri
J J U y y j
A? V L v V j;
S p h e r i c a l a s tr o n o m i c a l t a bl es 7i ulUAJ~ !

Certain zijes contain extensive tables of spherical astronomical func­

tions. Already in the late tenth century H akim i Z ij of Ibn Yunus, for
example, the oblique ascensions are tabulated for each degree of terres­
trial latitude and each degree of ecliptic longitude20.
1 : z ie - r x w Y / '- n c . '- s y ---J . r r J> j ii ,
However, there is another class of such tables which exists in the
manuscript sources, though not generally in zijes, concerned with what
is called in Arabic cilm al-miqat, timekeeping by the sun and stars21. * * .*................ ....
Already about the year 950 eAli b. Amajur of Baghdad compiled a table
giving the time since sunrise as a functions of solar meridian altitude | Mi s’
and instantaneous altitude, for each degree of both arguments22. Numer­
ous similar tables for timekeeping by the sun and stars were compiled t/j \f*i fij i&j. *£ly-/
by later Muslim astronomers for different latitudes, as well as tables
based on approximate formulae which work reasonably well for all lati­
tudes. W e also have several examples of tables giving the time as a func­ Fig. 3. Extract from Najm al-Din al-Mi s r i’s universal table for timekeeping, taken
tion of solar altitude and the solar longitude. Each of these tables for from MS Oxford Bodleian Marsh 672 (fols. 3 3 v-3 4 r). Both pages serve meridian
timekeeping contains several thousand entries. One remarkable table altitude 79° and half arcs of visibility 121°, 122°, .... 150°, entered vertically. The
instantaneous solar or stellar altitude 32°, 33°, ..., 70° is entered horizontally, and
compiled in Cairo about 1250 by Najm al-Din al-Misri23, which gives the entry in the table is the time since rising of the sun or star, expressed in equa­
the time since rising of the sun or a star as a function of its altitude for torial degrees and minutes. Reproduced with kind permission of the Keeper of Orien­
tal Books, Bodleian Library, Oxford University.
18 On these tables see C. S ch o y, Die Trigonometrischen Lehren des persischen
Aslronomen Abu 'l-Raihan Muh. Ibn Ahmad al-Biruni dargestellt nach al-Qanun al- all declinations and terrestrial latitudes, contains over a quarter of a mi­
~Mascudi, Hannover, 1927, pp. 92 — 108. On the Z ij of Ulugh Beg see E. S. K e n n e d y , llion entries. In this table one feeds in three arguments, namely, the
op. cit. (note 10), no. 12. meridian altitude of the sun or star, the instantaneous altitude, and
*# See further D. A. K in g , op. cit. (note 18), pp. 139 — 141. half the arc of visibility, and the appropriate entry is the time since
** I have prepared a survey of several dozen medieval Islamic tables for reckoning rising. Pig. 3 shows an extract from this enormous table.
time by the sun and stars, which is currently being submitted for publication. The
Other Islamic tables give, for example, the solar azimuth as a function
only previous analysis of such a table is contained in B. R. G o ld s te in , A Medieval
Table fo r Reckoning Time from Solar Altitude, “ Scripta Mathematica” , 27, 1963, pp. of the solar altitude and longitude for particular latitudes, or the longi­
61-66. tude of the ascendant as a function of the altitude of the sun or fixed
! * On Ibn Amajur see S u ter, op. cit. (note 8), no. 99. stars. Fig. 4 shows an extract from a table displaying the longitude of the
** On Najm al-Din al-Misri sec S u ter, op. cit. (note 8), no. 460. An incomplete ascendant as a function of solar altitude and longitude, computed for
Oxford manuscript of his main tables was investigated for the first time in July,
the latitude of Taiz by the Yemeni astronomer A bu l-cUqul about the
1973. The other half of the same manuscript was discovered in the Egyptian National
Library on the day before I left Cairo for the Colloquia Copernicana in Torun. year 1300.
46 II

The Astronomical Tables of the Islamic Middle Ages 47

j) * 5 fJ » -
_1 "'I
‘N 'S

MU • w r r ir ^
< k V
1 =
f t f I jljdl 1 3
/ 1££ D I -» *• -- *- i
£ i i i l T* J rJ iS R T *■
“ 1 'j'i f t'} — *-v * ? r
' ) *1 i fc 1'
k l» AW *Z it « « T ;■>'* L l' - j
V » A j*
4 4 JM1 i * > y > J i *. < L 'A.. * >
ii t i 7 i y • w * ' •\ -j. Z t / Z
J L> ■ >1 > l Y - > :
- ifi W - c
^4 V «> i
d i f -» j
- i
H« i f fy
ST \jj» SS
*« <
* I Z .t . 1 A - I ity\ t ty-
/• * o u £ ~ ^ - *
& jt a *" / 2J V V t f J l it a£ - Z . .‘ J / / V V V / V v Z
L L r\ A< £ | t:
h TLJ £ f h 5 -Z v z iv y / z y v z v . j /
Mil & jj j m IJ 4 4 =

4 1
zlL jf c - g » dd
i. 4
i i 3 ;Z : r J 4 . H / / t Z Z : L: y
v v
J ■u.t < f t
l r t

d i his l a.
-r t frT . *j
i i a f J* S i j * / A | r t
i i y r _ > .-.■14... •... i - . j
A i. j - - u y- "t r z z
> l» HZ & f; ft
tv %
3 jl { r h 1 9 I ____i l Z - • _ r .u .t v v : . :/ L l ■ !r —
/ /- > •: - -
%JL 0
a -j4
3 i P J f3
5 *
ti-J *■ I ■ „
*■ :% . t . y . i i !r
•» J
it f Jf £
H - i 4T«i i - S 2 s , H / i V i V f i m - JZ 7
U l
jJ **
2 w •H B ' • } i S i l? 3 r *•
j. 1 -** <
g R ■■z . z i z z z z z v t e ^ Iv Z A.: CJ
M %1* t z * ^ t
r» & <■* L» f a *r « i \ s i
JU*4 *>. _>__Z . __-J.,...J
& F * x n jir * % * jr s 9 >: * " i V
i=ZA-^.:3r 'A fj*
£ 1 . . „
■------- Z ...,-— A-L
K h : X V b; , k i - < • d " A; •. ■»' . *

Fig. 4. Extract from the tables for timekeeping computed for the latitude of Taiz
Fig. 5. Extract from the main Cairo corpus of tables for timekeeping, generally
(taken as 13;40°) by Abu 1-CU q ul, contained in the unique source MS Berlin Ahlwardt
attributed to Ibn Y unus, taken from MS Chester Beatty 3673 (fols. 15v —16r). The
5720 ( =M q . 733, fols. 5 6 v-5 7 r). This particular table displays the longitude of the
right hand page displays the time in equatorial degrees from midday to the begin­
ascendant (horoscopus) as a function of solar longitude for solar altitude 43°. For
ning of the afternoon prayer, and the left hand page displays the solar altitude when
each degree of solar longitude entries are given in signs, degrees, and minutes for
the sun is in the azimuth of Mecca. Entries are given to two sexagesimal digits for
both eastern and western altitudes. Reproduced with kind permission of the Director
each degree of solar longitude. The three right hand and left hand columns on each
of the Orientalische Abteilung der Staatsbibliothek, Berlin.
page serve northern and southern declinations,„ respectively, taking advantage of
the symmetry of the tabulated functions about the solstices. Reproduced with kind
T a b l e s f o r the times of M u s l i m p r a y e r permission of the Librarian of the Chester B eatty Library, Dublin.

An important aspect of Islamic timekeeping was the regulation of associated with the principal mosques. The Muslim day begins at sunset,
the times of the five daily prayers24. These are defined in terms of the and the interval during which the first prayer is to be performed lasts
apparent daily passage of the sun across the heavens, and their deter­ from sunset to nightfall. The interval for the second prayer begins at
mination was the concern of the muwaqqits, that is, the astronomers nightfall and lasts until daybreak. The third prayer is performed in the
Aufsatze zur arabischen Wissenschaftsgeschichte, Hildesheim, 1970, vol. 2, pp. 757 — 788.
“ The standard work on the determination of the times of Muslim prayer is
The origins of the definitions of the prayertimes are discussed in A. J. W e n s in c k ’s
J. F r a n k and E. W ie d e m a n n , D ie Gebetszeiten im Islam, “ Sitzungsberichte der
article “ Mxkat” in the Encyclopaedia of Islam, first ed., Leiden, 1913 —34. See also
phys.-med. Sozietat zu Erlangen” , 58, 1926, pp. 1 —32, reprinted in E. W ie d e m a n n ,
note 26 below.
II 11

The Astronom ical Tables o f the Isla m ic M iddle Ages 49

ed already in the ninth century29, and by the 13th century the extensive
interval between daybreak and sunrise. The permitted time for the fourth
geographical tables found in zijes often had the qibla indicated for each
prayer begins when the sun has crossed the meridian and ends when
the interval for the fifth prayer begins, namely, when the shadow of city of consequence30. In the late 14th century however, al-Khalili, who
an object equals its meridian shadow increased by the length of the was also the author of a very fine corpus of tables for timekeeping com­
object. The interval for the fifth prayer may last until the shadow puted for the latitude of Damascus, compiled a set of tables displaying
increases again by the length of the object or until sunset. the azimuth of Mecca for each degree of terrestrial latitude and longitude.
The earliest known tables for regulating the times of prayer date This table, which contains almost 3,000 entries computed with remar­
from the tenth century. In the corpus of tables for the latitude of Cairo, kable accuracy, is the most sophisticated trigonometric table from the
entire medieval period.
some of which were computed by Ibn Yunus, numerous functions such
Fig. 6 shows an extract from al-Khallli’s qibla table. Several other
as the length of half daylight and night, the hour-angle at the beginning
Muslim astronomers compiled qibla tables based on a simple approxi­
of the afternoon prayer, the duration of morning and evening twilight
and total darkness, are tabulated for each degree of solar longitude*2 45. mate formula31.
Fig. 5 shows an extract from these tables. Various later sets of prayer-
T a b l e s of a u x i l i a r y f u n c t i o n s f o r c o m p u t a t i o n s
-tables for different latitudes are preserved in the manuscript sources26.
in s p h e r i ca l a s t r o n o m y
The twilight tables are based on the assumption that daybreak and night­
fall occur when the sun is a certain angle of depression below the horizon, In the mid 9th century the Damascus astronomer Habash al-Hasib
and in a few medieval prayer-tables corrections are given for the effect compiled a small set of tables of mathematical functions of such a nature
of refraction at the horizon27. that ordered applications of them would lead to the solution of the stan­
In the Muslim world nowadays the muezzin’s call to prayer is like­ dard problems of spherical astronomy32. A similar set was compiled about
wise regulated by tables, computed for each day of the year by modern the year 1000 by Abu N asr33. These tables are in fact rather limited in
methods and displayed in almanacs, pocket-diaries, and newspapers. their application, and several centuries were to pass before the Syrian
The Egyptian Government Survey Department will prepare prayer-tables
for any locality where these are requested by a Muslim community. 24 On the methods of Habash (ca. 850) and al-Nayrizi (ca. 900), for example,
see Y. Id and E. S. K e n n e d y , A Letter of a l-B iru n iH a b a sh al-Hdsib's Analemma for
the Qibla, “ Historia Mathematica” , I, 1974, pp. 3— I I , and C. S ch o y , Abhandlung von
T a b l e s g i v i n g the d i r e ct i o n of M e c c a al-Fadl b. Hdtim al-Nayrizi iiber die Richtung der Qibla, “ Sitzungsberichte der math.-
-phys. Klasse der Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Miinchen” , 1922,
pp. 55—68. On the methods of Ibn Yunus (ca. 990) and Ibn al-Haytham (ca. 1020)
The Muslim is supposed to perform his five daily prayers facing Mec­ see C. S ch o y , Gnomonik der Araber, in E. von B a s s e rm a n n -J o rd a n , ed., Die
ca28. The determination of the qibla or the direction of Mecca for a given Geschichte der Zeitmessung und der Uhren, Band IP, B erlin —Leipzig, 1923, pp. 36—42,
locality is a non-trivial problem in spherical trigonometry, and the qibla and Abhandlung des al-Hasan ibn al-Hasan ibn al-Haitam (Alhazen) iiber die Bestim-
is defined in terms of the geographical coordinates of both localities by mung der Richtung der Qibla, ’ ’Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenlandischen Gesells-
chaft” , 75, 1921, pp. 242—253, and also D. A. K in g , op. cit. (note 18), pp. 256 —268
a rather complicated formula. Exact solutions of this problem were devis­
and note 31 below.
10 For example, S c h o y ’s article on al-Nayrizi cited in note 29 contains (pp.
67 —68) a list by the Damascus astronomer Ibn Zurayq, a successor of Ibn al-Shatir.
** These tables are analyzed in detail in D. A. K in g , Ibn Yunus' “ Very Useful
The geographical coordinates in numerous zijes and related works have been data
Tables" fo r Beckoning Time by the Sun, “ Archive for History of Exact Sciences” ,
processed by F. Haddad and E. S. Kennedy at the American University of Beirut.
10, 1973, pp. 342 —394. See also note 26.
31 A detailed analysis of al-Khalili’s table and information on various appro­
24 I have prepared a survey of several dozen medieval Islamic tables for regu­
ximate tables is contained in D. A. K in g , al-Khalili's Qibla Table, “ Journal of Near
lating the times of prayer, which is currently being submitted for publication. This
Eastern Studies” , 1975.
survey also contains more information on the main Cairo corpus (see note 25).
22 See R. A. K. Ira n i, The “Jadwal al-Taqwim" of Habash al-Hasib, Master’s
2T See, for example, D. A. K in g , op. cit. (note 25), pp. 373 — 376, and m y study
dissertation, American University of Beirut, 1956, for a detailed discussion of these.
of Islamic prayer-tables (note 26).
33 See further C. Jensen, Abu Nasr Mansur's Approach to Spherical Astronomy
24 See further the article “ K ib la " by A. J. W e n s in c k and C. S c h o y in the
as Developed in His Treatise “ The Table o f M inutes", “ Centaurus” , 16, 1971, pp. 1—19.
Encyclopaedia of Islam, first ed., Leiden, 1913 —34.

50 The Astronom ical Tables o f the Isla m ic M iddle Ages 51

derlying formula is

sing? cos A L — cos^tanyjif 1


where q is the qibla, q> is the local latitude, <p m is the latitude of Mecca (taken by al-
-Khalili as 21;30°), and A L is the difference in longitude from the meridian of Mecca.
Most of the entries in al-Khalili’s table, which number almost 3,000, are accurate or
in error by ± 1 or ± 2 in the second sexagesimal digit. Reproduced with kind per­
mission of the Director of the Section Orientale de la Biblioth&que Nationale, Paris.

astronomer al-Khal!lI compiled his Universal Table containing over 13,000

entries. al-Khalili tabulated three functions with the aid of which one
can solve all of the standard problems of spherical astronomy for any
latitude, with no computation beyond interpolation34. This fine set of
tables marks the zenith of the Islamic achievement in spherical astronomy.

Tables for m ark in g sundials

Islamic sundials have been generally neglected by historians of science,

but the valuable researches of C. Schoy have laid the foundations
for further study35*. Recently L. Janin published the first description
of the magnificent sundial of the 14th century Syrian astronomer Ibn
al-Shatir which adorned the north minaret of the Umayyad Mosque in
Damascus38: the complex markings on this superb instrument were prob­
ably drawn using tables especially compiled for the purpose.
Numerous Muslim astronomers prepared tables for marking the
curves on sundials oriented in different planes. One set computed in
the late 13th century by the Egyptian astronomer al-Maqsi gives
pairs of orthogonal coordinates of the points on the solistitial shadow
traces indicating the seasonal hours and the afternoon prayer, for sundials
oriented in particular planes37. For several latitudes al-Maqsi tabulates
these coordinates for horizontal sundials, and, specifically for Cairo, he
tabulates them for vertical sundials erected at an angle to the meridian,
giving a table for each degree of inclination. Fig. 7 shows an extract from

34 See further D. A. K in g , al-KhalilVs A uxiliary Tables for Solving Problems

of Spherical Astronomy, “ Journal for the History of Astronom y” , 4, 1973, pp. 99 — 110.
I have analyzed several other sets of Islamic auxiliary tables in my survey of Islamic
tables for timekeeping (see note 21).
33 See C. S ch oy, Gnomonik der Araber (cited in note 29 above) and Sonnenuhren
Fig. 6. Extract from a l- K h a lili’s qibla table, taken from MS Paris Bibliothfeque der spdtarabischen Astronomie, “ Isis” , 6, 1924, pp. 332 —360.
Nationale, ar. 2558 (fols. 60v — 61r). This particular section of the table serves lati­ 30 See further L. Jan in , Le Cadran Solaire de la Mosquee Umayyade de Damas,
tudes 51°, 52°, 56°, and displays the qibla as an angle to the meridian expressed “ Centaurus” , 16, 1971, pp. 285—298.
in degrees and minutes for longitudes 1°, 2°, ..., 6(P east or west of Mecca. The un- 37 On al-Maqsi see H. S u ter, op. cit. (note 8), no. 383.
The A stronom ical Tables o f the Isla m ic M iddle Ages 53

these tables. Al-Maqsi then tabulates the coordinates for sundials erected in
planes which are skew to the horizontal and meridian planes. He also deals
with sundials erected in the plane of the celestial equator, which were
discussed by several other medieval Muslim astronomers. Later sundial
tables, such as those of the 15th century astronomers Sibt al-Maridlni
wUS and al-Tizini, working in Cairo and Damascus respectively, use equatorial
•’W a *! n degrees as argument rather than seasonal day hours38. The large vertical
Ne, - "S
,v --a
sundials constructed on the walls of Cairo mosques facing the qibla,
._ 4 W d ^ V-
i f e * 741 which were especially designed to determine the midday and afternoon
' ^ » M ) r . j'-' \> ^jfcbLi prayers, were constructed using tables like those of al-Maqsi and Sibt
J> - 0 >>l .,■_- O d?Y al-Maridini39.
JTj * ZS ' * ; £ -
0t‘ /• .
* ZT > f* * o r r T a b l e s f o r m a r k i n g a s t r o l a b e s a nd q u a d r a n t s

j^ T * 9X*-** >
■ **
The astrolabe was used by early Muslim astronomers, and later gener­
1 ^ Ci A , i i U j -«-^M> ally replaced by numerous varieties of quadrants40. The transmission
of the theory, construction, and use of the astrolabe to the Muslim world
- L -^ W i-J L / t ^
Z.»M aS>J is very obscure41, and we are likewise in the dark concerning the early
history of the quadrant. The construction of very pretty astrolabes con­
tinued long into the period of decline of Islamic astronomy, but these
were not used for any serious scientific purpose42.
In view of our ignorance of the transmission of the astrolabe to Islam
it is of some interest that the early 9th century Baghdad astronomer
u ^ j_- %g w lk P l ^ al-Farghani compiled a treatise on its theory and construction as well
. .1' \X J i as an extensive set of tables for drawing the circles on astrolabe plates43.
, v V 1
1 These tables give the distance of the center of the almucantar circles
J~ “ v **—Vk> ' from the center of the astrolabe, and the radius of the circle, for each
5t lM >y^f -; ^ y ifi - degree of altitude, and for each degree of terrestrial latitude from 15° to 50°.
6 S» l i+r)CJIr ,
j j7 “ r *• On these astronomers see H. S u ter, op. cit. (note 8), nos. 445 and 450. Sibt
al-Maridini’s tables are discussed in C. S ch o y , Sonnenuhren ... (see note 35).
wOrl b ^ ' ^ k J A ,y j '
Jj C. ^ * J*> * ** A fine example of such a sundial is preserved in the Museum of Islamic Art,
*- £ ii r «**£!$
J T 4 ^uj.-;t / i » Cairo (item no. 10630).
40 On the astrolabe and quadrant in Islamic astronomy see W . H a r tn e r , Orient*
/ t i j j •yi
#*mm,.iX \j J j—i-rf£ iif'M ' y -Occidens, Hildesheim, 1968, pp. 287 —318, and P. S c h m a lz l, Zu r Geschichte dec
Quadranten bei den Ardbem, Munich, 1929, and also L . A . M a y e r , Islamic Astrola-
'f— i r ifi'r & ifI T s t# : bists and Their Works, Geneva, 1956.
41 Cf. O. N e u g e b a u e r , The Early History o f the Astrolabe, “ Isis” , 40, 1949,
pp. 240 —256.
Fig. 7. Extract from the sundial tables of al-Maqsi, taken from MS Chester Beatty 43 For some examples dating from about 1700 onwards- see O. G in g e ric h , D.
4092 (fol. 148r). The four subtables mainly display the coordinates of the points on A. K in g , and G. S a lib a , The 'Abd al-A'imma Astrolabe Forgeries, “ Journal for the
the summer and winter solsticial shadow traces corresponding to the seasonal hours History of Astronom y” , 3, 1972, pp. 188 — 198.
of daylight and the beginning of the afternoon prayer, for use with vertical sundials 43 On al-Farghani see note 4 above. His treatise on the astrolabe and associated
erected at angles 55°, 56°, 57°, and 58° to the meridian. Reproduced with kind per­ tables exist in numerous sources and were widely known in the Islamic Middle Ages,
mission of the Librarian of the Chester Beatty Library, Dublin. but have never been studied in modern times.

54 The Astronomical Tables of the Islamic Middle Ages 55

Fig. 8 shows an extract from al-Farghani’s- tables. They are easily gener­
ated from a single auxiliary function also tabulated by al-Farghani,

Fig. 8. Extract from a l-F a rg h a n i’B astrolabe tables, taken from MS Berlin Ahlwardt 5790 ( = Landberg 56,

to each degree of altitude for astrolabe plates intended to serve latitudes 20° and 21°. Reproduced with kind
fols. 35v —36r). These two subtables display the position and size of the almucantar circles corresponding
and in the 14th century the Egyptian al-Bakhaniqi compiled a set for
latitudes 0° to 90°, for a Yemeni ruler who was probably upset that al-
-Farghanl’s main tables could not be used for latitudes in his domain44.
Numerous sets of tables for marking quadrants have been located
qo*. -4-M in the manuscript sources, and research on these is currently in progress.

permission of the Director of the Orientalische Abteilung der Staatsbibliothek, Berlin.

i 01# 4*1
3 * TR P l a n e t a r y equation tables

fin . R m ]v f J i W fa In planetary astronomy, the Muslim scholars also compiled extensive

i t *— * w i *»v> W » n •«44[
\* r iv o tables separately from those in the zijes, particularly for the planetary
s I M aI M a ts
-W lA/Ntf]
x x -*i -*»V\ 444 4-44 7 VI equations45. A rather interesting set containing over 30,000 entries is
J — *1 H«! * 4 1 ?*Jl M U li'M l
.4 .1 p i * * attributed to Ibn Yunus46: it displays the lunar equation as a double-
< 113 -entry function of the double elongation and the mean anomaly, both
SI S" -M* TTTTfTjnr—
44A W j
4 44|*|4< •K-i'4 4 4 4 of which arguments can be taken directly from the mean motion tables.
\< 33, m v**
<\1 A Ur ■vi*
a a A! 4.44 1 1 1 1— — r jr r r The underlying theory is entirely Ptolemaic, but the parameters are those
3% Tl"V9- ■*£Ji2Vl£ of Ibn Yunus. The development of tables of this kind can be traced down
to those of the Damascus astronomer al-Salihi, who lived about the year
1500: his tables display all of the planetary equations for arguments
which can be taken directly from the mean motion tables. The underlying
parameters are those of Ulugh Beg, and the tables contain over 170,000
0 -%A)4]4j f 1-4-34 * * 4**56
144 I entries47.
3^5 4* —# s«IC lr,T The compilation of extensive tables of the kinds described above,
AM *
3 ,n "V V i and the development of sophisticated computational techniques, was
4X 4" V »1 * * )* « V r 4A -1 perhaps the major contribution of the Muslim astronomers to the develop­
V T H U fW I 131 H i 4^ ment of the exact sciences, known to the West only by modern research
-JW »j S S * '
fIS -4 on manuscripts. Our picture of their achievements in this field, as in
n it -4 -3 -4144 J*5 * 1:
► •v t others, is still incomplete, and will remain so until more of the vast quan­
»»«* 444 t t f
->-*4 T O I-4A I 1W T m
1- v * 1441 ^44 tities of available sources are studied for the first time.

k m £ 4* m ■m ST 3 715 H U V

p # 4 4 -544 113 444 w •A-AA AlrAi

u Various works of al-Bakhaniqi are analyzed in my study of medieval Islamic
[X V s 1 tv* - n \ JUT AIa H r v i 3 prayer-tables (see note 26).
A l- | .
-> v \ *A A a a A* KKK 111 4* On Islamic planetary equation tables see, for example, E. S. K e n n e d y , op.
-lA . r 1* i L » ' f f t ,T v p u r .]
cit. (note 10), p. 142; E. S. K e n n e d y and H. S alam , op. cit. (note 12); M. T ic h e n o r,
Late Medieval Two-Argument Tables fo r Planetary Longitudes, “ Journal of Near Eas­
tern Studies” , 26, 1967, pp. 126 — 128; and C. Jen sen , The Lunar Theories of A l-
-Baghdadi, “Archive for History of Exact Sciences” , 8, 1972, pp. 321—328.
4* See further D. A. K in g , A Double-Argument Table for the Lunar Equation
Attributed to Ibn Yunus, “ Centaurus” , 18, 1974, pp. 129— 146.
47 On al-Salihi see H. S u ter, op. cit. (note 8), no. 454 and D. A. K in g , op. cit.
(note 46), Section 1.


I should Wee to express my appreciation to Professor Owen Ginger ich for

his assistance in organizing the Smithsonian Institution Project in Medieval
Islamic Astronomy. Research in Cairo is supported by the Smithsonian
Institution and the National Science Foundation, Washington, D.C., and
The Astronom y o f the Mamluks
outside Cairo by a grant from the Penrose Fund of the American Philosoph­
ical Society (1972 — 1973). This support is gratefully acknowledged.

N o t e a d d e d in p r o o f
FTER THE SO-CALLED GOLDEN AGE of Islamic science, various re­
Since this paper was submitted for publication I have come across four new
sets of tables each of which appears to have been compiled in early ninth century
Iraq. These illustrate that some of the various categories of tables discussed in
A gional schools of astronomy with very distinctive traditions and interests
developed and flourished in each of the main areas of Islamic civilization. In
this paper can be traced back further than I previously thought. Firstly, an ano­
Mamluk Egypt and Syria there was considerable scholarly activity in astronomy;
nymous set of prayertables for Bagdad. Secondly, al-Khwarizmi's table of an auxi­ indeed, Cairo in the late thirteenth century was one of the major centers of
liary function underlying the mathematical theory of the astrolabe. Thirdly, al- astronomy in the Islamic world, and Damascus in the mid-fourteenth century
Khwarizmi’s book on sundials, which consists mainly of tables of coordinates for was the leading center of astronomy in the Islamic world, and perhaps in the
marking horizontal sundials constructed for different latitudes. Fourthly, an anony­ world in general. Mamluk astronomers worked in each of the major branches
mous qibla table based on an approximate but non-trivial formula. These tables of astronomy: theoretical and computational planetary astronomy, spherical as­
will be discussed in detail in a series of studies currently in preparation.* tronomy and timekeeping, instrumentation, and folk astronomy and astrology.
No overview of the activities of these regional scholars exists in the modern
literature. The manuscripts and instruments that constitute the main sources for
our knowledge of Mamluk astronomy have been investigated only in the past
twenty-five years, and, in some cases, only in the past ten years.1Thus the time

* Department o f Near Eastern Languages and Literatures, Hagop Kevorkian Center for Near
Eastern Studies, N ew Y ork University. N ew York. N .Y . 10003.
This article is based on research conducted at the American Research Center in Egypt and funded
by the Smithsonian Institution (1972-1979) and the National Science Foundation (1972-1982). My
thanks are also due to George Saliba for comments and to Alain Brieux. Muammer Dizer. and Owen
Gingerich for providing photographs. Publication o f the photographs was subvented by a grant from
the Hagop Kevorkian Foundation.
1 For an introduction to the Mamluks see E. Atil. Renaissance o f Islam: Art o f the Mamluks
(Washington. D .C.: Smithsonian Institution Press. 1981). The richest collections o f Mamluk scien­
tific manuscripts are in Istanbul (Suleymaniye and Topkapi Libraries), Cairo (Egyptian National
Library). Damascus (Zahiriya Library). Dublin (Chester Beatty Library), Princeton (Firestone L i­
brary), Berlin (Deutsche Staatsbibliothek), and Paris (Biblioth^que Nationale). A ll are catalogued
except the first: see Fuat Sezgin, Geschichte des arabischen Schrifttums, 1 vols. (Leiden: Brill,
1967-present), V ol. V I, pp. 311 ff. Basic bibliographical sources include Heinrich Suter. "D ie Math-
ematiker und Astronomen der Araber und ihre W erk e," Abhandlungen zur Geschichte der mathe-
matischen Wissenschaften, 1900. 10, and "Nachtrage und Berechtigungen," ibid., 1902, 14:157-185
(rpt. Amsterdam: Oriental Press, 1982); C. Brockelmann, Geschichte der arabischen Litteratur, 2nd
ed., 2 vols. (Leiden: Brill, 1943-1949), and Supplementbdnde, 3 vols. (Leiden: Brill, 1937-1942); and
A . E l-A zzaw i, History o f Astronomy in Iraq . . . (in Arabic) (Baghdad: Iraq Academ y Press, 1959)
(to be used with caution). See also David A . King, A Catalogue o f the Scientific Manuscripts in the
Egyptian National Library, 2 vols. (Cairo: General Egyptian Book Organization, 1981-1984); King,
A Survey o f the Scientific Manuscripts in the Egyptian National Library (Publication o f the Am er­
ican Research Center in Egypt) (Malibu, Calif.: Undena Press, in press), and for astrology, Manfred
Ullmann, Die Natur - und Geheimwissenschaften im Islam (Leiden: Brill, 1972).
The richest collections o f Mamluk instruments and Ottoman instruments based on Mamluk design
are in Athens (Benaki Museum), Cairo (Egyptian National Library and Museum o f Islamic Art),
Dublin (Chester Beatty Library), Istanbul (Kandilli Observatory), and Oxford (Museum o f the His­
tory o f Science). Various Ayyubid and Mamluk astronomical instruments are listed in R. T. Gunther,
The Astrolabes o f the World, 2 vols. (Oxford: Univ. Press, 1932; London: Holland Press. 1976);
Ill Ill


is ripe for a survey of Mamluk contributions in this field, and that is the purpose Ibn Slna, also considered these problems, but not until the mid-thirteenth and
of this paper. fourteenth centuries did Muslim astronomers really come to grips with them.
Mention should also be made here of the astronomical activity, albeit on a
I. THE FATIMID AND AYYUBID BACKGROUND much lower level, of the early thirteenth-century Coptic scholar al-Ascad Ibn
al-cAssal. A manuscript of a treatise on calendar conversion and computing
When the Mamluks came to power in Egypt and Syria around 1250, some 250 solar and lunar positions attributed to him exists in the Egyptian National Li­
years had passed since the time of Ibn Yunus, the greatest astronomer of Egyp­ brary. The text is written in Arabic, and the tables are written in Coptic nu­
tian history. This scholar worked for the Fatimid Caliphs al-c Aziz and al-Hakim, merals; neither has been investigated yet.7
and he is the only astronomer from this period in Egypt to have much enduring In the field of instrumentation some unidentified Egyptian astronomers in the
influence. His major work was a zij, or astronomical handbook with tables, eleventh or twelfth century invented the almucantar quadrant, a simplified ver­
called the Hakimi Zij, a compilation of considerable distinction. Most of this zij sion of the astrolabe serving a specific latitude. This was an invention of some
survives and has been studied.* 2 It was used in Cairo in the late Fatimid and consequence, for the astrolabe, fitted with a series of plates for different lati­
Ayyubid periods; for instance, the astronomers in the twelfth-century al-Afdal- tudes, was neither a practical device nor an accurate observational instrument.
al-BataDihi Observatory in Cairo used it to compile annual ephemerides, or ta­ Also, being made of brass, it was expensive. The almucantar quadrant, on the
bles displaying day-by-day positions of the sun, moon, and planets, but never other hand, could be made of wood and was an extremely practical device with
replaced it with a new zij, even though this had been their expressed intention.3 which one could solve all the problems solvable with an astrolabe, for a partic­
In Syria, the distinguished astronomers Habash al-Hasib and al-Battanl ular latitude. The back of such a quandrant could carry a trigonometric grid
worked in ninth-century Damascus and tenth-century Raqqa, respectively. How­ called a sine quadrant for solving all manner of computational problems. The
ever, their works were apparently not influential in later Syria, for the astron­ Mamluk astronomers later developed the quadrant to all conceivable limits; it
omers at al-Afdal-al-BatiPihl asserted that their colleagues in Syria used the virtually replaced the astrolabe in Syria and Egypt in Mamluk and Ottoman
ninth-century Iraqi Mumtahan Z ij to compile their ephemerides. A new Syrian times.8 Another development of far-reaching consequence was the introduction
zij, compiled around 1170 by Ibn al-Dahhan, is no longer extant.4 to Syria in the twelfth century of the universal lamina (plate) of the eleventh-
In spherical astronomy no works of consequence are known of in Egypt or century Andalusian astronomer al-Zarqallu. This plate constituted a universal
Syria between the time of Ibn Yunus and the advent of the Mamluks. Ibn Yunus device representing a stereographic projection for the terrestrial equator and
prepared a substantial number of tables for timekeeping by the sun and for reg­ could be used to solve all the problems of spherical astronomy for any latitude.
ulating the astronomically defined times of prayer, all computed for the latitude It was derived from the universal astrolabe devised by al-Zarqallu’s contem­
of Cairo. His tables were available to the early Mamluk astronomers in Cairo porary, cAli ibn Khalaf al-Shakkaz, which consisted essentially of two such
and formed the basis of a corpus of tables for timekeeping used there from the plates that could be made to rotate over each other to correspond to any two
thirteenth to the nineteenth centuries.5 No such tables are known for Damascus sets of terrestrial or celestial coordinate systems. Al-Zarqallu’s plate was known
or Jerusalem from the pre-Mamluk period. in both Damascus and Cairo by the late thirteenth century, but al-Shakkaz’s
The celebrated scholar Ibn al-Haytham, a late contemporary of Ibn Yunus in universal astrolabe was not.9
Cairo, was the first Muslim astronomer known to have written extensively on The history of astronomy in both Egypt and Syria for the two centuries before
the problems of Ptolemy’s planetary models.6 Thereafter al-Juzajanl, a pupil of the Mamluks came to power thus remains somewhat obscure. Damascus at least
seems to have been an active center of astronomy at that time. The thirteenth-
century biographical dictionaries of Ibn al-Qiftl and Ibn Abi Usaybica list sev­
see also L. A . Mayer. Islamic Astrolabists and Their Works (Geneva: Ernst Kundig, 1956), and the eral recent and contemporary scholars concerned with the sciences, mainly in
supplement in R. Ettinghausen, ed., Aus der Welt der islamischen Kunst (Berlin: Mann, 1959), pp.
Damascus, although they were involved more in teaching than in writing trea­
293-296; Alain Brieux and F. Maddison, Repertoire des facteurs d'astrolabes et de leurs oeuvres,
Vol. I: Islam (forthcoming); and Emilie Savage-Smith, Survey o f Islamic Celestial Globes (Wash­ tises. The revival of astronomy in Cairo in the early Mamluk period around
ington. D.C.: Smithsonian Institution Press, forthcoming). 1250-1260 occurred within a few years of the deaths of a group of prominent
2 See s.v. “ Ibn Yunus" in Dictionary o f Scientific Biography ( DSB ), 15 vols. (N e w York: Scrib­
individuals known to have been very active in astronomy in either Syria or
ners, 1970-1981). The standard work on zyes is E. S. Kennedy, “ A Survey o f Islamic Astronomical
Tables,” Transactions o f the American Philosophical Society, N .S ., 1956, 46(2): 123-177. On tables Egypt: Athlr al-DIn al-Abharl, cAlam al-DIn Qaysar, Ibn al-Lubudl, and Baylak
not in zijt s see David A . King, “ On the Astronomical Tables o f the Islamic Middle A g e s,” Studia al-Qipjaql. Their works either have not survived or have not yet been properly
Copernicana, 1975, 13:37-56. studied. At least the first three had an academic connection with Iraq. Athlr
3 See A . Sayili, The Observatory in Islam . . . (Ankara: Turk Tarih Kurumu Basimevi, I960), pp.
4 See s.vv. “ Habash" and “ al-Battanl" in DSB and The Encyclopaedia o f Islam, 2nd ed., 4 vols. 7 See King, Survey, CIO.
(Leiden: Brill. 1960- ). On the zyes see Kennedy, Survey, 51 (Mumtahan) and 89 (Ibn al-Dahhan). 8 See the now outdated P. Schmalzl, Zur Geschichte des Quadranten bei den Arabern (Munich:
5 See David A . King, "Ib n Yunus' Very Useful Tables for Reckoning Time by the Sun,” Archives Salesianische OfFizin, 1929).
fo r History o f Exact Sciences, 1973, /0.342-394. 9 See David A . King, “ On the Early History o f the Universal Astrolabe . . . ," Journal for the
13See s.v. "Ib n al-Haytham " in DSB. History o f Arabic Science, 1979, 3:244-257.
Ill Ill


al-Din wrote a compendium of astronomy in Iraq that was popular in Mamluk celebrated of the fourteenth-century muwaqqits were Ibn al-Shatir (18), al-
Egypt: he also compiled the Athiri Z ij in Mardin about 1250, although it appears Khallll (19), and al-Mizz! (17). Unfortunately, we have very little information
to have had no influence in Syria thereafter. Further research is necessary on the organization of this school. Damascus muwaqqits who did serious work
to establish the influence of these individuals in later Mamluk astronomy in the fifteenth century were al-Halabl (45), al-TIzIni (69), and al-Salihl (70).
and Islamic astronomy in general.10 The mid-thirteenth century astronomers Not all of the major astronomers of Mamluk Egypt and Syria were muwaqqits.
Mu^ayyad al-Din al-c UrdI (1) and Muhiy al-Din al-Maghribi (2), who were later The Syrian astronomer al-HamzawI (67) was instead the amir al-hajj in Aleppo,
with the observatory at Maragha in Iran, were also active at this time; their work responsible for the annual pilgrimage caravans to Mecca; he wrote an astro­
is discussed in the appropriate sections below. logical history of the Mamluk campaigns against the Ottomans around Adana.
For many important figures, moreover, even those working in timekeeping and
II. WHO WERE THE MAMLUK ASTRONOMERS? spherical astronomy (to some extent the domain of the muwaqqits), we have no
information about affiliation. The most influential of the early Mamluk astron­
Of the Mamluk astronomers whose names have been preserved and for whom omers, al-Marrakushl (5), an individual of Morrocan origin who worked in Cairo
we have biographical information, most were associated with religious institu­ about 1280, is referred to in the manuscripts of his work simply as al-shaykh al-
tions.11 One office associated with the Mamluks is that of muwaqqit (less fre­ imam. The medieval biographical sources, as far as I am aware, do not mention
quently, miqati). The appellation is not attested before the time of the Mamluks, him at all, nor his contemporaries al-Maqs! (6) and Najm al-DIn al-Misrl (7). Of
and the early development of the institution is obscure. The muwaqqits were the major astronomers specializing in spherical astronomy, Ibn al-Sarraj (15)
astronomers associated with the major mosques and madrasas whose particular (fourteenth-century Aleppo) and Ibn al-Majdl (44) and Ibn Abi'l-Fath al-SOfi (64)
concern was astronomical timekeeping and the regulation of the times of (fifteenth-century Cairo) are not known to have been muwaqqits or to have been
prayer.12 The office demanded more scientific knowledge than that of muezzin, associated with any particular religious institution.
although there are indications that in the early centuries of Islam it was the Finally, we do hear of astronomers sponsored or financed by the Mamluk
muezzins who regulated the times of prayers even in major mosques, using the sultans, but the only name recorded for us is that of the astrologer Ibrahim al-
techniques of folk astronomy such as observing shadow lengths by day and the Hasib (27), who worked for the Sultan al-Nasir Ahmad in the mid-fourteenth
risings of the lunar mansions by night. Ibn al-Ukhuwwa, in his manual of trades century. The Egyptian historian Ibn Abi'I-FadjPil records that when the Sultan
written about 1300, observed that muezzins were chosen for their piety and their al-Nasir Muhammad ibn Qala-’un became ill with diarrhea, astrologers and geo-
voices rather than their competence in astronomy, but it is curious that he does mancers were consulted as well as his doctors.13 In contrast, princes at courts
not mention muwaqqits at all. References are preserved in the astronomical outside the Mamluk domains patronized and even practiced astronomy. Abu’l-
manuscript sources to a family of muwaqqits who worked at the Mosque of Fida3 (8), Ayyubid prince of Hama shortly before it fell to the Mamluks about
cAmr in Fustat in the thirteenth century, and thereafter only individual mu­ 1300, is known to have himself compiled a zij, now lost. Activity at his court,
waqqits associated with specific mosques in Cairo are known from the fifteenth however, was without influence on Mamluk astronomy. One of his astronomers
century onwards. For example, al-Kawm al-RIshl (41) and al-Wafa3! (55) (10) compiled a commentary on the Tadhkira of al-Tust that Ibn al-Shatir does
worked as muwaqqits at the MuDayyad Mosque in the early and mid-fifteenth not even mention; others (9 and 11) compiled treatises on instruments of no
century, and Sibt al-Maridlni (63) at the Azhar Mosque in the latter part of the great originality or import. Similarly, the Rasulld Sultans of the Yemen, which
same century. We know of a series of astronomers who served as muwaqqits had close links with the Mamluk domains of Egypt, Syria, and the Hijaz, pa­
in the Azhar Mosque until the nineteenth century, but the leading astronomers tronized serious astronomical activity and several pursued astronomy them­
in Cairo in Ottoman times were not always associated with the Azhar Mosque. selves.14 One Egyptian astronomer, al-Bakhaniqi (16), spent some time in the
In the sixteenth century al-Minufi, a muwaqqit at the Ghawrf madrasa, and in Yemen, working for the Sultan al-Mujahid around 1325.
the seventeenth century cAbd al-Rahman al-Ishklrf, a muwaqqit at the Mosque
of Ibn Tulun, were among the leading astronomers in Cairo. III. MAMLUK ACTIVITY IN COMPUTATIONAL ASTRONOMY
The major school of astronomers in Damascus in the fourteenth century were
muwaqqits associated with the Umayyad Mosque, and various other astrono­ The most popular zij in Mamluk Egypt until the fifteenth century was the al-Zij
mers served there in the same capacity until the nineteenth century. The most al-Mustalah, compiled in the mid-thirteenth century by some Egyptian astron­
omers (3) as yet unidentified. The early fourteenth-century scholar Ibn al-Akfanl
tells us that it was the zij in use in Egypt in his day, and it was still in use there
10 On Athlr al-Dfn al-Abhari, c Alam al-Din Qaysar, and Ibn al-Lubudl see in Suter, “ Mathema-
tiker und Astronom en,” nos. 364, 358, 365; on Baylak al-Qipjaqf see in DSB. See also Kennedy,
in the fifteenth century.15 Both extant manuscripts attribute the zij to Ibn
Survey, 40 (Athiri Zij).
11 The appendix lists and numbers ail Mamluk astronomers o f any consequence known to me,
with references to the standard modern bio-bibliographical sources. The number is given periodically 13 See Manfred Ullmann, Islamic Medicine (Islamic Surveys, 2) (Edinburgh: Edinburgh Univ.
in boldface after each astronomer’ s name in the text. Press, 1978), p. 112.
12 See David A . King, “ On the Role o f the Muwaqqit in Medieval Islamic S ociety," in Proceed­ 14 See David A . King, Mathematical Astronomy in Medieval Yemen (Publications o f the American
ings o f the Second International Symposium on the History o f Arabic Science ( Aleppo, 1979) (forth­ Research Center in Egypt) (Malibu, Calif.: Undena Press, 1983).
coming). 15 See Eilhard Wiedemann, Aufsatze zur arabischen Wissenschaftsgeschichte, 2 vols. (Hildesheim/



Yunus. It is a highly eclectic work, based on the various zijes of Ibn Yunus, an wards.17 (The origin of the curious term habtaq may lie in the terms -*bqty and
early zlj by one of the thirteenth-century Maragha astronomers, and some ninth- Dbtqy used in solar and lunar tables of the early thirteenth-century Coptic
and tenth-century Iraqi sources; as such it is, of course, of considerable histor­ scholar al-Ascad Ibn al-cAssal.
ical interest. Another interesting development in the computation of ephemerides took
In Syria also several zijes were compiled about the mid-thirteenth century. place in Mamluk Cairo. The problem of preparing annual ephemerides was fa­
The Athlri Z lj (Mardin, ca. 1250) was mentioned above, and al-c UrdI may also cilitated by compiling a universal auxiliary table for each planet based on its
have prepared a zlj around 1250. The zlj of al-Maghribi (2), compiled in Da­ periodicity, which reduced the computation essentially to determining where to
mascus about this time, survives in a unique manuscript yet to be studied prop­ plug into the auxiliary table. There is evidence that the underlying principle
erly. The only Syrian zlj to gain popularity equivalent to that of the Mustalah goes back at least to twelfth-century Iran, but Ibn al-Majdi (44) revived the idea
zlj in Egypt, however, was Ibn al-Shatir's al-Zij al-Jadid, compiled in Damascus in Cairo in the early fifteenth century.18 His tables were used in Cairo for several
in the mid-fourteenth century. It contains solar, lunar, and planetary tables centuries both in their original form and in various later adaptations. No Mamluk
based on his new models (see Section IV) and was popular in Syria for several ephemerides survive, but various Ottoman examples for Cairo that do survive
centuries, both in its original form and in several different recensions by later were clearly computed using Ibn al-Majdl’s auxiliary tables.
astronomers. That popularity was due not to the new models but rather to its Two complete fourteenth-century Yemeni ephemerides have recently been
status as the only zlj produced by the school of the Umayyad Mosque. It none­ discovered in Cairo, and the Mamluk ephemerides were probably similar. For
theless had to compete with various Syrian recensions of other zijes: one of the each day of a specific Hijra year the dates in other calendars are given, and the
thirteenth-century Maragha production, the Ilkhani Zlj, compiled around 1425 ecliptic longitudes of the sun, moon, and five naked-eye planets, computed by
by Shihab al-Din al-Halabl (45); and one of the fifteenth-century Z lj of Ulugh means of a zlj (in this case, Ibn Yunus’s Hakimi Z lj, adapted for the longitude
Beg of Samarqand, compiled around 1500 by al-Salihl (70),16 of the Yemen), are tabulated side by side. The Yemeni ephemerides display the
The Z lj of Ibn al-Shatir was also influential in Egypt: the muwaqqit al-Kawm astrological prognostications that can be made from the relative positions of the
al-RIshi made a recension for Cairo, entitled al-Lumc a, around 1400. By this celestial bodies on each day of the year. Some twelfth-century fragments of al­
time the Mustalah Z lj was considered outdated, but the Lumc a soon had to manacs from the Cairo Geniza display only this astrological information.19 I sus­
compete with an Egyptian recension of the Z lj of Ulugh Beg, compiled in the pect that the later Mamluk ephemerides might not have included any astrological
late fifteenth century by the Cairo astronomer Ibn Abi’l-Fath al-Sufi (64). The information. A treatise on ephemerides compilation by the Cairo muwaqqit al-
Lumc a of al-Rishi and the Z lj of al-Sufi were used in Cairo for several centuries. Kawm al-RIshl (41) deals mainly with the strictly astronomical information re­
An anonymous recension of Ibn al-Shatir’s Z lj was prepared for Algiers some corded in ephemerides.
time during the Ottoman period; otherwise, its use seems to have been restricted
Complementing the various zyes and their recensions, certain Mamluk astron­
omers compiled extensive planetary equation tables to facilitate the determi­ When al-c Urdi (1) left Damascus for the Maragha observatory, he worked there
nation of planetary positions for annual ephemerides. Solar, lunar, and planetary on the problems of Ptolemy’s planetary models with other, better-known as­
equations are the corrections applied to the mean positions of the planets (which tronomers involved in the same problems, most notably, Nasir al-Din al-TusI.
are linearly related to time) to yield the actual positions. The equations for the Their later contemporary Qutb al-Din al-Shiraz! also wrote on planetary models
moon and planets were generally computed from a series of auxiliary tables and worked in Maragha. He later traveled extensively in the service of the II-
(adopted from Ptolemaic astronomy) using two arguments taken from the mean- khanids, on one occasion going to Cairo as their ambassador; if any Egyptian
motion tables. It would obviously be advantageous to have equation tables into astronomers pursued the planetary problem, however, we do not know of them.
which one could simply feed the two appropriate arguments, but such tables The Maragha astronomers had not felt obliged tt> draw up new planetary (equa­
would inevitably be rather large. Two Mamluk manuscripts exist of the double­ tion) tables based on their new models, and their models had but little influence
argument lunar equation tables attributed to Ibn Yunus. By the late fifteenth on the Samarqand school of Ulugh Beg in the fifteenth century.20
century al-Salihl (70) in Damascus had compiled extensive double-argument ta­
17 On habtaq see David A . King, " A Double-Argument Table for the Lunar Equation Attributed
bles for the planetary equations in his adaptation of the Z lj of Ulugh Beg. Such to Ibn Y un us," Centaurus, 1974, 18\ 129-146; and G eorge Saliba. "Computational Techniques in a
tables, called habtaq and mahlulat (“solved”) in Ottoman times, were widely Set o f Late M edieval Astronomical Ta b les," J. Hist. Arabic Sci.. 1977, /;24-32.
used in Egypt, Syria, Turkey, Iran, and India from the sixteenth century on- 18 See E. S. Kennedy and D. A. King. “ Ibn al-Majdi’ s Tables for Calculating Ephemerides,” J.
Hist. Arabic Sci.. 1980, 4:48-68.
19 See King. Yemen. Pt. II, Sects. 11, 20 on the ephemerides: and Bernard R. Goldstein and David
Pingree, “ Astrological Almanacs from the Cairo G en iza ." Journal o f Near Eastern Studies. 1979,
35:153-175 (Pt. 1); 231-255 (Pt. II).
N ew York: Olms. 1970), Vol. I, pp. 265-266. For the Mustalah Z lj see Kennedy, Survey, 47; King,
Survey. C l 2. 20 On the Syrian work see George Saliba, "T h e First Non-Ptolem aic Astronomy at the Maragha
Ih See Kennedy, Survey, 41 (al-Maghribi), 42 (al-c Urdi), 11 (Ibn al-Shatir), 6 ( ilkhani Zlj), and 2 S ch ool." Isis, 1979, 70:571-576: Saliba. " A Damascene Astronom er Proposes a Non-Ptolemaic A s­
(Ulugh Beg). tronom y" (in Arabic), J. Hist. Arabic Sci., 1980. 4:3-17; and Saliba, "Islam ic Reaction to Greek

When E. S. Kennedy first investigated Ibn al-Shatir’s models some twenty-

five years ago, he observed that they were mathematically equivalent to those
Copernicus elaborated some 150 years after the time of Ibn al-Shatir. This dis­
covery aroused considerable interest in Islamic planetary theory. A direct influ­
ence of Ibn al-Shatir’s models on Copernicus has yet to be established, but it
remains a distinct possibility. George Saiiba has established that there was fairly
continuous activity relating to non-Ptolemaic astronomical models in the Muslim
world from the eleventh to the eighteenth century, and his current research
promises to fill in many of the gaps in our present knowledge of these devel­
With the exception of the treatise of Ibn al-Shatir, all Mamluk treatises on
theoretical astronomy or earlier treatises popular in Mamluk times were strictly
Ptolemaic. A commentary was available on the treatise on astronomy of the
Andalusian Jabir ibn Allah, and in Mamluk Cairo al-Juzajani (14) compiled a
commentary on the treatise by the twelfth-century Transoxanian astronomer al-
Kharaqi. Taj al-Din al-Tabrlz! (24), a teacher at the Turuntay madrasa in Cairo,
wrote a short treatise dealing with arithmetic, geometry, astronomy, and as­
trology, extant in a unique manuscript in Cairo, but this does not appear to have
w w > i ^ E S = ^ * « ^ ^ J o j *, ^ ; Figure 1. Ibn al-Shatirs new been widely used. Neither does the commentary on Nasir al-DIn’s Tadhkira by
model for the moon, which c Umar al-Farisi (10), compiled for the prince Abu’l-Fida15, although it discusses
* t S ^ S •' 1^ ‘jJjI ^ j represents the lunar motion
<JL~»j 'H+kfi'y-A * * J t ^ in longitude as well as the
in detail certain aspects of non-Ptolemaic astronomy.
^J-T>b *-,( varying distance of the moon
from the earth. Copernicus V(A). SPHERICAL ASTRONOMY
i * i . * ^ p &*" > ^ / ^ f c - v u b ^ j later used the same model.
Reproduced from Oxford
Bodleian Marsh 139, folio Al-Marrakushi and His Contemporaries, The major branch of astronomy prac­
16v, with permission of the ticed by the Mamluks was c ilm al-miqat, the study of the apparent daily rotation
Bodleian Library. of the sun and stars and its applications to timekeeping and the regulation of
the times of prayer. The various tables and instruments devised by the Mamluk
It was a Mamluk astronomer, Ibn al-Shatir of Damascus (18), who played the astronomers reflect their interest in solutions to problems of spherical astronomy
most significant role in the development of theoretical models to account for the for all latitudes; indeed, these universal solutions constitute their most signifi­
motions of the sun, moon, and planets and overcome the problems associated cant contribution to the subject.22 To some extent spherical astronomy was the
with the planetary models of Ptolemy. Ibn ai-Shatir’s first major work was a domain of the muwaqqits, although the first Mamluk scholar of c ilm al-miqat,
strictly Ptolemaic zij for Damascus, which has unfortunately not survived. Abfl CA1T al-Marrakushl (5), was, as far as we know, not a muwaqqit. Since his
Thereafter he compiled a treatise entitled Nihdyat al-siPl f i tashih al-usul in name indicates that his family hailed from Marrakesh, al-Marrakushi is generally
which he presented the reasoning behind his new planetary models. His second thought to have worked in the Maghreb; in fact he worked in Cairo, and his
zij, appropriately entitled al-Zij al-jadid, the “ new” Zij, incorporates these work appears to have been unknown in the Maghreb. His major work, Kitab
models; Ibn al-Shatir thus has the distinction of being the first to compile plan­ al-MabadP wa-’l-ghayat f i c ilm al-miqat, or A Compendium ( “ A to Z ” ) o f As­
etary tables consistent with models he had devised. Building on the earlier tronomical Timekeeping, is extant in several manuscripts of Egyptian, Syrian,
writings of such individuals as al-c UrdI, al-Shlrazi, and al-Tusi, Ibn al-Shatir and Turkish provenance. The work is highly eclectic, but presents a complete
devised a new lunar model, which represented with a substantial measure of survey of spherical astronomy and astronomical instruments. It had no coun­
success both the longitude of the moon and its distance from the earth (see terpart in early or later Islamic astronomy and was very influential in later Syria
Fig. 1), and a series of planetary models with secondary epicycles replacing the as well as Egypt and Turkey. The first half, on spherical astronomy and sundial
Ptolemaic equant. This notwithstanding, his models are not known to have had theory, was translated without commentary by J. J. Sedillot in 1834-1835, and
any influence in Islamic astronomy after his time.21
o f Ihn al-Shatir: An Arab Astronomer o f the Fourteenth Century (A leppo: Institute for the History
o f Arabic Science, 1976), esp. E. S. Kennedy and Victor Roberts, “ The Planetary Theory o f Ibn
Astronom y," Proceedings o f the Boston Colloquium for the Philosophy o f Science, 1978 (forth­
al-Shatir.” pp. 60-68 ( = Isis, 1959, 50:227-235).
coming). On al-Tusi see F. J. Ragep, "Cosm ography in the Tadhkira o f Nasir al-din al-Tusi
22 See David A . King, "U niversal Solutions to Problems o f Spherical Astronomy from Mamluk
(Ph.D. diss.. Harvard University, 1982). Egypt and Syria.” and King, "U niversal Solutions in Islamic Astronom y" (both forthcoming).
21 On Ibn al-Shatir s planetary models see E. S. Kennedy and I. Ghanem. eds.. The Life and Work


the second, on instruments, was summarized in a rather haphazard fashion by
his son L. A. Sedillot in 1844.23 The treatise has attracted remarkably little at­
tention from historians since then; it merits publication and analysis.
Al-Marrakushl does not rely at all on his illustrious Egyptian predecessor Ibn
Yunus: rather, he mentions various earlier Andalusian and Maghribi astrono­
mers, and he seems to be using Iraqi sources, especially in his discussion of
instruments. A curious omission from his discussion of several different varieties
of quadrants is the almucantar quadrant, which other evidence suggests was
already known in Cairo in his time. An unusual instrument made by al-Mar­
rakushl is preserved in the Museum of the History of Science in Oxford.24 Al­
though shaped like an astrolabe, it is simply a plate with trigonometric grids and
simple calendrical-solar longitude tables on one side and a series of circles
representing altitude circles on the other. The movable parts of the instrument
are missing.
Although al-Marrakushl does not mention any earlier or contemporary Egyp­
tian astronomers, at least two other contemporary astronomers of consequence
were working in Cairo: Shihab al-DIn al-Maqs! (6) and Najm al-Din al-Misri (7).
Both scholars specialized in spherical astronomy, but neither mentions al-Mar- **''!■*.-*■*■*? ***= 3
yf**M**P*r&'**‘ s '
rakushl in their writings. Najm al-Din does mention al-Maqsi, but only in
passing. Unfortunately, no biographical details are available for any of the three.
Najm al-DIn al-Misri compiled a table for timekeeping that could be used not -U f *» ir*J
only for all latitudes but also for timekeeping by the sun by day and by the stars
at night. Earlier astronomers in other parts of the world had compiled less ex­
tensive tables for timekeeping computed specifically for other localities such as tr* ct j rom } he universa‘ tat» e for timekeeping compiled by Najm al-Din al-
Baghdad, Shiraz, and Maragha, and the main Mamluk tables described below M'% J hn tabie dlsplays the time smce "sing of the sun or any star in terms of its observed
were computed specifically for Cairo or Damascus or Jerusalem. Najm al-Din’s tthe'two ^ of the Sun or Star as the horizontal argument
(the two pages shown here are part of the tables for argument 7(f). Then one feeds m the
remarkable table contains over a quarter of a million entries, and is extant in a observed altitude as the secondary horizonal argument, and the halt arc of visibility of the
sun or star as the vertical argument. The entry in the table is the time since rising of the sun
unique manuscript (see Fig. 2).25 or star, expressed in equatorial degrees and minutes (1° = 4 minutes of time). The table can
Al-Maqsi compiled two major works, a treatise on sundial theory and a set be used for the sun at any time of the year or for any non-circumpolar star and for any
of tables for timekeeping that (unlike Najm al-Din’s universal table) formed part latitude, because the first and second arguments are dependent on the latitude and
declination. Reproduced from Oxford Bodleian Marsh 672, folios 33v~34r, with permission of
of the Cairo corpus of tables. the Bodleian Library.

The Main Cairo Corpus o f Tables fo r Timekeeping. In the thirteenth and four­ The corpus contains the set of tables compiled by al-Maqsi, which was com­
teenth centuries, Egyptian astronomers drew up a corpus of tables for time­ puted for the latitude of Cairo and displayed the time of day as a function of
keeping by the sun and for regulating the times of prayer, computed specifically solar altitude and solar longitude (corresponding roughly to each day of the solar
for the latitude of Cairo. This corpus was widely used by Cairo muwaqqits until year). These tables, containing some 10,000 entries, were similar in conception
the nineteenth century, both in its original form and in various modified ver­ to the set displaying the solar azimuth for the same arguments that Ibn Yunus
sions. The corpus exists in numerous manuscript copies, of which the first was had prepared almost three centuries previously. A later Mamluk astronomer
rediscovered only about ten years ago. Most of the manuscripts attribute the named Ibn al-Kattani (20) used al-Maqsi’s tables to derive a set displaying the
corpus to Ibn Yunus, and the problems of the attribution of these tables are still hour-angle (time measured from midday) for the same arguments. Ibn al-Rashidl
not completely solved.26 (26) contributed other tables, and al-Bakhaniql (16) put together the corpus of
tables of the three functions time since sunrise, hour-angle, and azimuth (see
23 J. J. Sedillot, Traite des instruments astronomiques des Arabes compose au treizieme siecle par Fig. 3), as well as tables for the prayer times, containing a grand total of over
About Hhassan [s/c] de Maroc intitule Jdmic al-mabddP wa-l-ghaydt, 2 vols. (Paris: Imprimerie 30,000 entries.
Royale. 1834—1835): and L. A . Sedillot, "M 6m oire sur les instruments astronomiques des A rabes,”
Memoires de VAcademie Rovale des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres de I’lnstilut de France. 1844,
Whatever the problems of attribution, all these tables were available in one
/:1-229. form or another in the fourteenth century, if not before, as were others relating
24 See Mayer. Astrolabists. p. 46. s.v. Hasan ibn CA1T. to the astronomically defined times of Muslim prayer. The latter displayed, for
23 For more information, see King. Tables, pp. 44-45.
2h See King, "Ib n Yunus' Very Useful Tables" (cit. n. 4).
example, the time after midday at the beginning of the afternoon prayer (defined
Il l

for timekeeping was compiled for the latitude of Damascus before the mid-four­
Tt's__r>lH! .o t r u le i teenth century. Al-Mizzi, no doubt inspired by the tables for Cairo that he had
j'ji'j seen in Egypt, compiled a set of hour-angle tables and prayer-tables for Da­
4 1f l m mascus, using a traditional set of parameters. Al-Khallli shortly thereafter re­
\J* F bxcr computed the entire set for the new parameters derived from the observations
jjTJb' of Ibn al-Shatir. Al-Khallli’s tables for timekeeping were used in Damascus until
L*K - s - l~\ :!p. J* the nineteenth century and exist in numerous manuscript copies.28
# *4
SET Al-Khallli also turned his attention to universal solutions and compiled a set
r /t r ins r.
i* A i M —
; of auxiliary tables for solving problems of spherical astronomy for all latitudes,
BGE ypQfip
G i i t i l
based on three trigonometric functions. These auxiliary tables contain over
13,000 entries, and successive applications of the various functions tabulated
f i l E t a t lead to the solution of any problem in spherical astronomy for any latitude. Ear­
d M i w B
tm # - lier Muslim astronomers, from the ninth century onwards, had compiled isolated
£ii simpler and less sophisticated sets of tables of auxiliary functions, but al-Khalill
arrived at the final solution. His auxiliary tables were used by later Syrian,
j l>j* Egyptian, and Turkish astronomers.29
7? lu k t F .
Al-Khalffi’s greatest computational achievement, however, was in the com­
pilation of a table displaying the qibla, or local direction of Mecca, for each
’K W degree of latitude and longitude, based on an accurate mathematical formula.30
Earlier astronomers from the ninth century onwards who had compiled qibla
* ! , ilv -4p s> : 4?35i*-*^,| tables had contented themselves with much simpler approximate formulae.
-® j2L^]*^X^i -$*■*-'* 4 j4 Again al-Khallli arrived at a final solution to one of the most important problems
confronting the Muslim astronomers. His qibla table is known from only three
manuscripts, each of Syrian provenance, and only one reference to it is known
Ffgura 3. An extract from the tables of the three functions of time since sunrise, hour-angle, from the later astronomical literature.
and solar azimuth for the latitude of Cairo in the edition of the main Cairo corpus of tables
for timekeeping prepared by al-Bakhaniqi. These two pages serve solar altitude 15°, and
entries are given for each degree of solar longitude, of which 180 suffice because the Other Timekeeping Tables. Both the Cairo and the Damascus tables provided
functions are symmetrical about the solstices. Reproduced from Cairo Oar al-Kutub mtqat models for tables compiled for other localities. In the mid-fourteenth century
690, folios 15v-16r, with permission of the Egyptian National Library.
the Egyptian astronomer Ibn al-Rashidi (26) compiled two sets of timekeeping
tables, one for Jerusalem and one for Mecca, after the model of the Cairo
in terms of shadow lengths) and the duration of morning and evening twilight corpus. No earlier sets are known for either locality. The tables for Jerusalem
for determining the times of the daybreak and nightfall prayers. In late Mamluk comprised a set displaying the hour angle as a function of solar altitude and
copies of these tables other subtables appear, displaying, for example, the times longitude as well as the times of prayer as functions of solar longitude. The
when lamps on minarets should be extinguished after the nights of Ramadan, tables for Mecca comprised only tables for regulating the times of prayer. Ibn
and when the muezzins should call out a benediction (salam) upon the Prophet, al-Rashidl’s timekeeping tables for Jerusalem were later modified and expanded
both shortly before daybreak. by a Jerusalem muwaqqit named al-Karakl (29), a student of al-Mizzi.31
Syrian astronomers prepared prayer tables for the latitudes of Tripoli and
The Damascus School. The Cairo tables for timekeeping served as a model for Aleppo after the model of the Damascus corpus, and the achievements of the
astronomers from Syria. It was to Egypt that Ibn al-Shatir (18) and al-Mizzi (17) Syrian astronomers in astronomical timekeeping inspired further activity in
came as young men to study astronomy, and other Syrian astronomers also ex­ Cairo. In the fourteenth century a corpus of tables for timekeeping for the lat­
press their indebtedness to Egyptian sources. We know that al-Mizzi studied in itude of Tunis was prepared along the lines of the Damascus tables, and Syrian
Cairo under Ibn al-Akfanl, although of this scholar’s writings on topics other
than medicine, we have only his lists of the books available in the different 28 On the Damascus corpus o f tables for timekeeping see David A . King, “ Astronomical Tim e­
keeping in Fourteenth-Century Syria,“ in Proceedings o f the First International Symposium on the
History o f Arabic Science ( Aleppo. 1976). 2 vols. (Aleppo: institute for the History o f Arabic Sci­
The major figure in the field of timekeeping at Damascus was a contemporary ence. 1978), Vol. II. pp. 75-84.
of Ibn al-Shatir named al-Khallli (19). As far as we know, no corpus of tables 29 See David A . King, "A l-K h alill's Auxiliary Tables for Solving Problems o f Spherical A s­
tronom y." Journal fo r the Historv o f Astronomw 1973, 4:99-110.
50 See David A . King. "A l-K h alili's Qibla T a b le ." J. Near East. Stud., 1975. J5:8I-I22.
Wiedemann. Aufsdtz.e (cit. n. 13). Vol. 1, pp. 258-266. 11 For the Jerusalem tables, see King, "Astronom ical Tim ekeeping" (cit. n. 28).
Ill Il l


astronomers, perhaps those associated with the Umayyad Mosque in the four­
teenth century, seem to have prepared the first set of prayer tables for Istanbul.
All of the impressive achievements of Ottoman astronomers in timekeeping owe
their inspiration to the earlier Egyptian and Syrian traditions.32


The Achievements o f Ibn al-Sarraj. As necessary to accurate timekeeping as Figure 4. The universal astrolabe of Ibn al-
tables were the many instruments used by Muslim astronomers. What al-Khallll Sarrij. With this instrument problems of
spherical astronomy can be solved for all
achieved with tables at Damascus had been successfully attempted with instru­ latitudes in five different ways. First, the
ments slightly earlier by an individual named Ibn al-Sarraj (15), who worked in shakkazfya markings on the rete can be
Aleppo around 1325. The work of al-Marrakushi, the only earlier Mamluk as­ rotated over shakkazfya markings on one of
the plates. Second, the ecliptic and star
tronomer to devote much time to instruments, had been highly eclectic, but that pointers can be rotated over the shakkazfya
of Ibn al-Sarraj is innovative to the extreme. Ibn al-Sarraj, on whom we have markings. Third, the ecliptic and star
as yet no biographical information of consequence, turned his attention to de­ pointers can be rotated over a series of
quarter plates for each 3° of latitude.
vising a series of astrolabes, quadrants, and other instruments that could be used Fourth, the ecliptic and star pointers can
to solve all of the problems of spherical astronomy for any latitude.33 be rotated over a series of horizons for all
Ibn al-Sarraj actually devised two kinds of universal astrolabe. The first is latitudes on the mater. Fifth, numerical
solutions to trigonometric problems can be
simply a reinvention of the universal astrolabe usually associated with the elev­ obtained using a grid on the back of the
enth-century Andalusian astronomer c AIT ibn Khalaf al-Shakkaz. This instru­ instrument, together with the alidade.
ment, which consisted of two shakkdziyo grids (stereographic projections of the Courtesy of the Benaki Museum, Athens.
altitude and azimuth circles at the terrestrial equator), was apparently not known
in the Islamic east. A treatise Ibn al-Sarraj wrote on its use has come down to The works of two other Aleppo astronomers on instruments have come down
us; elsewhere he relates that he invented it while in Mecca in 1325. An example to us. TTbugha al-Baklamshi (32), well known as the author of a treatise on
of the second, more sophisticated variety, made by Ibn al-Sarraj himself, sur­ archery, also wrote a treatise on the single shakkaziya quadrant,34 and his son
vives in the Benaki Museum in Athens. A treatise on its use has also survived, CA1I ibn Tlbugha (33), who worked as a muwaqqit in the Umayyad Mosque in
written by the fifteenth-century Cairo muwaqqit aI-WafaDi (55), who owned the Aleppo, wrote a substantial treatise on the sine and almucantar quadrants.
very instrument now in Athens (see Fig. 4). Al-Wafa3I complains that Ibn al- Although it was Ibn al-Sarraj who devised the most successful varieties of
Sarraj had not written a treatise on the use of this astrolabe, so he takes this instruments, the achievements in instrumentation of other Mamluk astrono­
task upon himself. I consider Ibn al-Sarraj's astrolabe, which is universal from mers at Cairo and Damascus were also considerable. While working for the Ye­
five different aspects, to be the most sophisticated astrolabe from the Near East meni Sultan al-Mujahid, the early fourteenth-century Egyptian astronomer al-
and Europe in the entire medieval and Renaissance period. Bakhaniql (16), compiled an extensive set of tables of coordinates for marking
Ibn al-Sarraj also developed several varieties of markings for the almucantar curves on the plates of astrolabes for each degree of latitude from 0° to 90°. Al-
quadrant and devised various highly ingenious trigonometric grids as alternatives Bakhaniql thus completed the set for latitudes 15° to 50° compiled by the early
to the simple sine quadrant (see Fig. 5). While working on Ibn al-Sarraj’s in­ ninth-century Baghdad astronomer al-Farghani.35 Al-Farghani’s astrolabe tables
struments over the years, I have suspected that he wrote more than has survived were widely known in Mamluk Egypt and Syria, and we may presume that they
in manuscript form. In the summer of 1982, I discovered in Chester Beatty Li­ were used in the construction of astrolabes as well as quadrants, although not
brary in Dublin his autograph copy of a major work on instruments, a richly one Mamluk astrolabe other than the universal instrument of Ibn al-Sarraj is
illustrated survey of all varieties of astrolabes and quadrants known to its au­ known to survive. Ibn al-Shatir’s (18) contributions to instrument design were
thor. Investigating it in the next few years will be a singular pleasure. also considerable; they included a reversed astrolabe (on which a set of horizons
rotated over a fixed stereographic projection of the ecliptic and various stars),
32 On Tunis see David A . King, “A Fourteenth-Century Tunisian Sundial . . . ,” in Y . Maeyama and several trigonometric grids (see Fig. 5).36 He also made the large astrolabic
and W. G. Saltzer. eds.. Prism ata: Naturwissenschaftliche Sttulien— Festschrift f iir Willy Hartner
(Wiesbaden: Franz Steiner. 1977), pp. 187-201, esp. pp. 192-193. On the Maghreb see E. S. Ken­ 34 See J. Samsd M oya, “ Nota acerca de cinco manuscritos sobre astrolabro,” Al-Andalus, 1966,
nedy and David A. King, " Indian Astronomy in Fourteenth-Century Fez . . . . Part 11." J. Hist. J/:385—392; Samso M oya, “ Una hipotesis sobre c&lculo por aproximacidn con el cuadrante Sak-
A rabic Sci. (forthcoming). See also King. "Astronom ical Timekeeping in Ottoman T u rk e y," P r o ­ kazi,” Al-Andalus, 1971, 56:117-126; and J. Samsd M oya and M. A . Catal£, “ Un instrumento as-
ceedings o f the International Symposium on the Observatories in Islam (Istanbul: Kandilli Obser­ trondmico de raigambre Zarqalf: El cuadrante Sakkazi de Ibn Tfbu ga," M em orias de la Real A ca­
vatory. 1980), pp. 245-269. demia de Buenas Letras de Barcelona, 1971, / J (l):5 -3l.
" On Ibn ul-Sarruj (including the universal astrolabe and the ivory quadrant in the Benaki Mu­ 35 See King, Tables, pp. 53-55.
seum) see David A. King, The A stronom ical Instruments o f Ibn al-Sarraj (Athens: Benaki Museum, 36 See Schmaizl, Quadrants, pp. 100-108, reprinted in Kennedy and Ghanem, Ibn al-Shdtir, pp.
forthcoming). 27-35.
Ill Ill

Figure 6. The magnificent sundial that Ibn al-Shatir constructed in the year 1371172 to adorn
the main minaret of the Umayyad Mosque in Damascus. The sundial displays the time of day
Figure 5. Trigonometric grids relative to sunrise, midday, and sunset and relative to the afternoon prayer. There are also
devised by Ibn al-Sarraj (below) and special curves for times relative to daybreak and nightfall. Thus the sundial effectively
Ibn al-Shatir (above), illustrated in measures time with respect to each of the five daily prayers. Photograph from a drawing,
an eighteenth-century Egyptian courtesy of Alain Brieux, Paris.
manuscript. Both can be used to
derive numerical solutions to the
standard problems of spherical QaDitbay in Jerusalem, which displays the time remaining until the beginning of
astronomy, for any latitude.
Reproduced from Cairo Dar al-
the afternoon prayer. The most impressive Mamluk sundial is, however, the one
Kutub Mustafa Fadil riyada 40.2 Ibn al-Shatir constructed for the main minaret of the Umayyad Mosque in Da­
with permission of the Egyptian mascus. The surviving fragments are now on display in the National Archaeo­
National Library. Photograph
courtesy of Owen Gingerich.
logical Museum in Damascus, and an exact replica, made by the nineteenth-
century muwaqqit al-Tantawi, is still in situ on the minaret. This splendid in­
strument displays time in both seasonal and equinoctial hours, as well as time
clock described by the contemporary historian ai-Safadl, who saw it in the as­ relative to the afternoon prayer and the prayers at nightfall and daybreak (see
tronomer’s home, and he constructed a splendid sundial for the Umayyad Fig. 6).
Mosque in Damascus. Mamluk treatises on sundial theory, of which several are known, give yet
more information on the different varieties of sundials that were in use, in­
Sundials. Sundials adorned the courts or walls of all major mosques in Egypt cluding, for example, sundials skewed to both planes of the meridian and the
and Syria in the later Mamluk period. Few have survived, but three have been prime vertical. Most of these treatises contain tables of coordinates for con­
published in recent years.37 One is the sundial installed in the Mosque of Ibn structing sundials.38 The earlier sundial tables of al-MaqsI (6) inspired the Da­
Tulun in the late thirteenth century. For some reason, possibly because it was mascus astronomer al-TTzml (69) to compile a set of tables for marking the
defective, it was destroyed, but fortunately not beyond recognition, and Na­ curves on vertical sundials for the latitudes of Cairo, Damascus, and Aleppo
poleon’s scholars illustrated the fragments in their Description d’Egypte. The (see Fig. 7). Ibn Sudun (52) and Sibt al-Maridlnl (63) compiled other new sets
sundial displayed the seasonal hours and the time of the afternoon prayer. Also of tables for Cairo, and Ibn al-Majdl (44) and al-Karadis! (62) compiled new
studied recently is the vertical sundial on one of the walls of the madrasa of treatises on sundial theory.
Ibn al-Shatir also devised a universal sundial and timekeeping device called
37 S e e L . J a n in a n d D . A . K i n g , “ L e c a d r a n s o l a i r e d e la m o s q u d e d ’ I b n T u l u n a u C a i r e , ” J. Hist.
Arabic Sci.. 1978. 2 :3 3 1 -3 5 7 ; D . A . K i n g a n d A . G . W a l l s , “ T h e S u n d ia l o n t h e W e s t W a l l o f t h e 38 On Islamic (including Mamluk) sundial theory see Carl Schoy, “ Gnomonik der A raber," in E.
M a d r a s a o f S u l t a n Q a y t b a y in J e r u s a l e m . " Art and Architecture Research Papers, J u l y 1 9 7 9 , 15:1 6 - van Bassermann-Jordan, ed.. Die Geschichte der Zeitmessung und der Uhren, Vol. I, Part F (Berlin/
21; an d L. J a n in . “ Le ca d ra n s o la ir e de la M o s q u 6 e U m a y y a d e & D a m a s . ” Centaurus, 1 9 7 2 , 16: Leipzig: H einz Lafaire, 1923). and esp. Schoy, “ Sonnenuhren der spatarabischen Astronom ie,” Isis,
2 8 5 -2 9 8 . 1924, 6:332-360 (both outdated). On Islamic sundial tables see King, Tables, pp. 51-53.
Ill Ill


Figure 8. An example of al-

Wafd^Ts equatorial semicircle.
The circular base is to be set
up in the cardinal directions
using the compass. The
semicircle is then to be
elevated into the plane of the
celestial equation for any
latitude, and the sights aligned
towards the sun: the hour-
angle can then be read on the
scale. Around the perimeter of
the base are qiblas of different
localities, and there are also
markings for a horizontal
sundial for the latitude of
Istanbul. Courtesy of
Muammer Dizer, Director,
Kandilli Observatory.

rants; Ibn al-Ghuzuli developed the almucantar and sinical octants; and al-
Wafa-T simplified the “jewel-box” of Ibn al-Shatir (18) to produce an equi­
noctial dial (see Fig. 8), precursor of the popular “compendium” of Renaissance
Figure 7. An extract from al-MaqsTs tables for constructing vertical sundials for each degree Europe.40
of inclination to the meridian for the latitude of Cairo. The tables display coordinates of the By the end of the fifteenth century it was left to Ibn Abi’l-Fath al-Sufi (64)
points of intersection of the solstitial and equinoctial shadow traces with the lines for the
seasonal hours, and this particular pair of pages serves inclination 15°. Reproduced from to write new commentaries on the use of the more sophisticated of the instru­
Cairo Car al-Kutub miqat 103, folios 68v-69r, with permission of the Egyptian National ments devised by his predecessors in Mamluk Damascus and Cairo, and to Sibt
Library. al-Maridlni (63) to write treatises in various recensions on the use of the simpler
instruments such as the sine and almucantar quadrants. Mention should also be
sanduq al-yawaqit li-mac rifat al-mawdqit, “jewel box for finding the times of
made of Ibn al-cAttar (42), who in the early fifteenth century compiled a treatise
prayer.” This instrument consisted essentially of a box containing a compass
on the construction of all of the different kinds of quadrants known to him. This
for aligning it in the meridian, fitted with a lid that could be raised to support
work is of considerable historical interest and has not yet been properly studied.
either a polar sundial at the appropriate angle to the local horizon or a set of
sights for reading the hour angle of the sun or any star. An example of this box,
made by Ibn al-Shatir himself, survives in Aleppo. In his treatise on the use of
the instrument, preserved in Berlin, Ibn al-Shatir failed to mention that the com­ The scholars of the Mamluk period wrote comparatively little on folk astronomy,
pass needle does not necessarily indicate true north, but then we have no idea the nonmathematical astronomical folklore of the Islamic world whose origins
what the magnetic declination was in Damascus in his time. We do know that lie in pre-Islamic Arabia. One Siraj al-Dunya wa-’l-Din, as yet unidentified,
the compass was in widespread use in the eastern Mediterranean in the thir­ wrote a substantial treatise not yet studied, on all aspects of the subject in Egypt
teenth century, if not before.39 around 1210. The late thirteenth-century dervish al-Dirinl (4) compiled a shorter
Four later contemporaries of the Damascus school, Jamal al-Dln al-Maridlni treatise and yet simpler tracts were written by al-Haythami and al-Mahalll (50
(34), Abu Tahir (23), al-Ghuzuli (21), and after them al-WafaDI (55) continued and 51). The late fifteenth-century polymath Jalal al-Dln al-Suyutl (65) compiled
their work in Cairo, devising new instruments and even attempting to compile
new auxiliary tables. Although the Damascus astronomers had already solved
40 See D. A . King, " A n Analog Computer for Solving Problems o f Spherical Astronomy; The
most of the problems, al-Maridlni devised a universal quadrant based on the Shakkaziya Quadrant o f Jamal al-Dln al-M aridini," Archives Internationales d ’Histoire des Sciences,
universal astrolabe of Ibn al-Sarraj (15) and consisting of two shakkaziya quad- 1974, 24:219-242; S. Tekeli. “ (Th e) Equatorial Arm illa' o f Iz (z ) al-Din b. Muhammad al-Wafi-Pi and
(the) Torquetum ,” Ankara Universitesi D il ve Tarih-Cografya Fakultesi Dergesi. 1960. /<5:227-259;
William Brice, Colin Imber, and Richard Lorch, The D a Dire-yi M u c addal o f S e y d ic A li R e-’ts (Sem­
39 See L . Janin and D. A . King, “ Ibn ai-Shatir’ s Sanduq al-Yawaqit: an Astronomical Compen­ inar on Early Islamic Science, monograph 1) (Manchester; Univ. Manchester, 1976) and Muammer
dium.” J. Hist. A rabic Sci.. 1977, /: 187-256; and, on the compass. Wiedemann. Aufsdtze. V ol. 1, Dizer, " T h e Da^irat al-Muc addal in the Kandilli Observatory . . . ,” J. Hist. A rabic Sci.. 1977,
pp. 36-37, G. R. Tibbetts, Arab Navigation in the Indian Ocean before the Com ing o f the Portuguese
(London: Luzac & C o.. 1971), pp. 290-294, and King. Yemen. Pt. II. Sect. 8.2.
Ill Hi


a substantial treatise on the references to astronomy in the QurDan and the only Mamluk manuscript copy of such astrological treatises I know is al-Hamza-
Prophetic sayings known as the hadith, recently studied for the first time.41 wl’s copy of a work by the thirteenth-century scholar Muhiy al-DIn al-Maghribl
An interesting development of primitive techniques of timekeeping by night (2) of Maragha.
using the lunar mansions is found in a thirteenth-century Egyptian muezzins’ It is safe to assume that the Mamluk sultans had considerable interest in as­
manual, extant in a unique copy in the Bodleian Library in Oxford.42 This trology, even though there are so few surviving texts to prove it. No investi­
manual contains precisely the kind of information that Ibn al-Ukhuwwa implied gation of Mamluk historical documents has been conducted with this aim yet;
all muezzins should know. The manual presents diagrams of the lunar mansions, two references to court astrologers were noted above. A malhama, or book of
with tables displaying the lunar mansion rising, culminating, and setting at dif­ prognostications for each month of the Syrian (solar) year, dedicated to Sultan
ferent times of the night. Such material is not otherwise known in the Islamic QaDitbay, is preserved in a single manuscript in the Chester Beatty Library in
sources, except in various almanacs from medieval Yemen. Later Cairo muez­ Dublin. The prognostications are based on such criteria as comets, thunder,
zins and muwaqqits seem to have preferred the more sophisticated tables for lightning, earthquakes, the physical appearance of the lunar crescents at the be­
regulating the times of prayer described above. ginning of the Muslim months, and the like, apparently derived mainly from
Hermetic material. Religious scholars, of course, frowned upon faith in such
V II. M A M L U K A C T I V I T Y IN A S T R O L O G Y prognostications, and at least one Mamluk theologian, Ibn Qayyim al-Jawziya
of Damascus, wrote a polemic against astrology.44
The Mamluk astronomers whose names we have mentioned wrote surprisingly Under the Ottomans the compilation of treatises on astrology began to flourish
little on astrology. All zijes contain some astrological material,43 so that the again, as we can judge from the number of treatises compiled by Egyptian as­
major Mamluk z(/es such as the anonymous Mustalah Zij, the Z ij of Ibn al- tronomers in that period. Nevertheless, the authors of these treatises were not
Shatir, the Syrian versions of the Ilkhani Z ij of al-TusI, and the Egyptian and muwaqqits. The influence of astrology under the Mamluks and the Ottomans is
Syrian versions of the Z ij of Ulugh Beg must be consulted in any investigations a subject that merits investigation.
into this subject. The independent treatises on the theoretical aspects of as­
trology compiled in Mamluk Syria and Egypt are the following: a treatise by V I I I. M A M L U K A C T I V I T Y IN M A T H E M A T IC S
al-Marrakushl (5), known only from one surviving fragment; an eclectic work
supposedly compiled in Cairo in 1358 by Ibrahim al-Hasib al-Malikl al-Nasirl It would be inappropriate to omit from our discussion Ibn al-Ha-j'm (35), an
(27), an individual otherwise unknown to me; another such work compiled in Egyptian who worked in Jerusalem in the late fourteenth century as a teacher
Cairo about 1425 by Ibn al-c Arabani (43); and a short treatise by Ahmad ibn at the Salahlya madrasa. Ibn al-HtPim’s works on arithmetic, simple algebra,
Timurbay (72). and the arithmetic of inheritance had considerable influence in later Syria and
We may perhaps assume that the mosque associations of the muwaqqits pre­ Egypt. They were much commented upon in both Mamluk and Ottoman times,
vented them from writing on astrology. Certainly there are no astrological tables even by individuals, such as Sibt al-Maridinl (63), whose prime interest was in
in the various copies of the Cairo corpus of tables for timekeeping. Unfortu­ astronomy. But the compilation of such commentaries, through no fault of the
nately, we have no biographical information on one Yusuf ibn Tughan (68) called author of the originals, marked the end of creative mathematical activity in Syria
al-miqati, who wrote a short astrological treatise dealing with prices. Only one and Egypt. It was in the Maghreb that developments of consequence were being
individual horoscope is known to me from the entire corpus of Mamluk astro­ made in mathematics, particularly with regard to algebraic notation: these Magh-
nomical sources, that compiled by Ibn al-Majdl (44) for the amir Naslr al-DIn ribi works were available to scholars in Mamluk Egypt and Syria and were also
Abu’l-Fath Muhammad, who was born in Cairo a .h . 802 (= a .d . 1399/1400). I commented upon by them.45 Even this infusion of ideas from the Maghreb does
know of only one Mamluk astrological history, that compiled by the Aleppo not seem to have been able to stop the steady decline of mathematics in the late
astronomer al-HamzawI (67). His treatise contains a series of horoscopes for Mamluk period.
the various Mamluk campaigns against the Ottomans around Adana about 1495.
The fourteenth-century Cairo scholar Ibn al-Akfanl informs us of the various IX . C O N C L U D IN G R E M A R K S

astrological treatises known to him, but none was contemporary with him. The
Creative astronomical activity came to an end in Syria with the destruction of
Damascus by the Mongols in 1402, in Egypt with the works of Sibt al-Maridinl
41 On Islamic folk astronomy, see Ch. Pellat, article “ Anwd3,” Encyclopaedia o f Islam, 2nd. ed.;
J. Ruska, article “ M anazil,” in Encyclopaedia o f Islam. 1st. ed.. 4 vols. (Leiden: Brill, 1913-1934); around 1500. The Ottoman astronomers found themselves heirs to the Egyptian
and C. A . Nallino, Raccolta di Scritti Editi e lnediti, V ol. V (Rom e: Istituto per l’ Oriente, 1944),
pp. 152-197. On al-Suyuti’ s treatise see Anton Heinen, Islamic Cosmology: A Study o f as-Suyuti’s
"al-Hay-^a al-saniya ft al-ha\Da al-sunniva” (Beirut: in commission for Franz Steiner [Wiesbadenl, 44 See J. W. Livingston, “ Ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyyah: A Fourteenth Century Defense Against A s­
1982). trological Divination and Alchemical Transmutation,” Journal o f the American Oriental Society,
42 See the summary in King, “ Role o f the Muwaqqit" (cit. n. 10). 1971, 91:96-103.
43 See Kennedy, Survey, pp. 144-145. The position o f astrology in Islamic society is discussed in 45 On mathematics in the Maghreb, with reference to certain Mamluk commentaries on Maghribi
G. Saliba, “ The Development o f Astronomy in Medieval Islamic S oc iety ," Arab Studies Quarterly. works, see A . Djebbar, Enseignement et recherche mathematiques dans le Maghreb des X III'-X IV '
1982, 4<3):211-225. siecles (Publications Mathematiques d ’ Orsay, no. 81-02)0980).
Ill Ill


and Syrian traditions, as well as to the works of the Samarqand astronomers, APPENDIX. A LIST OF MAMLUK ASTRONOMERS
some of whom, such as QadI Zade al-Ruml and CAU QushjI, had close personal
The astronomers are listed more or less chronologically; their numbers are given peri­
ties to Ottoman Turkey. The most famous Muslim astronomer of the sixteenth odically in the text after their names. Important astronomers are marked by one asterisk,
century, Taqi’l-Dln ibn Macruf, who directed the Istanbul Observatory, was a especially important ones by two.
Syrian who had lived both in Egypt and in Nablus and was familiar with the
rich heritage of Mamluk astronomy. In the eighteenth century the Ottomans Astronomer, affiliation, location, and date References48
came into contact with European astronomy, and the “zyes” of the French as­ Suter King
tronomers Lalande and Cassini were translated into Turkish and their tables
adapted to the longitude of Istanbul.46 Other versions were later prepared in 1 **MuDayyad al-DIn al-cUrdI, fl. Damascus ca. 1250; (pp. 147, —
Arabic for Cairo and Damascus. later associated with the observatory in Maragha 154)
2 *Muhiy al-DIn al-Maghribi, fl. Damascus ca. 1250; 376 G21
Astronomy continued to be studied in Cairo and Damascus after Istanbul had
later associated with the observatory in Maragha
become the center of astronomical activity in the Islamic world. Different and 3 * Anonymous compilers of the M ustalah Z ij, fl. — C12
virtually independent schools likewise continued to flourish in the Maghreb and Cairo ca. 1250
in Safavid Iran. The compilation of annul ephemerides and the copying of tables 4 DiyaD al-DIn al-Dirini, an itinerant dervish, fl. — C14
for timekeeping for the use of the muwaqqits continued apace. Astrology, barely Egypt ca. 1275
5 **Abu CAII al-Marrakushi, no known affiliation, fl. 363 C17
in evidence under the Mamluks, flourished again. But the great scientists of
Cairo ca. 1280
ninth-century Syria and tenth-century Cairo, and even the lesser, nevertheless 6 *Shihab al-DIn al-Maqsi, no known affiliation, fl. 383 C15
significant astronomers of Mamluk times, had been virtually forgotten. The his­ Cairo ca. 1280
torian al-Jabartl tells us that the textbooks in astronomy and mathematics used 7 *Najm al-DIn al-Misri, no known affiliation, fl. 460 C16
in the Azhar about 1800 consisted mainly of a nontechnical digest of Ptolemaic Cairo ca. 1280 (confused)
astronomy compiled by al-Jaghmlni in Central Asia in the early thirteenth cen­ 8 *Abu’l-Fida3, ruler and scholar, fl. Hama ca. 1300 392 —

9 *AmIn al-DIn al-Abharl, worked for Abu’l-Fida3 393 —

tury, various treatises on timekeeping and on instruments by Sibt al-Maridini (8)
(63), and various treatises on mathematics by Ibn al-HaDim (35).47 10 *c Umar al-FarisI, worked for AbuT-FidaD (8) — C21
The manuscript libraries of Cairo and Damascus, which contain many manu­ 11 *Abu CAII al-Farisi, no known affiliation, fl. — C19
scripts copied during the Ottoman period, and even the older collections in Hama ca. 1300
12 Badr al-DIn ibn Jamaca al-Kinanl, sometime — C23
Europe whose shelves are somewhat less cluttered with late manuscripts, bear
chief q a d l of Egypt and Damascus
witness to the popularity of the works of al-Jaghmlni, Ibn al-Ha^im and Sibt 13 *Nasir al-DIn ibn Simcun, m uw aqqit at the 398 C24
al-Maridini and the numerous commentaries on them. It was only by looking Mosque of cAmr in Fustat ca. 1300
beyond these to the more exciting works of the Mamluk astronomers extant 14 Ahmad al-Juzajani, no known affiliation, fl. 401 —
in relatively few copies that a reasonably clear picture of astronomy in Mam­ Cairo ca. 1325
15 **Ibn al-Sarraj, no known affiliation, fl. Aleppo ca. 508 C26
luk Egypt has emerged.
1325 (confused)
This present survey is of necessity preliminary. Ibn al-Shatir’s work on plan­ 16 *al-Bakhaniqi, no known affiliation, fl. Cairo ca. — C28
etary astronomy was investigated for the first time only twenty-five years ago 1325; also worked in the Yemen
and is still not published. The works of al-MaqsI, Najm al-DIn al-Misri, Ibn al- 17 *al-Mizzi, m uw aqqit at the Umayyad Mosque in 406 C34
Sarraj, al-MizzI, al-Khallll, al-Maridini, al-WafaDT, and Ibn Abi’l-Fath al-Sufi Damascus, died ca. 1350
have been studied only in the last ten years, but none is published. Ibn al-Sar- 18 **Ibn al-Shatir, m uw aqqit at the Umayyad Mosque 416 C30
in Damascus, fl. ca. 1350
raj’s treatise on instruments was discovered after this paper was completed and 19 **al-KhalIU, m uw aqqit at the Umayyad Mosque in 418 C37
remains to be properly studied. There is more work to be done, both on the Damascus, fl. ca. 1350
technical details of various Mamluk treatises and the transmission of scientific 20 *Ibn al-Kattanl, no known affiliation, fl. Cairo ca. 410 C32
ideas, and on the social status and institutional organization of the Mamluk as­ 1350
tronomers. Still, we can say with conviction that the Mamluks left a heritage of 21 *Ibn al-Ghuzuli, no known affiliation, fl. Cairo ca. 412 C33
astronomical treatises and instruments that was as impressive as any of their
contemporaries in the Near East, where the scientific age was drawing to a
close, or in Europe, where a new scientific age was beginning. 48 References are by number to Suter, “ Mathematiker und Astronomen der A raber” (by the num­
ber preceded by N to the "Nachtrage” : see n. 1): and King. Survey (cit. n. I), which has all
necessary cross-references to the works o f Brockelmann and A zzaw i. References are also made in
46 There is as yet no satisfactory overview o f Ottoman astronomy. The survey in S. A . Adnan, the following works to the following astronomers: Mayer, Islam ic Astrolabists (cit. n. I): 5 (p. 46),
La science chez les Turcs Ottomans (Paris: G. Maisonneuve, 1939) is quite inadequate. 21 (p. 53), 30 (p. 35); Encyclopaedia o f Islam, 2nd ed. (cit. n. 4): 8, 10 (under Ibn Djamac a); DSB
47 See J. Heyworth-Dunne, A n Introduction to the History o f Education in M odern Egypt (cit. n. 2): 8, 18, 19 (Suppl.); Sezgin. Geschichte des arahischen Schrifttums (cit. n. 1): 27 (V ol.
(London: Luzac & Co., 1940). pp. 62-64. V II, p. 25); and Heinen, Islam ic Cosm ology (cit. n. 41): 65.
II] m


— 53 Sudun al-Bashtakl, a muezzin in Cairo ca. — C81

22 Ahmad ibn cUmar al-Shadhili, not identified C55
23 Taqi’l-DIn Abu Tahir, not identified — C56 1450(?)
54 *Ibn al-Mushrif, no known affiliation, fl. Cairo ca. — C43
24 Taj al-DIn aJ-Tabrizi, teacher at the Tbruntay — C22
madrasa in Cairo, fl. ca. 1350(?) 1450
55 *c Izz al-Din al-WafaDI, m uw aqqit at the Mosque 437 C61
25 al-Murshidi, no known affiliation, fl. Cairo ca. 500 C50
1350(?) of al-Mu-’ayyad in Cairo, fl. ca. 1450
56 *al-Aqfahsi, no known affiliation, fl. Cairo ca. 440 C68
26 *Ibn al-Rashldl, no known affiliation, fl. Cairo ca. — C39
1360 1450
27 Ibrahim al-Nasiri, no known affiliation, fl. Cairo — —
57 Abu’l-Baqa3 Yahya ibn al-Jican, no known — C83
ca. 1360 affiliation, fl. Cairo ca. 1450
— 58 Zakariya3 al-Bilbaysi, no known affiliation, fl. 522 C64
28 Abu’l-Macali al-Sacati, not identified C36
29 Zayn al-DIn al-Karaki, a m uw aqqit in Jerusalem, C35 Cairo ca. 1450(?)

student of al-MizzI (17) 59 Muhammad ibn al-cAttar al-Bilbaysi, not — C80
30 Ahmad al-Hariri, no known affiliation, fl. Cairo C45 identified
— C42
60 al-Qaymari, not identified —
ca. 1380
61 Abu Bakr ibn al-Imam, not identified — C96
31 IsmacIl ibn Hibat Allah al-HamawI, not — C52
62 *al-Karadisi, m uw aqqit at the Ashrafiya madrasa 442 C90
32 cAla3 al-DIn Tibugha al-Baklamshi, no known C53 in Cairo, fl. ca. 1460
— C97
affiliation, fl. Aleppo ca. 1375 63 **Sibt al-Maridini, grandson of 34, m uwaqqit at 445
33 CA1I ibn Tibugha al-Baklamshi, son of 32, C54 Azhar Mosque in Cairo, fl. ca. 1460
— 447 C98
m uwaqqit at the Umayyad Mosque in Aleppo 64 **Ibn Abi’l-Fath al-Sufl, no known affiliation, fl.
34 Jamal al-Din al-Maridini, no known affiliation, fl. 421 C47 Cairo ca. 1460
65 Jalal al-Din al-Suyuti, celebrated author and 449 C103
Cairo(?), perhaps Damascus, ca. 1400
35 Ibn al-Ha-’im, teacher at the Salahiya madrasa in 423 C58 teacher, fl. Cairo ca. 1475
66 Yahya al-Rifaci, no known affiliation, fl. Cairo — C99
Jerusalem, lived ca. 1355-1412
36 cAbd al-cAziz ibn Mascud, no known affiliation, C46 ca. 1475
— C91
fl. Cairo ca. 1400 67 *Yusuf ibn Qurqamas al-Hamzawi, a m ir al-hajj in —
37 Muhammad ibn Idris, no known affiliation, fl. C44 Aleppo, fl. ca. 1475

Cairo ca. 1400 68 Yusuf al-Qittaji al-MIqati, not identified — C92
— 69 al-Tizini, m uw aqqit at the Umayyad Mosque in 450 C95
38 Zayn al-DIn c Umar al-Zuhri, not identified C79
39 Shihab al-Din al-Basati, not identified — C48 Damascus, fl. ca. 1500
70 *al-Salihi, m uw aqqit at the Umayyad Mosque in 454 C87
40 Sharaf al-Din al-Khalili, nephew of 19, m uwaqqit 427 C38
at the Umayyad Mosque in Damascus, fl. ca. Damascus, fl. ca. 1500
71 al-Qastalani, no known affiliation, fl. Cairo(?) ca. 458a —
41 Shihab al-Din al-Kawm al-Rishi, m uw aqqit at the 428 C41 1500
72 *al-Shihab Ahmad ibn Timurbay, no known — C94
Mosque of al-MuDayyad in Cairo, fl. ca. 1410
42 Ibn al-cAttar, no known affiliation, fl. Cairo ca. 431 C66 affiliation, fl. Cairo ca. 1500
73 Muhammad ibn Dallal al-Wafa3! al-Suyuti, a 459 C101
43 Ibn al-cArabani, no known affiliation, fl. Cairo N433 student of al-Suft (64)
74 cAli al-Malaqi, a student of 73 459 C102
ca. 1425
75 Ibn cAbd al-Ghaffar, no known affiliation, fl. 461 C106
44 **Ibn al-Majdi, no known affiliation, fl. Cairo ca. 432 C62
1425 Mecca ca. 1515
45 *Shihab al-Din al-Halabi, m uw aqqit at the 434 C69
Umayyad Mosque in Damascus, fl. ca. 1425
46 Nur al-Din cAIi al-Naqqash, no known — C74
affiliation, fl. Cairo ca. 1425
47 *Ibn al-Muhallabi, no known affiliation, fl. Cairo — C67
ca. 1450
48 Sayf al-Din Satilmish, a m uw aqqit in Cairo, fl. — C72
ca. 1450
49 Muhammad al-Ghazawi, not identified __ C73
50 CAII ibn Muhammad al-Haythami, no known — C49
affiliation, fl. Cairo ca. 1450
51 Hasan al-Mahalli, no known affiliation, fl. Cairo — C85
ca. 1450
52 Ibn Sudun, no known affiliation, fl. Cairo ca. — C82

Mathematical Astronom y
in Medieval Yemen

From the ninth to the Fifteenth century the astronomers of the

Islamic world were pre-eminent. During these seven centuries
numerous Muslim astronomers made new observations, compiled
new tables, devised new instruments, and in general made progress
in each o f the various aspects o f the science which were their
concern.1 A rather small fraction o f the works that they compiled
was translated into Latin and thus available to medieval Europe;
the remainder was not known outside the Islamic world. These few
Islamic works which were transmitted are now fairly well known to
historians o f science, but they hardly represent the scope o f the
Muslim activity in astronomy. The vast number o f Islamic astrono­
mical works that were not known in medieval Europe but which do
reflect the Muslim activity in astronomy over several centuries are
known mainly through modern studies o f manuscripts.2
Medieval mathematical astronomy was concerned with such
topics as the determination o f the positions o f the sun, moon,
planets and the fixed stars; the prediction o f planetary conjunc­
tions, eclipses, and visibility o f the lunar crescent; timekeeping by
the sun and stars; and the computation o f horoscopes and celestial
configurations with astrological significance. The Islamic tradition
o f mathematical astronomy was based on the earlier traditions of
Greek, Sasanian, and Indian astronomy, rather than the primitive
folk astronomy o f the Arabian peninsula. Since only a very small
fraction o f the works compiled by Muslim astronomers was known
in medieval Europe, most o f the vast corpus o f Islamic astronomi­
cal literature has only become known in the West during the past
150 years, as a result o f the labours o f orientalists working on the
manuscripts in which this heritage is in part preserved. This type o f
literature includes the zij, i.e. astronomical handbooks containing
extensive tables and instructions for solving standard problems

62 Mathematical Astronomy in Medieval Yemen 63

confronting the medieval astronomer; tables for timekeeping by the Iraqi and Egyptian zij handbooks.The Sultan al-Ashraf himself
sun and stars and for regulating the times o f prayer, which in Islam compiled an extensive treatise on the construction o f astrolabes and
are astronomically defined; treatises on astrology; and treatises on sundials, displaying his knowledge o f certain earlier Andalusian
a wide range o f other related topics. O f this literature the zij and and Egyptian works on these instruments. He compiled new tables
other tables for specific purposes such as timekeeping or construc­ o f coordinates for drawing the curves on astrolabe plates and the
ting instruments are the most important category for the historian curves on horizontal sundials, computing these tables for the
o f science.3 latitudes o f the major cultural centres o f the Yemen and the Hejaz.
There has been an active tradition in mathematical astronomy in One o f the astrolabes made by al-Ashraf with the aid o f these tables
the Yemen from the tenth century down to the present.4 This is is now preserved in the Metropolitan Museum o f Art in New York.
reflected in about one hundred medieval astronomical manuscripts However, perhaps the most interesting feature o f al-Ashraf’ s
o f Yemeni provenance that have been located in the past few years treatise is that it contains as an appendix a discussion o f the
in various libraries in Europe and the Near East, and furthermore magnetic compass: this is the earliest known reference to the
the scope o f the surviving astronomical writings suggests that other compass in an Arabic astronomical text. Al-Ashraf also compiled
works were compiled that are now no longer extant. It must be an extensive treatise on astrology, in which he included astrological
stressed at the outset that we have very little evidence o f original tables specifically computed for the latitude o f San‘a’ .
observations carried out in the Yemen, and that the Yemeni astro­ The Yemeni astronomer Abu ’l-‘ Uqul worked for the Sultan al-
nomical works are o f interest to the history o f science mainly Mu’ayyad. He compiled a zij based on one o f the zij handbooks o f
because they incorporate earlier ‘Abbasid or Fatimid material no the celebrated tenth century Cairo astronomer Ibn Yunus, and
longer extant in its original form. Also the Yemeni tradition o f included tables specifically computed for the latitudes o f Aden,
mathematical astronomy is distinct from the tradition o f folk T a‘izz, Zabld, and San‘a’ . Some o f the material lifted by Abu
astronomy attested in the simple Yemeni almanacs on which there ’l-‘ Uqul from Ibn Yunus is not extant in any o f the manuscripts o f
is already some published material.5This folk astronomy relates the Ibn Yunus’ own works.6 Greater originality is displayed in the
seasons, whose passage is determined by the progress o f the sun corpus o f tables for timekeeping attributed to Abu ’l-‘Uqul. These
along the ecliptic, to agricultural and meteorological patterns. tables for timekeeping by the sun and stars, computed for the
The earliest Yemeni astronomer on whom we have any reliable latitude o f T a ‘izz, constitute the largest known corpus o f such
information is the celebrated late tenth century geographer Al- tables compiled for any Islamic city during the medieval period,
Hamdanl. He compiled a Zij which was used in the Yemen at least being considerably more extensive than the corresponding tables
until the thirteenth century. Unfortunately this is no longer extant, that were prepared in the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries for
but we know from a surviving fragment o f al-Hamdani’s treatise such centres o f astronomy as Cairo and Damascus. In fact, the
on mathematical astrology that he was familiar with the earlier T a‘izz corpus contains over one hundred thousand entries, but it is
astronomical handbooks (zij) o f the astronomers o f ‘ Abbasid Iraq. difficult to estimate the extent to which these tables were used in
Most o f these are likewise lost, and it is a complicated task for the later centuries since they survive in only two manuscripts whereas
historian o f Islamic science to gather information on these works literally dozens o f manuscripts o f the Cairo and Damascus tables
from such valuable sources as al-Hamdani’ s chapter in his treatise survive. No comparable corpus o f tables for timekeeping appears
on astrology dealing specifically with the different opinions o f his to have been compiled for San‘a’ .
predecessors. Each year almanacs and ephemerides were prepared for the
Under the Rasulid Sultans there was considerable activity in Yemeni Sultans by their astronomers. These contained extensive
astronomy in the Yemen, some o f which was conducted by the calendrical and astrological information for the year in question, as
Sultans themselves. The two astronomers al-Farisi and al-Kawashi well as tables o f the positions o f the sun, moon, and planets for
were apparently sponsored by the Sultan al-Muzaffar. Al-Farisi each day o f the year. Two o f these survive in the manuscript
prepared a Zij containing tables for the Yemen, based on a twelfth sources: the first was prepared for San‘a’ in 727 H ijrah (- 1326/7),
century Iraqi zij , and al-Kawashi prepared a zij with tables specifi­ and the second for Ta‘izz in 808 Hijrah ( = 1405/06).
cally for Aden and Ta‘izz, recording observations which he had The Sultan al-Afdal compiled an extensive compendium of astro­
made himself in Egypt, and incorporating material from earlier nomical treatises and tables, most o f which were simpy lifted from

64 Mathematical Astronomy in Medieval Yemen 65

earlier Egyptian, Syrian, and Yemeni sources. Such a compendium Yemen and in Europe, especially the Biblioteca Ambrosiana in Milan, was facilita­
is o f considerable interest to historians o f science for the informa­ ted by a grant from the Penrose Fund of the American Philosophical Society (1972-
tion it contains on earlier works that are no longer extant in their 4). This support is gratefully acknowledged. The text o f this paper was delivered at
the Arabian Seminar, Cambridge, 1976.
original form. Various other later Yemeni works o f an eclectic
nature survive either complete or in fragmentary form in the manu­
1. For a brief account of Islamic astronomy see D. Pingree’s article ‘11m
script sources and remain to be properly studied, including zij al-hay’ah’ in the Encyclopaedia o f Islam, 2nd edn. Additional basic infor­
handbooks for San‘a’ , Zabid, and Ta‘izz. mation on Islamic astronomy is contained in the articles entitled Astrology,
The last Yemeni zij handbooks were compiled for San‘a’ in the Manazil (lunar mansions), Miqat (definitions of the prayer-times),
mid-seventeenth century by the brothers al-Hasan and ‘ Abdullah Mintaqah (zodiac), and Taysir (aspects of mathematical astrology) in the
al-Sarhl, relying entirely on earlier Yemeni zij handbooks. In 1st ed. of the Encyclopaedia; and Asturlab (astrolabe) and Kiblah (direc­
San‘a’ today there is still a small group o f elderly people who have tion of Mecca) in the 2nd. edn.
received instruction on the zij handbooks o f the brothers al-Sarhl. 2. The basic bibliographical works dealing with the manuscript sources
Besides this sophisticated tradition o f mathematical astronomy and the secondary literature relating to Islamic astronomy are H. Suter,
‘Die Mathematiker und Astronomen der Araber und ihre Werke’, Abhand-
the Yemeni astronomers maintained an interest in traditional folk
lungen zur Geschichte der mathematischen Wissenschaften, X, 1900; C.
astronomy and simple timekeeping using shadow lengths by day Brockelmann, Geschichte der arabischen Litteratur, 2nd edn., Leiden,
and the lunar mansions by night. Thus, for example, the thirteenth 1943-9, Supplementbande, 1937-42; and F. Sezgin, Geschichte des arabis­
century astronomer al-FarisI wrote a treatise on these two topics as chen Schrifttums, Leiden, VI, Astronomie-Astrologie, to appear.
well as his zij . In medieval Yemeni almanacs simple tables were 3. On Islamic astronomical handbooks and tables see E. S. Kennedy, ‘A
sometimes given for reckoning time o f night by the lunar mansions. Survey of Islamic astronomical tables’, Transactions o f the American
In the courtyard o f the mosque o f al-Janad north o f T a‘izz there Philosophical Society, Philadelphia, n.s. XLVI, 1956, 123-77, and D. A.
is a stone gnomon about the height o f a man,* with which the time King, ‘On the Astronomical Tables of the Islamic Middle Ages’, Studia
o f day could be reckoned using simple rules originally adopted Copernicana, XII, Wroclaw, 1975, 37-56. Kennedy lists three Yemeni zij
from Indian astronomy, and the time o f the midday and afternoon handbooks namely, those of al-Hamdani, Abu T-‘\Jqul (described as
prayers, both defined in terms o f shadow lengths, could also be Egyptian), and ‘Abdullah al-Sarhi (not identified as YemenO.The present
count is sixteen.
regulated. Using one eleventh-century Yemeni treatise on simple
4. Brief notices on the topic of this paper are to appear in Bulletin de
techniques o f timekeeping with such a gnomon it has been possible I ’lnstitut d ’Egypte, Cairo, 1976, and R. B. Serjeant ed., San ‘a ’: an Arabian
to explain the origin o f the definitions o f the times o f the daytime Islamic City, forthcoming. A more detailed survey of all the available manu­
prayers in Islam.7 script material entitled Mathematical Astronomy in Medieval Yemen is
In the Yemen, as elsewhere in the Islamic world, mathematical currently being submitted for publication.
astronomy declined from about the fifteenth century onwards. The 5. On pre-Islamic Arabian starcults see J. Henninger, ‘Uber Sternkunde
works o f the early Yemeni astronomers were thereafter forgotten und Sternkult in Nord- und Zentralarabien’, Zeitschrift fur Ethnologie,
and in some cases lost. Fortunately, enough Yemeni manuscripts LXXIX, Berlin, 1954, 82-117. On modern South Arabian astronomical
survive in libraries in Europe and the Near East to enable us to folklore see R. B. Serjeant, ‘Star-Calendars and an Almanac from South-
document a substantial part o f this tradition for the first time. West Arabia’, Anthropos, Posieux (Fribourg), XLIX, 1954, 433-59 (with a
valuable bibliography).
6. For an example of the importance of Yemeni sources for our know­
*This gnomon is known locally as ‘Asa Mu‘adh b. Jabal, the ‘stick’ o f this cele­
brated Companion of the Prophet despatched by him to the Yemen [R.B.S.]
ledge of Ibn Yunus’ works see my article ‘A Double-Argument Table for the
Lunar Equation Attributed to Ibn Yunus’, Centaurus, XVIII, Copenhagen,
1974, 129-46.
7. A preliminary discussion is contained in my article ‘A fourteenth
Notes century Tunisian sundial for regulating the times of Muslim Prayer’, in Y.
Maeyama and W. G. Saltzer, eds., Prismata: Festschrift fur Willi Hartner,
The research on Islamic science conducted at the American Research Center in
Wiesbaden, 1977, 187-202 and especially 193-5. A more detailed study of the'
Egypt during the years 1972-6 was supported by the Smithsonian Institution and the origin of the prayer times is in preparation.
National Science Foundation, Washington, D.C. Research in the libraries o f the

A Double-Argument Table for the

Lunar Equation Attributed to Ibn Yunus

1. Introduction.
2. On the sources for Ibn Yunus’ lunar equation tables.
3. On the attribution o f the habtaq tables entitled al-Tacdil al-muhkam to
Ibn Yunus.
4. The lunar equation tables in the Hdkimi Zij.
5. The lunar equation tables in the Mukhtdr and Mustalah Zijes.
6. The habtaq lunar equation tables entitled al-Tacdil al-muhkam.
7. Ibn al-Majdl on habtaq tables.

1. Introduction
In this paper I describe a set o f tables for finding the longitude o f the
moon, attributed to the tenth century Egyptian astronomer Ibn Yunus.1
The underlying lunar theory is that o f Ptolemy, but these tables are so
devised that the user is spared the calculations which are associated with
Ptolemy’ s lunar tables. Ibn Yunus’ tables, if such they are, contain over
34,000 entries, and are preserved in a manuscript in the Egyptian National
Library, Cairo. Another manuscript in the Forschungsbibliothek, Gotha,
contains part o f the original set. The tables are o f interest as the earliest
attempt by a medieval scholar to solve the computational problem o f the
determination o f the lunar position according to the sophisticated Ptole­
maic theory.2
Ptolem y’ s method for finding the lunar longitude X involves taking the
mean longitude X from the mean motion tables and adjusting it by a cor­
rection 5 called the lunar equation, thus:

© 1974 by Munksgaard International Publishers Ltd.


130 A Double-Argument Table fo r the Lunar Equation 131

X = X ~b 5 (1) 1971 C. Jensen described a set o f lunar tables containing 1,830 entries in
the thirteenth century Zij o f al-Baghdadl.6 In 1967 M . Tichenor noted the
The Ptolemaic lunar equation is a function o f the mean lunar anomaly y
existence o f a double-argument table for the lunar equation in the Khaqani
and double elongation 2 t |, that is, twice the elongation o f the moon from
the sun, both o f which can easily be found from the mean motion tables
Zij o f the fifteenth century Samarqand astronomer al-Kashi,7 and more
recently G. Saliba has analyzed another such table computed by the
for the sun and moon. In the Almagest, Ptolemy tabulates four auxiliary
fifteenth century priest Qiryaqus.8
functions, here denoted by cz, C4, cs, c% following the convention o f O.
Before discussing Ibn Yunus’ tables it is worth noting that two fifteenth
Neugebauer, with which the equation can be found in two steps. The
century Egyptian astronomers, Ibn al-M ajdl9 and Shams al-DIn al-Sufl10
procedure is the following: first find the ‘true anomaly’ y ', using
also compiled extensive lunar equation tables. Ibn al-M ajdfs lunar tables
y' = y + c3(2r|), (2) and similar tables for the sun and planets are based on the parameters o f
the mid-fourteenth century Z ij o f Ibn al-Shatir.11 These extensive tables
and then find the equation using
are contained in a work entitled al-Durr al-yatim , the Unique Pearl, which
S(2r|, y) = C4(y ') + C5(y ') • c6(2r|) (3) deserves study.12 al-Sufl, on the other hand, used the parameters o f the
fifteenth century Zij o f Ulugh Beg,13 compiled in Samarqand, but his
Whilst the computation o f 8 using these auxiliary functions is not very tables appear to be an extract from the more extensive lunar and planetary
difficult, it can involve several interpolations as well as the additions and equation tables o f the Damascus astronomer cA b d al-Rahman al-Salihi:14
multiplication. For given y, the function 5(2ti, y) varies non-linearly be­ these are one o f the largest known sets o f tables from the Islamic period,
tween c4(y) at 2r| = 0° and c4(y) + cs(y) at 2rj = 180°. Note, however, containing over 170,000 entries.
that 5 increases linearly between these two limits when expressed as a
function o f y' and C6. The functions c4 and cs are zero for arguments 0°
or 180°, since, for any value o f 2q, S(2q, y) is zero when y ' equals either 2. On the sources for Ibn Yunus’ lunar equation tables
o f these two values, but 8(2ri, y) is generally non-zero when y equals 0° Ibn Yunus’ major works were the H akim iZij (Hakemite Tables), a lengthy
or 180°. compendium on planetary and spherical astronomy, and at least part o f
In the Almagest, Ptolemy tabulated the four auxiliary functions for the extensive tables known as Kitab Ghayat al-intifac ( Very Useful Tables)
each 6° o f argument (and for each 3° near argument 90°) to two sexa­ for reckoning time by the sun and regulating the astronomically defined
gesimal digits. In the Handy Tables the argument increment is 1° and the times o f Muslim prayer.
interpolation function is tabulated to only one digit.3 Many medieval Only three quarters o f the original Hakimi Z ij is extant in the known
Muslim astronomers based their lunar equation tables on those in the manuscript sources. Recent research has shown, however, that consider­
Handy Tables, sometimes recomputing certain o f them for new para­ able material due to Ibn Yunus, including some material not contained
meters. Thus, fo r example, from the early period o f Islamic astronomy in the extant chapters o f the Zij, is located in later zijes compiled in Egypt,
we have the lunar equation tables o f Yahya b. A b i Mansur (ca. 830) and Persia, and the Yem en.15 Also, preliminary examination o f these sources
al-Battani (ca. 900), the first identical with those in the Handy Tables and reveals that Ibn Yunus compiled several zijes rather than just the Hakimi
the second slightly modified.4 The lunar equation tables o f Habash (ca. Zij. For example, the Yemeni Mukhtdr Z ij 16 is apparently based almost
850) are adjusted so that the equation is always additive.5 entirely on a Zij o f Ibn Yunus other than the Hakimi Zij.
It has already been noted that extensive double-argument tables for the The Very Useful Tables, extant in several manuscript copies, consist o f
lunar longitude or equation were compiled in the late Islamic period: about 200 pages o f tables each containing 180 entries, computed with re­
with these tables no calculation beyond interpolation is necessary to find markable accuracy. Some o f these may have been computed by the thir­
the true equation from the double elongation and the mean anomaly. In teenth century Egyptian astronomer al-M aqdisi.17 The functions tabu­

132 A Double-Argument Table for the Lunar Equation 133

lated relate to spherical astronomy, such as the hour-angle and solar azi­ However, it appears that its meaning, and the kind o f tables to which it
muth as functions o f solar altitude and longitude, as well as to the times refers, were well known to medieval astronomers at least in Egypt and
o f Muslim prayer. These tables were the model for virtually all later Syria. Ibn al-Majdl, referred to in Section 1, discusses the compilation o f
medieval tables o f this kind in Egypt and Syria. habtaq tables in some detail. Part o f his discussion is presented in Section
The sources for the present study are the Hakimi Zij itself, the Yemeni 7, and it will be clear that he had seen the tables we describe in Section 6,
MuJchtar Zij , and other manuscripts preserved in Cairo and the Yemen. but that he did not know who their compiler was; that he apparently did
I discuss three sets o f tables, all o f which are based on Ibn Yunus’ lunar not realize that the tables were based on Ibn Yunus’ parameters; and that
parameters. The entries in the third set are shown in the sequel to be based he did not approve o f the way in which they had been compiled.
on those in the second set, which in turn were derived from the entries in In two other manuscripts o f lunar equation tables, probably both due
the first set. to the Syrian astronomer al-Salihl referred to in Section 1, the tables are
called habtaq tables.21
(1) Regular lunar equation tables, contained in the Hakimi Zij, MS
In the brief introduction on the title folio o f the Cairo manuscript, refe­
Leiden Or. 143, pp. 175-177.
rence is made to two sets o f solar equation tables, one set being such that
(2) Auxiliary lunar equation tables, contained in the Yemeni Mukhtdr
the equation is always additive. Neither o f these tables is contained in the
Zij, MS British Museum 768 (Or. 3624), fols. 133v-151r. A n abstract
manuscript now, or in any other known Arabic sources. However, a
o f these tables is contained in MS Cairo Dar al-Kutub, miqat 39M,
table o f an additive solar equation, based on Ibn Yunus’ value o f 2;0,30°
and a manuscript o f an astronomical compendium by the Yemeni
for the maximum equation, exists in three Byzantine manuscripts as­
Sultan al-Afdal al-cAbbas ibn CA1I (ca. 1375), preserved in the
sociated with Gregory Chioniades22 (ca. 1300). Since this parameter was
private library o f Qadi Ismail al-Akwa, Sanaa.
also used in the Ilkhani Zij o f Naslr al-DIn al-Tusi23 (ca. 1250), it may be
(3) Tables o f the true lunar equation, known as habtaq tables, contained
that the Byzantine table was derived from Persia rather than from
in a work entitled al-Tacdil al-muhkam, MS Cairo Dar al-Kutub,
Egypt. However, the associated solar mean motion tables are based on
miqat 29.18 MS Gotha Forschungsbibliothek 1410 contains a frag­
an epoch date equivalent to 1093, and so the Byzantine solar equation
ment o f these tables.19
tables may be those o f Ibn Yunus.
In the manuscripts all entries are written in the standard Arabic sexa­
Following the introduction there is a set o f solar mean motion tables
gesimal notation.20
attributed to Ibn Yunus: indeed the entries are those o f the Hakimi Zij
for the period from 990 to 1320 Hijra, that is from 1582 to 1902 A .D .24
3. On the attribution o f the habtaq tables entitled al-Tacdil al-muhkam to
This suggests that the manuscript dates from the early part o f this interval.
Ibn Yunus
There are no longer any lunar mean motion tables in the manuscript.
A few words on the attribution o f the third set o f tables to Ibn Yunus are A t present we have a very unclear picture o f the development o f
necessary. In the title o f the undated Cairo manuscript the Egyptian as­ astronomy in medieval Egypt, and also o f the transmission o f early
tronomer is stated as the compiler; however, this title is not in the hand Islamic material to Byzantine astronomers.25 However, I see no reason
o f the copyist o f the manuscript. It reads Kitab Habtaq hall al-shams wa-l- yet to doubt the attribution o f all o f the lunar equation tables described
qamar mahlul l-Ibn Yunus al-Misri al-musamma bi-l-tacdil al-muhkam, in the sequel to Ibn Yunus.
that is, Habtaq Tables o f Solar and Lunar Motion Computed by Ibn Yunus
the Egyptian and Called “The True Equation” In the Gotha manuscript
there is neither title nor ascription, but the incomplete lunar equation 4. The lunar equation tables in the Hakimi Zij
tables follow a set o f Ibn Yunus’ solar azimuth tables. Ibn Yunus’ tables o f the lunar equation in the Hakimi Zij have the same
The word habtaq is new to the modern literature on Islamic astronomy. format as those in the Handy Tables, and the earlier Mumtahan Zij o f

A Double-Argument Table fo r the Lunar Equation 135


Yahya b. A b l Mansur: the auxiliary functions are tabulated in columns

y’ = 1 ° ,2 ° ,.................... 180°
according to the order cz, c4, and c$ and are computed for each integral
C6 = 0;0,0;l, ............ , 1;0,
degree o f argument. The functions differ from those in the Mumtahan Zij
and are computed to three sexagesimal digits. Thus the table contains
in that c4 is computed to three sexagesimal digits rather than two, and the
nearly 11,000 entries, the computation o f which is as simple as it is te­
values o f the lunar epicycle radius and deferent eccentricity, here denoted
by r and s , have been changed26 to
The table is entitled al-tacdil al-musahhah, “ true (lunar) equation” ,
r — 5; 1,14,23 and j =11;7 and the vertical argument is labelled daqa’iq al-saff al-thani, “ minutes o f
the second column” , that is, cz. A t the head o f each column are marked
as compared with the Ptolemaic values
the arguments y' and (360°-y')» and the units o f the entries are indicated
r = 5; 15 and s = 10;19. by the standard abbreviations j, q, y for daraj, daqa’iq and thawani, that
is, degrees, minutes and seconds. The values o f cs( y') are written above
A feature o f the tables is that the values o f the function cz are based on the
the true anomaly arguments, and the first entry in each column, namely
Ptolemaic value o f s : the entries are identical to those in the Mumtahan
Zij and the Handy Tables. Likewise, Ibn Yunus’ values o f the function cz for cz = 0, is c4( y')- Clearly the entry for cz = 0;n is simply
are originally from the Handy Tables.
The function designated by E. S. Kennedy as a is also tabulated by Ibn
Yunus: this function is a correction to be applied to the lunar orbital
longitude to give the ecliptic longitude.27 Ibn Yunus simply copied the
table o f ci compiled by Yahya, not recomputing it for his different value A given pair o f facing pages o f the manuscript contains entries for ten
o f the maximum lunar latitude. consecutive values o f y', those for cz — 0;1, 0;2, . . . , 0;30 being tabulated
on the right-hand page and those for cz = 0;31, 0;32, . . . , 1;0 on the left-
Ibn Yunus’ lunar equation tables are characterized by the following
hand page. The entries in this table were probably used by Ibn Yunus to
maxima, for which the corresponding arguments are shown in parentheses:
compile those in the third table described below.
Cz 13;8° (113°-115°) M S Cairo Dar al-Kutub, miqat 39M, and the manuscript o f Qadi Ismail
C4 4;48,0° (95°) al-Akwa, Sanaa contain a table based on the one in the Mukhtar Zij.
Cz 2;52° (105°-108°) The function tabulated is 5'(c6, y'), with the interpolation function cz as
Cl 0;6,0° (42°-48°) horizontal argument and y' as the vertical argument. Values are given
for each 0;5 o f cz, differences for each 0;1, 0;2, 0;3, and 0;4 being given to
the side o f each part o f the main table. In the Yemeni manuscript it is
5. The lunar equation tables in the Mukhtar and Mustalah Zijes stated that this table is from the Mustalah Zij.
The Yemeni Mukhtar Zij contains these same lunar equation tables (M S This Zij was a thirteenth century Egyptian compilation, based on a
B.M. 768, fols. 129v-132r), and also another table (fols. 133v-151r) based number o f sources including Ibn Yunus’ Hakirni Zij.28 Neither o f the
on them. This second table, not contained in any other source known to extant versions o f the work, MSS Paris Bibliotheque Nationale ar. 2520
me, displays values o f the function and 2513, contain this table, although an additional folio in the latter
(fol. 21 v) does contain instructions for its use:
S'(y\ c6) = c4(y') + c5(y') * cz
To find the true equation (al-taSdil al-muhkam), enter the true anomaly [that is, y']
with y' as horizontal and cz as vertical arguments. Values are given for vertically and the minutes o f the interpolation factor [that is, C6] horizontally: the
the domains entry is the true equation.
V v

136 A Double-Argument Table for the Lunar Equation 137

These manuscripts await detailed study to establish their precise relation N otice that although y is an integral number o f degrees y' will generally
to Ibn Yunus. In both sources, however, the lunar equation tables are the not be, and one must interpolate in the table o f 5'(2ti, cq). By rounding
same as those described in Section 4. the non-integral part o f y' to a convenient fraction the interpolation is
much facilitated. Also, since c% is given to only one sexagesimal digit,
several consecutive values o f 2r\ yield the same value o f In fact, those
6. The habtaq lunar equation tables entitled al-Tacdil al-muhkam values o f 2r\ for which
The tables in the work al~Tacdil al-muhkam give values o f the true lunar
(a) c 6( 2 t i ) is the same,
equation 5(2r|, y). W ith such a table there is no need to find the true anom­
aly y '; indeed, the lunar equation is given immediately from the two
(b ) there is a convenient approximation for the consecutive values o f
arguments 2r\ and y which can easily be found from the tables o f mean
c3(2 ti),
lunar motion. The lunar equation is tabulated to two sexagesimal digits
for the domains have been grouped together, and a single table serves these consecutive
values o f 2x\ . This procedure reduces the total number o f entries needed
2r\ = 1°, 2°, . . . , 180°
from 180 x 360 to 95 x 360 = 34,200, as noted above.
y = 1°, 2°, . . . , 360°.
T o illustrate this further, Column I in Table 1 shows those values o f
2q for which a single table is given. Columns I I and I I I show the corres­
A t the head o f each table is marked the double elongation, 2r|, referred to ponding values o f C6(2t|) and C3(2t|) taken from the Hakimi Zij. Column
as al-markaz, literally ‘center’ , for values between 0s 1° and 6s 0°. A t the IV shows an approximate value o f C3 which might have been used to serve
foot o f each table the argument (180° -2r\) is marked. N ote that the all the values o f 2r\. This arrangement appears at first sight rather arbi­
function is symmetrical about 2rj = 6s 0° = 180°. A given table may serve trary, but little accuracy is sacrificed, and one is spared computing
a single, or two, or even three consecutive values o f 2rj, for a reason which another 85 x 360 entries.
will become clear below. In fact, there are 95 tables rather than 180; the The above hypothesis about the computation o f the entries is borne out
total number o f entries is 34,200. The entries in each table are arranged in by the entries I have recomputed by hand. Once one has mastered the
twelve columns o f thirty, and the vertical argument, the mean anomaly, technique it is not difficult to generate the values quickly. Consider for
called al-khassa, is expressed in signs and degrees. The vertical argument example the entry for arguments
is to be read downwards from 1° to 30° for 2x\ < 180° and upwards from
0° to 29° for 2r\ > 180°. The function tabulated assumes both positive 2r\ = 0s 18° = 18° and y = is 13° = 43°.
and negative values, and the sign is indicated by the letters d and s for
For this value o f 2x\ we have from the Hakimi Zij
za'id and naqis, additive and subtractive. In the instructions it is noted
that one should be particularly careful in the anomaly columns for 5s and C3 = 2;39° and c6 = 0;1.
11s since the equation changes direction there.
Using a modified value o f 2;30° for C3 (cf. Table 1), we have
The table o f 5(2rj, y) was apparently compiled from those described
above, in the following way. For a given value o f 2rj, the regular tables o f y' = 45;30°.
the equation in the Hakimi Zij give the correction C3(2r|), and also the
N o w from the Mukhtdr tables
interpolation function C6(2t|). The value C3( 2ti) is added to each value o f y
to form the true anomaly y'. With y' and ce as arguments, one finds 5'(45;0°, 0;1) = 3;13,25°
8'(y', C6) in the Mukhtdr table and enters this value in the new table as a and
function o f 2x\ and y. 5'(46;0°, 0;1) = 3;16,58°.

138 A Double-Argument Table fo r the Lunar Equation 139

Table 1
8'(45;30°, 0;1) = 3;15°,
Distribution o f the H orizontal Argum ent (2r|) in the Table o f 5(2 t|, y)
Colum n I: Values o f the argument 2rj which head a given table which is the entry for 8(18°, 43°).
Colum n I I : Corresponding value o f c« in the Hakimi Z lj
Colum n I I I : Corresponding value o f C3 in the ffa k im iZ ij Next consider the entry for arguments
Colum n I V : A pproxim ate value o f a to facilitate the computation o f 5 (2p, y)
2t\ = 2s 7° = 67° and y = 3s 5° = 95°.
For this value o f 2r\ the Hakimi tables have
1st table........................ ............... 0® 1° 0 0; 9° 0;10°
2nd table...................... ............... 0 2 0 0; 18 0;20 C3 = 9;15° and ce = 0; 15.
3rd table....................... ............... 0 3 0 0;27 0;30
0 4 0 0;36 Using a modified value o f 9;20° for C3 (cf. Table 1) we have
4th table....................... ............... 0 5 0 0;44 0;50
0 6 0 0;53 y' = 104;20°.
0 7 0 l; 2
5th table....................... ............... 0 8 0 1; 11 1; 15 From the Mukhtar tables
0 9 0 1;20
6th table....................... ............... 0 10 0
8'(104°, 0; 15) = 5;27,3°
1;29 1;30
0 11 0 1;38 and
7th table....................... ............... 0 12 0 1;46 1;50 8'(105°, 0;15) = 5;26,26°,
0 13 0 1;55 so that
8th table....................... ............... 0 14 0; 1 2; 4 2;10 S'(104;20°, 0;15) = 5;27°,
0 15 0; 1 2; 13
9th table....................... ............... 0 16 0; 1 2;22 2;30 which is the entry for 8(67°, 95°).
0 17 0; 1 2;31
0 18 0; l 2;39 Again consider the entry for the arguments
10th table...................... ............... 0 19 0; 2 2;48 2;45
11th table...................... ............... 0 20 0; 2 2;57 3; 10 2r| = 5s 24° = 174° and y = 10s 3° = 303°.
0 21 0; 2 3; 5
0 22
W e have from the Hakimi tables
0; 2 3; 14
12th table...................... ............... 0 23 0; 2 3;23 3;30 C 3 = 2;11° and C6 = 1;0,
0 24 0; 2 3;31
13th table...................... ............... 0 25 0; 3 3;40 3;45 but we use the value 2;0° for C3 (cf. Table 1), so that
0 26 0; 3 3;49 y' = 305°.
34th table...................... ............... 2 5 0; 15 9; 15 9;20
2 6 0; 15
From the Mukhtar tables
2 7 0; 15 9;30 5'(305°, 1;0) = 5;48°,
35th table...................... ............... 2 8 0; 16 9;37 9;40
2 9 0;16 9;44 which is the entry for 8(174°, 303°).
92nd table.................... ............... 5 24 l; o 2; 11 2; 0 Whilst the entries in the table o f 8(2r|, y) can be generated with con­
5 25 1; 0 1;50 siderable facility, it does not follow that every single value was computed
93rd table..................... ............... 5 26 1; 0 1;29 1;30
in this way. Clearly in such an extensive table the accuracy o f a given
94th table..................... ............... 5 27 1; 0 1; 7 1; 0
5 28 0;45 entry is controlled by the adjacent entries. Finally, it may be that the
95th t a b le ........................... ............... 5 29 1; 0 0;23 0; 10 auxiliary table o f S'(y\ c%) was not used by Ibn Yunus to compute the
6 0 i; o 0; 0 table o f 8(2ri, y).

140 A Double-Argument Table fo r the Lunar Equation 141

A program was compiled at the Yale Computer Center29 to check the Table 3

computational accuracy o f Ibn Yunus’ table o f 5(2r|, y), and to investigate Sample Entries from al-TaFdil al-muhkam fo r 2t| = 2*5", 2*6", 2*7"

the errors introduced by not tabulating values fo r each individual value C om pared with Recomputed Values o f 8(2r|, y) fo r 2r| = 2*5", 2rj = 2*6", and 2 t| = 2*7"

o f 2rj. The program incorporated the instruction that the functions cz and 0* 1® 2* 3* 4* 5* 6* 7® 8* 9® 10* 11*
cs be based on Ptolemaic parameters. Tables 2 and 3 show sample entries 1".... .. —0;54" •—3; 19 —4;59 —5;29 —4;28 -2; 3 + l; 6 3;51 5;21 5;17 3;56 1;41
from Ibn Yunus’ tables for arguments —0;53 —3; 17 —4;59 —5;29 —4;28 -2 ;3 + 1; 5 3;50 5;20 5;17 3;56 1;42
—0;54 —3; 19 -5; 0 —5;30 —4;29 -2 ;3 +1 : 6 3;52 5;21 5;18 3;56 1;41
2rj = 0s 16°, 0s 17° and 0s 18°
—0;55 -3,-20 -5; 2 —5,-31 —4;30 -2; 3 -H; 7 3;53 5;23 5:19 3;56 1;41
2".. .. .. —0;59 —3;24 -5; 1 —5;29 —4;25 -1;57 + 1;12 3;56 5;22 5; 15 3;53 1;36
2r| = 2s 5°, 2s 6° and 2s 7°,
—0;58 —3;22 -5; 1 —5;28 —4;25 —1;57 + 1;11 3;54 5;21 5; 16 3;52 1;37
and the corresponding recomputed values. The difference between Ibn —0;59 —3;23 -5; 3 —5;29 —4;25 -i;57 + 1;12 3;56 5;23 5;17 3;52 1;36
Yunus’ entries and the recomputed values is generally zero or ± 0 ,T °, and -1; 0 —3;24 -5; 4 —5;31 —4;26 —1;57 + 1;13 3;57 5;24 5; 18 3;53 1;36
occasionally ± 0 ;2 ° or ± 0 ;3 °. It should, however, be remembered that 3".... .. - l ; 4 —3;28 -5; 3 —5;28 —4;21 —1;51 + 1;18 4; 0 5;24 5; 14 3;49 I;31
-1; 4 —3;26 -5; 3 —5;28 —4;21 —1;51 + 1;17 3;59 5;22 5; 14 3;48 1;32
Table 2 -1; 4 —3;27 -5; 5 —5;29 —4;22 —1;51 + 1;19 4; 0 5;24 5;15 3;48 1;31
-1; 5 —3;28 -5; 6 —5;30 —4;22 -1;51 + l;20 4; 2 5;25 5;16 3;49 1;31
Sample Entries from al-Tacdll al-muftkam for 2r| = 0®16", 0*17", 0*18",
Compared with Recomputed Values o f 5(2r|, y) for 2t) = 0s16°,2r| = 0*17", and 2r| = 0*18" 15".. . .. -2; 5 —4; 13 —5;23 —5; 13 —3;28 —0;37 +2;30 4;44 5;30 4;47 2;59 0;29
0s 1* 2* 3* 4s 5* 6® 7* 8® 9s 10® 11® - 2 ; 4 —4; 12 —5;23 —5; 12 —3;29 —0;37 +2;29 4;43 5;30 4;48 2;58 0;30
- 2 ; 5 -4,13 -5,-25 -5,13 -3; 30 —0;36 +2;30 4;45 5;31 4;48 2;58 0;30
° . . . .. —0;16° —2;29 —4; 10 —4;51 —4; 14 —2;20 + 0;19 2;53 4;30 4;48 3;51 + 2; 0
- 2 ; 6 —4; 15 —5;26 —5;14 —3;30 —0;35 +2;31 4;46 5;32 4;49 2;58
—0; 16 —2;29 —4; 10 —4;51 —4; 14 —2;21 +0;19 2;52 4;29 4;48 3;51 +2 ; 1
—0; 16 —2;30 —4; 10 —4;51 —4; 14 —2;20 + 0;19 2;53 4;30 4;48 3;51 + 2; 1 30"... .. -3 ;]15 —4;57 —5;30 —4;30 -2; 9 + 1; 0 + 3;47 5; 19 5; 18 4; 0 1;46 0;49
—0;l7 —2;30 —4; 11 —4;51 —4; 14 —2;20 +0;20 2;53 4;31 4;48 3; 51 + 2; 0 -3 ;i13 —4:56 —5;29 —4;32 - 2 ; 9 +0;59 +3;46 5; 18 5;19 3;59 1;47 0;48
—3; ]14 —4;58 —5;30 —4;32 -2 ; 9 + 1; 0 + 3;47 5;20 5;20 4; 0 1;46 0;49
2 "... .. —0;21 —2;34 —4; 12 —4;51 —4;11 —2,15 +0;25 2;57 4;32 4;47 3;48 + 1;56
- 3 ; 15 —4;59 —5;32 —4;33 - 2 ; 8 + 1; l + 3;49 5;21 5;21 4; 0 1;46 0:50
—0;20 —■2;33 —4; 12 —4;51 —4; 11 - 2 ; 16 + 0;24 2;56 4;31 4;47 3;49 + 1:57
—0;21 —2;34 —4; 13 —4;51 —4;11 —2; 16 + 0;25 2;57 4;32 4;47 3:48 + 1;56
4;32 4;48 3;48 + i;56 al-Tacdil al-muhkam and the recomputed values are based on a mutually

—0;22 —2;35 —4; 13 —4;51 —4;11 —2;15 +0;26

3 °... .. —0;25 —2;38 —4;14 —4;51 - 4 ; 8 —2; 11 +0;31 3; 1 4;34 4;46 3;45 + i;52 inconsistent set o f auxiliary functions cz, C4 , cs, and Ce.
—0;25 —2;37 —4;14 —4;51 - 4 ; 9 -2;11 +0;30 3; 0 4; 33 4;46 3;46 + l;52
—0;26 —2;38 —4;15 —4;51 - 4 ; 9 —2; 11 +0;30 3; 1 4;34 4;46 3;45 + l;52
—0;26 —2;39 —4; 16 —4;5t - 4 ; 9 —2; 10 +0;3I 3; 2 4;34 4;47 3;45 + 1;51 7. Ibn al-Majdi on habtaq tables
15".. . . —1;21 —3;22 —4;38 —4; 44 —3;29 - l ; 9 + l;35 3;47 4;48 4;[29p 3; 4 +0;58 In a work entitled Kitab al-Tashil wa-l-taqrib f i l-hall wa-l-tarkib, On
—1;20 —3;22 —4;38 —4;44 —3;30 - l ; 9 + 1;34 3;46 4;48 4;30 3; 5 +0;59 Simplifying the Compilation o f Equation Tables and on Approximate
— I ;21 —3;22 —4;38 —4;44 —3;29 - i ; 9 + l;35 3;47 4;49 4; 30 3; 5 +0;58 Methods, Ibn al-Majdi describes the compilation o f habtaq tables. I have
—1;22 —3;23 —4;39 —4;44 —3;29 - 1 ; 8 + l;36 3;48 4;49 4;30 3; 4 +0;58
examined MS Paris Bibliotheque Nationale ar. 2531, fols. 80r—115r o f
30".. .. 4;28 4;49 3;54 2; 4 —0; 11 this work.30 Ibn al-M ajdf s discussion is preliminary to a detailed descrip­

—2;25 - 4 ; 7 —4;50 —4;17 —2;25 +0;14


—2;25 - 4 ; 7 —4;51 —4; 17 —2;26 +0;13 + 2;47 4;27 4;49 3;54 2; 5 —0;11 tion o f his own lunar equation tables in the work entitled al-Durr al-yatim ,
—2;26 - 4 ; 8 —4;51 —4; 17 —2;25 +0;14 + 2;48 4;28 4;49 3;54 2; 5 —0;12 mentioned in Section l. 31 The following passage is o f particular relevance
—2;26 - 4 ; 8 —4;51 —4; 17 —2;25 +0;15 + 2;49 4;29 4;49 3;54 2; 4 —0; 12
to the present discussion (fols. 82v-83r):
a M S : 39

142 A D ou b le-A rgu m ent Table fo r the Lunar Equation 143

“ There is another method for finding the lunar equation called the habfaq. It is Jensen [1] Jensen, C. “ The Lunar Theory o f al-Baghdadl,” Archive fo r History o f
very well known and is easier to use than the first method: it involves preparing 180 Exact Sciences, 8 (1972), 321-328.
pages followed by the half degrees o f the double elongation (?) and writing at the top Kennedy [1] Kennedy, E. S. “ A Survey o f Islamic Astronomical Tables,” Trans­
the arguments from 1° to 6S0° and at the bottom the arguments from 11*29° to 6S0°. actions o f the American Philosophical Society, N.S., 46: 2 (1956), 123—
The 6*0° arguments are on the last page, and the sum o f the arguments on the top and 177.
bottom o f each page is 12s. However, in the tables which I have come across, the com­ Kennedy-Salam [1] Kennedy, E. S. and Salam, H., “ Solar and Lunar Tables in Early Isla­
piler put on some pages one degree, on others two degrees together, and on others mic Astronomy,” Journal o f the American Oriental Society, 87 (1967),
three degrees, completely without any proportion or order. Perhaps the person who 492-497.
compiled the tables prepared one page o f tables instead o f two or three in cases King [1] King, D. A. “ The Astronomical Works o f Ibn Yunus.” Unpublished
when the second equation [ere] was the same for the different arguments and the first doctoral dissertation, Yale University, 1972.
equation [C3] was similar ( mutaqdrib) for these arguments. [2] King, D. A. “ Ibn Yunus’ Very Useful Tables for Reckoning Time by
I f the person who made this table had prepared it for each degree o f argument as we the Sun,” Archive fo r History o f Exact Sciences, 10 (1973), 342-394.
stated before, or for each two, or three, or six degrees, in an ordered fashion, it would Kunitzsch [1] Kunitzsch, P. Fihris al-Makhfutat al-mu$awwara. Part 3: 1. Cairo:
have been preferable and more exact to use in finding the lunar equation for a given Arab League Institute o f Arabic Manuscripts, 1957.
double elongation argument. I do not know why this table was prepared in such a [2] Kunitzsch, P. “ Die arabische Herkunft von zwei Sternverzeichnissen
way, resting neither on the second equation [c«] nor on the first equation [C3]. It was in cod. Vat. gr. 1056,” Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenlandischen Ge-
obviously prepared for the sake o f brevity and as a standby.” sellschaft, 120 (1970), 281-287.
Manitius [1] Des Claudius Ptolemdus Handbuch der Astronomie, fibers, von Karl Ma­
nitius, 2 vols. Leipzig: Teubner, 1912-1913.
Thus in the early fifteenth century the leading astronomer in Egypt did
Nallino [1] Nallino, C. A. al-Battani sive Albatenii Opus Astronomicum. 3 parts.
not know who had compiled the habtaq tables, and was unable to utter
Milan and Rome, 1899-1907.
any tribute to the ingenuity o f his predecessor. Neugebauer [1] Neugebauer, O. The Exact Sciences in Antiquity. 2nd ed. New York:
Dover Publications, 1969.
[2] Neugebauer, O. “ Studies in Byzantine Astronomical Terminology,”
Transactions o f the American Philosophical Society, 50: 2 (1960).
B IB L IO G R A P H IC A L AB B R E V IATIO N S Pingree [1] Pingree, D., “ Gregory Chioniades and Palaeologan Astronomy,”
Dumbarton Oaks Papers, 18 (1964), 135-160.
Azzawi [1] El-Azzawi, A. History o f Astronomy in Iraq and its Relations with Islamic
Stahlman [1] Stahlman, W. D., “ The Astronomical Tables o f Codex Vaticanus Grae-
and Arab Countries in the Post Abbasid Periods (in Arabic). Baghdad:
cus 1291.” Unpublished doctoral dissertation. Brown University, 1960.
Iraq Academy Press, 1959.
Suter [1] Suter, H. “ Die Mathematiker und Astronomen der Araber und ihre
Brockelmann [1] Brockelmann, C. Geschichte der arabischen Litteratur. 2 vols. 2nd ed.
Werke,” Abhandlungen zur Geschichte der mathematischen Wissen-
Leiden: E. J. Brill, 1943-49. Supplementbande. 3 vols. Leiden: E. J.
schaften, 10 (1900), and “ Nachtrage und Berichtigungen,” 14 (1902),
Brill, 1937-42.
Caussin [1] Caussin de Perceval. “ Le livre de la grande table Hakemite, observe
Tichenor [1] Tichenor, M., “ Late Medieval Two-Argument Tables for Planetary
par le Sheikh . . . ebn Iounis . .., “ Notices et Extraits des Manuscrits
Longitudes,” Journal o f Near Eastern Studies, 26 (1967), 126-128.
de la Bibliotheque Nationale, 7 (An X II), 16-240. [The pagination in the
Toomer [1] Toomer, G. J. “ A Survey o f the Toledan Tables,” Osiris, 15 (1968),
separatum runs from 1 to 224].
Halma [1] Ptolemy. C. The Handy Tables, ed. and tr. by Halma as: Commentaire
van Ronkel [1] van Ronkel, S. Supplement to the Catalogue o f the Arabic Manuscripts
de Theon dlAlexandrie sur les Tables Manuelles Astronomiques de Ptole-
preserved in the Museum o f the Batavia Society o f Arts and Sciences.
mee. 3 parts. Paris: Imprimerie de A. Bobee, 1822-1825.
Batavia - The Hague, 1913.
Hartner-Ruska [1] Hartner, W., and Ruska, J. “ Katalog der orientalischen und lateini-
Wiedemann [1] Wiedemann, E., “ Zu der Astronomie bei den Arabern,” Sitzungs-
schen Originalhandscriften, Abschriften und Photokopien des Insti-
berichte der Physikalisch-Medizinischen Sozietdt zu Erlangen, 38 (1906),
tuts fur Geschichte der Medizin und der Naturwissenschaften in Berlin,”
181-194, reprinted in Wiedemann, E. Aufsatze zur arabischen Wissen-
Quellen und Studien zur Geschichte der Naturwissenschaften, 7: 2/3
schaftsgeschichte. (Hildesheim: Georg Olms, 1970), Vol. 1,258-271.
(1939), 1-149.
Irani [1] Irani, R. A. K. “ Arabic Numeral Forms,” Centaurus, 4 (1955), 1-12.

144 A D ou b le-A rgu m ent Table fo r the Lunar Equation 145

15. On the Hakimi Z ij see Caussin [1], and King [11, currently being revised for publication.
1. M y research in Egypt daring the year 1972-73 was supported by the Smithsonian In­ A detailed analysis o f the Very Useful Tables is contained in King [2].
stitution and the National Science Foundation, and outside Egypt by a grant from the 16. Cf. Kennedy [11, no. 57 (this Z tj is not Egyptian) and King [1], 46-47.
Penrose Fund o f the American Philosophical Society. This support is gratefully 17. On al-Maqdisi see Suter [IJ, no. 383. In a paper currently in preparation I discuss the
acknowledged. Microfilms o f the main manuscripts used in this study were kindly pro­ various editions o f the Very Useful Tables, as well and describe all known medieval
vided by the Universiteitsbibliotheek, Leiden; the British Museum; the Bibliothdque tables for regulating the times o f Muslim prayer.
Nationale, Paris; and the Arab League, Cairo. I also wish to thank the Directors o f the 18.1 have not been able to consult the actual manuscript, but have used a microfilm o f it
Beinecke Library, Yale University; the Firestone Library, Princeton University; the available from the Arab League, Institute o f Arabic Manuscripts, Cairo. Cf. Kunitzsch
Forschungsbibliothek, Gotha; and the Azhar and National Libraries in Cairo for allow­ [1], 21 for a brief description.
ing me to inspect related manuscripts. A microfilm o f the Sanaa manuscript was kindly 19. Only tables for arguments 1S1° to 2S13° are found in this source (fols. 37r ff.). The first
provided by Prof. M. Ghul o f the American University o f Beirut. part o f the manuscript (fols. lv-36v), which is in a different hand, consists o f Ibn Yunus’
2. Ptolemy’s lunar theory is outlined in Almagest V. Cf. Manitius [1], 1, 259-288, and also solar azimuth tables. Cf. King [2J, Section 3.3 for an analysis o f these.
Neugebauer [1], 192-198 and Kennedy [1], 141-142. 20. On which see Irani [1].
3. Cf. Halma [1], II, 78 ff and Stahlman [1], 249-254. 21. MS Oxford Bodleian Nic. 238,6, which I have not consulted, contains lunar equation
4. These tables are contained in MS Escorial ar. 927, fols. 20v-23r (cf. Kennedy [1], no. 51) tables due to al-$alihi o f Damascus entitled Muhkam al-qamar and Habfaq al-qamar.
and Nallino [1], II, 78-83 (cf. Kennedy [1], no. 55). On al-Battani’s tables see also MS Cairo Dar al-Kutub, miqat 92 is entitled Z ij al-habfaq f t l-camai bi-l-shams wa-l-
Toomer [1], 58. qamar cala usul al-rasad al-jadid and contains an extract from a habfaq table, possibly
5. Cf. Kennedy-Salam [1], 496-497 for an analysis. al-§alilji’s, based on the parameters o f Ulugh Beg.
6. Cf. Jensen [1] and Kennedy [1], no. 3. W. Hartner has noted the use o f the term hibtaq in the text and tables contained in al-
7. Cf. Tichenor [1] and Kennedy [1], no. 20. Dimya(i’s commentary on al-Kawm al-Rishi’s recension o f the Z ij o f Ibn al-Sha(ir. Cf.
8. Cf. Kennedy [1], no. 81. Hartner-Ruska [1], 55-56/208-209. There are no habfaq tables in the manuscripts o f
9. On Ibn al-Majdi see Suter [1], no. 432; Brockelmann [1], II, 153-155 and SII, 158-159; al-Kawm al-Rishi’s work al-Lumca which I have examined. On this author see Suter
Kennedy [1], no. 36; and Azzawi [1], 179-184. [1], no. 428.
10. On al-$ufl see Suter [1], no. 447 and Kennedy [1], no. 37. 1 have examined the tables in 22. Cf. Pingree [1], 143-144 and 150. I owe these references to O. Neugebauer and D. Pin-
MS Princeton Yahuda 3262, a work entitled Sullam al-manara, in which the equation gree.
is tabulated as a function o f 2r| and y for each 6° interval o f 2t| and each 1®o f y. 23. Cf. Kennedy [1], no. 6.
11. Cf. Kennedy [1], no. 11. 24. In the Hakimi Z ij there are mean motion tables for the period from the Hijra epoch
12. I have examined MS Yale 1475, an edition o f the tables attributed to Sulayman b. (622 A.D .) to 2700 Hijra (3240 A.D.).
Hamza b. Bakhshish. MSS Cairo Dar al-Kutub, miqat 25M and 26M contain only the 25. On Islamic material in Byzantine sources see, for example, Neugebauer [2], Pingree [1],
lunar tables. The Z ij al-shams wa-l-qamar attributed to Ibn al-Majdi (M S Cairo Dar and Kunitzsch [2].
al-Kutub, miqat 44M; cf. Kennedy [1], no. 36) contains only tables from the Durr al- 26. In Chapter 56 o f the Hakimi Z ij the new value o f r is mentioned but Ibn Yunus uses
yatim. See also notes 30 and 31 below. Ptolemy’s value o f s (e.g., MS Paris Biblioth^que Nationale ar. 2496, fols. 61v-62r).
13. Cf. Kennedy [1], no. 12. The new value o f s is deduced from the tables in the Hakimi Z ij, and is also attributed
14. On al-$alihi see Suter [1], no. 454. I have examined the lunar tables in MS Princeton to Ibn Yunus in an anonymous Yemeni Z ij (M S Paris Bibliothfeque Nationale ar. 2523,
Yahuda 4402, in which the equation is tabulated for each 2° o f 2t| and each 1° o f y, and fol. 37v).
MS Cairo Azhar falak 4386, in which the planetary equations are tabulated for each 27. Cf. Kennedy - Salam [1], 495-496.
6° o f apogee distance and each 10 o f mean anomaly. Both sets are part o f a work en­ 28. Cf. Kennedy [IJ, no. 47; King [IJ, 44-45; and Wiedemann [1], 189/266.
titled al-T'iraz al-mu°lam f l tashll al-muhkam%which may be identical with the work al- 29. A grant for computer time from the Yale University Department o f Near Eastern
Durr al-nazim listed by Suter. See also note 21 below. Languages and Literatures is gratefully acknowledged.
Two sets o f tables even larger than those o f al-§alihi are the following. Firstly, the 30. The work bears no title, but its contents correspond to those o f a work bearing this
tables o f Najm al-Din al-Misri giving the time since rising for any latitude as a function title and extant as MS Jakarta 624, described in van Ronkel [IJ, 372-373.1 have not been
o f solar or stellar altitude: these are extant in MSS Cairo Dar al-Kutub miqat 132M able to consult MS Cairo Dar al-Kutub, miqat 131, o f Ibn al-Majdi’s work.
and Oxford Bodleian Marsh 672 and contain over 250,000 entries. Secondly, the ano­ 31. In discussing another method o f computing the lunar position (fol. 85r o f the Paris
nymous sexagesimal multiplication table extant in MS Paris Biblioth&que Nationale manuscript), Ibn al-Majdi refers to some lunar tables computed by an individual named
ar. 2552: this contains 216,000 entries. Hasan Shah al-Baghdadi. He states that these had been originally computed up to 813


Hijra ( = 1410 A.D .), and someone else had added extra entries to bring the tables up
to date. Ibn al-Majdi’s opinion o f these tables was that they should be used as fly-leaves.
After spending some time trying to understand how the tables had been put together he
decided to compute some o f the same kind using the parameters o f Ibn Yunus, to be
in accordance with the Mujfalah Zlj. Elsewhere in his treatise (fol. 95v) Ibn al-Majdi
states that he also computed equation tables for the sun, moon, and planets using the
parameters o f Ibn al-Shatir. These equation tables o f Ibn al-Majdi are o f the kind con­
tained in his work al-Durr al-yatim (see note 12 above), and do not concern the present
VI IB N A L -M A J D l’ s TABLES 49

matics. Most of these are short treatises on instruments, in particular, quad­

rants and sundials, the best known of which was a treatise on the almucantar
Ibn al-Majdi’s Tables for Calculating Ephemerides
quadrant in ten sections. His mathematical works include a commentary on
D a v id A. K in g * & E . S. K e n n e d y **
the arithmetical work called al-Talkhis by the earlier Moroccan scholar Ibn
al-Banna’ and a treatise K ash f al-haqdHq on sexagesimal arithmetic. More
substantial works are his treatises entitled Ghunyat al-fahim and al-Jdm iz
1. Introduction al-m ufid ; these have never been studied in modem times. The most interesting
This study describes a category of late medieval astronomical tables hith­ of his known astronomical works is his planetary tables entitled al-Durr al-
erto neglected by historians of science. These tables, however, were preceded yatim , “The Unique Pearl” . These form the subject of the present paper.
by a group of related works applied to the sun and moon only, which has Considerable confusion obscures our understanding of Ibn al-Majdi’s
received attention in the literature, in item [7 ] in the bibliography which contribution to these tables. The manuscript sources do not explicitly state
follows this paper. The anonymous originator of the lunar tables of [7] made the authorship of a corpus of tables for the sun, moon, and planets, based
use of an ancient Babylonian period relation to work out a technique for ob­ one the method of al-Durr al-yatim , but we have the distinct impression that
taining quickly a set of true longitudes of the moon. Presumably the lunar Ibn al-Majdi himself was responsible only for the tables for the sun and moon.
tables were known to the later Egyptian astronomer Ibn al-Majdl, who seems He laid down the numerical bases for calculating similar tables for the planets,
to have applied the same basic notion to the calculation of planetary positions but, as we shall show, such tables were compiled by later astronomers.
also. The resulting corpus of manuscripts provides still another example of Ibn al-Majdi’s solar and lunar tables and the planetary tables which were
how the scientists of medieval Islam continually sought, without tampering devised along the same lines are not the standard Ptolemaic variety displaying
mean motions and equations (on which see [6 ], pp. 141-142), nor the specfically
with the underlying Ptolemaic abstract models, to ease the computations of
the practising astronomer-astrologer. The general trend is amply illustrated Islamic development of these in the form of habtaq equation tables in which
in such papers as [1 0 ], [17], [5], [1 1 ], and [15]. one enters arguments that can be derived directly from the mean motion tables
Shihab al-Din Abu’l-cAbbas Ahmad b. Rajab b. Tibugha, known as Ibn (see [11], pp. 130-131). Rather Ibn al-Majdi’s tables are auxiliary tables for
al-Majdl, was the leading astronomer of Cairo in the early fifteenth century compiling ephemerides, that is, tables displaying solar, lunar, and planetary
(see [16], no. 432; [2 ], II, pp. 158-159 and SII, pp. 158-159; and [1 ], pp. positions for each day of the year. As remarked above, the only known earlier
179-184). He was born in 767/1365 and died in 850/1447, and according to example of such auxiliary tables is [7]. which probably originated in twelfth
century Iran. W e suspect, but cannot prove, the existence of a continuous
his biographers, excelled in Islamic law, inheritance theory, and the Arabic
tradition of this category of tables reaching into fifteenth century Egypt. What
language, as well as in arithmetic, geometry, astronomy, and timekeeping.
is more certain is that Ibn al-Majdi’s tables were used extensively in Egypt
He belonged to the generation of astronomers following that of Ibn al-Shatir
until the nineteenth century.
and al-Khalili of Damascus (on whom see the articles in [3]) and preceding
Section 2 below describes the principle which is common to this particular
that of Ibn A bi’l-Fath al-Sufl and Sibt al-Maridini of Cairo (on whom see [16],
technique for all the planets, and for the moon. The succeeding three sections
nos. 445 and 447), so that he and a few less well-known contemporaries repre­
deal in detail with the three categories of tables needed to apply the technique
sent the end of serious and productive activity in astronomy in medieval
to the planets. A table is presented comparing spot entries from the tables with
results obtained by standard Ptolemaic computations. The lunar tables having
Ibn al-Majdl compiled over thirty works relating to astronomy and mathe­
previously been described in detail (in [7]), Section 6 suffices for the moon.
*New York University, Kevorkian Center for Near Eastern Studies, 50 Washington Square South,
Here also spot checks are presented.
New York, N .Y 10012. All of the tables contain columns for determining the day of the week (Ar.
• ‘ Institute for the History of Arabic Science, University o f Aleppo, Aleppo, Syria. This paper madkhal, Lat. signum ) for which a longitude is being calculated. W e omit all
presents some of the results obtained by both authors at the American Research Center in Egypt, discussion of these as being irrelevant to the main topic.
Cairo, The work was supported by the Smithsonian Institution, the National Seicnce Foundation
The solar model is essentially simpler than those of the moon and the planets
(USA), the American Philosophical Society, and the Ford Foundation. Most of the sources are pre­
served in the Egyptian National Library, but the Beinecke Library of Yale University supplied us Hence the tables used by Ibn al-Majdi and his followers for calculating runs
with a photocopy of one MS. We express gratitude to each of these institutions. of solar longtitudes are constructed differently from those for the planets.


These are described in Sections 7 and 8, and their application in Section 9.

The general theory and structure of the tables having been dealt with,
Section 10 lists the manuscript sources in which they have been found. These
are numerous, and by no means have all of them been investigated by us in
detail. Section 11 discusses certain of the sources and relations between them,
and makes concluding remarks about the whole corpus, its duration and

2. The Basic Principle of the Planetary Tables

Suppose that tables of the Almagest (or H andy Tables) type are available,
and it is desired to calculate the true longitude of a particular planet at a given
instant. The result will be
X= X + 8,
the algebraic sum of the mean longitude and the “ equation” , where
( c5( y ' ) , c8 ^ 0,
(1) S = _ c '3(a) + c6(r') + «,(«') • \ c A Y )' c> < o,

and T' = Y + c'3(«) , c'3( *)•

The functions denoted by c’s are given by columns of entries in the equation
tables, the subscripts indicating the order in which the columns appear. The
notation used here has been slightly modified from that adopted in [1 3 ].
pp. 191-207. For a complete exposition of the underlying theory and practise,
the reader is referred to [1 4 ], pp. 145-189.
The variables y, a (the “ center” , the mean longitude measured from apogee),
and y (the argument of the epicyclic anomaly) are linear functions of time. For
the instant in question each can be calculated by adding appropriate entries
from the mean motion tables in the set at hand.
The c functions, on the other hand, are basically trigonometric, hence
periodic, and their combination to form S is tedious and involved, demanding
interpolation and a proper choice of signs. An individual who wishes to compute
a set of planetary positions on successive noons at, say, ten-day intervals,
must repeat the entire process from scratch for each individual noon.
These difficulties are obviated for the user of the Ibn al-Majdi tables by
exploiting the following facts. For each planet a large period can be found
consisting of an integer number of days which measures, with considerable
accuracy, an integer number of the planet’s anomalistic periods. Choose a
day on which the anomalistic argument, y, is small. Then consider the set
of days separated from the chosen one by integer multiples of the big period.
These are indicated schematically on Figure 1 by asterisks. On each of these
days also y will be small, by virtue of the existence of the period.
Subdivide the large period into smaller intervals marked by the set of noons,
in the twenty-four hours preceding each of which y shall have passed through
IB N A L - M A J D l’ s TABLES 53
year Hijra cycle, the span of possible application of the table. The entries are
360°. That is, each of the subdivisions between successive asterisks on the the number of days elapsed from epoch until the beginning of the calendar
figure marks the first noon in a new anomalistic period. The change in y be­ year of the argument entry.
tween any such subdivision and the preceding asterisk cannot exceed the The extended section gives the number of days in 1,2, 3,..., 30 Hijra years,
anomalistic motion in one day. Hence, because of the original positioning of and in the successive months of the year, ending with 5,54 ( = 354) for the
the asterisks, the value of y at all the subdivisions will be small. twelfth month of a sound year and 5,55 for a leap year.
Three sets of tables were calculated: The method of using the table is evident. For a given date, obtain three
1. A days table to enable the user to convert a day given by a Hijra date entries: (1) in the summed section, that opposite the largest argument which
into a number, d, the days elapsed since the Hijra epoch. is less than or equal to the given year; (2) in the extended section, that opposite
2. A mean motions table in two parts for each planet. The first part gives, the excess of the given year over the entry just chosen; and (3) that opposite
for an appropriate span of time, the values of d at each of the noons represented the month named in the given date. To the sum of these three entries add the
by asterisks in Figure 1, together with corresponding values of the mean days elapsed of the month given in the date. The resulting sum, d, is the days
longitude, anomaly, and center. The second gives, for each subdivision within elapsed since the Hijra epoch.
pairs of asterisks, the changes in d and the three variables named above.
3. A table for each planet, giving the increment in longitude to be 4. The Planetary Mean Motion Tables
added to the mean longitude at the beginning of a particular period in order For each planet there are, as usual, two sections. The first, the “extended”
to convert it into true longitudes for a run of days thereafter. In principle one (Ar. mabsuta), gives the number of days from the Hijra epoch to the initial
there are three independent variables: (1) days elapsed within the period, day of each big period tabulated. Opposite each day entry are the correspond­
(2) the values of the center, a, at the beginning of the period, and (3) the ing noon positions of mean, anomaly, and center. The second, the “summed”
anomaly, y, at the same time. By uirtue of the choice of asterisks, however, one ( majmuca ) gives the number of days elapsed from the beginning of the
the possibilities for y are very restricted, confined usually to two possibilities, big period to the first day of the successive anomalistic periods. The three
0° and 1°. For want of a better name we call this third variety of tables, “ in­ entries opposite each day number show the changes in the mean, anomaly,
crement” tables. Note that the term “ equation” would be inappropriate, since and center during the particular number of anomalistic periods. Entries are
any particular A X entry in such a table has two components, one being the to seconds of arc, except for Saturn, Jupiter, and Mercury, for which the center
planet’s equation, the other the increase in mean longitude during the particu­ has been carried to minutes only. Plate 1 displays two pages from such a table,
lar run of days. but for the moon.
Details are given below. W hat has been stated thus far makes it clear that
The table below shows the lengths of the two periods for each planet.
the burden of computation has been shifted from the ephemeris maker to the
calculator of the A X tables. Once having determined a set of mean positions the long period length of the
by a process resembling the traditional one, the user need only add a set of Planet number of anomalistic period
days anomalistic periods in days
tabular entries to the mean longitude to produce a run of true longitudes for
equally spaced intervals.
Saturn 6,49,36 65 6,18 or 6,19
3. The Days Table Jupiter 2,52,51 26 6,38 or 6,39
As stated above, one table is applied to determinations for all the planets. 16
Mars 3,27,59 12,59 or 13,0
Its full title is Jadw al ayyam al-masir li'l-kawdkib , “ The Days Travel Table
for the Planets” . Given a Hijra date, the table provides the sexagesimally- Venus 2,6,31 13 9,43 or 9,44
expressed number of days elapsed from the Hijra epoch to the date in question. Mercury 1,50,5 57 1,55 or 1,56
There are two sections, one for “ summed” ( majmiica ) years, the second
for “ extended” ( mabsuta) years. The argument for the summed section consists
of the set The manner of using the mean motion tables is described herewith, the
30(k -f- n), n = 0, 1, 2, ..., r, various steps being illustrated schematically on Figure 1.
Having obtained d from the days table, enter the extended table for the
where k and r are suitable natural numbers to cover, at intervals of the thirty -

IB N A L -M A J D l’ s TABLES 55
planet in question and from the column of days obtain d {, it being the largest
entry in the column such that dx ^ d. Note down the triple of centries on the
same line as d {,
mi, Y,, a, .
This process locates that one of the big periods in which d lies, and the
mean longitude, anomaly, and center at that time.
•> rh
1 ^Ivw )!-A A
^ j* Now put Aid = d — d\. This measures how far d enters into the big

Plate 1. An extract from the majmii'a and mabsuta tables for the moon in MS A (unfoliated).
v H v i ■- i- v >* - ^ l a D 3 ■-* h •) "', ) | ) *■•
r -i v * - -v - ^ v . ^ ^ ^ ^ x \ v ‘ Turn to the summed table, and find d 2, the largest argument such that
M m .tt :—* —.! ...
• 5 »*.:> J: - \ u -ij ^ d; < A id . This locates the initial point of the anomalistic period in which
^ •- — r-^— 1 _ 1 d lies. Opposite d2 take the corresponding triple
x si
^ i j i
4 'll
-* W|~J> iR - * -
*W KJ -* L% .a - ,
Am, Ay> A*,
I W & P i I
-l - *-
^ 1
^i vj
• 4 T
-?i ^
1i "* ' i n ;
4 ^ being the amount of change in the three variables in d 2 days.
Calculate A2d = Ajd — d2. This is the number of days by which d has
•/’Y 'V .' ; -y
^ ~ + 'fi t entered the anomalistic period.
» "1ft
T H r ^ T " - - — Y > H-- ’>•■*•? r >•. <: Then
*"*'■• ^ ; 1 —** n. J i ■i * ’ **. ■* — m2 = mi 4- Am, y2 = Yi + A y> = ai+A«>
^•v,' *~ V -f '—-“ *.. -■•; ■:_ .. I r “■"■—♦»—*—■>
“ 2
S i-} ^[ l!'^ v*\ V are the mean longitude, anomaly, and center on the initial noon of the anoma­
!) ) j a *i « ,i. n • listic period in which d lies. Since each element of the triple can be thought
<“A--x;I 'tj -*\|A-»
x j>^ . i / j \ I ^ of as a point on a circle, it should be regarded as the residue, modulo 360,
^ ip in ^ ^ N '] |: of the three defining sums above.
___ P -----!-----J------i
5. The Planetary Increment Tables
— tlU ^ k ^ i . . _ - - I
The arguments for entering the AY table are a2, y 2, and Aid? calculated
—■i ■» ' . j M i k i i ^ i n i5 -^ b jn ) as described just above. In fact the user of the tables will have to content
A '; * * * * k ^ ! “? «! * *| * - j ^ J ^ •“ ?.•>!.- himself with approximations to these numbers, for the domain of oc2 in the
— .4 \ *. _ k *;Vv' ^~y~* ja i^ ^
! ^ *1 -f^ r - - t — ^ J _ ji ^ * -i-n n v ii* a tables for all the planets is 0°, 6°, 12, ..., 354°; that of y t is 0°, 1° for all the
planets except Mercury, which has 0°, 1°, 2°, 3°. The domain of Aid is 10,
•V v- ^ S '♦i ^2 **■ — ** 4 -^ •> * <,i) — ->4 ^ ^ I— 20, 30,..., p , where p is the anomalistic period of the planet in days. This holds
" ^ t T- t [ ^ l a . : ! ’ -*''* *; •> * v V >.-* , j - ; » t e i j )i for all the planets except Mercury, where the set is 5, 10,15,..., p.
;,v ^ ;•- . '"
v . v . r’ 1 ' ■> -'-j '■« t ' i ^ . ^ - 1 ^ - , o^-l 1 -
uV-»—, ^ — T,”' --- #--- * 5V * ^V • - 1. _____ _ : j •__ ~ The entries, calculated to minutes of arc, are
; •• 1 —-L *' *- ^ ^ ' "VI *>; " ^ « •• *\ <\*N-—• ,
r~ . J <i «v" ‘ *•! ___ • -f - .u- i___ __-—___ r ...»-r - A ^ = A ^ 4 * S = A 2d * X + S ,

* w 1m ; v- j 4 ^ : q ^ ' v - the algebraic sum of the mean motion in A 2d days, and 8, the equation on
. '- ’H* 1U
^1 1 [ 7 ^^ + >* \-jl
: ^f«i
«I •- A n day d, calculated by means of the expressions marked (1) in Section 2 above.
a l'-» J---*--i-‘^_I'___
!- - ^ V — > j._ll_:_.1- L___ ' \
The values of the two independent variables upon which S depends are
4 .
Y = Y2 + A 2d • Y >
and a = a2 -|- A 2d * a .
A dot over a variable denotes the variable’s rate of change in degrees per


So the true longitude on day d (or on the day nearest d in the table) is 6. The Lunar Tables
X = m» -f- AX • The principles applied in the planetary tables are used also for the moon,
The format of the increment tables is such that on each page the the double elongation, 2r), replacing a, the center. A detailed description hav­
column of A 2d’s runs down the right edge of the table. Hence, once the ing already appeared in [7], a few remarks here will suffice. The long period
user has found the proper A X for a particular day, the A X for ten days later is now 50,31 days = 1,50 anomalistic months, each of the latter running to
will be immediately below the one just found, and so on. This is particularly twenty-eight and a fraction days. For the lunar increment table the domain is
handy for the calculation of ephemerides. Plate 2 is an ecxerpt from an in­ Y = 0°, 1°, 2°, ..., 13°,
crement table, but for the moon- 27) = 0°, 6°, 12°, ..., 354°,
An HP-67 calculator was programmed to compute the 8, thence AX, A2d = 1, 2, 3, ..., 28.
corresponding to given values of the arguments after the parameters for a The daily motion of y is of the order of thirteen degrees. The initial points
particular planet had been keyed into the machine. The results for two sets of the long periods have been so chosen that at them y is small. Hence at the
of values for each planet are shown in the table below, together with the cor­ initial points of the short intervals, noons of days in which successive anoma­
responding entries in the A x table of Source ^(described in Section 10 below). listic months commence, y will never be as high as fourteen degrees (see Plate 2)
The agreement between text and calculation is not perfect, but it is close Just as in the preceding section, values of AX were calculated for spot
enough to demonstrate that our analysis is valid. combinations of the arguments and compared with corresponding tabular
entries found, this time in two sources. The results are displayed in the table
which follows. Correspondence between text and calculation is quite good.
(Text values from Source H )
Bodleian Arabic MS Marsh 374 is the source used for [7].
A 2d £
*2 r2
text calc.
a) (2) (3 ) | (4 ) (5 ) (6) (V (8)
Arguments j AX
360d 0° 0° 9;17° 9;19° 0;2° _________________
J Ibn Hashish Machine
10 120 l 356 ;21 356;10° —0;11 Tz 2 viz A 2d | (5 )-(4 ) Bodleian (5)-(7)
(Source H) Calculation
60 30 l 10;13 10 ;13 0;0
Jupiter 0° 0° ld 0° 11;53° 0s 11;50° — 0;3° 08 11;50° 0;0°
360 90 0 20;25 20;25 0;0
0 0 10 4 5;28 4 5;24 — 0;4 4 5;23 0;1
60 12 0 37;12 37 ;13 0;1 10 0 20 9 0;1 9 0;8 0;7 9 0;11 —0;3
60 1 10 186 10 4 8;46 4 8;39 —0;7 4 8;39 0;0
360 234 ;26 235 ;0 0;34
5 6 15 6 19;40 6 19;46 0;6 6 19 ;46 0;0
10 0 0 12;14 12;15 0;1
Venus 0 18 1 0 11 ;39 0 11 ;33 — 0;6 0 11 ;36 — 0;3
310 192 1 275 ;51 273 ;47 —2 ;4 10 354 10 4 5;59 4 5;51° — 0;8 4 5;49 0;2
10 180 20 8 28;45 8 28;59 0;14 8 28 ;57 0;2
110 0 3 101 ;56 101 ;57 0;1
60 90 1 51;36 53;5 1 ;29

IB N A L -M A J D l’ s TAB LE S 59

7. The Solar Mean Motion Table

The sun has only one “equation” instead of the two for the planets and the
moon. Hence the solar tables are set up somewhat differently from the others,
and require a separate explanation. The mean motion table is in two sections
;_ t l’ ^2ji. '!^ li? p '^ U i X A '£ % £ $ - i ] j f ^ t w ? of three columns each (disregarding columns for the madkhal), the entries
_ u 3 d * p m$ & * * * a $ 1 1 ' s^ T ^ 'V '^ T s j i f s l ' being: (1) integer days, the argument of the table, (2) solar mean positions or
motions, and (3) the argument of the solar anomaly. All are in sexagesimals,
a s -^’5 ^ -; 4 -v i; t ^ ^ -i y :£~).* c' 4 'y 3 ^fiA * Ks.^’i or zodiacal signs and degrees, the mean and anomaly being to seconds of arc.
Again one section is called “ summed” , the other “ extended” . For the former,
the first entry in the first column is to be regarded as the number of days passed

Plate 2. An extract from the increment tables for the moon in MS A (unfoliated).
since epoch, hence it corresponds to a specific date. Successive entries in the
days column may be found by additions of 3,33,4 days = 35 “Julian” years
of 365^ days, each rounded off to the nearest integer. Corresponding entries
in the mean and anomaly columns give the positions of the mean sun and its
anomaly at the successive thirty-five year increments indicated. The reason
for the choice of this particular interval seems to be that the anomalistic mo­
tion during this time is very nearly an integer number of revolutions, successive
^~~K X - * > ; U
1___ 1 •> ^ '* '‘" > 3 * * ^ '•“' j 3 • '* 4 * ^ •'♦i • VV •■-%
»-* -M«4
-v«d ««»f J\y*
-* positions differing from each other by only 0;0,42°. Furthermore the initial
*a»‘\>; •*'■j A^ *J -• ^ w■-» o -=■ •» -i» • >a ■» i *■ v u 4r.'i
P'i y-» date has been so chosen that the first entry for the anomalistic argument is
• *...-$*•>« '*Ai V j 4, * ^,«i ; Z % jj y»4|a 1
The extended section of the table has in the first column the number of
days in 1,2,3,...35 Julian years, commencing with a leap year and inserting
additional such every fourth thereafter. The second column gives the amount
of mean solar motion in these times. The third column does the same for the
-» ^ - vfIia
_ -»
__ M » • •♦ . J anomalistic motion. The latter is very near but slightly less than a degree per
^4! !i H J *>, -»-V ^ \ 4-A. .■•i ^ **,
J S' 4 ~V 4 ">■“* V ^ • 4 <VJ| ^ '*J \ j ■> «\ day. Furthermore, the duration of the motion for all entries differs from an
^ - ; 4 -f 4 —■ ^ ’j ^ i
];-4j i l l - w 4 * ! n 4 - *
integer number of years by less than a day. This insures that all entries in the
-V 2---- -
7* A j j . y ^.r^A-3 ^ ^ *>-*:* *v-i a[\ o: j ua **j *r -J\ ' v third column are less than unity.
4 >1
A ;.A
i 4 'jT,» '* -a* ^A ry -, y s A - s ^ **i'-v
\ r n 4 i s 5;-»> j[ - n i l A y ~i
.? -.i^ ? -\^<S'SW TiiTTX ^TTSIIa?i,.ii‘- 8. The Solar Increment Table
T * r■
:‘ ■

*^ A
-i-t j; t -a i ^TT^sfi -'-J “ 1
"S~Tr This is called Jadual taccdil al-shams, “Table of the Solar Equations” .
~ A “* V "' *------ --------
'W ' *1 - A ' It has two independent arguments. One, called the fadil al-ayyam, “excesses
K~* V 4 _____ 4 a J_ i ^ •'fc 4 ) **/ ~\- U_i
-? ^5 ** \ "4-> '■q u'i'Sir
i f •». 'H «■ <"«~~iT!rw»—c~ „ ■ of days” , is the set 10, 20, 30, ... , 6,10 ( = 370). It takes up the first column of
“ \ i/ 4 ATL^_ xA ~ S
V "* ^^ S
•'K—M’^» 1 -4< 4>% each page on which the table occurs. The first argument spans a year at ten-
,__J J i^ £ a j;- ■n day intervals.
^ VX ^ T i Y J T The second arguments is the set 0;0, 0;3, 0;6, 0;9, ..., 1;0. It is not named
J *S ^ X ^3 w 5 s ’* 'V^TTTT <i jj a s
-±___LX z :2-L*V1 ~ I 4-.*' k )~ * a vl -SI4 in the table, but, as becomes evident from texts and examples, it is a range
of values of the solar anomalistic argument, y.
As for the function tabulated, it is explained herewith by use of Figure
2. The solar true longitude is
X= X+ e,
where X is the mean longitude, a linear function o f time, and e is the solar


equation, the sinusoidal function of small amplitude hugging the horizontal table, when y = 0. For the last column of the same table y = 1°. Then the same
axis on Figure 2. e is periodic with a period of a year. More precisely, its period process as described in the paragraph above was carried through for the ele­
is the time required for the solar anomalistic argument to run through a com­ ments of this column also. That is, the solar mean travel in intervals of ten days
plete revolution. So the true longitude function consists of an ascending straight was subtracted from the successive entries. The set of remainders should plot
line upon which a series of identical ripples has been imposed. Since the motion as an equation curve congruent with that of Figure 2, but displaced to the
takes place on a circle, perhaps it is better to think of the curve as dropping left by a small amount as indicated in Figure 1. More precisely, the sun will
to the horizontal axis every time it reaches 360°, but this is not shown on the already have passed the apogee by a degree at day zero. Since the mean and
the anomaly advance at about a degree per day the horizontal displacement
between the two curves should be very nearly a day.
This notion was verified by calculating the horizontal intercept of each
of the two equation curves between Ad = 6,0 and Ad = 6,10. Since the curves
in this neighborhood are very nearly flat, linear interpolation can be used
with very little sacrifice of precision. For the y — 0 curve it yielded an intercept
at 6,5 ;14; for y = 1° at 6,4 ;14.
As a final test, the differences between corresponding entries in the two
end columns were calculated. Since for each pair the differences in the respec­
tive y’s are precisely one degree, the results should be approximately equal
to the set of first differences obtained from a solar equation table where the
tabular difference is one degree. Such a table is found in the zij of Ibn Yunus
(see the entry in [3]). First differences were calculated from it for arguments
near those of the differences between column elements. In general, cor­
responding results were identical to seconds of arc.
The method of calculating the end columns in the equations table having
been established, it remains to do the same for all the columns in between,
i.e, for y = 0;3\ 0;6°, 0 ;9 °,..., 0;57°.
Figure 2 For several fixed and widely separated values of Ad, plots were made
of the equations table entries for the range y = 0, 0;3°, 0;6°, ..., 1;0°. In all
Consider an instant when the sun passes through its apogee. The Ptolemaic cases the resulting graphs are straight lines. That is, entries along rows were
model has been so set up that at this time y = 0 and X = X = m2, say. Then filled in by linear interpolation between the endpoints. This is reasonable,
the entries down the first column of the equations table (for y — 0) are repre­ since the solar longitude function has little curvature anywhere, and the total
sented by the set of dotted vertical segments rising from the horizontal line variation along rows of the table is only a degree.
of height m2and terminated by the equation curve. That is, the entries are
9. Use o f the Solar Tables
AnX = en + n-X ,
Having worked out the structure of the tables, their manner of application
n = 10, 20, 30,..., 6,10,
is reasonably evident. Suppose a solar ephemeris is desired, at ten day intervals
where ea is the value of the solar equation n days after passing the apogee, commencing from a given Hijra date. Use the days table as described in Sec­
and X is the rate of increase of X in degrees per day. tion 3 above to obtain d, the number of days from epoch to the date in question.
The validity of the above assertion was demonstrated by calculating the Now turn to the Solar mean motion table and, as described in Section. 4,
solar mean motion in 10, 20, 30,..., 6,10, days and subtracting the results from determine d { from the extended table, and the corresponding couple
corresponding entries in the first column of the table. The results, when plotted mi, y , .
in Figure 3 exhibited the characteristic form of an equation curve. These are respectively the solar mean longitude and anomaly at the begin­
The above has to do with the entries in the first column of the equations ning of the 35-year “Julian” cycle in which the given date falls.


Put Ai^ = d — dv and from the summed section of the table determine These contain respectively the solar and lunar tables, copied in the distinctive
d 2, thence a second couple hand of cAlx b. Muhammad al-Dalami. There is no original title on the first manuscript.
The second manuscript contains a hodge-podge of fragments from later copies of the
Am, Ay ,
analogously to the procedure of Section 4. These two numbers are respectively
the change in the mean and in the anomalistic argument from the beginning
D : MS Cairo Dar al-Kutub miqdt 391 (41 fols., ca. 1000/1600)
of the 35-year cycle to the first day of the “ Julian” year in which the given This is a complete copy of the solar and lunar tables in a clear hand. The
title folio displays the title Kitab al-Durr al-yatim f i fan cat al-taquiim and identifies the
date falls.
author as Ibn al-Majdl. He is specifically mentioned in most o f the tables as the calculator.
Calculate a third couple There are additional tables of the majmiTa of the moon (fols. lv-2r), specifically attributed
to Nur al-Din al-Naqqash and eIzz al-DIn al-WafaT.
m2 = m1 4- A m, y 2 = yi + A T i ■
This consists of the mean longitude and the value of the anomalistic argument E : MS Cairo Dar al-Kutub miqdt M 25 (30 fols., ca. 825/425)
on the first day of the table year. Note that by virtue of the choice of epoch This is a complete set of lunar “ increment” tables in a clear and elegant
for the mean motion tables and the property of the 35-year cycle, the condition hand, with a note on the first page of tables: “ these are the equations o f the moon based
on the parameters of Ibn Yunus computed by Ibn al-Majdl, and they are in the hand
0;0° < Y2 ^ 1;0° should always hold.
of cAbd al-eAziz al-Wafa’ I...”
Calculate A 2d — A i d — d2, the number of days from the beginning of
the table year to the given date. I f A 2 d is divisible by ten it will appear among F : MS Cairo Dar al-Kutub miqdt M 26 (30 fols., ca. 850/1446)
the “excesses of days” arguments of the equations table. Otherwise choose Another complete set of lunar increment tables, in a clear and elegant hand.

the day argument nearest A 2 d. For the other argument, the anomaly, choose G: MS Cairo Dar al-Kutub miqdt 681,8 (fols. 31r-43r, ca. 850/1450)
the table argument nearest Y2 - Find the entry in the table corresponding to A set of majmuca, mabsuta, and increment tables for Yenus, in a clear and elegant
these two arguments, and call it A^i • hand. There is no indication of any compiler.

Then H : MS Yale Nemoy 1453 (90 fols., 1253/1837-38)

X j — m 2 -f- A * i
A treatise on the use o f the tables of al-Durr al-yatim entitled Tiraz al-ghurar f i
will be the solar true longitude for the first day of the ephemeris, hall al-durar and compiled by an Egyptian astronomer named Sulayman b. Hamza b.
Bakhshish (? or Hashish; either variant seems impprobable). This particular copy, unlike
X 2 —■ m 2 —
f- A X2
the others of the Tiraz al-ghurar that we have examined (e.g., MSS Cairo Dar al-Kutub
for ten days later, where A ^ 2 is the entry under AX], and so on.1
0 miqdt 791 (9 fols., 1072H) and majdmic 323, 6A (fols. 33v-34r, ca. 1250H), contains an
extensive set of tables. See further Section 11 below.
10. The Sources
I: MS Cairo Talcat miqdt 82 (37 fols., 870/1465-66)
Virtually all the manuscript material relating to the tradition of al-Durr A copy of the treatise by Ibn al-Majdi on the compilation of ephemerides called
al-yatim is preserved in the Egyptian National Library (Dar al-Kutub) in Ghunyat al-fahim.
Cairo, and information on all of these manuscripts is contained in the forth­
J : MS Cairo K8524 (68 fols., ca. 1000/1600)
coming catalog of the Cairo scientific manuscripts by the first author. Our
A copy o f the treatise by Ibn al-Majdi on the compilation of ephemerides called
knowledge of the tradition is impaired by the fact that most copies of the Kitab al-Tashil wa'l-taqrib.
tables are anonymous or defective or both. The following manuscripts are the
oldest and most reliable sources and will be hereafter referred to by the appro­ K : MS Cairo Talcat miqdt 113,1 (fols. lr-128r, 1053/1643-44)
priate sigla. A set of tables based on the method of al-Durr al-yatim serving the sun, moon, and
planets. The various tables are here attributed to their compilers; see Section 11 below.
A : MS Cairo Dar al-Kutub miqdt 405 (39 fols., copied ca. 850/1450).
L : MS Cairo Halim miqdt 16,2 (fols. 33v-37v, ca. 1100/1690)
This is the best available copy of the solar and lunar tables, transcribed
in the elegant hand of eA lI b. Hasan al-Bahtiti. Unfortunately the title folio, and with A treatise on the compilation o f an ephemeris for Mercury using tables in the tradi­
it the first two sets o f solar tables, is missing. The latter have been added in a later inele­ tion of al-Durr al-yatim. The author is Shihab al-Din Ahmad al-Kutubi al-Khurfani.
gant hand.
M : MS Cairo Taymur riyada 188 (822 pp.! ca. 1000/1600)
B and C: MSS Cairo Dar al-Kutub miqdt M 85,1 (fols. lr-2v, ca. 850/1450) Ridwan Efendi’ s own copy of his solar, lunar, and planetary tables based on the
and miqdt M 44,2 (fols. 22r-27v, ca. 850/1450). method of al-Durr al-yatim and entitled al-Durr al-nazim or al-Durr al-farid.
V i


N : MS Cairo Mustafa Fadil miqat 83 (259 fols., ca. 1250/1835) any compiler. The same increment tables for Venus occur in MS JR, where a
A later copy o f Ridwan Efendi’s tables in MS M.
different set of majmuca , and mabsuta tables for Venus are attributed to
Shams al-Din Muhammad al-Hunaydi (and yet another set is attributed to
P : MS Cairo D ar al-Kutub miqat 802 (723 fols. !, ca. 1000/1600)
Mustafa al-Faydi - see below).
Ridwan Efendi’ s own copy o f his revised version o f the auxiliary tables for the planets,
Concerning MS H , several other copies of this treatise exist, but no others
entitled Kitab Asnd al-mawahib f i taqwtm al-kawakib.
contain the corpus of tables. This manuscript was copied in 1253/1837-38 and
Q: MS Cairo Mustafa Fadil miqat 133 (90 fols., ca. 1150/1735) the tables may not be original to the treatise of Ibn Bakhshish. This is con­
Ramadan al-Khawaniki’s own copy o f his auxiliary tables for the moon, after the firmed by the fact that the author gives a worked example for 979 Hijra
model of Ridwan’ s tables in MS P.
( = 1571/72), and the table of days in the following tables begin with 1110
R : MS Cairo T alcat miqat 113 (138 fols., 1053/1643-44) Hijra. A complete set of majmuca and mabsuta tables and increment tables
This manuscript contains a complete set o f solar, lunar and planetary tables based for the sun, moon, and planets is presented in this manuscript, and the
on the method of al-Durr al-yatim. It bears the spurious title Tashil sij durr al-yatlm li- only table specifically attributed to an author is the majmuca table for the
M a jritl [ ! ] bi \sic\-tul M isr al-M ucizziya. Most of the majmiica and mabsuta tables are
moon which was computed by Mustafa Abu’l-Itqan al-Khayyat, an Egyptian
attributed (see below).
astronomer who lived ca. 1150/1740.
S: MS Cairo D ar al-Kutub miqat 504,3 (fols. 10v-14r, ca. 1193/1779) W e now turn to MS JR, a corpus of tables in ca. 140 fols., copied in 1053/
An anonymous set of ephemerides for the year 1194 Hijra, apparently computed 1643-44, and survey the tables it contains which relate to our subject. Firstly,
using the tables o f al-Durr al-yatim.
there is an “ extended” set of the solar increment based on Ibn al-Majdf s
T: MS Cairo D ar al-Kutub miqat 878 (25 fols. , ca. 1250H), plus two fragments original tables (fols. 3r-22v), with values for each day rather than each ten
numbered 40 and 627. days. This is followed (fol. 23r) by a table of the lunar equation when 2 tj = 68
This is a set of auxiliary tables for computing solar longitudes, compiled by an Egyp­ attributed to cAbd al-cAziz al-Wafa’i, with a note on how to use it. Next
tian astronomer named Abu’ l-Fath b. eAbd al-Rahman al-Danushlrl. there is (fols. 24r-26v) a set of solar increment tables from the Durr, followed
U : MS Cairo D ar al-Kutub miqat 109,3 (fols 33v-39r, ca. 1200H). by (fols. 27r- 28v) the text of the treatise al-Sirat al-mustaqim by Ibn Abi’l-
Compiled by an anonymous Syrian astronomer, this is another set of solar tables. Fath al-Sufi which the copyist says is very useful although people have over­
looked it. The lunar mq/muco, mabsuta, and increment tables (fols. 29r-60b)
11. Discussion o f the Sources are specifically attributed to Ibn al-Majdi.
The majmuca table for Saturn (fol. 61r) is stated to be taken from Ibn
The popularity of Ibn al-Majdl’s tables in later Egypt is proven by the
al-Majdi’s work al-Hall wa-l-tarkib ; the mabsuta and increment tables (fols.
relatively large number of copies of these tables in various recensions, and of
61v-68r) are unattributed.
commentaries on the use of the tables by most of the more celebrated of later
The various majmuca and mabsuta tables for Jupiter (fols. 69v-70r) are
Egyptian astronomers.
attributed to Ibn al-Majdi, cAbd al-Rahim b. al-Banna’ and Muhammad al-
Modifications were made to the solar and lunar tables already in the fif­
Hunaydi, and the increment tables (fols. 70v-76r) are attributed to Ibn al-
teenth century cIzz al-Dfn al-W afa’i and Nur al-Dfn cA li al-Naqqash, and
Banna’ (see fol. 69v).
the planetary tables (as in MS H ) appear to date from about the year 1600
The various majmuca and mabsuta tables for Mars (fols. 77v-78r) are
although the existence of a set of tables for Venus copied ca. 1450 (as in MS
attributed to Ibn al-Banna’ and Muhammad b. al-Qalaci, and the increment
G) established that tables for the planets were also produced prior to 1600.
tables (fols. 78v-87v + 90r-101r) are attributed to Ibn al-Banna’.
Commentaries on the use of the tables were written by Ibn al-Majdi himself,
Two loose pages (fols. 88-89) contain some solar tables relating to the
cIzz al-Din al-W afa’i, Ibn Abi 1-Fath al-Sufi, Hasan b. Khalil al-Karadisi,
Shihab al-Dln Ahmad al-Kutubi al-Khurfani (?), Sulayman b. Hamza b.
Durr in a later hand, with a note “for the latitude of Aleppo 35;50°” . (The
Bakhshish, Shihab al-Din Ahmad b. Musa, Yahya b. Muhammad al-Khattab, tables are in fact independent of latitude).
and cUthman b. Salih al-Wardani as late as ca. 1800. Only one of the majmuca and mabsuta tables for Venus (fols. 103v-104r)
The earliest copy of planetary tables based on the method of al-Durr is attributed, namely, to al-Hunaydi. The increment tables (fols. 104v-119r)
al-yatim is MS G, copied ca. 850/1450. This contains both majmuca and mab­ are unattributed, but they are identical with those in the older MS G (see
suta tables and a set of increment tables for Venus. There is no indication of above).
66 IB N A L - M A J D I’S T A B L E S

(ft (A
The majmuca table for Mercury (fol. 120v) is attributed to al-Hunaydl, »60 c
1 *• A % -vV- \ A A • <0 '5
the mabsiita table (fol. 121r) is anonymous. Likewise the increment tables t t ;. 1 A % % ^ A — i •a •A
% 5*5 w • V w r WV i o.
(fols. 121v-128v) are unattributed. I. *tohjArfr — % >t
r> ** —

-V w
<«V w A <•*% » > ^ JL * 2 —
r- w w W V
in s
An additional table for the majmuca of Venus has been added in the manu­ ^%0 % w
-S V
I W » —1 hrsaJ H 3
script (fol. 103r) by Mustafa al-Faydi ( kdtib musrif-i Sadr-i cAli) in 1170H, sr>:
a 3 «X'' h 'i u 1 ^ j%S
4 s V *1 br
and calculations in his handwriting occur elsewhere in the margins of some l ^ v ’A X
of the original tables. Across al-Hunaydi’s majmuca table for Venus he has * 5s J?
Vl \^ ii ■ H -S fi
written in Turkish jum lat bu jadw al ghalatdir , “ all of this table is wrong” . - w ? 5*
Elsewhere in the manuscript, by a table of mean positions of the lunar node >s «» 8 ?
- tn
r * £
(fol. 62r), the same person has written bu jadivalak tafawuti fahish olur, “this r -At--7• w .2
table has an exorbitant divergence (from the truth)” . It is rare to see such ?
__at O 'S |
critical statements in medieval Arabic manuscripts. 13 hr—
k. -is iSl §o ^ A 2 §
Each of the individuals cAbd al-Rahlm b. al-Banna’, Muhammad al-Hunay- wn to
* —
„II a« 32
dl, Muhammad b. al-QalacI, and Mustafa al-Favdi, is new to the modern >3 JSa’
> » 2 <2 2
literature on the history of Islamic astronomy. 3 § gc & j $ i .S « #
X S -5
Ridwan Efendi, an astronomer who worked in Cairo ca. 1600, compiled ! V 1
a set of solar, lunar, and planetary tables based on the method of al-Durr
al-yatim and on the parameters of the fourteenth century Zij of Ulugh Beg •1 u
of Samarqand. Ridwan’s tables, extant in MS M, cover 822 pages of manuscript, ■
and are copied in his own untidy hand. For the sun, moon, and five planets, — *- — i A *»t A
there are majmiica , mabsiita, and increment tables. The solar increment tables
are as in the earlier kind with entries for each 0;3° of horizontal argument.
The lunar and planetary tables give values for each 1° of horizontal argument
rather than each 6°. But Ridwan tired of computing, and, in general, values
for alternate degrees are omitted; sometimes whole pages are ruled for tables
but there are no entries. In all cases, values are given to three sexagesimal
digits rather than two. Ridwan’s tables appear in a tidier form in MS N , copied
some 250 years after his time: here his values for the increments are rounded
to two digits and the horizontal argument difference is 2°, so that the values
which Ridwan did not bother to compute have been omitted altogether.
Ridwan seems to have had an inspiration to compile an even larger corpus
of auxiliary tables, a holograph copy of which survives in MS P, consisting
of 1446 pages of tables, although here again he succumbed to the tedium of
churning out tables and left about half of the entries blank. In this version
the majmuca tables are as before, but the mabsiita tables have been incorporated
into the increment tables, in a way that escapes us. MS Q is a unique copy
of a set of lunar tables based on the same principle, compiled and copied by
the Cairo astronomer Ramadan b. Salih al-Khawanikl about the year 1750.
Al-KhawranikJ boasts on the title folio that no one has preceded him in this,
but the vast majority of entries in the ninety folios ruled for tables have been
left blank.
Several dozen Egyptian ephemerides giving solar, lunar, and planetary
positions, for each day of the year, and dating from the seventeenth, eighteenth, SOME ASTRONOMICAL OBSERVATIONS FROM
and nineteenth centuries survive in the Egyptian National Library. An extract THIRTEENTH-CENTURY EGYPT
from one of these, contained in MS S and computed for the year 1194H ( =
1780), is displayed in Plate 3; it is unusual in that positions are given for the DAVID A. KING, New York University, and
sun and moon for each day, for the outer planets and Venus for each ten days, OWEN GINGERICH, Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics
and for Mercury for each five days. It seems highly probable that this ephem-
eris was computed using the corpus of auxiliary tables that we have discussed
1. Introduction
in this paper. Indeed, although no surviving ephemerides contain an explicit In this study we present a list of thirteen planetary conjunctions observed in
statement that they were computed using the tables of al-Durr al-yatim , we
medieval Egypt. Such lists are rare in the medieval Islamic sources, and indeed
the one presented here is only the second to come to the attention of historians.
can be sure that these auxiliary tables were used extensively in Egypt from
The first was the list of over one hundred observations recorded by the tenth-
the fifteenth century onwards. century Egyptian astronomer Ibn Yunus, published by the French orientalist
Caussin de Perceval in 1804.1
The list that we present and discuss here was located by King in 1974 in a
manuscript of a medieval Arabic astronomical handbook preserved in the
Municipal Library in Alexandria and numbered 5577C. In 1975 an earlier copy
1. El-Azzawi, A ., History o f Astronomy in Iraq and its Relations with Islamic and Arab Countries in of the same work was located in the British Library in London, numbered
the Post Abbasid Periods (in Arabic), (Baghdad; Iraq Academy Press, 1959). Or. 9116. This work belongs to the category of Islamic astronomical handbooks
2. Brockelmann, C., Geschichle der arabischen Litteratur, 2nd ed. (Leiden: E.J. Brill, 1943-49, and known in medieval Arabic as zijes, o f which almost 200 were compiled by
Supplementbande, 3 vols., Leiden: E.J. Brill, 1937-42). Muslim astronomers during the millenium following the rise of Islamic
3. Dictionary o f Scientific Biography (New York: Charles Scribners’ Sons, 1970-1976). astronomy in the eighth century.2 The Islamic zijes contain extensive tables
4. Irani, R. A. K ., “ Arabic Numeral Forms” , Centaurus, 4 (1955), 1-12. and instructions for solving all the standard problems confronting the medieval
5. Jensen, C,. “ The Lunar Theory of al-Baghdadi” , Archive fo r History o f Exact Sciences, 8 (1972), astronomer, such as the determination of planetary and stellar positions, the
321-328. computation of conjunctions and eclipses, and problems relating to time­
6. Kennedy, E. S., “ A Survey o f Islamic Astronomical Tables” , Transactions o f the American Ph i­ keeping. The zij preserved in Alexandria and London is entitled Taysir al-matalib
losophical Society, N.S., 46:2 (1956), 123-177. f i tasyir al-kaw akib, “The simplification of problems in finding the motions of
7. -------------, “ A Set of Medieval Tables for Quick Calculation of Solar and Lunar Ephemerides” , celestial bodies”, and was compiled by the thirteenth-century Yemeni astronomer
Oriens, 18-19 (1967), 327-334.
Muhammad ibn Abi Bakr al-Kawashl.3 The Alexandria manuscript was copied
8. ------------- , “ The Digital Computer and the History of the Exact Sciences” , Centaurus, 12 (1967), in Sanaa in the year 1730. The London manuscript, which lacks the title folio
and the name of the author, can be dated to the fourteenth or fifteenth century.
9. Kennedy, E. S., and Ghanem, I., eds., The Life and Work o f Ibn al-Shatir: an Arab Astronomer
o f the Fourteenth Century (Aleppo: Institute for the History of Arabic Science, 1976).
Although al-Kawashi worked in the Yemen and prepared his planetary
tables for the longitude of Taiz, his zij is based largely on earlier Egyptian and
10. Kennedy, E. S., and Salam, H., “ Solar and Lunar Tables in Early Islamic Astronomy” , Journal
o f the American Oriental Society, 87 (1967), 492-497. Iraqi material. The Yemen was an important centre of astronomy in the Middle
11. K ing,D . A ., “ A Double-Argument Table for the Lunar Equation Attributed to Ibn Yunus” ,
Ages, particularly in the thirteenth century, and the numerous extant Yemeni
Centaurus, 18 (1974), 129-146.1
2 astronomical works are of interest because some of them preserve material
12. ---- , “ On the Astronomical Tables of the Islamic Middle Ages,” Studia Copernicana, 13 from earlier Iraqi, Egyptian, and North African sources that are no longer
(1975), 3 7 . 5 6 . extant in their original form.4 al-Kawashi’s zij, like several other of these
13. Neugebauer, O., The Exact Sciences in Antiquity, 2nd. ed. (New York: Dover Publications, Inc., Yemeni sources, merits detailed study.
1969). The fifth chapter of the introduction to al-Kawashi's tables deals with
14. -------------yA History o f Ancient Mathematical Astronomy, 3 Pts. (Berlin-Heidelberg-New Y o rk : planetary mean motions and begins with the list of the observations that the
Springer Verlag, 1975). author claims to have made in order to derive the parameters on which his
15. Saliba, G., “ Computational Techniques in a Set of Late Medieval Astronomical Tables” , Journal planetary tables are based. It seems probable that al-Kawashi made the obser­
fo r the History o f Arabic Science, 1 (1977), 24-32.
vations himself, although he is not mentioned in any known contemporary or
16. Suter, H., “ Die Mathematiker und Astronomen der Araber und ihre Werke” , Abhandlungen sur later Egyptian sources.5 The observations were made either in Qus in the Nile
Geschichte der malhematischen Wissenschaften, 10 (1900), and “ Nachtrage und Berichtigungen” ,
14 (1902), pp. 157-185. Valley or in Alexandria, both flourishing cities in medieval times, but no other
17. Tichenor, M.t “ Late Medieval Two-Argument Tables for Planetary Longitudes” , Journal o f Near
scientific activity of consequence in either locality is known from this period.
Eastern Studies, 26 (1967), 126-128. al-Kawashi gives no indication that he actually used these observations either
Astronomical Observations from Egypt 123
to check his planetary parameters or to derive new parameters. The same holds
for Ibn Yunus and his observation reports: his new parameters are introduced ° jU y {V ) 1J
without explanation. The only new parameter which al-Kawashi presents is a
value of the obliquity of the ecliptic that he states to have derived himself,
namely, 23;32,50°. This value is not attested in any other Islamic work that 2jAyJ\0 j \§ (A ) 1 3 lv ^
is currently known.
Our present purpose is simply to present the list of observations as it appears J j— ^ 3A • i i - J 1 u. 1 °
y ^ 1i-fj-
in the two manuscripts, giving the Arabic text (Section 2), a translation
(Section 3), and a commentary (Section 4) in which we investigate each of the C” * O j **J ( ' ) j- -i <uJfr S ^ ^ J l J u C iJlfLil ?l_ lll ^ j. a ^I
observation accounts using modern tables of planetary positions in medieval
times. The numbering of the observations is our addition to the text.
O 1------- h "lAT ilJ ^ Sy>>l I ^ | O . ) ^
2. The Arabic Text
3— 3>s— *c- sS^ S J - U I^ ± S-ihJI 3 *L J I
The text of al-Kawashi’s observation list occurs on fols. 19v-20r of the
London manuscript (A) and fols. l l r - l l v of the Alexandria manuscript (B).
It reads as follows: 2— <**? c v 4-11 O^1*} ( ' ' ) .uL.. ^ L JJJ i ^

l ' T) !> 1 o«f O 1^ 0^ 3 A 3 A r 3J— J ,'*)

Jf ( ) 3 AT ft— f t ^ 'i l * ^ -X»- ^ 1^ ^ Lyj 3^ ,

rr O'* ft» V.<Ji
J------3 A f

* ‘e°°Yv ^

.r _r
1 ^ T v ' - ' ji

■* — ^1 • J * * J' <*b I: ^ °
L>. : iais- yla---1I Jyiy j L : 1

o j^ j ( f ) jl*.L _ a .1
3 AT * V <_*•• A
■***' * a* O ^

- I Oj l*> t1o° )) 3. Translation

A*-*' O I**—i “Chapter 5 on the planetary conjunctions which we observed.
■* 3v A J l*A»
!) O4 l«J 1^
^o“ ■* I jJ J I lij i (1) The Moon was in conjunction with Mercury and occulted it at the town
. jju v J^ r-U l
of Qus. [The planet] remained occulted for about half an hour. This was
-* .......... ^ Ua j 1 V A during the second hour of the night of Tuesday, Muharram 2, in the year 672
O A 1
^ £ ? L- 1—~r~~l 1 3JLJ «^J bJ 1 [Hijra].
VII V ll

124 A s t r o n o m i c a l O b s e r v a t io n s f r o m E g y p t 125
(2) The Moon was in conjunction with Saturn at the beginning of the third According to the astronomical reckoning the epoch is the preceding day when
[hour] of the night of Sunday, Muharram 10, in the year 676. There was about the true conjunction of the Sun and Moon occurred. In medieval Arabic
one span latitude difference between them. astronomical texts both systems are used, and we need to know the corre­
(3) Venus was in conjunction with Jupiter early in the morning of Monday, sponding day of the week in order to convert to another calendar.6 Modern
Muharram 18, in the year 676. There was an estimated latitude difference of tables display the dates in the Christian calendar corresponding to the beginning
about one span between them. of each Hijra month from the seventh century to the present,7 and we have
(4) The Moon was in conjunction with Jupiter at the time of the night [prayer] relied on these. The reader should bear in mind that the Islamic day begins at
on the night of Saturday, Shacban 15, in the year 677. sunset, so that, for example, the Arabic laylat al-ithnayn, literally “the night
(5) Jupiter was in conjunction with Regulus early in the morning of Thursday, of Monday”, means “the night preceding Monday morning”. Also, al-Kawashi
Jumada I 28, in the year 678. Jupiter had an estimated latitude excess o f one uses seasonal hours representing twelfth divisions of the length of daytime or
digit. night-time, and hence varying throughout the year and depending on the local
(6) The Moon was in conjunction with Jupiter at the beginning of the third latitude. He expresses some of the times of day and night in terms of the times
[hour] of the night of Saturday, Ramadan 17, in the year 678. They were both of prayer, which in Islam are astronomically defined.8
on the meridian and their estimated latitude difference was two digits or [a To check these medieval planetary observations we have used a computer
little] less. program originally written by P. Huber at the Eidgenossische Technische
(7) Mercury was in conjunction with Jupiter on the morning of Monday, Hochschule in Zurich (and now of Harvard) and similar to that used for the
Jumada I 14[?], in the year 679. There was an estimated latitude difference of tables of B. Tuckerman.9 We have added the coding to give topocentric positions
one digit between them. of the Moon. For the star Regulus we have used a position computed from
(8) Venus was in conjunction with Saturn early in the morning of Monday, P. V. Neugebauer’s Sterntafeln.10
Shawwal 15, in the year 680. Saturn was ahead of [Venus] in longitude by The Arabic terms used for small angular distances on the celestial sphere,
about one span and the next night [i.e., early the next morning] Venus was asbac, “digit” (that is, finger-breadth), and shibr, “span”, correspond to
ahead of [Saturn] by about one span. apparent elongations of about ^r° and -Jr0, respectively.11
(9) Mars was in conjunction with Regulus early in the morning of Tuesday, All of the observations are rather crudely described, and there is no need to
Rablc I 9, in the year 681. It was very close to [the star]. suppose that they are anything other than naked-eye observations. Only in
(10) The Moon occulted Venus on the night of Saturday, Muharram 4, in the observations 1 and 10 are the locations Qus and Alexandria specifically
year 682. The beginning [of the occultation] was at the end of the second hour mentioned. It may be that observations 1 to 9 were made in Qus, and obser­
of that night and [Venus] remained covered until the middle of the fourth [hour] vations 10 to 13 were made in Alexandria, wa-llahu aclam, “but God knows
of the night at Alexandria. better” ; in any event, it makes scarcely any difference for the rather low
(11) Mars was in conjunction with Regulus on Tuesday, Rablc I 7, in the year precision of the given observations. Fortunately the most interesting records
683 [MS B has 682!]. The estimated [time of the] conjunction was between for a modern astronomer are observations 1 and 10. The geographical coordi­
the midday and afternoon [prayers]. nates of Qus and Alexandria are as follows:
(12) Venus was in conjunction with Mars early in the morning of Sunday, Latitude Longitude
Jumada II 7, in the year 683. Qus 25°55' 32°44' = 2hl l m
(13) The Moon was in conjunction with Saturn early in the morning of Friday, Alexandria 31°12' 29°54' = 2h00m
Rabic II 15, in the year 683. The Moon was an estimated one-third of a degree The time equivalent of the longitude, together with the equation of time for the
ahead of [Saturn] in longitude, and there was about two degrees or [a little] day in question, allows the apparent time of the observations to be converted
less latitude difference between them.” into universal time ( ut ), which always begins at Greenwich midnight; for our
purposes we are not distinguishing universal and ephemeris times. For times
4. Commentary of sunset and sunrise we have used the tables in The American ephemeris and
The following remarks are based on an examination of the reported obser­ nautical almanac.
vations. For each observation we have converted the dates to the Christian (1) Muharram 2, 672 Hijra in the astronomical calendar corresponds to Tuesday,
calendar and ascertained the details of the conjunctions or occultations. 18 July 1273. The occultation of Mercury thus took place on the evening of
The Hijra dates given in medieval Arabic astronomical texts may be either Monday, 17 July 1273. Since the solar longitude was about 12I°-8 on that
according to the civil or astronomical reckoning. The epoch of the Islamic Hijra evening, sunset occurred at about 6h40m after midday ( = 16h36m ut ) and one
calendar according to the civil reckoning is taken as Friday, 16 July 622 a .d . seasonal night hour equals about 55m. Our calculations show that the occul­
This was the evening of the first visibility of the lunar crescent marking the tation began almost precisely one seasonal night hour after sunset, and that
first day of the pagan Arab year in which the Prophet Muhammad emigrated the moonset half an hour later prevented observations of the conclusion of
from Mecca to Medina (in Arabic, al-hijra, literally, “the breaking of ties”). the phenomenon.

126 Astronomical Observations fro m Egypt 127

(2) Muharram 10, 676 Hijra in the civil calendar corresponds to Sunday, 13 June (8) Shawwal 15, 680 Hijra in the astronomical calendar corresponds to Monday,
1277. According to our calculations, the conjunction between Saturn and the 26 January 1282. According to our calculations for that morning, Saturn was
Moon took place on the evening of Saturday, 12 June 1277. Since the solar ahead of Venus in longitude by about f° (i.e., a little more than a span) and
longitude was about 88°-5 on that evening, sunset occurred at about 6h50m the following morning Venus was ahead of Saturn by just under (i.e., about
after midday (= 16M2m u t ) and one seasonal night hour at Qus corresponded a span). Their latitude difference was slightly greater than 1° . We find
to about 52m. The closest approach took place at 19h 17m u t , that is, at the end Longitude Latitude
of the third seasonal night hour after sunset.
1282 Jan. 26-2 ( ut ) Mercury 269°-53 + 2°-2
(3) Muharram 18, 672 Hijra in the civil calendar corresponds to Monday, Saturn 270°-20 0°-8
21 June 1277. The close approach of Venus and Jupiter was observed early in
1282 Jan. 27-2 Mercury 270°-68 2°-l
the morning whereas the true conjunction in longitude actually followed in the
Saturn 270°-29 0°-8
afternoon of 21 June when Venus was not visible. The latitude difference was
very close to §° at dawn on 21 June. The date as given in the translation thus seems secure. In MS A the day of the
(4) Shacban 15, 677 Hijra in the astronomical calendar corresponds to Saturday, week is given as Tuesday, corrected to Monday, and the day of the month is
31 December 1278. The conjunction took place on the evening of Saturday, that given as 16, corrected to 15.
is, on the preceding Friday night, and was not particularly impressive because (9) Rabic I 9, 681 Hijra in the astronomical calendar corresponds to Tuesday,
16 June 1282. The text indicates only that the conjunction is close, and we find
the Moon was over four degrees north of Jupiter. With such a distance the
precise time of close approach would have been difficult to measure. Medieval Regulus to be about a degree south of Mars:
Egyptian astronomers would have calculated nightfall (and the time of prayer) Longitude Latitude
for a solar depression of 17°, which matches the conjunction with more than Mars 139°-8 +1°*2
enough precision. Regulus 139°-9 +0°-2
(5) Jumada I 28, 678 Hijra in the astronomical calendar corresponds to (10) Muharram 4, 682 Hijra in the astronomical calendar corresponds to
Thursday, 5 October 1279. The positions of Jupiter and Regulus on that day Saturday, 3 April 1283. The occultation took place on Friday, 2 April 1283.
were: Since the solar longitude was about 20°, the second seasonal hour of the night
Longitude Latitude at Alexandria ended about l h55m after sunset or about 6h20m+ lh50m = 20h15m
Jupiter 139°-9 +0°-8 after astronomical midday, and the middle of the fourth hour of the night was
Regulus 139°-9 +0°-2 about 3h15m after sunset or about 6h20m+ 3h15m = 21h40m after midday.
Although the text thus indicates an approximate duration of l h20m, an occul­
This latitude difference is closer to a span than the digit mentioned in the text. tation of Venus can last only about an hour unless the planet is moving rapidly
(6) Ramadan 17, 678 Hijra in the astronomical calendar corresponds to with the Moon. Our calculations, with an accuracy of about five minutes, show
Saturday, 20 January 1280. The conjunction is stated to have taken place with that the occultation began at 19h42m in Alexandria and ended at 20h42m, with
the Moon on the meridian at the beginning of the third hour of the “night of the Moon then at an altitude of 16°. It is interesting to note that the reported
Saturday’’, that is, on Friday, 19 January 1280. Since the Moon was a day times agree somewhat better for Qus than for Alexandria.
past full, it could not come to the meridian until after midnight, so the details (11) Rabic I 7, 683 Hijra in the astronomical calendar corresponds to Tuesday,
of the report are faulty. The solar longitude on that date was about 307°, 23 May 1284. Our calculations show that the conjunction actually took place
sunset came at 5h35m after midday, and the seasonal night hour was 64m. Thus around midday (for longitudes in Egypt) on 22 May rather than 23 May.
the third hour of the night began at Qus about 2h8m after sunset, or at 15h37m u t . Because the latitude difference was about 1£°, it would have been somewhat
The conjunction actually took place in the fifth seasonal hour after sunset, difficult to record by naked eye on which evening the approach was closest;
with the Moon 2°-5 above Jupiter (rather than the specified two digits) and since the reported event took place in the daytime, the estimated time of the
our calculations show that by the time the Moon was on the meridian, it had conjunction was derived by interpolation or possibly by computation. Computa­
advanced a degree in longitude beyond Jupiter. tion with the Toledan Tables, for example, would have given the same date
(7) This report is slightly garbled. MS A has Jumada I 13 with an additional we find provided a good position of Regulus was available. For May 22-4 ( ut )
note in a different hand that 14 is better. MS B has simply Jumada I 14. The we find:
morning of Jumada I 14, 679 Hijra, in the civil calendar corresponds to Longitude Latitude
Thursday, 11 September 1280. According to our calculations the conjunction Mars 139°-9 + 1°-37
in longitude actually took place before Mercury and Jupiter were visible in the Regulus 139°*9 +0°-2
eastern dawn on the morning of 11 September 1280; the latitude difference (12) Jumada II 7, 683 Hijra in the astronomical calendar corresponds to
when the planets became visible just before dawn was about |° , that is, more Sunday, 20 August 1284. According to our calculations the true conjunction
than one span rather than the one digit stated in the text. in longitude took place somewhat earlier on the previous evening (19 August)

128 VIII
before Venus and Mars had risen, but the two planets were still very close
when they became visible on the Sunday morning. Their latitude difference
was about £°.
Indian Astronomy in Fourteenth Century Fez:
(13) Rabic II 15, 683 Hijra in the astronomical calendar corresponds to Friday,
30 June 1284. According to our calculations, Saturn and the Moon came into The Versified Zij of al-Qusuntlm
conjunction that morning following sunrise; in other words, the phenomenon
was terminated by dawn. At about dawn (June 30-11 u t ) the situation was E. S. Kennedy* & David A. Kino*
as follows:
Longitude Latitude Acknowledgements: This study is based on work done by both authors at the American Research Cen­
Moon 292°-12 + 0°-41 ter in Egypt, sponsored by the Smithsonian Institution, the National Science Foundation, Washing*
Saturn 293°-85 —0°-27 ton, D.C. and the Ford Foundation. This support is gratefully acknowledged.
It is a pleasure to thank the Biblioteca de El Escorial for permission to reproduce photographs
In other words, the separation is about as described in the text except that the of a manuscript in its collection.
components of longitude and latitude are mixed—there is no way to get the A preliminary draft of this paper was kindly read by Dr. David Pingree of Brown University, and
specified 2° in latitude. The event was quite similar at Qus. his various suggestions have been incorporated. The authors alone, however, are responsible for any
errors and misinterpretations that remain.
The research on medieval Islamic astronomy conducted at the American 1. Introduction
Research Center in Egypt during the period 1972-79 was supported mainly by
A certain A bu’l-Hasan CA1I b. A b i CA1I al-Qusuntinl1 compiled in fourteenth-
the Smithsonian Institution and the National Science Foundation. It is a
pleasure to record our gratitude to the Municipal Library in Alexandria and century Fez a sort of miniature zy, or astronomical handbook comprising
the British Library in London for providing microfilms of manuscripts in their tables and explanatory text,* which he dedicated to the Merinid Sultan Ibrahim
collections. al-MustacIn. This zij is distinguished by the fact that the explanatory text is
REFERENCES in verse.3 Many mathematical and astronomical poems, some of considerable
1. See D. A. King, “ Ibn Yunus” , in Dictionary o f scientific biography, xiv (N ew York, 1976). sophistication, were composed during the Islamic Middle Ages; most of these
2. On Islamic zijes see E. S. Kennedy, “ A survey o f Islamic astronomical tables” , Transactions were Maghribi compilations and most are as yet unstudied in modem times.4
o f the American Philosophical Society, n.s. xlvi (1965), 123-77.
3. More information on the author and his zij is given in D. A . King, Mathematical astronomy The fact that al-Qusuntini’s zij is in verse, however, is not the reason for our
in medieval Yemen (Publications o f the American Research Center in Egypt; Malibu, studying the work. Rather, it is because the zij is the only known document
California, 1982), Section II.7.
4. Ibid., for details o f this tradition.
• The American University of Beirut, Beirut, Lebanon.
5. For astronomy in Egypt in the thirteenth, fourteenth, and fifteenth centuries, see D. A.
King, “ The astronomy o f the Mamluks” , to appear in Muqarnas, ii (1983). *• Department of Near Eastern Languages and Literatures, New York University, 50 Washington
6. For further details see W. Hartner, “ Zaman” in The encyclopaedia o f Islam (1st ed., Square South, New York, New York 10003, USA.
Leiden, 1913-34), reprinted (German version only) in idem, Oriens-Occidens {V\’i\deshe\m, 1. A1 -Qusuntini and his zij are mentioned in Suter, no. 371; Renaud 1, no. 371; and Brockelmann,
1968), 260-3. S I I, pp. 364-365. (References in italics are to the bibliography at the end of the paper). The epithet
7. Wiistenfeld-Mahler' sche Vergleichungstabellen zur Musiimischen and Iranischen Zeitrech-
al-Qusuntinl indicates that our author or his family was originally from Qusuntiniya ( = Constantine)
nung . . . (Wiesbaden, 1961) and Robert Schramm, Kalendariographische und Chrono-
logische Tafeln (Leipzig, 1908). on the Algerian littoral. He is not known to have compiled any other works, but we have not consult­
8. For details see D. A. King, “ Ibn Yunus’ Very useful tables for reckoning time by the Sun” , ed any medieval Maghribi biographical works. He is referred to as al-faqih, which indicates his
Archive fo r history o f exact sciences, x (1973), 343-94, pp. 345-7. Sunset, daybreak, interest in law, and as al-mueaddil, which indicates that he was a professional time-keeper associated
nightfall, and other times o f religious significance can be calculated for any terrestrial with a mosque and responsible for the regulation of the times of prayer.
latitude and solar longitude by using modern computer-generated tables similar to
those used by medieval Muslim astronomers {ibid., 353). 2. A survey of Islamic zijes is Kennedy 1,
9. Bryant Tuckerman, Planetary, lunar, and solar positions, 601 B.c. to a . d . I, Memoirs o f 3. The only other zij known to us which may have been written in verse is called al-Zij al-manzum.
the American Philosophical Society, Ivi (Philadelphia, 1962); a further volume, ibid., and its arrangement in verse is implied by the title, al-Sirr al-maktum fi-l-camal bi'l-zij al-manzum
lix (Philadelphia, 1964) carries the ephemerides to 1649 a .d . of a work attributed to the fourteenth-century Syrian scholar Abu’ l-Fida* {Suter 1, no.392), and ex­
10. Paul V. Neugebauer, Sterntafeln von 4000 vor Chr. bis zur Gegenwart nebst Hilfsmitteln
tant in a unique manuscript in Oxford. See further Kennedy 2, pp. 18 and 22.
zur Berechnung von Sternpositionen (Leipzig, 1912).
11. These terms and others are used also by Ibn Yunus but are nowhere precisely defined. 4. Some examples of the most popular scientific works in verse are the astrological poem of Ibn
See E. W. Lane, An Arabic-English lexicon (London, 1863; reprinted Beirut, 1968), Abi M-Rijal (on whom see Pingree <5 and Sezgin, V I I, pp. 186-188; the poem on algebra by Ibn al-Yas-
sub asba1', shihr, and rumh. min {Suter 1, no. 320); the poem on timekeeping by al-Jadari {Suter i , no. 424a); and the poem on all
aspects of science by cAbd al-Rahman al-Fasi entitled al-Uqnum {Renaud 7, no. 541). Each o f these
authors worked in the Maghrib.
it, but that he inherited the method from some much earlier source, probably
extant in Arabic in which the planetary theory is essentially Indian rather
through unknown intermediaries.
than Ptolemaic. This Indian planetary theory, popular amongst certain early
Section 6 is a detailed table of contents of the entire zij. Readers who need
Muslim astronomers,1 and not without influence in Andalusia and the Maghrib
information concerning the contents of a normal zij , or conventions involving
throughout the medieval period, is known to be based on pre-Ptolemaic Greek
symbols, may consult Kennedy 1. The entries in the tables are expressed in
astronomical models.2 The zij of al-Khwarizmi was also based on Indian
the standard medieval Arabic alphanumerical notation.1 Standard topics
planetary theory, but it has survived only in the Latin translation of an ex­
omitted by al-Qusuntini are: trigonometric functions, planetary latitudes,
tensive reworking of the original by al-Majrlti.3
fixed stars, geographical coordinates, and astrological functions. O f special
The unique manuscript source of al-Qusuntlnl’s zij is ff. 44v-63v of MS
interest is a lunar ripeness table.
Escorial ar. 909.4 The first part of the same manuscript contains a copy of the
zij of the thirteenth-century Moroccan astronomer Ibn al-Banna’, upon which,
2. B rief Survey ofA stronom y in the Maghrib
as will be seen below, al-Qusuntlni leans heavily. Al-Qusuntini’s zij is repro­
duced in facsimile on pp. 22-41 below with kind permission of the author­ The following account is the first attempt in the modem literature to out­
ities of the Biblioteca de El Escorial. The introduction is written in rajaz line the history of astronomy in the Maghrib.* The evidence indicates that
meter. such cities as Marrakesh, Tunis, Taza, and Tlemcen, were the scene of an active
In Section 2 we attempt to put al-Qusuntlni in the context of astronomy tradition of astronomy for several centuries. Until the available sources are
in the medieval Maghrib. No clear picture of this general topic can be presented investigated more thoroughly it will be difficult to establish the connections
at this time. The known sources present a multiplicity of historical problems, between the Andalusian and Maghribi traditions in astronomy.3 Prof. G.
and some of the most important sources have only recently been rediscovered Toomer, in his penetrating study of the solar theory of the eleventh-century
and have not been studied yet. Andalusian astronomer al-Zarqallu, has already demonstrated the importance
In the next section, 3, al-Qusuntini’s mean motion parameters are dis­ of Maghribi material based on earlier Andalusian sources that are no longer
played and discussed. They are seen to be from Western Arabic sources, inde­ extant in their original form.4
pendent of al-Khwarizmi’s mean motions. The same is true of his planetary From the first five centuries of Islam only one author is known to us from
apogees, also presented. the Maghrib, namely, the astrologer Ibn A b i’l-Rijal, who worked at the
In Section 4, however, it is shown that al-Qusuntini’s planetary “ equation” Zirid court in Tunis co. 1045.5Thereafter we have reports of isolated measure­
tables are essentially the same as those of al-Khwarizmi, except that seconds ments of the obliquity of the ecliptic conducted by an unnamed astronomer
of are have been suppressed. in Meknes, by Ibn Hilal in Sebta, by al-Mirrikh in Marrakesh, and by Ibn
Section 5 is an attempt to infer from al-Qusuntini’s rules his method of al-Turjuman in an unspecified location, all dating apparently from the twelfth
calculating planetary true longitudes. W e suggest that the solution is an and thirteenth centuries.0
algorism which, like the equation tables, is firmly in the Indian (and Sasanian The activities of al-Zarqallu in Cordova and Toledo in the eleventh century
Iranian, and early Islamic) tradition, but which is considerably more primitive
1. Cf. Irani on this notation.
than any related rule hitherto noted. We do not think our author originated 2. The standard bio-bibliographical sources in which Maghribi astronomers and their works are
listed are the following: Suter 1 ; Renaud 1 ; Brockelmann, I I , pp. 331-332 and 615-616, and SII, pp.
1. On the influence of Indian astronomy in early Islamic astronomy see Pingree 1. (Prof. Pingree 364-365 and 707-709; Azzawi, pp. 209-221; and Cairo Survey, Section F. See also Renaud 2 on astron­
informs us that there are several Sanskrit manuscripts in existence of a work entitled Yantra Jarkali, omy in Morocco and King 1, pp. 192-193 on astronomy in Tunis. On Maghribi astrolabists and their
suggesting that al-Zarqallu’ s works had some modest influence in later Indian astronomy.) works see Gunther, I, pp. 248-301; Renaud 4 \ Mayer, passim', and Brieux & Maddison. Maghribi con­
2. See Pingree 2 for an overview of Indian astronomy. tributions to mathematics are surveyed in Djebbar.
3. On al-Khwarizmi see the article by G. Toomer in the DSB . A medieval Latin translation of al- For catalogs of Maghribi manuscript collections see Sezgin, V I, pp. 329-332, 402-407, and 454-
MajrRI’ s recension of his zij is published in Suter 2. A translation and commentary is in Neugebauer 456, and on two particularly rich collections of scientific manuscripts see Renaud 7 and Samso.
2. Further insight into the original work is provided in Goldstein 2. On the Byzantine and medieval 3. On the Andalusian tradition see the numerous publications of J. Millas Vallicrosa, J. Vemet
Latin traditions based on the Z ij al~Sindhind, see Pingree 3, pp. 151-169, and Pingree 4. Gines, and J. Samso Moya.
4. On the manuscript see Renaud 2, pp. 7-10. The manuscript is of Maghribi provenance, but is 4. Cf. Toomer 2.
not dated. It contains (1) the zij of Ibn al-Banna’ ; (2) the sij of al-Qusuntini; and (3) a commentary 5. On Ibn A b i’ l-Rijal see note 4 to Section 1 above.
by Ibn al-Qunfudh ( Suter 1, no. 422) on the astrological poem of Ibn A b i’ l-Rijal (see note 4, p. 3). 6. These individuals are mentioned in the anonymous commentary on al-Jadari’ s poem, on which
Renaud gives the name as al-Qus{antinI but the text has clearly al-Qusuntini. see note 5 on p. 9.


appear to have had more influence in Europe than they had in later Islamic
astronomy.1The Andalusian astronomer Ibn al-Kammad seems to have based The Moroccan scholar Ibn al-Banna’ commpiled a zij in Marrakesh about
his zije s on the work of al-Zarqallu, and at least one of his zije s was in use in the year 1300.1 This survives in several copies but the tables have yet to be
the Maghrib in the thirteenth century.* A Maghribi astronomer who is known studied properly. The astronomer Ibn al-Raqqam compiled in Tunis in the
to have relied on a zij of Ibn al-Kammad and also on the observations of a early fourteenth century two zije s, both of which are extant in unique manu­
Sicilian Jew, was Ibn Ishaq, a Tunisian who worked in Morrocco in the early scripts and have yet to be studied.* One of Ibn al-Raqqam ’s zije s is said by
thirteenth century.* He compiled a zij which Ibn Khaldun tells us was widely the author to be based on another by A bu ’l-Hasan ibn cAJ)d al-Haqq called
used in the Maghrib in the fourteenth century; a copy of this work was recently Ibn al-Ha’im, a person otherwise unknown to us. The zij of al-Qusuntini was
discovered by the second author in Hyderabad, and awaits detailed study. not the only baby zij compiled in the Maghrib. Ibn al-Qunfudh in the late
Ibn Ishaq quotes several earlier scholars whose works are no longer available fourteenth century compiled a small zij for Tlemcen based on the zij of Ibn
in their original form: for example, in his chapter on lunar crescent visibility al-Banna’.3No other zije s specifically for Fez or Tlemcen are known to us.
he cites the opinions of the earlier Andalusian astronomers Ibn Mucadh and A recension for Algiers of the ztj of Ibn al-Shatir, the celebrated astronomer
A bu’l-Hajjaj al-Sabti, the latter a student of Maimonides,4 as well as others of fourteenth-century Damascus, is known from a single manuscript.4 Consid­
whose names are new to the modern literature (see Section 6 below). erably more influential was the zij of Ulugh Beg, compiled in fifteenth-century
In passing we should mention that the late thirteenth-century scholar Samarqand: Tunisian recensions were prepared by Abu cA b d Allah Muhammad
Abu CA1I al-Marrakushi,5 author of an enormous compendium on spherical al-Tunisi known as Sanjaq Dar and by Husayn Qusca, and both survive in
astronomy and instruments entitled Jam ic al-mabddi' wa'l-ghayat, hailed several copies.8The late fifteenth century Jewish astronomer Zacuto compiled
from the Maghrib but wrote his treatise in Cairo. Indeed, al-Marrakushi’s his perpetual almanac in Salamanca.* These tables in a modified form were
work, which was highly influential in Egypt, Syria, and Turkey, appears to apparently used in the Maghrib (as well as in Ottoman Turkey), and the
have been unknown in the Maghrib. al-Marrakushi quotes such sources as introduction to them was translated into Arabic b y Andalusian astronomers.
al-Zarqallu and Ibn al-Kammad, but a thorough investigation of his sources In Marrakesh in the early thirteenth century and in Taza in the early
for his writings on instruments has yet to be undertaken. Transmission and
influences are indicated in the chart below.

al-KhwariamT 2, al-BattanT 2. 1. On Ibn al-Banna’ see the article in the DSB by J. Vemet; Suter 1, no. 399; Renaud 1, no.
the .Sindhind Tradition the Ptolemaic Tradition 399; Renaud -'>; and Cairo Survey, no. F23. The introduction to his zij is translated in Vernet 1.
2. On Ibn al-Raqqam see Suter 1, nos. 388 and 417 (?); Brockelmann, SI1, p. 378; and Cairo
Survey, no. F 22. His Shamil Z ij is in MS Istanbul Kandilli 249 and his Qaunm Z ij is in the Museo
Naval de Madrid - see Vemet 2, pp. 297-298.
Prof. F. Sezgin has recently drawn attention to a manuscript which he lists as a Maghribi recension
of the zij of the eighth-century astronomer al-Fazarf (on whom see the article in DSB by D. Pingree),
this manuscript being supposedly preserved in Rabat. See further Sezgin, V I, p. 123, no. 1. The zij,
entitled al-Zij al-Qowim, has, however, nothing to do with al-Fazari - see already the discussion in
King 4, p. 57. Prof. George Saliba of Columbia University informs us that the manuscript is actually
in Fez, not Rabat, and that it was listed in a catalog of rare manuscripts exhibited at the Qarawiyyin
in Fez in 1960. In this catalog, published in Rabat, the author is identified as Muhammad b. Ibrahim,
1. On al-Zarqallu see the article in the DSB by J. Vernet. See also Toomer 1 on the Toledan Tables that is, Ibn al-Raqqam, not al-Fazari. Thus this manuscript is probably another copy of the Qateim
and 2 on al-Zarqallu’ s solar theory. Z ij of Ibn al-Raqqam.
2. On Ibn al-Kammad see Suter 1, no. 487; Kennedy 1, nos. 5,66 and72;and Toomer 2, pp. 330-331. 3. On Ibn al-Qunfudh see Suter 1, no. 422; Renaud 2, no. 422; Cairo Survey, no. F25; and also
3. On Ibn Ishaq see Suter 1, no. 356. See also Rosenthal, III, pp. 136-137 for the remarks of Ibn note 4 on p. 4 above.
Khaldun. The manuscript of his zij is MS Hyderabad Andra Pradesh State Library no. 298 (ca. 200 4. On the zij of Ibn al-Shatir see Kennedy 1, no. 11. The Algerian recension is extant in MS Cairo
folios, copied ca. 1400). DM 533.
4. On Ibn Mu'adh see the article “ al-Jayyani” in the DSB by Y. Dold-Samplonius and H. Her- 5. On the zij of Ulugh Beg see Kennedy 1, no. 12. On the copies of the Tunisian recensions pre­
melink. On al-Sabti see Suter 1, no. 342. served in Cairo see Cairo Survey, nos. F47 and F53-55.
5. On al-Marrakushi see Suter 1, no. 363 and Cairo Survey, no. G17. The first half of his treatise, 6. On Zacuto see the article in the DSB by J. Vemet. On the manuscripts of his almanac see
which deals with spherical astronomy and sundials is translated in Sedillot-pere. The second half, Goldstein 2, especially pp. 239-248. MS Cairo DM 1081 contains a Maghribi version of the almanac
which deals with other instruments, was summarized in a rather haphazard fashion in Sidillot-fils. and several Arabic treatises relating to it - cf. Cairo Survey, no. F 31.

fourteenth century, astrolabes of excellent construction were being produced.12
In the late thirteenth and early fourteenth centuries there were constructed times of the five, or occasionally in the Maghrib six, daily prayers.1
in Fez two astronomical clocks, of a kind known otherwise only from mid- As elsewhere in the medieval Islamic world there existed in the Maghrib
fourteenth century Damascus. The first clock was set up in the Qarawiyyin alongside this scientific activity in astronomy a tradition of primitive folk
astronomy. The pronouncements of one A bu M iqrac, who lived in the thir­
Mosque* and the second in the B u cinaniyya madrasa:3 both were water-
clocks fitted with an astrolabic rete. The first clock, in its later form, is still teenth century, were accorded far more respect than was warranted by their
in situ although the gear mechanisms have gone, and most of the second scientific content.*
About the year 1300 the astronomer Ibn al-Banna’ compiled an almanac
clock has disappeared: the remains of both clocks have heen investigated
o f the same kind as the earlier and better-known Calendar of Cordova.* At
by Prof. Derek J. de Sofia Price. Several later Maghrihi astrolabes and quad­
the end of the fourteenth century a certain al-J adari wrote a poem on timekeep­
rants survive in museums around the world,4 attesting to a continuing
ing which was much commented upon in later centuries.4 This kind of ma­
interest in instrumentation in the Maghrib until the nineteenth century.
terial is worth studying for its own sake but also has special rewards for the
In the fourteenth century extensive sets of tables for time-keeping by the
historian of science: in an anonymous commentary on al-Jadari’s poem com­
sun and stars and for regulating the astronomically-defined times o f prayer
piled in Tlemcen in the sixteenth century there are accounts of considerable
were compiled in Tunis after the model of the tables currently in use in Damas­
historical interest concerning earlier Maghribi activity in measurements of
cus.56Another smaller set of tables for regulating the times of prayer was
the obliquity of the ecliptic (see above), trepidation, and twilight determina­
prepared for different localities in Morocco.* A sundial from fourteenth
century Tunis reflects the interest of the Maghribis in times of day with special tions.5
Astronomical activity in the Maghrib continued until the colonial period,
religious significance that had no counterpart in contemporary practice in
but by then the great zije s of Ibn Ishaq and Ibn al-Banna’ and most of the
Mamluk Egypt and Syria.7 The times are not displayed on a later Tunisian
underlying theory had been long forgotten. Rather, a plethora of poems on
sundial in the Mosque of Sidi cU qba in Qayrawan,8 but yet other times are
folk astronomy and on the use of the almucantar and sine quadrants for
tabulated in some Ottoman prayer-tables for Algiers.9 The position of the
timekeeping were the favorite reading of those who passed as astronomers.*
mu^addil appears to have been the Maghribi equivalent to of the muwaqqit
As we have shown, the earlier Maghribi tradition was relatively rich and is
of the Mamluk world, that is, the astronomers associated with mosques and
madrasas who were responsible for regulating the astronomically-defined of considerable importance to the history of Islamic astronomy. Furthermore
as we have noted, most of the relevant sources have yet to be studied properly.
The historical and biographical sources must also be exploited before we can
1. See, for example, Mayer, p. 32 on the works of Abu Bakr b. Yusuf of Marrakesh and Supple­ gain a clearer picture of astronomy in the medieval Maghrib.
ment, p. 294 on cAli b. Ibrahim of Taza. (Another incomplete astrolabe made by him is preserved in
the Musee d’Histoire des Sciences in Geneva.) 3. Mean Motion Parameters and Apsidal Positions
2. See Mayer, p. 67 sub Muhammad al-Habbak, p. 77 sub Muhammad a$-Sinhaji, p. 73 sub Muham­
mad b. Muhammad b. al-cArabi, and Azzawi, p. 216 sub Ibn al-Laja’i, for references to the historical From the mean motion tables the underlying base parameters were “squeezed”
sources on this clock, and more recently Price for a thorough investigation. On the clock in Damascus by a process of successive divisions of total mean travel by the respective
see the brief remarks in the article on Ibn al-Shafir in DSB by D. A. King. time spans involved. The results, in degrees per day, are tabulated below,
3. See Mayer, p. 40 sub cAli b. Ahmad, and also Price.
accompanied by comments where appropriate.
4. See, for example. Mayer, pp. 60-61 sub Muhammad b. Ahmad, and also Janin on a Tunisian
5. On these Tunisian tables see the brief remarks in King 1, pp. 192-193 and on the Syrian tables
see King 2. More information is contained in the forthcoming Studies in Astronomical Timekeeping
in Medieval Islam by the second author. The various Tunisian tables are preserved in MSS Berlin
Ablwardt 5724 and Cairo DM 689.
1. See, for example, Mayer, p. 67. Nevertheless, the term seems to relate originally to an as­
6. These tables are extant in MS Cairo TR 338,2 - see Cairo Cat. and Survey, no. F35 for details.
tronomer capable of reckoning the equations (tacddil) of the sun, moon, and planets.
7. See King 1 for a detailed description of this sundial. (On p. 189 the dimensions of the sundial
2. On Abu Miqrac see Colin & Renaud. See also Cairo Survey, no. F17 and F49.
should be 24 cms. X 24 cms. and not 24 X 34 as stated.) See also King 3, pp. 367-370 on some later
3. Translated in Renaud 8.
Maghribi and Andalusian texts on sundial theory.
4. On al-Jadari see Suter 1, no. 424a; Renaud 1, no. 424a; and Cairo Survey, no. F26.
8. Cl. Janin, pp. 208-211 and King 3, pp. 369-370 on this instrument.
5. This commentary is extant in MSS Cairo K 4311 (defective) and also London B.L. 411,2.
9. These tables are preserved in MS Cairo ^fTT 9,1: see Cairo Cat. and Survey, no. F68 for details.
6. On some late Maghribi astronomical works see Renaud 2 and 7.


sun 0;59,8,11,30,5,56, close to the value in the Toledan Tablet (see tini’s whole set of apogees is a rounded off version of Ibn al-Banna’s, which
Toomer, 1, p. 44) which is that o f Ibn al-Banna* (see Vemet, i .).
is given to seconds ( Vemet 1).
solar apsidal motion 0;0,0,2,7,11, found with Ibn al-B an n i' due to al-Zarqallu, see It is worth remarking that 28 16;44,17°, the position given for the solar
Toomer, 2, p.316. apogee at the Hijra epoch (on f. 49r, cf. A zarquiel , p.352) is very close to the
moon 13 ;10,34,52,48, the same as al-Khwarizmi, ibn al-Banna’, and the 2s 16;45,21° used by Ibn al-Kammad, a student of al-Zarqallu (Toomer 2 , p.
Toledan Tablet. 321). It is possible that the discrepancy is due to a difference in the calculation
moon (anomaly) 13;3,53,56,19 essentially the value o f Ptolemy and many others, of precession.
including the Toledan Tablet.

lunar nodes - 0;3,10,46,57,52, close to Ibn al-Banna’ and the Toeldan Tables.
4. Planetary Equation Tables

Saturn 0;2,0,27,50,55, close to Ibn al-Banna’. B y and large, these tables are, for al-Qusuntinl, the same as the analogous
Jupiter 0;4,59,7,37,54, close to Ibn al-Banna’ and the Toledan Tables. ones in the Khwarizmi zij (Suter 2 , pp.132-167), except that, whereas in the
latter the entries for sun and moon have been carried to seconds, in the former
Mars 0;31,26,30,0,51,
they have been truncated (not rounded) to minutes. Thus the solar and lunar
Venus (anomaly) 0;36,59,28,13,46,16, close to the value o f the Ilkhani Zij (cf.
tables have been calculated by the ‘‘method of declinations” :
Kennedy, Zij No.6).

Mercury (anomaly) 3:6,24,7,55 e — Cmax • ^ ( * ) / e »

trepidation 0;0,0,53,20,3I
where e is the equation, 8 the solar declination function, x the center (see
These numbers exhibit a relation to Andalusian and Maghribi astronomy, Section 5 below and the accompanying figure), and e is the obliquity of the
which is not surprising. It will be seen in the next section that al-QusuntlnFs ecliptic. The planetary equations of the center are:
planetary equation tables are simplified versions of those o f al-Khwarizmi,
the extant version of whose zij was transmitted via Muslim Spain. Neverthe­ e = <?iaax sin *♦
less the mean motions above are independent of al-Khwarizmi’s ultimately
hence were computed by the “method o f sines” . The epicyclic equations are
Indian parameters (cf. Neugebauer 2 , p.93, and Burckhardt.).
based on the standard eccentric model.
On f. 50r (and again on 53r) the following list of apogee longitudes is given,
with no date ( a superscript s denotes a zodiacal sign, i.e. 30°): center epicyclic
sun 2 ;l[4 ]o
Saturn 7* 29 ;43°

Jupiter 5 9:43 moon 4;56

Mars 4 2:13 Saturn 8;3[6] 5;44»

sun 2 17 ;19 Jupiter m 10,52

Mars 11:13 40;31

Venus 2 17:19
Venus 2;14 47:11
Mercury 6 18:24
Mercury 4;1 21:30

A marginal note, apparently in the same hand as the text, says that the
distance from the apogee of Mercury to that o f the sun is 4 8 I ;8 °. In fact, since where square brackets around a digit indicate restorations of scribal errors.
2 8 17;19° + 4s 1 ;8 ° = 6 8 18;27°, the statement is almost correct. Since in the
O f these there are a good many. For instance, by plotting each of the ninety
Arabic alphabetical numeral system the symbols for 4 (•>) and 7 ( J ) are easily entries in the solar equation table it can be shown that about a dozen of them
confused, restoration of Mercury’s apogee to 6 s 18;27° would make the note are erroneous.
correct. The numbers cited above are standard parameters of Indian astronomy.
For the three superior planets the distances between their apogees is exact­ The method of declinations may be from Sasanian Iran or early Islamic; it
ly the same as those in al-Battani’s zij ( Nallino , vol. 1, p.241). But al-Qusun- is not Ptolemaic (see Neugebauer 2 , pp. 95-101).
V III V 111


5 . Calculation o f True Longitudes and the planet on the epicycle are given by two linear functions of time: X,
Since the evidence upon which our further inferences are based is somewhat the mean longitude, and a , the argument of the epicycle anomaly. Then the
ambiguous, it will be useful to preface its presentation with a sketch of several true longitude is
ancient planetary models, to which al-Qusuntini’s is related. For all these
(1) X = X + a(a ),
models the orbits of the planet and the earth about the sun can be thought
of as represented by two circles, the deferent and the epicycle shown in the
figure below. Which circle stands for which orbit depends upon whether an where o is the epicyclic equation. Note from the picture that a causes periodic
inner or outer planet is being considered. Without essential loss of generality, variations in X’s rate of change; alternately X leads X, then lags behind it.
the figure and the discussion below are taken to be for an outer planet. A t some time it was realized that (1) is too simple to yield precise predic­
tions of position for planets. The deferent was made eccentric, its center being
displaced from the earth. This caused a second periodic irregularity in the
planet’s motion, fx (x), the equation o f the center, where x = X - Xa is the
center. X,is the solar mean longitude.
The addition of the second equation greatly complicated the calculation
of true longitudes. The two equations cannot simply be added algebraically
to X because they interact with each other in a complicated manner. For one
thing, the initial point from which the argument is measured, the epicyclic
apogee, oscillates back and forth with respect to its fixed position in the simple
model. And secondly, the distance from earth to epicycle also varies. When
the epicycle retires from the earth, its effect is diminished, and conversely.
Tables of the a and {x functions were prepared, the arguments a and x
being determined from the mean motion tables. Neither equation is in principle
symmetrical with respect to an a or x of 90°. Nevertheless it was customary
in Indian and Sasanian Iranian astronomy to use for jx a sine wave of ampli­
tude (xmax for each planet. In addition to the equation tables, some computa­
tional device was necessary, to give numerical effect to the interaction de­
scribed above between the equations.
Indian astronomers used an ingenious if complicated technique to attain
this end. Its main lines are indicated by the expression

(2 ) X = X ---- f*2 + a 2»

from = <x(a), X, = X + \ a , , x, = x - f i < r , , fx, = (X (x,) , Xj = x, - $ (Xj

■f 1 ff|, etc. The general idea was to merge the effects of the two equations
by successively introducing half of the one into the determination of the other.
A n eccentric (non-eqnant) model There were variants of the basic approach, some rules halving only one equa­
for planetary motion.
tion, and some neither. Details will be found in Neugebauer i, and 2 , pp. 23-30.
The simplest (and earliest) of the models described has the earth at the A basic improvement was effected by Ptolemy’s introduction (ca. 150 A.D .)
center of the deferent. The planet advances along the periphery of the epicycle of the equant, a device to introduce a periodic variation in the speed of the
at constant speed whilst the epicycle center traverses the deferent with a epicycle center along the deferent. After suitable modification of the fx func­
different constant speed. A t any instant the locations of the epicycle center tions, Ptolemaic longitudes are calculated by the expression


(3) X = X — |x (x ) + a ( a 1) + J ( x ') . A o (a ') , and obtain the epicyclic equation ( <r(a')) at ^ts place. Look at the argument
a second time, (4) and if you have zodiacal signs exceeding six, subtract (the
where a '= a - j-{X ( x ) , x ' = x — jx ( x ) , I is an interpolation function epicyclic equation from the modified mean). Then note (5) any modified plane*
varying between + 1 * and A<r is the difference between or calculated at mini* tary mean (here X is intended) as you find it, in its resulting place. (6) But if
muTw and maximum epicycle distances. the modified argument is less than your signs (i.e., i f a '< 6 s) (7) add it (the epicy­
clic equation) to the mean, and its place (i. e. true longitude) will be there, and
For the simple eccentric configuration illustrated in our figure a practical
and accurate mode o f determining true longitude (nowhere intimated in an note, it, and do not lose it.
extant text, so far as we know) would be to put Several conclusions are immediate and unequivocal. The equation functions
(4) X = X - fx (x ) - f <r(a') + I(x ) . Acr(a') , are of Indian (or Iranian), provenance with no trace of Ptolemaic influence.
On the other hand, the characteristic “ halving of the equation” is conspicuously
where a', I , and A<r are as indicated above. absent .The calculation o f a ' is described completely and correctly. The only
objection to the adoption of expression (5) arises from the author’s prescription
W e will seek to show that the model intended by al-Qusuntinl’s zij is o f X ' as being X ' 4- (x (x ) instead of X ' —p. ( x ) as it should be. W e must bear in
(5 ) X = X — (x (x ) + a ( c c ') = X' + < r(< x') ,
mind, however, that since negative numbers were generally unknown to medi­
eval scientists, they were often constrained to split a rule into special cases if
where we call X7 the modified mean. This is expression (4) with the last term a function were sometimes positive and sometimes negative. The complete
missing. That is to say, it takes cognizance of the nodding of the epicyclic rule would then demand addition in one case and subtraction in the other,
apogee about its mean position, but it ignores the effect on a o f the varying or vice versa. It is possible that a complete couplet has been dropped from
epicyclic distance from the earth. al-Qusuntfni’s poesy by a careless scribe. I f the passage beginning with line
Aside from the tables themselves, all the information upon which these 25 could be restored as
conclusions are based is found in Section 7 of the verse introduction (beginning Then enter with it according to what you see for the center, (obtaining) its

on folio 45r) which describes the calculation of X for the superior planets. The equation (|X(x)) there, for distinguishing it. [ I f the center is less than six
signs, subtract the equation from the center, then from the mean. But if it
next section does the same for Venus and Mercury, but adds nothing significant.
is more than six signs] add it to the center, then to the mean...
Section 7 of Qusuntfni’s zij is translated below. Parentheses are used to
denote beginnings of lines in the text, and to interpolate explanatory material. the rule would be (5) without flaw. Or perhaps, in hammering out his doggerel,
The redundant verbiage in the text consists of words or phrases introduced the poet inadvertently left out our restoration. A t any rate we prefer not to
to pad out the meter and the rhyme. accuse al-Qusuntini of having been an originator. W e suspect he obtained the
algorism from a sequence of predecessors, including perhaps Maghribi, early
(f.46r:20) The first of those are Saturn and Jupiter, and after those two, Mars, Islamic, Indian, and pre-Ptolemaic Greek elements. The discovery of addition­
indubitably. (21) Extract the mean (X) for that situation, for any one of them al texts may settle the issue. Meanwhile we favor expression (5).
you choose (?), along the succession (of the zodiacal signs). (22) Then, without It is also possible that in its original form the procedure contained some
fail, subtract it from the solar mean properly; (23) there will remain for you sort of “ halving the equation” routine, as in (5), which was dropped some
the argument (a = X, - X ) in this operation. Retain it without fail. (24) Then where along the chain of transmission.
subtract its apogee from the mean. There will remain for you the center (x =
X - Xa) in this style. (25) Then enter with it according to what you see for the 6 . Table o f Contents o f the Z ij
center, (obtaining) its equation (fx ( x )) there, for distinguishing (it). (26) Add folio
it to the center, then to the mean (i.e., form x 4 - fx(x) and X 4 - fx(x) = X', sic),
for any planet you suppose as a condition. (27) But subtract it ({x (x) ) from Introduction , with the customary praise of God, His Prophet, and
its (the planet’s) argument if its center is greater than six signs - obtain it, the author’s patron. 44v
(f.46v:l) but if it is less than that number (x < 6 *), (do) the opposite with it, Section (fasl) 1, On Foreign ( cajam) Calendars (a description of the
do not add continuously (i.e. form a' = a 4 - jx(x) algebraically). (2) Enter use of tables to transform a date from the H ijra to a different
with this modified argument (a ') where you see it registered in the table, (3) calendar) 45r


folio folio
Section 2, On Determining the D ay o f the Week on Which a Given Arab Table fo r Extracting the Riiml Date (i. e. Seleucid epoch, Julian years)
(H ijra) Year Begins 45r from the Arab (i. e. Hijra) 49 v
Section 3, On Determining the In itial D ay o f the Week o f Months o f For 480, 510, 540,..., 900 H the equivalent Rumi date is
Foreign (Calendars) 45v given in years, months, days, and minutes (i. e. sixtieths) of days.
Section 4, The Solar Equation 45v
For 1, 2 , 3, ... 30 Hijra years,
Section 5, On (true) Positions o f the Moon and Its Equation 46r
1, 2, 3,... 12 Hijra months,
Section 6 , On the Lunar Node 46r
1, 2 , 3,,,, 12 Latin months (beginning with October),
Section 7, On the (longitudes) o f the Superior Planets 46r
Section 8 , On (the longitudes o f ) Venus and Mercury 46v the elapsed time is given in Rumi years, months, days, and min­
Section 9, Is the Planet Retrograde or in Forward Motion ? 46v utes of days. The same table is in Suter 2, Table 3, Sedillot-pere, p.
97, and Ibn al-Banna’.
Section 10, In Explanation o f Trepidation 46v
Section 1 1 , On Obtaining the Ascensions o f the Signs 47r A Table o f Signa (initial weekdays) o f the Arab (i.e. H ijra) Years and their
Section 12, On the Degrees o f Rising with the Equation 47r Months, and the Apogees 50r
Section 13, On How (to determine) the Transfer (ascendant) 47r
The entries are changes in the signa for:
Section 14, On the Equalization o f the Houses 47v
30,60,90,..., 210 years,
Section 15, On (first) Visibility o f the (lunar) Crescent 47v
1, 2, 3,..., 30 years (not in order).
Section 16, On Determining the Lunar Latitude 48r
1 , 2 , 3,..., 12 Hijra months.
Section 17, On al-Fadl al-Muqawwam 48r
(This seems to be a measure of the amount by which the planet There is a table of planetary apogees, to minutes of arc,
has passed the last cardine, perhaps for finding its house.) transcribed and discussed in Section 2 above. The list is
Section 18, On Determining (the astrological doctrine of) the Tasyir. 48r repeated at the top of f.53r. The same table is in Suter 2 ,
Table 2, and Ibn al-Banna’.
Section 19, On the Determination o f Eclipses 48v
Table o f the Solar A p sid a l M otion 49r A Table o f Signa o f the Foreign ( cajamiya) Months in the Calendar of
All entries are to seconds of arc. Apsidal motions are given for: the Two-Horned (Alexander, i.e. Rumi) 50v
1.2.3.. .. , 30 days, This is a rectangular, double argument table, in which the entries
1.2.3.. .. , 12 (H ijra) months, are signa, and the arguments are:
1,2,3, ... , 30 (H ijra) years.
1, 2, 3 ,..., 27 (Julian) years (since 28 = 7 days/week
This table is practically identical with one in the zij of Ibn al-Banna’ X 4, the leap cycle)
(Vernet 1) found on f. 15r in the same MS. It was published in M illas,
and Oct., Nov., Dec., ..., Sept.
p. 352, see also Section 3 above.
For the Hijra epoch M illas (ibid.) gives 28 16;44,17°. In the Escorial manus­ The leap years are also indicated. This table is also in
cript of Ibn al-Banna” s zlj (fol. 15r) there is a marginal note that the apogee in Suter 2 , Tabic 3a, and Ibn al-Banna’.
990 Hijra ( = 1582) is 2s 20 ;10,51°, which is consistent with the Hijra epoch posi­
Table o f the Solar Mean Motion in H ijra Years, for Noon at the City of
tion and the motion of 3 ;26,33e for 990 lunar years given in the table. A mar­
Fez 51r
ginal note, in the same hand, to al-Qusuntini’s table (fol. 49r) gives the apogee
in 990 Hijra as 28 20 ;12,27°, for reasons best known to the writer of the note. All entries are to seconds. Motions are given for:


Table o f First Stations o f the Five Planets (see Kennedy 1, p.142) 59 v
1, 2, 3, 30 days ,
1, 2, 3, ..., 12 Hijra months, Entries are to minutes of arc for argument 6 °, 12°, 18°,..., 180°.

1, 2, 3, 30 Hijra years. Essentially this is the table of al-Battani ( Nallino, vol. 2 , pp.
138-9), hence originally from Ptolemy’s Handy Tables. See also
Positions are given for
Suter 2 .
600,630,660,..., 990 H.
Table, Equation o f the Trepidation Motion 60r
Tables o f Lunar M ean M otion, A nom aly , and Nodes 51v—52v Argument range: 0 = 1°, 2°, 3°, ..., 360°.
Layout, arguments, and precision as for the sun.
Entries, to minutes, are close to 10 ;45 sin 0, Thabit (in Vernet 1, p,
Tables, Mean Motion o f Saturn , Jupiter, and Mars 53r—54r
91, note 182 and p. 92, note 187) has a maximum of 10 ;45°, and al-
Layout, etc., as for the sun.
Marrakushl(in Sedillot-pere, p. 131)has 9;59°.
Tables, Anom alistic Argument o f Venus and Mercury, as for the
Table of Right Ascensions 60v
sun. 54v-55r
Entries are to degrees (sic) for each degree of the argument. The
Table o f Hourly Planetary Mean M otions 55v
Function is in fact the normed right ascension function, A o ( a ) - 90°,
Entries are to seconds, for 1 , 2 , 3,... 24 hours, for the sun, commencing with Capricorn.
moon, lunar anomaly, lunar nodes, Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, and the
Table o f Oblique Ascensions fo r (the latitute of) Fez 61r
anomalistic arguments o f Venus and Mercury.
Layout and precision as in the preceding table, except that this
Table o f the Motion o f Trepidation 56r
commences from Aries.
Layout, arguments, and precision as for the mean sun.
Table o f Evening Lunar Crescent Visibility, 6 lv
Table o f the Solar Equation 56v
transcribed below. The same table appears in Paris MS B.N. Or.
Entries are to minutes of arc for each degree of the ar­ 2513, f. 71v, of the thirteenth-century Egyptian Mustalah Z ij ;
gument. The function is discussed in Section 3 above. f. 58v of an unnumbered Maghribi astronomical manuscript in
Table o f the L unar Equation 56v the Museo Naval de Madrid; MS Cairo D ar al-Kutub MM 23,f. 9r,
of a small zy compiled in Cairo ca. 1700; MSS Milan Ambrosiana
Same layout, arguments, and precision as for the solar equa­ C82, front flyleaf, and Escorial ar. 966, f. 192v of a redaction
tion. See Section 3 above. of the astronomical tables of the late-fifteenth-century Spanish
Table, The Anomalistic Equation o f Saturn 57r Jew Abraham Zacuto (see note 15 to Section 2 ) prepared in
Istanbul in the early sixteenth century; and in MS Cairo TM
Entries are to minutes of arc for each degree of the ar­
119, f. lr on the title folio o f an Egyptian copy of an early Iraqi
gument .The function is discussed in Section 3 above.
astrological treatise.
Table Equation o f the Center, fo r Saturn 57r
The table from al-Majriti’s recension of al-Khwarizmi’s zij inves­
Domain of the argument and precision of entries is as tigated by Kennedy & Janianian is unrelated to al-Khwarizmi. It is
for the other equation of Saturn. See Section 3 above. also found in MS Hyderabad Andra Pradesh State Library 298 of the
Tables, Equations o f the A nom aly and Center, for Ju piter and M ars 57v-58r zij of Ibn Ishaq (see note 9 to Section 2) where it features as table no.
Layout, arguments, and precision are as for Saturn. 160. Here the table is attributed to an individual called al-Qallas, whose
name is new to the literature. This table is computed for a latitude
Tables , Equations o f the Anom aly and Center, for Venus and Mercury,
in northern Spain. Al-Khwarizmi’s table for Baghdad is contained in
as for Saturn. 58v-59r


MS Paris B. N. ar. 6913, f. 102r of al-Zlj al-Riqant , an eleventh-century
c: True daily lunar motion S3 True daily lunar motion
compilation; MS Escorial ar. 927, f. 6 r of the anonymous recension of o O
the ninth-century Mumtahan Z ij ; and MS Cairo T F F 1 1 , f. 61r of the i ^
12 13 14 15 12 13 14 15
eleventh-century Persian astrological handbook entitled Raudat al- • o
munaijimin. •iH a *■> _, Amount of the sun’s body
« -e Amount of the moon’s body
S3 -a A eclipsed
Each of these tables is investigated in a forthcoming study by the . cs eclipsed «- *
second author on early Islamic tables for determining lunar crescent digits digits digits digits Q digits digits digits digits
l 12 12 12 12 1 12 12 12 12

Z O D IA C A L C L IM A T E S 2 12 12 12 12 2 12 12 12 12

SIG NS 1 st 2 d 3 d 4 th 5 th 6 th 7 th 3 12 12 12 12 3 12 12 12 12

4 12 12 12 12 4 8 8 10 11
Aries 11 ;24 11 ;4 11 ;19 1 0 ;6 11 ;17 9;9 9;28
5 12 12 12 12 5 6 6 8 9
Taurus 1 1 ;1 1 11 ;24 10 ;33 1 0 ;2 1 1 0 ;1 2 9;18 9;28
6 8 10 11 11 6 4 4 6 6
Gemini 1 1 ;2 1 1 ;1 1 1 0 ;1 0 10;32 9;29 9;24 9;3
7 7 6 9 10 7 3 3 4 6
Cancer 1 1 ;1 0 11 ;15 11 ;38 10 ;32 12;25 12 ;46 12 ;9
8 4 5 7 8 8 1 2 3 3
Leo 13;14 13 ;18 13 ;4 15 ;0 16 ;7 16;17 13 ;15
9 2 3 4 6 9 0 1 1 2
Virgo 14;27 16;19 17 ;2 17 ;10 23;27 23 ;21 24 ;50
10 0 0 2 3 10 0 0 0 2
Libra 15 ;2 16 ;7 18;19 19;4 21 ;28 22;24 24 ;1
11 0 0 0 2 11 0 0 0 1
Scorpio 14;12 14;32 16;19 17 ;17 13 ;2 19;42 2 1 ;2

Sagittarius 1 2 ;0 18;39 13;18 14;42 14;31 14 ;2 14;31

Capricorn 1 1 ;1 0 11 ;45 1 1 ;2 1 11 ;26 1 1 ;0 11 ;9 11 ;45
Aquarius 11 ;3 11 ;47 1 1 ;2 11 ;4 9;15 9;7 9;15

Pisces 11;24 1 1 ;1 1 11 ;9 10;9 9;11 9;0 8 ;14 Table o f Lunar Latitude 62v
The argument is X = 1 °, 2°, 3°,..., 360°.
Table of Lunar Crescent Visibility, f. 61v
Entries are 4;30°sin X , to minutes, the standard
folio Indian method. Cf. Suter 2, Tables 21-26.

Table o f Eclipses 62r Table o f Eclipse Colors 63r

There are in fact two tables, transcrihed below, one for lunar, The table is in two parts. On the right the argument is: 10', 20',
one for solar eclipses. For each there are two arguments:
30', ..., 60' of lunar latitude. Entries are colors of the moon.
1, 2, 3, ..., 11, distance between moon and node,
On the left the argument is 5', 10', 15',..., 35'
12, 13, 14, 15, deg./day lunar motion.
of lunar latitude. Entries are colors of the sun.
Entries give the eclipse magnitude in integer digits.
The same table is in Ibn al-Banna*.
This is a garbled version of a table given by Ibn al-Banna*.
Colophon (N o date or name is given). 63v

N B — Plates on pp. 22 to 41 have been omitted in this reprint.



Janin L. Janin, “ Quelques aspects recents de la gnomonique tunisienne” , Revue
de VOccident Musulman et de la Mediterranee, 24 (1977). 207*221.
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hagen, 1914).
IX Ibn Yunus’ Tables for Reckoning Time 343

Part 1: Introduction
In this paper I describe a newly rediscovered set of mathematical tables
attributed to the tenth century Egyptian astronomer Ibn Yunus. These tables,
which I call the Very Useful Tables after their Arabic title Kitdb Ghayat al-intifa c,
are for time-keeping by the sun and regulating the astronomically defined times
of Muslim prayer.

1.1. On Ibn Yunus and His Works1

Very little of consequence is known about the life of cA li b. (Abd al-Rahman
Ib n Y unus* Very U sefu l T ables called Ibn Yunus. His father <Abd al-Rahman was a famous historian of Egypt who
died in the year 958, and Ibn Yunus known astronomical activity dates from about
f o r R eckoning T im e by the Sun 975 to his death in 1009- Thus, it was during Ibn Yunus youth in Fustat that
the Fatimids conquered Egypt and subsequently founded Cairo in 969. In the few
biographical references which have survived, Ibn Yunus is revealed as a highly
eccentric figure who devoted most of his life to astronomy, astrology, and poetry.
Ibn Yunus’ major work was a Z ij, that is, an astronomical handbook with
tables,2*which was dedicated to the Fatimid Caliph al-Hakim although it was
Page clearly begun in the reign of his father al-'Aziz. Unfortunately, not all of this
Part 1: In tro d u c tio n ............................................................................................... 343 extensive work is extant, but if we judge him by the parts of it which have survived
1.1. On Ibn Yunus and His W o r k s .......................................................... 343 in manuscripts in Leiden, Oxford, and Paris, Ibn Yunus stands out as one of the
1.2. On Islamic T im e-K eep in g..................................................................345
1.3. On the Manuscript Sources for the Very Useful T a b le s ..................347 greatest astronomers and mathematicians of the Middle Ages. His works were
virtually unknown in Islamic Spain, however, and hence were unknown in
Part 2: Preliminary Remarks on the A n a ly s is .......................................................348
2.1. Notation Used in the A n alysis.......................................................... 348 medieval Europe; his importance was first realized in the West in the mid­
2.2. On the Format of the Tables.............................................................. 351 seventeenth century when the Leiden fragment of his Z ij was investigated by
2.3. On the Recomputation of the T a b le s ............................................... 353 the Dutch orientalist J. Golius. The Leiden manuscript contains accounts of
2.4. On a Non-Linear Interpolation Scheme Described by Ibn Yunus . 354 about one hundred observations of eclipses and planetary conjunctions, observa­
2.5. On Certain Relevant Formulae of Modem Spherical Astronomy 357
tions made by Ibn Yunus in Cairo and by certain of his predecessors in Damascus
Part 3: A n a ly s is .......................................................................................................357
and Baghdad. His purpose in presenting these accounts was two-fold. Firstly, he
3.1. Auxiliary Tables of Spherical Astronomical F u n ction s..................358
3.2. Tables of Time as a Function of Solar Altitude and Longitude . . 359 wished to justify the need for recomputing planetary parameters by illustrating
3.3. Tables of Solar Azimuth as a Function of Solar Altitude and how computations with the Mumtahan Z i j of Yahya b. Abi Mansur, prepared for
Longitude............................................................................................362 the Abbasid caliph al-Ma'mun about the year 810, were inconsistent with his
3.4. Tables of Solar Altitude in Certain A z im u t h s .................................364
3.5. Tables of the Duration of Morning and Evening Twilight and own observations, and were even already inconsistent with the observations of
D a rk n e s s ............................................................................................365 certain reliable astronomers of the ninth century. Secondly, he simply wanted
3.6. Tables for Determining the Qibla by Means of the S u n ..................368 to list these observations for the benefit of future astronomers. In the first aim
3.7. Tables for Determining the Beginning of the Time for the After­
he was less successful than in the second: later astronomers in Egypt still used
noon P r a y e r ........................................................................................ 369
3.8. Tables Relating to Certain Institutions Associated with the Prayers 370 the Mumtahan Z i j alongside the Hakimi Z ij. On the other hand, his observational
3.9. A Table for Orienting Ventilators by Means of the S u n ..................371 accounts, published by Caussin in 1804, have been used as a source of data in
3.10. A Table of Corrections for Horizontal R efraction ............................. 373 modem estimates of secular variations in the motion of the moon and planets,
Part 4: Ibn Yunus' Instructions on the Use of the T a b le s ..................................376 notably by 5. Newcomb (1878), and most recently by R. Newton (1970). I have
Part 5: Sample Entries from the T a b les..................................................................38o prepared a critical text and new translation of the observational accounts, publica­
Appendix A : Index to the Tables in the Manuscript Sources.................................385 tion of which awaits completion of the analysis.
Appendix B: Description of Manuscripts Consulted............................................... 387 1 Full references to the evidence for the assertions made in this Section are to be
found in K ing [ 1], currently being revised for publication. On Ibn Yunus' obser­
Sigla of Manuscripts Consulted................................................................................ 391
vational accounts see Caussin [ 1] and on modem computations based on the data
Bibliographical A b b re v ia tio n s ................................................................................ 392 contained in these accounts see Newcomb [1] and also Newton [ 1].
© by Springer-Verlag 1973 2 See Kennedy [1] for a survey and preliminary classification of over one hundred
Islamic zijes, and for information on all zijes mentioned in this paper.

Ibn Yunus’ Tables for Reckoning Time 345


These extensive observational accounts are unique in the Islamic astronomical generally outlines several alternative methods for solving each of the problems
literature. Consequently, one’s expectations of Ibn Yunus’ other achievements of spherical astronomy, but does not indicate how he derived them: it is my
are high. In 1817 the French orientalist J.-J. Sedillot completed a translation of contention that these methods were derived from plane projections of the sphere
the contents of both of the Leiden and Paris manuscripts. This translation was rather than by spherical trigonometry.
later lost, but fortunately not before J .-B . Delambre had made a brief, though The tables which are the subject of the present paper constitute a work
not always accurate, analysis of it. Studies on Ibn Yunus were resumed by the separate from the Hakimi Z ij, but are in the main based on the theoretical
German scholar C. Schoy in a series of valuable papers published between 1915 material contained in the Z ij. Indeed, a few of the tables have their counterparts
and 1925- Schoy worked mainly from the Leiden and Oxford manuscripts, and in the Z ij. The functions tabulated are spherical astronomical functions for time­
his untimely death in 1925 brought studies of Ibn Yunus’ works to a halt for keeping by the sun and others relating specifically to the prayer-times. In its
almost fifty years. My own studies have involved an analysis of all three manu­ entirety, the work consists of about 200 pages of tables, most of which contain
180 entries. It is entitled Kitab Ghayat al-intifa c fi maHi fat al-daHr wa-fadlihi
scripts and have resulted in the location of other manuscripts containing certain
wa-l-samt min qibal al-irtifa( . Very Useful Tables for Finding the Time Since
material from the Hakimi Z i j hitherto deemed lost, and of other works by Ibn
Sunrise, the Hour-Angle, and the Solar Azimuth, from the Solar Altitude* No two
Yunus, such as an extensive table giving the lunar equation as a function of the
manuscripts of this work contain the same tables, and the attribution of every
double elongation and the mean anomaly, and the Very Useful Tables for time­
keeping. single table in the corpus to Ibn Yunus is not beyond question.
Only one earlier table for finding time of day from solar altitude has been
Ibn Yunus indeed displays far more scientific initiative than, say, his pre­
rediscovered in the manuscript sources, namely that due to the Baghdad astrono­
decessor al-Battani, by whose achievements Islamic astronomy has too frequently
mer (A li b. Amajur (fl. ca. 950), whose Z i j was known to Ibn Yunus. However,
been judged as a mere intermediary between Hellenistic and medieval European
no earlier tables for regulating the times of prayer have been located yet, and it
astronomy. Ibn Yunus was familiar with al-Battani’s Z ij, a work closely modelled
may be that Ibn Yunus was the first to compile such tables. The subsequent fate
on Ptolemy’s Almagest and Handy Tables, but from references in his own Hakimi
of his tables—they were much plagiarized and modified in Egypt—and the
Z ij, which is several times larger than al-Battani's and far more detailed, it appears
development of similar tables by other Islamic astronomers will be discussed in
that he held the earlier Zijes of Yah,ya b. Abi Mansur, Habash, and al-Nayrizi,
a series of papers currently in preparation.4 5
in greater esteem. These three works are no longer extant in their original form
One of Ibn Yunus’ tables for time-keeping involves the effect of atmospheric
and the surviving fragments await study. In contrast, the Z i j of al-Battani is
refraction at the horizon, a topic not discussed in the extant chapters of the
extant in its entirety and was published by C. Nallino over seventy years ago.
Hakimi Z ij. Indeed, it was previously thought that the quantitative effects of
Ibn Yunus was clearly an active observer of celestial phenomena, and it has
atmospheric refraction were not investigated at all by the Islamic astronomers.
often been stated that he worked in a well-equipped observatory. A. Sayili (i 960)
I do not fully understand this table, and suspect that it is not original and that
has shown, however, that there is no evidence for this assertion, and I have no
it is based on a garbled version of a theory originally propounded by Ibn Yunus.
information which would require that his conclusions regarding Ibn Yunus'
Several other medieval Islamic manuscripts deal with this topic: these are extant
observations be modified.3 Unfortunately, Ibn Yunus does not describe any
in Cairo and Damascus, but cast little light on Ibn Yunus’ theory.
observations made to derive the planetary parameters on which his tables are
based. Unfortunately, also, the material on parallax and eclipse theory in the
1.2. On Islamic Tim e-Keeping
Hakimi Z ij is not preserved in the known manuscript sources. Ibn Yunus’ plane­
tary tables were held in considerable esteem by certain later Islamic astronomers, The science of time-keeping by the sun and stars, called Him al-miqai in
and they were used in Egypt, Persia, and the Yemen. Some of his parameters Arabic, was one of the main concerns of Islamic astronomy. Its object was twofold:
were adopted by Nasir al-Din al-Tusi in the Ilkhani Z ij (ca. 1260), and hence or firstly, the reckoning of time for astronomical and civil purposes; and secondly,
directly, by Chrysococces (ca. 1350); his star tables were also used by Byzantine the regulation of the astronomically defined times of prayer. The astronomers
astronomers. The greatest influence of Ibn Yunus’ planetary tables appears to associated with the principal mosques in the main centers of Islamic culture were
have been in the Yemen: each of several medieval Yemeni Zijes known to me known as muwaqqits, that is, time-keepers, and at the times calculated by them
contains material originally due to the Egyptian scholar. the muezzins would call the faithful to prayer.
Most of the extant material of the Hakimi Z ij, other than the observational 4 The azimuth tables (cf. Section 3 . 3 ) are referred to as K itab al-Samt when
accounts and planetary tables, deals with spherical astronomy. Delambre’s brief tabulated separately (as, e.g., in M S E), and the hour-angle tables (cf. Section 3 .2 )
are referred to as K itab Fadl al-daHr when tabulated separately (as, e.g., in MS C).
survey has until recently been the main study of Ibn Yunus’ impressive contribu­ C. Schoy was fam iliar w ith the azimuth tables: see his article Samt in E I l .
tion in this branch of astronomy; my own detailed analysis, currently being 5 I t has been possible to show that Ib n Yunus' tables and modifications thereon
revised for publication, is a continuation of the studies of C. Schoy. Ibn Yunus were used in E gyp t until the nineteenth century. Also, the prayer-tables used in
Syria until the last century owe their original inspiration to those of the Egyptian
3 See S ay ili [ 1 ], 1 30-156.

346 Ibn Yunus’ Tables for Reckoning Time 347

The most important muwaqqits and their works were listed by H. Suter in the intervals for each of the prayers were also prepared. In the early tables, such
his survey of over five hundred Islamic astronomers and mathematicians and the as those of Ibn Yunus, these intervals are expressed in equatorial degrees (36O0=
works attributed to them.6 E. Wiedemann & F . Hauser have translated twc 24 hours, and 1° = 4 minutes), and it is possible to trace the development of such
important Islamic treatises on clocks, and Wiedemann & J . Frank have presented tables through to the almanacs popular in the Ottoman Empire in which the
a detailed analysis of the definitions of the prayer-times in Islam.7* Tables for earliest permitted times for each prayer are given in equinoctial hours and minutes,
time-keeping by the sun and stars are not generally contained in Islamic zijes, local true solar time. Nowadays, muezzins generally use the prayer-times given
whose abundance and diversity has been indicated by E. S. Kennedy is his in local civil time in almanacs, calendars, and pocket-diaries, which are based on
survey of over one hundred known zijes ®In fact, only one medieval table for tables approved by the local religious authorities.
reckoning time of day from the solar altitude has been analyzed in the literature, A related problem of spherical trigonometry is the determination of the qibla,
namely by B. R. Goldstein.* It is now known that such tables, and tables for that is, the direction of Mecca, which defines the direction of prayer in Islam and
regulating the times of prayer, exist in profusion in the vast manuscript sources is of importance for the orientation of mosques. Its determination was a favorite
available for the study of Islamic astronomy. For the historian of science these problem in medieval Islamic trigonometry. Several medieval methods of con­
tables are of interest because of their mathematical sophistication and the accuracy siderable sophistication have been analyzed,12 but no survey has ever been made
with which they were generally computed. of the orientation of medieval mosques.
The definitions of the times for the five daily prayers in terms of the daily
passage of the sun across the sky may be traced to the practices and injunctions
1.3. On the Manuscript Sources for Ibn Yunus’ Very Useful Tables
of the Prophet Muhammad.10 Each of the prayers is to be performed within a
certain interval of time. The Muslim day begins at sunset, and the time for the The tables exist in several manuscripts, some containing only a few tables
evening prayer begins then and lasts until nightfall, or end of evening twilight. from three main categories:
The night prayer may be performed any time between nightfall and daybreak,
or beginning of morning twilight. The interval for the morning prayer begins at 1. Tables of time as a function of solar altitude.
daybreak and the prayer must be completed before sunrise. The time for the mid­ 2. Tables of solar azimuth as a function of solar altitude.
day prayer begins when the sun has crossed the meridian and lasts until the 3. Tables for the prayer-times and auxiliary functions for time-keeping.
beginning of the interval for the afternoon prayer, namely, when the shadow of
an object equals its midday shadow increased by the length of the object. In some The following manuscripts were used in the present study and are hereafter
legal schools the interval for the afternoon prayer ends when the shadow has referred to by the sigla indicated:13
again increased by the length of the object; in other schools it ends at sunset. B: MS Berlin Ahlwardt 5753 ( = Landberg 574)
The computation of the precise times of prayer involves spherical astronomy, (contains material from 1,2, and 3 in considerable confusion)
and the application of complicated trigonometric formulae. The times of prayer C: MS Cairo Timuriya, riyadiyat 191
expressed in modern civil time or its medieval equivalent change throughout the (contains 1 and 3)
year and are functions of solar longitude. They vary also with terrestrial latitude,
D : MS Chester Beatty 3673
but when measured with respect to the local meridian they do not vary with
(contains 1, 2, and 3)
terrestrial longitude for a given latitude. In medieval times the prayer-times were
often determined using astrolabes or quadrants marked with special curves, and E: MS Escorial ar. 924,7
the day-time prayers could be regulated by means of special curves engraved on (contains 2)
sundials.11 However, for convenience, mathematical tables giving the lengths of G: MS Cairo Dar al-Kutub, miqdt 108
(contains 1, 2, and 3)
* See Suter [ 1 ], Further inform ation on some of these Islamic scholars is contained H: MS Cairo Azhar, falak 4382
in Brockelmann [ 1 ]. (contains 1 and 2)
7 See Wiedemann & Hauser [ 1 ] and Wiedemann & Frank [ 1 ],
K: MS Cairo Dar al-Kutub, miqdt 137 M
* See footnote 2 above.
(contains 2)
* Cf. Goldstein [i].
10 See, for example, the article M ikdt by A. J. Wensinck in E I l and the relevant
12 See the article Kibla by A. J. Wensinck & C. Schoy in E I t and also King [ 3 ],
hadith (Prophetic statements) recorded b y al-Baghawi (d. ca. 1125), translated in
in which I describe a table by the fourteenth century Damascus astronomer al-Khalili
Robson [ 1 ], I, 1 1 8 - 1 2 6 . See also Wiedemann & Frank [ 1 ] on the definitions of the
givin g the qibla for all latitudes and longitudes.
prayer-times in astronomical terms.
13 The sigla are basically the same as those used in King [1], which contains a list
11 On the use of the astrolabe, quadrant, and sundial in Islamic astronomy see
of Ibn Yunus’ works and of all known related manuscripts.
respectively Hartner [ 1 ], 287—311, Schmalzl [ 1 ], and Schoy [ 1 ] and [ 2 ],

348 Ibn Yunus’ Tables for Reckoning Time 349

These seven manuscripts are described in Appendix B. MS D, copied in the hr solar depression at daybreak
year 1371, was the major source for the present study. Sigla of certain other h. solar depression at nightfall
manuscripts consulted are listed after Appendix B. Of particular relevance are
hv solar altitude in the azimuth of the ventilator
three manuscripts (MSS CE, HA, and PH) of a work entitled Natijat al-afkar
(irtifa* samt al-badahanf)
by an individual named al-Lddhiqi,14 Besides a short introduction and simple
tables for calculating solar longitude, most of the numerous extant manuscripts h length of the seasonal day hours
of this work which I have inspected contain Ibn Yunus' prayer-tables and tables (azmdn al-sd'at)
of auxiliary spherical astronomical functions; also, certain tables related to —H relates to the ascendant (horoscopus)
those of Ibn Yunus are to be found only in the three manuscripts of this work k horizontal variation
mentioned above. The location in the manuscript sources of all the tables analyzed (ikhtildf al-ufq or hissat al-samt) (MS L)
in Part 3 is indicated in Appendix A.
L terrestrial longitude
Part 2: Preliminary Remarks on the Analysis —M relates to upper midheaven
2.1. Notation Used in the Analysis n length of darkness
{jawf al-layl)
The following notation is used freely in the sequel. The Arabic expressions for
the various functions tabulated by Ibn Yunus are shown in parentheses and are 2 N nocturnal arc
taken from MS D unless otherwise indicated. (qaws al-layl)
Latin q azimuth of the qibla, measured from the meridian
a azimuth, measured from the prime vertical (samt al-qibla or inhiraf al-qibla)
(samt) —q relates to the qibla
—a relates to the earliest time for the afternoon prayer —q relates to the direction perpendicular to the qibla
—5 relates to the end of the time for the afternoon prayer r duration of morning twilight
D semi diurnal arc ( hissat (.tulu*) al-fajr )
(nisf al-qaws) —r relates to morning
f half-excess of daylight, i.e., excess of half daylight over 90° R sexagesimal base (60)
(fadl nisf al-nahar or nisf al-fadla) (al-jayb al-a*zam) (MS L)
g ratio of Vers D to Sin hn s duration of evening twilight
(al-nisba) (MS L) ( hissat (mughib) al-shafaq)
h altitude —s relates to evening
/ta solar altitude at the beginning of the time for the afternoon prayer
t hour-angle
(irtifa* awwal waqt al-(asr) (fadl al-daHr)
hb solar altitude at the end of the afternoon prayer
/a time from midday to the beginning of the time for the afternoon prayer
he solar altitude at the equinoxes for a given azimuth (al-daHr min al-zawal ild awwal waqt al-*asr}
hn solar meridian altitude
th time from midday to the end of the afternoon prayer
(ghdyat al-irtifa*)
tq hour-angle when the sun is in the azimuth of the qibla
h0 solar altitude in the prime vertical
(fadl al-daHr li-nisf al-nahar min irtifa * samt al-qibla)
(1al-irtifa,c alladhi la samt lahu)
hq solar altitude in the azimuth of the qibla hour-angle when the sun is in the azimuth perpendicular to the azimuth of
(;irtifa* al-shams idhd marrat bi-samt al-qibla or al-irtifa* al-muwafiq li-samt the qibla
al-qibla) (al-mddi min al-zawal ild hayth takun al-shams cala tarbi< al-qibla) (MS G)

h- solar altitude in the direction perpendicular to the azimuth of the qibla T time since sunrise or remaining until sunset
(irtifa,* al-shams '■aid tarbi* al-qibla) (MS G) (ddHr)

14 On al-Lddhiqi see Suter [ l ] , no. 519- The title means The Result of Reflection, Ta time from the beginning of the afternoon prayer to sunset
but the word natija also means "c a le n d a r” or "p ra yer-ta b les” . (al-bdqi min awwal waqt al- 'asr ild l-ghurub)

350 Ibn Yunus’ Tables for Reckoning Time 351

r b time from the end of the afternoon prayer to sunset Miscellaneous

r q time from sunrise to the time when the sun is in the azimuth of the qibla approximately equals
Ta time from sunset to the saldm # complement to 90°
(al-daHr min al-ghurub li-l-saldm) (MS G‘ (tamdm al-qaws) (MS L)
Tx time from sunset to the tafy in Ramadan ;, sexagesimal semi-colon and commas
(al-daHr li-l-tafy fi Ramadan) (MS G)
A* opposite point on ecliptic
—v relates to ventilators (al-nazir)
x independent variable The medieval functions:
Greek Sin, Cos, Tan, Cot, and Vers

a right ascension are to base R = 60, unless otherwise indicated.1415 Their arguments were thought
(al-matdlV fi l-falak al-mustaqim) (MS L) of as arcs on a circle radius R, not as angles.
a' normed right ascension
(al-matalic min awwal al-jady) (MS HA) 2.2. On the Format of the Tables
ar oblique ascension of the ascendant at daybreak All of the functions tabulated, except the arc Sine, have solar longitude as
a3 oblique ascension of the ascendant at nightfali argument (cadad). Values are given to two sexagesimal digits for each integral
(:matdlic mughib al-shafaq al-ahmar) (MS HA) degree of argument, unless otherwise indicated. All entries in the tables are written
a„ oblique ascension of the ascendant at the saldm in standard Arabic abjad notation. The units are sometimes indicated at the
(matali1 al-salam) (MS HA) head of the columns, thus: j for daraj (degrees), q for daqaHq (minutes). The
a,, oblique ascension for latitude <p sexagesimal semi-colon and comma used in the analysis have no counterpart in
(,al-matalic al-baladiya) (MS L) the manuscripts. The notation for zero is m (see Fig. X1), which may be added to
/? ecliptic latitude the examples listed by R. Irani.1*
(<ard) (MS L)
Fig. Xl shows two facing pages of MS D, on which are tabulated the time since
sunrise and hour-angle for solar altitude 14° for each degree of solar longitude.
6 solar declination
The format of these tables is of some interest, and I do not know whether it was
(mayl al-shams)
originally devised by Ibn Yunus or adopted by him from some earlier source.17
A stellar declination All of the tables in the Very Useful Tables are arranged as concisely as the
(bu(d) symmetry of the tabulated function allows. (This is in contrast to the convention
A D correction to half daylight for horizontal refraction followed in the azimuth and altitude tables in the Hdkimi Z ij, where the functions
(daqaHq ikhtilaf md bayn al-ufqayn) (MS G) are tabulated for each degree of solar longitude, in twelve columns of thirty entries.)
A h distance between true and visible horizons For functions which are symmetrical for solar longitudes
e obliquity of the ecliptic 0° ^ A^ 90° and 90° ^ A^ 180°
(al-mayl al-aczam) (MS L)
& independent variable and symmetrical for
A ecliptic longitude, solar longitude 180° ^ A ^270° and 270° ^A ^360°,
(darafa, darajat al-shams)
A' solar elongation from the nearer equinox (see Section 2.2) 14 Thus Sin & = 60 sin Cos & = 6 0 cos #, Tan # = 6 0 tan Vers & = 60 — Cos & =
6 0 (1 — cos &), etc. On the m edieval Islamic convention see Wiedemann [ 1 ], I, 5 6 4 - 5 7 7 ;
—a relates to the saldm before daybreak
Kennedy [1], 139-140; and K ing [ 1 ], 60-65.
—T relates to the tafy in Ramadan 16 See Irani [ 1 ].
ep terrestrial latitude 17 This same form at is found in the tables o f the length of the seasonal day-hours
( (ard al-balad) and length of dayligh t in equinoctial hours contained in the manuscripts of the Zijes
of Yahya b. Abi Mansur and Habash, both of which works were known to Ibn Yunus.
rp rising amplitude, ortive amplitude I t has not y et been established, however, that these tables are original. Cf. Kennedy
(sa*at al-mashriq) [ 1 ], 1 3 2 (no. 5 1 ) and 1 2 6 - 1 2 7 (nos. 1 5 and 1 6 ), on the manuscripts.

352 Ibn Yunus’ Tables for Reckoning Time 353

the format of the tables is as follows, with the names of the zodiacal signs written
in words. (See also Tables X1 and X2 in Section 2.3.)

Fig. X l. Tables of the time since sunrise (right-hand side) and hour-angle (left-hand side) for solar altitude 14°, reproduced from
A rg u m en t dll U 0 X Q> A rgu m ent
Y V I Ck m V

1° 29°
2 28
3 27

MS D.70v-69r with kind permission of the Director of the Chester Beatty Library, Dublin.
28 2
29 1
30 0

The entries for the first three signs starting with Aries are to be read down­
wards with vertical arguments 1° to 30° in the first three columns, and those for
the second three signs are to be read upwards with arguments 0° to 29° in the
same columns. The entries for the solar longitudes in the southern signs are
similarly arranged in the second three columns. The values of the function for the
equinoxes must be found by interpolation.18 (That this scheme of tabulation
caused some confusion amongst later users is apparent, for example, in a rather
corrupt version of the azimuth tables (MS B. 1v-l0r) where the argument is
given as 1° to 30° for all zodiacal signs.) I denote the argument in these tables
by X' (<5^ 0). Where the functions tabulated are symmetrical for solar longitudes
in all four quadrants of the ecliptic, as is the case with the solar declination, rising
amplitude, and half-excess of daylight, three columns of thirty entries each suffice
to display the functions for all longitudes. I denote the argument in these tables
by X'.
2.3. On the Recomputation of the Tables
A ll of the mathematically significant tables in the original work have been
recomputed electronically, with the same format and precision.19 The recomputa­
tion revealed a remarkably high level of computational accuracy on the part of
Ib n Yunus. For each table described in Part 3 an extract is given in Part 5 in
such a w ay as to convey some idea of the accuracy with which the tables were
originally computed. Ib n Yunus’ values are generally accurate or in error by
± 1 or ± 2 in the second digit. In some tables larger errors occur, often in patterns.
Variants between the manuscripts are, in general, attributable to copyists’ errors.
There are, however, exceptions to this. Tables X1 and X 2 show values of a
particular function tabulated both in the Hakim i Z i j and the Very Useful Tables:
they were clearly computed separately. For each entry which is not accurately
computed, I show the error in the second sexagesimal digit in square brackets
after the entry. The errors are computed according to the convention
error = (value in text) — (recomputed value).
18 The table o f An(A) in an anonymous Z i j based on Ib n Yunus (MS PB. 49r) has
arguments 0° to 2 9 ° downwards and 1° to 3 0 ° upwards. Thus no values appear in the
table for the solstices. The table o f Aa(A) in the same Z i j (M S PB . 54r) has the same
form at as those in the Very Useful Tables.
19 On the recomputation o f m edieval tables see, for example, Kennedy [2 ];
Gingerich [1 ]; and K in g [1], 74-75-
Ibn Yunus’ Tables for Reckoning Time 355
3 54

T a b le X l . S o la r A zim u th fo r A ltitu d e 30° as T a b u la te d in the Very Useful Tables T a b le X 2 . S ola r A zim u th fo r A ltitu d e 30° as T a b u la te d in the H a k im i Z i j
(M S S D . 106r and E . 45r ) (M S S L . 3 8 9 and O. 1 2 4 v - 1 2 5 v )
[N .B . E n tries are g ive n fo r each degree o f solar lo n g itu d e : th e e n tr y fo r th e equ inoxes is
1 9 ; 2 8 °]

Y -0 m X* Y V I * m **

+ 3; 22d — 7; 40 [ + 1 ] + 20; 3g [ + 1 ] + 3 7 : 27 + 53; 8 [+ 1 ] 29 i ° + 18; 54° + 3; 22 b -7 ; 39 + 20; 1 [ - 1 ] + 37; 27 + 53; 7 29

1° + 18; 54°
2 ; 54 7; 55 20; 36 38; 2 53; 33 28 2 1 8 ; 21 2 ; 54 7; 55 20; 36 38; 2 53; 33 28
2 18; 21
2; 27e 8; 9 [ — l ] 21; 11 38; 36 53; 58 27 3 17; 47 2 ; 27 8; 10 21; 11 38; 36 53: 58 27
3 17; 46 [ - 1 ]
2; 0 8; 24 21; 45 39; 10 54; 22 26 4 17; 14 [ + 1 ] 2 ; 1 [ + 1] 8; 24 21; 45 39; 10 54; 22 26
4 17; 13
; 35 [ + 1 ]
1 8; 38 22; 19 39; 44 54; 45 [ - 1 ] 25 5 16; 40 1 ; 34 8; 38 22; 19 39; 44 54; 46 25
5 16; 40
; 8
1 8; 51 22; 54 40; 19 [ + 1] 55; 9 24 6 16; 7 1; 8 8; 51 22; 54 40; 18 55 ; 9 24
6 16; 7
0; 42 9; 5 [- h i] 23; 28 40; 52 5 5 ; 32 [ + 1 ] 23 7 15; 34 0 ; 42 9; 4 23; 29 [+ 1 ] 40; 52 55; 32 [ + 1 ] 23
7 15; 34
+ 0 ; 17f 9; 17 24; 3 41; 26 5 5 ; 54 [ + 1 ] 22 S 15 ; 0 [ - 1] + 0 ; 17 9; 17 24; 3 41; 26 55; 53 22
8 15; l
- 0 ; 9 [+ 1 ] 9; 29 24: 38 42; 0 56; 15 [ + 1 ] 21 9 14; 28 -0 ; 8 9; 29 24; 38d 42; 0 56; 14 21
9 14; 2 9 [ + 1 ]
0 ; 33 9; 40 2 5 ; 12 [ - 1] 42; 33 56; 35 20 10 13; 56 0; 33 9; 40 25; 13 42; 33 56; 35 20
10 1 3 ; 56a
0 ; 57 9; 51 25; 47 [ - 1] 43 I ^ 56; 54 19 11 13; 23 0; 57 9; 51 25; 48 43; 6 56; 54 19
11 13; 2 4 b [ + 1 ]
1; 22 [ + 1 ] 10 ; 1 26; 22 43; 40 [ + 1 ] 57; 12 [ - 1 ] 18 12 12; 51 l ; 21 10; 1 26; 23 [ + 1 ] 43; 39 57; 13 18
12 12; 51
1 2 ; 20 [ + 1 ] 1; 45 10; 10 [ - 1 ] 26; 58 [ + 1 ] 44; 12 57; 30 17 13 12 ; 19 1 ; 45 10; 11 26; 57 44; 12 57; 31 [ + 1 ] 17
2; 8 10 ; 20 27; 33 [ + 1 ] 44; 45 [ + 1 ] 57; 47 16 14 11; 47 2 ; 8 10 ; 20 27; 33 [ + 1 ] 44; 44 57; 48 [ + 1 ] 16
14 1 1 ; 47
1 1 ; 16 2; 31 10; 29 28; 7 45; 17 58; 3 n [ — 1] 15 15 11; 16 2; 31 10; 29 28; 8 [ + 1 ] 45; 17 58; 3 [ - 1 ] 15
2; 53 10; 37 28; 42 [ - 1 ] 45; 48 [ - 1 ] 58; 18 [ - 1 ] 14 16 10; 44 2; 53 10; 37 28; 43 45 49 58; 19 14
16 10; 45 [ + 1 ]
3; 15 10; 45 29; 17 [ - 1 ] 46; 19 [ - 1 ] 5 8 ; 33p 13 17 10 ; 13 3; 15 10; 45 29; 1 8 46 21 [+ 1] 5 8 ; 33 13
17 10; 13
3; 37 1 0 ; 52 2 9 ; 52 [ - 1 ] 46; 51 1 [ — 1] 58; 45 [ - 1 ] 12 18 9; 4 2 3; 37 10; 52 29;5 3 e 46; 52 58; 46 12
18 9; 4 2
3; 58 10; 58 3 0 ; 28 47; 22 [ - 1 ] 58; 59 11 19 9; n 3; 58 10; 59 [ + 1 ] 30; 2 8 47: 23 58; 5 9 11
19 9; 1 1
8 ; 40 [ - 1 ] 4; 19 11; 4 3 i; 3 47; 54 59; 10 10 20 8; 41 4; 19 11; 4 3 i: 3 47; 54 59; 10 10
8; 1 0 4; 40 1 1 ; 10 31; 38 4S; 24 59; 21 [ + 1 ] 9 21 S; 10 4; 40 1 1 ; 10 31; 38 48; 25 [ + 1 ] 59; 20 9
7; 41 [ + 1] 5; 0 1 1 ; 15 [ + 1] 3 2 ; 13h 48; 54 [ - 1 ] 59; 30 8 22 7; 40 5; 0 1 1 ; 14 32; 13 48; 55 59; 29 [- 1 ] 8
5; 20 [ + 1 ] 1 1 ; 19 32; 48 49; 26 [ + 2] 591 38 7 23 7; 11 5; 1 9 1 1 ; 19 32; 48 49; 25 [ + 1 ] 59; 38 7
23 7; 11
6; 41 5; 39 [ + 1 ] 1 1 ; 23 [ + 1 ] 33; 2 3 1 49; 55 [ + 1 ] 59; 45 6 24 6; 41 5; 38c 1 1 ; 22 33; 23 4 9 ‘ 54 59; 45 6
6; 12C 5; 57 1 1 ; 25 33; 59 [ + 1 ] 50; 24 [ + 1 ] 59: 51 5 25 6; 1 2 5; 57 1 1 ; 25 33; 58 50 23 59; 51 5
6; 15 11 ; 28 34; 33 50; 53ra [ + 2] 59; 57 [ + 1 ] 4 26 5; 43 [ + 1] 6; 15 1 1 ; 28 34; 33 50 51 59: 56 4
26 5; 42
5; 14 6; 33 1 1 ; 30 35; 7 [ — 1] 5 1 ; 20 60; 0 3 27 5; i4 a 6; 33 11 ; 30 35; 8 51 20 60; 0 3
35; 44 [ + 1 ] 51; 48 [ + 1 ] 60; 2 [ - 1 ] 2 28 4; 45 6; 50 1 1; 31 35; 43 51 47 60; 3 2
28 4; 45 6; 51 [ + 1 ] ; 31 1 1

4; 17 7: 7 11; 32 36; 17* [ - 1 ] 52; 14 60 ; 4 [ — 1] 1 29 4; 17 7; 7 1 1 ; 32 36; 1 8 52 14 60; 5 1

+ 3; 50 [ + 1 ] - 7 ; 24 [ + 1 ] - 1 1 ; 3 2 [ - 1 ] + 36; 53k [ + 1 ] + 5 2 ; 41 + 60; 5 0 30 + 3; 49 - 7 ; 23 - 1 1 ; 33 + 36; 52 + 52 41 + 60; 5 0

tip fl © X ss 6 TIP S) © X ~ 5
a MS E: 56; MS D: 54 1 MS E: 23; MS D: 28 [sic] a MS L : Y 27°: 14 and U? 3 ° : 44 [sic]
b MS E: 24; MS D: 26 i MS E: 17; MS D: 13 [sic] »M SL: V 1 °: 22 and ft 29°: 1 8 [sic]

c MS D: 12; MS E: 1 7 [sic] k MS E: 53; MS D: 56 [sic] 0 MS L : V 24°: 38 and f t 6 °: 33 [sic]

d MS D: 22; MS E: 40 [sic] 1 MS D: 51; MS E: 1 1 [sic] d MS O: a 9°: 3 8 and X 21°: 33 [sic]
* M S D : 27; M S E : 9 [sic] ® MS D: 53; MS E: 1 3 [sic] e MS O: a, 18°: 53 and X 12°: 58 [sic]
t M S E : 17; M S D : 16 « MS E: 3; MS D: 8 [sic]

* M S D : 3; M S E : 1 P M S D : 3 3 ; M S E : 3 8 [sic]
h M S D : 13; M S E : 53 [sic]
scheme to compute intermediate entries between certain entries computed inde­
pendently. In this connection, it is perhaps worth noting that in Chapter 10 of the
2.4. On a Non-Linear Interpolation Scheme Described by Ibn Yunus Hakimi Z i j Ibn Yunus describes a non-linear interpolation scheme to be used for
computing values of the Sine function.20 His scheme, described in words in the
We know very little about the techniques used by medieval Islamic astrono­ Leiden manuscript, may be represented in algebraic notation as follows.
mers to compile mathematical and astronomical tables: the sources generally
contain no information on such techniques. In the instructions to the Very Useful 20 Cf. K ing [ i ] , 82-85, and Schoy [4], 390-391, for a translation o f the relevant
passage. Other non-linear schemes were suggested b y al-Biruni (ca. 1025) and al-
Tables no clues are given which would indicate how the entries were computed. Kashi (ca. 1420). Cf. Schoy [ 5 ], 40-41, and Kennedy [ 3 ], respectively. Ibn Yunus’
Considering that the Very Useful Tables contain over 30,000 entries, it is method is similar to a scheme used in earlier Chinese sources. Cf. Kennedy [4], 438—439
reasonable to assume that Ibn Yunus used some kind of non-linear interpolation and Juschkewitsch [ 1 ], 84-86.
Ibn Yunus’ Tables for Reckoning Time 357

It is required to find the values of Sin (p ; q°) where There is as yet no evidence that Ibn Yunus did not compute most of the tables
0^p^89 and himself. However, the possibility that the services of trained calculators were
from a table giving the values of the Sine function for each 0; 30° of argument. Let available to him cannot be ruled out.

Sin P — a; S in (£; 30) = 6; and S in (£ -H )= c -

2.5. On Certain Relevant Formulae of M odem Spherical Astronomy
Now find an approximation for Sin {p\ 30), say d, by interpolating linearly be­
For the convenience of the reader I list the following basic formulae of
tween the values of Sin p and Sin (p -f 1); thus
spherical astronomy.28
d = % { a + c ). The solar declination 6 is related to the solar longitude X and the obliquity of
Next define an "interpolation base" (asl al-ta(dil) thus: the ecliptic e by the formula
A = b -d . 3 = arc sin (sin e sin A). (Xl)
For given q, compute an approximate value of Sin (p; q) by linear interpolation The modem formula for the hour-angle t(h, 3, <p) is
and then add a correction A q which is a certain fraction of A ; thus
f sin h —sin <5sin ®1
Sin {p ;q )* * a + - ^ ( c - a ) + A q
t = axe cos ((__ _.cos o cos cp J1• (X 2)

where When h = 0° the hour-angle measures the length of half daylight, D. Thus
4q(60 —q) .
3600 a D = arc cos (—tan 3 tan <p)
(Note that A q assumes the value zero at ^ = 0 and 60, and the maximum value = 90° -fare sin (tan <5 tan <p) = 90° + /,
A at q = 30.) where / is the excess of half daylight over 90°. The time elapsed since sunrise, T,
This procedure defines a second-order interpolation scheme which is easily is therefore
modified so that it can be used to interpolate between values of a function , f sin h — sin <5sin <p1
computed independently for, say, each 5° of argument.21*1I have, however, been T = D — t = 'f A- arc sin 1--------- 1----------- r • (X4)
‘ \ cos d cos q> J
unable to establish that Ibn Yunus used such a scheme.
The modem formula for the solar azimuth a(h,3,q>), measured from the
21 Suppose that for a certain function /, prime vertical and considered positive when the azimuth is southerly, is
f( 5n) —a, /(5« + 5)= & , and /(5n + 10) = c , sin h sin q>— sin <5
a = arc sm cos h cos <p
(X 5)
where n is an integral number of degrees, and
When h = 0°, the azimuth measures the rising amplitude, y>(X). With the conven­
A — b — ^ (a ■+•c). tion that rp ^ 0 as <5^ 0, the formula for ip is
Then, for 1 ig r ^ 4 and 6 ^ r ^ 9, we have J sin <51
V = a r c sm |— (X 6 )
f { S n + r ) = a + - ^ (c —a) + c r A,
where It is not difficult to show the equivalence of the rules outlined in the Z i j for
4,(10 — r) determining t, D, T, /, a, and ip to these modem formulae. The reader is referred
c T — c \ * - r — 100
to my analysis of the spherical astronomy in the Hakimi Z ij for a discussion of
Thus procedures other than those of spherical trigonometry by which Ibn Yunus'
= c 9 = 0 ; 21,36 0 ; 22,
formulae can be derived.
c%—Cg ^ 0 : 38,24 0; 38,
cs= c 7= 0 ; 50,24onto-, 50,
and Part 3: Analysis
c4 = c, = 0; 57,36«*0; 58. The Very Useful Tables are based on Ibn Yunus’ values of 23; 35° for the
B y use of coefficients cT rounded to one significant digit the intermediate values can obliquity of the ecliptic and 30; 0° for the latitude of Cairo-Fustat (Arabic, M isr),
be generated with great facility, especially if one has a sexagesimal multiplication where these parameters are involved. All functions are tabulated to two sexa­
table (on such tables in the Islamic sources see Ira n i [2] and K ing [2], Appendix).
This procedure, when applied to the entries for each 5° of argument in Tables X l gesimal digits unless otherwise indicated.
and X 2, yields two sets of values which are not identical with either set of Ibn Yunus’
** For a modem discussion of spherical astronomy the reader is referred to Smart
values, and which are slightly less accurate.
[ 1] or Woolard & Clemence [ 1].

358 Ibn Yunus’ Tables for Reckoning Time 359

3.1. Auxiliary Tables of Spherical Astronomical Functions (i) Table of normed right ascensions (measured from Capricorn 0°), as in
Chapter 13 of the Z ij. The function tabulated is a (A) +90°, where
Several of the tables have their counterparts in the Hdkimi Z ij, and these
have been analyzed in my study of the spherical astronomy of Ibn Yunus. Of the a (A) = arc Sin { ^ T a n l " for X ^ 90°. (6)
tables described in this Section, (a), (b), (k), and (1) give values for each degree
of A'; (c), (d),.... (h) give values for each degree of A' (d ^ 0); and (i) and (j) (j) Table of oblique ascensions, av (A), for <p = 30°, as in Chapter 14 of the Z ij.
give values for each degree of X. The formulae given for the functions tabulated The function tabulated is calculated by means of the formula
are taken from the Hdkimi Z ij. « ,( * ) = « (A)-/(A). (7)
(a) Tables of solar declination, 6(A), with values to seconds (MS D) as in Chap­ (k) Table of the solar rising amplitude, y>(X). MS D.84r has values to seconds
ter 11 of the Zij, or rounded to minutes (MS HA). The solar declination is deter­ as in Chapter 18 of the Zij. The following equivalent expressions for y are given
mined by by Ibn Yunus in the Zij.
d (A) = arc Sin ^Sl?Aj. (1)

and in Chapter 11 of the Z i j Ibn Yunus tabulates

n ■Sin s _. f Sin (max w) Sin A
R « = 1, 2, ..., 60 = arc Sin <---------- 5 ---------

to facilitate the computation of 6(A). In an independent work entitled the Kitdb Fig. 3 shows how y varies with A {h = 0°).
al-Mayl, Ibn Yunus tabulated the solar declination to four sexagesimal digits for (1) Table of the solar altitude in the prime vertical, h0(A) (6 > 0 only). MS D.85 v
each minute of A', also giving differences to be added for each second.23 has values to seconds as in Chapter 18 of the Zi j, but the tables in the other sources
(b) Table of the half excess of daylight, /(A), as in Chapter 15 of the Zij, but with values to minutes contain numerous copyists’ errors. The following equivalent
with values rounded to minutes. This function is defined by expressions for h0 are given in Ibn Yunus’ Z i j ;
^/i\ f Tan 6(A) Tan q>)
/(A) = arc Sin | -------- ^-------- J (2)
h0 = arc Sin
and in Chapter 13 of the Z i j Ibn Yunus tabulates Tan 6(A).
Sin (max h9) Sin A
(c) Table of the solar meridian altitude, hn (A). This is easily computed by = arc Sin j R }■
means of the formula
An(A)=^ + 6(A). (3) Fig. 4 shows how h0 varies with A {a =0°).
(m) Table of arc Sines, with arguments 1,2, .... 60 and corresponding arcs
Cf. the graph of hn(X) in Fig. 4 (a =90°). given in degrees and minutes. There is no such table in the Hdkimi Zij, but a
(d) Table of the half diurnal arc, D(X), based on the formula corresponding table in the Yemeni Mukhtar Zij, MSLA'.l69v, a work which
contains many of Ibn Yunus' tables, has values to two sexagesimal digits for
D(X) =90° +/(A) (R 0 a s6 ^ 0 ). (4) each 0; 30 of argument. In an independent work entitled the Kitdb al-Jayb, Ibn
(e) Table of the nocturnal arc, 2 N(X), based on the formula Yunus tabulated the Sine function to five sexagesimal digits for each minute of
arc, also giving differences to be added for each second of arc.24
2N(X)=}60°-2D(X). (5)
The two tables in MS D were computed from separate tables of D(X), since the 3.2. Tables of Time Since Sunrise and the H o u r-A n gle**2
entries differ by as much as 0; 4° in isolated places. These tables give T {h, A) and t{h, A) for each integral degree of solar altitude
(f) Table of the length of the seasonal day hours in equatorial degrees, h(X), up to the maximum 83° and each degree of solar longitude, A'(6^0). There are
as in Chapter 15 of the Zi j, with values rounded to minutes. 2* See King [1], 85-89. On Ibn Yunus’ extensive tables for the tangent function
(g) Table of factors for converting equatorial degrees to seasonal day hours, see footnote 41 below.
24 The Arabic term ddHr (m in al-falak) literally means "th a t part (of the celestial '
with values in minutes and seconds. This function is the reciprocal of h{X). sphere) which has revolved” , and it is measured in equatorial degrees. I have rendered
(h) Table of the length of daylight in equinoctial hours, computed by dividing it by the phrase “ time since sunrise” . Further, I use the modem expression "hour-
the diurnal arc, 2D, by 15. angle” for the Arabic fadl al-daHr, literally "remainder of the ddHr” , which is also
measured in equatorial degrees. Ibn Yunus thought of both functions as arcs of the
** See King [1], 96-99 on these tables. celestial equator.

360 Ibn Yunus’ Tables for Reckoning Time 361

no such tables in the Hdkimi Z ij. In MS D the tables of both functions for a given
altitude generally occupy two facing pages of the manuscript. In MS C only t is
tabulated, and in MS B the functions are tabulated separately. In MS G triplets
of entries for T and t, as well as a (h, A), the solar azimuth, are given.
When the sun does not reach a given altitude for certain solar longitudes, no
entries are given in the table for those longitudes. Thus, for altitudes of about 60°
and above, the entries for more than one altitude can be tabulated on a given
pair of facing pages.
The tables of T (h, X) might have been computed by a method implicit in
Chapter 15 of the Hdkimi Z ij.9* I suspect that Ibn Yunus tabulated the function
= C o s <S(A) C o s <p ( 10)

called by him simply the ratio (nisba), and actually the ratio of Vers D (A) to
Sin ha(X). For each integral value of h we then form the product
F i g . 1 . T i m e s in c e s u n r i s e a s a f u n c t io n o f s o la r lo n g i t u d e , f o r a lt it u d e s 1 0 °, 2 0 ° ........8 0 °.
p(h, X) =S in h -g(A) (11)
and then, if / is the half-excess of daylight, T can be found by means of the formula
T[h, X) = /(A) -f-arc Sin{/>(A, X) — Sin/(A)}. (12)
The operations are readily carried out since both / (A) and Sin / (A) are tabulated in
Chapter 15 of the Hdkimi Z i j Formula (12) is trivially equivalent to formula (X4).
A formula for t(h, A) not stated in the Hdkimi Zij, but outlined in an anonymous
Z i j related to that of Ibn Yunus, MS PB.62v, is the following:
Vers t = Vers D (A) - g (A) • Sin h
= Vers D (A) - p ( h , A).
Note that since
Vers t — R — Cos t
Vers D = R — Cos D = R —Cos (90° + /) = R + Sin /,
formula (13) is trivially equivalent to formula (X2).
For a given value of h, the values of T or t can thus be found by means of very
simple operations. Clearly, if either T or t is already computed, the other can be
found without difficulty since their sum D(X) is already tabulated (c/. Section F ig . 2 . H o u r -a n g le a s a f u n c t io n o f s o la r lo n g i t u d e , f o r a lt it u d e s 1 0 °, 2 0 °, . . . . 8 0 °.

It is often stated that Ibn Yunus was the first to propound the so-called
prosthaphaeresis formula
Figs. 1 and 2 show the behaviour of the functions T(h, A) and t(h, X) for 10°
cos <p cos d = £{cos (<p— d) -fcos (<p + 5)} intervals of h and all solar longitudes.
(to facilitate the computation of the hour-angle from the solar altitude). This Tables for reckoning time from solar altitude were fairly common in the
assertion is incorrect and can be traced to Delambre s misunderstanding of the Islamic Middle Ages, but in most of the tables known to me the arguments are
material in Chapter 15 of the Hdkimi Z ij.2**2
8 the instantaneous solar altitude and the meridian altitude. The only tables known
to me in which the arguments are solar altitude and solar longitude are those of
M T h e r e v e r s e p r o c e d u r e f o r f i n d i n g h f r o m T is o u t l i n e d in t h e H d k im i Z ij, a n d
t h e r e is s o m e e v id e n c e t h a t Ib n Yunus t a b u l a t e d t h e f u n c t io n g (X ). S e e f u r t h e r K in g
al-Khalili (ca. 1375) for the latitude of Damascus,” an anonymous Yemeni* •
[1 ], 3 1 - 3 2 , 1 3 2 -1 3 3 , a n d 1 5 1 -1 5 2 .
17 S e e K in g [ 1 ], 144 a n d 146. *• T h e s e a r e c o n t a i n e d in M S S C Q , P F , a n d D B . O n al-Khalili s e e a ls o K in g [ 2 ]
28 S e e K in g [ 1 ], 7 a n d 149 f o r a f u r t h e r d is c u s s io n o f t h is . a n d [ 3] .

362 Ibn Yunus’ Tables for Reckoning Time 363

astronomer for Tacizz, Yemen,30and Salih Effendi (ca. 1750) for Istanbul.31*The
tables of al-Maqdisi (ca. 1300) for Cairo were apparently plagiarized from those of
I bn Yunus?*

3.3. Tables of Solar Azim uth

These tables give a (h, X), measured from the prime vertical, for each integral
degree of solar altitude up to the maximum 830and each degree of solar longitude
X' (<5^0). In the Hakimi Z ij there are tables of a(X) for altitudes 30° and 35°:
no reason is given for choosing these two altitudes.33 The two tables in the Z ij
are slightly more accurately computed than the corresponding tables in the other
sources. See further Section 2.3.
In the margin of the tables in MSS D and E for altitudes 1° to 53° it is stated
for which solar longitudes the azimuth changes from north to south for that
particular altitude. In MS B the change in direction is more crudely indicated.
In the margin of the tables for altitude 54° in MS D we find the comment that
"there are no more azimuths in the north for this altitude and those above it.” Fig. 3. Solar azimuth as a function of solar longitude, for altitudes 10°, 20°, .... 80°.
When, for certain longitudes, the sun does not attain a given altitude, the entries The curve for altitude 0° represents the solar rising amplitude.
in the table are left blank. For altitudes of about 60° and above, the entries for
more than one altitude can be tabulated on one folio. In MS E, for a given
altitude, the meridian altitude is given for the longitude whose azimuth is closest formula:34
to 90°. Thus, in the tables for altitude 370, the last significant entry in the right- [A (A) — S in y (A )]
a (A, X) — arc Sin j (14)
hand side of the table is an azimuth of 87; 3° for Sagittarius 17° and Capricorn 13°. Cos h -}
The next and final entry is given as 0; 0°, which does not mean due east or west,
but that the sun does not attain the altitude 37° for Sagittarius 18° or Capricorn where A is a function widely used in Islamic azimuth calculations, referred to
12°. The meridian altitude is accurately stated as 37; 3, 22° for the solar longitudes here as the horizontal variation (Ibn Yunus uses the expression ikhtildf al-ufq),3S
having azimuth 87; 3°- The purpose of giving this detail is not clear to me. and ip is the solar rising amplitude. These two functions are defined by:
In MS D the entries for altitudes 81 °, 82°, and 830are garbled. This manuscript Sin h Sin <p
also has entries for altitudes 84° to 88° (MS K has entries up to 86°), which are A (A) =
Cos 93
meaningless since the maximum altitude is 83; 35° for Ibn Yunus’ parameters. and
I suspect that the last page of Ibn Yunus’ original azimuth tables was either not Sin 6 ■R
( 16)
Sin ip{X) = Cos <p
completed or lost, and that these additional entries were added by some incompe­
tent astronomer later. In MS G the entries for altitudes 81°, 82°, and 830 have Both A(A) and Sin ip (X) are tabulated for the latitudes of Cairo-Fustat and Baghdad
been corrected by an individual named al-Rashidi. See further the descriptions
and for each degree of both arguments in Chapters 18 and 19 of the Hakimi Z ij.36
of MSS G and K in Appendix B. For a given solar altitude A and RjCos h are constant: thus the computation
It seems reasonable that Ibn Yunus would have calculated the values of
of a involves only three operations, an addition or subtraction, a multiplication,
a(h, A), which are very accurate and seldom in error by more than ±1 in the
and taking an inverse Sine. Formula (14) is trivially equivalent to formula (X5).
second digit, using a method described in Chapter 20 of the Hakimi Z ij, and
The behaviour of the function a (A, A) for 10° intervals of A and all values
already known to his predecessors Habash and al-Battani. This involves the
of X is shown in Fig. 3- The curve for h —0° represents the solar rising amplitude
30 These are contained in MS MB.
On Ibn Yunus' tables of the solar azimuth for certain altitudes at the equinoxes
31 These are contained in MS ZD, one of the largest sets of astronomical tables
from the medieval period, with over 80,000 entries.
and solstices, located as this paper was in press, see the description of MS H in
33 On al-Maqdisi see Suier [ 1], no. 383. I have examined MS CO, which contains 34 See K ing [ 1 ], 186-187-
Ibn Yunus’ tables of T, t, and a as functions of h and X, and also the instructions to the 34 The function A (A) measures the component along the horizontal north-south
Very Useful Tables, introduced in al-Maqdisi’s name. See also the description of axis o f the distance traversed by a celestial body since rising. (The radius o f the
MS G in Appendix B. celestial sphere is taken as R.) See further K ing [ 3 ], note 25-
33 See King [ 1], 199-200. 38 See K in g [ l ] , 169-171 and 179-180, and also [3], notes 25 and 26.

364 Ibn Yunus’ Tables for Reckoning Time 365

Appendix B. The “ azimuth tables” attributed in MS CY to the Egyptian

astronomer Ibn al-M ajdi*1 (d. 1447) are basically Ibn Yunus 1 tables of a(h) at
the equinoxes and solstices. Tables of a(h, A) similar to those of Ibn Yunus
were computed for the latitude of Damascus by al-Halabi38 (d. 1455), but the
azimuth tables of al-Maqdisi of Cairo were plagiarized from those of Ibn Yunus.*3

3.4. Tables of Solar Altitude in Certain Azimuths

It is possible to find h(a, A) from the azimuth tables by interpolation, but
Ibn Yunus compiled a set of tables for obtaining the solar altitude directly,
and indicated as well a method for computing them. In Chapters 23 and 24 of
the Hakimi Z i j he presents tables of h (a. A) for ten different values of a, and
instructions for using them to determine the meridian.40MS D of the Very Useful
Tables contains two of these tables, for azimuths 30° and 60° S. These tables Fig. 4. Solar altitude as a function of solar longitude, for azimuths 0° (altitude in the
are arranged symmetrically, like the time and azimuth tables, whereas those prime vertical), 27; 30° (altitude in the azimuth of the ventilator), 37° (altitude in
in the Z i j give values of h for each degree of A in 12 columns of 30 entries. the azimuth of the qibla), 60° (for determining the meridian), and 90° (meridian
Ibn Yunus3 method for finding h(a, A), outlined in his Z ij, is as follows. For altitude).
a given azimuth a, first compute the altitude of the sun at an equinox, he, when
it has this azimuth; thus
Thus, for each azimuth one needs first to calculate he and Sin C, and with
Sin a- R
he = arc Sin (17) these the values of h (a, A) can be found by three simple operations.
Sin q>•R
1/f Cos q>
I + Sin* a The tables of solar altitude in the azimuths of the qibla (see Section 3.6),
and the ventilator (see Section 3-9), are of the same type. Fig. 4 shows the be­
Ibn Yunus does not suggest the simpler formula41 haviour of the function h(a, A) for various azimuths selected by Ibn Yunus.
When the azimuth is 0° or 90°, the sun is in the prime vertical or the meridian.
A. = arc Tan <18) The corresponding altitudes hQ and hn (see Section 3.1 (1) and (c)) are also
shown in Fig. 4.
Next compute a “ correction arc” for the solsticial points thus: MS CX42 consists of an anonymous set of tables of the solar altitude h(D, T),
_ . f C o s Ae Sine 1 computed for each integral degree of D between 104° and 76° and each integral
C = arcSm {— Sjay ..} . (!9> degree of T such that i ° ^ T ^ 2 D . The values of <p and e underlying the tables
are those of Ibn Yunus, and the function is also tabulated for the extremal
A correction arc for general solar longitude A is then found by
values of D for these parameters, that is 104; 36° and 75; 24°. For each value
c(A) = arc Sin j ^j (c^O as <5^0), (20) of D the associated value of Ta (see Section 3-7) is given at the head of each
table. I suspect that the tables, which contain over 5,500 entries, were computed
and with this the solar altitude for the longitude in question is found by by Ibn Yunus.
A(a,A)=Ae(a )+ c( A). (21) Apart from tables of the solar altitude in the azimuth of the qibla which
occur in later prayer-tables,43 no "altitude tables” like those of Ibn Yunus are
The various cases a^O and <5^0 are carefully distinguished in the text.
attested yet in any other known Islamic sources.
47 On Ibn al-M ajdi see Suter [ 1], no. 432, and King [ 1], 41, 45, and 143. The nu­
merous works of this scholar deserve investigation. 3.5. Tables of the Duration of Morning and Evening Twilight and of Darkness
34 On al-Halabi see Suter [1], no. 434. I have examined MS CQ, which contains
his azimuth tables, tabulated with the functions t(h, X) and T (h , X) computed by al- Islamic astronomers adopted various criteria for defining twilight and adopted
K halili (see note 29 above). The format of these tables is as in MS G (cf. Section 3-2). various values for the angle of depression of the sun below the horizon when
44 Cf. footnote 32 above. twilight begins in the morning or ends in the evening. Some also differentiated
44 On the tables and their use see K in g [l], 217- 222, and for an analysis of the
methods of Ibn Yunus and his late contemporary al-Btrunt for computing h(a, A), 42 Cf. Suter [ 1], no. 411 for the references to the manuscript, and the description
see K ing [ 1], 212-217- in Appendix B.
41 Ibn Yunus did not appreciate the full use of the tables of the tangent function 43 These are attested in several sets of medieval prayer-tables currently being
which he laboriously computed for each minute of argument. Cf. K ing [ 1], 10 and 65- analyzed.

366 Ibn Yunus' Tables for Reckoning Time 367

between the values for morning and evening, holding that morning twilight
lasts a little longer than evening twilight.44 Ibn Yunus’ tables for twilight are
associated with phenomena described as “ the disappearance of the red twilight
glow” (mughib al-shafaq al-ahmar) and “ the first appearance of the true morning
twilight glow (as opposed to the false morning twilight glow or zodiacal light) ”
(ttdu* al-fajr al-sadiq). In the morning the "true dawn” may be preceded by
the zodiacal light, called in Arabic the “ false dawn” (al-fajr al-kadhib); it is
the true dawn which marks the beginning of the time for the morning prayer.45
Ibn Yunus does not discuss twilight phenomena in his Z ij but does describe
how the length of twilight can be computed if one associates a particular value
for the angle of solar depression with the first and last appearances of twilight
Fig. 5. Duration of twilight as a function of solar longitude, for angles of solar depression
in the morning and evening sky. 16° and 17° (evening) and 19° and 20° (morning).
In Chapter 16 of his Z ij Ibn Yunus suggests calculating the time from day­
break to sunrise for a given solar longitude by calculating the time from sunrise
to the moment at which the solar altitude is 18° above the horizon when the Davidian.50 A . Sabra has recently shown that the liber de crepusculis, traditionally
sun is at the opposite point of the ecliptic.46 In the instructions to the Very associated with Ibn al-Haytham, is due to the Andalusian Ibn M u (adh, who lived
Useful Tables he states that to find the duration of twilight one should enter
in the second half of the eleventh century; in this work the parameter used is
with the longitude of the point on the ecliptic opposite the sun in the tables of 18°.51 In the thirteenth century al-Marrdkushi used 20° and 16° for morning
time since sunrise for the appropriate angle of depression taken as altitude. and evening twilight,52 and in the fourteenth century Ibn al-Shatir used 19°
It is a little strange that he does not then refer to the special tables for twilight and 170.53 His colleague al-Khalili based his tables of twilight and darkness on
which are also contained in the work. These tables are simply the corresponding these two parameters,54 which the fifteenth century scholar Sibt al-Mdridini
tables of time since sunrise with the northern and southern signs interchanged.47 stated were the parameters used by all the professional muwaqqits of his day.55
In these twilight tables Ibn Yunus uses 19° for morning twilight and \7° for All of the Ottoman twilight tables which I have examined are based on these
evening twilight. There are also tables based on 20° for morning and 16° for same parameters.56*
evening, and the marginal comments "weak” in these two tables (MSD.lOr Ibn Yunus’ tables for the duration of twilight and darkness are the earliest
and lOv) suggest that someone had used them and found them to be unsatis­ known tables of their kind. The purpose in tabulating these times was to regulate
factory. the dawn and evening prayers.
The parameter 18° was probably used both by Habash (ca. 850) and al-Nayrizi
(a)-(b) The functions labelled “ duration of twilight,” and here denoted by r
(ca. 900),48 and the works of these scholars were known to Ibn Yunus. al-Battani,
and s for morning and evening, respectively, are referred to by Ibn Yunus as
on the other hand, did not discuss twilight at all. al-Biruni (ca. 1025) suggested
"arguments” (hissa). These arguments, being parts of the nocturnal arc, are
18° for both morning and evening twilight, but also mentioned that some people
simply measures of time in equatorial degrees. As stated above, the tables for
used 17°.48 Amongst these was an individual named al-Qdyini, probably a con­
twilight are simply the corresponding tables of time since sunrise with the northern
temporary of al-Biruni: al-Qdyini prepared tables for the duration of twilight
and southern zodiacal signs reversed. Denoting the angles of depression for
based on this parameter which have been analyzed by E. S. Kennedy & M .-L .
morning and evening by ht and hs, respectively, we have
44 For a discussion of the Islamic definitions of twilight see Wiedemann Sc Frank
r(X) = T(hr,X *) and s(X) = T(h %, A*), (22)
[ 1]. For a detailed description of the stages and phenomena of twilight consult M in -
naert [l ], 268- 273, and on quantitative measurements of the angle of solar depression where X* — X +180°.
at daybreak and nightfall see Hellmann [ 1],
45 On the false dawn in the Islamic sources see Wiedemann Sc Frank [ 1], 31- 32, 50 See Kennedy 8c Davidian [1 ].
and Wiedemann [3]. See also Minnaert [ 1], 290- 295, for a modem discussion. 51 See Sabra [ 1],
44 Cf. King [ 1], 159-161. See also Schoy [ 3] for an analysis of the methods of both 52 Wiedemann Sc Frank [1], 13-
Ibn Yunus and Abu CAIt al-Marrdkushi (d. ca. 1260). 53 Ibn al-Shatir mentions the values 19° and 17° in Chapter 38 of his Z ij, but also
47 See p. 379. A t the head of the table of the time since sunrise for 17° in MS D. 67v appears to have used 20° for morning twilight ( Wiedemann Sc Frank [ 1], 13)- Further-,
we find the title “ table of the duration of evening twilight for the opposite degree of more, a manuscript in Damascus of a work by Ibn al-Shatir gives the values 17° for
the ecliptic (nazir)“ . On the corresponding table for 19° in MS D we find the in­ evening and 16° for morning (cf. Khoury [ 1], 190).
complete title “ table of the duration of morning tw ilight” . 54 An analysis of these tables (contained in MS PF) is in preparation.
44 In MS Istanbul Yeni Cami 784,2, fol. 153r and MS Escorial ar. 961,6, respectively. 44 Wiedemann Sc Frank [l], 13- On Sibt al-M dridini see Suter [ 1], no. 445-
The attribution of this material to the two authors is not certain. 44 As, e.g., in Salih Effendi's prayer-tables (cf. footnote 31), and the very popular
44 al-Biruni [ 1], I, 948-950, translated in Wiedemann [2], 46. Ottoman almanac published in Navoni [ 1] and D ’Ohsson [ 1], I, facing p. 192.

368 Ibn Yunus’ Tables for Reckoning Time 369

Fig. 5 shows how the duration of twilight varies with solar longitude according 3.7. Tables for Determining the Beginning of the Time
to the various parameters used by Ibn Yunus. for the Afternoon Prayer
(c) The table of the duration of darkness, »(A), was compiled by subtracting Ibn Yunus’ tables are based on the assumption that the time for the afternoon
the entries in the tables for morning and evening twilight from the appropriate prayer ((asr) commences when the gnomon shadow is longer than its midday
entries in the table of the nocturnal arc, 2N(X) (cf. Section 3.1 (e)). Thus shadow by the length of the gnomon and ends at sunset.59 Thus, if the length
of the gnomon is R = 6 0 units, the altitude Aa at the beginning of the time for
» (A) = 2N(X) —s (A) — r (A) (hs = 17° and hT= 19°). (23) prayer is defined by
Cot Aa = Cot ha 4- R,
The length of darkness, as indicated by the title of the table in MSD, is the
time from the beginning of the night prayer to the “ true dawn." so that
Aa = arc Cot (Cot hn -f R ), (24)
or in modem notation
3.6. Tables for Determining the Qibla by Means o f the Sun Aa = arc cot (cot hn 4- 1).
In Chapter 28 of the Hakivni Z i j Ibn Yunus computes the azimuth of the qibla The determination of the earliest permitted time for the afternoon prayer is
for Cairo-Fustat, here denoted by q, to be about 53° measured from the meridian. not mentioned in the Hakimi Z ij.50
His procedure for determining the qibla is mathematically sound and has been
analyzed by C. Schoy and more recently by myself. The discussion in the Z i j (a) Ibn Yunus tabulates the solar altitude, Aa(A), at the beginning of the interval
concludes with a table of the solar altitude in the azimuth of the qibla, hq(X), for the prayer, for each degree of A' (<5^0). Similar tables computed for other
based on the parameter q — 52°, computed "some time ago”. The value 530 is latitudes, or of the function Aa(hD), occur in numerous zijes. MS C also contains
based on a different value of the longitude difference between Cairo and Mecca, tables of the functions
but no further information is provided about the way in which this difference Cotw Aa(A) and Cot12Aa(A)
of longitude was measured.57
not attested in the other sources of the Very Useful Tables.
(a) The table in MSD.86v of Aq(A) is based on the parameter q = 52°, and is (b) Given the values Aa(A) it is not difficult to compute the values of the cor­
compiled for each degree of longitude, that is, in twelve columns of thirty entries. responding hour-angle fa by using the tables of t(h, A). The few values I have
There are numerous corrupt readings, as can be seen by checking the symmetry calculated by hand, using interpolation in the tables of t(h, A), are closer to the
or by comparing the table with the more accurately computed one in Chapter 28 accurate values that those contained in the sources. For example, the altitude
of the Z ij, which has been published by C. Schoy.5* MS D.14r contains a table for the sun in Gemini 1° is 40; 34°, according to Ibn Yunus (accurately, 40; 35°)-
computed for q = 53°. symmetrically arranged like the time and azimuth tables. The hour-angles for altitudes 40° and 41° and this longitude are respectively
These tables were no doubt computed in the same way as those analyzed in 54; 47° and 53; 37°. The difference is 1; 10° for 1° of altitude, and hence 0; 40°
Section 3.4 above, and Ibn Yunus mentions in the Z i j that the table there could for 0; 34° of altitude. Thus, the required time from midday to the beginning
be used for determining the qibla or, if that is known, for determining the meridian. of the afternoon prayer is
Fig. 4 shows how hq varies with solar longitude (q = 530). 54; 470_ 0 ; 40° = 54; 7°.
(b) The table in MS D for the hour-angle from the time the sun is in the direction The value in Ibn Yunus’ tables is 54; 5°, and the accurately computed value
of Mecca up to midday, tq, is also symmetrically arranged. It is based on q = 53°, is 54; 7°. The table of fa(A) in MS B has been published by C. Schoy.a
and so the appropriate solar altitudes for this azimuth are given in MS D.14r.
Using these values and Ibn Yunus’ tables of t(h, A), I obtain more accurate values 59 On the determination of the earliest permitted time for the afternoon prayer
of tq than those of Ibn Yunus. The table of the time, T q, from sunrise to the time see Wiedemann & Frank [1], 7-10, and Schoy [1], 43-53-
when the sun is in the azimuth of the qibla is easily derived from tables of tq (A) •° The subject is treated in the Yemeni Mukhtdr Z ij, MS LA . 31v, a work based
and D(A); this table is found only in MS C. mainly on Ibn Yunus (cf. King [1], 46-47). Here the "en d of the afternoon prayer”
is before sunset, namely, when the solar altitude is
(c) -(d) In MS G there are no such tables as in (a) or (b) above. Rather, there
Ab = arc Cot (Cot ha 4-2 R )
are corresponding tables for the solar altitude and the hour-angle when the sun or in modem notation
is in the direction perpendicular to the qibla. The tables are based on q — 53°- Ab = a rc cot (cot An 4- 2).

This altitude, particularly in the Hanafi legal school, also defines the beginning of the
57 Cf. Schoy [ 1], 33-43, and King [ 1], 256-268, especially 266, and also 327, note 11. afternoon prayer or of a second afternoon prayer. Cf. Wiedemann & Frank 1 8-10.[ ],
M Schoy [1], 42. •l Schoy [1], 53-

370 Ibn Yunus’ Tables for Reckoning Time 371

Whilst this means the saldm is 1° before daybreak, the title of the tables states
that it is 2° before. On the other hand, a note by the title states that the shaykh
who compiled the tables was in error because the time difference is 1° not 2°.
(b) Another table in this category is entitled “ Time (from sunset) to the tafy
in Ramadan on the basis that there is a difference of 5 (equatorial) degrees
between this and daybreak.” Assuming that the tafy takes place 5° before day­
break, it might be expected that the function tabulated would be
TT(A) = 2 lV (A )-r(A )-5 0 (Af = 19°). (26)
This, however, is not the case. The table occurs in MS G, which also contains
tables of r (A) and s (A) based on
ht = \7° and /ts = 19°.
Nevertheless, if the above expression is indeed that upon which the table is
based, the value of hx must be 20; 15°. This parameter produces close but not
Fig. 6. Solar altitude at the beginning of the time for the afternoon prayer (h j, and
consistent agreement of text and recomputation. It seems unlikely, however,
the corresponding hour-angle ( i j , and time before sunset (Ta). that such a parameter would have been used.
(c) Another table is found only in manuscripts of al-Lddhiqts tables. It is entitled
“ (Oblique) ascensions of (the ascendant at the time of) the saldm, two (equatorial)
(c) The tables of T 3(X), the time from the beginning of the afternoon prayer degrees before daybreak.” The title also states that if one subtracts three degrees
to sunset, are easily derived from those of fa(A) and D(A). from the values, the result is the ascension of (the ascendant at the time of)
Fig. 6 shows how hA, fa and Ta vary with solar longitude for latitude 30°. the tafy. An entry is given for each degree of A in 12 columns of 30 entries.
If the ascendant at daybreak is H, then
3.8. Tables Relating to Institutions Associated with Prayer-Times MAH)= a„(A )-r(A ). (27)
A group of tables occurring in MS G, as well as in the Natijat al-afkdr of The table is based on the function
al-Lddhiqi, are associated with two activities called saldm and tafy. It was the
a„(A) = ct9(A) — r(X) —2° (Ar = 19°. <p= 30°) (28)
custom in medieval times to light candles (<qanddil) on the minarets of mosques
during the nights of Ramadan. The term tafy refers to the extinction of these computed with Ibn Yunus' tables.
candles 20 minutes before daybreak, which may have been the signal to the In later tables of this function based on those described above, values are
faithful that the day's fasting should begin. In Egypt today the beginning of given for each 0; 3° or 0; 6° of solar longitude, computed by linear interpolation.
the fast is called the imsak, and is also 20 minutes before daybreak. However, In MSS CM and CN, however, the entries are larger than those in MS HA by
in MS DC.53r» a* the beginning of a set of prayer-tables for latitude 360, the and 1° respectively. From these few tables investigated thus far, it is apparent
times of the imsak and tafy are different. The saldm was a special that the time of the saldm was variously defined as being 1°, 1; 30°, or 2° (that
call of the muezzin, given a few minutes before daybreak, invoking blessings is 4, 6, or 8 minutes) before daybreak.
on the Prophet Mufyammad. It is clear from the following analysis that the later (d) Another table in this category is entitled “ (Oblique) ascensions of (the
muwaqqits in Cairo were not of one mind regarding the precise times for the saldm ascendant at) nightfall”. It has the same format as the table in (c) above, and
and tafy. is based on the function
(a) The table in MS G and MS HA of al-Lddhiqi’s Natijat al-afkdr, entitled <*s(A) = 360° —{a^(180° —A) -s(A )} (A, = 17°. <p= 30°) (29)
“Time from sunset to the saldm, two (equatorial) degrees before daybreak”,
computed with Ibn Yunus’ tables. That this expression is correct is easily dem­
is based on the function
onstrated. MS C contains a similar table for daybreak.
Ta(A) = 2N(X) —r (A) —2° (Ar = 19°). (25)
3.9. Table for Orienting Ventilators
In MS PH of al-Lddhiqi’s tables the corresponding entries are 1° more so that
the saldm is assumed to be 1° before daybreak. In a later anonymous set of Ibn Yunus’ Very Useful Tables contain a table giving the solar altitude,
tables of this function, MS CL, computed to three digits for each 0; 6° of solar hv, in the azimuth of the ventilator (al-badahanj), for each degree of X' (<5^0).
longitude by linear interpolation, the entries are based on those in MS PH. The table is based on an azimuth of 27; 30° (S of E ), that is, the azimuth of

372 Ibn Yunus’ Tables for Reckoning Time 373

the rising sun at the winter solstice.6* It is understood that the back of the The entries in Ibn Yunus’ table of hV(A) are not as accurately computed as
ventilator should face this direction, and that the front should be exposed to those in similar tables of A(a, A) (see Section 3-4). Many of the entries are in
the winds from the north-west. The azimuth of the rising sun at the winter error by about —0; 5°, which would suggest that the value used for he(a) was
solstice is a very nice direction, long popular amongst the Egyptians, but it is in error by this amount. More curious is the fact that in the table in MS D the
far from the direction which would afford optimal orientation for a ventilator entries in the sixth column decrease to 0; 41° rather than to 0; 0°, as one would
in Cairo.63 According to the fifteenth century historian of Egypt al-Maqrizi, expect, since the altitude in this azimuth at the winter solstice is 0°. This is
the same azimuth was used to define the qibla in several early Egyptian mosques.64 also the case in the corresponding table in MS CY.7v, and it may be that the
The Iraqi scholar (Abdal-Latif al-Baghdddi (1162-1231), who visited Egypt correction to 0; 41° is an attempt to account for the displacement of the visible
about the year 1200, made this observation on the ventilators of Egyptian horizon from the true horizon. (See further Section 3A0.) The corresponding
houses:65 table in MS CE of al-Ladhiqi’s Natijat al-afkar has entries which decrease to 0; 0°.
The differences would hardly affect the efficiency of a ventilator oriented in the
(The Egyptians) make the openings of their houses exposed to the agreeable direction of the rising sun at the winter solstice.
winds from the north. One sees hardly any houses without ventilators. These
Fig. 4 shows how hv varies with solar longitude.
ventilators are tall and wide, and open to every action of the wind; they
are erected carefully and with much skill. One can pay between one hundred
and five hundred dinars for a single ventilator, but small ones for ordinary 3.10. Table of Corrections for Horizontal Refraction
houses cost no more than one dinar each. In MSG there is a curious table entitled “ difference minutes” (daq&Hq
Further, in a collection of short treatises by Ibn Yunus,6* MS M.llOv: 5-11, al-ikhtilaf), here denoted by A D {A), tabulated for each degree of A' (<5^0).
we find the following instructions: The table is not contained in any of the other known manuscripts of the Very
Useful Tables, and neither in MS G nor in any other known work of Ibn Yunus
To mark the direction of the ventilator, first establish the four cardinal is there any explanation of the nature or purpose of this function. For reasons
directions, and then count from the east-point southwards by the amount stated below I believe that the table in the form in which it appears in MS G
of the rising amplitude of (the sun at the first point of) Capricorn. Next is not due to Ibn Yunus.
extend a line (from the center) in this direction, and this will be the direction In some manuscripts of al-Ladhiqi’s Natijat al-afkar (e.g., MS CE), values
for the ventilator. Form a rectangle with another line, and set up the mahalla (?) of the same function are given for each zodiacal sign, and it is stated that the
on this perpendicular. A good procedure is to divide the front in ten parts function is intended to measure the time in equatorial minutes taken by the
and make the side five and one-half, according too the technical con­ sun to move between the true horizon (al-ufq al-haqtqi) and the visible horizon
vention of the craftsmen. God, may He be exalted, grants success. {al-ufq al-marHy). Thus the table is of considerable interest, since hitherto it
has been thought that the quantitative determination of horizontal refraction
The short treatise, Tuhfat al-ahbab fi l-badahanj wa-l mihrab of Ibn al-Majdi,
was not discussed by Islamic scientists. The theory of the qualitative effects
is devoted to methods of marking the azimuth of the ventilator and the qibla
of atmospheric refraction is outlined already in Ptolemy’s Optics.
on a plane surface and shows that the orientation of ventilators in this way was
The function tabulated in MS G occurs also in the prayer-tables of Muhammad
still of some concern in fifteenth century Egypt.6741*67
al-Manufi (MS CH, but not MS Cl), a muwaqqit associated with the Ghuriya
41 In Chapter 18 of his Z ij, Ibn Yunus accurately computes the solisticial rising Mosque in Cairo, who lived about the year 1500. al-M anufi modified the prayer-
amplitude for his parameters to be 27; 30,53°- Cf. K ing [ 1], 169. The recomputed tables of Ibn Yunus, without reference to his source, to account for the effect
values used in Table 9 are based on this value. of the difference minutes in the tables associated with horizon phenomena.68
46 Northerly winds are more numerous in Cairo at all seasons. From a study of the
wind directions there over an 18-year period (I.D. 1117, 252-256), I calculate that 44 It may be that al-Manufi is to be identified with Shams al-Din Muhammad b.
the “ resultant” , which would seem to correspond to an optimum orientation, is [ ],
A b i l-Fath al-$ufi al-M isri (Suter 1 no. 447), who died about 1495- Suter lists fifteen
about 75° S of E. works by this individual, including prayer-tables and a commentary to the Z ij of
64 Cf. al-Maqrizi [ 1], .IV, 21 ff, on the divergence of the qiblas in early Egyptian Ulugh Beg, in which he adapted the planetary tables for the longitude of Cairo.
mosques, summarized in the article Masdjid in E I X, I II, 337b-338a. A manuscript in Damascus of another work due to Shams al-Din al-ftiifi, which
Cf. Zand [ 1], 178-179- The translation is my own. supports the identification with al-Manufi, contains a table of the "difference minutes”
46 On this manuscript see K ing [ 1], 10 and 348. The second procedure outlined in and a table of the half-excess for latitude 33; 30° (Damascus), corrected for these
the passage translated is approximate and yields an azimuth of arc tan (0.55) or minutes. Cf. Khoury [ 1], 205- 206-
28; 48° south of east. Muhammad al-M anufi’s tables in MSS CH and C l also contain instructions for
47 I have examined MS EB of this work by Ibn al-Majdi. See also Wiedemann [ 1], taking the solar radius into account in time-keeping by the sun. Another manuscript
I, 546-547 and 589- On Ibn al-M ajdi see footnote 37 above. in Damascus contains four pages of tables entitled “ the difference minutes of the solar
For illustrations of ventilators still in use in Dubai and Sharjah, Union of Arab radius to be added to the semi diurnal arc for latitude 33; 30° (Damascus)” , by the
Emirates, see Azzi [ 1]. Egyptian Muhammad al-Tandata'i al-Azhari. Cf. Khoury [ 1], 6i.

374 Ibn Yunus’ Tables for Reckoning Time 375

Fig. 8. Plane projection of the visible and true horizons (AB and A'B'), and the solar
day-circles at the equinoxes (X X '), summer solstice (Y Y '), and winter solstice (ZZ').
Fig. 7. Variation of the “ difference minutes” with solar longitude according to
Not to scale.
Ibn Yunus and al-Manufi (----), and al-Ladhiqi (MS P H .7v : ---- ; MS H A .3: *«*).

His son (A bd al-Qadir al-Manufi wrote a treatise on the difference minutes, and Consider Fig. 8, which represents a portion of the western sky about the
the Damascus astronomer Ibn al-Shdtir (ca. 1350) also discussed them: manu­ west-point in plane cross-section. The sun sets across the horizon at an angle q>.
scripts of their works are extant in Cairo.69 AB represents the true horizon and A' B' the visible horizon at an angle of depres­
The tables in MSS G and CH give a value of AD{X ) to minutes and seconds sion A h below the true horizon. The problem is to find to a first approximation
for each degree of X' (<5^0), calculated by linear interpolation between the values how long the sun takes to move between these two horizons. XX' represents
at the equinoxes and solstices. The significant entries, in equatorial minutes, the path of the center of the sun at the equinoxes and YY' and ZZ' its path
are as follows: at the summer and winter solstices respectively. Clearly:
Equinoxes 47 XX' = YY' = ZZ' — A h sec q>.
Summer solstice 62
Now the time taken by the sun to move from X to X' is measured by the arc XX'
Winter solstice 32.
of the celestial equator. Thus the difference minutes at the equinoxes, A D 0,
In several of the manuscripts of al-Ladhiqi’s tables which I have examined, equal A h sec <p. Since Ibn Yunus, according to al-Manufi, takes this as 0; 47°
a value of A D (A) to one digit is given for each zodiacal sign, and in one source for latitude 30°, we have
(MS HA.3) the difference minutes decrease uniformly from 47 at the autumnal A D 0 = A h sec 30° = 0; 47°
equinox to 17 at the vernal equinox! The various tables encountered thus far whence
are represented graphically in Fig. 7. A h ^ o ; 40° =2/3°.
The relation of this function to Ibn Yunus is claimed by al-Manufi. In the
This then is the vertical displacement of the horizon due to refraction correspond­
introduction to his prayer-tables (MS CH.7v) he states that Ibn Yunus found
ing to the value for A D 0 attributed to Ibn Yunus. The modern value for this
the difference minutes to be 47 at the equinoxes, increasing by 5 for each sign
displacement is 0; 35°.••70
to the summer solstice and decreasing by 5 for each sign to the winter solstice.
The solsticial values attributed to Ibn Yunus are, in the light of modem
Now, only part of the theory described by al-Manufi and represented in the
knowledge, less reasonable. A distance of 0; 47° on either of the solisticial day-
tables makes sense. It seems reasonable to assume that Ibn Yunus would have
circles corresponds approximately to an arc of
considered the visible horizon to be at a fixed angle of depression below the true
horizon. If this is so, the above equinoctial and solsticial values are easily shown 0; 47°sec e = 0; 51°
to be mutually inconsistent. On the other hand if the three values are the results
on the celestial equator. It is clear that the time taken by the sun to move between
of observations made at the equinoxes and solstices, then only one of them is
the two horizons is, to a first approximation, the same at both solstices. This time
a good result and the other two are considerably in error. Of course, we have
is some 0; 4° more than the corresponding time at the equinoxes, according to
absolutely no control over the results of observations when we have no
the above calculation.
information concerning the kind of measurements Ibn Yunus might have made
Ibn Yunus was a master of spherical astronomy, and I consider it unlikely
to derive values for the difference minutes. So let us investigate the three values
that he would make as elementary an error as to give radically different values
on which the tables are based.
of A D at the solstices. After all, he was able to compute accurately the time
•• See Suter [ 1], no. 479, especiallyp. 194, 11. 2-4 (Suter’s sehr geringe Abweichungen
are the daqa’iq al-ikhtilaf), and Brockelmann [ 1], II, 156, no. 4, entry 11. 70 Cf., e.g., Smart [ 1], 69, and Woolard & Clemence [i], 79.

376 Ibn Yunus’ Tables for Reckoning Time 377

from sunrise to the time at which the solar altitude is h, that is, T(h, A), for (God) made the sun as a shining light and made the moon a luminary and
integral values of h from 1° to 83°. Also, his tables for the duration of twilight measured out its mansions
prove that he could also tabulate T(h, A) accurately for solar positions below
is continued thus (MS D.83r: 5):
the horizon. From his table of T(h, A) for altitude 1° Ibn Yunus could have
read off immediately that the time taken by the sun to move 10 below the horizon for perfecting prognostications about what He orders and what He effects.
was, in equatorial minutes, as follows:71
The Qur’anic verse 37.6/5
Equinox 70
(God) adorned the lower heavens with the stars
Summer solstice 79
Winter solstice 79- is continued (MS D.83r: 5-6):

From these values we can find by linear interpolation the corresponding values and the times are known by what rises and sets.
for an angle of depression of 2/3°, namely:72 Since, states Ibn Yunus, time-keeping [Him al-mawaqit) was ordained by God,
Equinox 47 he thought he would prepare these tables which would be the “ limit of useful­
ness” (ghdyat al-intifa().
Summer solstice 53 The remainder of Ibn Yunus’ instructions on using the tables (MS D.83r-83 v)
Winter solstice 53- is translated in full:
It is then quite reasonable to interpolate linearly between the equinoctial and To determine the time from sunrise to any instant you wish, enter the
solsticial values of A D for general solar longitudes, because the variation in A D solar longitude in the table of the instantaneous altitude, and you will find
is relatively small.73* the required time, if the solar altitude is in the east. If it is in the west,
I suspect that Ibn Yunus, in a work other than the Hdkimi Z ij and the subtract the value in the table from the diurnal arc, and the remainder will
Very Useful Tables, stated that the difference minutes were 47 at the equinoxes be the time up to that instant. God—may He be exalted—knows best.
and increased about 5 to maxima at the solstices, which would be virtually correct.
The assertion of al-Manufi that Ibn Yunus had stated that the difference minutes Example: Suppose the sun is in 21° of Taurus, and the instantaneous
were 47 at the equinoxes and changed by 5 for each sign with a maximum at the altitude is 30°. We find 35; 38oa in the table: this is the time from sunrise
summer solstice and a minimum at the winter solstice is then simply garbled. My to the instant in question. If the altitude is in the west, subtract 35; 38°
hypothesis has no substantiation in the manuscripts examined thus far. from the diurnal arc, which is 201; 46°b. The remainder is 166; 8°, and this
is the required time.
To determine how much of the day has passed, and how many hours
Part 4: Ibn Yunus’ Instructions on the Use of the Tables
of daylight are left, divide the time since sunrise by the number of degrees
The instructions accompanying the tables in MSS D and G contain virtually corresponding to a seasonal day hour for the day in question, or by 15 if
no information about the way the tables were intended to be used in practice, you want equinoctial hours. The result is the number of hours of daylight
nor do they reveal how the tables were computed. They begin with pious state­ that have passed. Subtract the seasonal hours from 12, and the equinoctial
ments about God as the Creator of the Universe. The Qur’anic verse 10.5/5 hours from the number of hours of daylight on the day in question: the
remainder will be the number of hours of daylight left.
71 Accurately computed for <p= 30° and s = 23; 35°, these values are respectively
69, 78, and 78. Example: Suppose the sun is in 11° of Aries, and the instantaneous altitude
72 Accurately computed: 46, 52, and 52 respectively. is 45° in the east. We find the time since sunrise for this altitude as before:
73 It is perhaps worth noting the occurrence of another linear zigzag function in it is 53; 19°c. We divide this by the number of degrees corresponding to a
a short treatise attributed to Ibn Yunus. The treatise describes a candle-clock con­ seasonal day hour, which is 15; 24°,d and the result is [3]*; 27- These are
sisting of twelve oil-candles and has been discussed in Wiedemann & Hauser [ 1], 18, the hours of daylight that have passed. Subtract them from 12, and the
and more fully in Kennedy & Ukashah [ 1]. It is required to fill the candles in such a
way that if they are all lit at sunset, one candle goes out at the end of each seasonal
remainder, which is the number of hours of daylight left, is 8; 33* If we divide
hour of the night. Since the seasonal night hours vary in length throughout the year,
the amount of oil required in each candle also varies. The author of the treatise gives » As in MS D.54v.
the amounts of oil to be used in the first candle for each zodiacal sign. These quantities b As in MS D .l2r.
define a linear zigzag function, reminiscent of those used in Babylonian astronomy. c As in MS D.39v.
Indeed the parameter underlying the table is the ratio 3:2 for maximum to minimum d MS D.13r has the more accurate value 15; 25°.
daylight, a basic Babylonian parameter. « Text: 4 (sic).
Ibn Yunus' Tables for Reckoning Time 379

the time since sunrise by 15, the quotient is [ ) ; 33] f, and this is the number book. You enter the solar longitude as argument and read off the required
of equinoctial hours which have passed. We subtract these from the number value.
of equinoctial hours of daylight on the day in question, which is 12; 20, To determine the half diurnal arc, you enter the solar longitude in the
and the remainder is 8; 47. This is the number of hours of daylight left. appropriate table and read the required value.
I have included a table at the end of the book in which the entry corresponding
to the solar longitude is multiplied by the time since sunrise to give the To determine the duration of morning twilight, which is the remainder
seasonal day hours passed since sunrise. of the nocturnal arc to sunrise, you enter the longitude directly opposite the
solar longitude on the ecliptic in the table of the time since sunrise for altitude
To determine (the altitude of the sun for) the seasonal and equinoctial 19°, and the value you find will be the required time.757 *
hours, enter the solar longitude in the tables of the time since sunrise for
each altitude and turn through table after table until you find a time as To determine the time from sunrise to the time when the sun is in the
large as the degrees corresponding to the seasonal or equinoctial hours. Inter­ azimuth of the qibla, enter the solar longitude in the appropriate table and
polate if necessary, and the result will be the required altitude. read the required value.
Example: Suppose the sun is in the last degree of the sign of Gemini, To determine the azimuth, proceed as with the tables for time. The
and we want the altitude after the first seasonal hour. We enter the solar direction of the azimuth is south if the sun is in the southern zodiacal signs,
longitude in the tables, turning through table after table, and find opposite or if it is in the northern signs and the altitude is greater than the altitude
the longitude in the table for 130 a time of 16; 24°g. We subtract this from in the prime vertical; otherwise, it is north. God knows best.
the number of degrees in one seasonal hour, which is 17; 26°,h and the remain­ Certain interesting facts will be revealed to anyone who examines these
der is 1; 2°. We divide this by the difference between the time ‘[in the tables tables closely.78 For, example, if the solar altitude equals the declination,
for altitude 13° and for altitude 14°, which difference is 1; 15°. The ratio then both the azimuth and the time since sunrise are equal to the complement
of one to the other is 0; 50, which we add to the first altitude]** and so the of the other. Further, if you take the declination as altitude, and you know
required altitude is 13; >0°. If we want the altitude after one equatorial the complement of the time since sunrise for the solar longitude, then it
hour, we enter the solar longitude in the tables and we find opposite it 13; 56°. will be the half excess of daylight, if the latitude is 300. Numerous other
We subtract this from 15°, and the remainder is 1; 4°, which we divide by facts and points of interest relating to night and day also become evident.
the difference between the time for altitude 11° and that for 12°, which is
God—may He be exalted—knows best.
1; 15°. The ratio of the one to the other is 0; 51, which we add to the first
altitude, obtaining 11; 51° for the required altitude. 75 Cf. footnote 47 above.
76 The two statements which follow are easily verified. Firstly, since
To determine the ascendant at the eastern horizon, add the time since
cos h cos a )
sunrise to the oblique ascension of the solar longitude, and the result is (the
oblique ascension of) the ascendant at that time.74
t = arc sin
{ cos <5 J
(cf. K ing [1], 150), we have, when h = 8,
Example: Suppose the sun is in 18° of the sign of Scorpio and the in­
stantaneous altitude is 25°- We take the time since sunrise for this altitude a + t = 90°.
Secondly, since
and find it to be 33; 20°.* We add this to the oblique ascension of the sun, T(h, A) =/(A) -fare sin [p(h, A) — sin /(A)]
namely, 235; 52°,k and the sum is 269; 12°. We take the longitude correspond­ where
ing to this: 16; 18° results, being the degree of the sign of Sagittarius which sin h
p(h. A) — cQs ^ ^ CQS ^
is rising.
To determine the hour-angle at the beginning of the afternoon prayer, (cf. formula (12)), we have, when h = 8 and <p = 30°, that
you should know that there is a table for this included at the end of the tan 8 (tan 8 tan 30°)
= 2 sin /(A)
cos 30° — sin 30°
f Text: 4; 13 {sic),
e As in MS D .7lv. (cf. formula (2)). Therefore,
h As in MS D.13r. T(h, A) = / ( A) + a rc sin [2 sin /(A) — sin /(A)]
* Missing in MS D.
i As in MS D.59v.
k This is accurate, and is the value given in the H a k im iZ ij. MS H A .21 has 235; 51°-
74 In modem notation
«,(* h ) « « , ( * ) + T ( A . A).

380 Ibn Yunus’ Tables for Reckoning Time 381

P a rt 5: Sam ple Entries fro m the T ables Table 2. Time since sunrise and hour-angle

Tables 1 to 10 below contain sample entries from the corresponding tables (a) Time since sunrise for altitude 30° MS D.54r
in Sections 1 to 10 in Part 3- The entries are adequate to convey some idea of 38; 23 43; 50 [ - 1 ]
35;13° 34; 55 36: 5 [+ 1 ] 35; 2 0 [+ 1 ]
the accuracy of Ibn Yunus' computation and to identify any new material which 34; 19 [ + 1] 35; 23 36; 34 [ - 1 ] 36; 24 [ + 1 ] 40; 44 [ - 1 ] 46; 12 [ - 1 ]
may come to light. The entries shown are, unless otherwise indicated, taken 34; 53 [ - 1 ] 36; 2 36; 49 [+ 1 ] 38; 14 43; 39 47:17
from the first, middle, and last rows of each of the six columns in the original Time since sunrise for altitude 45° MS D.39r
table, that is, for longitudes
54; 35° [+ 1 ] 52; 27 53; 28 [ + 1 ] 54; 56 [+ 1 ] 65; 59 [+ 2 ]
1 ° 61 181 211 241
53; 1 [+ 2 ] 52; 44 54; 2 [ - 1 ] 58; 17 [ - 2 ]
52; 28 [ + 1] 53; 25 [ + 1] 54; 19 [ + 1] 65; 15 [ - 1 ]
15 45 75 195 225 255
Time since sunrise for altitude 60° MS D.24r
30 60 90 210 240 270
85; 1° [ - 5 ] 7 i; 11 70; 54 [ + 2]
The values agree with recomputation except where the error in the second digit 74; 31 [ + 7] 70; 33 [ + 1] 7 1 ; 22 [- 1 ]
71; 20 [ + 2] 70; 52 [+ 2 ] 71; 39
is shown in square brackets, computed according to the convention
(b) Hour-angle for altitude 30° MS D.53v
error = (value in text) — (recomputed value). 55; 1° 62; 4 66; 22 [ - 1 ] 54; 26 [ - 1 ] 44; 38 33:43 [ + 1]
58; 38 [ - 1 ] 64; 26 67; 26 [+ 1 ] 50; 9 [ - 1 ] 39; 27 29; 48 [ + 1]
The values quoted are usually taken from the tables in MSS D, G, and HA. 61; 5i [ - 2 ] 66; 17 67; 47 [ - 1 ] 45; 0 34; 2 28; 7
Variants between the manuscripts are, in general, attributable to copyists’ errors, MSD.38v
Hour-angle for altitude 45°
though, for example, see Tables X l and X 2 in Section 2.3.
35:39° [ - 1 ] 44; 32 48; 59 [ - 2 ] 34; 50 [ - 2 ] 17; 2 [ - 2 ]
40; 26 [ - 2 ] 47; 5 49; 58 [ + 1] 28; 16 [ + 2]
44; 18 [ - 1 ] 48; 54 [ - 1 ] 50; 18 17; 59 [ + 1]
Table 1. Spherical astronomical functions not tabulated in the Hakimi Zxj MS D.24r
Hour-angle for altitude 60°
5; 13° [+ 5 ] 25; 48 31:33 [ - 2 ]
(c) Solar meridian altitude MS D .l4 v 1 8 ; 56 [ - 6 ] 29; 15 [ - 1 ] 32; 38 [ + 1]
60; 24° 71; S3 80; 29 59; 36 48; 7 39; 31 25; 26 [ - 3 ] 31; 27 [ - 2 ] 32; 57
65; 58 [ + 1] 76; 26 82; 44 54; 2 [ - 1 ] 43; 34 37; 16
71; 32 80; 16 83; 35 48; 28 39; 44 36; 25

(d) Half diurnal arc MS D .i2r

Table 3- Solar azimuth (northern azimuths are shown negative)
90; 14° 96; 59 102; 27 89; 46 83; 1 77; 33
93:27 99; 49 [+ 1 ] 104; 0 86; 33 80; 11 [ - 1 ] 76; 0
Solar azimuth for altitude 30° MSS D.106r and 0.124v -l2 5 v
96; 46 102; 19 104; 36 83; 14 77; 41 75; 24


53; 8h [+ 1 ]

3; 22 20; 3* [+ 1 ] 37; 27
(e) Nocturnal arc MS D.6v 11; 16 - 2 ; 31 - 1 0 ; 29 28; 7* 45; 17 58; [3 ]1 [ - 1 ]
3; 50* [+ 1 ] — 7; 24b [ - 1 ] - i i ; 32d [+ 1 ] 36; 5[3]« [+ 1 ] 52; 41 60; 5
179:32° 166; 2 155; 6 [+ 1 ] 180; 28 193; 58 204; 54 [ - 1 ]
173; 6 160; 24 [ + 1] 152; 0 186; 54 199; 36 [ - 1 ] 208; o Solar azimuth for altitude 45° MS D.99v
1 6 6 ; 28 155:22 150; 48 193; 32 204;38 209; [12]*
34; 2[8]°J 13; 56 0; 20 36; 5 [ + 1] 66; 3
24; 6 6; 34 [ - 4 ] -3 ; 5 48; 17
(g) Conversion factor MS D.3r
14:32 [ + 1] 0; 40 - 4 ; 21 64; 40 [ - 1 ]
[0 ];3. 59 ; 3, 43 ; 3. 31 ; 4, o [ - 1 ] ; 4, 21 [ + 1 ] ; 4, 38 [ - 1 ]
; 3. 51 ; 3, 36 ; 3. 27 [ - 1] ; 4, 1 0 ; 4, 2 9 ;4, 45 [ + 1] Solar azimuth for altitude 60° MS D .9ir
; 3, [44]b [ + 1] ; 3. 31 ; 3, 26 [ - 1] ; 4, 1 9 [ - i ] ; 4, 38 ; 4, 46 79; 42° 31:37 ii; 4
49; 32 20; 17 6; 1 0
(h) Length of daylight in equinoctial hours MS G.75v 32; 33 i i ; 32 4; 22
12; 2 12; 56 13; 40 11; 58 ii; 4 10; 20
12; 28 13; 19 [ + l ] 13; 52 l i ; 32 10; 41 [ —1] 10; 8 * MS 0: 49 (accurate). 1 MS O: 8.
12; 54 13; 39 13; 57 ll; 6 10; 21 10; 3 b MS O: 23 (accurate). * MS D: 56; MS O; 52.
c MS O: 39 (accurate). h MS 0 : 7 (accurate).
a Illegible in MS D. d MS O: 33 (accurate). 1 MS D: 8 (sic); MS O: 3-
b MS D : 46 (sic). • MS O: 1. 1 M SD: 23 (sic).

382 Ibn Yunus' Tables for Reckoning Time 383

Table 4. Solar altitude for various azimuths Table 6. Tables for determining the qibla

Solar altitude for azimuth MSS D.9r and 0.27v-28v (a) Solar altitude in the azimuth of the qibla (q = 5 2 0)
41; 30° 59; 3 72; 50 40; 17 2 2 ; 45 8; 57 47; 23° 63; 13 75:27 [+ 1 ] 46; 18 30; 2 8 1 8 ; 15* [4-1]
49; 54 66;13 76; 39 3l; 53 1 5 ; 34 5; 9 54; 59 69:37 78; 45 38:42 24; 4 14; 55
58; 30 72; 29 78; 7 23; 17 9; 18 3:41 [ + 1 ] 62:43 75; 8 80; 2 [4 -t] 30; 57 1 8 ; 33 13; 39

Solar altitude for azimuth 60° MSS D.9v and 0.36r-37r Solar altitude in the azimuth of the qibla (q — 53 0) MS D.14r
56; 45° 69; 32 [ + 1 ] 79; 9 55; 52 43; 6 33; 2 8 46; [4]3° [ - 2 ] 62; 44 [ - 2 ] 75; 10 45; 40 [ 4 - 2 ] 29; 35 [ - 2 ] 17; 11 [ - 2 ]
62:55 [+ 1 ] 74; 36 8 1 ; 42 4 9 ;43b 38; 1 30; 56 [+ 1 ] 54; 26 69; 13 [ - 2 ] 78; 31 [ - 1 ] 37; 54 [ - 3 ] 23; 8 1 3 ; 50
69; 8a 78; 55 8 2 ; 40 43; 30 [+ 1 ] 33; 43 [+ 1 ] 2 9 ; 58 6 2 ; 15 [ - 1] 74; 52 [4-1] 79:48 [ - 2 ] 30; 4 [ - 3 ] 17; 30 [ - 1 ] 12:32 [ - 1 ]

a MS O: 8; MS D: 20 (sic). (b) Hour-angle when the sun is in the azimuth of the qibla (q = 53°) MS D.8v
b MS 0 : 43; MS D has no entry for the second digit. 22; 0 [4-4] 54; 3[2]b [4-1]
33; 12° [+ 1 ] 1 2 ; 35 [ - 1 ] 33; 57 45; [1]2
27; 50 [ - 1 ] 17; 12 [4-2] 9; 57 [4-2] 39; 19 [4-2] 49; S7 [ - 1 ] 57; 13
2 2 ; 21 [4-4] 12; 48 [ - 3 ] 8; 51 44; 51 [-4-1J 54;18 [4-1] 58; 18 [4-1]

(c) Solar altitude in the azimuth perpendicular to the azimuth of the qibla (q = 53°) MS G.71 v
54; 36° 68; 7 [4-1] 78; 20 53; 40 40; 9 [ - 1 ] 29; 56
61; 6 73: 28 [ - 2 ] 8 1 ; 2 [ —2] 47; 10 34; 48 [4-1] 27; 14 [4-1]
Table 5 . Duration of twilight and darkness 67; 42 78; 6 [4-1] 82; 6 [4-1] 40; 34 [ — 1 ] 3 0 ; 10 [ - 1] 26; 10 [ - 1 ]

(a) Duration of morning twilight (hT = 19 0) MS D . 7 v (d) Hour-angle when the sun is in the azimuth perpendicular to the azimuth of the qibla (q = 5 3 °) MSG.77r

22; 7° [ + 1] 2 3 ; 24 25; 38 22; 3 [- 1 ] 2 2 ; 12 2 3 ; 1 0 [-M ] 2 0 : 2 5 ° [4-1] 13; 13 [ - 2 ] 71 11 [- 1 7 ] 20; 51 [ - 2 ] 28; 2 33; 50

22; 32 24; 24 26; 32 [ + 2] 20; 0 [ + 1 ] 22; 37 2 3 ; 33 [ + 1 ] 16; 52 [- 8 ] 10; 10 [ —6] 5; 48 [ - 1 ] 24;19 [4-2] 3 1 ; 0 [ - 1] 35:29 [4-1]
23; 20 25; 33 [ - 1 ] 26; 52 22; 10 [ — 1] 23 ; 6 [ -1 ] 23; 42 13; 24 [- 5 ] 7; 22 [- 1 5 ] 5; 1 [- 1 0 ] 27; 49 [4-1] 33; 4 3 [4-2] 36; 7 [ + 1 ]

Duration of morning twilight (Ar = 20°) MS D.lOv a MS O: 14.

b MS D; 37.
23; 18 ° [+ 1 ] 24; 42 27; 7 [ - 1 ] 2 3 ; 15 2 3 ; 22 24; 20
23; 45* [ —1] 25; 48 [ + 1] 28; 5b 23; 8 23; 47 24; 45 [+ 1 ]
24; 38 27; 3 28; 28 [ - 1 ] 23; 21 [ + 1] 24; 18 24; 54

(b) Duration of evening twilight (h., = 16°) MS D.lOr

Table 7 . Tables for determining the beginning of the time for the afternoon prayer

19; 34 [ + 1] 21; 15 [ - 2 ] 1 8 ; 33 18; 44 19; 34 [ - 1 ]


1 8 ; 52 [ - 2] 2 0 ; 20 21; 56 [ - 1 ] 1 8 ; 29 [ —2] 19; 6 19; 55

2 1 ; 12 [ - 2 ] 20; 4 (a) Solar altitude M S D .I lv
19; 30 2 2 ; 13 1 8 ; 43 19;32 [ - 1 ]
32; 33° [4-1] 3[6]; 59 [ - 1 ] 40; 34 [ - 1 ] 32; 13 27; 48 24; 20 [4-1]

30; 6 23; 24 [4-2]
Duration of evening twilight (ht, = 17°) MS D.7r 38; 51 41; 35 [4-1] 2 5 ; 59
36; 50 [- 2 ] 40; 28 [ - 1 ] 41; 58 [4-1] 27; 56 24; 26 [4-1] 23; 0
19: 45° 20; 49 [ - 1 ] 2 2 ; 42 [ - 1 ] 19; 43 1 9 ; 52 [ - 2 ] 20; 46 [ - 1 ]
20; 6 2 l; 39 [ - 2 ] 2 3 ; 26 [ - 1] 19; 40 20;15 [ - 1 ] 21; 8
20; 46 [ - 1 ] 22; 38 [ - 1 ] 23; 44 [ - 1 ] 2 0 ; 44 [ - 1 ] 21; 1 6 [ - 1 ] (b) Hour-angle MS D.15V
19; 51 [ - 1 ]
51; 54° [ - 1 ] 53; 56 [ - 1 ] 54; 5 [ - 2 ] 51; 42 47; 45 [ - 2 ] 4 3 ; 41 [4-1]
(c) Duration of darkness (hf = 19 ° and Ag = 17°) MS D.6r 53; 6 [ - 1 ] 54; 12 53; 52 [ - 4 ] 50; 2 45; 45 42; 23 [ - 1 ]
53; 55 54; 6 [ - 2 ] 53:48 [ - 2 ] 47; 57 [4-1] 43:45 [ - 2 ] 41; 53 [ - 3 ]

137; 40° [ - 1 ] 121; 49 [ + 1 ] 106; 46 [ + 2] 138; 41 151; 54 [ + 2]


130; 28 114; 21 [+ 3 ] 102; 2 [ - 1 ] 145; 14 [ - 1 ] 156; 44 163; 19 [ - 1 ]

122;22 [ + 1] 107; 11 [ + 2] 100; 12 [+ 1 ] 151; 30 [ + 1] 160; 47 [ + 1] 164; 14 [+ 1 ] (c) Time before sunset MSD.13V

38:20° [4-1] 4 3 ; 3 [4-1] 48; 22 [4-2] 38; 4 35; 16 [+ 2 ] 3 3 ; 52 [ - 1 ]

* MS D . 5 r: 45; MS D .lO v: 4 3 (s*c). 40; 21 [4-2] 4 5 ; 37 [4-1] 50; 4 36; 31 34; 26 [ - 1 ] 3 3 ; 37 [ 4 - 1 ]
» MS D . 5 r: 8 (sic). 42; 51 [ - 1 ] 48;13 [4-2] 50; 48 [4-2] 35; 17 [ - 1 ] 33; 56 [4-2] 33; 31

384 Ibn Yunus’ Tables for Reckoning Time 385

Table 8. Tables of functions relating to institutions associated with the prayer times A p p en d ix A : In d ex to the Tables in the M anuscript Sources
(N .B . These tables have not been recomputed) Nota bene: References are restricted to MSS D and G, which are fairly com­
plete; to MSS B, E, and H which contain only a few tables; and to MSS HA
a) Time from sunset to the saldm MSS G.74r and HA.16 and PH of al-Ladhiqi’s Natijat al-afkar.
155; 25° 140; 38 127; 28 1 5 6 ; 24 169; 46 179; 44 Introduction; D.83r-83v and G .lv-3v
148;34 134; 0 123; 23 162; 52 174; 59 182; 27
141; 8 1 2 7 ; 49 121; 56 169; 2i 179;31 183; 30 Tables:

MS G . 76 v
Category Function tabulated Sources
(b) Time from sunset to the fafy in Ramadan
150; 51° 135; 59 122; 39 I5 i: 50 165; 19 175; 25 1(a) 5(A) D .llr, 4r
143; 57 1 2 9 ; 15 118; 36 158; 23 170;36 178; 12 HA.8; PH.8v
136; 27 123; 1 1 1 6 ; 58 164; 55 175; 12 179; 20
(b) m D .1 4 v , 4 v

MS HA.25-26 HA.9; PH.8v

(c) Oblique ascensions of the ascendant at the time of the saldm
(values are taken from the head of each column) (c) KW D.14v, 4v; G.68r
A= 1° 336; 34° A= 31° 356; 27 A = 61° 1 8 ; 45 HA.9; PH.9v
47; 38 121 1 2 1 ;15 D{X) D.12r; G.68v
91 83; 37 151 (d)
l8l 157; 4 211 191; 37 241 226; 7
HA.10; PH.lOr
271 259; 59 301 290; 20 331 315; 27
(e) 2 N{X) D.6v, 5v; G.72r
(d) Oblique ascensions of the ascendant at nightfall MS H A .23-24 HA.17; PH.12v
(values are taken from the head of each column) (f) h(X) D.13r; G.76r
A= 1° 200 ; 54° A = 31° 236; 38 A = 61° 273; 59 fe) Mh{X) D.3r; G.75r; B.21r
309; 25 121 0; 20
91 337: 59 151 (factor for converting equatorial
181 20; 24 211 41; 43 241 67; 9
166; 21 degrees to seasonal day hours)
271 97; 47 301 131; 47 331
(h) 2£>(A)/15 G.75 v
(length of daylight in
equinoctial hours)
(i) a'(A) HA. 19-20
Table 9- Table for orienting ventilators by the sun
(j) a30(X) HA.21-22
MS D.84v PH.15 v-l6r
Solar altitude in the azimuth of the ventilator
(k) y>(X) D.12v, 3v, 84r
39; 14° [ - 3 ] 57; 23 [ - 3 ] 71: 47 37; 59 [ - 3 ] 19; 49 [ - 5 ] 5; 2 8 [ — 5]
75; 42 [ - 5 ] 1 ; 29 O 4]
HA.7; PH.9r
47; 54 [ - 4 ] 64;49 [ - 4 ] 29; 41 [+ 1 9 ] 12; 22 [ - 5 ]
56; 49 [ - 3 ] 71:23 [ - 2 ] 77; 16 [ - 4 ] 20; 22 [ - 6 ] 5 ; 49 [- 6 ] 0 ; 41* (1) K{X) D.l2v, 3v, 85 v
HA.7; PH.9r
* MS CE: 0; 0. Cf. Section 3.9- (m) arc Sin (2) D.8r
2(a) T{h, X) D.85 v-15r (/» = l°-83°)
G.4v-65v (A= l 0-83°)
B.12r-20r (/» = 52°-83°)
(b) t{h, A) D.85v-15r (A= l°-83°)
Table 10. Table of corrections for horizontal refraction
G.4v-65v (&= l°-83°)
B .l i r - l l v (h =8°, 9°)
"Difference minutes” MS G. 7 6 v
H. lv-35r (A = l°-83°)
47: 1 0 5 2 ; 10 57; 10 46; 50 41; 50 36; 50 a(h, X) D.86r-12v (A = l°-88°)
4 9 ; 30 54; 3 0 5 9 ; 30 44; 30 34; 30
39; 30
52; 0 57; 0 62; 0 42; 0 32; 0
G.4v-6 5 v (A = l°-83°)
37; 0

386 Ibn Yunus’ Tables for Reckoning Time 387

Category Function tabulated Sources Appendix B: Description of Manuscripts Consulted v (A = l°-19°) Nota bene: Only MSS B, C, D, E, G, H, K, and CZ are described here. The
E.30v - 63v (A = 1°-78°) numerous related sources will be discussed in a subsequent paper. Manuscripts of
H.36V-7OV (A = l°-83°) the Hakimi Z ij are described in King [1], Appendix C.
K (A = 1°- 86°)
a(h) (A '= 0°, 90°) H.71r; B: MS Berlin Ahlwardt 5753 ( = Landberg 574) (Foliated 1r-2lr)
4 h(a, A) D.9r (a = 30°) This is a fragment of the Very Useful Tables. The title on fol. lr reads:
D.9v (a = 60°) Azimuth Tables by Ibn Yunus, the Calculator. There are several notices of posses­
5(a) r(X) D.lOv, 5r (Ar = 20°) sion on the title folio, one dated 840 Hijra ( = 1436).
D.7v (Ar = 19°) The tables on fols. 1v - 20r are in considerable confusion. Each table is headed
G.73v (Ar = 190)
only by the degree of solar altitude. For altitudes 1° through 19° (fols. 1v-lOv)
HA.18 (Ar = 19°) they are azimuth tables. These are followed by hour-angle tables for altitudes
PH.14r (Ar = 19°) 8° and 9° (fols. llr - llv ) and tables of the time since sunrise for altitudes 52°
(b) s(X) D.lOr (As = 16°) through 830 (fols. \2v - 20r). The format of all the tables is the same as that in
D.7r (As = 17°) MS D. On fol. 20v there is a table of 2a(A), which has been published in Schoy
G.73r (As = 17°)
HA.14 (As = 17°) [1], 53, and on fol. 21r, a table of 1//t(A). An additional folio at the end of the
MS contains an illegible title and some instructions on a calculation in spherical
PH.12r (A, = 17°)
D.6r (Ar = 19°, As — 17°) astronomy.
(c) n{X)
G.72v (Ar = 190, As — 17°)
HA.15 (Ar = 19°, As = 17°) C: MS Cairo TTmuriya, riyadlyat 191 (Paginated 1-90)
PH.13r (Ar = 19°, As = 17°) This is a copy of part of the Very Useful Tables. The title reads Hour-Angle
6(a) K (X ) D.86v (^ = 52°) Tables, and most of the work consists of a complete set of these. There are also
D.14r (?=53°) tables of
G.70v (q = 53°) An, r, s, 2N , Fq, tv and aM
(b) M*) D.8v (q — 530)
G.71 r (q = 53°) as well as for the time of the saldm, and the oblique ascensions of the ascendant
(c) MA) G.71 v (?=53°) at daybreak and nightfall. The MS contains tables of the functions
(d) W) G.77r (q = 53°)
7(a) K{X) D .ll v; G.69v Cot80Aa(A) and Cot12An(A),
H A .ll; PH.lOv
not found in the other sources, and also a table of equatorial coordinates of
(b) KW D.15v; G.69r; B.20v
60 stars, not due to Ibn Yunus.
HA.12; PH .11r
(c) D.13v; G.70r
HA.13: PH .ll v D: MS Chester Beatty 3673 (Foliated 121r-lv, as for a Latin MS)
8(a) D a{X) G.74r This is a virtually complete copy of the Very Useful Tables, incorrectly
HA.16; PH.13v cataloged as the Hakimi Z ij. The title on fol. 121r reads: Ibn Yunus’ Azimuth
(b) D x(X) G .7 6 v
Tables, but this refers only to the first part of the tables. This folio also contains
(c) HA.25-26 some notices of possession, a floriated tughrd signature, and the date of copying,
PH.17v-l8r 772 Hijra ( = 1371).. The azimuth tables (fols. 121v - 96r), instructions (fols.
(d) a. (A) HA. 23-24 83r- 83v), and tables for timekeeping (fols. 82v - 3v) are written in three different
PH.l6v-17r hands. All of the tables, however, are carefully and beautifully copied. This
Of (A) C manuscript has been the major source for the present study, and all of the tables
9 K(X ) D.84v are analyzed in Part 3 and indexed in Appendix A.
CE The azimuth tables for altitudes 81°, 82°, and 83°, are garbled and some
10 AD(X) G .7 4 v
meaningless entries for altitudes 84° to 88° have been included. (Cf. the description

388 Ibn Yunus’ Tables for Reckoning Time 389

of MS K below.) The tables of time since sunrise and hour-angle (fols. 82v -l 5r) Muhammad b. Ibrahim b. (Abd Allah al-Rashidi (apparently referring to the
are complete, and each pair of facing pages for lower altitudes has values of both garbled tables for altitudes 81°, 82°, and 83°—see Section 3-2 above). He continues
functions tabulated for a given altitude. with the remark that Ibn Yunus had tabulated ip and h0 together on one page,
Fol. 82r has been filled with odd items such as notices of possession, verses of and also the functions hv, hq, h^, and a (h) at the equinoxes and solstices. His next
poetry, and a list of Graeco-Coptic numerals, given with their Arabic abjad statement is that the tables of tq, ha, hit Cot Aa, ta, T z, h, r, and s, are due to al-mqsy
equivalents (cf., for example, Ritter [1]). Some astrological writings (fols. 2r- 1v) (al-Maqdisi). The question of the relationship between the tables of Ibn Yunus
have been bound at the end of the MS. and of al-Maqdisi clearly requires further treatment. al-Bakhdniqi also refers to
various tables which are not on the microfilm that I have examined, giving
E: MS Escorial ar. 924,7 (Foliated 30r- 63v) Cotangents, and the functions a, a', and <xv for Cairo. Another table not
contained on the microfilm but mentioned by al-Bakhdniqi in the introduction,
This is an incomplete copy of Ibn Yunus’ azimuth tables. The title on fol. 30r is referred to as al-ddHr al-afaqi, “ universal hour-angle table.” He remarks that
reads: Azimuth Tables of Ibn Yunus, and Cotangent Tables, Computed for Each this is for computing the hour-angle (the MS has "solar longitude” !) according
Minute of Argument. Below this is the curious note: fi Him al-rumuz li-fiqh to a method of Ibn Yunus, which was the shortest method he knew. (A table
al-majma( , “ on the science of secret signs for the understanding of the com­ in MS CW.80v bears the title “ table for finding the hour-angle with ease,’
munity (?).” Fols. 30v- 63v contain azimuth tables for solar altitudes 1° through and is simply Sec # tabulated to two significant digits for each degree of •&.
78°. The format is the same as that in MS D. The remainder of the azimuth Clearly, a table of g(X) provides a simpler means of computing the hour-angle
tables, and the Cotangent tables, are missing. Ibn Yunus’ extensive Sine and from the solar altitude—see Section 3.2—but I have not yet located such a
solar declination tables, computed for each minute of argument, and with dif­ table in the sources.)
ferences for the seconds, are discussed in K ing [1], 85-89 and 96- 99. In MS G, the time since sunrise, hour-angle, and solar azimuth are tabulated
in triplets for each integral degree of altitude. Thus, each double-opening has
G: MS Cairo Dar al-Kutub, miqat 108 (Foliated lr-77v) 6 columns of 30 triplets (for lower altitudes). This part of the MS was completed
on Jumada I 20, 1218 Hijra ( = 1803). Following the calendrical tables described
This is a fairly complete copy of the Very Useful Tables. The copyist was above are Ibn Yunus’ tables for general time-keeping purposes (fols. 68r- 77r).
CAbd al-BarV Nasr al-<Ashhdwi (?) al-RifdH al-Shuni, and the date of copying Only the tables of hq(X) and ^(A), and of A D (A) are not contained in the other
1218 Hijra ( = 1803!). MSS consulted. This part of the MS was completed on Jumada II 8, 1218 Hijra,
The title folio (fol. 1r) gives the full title of the work, and the author as some two weeks after the completion of the first part. A note in a different hand
Ibn Yunus, "the Egyptian observer for latitude 300”. The same folio contains on the last folio (fol. 77v) describes the calculation of time since sunrise from
a table of notae (madakhil) for the Muslim and Coptic months, in two sets of solar altitude.
12X7 entries. To use these tables one must know the notae of Muharram 1 or
Tut 1. These can be found from tables which occur later in the MS, giving, for Added in proof:
a particular Coptic year, the nota of Tut 1 ((alama), the corresponding Hijra
date, and the nota of Muharram 1 for that Muslim year. The range of the table H: MS Cairo Azhar, falak 4382 (Foliated 1-71)
is 1521-1680 Diocletian, or 1219—1383 Hijra, that is, 1804-1963- Calendrical This is a carefully copied MS of Ibn Yunus’ tables of t(h, X) (fols. 1v-3 5r)
tables of this sort are not found in the other MSS of Ibn Yunus’ works. and a(h, X) (fols. 36v - 70v), and also of ip(X) and h0(X) (fol. 71 v). Of particular
The instructions (fols. lv~ 3v) are similar to those in MS D (see Part 4 above), interest is a table, not contained in the other sources, of the solar azimuth for
but the angles of solar depression to be used for morning and evening twilight are certain altitudes at the equinoxes and solstices (fol. 71r). That this table is
stated as 20° and 16° (nevertheless the twilight tables in MS G are based on 19° original is attested by a remark in the Hakimi Z i j to the effect that if one has
and 17°), and the last paragraph of the introduction in MS D is missing. The a table of a(h) computed for the equinoxes, then the half-excess of daylight
instructions end with the statement “ this is the end of the treatise of al-mqsy for a general solar longitude can be found using the relation:
(al-Maqdisi) ” (cf. footnote 32), and are followed by some additional notes (fols.
3v : 8- 4r: 13) by Ahmad b. Muhammad b. Ahmad al-Azhari, known as al-Bakhdniqi.
He states that he organized this book so that the three functions T, t, and a Cf. K ing [1], 142-143, and also the description of MS G above.
were tabulated together. He further states that the table of T is due to al-mqsy For the equinoxes, Ibn Yunus tabulates a (h) for each degree of solar altitude
(<al-Maqdisi); that the table of t may be different from one which had been cal­ from 1° to 60°. For the winter and summer solstices he tabulates a (h) for each
culated previously (referring to discrepancies between the tables of Ibn Yunus 0; 5° of solar altitude between 36; 5° and 36; 25°, and between 83; 5° and 83; 35°
and al-Maqdisi})', and that the copyists’ errors in the table of a computed by as well as for the value 83; 33°, respectively. Sample entries are shown in the
A bit l-Husayn (sic) b. Yunus had been corrected by Shams al-Din Abu CA bd Allah following table:
Ibn Yunus’ Tables for Reckoning Time 391

CX: MS Cairo Dar al-Kutub, mlqat 72M

Equinoxes Winter Solstice
This MS consists of a complete set of tables of h(D , T). The tables are beauti­
Altitude Azimuth Altitude Azimuth fully copied in the hand of Muhammad, b. Muhammad b. *Abd al-Qawiy al-

Qurashi, known as Ibn al-Kitdni al-Aldti, the instrument maker and calculator
0; 35° 36; 5° 82; 53°
2 l; 9 36; 10 83; 43 [cf. Suter [1], no. 411), and are dated Cairo, 747 H ( = 1346/ 7). The beginning
15 8; 54 36; 15 85; 2 of the introduction is missing, but the part which survives mentions twilight
36; 20 86; 24 tables, and gives the above information about the copyist. Only the altitude
30 19; 28 36; 25 90; 0
tables are contained in the MS, and these are briefly discussed in Section 3.4.
45 35; 16
59 73; 55
60 90; 0
Summer Solstice Sigla of Manuscripts Consulted
Altitude Azimuth On MSS B, C, D, E, G, H, and K see p. 347- Other MSS cited are the fol­
83; 5° 67; 29°
83; 10 69; 23 L MS Leiden Or. 143
83; 30 80; 47 (Chapters 1 to 22 of the Hdkimi Z ij)
83; 33 84; 48 M MS Milan Ambrosiana 281 e
83; 35 90; 0
(Treatises due to Ibn Yunus)
0 MS Oxford Bod. Hunt. 331
K: MS Cairo Dar al-Kutub, mlqat 137M (Chapters 21 to 44 of the Hdkimi Z ij)
This undated manuscript contains Ibn Yunus’ complete azimuth tables. The CE MS Cairo Dar al-Kutub, miqdt 190
altitude argument runs beyond 83° to 86° (cf. Section 3-3 above), and in MS D (Natijat al-afkdr by al-Ladhiqi)
it runs to 88°. The two sets of extra entries are clearly related, and are extracted
CH MS Cairo Dar al-Kutub, miqdt 107
below. The only explanation I can offer for these nonsense values is that they
were added in order to make the tables more appealing to someone from, say, Cl MS Cairo Dar al-Kutub, miqdt 177
Medina. Assuming the latitude of that city to be 25° (as used, for example, in (Prayer-tables of al-Manufi)
the prayer-tables in MS Damascus Zahiriya 27), the maximum solar altitude CL MS Cairo Dar al-Kutub, miqdt 57
would be 88; 35°- CM MS Cairo Dar al-Kutub, miqdt 157
CN MS Cairo Dar al-Kutub, miqdt 158
(Anonymous prayer-tables based on those of Ibn Yunus)


85 86° 87°
MS D MS K MS D MS K MS D MS K MS D CO MS Cairo Dar al-Kutub, miqdt 53
(Tables for timekeeping attributed to al-Maqdisi)
I 17° 78; 0 78; 12 13° CQ MS Cairo Dar al-Kutub, miqdt 71
18 78; 52 — 12
19 75; 52 78; 52 78; 52 78;12 11 (Tables due to al-Khalili and al-Halabi)
20 73! 44 73; 44 75; 44 78; 52 74; 44 74; 44 10 CW MS Cairo Dar al-Kutub, miqdt 204M
21 71; 27 71; 24 73; 25 75; 40 73; 25 73; 25 73; 25 9 (contains anonymous spherical astronomical tables for Cairo)
22 70; 31 70; 31 71; 32 73; 25 71; 32 71; 30 71; 32 71; 32 8
23 68; 30 68; 30 70; 1 71: 32 70; 1 70; 1 70; 1 70; 1 7 CX MS Cairo Dar al-Kutub, miqdt 72M
24 67; 1 68; 1 68; 45 70; 1 68; 45 68; 45 68; 15 68; 15 6 (Altitude tables, perhaps by Ibn Yunus)
25 67; 46 67; 46 67; 48 68; 45 67;; 48 67; 48 67; 48 67; 48 5 CY MS Cairo Dar al-Kutub, miqdt 58 M
26 66; 49 67', 49 66; 2 67; 48 66;; 2 67;; 2 66; 2 66; 2 4
27 66; 27 66; 27 66; 27 67; 2 66; 27 66; 27 66; 27 66; 27 3
("Azimuth tables" attributed to Ibn al-Majdi)
28 66; 3 66; 3 66; 4 67; 27 66;; 4 66;; 4 66; 4 66; 4 2 DB MS Damascus Zahiriya 3116
29 65; 48 65; 18 65! 48 66; 4 65; 48 65; 48 65; 48 65; 48 1 (contains al-Khalili’s tables for time-keeping)
30 65; 42 65; 42 65; 41 65; 48 65; 41 65; 41 65; 41 65; 41 0 ©
DC MS Damascus Zahiriya 8868M
(In MS K the following meridian altitudes are given for the extra columns: (Anonymous prayer-tables for latitude 36°)
84°: 84; 40, 30° at H 17°
EB MS Escorial ar. 970,10
85°: 85; 49, 1° at I 19°
86°: 86; 30, 0° at I 20°.) ( Tuhfat al-ahbab by Ibn al-Majdi)

Ibn Yunus’ Tables for Reckoning Time 393

HA MS Hartford Theological Seminary 621 [2] —, "T h e Digital Computer and the History of the Exact
{Natijat al-afkar by al Lddhiqi) Sciences,” Centaurus, 12 (1967), 107-113-
[3] —, " A Medieval Interpolation Scheme using Second Ordei
LA MS British Museum 768 (Or. 3624) Differences,” in A Locust's Leg: Studies in Honour of S. H.
(The Mukhtdr Z ij of Abu l-^Uqul) Taqizadeh (London, 1962), 117- 120.
[4] —, "T h e Chinese-Uighur Calendar as Described in the Islamic
MB MS Milan Ambrosiana C84 Sources,” Isis, 55 (1964), 435-443-
(Anonymous Yemeni tables for time-keeping) Kennedy 8c Davidian [ l ] Davidian, M .-L ., & Kennedy, E. S., "Al-Q ayini on the
PB MS Paris Bibliotheque Nationale ar. 2513 Duration of Dawn and Twilight,” Journal of Near Eastern
(Anonymous Z l j based on I bn Yunus) Studies, 20 (1961), 145—153-
Kennedy & Ukashah [ l ] Kennedy, E. S., & Ukashah, W ., "T h e Chandelier Clock of
PF MS Paris Bibliotheque Nationale ar. 2558 Ibn Yunis,” Isis, 60 (1969), 543—545-
(Prayer-tables of al-Khalili) Khoury [1] Khoury, I., Fihris Makhtutat Ddr al-Kutub al-Zahiriya:
PH MS Paris Bibliotheque Nationale ar. 2553 cIlm al-hay^a wa-mulhaqatuhu. Damascus, 1969.
{Natijat al-afkar by al-Ladhiqi) King [1] King, D. A., The Astronomical Works of Ibn Yunus. Un­
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ZD MS Princeton Yahuda 353 [ 2] —, "a l-K h a llli’s Auxiliary Tables for Solving Problems of
{Salih, Effendi’s prayer-tables for Istanbul) Spherical Astronomy,” Journal for the History of Astronomy,
4 (1973).
C3] —, "al-KhalUi’s Qibla Table,” to appear in Journal of Near
Bibliographical Abbreviations Eastern Studies in 1974.
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23:5 (1972), 10- 11. 1324/1906.
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Brockelmann [ l ] Brockelmann, C., Geschichte der arabischen Litteratur. 2 vols. Navoni [1] Navoni, J. B., "Rouz-name ou Calendrier Perpetuel des
2n d .ed. Leiden, 1943-1949- Turcs,” Fundgruben des Orients, IV (Vienna, 1814), 38-67,
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(NewYork, 1967), vol. 9, 229- 236.
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from Solar Altitude,” Scripta Mathematica, 27 (1963), 61-66.
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Hellmann [1] Hellmann, G., " Beobachtungen iiber die Dammerung,” Isis, 58 (1967), 77-85- -
Zeitschrift der Osterreichischen Gesellschaft fur Meteorologie,
Sayili [1] Sayili, A., The Observatory in Islam {Publications of the
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Turkish Historical Society, Series V II, No. 38.) Ankara, i 960.
I. D. 1117 I. D. 1117, Notes on Climate and Other Subjects in Eastern
Schmalzl [1] Schmalzl, P ., Zur Geschichte des Quadranten bei den Arabern.
Mediterranean and Adjacent Countries Prepared on Behalf
Munich, 1929-
of the Admiralty and the War Office. London, 1916.
Schoy [1] Schoy, C., Gnomonik der Araber, in von Bassermann-Jordan,
Irani [1] Irani, R. A. K ., "Arabic Numeral Forms,” Centaurus, 4
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(1955), 1-12.
Lieferung F. Berlin-Leipzig, 1923.
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Juschkewitsch [1] Juschkewitsch, A. P., Geschichte der Mathematik im M ittel-
[3] —, " Geschichtlich-astronomische Studien iiber die Damme­
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Smart [1] Smart, W. M ., Text-Book on Spherical Astronomy. Cambridge, Astronomical Timekeeping in Fourteenth - Century Syria
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Suter [1] Suter, H., “ Die Mathematiker und Astronomen der Araber
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matischen Wissenschaften, 10 (1900).
Wiedemann [ l ] Wiedemann, E., Aufsatze zur arabischen Wissenschaftsge-
schichte. 2 vols. Hildesheim, 1970
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Sonnenfinstemissen nach arabischen Quellen,” Archiv fiir Introduction
Geschichte der Medizin, 15 (1923), 43-52.
—, “ Ueber al-subh al-kadib (Die falsche Dammerung),’’
An important aspect of medieval Islamic astronomy was cilm al-miqat,
Der Islam, 3 (1912), 195- astronomical timekeeping and the determination of the astronomically-defined
Wiedemann & Frank [1] Frank, ] . , & Wiedemann, E., "D ie Gebetszeiten im Islam,” times of prayer. 12 The astronomers who specialized in this branch of astronomy
Sitzungsberichte der pkys.-med. Sozietdt zu Erlangen, 58
(1926), 1- 32, reprinted in Wiedemann [ 1], II, 757-788. were known as muwaqqits, and the main astronomers who bore this name
Wiedemann & Hauser [1] Hauser, F., & Wiedemann, E., “ Uber die Uhren im Bereich were associated with the Umayyad Mosque in Damascus in the fourteenth
der islamischen Kultur,” Abhandlungen der kaiserl. Leop.- century and with the Azhar Mosque in Cairo in the fifteenth century.
Carol. Deutschen Akademie der Naturforscher, 100:5 (1915).
Woolard & Clemence [1] Clemence, G. M ., & Woolard, E. W., Spherical Astronomy. Until a few years ago it was generally thought amongst historians of
NewYork, 1966.
Zand [1] Zand, K . H., et al., The Eastern Key: Kitdb al-Ifddah Islamic science that the muwaqqits of medieval Islam had not contributed
voaH-Vtibar of 'Abd al-Latif al-Baghdadi. London, 1965- very much to the development of astronomy. One reason for this opinion
is that cilm al-miqat is a fairly simple discipline; thus, for example, all of the
Acknowledgements. My research on the works of Ibn Yunus was conducted at the standard problems can be solved with an astrolabe. Another reason was that
American University of Beirut (AU B ) in 1970-71 and was made possible by a W. F. the scientific content of the known works of these muwaqqits, that is, treatises
Albright Fellowship from the American Schools of Oriental Research and a Special
on the determination of the prayer times, treatises on the use of astrolabes,
Fellowship from Yale University. I wish to thank both these institutions for their
generous awards. I am indebted to Professor E. S. Kennedy (AUB) and Professors almucantar and sinical quadrants, and sundials, is indeed rather meager.
A. Aaboe and B. R. Goldstein (Yale University) for advice on the presentation of this Another reason is that the most significant works on astronomical timekeep­
analysis. Ibn Yunus' tables were recomputed at the A U B Computer Center with
ing by Muslim astronomers had never been studied in modern times before
funds made available by the Department of Mathematics, AUB. Microfilms of manu­
scripts were kindly supplied by the Directors of the Chester Beatty Library, Dublin; 1970.
Biblioteca de El Escorial; Staatsbibliothek, Berlin; Biblioteca Ambrosiana, Milan;
Biblioth^que Nationale, Paris; Universiteitsbibliotheek, Leiden; Hartford Theological My paper is devoted to a brief description of some of these works from
Seminary; the British Museum; Bodleian Library, Oxford; and the Special Collections
Library, Princeton University. I also wish to thank the Directors of the Dar al-
Kutub and the Azhar Library, Cairo, and the Zahiriya Library, Damascus, for (1 ) T h e rese arch o n m e d ie v a l Isla m ic science c o n d u c te d a t th e A m e ric a n R esea rc h C en ter in
permission to inspect the other manuscripts used in this study. E g y p t d u rin g 1972-79 w a s su p p o rte d b y th e S m ith so n ia n In s tit u tio n a n d N a t io n a l Science F o u n d a ­
tio n , W a s h in g t o n , D .C ., U . S . A . T h is su p p o rt is g r a t e fu lly a c k n o w le d g e d . I t is also a plea su re to
t h a n k th e D ire c to rs o f th e E g y p t i a n N a t io n a l L i b r a r y in C a iro , th e C h e ster B e a t t y L i b r a r y in D u b lin ,
Smithsonian Institution
th e K a r l-M a r x -U n iv e r s it a t s b ib lio t h e k in L e ip z ig , a n d th e B ib lio t h e q u e N a t io n a le in P a r is f o r p e r­
Project in Medieval Islamic Astronomy
American Research Center in Egypt m issio n to p u b lis h th e p h o to g ra p h s re p ro d u c e d in th is article.

2, Midan Kasr el-Doubara (2 ) F o r a b r ie f s u rv e y o f th e origins o f Him al-miqat in th e hadith a n d sunna o f th e P ro p h e t M u h a m ­

Garden City, Cairo m a d see th e a rticle “ Mikat ” b y A . J . W e n s in c k in th e Encyclopaedia o f Islam, 1st. ed. ( A m e d iev a l
p o e m o n th e p ra y e r-tim e s is presen ted in the A r a b i c v e rsio n o f th is a rtic le .) F o r a s u rv e y o f th e d e fin i­
tio n s o f th e p ra y e r-tim e s in m e d ie v a l a stro n o m ic al sources see E . W ie d e m a n n a n d J . F r a n k , “ D ie
Sitzungsberichte der phys.- med. Sozietdt zu Erlangen, 58 (1 9 2 6 ), p p . 1-32,
G e b e tsz e ite n im Is la m ” ,
r e p rin te d in E. Aufsatze zur arabischen Wissenschaftsgeschichte, (H ild e s h e im , 1970),
W ie d e m a n n ,
v o l. I I , p p . 757-788. F o r a su rv e y o f m e d ie v a l ta b le s fo r tim e k e ep in g see m y fo rth c om in g Studies
in Astronomical Timekeeping in Medieval Islamt this in clu d es a d e ta ile d a n a lysis o f a ll o f th e S y ria n
m a te r ia l m e n tion ed in this article.

76 77

fourteenth - century Damascus. The works that I shall discuss are tables for qibla requires the application of sophisticated trigonometric formulae, and
astronomical timekeeping. Nowadays the times of prayer are regulated by the computation of solar and lunar positions relative to each other and to the
tables: these tables have a history of over a thousand years, and I find it local horizon on an evening when visibility is anticipated also involves non­
rather strange that no medieval examples had ever been studied until a few trivial computational techniques.
years ago. The medieval tables for timekeeping represent a tradition of so­
phisticated mathematical astronomy that started in Abbasid Baghdad but Ibn Yunus and the Cairo corpus o f tables fo r timekeeping
more especially in Fatimid Cairo, reached its zenith at the Umayyad Mosque
I do not propose to discuss the scanty evidence that we have of the
in Damascus during the time of Ibn al-Shatir, and continued all over the
determination of the prayer-times in early Islam or even in Abbasid Baghdad.
Ottoman Empire thereafter.
Suffice it to say that we do have some very simple Abbasid tables displaying
the length of the permitted intervals for the prayer times for each day of the
The basic problems o f Islamic astronomical timekeeping
year, computed for the latitude of Baghdad. W e also have a highly sophis­
In order to appreciate the tables described below it is necessary to have ticated table for reckoning the time of day or night from solar or stellar
some idea about spherical astronomy. Two of the main problems of spherical altitudes from tenth - century Baghdad. But the use of such tables was not
astronomy are the determination of time from solar or stellar altitude, and so widespread in the first few centuries of Islam that we find any reference
the determination of solar or stellar azimuth from the solar or stellar altitude. whatsoever to them in the Ifrad al-maqal f i amr al-zilal of al-Birunl, which is
The hour-angle t and closely related time since sunrise T, as well as the azimuth our most important source on early Islamic timekeeping. 4
a, are functions of the instantaneous solar altitude /i, the solar declination S,
The celebrated late-tenth-century Egyptian astronomer Ibn Yunus5* can
and the local latitude 9 . Mathematically correct solutions to the problems
be said, according to our present knowledge, to have started the tradition
of the determination of t (h , <pj and a (h, <pj were available to the ear­
of astronomical timekeeping which characterized the activities of the later
liest Muslim astronomers from Indian sources, and all Islamic zijes contain
muwaqqits of Cairo and Damascus. It seems that he was the first to compile
the standard trigonometric solutions. 3 Most Islamic zijes , however, do not
sets of tables of functions useful in timekeeping of the kind that were used
contain tables for timekeeping, which is one reason why these tables have
in later Cairo and Damascus. In his great work al-Zij al-Hakimi dedicated
remained unknown until recently. (Another reason is that most Arabic manu­
to the Fatimid Caliph al-Hakim, he presented a set of tables displaying the
scripts containing astronomical tables are not properly cataloged.)
altitude of the sun in various azimuths, notably the azimuth of the qibla,
The most obvious practical application of astronomical timekeeping as well as the azimuth of the sun for various altitudes. These tables, computed
in medieval Islam was in the determination of the times of Muslim prayer. very accurately for the latitude of Cairo, gave values in degrees and minutes
These are defined in terms of the apparent daily motion of the sun across the for each degree of solar longitude. Each of these tables contains 180 entries.
sky. The Muslim day begins at sunset with the salat al-maghrib , the salat In another work Ibn Yunus compiled a set of tables called Kitab al-samt
al-cishd ’ begins at the disappearance of evening twilight, the salat al-fajr begins in which he tabulated the solar azimuth in degrees and minutes for each degree
at the appearance of morning twilight, the salat al-^uhr begins when the sun of solar altitude and each degree of solar longitude. The total number of entries
starts to decline from the meridian, and the salat al-casr begins when the in this table is about 1 0 , 0 0 0 and most of them are correct to the nearest minute.
shadow of any object has increased over its midday shadow by the length There is no doubt that these enormous tables inspired the later astronomers
of the object. Two other topics treated in some medieval treatises on time­ of Cairo and Damascus. Indeed the late-thirteenth-century Egyptian astrono­
keeping are the determination of the qibla or direction of Mecca for a given mer al-Maqs! compiled a similar table which he called Kitab al-da'ir, display­
locality and the determination of the visibility of the lunar crescent. Clearly ing the time since sunrise as a function of solar altitude and solar longitude.
the mathematical determination of the prayer times requires physical theo­
ries of twilight and the effect of refraction at the horizon, as well as the de­ (4) Published in Hyderabad, 1948 from a unique manuscript preserved in Bankipore. Trans­
termination of time from solar altitude. Likewise, the determination of the lation and commentary by E. S. Kennedy published by the Institute for the History of Arabic Science
in Aleppo, 1976.
(5) On Ibn Yunus see the article in the Dictionary of Scientific Biography and on the Cairo corpus
(3) On Islamic zijes see E. S. Kennedy, “ A Survey of Islamic Astronomical Tables” , Transac­ see D. A. King, “ Ibn Yunus’ Very Useful Tables for Reckoning Time by the Sun” , Archive for
tions of the American Philosophical Society, 42 (1956). the History of Exact Sciences, 10 (1973), pp. 342-394.
X A.

78 79

In the mid-fourteenth century the Egyptian astronomer Ibn al-Kattanl pre­ equinoctial degrees in each seasonal hour of daylight, the equation of half
pared a set of hour-angle tables using al-Maqsi’s tables. B y the late fourteenth daylight, the semidiurnal arc, the number of equinoctial hours, the meridian
century there had been compiled a corpus of timekeeping tables for Cairo shadow length (base 1 2 ), the solar altitude at the beginning of the casr, the
incorporating Ibn Yunus’ Kitab al-samt, al-Maqsi’s Kitab al-da'ir, and Ibn nocturnal arc, the oblique ascensions, the solar rising amplitude, the solar
al-Kattanl’s Kitab fadl al-dd'ir, as well as some thirty tables of simpler spher­ altitude in the prime vertical, the intervals between midday and the beginning
ical astronomical functions and functions relating to the times of prayer. of the casr and sunset, the duration of evening twilight, and the duration
Altogether the tables contain over 35,000 entries, all computed to two sexa­ of morning twilight. All of these functions were tabulated in the Cairo corpus.
gesimal figures. This corpus of tables was used in Cairo until the nineteenth From al-Karaki’s description it is clear that al-Mizzi’s hour-angle tables dis­
century. played the hour-angle as a function of solar altitude and longitude for the
Two of the leading astronomers of fourteenth-century Damascus studied same values of <pand e .
astronomy in Egypt, namely, al-Mizzi and Ibn al-Shatir. Both compiled Ibn al-Shatir V tables for timekeeping are described in a short intro­
tahles for timekeeping, and no doubt both were inspired by the tables they duction that he prepared to them, which survives in a unique copy, MS Leiden
saw in use in Egypt. Universiteitsbibliotheek Or. 1 0 0 1 , fols. 108r-113r, prepared in 1010/1601.
Ibn al-Shatir mentions that his tables were computed for latitude 34° (locality
The tables for timekeeping of al-Mizzi, Ibn al-Shatir, and al-Karaki unspecified), and that the values of the various functions were displayed side
by side for each degree of solar longitude. The functions specifically men­
Shams al-Dln Abu cAbd Allah Muhammad ibn Ahmad ibn cAbd al-
tioned (fol. llO v) are: the solar meridian altitude, the meridian shadow length
Rahlm al-Mizzi78 was born in 690/1291, studied in Cairo, and later worked
(base 7), the semidiurnal arc, the solar altitude at the beginning of the casr
as a muwaqqit at the Umayyad Mosque in Damascus, where he died in 750/
and the intervals between midday and the casr and sunset, the nocturnal
1349. He was a fine instrument maker and four quadrants made by him are
arc, the durations of morning and evening twilight, and the hour-angle when
preserved in various museums. He also wrote treatises on the use of the astro­
the sun is in the azimuth of the qibla. Now MS Cairo Dar al-Kutub miqdt
labe, sine quadrant, and almucantar quadrant.
1170, fols. llr-22v, copied about 1050/1640, contains an anonymous set of
Al-Mizzi’s tables for timekeeping are known to us from two sources. tables of precisely these functions, and two others which are trivially related,
Firstly, his prayer-tables are preserved in the unique MS Cairo Dar al-Kutub tabulated side by side (see Plate 3), and computed for the parameters
miqdt 62M, copied about 900/1500. Secondly his hour-angle tables are described
<p = 34;0° and e = 23;31°.
by the Jerusalem muwaqqit al-Karaki, who was a student of al-Mizzi. Al-
Karaki mentions al-Mizzi’s tables in his introduction to a corpus of timekeep­ This value of the obliquity is the one derived by Ibn al-Shatir in 765/1363-64,
ing tables for Jerusalem, preserved in the unique MS Leipzig Universitiits- and although the tables in this Cairo manuscript are accompanied by a star
bihliothek 808, copied in Nablus in 805/1402-03. However, al-Mizzi’s hour- catalog for the year 1033/1623 attributed to a later astronomer, it seems that
angle tables are not extant in the known manuscript sources. the prayer-tables are indeed those of Ibn al-Shatir.
Al-Mizzi’s prayer-tables have the same format as those in the Cairo Similar sets of prayer-tables for parameters
corpus (see Plate 2 ) and are computed for the parameters
9 = 41; 15° (Istanbul) and e = 23;31°
9 = 33;27° and e = 23;33°,
and 9 = 36;0° (Aleppo) and e = 23;31°
which were also used by Ibn al-Shatir in some of his early works. These tables
display the following functions, with values for each degree of solar longitude together with al-Khalili’s prayer-tables for Damascus, are contained in MS
computed to two sexagesimal digits: the solar declination and right ascen­ Cairo Dar al-Kutub Talcat miqdt 255, fols. 61v-80v, copied about 1100/1700.
sions (both of which are independent of <p), the solar meridian altitude, the

(7) On Ibn al-Shatir see E. S. Kennedy and I. Ghanem, eds., The Life and Work o f Ibn al-Shatin
(6) On al-Mizzi sec L. A. Mayer, Islamic Astrolabists and their Works, (Geneva, 1956), pp. 61-62, an Arab Astronomer of the Fourteenth Century (Aleppo, 1976), and the article in the Dictionary of
and the references there cited. Scientific Biography.

80 81

Another set for parameters which were not computed specifically for the latitude of Damascus were also
used in Cairo and Istanbul for several centuries. The main sets of tables (nos.
9 = 21;30° (Mecca) and e = 23;31°,
2-5 below) survive in about two dozen manuscripts, of which the finest is MS
again together with al-Khalili’s prayer-tables for Damascus, is contained Paris B. N. ar. 2558, copied in Damascus in 811/1408. (See the extracts in
in MS Cairo Dar al-Kutub miqat 184, fols. lv-61r, copied about 1250/1835. Plates 5 - 9.)
There is no indication of the identity of the compiler of these tables for
Al-Khalili’s tables can be subdivided as follows:
Istanbul, Aleppo, or Mecca, but the value used for e is characteristic of the
Syrian tradition of Ibn al-Shatir and al-Khalili. ( 1 ) tables of auxiliary mathematical functions for timekeeping by the sun
for all latitudes;
The only other Syrian sets of tables for timekeeping known to have
been compiled in the fourteenth century are those of al-Karaki and al-Khalili. ( 2 ) tables for reckoning time by the sun, for the latitude of Damascus;
Zayn al-Dln Abu Bakr ibn Muhammad ibn Ayyub al-Tamimi al-Karaki was (3) tables for regulating the times of Muslim prayer, for the latitude of Damas­
a muwaqqit in Jerusalem, and as noted above, he was a student of al-Mizzi. cus;
His timekeeping tables are computed for latitude 32°, that is, Jerusalem,
(4) tables of auxiliary mathematical functions for solving the problems of
and obliquity 23;35°. They display both the time since sunrise and the hour-
spherical astronomy for all latitudes;
angle side by side for each degree of altitude and for each degree of solar longi­
tude. Thus the format differs from the tables of the Cairo corpus and al-Mizzi’s (5) a table displaying the qibla, that is, the direction of Mecca, as a function
tables. (See the extract in Plate 4.) It seems that al-Karaki simply altered the of terrestrial latitude and longitude; and
format of the earlier hour-angle tables for latitude 32° compiled by the Egyp­ ( 6 ) tables for converting lunar ecliptic coordinates to equatorial coordinates.
tian astronomer Ibn al-Rashidi and inserted the corresponding value of the
The first set of tables compiled by al-Khalili consisted of auxiliary
time since sunrise for each entry. An anonymous set of prayer-tables for lati­
tables for timekeeping by the sun and also a table of the solar azimuth as a
tude 32° is contained in MS Princeton Yahuda 861; these were probably com­
function of the solar meridian altitude and instantaneous altitude. The auxi­
puted by Ibn al-Rashidi. There is no evidence that these tables for Jerusalem
liary tables, which contain over 9,000 entries, are intended specifically for
were widely used there. However, the Arabic scientific manuscripts preserved
facilitating the computation of the hour-angle for given solar altitude and
in Jerusalem have never been studied, and no doubt additional copies of the
solar longitude, and any terrestrial latitude. These tables in their original
Jerusalem corpus may be discovered there when these manuscripts are again
available for scholarly investigation. form survive in the unique MS Dublin Chester Beatty 4091, copied in 833/1429.
They were not widely used, but they were plagiarized by later astronomers
al-Khalili and the Damascus corpus of tables for timekeeping in both Cairo and Tunis.

Shams al-Din Abu eAbd Allah Muhammad ibn Muhammad al-Khalili8 The next two sets of tables correspond to those in the corpus of spheri­
was an astronomer associated first with the Yalbugha Mosque in Damascus cal astronomical tables computed for Cairo. They are computed for Ibn al-
and later with the Umayyad Mosque. W e have no biographical information Shatir’s parameters, namely
on him, save that he was a contemporary of Ibn al-Shatir. As far as we know, <p = 33;30° and e = 23;31°,
al-Khalili did not write on planetary astronomy. All of his known works
Although al-Khalili does not mention any of his Egyptian or Syrian prede­
deal with cilm al-miqat. Indeed, his major work, a set of tables for astronomical
cessors, his tables were clearly intended to replace those of his elder colleague
timekeeping, represents the culmination of the medieval Islamic achievement
al-Mizzi. A l-Khalili’s hour-angle tables and prayer-tables were used in Damas­
in the mathematical solution of the problems of spherical astronomy. Some
cus until the nineteenth century. The Damascus muuaqqit Muhammad ibn
of these tables were used in Damascus until the nineteenth century, and those
Mustafa al-TantawI, who died in 1889, was one of the last to use them, and
he also converted the entries in the hour-angle tables from equatorial degrees
(8) On al-Khalili see the article in the Dictionary o f Scientific Biography. His auxiliary tables and and minutes to equinoctial hours and minutes.
qihla table are discussed in detail in D. A. King, “ al-Khalili’ s Auxiliary Tables for Solving Problems
of Spherical Astronomy,” Journal for the History o f Astronomy, 4 (1973), pp. 99-110, and “ al-Khalili’ s The fourth set of tables compiled by al-Khalili was designed to solve all
Qibla Table” , Journal o f Near Eastern Studies, 34 (1975), pp. 81-122. the standard problems of spherical astronomy, and they are particularly useful

82 83

for those problems which in modem terms involve the use of the cosine rule w h ic h is e q u iv a le n t to th e m o d e m fo r m u la
for spherical triangles. It should be stressed that the underlying formulae sin h sin o — sin 8
were known to Muslim astronomers already in the ninth century. However,
al-Khalill ingeniously tabulated three functions, and gave detailed instruc­
tions for their application. The functions are the following (the capital notation
S ----------- __ l-------------

cos n cos 9

indicates that the medieval trigonometric functions are computed to base A s a n a d d itio n a l e x a m p le o f a l - K h a l i l i ’s in g e n u it y w e m a y cite h is ru le
R = 60, thus Sin 0 = R sin $, etc.): fo r c o n v e rtin g eclip tic c o o rd in a te s ( a , (5) to e q u a t o r ia l c o o rd in a te s ( a , A ) » T h is
is e q u iv a le n t fo r 0 < X< 90° to s o lv in g fo r x:
R Sin 0 Sin 0 Tan 9

Cos <p R G{ } = 90° — X

and a n d th e n s o lv in g fo r :

C ( x , y ) = arc Cos . / „ (A ) = l{2 g .,(P )+ * }

T h e c o rre s p o n d in g n o rm e d rig h t ascen sio n a ' ( = a -f- 9 0 °) is th e n fo u n d u s in g

computed for the domains
& = 1°, 2°, , 90° «' = G { [ 2 f„ (p ) - 2gJA) ], A }

9 = 1°, 2°, . . . , 55°, as well as 21; 30° (Mecca) T h e s e ru les are a p p r o x im a t e ly e q u iv a le n t to th e m o d e rn fo rm u la e

and 33;30° (Damascus)
sin A = s in P cos e -f- cos (1 sin X sin €
* = 1, 2, . . . , 59
sin a cos ^ sin e = sin A cos e — 8*n P
y = 0 °, 1 °, . . . , n (x)
w ith e * 23J°.
where n (x) is the largest integer such that T hese a u x ilia r y ta b le s of a l-K h a lili w e re u s e d fo r s e v e ra l centuries in

R x ^ Cos n (x). D a m a s c u s , C a iro , a n d Is t a n b u l, th e th re e m a in cen ters o f a stro n o m ic a l tim e ­

k e e p in g in th e M u s lim w o rld .
The entries in these tables, which number over 13,000, were computed
to two sexagesimal digits and are invariably accurate. As an example of the A l - K h a l i l i ’s c o m p u ta tio n a l a b ilit y is b e s t r e v e a le d b y his qibla ta b le .
use of these functions, we note the rule outlined by al-Khalill for finding the T h e d e te rm in a tio n o f th e qibla fo r a g iv e n lo c a lit y is on e o f th e m ost c o m p lic a ­
hour angle t for given solar or stellar altitude A, declination 5, and terrestrial te d p ro b le m s o f m e d ie v a l I s la m ic t rig o n o m e try . If (L , 9 ) and ( L m , 9m)
latitude 9 . This may be represented as follows: re p re se n t th e lo n g itu d e a n d la t it u d e o f a g iv e n lo c a lit y a n d o f M ecca, resp e c ­
t iv e ly , a n d &L = | L — L m |, th e n th e m o d e rn fo r m u la fo r q(9 , L ) , th e
= C { [ f v ( h ) - glf( S ) ] , t } , d ire c tio n o f M e c c a fo r th e lo c a lity , m e a s u re d fr o m th e s o u th ,

sin 9 cos - cos 9 t a n 9 M )

and it is not difficult to show the equivalence of al-Khalili’s rule to the modem
formula sin fejj )

A l - K h a l i l i t a b u la t e d q ( 9 , L) to t w o s e x a g e s im a l d ig its fo r th e d o m ain s
( sin h — sin 8 sin cp
t = arc cos
^ cos 8 cos 9 9 = 10°, 1 1 °,. . . , 56°, a n d also 33 ;30°

Likewise the corresponding azimuth a (here measured from the meridian) and &L = 1 °, 2°, . . . , 60°,

can be found using a n d th e v a s t m a jo r it y o f th e 2,880 en tries are e ith e r a c c u ra te ly c o m p u te d

o r in e rro r b y + 0 ;1 ° o r + 0 ;2 °. H e s ta te s t h a t h e u s e d th e m e th o d fo r f in d in g
a (M ,» ) = G { [ « , ( * ) - / , ( * ) ] . * } th e qibla e x p o u n d e d b y th e l a t e - t h i r t e e n t h - c e n t u r y C a iro astro n o m e r A b u
cA l l a l-M a r r a k u s h i, a n d it seem s t h a t he u s e d his u n iv e rs a l a u x ilia r y ta b le s


to compute the qibla values, although they are generally more accurate than
can be derived from the auxiliary tables in their present form. Several other
qibla tables based on approximate formulae are known from the medieval
period. Al-Khalili’s table does not appear to have been widely used by later
Muslim astronomers, and indeed the geographical gazeteers found in most
Islamic zijes , displaying the latitude, longitude, and qibla of the cities in the
Islamic world are adequate for practical purposes.

The last set of tables known to have been compiled by al-Khallli is for
converting lunar ecliptic coordinates to equatorial coordinates to facilitate
computations relating to the visibility of the lunar crescent.

Al-Khallli’s prayer-tables and hour-angle tables for Damascus were
used there until the nineteenth century. As noted above they survive in about
two dozen manuscript sources. His minor auxiliary tables were not widely
used but were plagiarized by later Egyptian and Tunisian astronomers. His
major universal auxiliary tables were copied in Damascus, Cairo, and Istanbul
for several centuries. His qibla table, of which only three manuscript copies
are known, does not appear to have been used much; I have the feeling that
ifT T r . I »J T R . 1
most later Muslim astronomers were unaware of its existence. ll " ** Jr l| A ' a ; ?.« i. v“ '
Various other later Syrian astronomers computed modest sets of prayer-
rd*-teM ---- ““ — "" *^
tables for certain specific latitudes. Examples survive for Nablus, Tripoli, 3 _ai Hi -*(• —i»i .i— J \J • A tf ^ r r r s
Lattakia, and Aleppo. The Syrian tradition in timekeeping also influenced N .iX !N . W
astronomers in Tunis and Istanbul. r * \ 4v 1a t i l^ -»!i-*w*Jf
"H i
An interest in traditional Islamic astronomy continued in Syria until X,. 1 \\
the turn of the present century.9 The Zijes of Ibn al-Shatir and Ulugh Beg 7* « U ' A Vi
were modified and simplified. The European “Zijes” of Cassini and Lalande, ! __
available in Turkish and Arabic translation, did not succeed in replacing the |— | —I

modified versions of the Zij of Ibn al-Shatir and the Syrian versions of the
Zij of Ulugh Beg. New treatises were written on the astrolabe, sine quadrant,
and almucantar quadrant, as well as on the determination of the prayer times,
but the only novel feature of these could be the number of chapters. The
fe V At
work of Ibn al-Shatir in planetary astronomy and of al-Khallli in astronomi­
cal timekeeping had marked the zenith of astronomy in medieval Syria. *_ . •- >' . -t— . —■* —». •
i *, : t j * —• -A t
! A H Al \ J
| ^

Plate 1. Two pages from the set o f timekeeping tables for Cairo, from the Chester Beatty (Dublin)
MS 3673. These two tables give the times between noon and the casr, and the solar altitude, at the
(9) Further information on this astronomical tradition is contained in a survey of mathematical
instant that the sun passes through the azimuth of the qibla. One enters the table with the solar longi­
astronomy in Egypt and Syria currently in preparation.
tude, from the top of the page for longitudes from the first of Aries to the end of Gemini, and from
the first of Libra to the end of Sagittarius; and from the bottom of the page for the remaining zodiacal
sierns. T h e set for Cairo contains abou t tw o hundred pages o f tables.

\ «■ <«|K 'V . f/' *•■•'

O N A ® *> -M- i?*> : a # 35? ir»
1v* A*V■ k* 4J-
ia- i t : f i : -A-i j?? T *• a.WI«*■.4 53
V-, -^r/ ■ t>i 4.-*J^»iA *i'?
Jx ■“W ■ a t- ■0 NTf* swM Sf i*4Tm-4 a —-r!
— “W w >919 ■
’ s^*l p fc; :
-1 * -*M T-A •1 n Mi> •3^ i*t\
1 A *» J* 44 -wJ
-■W.tsL i
mM kU ■} i W m.~A
^ T? ip ‘A-AA i 35 i i ll 1j?eM|
VM S> “•? *3k 'a -WsfW JU•A** 4|-* *~ii t-Mi TijA>3-3
•a* «T4 mJ-»A j j j A*j •a-A? , 9 *%•TSi l
Is* A* 1— 'I-*i-i m-*
*V7 -V^ •H3 7 4 M **1** A'* Js M
**)i3 29i3
33 VI 1J 9 3 a J 32 i a 1 2 3 2 t-k
nw- AMUVj-a WkS
«u a >
B ) -S #• a M1-»! x* s Ma*-Aik Tl .*>«■^ 1
s 'J i S'* ^ 4 s
Ts S-* s* S • 1Jfa
!3\a ? , ‘9'3 U>»9 J
V3 ‘Ad s lita vS
V. 4 *3 IA Jl k M atsp •M
i *32 i a 2i^ a-M
A rt4^
4 K.MS njjM sg»-a «j > 4J -M-3t-iV SS
rx-jiiRi* X A IM Abl oA>3 —M *
♦^ - .7t>-**
» i '
-•' j»S"" - ; >r:
V ‘ - I ■■*P®*r *v4- ’ ^4T'. . ■'!«;* L-i*l
1-1 Kn «*i Ik -ftj -3 A* 3s; \*4 A s s Vs SVjh> t
- ~3B 4 “ -.*41 4
(4* •3 - i-kv •4* *-i» .Af«j %-u ) T ItMVs JL j V“a
riSU^ji; -*3 -3 -T-» 1> VAa *AAJ A Wms i YS
cJltvs)', j,i «A»3 *3»1 • 4 ZA
ll .jL2 "3^ 4 1Jvn.3tl* 1-M>“S'S
-'W'OVL 'A i i 3JL S a *a*- k AIS&vis 4Tk
-*»a * vt 4
j5a •2J* *1 -3-♦u * s0 k 3 A
—k4 • * -lW-Y4 JiM
fTj 1 * A ^ 'k'*4.^ A ^ AA U A« a a za <<4 a a 4 a «•?
.M lA
K■»»Vf -» V •3 —A4 M SA> -|A "SS"V*
0s— i3 -*JM J 1•MU 4 # ‘7* *3A •■>|M•*s A Sl 1**»"rt Ams S A n*s
w i ~Aa-i j =ljj -A.M vtfi
Um1 ^ A-A A M ■Mi V ^
y y r ... - ~ . r jl Vv^l -A^ ij ^'5
S.2 lrva
u w s i^ ; * M - i *
j,< UA Vi* ”)•* i j rsp 3A1 3 ) '4 4 •V4I •a a a-j
V' ‘j ll p jjj 1^1 V—^ A ~p -vr .iS M ^2 V"
JW» M-Sk-3jjUCLt*
« Tff*
' (AJ V >
Tw a ■*»* M- s y"SI * i •a •l^ ik’J
...--jttiiiEi^^11ww—w t a M a a — — ai V* sv u vilU^ 3^ ■A'tJ *$HJ—J*
Plate 2. Pages from al-Mizzi’ s timekeeping tables, from Dar al-Kutub (Cairo) MS miqat 62, giving ■iia££ n*;.
• '- V iv r

the times remaining from the beginning of the casr to sunset, and the argument at the end of twilight. Plate 3. Pages fro m Ib n al-Shatir s tim ekeepin g tables, calcu la ted fo r latitude 34°, taken from
The set contains ten folios. IV.-te that the arrangement of the table is similar to that o f the Cairo set D a r a l-K u tu b (C a iro ) M S miqat 1170. G ive n are tw e lv e fu nction s side b y side fo r the signs o f Taurus
^ ' r “* - — - f - i - _____ -

^ WW W. r v»w
v p - 1 * -# | £ s - t r - # c j r S T [ i_ .

¥ 5 . ^ - / ■ ■ > - s - > .J c V u ,
* > 3 -y __ s f ^ -w r
^ io jtf ir > J !* :’ r
^ .L -i £ iX v
..-"-i fc'X*, A (j „ > ' * * - ,J* * ? T 3 f Z 3 F
^ j ? > -£ c J a r -vZ ->.'
C rf"
r -- -V-.>
> -> . * * V i,, a i j

LJ - ^ X . 4iJal*^*** . !n
!V ^ ^ A*

*L v j
“ ■ " ^ X r j Q T r
JK __
^ i l .c ? r r . «!>• Rfn.-.
1M a J -» ] >A -* « ! a ,; A* \ - * r s =rT 3 & * ^ <c*
J ^ L o- - 'Ujau.Vi^cJy
I L** #
^ iF T v fp T * ” jt *
'• .
i a - . Jau < i > i '« ^
* j \ r * * A A b A l ^ 4 - = 3 S d i ‘^ ' 4 L * .L ' . T
tt — ^ " t > '" £ _44T^iiEE.
^ M - ? [ S a - n ^ v :jf ^ ^ ^ V W V4^uu p
p y*
k d l AC> jjf a
L - * 4*.e • i ’ r* f >
_&-ul^ i a *v *t**^*7-^■Hft-iPj
.v -

£ ~ ^ 5 S r5 c i r S ^ :
■ 4 ^ -----^ k J s u jfiic k . jjV^af ,
{4 Hr* ^ n - yu .<^r :.\ r r — r-
k », | k —* £•-«-» 4c.<u 1^
g > -H *^1 U *. __ jb t
-* y ^ ^ L ^ *> 0 “ v * c ^us n s i j
Jl ^ o | u-l£» -j JjTj
J l_ r .. ^ J ^
M .
• =^=1^=5 — ^ ^ A C ^ * s->
^ k ^ j a* M s >
B iT £ r * ^ ~ ^ r p ^ v c ,s y
- r *. -> -> 5 p -* ia w ^
I >>* -r- iy^ '•ji. ^TErgEr ■< ^ ^ jP-r*' ^ *a is» <Ja
Tf 7jrff ~ ^Z i Biw *>•!** -kc^r «vj
^ ’^ r* ^ ~ y J * ^ J £ \j
J»*r^ j ^««»«p>uc y cJ>
* R v ^

Pldte 4. Pages from the tables of al-Karaki computed for the latitude of Jerusalem from the
Leipzig U.iiversitatsbibliothek MS 808. They give the dd'ir and thf. fadl al-dd'ir, i. e„ the time elapsed P/ate 5. A selection from the tables o f a l- K h a lill fo r the solar hour-angle, from B N (P a r is ) M S ar.
from sunrise, and the time remaining until culmination for each degree of solar altitude up to its 2558. Values are g iv e n fo r solar altitu d es o f 19° and 20° fo r each degree o f solar longitude. T h e three
maximum, when the sun is in Aries 19« / Virgo 11» (on the right) and Aries 20 / Virgo 10° (on the colum ns w h ich fo llo w the colum n o f the argu m en t are used fo r th e northern signs, the oth er three
TVve s e t e o n u t i t o t \fttt x>aa»* c»{ t&Vs\« f o r t h e s o u t h e r n s ig n s . T h e r e a r e t h i r t y d o u b l e p a g e s lik e th e a b o v e .

' b &
■ <* i k
& rir
:0 T 1 © n? i
O )r a. ^r- =* i ^c* 3 3 i

I t 4 i l
& * 4 A W~*i^ N jA
y J *
:2tl ul >6 }i
^ X# ^ ^
*£> ^ -Jr f * r i> * r j k
A ^ ji >.
r j j
^ jl b i.J * * T j3
\ f . r i d jd
S i i > j
M - > >. ia*
T jt. } £ 15 X C j! 5s>^ is^ Jr®
^ > S £" I d £=* L a) > fe l
a* ir u JC j f c? A*
E|TX3 5 fr ^ frjC la) J- L £ jA A > JU £ > * lj
e k " ‘ b£J£ k* ?d fcj F
(X iant t \ A* jd 5 ii t €
* - ~ - '<?■1 C*>£ , -* £ ' Jl J£ ETs
& c
Vi> U, J J 1 L jji
| # # l ^ T . A. i jl J y» *
J 4
£ £ X |^ ^ U Jr^» — !*»!-( J J* 5 cJ »J
^ * 5 | S j ^ r f f r - r Jajfc
• \ \'< \U j] j ^
- > r ' b ^ > 1
lutx r r..$ r ui 4 ^ £ ^ lafin i !f* i
• fe > ^ u ^ J ^ s~u -u flj
i j
—> Lg> _y b=( ; al ^
x jl : t > I j ! i -“■?*\~^ '->jS ^
J,H ) -’'• i ;j* h- jp U jT t .S |
s M i •? p ai|J S tr «w >. r--
Ep j 4 O k o a ^
. - v !\ ., ^ “ iC ^ .-i ^ ^
P ^ jF m T T ^ *** M
& y 3 ^ fp »U _/ t--l|£ aj S . ** a* vJL.
« i> i> v -
j i> b t.i’ •
>.;‘ p J.U » * * ^ ^ li-
'S u ' ^ ' 4 JV _»*i 1 1 jo Cf ± M * ^ 9
J ;.
* ° 4l !) >*!j, °1 "C X jeJT£& V
IcX, J ,■ i i•C
\ v-ji’C. 0] if- U» *sf >* H
Adair r l\* -A > US 1 ’>—**jjal «X*
L ^ L l £ ■ * • \A $ £>£
Plate6. A selection from al-KhalTli's timekeeping tables, from BN (Paris) M S ar. 2558. Entries are given for
each o f twelve functions, for each degree o f solar longitude, for the signs o f Aquarius and Scorpio. Both sides o f ^ ate A selection from a l-K h a lilT s afaqi tab le, from B N (P a r is ) M S ar.2558. G iven are the func­
the table contain columns o f the argument. T h e tabulated functions are similar to those o f Ibn al-Shatir (Cf. tions / 9 (Q ) an{j g y ^ called the “ first and second retain ed” , for <P= 19° and 20°, and fo r each degree


E5 ! v \ i r r j n_

^ =r iT ^ r r p j-

^ ^ J y ’t - n i - U l= ^ J n g &

Uuiir .!T ^ r> ^ ^ !G i^ u s rr

hr , ! ' l J,7 * J

L s± * £

1,0iOi lOtOibi
4 jr \ *
l . . ^L^«ki
->*J | ^ ^ l jjf^Uc! I*' ^
a 0 ^ 0 U U; ^ j o u:

^ £i7ilJ
^ l> ^ ^ ~ s r E X ^ t C
[7 1 ^ h ^ " U ^ A c E 3 l5
k £'->
,yr I"AijX «*Ws—■ k Icjjci^Ut H

5T3& Ju-1 (ckf

^ ^ laT ^ o a.

Plate 8. A selection fro m a l- K h a l i l i ’ s afaqi t a b le , fro m B N (P a r i s ) M S ar. 2558. T h is presents the

Plate 9. A s e le c tio n fro m a l- K h a lili’s gi6/a ta b le , fro m B N ( P a r is ) M S a r. 2558. T h e a z im u th o f th e
fu n c tio n called jayb al-tartib fo r v a lu e s o f on e o f the in d e p e n d e n t v a ria b le s o f 17°, 18°, 19°, a n d 20°,
qibla is g iv e n fo r e a c h d e g re e o f la titu d e fro m 39° th r o u g h 4 4 °, a n d f o r e a c h d e g re e o f lo n g itu d e from
and Cot vatiaW e V° , .............QO° - T W r e are fotirteen of o f tKU f u n c t . 70 t h r o u g h 1 2 7 0 . T ' k « s „ t M „ l d . ’n > d i x h t tab les lik e this.



Early in the development of Islamic astronomy there were tabulated sets of

functions which had no direct astronomical significance, but were of such a
nature that ordered applications of them would lead to the solution of spherical
astronomical problems. These auxiliary tables reveal considerable mathematical
ingenuity on the part of their original compilers. Thus far the tables of three
important Islamic astronomers have been studied, namely, those of Habash
al-Hasib1 ( ca 850); Abu Nasr Man§ur2 ( ca 1000); and Ibn Yunus3 (ca 1000).
The purpose of the present paper is to discuss the auxiliary tables of al-Khalili4
(ca 1375), an individual hitherto unrecognized in the literature as one of the
greatest calculators of the Middle Ages. al-Khallll was associated with the
Umayyad Mosque in Damascus,5 and was a colleague of the distinguished
astronomer Ibn al-Shatir. Very little is known yet about the activities of these
Damascus astronomers.6
The tables of Habash and Abu Nasr are comparable to each other in that
they are essentially single-argument tables with a total of a few hundred
entries.7 The tables of Ibn Yunus are scattered throughout his Z lj, a lengthy
compendium on astronomy, and are similar to those of his predecessor
Habash and his contemporary Abu Nasr. However, Ibn Yunus, with his
Very useful tables for timekeeping,8 was the forerunner of an important de­
velopment in Islamic astronomy, namely, the compilation of extensive tables
for timekeeping by the Sun and for regulating the astronomically defined times
of Muslim prayer. His spherical astronomical tables, many of which are
double-argument tables, contain over 30,000 entries, calculated with remarkable
accuracy. These tables, computed for the latitude of Cairo-Fustat, 30;0°,
and for obliquity 23;35°, served as a model not only to a host of individuals
who plagiarized them,9 but also to certain astronomers who developed them.
One of the latter was al-Khalili, who tabulated virtually all the functions
tabulated by Ibn Yunus, but for the latitude of Damascus, namely, 33;30°,
and for obliquity 23;31°.10 al-Khalili, however, had the ingenuity to devise a
set of auxiliary functions which would work for all latitudes, at the cost of
computing over 13,000 entries! This did not exhaust his ingenuity (or his
patience): he also computed a table giving the qibla, that is, the direction of
Mecca, for all latitudes and longitudes within the world of Islam.11 This table
contains over 3,000 entries, whose accuracy is quite remarkable, considering
the nature of the function tabulated.
The auxiliary tables of al-Khalili and instructions on their use are to be ,
found in at least three manuscript sources:12
MS. Paris Bibliotheque Nationale, ar. 2558, fols 61v-104r;13
MS. Princeton Yahuda 861,2;u
MS. Escorial ar. 931, fols I7Ir-2Ilv.15

100 a l-K h a lilV s A u x ilia ry Tables 101

T able 1. Selected entries from the table o f fy{0).
The first of these is a beautiful manuscript, carefully copied in an elegant
hand, and dated 811 Hijra (=1408). It is a complete copy of al-Khalili’s (Values are accurately computed, except where the error in the
second digit is shown in square brackets.)
prayer-tables and tables for timekeeping.16 The second manuscript is a carelessly
copied version of the prayer-tables17 o f al-Wafa’i {ca 1450), similar to those o f L a t it u d e ,
A rgu ­
Ibn Yunus, but computed for each degree of latitude from 21° (Mecca) to m e n t, 6 1° 2° . .. 9° . .. 19p . . 31° 49° ... 55°
41° (Istanbul), and containing over 20,000 entries. al-Khalili’s auxiliary tables
have been bound in the middle of these tables. The third manuscript is a volume 1° 1; 3 1; 3 1; 4 l; 7 [+ i] 1;13 1 ;3 6 1 ;50

comprising several astronomical works, in which al-Khalili’s auxiliary tables 2° 2; 6 2; 6 2; 7 2;1 3 2 ; 2 6 [— 1] 3 ;1 3 [+ 1 ] 3 ;3 9

have been inserted at the end. These tables were copied in 933 Hijra (=1526).
3° 3; 8 3; 8 [ — 1] 3 ;1 0 (— 1] 3 ;2 0 [+ l] 3 ; 3 9 [— 1] 4 ;4 9 [+ 2 ] 5 ;2 9 [ + l ]
al-Khalili tabulates three auxiliary functions, each to two sexagesimal digits.
For the first two, the horizontal argument is terrestrial latitude, and I denote 17° 1 7 ;3 2 [ — 1] 17 ;33 1 7 ;4 5 [— 1] 18 ;33 2 0 ;2 9 [ + l ] 2 6 ;4 5 [ + l ] 3 0 ;3 6 [+ l]
the functions by /* and giy where 0 is the local latitude. The vertical argument
35° 3 4 ;2 5 3 4 ;2 6 3 4 ;5 0 [+ l] 3 6 ;2 3 [ — 1] 4 0 ; 9 5 2 ;27 60; 0
is defined in the instructions, and the functions are called al-mahfuz al-awwal
and al-mahfuz al-thani respectively, “first and second functions”. The third 42° 40; 9 4 0 ;1 0 4 0 ;3 9 4 2 ;2 8 4 6 ;5 1 [+ 1 ] 6 1 ;1 1 [ — 1] 7 0 ; 0
function, which I denote by G, has a quantity called jayb al-tartib , perhaps 63° 5 3 ;2 8 5 3 ;3 0 54; 8 5 6 ;3 2 6 2 ;2 3 [+ l] 81 ;2 8 [— 1] 93 ;12
best rendered as “the auxiliary Sine”, for horizontal argument, and the vertical
argument is defined in the instructions. The jayb al-tartib is an auxiliary 78° 58 ;41 C— 1] 58 ;4 3 5 9 ;2 5 62; 4 6 8 ;2 8 8 9 ;2 6 [— I ] 102; 19

function widely used in late Islamic astronomy, and its use will become apparent 90° 60; 0 [ - l ] 60; 2 6 0 ;4 4 [— 1] 6 3 ;2 8 [ + l ] 70; 0 9 1 ; 2 8 [ + 1 ] 104;36
in what follows.
The functions are not explained in the instructions, but are in fact:

m The entries in al-Khalilfs tables were computed with remarkable precision.

, Sin 6 Tan 0 Most of the entries are accurate, and the error in the remainder is usually
S A e) = R
only ± 1 in the second digit, and occasionally ± 2 . Errors in the table of G
are slightly more frequent than in the tables of f± and g^, and larger isolated
xR errors do occur. Tables 1-3 show random extracts from the three tables of
G (x,y) = arc Cos
Cos y al-Khalili, taken from MS. B.N. ar. 2558. The errors in the second digit are
where the trigonometric functions are to base R = 60.18 These three functions shown in square brackets, and are derived according to the convention
are tabulated for the domains:19 error = text — recomputation.
6 = 1°, 2°,. . .,90° Table 4 shows a set of entries in the table of G{x,y) for small values of x and
0 = 1°, 2°,. . ., 55°, and 33;30° (Damascus), large values of y, which are inaccurately computed. I am unable to explain
x = 1 , 2 , . . . , 59, how these errors might have arisen. In the Appendix to this paper I have
y = o°, i°,..#!(*), indicated the kind of trigonometric and multiplication tables al-Khalili may
where n{x) is the largest integer such that have used to compile these auxiliary tables, which contain respectively 5,040,
x R < Cos n{x). 5,040, and about 3,350 entries.
I shall now explain the method of using the tables, following al-Khalili’s
The values, written in standard Arabic sexagesimal notation,20 are arranged instructions. The rules which he outlines in words21 are here expressed in
in columns of thirty entries. On a given double opening one finds values of modern mathematical notation and are numbered. I explain most of the rules
f t and g^ for two consecutive values of 0, or values of G for four consecutive by transforming the modern expression22 for the function under discussion into
values of x. When the values of G are, in modern terms, non-real, no entry a form which is equivalent to al-Khalili’s rule, given the definitions of the
is given in the table. Columns which would be empty are omitted, and so, functions g+, and G. The arguments to be used in the tables are considered
for example, the values of G for positive: in al-Khalili’s introduction detailed instructions are given to cover
x = 52, 5 3, . . . , 59 all possible cases. Modern notation renders these superfluous in the commentary.
fit on a double opening in MS. B.N. ar. 2558, fols 103v-104r. If the values The formulae on which his rules are based were well known in al-Khalili’s
of G were tabulated in a single table the resulting table would be trapezoidal time. Whilst some of them are not given in the Z i j of al-Battani23 {ca 900),
in shape. all of them are contained in the Hakimi Z i j of Ibn Yunus24 {ca 1000).
XI A 1

102 al-KhalilVs Auxiliary Tables 103

T able 2. Selected entries from the table o f g^d). The length of twilight for solar longitude A and declination 8 is easily found28
(Values are accurately computed, except where the error in the by calculating the time for the Sun to attain an altitude of 17° or 1 9 ° when the
second digit is shown in square brackets.)
solar longitude is A + 180° and the declination is —8. The values of G in
Latitude, <f> (3) and (4) define the corresponding hour-angles (cf. (2) above). Note also that:
ment, 9 1° 2° .. . 9° . 18° . 31° .. 49° ... 55° N(X) = D (A + 180°).
1° 0; 1 0; 2 0;10 0;20 0;38 1;12 1;30 (iv) To find the solar rising or ortive amplitude, </r, use:
2° 0; 2 0; 4 0;20 0;41 1;16[ + 1] 2;25 3; 0[ + l]
^= 90° - G { ?4 s ( 8 ) . ^ } , (5)
3° 0; 3 0; 61-1] 0;30 1; 1 1;54[+1] 3;37 4;29 or solve:
17° 0,18 0;36[ —1] 2;46[ —1] 5; 42 10;32 20;1 Of—1] 25; 3 g M ) =/*(«)• (6)
35° 0;36 1;12 5;27 11 ;11 20;41 39;36( + l] 49; 9 In modern notation:
42° 0;42 1;25[ + 1] 6;21[ —1] 13; 2[ — 1] 24; 6[ — 1] 46; 10[ — 1] 57;20

630 0;56 1;52 8 ;27[—l] 17 ;22 32; 7 61;31[ + 1] 76;21 ^=arcsinD^}’

so that:
78° 1: 2[ + U 2; 3 9; 17[ — 1] 19; 4 35; 16 67 ;30[ — 1] 83 ;48[—1]
sin 8 tan 45c
90° 1: 3 2; 6 9;30 19;30 36; 3 69; 1 85;41 ip = 90° — arc cos
cos <p
and also:
(i) To find the half diurnal arc, D , or half nocturnal arc, N , of a celestial body
with declination 8,25 given the terrestrial latitude <f>, use: sin iAtan 45° = ^ -
r cos
= G (g/8), 8} for 8 < 0, respectively. 0) Note that g ^ (6 ) is the Sine function.

In modern notation, for both 8 > 0:

D — 180° — N — 90° + arc sin {tan 8 tan <f>},
so that: T a b l e 3. Selected entries from the table of G(x,y).
(Values are accurately computed, except where the error in the
n) f sin 8 tan 6'] „ . < ^ , second digit is shown in square brackets.)
pj > = arc cos >| — — >■for 5 > 0, respectively.
Auxiliary Sine, x
(ii) To find the hour-angle, t, given the solar altitude, h, for any declination ment, y 1 2 .. 11 ... 20 ... 32 46 .. 59
and terrestrial latitude, use:26
0° 89; 3° 88; 6 [+ l] 79;26 70;32 57 ;45[ — 1] 39 ;56[—1] 10;28(—1]
f = c { [/;(/!)-* ,(« )], 8). (2)
r 89; 3 88; 6[ + l] 79;26 70;32 57;45[—1] 39;56 10;26
The modern formula is:
2° 89; 3 88; 6 [+ l] 79;26 70;31 57 ;44[ — 1] 39;54 10;17
sin h — sin 8 sin <p\
t = arc cos 13°
cos 8 cos (f> 89; 1 88; 3 [+ l] 79; 9 70; 0 56 ;48[ —1] 38; 6[—1] —
sin h 32° 88;52 87;45 77 ;31 66;[51]b 51; 2 25; 18 —
— sin 8 tan <f>\
— arc cos -{cos <f> 47° 88 ;36 87 ;12 74;24 60;43[— 1] 38;33 — —
[ cos 8 J
68° 87 ;26[—1] 84;54 60;42 27;10(+1] — — —
(iii) To find the lengths of evening and morning twilight, r and s, assuming angles
74° 86;31[ —1] 83; 2[ —1] 48; 18 — — — —
of solar depression 17° and 19° at nightfall and daybreak respectively,27 use:
89° 57;15a — — — — — —
* = .V-G{[/1(17”) + «,(«)], 8>, (3)
* Cf. Table 4.
r - A r - G {[/ * (1 9 " ) + ^ ( 8 ) ],8 } . (4) b Text: 41. The restoration is confirmed by the accuracy o f the adjacent entries.
104 a l-K h a llli's A u x ilia ry Tables 105
(v) To find the altitude of a celestial body in the prime vertical, h0, use: T able 4. Selected entries in the table of G(x,y) containing anomalous errors.
hQ = 90° — G {^ (8 ), } } (7) Auxiliary Sine, x
(MS. B.N. ar. 2558 has incorrectly: ment, y 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
ho = G {g u (.8 ),$ }),

where is the complement of <j>, or solve: 81° 44’; 3b 41 ;45

82 53;12 34;[55]b,c 33; 2
g+(h0) = /,(S). (8) 83 56 ;52 46;53 16;46b 16 ;55
84 61 ;24 50;20 37; 6 — —
In modern notation: 85 67 ;32 55; 1 40; 9 16;10 — —

86 76; 10 61 ;26 44;10 17; 1 — — —

'sin 81 87 71 ;23 50;20 16;46 — — — —
ho = arc sin 88 61 ;34 17 ;45 — — — — —
sin <f> 89 57 ;15a — — — — — —
so that:
sin 8 tan 45' a Whilst it is tempting to restore 57 to 17, it is also possible that al-Khallll computed
ho = 90° — arc cos R/Cos 89° as 57; 15 (accurately, 57; 18) and simply forgot to take the arc Cosine. MS
cos <f> Escorial ar. 931, fol. 196v also has 57; 15.
b The entry for y = 60° has been omitted from this column and each of the entries is
and also: one space too high.
sin 8 c Text: 15.
sin h0 tan (f> —

Corresponding recomputed values

(vi) To find the solar azimuth, a, measured from the meridian, use:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
a = G { [g ^ h )-U h )lh ). (9)
The modern formula is: 81° 41 ;46
82 53; 13 44; 4 33; 2
sin h sin <f> — sin S' 83 56;50 46;52 34;52 16;48
a — arc cos 84 61 ;25 50;22 37; 8 16;56 —
cos h cos <f> 40 ; 6 17; 2
85 67 ;31 55; 0 — —

f • / j sin 8] 86 76; 11 61 ;27 44;13 17; 7 — — —

sin h tan <j>--------- 87 71 ;26 50;26 17; 11 — — — —
= arc cos -j T cos <f> 88 61 ;28 17; 14 — —
— — —
I cos h 89 17; 15 — —

(vii) To find the solar declination from an observed pair of values {h,a), when
the local latitude is known, first solve for x in:29 Then solve for cf> in:
a = G {x,h}, (10) (15)
g *(Z ) = A.v.
and then solve for 8 in:
Finally, the declination is to be found from (11) above. The procedures are
M 8) = S i ( h ) — x. ( 11 ) easily verified by projecting the celestial sphere onto the meridian plane.30
This procedure is the reverse of (9) above.
(ix) To find the declination of a star, A, from its ecliptic coordinates (A,/S),
(viii) To find both the solar declination and local latitude from two such pairs, first find A", the longitude difference between the star and the nearest solstice,
subscripted 1 and 2, observed on the same day, first solve (10) for x x and .v2. and then solve for x in:
Then define the quantity: A" = G {*,£}. (16)
Ax = .Vo — x 1 (12)
The declination is then found by solving:31
called the argument (hissa), and the quantity: / 37(A) = i { 2 g M + x ) . (17)
A g = £ 4 5 (^ 2 ) - g i M . ( 13)
To explain this procedure, let e denote the obliquity of the ecliptic. The modern
Next find the quantity £, called the correction (ta'dil ), defined by: formula is then:
£4s(S) = &g- (14) A = arc sin {sin jS cos e + cos /3 sin A sin e},

106 a l-K h a lili's A u x ilia ry Ta bles 107

so that: known from the medieval period. The formulae for the hour-angle and solar
azimuth in terms o f solar altitude, and for the declination and right ascension
sin A = sin j8 cos e + cos ft sin A sin e, o f a star in terms of its ecliptic coordinates can however be derived without
and: difficulty by projection methods.
sin A __ sin
----- cos e 1
---- L _ CQS a_ sm
. ^. A cknowledgements
sin e sine
I wish to thank the Directors of the Bibliotheque Nationale, Paris, and the
In order to adapt this formula for use with al-Khalili’s tables, we write: Biblioteca de El Escorial for providing me with microfilms of manuscripts,
and the Director of the Special Collections Library, Princeton University, for
sin A permission to inspect the other manuscript used in this study. al-Khalili’s
= -£ {2 sin j8 tan <f>2 + cos f$ sin A}.
cos <f>i tables were recomputed at the Yale Computer Center on a grant made available
It follows that the values fa and <f>2 are defined by: by the Department of Near Eastern Languages and Literatures, Yale University.

\ cos fa — sin e and 2 tan <f>2 = cot e.

Since al-Khalili, following Ibn al-Shatir, used e — 23;31°, the accurate values
of fa and <f>2 are:
fa = 37;4° and fa = 48;58°. REFERENCES

al-Khalili used the approximations: 1. R . Irani’ s thesis (Iran i [1]) remains to be published. O n Habash, see Kennedy [1], 126-7
(nos. 15 and 16).
fa = 37° and fa = 49°. 2. See Jensen [1].
3. See K in g [1], 29-33.
(x) To find the normed right ascension a' of a star,32 use: 4. On Shams al-D in A b u ‘ A b d A lla h M uham m ad b. M u ham m ad al-K halili, sec Suter [1],
no. 418.
a" = G {[2f M - 2g«(A)], A}, (18) 5. Suter (cf. ref. 4) states that al-K h alili was associated w ith the Y alb agh a M osque outside
Damascus. T h e title fo lio o f M S B .N . ar. 2558 states that he was a timekeeper ( muwaqqit)
where a" is the normed right ascension measured from a' = 0° or a' = 180°. at the U m ayyad M osque.
6. A . Sayili has already pointed to the need fo r further research in this area. Cf. Sayili [1], 245.
The modern formula for right ascension, a, may be written: O n Ib n al-Shatir and his w ork, see Kennedy [1], 125 (n o. 11); W iedem ann [1], ii, 729-38;
and the recent studies listed by N . Sw erdlow in Journal fo r the history o f astronomy, iii
sin A cos € — sin /?) (1972), 48, ref. 3.
a = arc sin 7. C . Jensen has published a few entries from A b u N a s r’ s table. T h e fo llo w in g table shows the
cos A sin e corresponding recomputed values, to be com pared w ith those in Jensen [1], 4.


sin A cot e —
= arc sin sin e
1° 2° ;24,16,10,41 ;0,27,47,16 ; 1,54,54,58 ;2, 5,38,17 ;54,52,50,12
cos A 2 4 ;24,16,50,37 ;0,55,35,33 ;3,49,45,39 ;4,11, 7,24 ;54,54, 0,38
3 6 ;24,17,57,15 ; 1,23,25,52 ;5,44,27,44 ;6,16,18, 9 ;54,55,57,36
so that: 4 8 ;24,19,30,41 ;1,51,19,15 ;7,38,56,50 ;8,21, 1,23 ;54,58,40,27

- [2 sin A tan — ~ ~ ~ ^ ]| 44 88 ;33,44, 1, 2 ;25,37,20,18 ;59,57,22,43 ;59,57,48,25 ;59,59,38,29

a = arc cos 45 90 ;34,19, 1,59 ;26,31,57,38 ;60, 0, 0, 0 ;60, 0, 0, 0 ;60, 0, 0, 0

cos A J It is clear that in numerous entries the third o f the fo u r digits is in error, and the fourth
is meaningless. Furtherm ore, had A bu Na$r used the value 23;35° fo r the obliquity, which
f2 sin /J was generally accepted in his time, rather than P tole m y ’s value 23 ;51,20°, the entries in all
— 2 sin A tan <f>2
= arc cos cos<£t but colum n V I (w hich are fo r the sine function) w ou ld generally differ even in the second
digit from those given in his table.
( cos A It is perhaps w orth rem arking that al-N a yrlzI ( ca 900) also tabulated some auxiliary
functions. T w o tables attributed to him, based on the Khantla Khadyaka value R = 2,30,
where fa and <f>2 are as defined in (ix) above. are located in M S Berlin 5750, fols 83r-85r, o f H abash’ s Zij. Cf. K in g [1], 29.
8. Cf. K in g [2] fo r a detailed analysis.
In modern terms, it may be stated that al-Khalili’s tables are auxiliary tables 9. Cf. K in g [1], 43 and [2].
for solving problems of spherical astronomy which involve the cosine rule for 10. A n analysis is in preparation.
11. This table is analyzed in detail in K in g [3]. It m ay be that a l-K h a lili computed the entries in
spherical triangles. The formulae which define the functions treated by al- the qibla table using his auxiliary tables.
Khalill were well known to Islamic astronomers already in ‘Abbasid times, but 12. I have not inspected MSS Berlin 5754-56, British Museum 977, 31, and O xford I. 961, 1039,2,
no Islamic treatise dealing with the spherical cosine rule in its generality is listed by Suter. Cf. ref. 4 above.

108 a l-K h a lllV s A u x ilia ry Tables 109

13. Cf. de Slane [I ], 460-1. A P P E N D IX

14. I am indebted to Prof. R . M ach o f Princeton U niversity fo r kindly allow in g me to consult
his unpublished catalogue o f the Yah u d a C ollection. T h ere is no explicit indication in the texts consulted o f the m ethod used by al-Khallll to com p ile
15. Cf. Renaud [1], 42-3. In this M S the tables are attributed to Sharaf al-D in A bu ‘ A b d A llah the tables. H e clearly did not compute all o f the entries directly, and the error patterns confirm that
a l-K h a llll, w ho lived about the year 1400. Cf. Suter [1], no. 427. Prob ab ly Sharaf al-D in he used some kind o f interpolation system. It m ay be that he com puted the values o f:
should be restored to Shams al-Din.
16. Cf. ref. 10 above. Sec d R
(0 = r , 2°, . . ., 89°)
17. A n analysis is in preparation. On a l-W a fa ’I see Suter [1], no. 437, and K in g [1], 43 and 49. ~~R C os 6
18. T h e capital letter notation, now standard, is used to denote m edieval trigonom etric functions.
Cf. K ennedy [1], 139b-140a. since these are required to com pute:
19. <f>
In the Escorial M S, the maximum value o f is 50°. A s stated by A b u N asr, beyond latitude 45°
G O o O -a rc C o s { ^ } -
there were few people w ho knew about spherical astronom y or even thought about it.
Cf. Jensen [1], 5.
20. On which, see Irani [2]. It is reasonable to assume that he used the Secant function to com pile the tables, rather than
21 . Cf. refs 26, 29, and 31 below. continually dividing by the Cosine in the tabulation o f fj, and G. N o independent table o f the Secant
22 . F o r some o f the modern form ulae, consult Smart [1], 25-52. F o r the derivation o f these is contained in any known Islam ic source, and the only Islam ic table o f the Cosecant function is
form ulae by m edieval methods, see, fo r example, K in g [1], 90-316. in M S Berlin 5750, fols. 85r-87v, which may be due to Habash {cf. Kennedy [1], 151b).
23. On which, see Kennedy [1], 132-3 (no. 55), and the edition o f C. N allin o (M ila n -R om e, It is also possible that al-K hallll com puted a table o f arc Cos (z ). N o table o f this kind is attested
1899-1907). ai-Battani does not, fo r example, discuss the calculation o f the duration yet in the sources, and the only Islamic tables o f arc Sin (z ) known to me are contained in the Yem eni
o f twilight. Mukhtar Z ij (M S British Museum 768 (O r. 3624), fol. 169v), and in one manuscript o f Ibn Yunus’ s
24. W ith the reservation that Ibn Yunus discusses the calculation o f time since sunrise rather Very useful tables (M S Chester Beatty 3673, fol. 8r). T h e function is computed to two sexagesimal
than the hour-angle. Cf. K in g [ 1 ], 147-52. digits fo r each 0;30 and 1 ;0 o f argument, respectively, in the tw o tables. Tables o f the Sine and
25. Generally, I use S fo r solar declination ( ntayl) and A fo r the declination o f a star ( bu'd). F or Tangen t function, accurately computed to, say, three sexagesimal digits, fo r each degree o f argument
most o f the problems under discussion, al-Khalilr notes the validity o f his procedures fo r were standard in the time o f al-Khallll. H e m ay have used the trigonom etric tables o f Ibn al-Shatir,
both the Sun and the fixed stars. in which the Sine is given to four sexagesimal digits fo r each degree o f argument and the Tangent
26. a l-K h a llli’ s instructions (M S B .N . ar. 2558, fol. 62r, II. 1-7) read: to three digits fo r each h a lf degree {cf. K ennedy [1], 162b-163a). Alternatively, he might have used
Section on the hour-angle. Find the value o f the first function fo r the altitude (as Sine tables like those o f Ibn Yunus, com puted to five sexagesimal digits fo r each minute o f argument
argum ent) on the page corresponding to the latitude, and find the value o f the second {cf. K in g [1], 9 and 85-89), to take the arc Cosine in the com pilation o f the table o f G.
function (fo r the declination as argum ent) as we described above fo r the h a lf diurnal arc. Finally, it is certain that al-K hallll had at his disposal a m ultiplication table containing the
Then, if the Sun is in the southern signs, add the tw o functions; otherwise, take the sexagesimal products:
difference between them. T h e result w ill be the auxiliary Sine. Enter it in the table with the
mX n {m, n = 1 , 2 , . . . , 60)
auxiliary Sine (as horizontal argum ent) and enter the declination as (vertical) argum ent:
you w ill find the hour-angle. H ow ever, i f the Sun is in the northern signs and the value such as, fo r example,
o f the first function is less than the value o f the second, subtract the result from 180°: 34 x 13 = 7,22 and 41 x 23 = 15,43.
the remainder w ill be the hour-angle. I f the tw o functions are equal, the hour-angle
w ill be 90°. M u ltiplication tables are not generally contained in Islam ic zijes o r tables fo r timekeeping. Indeed’
27. On Islam ic values fo r these parameters, consult W iedem ann [I ], ii, 769 and 777, and K in g [2]. only one com plete Islamic m ultiplication table has been noted in the literature. P. Luckey has
28. See. in particular, Smart [1], 51-52. described a table in a w ork by the Egyptian scholar Sibt a l-M a rid in i (d. ca 1500. cf. Suter [1], no.
29. al-KhaUU’ s instructions fo r these operations (M S B .N . ar. 2558, fol. 62v, II. 15-23) read as 445, and Luckey [1], 68, and 39, n. 67). T h e m ultiplication table referred to by Kushyar b. Labban
fo llo w s : {ft. ca 1000, cf. Suter (1], no. 192, and L evey [1], 98 and 36-38) has been omitted from the manuscript
I f either one o f the meridian o r the prim e vertical is known, then the azimuth o f an published by M . Levey. Likewise, the Sam arqand mathematician and astronomer al-Kashl {fl. ca
observed solar altitude can be found. Enter the altitude and azimuth in the auxiliary 1430, cf. Luckey [I], esp. 47) in his treatise on arithm etic describes but does not reproduce the
Sine tables in the fo llo w in g way. L o o k fo r a value in the table equal to the azimuth, m ultiplication table which he used fo r his extensive calculations. R. Irani has discussed an extract
which has the altitude as (vertical) argument. T h e auxiliary Sine is then found (as the from such a table contained in M S Princeton Yahuda 3 7 3 {cf. Irani [ 3 ] ) . Th e follow ing examples o f
horizontal argument) at the head o f the appropriate table. N ext find the value o f the com plete Islamic sexagesimal multiplication tables have recently com e to my attention, and there is
second function for the altitude on the appropriate page fo r the latitude, and subtract every reason to suppose that numerous others survive in the vast manuscript sources. These tables
the value from the auxiliary Sine if the Sun is in the southern signs. I f it is in the northern were the standard computational aids o f Islamic astronomers and mathematicians.
signs and the azimuth is northern, add the two values. Otherwise take the difference (а ) M S B .N . ar. 2531 is a w ork by the prolific Egyptian scholar Ibn al-M ajdi (d. 1447, cf. Suter [1],
between them. T h e result is a value o f the first function. Enter the value on the appro­ no. 432), dealing with the planetary tables o f Ibn Yunus and Ibn al-Shatir. Fols. 115v—127r contain
priate latitude page and find the corresponding vertical argument. This w ill be the a table o f sexagesimal products:
declination. fm = 1, 2 ,. . . , 120
30. Cf. K in g [1], 196, fo r Ibn Yunus’ s treatment o f this problem . m * " \ n = 1,2, . . . , 60 '
31. a l-K h a lill describes this m ethod as follow s (M S B .N . ar. 2558, fols. 63r, 1. 27-63v, 1. 4 ):
. . . Enter the latitude o f the star as argum ent fo r the second function fo r latitude 49°. (б ) M S B .N . ar. 2520 is an anonymous Z i j com prising tables originally due to Ibn YOnus and
Th en double the result and add it to the auxiliary Sine. . . . Enter the result in the table Ibn al-Shatir. Fols 167v-173r contain a table o f products
o f the first function fo r latitude 37° and find the corresponding vertical argument. It
w ill be the declination o f the star. . . . m x n {m, n = 1 , 2 , . . . , 60).
H e does not explain the reason fo r using the tables fo r latitudes 49° and 37°.
A t the head o f each o f the sixty columns fo r m, the value o f \/m is given to three sexagesimal digits,
32. T h e norm ed right ascension is defined by:
(c ) M S Princeton Yahuda 4072, fols 23r-29r, and
a'(A) = a(A) + 90°. {d) M S A lep p o Ahm adiya 1310. Both these sources contain tables similar to those in {b) above.
This function is tabulated in the Handy tables, and sim ilar tables are com m on in Islamic In the second table m2 is given at the head o f each o f the sixty columns for m.
zijes. It is useful fo r finding the ascendant, H, i f the longitude o f upper midheaven, M , is (e ) M SS Munich 865 (313) and 866 (318). I have not inspected these sources, but the description
known, since: o f them in the catalogue (A u m er [1], 380) indicates that they contain a multiplication table.
a^(A b ) = a (A jf) + 90° = a'(Aj/), These tables are referred to in the sources as either al-jadwal al-sittini o r jadwal al-nisba al-sittiniya,
where a 4 denotes oblique ascension fo r latitude <f>. “ sexagesimal table” .

Aumer [1J: J. Aumer, Die arabischen Handschriften der kaiserlichen Hof- und Staatsbibliothek in
Irani [1]: R. A. K. Irani, “ The Jadwal al-Taqwim o f Habash al-Hasib” , unpublished Master’s
dissertation, American University o f Beirut (1956).
Irani [2]: R. A. K. Irani, “ Arabic Numeral Forms” , Centaurus, iv (1955), 1-12.
Irani [3]: R. A. K . Irani, “ A Sexagesimal Multiplication Table in the Arabic Alphabetical System” ,
Scripta mathematical xviii (1952), 92-3.
Jensen (1]: C. Jensen, “ Abu Na$r Mansur’s Approach to Spherical Astronomy as Developed in
His Treatise The Table o f Minutes", Centaurus, xvi (1971), 1-19.
Kennedy [1]: E. S. Kennedy, “ A Survey of Islamic Astronomical Tables” , Transactions o f the
The history of astronomy in Ottoman Turkey is a much neglected
American Philosophical Society, N.S., xlvi, 2 (1956), 123-77. area of the history of Islamic science.’ In this paper I shall discuss just
King [1]: D. A. King, “ The Astronomical Works of Ibn Yunus” , unpublished doctoral dissertation,
Yale University (1972). one aspect o f the activity of the astronomers of Ottoman Turkey, na­
King [2]: D. A. King, “ Ibn YQnus’ Very Useful Tables for Reckoning Time by the Sun” , to appear mely, the determination of time by the sun and stars and the regula­
in Archive for the history o f exact sciences.
King [3]: D. A. King, “ al-Khallll's Qibla Table” , to appear in Journal o f Near Eastern studies. tion of the astronomically defined times of the five daily prayers.2
Levey [1]: M. Levey, Kushyar ibn Labban: principles o f Hindu reckoning (Madison and Milwaukee,
1965). The Ottoman astronomers who specialized in this branch of ast­
Luckey [1]: P. Luckey, “ Die Rechenkunst bei Gam§Id b. Mas'Qd al-Ka§I mit Ruckblicken auf die
altere Geschichte des Rechnens” , Abhandlungen fur die Kunde des Morgenlandes, xxxi, 1 (1951). ronomy were called muwaqqits ,3 and they had at their disposal several
Renaud [1]: H. P. J. Renaud, Les manuscrits arabes de I'Escorial. Tome ii, Fasc. 3: Sciences exactes
et sciences occultes (Paris, 1941).
means of regulating time in general and the prayer-times in particular.
Sayili [1]: A. Sayili, The observatory in Islam (Ankara, 1960). Firstly, thanks mainly to their contact with Europe, they had from the
de Slane [1]: MacG. de Slane, Catalogue des manuscrits arabes (Paris, 1883-95).
Smart [1]: W. M. Smart, Textbook on spherical astronomy (London, 1972 edn). sixteenth century onwards mechanical clocks.4 Secondly, as heirs to the
Suter[l]: H. Suter, “ Die Mathematiker und Astronomen der Araber und ihreWerke” , Abhandlungen earlier Islamic astronomical tradition, they had sundials for regulating
zur Geschichte der mathematischen Wissenschaften, x (1900).
Wiedemann [1]: E. Wiedemann, Aufsdtze zur arabischen Wissenschaftsgeschichte (2 vols, Hildesheim, the time of day and the day-time prayers,3 and quadrants which ser­
ved as analog computers to determine the time o f day or night from the
observed altitude o f the sun or stars and to derive the times of prayer
for a given day.6 Thirdly, and perhaps of more interest to the history
of mathematical astronomy, they used mathematical tables displaying
the time of day or night in terms of solar or stellar altitude and displa­
ying the times o f the prayers throughout the year. It is these tables,
which have not been previously discussed in the modern literature, that
concern the present study.
Let us begin with a brief account of the definitions of the times of
Muslim prayer which were standard in Ottoman Turkey. The definitions
of the times of prayer were fixed in the eight century,7 and with few
attested exceptions, have been in use for over a millenium.8 The prayers
are to be performed within specified intervals of time defined by their
endpoints. The Muslim day begins at sunset with the first prayer (A ra ­
bic maghrib, modern Turkish aJc§am) . The second prayer begins at night­
fall (A . °isha>, T. yatsi), and the third prayer begins at daybreak (A.
fajr, T. tan or fecir) and must be completed by sunrise. The fourth pra­
yer begins when the sun begins to decline from the meridian (A . znhr,
T. ogle). The fifth pi’ayer is in the afternoon (A ; °a§r, T. ikindi) and
begins when the shadow of an object of length n has increased beyond
its midday minimum s„ by an amount As equal to n.° Either the begin-

246 247

ning of an interval for another prayer, that is, a second °a§r, or the end and commentaries thereon. Alongside this main tradition of theoretical
of the interval for the first °a§r, takes place when the increase and planetary astronomy there was another concerned with astronomi­
of the shadow is equal to 2n; most Ottoman sources differentiate bet­ cal timekeeping, which was derived from Egypt and Syria. In order to
ween asr-i-awwal and asr-v-sani, a first and a second °a§r. Some Otto­ appreciate the Ottoman activity in this branch o f astronomy it is neces­
man sources also mention a prayer in the late morning (A rab ic duha or sary to bear in mind that original Muslim activity in astronomical time­
dahwa, Ottoman Turkish zahwe, modern Turkish ku§luk). keeping reached its peak in fourteenth century Damascus, and we have
The hour-angle at the times defined by these rules can be determi­ evidence that the works of al-Khalili and Ibn al-Shatir, the two main
ned using formulae known to Muslim astronomers since Abbasid times.10 representatives of this Syrian school,14 were known in Istanbul in the
The modern formula for the hour-angle t as a function of the instanta­ fifteenth century.
neous altitude h and declination 8 for latitude <p is The following remarks on some of the tables compiled by Ottoman
(sin h - sin 8 sin cp j astronomers reveal for the first time the scope of the interest in astro­
t ( h, 8, cp) = arc cos
| cos 8 cos <p j nomical timekeeping in Ottoman Turkey. Most of the tables discussed
and the Islamic methods fo r determining the hour-angle, which were have been recomputed using an electronic computer to investigate their
mainly derived from stereographic projections of the celestial sphere, accuracy (see Plate 6).
were equivalent to this formula. From the hour-angle at the beginning
of each prayer one can easily derive the durations of each of the pra­ Shaykh Vefa
yer-times, or express the times of the prayers in mean local time or ac­ Mustafa ibn Ahmad known as Shaykh V efa was a celebrated Sufi
cording to the Turkish convention in which sunset is reckoned as 12 shaykh whose wide academic interests included astronomy. He lived in
o’clock.11 the time of Sultans Muhammad I I and Bayazid I I and died in the year
1491.15 Whilst on a pilgrimage he was captured and imprisoned on Rho­
Already in the ninth century there began a Muslim tradition of
des, and whilst in prison he compiled a set of astronomical tables in the
compiling tables displaying the times of prayer for each degree of so­
form of an almanac ( ruznasme). This Ruzname-i-Vefa, which remained
lar longitude X or each day of the year. More extensive tables w ere com­ popular fo r several centuries and exists in dozens of manuscripts,16 con­
piled displaying the hour-angle t or time since rising T o f the sun for sists o f tables fo r calendar conversion and also fo r regulating the times
each degree of solar altitude h and each degree of solar longitude X, or of prayer. The latter tables display the length of daylight, length of
alternatively for each degree o f solar meridian altitude H and each deg­ night, the time from sunrise to midday, the time from midday to the
ree of solar altitude h. The Ottomans were the heirs to this earlier tra­ °asr and the time from the °asr to sunset and the length of twilight (see
dition. Plate 1). Entries are given for each day of the year in equinoctial hours
Before we survey some of the tables compiled by Ottoman astrono­ and fractions thereof (expressed in equatorial degrees, where 1 hour = 15
mers for the purposes o f timekeeping, we should point out that the be­ degrees), and are computed fo r latitude 41;30°, which is half a degree
ginnings o f astronomy in Ottoman Turkey are very obscure. Indeed, we too high fo r Istanbul. Many of the manuscript copies of V efa’s Ruzname,
including the one published by Velschius in 1676,17 contain only the ca-
are as yet completely in the dark concerning astronomical knowledge
lendrical tables and not the prayer-tables, perhaps because the Ruzname
amongst the Ottomans before the early fifteenth century when Qadi
of Darendeli (see below) was recognized as more accurate.
Zade al-Rumi, who was born in Bursa, then the Ottoman capital, joined
the staff of the Samarqand Observatory of Ulugh Beg and later beca­
me its director.12 The next director was °A li Qush)iwho, on the death Muhammad ibn Katib Sinan
of Ulugh Beg, entered the service of the Sultan Muhammad I I in Istan­ Muhammad ibn Yusuf, otherwise known as Muhammad ibn Katib
bul.13 From that time onwards astronomy flourished in Istanbul, and Sinan, was a muuxtqqit at the imperial palace in Istanbul in the time
for several centuries there existed a distinctly Ottoman tradition based of the Sultan Bayazid I I (ca. 1500).18 Two of his works concern the pre­
mainly on the works of al-Jaghmmi, Na§ir aUDm al-Tusi, and Ulugh Beg, sent study. The first, extant in three copies in the Topkapi and A ya So-
fia (Suleymaniye) Libraries,19 is a Turkish recension of the auxiliary
tables of al-Khalili of Damascus for solving all the standard problems the entries are based on parameters cp = 41° (Istanbul) and e — 23;30°
of spherical astronomy for all latitudes.20 Muhammad ibn Katib Sinan (taken from the value of Ulugh B eg). This table, which contains over
translated the introduction o f the tables into Turkish and added a spe­ 6,000 entries, is of the variety known in medieval Arabic as tcvylasan,
cial table fo r latitude 40;30° (fo r an unspecified locality) to al-Khalili’s “ shawl,” because of their trapezoidal shape (since the two arguments
set for each degree o f latitude (see Plate 2). It is clear that al-Khalili’s H and h are such that min H < h < H < (max H ) . The earliest example
tables were already known in Turkey: a manuscript in the Hamidiye of such a table dates from tenth century Baghdad, and several later tab­
(Suleymaniye) Lib rary contains al-Khalili’s tables copied in Edirne in les of this kind were computed for other latitudes, including one for the
1464/5.21 latitude of Maragha by the astronomers of Nasir al-Din al-Tusi.2+ No
such taylasan tables were compiled for Cairo or Damascus and it seems
The other work by Muhammad ibn Katib Sinan is likewise preser­ probable that Taqi 1-Din, if he is indeed the compiler of this table, was
ved only in two manuscripts in the Topkapi and A y a Sofia (Suleyma­ inspired by the taylasan table fo r Maragha in the Zij-i-Ilkhani of al-Tusi.
niye) Libraries.22 It consists o f tables for reckoning time by the stars,
Simpler versions of such a taylasan table for Istanbul, giving ent­
and contains over 500 pages of tables containing about a quarter of a ries to, say, degrees for each five degrees of both arguments, were oc­
million entries. The main tables display the time since sunset, the time casionally inscribed on quadrants. One would compute the meridian al­
remaining until sunrise, the time remaining until daybreak, and the titude o f the sun, measure the instantaneous altitude of the sun, and use
time remaining until midday, for each degree o f the normed right as­ the table to estimate the time since sunrise. An example of such quad­
cension and each degree of solar longitude (see Plate 3 ). One simply rant is preserved in Kandilli Observatory Library.
observes a star which is culminating instantaneously, reads its ascen­
sion from a separate table also presented by Muhammad ibn Katib Si­
nan, enters the ascension and the solar longitude in the main table and
reads the time of night. This enormous table has no parallel in the Nothing o f consequence is known about Darendeli, the author of a
known Islamic manuscript sources, the only precedent being a much second Ruzname for Istanbul, save that he or his family was associated
smaller table compiled in Damascus about 1425 displaying the time re­ with the town of Darende in central Anatolia. He appears to have lived
maining until daybreak as a function of solar longitude fo r seven cul­ in the seventeenth century. His almanac exists in several manuscript co­
minating stars (which vary for each zodiacal sign). This table thus rep­ pies,25 and has been published by D ’Ohsson in his Tableau General de
resents the most original Ottoman contribution to astronomical tim e' l*Empire Ottoman, 1787.25
keeping by tables. Darendeli’s tables are arranged for each degree of solar longitude,
and display the length of daylight, the length of night, the time of mid­
Taqi VDin day, the times of the first and second °asr, the times of nightfall and
A manuscript in the Lib rary o f Kandilli Observatory is in the hand daybreak, the time when the sun is in the azimuth of Mecca, and the
time of the zahwe (see Plate 5). Times are given in hours and minutes
of the astronomer Taqi 1-Din, who founded the Istanbul observatory in
1577 23 manuscript contains inter alia his small zij (that is, an ast­ according to the Ottoman convention, and are based on latitude 41°.
The tables for twilight are based on the assumption that morning tw i­
ronomical handbook with tables) entitled Sidrat al-muntaha and his
light begins and evening twilight ends when the sun is respectively 19°
works on stereographic projection and observational instruments, as well
and 17° below the horizon: these are the standard parameters for twi­
as a table for timekeeping, which is not contained in any other known
light used by the Ottoman astronomers and were borrowed from al-Kha-
manuscript. I see no reason to doubt that this table was compiled by
lili and Ibn al-Shatir.27 The time when the sun is in the direction of
Taqi 1-Din himself. It displays the hour-angle and time since sunrise in
Mecca corresponds to a direction of 42° east of south, indicating that
equatorial degrees and minutes fo r each degree o f meridian solar alti­
the longitude difference between Istanbul and Mecca was taken as about
tude and each degree of instantaneous solar altitude (see Plate 4 ), and
17° (the actual value is about 1 1 °).2S The time of the zahwe is taken as
X II All

250 251

midway between daybreak and sunset, a definition still used, for examp­ west in equatorial degrees (al-da'ir), equatorial hours (al-mustawiya ) ,
le, in modern Pakistan.-0 In the other few instances where this prayer seasonal hours (al-zamaniya), and in equatorial hours according to the
is mentioned in the medieval astronomical sources a quite different de­ Turkish convention ( al-muwafaqa) (see Plate 8 ). A t the end of the main
finition is used.30 set o f tables the times o f the first and second °asrs, nightfall and day­
break are given fo r each degree of solar longitude, expressed in the Tur­
kish convention. Values in all the tables are given to three sexagesimal
digits rather than two as was standard, and are very carefully compu­
An anonymous manuscript in Istanbul University Library contains ted; thus, for example, the values o f the hour-angle are given to seconds
an extensive set of prayer-tables fo r Istanbul after the model of al-Kha- of arcs, usually correctly, and the 'corresponding times of day, expressed
lili’s prayer-tables for Damascus.11 Values are given in degrees and mi­ in hours, minutes, and seconds, are also generally correct. A ll of the
nutes for each degree of solar longitude for some twenty-two functions values are based on cp = 41° (Istanbul) and € = 23;28,54° (taken from
relating to timekeeping, including the solar altitude and hour-angles at Taqi 1-Din). A shorter version of these tables prepared by Sadiq Jihan­
the two °asrs and when the sun is the direction of Mecca, and the du­ giri 34 displays only the time since sunrise fo r eastern and western al­
rations of morning and evening twilight. Values are based on latitude titudes expressed in the Turkish convention and in hours and minutes
41;15°, and the tables may not have been extensively used because, alt­ only (see Plate 9).
hough they are very accurately computed, they were based on this in­
correct latitude. Anonymous (Edirne)
A unique manuscript in Oxford contains a set of tables displaying
Ahmad Efendi the hour-angle and time since sunrise as a function of solar altitude and
A unique manuscript in Kandilli Observatory Lib rary contains a solar longitude for each degree of both arguments for the latitude of
Edirne, taken as 42°.33 Likewise a unique manuscript in the Suleyma-
set of tables for timekeeping compiled in 1684 by Ahmad Efendi known
as al-Misn al-Islambuli (the Egyptian living in Istanbul).12 The set of niye Library contains a set o f minor tables fo r timekeeping for the sa­
me latitude.36 N o tables for the prayer-times are contained in either of
tables display the hour-angle expressed in equatorial degrees and minu­
tes for each degree of solar altitude and each degree o f solar longitude these sources, which are both anonymous.
(see Plate 7). These tables, which contain over 10,000 entries, are ba­
sed on parameters <p = 41° (Istanbul) and E = 23;30° (taken from Miscellaneous
Ulugh Beg’s value). They have identical format to those in the Cairo Other prayer-tables of the Ottoman kind exemplified by the Ruz-
corpus o f tables fo r timekeeping, compiled several centuries previously. names of Shaykh Vefa and Darendeli were compiled for other latitu­
They were superceded a century later by more extensive tables of Salih des in the Ottoman Empire. Examples are known for such localities as
Efendi (see below).
Algiers, Cairo, Damietta, Medina, Mecca, Sanaa, Damascus, Aleppo, and
Crete. In some cases, such as the tables fo r Cairo and Damascus, the
Salih Efendi Ottoman-type prayer-tables were compiled using the earlier prayer-tab­
About 1775 the Ottoman astronomer Salih Efendi compiled an enor­ les which had already been in use for several centuries. In other cases,
mous corpus o f tables fo r timekeeping by the sun, which is extant in such as the tables for Algiers and Sanaa, we do not yet know of any
several manuscript copies.33 These tables, which contain over 80,000 earlier prayer-tables for these localities. So far no Ottoman-type prayer-
entries, and a simpler version thereof by Sadiq Jihangiri (see below), tables have been identified in the manuscript sources for any other lo­
were used extensively in Istanbul in the nineteenth century. The tables cality in Turkey other than Istanbul. This I find rather surprising.
display not only the hour-angle for each degree of solar longitude and
for each degree of solar altitude up to the maximum for that longitude, Other Ottoman-type tables for timekeeping by the sun after the
but also the times when the sun has this altitude in the east and in the model of those of Salih Efendi have been identified only for Cairo, Da-
A ll


mascus, Jerusalem, and Mecca. Only in the last case were these tables Notes
not based on earlier tables; these tables for Mecca were compiled in the
early nineteenth century by Husayn Husni, the second astronomer of 1. Th e standard bibliographical sources fo r Islam ic science, namely, H. Su-
the Ottoman Empire. ter, “ Die M athem atiker und Astronom en der A ra b er und ihre W erke,” Abhand-
lungcn zur Geschichte der mathematischen W issenschaften, 10 (1900), and the
surveys o f A rabic and Persian literatu re by B rockelm ann and Storey, contain
Postscript v e ry little inform ation on any Ottom an astronom ers other than Qadi Zade, f A li
Qushji, and T a q i 1-Din. A. A zza w i’s H istory of A stro n o m y in Iraq, Baghdad:
The above examples do not exhaust the known tables compiled by Ir a q i A cadem y Press, 1958, contains some useful additional biographical and
Ottoman astronomers fo r the purposes of timekeeping and preserved in bibliographical inform ation which is, how ever, p oorly documented. A part from a
series o f articles on specific topics that have been published by A. Sayili and
manuscript form, but they must suffice in this brief survey. In Turkey
S. Tekeli, and also A.S. Unver, Ottom an astronom y is therefore an untapped
in the nineteenth century the prayer-times were displayed in annual al­ field, and there is an obvious need fo r a bibliographical survey o f the vast
manacs or diaries (see Plate 10). Modern Turkish prayer-tables (see amount o f available manuscript sources and a series o f monographs on parti­
Plate 11) also continue an Ottoman tradition by displaying the times cular aspects o f Ottom an astronomy.
of prayer not only in local standard time but also according to the Ot­ 2. This paper is essentially an abridgem ent o f the section on Ottoman T u r­
toman convention ( ezctni). Dr. Fatin Gokmen, first Director of Kandilli key in m y forth com in g Studies in A stronom ical Tim ekeeping in M edieval Islam,
Observatory, wrote a book on the theory and use of the almucantar which contains an analysis o f a ll known m edieval Islam ic tables fo r regulating
quadrant. Dr. Muammer Dizer, the present Director, has conducted de­ tim e by the sun and stars and fo r regu latin g the times o f prayer. The interes­
ted reader m ay consult m y “ Astronom ical Tim ekeeping in M edieval Islam ,” A c-
tailed investigations of the determination of first visibility of the lunar
tes du X X I X c Congres international des Orientalistes, (Paris, 1973), II/2, pp.
crescent as well as the computation of the prayer-times by modern met­ 86-90; and “ Ibn Yunus’ V e ry U seful Tables fo r R egu latin g the Tim e by the
hods, and has prepared prayer-tables for longitudes and latitudes all over Sun,” A rch ive fo r H istory o f E x a ct Sciences, 10 (1973), pp. 342-394; and “ A st­
the world by electronic computer (see Plate 12). Thus the interest in ronom ical Tim ek eepin g in Fourteenth Century Syria,” Proceedings of the First
astronomical timekeeping cultivated by the Ottomans has continued to International Sym posium on the H isto ry o f A ra bic Science, (Aleppo, 1976).

this day in modern Turkey. 3. A useful study on the muvakkithanes (th a t is, the buildings adjacent to
the mosques w here the muwaqqits w ork ed ) o f Istanbul is A.S. Onver, “ Osmanli
Tiirk lerin d e Him Tarihinde M uvakkithaneler,” A taturk K onferanslan, V (1975),
Acknowledgements pp. 217-257. See also the same author’s paper presented at this Symposium.

The research on medieval Islamic science conducted at the A m eri­ 4.On clocks in Ottoman Tu rkey see S. Tekeli, Clocks in the Ottoman E m ­
pire in the 16th Century..., A nkara tln iversitesi D il ve Tarih-C ografya Fakiil-
can Research Center in Egypt since 1972 has been supported mainly by
tesi Y ayin la n , Sayi 171, 1966; A. Y. al-Hassan, Taqi l-D in and A rab Mechanical
the Smithsonian Institution (1972-80), the National Science Founda­ Engineering (in A ra b ic), Aleppo: Institute fo r the H istory o f Arabic Science,
tion, Washington, D C . (1972-80), and the Ford Foundation (1976-78). 1976; and O. Kurz, European Clocks and W atches in the N ea r East, London:
This support is gratefully acknowledged. T h e W arb u rg Institute and Leiden: E. J. B rill, 1975.

5. A n inventory o f some sundials in Tu rkey is given in A.S. tinver, “ Sur

It is a pleasure to express my gratitude to the Directors of Kandilli
les candrans solaires horizontaux et verticaux en Turquie,” Archives Interna­
Observatory, the Topkapi Saray Library, and Princeton University L ib ­ tionales d’Histoire des Sciences, 28-29 (1945), pp. 254-266. See now the paper by
rary, for permission to publish photographs of manuscripts in their col­ W . M eyer presented at this Symposium, and also R. Rohr, “ Astrolabium und
lections. Sonnenuhr in Dienste der Moschee,” Centaurus, 18 (1973), pp. 44-56.

254 255

6. On the use o f the quadrant by Ottom an astronom ers see, fo r exam ple, 19. MSS Istanbul Topkapi T 1618 (Ahmad III 3499) and T 2932 (Hazine 1760)
J. Wurschmidt, “ D ie Schriften Gedosis uber die H ohenparallelen und liber die and Aya Sofia 2590.
Sinustafel,” Sitzungsberichte der phys. -med. Sozietdt zu Erlangen, 60 (1928),
20. An analysis of these tables is contained in D. A. King, “al-Khalili’s Auxi­
pp. 127-154, and L . Janin and R. Rohr, “ Deux astrolabes-quadrants turcs,” 19
liary Tables for Solving Problems of Spherical Astronomy,” Journal of H istory
(1975), pp. 108-124. Th e astrolabe was much less frequ en tly used by Ottom an
of A stronom y, 4 (1973), pp. 99-110.
astronomers than the alm ucantar and sinical quadrants.
21. MS Istanbul Hamidiye 1453.
7. F o r a brief survey o f the definitions found in the Qur’ an and the hadith
see A. J. W ensinck’s article “ MiJcat” in the Encyclopaedia of Isla m (1st. edition). 22. MSS Istanbul Topkapi T 3046 (Ahmad III 3515) and Aya Sofia 2710.
8. See J. Fran k and E. W iedem ann, “ Die Gebetszeiten im Islam ,” Sitzungsbe­ 23. MS Kandilli Observatory 208. The tables, which were identified only du­
richte der phys. -med. Sozietdt zu Eriangen, 58 (1926), pp. 1-32, reprinted in
ring the Exhibition of Scientific Manuscripts and Instruments held at Kandilli
E. Wiedemann, Aufsdtze zur arabischen Wissenschaftsgeschichte, 2 vols., Hil- Observatory during this Symposium, are contained on fols. 96r-100v.
desheim: G eorg Olm, 1970, vol. 2, pp. 757-788. On Taqi 1-Din see, for example, Suter, op. cit. (note 1), no. 471; and A. S.
Unver, Istanbul Rasathanesi, Turk Tarih Kurumu Yaymlanndan, VII. Seri, Sa-
In a paper currently in preparation I dem onstrate that the definitions
yi 54, Ankara, 1969, in which various important papers by S. Tekeli are also listed.
As = n and 2w fo r the ‘asr (and As = 1/4 n fo r the zuhr in some Andalusian
sources) w ere intended as practical means o f regu lating the prayer-tim es de­
24. Cf. E. S. Kennedy, “A Survey of Islamic Astronomical Tables,” Transac­
tions of the A m erican Philosophical Society, N. S., 46:2 (1956), p. 161.
fined origin ally in terms o f the seasonal hours, and also that the A rab ic na­
mes o f the prayers are the same as the names o f the corresponding seasonal 25. For example, MSS Istanbul A§ir Ef. 470 and Kandilli Observatory 440.
hours in pre-Islamic Arabic. 26. M. D’Ohsson, Tableau General de VE m pire Othom an, Paris, 1787, vol. I,
10. See, fo r example, M. L. Davidian, “ al-Biruni on the T im e o f D ay from facing p. 192.
Shadow Lengths,” Journal of the Am erican Oriental Society, 80 (1960), pp. 330- 27. See the references cited in note 2, especially the third article.
335. 28. No survey has ever been made of the qiblas of the medieval mosques in
11. Since the Islam ic day begins at sunset, the m otivation behind this con­ Turkey. Such a survey would be of great interest to the history of Ottoman
vention is clear; however, the details o f its introduction and adoption all over science (let alone to the history of Ottoman architecture!). Some of the mos­
the Ottoman Em pire are obscure. The convention is, o f course, not convenient ques would be found to be oriented in the directions which can be computed
when one is measuring time w ith m echanical clocks: in order to keep tim e in from the medieval geographical coordinates. Others would be found to be ori­
the Turkish convention, clocks must be adjusted to 12 o’clock each day at sun­ ented in directions whose explanation would be much more of a challenge. For
set. See further J. W urschm idt, “ Die Zeitrechnung im Osmanischen Reiche,” an introduction to qibla determinations in medieval Islam see the article Kibla
Deutsche Optische W ochenscrift, 1917, pp. 88-100, and Kurz, op. cit. (note 4), in the Encyclopaedia o f Islam (2nd. edition).
pp. 83-84. 29. M. Bagvi, Determ ination o f the Direction of Qibla and the Islam ic T i­
12. On Qadi Zade see Suter, op. cit. (note 1), no. 430. mings, Lahore, 1972, pp. 54-55.
13.On °A li Qushji see Suter, op. cit. (note 1), no. 438, and now M. Cunbur, 30. On the zahwe, A rabic dahwa or duha, see my article “A Fourteenth Cen­
A li K u §qu Bibliyografyasi, A n k ara: Ba§bakanlik Basim evi, 1974. tury Tunisian Sundial for Regulating the Times of Muslim Prayer,” in Y. Mae-
14. On al-Khalili and Ibn al-Shatir see m y articles in the Dictionary of Sci­ yama and W. G. Salzer, eds., P rism a ta : Festschrift fu r W illi Hartner, Wiesba­
entific Biography. See also note 2 above. den: Franz Steiner, 1977, esp. pp. 189, 194, and 196.
15. Shaykh V efa is not mentioned in the modern sources on Islam ic science. 31. MS Istanbul University Library T 1824, 1.
This biographical inform ation comes from MS Cairo D ar al-Kutub K 4037 o f 32. MS Istanbul Kandilli Observatory 196.
an anonymous com m entary on his Ruzname. 33. I have no biographical information on Salih Efcndi save that lie was also
16. F o r example, M SS Istanbul Nurosm aniye 2914,1 and K an d illi Observa­ known as M i°m d r i, “the architect.” His tables are extant in, for example, MSS
tory 496, and Paris B.N. turque 186, 187, 188, and 194. Istanbul A§ir Ef. 224 and Kandilli Observatory 219.
17. G. H. Velschius, Com m entarius in R uznam e Naurus, Augusta Vindelico- 34. These tables are extant in, for example, MSS Istanbul Bagdatli Vehbi Ef.
rum, 1676. 990 and Kandilli Observatory 220.
18. On Muhammad ibn K atib Sinan al-Qunawi (fro m K o n ya ) see Suter, op. 35. MS Oxford Bodleian arab. e. 93.
cit. (note 1), no. 455. Suter w rites o f him as wazir, but in the astronom ical works 36. MS Istanbul Hasan Husnu Pa?a 1286. These tables were identified only
o f his which I have studied he is identified as a muwaqqit. H e is possibly the during the Exhibition of Astronomical Manuscripts held at the Suleymaniye Lib­
son o f another Ottom an astronom er Yusuf ibn Khidrbeg (Suter, no. 443) known rary during the Symposium.
as Sinan Pasha, who was a wazir o f Sultan Muhammad II.
The plates which originally appeared on pp. 256 to 269 have been rearranged in their proper
order in this reprint.

Plate 2: E xtra ct from MS Istanbul Topkapi Saray T 1618 tAhmed I I I 3499) o f Muhammad ibn K atib Sinan's £5
recension o f the auxiliary tables of al- Khalili. The extract shows tw o auxiliary functions f ( 0,cp ) = sin <p/cos 0
and g ( 0,<p ) =. sin 0 tan <p computed fo r each degree o f 0 for latitudes <p = 4 0 ° and 40;30°.
¥ £
j X
y-T ■
O '*
« §* fc i os: C LT
a * . er- S£;
S T fJ
S' 5 ? g^S.y iC^rs*j
y-JTE “3 & fe ■ ^ r ?
> j
JL "Cj
•& &■
£ -^ j
£ «A>

£: £ t- u—j lA)

,1 E
[£ j
s -j
3135 fc'j
‘1 7
S 'J
±~0 ■) :i
^J «—J
£v u* v y 4-/J > -“J
x-2 jptj
U fl
a •1
a £ •3
£TJ Jt_S
% J7y
~ fj i£ 3 -di LJ
UJ -’1
Jt«o JLj 4J, Uy -AO £*
72 G j
*J AA3
■^J mj *J 5 ■“ -j
ii Af-->
W Xj
i j
■¥rj J&
t j
jA rv
> _>
*7 »j
* t_u -* y 3 j. j —'_j
-»*-J jjj»!* J > J 4 J
^ J L
V -*j & J
5»J A ^
i j
i j & “O
-j j -\ VJ
S j
A *j * J JJ
-ij > j u-> S J
Uj ?j

P late 3: E xtra ct fro m M S Istanbul Topkapi Saray T 3046 (Ahm ad I I I 3515) o f Muhammad ibn Katib Sinan’s tables for
tim ekeeping by the stars. Th e extract shows the tim e o f night fo r each degree o f the ascensions o f culm inating stars from
134° to 141°, enteied horizontally, fo r each degree o f solar longitude in Aquarius, entered vertically.

i-y ’" t f i ► ■j T T J*J p ?

i j iy I. r \ ;
' T
no- yi - * * •
J U-y
y ■> kiV / • > Llj £ 3 . I t St
X * CnpCT4 f A r l , tie »
Jt J 1 f *J • c
. ■* • -* t • u 9 . -f t* ,'> il-r* >
ST? A* -» 11 c y i r > V -
u r J -1 * 4. T
7 7~* JT= = o T n J -*
Im ( V*- V t l wt> “ r X y ^ Z X j» e jz t l L±= • i I f >
R T 33T s i r f5 rc *Tr A. > *- J *> k r i r Jl •*■ > L ^
f ii J t C4. ^ L a i #— J L * 4- -Cr Z
U * r >» 7 .
J ; * J* r *> > M -
lit r» *■
U LJ i

»• t >
~ r i J 4. 1 J J-
* ’J r > H r r >- i> *»✓ U*i "J"
i» > *r> x < U ; —
M y» * n J XU A ' - f
u t!u iH* i r k > 5 7 2“ E 1k
> 5 x
ia d M U ^ i. J * u 'A j i ♦ »
i M l >»S|f t 7 t J M — A, i A' t 1 ^ 317 Ay
if.* N 1
iiliM I JV f t i i - L f + J- * r y
•ETC v r y tJ TTS y
U -> r ^ ]* < r '/ < J / • /* p t . Dx r y
r ^ T fir tr J ’ J / *- J—
w k^L i f l
>1/ uvr A ’ Ww*
j y 1 ******4 tK»-J>) -J i%r 4J L C
3 «> i > -J 7 7 M f y i ij •
t j j J * f JjU i i 3{i 1
J 3 T 1 a n kU x j J f > J f
i i l ] tr4 JuMj ij 1 - i \i * r
> j? > i t %
if ^ ^ t 1 u
J"7 S t : l* t - j *■
u . * r / 41 W - / W
-r® T J 7 t M *» i T l
i ^ 4 1 - i - u isJJ J Aj ** d ?
r ity H 0 i t 'k»W; ^ n /
T 1 h -"3 r ) - 1 tLr:
y a x*. » 1* < • r EiU JJ
tr i ri 3 j 1>>1 J
; t *• .f 1 ta
: r *-7 J *■ ■ J i

Plate 4: E xtract from M S Istanbul Kandilli Observatory 208 o f Taqi 1-Din’s- taylasan table fo r Istanbul. The extract X
shows the hour-angle and time since sunrise fo r each degree o f instantaneous solar altitude, entered vertically, fo r
each degree o f solar meridian altitude from 30° to 39°, entered horizontally.

ooa3N' Oi n^M( N^oo*CDp^' Oi n' t nM^O( >ooN«oi n' rMM^

NOthi ,s'0*n**oa)Nifl*rN"Hi>a>'ain<rc\i^O'a)Nir)*tbCMO
fiNHHHHHiHH inwininininin^**’ * * * * *


'*, K)ni,oc'(CN^~H»'«oo<?*o*0‘ Coa)NNrs'ONO'Oir)in<», *<tK)K)io

* »f ^a) i nNi > i n ( s o ' >o r o o N^r c s t >' Oi o o N^c s o * >o n ^a ) ' On ^
<i <r<rMK)MNNNHHHrt inininin^Mr^nMMiotNNNN
2 00 CO 00 00 00 00 CD CD 00 CD CD 00 CO 00 00 IN £ N rC £ N N £ £ N £ N N N £

<- ^ooi n( NO' i ni NO' Onorv»r(Ni >' OnoN^r( Na*' On^oo- on^
<t <rWMMNNN*<HHH inininin^‘ 't'tMfOK)K)(NtNCNM


P la te 6: Computer printout o f the prayer-tables

| > O O ^ - « N N MK H r ' Mn i n ' 0 ' < l S N 0 0 0Dl M>OHHNNMf O^


the accurate form ulae and Darendeli’s parameters.

>oinif)^^, MroMN( N-H^ooo' i >mooooNh' ' 0«oi ni ni n^, ^fOK)
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ! M ) ^ 0 ' 9 , I M ) j ' > D O >( ) j ‘ 0 ' j ' f

IO' r«NN^O( M>CON' 0- 0 1lltM(N(NHO(M>CDNN'Oin<'1, M

inif)inif)inininif)ininininin^, 'r't^''r^-fl-^-'r'f


,h ^ inininintninininin*<r<r*«-
i ni ni ni ni ni ni ni ni £i ni ni ni f l i f i i ni n<r «r ^r <r **^^^*^^^r *
>o)o^00' 0M«00' 0i /)'-'O>'0^’ e(i>h*inio^00'0'«r(NO(D'0inK)^
iomionnninhhhh mi n t n i n i n < r * * * « r i ioiOK>Mn
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ( M M M M M M M M M M > 0 ‘ j, (H)

m i o m n n n (Nh h h ^ tn in in in in * «■ <■ <r k > ro n n n
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0^(h?^V ?0'?^?l>^?t?

< r r ' ' 0 * C N * r r ' ‘ i > C N ' t r x i > ^ < r ' 0 0 Q ’* K > i n N O C N ' r ' 0 C 0 O C H ' r u T N 0 -
NN(NnMK)n^t'f^inininin ^ t^ ^ ^ cscnmmcnn

^ cs to <r in -o in ooi>o^(Ntt<rin'Orxa)(>o*'«c'm<rin>or'CO(>o
P la te 5: E xtract from M S Istanbul K an d illi O bservatory 440,2 o f the Ruz-
name of Darendeli. The extract shows the prayer-tim es fo r each degree o f so­
lar longitude in Taurus.
u V/
-C (V
*** & r > -T f
c C rt ^

a -i-> Jj S j
-k 4 ./ -u 1 j- r c y t ^ • y «”5 ( ^ •
4 jr u I f
4/ -U
— it >
Z /
ie _ JL- m .A.
> 1! y AP
v y > 4> i y

1 > n
I "

* - -
4»j / _
i I
/ t - J ^ )

V V .-* t 7* V 1 t y
V i 1 ) i j / 4 * Jt
i V
r J>
.t l I [ f ; > y V V
'D /
y • JF - > / <
i * J 4 - t
J \ 9 4 1. C w x JL_ j* 1 i t l " f x i_4
V / * b V J ; v /
. kj Y • ■* i » l j>
j i i 1 1 jL J ' 4 _ 4 J im b ■ 4 _ 4 -4 i - J
k t y * .>
V i - t v V i .L • V
c i * { \ I T JL— t L t "L < y f ti i

y ■
s y i * >
TT~ r ■
o ' f jL - ± 4
* / /
y J -- < *
4 V u -
X K/O /
V j,
4* j 41

4» 4. 4f ) it
4 r i hI
/ P y a / •c J ___ •44 i _ j E a! > y
a * i - ‘1 j 4 l *• * /
V* y i r ~0 * f y
r f i 4 k * *i r i - t t . 1
** t 0 ■*> >
^ r < - 4 _ 1 1 c
i ■*» -ly *- o k l y ^ J y * 1 6
T s * * ? r
. Y 4 - y 4 f -»
y .1 V
t» » > v; { . y / . -i -4
x U J ->
* - < ;
L 4* i * i - t J • t J i > + - r jL Jt— t J J*

t J V
j 4 “ y • -jf V k - y / c
♦ V
l V > r ■*» 4 ' <0 f , 4
> 4
'0 / D
j 1 * iT V • k . < 5 f y- u 1 1
'$ j " < t ft 4 V ' L ^ 1 i * <1 ♦ V i L y > JO L -
* Sr 7—T 4/ v r f
ski X
c-v ►4
/ < .t ^ l* f .
l ,
m< C tf t u ' ^
j $e
* ^ »V
> - fr
t JL> 4
4* a d

ur **- - H r M ; V ^T > 4
* i u U > ; 4» -m* J L *
4 ^ '^ r x iS Cil.
Plate 7: E xtract from MS Istanbul Kandilli Observatory 196 o f Ahmad E len d i’s hour-angle tables fo r Istan­
bul. The extract shows the hour-angle foi each degree ot solar longitude fo r solar altitude 11° (righ t hand p a ge)
and 12° (le ft hand page).



les fo r timekeeping. The extract shows the time in various systems fo r each
degree o f solar altitude, entered vertically, from 0 ° to 65° fo r the solar posi­
tion Taurus 14°.
s i '1
u T
A A Vw. r
EiA 5i
.1 r'
S3 I -1CvTi k §
T?¥ i< \-• J*4 Yio (y> f f i **• »
«O jV J at_ tt u? t
Ja»t L** !M*Z
£ 2 [ £v_ t3 L
*■ >-i»j» i+ J* i«4
rU j
J ea U l /U l i u* fj *d V( >-
? xri nr
~W" 7T W i? >j U i
‘t u j r tiUdL j *| J id 5TL .U t / y-J )/ *A
4-4- tt 4

" y/ 04, •
jj Mj T TJ Lfjl #-» /■> *L u J
V*j T
j £
_ A Vt t
l f
CL >v I t i - t L itt_ Jy I a, iS. /
- L tL jfK <,
/i >/ « - M/ »L a* ii »*s c
^J_1 £i Iji
“B_ K>o L
>* y««
SSs ft «
^u U j J'C.O jiv. ST. U*J «»
6t -3 tr 7T 3 fr•* 6-^ dn t£L <1 L_ *> k> l
1L5L a . t* L& 4«
*y < *L uv kL A 54 ifc
Ju W cr 4V- U4* ft* fc.
/aL 81 » ■ Af ► 4 *Il SJ A
5 u fe QJ Sh H V I JJ g . i i t a
a LL *rt L s> : I iy iV WJ £>U X./
0/ ft * 'Li* tJ
- - u i t y . >4 4 SF /
-t SL yw At - ut_ »4 a nr i/f UL u J# 4aa>*
*•- t K cji4a
l • •iff. l- Jf ?> i ; k q£
£ Stg fci fr M0 4
*.ji1 £«
3?H v%> >
/> rc r tr nr
*7” y 4> •1“♦ il* I ! . rtri Jv.1tr
u LU tfj i f_ H7 »*r> «>4 *»rj *44.U44 .x Lt 0
fcSi f 4
ET > tf ■-L |Kf >4' iC ft f*- c
yj 7S L
P77 Lv J* , tiy d
fsv r-*’ %■ 2 u^3L. ft1*41 NV i t J\f s
& & Id
*-L E Ma.ftE K
►J >4.
o» 7m Im tt: tjr371t:
t il P vk.441/A*i
. WU k k . g i : t »!! & 1
iT"\7~ I T r. v*. t Jjl- U r y/i
as /
& fi»& t tw fc. t IT i , V 'S
I l L t l ^ w* f-t /C*\ ic
*i tu 0 r r c r D^. «.>* ub T
i_ J*- JV J> J9 kflLin. 1
jy **.;•t e “ZlxJ" tix 1 l •i ^4 L44 i-i >U J
v..,/ -y.'-’~

P late 9: An extract from MS Istanbul Kandilli O bservatory 440 o f Jihan-

g irl’s abridgem ent o f Salih E fen di’s tables. The extract shows the two times o f
day fo r each degree o f solar longitude from 40° to 44°, entered horizontally,
when the sun has a given altitude, entered vertically.

Plate 10: An extract from a Turkish almanac fo r the yea r 1910, displaying
the prayer-times fo r each day in both ezani (r. h. s.) and vasati (1. h .s.) systems.
. T3
** C
oco §>3
c ■a h,
CO E °*
£ ® * U)
o» .t-
v> g 3
3 s -s
o b
b* JS 5

for Istanbul, Ankara, Izmir, and Erzurum in both vasati and ezanx systems for
Plate 11: A leaf from a modern Turkish almanac, showing the prayer-times

rH tJ c
0) o
O t*

t eqibla, or direction of Mecca, defines the direction of prayer in Islam.1 The
01 C J determination of the qibla for a given locality is a mathematical problem of some com­
Pa 2 £
a* x: plexity which was of considerable interest to medieval Muslim scholars. They developed
numerous alternative exact solutions to the qibla problem, using either spherical trigo­
nometry or orthogonal projections,2 and some also relied on approximate solutions.3 It
* M y research in E g y p t during the year 1972-73 trigonom etry see K . Schoy, “ Abhandlung von
was supported by the Smithsonian Institution and the al-Fadl b. H atim al-Nayrizi uber die Richtung der
National Science Foundation, Washington, D.C., and Qibla,” Sitzungsberichte der math.-phys. Klasse- der
outside E g y p t by a grant from the Penrose Fund o f Bayerischen Alcademie der Wissenschaften zu Miinchen,
the American Philosophical Society. This support is 1922, pp.55-68. F or the procedures described by Ibn
gratefully acknowledged. Microfilms o f al-Khalili’s Yunus (ca. a .d . 1000) involving projection methods
qibla table were kindly provided by the Bibliotheque see K . Schoy, Qnomonik der Araber in Die Qeschichte
Nationale, Paris, and the Staatsbibliothek, Berlin. der Zeitmessung und der Uhren, ed. E. von Basser-
The table was recomputed at the Y ale Computer mann-Jordan, vol. I F (Berlin and Leipzig, 1923), pp.
Center, using a grant made available by the Y ale 35-42; D. A . K in g, “ Th e Astronomical Works o f
U niversity Departm ent o f N ear Eastern Languages Ibn Yunus” (Ph .D . diss., Y a le University, 1972), pp.
and Literatures. This paper is dedicated to the 256-66, and section 5 below; and on the geometrical
memory o f Dr. K a rl Schoy (1877—1925) who, through construction o f Ib n al-Haytham (ca. a .d . 1025) see
his numerous valuable publications on different K . Schoy, “ Abhandlung des al-Hasan ibn al-Hasan
aspects o f Islam ic astronomy and mathematics (see ibn al-Haitam (Alhazen) uber die Bestimmung der
J. Ruska, “ Carl Schoy,” Isis 9 [1927]: 83-95), was Richtung des Qibla,” Zeitschrift der Deutechen
indirectly one o f m y teachers. Schoy’s studies, which Morgenlandischen QeseUschaft 75 (1921): 242-53 and
were based on a wide va riety o f manuscript sources, Appendix A below. For the various procedures o f al>
and included the first serious investigations o f Islamic Birum (ca. a .d . 1025) see idem. Die tngonometriachen
spherical astronomy, trigonom etry, sundial theory, Lehren dea persischen Astronomen Abu l-Raihan Muh.
and the determination o f the qibla, well merit Ibn Ahmad al-Biruni dargeslellt nach al-Qanun al-
May 27, 1974.

republication. Mascudi (H annover, 1927), pp. 70-71; J. A li, The

1 See further Encyclopaedia of Islam, 1st ed., s.v. Determination of the Coordinates of Cities: al-Biruni’s
“ S ib la .” Tahdid al-amdkin (Beirut, 1966), pp. 241-63; and the
2 On the analemma construction o f Habash (ca. commentary in E. S. Kennedy, A Commentary Upon
a .d . 850) see Y . Id and E. S. Kennedy, “ A Letter Biruni’s Kitdb Tahdid al-Amdkin (Beirut, 1973). On
o f al-Blruni : Habash al-H&sib’s Analemma for the the method o f Ulugh Beg (ca. a .d . 1440) see L.-A.
Qibla,” Historia Mathematica 1 (1974): 3-11 and on the Sedillot, Proligomenes des tables astronomiques
method o f al-Nayrizi (ca. a .d . 900) involving spherical d'Oulog-Beg, 2 vols. (Paris, 1847-53), 2:120-22, and
K . Schoy, “ Mittagslinie und Qibla,” Zeitschrift der
[JNES 34 no. 2 (1975)] QeseUschaft fiir Erdkunde zu Berlin, 1915 pp. 574—76.
© 1975 by the University o f Chicago. 3 On approxim ate qibla methods in the treatises o f
All rights reserved. al-Battani (ca. a .d . 900) and al-Jaghmini (ca. a .d .
XU1 xm

82 J o u r n a l o f N e a r E a s t e r n S t u d ie s A l - K h a u l I ’s Q i b la T able 83
has not been previously noted that certain Muslim scholars compiled tables for finding the geometrical construction for the qibla suggested by the Egyptian scholar Ibn al-
the qibla, and the purpose of this paper is to describe such a table prepared by the four­ Haytham, a late contemporary of Ibn Yunus. In Appendix B, I present a theoretical
teenth century Syrian astronomer al-Khalill, which is the most sophisticated trigono­ construction for the qibla using a quadrant and the formulae of al-Marrakushi. Finally,
metric table known to me from the entire medieval period. I also mention some simpler in Appendix C, I discuss certain other Islamic qibla tables which are based on approxi­
qibla tables based on approximate formulae. mate formulae.
The problem of determining the qibla for a given locality can be understood from
figure 1, which shows a locality X and Mecca M on the terrestrial surface. The north pole
P and the equator AB are also shown. The inclination of the great circle arc XMto PXA,
the meridian at X, defines the direction of Mecca. If the latitude and longitude of X are
denoted by <pand L, and the coordinates of Mecca by (pM and L M, then
XA = <p; MB = <pM; and AB = L u — L = AL.
The angle MXA, called in Arabic inhiraf al-qibla, is here denoted by q. The formula
defining q, expressed in modern notation, is
sin <p cos AL — cos <ptan <pM
q = arc cot (1)
sin AL
which follows by an application of the modern cotangent rule 4 to the spherical triangle
PXM. The various exact solutions devised by the Muslim scholars are equivalent to this
formula. The standard medieval approximation is equivalent to
f sin AZd ...
q = arc tan < — — -— y (2)
[sin A<pj '
A<p = <p — <pM .

In section 1 below, I describe al-Khallll’s qibla table and reproduce it in tables 1-8.
The error in each entry is also indicated. In section 2 ,1 describe a method for determining
the qibla, known to al-Khalill but originally derived by the thirteenth century Moroccan
astronomer al-Marrakushi. In section 3 ,1 describe a procedure for computing qibla values
by means of another set of mathematical tables compiled by al-Khalill and the formulae
of al-Marrakushi. I have not been able to establish that the entries in al-Khalili’s qibla 1. al-KhalilVs Qibla Table
table were derived in this way. In section 4, I discuss a particular kind of quadrant
invented by the Muslim astronomers, with which al-Khalill could find the qibla without Shams al-Din Muhammad ibn Muhammad al-Khalill was a timekeeper ( muwaqqit) as­
any computation whatsoever. I have been unable to consult his treatise on the use of this sociated with the Umayyad Mosque in Damascus.5 He lived about the year a . d . 1365 and
instrument, and so in section 6 1 describe a procedure for finding the qibla with a quadrant was a contemporary of the celebrated astronomer Ibn al-Shatir.6 al-Khalili’s major works
attributed to the fifteenth century Egyptian astronomer Sibt al-Maridini. This procedure were two sets of mathematical tables, containing a total of about 40,000 entries. Each of
is based on formulae which were originally derived by the tenth century Egyptian al-Khalili’s tables are outstanding examples of the various categories of tables for astro­
astronomer Ibn Yunus and which are presented in section 5. In Appendix A, I describe nomical timekeeping which were compiled by the medieval Muslim astronomers, and

5 O n al-K h alili see H . S u te r, “ D ie M ath em atik er m y forthcom ing artic le in th e Dictionary of Scientific
1325) see C. A. N allino, al-Batlani sive Albatenii Opus 265-66; and P . Schm alzl, Zur Oeschichte des Quadran - und A stronom en d er A ra b e r u n d ihre W erke,” Biography. On his ta b le s see notes 7 an d 9 below.
Astronomicum, 3 p ts. (Milan a n d R om e, 1899—1907) ten hex den Arabem (M unich, 1929), p. 99; a n d Abhandlungen zur Oeschichte der mathematischen 6 On Ib n a l-S h a tir see E . W iedem ann, Aufsdtze der
1:318-19, 2 ;x x v ii, 3 :2 0 6 -7 ; a n d A. H o ch h eim a n d A ppendix C below. arabischen Wissenschaftsgeschichte, 2 vols. (H ildes-
Wissenschaften 10 (1900), no. 418; C. B rockelm ann,
G. Rudloff, “ Die A stronom ic des M ahm ud ibn 4 On th is see, for exam ple, W . M. S m a rt, Text-Book Geschichte der arabischen Litteratur, 2d ed., 2 vols. heim , 1970), 2 :729-38; E . S. K ennedy, “ A S urvey o f
M uham m ad ibn ‘O m ar al-O agm ini,” Zeilschrift der on Spherical Astronomy (C am bridge, 1971), p. 12. T he
(L eiden, 1943-49), 2:156-57; idem , Geschichte der Islam ic A stronom ical T ab les,” Transactions of the
Deutschen Morgenliindischen Oesellschaft 47 (1893): form ula for q follows im m ediately from Ib n al- arabischen Litteratur, S upplem ent, 3 vols. (Leiden, American Philosophical Society, n.s. 46 (1956), no. 11,
271-72. See also Schoy, “ M ittagslinie u n d Q ibla,” pp. H a y th a m 's geom etrical c o n stru ctio n described in 1937-42), 2:157; G. S arto n , Introduction to the History a n d idem , “ L a te M edieval P la n e ta ry T h eo ry ,” Isis 57
572-74, and idem, Onomonile der Araber, pp. 35-36; Schoy, “ A bhandlung des al-H a sa n ibn a l-H a sa n ibn of Science, 3 vols. (B altim ore, 1927-48), 3/2: 1526-27 (1966): 365-78. T he la tte r article refers to th e
K ing, “ The A stronom ical W orks o f Ib n Y u n u s,” pp. a l-H a ita m (A lhazen)” : see A ppendix A below.
research of th e p a s t tw e n ty years on Ib n al-S hatir.
(the discussion of al-K halili’s ta b le s is fu llo f e rro rs); an d
A lii
^ -K h at .tt.t’s Qi b l a T a b l e
which I have recently analyzed in some detail.7 Some of his tables are computed for the 85
latitude of Damascus and enable the user to find the time and the direction of the sun
from the solar altitude and to find the astronomically defined times of Muslim prayer:
these are similar in conception to the tables for timekeeping attributed to the tenth
century Egyptian astronomer Ibn Yunus, computed for the latitude of Cairo-Fustat.8
Of particular scientific interest are al-Khalilfs Universal Tables of auxiliary functions,
which can be used to solve all of the standard problems of spherical astronomy for any
latitude.9However, his most outstanding achievement in computational mathematics was
his table displaying the qibla as a function of geographical latitude and longitude.
Two copies of al-Khallll’s qibla table are known to me: MS Paris Bibliotheque Na­
tional, ar. 2558, fols. 53v-61r, and MS Berlin Ahlwardt 5754 (Wetzstein 1138), fols. 47v-
55r.10 Both of these manuscripts contain other tables by al-Khallli for astronomical
timekeeping, but they are the only known manuscripts of the Damascus corpus of such
tables which contain the qibla table. The Paris manuscript is a magnificent example of
Arabic penmanship, copied in a . h . 811 (= a . d . 1408) by Ahmad ibn cAlI al-Khabbaz;
the Berlin manuscript is also copied in an elegant hand but is undated. The tables are
preceded by a short introduction in both sources.
The function tabulated by al-Khallli is here denoted by q, although in fact it defines
the acute angle which the arc XM makes with the arc PA in figure 1. Values of the
function q(<p, L ) are given to two sexagesimal digits for the domains
<P = 10°, 11°, . . . , 56° and 33;30°
AL = 1°, 2°, ... ,60°.
The 2,880 entries in the table are expressed in standard Arabic sexagesimal notation.11
For each value of <p there is a subtable in which L is entered vertically. The double
vertical argument runs from 7° to 66° (longitudes west of Mecca, for which the qibla is
easterly), and from 127° to 68° (longitudes east of Mecca, for which the qibla is westerly).
These two sets of longitudes correspond to a change in AL from 60° to 1°, since the
longitude of Mecca is taken as
£ m = 67; 0°.
7 I h av e p re p a re d tw o m on o g rap h s on astro n o m ical ex am p les of such a u x ilia ry ta b le s a re discussed in
tim ekeeping in m edieval Isla m (Him al-miqat) w hich R . A. K . Ira n i, “ T h e Jadwal al-Taqunm o f H a b ash
are c u rre n tly being su b m itte d for p u b lic a tio n . T h e a l-H a sib ” (M aster’s diss.. A m erican U n iv e rsity of
first describes all know n m edieval ta b le s for re g u la tin g B eiru t, 1956), a n d in C. Je n se n , “ A bu N a sr’s A pproach
th e tim es o f th e five d aily p ra y e rs o f Isla m , a n d th e to S pherical T rig o n o m etry as D eveloped in his
second describes a large corpus o f m ed iev al ta b le s for T rea tise ‘T he T able o f M inutes’,” Centaurus 16 (1971):
reckoning tim e by th e su n and s ta rs. In p a rtic u la r, th e 1-19. S everal la te r exam ples as well as a n o th e r set
first p a p er co n tain s an an aly sis o f al-K h a lili’s p ray er- a ttrib u te d to al-K h alili a re analyzed in m y s tu d y of
ta b le s for D am ascus w hich w ere used th e re u n til th e m ed iev al Islam ic ta b le s for tim ekeeping (see n. 7
tu rn o f th e p re sen t c en tu ry , a n d th e second c o n ta in s ab o v e an d n. 25 below).
an analy sis o f a l-K h a lili’s v ario u s ta b le s for tim e ­
10 T h e m a n u sc rip ts a re described in MacG. de Slane,
Catalogue des manuscrits arabes (P aris, 1883-95), p.
8 F o r a d e ta iled an aly sis o f th e ta b le s a ttrib u te d to
460, a n d in W . A h lw ard t, Die Handschriften-Ver-
Ib n Y u n u s see D. A. K ing, “ Ib n Y u n u s ’ Very Useful
zeichnisse der Koniglichen Bibliothek zu Berlin. Vol. 5.
Tables for R eckoning T im e by th e S u n ,” Archive for
Verzeichniss der arabischen Handschriften (B erlin,
History of Exact Sciences 10 (1973): 342-94. I h av e
1893), p . 207. fA’ote added in proof: MS P a ris Biblio-
discussed th e p roblem s of th e ir a ttrib u tio n in m y
th e q u e N a tio n a ls a r. 2560,11 is p ro b a b ly a n o th e r
s tu d y o f m edieval Islam ic p ra y e r-ta b le s (see n. 7
above). co p y o f a l-K h a lili’s qibla ta b le . I t is c atalo g u e d as
“ ta b le a u x q u i d o n n e n t l'a rg u m e n t des la titu d e s,
9 A n an aly sis o f th ese tab les is c o n ta in ed in D . A.
K ing, “ A l-K halili’s A uxiliary T ab les for Solving d ep u is le 10® degre ju s q u ’a u 56e.” ]
F i g . 2 .__E x t r a c t fro m a l-K h a llll’s qibla table in MS P a r is B ibliotheque N a tio n a le a r. 2558. C o u rte s y
Problem s of Spherical A stro n o m y ,” Journal for the 11 On th is n o ta tio n see R . A. K . Ira n i, “ A rabic
History of Astronomy 4 (1973): 99-110. E a rlie r N u m e ra l F o rm s,” Centaurus 4 (1955): 1-12. o f th e K e e p e r o f M a n u s c rip ts , B ib lio th e q u e N a tio n a le , P a r is
X I 11
A l -K h a l I l I ’ s Q i b l a T a b l e 87
The underlying latitude of Mecca12 is TABLE l
a l - K h a l il i ’s QIBLA T a b l e
<pM = 21; 30°.


11° 125 15* 15°

The entries for each latitude are arranged in two columns of thirty entries, and two
facing pages of both manuscripts serve six consecutive latitudes. Figure 2 shows an 7° 127° 70 50° 71 26 +1 72 2 +2 72 37 +1 73 11 -2 73 49 - 1
8 126 70 49 +1 71 26 +2 72 3 +2 72 39 +1 73 15 -1 75 54 - 1
extract from the Paris manuscript, for latitudes 22°, 23°, 24°, on the right hand page, and 9 125 70 47 +1 71 25 +2 72 4 +2 72 41 +1 73 18 -2 73 59
25°, 26°, 27°, on the left hand page. 10 124 70 44 +1 71 23 +1 72 5 +1 72 42 73 21 -1 74 4
11 123 70 41 +1 71 21 +1 72 2 +1 72 43 73 23 -2 74 8
Tables 1—8 show the entries in al-Khalill’s table. In his introduction he mentions that 12 122 70 57 71 19 +1 72 1 +1 72 45 73 24 -3 74 11
the qibla is southerly if the entry in the table is in red ink and northerly if it is in black 13 121 70 32 71 17 +2 71 59 72 43 - 1 73 25 -4 74 13 -1
14 120 70 27 - 1 71 15 +1 71 57 72 43 73 26 -4 74 16 -1
ink. In tables 1 and 2 all entries are northerly, and in tables 3, 4, and 5 all entries above 10 +2 72 42 73 28 -3 74 20 +1
15 119 70 23 +1 71 71 55
the broken line are northerly. All other entries are southerly. The critical apparatus on 16 118 70 18 +2 71 5 +1 71 53 +1 72 41 75 29 -2 74 23 +2
page 95 shows the significant variants in the two manuscripts. 17 .117 70 11 +1 71 0 +1 71 50 +1 72 40 +1 73 29 -2 74 24 +1
13 116 70 3 70 54 +1 71 46 +1 72 33 +1 73 23 -2 74 24
Figures 3 and 4 show the behavior of a function q'(<p, A L ) defining the inclination of 19 115 69 55 70 47 71 41 +1 72 55 +1 75 27 -2 74 24 -1
the qibla to the south-point, for 20 114 69 46 70 40 71 35 72 50 -1 73 25 -2 74 23 -2
21 113 69 57 70 33 71 50 +1 72 26 -1 73 25 -2 74 22 -3
22 112 69 27 70 25 +1 71 24 +1 72 23 +1 75 20 -2 74 21 -3
<P = 10°, 15°, . . . , 55° 23 111 69 •16 70 15 71 17 +2 72 16 - 1 75 17 -2 74 20 -2
24 110 69 4 70 4 -1 71 7 72 9 - 1 75 12 -5 74 19 -1
and 72 5 -1 8 -2 74 -1
25 109 68 51 69 55 - 1 70 53 75 17
A L = 5°, 10°, 20°, . . . , 60°, 26 103 68 37 69 42 70 48 71 55 - 1 73 5 -2 74 13 -1
27 107 68 23 +1 69 29 70 37 -1 71 47 72 57 -1 74 11 +1
28 106 68 7 +1 69 15 70 26 71 39 +1 72 51 74 5 -1
respectively. al-Khallli’s function q is related to this as follows: 0 70 72 44 +1 73 59 -1
29 105 67 50 +1 69 13 71 27
30 104 67 31 +1 68 43 - 1 69 59 71 13 +2 72 35 +1 73 53 -1
= fl80° - (q' > 90°) 31 103 67 10 68 26 69 45 -1 71 3 72 24 73 44 -2
32 102 66 48 - 1 68 8 +1 69 27 70 49 72 12 -1 73 35 -3
q l ?' (?' ^ 90°).
33 101 66 26 67 48 +1 69 11 +2 70 35 +1 72 0 73 26 -2
34 100 66 2 +1 67 24 68 51 +1 70 17 71 48 +1 73 17 -1
The curve for the limiting case 35 99 65 35 +1 67 1 +1 68 51 +2 69 59 71 5* +2 73 7 +1
36 98 65 6 66 35 68 8 +2 69 40 +1 71 18 +5 72 54 +1
9 = <Pm = 21; 30° 37 97 64 37 +2 66 6 -1 67 42 +1 69 18 70 57 72 39 +1
38 96 64 4 +2 65 38 +1 67 14 68 56 +2 70 56 -1 72 22
is also shown in figure 3, although values for this latitude are not tabulated by al-Khallll. 59 95 63 27 65 5 +1 66 45 68 50 +2 70 14 -1 72 3 -1
40 94 62 43 - 1 64 31 +2 66 13 68 1 +1 69 51 71 43 - 1
For the critical case 41 93 62 5 -3 63 54 +3 65 39 67 29 - 1 69 25 +1 71 22
A L = 0° 42 92 61 20 - 3 63 11 +1 65 1 66 55 - 1 68 56 +1 70 58 +1
43 91 60 53 - 2 62 24 - 2 64 20 -1 66 18 - 2 68 23 70 50
44 90 59 42 - 2 61 55 - 3 63 36 65 53 - 2 67 47 - 1 69 59 -1
12 T h e v alues 21;30° a n d 67,-0° for th e la titu d e A30, fols. I5 5r-157v ap p en d ed to th e z ij o f I b n al- 45 89 58 48 60 44 - 1 62 49 +1 64 55 - 1 67 7 -2 69 26
and long itu d e o f M ecca occur in a lis t o f g eographical S h a tir (w hich m a y n o t be a ttrib u ta b le to him ) con­ 46 88 57 50 +3 59 48 61 57 +2 64 8 66 23 -3 68 49
coordinates p reserved in MS P a ris B ibliotheque ta in s qibla values for a b o u t 175 localities. T he lis t of 47 87 56 45 +4 53 46 60 53 +1 63 13 - 2 65 35 -3 68 8
N a tio n a ls ar. 2558, fol. 5 Iv , preceding a l-K h a iili’s a b o u t 100 qibla values publish ed in Schoy, “ A bhand- 48 86 55 30 57 36 - 3 59 51 -3 62 13 - 3 64 43 -3 67 20 -2
qibla ta b le . T h e geographical co o rd in ates are a ttr ib u ­ lu n g von a l-F a d l b. H a tim a l-N ay rizi,” p p . 67-68 is 49 35 54 10 - 3 56 21 -4 58 59 -6 61 6 - 6 63 48 +1 66 28 -2
te d to al-M izzi (see n. 34 below) an d th e qibla values ta k e n from MS G o th a F o rsch u n g sb ib lio th ek A1403, 50 84 52 46 -2 55 1 -3 57 24 -4 59 57 -4 62 43 +1 65 51 -2
w hich are given for each c ity are a ttrib u te d to al- w here it is a ttrib u te d to th e D am ascus a stro n o m e r Ib n 51 83 51 16 - 1 53 34 - 2 56 5 -1 58 41 - 1 61 28 -2 64 26 -2
K halili. T h e qibla v alu es are slig h tly less acc u ra te Z u ray q , a successor o f I b n a l-S h a tir a n d al-K h alili 52 32 49 36 - 1 51 56 - 3 54 30 -1 57 13 - 2 60 7 -2 63 12 -3
th a n tho se w hich can be deriv ed from a l-K h a lili’s (see S u ter, “ Die M ath e m a tik e r u n d A stro n o m en der 81 47 49 +2 50 11 - 1 52 49 55 38 +1 58 57 -1 61 51 -1
qibla ta b le by in te rp o la tio n , w hich suggests th a t th e y A ra b e r,” no. 426). 80 50 +2 48 50 54 -1 53 49 +1 56 55 -1 60 17 -1
54 4-5 15
were co m p u ted before th e qibla ta b le . F u rth e r d e ta ils -4
T h e g eographical c o ordinates given in num erous 55 79 43 37 - 1 46 4 -2 48 47 -2 51 4 4 - 2 55 0 53 27
are co n tain ed in m y s tu d y o f m edieval p ra y e r-ta b le s Islam ic a stronom ical han d b o o k s h a v e been d a ta 41 52 50 +1 56
(see n. 7 above). 56 78 18 +2 43 45 46 29 49 30 25 -3
processed an d su b jec te d to a p re lim in a ry a nalysis: 77 38 42 +1 41 6 -3 43 52 -1 4 6 55 - 1 50 17 -5 54 a +1
al-K h alili’s co o rd in ates for Mecca are a tte ste d in 57
see F . I. H a d d a d a n d E . S. K en n ed y , “ G eographical 76 55 +1 38 15 -2 40 56 -4 44 0 - 4 47 26 -5 51 21 -3
various la te r S y rian a n d E g y p tian sources (e.g., MS 53 35
T ab les o f M edieval Is la m ,” to a p p e a r in al-Abhath 10 +2 +2 40 53 +3 44 20 +2 48 +2
P a ris B ibliotheque N a tio n a ls ar. 2520, fols. 162v a n d 59 75 32 49 +1 35 37 50 17
for fu rth e r d e ta ils. On m edieval m e a su re m e n ts of 60 44 +2 34 17 +2 37 13 +1 40 38 +1 44 35 -1
82v, respectively). M ost Islam ic sources give 21;0° or g eographical coordinates see K . Schoy, “ L angen-
74 29 29 31
21; 40° for th e la titu d e o f Mecca, b u t Ib n al-S h a tir 61 73 25 54 27 59 +1 50 22 +1 33 9 +1 36 26 40 19 -1
b estim m u n g und Z e n tralm e rid ian bei d en iilteren
used 21; 20° (MS V atican Borg. ar. 105, fol. 41r). T he V olkern,” M iUeilunqen der kaiserserlich-koniglichen
62 72 22 4 23 54 -1 26 4 28 38 +1 31 40 -1 35 25 +1
m odern value is 2 l;2 6 °. 63 71 17 58 - 2 19 32 -2 21 24 -1 23 37 - 1 26 18 -3 29 46 +4
geographischen GeselUchaft 12 (1915): 27-62, a n d Ali,
Several Islam ic co o rd in ate lists give the qibla for The D eterm ination o f the Coordinates o f Cities. 64 70 13 41 - 2 14 57 +1 16 24 -1 18 9 - 3 20 21 -4 23 14 +1
each locality. T he lis t in MS B odleian Seld. A rch. 65 69 9 15 10 5 -1 11 7 12 23 13 57 16 1 +2
66 68 4 42 +3 5 8 +3 5 40 +3 6 21 +5 7 10 +5 8 18 +8
X III /vlli

88 A l -K h a l il i ’ s Q i b l a T a b l e 89

a l - K h a l i l i ’s Q lliL A T able a l - K h a l il i ’s QIBLA T a b l e

170 190 26° 2 7 ':

16° 18° 21u 22° 23° 24° 25°

70 1 2 7 ° 74 ;27 -1 46 +2 76 ; 22 -1 4 +1 78; 24 +1 79; 4 79; 46 +1 30; 27 81; 9 8 1 ;5 2 +1
75 ; 6 75 77 77 43 7° 127° 8 2 ;1 4 +1
8 126 74 ;33 -1 75 ; 14 +1 75 54 +1 76 ; 34 16 +1 79; 21 +1 80; 4 +1 30,46 81;30 +1
77 -77 57 +1 8 126 78 ;39 +1 3 2 ;3 6 +1
9 125 74 ;40 75 ; 22 +1 76 3 +1 76 ;45 +1 77 28 +1 78 10 +1 78; 53 79; 37 +1 80; 21 31; 5 81; 30
9 125 81,24 82 ; 11 +1 8 2 ;5 7
10 124 74 ;45 75 ;30 +2 76 11 76 ; 55 +1 77 33 78 23 +1 10 124 79: 8 +1 79;52 8 0 ; 38
11 74 ;50 - 1 80; 55 -1 81; 43 82;32 +1 S3 ;2 0 +1
123 75 ;3 6 +1 76 19 77 ; 5 +1 77 49 78 35 11 123 79; 21 -1 80 • 8
8 3 ;4 1
12 122 74 ;35 - 1 75 ;42 + 1 76 26 -1 77 ;13 - 1 73 0 -1 73 48 79;36 80 ; 23 -1 81; 13 82; 2 82;52
12 122 84; 4
13 121 75 ; 0 - 1 75 ;49 76 34 -1 77 ;22 - 1 73 11 -1 79 -1 80 ;39 -1 81;30 -1 82;21 83; 12
13 121 79; 50 82; 40 8 4 ; 26
14 120 75 ; 5 75 ;54 +1 76 41 -2 77 ; 32 78 22 79 12 -1 14 120 80; 5 +1 80; 55 -1 31; 47 -1 83 ;33
76 ; 0 +1 76 50 82; 5 -1 83; 0 83; 54 8 4 ;5 0 +1
15 119 75 ; 9 77 ; 40 -1 73 34 +1 79 25 - 1 15 119 80-19 +1 81; 12
84; 16 +1 8 5 ;1 2
16 118 75 ;13 76 ; 6 +2 76 59 +2 77 ; 50 78 45 +1 79 58 80 ; 33 +1 81; 28 82; 23 33; 20 +1
16 118 84; 38 +1 8 5 ;3 6 +1
17 117 73 ;17 +1 76 ; 10 +1 77 5 +1 77 ; 59 +1 78 55 +1 79 50 80,47 +1 81 ;44 +1 82 ;4 l 83; 39
17 117 84; 59 +1 8 6 ; 0 +2
18 116 75 ; 20 +1 76 ; 14 77 10 78 ; 8 +1 79 6 +2 80 2 18 116 81; 1 +1 82; 0 +1 82;59 +1 83; 59 +1
19 75 ; 22 +1 76 ; 19 +1 77 16 78 ; 16 +1 14 80 14 81; 14 82; 15 83; 17 +1 34; 19 +1 35; 20 8 6 ; 23 +1
115 79 19 115 3 6 ;4 7 +1
20 114 76 ; 21 -1 21 -1 -1 82; 30 -1 83; 34 34,38 35 ;42
75 ;23 77 78 ; 23 79 25 80 25 - 1 20 114 81; 27 -1
21 113 75 ;25 76 ; 24 - 2 77 28 78 ; 3 l +1 35 80 81 |4l -1 82;46 -1 83; 52 84; 58 36; 3 -1 8 7 ;1 1 +1
79 57 21 113
22 112 75 26 76 28 -1 77 34 +1 78 ;57 - 1 79 44 +1 80 48 -1 81*55 83; 2 84; 10 85; IS 86;25 -1 8 7 ;3 5 +1
22 112 86; 48 -1
23 111 75 ; 26 -1 76 ;20 -2 77 57 -1 78 44 - 1 79 52 80 59 -1 82j 8 -1 83; 17 -1 84; 28 85; 38 8 7 ; 59
23 H I 87; 10 -2 8 8 ;2 3 -2
24 110 75 ; 26 - 1 76 ;52 - 2 77 40 -2 78 ; 51 80 0 -1 81 10 - 2 24 110 82;22 -1 83; 33 -1 84; 46 85;59
85; 4 -1 86; 20 87; 35 8 8 ; 48 -2
25 109 75 ; 26 76 54 - 2 77 45 -1 78 ; 57 - 1 80 8 -2 31 22 -1 25 109 82|35 -1 S3; 49 -1 8 9 ;1 4 -2
26 108 75 ; 25 76 ;56 -1 77 49 -1 79 4 30 17 -2 81 33 -1 82 ;49 -1 84; 5 -1 85; 22 -1 86;42 +1 87; 58
26 108 8 2 ;4 2 -1
27 107 75 24 76 ;28 77 52 -1 79 10 80 26 -1 81 44 -1 27 107 83* 4 +1 84; 22 -1 85 ; 4 l -1 87; 3 +1 88; 23
23 106 75 ;22 +1 76 40 +2 -1 86; 1 87; 25 +1 88; 43 +1 8 9 ; 50
77 55 79 ; 16 +1 80 57 +2 81 55 -1 28 106 83; 19 +2 8 4 139 3 9 ;2 4 +2
29 105 75 ;19 +1 76 ;33 77 57 -2 79 ; 21 +1 80 44 +1 32 6 83;32 +1 84; 56 +1 86; 21 87; 47 +1 89 ;12
29 105 88; 9 8 8 ;5 5 +1
30 104 75 ;14 - 1 76 ;26 - 1 78 0 79 ;25 80 49 -2 82 17 30 104 83; 44 85; 12 86,40 89 l37_
76 ;35 78 2 80 -1 82 85; 28 -1 87; 0 88;32 59; 57 +1 8 8 ; 25
31 103 75 10 79 ;29 57 27 31 103 83; 57 -1
32 102 75 6 +1 76 ;55 78 5 +1 79 ; 35 81 4 -1 82 38 32 102 8 4 ;l2 +1 85; 45 -1 87; 20 88; 55 89; 29 -1 8 7 ;5 4 -1
101 74 ;59 + 1 76 29 - 1 78 87; 41 89;19 89; 1 -1 8 7 ; 22 - 2
35 +1 79 ;57 81 11 -1 82 49 +1 33 101 84; 27 +2 86; 3
34 100 74 51 76 25 - 1 78 5 +1 86; 21 +1 88; 3 +1 _§9;46 +2 88; 34 S6 ; 5 0 -2
79 ,4 0 +1 81 19 +1 83 0 +2 34 100 84; 40 +1 8 6 ; 18 -2
35 99 74 45 + 1 76 21 78 2 +2 79 ,43 +1 81 26 +2 10 +2 84; 54 +2 86j39 +1 88; 24 +1 89; 50 -1 88; 4 -1
33 35 99 8 5 ;4 4 -2
36 98 74 54 +1 76 16 +1 78 0 +2 79 ,4 4 +1 81 32 +2 20 +2 86|57 +2 88; 48 +3 89; 23 -2 87; 34 -1
83 36 98 85; 7 +1 8 5 ; 10 -1
37 97 74 22 76 9 +1 77 57 +2 79 ;44 81 37 +2 83 29 +2 85; 20 87; 15 +1 89; 9 +1 88 ;56 -2 87; 3 -1
37 97 86;31 -1 8 4 ;3 3 -1
38 96 74 n +2 76 4 +5 77 52 +1 79 ,45 81 41 +1 83 38 +2 38 96 85; 34 87; 34 +2 89; 33 +2 88; 29 -1
39 95 73 56 75 53 +3 77 46 79 45 +1 81 46 +2 83 46 85;48 87; 52 +1 _89 l5_6_ +1 88; 2 85; 57 -2 8 3 ;5 5 -1
39 95 87; 34 +2 85; 22 -2 8 3 ;1 6 -1
40 94 73 58 - 2 75 41 +2 77 39 - 1 79 44 +1 81 50 +2 83 54 - 1 40 94 86; 2 88; 11 89; 42 +1
41 75 28 +2 51 - 1 88,30 -1 87; 3 +2 84; 47 8 2 ; 35
93 75 19 - 3 77 79 40 - 1 81 53 +2 34 2 -1 41 93 86;16 -1 89; 15
42 92 72 59 -4 75 12 77 21 - 2 79 37 81 54 84 11 - 1 86;’ 30 -1 88; 50 -1 88; 49 86; 31 +2 84; 9 8 1 ;5 3 +2
42 92 81; 8 +3
43 91 72 58 - 3 74 55 77 10 - 3 79 31 - 2 81 55 -1 84 19 -1 86;45 -1 89; 11 -1 88,22 +1 8 5;56 +1 83; 29
43 91 85; 20 +1 82; 47 8 0 ;1 8 +1
44 90 72 14 - 2 74 56 76 58 - 2 79 25 - 2 81 56 34 27 -1 44 90 87; 6 -1 89; 35 +1 87; 53 +1
45 89 71 48 - 1 74 15 76 45 - 1 81 +1 84 87; 15 -1 89j57 87; 23 +1 84; 41 82; 3 +1 7 9 ; 25
79 17 - 3 57 35 45 89 7 8 ;30
46 88 71 19 +1 73 49 - 2 76 29 79 8 - 3 81 55 84 43 46 88 87; 30 -1 "89;41 +2 8 6 ,5 2 +2 84; 1 81; 17 +2
70 44 +1 76 89; 16 +2 86;18 +2 83; 19 8 0 ; 27 +3 7 7 ;3 2 .
47 87 73 19 -5 9 -1 78 58 - 2 81 53 84 50 +1 47 87 87*45 -2
48 86 7 0 ; 3 -1 72 47 - 6 78 45 - 1 81 48 -2 84 88; 6 - 4 88; 51 +3 85 ;42 +3 82,35 +2 79; 33 +4 7 6 ;31 +2
75 47 55 - 1 48 86
75;25 +4
49 85 6 9 ; 18 -3 72 13 - 5 75 19 - 2 78 30 - 1 81 42 -2 84 88; 17 -3 8 8 124 +4 85; 5 +4 81,47 +3 78; 33 +3
59 - 2 49 85 77; 27 +1 74; 7
50 84 6 8 ; 29 - 2 7 1 , 34 -4 74 47 - 4 78 11 - 1 81 35 -2 85 3 -5 50 84 8S;36 - 2 87; 53 +3 84,22 +3 80,51 +1
79; 48 -4 76; 16 72;44 -3
51 83 6 7 ; 33 - 2 7 0 - 49 - 3 74 12 - 5 77 47 - 2 81 25 -3 85 7 -4 51 83 88; 55 -1 87; 21 +3 83; 33
52 82 6 6 ; 51 6 9 ; 53 - 1 73 33 - 5 7 7 , 19 - 5 81 13 -3 85 12 - 2 52 82 89; 14 - 1 86; 47 +4 82; 42 - 2 78; 43 -5 75; 0 71; 19
53 81 6 5 ; 20 +1 6 8 , 58 72 50 +1 7 6 ; 49 - 2 80 -1 89; 35 86; 7 +2 81;47 - 2 77; 34 - 4 73;33 - 2 69 545 +3
59 85 15 -1 53 81
76; 22 +3 72; 0 68- 5 +11
54 80 6 5 ; 57 +1 6 7 ;4 6 - 2 71 57 +3 7 6 ; 13 +1 80 41 85 15 - 2 54 80 89:55 - 2 85; 23 -1 80,48
55 79 6 2 ; 16 - 4 6 6 ; 24 - 2 70 49 7 5 ; 28 +2 80 18 +1 12 - 4 ” 89; 46' +6 84; 3 6 -1 79:42 +3 74; 56 +6 70; 19 +5 66; 2 +9
35 55 79 73; 14 +6 68; 20 +7 63;39 +2
56 78 6 0 ; 29 +1 6 4 ;49 69 55 +4 7 4 ; 31 79 48 +2 85 9 -4 56 78 89*18 +3 83 ;A6 +2 78 ;24/'+4
61; 2
57 77 5 8 ; 17 - 2 6 2 ; 55 68 3 +6 7 3 ; 20 -3 79 a 85 6 -1 57 77 88; 48 +1 82,45 +2 76,48 71; 10 -1
68 ;55 +2
65; 57 +3
63; 10 -4 58; 7 +2
58 76 5 3 ; 40 - 7 6 0 ; 36 - 4 66 10 +6 7 1 ; 55 -4 73 16 -3 84 59 +1 58 76 88*14 -1 81,30 -1 74,58 - 3
72; 48 - 4 66; 8 - 2 60; 1 -4 54; 42 +1
59 75 5 2 ; 47 5 7 ; 52 - 4 63 50 +5 7 0 ; 12 - 1 77 10 -6 84 46 +5 59 75 87; 34 - 4 79; 59 - 6 50 ;44
60 74 4 9 ; 15 +1 5 4 ; 57 - 1 60 58 +6 86;46 - 8 78; 12 - 6 70; 11 - 2 62,56 +4 56; 21 -1
6 7 ; 52 - 6 75 48 -4 34 20 - 1 60 74
52; 1 +6 46;10 +3
61 73 45; 0 5 0 ; 51 - 4 57 10 - 3 6 4 ; 53 - 9 73 48 -1 1 83 40 -8 61 85; 50 - 9 76j 7 +5 66,55 +3 58; 56 +8
73 46 ;36 +5 40;46 +3
62 72 3 9 ; 56 - 1 4 5 ; 30 - 4 52 29 - 5 6 0 ; 54 -1 2 71 10 -1 0 32 44 -1 4 62 72 84;’ 46 -1 73; 6 +6 62; 33 +2 53; 52 +10
63 71 3 3 ; 55 - 1 5 9 ; 24 +2 46 25 - 3 5 5 ; 38 -1 67 +2 81 30 -8 8 3 ; 10 +5 68; 45 +2 56;39 - 1 47; 17 +5 40; 0 +3 34;23 -1
29 63 71 27; 2 - 2
64 70 2 6 ; 47 - 4 3 1 ; 38 - 4 38 15 - 9 4 7 ; 44 - 9 61 14 -7 79 19 64 70 8 0 ;3 6 +13 62; 15 +3 48; 28 - 1 38; 53 +4 52; 1
65 69 1 3 ; 40 - 1 2 2 ; 29 +3 28 1 +5 3 6 ; 31 - 2 50 74 41 +4 75; 38 +20 51;31 +9 36,52 +3 23; 14 +8 22; 37 +4 18;47 +1
55 65 69 11 ;48 +6 9;43 +6
65 68 9 ; 4 4 +7 11 548 +7 15 6 +13 2 0 ; 56 +12 32 7 +21 62 17 +41 66 68 6 2 ; 17 +24 32; 7 +15 20; 36 +9 1 5 ; 6 +11
Aiii A.1U

90 A l - K h a i I l T s Qi b l a T a b l e 91

a l -K h a l i l i ’s QIBLA T a b l e a l - K h a l i l i ’s QIBLA T a b l e

37 O

O 36 0

23 ° 32 ° 34 O 38 u

29 ° 31 °




7° 127 ° 82 34 83 16 -1 84 0 84 43 85 26 86 11 +1 7° 127° 8 6 ; 32 8 6 ; 54 8 7 ; 37 - l 8 8 ; 22 39; 6 89 L50
8 126 82 53 +1 33 41 84 26 85 11 +1 85 56 +1 86 41 +1 8 126 87; 3 8 7 ; 27 +2 8 8 ; 11 8 8 ; 57 +1 - 8,? ; 42 +1 8 9 ; 53
9 125 83 22 +2 84 7 +1 34 53 +1 85 39 +1 86 26 +2 87 11 8 7 ; 58 +1 8 8 ; 44 _8 ?J 51 89 ; 42 38 ; 55 - l
9 125 3 7 ; 33 - l 8 8 ; 18
10 124 83 44 84 35 +2 35 19 86 7 +1 86 55 +1 87 44 +2 10 124 88; 5 -l 8 8 ; 30 8 9 ; 19 +1 » 9 ; 54 89; 6
n 123 84 8 84 57 +1 85 4o +1 36 35 +1 37 25 +1 38 14 +1 11 123 8 8 : 37 -1 8 9 ; 3 +1 89 j 5 2 . 8 9 ; 19 8 8 ; 29 3 7 ; 40
12 122 84 32 +1 85 22 86 13 +1 87 3 87 54 88 45 12 122 8 9 : 9 -1 8° ; 3 5 "3' 9 ; 34 V I " ' 3 8 ; 43 3 7 ; 52 8 7 ; 2 +1
13 121 34 55 85 48 +1 36 41 +2 87 32 83 24 89 17 8 8 ; 59 8 8 ; 7 +1 3 7 ; 15 +1 3 b ; 23 +1
13 121 8 9 :4 i - ? 8 9 ; 52 + r ~
14 120 85 20 86 13 87 7 88 0 -1 83 55 89j 49 14 120 8 9 ; 45 V I ' " 8 9 ; 18 +1 8 8 ; 24 +1 8 7 ; 30 +1 3 6 ; 38 +3 8 5 ; 43 +1
15 119 85 45 +1 86 41 +2 87 35 88 29 -1 89 25 -1 39:53 8 9 : 12 +1 8 8 ; 44- +1 8 7 ; 43 +1 8 6 ; 52 8 5 ; 53 +2 8 5 ; 2 +1
15 119
8 6 ; 15 +1 3 5 ; 18 +1 8 4 ; 21 +1
16 118 86 9 87 7 +1 88 3 89 0 .§9 , 57. 89 4 -1 16 118 88 57 88; 8 8 7 ; 11
17 117 86 36 +2 37 34 +2 33 54 +5 89 31 +1 39 31 88 30 -1 88; 2 8 7 ; 34 +1 8 6 ; 35 +1 8 5 ; 56 +1 8 4 ; 57 3 3 ; 39
17 117 8 4 ; 56 3 3 ; 56 8 2 ; 56
18 116 87 0 +1 88 0 89 1 +1 89 58 -1 83 57 -1 37 53 +1 18 116 8 7 ; 27 8 6 ; 57 8 5 ; 58 +2
19 115 87 25 +1 88 27 89 30 39 28 88 25 87 21 -1 8 6 ; 53 +2 8 6 ; 22 +2 8 5 ; 19 +1 8 4 ; 16 3 5 ; 14 8 2 ; 13
19 115 3 2 ; 52 8 1 ; 30 +1
20 114 87 50 88 54 -1 .39 59 38 56 87 51 -1 86 47 20 114 3 6 ; 17 +2 8 5 ; 44 +1 8 4 ; 59 8 3 ; 3 6 +1
21 88 16 22 -1 51 ~+l 88 24 87 18 +1 86 10 -1 8 2 ; 54 8 1 ; 49 84 45 +1
113 39 89 21 113 8 5 ; 40 +2 8 5 ; 6 +1 8 3 ; 59
22 112 88 43 . 8.9 53 -+1 89 0 87 51 86 44 +1 85 55 -1 22 112 8 5 ; 2 +2 8 4 ; 27 +1 8 3 ; 19 8 2 ; 12 81; 5 7 9 ; 59
23 111 89 9 -1 89 4U +1 88 28 87 19 +1 86 3 +1 84 57 111 8 4 ; 23 +1 8 3 ; 48 +1 8 2 ; 58 +1 8 1 ; 29 +1 8 0 ; 20 79 12
PG 23 8 0 ; 45 +1 7 9 ; 36 +2 7 8 ; 26 +1
24 110 o
-' ✓ 37 -1 89 10 +1 87 57 +1 36 45 +2 85 31 84 19 24 110 8 3 ; 43 8 3 ; 9 +2 8 1 ; 56 +1
25 10 V 89 55 +1 88 40 +1 87 25 +1 36 10 +1 84 54 83 41 +2 109 82 59 - 5 8 2 ; 29 +4 8 1 ; 12 8 0 - 0 +1 7 8 ; 49 +2 7 7 ; 57 +1
25 78 +2 7 6 ; 48 + 2
26 103 89 26 88 9 +1 : 86 52 +2 85 54 +1 84 19 +3 83 0 +1 26 108 82 17 -4 8 1 ; 46 +3 80 27 -1 7 9 , 13
27 107 88 57 87 37 +1 86 16 34 57 83 38 +1 32 13 107 81 37 - 2 81, 0 7 9 , 42 -1 78 26 77 9 “ 1 7 5 ; 56 +1
27 7 6 - 18 -2 75; 2 -l
23 106 88 27 87 4 85 40 -1 84 20 +1 32 56 -1 81 56 28 106 80 55 - 1 80 14 -2 78 56 77 57
29 105 87 57 +1 86 31 85 5 -1 83 43 +2 82 19 +3 80 55 105 80 9 - 2 7 9 , 28 -2 78 9 +1 76 47 7 5 ; 27 -1 7^; 7 -2
29 74 54 -1 7 3 ; 11 -3
, 30 104 87 26 +1 85 56 -1 84 29 33 1 81 54 80 9 +1 30 104 79 30 +4 73 42 -1 77 18 - 1 75 56
31 103 36 54 +1 85 21 -1 85 52 +1 82 21 30 52 +1 79 24 +1 103 78 38 - 1 77 55 76 26 -5 75 -2 73 40 7 2 ; 16 -2
31 74 a -1 44 +1 7 1 ; 20 +1
32 102 36 20 84 46 85 12 81 58 -1 30 7 +1 78 39 +4 32 102 77 48 - 2 77 6 +1 75 57
-1 84 80 74 41 - 2 73 4 1 -2 44 " 1 7 ^ 19
33 101 85 45 9 +1 32 50 -1 54 -1 79 18 -2 77 48 +2 33 101 76 55 - 5 76 12 -2 /
34 100 85 9 -2 83 31 +1 81 47 -3 80 10 -1 73 35 76 56 100 76 -6 75 18 -3 73 4 6 -1 72 13 - 2 70 43 -2 6 9 ; 16 -1
34 69 41 -2 b8 ; 12 -1
35 99 84 35 -1 82 ;?o 31 4 -3 79 23 -1 77 41 -2 76 5 -1 35 99 75 .10 - 5 74 22 - 4 72 49 -1 71 14 - 2
82 80 34 76 49 -3 73 24 -5 71 49 - 1 70 12 - 2 68 58 -1 67 6 -1
36 98 83 56 -1 8 -1 19 -3 78 -2 75 7 -2 36 98 74 16 - 3
65 58 -1
37 97 83 17 -1 81 26 79 3 3 -2 77 46 75 58 -1 74 11 -2 73 .22 +1 72 25 -5 70 48 69 3 -1 67 52 -1
37 97 68 2 -1 66 22 -2 64 47 - 1
38 96 82 37 80 39 -2 78 45 -2 76 52 -2 75 0 -3 73 12 -2 38 96 72 22 +1 71 25 -5 69 43 - 1
39 95 81 54 -1 79 52 -5 77 55 -1 75 58 -2 74 2 -3 72 10 -3 70 23 -1 68 56 - 1 66 ;52 - 2 65 ,12 -1 63 35 - 2
39 95 71 20 +2 62 18 - i
40 94 81 10 79 5 -1 77 3 75 3 73 4 -1 71 6 -4 40 94 70 14 +1 69 ,18 +1 67 ,2 6 - 2 65 40 - 2 63
41 80 24 78 16 +1 76 8 74 2 -1 72 1 68 8 +1 66 ;15 64 26 - 1 62 ; 4 l -1 61
93 70 0 -3 41 69 5
42 92 79 35 77 22 +1 75 10 +1 73 1 70 57 +2 68 51 -2 92 67 [52 - 1 66 ;55 +1 64 ; 59 63 9 +1 61 20 -1 59 ;38
43 91 73 44 76 25 +1 74 3 71 56 +1 69 47 +2 67 39 91 66 :36 - 2 65 ;59 +1 63 ;59 -1 61 ;45 - 2 59 ; 5 ° -2 53 15
43 60 19 —2 53 ;29 - 1 56 ;45 +1
44 90 77 50 +1 75 25 +1 73 5 70 45 68 51 66 22 44 90 65 16 - 5 64 ; 17 be ; 16 - 1
45 89 76 53 +2 74 21 71 52 -2 69 32 +1 67 14 65 0 89 63 ;53 - 5 62 ; 52 60 550 58 ; 5 ^ - 2 56 ;38 - 1 55 12
4-5 53 ; 24 35 ;36 +1
46 88 75 52 +2 73 14 +1 70 53 -3 68 15 +2 65 54 +3 63 35 +1 46 88 62 •27 - 1 61 ;25 +2 59 18 57 ; 1 3
47 87 74 46 +2 72 5 +4 69 22 -1 66 51 +1 64 24 62 5 +2 87 60 ; 55 59 ;50 +1 57 42 +1 55 ; 4 l +1 53 ; 46 +2 51 ;56 +2
47 52 ; 2 +2 5 ^ ; 10 +1
48 86 73 34 +1 70 47 +4 68 0 +1 65 24 +2 62 52 +1 60 26 -1 48 86 59 •20 +3 58 10 56 2 +2 55 ;59 +3
49 72 19 +2 23 +3 66 52 +2 63 +2 61 13 +1 53 42 -2 56 ;25 +1 54 ; 14 +2 52 510 +2 50 ;12 + 2 48 ; A0 +1
85 69 49 49 85 57 ;36 +3 48 ;17 +2 46 ;25 +1
50 84 70 58 +3 67 52 +2 64 54 +1 62 7 +2 59 27 +1 56 52 -3 50 84 55 ;43 54 ;33 52 ;19 50 514 +1
+2 66 +2 60 -1 50 ; 20 +1 48 ; 13 4 b ; 14 -1 44 ; 24
51 33 69 27 15 63 9 15 57 31 -1 54 58 -1 51 33 53 5*3 - 2 52 ;34
42 ; 18 -1
52 82 +2 64 32 +5 61 16 -1 4 6 ; 8 +2 44 ; 9 +1
67 49 58 18 55 52 +1 52 55 +1 52 82 51 ; 34 - 6 50 ;30 +2 43 ;15 +3
41 ; 56 40 ; 8
53 81 66 2 +2 62 55 +4 . 59 14 56 11 53 21 +1 50 45 +4 53 81 49 •20 - 6 48 ; 16 +2 46 ; 0 +2 43 ; 54 +2
54 80 64 4 +3 60 23 57 1 +1 53 55 +3 51 1 +2 48 17 -2 47 : 0 - 4 45 ; 52 43 ;33 +2 41 ; 55 +2 39 ; 58 +1 37 ;53 +2
54 80
41 ; 8 +2 37 I ^ +1 35 ; 31 +3
55 79 61 53 +4 58 2 -1 54 36 +2 51 26 +4 48 31 +4 45 49 +3 55 79 44 ;50 - 1 43 ; 23 +3 59 ; 0 +5
56 78 59 25 +4 55 28 +1 51 55 +2 48 42 +3 45 46 +3 43 5 +2 41 •49 40 ; 42 +4 38 ; 26 -1 56 ;29 +2 54 ; 40 +2 35 1 +3
56 93
51 ;59 30 ; 26 +2
57 77 56 57 +2 52 34 48 57 +1 45 41 42 46 +1 40 8 57 77 38 • 55 37 ;46 55 ;38 55 ;43
53 76 53 24 -4 49 14 -7 45 59 -2 42 25 -2 39 35 +1 37 0 35 |4 9 - 1 34 ; 42 -1 32 ; 40 -1 50 ;50 -1 29 ; 12 27 ;45
58 76 26 ; 18 -1 24 ; 55 -1
59 75 49 50 -5 45 41 -4 42 3 -3 38 53 -2 36 4 -3 33 40 59 75 32 :30 -3 51 ; 28 -1 29 ;54 27 ;51
60 74 41 26 ; 19 +1 24 ; 44 +1 2 3 ; 20 +1 2 2 ; 5‘ - I
45 54 +1 43 38 7 -2 35 5 32 26 +1 30 7 +1 60 74 29 .» s5 + 2 28 ; 7 + 2
20 ; 14 +1
61 73 41 21 +5 37 14 +1 33 49 +1 30 58 +3 28 29 +2 26 21 +2 25 • 2 2 24 ;31 + 2 2 2 ;54 +2 21 ;30 + 2 19 ; 8 + 2
61 7 6
16 ; 4 +1
62 72 36 7 +4 32 15 +1 29 5 +2 26 28 +3 24 13 22 21 +1 62 72 21 • 31 + 2 20 ; 44 +1 1 9 ; 20 +1 13 ; 7 + 2 17 ; 2 + 2
30 6 +2 57 -1 14 ;36 15 +1 12 ; 55 -1
63 71 26 23 51 -1 21 37 +1 19 43 18 7 -1 63 71 17 ; 3'l +5 16 ;49 + 2 15 ;58 +1
10 $L 9 ;45
64 70 23 23 20 30 -3 18 17 -1 16 31 +1 15 0 -1 13 45 -1 64 70 13 ; 22 +9 12 ;43 11 ; 48 -1 11 ; 1 -1
65 69 16 6 +4 12 26 +1 11 10 +1 10 8 +1 7 ;56 7 ; 24 6 ; 57 +1 6 ;32
13 57 -3 9 17 +1 65 69 9 ; 0 +7 8 ;33
66 68 8 15 +5 6 58 -8 6 20 +4 5 41 +4 4 41 +2 4 ;29 +1 4 ;19 +1 4 ; 1 +2 3 ;45 + 2 3 ;33 + 4 5 ; 17 +1
5 9 +3 66 68
A lll X III

92 At- K’s Q i b l a T a b l e 93
a l - K h a l i l i ’s QlBLA T able a l - K h a l il I ’s QIBLA T able

48 O 490
47 O

41° 430 50°


39° 44° 4 5° 4 6°
7 ° 127° 59 ;^6 33 ;43 +1 37 58 87 15 +1 86 ; 31 +r 35 ; 43 +1 12 7 ° 85; 3 8 4 ; 21 +1 83; 37 +1 82; 53 - 1 82; 11 31; 29 +1
8 126 88 ;43 88 ; 5 86 33 +1 7° 3 1 ;2 2 +1 80 ; 38
87 17 85 ;<+3 +1 85 ; 3 +1 8 126 84; 18 8 3 ; 33 82; 49 32; 5
9 125 88 ; 9 87 ;25 86 57 +1 85 po 35 ; 4 84 ; 18 9 125 83 ;32 82 ;46 82; 1 81; 16 80 ;32 79; 48 +1
10 124 87 ;31 +1 86 .44 +2 85 54 85 6 -1 84 ; 20 +1 33 ;32 10 124 8 2 ; 46 +1 8 1 ; 59 81; 12 - 1 80; 26 - 1 7 9 ;4 l 78; 56
11 123 86 ; p x +1 36 ; 2 +1 35 12 84 24 + 1 33 ; 35 62 ;47 11 123 8 1 ; 59 8 1 ; 11 8 0 ; 24 79; 3 6 - l 73; 51 +1 78; 5 +1
12 122 86 ; 11 +1 35 ; 20 84 30 +1 33 39 82 ; 5w 82 ; 1 +1 12 122 s ijii 30; 22 79; 34 78; 4 6 77; 59 77; 12
13 121 85 ;30 8-+ ;53 85 46 82 55 32 ; 5 +1 31 ; 14 +1 121 8 0 ; 23 7 9 ;3 3 7 8 ; 44 77; 55 77; 6 7 6; 18 -1
14 120 84 ;49 +1 +1 82 10 31 ; 13 +1 80 ; 26 13 7 6 ;1 2 - 2 75; 24 —i_
83 ;55 85 ~ 14 120 79; 35 +1 7 3 ; 43 77; 53 77; 3
15 119 84 ; 7 +1 83 ;12 32 19 +1 31 24 8^ ; 50 79 ; 37 15 7 8 ; 46 + 1 77; 53 77; 1 76; 11 +1 75; 18 -2 74; 30
16 118 83 * 24 32 ; 29 +1 81 34 +2 Sl. 39 +2 79 . 4.3 78 ; 48 16 118 77; 56 + 1 7 7 ; 3 +2 76; 9 75; 13 +1 74; 24 -2 73; 35
17 117 32 ; 4 l 31 .44 +1 30 43 +2 79 51 +1 73 ;54 77 ;59 117 77; 4 76 ; 11 +2 75; 15 -1 74; 24 +1 75; 30 -1 72 ;40
18 116 81 ;56 -1 30 ;57 -1 6C 1 + 1 17
79 2 73 ; P 77 ; 3 13 116 7 6 ; 12 7 5 ; 17 74; 20 - 2 73; 28 7 2 ;3 5 71 ;43
19 115 81 l l -1 30 10 -2 79 12 78 15 77 ; 14 -1 76 ; 16 - 1 7 5 ; 20 74; 22 - 1 73; 25 - 2 72; 32 - 1 7 1 ;3 9 70; 46
20 114 8 - 26 -1 73 24 19 115 69; 48 +1
79 ;25 77 24 +1 76 ;23 -1 75 ; 24 20 114 7 4 ; 25 - 1 7 3 ; 27 - 2 72; 30 - 2 71; 36 70; 42 +1
21 113 79 41 78 ; 39 +2 77 55 76 33 75 ; 31 -1 74 ;30 - 1 7 3 ;3 0 •-2 72 ;32 - 1 71; 35 - 1 70; 39 69; 43 68;4 9 +1
21 113 67; 48
22 112 78 54 +1 77 ; 5 u +1 76 44 75 42 +1 74 ;58 -1 73 ;35 - 2 70; 39 +1 69; 4 l 68; 44
111 +1
22 112 7 2 -3 5 - 2 71 ;37
66; 47 -1
23 78 8 77 0 +1 75 54 +1 74 43 -1 73 44 -1 72 40 - 2 23 111 7 1 ; 40 7 0 ; 40 69; 41 +1 68; 41 67; 43 -1
24 110 77 16 76 8 75 2 +1 73 54 -1 72 ;50 71 ;45 - 1 24 110 7 0 ; 43 69; 42 +1 63; 41 67; 41 66; 43 65; 46
25 109 76 ; 25 -1 75 16 74 8 75 0 71 ;5 4 70 ;49 109 63; 43 +1 67; 40 66; 40 65; 41 64; 44 +1
26 108 -1 72 4 25 69; 45
75 34 74 ;22 73 J-P 70 ; 56 -1 69 ;51 +1 26 108 68; 45 67; 43 +2 66; 39 65- 39 +2 64 ; 58 63; 39
27 107 74 41 73 ,2 6 -3 72 17 71 7 69 ; 57 -1 66 ; 51 +1 67; 44 66; 41 +2 65; 36 64; 35 +1 63;3 3 62; 34
-1 27 107
28 106 73 46 72 ; 31 -2 71 20 7o 9 68 ;57 -1 67 .49 - 1 28 106 66; 42 65; 37 +1 64; 32 63 30 +1 62; 28 61; 28
29 105 72 51 -1 71 56 70 21 -1 69 9 67 56 -1 66 ,4 7 6 4 ;3 2 63- 27 62 25 +2 61; 21 60 ;20 -1
104 -1 29 105 65; 39
30 71 55 70 33 69 21 68 7 66 ;55 65 44 +1 30 104 64; 33 - 1 63; 26 62 20 61 18 +2 60; 13 -1 59;11 - 2
31 103 7u 5 b -1 69 38 68 20 67 6 +2 65 ; 52 +2 64 40 +2 61 12 60 8 59; 4 58; 2 - 1
-1 31 103 63; 27 - 1 62; 19
32 102 69 56 68 36 67 17 66 2 +2 64 ; 4-6 +1 63 ;33 +2 102 62; 20 61; 10 - 1 60 2 - 1 58 57 -1 57; 54 5 6 ;5 2
101 68 53 -2 -2 66 +1 64 54 -1
33 67 31 13 63 36 62 23 101 61; 11 60; 0 - 1 53 50 - 2 57 45 - 1 56; 42 55; 40
34 100 67 49 -2 66 26 -1 65 6 +1 63 45 - 1 62 26 -2 61 10 -3 33 55; 28 -1 54; 26 -1
34 100 5 9 ; 59 - 1 5 8 j4 9 57 37 - 3 56 52 - 2
35 99 66 44 -2 65 19 -1 63 56 -1 62 35 - 1 61 15 -2 59 ,5 8 -3 56 24 - 2 55 18 - 1 54; 13 -2 53; 11 -1
36 -1 64 9 -2 62 44 61 22 - 2 35 99 5 3 ; 46 - 1 5 7 ; 35 - 1
98 65 37 -2 60 3 -1 58 46 - 1 36 98 5 7 ; 32 - 1 5 6 ; 18 - 2 55 9 - 2 54 2 - 1 52; 57 -1 5 1 ;5 5 - 1
37 97 64 28 62 58 -1 61 33 60 9 - 1 58 43 -1 57 30 - 1 53 52 -1 52 44 - 2 51 ;40 -1 5 0 ;3 9 +1
-1 37 97 5 6 ; 15 - 1 55; 0 - 4
38 96 63 13 -2 61 45 -2 60 17 53 53 - 1 57 51 -1 56 13 - 1 5 3 ; 40 - 5 52 33 - 1 51 25 - 2 50; 21 -1 49; 21 +2
61 57 -4 60 23 -1 1 56 12 -1 38 96 5 4 ; 57 - 1
39 95 59 57 35 54 54 5 3 ; 37 - 1 5 2 ; 19 - 5 51 ;12 - 2 50 5 - 1 49; 1 48; 1 +3
40 94 60 41 -2 59 10 57 41 56 15 +1 54 51 53 33 +1 39 95 47; 40 +2 46; 40 +4
40 94 52 ; 16 +1 5 0 ; 57 - 5 49 50 - 1 48 ;43
41 93 59 ic; -1 57 49 +1 56 19 +1 54 51 53 26 -1 52 3 +1 48 26 47 ;19 46; 15 +1 45; 16 +4
42 +1 41 93 5 0 ; 51 +1 4 9 ; 35 - 2
92 57 59 56 25 54 52 53 24 -1 p^ 0 -1 50 40 42 92 4 9 ; 24 4 8 ; 10 47 0 45 ;52 44; 48 43; 48 +1
43 91 56 35 54 57 +1 53 24 51 55 - 1 50 31 -1 49 11 46; 41 44 24 43; 20 4 2 ‘ 19
44- 90 +1 +2 50 25 +1 43 91 4 7 ; 55 +1 45 ;31
40; 50 - 1
55 4 53 27 51 53 49 0 47 40 +1 44 90 4 6 -2 4 +1 45 i l l +1 44 2 +2 42 ;5 4 41; 51
45 89 53 30 +1 51 52 +1 50 18 43 52 +3 47 25 46 5 4 4 -4 9 4 3 ; 36 42 28 +1 41 22 40; 21 +1 39; 20
+1 41 +1 45 89
46 88 5 1 , 53 50 15 +2 48 47 13 +2 45 43 +1 4 4 - 23 46 88 4 3 ; 13 +1 4 2 ; 2 +2 40 ;54 +2 39 ;47 - 1 3 8 ; 48 +2 37; 49 +1
47 87 5 0 ; 12 +2 4 8 ; 34 +2 47 1 +2 45 32 +2 44 3 +1 4 2 ; 49 +1 4 1 ; 34 +1 4 0 ; 24 +2 39 18 +3 38 ; l l - 1 37; 12 +1 56; 16 +2
48 86 4 8 ; 27 +2 +2 47 87 34; 40 +1
4 6 ; 43 +2 45 15 43 46 42 24 +1 4 1 ; 6 +1 48 86 3 9 ; 52 +1 3 8 ; 43 +2 37 ;37 +1 36 ;3 4 +1 3 5 ;3 5
49 85 4 6 ; 37 +2 4 4 ; 53 +1 43 25 41 57 - 1 4 0 ; 37 +1 3 9 ; 19 33; 7 3 6 ;5 3 35 ; 53 -1 34 ;5 4 +1 33; 56 55 2
84 41 49 85 5 l ;22 - i
50 44 42 +1 43, 4 +1 32 40 6 3 3 ; 47 +1 3 7 ; 30 50 84 3 6 ; 19 3 5 ; 15 +2 34 9 —X 33 ;11 32; 15
51 83 4 2 ; 42 +1 41; 4 -1 39 35 38 10 - 1 3 6 ; 52 3 5 ; 38 - 1 51 33 3 4 ; 29 - 1 3 3 ; 26 +1 32 ;24 31 ; 26 - 1 3 0 ; 33 29; 42
52 82 4 0 ; 38 +1 39; 3 37 55 +1 36 11 - 1 3 4 ; 55 3 3 ;44 52 82 3 2 ; 37 3 1 ;3 5 +1 30 ;36 +1 29 ; 40 28; 50 +1 28; 1 +1
53 81 3 3 ; 31 +3 3 6 ; 57 +2 35 51 +2 34 11 +1 3 2 ; 56 +1 3 1 ; 47 +1 81 3 0 -4 3 +1 29; 43 +2 28 ; 46 +1 27 ;53 +1 27; 5 +2 2 6 ;1 8 +2
80 3 6 ; 16 3 4 ; 46 53 24; 33 +2
54 +2 +2 33 22 +2 52 6 +3 3 0 ; 53 +1 2 9 ; 47 +2 54 80 28; 46 +2 27; 48 +2 26 ;54 +2 26 ; 5 +1 25; 17 +2
55 79 3 3 ; 57 +3 3 2 ; 29 +2 51 9 +2 29 56 +3 2 3 ; 47 +2 2 7 ; 43 +1 55 2 6 -4 5 +2 25; 51 +3 24 ;59 +2 24 ;11 +1 23; 27 +1 22; 47 +3
79 20; 98 +2
56 78 3 1 ; 31 +2 30; 9 +3 28 51 +1 27 41 +2 2 6 ; 37 +2 2 5 ; 3 6 +1 56 73 24; 41 +1 23; 50 +2 23 ; 2 +1 22 517 +1 21 ;35
57 77 2 8 ; 59 +1 2 7 ; 40 26 28 25 21 - 1 2 4 ; 21 2 3 ; 25 - 1 57 77 2 2 -3 5 +1 21; 47 +1 21 ; 2 20 ;21 19; 42 19; 7
58 76 2 6 ; 23 25; 9 24 2 23 0 -1 22; 4 -1 2 1 ; 12 - 2 58 76 20;2'5 - 1 1 9 ;4 2 19 ; 0 - 1 18 ; 22 - 2 17; 48 -1 17; 16
59 75 2 3 ; 42 2 2 ; 36 +2 21 32 -1 20 37 1 9 ; 46 1 8 ; 57 - 2 59 75 1 8 ; 14 - 2 17 ;3 6 16 ; 59 16 ;22 - 3 15; 53 1 5 ;2 5 +1
60 74 2 0 ; 58 +2 1 9 ; 57 +2 19 0 18 11 +1 1 7 ; 25 +1 1 6 ; 41 - 1 60 74 16; 1 - 3 15; 30 +2 14 ;56 +1 14 ; 24 - 1 13; 56 -1 13 ;32 +1
61 73 18; 3 +2 1 7 ; 13 +1 16 26 +2 15 42 +2 15; 1 +1 1 4 ; 23 61 73 13; 45 - 5 13; 21 +2 12 ; 51 +1 12 , 24 11; 59 11; 38 +1
62 72 1 5 ; 14 +2 1 4 ; 26 15 45 13 7 1 2 ; 34 +1 1 2 ; 3 +1 62 72 11; 29 - 5 1 1 ; 9 +1 10 ;45 +1 10 ;22 10; 1 9; 43 +1
63 71 1 2 ; 14 l l ; 37 11 1 -2 10 31 - 2 10; P 9 ; 40 9; 13 - 4 8; 56 8 ; 37 +1 8 ; 18 8; 2 7 ;46
63 71
64 70 9 ; 12 -1 3 ; 44 -1 8 17 -2 7 55 -1 7 ; 34 -1 7 ; 16 64 70 6; 57 - 2 6 ;42 - 1 6 ; 28 6 ; 14 6; 2 5; 49 - i
65 69 0 ; 11 +1 5 ; 51 5 35 +1 5 18 5; 4 4 ; 52 +1 65 69 4 ; 40 4 ; 28 -1 4 ;19 4; 9 -l 4; 2 3 ;5 2 - 2
66 68 3; 7 +1 2; 57 +1 2 49 +2 2 41 +2 2; 33 +1 2; 26 66 68 2; 21 +1 2; 15 2 510 2 ; 6 +1 2; 2 +1 1 ;55 - 2
Al -K h a lili ’s Qib l a T able 95
a l -K h a l il i’s QlBLA T a b l e The notation (<p, L ) a;b c;d used below means that the Paris manuscript has the entry
54° a;b for q(<p, L ) and the Berlin manuscript has the entry c;d. A dash indicates that there is no
51° 52° 53° 55° 56°
entry in the manuscript, and a question mark indicates that the entry is illegible. All of the
7° 127° 80 47 +1 80 5 79 22 -1 78 42 78 3 +1 77 22 +1 second digits in the entries for <p = 12°, 18°, 24°, 30°, 35°, 41°, 47°, and 53° and L = 37°,
8 .126 79 55 79 13 78 29 -1 77 49 77 8 +1 76 26 38°, . . 66° in the microfilm of the Berlin manuscript which I have used are illegible. Also,
9 125 79 3 -1 78 21 +1 77 37 76 55 76 12 -1 75 30 -1 the entries in the Berlin manuscript are less liberally provided with diacritical points than the
10 124 78 11 77 27 76 43 76 1 +1 75 17 74 34 -1
11 77 19 76 34 75 49 75 5 74 21 73 38 -1 corresponding entries in the Paris manuscript. I note below all of the entries which are clearly
12 122 76 26 +1 75 41 +2 74 54 74 9 73 24 -1 72 42 miscopied in either one or the other source.
13 121 75 32 +1 74 45 73 58 73 13 72 23 71 44
14 120 74 33 +1 •73 49 73 3 +1 72 17 +1 71 31 70 46 (13,63) 23;37 23;27 (14,35) 71; 3? 71; 34 (14,49) 63; 48 64; 43
15 119 73 43 +2 72 53 72 7 +1 71 20 +1 70 34 +1 69 47 (14,63) 26;58 26;18 (15,26) 74; 18 74; 13 (16,36) 74; 34 74; 39
16 118 72 47 +1 71 57 +1 71 10 +2 70 22 +1 69 35 +1 68 48 (19,39) 79; 45 79;42
11 63 (16,40) 73;28 73;38 (16,60) 59; 15 49; 15
17 117 71 49 71 0 +1 70 +1 69 22 34 67 48
13 116 70 51 70 0 -1 69 11 68 22 67 33 -1 66 47 (19,40) 79;44 79;— (20,23) 79;42 79; 52 (20,65) 50; 35 50; 55
19 115 69 53 69 0 -2 68 11 -1 67 21 -1 66 33 -1 65 47 +1 (21,12) 78;45 78;48 (21,33) 82; 19 82; 49 (21,35) 83; 10 —
20 114 68 54 68 0 -2 67 11 66 21 65 33 +1 64 45 +1 (21,54) 81; 15 81; 14
64 (21,36) 83;20 — (21,39) 83; 46 83; 47
21 113 67 54 -1 67 0 -2 66 11 +1 65 20 31 +1 63 42
22 112 66 -1 65 -2 9 +1 64 17 63 62 38 (23,10) 79;52 79;32 (24,23) 84; 23 84; 28 (25,20) 84; 38 84;33
53 59 65 27
23 111 65 52 64 58 64 7 +1 63 13 -1 62 25 61 34 (27,64) 27; 2 25; 2 (27,65) 18; 17 18; 17 (28,57) 56; 27 56;37
24 110 64 50 63 55 63 3 +1 62 9 -1 61 18 -1 60 29 60; 55 60; 15 (31,56) 58; 42 48;42
(31,33) 80;44 80;54 (31,51)
25 109 63 46 62 51 61 58 +1 61 4 -1 60 13 -1 59 23 -1
26 108 62 41 -1 61 46 60 -1 58 -1 58 (33,54) 58;17 48;17 (34,32) 76; 6 77;; 6 (34,37) 72; 25 72; 22
51 59 59 7 17
27 107 61 35 -2 60 40 59 44 -2 58 52 ■58 0 57 10 (35,40) 66; 26 ? (36,66) 3; 40 3; 45 (37,17) 84; 37 84; 34
28 106 60 29 -1 59 33 58 37 -1 57 44 -1 56 53 +1 56 3 +1 (37,49) 50; 12 50; 2 (37,53) 41;;46 41; 56
-1 36 44 (37,43) 59;56 59; 6
29 105 59 21 58 25 57 30 56 55 54 54 +1
104 -1 16 21 +1 +1 34 4-4 (38,45) 45;12 55;12 (39,37) 64; 28 64; 23 (39,50) 44;;52 44; 42
30 58 13 57 56 55 27 54 53 +1
31 103 57 4 56 6 55 11 +1 54 17 +1 53 24 +1 52 33 +1 (39,60) 20;18 20;18 (41,23) 75;54 75;;55 (41,43) 58; 24 53;??
32 102 55 53 54 54 -1 54 0 +2 53 5 +1 52 12 +1 51 21 (41,66) 2; 59 2;4? (43,55) 28;57 28;;47 (44,39) 54;; ?? 54; 54
33 101 54 41 +1 53 41 -1 52 45 -1 51 50 +1 50 58 -1 50 7 -1
+1 -1 -2 -2 48 -1 (46,25) 68;43 68;13 (48,49) 34; 44 34;; 54 (49,36) 2;;57 52;57
34 - 100 53 27 52 27 51 30 50 35 -3 49 45 53
35 99 52 11 -1 51 12 -1 50 15 -2 49 20 -3 48 28 -2 47 38 -2 (49,40) 47;40 47;47 (50,62) 9; 48 9;;43 (50,65) 3;; 42 3; 5 ?
36 98 50 54 -1 49 56 -1 49 0 -1 48 5 -2 47 13 -2 46 23 -1 (51,26) 62; 35 62;;41 (51,27) 61;;29 61;35
(50,66) 1;55 1;—
37 97 49 37 -1 48 39 47 43 46 50 45 57 -1 45 7 -1 (51,58) 16;; 46 16;47
48 18 -1 20 -1 46 24 -1 +2 44 40 (51,28) 60;— 60;29 (51,44) 39; 53 39;; 43
38 96 47 45 33 43 50
39 95 46 58 46 0 45 4 -1 44 14 +2 43 21 42 31 -1 (52,50) 29;56 29;46 (52,65) 4; 40 3;40 (53,14) 73;;20 73; 3
40 94 45 36 44 39 43 43 -1 42 52 +1 42 1 41 12 -1 (53,58) 15;32 — (54,35) 59; 20 49 ; 20 (54,48) 31; 25 31; 35
41 93 44 13 43 16 42 21 -1 41 29 -1 40 40 39 52 53;44 —
(54,55) 20;23 — (56,29) 54; 54 (56,30)
42 92 42 48 41 52 40 58 40 6 -1 39 18 38 31
4-3 91 41 21 40 26 39 34 +1 38 42 -1 37 55 +1 37 9 +1 (56,57) 16;15 16;?5 (56,58) 4;39 (56,59) 13 : 3 —
44 90 39 53 38 59 38 8 +1 37 17 36 31 +1 35 45 (56,60) 11 ;26 — (56,61) 9; 59 9;; 49
4-5 89 38 24 37 31 +1 36 41 +2 35 50 -1 35 5 +1 34 21 +1
46 88 36 54 +1 36 1 +1 35 12 +2 34 22 -1 33 39 +1 32 55
47 87 35 21 +1 34 30 +1 33 42 +2 32 54 32 12 +2 31 29 +1
48 86 33 47 +1 32 57 +1 32 10 +1 31 25 +1 30 43 +2 30 2 +1 we have
49 85 32 11 +1 31 22 30 36 29 54 +1 29 12 +1 28 34 +2
50 84 30 33 29 46 29 2 28 21 +1 27 40 -1 27 4 +1
q = 0° and q'
180° 9 < 9m
28 +1 28 10 +1 26 26 8 -1
82 27
16 +2 26 32 +1
51 25
12 24 35 -1
0° 9 > 9m-
53 81 25 37 +4 24 52 24 14 +1 23 37 23 2 22 30
54- 80 23 56 +6 23 12 +1 22 36 +2 22 1 +1 21 28 20 58 +1 The entire table was recomputed in a few seconds at the Yale Computer Center. Tables
55 79 22 10 +5 21 30 +1 20 56 +1 20 23 19 53 +1 19 24 of the function h(<p, L ), the altitude of the zenith of Mecca above the local horizon,
56 78 20 22 +2 19 47 +1 19 15 +1 18 44 18 18 +2 1? 50 +1 and the auxiliary function x(q>, L ) (see section 2) were also computed, to facilitate hand
57 77 18 34 +1 13 3 +1 17 33 +1 17 5 16 42 +3 16 15 +1
58 76 16 46 +1 16 18 +1 15 52 +2 15 25 15 4 +3 14 39 computations of q using al-Khallli s auxiliary tables (see section 3). al-Khallll s qibla
59 75 14 57 +1 14 32 +2 14 6 13 44 13 24 +1 13 3 values are remarkably accurate: the errors in extensive sections of the table are less than
60 74 13 7 +1 12 44 12 22 12 3 +1 11 44 11 26
61 73 11 17 +1 10 56 10 38 +1 10 21 +1 10 4 9 49 + 0;2°, although larger errors occur in certain other sections. The errors in the second
62 72 9 26 +2 9 8 8 53 +1 8 38 8 24 8 12 +1 digit of al-Khalill’s values are shown after each entry, computed according to the
63 71 7 34 +2 7 19 7 7 +1 6 55 6 43 -1 6 34
64 70 5 41 +1 5 30 +1 5 20 5 11 5 2 -1 4 55 convention
65 69 3 47 3 40 3 34 3 27 -1 3 21 -1 3 16 -1 error = text — recomputation.
66 68 1 53 1 51 +1 1 48 +1 1 43 -1 1 42 +1 1 38 -1

96 A l - K h a l i l i ’s Q i b la T able 97

F i g . 3.— G r a p h s h o w in g th e b e h a v io r o f t h e fu n c tio n q ' (A L ) fo r d iff e r e n t v a lu e s o f <p.


98 Al -K h a lili ’s Qib l a T able 99

It is reasonable to assume that al-Khalili would have computed independently a al-Khalili does not describe the method by which he computed his table. However, in
matrix of values for, say, each degree of <p and each 5° of AL, and that he would then his introduction he remarks that he knows of no better method for finding the qibla than
have used an interpolation scheme to compute intermediate values. The error patterns the one presented in chapter 67 of the astronomical treatise of Abu cAli al-Marrakushi.
in the table confirm this, and the interpolation scheme used, which was more sophisticated To this we now turn.
than a second order scheme,13 generally works rather well. Note, however, the relatively
large errors in the table for small values of AL and values of <p close to <pM: for these
2. al-Marrakushi's Method for Determining the Qibla
arguments q is very sensitive to small changes in AL. Note also the following minor
point: the entries for values of <pfrom 21° through 17° are identical to those for values of Abu cAli al-Marrakushi, in some sources called Abu 1-Hasan, is an individual of great
q> from 22° through 26° for importance for the history of Islamic astronomy.14 Virtually nothing is known about his
life, save that his family was associated with Marrakesh, and that he traveled widely
A£ = 1° { L = 66°, 68°)
and spent some time in Egypt. His major work, an extensive treatise on spherical
and the qibla differs only in direction for these values close to <pM . It is clear from the astronomy and instruments, was compiled about the year a . d . 1280, probably in Cairo,
errors that the entries for <pfrom 21° through 17° were copied from those for values of <p and was published in French translation by J.-J. Sedillot in 1834-35.15 al-Marrakushi
from 22° through 26°, which were computed. quotes various of his predecessors from the Muslim West, and his work became widely
It is of interest that al-Khallll has tabulated q(<p, L ) for the latitude of Damascus, known in the Muslim East and influenced such scholars as al-Khalili and Ibn al-Shatir.16
33; 30°. The latitude of Baghdad is also close to this, but the only reason for computing His treatise has generally been neglected by historians of science, although A. von
such a table would appear to be that al-Khalili had already computed his auxiliary Braunmuhl and K. Schoy have discussed the sections on trigonometry and sundials, and
functions for this latitude and that he used his auxiliary tables to compile his qibla table. C. A. Nallino referred to al-Marrakushi’s spherical astronomy in his analysis of the
On the other hand, he also tabulated q(<p, L ) for latitude 56°, and as far as we know, he astronomical work of al-Battanl.17
computed the auxiliary functions only up to latitude 55°. See further section 3. al-Marrakushi’s solution to the qibla problem is analogous to one of the several
To illustrate how the arguments are to be entered in the table, al-Khalili considers Islamic methods for calculating the solar altitude from the hour-angle, a problem which
the case is mathematically equivalent to the determination of the altitude of the zenith of Mecca
<p = 35° and L = 25°.
above the local horizon. This method al-Marrakushi claims as his own discovery. Before
presenting his method, we consider the qibla problem transferred to the celestial sphere.
The value given in the table is, as he says, 81; 12° east of south. This value is, in fact, Figure 5 represents the celestial sphere about the observer at 0. The local horizon is
accurate. He also mentions that he used a special kind of quadrant (rubc mujayyab) to shown as NES, the celestial equator as EQ, the celestial pole as P, the local zenith as Z,
perform this calculation, and found the values and the local meridian as NPZQS. The point ZMrepresents the zenith of Mecca, and the
h = 51;0° and g = 81;10°. azimuth of ZM, measured by the arc SK, defines the direction of Mecca. The declination
circle or day-circle through ZM, namely AB, is also shown, and PZMis produced to meet
Actually, this value of h is in error by only +0;3° and the value of q by only —0;2°. the celestial equator at T. Thus
al-Khalili does not describe the procedure which he used to arrive at these values, or the
size of the instrument which he used. The determination of the qibla with such a quadrant ZQ = <p; ZmT = <pM; and QT = AL .
is discusse'd in sections 4-6. The procedure described in Appendix B is my own, and
should be compared with that of Sibt al-Maridini, described in section 6. 14 O n al-M arrakush i see S u te r, “ D ie M athem atiker ls F o r ex am p le, b o th I b n a l-S h a tir a nd al-K halili
u n d A stronom en d e r A ra b e r,” no. 363 a nd p . 219, n. p re se n t lis ts o f s ta n d a rd form ulae of spherical
al-Khalili states next that when he used the well-known method of approximation 74, as w ell a s B rockelm ann, Geschichle der arabischen a stro n o m y in th e sam e fashion as al-M arrakushi. T he
involving the latitude and longitude differences, he found the “terribly inaccurate” value Litteratur, 1:625 a n d ibid ., S upp. 1:866. S u te r is form ulae a re each re p re sen te d b y th e four te rm s of
co rrect in su spectin g th a t Sedillot m isdated al- a n a p p ro p ria te p ro p o rtio n : th e te rm s are expressed
68; 50°. However, my own calculation with the standard approximation, formula (2), M arrakushi to ca. a .d. 1230: his solar longitude ta b le s v e rb a lly in th e h ighly technical vocabulary o f la te
yields 70;46°. [ Note added in proof: It is now clear that al-Khalili was referring to one of a n d s ta r c atalo g u e a re com piled for a .d . 1275/76 a n d Islam ic a stro n o m y , b u t w ith o u t recourse to sym bols.
1282, respectively. H ow ever, it has n o t been p re ­ See J .- J . S ed illo t, Traiti des instrumentsastronomiques,
the other approximate qibla formulae which underlie the tables mentioned in Appendix viously stressed th a t al-M arrakushi’s tre a tise was 1:352-59 for al-M arrak u sh i’s lis t o f 62 proportions;
C.] com piled for C airo. MS B odleian Seld. A rch. A30, fols. 77r-82v for Ib n
15 J .- J . S edillot, Traiti des instruments aslrono- a l-S h a tir’s lis t o f 184; a n d MS C hester B e a tty 4091,
miques des arabes, 2 vols. (P aris, 1834-35). I n the fol. 174v for a l-K h a lili’s lis t o f 24.
13On non-linear in terp o latio n schemes in th e 117-20, and idem , “ T he C hinese-U ighur C alendar as sequel I h av e tra n s la te d from th e F rench, ra th e r th a n 17 See A. v o n B rau n m u h l, Vorlesungen iiber-
Islam ic sources, see, for exam ple, Schoy, D ie trigono- D escribed in the Islam ic Sources,” Isis 55 (1964): from th e original A rabic te x t w hich is e x ta n t in Geschichle der Trigonometric, 2 vols. (Leipzig, 1900-
metrischen Lehren dies persisehen Astronomen Abu 435-43; J . H am ad an izad eh , “ A M edieval I n te r ­ several m an u scrip ts. T he title of th e work is Jdm i 5 3), 1 :83-86; S choy, Gnomonik der Araber; and
l-Haihdn M uh. I bn Ahmad al-Biruni, pp. 40-42; E. S. polation Schem e for O blique A scensions,” Centaurus al-mabddi3wa-l-ghdydt, [C om pendium o f Principles a nd N allino, al-Battani, 2: index, s.v. A boul H hassan. I
K ennedy, “ A M edieval In te rp o latio n Scheme Using 9 (1963): 257-65; and K ing, “ Ib n Y u n u s’ Very Useful R esults]. al-K h alili refers to it as Risdlat al-Jayb, have included a n analysis of th e spherical astronom i­
Second O rd er Differences,” A Locust's Leg: Studies Tables,” pp. 354-56. [T reatise o n th e Sine (Q uadrant)]. On this in stru m e n t cal ta b le s o f al-M arrakushi in m y stu d y of m edieval
in Honour of S. H . Taqizadeh (L ondon, 1962), pp. see sectio n 4 below. Islam ic p ra y e r-ta b le s (see n. 7 above.).

100 A l -K hal I l I’s Qi b l a T able 101

Several Islamic methods, including al-Marrakushfs, involve first finding the altitude of To find the azimuth of any locality, multiply the Cosine of the latitude of the locality whose
azimuth is required by the Cosine of the local latitude [and divide by the square of 60]: the
result will be the ‘"base” (asl). Take the Versed Sine of the longitude difference between the
ZmK = h
two localities and multiply it by the “ base.” Next subtract the product from the Sine of
and then finding the meridian altitude o f the small-circle through the zenith o f the other locality and parallel to
SK = q. the celestial equator. The remainder will be the Sine of the altitude of the zenith of the other
locality above the local horizon. Finally, find the azimuth corresponding to this altitude by
one o f the methods explained previously.

al-Marrakushi’s method may be rendered in mathematical notation as follows. Firstly,

note that the meridian altitude of the declination circle through ZM, measured by the
arc SB in figure 5 is
<P + <Pm
(where 9 = 90° — 9).
Secondly, the determination of time from solar altitude involves a division by the
Cos 8 Cos <p
This auxiliary function was generally known in Islamic astronomy as the “absolute base”
(al-asl al-mutlaq), and tables of it with solar longitude as argument are common in
Islamic astronomical handbooks.19al-Marrakushi prescribes forming the “base”
Cos <pM Cos <p
Thus, his method may be represented by the formula

Sin h = Sin (9 + 9m) - Vers (3)

The corresponding formula for the solar altitude, known to Islamic astronomers originally
from Indian sources, is 20
Note that if ZMrepresents an instantaneous solar position with altitude h, declination 8,
azimuth a, and hour-angle t, then we have Sin h = Sin (9 + S) - Vers t Cos^ os<P. (4)
t —
- AXj 8 — <pM; and a = q. Formula (4) is easily derived from figure 6, which shows an analemma construction21
In chapter 67 of his treatise, al-Marrakushi prescribes the following method for the 19 Several such tables are listed in my study o f used in most o f these sources is equal to the “ absolute
general problem of the determination of the direction of any locality from a given medieval tables for timekeeping (see n. 7). base.” On this, see further King, “ The Astronomical
Works o f Ib n Yunus,” pp. 132-33.
locality, which may be compared with the methods of Ibn Yunus, discussed in section 5, 20 See, for example, von Braunmiihl, Vorleaungen
21 On the analemma, see, for example, P. Luckey,
tiber Qeschichie der Trigonometric, 1:41 on the pro­
and of Ibn al-Haytham, discussed in Appendix A. I use the standard capital notation cedure o f the Suryaaiddhdnta, and Nallino, al-Battani, “ Das Analemma von Ptolemaus,” Astronomische
for medieval trigonometric functions to base R (= 60).18 1:192 (Habash and al-Battani); King, “ The Astro­ Nachrichten 230 (1927): 18-46 and O. Neugebauer,
nomical Works o f Ibn Yunus,” p. 153 (Ibn Yunus); The Exact Sciences in Antiquity, 2d ed. (New York,
al-Marr&lcushi is a little careless in occasionally N . Nadir, “ Abu al-Wafa* on the Solar Altitude,” The 1969), pp. 214-18 and 226. On its use in Islamic
*® Thus,
neglecting to state “ m ultiply by 60” or “ divide by 60” Mathematiea Teacher 53 (1960): 460-63 (Abu l-W afaJ); mathematics, see K . Schoy, “ Abhandlung uber die
Sin & =s R sin &, Cos £ = R cos &,
in his trigonometric operations. Further east, astrono­ M.-L. Davidian, “ Al-Biruni on the Time o f D ay from Ziehung der Mittagslinie, dem Buch viber das
Ton & = R tan #
mers such as Abu 1-Wafa’ (ca. a .d . 975), Abu Nasr (ca. Shadow Lengths,” Journal of the American Oriental Analemma entnommen, samt dem Beweis dazu von
Vers & = R — Cos a .d . 1000), and al-Biruni (ca. a .d . 1025) had long since
Abu Sacid ad-Darir,” Annalen der Hydrographic und
Society 80 (1960): 330—35 (al-Biruni); and L.-A .
See further, Wiedemann, Aufadtze der arabischen recognized that the use o f R — 1 would sim plify their Sedillot, Proligomenea dea tables astronomiques, maritimen Meteorologie 50 (1922): 265-71; Y . Id,
Wissenachaflsgeschichte, 1:564-77; Kennedy, “ A trigonometric procedures. See, for example, K . Schoy, 2:125-26 (Ulugh Beg). N ote that the expression “ An Analemma Construction for Right and Oblique
Survey o f Islamic Astronomical Tables,” pp. 139-40; “ Beitrage zur arabischen Trigonometric,” lata 5 Ascensions,” The Mathematics Teacher 62 (1969):
R Sin (meridian altitude) 669-72; E. S. Kennedy, “ Biruni’s Graphical
and K in g, “ The Astronomical Works o f Ib n Yunus,” (1923): 393 and 396, and Jensen, “ Abu Nasr’s
Approach to Spherical Trigonom etry." Vers (semi-diurnal arc) Determination o f the Local Meridian,” Scripta
pp. 60-65.
X III xn i

102 A l -K h a l il T s Q ib l a T a b l e 103

derived from figure 5. Firstly we project the celestial sphere orthogonally in the plane of and hence
the meridian. Primes are used in figure 6 to denote the projections of corresponding
points in figure 5. The declination circle of ZMis then rotated through 90° about its Cos 9 M Cos 9
BD = Vers AL (5)
diameter BC into the meridian plane to form the semicircle BMC, where the arc MB
measures AL. Thus M represents the position of ZMon the declination circle with respect Furthermore, the perpendiculars BF and ZmY' onto the horizon measure Sin (9 + 9M)
to the local meridian BC. The radius of this semicircle, whose center is the point G, is and Sin h respectively, so that
Cos (pM, since the arc QB measures <pM. Thus we have
Vers AL BD = BF - Z^Y' = Sin (9 + <pM) - Sin h. (6)
BZm — Cos <pM
Formula (3) follows from (5) and (6).
al-Marrakushi’s method for finding the solar azimuth from the solar altitude is the
standard Islamic method, which had been known for several centuries.22 It is contained
in chapter 62 of his treatise:

T o determine the solar azimuth, m ultiply the Sine o f the altitude b y the Sine o f the local
latitude and divide the product by the Cosine o f the local latitude; the quotient w ill be the
“ equation o f the azim uth” (tacd il al-samt) i f the sun has no declination, otherwise it will be
the “ horizontal variation” (hissed al-samt). I f the declination o f the sun and the local latitude
are in different directions, add the Sine o f the rising amplitude (sacat al-mashriq) to the
horizontal variation, and i f the declination and the latitude are in the same direction, take
their difference. The result in both cases w ill be the equation o f the azimuth. Finally divide
[the product o f] the equation o f the azimuth [and 60] b y the Cosine o f the altitude, and the
quotient will be the Sine o f the azimuth.

Finally, his method for determining the solar rising or ortive amplitude is outlined in
chapter 58 of the treatise:

M ultiply the Sine o f the declination b y 60, and divide the product by the Cosine o f the
latitude: the quotient w ill be the Sine o f the rising amplitude.

In this method certain standard Islamic auxiliary functions are used to facilitate the
computation. Firstly, the “horizontal variation,’’ also called ikhtilaf al-ufq in the Arabic
sources,23and here denoted by k, is defined by
. Sin h Sin 9
(7 )
*>*•*>- Cosy —

22 On Islam ic a zim u th calcu latio n s see also L uckey, ebenen S o n n en u h ren ,” Quellen und Studien zur
“ B eitrage z u r E rforschung,” p. 502 (al-M ahani, ca. Geschichte der Mathematik, Astronomie, und Physik, 4
a . d . 860); N allino, al-Battani, 1:183-84 (H ab ash an d (1937-38): 141-42, on th e term inology, an d K ennedy
a l-B a tta n i); K ing, “ T he A stronom ical W orks o f Ib n “ a l-B iruni on D e term ining th e M eridian,” p . 636, for
Y unus,” pp. 186-87 (Ib n Y unus); L.-A. Sedillot, th e usage o f al-B iruni, an d K ing, “ T he A stronom ical
Prolegomenes des tables astronomiques, 2 :106-7 W orks o f Ib n Y u n u s,” pp. 176-80 for th e usage o f I b n ‘
(U lugh Beg). Several Islam ic ta b le s o f solar a zim u th Y unus. Ib n Y u n u s ta b u la te s k(h) for th e la titu d e s of
as a function of solar a ltitu d e an d so lar longitude, w ith Cairo a nd B aghdad for each degree o f /i: cf. K ing,
e n trie s for each degree o f b o th arg u m e n ts, a re d is ­ “ T he A stronom ical W orks o f Ib n Y u n u s,” pp. 170-71,
Mathematica 24 (1959): 251-55; idem , “ al-B iru n i on 17 (1948): 498; K ing, “ T h e A stronom ical W orks cussed in m y p a p er on Islam ic tab les for tim e ­ 173, 179-80, a n d Schoy, Gnomonik der Araber, p. 81.
D eterm ining th e M eridian,” The Mathematics Teacher o f Ib n Y u n u s,” pp. 26-2 7 ; a n d Id an d K en n ed y , “ A keeping (see n. 7), a nd in K ing, “ Ib n Y u n u s’ Very al-K h alili’s ta b le o f (cf. section 3) defines k(h, <p) for
56 (1963): 635-37; P . L uckey, “ B eitrag e z u r Erfor- L e tte r o f al-B iru n i,” (see n. 2 above), Useful Tables," pp. 362-64. each degree o f b o th argum ents.
schung d e r islam ischen M a th e m a tik ," Orientalia, n.s. 23 See P. L uckey, “ T a b it b. Q u rra ’s B uch iiber die
A lll
A l -K h a l il i ’s Qi b l a T able 105
But Y is the projection of ZMin the horizon plane, so that OY measures Cos h and the
Secondly, the rising amplitude, here denoted by i(/, is defined by means of the standard arc KS measures q. Thus we have
Cos h Cos q
cv //o v Sin S OY' = (16)
s ,n ^(S' ’’> = ~ c ^ T ' (8)
Formula (12) follows from (15) and (16).
With these we then form the “equation of the azimuth,” here denoted by e, and defined
e(h, 8, <p) — k(h, <p) — Sin if/(8, <p), (9) 3. On the Use of al-Khalilis Auxiliary Tables for Computing the Qibla

and finally the azimuth, a, measured from the meridian (al-Marrakushl measures it from It is clear from formula (3) that for given 93, the function h(9 3 , L ) is defined by the
the east-west line), is given by simple relation
Sin h = cx + c2Cos AL , (17)
a(h, 8, <p) = arc Cos (10)
where c1 and c2 are constants. Given h(<p, L ), it remains to find the corresponding
which may also be written azimuth q(<p, L).
Now al-Khallll’s auxiliary tables can be used to find a{h, 8, <p) for one degree intervals
"Sin h Tan 93 R Sin 8 of each argument, with no more calculation than an addition or a subtraction. The
a(h, 8, 93) = arc Cos R Cos <p ( 11) functions tabulated by al-Khalil! are the following:25
Cos h
R Sin &
Finally, since U ») = Cos 93
q(93, L ) — a(h, 8, <p)
Sin & Tan 93
for g JP ) = R (18)
h = h(<p, L ) and 8= 93M,
we have
Sin h{cp, L ) Tan 93 R Sin 93Mj G(x, y) = arc Cos
l^Cos y
q(q>, L ) = arc Cos R Cos 93 J ( 12)
Cos h(<p, L ) computed to two sexagesimal digits for the domains
Formula (12) can be explained with reference to figure 6. We rotate the celestial sphere &= 1°, 2°, ...,9 0 °
90° about the diameter NS so that the projection of ZMmoves from Z'M to Y. Note that
both angles PON and A'Z'MY' measure 93. The functions used by al-Marrakushi are 30° (Mecca)
<P = 1°, 2°, ...,550and ^ ’
respectively 30° (Damascus)

Sin h Tan 93 x = 1, 2, ..., 59

k = A'Y' = (13)
R and
R Sin 93M y = 0°, 1°, . . . , n(x),
Sin if/ = A'O (14)
— Cos 93
where n(x) is the largest integer such that
k — Sin if/. (15) R x ^ Cosn(x).

24 Cf. th e sim ilar tre a tm e n t by H abash, a l-B a ttu n i, p. 81. a l-K h a lili’s ta b le o f / „ (cf. section 3) defines 25 Se® K ing, “ a l-K halili’s A uxiliary T a b le s forsources values a re given for la titu d e s u p to 55a,
a nd Ib n Y unus, described in N allino, al-Iiattani, Sin <p (8. <p) for each degree o f b o th arg u m e n ts. On th e Solving Problem s o f Spherical A stro n o m y ” for fu rth e r a lth o u g h MS B erlin 5755 (W etzstein 1138) fol. 35r
1:178 a n d K ing. “ T h e A stronom ical W orks o f Ib n rising am p litu d e , see also E . S. K e n n ed y a n d H . d e ta ils an d m y p a p e r on m edieval p ra y e r-ta b le s c ontains an ad d itio n a l page ruled a nd title d for
Y unus.” p. 167. Ib n Y unus ta b u la te s both a n d Sin ip S h ark as, “ Tw o .Medieval M ethods for D e term ining (see n. 7) for additional m a n u sc rip t sources. In la titu d e 56° b u t th e re are no entries. The values
as functions o f so lar lo n g itu d e for th e la titu d e o f th e O b liq u ity o f th e E c lip tic,” The Mathematics MS Escorial ar. 931 th e ta b le s o f /„ an d g0 are given e x tra c te d from th e a u x ilia ry tables in this section a re
Cairo. Cf. K ing, “ T h e A stronom ical W orks o f Ib n Teacher 55 (1962): 286-90.
only for la titu d e s I s th ro u g h 50°. In a ll o th e r know n ta k e n from MS P a ris B ibliotheque N ationale a r. 2558.
Y unus,” pp. 169-70 a n d Schoy, Gnomonik der Araber,
X in

106 A l -K hal I lI’s Qi b l a T able 107

Thus the tables contain nearly 13,500 entries. The solar azimuth for any altitude, Now the accurate value of h for these arguments is 78; 50°, and so
declination, and terrestrial latitude is found by the simple procedure q = G{[<728(78;50) - / 28(21;30)], 78;50}.
a(h, 8, 9) = G{[g9(h) - / , ( 8)], h}, (19) To compute this we use the following entries in the three auxiliary tables:
which is clearly equivalent to formula (10) above. Thus the qibla is defined by 21 24; 22 [ + 1] 78 31; 10 [ - 2]
q((p, L ) = G{z(q>, L ), k} (20) 928
22 25; 28 [ + 1] ’ 79 31; 17 [ - 2]
6 7
x(<p, L ) = g^h) - / .( 9m) (21)
78 61; 13 [-- 2] 55;50 [ - 2 ]
and h(<p, L ) has been previously determined using (17) or an equivalent formula. Note
that q is northerly or southerly according as x ^ 0. It is the absolute value of x which is 79 58; 24 [0] 52; 19 [ + 1]
entered in the auxiliary tables. and obtain by linear interpolation
The main problem encountered in using the auxiliary tables for qibla determinations
results from the fact that the quantities / 28(21; 30) = 24; 55 [ + 1] and gr28(78 ;50) = 31; 16 [- 2 ]
9M, h(<p, L ), and 2(9, L ) so that
x = + 6;21 [-3 ].
are generally non-integral, and one must perform several interpolations to obtain the
value of q. Also the function G(x, y) is very sensitive to small changes in x for certain However,
arguments, and an error of, say, 0; 1 introduced in calculating the argument x(<p, L ) G(6;21, 78;50) = 56;47° S [ + 12].
might influence the final value of q considerably. Furthermore, the auxiliary tables
Thus, in this case, al-Khalili’s value, which is in error by —0; 8°, is more accurate than
themselves contain occasional small errors, and a combination of these in each of the
the value which I derive directly from his auxiliary tables using linear interpolation.
three sets of tables might introduce a relatively large error in the final value of q.
However, if x had been more carefully computed to 6;23, the value for q given by the
The following examples show how al-Khalili’s auxiliary tables can be used to compute
auxiliary tables is the accurate value 56; 35°. The yet more precise argument 6;24 yields
qibla values. In computing the values of his functions, linear interpolation is considerably
56; 29° for q, which is close to al-Khalili’s value.
facilitated by having at hand a sexagesimal multiplication table, such as would probably
Secondly, consider the entry for arguments
have been available to al-Khalili.26 I use the rounding procedure27
9 = 35° and AX = 15° (X = 52°, 82°).
fp (q < 29)
P ,q ^ \ p + 1 (q ^ 30) al-Khalili has the value
and indicate the errors in the second digit of each number in square brackets. Note that q = 48; 15° S [+3]
we have no way of ascertaining the values of h(<p, L ) and x(<p, L ) which might have been and the accurate value of h is 71; 9°. Thus
computed by al-Khalill, if indeed he used this method at all. There is also the possibility
that he had at his disposal a set of auxiliary tables giving entries to three sexagesimal q = G fc(7 1 ;9 ) - / 35(21;30)],71;9}.
digits, and that he might have performed all his calculations with three digit numbers Now using the following entries in al-Khalili’s tables
before rounding. Thus, it is hardly surprising that computation with al-Khalili’s auxiliary
21 26; 15 [0] 71 39; 44 [ + 1]
tables does not generally yield his qibla values precisely.
Firstly, consider the entry for arguments 9z5
22 27; 25 [ ~ 1] J 72 39; 58 [ + 1]
<p = 28° and AX = 10° (X = 57°, 77°). 12 13
al-Khalll! has the rather inaccurate value
71 52; 6 [0] 48; 16 [- 1 ]
q = 56;27° S [ —8].2
72 49; 39 [- 1 ] 45; 28 [ - 1 ]
28 On such ta b le s in th e Islam ic sources see D . A. 27 T h is is th e procedure o f Ib n Y u n u s: see K ing, I obtain
K ing, “ On M edieval Islam ic M u ltip licatio n T a b le s,” “ T h e A stronom ical W orks o f Ib n Y u n u s,” p. 59.
Historia Malhematica 1 (1974): 317-23. / 3S(21;30) = 26; 50 [ —1] and g35(71;9) = 39;46 [0]
A ll! XIII

108 A l -K haltli’s Qi b l a T able 109

so that 4. On the Solution of the Qibla Problem using a Sine Quadrant
s = +12;56[ + 1] The distinctive feature of the instrument called in Arabic al-rubc al-mujayyab, and
and here referred to as Sine quadrant, is a grid which can be used as an analogue computer
q = G( 12;56, 71;9) = 48;6° S [-6 ]. to solve problems of trigonometry without any computation. This instrument has been
Using the more accurate arguments 12; 55 and 12; 54 for x in the table of G, I obtain discussed in some detail by P. Schmalzl (1929) in his valuable study on the development
respectively of different types of quadrant in the Islamic world,29 and the related Arabic technical
q = 48;10°S [-2] and q = 48; 14° S [ + 2]. terminology has been investigated by E. Wiedemann (1909).30 In passing, we may note
that similar instruments, known by the Latin name sexagenarium, were also used in late
Finally, note that it is occasionally possible to reproduce al-Khalili’s actual qibla medieval Europe, though to a far lesser extent than the Sine quadrant was used in the
values. Consider, for example, the entry for arguments Islamic world.31 The reader is referred to the works of W. Morley (1860), B. Dorn (1865),
<p = 12° and AL = 18° (L = 49°, 85°). P. Schmalzl, or L. A. Mayer (1956) for illustrations of the Sine quadrant,32 and to an
article by E. Poulle (1966) for an illustration of a similar European instrument.33
al-Khallll has 58;39° for q, whereas the accurately computed value is 58;45°. For these In the introduction to the qibla table, al-Khallll does not describe the Sine quadrant
arguments the value of h is 70;21°. Thus,
which he used to compute a particular qibla value (see section 1). However, the grid on
q = £{[<7i2(70;21) - /ia(21;30)], 70;21}, a quadrant made by Muhammad ibn Ahmad al-Mizzi,34 another colleague of Ibn al-
Shatir, which is illustrated by Dorn and Schmalzl, consists of two sets of equally spaced
and the relevant entries in the auxiliary tables are
lines drawn parallel to the axes of the grid. These lines divide each axis into 60 equal
21 21; 59 [0] 70 11; 59 [0] parts, and the circumference of the quadrant is divided into 90 equal degree intervals.
7l2 This particular quadrant has a radius of 7^ inches and the grid a radius of 6 inches. It
22 22; 58 [ - 1 ] J 71 12; 3 [ - 1 ] would have originally been fitted with a thread (khayt) passing through the hole at the
10 11 center of the grid, and bearing a movable marker (muri or muri). Some Islamic Sine
quadrants have a pair of semicircles drawn with the axes of the grid as diameter: these
70 60; 49 [- 1 ] 57;35 [0] are particularly useful for determining the Sine and Cosine of a given arc. In figure 7, if
71 59; 12 [0] 55; 42 [ - 2 ] the arc AC measures #, then the marker can be moved to D to measure Cos # and to E to
measure Sin &. If there are no such semicircles drawn on the grid, Cos & is measured on
Using linear interpolation we have the horizontal axis by OC' and Sin d- on the vertical axis by OC". I use this prime and
/ 12(21;30) = 22;29 [0] and g12{70;21) = 12;0 [ - 1 ] double prime notation in the sequel to denote projections on the horizontal and vertical
axes of points on the altitude scale, that is, on the quadrant AB.
and hence In Appendix B I describe a theoretical procedure for determining the qibla using a
x = —10;29 [- 1 ] Sine quadrant and the formulae of al-Marrakushi. This procedure is not convenient for
so that certain values of <p and AL since it involves operations with quantities whose absolute
q = £?( —10;29, 70;21) = 58;39° N [ - 6 ] , value may be greater than 60. The method of the fifteenth century astronomer Sibt
which is precisely al-Khalxlfs value. al-Maridin! for finding the qibla by means of a Sine quadrant is mathematically accurate,
al-Khalill’s qibla values are generally more accurate than those which can be derived and will serve to illustrate the facility with which a fairly complicated trigonometric calcu-
from his auxiliary tables in this way. Thus the possibility that he computed his qibla
28 S e e S c h m a lz l, Zur Geschichle des Quadranten, fig . 2 f o l l o w i n g p . 3 3 0 ; B . D o r n , “ D r e i in d e r k a is e r -
values independently of the auxiliary tables cannot be ruled out. Perhaps he computed e s p e c ia lly p p . 8 3 -9 9 . S e e a ls o J . W u r s c h m id t , “ D ie lic h e n 6 ffe n t lic h e n B ib lio t h e k b e fin d lic h c astro n o -
certain basic values using the analogue computer known as the Sine quadrant, although S c h r ift e n G e d o s is iib e r d ie H o h e n p a r a lle le n u n d iib e r m is c h e In s tru m e n te m it a r a b is c h e n In s c h r ift e n ,”
d ieS i n u s t a f e l , ’ ’ Sitzungsberichte der physikalisch- Memoires de l'Academic Imperials des Sciences de St.
the one qibla value which he says that he computed with a quadrant is less accurate than medizinischen Sozieliit zu Erlangen 6 0 (1 9 2 8 ): 1 2 7 -5 4 , Petersbourg 9 (1 3 6 5 ), p is . 1 a n d 2 f o l l o w i n g p . 150;
the corresponding entry in his qibla table. In the following three sections I discuss a fo r a tr a n s la t io n and a n a ly s is of a la t e O tto m an S c h m a l z l , Zur Geschichle des Quadranten, p p . 8 6 -8 7 ;
t r e a t is e o n th e u se o f t h e S in e q u a d r a n t . a n d L . A . M a y e r , Islamic Astrolabists and their Works
method for using the Sine quadrant to determine the qibla. A treatise on the Sine 30 W i e d e m a n n , Aufsdtze der arabischen Wissen- ( G e n e v a , 1 9 5 6 ), p i. 2 6 . I s l a m i c a s t r o l a b e s o f t e n d i s p l a y
quadrant by al-Khallll survives in the Egyptian National Library in Cairo,28 but at the schaftsgeschichte, 1 :5 6 0 - 6 4 . t r i g o n o m e t r i c g r i d s o n t h e v e r s o : s e e i b i d . , p is . 23 a n d

time this paper was in preparation the manuscript was inaccessible to me. 31 S e e L. T h o r n d ik e , “ S e x a g e n a r iu m ,” Isis 42 24.
( 1 9 5 1 ): 1 3 0 -3 3 , a n d E . P o u l l e , “ T h e o r i e d e s p l a n e t e s 33 P o u l l e , “ T h e o r i e d e s p l a n e t e s , ” p . 135, fig . 2.
e t t r i g o n o m e t r i e a u X V * s ie c le , d ’a p r e s u n e q u a t o i r e 34 O n a l-M iz z i see S u te r, “ D ie M a t h e m a t ik e r u n d
38 S e e S u t e r , “ D i e M & t h e m a t i k e r u n d A s t r o n o m e n in d iv id u a l n a m e d M o s h e G a llia n o b e n Y e h u d a : see M .
i n e d i t , le S e x a g e n a r i u m , ” Journal des Savants, j u i l l e t - A stro n o m e n der A r a b e r ,” no. 406; B r o c k e lm a n n ,
der A r a b e r ,” no. 418. A tr e a t is e on th e (S in e ? ) Die hebraeischen Cberselzungen dee
S te in s c h n e id e r ,
s e p t e m b r e 1966, p p . 1 2 9 -6 1 . Geschichle der arabischen Litteratur, 1 : 1 5 5 - 5 6 a n d
qu ad ran t b y one M uham m ad ib n M u h am m ad , p er­ AliUelalters und die Juden ale Dolmetscher (1 8 9 3 ; 32 W . H . M o r l e y , “ D e s c r i p t i o n o f a n A r a b i c Q u a d ­ i b i d . , S u p p . 2 : 1 5 6 ; a n d M a y e r , Islamic Astrolabists,
h a p s a l-K h a lill, w as t r a n s la t e d in t o H e b r e w by an r e p r i n t e d . , G r a z , 1 9 5 6 ), p p . 5 7 5 -7 7 .
ra n t ,” Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society 17 (1 8 6 0 ), pp. 61- 62.
X III xm
110 A l -K h a l I l i ’s Qi b l a T a b l e 111

lation can be performed with such an instrument. His method is also not convenient for The major part of the extant chapters of Hdkimi Z ij is concerned with trigonometry
certain values of <pand AL. Indeed, for a small section of the domain for which al-Khallli and spherical astronomy. In chapter 28 Ibn Yunus describes in words, and without
tabulates q{cp, L ), both procedures involve the construction of points outside the quad­ justification, the following formulae for finding the qibla,38 Firstly,
rant. Sibt al-Maridinl’s procedure is described in section 6. It is based on formulae fCos <pCos AX ~ 1
originally proposed by his predecessor Ibn Yunus, and these we consider first. h = arc Sin ------- R -------0)3 + Sln Sm ” (22)

and then
B fSin AX Cos roj/l
= arc Sm < -----^— :—— >• (23)
Cos h
These formulae can be explained with reference to figure 6, in which GHY'J is a rectangle.
ryt r, Cos AL Cos <pM
Z.M^ — -------- ----------’
we have
„ Cos AL Cos <pMCos cp
-------------- £2
q j _ Sin y M Sin <p
Z'mY' = Sin h = Z^H + GJ,
whence formula (22), which is mathematically equivalent to formula (3). Furthermore,
Sin AL Cos <pM
MZ' =
5. On the Method of Ibn Yunus for Determining the Qibla
Ibn Yunus worked in Cairo-Fustat at the end of the tenth century. His major work, Cos h Sin q
YY' =
an astronomical handbook with tables (zij ), was called the Hdkimi Z ij because it was R
dedicated to the Fatimid Caliph al-Hakim. This work is one of the finest examples of
But both MZm and YY' measure the distance from ZMto the meridian, and are thus
some one hundred and fifty zijes which are now known to have been compiled by the
astronomers of medieval Islam.35 Among his other compilations are extensive trigono­ equal. Formula (23) follows immediately.
metric tables with values for each minute of arc and part of the corpus of tables for
astronomical timekeeping which was used in medieval Cairo.36 Another extensive table 6. Sibt al-MaridinVs Method for Finding the Qibla by Means of a Sine Quadrant
attributed to Ibn Yunus displays the lunar equation as a function of two arguments
which can be taken directly from the lunar mean motion tables, thus solving a computa­ Sibt al-Maridini was the leading Egyptian astronomer of the late fifteenth century.
tional problem which occupied later Muslim and European astronomers for several He was an extremely prolific writer, and his works reflect his competence if lack of
centuries.37 originality.39 We are concerned here with his treatise on the Sine quadrant, which was
the most popular treatise of its kind during the next four centuries, that is, throughout
35 O n Is la m ic zije s see K ennedy, "A S u rvey of 37 A n a n a ly s is o f th is t a b le , w h ic h c o n ta in s o v e r
Is lu r n ic A s t r o n o m i c a l T a b l e s , ” a n d o n t h e H d k im i Z ij 3 4 ,0 0 0 e n t r ie s , is p r e s e n t e d in D . A . K i n g , “ A D o u b l e - 38 See Schoy, Onomonik der Araber, pp. 36—41 and idem, “ Ibn Yunus’ Very Useful Tables,” pp. 368-69.
see K in g , “ T h e A s t r o n o m ic a l W o r k s o f I b n Y u n u s , ” A rg u m e n t T a b le fo r th e L u n a r E q u a t io n A t t r ib u t e d K in g, “ The Astronomical Works o f Ibn Yunus,” pp. 38 On Sibt al-Maridini see Suter, “ Die Mathematiker
c u r r e n t ly b e in g s u b m it t e d fo r p u b lic a t io n . to I b n Y u n u s , ” C enlaum s 18 ( 1 9 7 4 ): 1 2 9 -4 6 . T h e t a b l e 256-68 for further details. Ib n Yunus also tabulated und Astronomen der Araber,” no. 445 where twenty-
;)B O n th e tr ig o n o m e t r ic t a b le s see K in g , “ The a p p e a rs to h a v e been d e riv e d fro m a r a t h e r s im p le the solar altitude in the azimuth o f the qibla: see five o f his works are listed, and Brockelmann,
A s tro n o m ic a l W o r k s o f I b n Y u n u s ,” p p . 8 5 -8 9 a n d a u x i l i a r y t a b l e c o n t a i n i n g o v e r 1 0 ,0 0 0 e n t r ie s . Schoy, Onomonik der Araber, no. 42; King, “ Th e QeschidUe der arabischen Litteratur, 2:468, and ibid.,
109, a n d o n t h e t a b l e s f o r t i m e k e e p i n g s e e n . 8 a b o v e . Astronomical W orks o f Ib n Yunus,” pp. 266-68, and Supp., 2:484.

112 A l -K halil I’s Qi b l a T able 113

the period of decline of traditional Islamic astronomy. Literally hundreds of manuscripts T o f i n d t h e a b s o l u t e b a s e , p la c e t h e t h r e a d o n t h e v e r t i c a l s c a le a n d p u t t h e m a r k e r o n t h e

of this treatise survive: I have used MS Princeton Yahuda 861.40 Sibt al-Maridinfs qibla C o s in e o f t h e l a t i t u d e . T h e n m o v e t h e t h r e a d t o t h e d e c li n a t i o n m e a s u r e d d o w n w a r d s o n t h e

method is based on the formulae of Ibn Yunus described in section 5. His teacher, Ibn a lt i t u d e s c a le . T h e m a r k e r w i l l i n d ic a t e t h e a b s o l u t e b a s e o n t h e v e r t i c a l sc a le .

al-Majdl, used precisely the same formulae as Ibn Yunus.41

In order to understand Sibt al-Maridinfs instructions we must first note that he uses In figure 8, mark OC equal to Sin 9. With this radius draw the arc CD, where D is on
two auxiliary quantities which he calls al-asl al-mutlaq and bucd al-qutr. I denote these by OE and the arc AE measures 8. Draw the horizontal DF. Clearly OF measures the
“absolute base” and “center-altitude” respectively. The first quantity is simply center-altitude. Similarly, in figure 9 mark OG equal to Cos 9. With this radius draw the
arc GH, where H is on 01 and the arc BI measures 8. Draw the horizontal HJ. Clearly
p Cos <pm Cos 9 OJ measures the base.

and, but for a factor of R, is identical with the “base” used by al-Marrakushi (see
section 2). The second quantity is
Sin <pMSin 9

and measures the altitude of the center of the day-circle of the zenith of Mecca above the
local horizon, that is, GJ in figure 6 or KJ in figure 11. The expression bucd al-qutr
literally means “distance of the diameter.” Tables of both
Cos S( _A) Cos ip Sin 8(A) Sin <p
B ( A) = and C( A) =
computed for specific latitudes are attested in the Islamic sources, the first function
being more commonly tabulated than the second. Sibt al-Maridim’s contemporary, the
Egyptian astronomer Ibn Abi 1-Fath al-§ufl,42actually tabulated the functions
Cos 8 Cos 9 Sin 8Sin 9
5(8, 9 ) and G (8 , 9 )
for each degree of both arguments. It is not difficult to show that the hour-angle t is
defined in terms of these auxiliary functions by We are now in a position to consider Sibt al-Maridinfs method for finding the qibla,
Cos t Sin h — C outlined in chapter 17 of his treatise. The instructions are terse and the terminology
~ “ B rather technical. I therefore present both the Arabic text and a free translation.
With B and C tabulated, the calculation of time from solar or stellar altitude is reduced
^ a* AwJ j
to very simple procedures, whether one is calculating by hand or using a Sine quadrant.
In chapters 4 and 5 of his treatise Sibt al-Maridini describes the following straight­ J y*J J * Lftiyi LX\ J i l j J* £* f
forward procedures for finding these auxiliary quantities:
£ ^ a ij l JUi ^—xll ^5y L f <>■ wj_

T o f i n d t h e c e n t e r -a lt it u d e , p la c e t h e t h r e a d o n t h e v e r t i c a l s c a le a n d p u t t h e m a r k e r o n t h e
Jr j_ / J *£•» J r jt - la jH J ii I f >jJ Ll jjJ ^ L ll ^
S in e o f t h e l a t i t u d e . T h e n m o v e t h e t h r e a d t o t h e d e c lin a t i o n m e a s u r e d u p w a r d s o n t h e
a lt i t u d e s c a le . T h e m a r k e r w i l l in d ic a t e t h e c e n t e r - a lt i t u d e o n t h e v e r t i c a l s c a le .

40 A X ero x copy o f th is m a n u sc rip t w as k in d ly p p . 262-63, a n d idem , “ I b n Y u n u s ’ Very Useful ^ iljd» Jr U <1 j L - t j i lA ; J* Jr

provided b y th e D irecto r o f th e Special C ollections Tables," p. 373.
L ib rary , P rin ceto n U n iv ersity . 42 On Ib n A bi 1-Fath see S u ter, “ Die M ath em atik er
41 On Ib n al-M ajdl, see S u te r, “ Die M ath em atik er u n d A stronom en d er A ra b e r,” no. 447, a nd B rocket- —j\y G ..» £a c -t* ^ Ulj! j » J5I , ‘ jV» Sr Jr jJ jLJLI ) wf"
und A stronom on d e r A ra b e r,’’ no. 432, an d B rockel- m an n , Qeschichte der arabiachen LiUeratur, Supp.,
m ann, Qeschichte der arabiachen LiUeratur, 2 :158-59, 2:159. H is a u x ilia ry ta b le s a nd all o th e r know n . OilJ Jlc- y j VfX- f U j l J* j£=>\
and ibid., Supp., 2:158-59. T h e tre a tis e on th e qibla is au x iliary tables of B and C a nd re la te d functions
e n title d Tuhfat al-ahbdb f i nasb al-bddahanj wa-l- specifically in ten d ed for fa c ilita tin g th e co m p u ta tio n s
mihrab. On th is w ork see W iedem ann, Aufsdlze der o f astronom ical tim ekeeping a re discussed in m y Translation
arabiachen Wiesenschaftageachichle, 1:546-47 a n d 589, p a p er on Islam ic ta b le s for tim ekeeping (see n. 7).
On d e t e r m i n i n g t h e a z i m u t h o f t h e qibla. F i r s t f in d t h e b a s e a n d t h e c e n t e r - a lt i t u d e
and K ing, “ T h e A stronom ical W orks o f Ib n Y u n u s,”
c o r r e s p o n d i n g t o a d e c lin a t i o n e q u a l t o t h e l a t i t u d e o f M e c c a , w h i c h is 2 1 °. P l a c e th e
X III x in

114 A l -K h a l Il i ’s Qibla T able 115

thread on the vertical axis and put the marker at the point corresponding to the m agni­
tude o f the base. M ove the thread by the amount o f the longitude difference, measured
downwards on the altitude scale. This difference is 12° for Cairo. N e x t add the center-
altitude to the reading on the vertical axis corresponding to the position o f the marker.
This will g ive you the altitude o f the zenith o f Mecca on the altitude scale. N o w place
the thread on the complement o f this altitude and put the marker at a point on the thread
corresponding to the Sine o f the longitude difference on the vertical axis. N e x t m ove
the thread to the value o f the latitude o f Mecca on the altitude scale. R ead o ff the arc
corresponding to the point on the horizontal axis directly below the marker. I t will m ea­
sure the azimuth o f Mecca with respect to the east- or west-points. The azimuth w ill be
eastern i f Mecca has a greater longitude than your locality, otherwise it will be western.
I t will be northern if Mecca has a greater latitude than your locality or if Mecca has the
same latitude. I f Mecca is south o f your locality, find the altitude in the prime vertical
corresponding to a declination equal to the latitude o f Mecca. I f this altitude is less than
the altitude o f the zenith o f Mecca, the azimuth will be southern. Otherwise it will be
northern. But God knows better.

This construction is shown in figure 10 and may be justified as follows. Firstly, we

o c _ Cos <pM Cos <p
draw arc CD equal to AL, and draw the horizontal DE. Then
Cos AL Cos epMCos <p
OE =
Now construct F" on EB such that
jvp/r _ Sin <pMSin <p
OF" = OE + EF" =r Sin h terms of the altitude in the prime vertical of ZM, here denoted by h0. This is the altitude
of the intersection of AB and ZE in figure 3, which is given by
by virtue of formula (22), so that arc FA measures h.
Now draw the arc AG equal to h, and the arc AH equal to AL. The point I is the (24)
intersection of OG and HH", and IJ is drawn perpendicular to OA. Then
Sibt al-Maridlni correctly states that
f northerly
01 GG' ~ Cos A as h ^ h0 for <p = <pM.
Note that i f h is less than AL the point I is outside the quadrant AB. Now rotate 01 to OK,
Ibn Yunus had incorrectly stated that the qibla is easterly or westerly for localities with
where K lies on OL and arc AL measures <pM. Draw QQ' through K, perpendicular to OA.
the same latitude as Mecca.
qq / _ Sin AL Cos <pM A p p e n d ix A
~~ Cos h On the Qibla Construction of Ibn al-Haytham
and AQ measures the azimuth of the qibla, measured from the east- or west-points, by Although Ibn al-Haytham’s construction has already been discussed in detail by
virtue of formula (23). K. Schoy,43 I include it here because it is the simplest possible geometrical method for
Sibt al-Maridlni notes the conditions on h which determine whether the azimuth of
13 See Schoy, “ Abhandlung des al-Hasan ibn al- article in Encyclopaedia of Islam , 1st ed., s.v.
the qibla is north or south when the locality has latitude <pM. These are expressed in Hasan ibn al-Haitam (Alhazen),” summarized in his “ K ib la.”
w ill

A l -K hal I l i ’s Qib l a T able 117

finding the qibla. There is no need to find the auxiliary quantity h. Ibn al-Haytham does AH, and with center H and radius HT describe an arc TE to cut HN in E. Draw EF
perpendicular to AH. Mark a point K on the radius HR such that HK equals CT. Then
not derive any trigonometric formula for q from the construction, but the modern formula
follows from it immediately. Figure 11 is a slightly simplified version of the construction draw KM perpendicular to HR and such that KM equals FH. From M drop the perpen­
shown in the manuscript, and the broken lines are my own additions. The construction is dicular MQ onto HB, and construct a point S on FH such that FS equals MQ. Draw ES.
described below only in outline, and the reader is referred to Schoy’s translation of Ibn Then the angle ESF measures the azimuth of the qibla, measured from the meridian.
Ibn al-Haytham’s construction can be justified as follows. Consider ABGD as
al-Haytham’s entire treatise for the details.
representing the plane of the celestial equator, so that AHG is in the meridian plane.
Since arc AC measures <pM, we have
B EH = TH = Cos <pM.
Note that the arc TE represents part of the projection of the day-circle through ZMonto
the equatorial plane, and since the arc TE measures AL, the point E represents the
projection of ZMonto that plane. Further, the distance from the projection of ZMon the
meridian plane to the center of the day-circle of ZMis
u EH Cos AL Cos <pM Cos AL

Now consider figure 11 as the projection of the celestial sphere in the meridian plane.
MK is a segment of the projection of the day-circle of ZMin that plane, since by the
construction HR represents the celestial axis, inclined at an angle <p to the horizon, and
also K is such that
HK = CT = Sin <pM,
and MK is perpendicular to HR. Further, since
it follows that M is the projection of ZMin the meridian plane. Thus MQ measures the
distance from M and also from ZMto the plane of the prime vertical. But EF measures
the distance from ZMto the meridian plane. Therefore angle ESF as constructed by Ibn
al-Haytham defines the azimuth of Mecca.
Formula (1) can easily be derived from this construction. First draw the rectangle
MLJI. Then
FS = MQ = MI - QI
= MI - HJ.
Cos cpm Cos AL
D MK Sin <p --------B --------Sln*
MI =
Fio. 11 R R

Sin <pMCos <p

HJ =
The circle ABGD with center H is described on a horizontal plane, and AG and BD R
are perpendicular diameters. Mark an arc AC equal to the latitude of Mecca (yM) on the and
circumference of the circle, which represents the horizon of the locality for which the
qibla is required. Similarly the arc GR is drawn equal to the local latitude (<p). Finally, Cos <pMSin AL
EF = R
the arc AN measures the longitude difference (AL ). Now construct CT perpendicular to
X 111 KU1

118 A l -K halil I’s Qib l a T able 119

Thus Then draw the vertical CC', and the arc C'E to meet OD in E. Draw the vertical EF and
Cot q _ FS _ Cos A L Sin <p — Cos <pTan <pM the arc FG such that
R EF R Sin AL FG = AL.

which is equivalent to formula (1). Draw the vertical GH. Then we have
OC' = Cos 9>m, OF = 5 2 i * |£ o s *
[Note added in proof: MS Istanbul Fatih 3439/12 (fols. 155r-157v) contains another
treatise by Ibn al-Haytham which describes a quite different method for determining
the qibla.]

Vers A L Cos <pMCos <p

A ppendix B
A Theoretical Method for Determining the Qibla Using a Sine Quadrant Next mark the point I on arc AB such that
and the Formulae of al-Marrakushi
A I = <p + <pM
Figure 12 shows a construction for determining h(<p, L ). On arc AB mark
and draw the horizontal II*. Then
AC = <Pm and AD = <p. 01* = Sin ((p + <pM).

120 Al -K hal Il i ’s Qibla . T able 121

On 01" mark J" such that I"J" equals FH and draw the horizontal J"J to meet AB in J. The first qibla table can be attributed to an Abbasid source, as yet unidentified. Five
Then, since copies of this table have come to light, namely:
_ T„ , Vers AL Cos Cos 9 Al: MS Istanbul Aya Sofia 4830, fols. 187r-188r
OJ” = Sin (9 + 9M) ---------------
A2: MS Istanbul Hamidiye 1453, fols. 233v-234r
the arc AJ measures h(<p, L ) by virtue of formula (3). A3: MS Istanbul Esat Efendi 3769, fol. 62r
Figure 13 shows a construction for determining q(cp, L ) given h( 9 , L ). Points 0, A, B, A4: MS Alexandria Municipal Library hisdb 5577C
A5: MS in the private collection of Sayyid Ahmad cAbd al-Qadir al-Ahdal, Zabid,
C, D, and J are as in figure 0. Firstly, draw the quadrant J"K and the vertical KL to cut
OD in L. Note that L may be outside the quadrant OAB. Draw the horizontal LM. Then Yemen
we have Values of q(Aq>, A L ) are given for each degree of both arguments from 1° to 20°. In none
of the five sources is the compiler of the table mentioned. However, in MS Al, which
OM = KL = SinATany was copied in Damascus in a . h . 626-27 ( a . d . 1228-30), the table is accompanied by a
treatise on the determination of the qibla which occurs amidst a number of minor treatises
Note that for large values o f 9, M may be on OB produced. Now draw the horizontal CC", by the celebrated Muhammad ibn Musa al-Khwarizml (fl. Baghdad, ca. a . d . 825).45
the quadrant C"N, and the vertical NP to cut OD in P. Draw the arc PR. Then, since In MS A2 the qibla table is to be found between a set of instructions for al-Khallll’s
ON = OC" = Sin 9M, auxiliary tables and the tables themselves; this manuscript was copied in Edirne in
a . h . 869 ( a . d . 1464-65). In MS A3 the qibla table occurs in a collection of various Turkish
we have treatises on astronomy. In both Ottoman manuscripts the last column of entries is
12 Sin 9 m garbled. MSS A4 and A5 are two medieval Yemeni sources: the first is an apparently
OR = OP unique copy of the z ij for Taiz entitled Taysir al-matalib by the mid-thirteenth century
Cos 9
Yemeni astronomer Muhammad ibn Abi Bakr al-Kawashi al-Farisi, and the second is
so that likewise a unique copy of an anonymous sixteenth century z ij for Sanaa entitled Zad
Sin h Tan 9 R Sin 9M al-musdfir.i6 In MS A5 it is stated that the qibla table is taken from the Taysir , and this
MR = g Cos 9 work in turn is based on an as yet unidentified Iraqi z ij and on a z ij by Ibn Yunus. Since
MS Al was copied in Damascus over a century before al-Khalilf s time, it seems reasonable
Now mark S on OA such that OS equals MR. Then draw the vertical JJ' and the quadrant to suppose that he would have been aware of the existence of this Abbasid qibla table.
J'T. Draw SU vertically to cut the arc J'T in U. Produce OU to cut arc AB in Q. Then, A second qibla table is contained in
Bl: MS Paris Bibliotheque Nationale supp. pers. 1488, fols. 130v-121r
OU = OJ' = Cos h,
arc AQ measures 5(9, L ), by virtue of formula (12). of the Persian Ashrafi Z ij, compiled in Shiraz in the early fourteenth century by
Muhammad ibn Abi cAbd Allah Sanjar al-Kamali, known as Sayf-e-Munajjim.47 Values
of q( A9, AL ) are given for each degree of both arguments from 1° to 30°, and in the text
A p p e n d ix C of the Z i j (fols. 104r-104v) the table is referred to as jadvali-ye-morabbac-e-ldm-dar-ldm,
“the square 30 x 30 table.” This table may not be original to the Ashrafi Z ij.
Medieval Qibla Tables Based on Approximate Formulae
A third qibla table is to be found in the early fourteenth century Z i j of the Persian
Since completing the analysis of al-Khallll’s table I have come across four other qibla astronomer Shams al-Munajjim al-Wabiknawi.48 I have examined
tables in the manuscript sources.44 Each of the tables is based on an approximate
formula, but only the fourth table listed below is based on the approximation (2) noted Cl: MS Istanbul Aya Sofya 2694, fols. 165r-166v
above. The function tabulated in all of the tables is q(A 9, AL ) rather than q(<p, L ) as in
al-Khallli’s table, and entries are given to two sexagesimal digits for various domains. 45O n al-K hw arizm i see G. T oom er’s artic le in in a p a p e r on m a th e m a tic a l a stronom y in th e Y em en
th e Dictionary of Scientific Biography, s.v. c u rre n tly in p re p a ra tio n .
A detailed investigation of these qibla tables would be worthwhile. 48 On al-F a risi see B rockelm ann, Oeschickte der 47 On th is w ork see K ennedy, “ A Survey of Islam ic
arabischen Litteralur, 1: 625, a nd ibid., S upp., 1: A stronom ical T a b le s." no. 4, a nd C. A. Storey,
44 I am g re a tly in d eb ted to th e D irectors o f th e th e q u e N atio n ale in P a ris, for th e generous facilities 866-67, an d K ennedy, “ A Survey of Islam ic A stro ­ Persian Literature: A B io-B ibliographical Survey,
M unicipal L ib ra ry in A lex an d ria, th e E g y p tian N a ­ afforded me in each of these lib raries. I am also nom ical T a b le s,” no. 54. T he Taysir al-matalib is listed vol. 2/1 (L ondon, 1958), pp. 64-65.
tio n a l L ib rary in Cairo, th e Z iihiriya L ib ra ry in g ratefu l to Sayyid A hm ad al-A hdal of Z abid, Y em en only by B rockelm ann. F u rth e r inform ation on this 48 On th is w ork see K ennedy, “ A Survey o f Islam ic
D am ascus, th e F o rschungsbibliothek in G otha, th e A rab R epublic, for allow ing me to p h o to g ra p h a w ork, th e anonym ous S a n a a Z ij, and over a dozen A stronom ical T a b le s," no. 35, a nd Storey, Persian
Sulcym aniyo L ib rary in Is ta n b u l, an d th e Biblio- m an u scrip t in his p riv a te collection. o th e r zijes com piled in m edieval Yem en, is contained Literature, p. 65.
12 2

of the table; other copies of this Z lj exist in Tehran and Bombay. The values of q(&<p, AL )
are given for each degree of A<p from 1° to 30° and each degree of AL from 1° to 60°.
A fourth qibla table is located in at least five manuscripts:
D1: MS Cairo Dar al-Kutub miqat 167M, fols. 205v-206r
D2: MS Cairo Dar al-Kutub miqat 204M, fols. 83v-84r
D3: MS Damascus Zahiriya 4804, fols. 30r-31r
D4: MS Damascus Zahiriya 7564, fol. lv
D5: MS Gotha Forschungsbibliothek A1411, fols. 7v-8r
The argument domains are ON MEDIEVAL ISLAMIC
A<p = 11°, 12°.........40° and AL = 1°, 2°, . . . , 40° (MS D3) M ULTIPLICATION TABLES
A<p = 1°, 2°, . . . , 20° and AL = 1°, 2°, . . . , 20° (MSS Dl, D2, D4, D5)
A characteristic of this fourth table is that the entries for A<p = AL are 45;0°, and this
suggests that the underlying formula is the standard approximation (2), a hypothesis
borne out by inspection of the other entries. The table is referred to in MSS A2 and A5
M u lt ip lic a t io n t a b le s f o r se x a g esim a l numbers were
as al-jadwal al-'ishrini, “the 20 x 20 table,” and in MS A5 it is attributed to Yusuf used by th e a stro no m ers o f th e I s la m ic M iddle A ges in
ibn al-Damlri, an individual unknown in the modern literature. t h e i r a r it h m e t ic a l c a l c u la t i o n s and i n th e p rep a ra tio n
o f more s o p h i s t i c a t e d t a b l e s f o r f i n d i n g p la n e ta ry
p o sitio n s and f o r re c k o n in g tim e by th e sun and s t a r s .
Most known exam ples o f I s la m ic m u l t i p l ic a t i o n ta b le s
co n ta in about 3 ,6 0 0 e n t r i e s , a lth o u g h one has been found
c o n ta in in g 2 1 6 ,0 0 0 e n t r i e s .

»~>I'■7'j m
—q U ^ I -la-J 1 j jp y& I IS s tuaAjL
J 1---Jl ^ » J I o^-lliJI Ly-aiC-J
jS* I Jjj I I US I «L.»J I
JUUJIf-Jc JJLa ^ J*L- ^Ul

Las ta b la s d e m u lt ip lic a e io n en e l sistem a

sex a g esim a l fu e ro n em pleadas p o r l o s astronom os de la
Edad' Media I s lim ic a en su s c a l c u lo s a r it m e t ic o s y en la
p rep a ra cio n d e ta b la s mas s o f i s t i c a d a s para d eterm in a r
l a s p o s ic io n e s d e l o s p la n e ta s y c a l c u l a r la hora d el
d ia o d e la n o c h e . En g e n e r a l es a s ta b la s d e m u l t i p l i-
ca cio n c o n tie n e n unas 3600 v a l o r e s ; no o b s ta n te , un
ejem p lo d e la s mismas c o n t ie n e un to ta l d e 216000
v a lo re s.
XI v Medieval Islamic Multiplication Tables 319


One of the major concerns of the astronomers of medieval

B ib lio th e q u e N a tio n a le , a r . 2 5 3 1
Islam was the compilation of tables for planetary and spherical
astronomy [1] In virtually all of these the entries are
i .^ ^ 3 r v j!L J i5 S I k ^ 3 _ expressed sexagesimally, that is, to base 60, using the standard
Arabic alphabetical (abjad) notation. [2] In the modern nota­
H - S r * ' - ' 1 > : .V 'i V - » i ^
tion used to represent sexagesimals, a number written 2,25;30,17
• I~ - T » li 4., \ .? .** , * . C i •>'£.77 h - ^ n T 'r C means 2 x 60 + 25 + 30/60 + 17/3600. As in decimal arithmetic,
computation in the sexagesimal system is facilitated by having
1t! - - T T T ^ ^ ^ multiplication tables at hand, from which one can read, for
example, the product 27 x 51 = 22,57 (=1377). Sexagesimal
multiplication tables of a special kind are attested already in
Babylonian sources [Neugebauer 1969, 18-29; Neugebauer-Sachs
1945, 19-33].
Most Islamic sexagesimal multiplication tables display
products m x n to two sexagesimal digits for the domains
m, n = 1, 2 ..., 59 or 60. These tables thus have about 3600
entries. Numerous examples of such tables are now known to
exist in the vast manuscript sources available for the study of

MS P a r i s
Islamic astronomy, and they are referred to in Arabic as a l -
jadwal a l - s i t t l n l or jadwal a l-n is b a a l - s i t t l n i y a . [3] The
earliest known mention of a table of this kind in an Islamic
treatise is by Kushyar ibn Labban, writing about the year 1000
[Levey-Petruck 1965, 98; Luckey 1953, 169-170].

Plate I shows an extract from a multiplication table in MS

ta b le
Paris Bibliotheque Nationale ar. 2531, fols. 115v-127r, which
may have been that used by the fifteenth-century Egyptian
astronomer Ibn al-Majdl [de Slane 1883-1895, 542; King 1974,

th e m u ltip lic a tio n

Sec. 7]. The argument m, in this case 41, 42 ..., 50, is read
from right to left across the top of the page, and the argument
n is read downwards, from 1 to 30 on the right hand page and
from 31 to 60 on the left hand page. In this table the argument
m actually runs to 120 (= 2,0).
In a rectangular table of products m x n the entries for
m ? n are duplicated because of the commutativity of multipli­
cation. Thus a triangular table giving products for m < n
will suffice. Only one such table is known to me in the Islamic
sources [4], but doubtless this form was also commonly used.
E x t r a c t fro m

One small Islamic table giving products for the domains m, n

= 1, 2 ..., 10, 20 ..., 50 has already been described in the
literature. [5]
A rather unusual table is contained in MS Paris Bibliotheque
Nationale ar. 2552. Miscataloged as a table for timekeeping
[6], it is in fact a sexagesimal multiplication table displaying
products m x n to three sexagesimal digits for the domains
I :

m = 0;1, 0;2 ..., 59;59, 6 0 ;0 and n = 1, 2 ..., 60. One can

P la te

thus read directly from the table products of the form

,j > ^ \
n - t - 1 r *h .v - * 4;27 x 37 = 24,56;39.
-) V~V
1 5 v t ! 5 r ^ v -. - . ^ ^ U i i i l 3 ± i i
^ ^ —j a ---------- ----------------

320 Medieval Islamic Multiplication Tables 321

Plate II shows one pair of facing pages of the manuscript.

The argument m, in this case 14;21, 14;22 ..., 14;40, is read
from right to left at the head of each column, and the argument
djjib'wi'Cx; >^wi |^> ^ * n is read downwards. There are 180 such pairs of facing pages
-i# a in the entire set, and the entries number a grand total of
>w tia \*u \**t !-v u t t.
T g ^ ’S ^ n rf ■ ttr fc f' 216,000. The manuscript is undated, and the flysheets have been
ftfy trU Muygi Wei k 11 defaced with some notes on timekeeping written in Turkish. I
*T W
tjr*>J t> ►i;• *i !*"frp=M ]{•
\ J **J j> y a / __ think that the table, which is one of the largest known tables
from the medieval Islamic period [7], was probably compiled by
v~nrt^uc^Tr-* i-i*u an Ottoman astronomer about the year 1600.
.c * -i* i&v lj n y j y i* ir*x jjx Ay w ty o? t f Jr -
-• * “H «l-it>*~‘Jtj{.-J/^-i.-i!__ M -IJi-iUl->$>V ‘-irk' '-W '• ^ NOTES
- rl»*/
- ^ ^ J * * M )**^ —* f < !x f ( 3~< :a-f ;w J9& ^IU ;^u tl^ Xr| My research in Egypt during 1972-73 was sponsored by the
T i p ^ Dif ^w^u k u r F r r r to r n tf tjj ^7 kj-rr? 7*& * ij ‘ ^ Smithsonian Institution and the National Science Foundation,
^ ■>*>X *X*t- J»X*- >*H''yA -yyj> f* ji< J 1' i I*1r j- AJ y
' —i J/j
,—^ *-£
■»•£ *-*
t-* Jw ■*i!■
<-<■ i— V-»iTii5jr7
•■- •vir iiCVt
-■>•- rvrr,i7 j 3i‘i»>«iiu *> y •i|« •/<|j >y i>i*r^>i> r>r Washington, D.C., and outside Egypt was financed by a grant from
3lf ««A X * i3A tA* J1m wVt ai*. y 1 |_tt i :
;<*k Vi ;-£~Xr*7 •/ S/^Tt^CJ-V
the Penrose Fund of the American Philosophical Society. This
-i*i<,.(;>j*.C*rtJf*;<*i)x*t» **' J J.J y k yJ t>‘i Itu i in support is gratefully acknowledged. The two photographs are
yV *T«f|»• J.>*y .>• * j • ui. • 1 ••vj ,.> ii -71
i^** *** tAs -tf ;9.fc I£s» U* uV x \ 3^4*. x t published with kind permission of the Bibliothbque Nationale,
<Jj u~f ity yj» [y> -•**
#*T4J Tx? J«-frtJ
n -f'K y jtp
» i«i u-•*■
V*!j V i •'! fl
^ Paris. I am also indebted to the Directors of the Libraries
J^i*yr« »»_/«•,!_>»•X5>(lt j * * y « « i x xx x ; mentioned in notes 3 and 7 for permission to inspect the manu­
»lf u«j. to - a j x i 'It ^ yj» *• S'T—>T4* »*-j>y VjI*»J!*i»yi jH *'y .
,ty -U* j>x ]9x jf*. t>j J f j i t j r scripts in their collections.
i* sV~lte *> TIU' Vj >'i vT* ^ ,>£ >i"|T ~S Vf y / / / y!
U * V l ? h * + i * »> l * jt * ’ y»4xjtn , y x i x .C f - f x - x tw ir
v73TJ13jB$irjvra'vTS >>tryi:y?3S ^ i ft 1. See, for example [Kennedy 1956] for a survey of over 100
- 1 1 * ■ "- - u*
T?T Islamic z l j e s or astronomical handbooks with planetary
$ -X ■>/ y > y y ? y x y X‘y >*i
1>lJT? y — y — «*• j»wt<*j»y—i*s- i tables, and [King 1973a, 1973b, 1974] on extensive Islamic
1 >>j y>jic > i*»J/ - Ja’y y >J jw l~fx T| tables for planetary equations, timekeeping, and solving
5XX-T ;«arl4)t U 'kj'fc* tiM > / ; , f 1 + !Ly ~ t*-U tA U ix *9 j< -*4 y J Z ,- k t f IX* >tui i
1 / w y * y ,-wy i w y lj x i y y y problems of spherical astronomy. I have prepared a survey
*» V x :t.f M»f J>-» J> S-, «(, tr yy rtii *k \J -J ^ >
f -€t U J K ijr-tj^ iw J v irt| V i^ > o > t“ r and analysis of all known medieval Islamic tables for
pyi^itjyy t Jtt j.i:j OO w ; T reckoning time by the sun and stars and regulating the
t J J i t t J j y '
J-1. * * - i * j Mi j C j j i y i / i jy vy ~ y !y x y {f j<jb i b iy jv , astronomically defined times of prayer. Such tables repre­
< y jn »»iA *» 'f a i x 3 * r — it** a w r f r 5 /r 6ji r t I t aj> Sy iy l y ?y *y r
i IW ^ w tS lu -lv ty i i 'i > li > i i i i .i U * i i t < i r C sent a particularly Islamic contribution to the development
?^ ^U- t*->i »**ut lilS lU ^ l of astronomy.
«*a jSU ** v r T f • / Vylurf ^ t^ ^ f ■l f ■‘-f YV ;U» >AJb*--«k»V i **•>r > ?! 2. On the notation see [Irani 1955], The most reliable modern
:r f. y -r/y ^ fit MkJ< L^._ yJ > y y ^ M>y t>«i ^ i >* s
<*x i-/^ ■
i‘>j'?'^i,/i-i4i,itt**^ ^u** r J C>-i*9 t »~ij>i-*««*»i aS works on Islamic sexagesimal arithmetic are [Luckey 1948;
*v 4C J»/ -uy - y Vrf X‘f > y ;“^ • i* i A xki J>jb IiLr i y (j* b* i/x ! J«f 1951; 1953].
3. Sources containing multiplication tables which have come to
* f ? u p t - l \ J j V*9{9»vd ( ■
“ ■- ; my attention are:
1• !
a v rj MS Aleppo Ahmadiya 1310
1X MS Berlin Ahlwardt 5695, 3, fols. lv-6r
MS Berlin Ahlwardt 5721, fols. 5-35
I T # c*i x*. 1)** MS Berlin Ahlwardt 5722, fols. 31-38
MS Berlin Ahlwardt 5757, fols. 136-137
<* J-lAJ i 9* 1 J -*-14x« j ,- v i ' *1
i y IIry -'*] f-'jv* y»] y v ] / i | f>J J<y] MS Berlin Ahlwardt 5758, fols. 59v-71r
-1*1 l-i
ililftiCll MS Cairo Azhar fa la k 4386, fols. 465-467
MS Cairo Dar al-Kutub m lqat 45
P la t e II : E x t r a c t from th e m u l t i p l ic a t i o n t a b le i n MS P a ris MS Cairo Dar al-Kutub m lqat 64, fols. 79v-94r
B ib lio th e q u e N a tio n a le, a r . 2552 MS Damascus ZShiriya 3099, fols. 190v-192r
MS Damascus Zahirlya 5623, fols. lv-7r

322 Medieval Islamic Multiplication Tables 323

MS Damascus Zahirlya 7388, fols. 18r-24r BIBLIOGRAPHY

MS Gotha Forschungsbibliothek A1381, fols. lr-15v
MS Munich 86S (313) and 866 (318) Hartner, W. and J. Ruska 1939 "Katalog der orientalischen
MS Oxford Bodleian Marsh 75 (Uri 1035), fols. 3v-37r und lateinischen Originalhandschriften, Abschriften und Photo-
MS Paris Bibliothfeque Nationale ar. 2520, fols. 167v-173r kopien des Instituts fllr Geschichte der Medizin und der Natur­
MS Paris Bibliothfeque Nationale ar. 2531, fols. 115v-127r wissenschaften in Berlin," Q u ellen und S tu d ie n zur G e sch ich te
MS Princeton Yahuda 4072, fols. 23r-29r d e r N a tu rw issen sch a ften 7(2/3), 1-149.
P Luckey [1951,68] has drawn attention to a table of the Irani, R.A.K. 1952 "A sexagesimal multiplication table in
same kind in a manuscript which in 1939 was in the Institut the Arabic alphabetical system," S c r ip t a Mathematica 18, 92-93.
fllr Geschichte der Medizin und der Naturwissenschaften, ------- . 1955 "Arabic numeral forms," C entaurus 4, 1-12.
Berlin (see further Hartner and Ruska [1939, 54/208])- Also, Kennedy, E. S. 1956 "A survey of Islamic astronomical
0. Neugebauer [1960, 36b] has noted a sexagesimal multipli­ tables," T ra n sa ctio n s o f th e American P h ilo s o p h ic a l S o c ie t y ,
cation table in a medieval Byzantine astronomical manuscript N.S., 46(2), 123-177.
based mainly on Islamic sources. For examples of sexagesimal King, D. A. 1973a "Ibn Yunus' Very U sefu l T a b les for
multiplication tables in medieval Hebrew astronomical sources reckoning time by the sun," A rch iv e f o r H isto ry o f Exact S c ie n c e s
see MS Paris Bibliothfcque Nationale heb. 1042, fols. 97r- 10, 342-294.
102v and 105r-108v. ------- . 1973b "al-Khalxlx's auxiliary tables for solving
4. This table is contained in a compendium of medieval scienti­ problems of spherical astronomy," Jo u rn a l f o r th e H isto ry o f
fic works entitled J5mic i Bahadur-Khani (P. 286 of the Astronomy 4, 99-110.
edition published in Mandi, India, in 1834), to which I was ------- . "A double-argument table for the lunar equation
referred by Prof. E.S. Kennedy. On this work see [Storey attributed to Ibn Yunus," to appear in C en ta u ru s.
1958, 20] . Levey, M. and M. Petruck 1965 Kushuar Ibn Labban :
5. This table, contained in MS Princeton Yahuda 373, is dis­ P r i n c i p l e s o f Hindu F.eckoning . University of Wisconsin Press,
cussed in [Irani 1952]. Madison and Milwaukee.
6. See [de Slane 1883-1895, 459]. The manuscript measures Luckey, P. 1948 "Beitrage zur Erforschung der jslainischen
28.5 x 10.5 cms., and de Slane states that is dates from the Mathematik," O r ie n t a lia , N.S. 17, 490-510^.
seventeenth century. The handwriting is similar to that in ------- . 1951 "Die P.echenkunst bei Gamshxd b. Mascud
MS Princeton Yahuda 373 (see footnote 5), which is dated al-Kashx mit Riickblicken auf die altere Geschichte des Rechnens,"
1650. Abhandlungen f u r d i e Kunde d es M orgenlandes 31, 1.
7. I use the term medieval here since various branches of ------- . 1953 "Beitrage zur Erforschung der islamischen
traditional Islamic astronomy were practised in the Near Mathematik," O r ie n t a lia , N.S. 22, 166-189.
East until the turn of the present century. Two other very Neugebauer, 0. I960 "Studxes xn Byzantine astronomxcal
large Islamic astronomical tables are the following: terminology," T ra n sa ctio n s o f th e American P h ilo so p h ic a l S o c ie ty ,
(a) The table of Najm al-DIn al-Misrx (f l . c a . 1250?, Cairo) N.S. 50, 2.
giving the time since rising of the sun or stars as a func­ ------- . 1969 V o rle s u n g e n u b er G e s c h ic h te d e r a n tik en
tion of their altitude for any latitude, which contains m athem atischen W issen sch a ften . 1 . B a n d : V o r g r i e c h i s c h e
over a quarter of a million entries. This is preserved in M athematik. Springer-Verlag (Berlin, Heidelberg, New York).
MSS Cairo Dar al-Kutub m lqat 132M and Oxford Bodleian Marsh Neugebauer, 0. and A. Sachs 1945 M athem atical Cuneiform
672, which are two halves of a unique manuscript, (b) The T ex ts (American Oriental Series, Vol. 29). American Oriental
double-argument planetary equation tables of <Abd al-Rahman Society, New Haven.
al-Saiihl ( f l . c a . 1500, Damascus), which contain over de Slane, MacG. 1883-1895 C a ta lo gu e d es M a nuscrits A rabes.
170,000 entries. These tables display the lunar and plane­ Imprimerie Nationale, Paris.
tary equations as functions of arguments which can be taken Storey, C.A. 1953 P e rsia n L i t e r a t u r e : a B io -B ib lio g ra p h ic a l
directly from the mean motion tables, and they are extant S u rv ey . Vol. 2. Luzac and Co., London.
in numerous sources, including, for example, MSS Princeton
Yahuda 4402 and Cairo Azhar fa la k 4386.



The astronom ical t a b le s com piled by Muslim a stro n o ­

mers in th e m edieval p e r io d a re based on th e sexagesim al
system , and to f a c i l i t a t e t h e i r com putations th e s e a s­
tronom ers used m u lt ip lic a t io n t a b le s d is p la y in g p rod ucts
e x p re s s e d se x a g e s im a lly . In a r e c e n t p u b lic a tio n th es e
ta b le s were d e s c r ib e d f o r th e f i r s t tim e. The p r e s e n t
pap er p o in ts to th e e x i s t e n c e o f more o f t h e s e t a b l e s ,
as w ell as to ta b le s d is p la y in g sexa gesim a l q u o t ie n ts
and o th e rs f o r f a c i l i t a t i n g l i n e a r i n t e r p o l a t i o n .

# ua ^ \ W l r k ^

---------- -iU J» IW - H J jI > < > *- *j»

^ ‘ I JJ uj J - j L a IAj • jJ I J3 m* I • y I

• .J I ; J s JLw^JJj .1 LaJj ^y->- V I J j I Jj-J

^»VS 5 j l« y j* ^ ,j* J > 1 1« ^

• I <L-> "31jy «*»J I ^ I La

T he f o l l o w i n g n o t e s a r e i n t e n d e d t o s u p p l e m e n t a n e a r l i e r
p a p e r [K in g 1 9 7 4 ] d e s c r i b i n g t h e m u l t i p l i c a t i o n t a b l e s i n t h e
s e x a g e s i m a l s y s te m u s e d by t h e a s t r o n o m e r s an d m a t h e m a tic ia n s
o f m e d ie v a l I s la m . In my f i r s t p a p e r I d re w a t t e n t i o n t o v a r i o u s
m e d ie v a l A r a b ic m a n u s c r ip ts , p r e s e r v e d m a in ly in l i b r a r i e s in
E u r o p e , w h ic h c o n t a i n t a b l e s d i s p l a y i n g s e x a g e s i m a l p r o d u c t s
m x n f o r m, n = 1 , 2 , . . . , 60.

T h e s e t a b l e s , c a l l e d i n A r a b i c al-jad w al a l - s i t t i n i o r jadwal
a l-n is b a a l - s i t t i n i y a , c o n t a i n 3 6 0 0 e n t r i e s . I a l s o p o in te d
t o t h e e x i s t e n c e o f a m o re e x t e n s i v e A r a b i c s e x a g e s i m a l m u l t i ­
p l i c a t i o n t a b l e p r e s e r v e d i n MS P a r i s B i b l i o t h e q u e N a t i o n a l e
a r. 2552. T h is t a b l e d i s p l a y s p r o d u c ts

m xn f o r m = 0 ; 1 , 0 ,-2 , . . . , 5 9 ; 5 9 , 1 ;0,0
a n d n = 1 , 2, . . . , 6 0 ,
I s la m i c M u l t i p l i c a t i o n T a b le s 407

MS H a m id iy e 8 4 3 , f o l s . 5 0 v - 5 6 r ,
an d h e n c e c o n t a i n s 2 1 6 ,0 0 0 e n t r i e s . The c o m p i l a t i o n o f s u c h
MS N u r o s m a n iy e 2 9 0 4 , f o l s . 4 7 v - 5 3 r .
a n e n o rm o u s t a b l e i s a s s i m p l e a s i t i s t e d i o u s , a n d m o s t m e d i e v a l
M u slim a s t r o n o m e r s w e r e c o n t e n t t o u s e t h e s m a l l e r v a r i e t y . O th e r m a n u s c r ip ts c o n t a i n i n g s ta n d a r d s e x a g e s im a l m u l t i p l i c a t i o n
S i n c e p r e p a r i n g t h e f i r s t p a p e r I h a v e com e a c r o s s a n u m b er t a b l e s p re s e rv e d in th e E g y p tia n N a tio n a l L ib r a r y in C a iro a r e :
o f o th e r m u l t i p l i c a t i o n t a b l e s in th e v a s t m a n u s c rip t s o u r c e s
MS Z a k i y a 7 4 0 ( 1 5 p p . , c o p . c a . 1 4 5 0 ) ,
a v a i l a b l e f o r th e f u r t h e r s tu d y o f m e d ie v a l I s l a m i c s c i e n c e .
MS D a r a l - K u t u b m lqat 7 9 7 ( 2 6 f o l s . , c o p . ca. 1 6 0 0 )
T h e se a r e d i s c u s s e d b e lo w .
a n d t w e n t y o t h e r s l i s t e d i n my f o r t h c o m i n g c a t a l o g u e o f t h e
STANDARD SEXAGESIMAL MULTIPLICATION TABLES C a iro s c i e n t i f i c m a n u s c rip ts .
None o f t h e s e t a b l e s h a s a n y a c c o m p a n y in g i n s t r u c t i o n s o f
The e a r l i e s t d a te d c o p y o f a s t a n d a r d s e x a g e s i m a l m u l t i p l i c a ­ con seq u en ce. S im p le t r e a t i s e s o n t h e u s e o f s u c h t a b l e s an d
t i o n t a b l e w i t h b o t h a r g u m e n t s r u n n i n g f r o m 1 t o 6 0 w h ic h h a s o n s e x a g e s i m a l a r i t h m e t i c w e r e c o m p i l e d b y a n u m b er o f E g y p t i a n
com e t o my a t t e n t i o n i s p r e s e r v e d i n MS C a i r o D a r a l - K u t u b m lqat a s tro n o m e rs in th e 1 5 th and 1 6 th c e n t u r i e s . T h e s e i n c l u d e Ib n
6 4 , 7 ( f o l s . 7 9 v - 9 4 r ) c o p i e d i n 8 0 3 H i j r a (= 1 4 0 0 - 1 4 0 1 ) . The a l - M a j d i , a l - W a f 5 'I , S i b t a l - M a r i d l n l , an d Ib n A b i 1 -F a t l? a l -
m a n u s c r i p t i s o f S y r i a n p r o v e n a n c e , a n d c o n t a i n s a n u m b er o f S Q fl [ S u t e r 1 9 0 0 , N o s. 4 3 2 , 4 3 7 , 4 4 5 an d 4 4 7 ] .
t r e a t i s e s on th e u se o f d i f f e r e n t v a r i e t i e s o f q u a d r a n ts . S e x a g e s im a l m u l t i p l i c a t i o n t a b l e s a r e a t t e s t e d , i f r a r e l y ,
A n o th e r r e l a t i v e l y e a r l y d a te d co p y o f a s e x a g e s i m a l m u l t i ­ in c e r t a i n t r e a t i s e s on a r i t h m e t i c and m a th e m a tic s and a l s o in
p l i c a t i o n t a b l e w as c o p i e d b y t h e l a t e 1 5 t h - c e n t u r y D a m a scu s z ije s . Some e x a m p l e s f o l l o w .
a s t r o n o m e r a l - T i z i n i [ S u t e r 1 9 0 0 , N o. 4 5 0 ] . T h is t a b l e , p re s e rv e d F i r s t l y , MS H y d e ra b a d A n d ra P r a d e s h S t a t e C e n t r a l L i b r a r y
i n MS O x f o r d B o d l e i a n M a rs h 7 5 , f o l s . l r - 3 7 v , w as c o p i e d i n 8 9 0 2 9 8 ( c a . 2 0 0 f o l s . , c o p i e d c a . 1 4 0 0 ) i s t h e o n l y known c o p y o f
H i j r a (= 1 4 9 0 - 1 4 9 1 ) . I t i s e n t i t l e d jadwal a l- n is b a a l - s i t t i n l y a t h e Z ij o f Ahmad i b n c A l I i b n IsfoSq a l - T u n i s x [ S u t e r 1 9 0 0 , N o.
f i l - a c mal a l- fa la k iy a i l a m i'a wa-c i s h r l n , " t a b l e o f s e x a g e s i m a l 3 5 6 ] , a w o rk w h ic h w as c o m p i l e d i n T u n i s i n t h e t h i r t e e n t h
r a t i o s f o r a s t r o n o m i c a l c a l c u l a t i o n s [ w i t h a r g u m e n t ] up t o o n e c e n t u r y a n d w h ic h w as w i d e l y u s e d i n N o r th A f r i c a f o r t h e n e x t
h u n d re d a n d t w e n t y , " a n d d i s p l a y s p r o d u c t s tw o o r t h r e e c e n t u r i e s . A m o n g st t h e m any t a b l e s i n t h i s p r e c i o u s
m x n fo r m = 1, 2, ..., 2 ,0 (= 120) m a n u s c rip t i s a s e x a g e s im a l m u l t i p l i c a t i o n t a b l e o f th e s ta n d a rd
and n = 1 , 2 , ..., 1 ,0 (= 6 0 ). k in d .
A P e r s i a n z i j p r e p a r e d a f t e r t h e t i m e o f U lu g h B eg ( e a r l y
I t i s fo llo w e d in th e m a n u s c r ip t by a l - T i z i n i ' s t a b l e s o f th e f i f t e e n t h c e n t u r y ) b y a n i n d i v i d u a l nam ed M a li k Mahmud K a r r a m I
s i n e , c o t a n g e n t , and v e r s e d s i n e f u n c t i o n s ( t o b a s e 6 0 ) , a s i b n M a li k Afcmad K hw A nsA ri [ S t o r e y 1 9 5 8 , 1 0 6 , N o . 2 7 ] a n d e n t i t l e d
w e ll a s o f th e s o l a r d e c l i n a t i o n (u s in g o b l i q u i t y 2 3 ; 3 5 ° ) . T he Kanz a l-fa w S 'id f i d h ik r a l-q a w 3°id c o n t a i n s a s e x a g e s i m a l m u l t i ­
p u r p o s e o f t a b u l a t i n g s e x a g e s i m a l p r o d u c t s up t o m = 2 , 0 w as p l i c a t i o n ta b le in th e I n tr o d u c tio n . I h a v e e x a m in e d MS C a i r o
t o f a c i l i t a t e o p e r a t i o n s s u c h a s t h e d e t e r m i n a t i o n o f t i m e fr o m T a l c a t fa la k f a r i s l 6 ( 3 7 5 f o l s . , c o p i e d c a . 1 7 0 0 ) o f t h i s w o r k :
s o l a r o r s t e l l a r a l t i t u d e , w h ic h i n v o l v e t h e u s e o f t h e v e r s e d th e t a b l e in q u e s tio n o c c u r s on f o l s . 3 1 r - 3 8 v and i s o f th e
s in e . T h i s f u n c t i o n ( t o b a s e 6 0 ) a s s u m e s v a l u e s b e tw e e n 0 a n d s ta n d a rd 60 x 60 ty p e . _
2 ,0 . In MS I s t a n b u l T o p k a p i 7 1 2 5 - A 3 4 7 6 , 2 ( f o l s . 3 3 v - 6 8 r ) , c o p i e d S om e, b u t n o t a l l , c o p i e s o f a z i j e n t i t l e d GhSyat itq a n
i n 9 1 2 H i j r a (= 1 5 0 6 - 1 5 0 7 ) , t h e r e i s a n o t h e r m u l t i p l i c a t i o n
a l-h a ra k a t b y t h e s e v e n t e e n t h - c e n t u r y Y e m e n i a s t r o n o m e r nam ed
t a b l e , a n d t h e a r g u m e n t m, f o r som e r e a s o n , r u n s t o 1 4 0 (= 2 , 2 0 ) .
c Abd A llA h a l - S a r h l [K e n n e d y 1 9 5 6 , N o. X 2 1 2 ] c o n t a i n a s t a n d a r d
In MSS Bombay K. R . Cama O r i e n t a l I n s t i t u t e 1 8 , f o l s . 7 1 v - 8 1 r
se x a g e s im a l m u l t i p l i c a t i o n t a b l e . C o p i e s w h ic h d o c o n t a i n s u c h
and 1 9 , f o l s . 1 4 v - 2 4 r , b o th c o p ie d a b o u t 1 6 0 0 , t h e r e i s a m u l t i ­
a t a b l e i n c l u d e MS H y d e ra b a d S a l a r J u n g hay'a 2 9 a n d a n u n n u m b ered
p l i c a t i o n t a b l e i n w h ic h t h e a r g u m e n t m r u n s t o 1 0 0 ( 1 , 4 0 ) .
m a n u s c r i p t i n t h e G ra n d M osq ue L i b r a r y i n S a n a a .
S e v e r a l o t h e r m a n u s c r ip ts p r e s e r v e d in I s t a n b u l and C a i r o ,
A n o th e r s e x a g e s im a l m u l t i p l i c a t i o n t a b l e i s c o n t a i n e d in an
th e l a r g e s t r e p o s i t o r i e s o f m e d ie v a l A r a b ic s c i e n t i f i c m a n u s c r ip ts ,
e x t e n s i v e t r e a t i s e o n a r i t h m e t i c e n t i t l e d c Uyun a l- h is a b by
c o n ta in se x a g e s im a l m u l t i p l i c a t i o n t a b l e s o f th e s ta n d a rd k in d ,
Muhammad B a q i r i b n Z a y n a l - c A b i d i n Y a z d i [B r o c k e lm a n n 1 9 4 3 , S I I ,
w ith b o th a rg u m e n ts ru n n in g fro m 1 t o 6 0 . Some e x a m p l e s f r o m
5 9 1 a n d 1 0 2 4 , N o. 7 2 ] , who l i v e d i n I r a n a r o u n d t h e y e a r 1 6 4 0 . I
I s t a n b u l , a l l o f w h ic h p o s t d a t e t h e tw o m e n t i o n e d a b o v e , a r e
h a v e e x a m in e d MS C a i r o D a r a l - K u t u b riyatfa 8 2 2 o f t h i s w o r k ,
th e fo llo w in g :
c o p ie d c a . 1 6 5 0 ; s e v e r a l o t h e r c o p ie s s u r v iv e in o t h e r l i b r a r i e s .
T h e t a b l e , w h ic h o c c u r s o n f o l . 4 8 v o f t h e C a i r o m a n u s c r i p t ,
MS B a g d a t l i V e h b i E f . 8 8 7 , f o l s . 2 1 r-3 6 r,
d is p la y s se x a g e s im a l p ro d u c ts m x n f o r
MS E s a t E f . 3 7 6 9 , f o l s . 9 v - 1 3 r ,

408 I s la m i c M u l t i p l i c a t i o n T a b le s 409

m = 1, 2, ..., 10, 20, . .., 50 ( T h i s p a s s a g e w as l o c a t e d and t r a n s l a t e d b y my c o l l e a g u e D r.

and n = 1, 2, ...» 60. E . S . K ennedy.)
A n o th e r t a b l e , on f o l . 5 0 v , d i s p l a y s th e p o w ers o f s e x a g e s im a l
MS C a i r o D a r a l - K u t u b K 7 5 8 4 , 1 ( f o l s . l r - 8 1 r , c o p i e d 1 8 4 1 )
i s a f r a g m e n t, w ith o u t t i t l e o r a u t h o r 's nam e, o f a t r e a t i s e A s n o t e d i n [K in g 1 9 7 4 ] , MS P a r i s B i b l i o t h & q u e N a t i o n a l e a r .
on s e x a g e s i m a l a r i t h m e t i c an d s p h e r i c a l a s t r o n o m y . T h e w o rk 2 5 5 2 (1 8 2 f o l s . , c o p ie d ca . 1 6 0 0 ) c o n ta in s a s e x a g e s im a l m u lti­
w as c o m p i l e d i n S f a x i n T u n i s i a , a s f a r a s c a n b e j u d g e d fr o m p l i c a t i o n t a b l e d is p la y in g p r o d u c ts m x n t o th r e e s e x a g e s im a l
th e s p h e r i c a l a s tr o n o m ic a l t a b l e s . F u rth e rm o re , i t p o s td a te s d i g i t s f o r m = 0 ; 1 , 0 ; 2 , . . . , 0 ; 5 9 , 1 ; 0 , and n = 1 , 2 , . . . ,
U lu g h B eg b e c a u s e t h e a u t h o r u s e s t h e l a t t e r ' s v a l u e o f t h e 60. T h i s m a n u s c r i p t i s p r o b a b l y o f T u r k i s h o r i g i n , a n d w as owned
o b liq u ity . T h ere i s a s e x a g e s im a l m u l t i p l i c a t i o n t a b l e o f th e b y Ahmad Muc a y y i d ( ? ) , a n d S u la y m a n D u r r I , a muwaqqit ( t i m e k e e p e r )
s t a n d a r d 6 0 x 6 0 k in d on f o l s . 1 6 v - 2 0 r o f t h e C a i r o m a n u s c r i p t . a t t h e M osque o f * S u l t a n Muhammad KhSn ( i n I s t a n b u l ) a b o u t 1 7 2 5 .
T a b l e s d i s p l a y i n g o n l y p r o d u c t s f o r m <. n i n a t a b l e o f Two o t h e r t a b l e s o f t h i s k in d h a v e b e e n l o c a t e d . T hey a p p e a r t o
t r i a n g u l a r f o r m [ s e e K in g 1 9 7 4 , 3 1 9 a n d n o t e 4 ] a r e a t t e s t e d b e in d e p e n d e n tly c a l c u l a t e d , a lth o u g h I h av e n o t i n v e s t i g a t e d th e
th u s f a r o n ly in In d ia n I s l a m i c s o u r c e s . A new e x a m p le i s MS in c id e n c e o f e r r o r s .
Bom bay K. R . Cama O r i e n t a l I n s t i t u t e 4 6 o f a s i m p l i f i e d v e r s i o n MS C a i r o T aym u r riyStfa 1 1 9 c o n t a i n s a m u l t i p l i c a t i o n t a b l e
o f t h e Zij-i-Mul}ammad S ha hl o f M a h a r a j a J a i S in g h [ S t o r e y 1 9 5 8 , o f t h e sam e k in d a s t h e o n e c o n t a i n e d i n t h e P a r i s m a n u s c r i p t .
N o. 1 4 4 ] , w h e re s u c h a t a b l e i s fo u n d o n f o l s . 2 3 7 v - 2 3 8 r . T h ere T h i s C a i r o m a n u s c r i p t , w h ic h d a t e s fr o m a b o u t 1 5 0 0 , c o m p r i s e s
i s no s u c h t a b l e i n J a i S i n g h ' s o r i g i n a l z i j . 600 p ag es o f ta b l e s , each c o n ta in in g 180 p ro d u c ts , re p re s e n tin g
A s n o t e d i n [K in g 1 9 7 4 ] t h e e a r l i e s t r e f e r e n c e t o a s e x a g e s i m a l o n l y o n e - h a l f o f t h e w h o le s e t b e c a u s e t h e h o r i z o n t a l a rg u m e n t
m u l t i p l i c a t i o n t a b l e i n t h e A r a b i c s o u r c e s i s i n a t r e a t i s e on ru n s o n ly t o 2 9 ; 5 9 . T he w o rk i s e n t i t l e d K itab a l-n is b a a l-
a r i t h m e t i c b y K u s h y 5 r ib n L ab b S n ( f l . I r a n , c a . 1 0 0 0 ) . A lso , s i t t i n i y a a l- k u b r a , w h ic h m e a n s " l a r g e s e x a g e s i m a l t a b l e , " an d
MS F l o r e n c e B i b l i o t e c a M e d ic e a L a u r e n z i a n a 2 3 8 (A s s e m a n i CCCIX) i s a t t r i b u t e d t o Y u s u f ib n Q a rq m a s a l - H a m z a w I , a l s o known a s
c o n ta in s a h ig h ly s o p h is tic a te d tr e a tm e n t o f se x a g e s im a l a r i t h ­ A m ir a l - H a j j a l - H a l a b l . a l- H a m z a w I l i v e d a b o u t 1 4 7 5 a n d i s
m e t i c ( A r a b i c , h isS b a l-m u n a jjim in , " t h e a r i t h m e t i c o f t h e a s ­ known f r o m h i s o t h e r t r e a t i s e s o n s u n d i a l s a n d a s t r o l o g y . (A
t r o n o m e r s " ) c o m p i l e d b y t h e s c h o l a r a l - S a m a w 'a l i b n Y ah u d a a l - w o rk o f h i s o f p a r t i c u l a r i n t e r e s t a n d i m p o r t a n c e i s a n a s t r o ­
M a g h r i b l ( f l . I r a q a n d P e r s i a , c a . 1 1 5 0 ; s e e [ S u t e r 1 9 0 0 , N o. l o g i c a l h i s t o r y o f p o l i t i c a l e v e n t s i n A le p p o a b o u t 1 4 7 5 , p r e ­
3 0 2 ]). The t r e a t i s e p r e s e r v e d in F l o r e n c e d e a l s w ith su ch s e r v e d i n MS C a i r o D a r a l - K u t u b M u s t a f a F a < J i l miqat 1 3 , 3 . ) At
t o p i c s a s t a k i n g t h e s q u a r e r o o t s o f s e x a g e s i m a l n u m b e rs u s i n g t h e e n d o f t h e m u l t i p l i c a t i o n t a b l e t h e r e a r e som e t a b l e s o f
a s e x a g e s im a l m u l t i p l i c a t i o n t a b l e . T h u s, a lth o u g h m o st e x t a n t p r o p o r tio n a l p a r t s o f th e p r i n c i p a l tr ig o n o m e tr ic r a t i o s (to
I s la m ic se x a g e s im a l m u l t i p l i c a t i o n t a b l e s a r e o f E g y p tia n , S y r ia n , b a s e R = 6 0 ; th u s S in x = R s i n x , e t c ; c f . K ennedy 1 9 5 6 , 1 3 9 -
o r T u r k i s h p r o v e n a n c e an d d a t e fr o m t h e 1 5 t h c e n t u r y o r t h e r e ­ 1 4 0 ) o f th e o b liq u ity o f th e e c l i p t i c , e , t h a t i s ,
a f t e r , I t h in k i t i s r e a s o n a b l e t o assu m e t h a t s u c h t a b l e s w ere
a l s o s t a n d a r d e q u i p m e n t o f t h e M u slim a s t r o n o m e r s i n e a r l i e r f ( n ) = | • z (n = 1 , 2 , ..., R)
c e n tu rie s . F o r t h i s re a so n a lo n e , i t i s h a rd ly s u r p r is in g th a t w h e re
no m u l t i p l i c a t i o n t a b l e s p r e d a t i n g t h e 1 5 t h c e n t u r y h a v e s u r v i v e d .
A n o th e r r e a s o n i s p ro v id e d in an 1 1 th c e n t u r y P e r s i a n a s t r o l o g ­ z = S in e , Cos e , T an e , and C o t £ .
i c a l co m p e n d iu m , Rawdat a l-m u n a jjim in , b y M a rd a n s h a h i b n A b i The u n d e r ly in g v a l u e s o f S i n e , e t c . , a r e r e l a t e d t o th o s e in
1 - K h a y r R a z i [ S t o r e y 1 9 5 8 , N o. 8 1 ] . I n t h e f i r s t bab ( c h a p t e r ) t h e t r i g o n o m e t r i c t a b l e s o f U lu g h B e g , c o m p i l e d i n 1 5 t h - c e n t u r y
o f t h e e i g h t h maqala ( t r e a t i s e ) o f h i s w o rk M a rd a n s h a h w r i t e s S a m a rq a n d [ s e e K en n ed y 1 9 5 6 , N o . 1 2 ] , b u t t h e p a r a m e t e r u s e d
(MS C a i r o ,Ta l C a t fa la k f a r i s l 1 1 , c o p i e d c a . 1 3 0 0 , f o l . 5 8 v ) : f o r e i s t h e common I s l a m i c o n e , 2 3 ; 3 5 ° , r a t h e r t h a n U lu g h B e g 's
v a lu e 2 3 ; 3 0 , 1 7 ° . T h ese v a lu e s a r e
In o rd e r to f a c i l i t a t e t h is o p e ra tio n , a t a b le
has been made, known as th e sexagesim al t a b le ( j a d w a l - S in 23;35° = 24;0,17,48,38,0,
i - s i t t i n i j , f o r p erfo rm in g m u ltip lic a t io n and d iv is io n . Cos 23; 35° = 54; 5 9 ,.1 9 ,2 9 ,4 5 ,0 ,
We put i t on one se p a ra te p i e c e ( j u z ’ ) [ o f p ap er] in Ta n 23;35° = 26;11,33,15,51,49,
t h is work so that a t any p la c e where i t i s n eed ed i t Cot 23'35° = 2,17;26,36,44,30,37,51,5,12,46(!),
may be p la ce d b e fo r e th e e y e s . I t i s not to be numbered e a c h o f w h ic h is co rre ct as fa r as th e fo u rth s e x a g e s im a l
among th e p a g es.
XV xv

410 I s la m ic M u l t i p l i c a t i o n T a b le s 411

fra c tio n a l d ig it. (S u c h t a b l e s o f t h e t r i g o n o m e t r i c r a t i o s o f

e a re a tte s te d a lr e a d y in 1 0 th -c e n tu r y Is la m ic s o u r c e s — s e e ,
f o r e x a m p l e , [K e n n e d y 1 9 5 6 , 1 4 5 b ] — a n d a r e o f l i m i t e d u s e in
c e r t a i n c a l c u l a t i o n s o f s p h e r i c a l a s t r o n o m y .)
MS C a i r o D 5 r a l - K u t u b K 3 9 9 2 ( 1 2 0 f o l s . , c o p i e d ca . 1 7 5 0 )
c o n t a i n s a n o th e r in c o m p le te s e x a g e s im a l m u l t i p l i c a t i o n t a b l e
" ^ r z q fir p r T U. :. -1| Ij »! *! » -*' Wj (
o f t h e l a r g e r v a r i e t y w ith e n t r i e s f o r m = 0 ; 1 , 0 ; 2 , . . . , 4 8 ; 0
i> - i 1[ - . 1 *i>U and n = 1 , 2, . . . , 6 0 . T he t a b l e i s e n t i t l e d K itab al-N isba
*•: j / ! |*if;i.r^
n p ^ i s l * - hr a l - s i t t i n i y a mahlula daqiqa daqiqa, " T a b l e o f t h e s e x a g e s i m a l

it .ji » J ’.- X.
f ^ > ^. -4 fei ^ - M :lj& \ a— r a t i o c o m p u te d f o r e a c h m i n u t e , " a n d i s a t t r i b u t e d t o Maljmud
^ r fr r & jK .
E f e n d i J a m l i y a n who l i v e d i n C a i r o i n t h e m i d - e i g h t e e n t h c e n t u r y
T ”t ? w /r[ r , -r - ■ V ^ iliiU N an d h a d a s u b s t a n t i a l l i b r a r y o f a s t r o n o m i c a l m a n u s c r i p t s .
Li i V h i W ^ s M 'f t j I n MS J a i p u r M a h a r a j a S a w a i M a n sin g h I I Museum L i b r a r y 1 4
, A ! [ *;(*;> . r t j
9- o f t h e Z ij-i-S h a h ja h a n i o f F a r i d a l - D i n a l - D i h l a w T , a w ork p r e ­
^ h .‘t «
p a r e d i n D e l h i c a . 1 6 3 0 [ S t o r e y 1 9 5 8 , No. 1 3 3 ] , t h e r e i s an i n ­
•; d + [J ' t x« 1
s* “ >r—> — > . . - - i ,- g # 4 Mi i>"
t J i* * ■>[ t j»; *!*J] *» j* c o m p le te s e x a g e s im a l m u l t i p l i c a t i o n t a b l e ( f o l s . 2 9 9 v -3 1 3 v ) in
x! m t * 1: n T il
w h ic h t h e a r g u m e n t m r u n s up t o 7 ; 1 5 (n = 1 , 2 , . . . , 6 0 ) . O th e r
! *|f *■ '? « »K? iu L Ifcft J\Al4lV A I
I « l « « i ! ■** i f *T i; t *i -*i <1.1 m a n u s c r i p t s o f t h i s z i j w h ic h I h a v e e x a m i n e d , s u c h a s MS J a i p u r
f l f r t 12, d o n o t c o n t a i n s u c h a s e x a g e s i m a l m u l t i p l i c a t i o n t a b l e .
; *' U x 4 . ? 4 A i - i lli * 3 l t f e m +\4 11> "X t ! • . * ; * ! * i s j
*> x 4 ; • f« kU !
: iL~ r r l - *
i?.-. «,. *'..*. *-A
- £ A *—! £ *, III 1: 'i t ]
Iff fij*j>U| L ' j i : r k; MSS I s t a n b u l A ya S o f i a 2 6 9 8 , C a i r o D a r a l - K u t u b miqat f a r i s i
-‘r - d i j * : *Ti * M 8,1, a n d I s t a n b u l B e y a z i t Umumi 4 6 4 5 a r e t h r e e c o p i e s o f a n a n o ­
2 _ _£ nym ous s e t o f t a b l e s o f s e x a g e s i m a l q u o t i e n t s . T he f i r s t manu­
^”v . * oi.iw. s c r i p t i s i n c o r r e c t l y e n t i t l e d Jadaw il f i 1 -m iq a t, " t a b l e s f o r
kr* y c * j .j t i m e k e e p i n g " ; t h e s e c o n d a n d t h i r d b e a r t h e m o re a c c u r a t e t i t l e ,
K itab a l-m i'a w a-l-c i s h r in c ala t a r iq jadwal a l - s i t t i n i , "o n e
h u n d r e d an d t w e n t y t a b l e s a f t e r t h e m o d e l o f t h e s e x a g e s i m a l
m u ltip lic a tio n ta b le ." T h e m a in t a b l e s i n b o t h s o u r c e s d i s p l a y
t h e q u o t i e n t s m/n ( c a l l e d h a s il-i-q is m a ) t o f i v e s i g n i f i c a n t
s e x a g e s i m a l d i g i t s f o r e a c h i n t e g r a l v a l u e o f b o t h a r g u m e n ts
fr o m 1 t o 1 2 0 . T he c o r r e s p o n d i n g p r o d u c t s m x n ( c a l l e d h a s il -
i ; i > *1 ti > . C /Mi i, ^ i - d a r b ) a r e a l s o g i v e n . T he A ya S o f i a a n d C a i r o m a n u s c r i p t s
Lr* 'k a J I.
:«JA «
• JW *4 J I1. X h a v e a b r i e f i n t r o d u c t i o n in P e r s i a n and a r e b e a u t i f u l l y c o p ie d ;
l£ . ^
!•** C 4*1 v, f .< i 1 .. th e t a b l e s a r e fram ed in g o ld i n k . T he B e y a z i t m a n u s c r i p t i s
..*•*» iib !• /• l e s s o r n a t e an d c o n t a i n s no i n t r o d u c t i o n . A ll th r e e so u rce s
“t M ;J I f ,- ..:* ,* ;!:-
pi a r e a n o n y m o u s , b u t t h e C a i r o m a n u s c r i p t d a t e s fr o m a b o u t t h e
year 1300.
f y ! < ; ^\*
A. 4
, ;
Two r e l a t i v e l y l a t e S y r i a n s o u r c e s c o n t a i n m u l t i p l i c a t i o n
T &£ t\ | U * 4>i*" t a b l e s s p e c i f i c a l l y in te n d e d to f a c i l i t a t e l i n e a r i n t e r p o l a t i o n

; 1 p /iA t M P l a t e 1 : An e x t r a c t fro m t h e s e x a g e s i m a l q u o t i e n t t a b l e s i n MS
C a i r o D a r a l - K u t u b miqat f 3 r i s i 8 , 1 , f o l s . 2 3 v - 2 4 r . The e x t r a c t
£-;* -f A I sh o w s q u o t i e n t s m/n f o r m = 3 1 a n d 3 2 , a n d n = 1 , 2 , . . . , 1 2 0 .
)iU '* y k b r ; R e p ro d u ce d by c o u r t e s y o f th e E g y p tia n N a t io n a l L i b r a r y .
*1 f- I - i i i .y - #<k I
h jk iJ t iiS
•*!-( j >JU iUj *M|«J:

S ™ M iiA

I s la m i c M u l t i p l i c a t i o n T a b le s 413

( A r a b i c , a l - t a c d i l bayn a l- s a t r a y n : l i t e r a l l y , " c o r r e c t i o n b e ­ MISCELLANEOUS

tw e e n t h e tw o l i n e s " ) . T he f i r s t o f t h e s e i s c o n t a i n e d i n MS
D a m a scu s ? a h i r i y a 7 3 8 7 o f t h e Z ij ( a s t r o n o m i c a l h a n d b o o k ) o f MS I s t a n b u l H a f i d E f . 1 8 1 , f o l . 1 0 4 v , c o n t a i n s a t a b l e e n ­
c Abd a l - R a h i m i b n c Abd a l - K a r i m a l - Q a z w I n i a l - c A j a m i , a n a s t r o n o ­ t i t l e d Jadwal s i t t i n i l i - b a s t al-kaw akib l a t i f , w h ic h m ean s
m e r a s s o c i a t e d w i t h t h e U m ayyad M osque i n D a m a scu s a b o u t t h e " n i c e s e x a g e s i m a l m u l t i p l i c a t i o n t a b l e f o r f i n d i n g t h e m ean
y e a r 1 6 0 0 , who m ade v a r i o u s m i n o r m o d i f i c a t i o n s t o t h e Z ij o f m o tio n s o f t h e p l a n e t s . " S e x a g e s im a l p r o d u c ts m x n a r e g iv e n
h i s i l l u s t r i o u s p r e d e c e s s o r Ib n a l - S h a t i r . T he t a b l e i n a l - f o r t h e d o m a in s
Q a z w i n i 's Z ij w h ic h c o n c e r n s t h e p r e s e n t s t u d y i s fo u n d on f o l s .
m = 1, 2, ..., 1 2 0 and n = 5, 9, 10.
6 9 r - 7 0 r o f th e Z a h i r i y a m a n u s c r ip t and c o n s i s t s o f s i x s u b t a b l e s
e n t i t l e d jadaw il tac d i l ma bayn a l-s a tra y n yu'khadh b i - l - t a f a d u l T he t a b l e o c c u r s a t t h e e n d o f a r e d a c t i o n o f t h e m i d - 1 3 t h -
w a -b i-l-k a s r, " t a b l e s f o r l i n e a r i n t e r p o l a t i o n , fo u n d fr o m t h e c e n t u r y P e r s i a n a s t r o n o m i c a l handbook a l- Z ij a l- I lk h a n i, p r e ­
f i r s t d i f f e r e n c e (b e tw e e n t h e tw o c o n s e c u t i v e e n t r i e s ) a n d t h e p a r e d b y t h e 1 6 t h c e n t u r y S y r i a n a s t r o n o m e r Ahmad i b n I b r a h i m
f r a c t i o n ( o f t h e a r g u m e n t i n t e r v a l f o r w h ic h t h e v a l u e i s r e ­ i b n K h a l i l a l - H a l a b i [ s e e K en n ed y 1 9 5 6 , N o . 6 ; S u t e r 1 9 0 0 , N o.
q u ire d ) ." The f u n c t i o n d i s p l a y e d i n t h e s u b t a b l e s i s 434]. I f a i l t o s e e th e a d v a n ta g e t o b e g a in e d fro m u s in g a
t a b l e o f t h i s k i n d t o c a l c u l a t e p l a n e t a r y m ean m o t i o n s .
,. m
f ( m ,n ) = n x — MS M il a n A m b r o s ia n a C 4 9 i n f . , f o l . 1 0 4 r , c o n t a i n s a s m a l l
m u ltip lic a tio n ta b le d is p la y in g p ro d u cts m * n f o r each in te g r a l
for a rg u m e n ts v a l u e o f b o t h a r g u m e n t s fr o m 1 t o 1 0 . The t a b l e o c c u r s a t th e
e n d o f a s i m p l e t r e a t i s e o n a r i t h m e t i c b y I b n F a l l u s , who w o rk e d
m = 1, 2, ..., 5, 10, 20, ..., 50
i n M e c c a i n t h e e a r l y 1 3 t h c e n t u r y [ s e e S u t e r 1 9 0 0 , N o. 3 5 9 ] . The
a nd p r o d u c t s a r e e x p r e s s e d d e c i m a l l y i n t h e A r a b i c abjad n o t a ­
t i o n : t h u s , f o r e x a m p le , t h e e n t r y f o r 9 * 9 i s f a ' a l i f , r e ­
n = 0;0, 0;1, 0;2, ..., 0;5, 0;10, 0;15, ...,
p r e s e n t i n g 8 0 and 1 , i . e . , 8 1 . In t h e a r i t h m e t i c o f t h e e a r l y
0 ; 5 5, 1 ; 0 , 1 ; 1 , 1;2, ..., 1;5, 1;10, 1;15, 1 4 t h - c e n t u r y s c h o l a r Ib n a l - B a n n a * o f M a r r a k e s h [ S u t e r 1 9 0 0 ,
.................... 1 1 ; 5 5 . N o . 3 9 9 ; c f . S o u i s s i 1 9 6 9 , 5 6 - 6 2 ] t h e r e a r e som e n o t e s o n t h e
u se o f a s im p le m u l t i p l i c a t i o n t a b l e o f t h i s k in d ; no t a b l e
The a r g u m e n t n i s l a b e l l e d a l - t a f a d u l , " f i r s t d i f f e r e n c e , " a n d
i s p r e s e n t e d i n t h e t e x t , a n d t h e p r o d u c t s q u o t e d a s e x a m p le s
t h e v a l u e s f{m ,n ) a r e l a b e l l e d q a f y a ' , w h ic h i s a n a b b r e v i a t i o n
a r e w r i t t e n o u t in w o rd s.
f o r d a q a 'iq thawani, " m i n u t e s a n d s e c o n d s . " A l l t h e n u m b e rs
MS I s t a n b u l E s a t E f . 1 9 7 6 , f o l . 1 9 r , c o n t a i n s a s i m i l a r
a r e e x p r e s s e d s e x a g e s i m a l l y i n a bjad n o t a t i o n .
m u l t i p l i c a t i o n t a b l e i n w h ic h t h e p r o d u c t s a r e e x p r e s s e d d e c i ­
T he s e c o n d S y r i a n i n t e r p o l a t i o n t a b l e i s c o n t a i n e d i n MS
m a l l y i n t h e A r a b i c abjad n o t a t i o n : t h u s , f o r e x a m p l e , t h e e n t r y
D a m a scu s Z a h i r i y a 7 9 7 6 o f t h e Z ij o f Muhammad i b n c Abd a l - R a h i m
f o r 9 x 9 i s l)a' a l i f r e p r e s e n t i n g 8 a n d 1 , i . e . , 8 1 . T h ere
a l - M u k h a l l a l a t i , who d i e d i n 1 7 9 2 . H is Z ij i s l i k e w i s e b a s e d
i s a l s o a t a b l e o f r e c i p r o c a l s 1 /n f o r e a c h i n t e g r a l v a lu e o f
on t h a t o f Ib n a l - S h a t i r a n d i n c l u d e s e x t e n s i v e d o u b l e - a r g u m e n t
n fr o m 1 t o 6 0 , w i t h v a l u e s e x p r e s s e d a s f o u r - f i g u r e d e c i m a l s
p la n e ta r y e q u a tio n t a b l e s . T he t a b l e s w h ic h c o n c e r n t h e p r e s e n t
i n abjad n o t a t i o n . T h e s e tw o t a b l e s o c c u r a m i d s t v a r i o u s o t h e r
s t u d y a r e fo u n d o n p p . 4 8 - 6 8 o f t h e Z a h i r i y a m a n u s c r i p t an d
t a b l e s d u e t o t h e 1 6 t h - c e n t u r y O tto m a n a s t o n o m e r T a q i a l - D i n
a r e e n t i t l e d jadwal tac d i l fa d l ma bayn a l-s a tra y n wa-tac d i l ma
[ S u t e r 1 9 0 0 , N o. 4 7 1 ] , p r e c e d in g a c o m p le te c o p y o f h i s a s t r o n o ­
bayn a l- t a fa d u la y n , l i t e r a l l y , " t a b l e f o r c o r r e c t i n g t h e d i f ­
m i c a l h a n d b o o k f o r I s t a n b u l , e n t i t l e d J a r id a t a l- d u r a r w a-kharidat
f e r e n c e b e tw e e n t h e tw o l i n e s a n d t h e d i f f e r e n c e b e tw e e n t h e
a l-fik a r. I n t h i s w o rk t h e e n t r i e s i n t h e t r i g o n o m e t r i c a n d
tw o f i r s t d i f f e r e n c e s . " The f u n c t i o n t a b u l a t e d i s
c e r t a i n s p h e r ic a l a stro n o m ic a l ta b le s a r e e x p re s s e d d e c im a lly :
f(m ,n ) = n * m t h e s e a r e t h e e a r l i e s t e x a m p le s o f I s l a m i c t r i g o n o m e t r i c t a b l e s
in th e d e c im a l s y s te m . T he b a s e f o r T a q i 1 - D i n ' s t r i g o n o m e t r i c
fo r th e a r g u m e n t d o m a in s
f u n c t i o n s i s 1 0 r a t h e r th a n 1 , an d t h e nam es o f t h e u n i t s a r e
m = 1, 2, ..., 59 and n = 0 , 1 , 0,2, . .., 12,0. th o s e o f I s la m ic s e x a g e s im a l a r i t h m e t i c . Thus f o r S in 3 0 ° ( t h e
c a p i t a l n o t a t i o n i n d i c a t e s t h a t th e b a s e i s 1 0 , i . e . , S in x =
A l l n u m b e rs a r e exp ressed in abjad n o t a t i o n .
1 0 s i n x ) , th e e n t r y i s 5 0 0 0 , and th e a b b r e v i a t i o n s a t th e h ead
o f t h e c o lu m n s o f e n t r i e s a r e j ( f o r d a r a j, " d e g r e e s " ) , q ( f o r
d a q a 'iq , " m i n u t e s " ) , yt ( f o r t h a n iy a ( t ) , " o n e s e c o n d " ) , 1th

I s la m ic M u l t i p l i c a t i o n T a b le s 415

( f o r th aw alith, " t h i r d s " ) . L i k e w i s e , t h e e n t r y f o r T an 4 5 ° i s

1 0 0 0 0 , an d t h e c o lu m n s a r e l a b e l l e d c ( f o r m a r f u c , " f i r s t p o w e r ,
l i t e r a l l y " r a i s e d " ) , j ( f o r d a ra j) , e t c .
P l a t e 2 sh o w s t h e s i n e t a b l e fro m T a q i 1 - D i n ' s Z i j , t a k e n
fr o m a m a n u s c r i p t o f t h e w o rk p r e s e r v e d i n C a i r o .
I n Ms Cairo D a r a l - K u t u b m iqat 9 0 0 , 1 ( f o l s . 3 v - 5 r , c o p i e d
.c a . 1 7 8 5 ) , .p r e c e d i n g a c o p y o f T a q i 1 - D i n ' s Z i j , t h e r e i s a s e t
o f d e c i m a l m u l t i p l i c a t i o n t a b l e s w r i t t e n i n abjad n o t a t i o n d i s ­
p la y in g p r o d u c ts ,

x x n (n = 1 , 2 , . . . , 10) ,

fo r x = s in cos s i n <j>j, c o s 4>j, s i n e , c o s e , t a n e ,

c o t £ , t a n <|>i, c o t <pj, s i n <j>M, c o s and fo u r o th e r
f u n c t i o n s r e l a t i n g t o t i m e k e e p i n g ; <j>M a n d <J>j a r e t h e l a t i t u d e s
o f M e cca an d I s t a n b u l a n d e i s t h e o b l i q u i t y . S u ch t a b l e s a r e
o f ( v e r y ) l i m i t e d u s e i n tim e k e e p in g c a l c u l a t i o n s and in d e t e r ­
m i n i n g t h e q ib la ( d i r e c t i o n o f M e c c a ) a t I s t a n b u l . T hey a r e
p r e c e d e d by a d e c im a l m u l t i p l i c a t i o n ta b le d is p la y in g p ro d u cts
m x n f o r m,n = 1 , 2 , . . . , 1 0 . T he p r o d u c t s a r e w r i t t e n i n
abjad n o t a t i o n s o t h a t , f o r e x a m p l e , 8 1 i s r e p r e s e n t e d b y ha'
a l i f , t h a t i s , 8 f o llo w e d by 1 .
MS A le p p o A w qaf 9 6 5 , w h ic h w as c o p i e d i n A le p p o a b o u t 1 8 0 0 ,
c o n t a i n s a t a b l e e n t i t l e d jadwal h a ll a l - d a r a j a t , l i t e r a l l y
" t a b l e f o r s o l v i n g d e g r e e s ," and d i s p l a y s th e f u n c t i o n

f(m ,n ) = 6 0 x m + n ,
m = 1 , 2 , . . . , 60 and n = 1 , 2 , ..., 60.

T h e e n t r i e s a r e w r i t t e n d e c i m a l l y i n m o d e rn A r a b i c n u m e r i c a l
n o t a t i o n , and th e t a b l e c a n b e u se d t o f i n d , f o r e x a m p le , th e
n u m b er o f m i n u t e s c o r r e s p o n d i n g t o a s e x a g e s i m a l n um ber m ;n.
MS P r i n c e t o n Y a h u d a 3 5 3 o f t h e c o r p u s o f t a b l e s f o r t i m e ­
k e e p in g p re p a re d f o r th e l a t i t u d e o f I s t a n b u l in th e m id -1 8 th
c e n t u r y by S a l i h E f e n d i c o n t a i n s an a d d i t i o n a l t a b l e t h a t i s
n o t fo u n d i n a n y o f t h e o t h e r known c o p i e s o f t h e c o r p u s . The
ta b l e d is p la y s v a lu e s to th r e e s e x a g e s im a l d i g i t s o f th e fu n c­
tio n

fo r th e d o m a in s

x = 10, 10;30, ..., 25;30, y = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 1 0 .

The p u rp o s e o f t a b u l a t i n g t h i s f u n c t i o n i s n o t s t a t e d . H o w e v e r,
t h e sam e t a b l e o c c u r s i n MS I s t a n b u l K a n d i l l i O b s e r v a t o r y 3 7 0

P l a t e 2 : The s i n e t a b l e i n t h e Z ij o f T a q i 1 - D i n , i n w h ic h
v a lu e s a r e g iv e n to b a s e 10 d e c im a lly f o r e a c h d e g re e o f a rg u ­
m e n t. T h i s e x t r a c t i s t a k e n f r o m MS C a i r o T a l c a t miqat 7 6 , f o l s .
3 r - 4 r , by c o u r t e s y o f t h e E g y p t i a n N a t i o n a l L i b r a r y .

I s la m i c M u l t i p l i c a t i o n T a b le s 417

N e u g e b a u e r , 0 . 1 9 7 5 . A H isto ry o f A n cien t M athematical Astronomy,

w i t h a n o t e t h a t i t w as p r e p a r e d b y t h e a s t r o n o m e r S h u k r i Z a d e
3 P t s . B e rlin /H e id e lb e rg /N e w Y o rk : S p r in g e r -V e r la g .
t o s u p p le m e n t S a l i h E f e n d i 's t a b l e s o f c o o r d i n a t e s f o r c o n s t r u c t ­
S o u i s s i , M. 1 9 6 9 . Ibn a l-B a n n a ': T a lk h ls ac mSl a l-ly isS b , T u n is
in g s u n d i a l s .
S t o r e y , C . A . 1 9 5 8 . P ersia n L i t e r a t u r e : A B io -B ib lio g ra p h ic a l
A t r e a t i s e i n t h r e e m aqalas o n a r i t h m e t i c , a l g e b r a , a n d
s u r v e y i n g b y c Abd a l - M a j i d a l - S a m u l I , a p p a r e n t l y c o m p i l e d i n
S u rv ey , V o l . I I . L o n d o n : L u z a c .
S u t e r , H. 1 9 0 0 . D ie M a t h e m a t i k e r und A s tr o n o m e n d e r A r a b e r und
M e cca a b o u t 1 6 0 0 , c o n t a i n s a s m a l l d e c i m a l m u l t i p l i c a t i o n t a b l e
i h r e W e rk e . Abhandlungen z u r G e sc h ich te d e r m athem atischen
d i s p l a y i n g p r o d u c t s m * n f o r m,n = 1 , 2 , . . . , 9 , w r i t t e n i n
A ra b ic n u m e ric a l n o t a t i o n and e x p r e s s e d d e c i m a l l y . I have
W issen sch a ften 1 0 , 1 - 2 7 8 .
e x a m in e d MS C a i r o T ay m u r riya da 3 1 4 ( 1 1 7 p p . , c o p i e d c a . 1 8 0 0 )
o f t h e f i r s t h a l f o f t h i s t r e a t i s e , i n w h ic h t h e t a b l e o c c u r s
on p . 7 .
Copyright © 1980 by Academic Press, Inc.
MS C a i r o T ay m u r riy a d a 3 2 1 , 2 ( f o l s . 2 v - 6 r , c o p i e d c a . 1 8 0 0 )
A ll rights o f reproduction in any form reserved.
c o n t a i n s a t a b l e , w ith n e i t h e r t i t l e n o r a c c o m p a n y in g t e x t ,
w h ic h d i s p l a y s t h e d e c i m a l p r o d u c t s

44 x n (n = 1 , 2 , ..., 1000),

w r itte n in A ra b ic n u m e ric a l n o t a t i o n . I h av e no id e a w hat th e

p u rp o se o f t h i s t a b l e m ig h t b e .
MS C a i r o D a r a l - K u t u b m lqat 7 7 0 , 2 ( f o l . 7 r , c o p . c a . 1 7 5 0 )
c o n t a i n s a t a b l e e n t i t l e d jadwal a l - t a c d i l a l- a s g h a r , " t a b l e
o f th e s m a l l e s t e q u a t i o n ," d is p la y in g th e s e x a g e s im a l p r o d u c ts

0;17,24 x n (n = 1 , 2, ..., 60)

to th r e e d i g i t s . The t a b l e i s u n r e l a t e d t o th e o t h e r w o rk s in
t h e m a n u s c r i p t , a n d i t s p u r p o s e e l u d e s m e.


The r e s e a r c h on t h e h i s t o r y o f s c i e n c e i n m e d i e v a l I s l a m
c o n d u c t e d a t t h e A m e r ic a n R e s e a r c h C e n t e r i n E g y p t d u r i n g 1 9 7 2 -
1 9 7 9 w as s p o n s o r e d a n d f i n a n c e d m a i n l y b y t h e S m i t h s o n i a n I n s t i ­
tu tio n . A d d i t i o n a l s u p p o r t w as p r o v i d e d b y t h e N a t i o n a l S c i e n c e
F o u n d a t i o n , W a s h i n g t o n , D. C . ( 1 9 7 2 - 1 9 8 0 ) , t h e A m e r i c a n P h i l ­
o s o p h i c a l S o c i e t y ( 1 9 7 2 - 1 9 7 4 ) , and th e F o rd F o u n d a tio n ( 1 9 7 6 -
1979). T h is s u p p o r t i s g r a t e f u l l y a c k n o w le d g e d . I sh o u ld a l s o
l i k e t o e x p r e s s my g r a t i t u d e t o t h e d i r e c t o r s o f t h e v a r i o u s
l i b r a r i e s in E u r o p e , t h e N e a r E a s t , an d I n d i a , w h ere I h a v e
in s p e c t e d t h e m a n u s c r ip ts m e n tio n e d i n t h i s s t u d y .


B r o c k e lm a n n , C. 1943. G e s c h ic h te d e r a ra b is c h e n L i t t e r a t u r , 2
v o l s . , 2nd e d . ( 1 9 4 3 - 1 9 4 9 ) , an d S u p p le m e n tb a n d e , 3 v o l s .
( 1 9 3 7 - 1 9 4 2 ) , L e id e n : E . J . B r i l l .
K ennedy, E . S . 1 9 5 6 . A su rv e y o f Is la m ic a s tro n o m ic a l t a b l e s .
T ra n sa ctio n s o f th e American P h ilo so p h ic a l S o c i e t y , N. S.
46:2, 123-177.
K in g , D. A . 1 9 7 4 . On m e d i e v a l I s l a m i c m u l t i p l i c a t i o n ta b le s ,
H isto ria Mathematica 1 , 3 1 7 - 3 2 3 .

A Handlist of the Arabic and Persian

Astronomical Manuscripts in the Maharaja
Mansingh II Library in Jaipur

H E M A H A R A J A J A I S IN G H (d. 1743) is well known to the history

T of science as the founder of the stone observatories of northern India, of
which the most spectacular is in the “pink city” of Jaipur.1 Having convinced
his patron, the Emperor Muhammad Shah, of the inaccuracy of the current
ephemerides, computed with the zijes of Ulugh Beg and al-Kashi (co. 1425)
of Samarqand and with the Indian recensions of the zij of Ulugh Beg made
by Mulla Chand ( ca . 1600) in the reign of Akbar, and by Mulla Farid al-Dln
(co. 1630) in the reign of Shahjahan, Jai Singh was ordered to undertake new
observations with the help of Muslim, Brahman, and European astronomers.
Besides constructing the observatories, Jai Singh collected manuscripts of
Sanskrit, Persian, and Arabic astronomical works, as well as printed books
from Europe. Some of these, surely only a fraction of his original collection,
are still preserved in the library adjacent to the observatory in Jaipur, although
not all of them date from the time of Jai Singh, notably the two manuscripts
of his own zij.
The purpose of this note is simply to identify the Arabic and Persian
astronomical manuscripts preserved in the Library.2 The manuscripts mentio­
ned below add little to the corpus of material available for the further study
of the history of Islamic astronomy in general, but are of interest in that they
illustrate the kind of works that were being studied in Turkey, Iran, and
India in the seventeenth, eighteenth, and nineteenth centuries. For each*

* Department of Near Eastern Languages and Literature, Faculty of Arts and Sciences, New
York University, 50 Washington Square South, New York N Y 10003, U.S.A.
1. On Jai Singh’ s astronomical activities see in the appended bibliography, for example, Kaye;
Sayili, pp. 359-361; Blanpied; and Price. For an overview of Mogul astronomy see Ansari. On the
translation of Islamic works into Sanskrit see Pingree.
2. A list of the holdings of the Maharaja’ s Museum and Library, including most but not all of vari­
ous Sanskrit, Islamic, and European astronomical works, is contained in Das. I have not been able to
consult Bahura, which apparently lists only Sanskrit manuscripts.


work represented I give only the most basic information, such as title and 3. The Arabic treatise on the rainbow and lunar halo by Ibn al-Haytham:
author, together with the accession number, number of folios, and date of 17,2 (8 fols. in the same hand as 17,1 - see no. 2 above).
copying (Hijra/Christian calendar), as well as the date of acquisition where References: On Ibn al-Haytham see 2 above. On this treatise see Krause, no. 204(19) and Brockel­
mann, SI, p. 853. The only other known copy of this work appears to be the Istanbul copy listed by
this is available.3 All of the authors and their works are well known to the
history of Islamic science. The references given below, particularly those to
the surveys of Arabic literature by C. Brockelmann and F. Sezgin and the 4. The Persian version of al-Tafhim li-awd'il sinacat al-tanjim by Abu’l-
survey of Persian literature by C. A. Storey, will guide the reader to other Rayhan al-Blruni: 7 (co. 150 fols., copied co. 1300, acquired 1725, fine copy).
References: Storey, no. 80; Boilot, no. 73. On Biruni see also the article by E. S. Kennedy in D SB.
manuscripts of the same works preserved in other libraries.4
5. The Arabic commentary by Qadizada al-Rumi on the treatise on theo­
3. Since these are given in Sanskrit, I have relied on Das for this information. retical astronomy entitled al-Mulakhkhas f i ’l-hay'a by Mahmud ibn cUmar
4. The standard reference works on the sources for Islamic science are Sezgin (covering the period
al-Jaghmlnl: 18 (106 fols., copied co. 1600, acquired 1725).
up till the mid-eleventh century); and Suter and Brockelmann (still the main sources for the later
References: On al-Jaghmlnl see Suter, no. 403; Krause, no. 403; Brockelmann, I, pp. 624-625, and
period); and Storey (for Persian works). Additional information on scientific manuscripts in Istanbul
SI, p. 865, and Storey, no. 88. The Mulakhkhas was compiled in 618H = 1221 ( contra Sezgin, V, p. 115).
and Cairo is given in Krause and King, respectively. A survey of the Islamic astronomical handbooks
On Qadizada see Suter, no. 430; Brockelmann, II, p. 275. etc.
known as zijes is in Kennedy.
6 . The Arabic commentary by al-Nlsapuri on the treatise on theoretical
A cknowledgements astronomy entitled al-Tadhkira by Naslr al-Din al-Tusx: 21 (250 fols., copied
co. 1600), and 22 (co. 120 fols., copied co. 1600, acquired 1725).
My research in India in September and October 1978 was sponsored by
References: On al-Tusi see Suter, no. 368; Krause, no. 368; Brockelmann, I, pp. 670-676 and SI,
the Foreign Currency Program of the Smithsonian Institution, Washington, pp. 924-933; Storey, nos. 10 and 91; and the article in D S B by S.H. Nasr. The Tadhkira is currently
D.C. This support is gratefully acknowledged. being investigated in detail by J. Rajeb of Harvard University. On al-Nisapuri see Suter, no. 395,
It is a pleasure to thank Dr. Asok Kumar Das, Director of the Maharaja Brockelmann, II, p. 256 and SII, p. 273.

Sawai Mansingh I I Museum in the City Palace of Jaipur, for affording me 7. The Arabic commentary by cAlI al-Birjandi on the treatise on arithmetic
every possible assistance in the Library of the Museum, and also Mr. Yaduen- called al-Shamstya by al-Nisapurl: 10 (197 fols., copied 924H = 1518, acquired
dra Sahai, conservationist at the Museum, for ensuring that not a minute of in 1725).
my short visit to the Library was wasted. References: On al-Nisapuri see 6 above. On cA li Birjandi see Suter, no. 456; and Storey, no. 121.
Other copies of this commentary are listed in Brockelmann, SII, p. 273 (to which add MS Princeton
List of manuscripts Mach 4800).

1. The Arabic version by Thabit ibn Qurra of Ptolemy’s Almagest: 8 . The Persian astrological treatise Lawa'ih al-qamar by Husayn ibn cAlI
20 (co. 150 fols., copied co. 1600, breaks off after the beginning of the sixth al-Bayhaqx al-Kashifx: 91 (co. 100 fols., copied co. 1600, acquired 1725).
maqala), and the Arabic recension of Ptolemy’s Almagest by Nasxr al-Dm al- References: Storey, no. 116.

Tusi; 19 (97 pp., copied co. 1500, acquired 1725). 9. An unidentified anonymous Persian work on astrology: 2 (co. 150 fols.,
References'. Sezgin, V I, pp. 89 and 93. copied co. 1700). The author quotes Dorotheos frequently. Incipit: ...
IjO jJ y. J U-JtA l^ lJ j
2. An anonymous Arabic commentary on the K itdb ( Optics )
References: This manuscript is not listed in Das. No Persian astrological works based on Dorotheos
of Ibn al-Haytham, actually the Tanqih al-mana^ir by Kam al al-Din al-
are listed in Storey.
Farisi: 17,1 (co. 150 fols., copied 1070H = 1659-60, checked 1079H = 1668-
69, acquired 1725, clear naskht script with carefully-drawn diagrams). The 10. The Persian Z ij-i Khdqani of Ghiyath al-Din al-Kashx: 9 (184 pp.,
manuscript appears to have been copied by Abu Muhammad Sam an! (?) for copied co. 1600, acquired 1728, fair copy, diagrams unlabelled).
References: Storey, nos. 104 and 105; Kennedy, no. 20. On al-Kashi see also the article in D S B by
al-Shah Qiyad ibn cA bd al-Jalil al-Harithi al-Badakhshi known as Diyan-
A. P. Youschkevitch and B. A. Rosenfeld. An edition and translation of the Khdqani Ztj is currently
thihan( ?). being prepared by E. S. Kennedy.
References: On Ibn al-Haytham and his Optics se« the article by A. I. Sabra in D S B and the re­
ferences there cited. Prof. Sabra is currently completing an edition of this work. On Kamal al-Din 11. The Persian Z ij-i Sultant of Ulugh Beg: 11 (co. 195 fols., copied co.
al-Farisi see the article by R. Rashed in D S B , and on the available manuscripts of the Tanqiti see 1500, fair copy), plus Persian commentaries by cA li Birjandx: 5 (co. 200 fols.,
Brockelmann, I, p. 619 and SI, p. 853, and Krause, no. 389. 1015H), and Molla Ghand: 6 (co. 250 fols., copied co. 1600, acquired 1725).
Birjandi’ s Persian Risala-i-hay'a (see Storey, no. 121), the relation of which to al-Tusi’s Tadhkira
References'. Storey, no. 104; Kennedy, no. 12. On the Arabic versions of this zij see also Brockelmann,
remains to be established.
II, pp. 275-276 and SII, p. 298. Only the Persian introduction of the Z ij of Ulugh Beg and the star
catalogue have been published; for a brief survey of the remaining tables, which merit detailed study, 18. Nayanasukhopadhyaya’s translation of Nasir al-Din al-Tusi’s recension
see Kennedy, pp. 166-167.
of the Sphaerica of Theodosius: 44.
12. The Persian Zij-i Shdhjahdni compiled in Delhi by Farid al-Din Mas'ud References: CESS, A3, 132a, and A4.
ibn Ibrahim al-Dihlawi: 12 (438 fols., copied ca. 1800), and 14 (328 fols., copied
ca. 1700, acquired 1725). In the second copy, the zij is followed by an incomplete 19. Yantrarajarisala bisa baba, a translation of Nasir al-Din al-Tusi’s trea­
sexagesimal multiplication table (on which see Historia Mathematica, 1 (1974), tise on the use of the astrolabe: 42.
317-323, and 6 (1979), 405-417), and an incomplete table for computing the References: CESS, A3, 145a, and A4.

mizdj of the moon. 20. Virodhamardanagrantha, a work in Marathi composed by Yajnesvara

References: Storey, no. 133; and Kennedy, no. X204. The Shahjahdni Z ij has, as far as I know,
Punakara Jyotirvit in 1837 and based on the Zij-i-Khaqani (see no. 10 above):
never been studied, and merits investigation.
205 (16 fols.), unique?
13. The Persian Zij-i Muhammad Shahi of Jai Singh: 4 (ca. 150 fols., copied
ca. 1800??), and 8 (222 fols., copied ca. 1800).
References: Storey, no. 144; Kennedy, no. X203. Another copy which I have come across that is
Bibliography and Bibliographical Abbreviations
not listed in Storey is MS Aligarh University Library 30. Kaye, writing in 1918, implies that he was
unable to locate a Persian copy of this zij in Jaipur (Kaye, p. 7). The zij of Jai Singh is unpublished,
Ansari: S. R. M. Ansari, “ Astronomical Activity in Medieval India” , Proceedings of the International
although much has been written on Jai Singh's astronomical activity (see Storey for references).
Symposium on the Observatories in Islam (Istanbul, 1977), to appear.

Sanskrit Translations of Islamic Works Bahura: G. N. Bahura, Catalogue of Manuscripts in the Maharaja of Jaipur Museum (Jaipur, 1971).

For the sake of completeness I list the following manuscripts of Sanskrit Blanpied: W. A. Blanpied, “ The Astronomical Program of Raja Sawai Jai Singh II and Its Historical

versions of Islamic astronomical works, for which I have relied mainly on the Context” , Japanese Studies in the History o f Science, no. 13 (1974), pp. 87-126.

handlist of the collection prepared by Dr. Asok Das and on Dr. David Pingree’s Boilot: D. J. Boilot, “ L’Oeuvre d’al-Beruni: Essai bibliographique” , Melanges de I’Institut Dominicain
survey of Islamic astronomical works in Sanskrit translation (see Das and d'etudes orientates du Caire, 2 (1955), 161-255, and “ Corrigenda et Addenda” , ibid., 3 (1956), 391-396.
Pingree in the bibliography). Other Sanskrit astronomical manuscripts are Brockelmann: C. Brockelmann, Geschichte der arabischen Litteratur, 2 vols., 2nd ed., (Leiden: E. J.
preserved in the Library, and also some European books on astronomy: see Brill, 1943-49), and Supplementbande, 3 vols., (Leiden: E. J. Brill, 1937-42).
further Das. The Sanskrit manuscripts are listed in Bahura and are classified C E S S : D. Pingree, Census of the Exact Sciences in Sanskrit, Series A , vols. 1-4, Memoirs of the American
in D. Pingree’s Census of the Exact Sciences in Sanskrit (see CESS for a full Philosophical Society, vols. 81,86, and 111 (vol. 4 is in press).
reference). Dr. Pingree kindly provided me with the information on the works
Das: A. K. Das, “ Maharaja Satoai Jai Singh and His City” , lithographed on the occasion of the 250th
numbered 18, 19, and 20 below. anniversary of the city of Jaipur.
14. Zij of Nityananda: 23 (443 pp.). D S B : Dictionary of Scientific Biography, 15 vols., (New York: Charles Scribne’s Sons, 1970-78).
References: Das, p. 7, no. 127; Pingree, pp. 323-326.
Kaye: G. R. Kaye, The Astronomical Observatories o f Jai Singh, Archaeological Survey of India, New
15. Hayatagrantha: 24 (ca. 50 fols.) Imperial Series, vol. X L , Calcutta, 1918.
References: Das, p. 6, no. 112; Pingree, pp. 326-328. Kennedy: E. S. Kennedy, “ A Survey of Islamic Astronomical Tables” , Transactions of the American
Philosophical Society, N.S., 46:2 (1956), pp. 123-177.
16. An extract from the tables in what is apparently a Sanskrit version
of the Z ij-i Ulugh Beg: 45 (ca. 100 fols.). King: D. A. King, A Catalogue of the Scientific Manuscripts in the Egyptian National Library (in Arabic),

References: Das, p. 7, no. 115; Pingree, p. 326. Cairo: General Egyptian Book Organization (in press), and A Survey of the Scientific Manuscripts
in the Egyptian National Library (in English), to appear.
17. Nayanasukhopadhyaya’s translation of what purports to be Nasir
Krause: M. Krause, “ Stambuler Handschriften islamischer Mathematiker” , Quellen und Studien zur
al-Din al-Tusi’s Tadhkira in the commentary of al-Birjandi: 46 (ca. 60 fols.)
Geschichte der Mathematik, Astronomic und Physik, Abt. B, 3:4 (1936), pp. 437-532.
(unique ?).
Pingree: D. Pingree, “ Islamic Astronomy in Sanskrit” , Journal for the History of Arabic Science, 2
References: Das, p. 6, no. 114; Pingree, p. 328. This work remains to be studied. For al-Birjandi on
(1978), 315-330.
the Tadhkira see Brockelmann, SI, p. 931. This Sanskrit work is more probably a translation of a l-
Pingree: See also CESS.

Price: D. J. de Solla Price, “ Astronomy’ s Past Preserved at Jaipur” , Natural History, 73:6 (1964),
Sayili: A. Sayili, The Observatory in Islam (Ankara: Turkish Historical Society, 1960).

Sezgin: F. Sezgin, Geschichte des arabischen Schrifttums, Vol. 5: Mathematics, and Vol. 6: Astronomy,
(Leiden: E. J. Brill, 1975 and 1978).
Storey: C. A. Storey, Persian Literature: a Bio-Bibliographical Survey, (Vol. II, London: Luzac and
Co., 1958).
Suter: H. Suter, “ Die Mathematiker und Astronomen der Araber und ihre Werke” , Abhandlungen
zur Geschichte der mathematischen Wissenschaften, 10(1900), and “ Nachtrage und Berichtigungen” ,
ibid., 14 (1902), 157-185.
/V V 1 A

XVII Isla m ic M a th e m a tic s and A s tr o n o m y 213

fact that the best way to remind most men of the presence of God is to remind
them o f the limited character of the created world [!].”
However, Nasr’s survey, which contains no “ study and analysis” of any
texts, is further marred by an inordinately large number of inadequately-
documented claims and outright errors. Most of Nasr’s statements referring to
an individual, or a work, or a discovery, contain some kind of distortion or
exaggeration resulting from the author’s lack of familiarity with the original
sources, or his innocence of the mathematics or astronomy involved. Not all
the errors are Nasr’s; many are found already in his sources. But this is not a
book by an amateur; the author is a professional historian of science. Notwith­
standing the fact that he is currently compiling an Annotated bibliography o f
Islamic science (of which the first volume appeared in 1975), he seems to be
ISLAMICMATHEMATICS AND ASTRONOMY quite out of touch with much recent scholarship in the field of Islamic science.
Nasr is o f course at his best when quoting directly such authorities on Islamic
science as D. Pingree and E. S. Kennedy. But the general picture of Islamic
science which he portrays indicates that he has not used some of the most
important references which he cites, such as Kennedy’s Survey o f Islamic
astronomical tables, Sayili’s Observatory in Islam , Wiedemann’s Aufsatze zur
The chapters on mathematics and astronomy in Islamic Science: An Illustrated
Study. S. H. Nasr (World of Islam Festival Publishing Co. Ltd, London, Geschichte der Naturwissenschaften, and Juschkewitsch’s Mathematik im
1976). Pp. xiv + 273. £12-50. M ittelalter. Nor has he used any of the relevant and important articles in the
This lavishly-illustrated volume was prepared for the occasion of the Exhibition Encyclopaedia o f Islam (hereafter E IX and £/2 for the first and second editions)
“ Science and Technology in Islam” held in the Science Museum in London in or the Dictionary o f scientific biography (hereafter D S B ). Nasr’s book is at
1976 as part of the so-called Festival of the World of Islam. The author is first sight carefully documented with footnotes and references to numerous
Professor S. H. Nasr, a professional historian of science and specialist on scholarly articles, but a superficial investigation o f his choice of an authority
Islamic science, who is currently Chancellor of the Arya-Mehr University of here, or selection o f a reference there, gives the impression that the book was
Technology in Tehran. The Exhibition in London and also this new book by written in some haste.
Professor Nasr attempted to cover the whole spectrum of Muslim activity in A curious omission from Nasr’s chapters on mathematics and astronomy is
the sciences, defined in their widest sense, and to illustrate the depth and any serious discussion o f the peculiarly Islamic aspects o f Islamic mathematics
importance of the Muslim achievements in the sciences. The book claims to and astronomy. The arithmetic o f inheritance is a rather important aspect of
be (p. xiii b) “ the first ever written on Islamic science in which the study and Islamic mathematics which Nasr does not even mention. The three Islamic
analysis of the texts is combined with illustrations from sources throughout aspects o f Islamic astronomy, which are the sole surviving elements of a
the Islamic world” . millenium o f Islamic astronomy, are firstly, the determination o f the visibility
In view of the nature o f this journal and the limitations of my own experience of the lunar crescent at the beginning of each Muslim month, secondly, the
in working on Islamic scientific material, I shall restrict my attention entirely determination of the astronomically-defined times o f Muslim prayer, and
to Nasr’s chapters on mathematics and astronomy, which take up about thirdly, the determination of the qibla or direction o f Mecca. Nasr ignores the
one quarter o f the book. In so doing I regrettably ignore what Nasr has written first of these aspects completely, and devotes three or four noncommittal
on physics, medicine, natural history, and “ Man in the Universe” . Likewise sentences of his own to the second and third, which he calls the “ cosmic
I shall not discuss Nasr’s philosophy of Islamic science which enables him to dimension of the Islamic rites” . Muslim astronomers concerned themselves
see “ the integration o f the sciences of the Cosmos [in Islam] into the total with the determination of crescent visibility and of the prayer-times and qibla
scheme of knowledge drawn from the Quranic relevation” (front jacket). This for over a millenium. This activity and the vast corpus of Islamic literature
philosophy, coupled with his contempt for Western rationalism, and disdain dealing with it are worth more than a few sentences in a book bearing the
for Western science and civilization in general, which are in evidence in every title Islamic science. Why are the prayer-times astronomically defined? How
chapter, make the work very much a personal interpretation rather than an were they regulated in medieval times ? How are they regulated today ? Why do
historical survey. Typical of Nasr’s personal interpretation o f Islamic science medieval mosques in general not face the true qibla? Why must the crescent
is a remark found on p. 133a: “ . .. Muslims had all the technical knowledge be sighted before the new month begins? Why is there so much confusion
necessary to overthrow the Ptolemaic system [$/c], including knowledge o f the about the beginning of the Muslim months in the modern Islamic world?
heliocentric system [$/c], but they did not do so because they had not as yet These are fair questions, and their answers add a new dimension to our know­
become forgetful of the symbolic content of traditional astronomy nor of the ledge of Islamic science.
A Vll

214 Isla m ic M a th e m a tic s a n d A s tro n o m y 215

The following examples, taken from a few pages o f Nasr’s text, are presented 36° N to be 2877 feet [ ! ] . . . ” , which is somewhat at variance with the other
to illustrate the major problems o f at least the sections o f the book dealing result cited.
with mathematics and astronomy. In a section on the sources of Islamic astronomy (pp. 95-98) Nasr mis­
Let us begin with some of Nasr’s remarks about the achievements o f various interprets the meaning of anwa’ and nasi', concepts basic to the primitive folk
Muslim scholars in number theory and computation (pp. 79-81). On p. 80a-b astronomy o f the Arabian peninsular in pre-Islamic times (cf. the articles Anwa'
he states that “ Kashani, the outstanding Persian mathematician,. . . invented and Nasi' in £/2 and EIX respectively). When discussing the non-Islamic
the decimal fraction . . .” and contradicts this claim in a footnote saying sources of Islamic astronomy, Nasr quotes D. Pingree and then on p. 97b
“ al-Uqlldusi [sic] seems to have invented them .. In fact, as far as we know, ventures the following remark of his own: “ . . . by the 3rd/9th century Muslims
al-Uqlidisi of Damascus wrote on decimal fractions five centuries before al- became thoroughly acquainted with the astronomical traditions of the Indians,
Kashani (or al-Kashi), and they were further developed in the intervening Persians and Greeks and of course, through them, with those of the ancient
centuries! Further on in this section on number theory and computation we Babylonians and Egyptians.” In fact the Muslims knew nothing of the astro­
read that: “ [al-Kashani] must also be considered the first person to have nomical traditions of either ancient Babylon or ancient Egypt as such: when
invented a calculating machine” , but al-Kashi’s tabaq al-manatiq is a planetary isolated examples of Babylonian and Egyptian techniques do occur in Islamic
equatorium, not a calculating machine. sources their origins are not usually identified. Nasr claims on p. 106a: “ Until
On p. 81a Nasr writes of the prolific seventeenth-century writer Baha’ al-Din the 4th/10th century Muslims followed Indian and Persian planetary models,
al-cAmili that “ [he] was particularly influential because he was a truly universal while from the time of al-Battani the Ptolemaic theory became completely
genius . . . it is not accidental that Suter concluded his now classical work on dominant” , but three o f the four extant zijts from ninth-century Iraq are based
Islamic mathematics with him . . Suter (1900) indeed concluded his study on Ptolemaic planetary theory.
with al-cAmilI, but he said of him: “ Seine Werke zeigen keinen Fortschritt The whole of Nasr’s brief categorization of Islamic astronomical literature
mehr, sondern im Gegenteil einen Riickschritt, von Selbstandigkeit oder on p. 98a betrays a lack of familiarity with the most basic works of Islamic
Originalitat ist bei ihm und seinen Nachfolgern keine Spur mehr zu finden.” astronomy. For example, the Nihayat al-idrak of al-Shirazi belongs to precisely
The fact that al-cAmili was indeed influential is more a reflection of the the same category o f Islamic astronomical literature as al-Jusi’s Tadhkira.
stagnation o f intellectual life in Islam in the late medieval period than o f the Also, al-Biruni’s al-Qanun al-Mascudi is a zij. Nasr states that “ . . . zijes or
universality o f his genius. tables . . . usually include results o f observations in tabular form with extensive
In the section on trigonometry (p. 4) Nasr states: “ It was Muslim mathe­ mathematical analysis and even occasionally discussion o f mathematics itself” .
maticians who for the first time formulated the trigonometric functions But zijes are not tables. Nor do they include results o f observations in tabular
explicitly. In fact the word ‘sine’ is the direct [sic] translation o f the Arabic form. Furthermore, no example of a zij containing any discussion of mathe­
word jayb .” Curiously, though, the Arabic word jayb is derived from Sanskrit matics other than sexagesimal arithmetic comes to mind. In fact, as one can
jiva, where in the astronomical context it also means “ sine” . Nasr’s discussion learn from E. S. Kennedy’s survey of Islamic zyes cited in Nasr’s footnote,
of algebra (pp. 84-86) begins: “ As in trigonometry so in algebra Muslims zijts are astronomical handbooks sometimes containing several hundred pages
must be considered as the founders of this science whose very name reflects of text and tables, and usually covering a variety of topics of concern to the
its origin.. . . al-Khwarizmi.. . firmly established this branch of mathe­ medieval astronomer from chronology, to solar, lunar, and planetary motions,
matics. .. .” In fact, both Greek and Hindu algebra had advanced well beyond to astrology.
the elementary stage of al-Khwarizmi’s work. Nasr continues: “ [Algebra] is Nasr’s conclusions on the achievements of individual Mulsim astronomers
closely related to certain metaphysical principles so central to Islamic doctrines” , (pp. 98-105) include the following. On p. 105a he states that “ al-Bitruji. . . is
but unfortunately gives no examples. When he writes on p. 85a that “ after responsible fo r . . . the most developed criticism against Ptolemaic astronomy
Khayyam the study o f algebra gradually declined among Muslims . . . ” , he to appear in the Western land of Islam” and on p. 106b that “ Al-Bitruji marks
ignores the results of much recent research on Islamic algebra which has the peak of this movement. . . to create astronomically meaningful models
radically improved our knowledge o f the subject, notably the work o f Rushdi based on the Aristotelian system . . . ” . Does the author not know that it is not
Rashed. possible to make meaningful models based on the Aristotelian system? On
In a remark about the Muslim contribution to mathematical geography on p. 105a Nasr perpetuates an old misconception that “ al-Zarqali. . . edited the
p. 98b we meet the statement that: “ Altogether the astronomers o f al-Ma’mun Toledan tables". G. Toomer has shown in his penetrating study of the Toledan
made many original observations, one of the most outstanding being the tables that the only part of the corpus which may be due to al-Zarqallu is the
measurement of the meridian near Mosul, which they found to be 111,814 planetary mean motion tables; the rest was lifted from the Zijes of al-Khwarizmi
metres” , and the footnote “ the actual value is 110,938 metres” , which display and al-Battani. On p. 105a we read also that “ al-Zarqali. . . proved the motion
a complete misunderstanding of the purpose of the observations and the results o f the apogee o f the sun with respect to the fixed stars . . but on p. 132a
obtained. On p. 48 of Nasr’s chapter on geography we read that “ already we read as one of the achievements of the Muslim astronomers that “ . . . the
during the 3rd/9th century they had measured a degree of latitude at about motion of the solar apogee was observed and tied to the movement of the

216 Isla m ic M a th em a tics and A s t r o n o m y 217

fixed stars [i.e., the gradual precession o f the equinox!. . Is the solar apogee the astrolabe are then described as “ the circle o f declination and the azimuthal
sidereally fixed or not? On p. 99a Nasr states “ al-Battani was a careful observer coordinates” —read instead “ altitude circles and azimuth circles” . On p. 120
who discovered the amount by which the Sun’s apogee had increased since Nasr writes that “ the earliest treatise in Arabic on the astrolabe dates from the
Ptolemy” . But the Islamic sources inform us o f various solar apogee measure­ 3rd/9th century and is by Masha’allah” , but al-Fazari wrote on the astrolabe
ments from the early ninth century onwards. (On such measurements prior to in the 2nd/8th century (neither treatise is extant in Arabic). Nasr also states
al-Battani see, for example, W. Hartner’s article “ al-Battani” in D SB.) that “ . . . the earliest [astrolabe] extant is from 4th/10th century Isfahan” , but
Nasr’s section on number theory and computation concludes with a remark six earlier Islamic astrolabes from Iraq were on display at the Exhibition
about the achievements o f the Persian astronomers at Maragha. On p. 81a he in London.
writes: “ Finally the Muslims developed techniques o f computation far beyond Nasr’s discussion o f planetary equatoria (pp. 123a-b) is also confused.
what had existed before. This is to be seen especially in the circle of Nasir al-Biruni did not, as far as we know, possess a “ mechanical astrolabe by which
al-DIn al-Jusi at Maraghah, where a precision o f one in ten million was attained the positions o f planets and stars were determined with the help of a gear
for the table of tangents. To have a large number o f mathematicians work on mechanism” . He did, however, describe an eclipse computer. Nasr continues:
problems together, to coordinate their computation and finally to develop a “ [al-Birunfs instrument] was later perfected by the Andalusian astronomer
means of checking error as one progresses is no easy task. But this is precisely Ibn al-Samh with his ‘plates of the seven planets’.” But al-Biruni’s eclipse
what was achieved in Persia in the 7th/13th century, although the means computer has nothing to do with Ibn al-Samh’s planetary equatorium. The
whereby it was done are not as yet fully known. Be it as it may, it represents a diagrams o f “ the universal instrument of Jabir ibn Aflah” presented on p. 122
major achievement of Islamic mathematics.” On the contrary, we know (Figures 57 and 58) are meaningless without explanation; also this instrument
precisely how the Maragha astronomers compiled their extensive tables of the should hardly be mentioned in a discussion of astrolabes (p. 122a).
tangent (and also the sine) function. They simply plagiarized them from the Two instruments which the Muslim astronomers really developed were
Hdkimi Zij of the tenth century Cairo astronomer Ibn Yunus. The most super­ sundials and quadrants. Nasr devotes one sentence to the former (p. 114) and
ficial investigation of the tables themselves forbids making such extravagant ignores the latter altogether, although there are some nice photographs of both
claims for the achievements of the Maragha astronomers. However, it is well sundials and quadrants. One of the photos (pi. 72 on p. 119) bears the caption
established that the trigonometric tables in the Sultani Zij of Ulugh Beg are “ a sundial from Persia” but there is no sundial visible.
in general accurate to five sexagesimal places: these tables Nasr does not Nasr rightly cites the works of S. Tekeli on the relationship between early
mention. European and late Islamic observational instruments (p. 126a). But he pushes
In assessing the achievements of the astronomers of the observatories at this relationship too far as an “ achievement” o f Taqi al-Din or, of course, of
Maragha and Samarqand on pp. 105, 109a, and 111a, Nasr might have pointed his Persian predecessors at Maragha. He writes: “ The mural quadrant in which
out that no analytic or comparative study has been made of the Ilkhani Zij of Tycho took great pride and which he called Tichonicus was also built by Taqi
al-Tusi and the Sultani Zij of Ulugh Beg, or of the other zijes compiled at Maragha al-Din and called by him libnah. The same is true o f many of the other instru­
and Samarqand. However, we do know that the Ilkhani trigonometric and ments described by Taqi al-Din and going back ultimately to the Maraghah
planetary tables were lifted from the Zijcs of Ibn Yunus and Ibn al-Aclam, observatory.” It so happens that in medieval Arabic libna is the term used for
and we also know that the Zij of Ulugh Beg is based on strictly Ptolemaic the mural quadrant of Ptolemy described in the Almagest. But even in this
planetary theory. Thus the only innovations of the Maragha astronomers, paragraph there occur more serious distortions o f historical fact (p. 126a,
namely, modifications to Ptolemaic planetary theory, were completely ignored note 31): “ S. Tekeli is of the view that the torquetum so popular in the West
by the astronomers of Ulugh Beg at Samarqand. On the other hand, in his did not come from Turkey but from the equatorial armillae ( da'irat al-mifaddil)
section on the development of planetary theory Nasr might have mentioned so common in the eastern lands of Islam up to the 9th/15th century.” Tekeli
that Ibn al-Shatir of Damascus is the only medieval Muslim astronomer who is here misquoted, and the footnote to one o f her publications is a blind
is known to have applied the new planetary theory in his astronomical tables reference. In fact the instrument called da'irat al-mucaddil was invented in
(see the bibliography in my article “ Ibn al-Shatir” in D SB). It is also important Egypt in the 9th/l 5th century. Plate 20a on p. 44, labelled “ an Ottoman
to stress that the Islamic modifications to the Ptolemaic system (p. 111a) were compass” , is actually a da'irat al-mu?addil\
based entirely on philosophical speculation, not on any kind of observations. Nasr mentions the illustrious Egyptian astronomer Ibn Yunus. Consider,
Let us turn to Nasr’s section on astronomical instruments. The section on for example, the statement on p. 112a: “ Occasionally also observatories were
the astrolabe (pp. 118-123) reads like an essay by a first-year student of Islamic built for individual astronomers, such as that of Ibn Yunus on the Muqattam
art. On p. 118a we read that “ this multi-functional instrument can determine hill on the outskirts of Cairo.” A. Sayili, in his definitive work The observatory
the altitude of the stars, the Sun, the Moon and other planets [ ! ] . . . It can also in Islam, which is actually cited by Nasr, has shown conclusively that Ibn Yunus
be used to tell time, and to measure the height of mountains and the depth of did not have an observatory at all. Again on p. 101: “ Ibn Yunus was also the
wells.” A meagre description of an analogue computer devised to solve all of first person to make a serious study of the oscillatory motion of a pendulum,
the standard problems of spherical astronomy! The markings on the plates of which finally led to the invention of the mechanical clock.” It is significant
X V U x \ n

218 Isla m ic M a th e m a tic s a n d A s t r o n o m y 219

that no source is cited for this statement, because there is not a shred of evidence spectrum o f Islamic science, and persons better qualified than myself must
that Ibn Yunus knew of the pendulum. Again on p. 84: “ [Ibn Yunus] discovered judge whether Nasr has done justice to Muslim activity in branches of science
that cos a cos b = } [cos (a + b) + cos (a —£)].” In fact this identity underlies other than mathematics and astronomy. However, the major achievements of
two equivalent methods for determining the time from solar or stellar altitude the Muslim scholars at least in these two fields were o f a highly technical
in Ibn Yunus’s zij. He did not “ discover” the prosthaphaeresis formula: it nature and do not lend themselves to a popular survey, unless the author is
was Delambre (ca 1820) who discovered that Ibn Yunus’s two methods were fully in control o f his subject.
related by this formula. Again on p. 101a: “ Ibn Yunus’s Hakimlzij is a master­
piece of observational astronomy in which many constants have been measured Smithsonian Institution Project in Medieval Islamic
anew. . . . ” To be sure, Ibn Yunus in the Hakimlzij recorded over one-hundred Astronomy,
observations made by his predecessors in the ninth and tenth centuries and American Research Center in Cairo
also by himself. But it is remarkable that he did not bother to record in his
zij a single observation or calculation that he used to derive his own planetary
parameters. The real achievements o f Ibn Yunus are not lessened by the fact
that he did not have an observatory, that he did not know the principle of the
pendulum, and that he did not discover the prosthaphaeresis formula of
Nasr’s concluding chapter on the achievements o f Islamic astronomy is
perhaps the weakest tribute to the Islamic astronomical tradition. One o f his
final comments on p. 133a must suffice as an example: “ But perhaps the most
enduring contribution of Muslims to the history o f astronomy was their
transforming the Ptolemaic spheres from merely mathematical models to
physical realities.” It happens that we now know that Ptolemy’s Planetary
hypotheses, which was the starting point for Muslim investigations o f theoretical
astronomy, is a description of the arrangement of the heavens based on the
assumption that the models of planetary motions have a physical existence.
Also, since modern astronomers no longer believe in the physical reality of the
planetary spheres, this “ enduring contribution” of the Muslims (and the
Greeks) is not generally recognized today.
The above quotations by no means exhaust the factual errors and misinterpre­
tations even in the few pages singled out for discussion in this review. By these
inaccuracies Nasr has unintentionally failed to do justice to a scientific tradition
which knew no rival from the eighth to perhaps the fifteenth century. Neverthe­
less the book has the advantages of being very finely illustrated and having
been published in the full radiance of the limelight of the Exhibition, and so
it stands a good chance of being considered an authoritative work on the
subject. Fortunately, a valuable and richly-documented catalogue of the London
Exhibition has been prepared by F. Maddison and A. Turner. This catalogue
provides in its introductory sections a much more carefully documented and
much more accurate—and no less laudatory!—overview of Islamic science.
However, the catalogue was not ready at the time of the Exhibition and is
not yet published.
Nowhere is this writer more in agreement with Nasr than when he states
on p. 98b “ unfortunately today even some of the most basic works . . . have
been only partially studied, not to speak of many which remain forgotten in
manuscript form in various libraries” , so that “ almost every day there are still
important and major discoveries made in this field” . There is certainly also a
need for a synthesis o f the available secondary literature in a reliable form.
It is doubtful that any modern scholar could hope to do justice to the entire
^E>E>E:ivir>^ A N D C O R R IG E N D A
The Muslim Contribution to Mathematics. A u A bdullah A l -D a ffa *
(Cnxxn Helm, London, and Humanities Press, Atlantic Highlands, B ib lio g ra p h ic a l a b b re v ia tio n s:
N.J., 1977). Pp. 121. * C a iro Survey = D -A . K i n g , A S u r v e y o f t h e S c i e n t i f i c
M a n u s c r i p t s i n t h e E g y p t ia n N a t i o n a l L i b r a r y , ( M a l i b u , C a . :
There is an obvious need for a popular but reliable account in English of Undena, 1 9 8 5 ).
Muslim contributions to each branch of medieval science. N o such * IA1 — D .A . K i n g , I s l a m i c A s t r o n o m ic a l I n s t r u m e n t s , t o b e
accounts exist even for astronomy, mathematics, and medicine, major p u b l i s h e d by V a r io r u m R e p r i n t s i n 1986.
sciences in which the Muslims worked for centuries without rivals. S. H . * 1Y = I b n Yunus — D .A . K i n g , S p h e r i c a l Astronomy in
Nasr’s recent publication Islamic science is unfortunately riddled with M e d ie v a l I s l a m : The Hakim! Z l j o f I b n Yunus, t o a p p e a r .
errors of fact and interpretation (see the review in the Journal for the * JAOS = J ou rn a l o f t h e American O r i e n t a l S o c i e t y .
history of astronomy, ix (1978), 212-19). N ow , however, another new * JHAS = J ournal f o r t h e H i s t o r y o f A r a b i c S c i e n c e .
book has appeared with a title which might encourage the reader to
* JNES — Journal o f Hear E a s t e r n S t u d i e s .
* Kennedy F e s t s c h r i f t = D .A . Kin g and G. S a l i b a , e d s . , From
believe that the gap has been filled at least for mathematics. The book
D e f e r e n t t o E quant: A Volume o f S t u d i e s i n t h e H i s t o r y o f
is nicely produced and promises to “ present the Muslim contribution to
S c i e n c e i n t h e Hear E a st i n Honor o f E . S . Kennedy, Annals o f
mathematics during the golden age of Muslim learning” .
t h e Hern York Academy o f S c i e n c e s , ( 1 9 8 5 ) .
The book consists mainly of a collection of citations from the tertiary
* Kennedy, S t u d i e s = E . S . Kennedy, C o l l e a g u e s , and Former
literature, strung together like a high-school term paper with a nice
S t u d e n t s , S t u d i e s in t h e I s l a m i c E xa ct S c i e n c e s , ( B e i r u t :
reference for every few sentences. There are a few quotations from the
AUB P r e s s , 1 9 8 3 ).
secondary literature, with the usual over-emphasis on ai-Khwarizmi. Errors
* MAY = D .A . K i n g , Mathem atical Astronom y i n M edieval
of fact, interpretation, and orthography occur even more frequently than Yemen, ( M a l i b u , C a . : Undena, 19 8 3 ).
the footnotes. The index contains about one hundred and fifty items, * SATMI — D .A . K i n g , S t u d i e s in A s t r o n o m ic a l Timekeeping in
but only twelve of the entries are names of Muslim mathematicians M e d ie v a l I s la m , t o a p p e a r .
(including the greatest scientist of Islam, al-Biruni, listed under the A ’s as * ZGA1H = Z e i t s c h r i f t fur G eschichte der A ra b isc h -Isla m -
A bdul Rihan!). T he bibliography contains over two hundred items, ischen H is s e n s c h a fte n .
but the vast majority of these have nothing to contribute to the history of
Islamic mathematics (including Dwight Eisenhower’s Address to the G e n e r a l r e m a rk s : The numerous p a p e r s o f E . S . Kennedy c i t e d
U .N . General Assembly!). There are no works listed in French or t h r o u g h o u t my own a r e now r e p r i n t e d i n Kennedy, S t u d i e s . A
German, or even Russian, which is particularly unfortunate because most b i b l i o g r a p h y o f s t u d i e s e i t h e r by Kennedy o r i n s p i r e d by him
of the basic secondary literature on Islamic mathematics is in French (by i s c o n t a i n e d in Kennedy F e s t s c h r i f t .
Woepcke), or German (by Suter and Luckey), or Russian (by Rosenfeld
and Youschkevitch). None of the more recent important studies of A. II: I t s h o u ld b e s t r e s s e d t h a t t h e t a b l e s d e s c r i b e d h e r e
Said an on Islamic arithmetic (in Arabic and English) or A . Anbouba and a r e g e n e r a l l y not fo u n d in zT jes and s o w e re not mentioned
R. Rashed on Islamic algebra (Arabic and French) has been consulted. by E . S . Kennedy in h i s zlj s u r v e y - s e e p . 40. * Pp. 4 0 -
The author is apparently unaware of the existence of H . Suter’s Arab 41: F o r a s u r v e y o f m u l t i p l i c a t i o n t a b l e s , s e e now XIV and
mathematicians and astronomers and their works (in German), F. Sezgin’s and XV. * Pp. 4 1 - 4 4 : F o r a more d e t a i l e d s u r v e y o f
History of Arabic literature, vol. v : Mathematics (in German), and A . P. I s l a m i c t r i g o n o m e t r i c t a b l e s , s e e 1Y , P a r t I I , S e c t i o n C. *
Youschkevitch’s History of mathematics in the middle ages (available in
Pp. 4 4 -4 6 : For a more d e t a i l e d s u r v e y o f I s l a m i c t a b l e s o f
s p h e r i c a l a s t r o n o m i c a l f u n c t i o n s , s e e 1Y, P a r t I I , S e c t i o n
Russian and German), or even of the various reliable articles in English
E, and f o r a s u r v e y o f a l l known t a b l e s f o r tim e k e e p in g by
in The encyclopaedia of Islam and the Dictionary of scientific biography.
t h e sun and s t a r s , s e e SATMI, P a r t I . * Pp. 46—48: See
Youschkevitch’s book is still the best survey of the secondary scholarly
SATMI, P a r t I I f o r a s u r v e y o f a l l known prayer— t a b l e s . *
literature on Islamic mathematics, and the chapter dealing with Islamic
Pp. 4 8 -4 9 : S ee now X I I I , 120-122 f o r a s u r v e y o f q i b l a -
mathematics is now available in a new French translation with additions
tab le s. * Pp. 49—51: S ee SATMI, P a r t I , S e c t i o n 9 on
by the author and translators, and an updated bibliography (see the
a u x ilia ry ta b le s. * Pp. 51—55: See f u r t h e r I A I . * P. 55:
review in Journal of the history of Arabic science, i (1977), 111). On p l a n e t a r y e q u a t i o n t a b l e s , s e e now V and t h e r e f e r e n c e s
In view of the fact that the author has not used any of this standard t h e r e c i t e d , t o which add G. S a l i b a ' s s t u d i e s in JHAS, 1
secondary material on Islamic mathematics it is not surprising that his ( 1 9 7 7 ) , pp. 2 4 -3 2 , and 2 ( 1 9 7 8 ) , pp. 5 3 - 6 5 . * P. 56: On
book hardly touches on the impressive achievements of the mathematicians t h i s A b b a s i d m a t e r i a l , s e e now my " a l - K h w a r i z m ! and New
of medieval Islam. For these there is still no adequate survey in English, T r e n d s in M a th e m a tic a l Astronomy in t h e N in t h C e n t u r y , "
but there is a wealth of reliable secondary literature from which such a O c c a s io n a l P a p e r s on t h e Hear East (New York U n i v e r s i t y ,
survey could be made. Hagop K e v o r k ia n C e n t e r f o r N ear E a s t e r n S t u d i e s ) , 2 (1 9 8 3 ).
N e w York University
Ill: An a b r i d g e d v e r s i o n o f t h i s p a p e r , w i t h d i f f e r e n t
i l l u s t r a t i o n s and a d i s c u s s i o n o-f t h e o r i e n t a t i o n o f C a i r o ,
was p u b l i s h e d i n Muqarnas, 2 ( 1 9 8 4 ) , pp. 73—84.

IV: S e e now MAY -for a more d e t a i l e d s u r v e y o-f Yemeni I N D E X O F S U B J

a s tron om y.

V: P p . 132—133. On t h e meaning o-f t h e c u r i o u s te rm h a b t a q , abbre via tio n s: V 135; IX —, m e c h a n i c a l : X II 253 n . 4

s e e now C a i r o S u r v e y , n o . CIO. 351; XV 4 1 4-4 1 5 compass, m a g n e t i c : I I I 548
a l i g n m e n t s , a s t r o n o m i c a l : IX n. 39
3 7 1-3 73 compendium ( a s t r o n o m i c a l
V III: P. 4: The p h o t o s o-f t h e E s c o r i a l m a n u s c r i p t w e r e s o analemma: X I I I 101—102 i nstrument) : I I I 549
p o o r l y r e p r o d u c e d i n JHAS a s t o b e v i r t u a l l y i l l e g i b l e . They a n g u la r measure: V I I 125, co m pu ter : see ta b le s,
a r e h e r e s u p p r e s s e d a l t o g e t h e r , s o t h a t t h e p a g i n a t i o n jum ps 128 n . 11 recom putation o f
from 21 t o 42. * P . 5: An a s t r o n o m e r who worked in a p o g e e , s o l a r , motion o f : co py ists: VI 62, 63; IX
XVII 2 1 5-2 16 388; X I I I 84; s e e a l s o
Qayrawan i n t h e t e n t h c e n t u r y was t h e Jew Dunas i b n Tamlm.
a r i t h m e t i c , s e x a g e s i m a l : XIV a l —B a h t l t i and a l —Dalami
H is a c t i v i t i e s a r e d i s c u s s e d i n S.M . S t e r n , "A T r e a t i s e on i n Index I I
321 n . 2
t h e A r m i l l a r y S p h e r e by Dunas ib n Tamlm" ( f i r s t p u b l . 1 9 5 6 ), astro la b e: I I I 544—546; IV
r e p r . a s X I I in id em , M e d ie v a l A r a b i c and Hebrew Thought, 63; V I I I 8; IX 346; XVII a l-m u ca d d il ,
d a 'i r a t
(London: V a rio ru m R e p r i n t s , 1 9 8 3 ). * Pp. 19—20: On t h i s 21 6-217 eq u ato ria l sem icircle : III
t a b l e , s e e now my p a p e r in t h e Kennedy F e s t s c h r i f t . —, u n i v e r s a l : I I I 533, 544— 549; XVII 217
545 decim als: XV 413—415
IX: T h i s s t u d y was b a s e d m a i n l y on MS G o f t h e C a i r o a s tro lo g ic a l h istory : III
535, 550; XV 409 e t h n o a s tr o n o m y : see
c o r p u s , in which a l l o f t h e t a b l e s a r e a t t r i b u t e d t o Ibn a strolo g y : I I I 550—551 a s t r on om y , f o l k
Yunus on t h e t i t l e f o l i o ( s e e C a i r o S u r v e y , P I . X X V I ). The a s t r on om y , A r a b i a , ( p r e - ep hem erides: I I I 532, 537;
a t t r i b u t i o n o f t h e t a b l e s i s a c t u a l l y much more c o m p l i c a t e d : I s l a m i c s t a r c u l t s ) : IV IV 63
s e e I I I 540—542 and SATMI, P a r t I I f o r more i n f o r m a t i o n . * 65 n . 5 equ atorial XVII 217
Pp. 362 and 364: F o r a l —M a q d i s f , r e a d a l —MaqsT (f r o m a —, B a b y l o n i a n : V I 48; IX eq u atorial sem icircle : see
376 n . 7 3 ; XIV 319; XVII 215 d a 'i r a t a l-m u ea d d il
s u b u rb o f C a i r o known t o t h i s day a s a l —M a q s ) . The u s e o f
—, B y z a n t i n e : V 133, 145 n.
t h e word “p l a g i a r i z e d " was i l l - a d v i s e d - s e e a b o v e . See f o l k a s t r on om y : see
25; IX 344; XIV 322 n . 3
f u r t h e r C a i r o S u r v e y , no. C15. * Pp. 368 and 371—373: On —, C h i n e s e : IX 355 n .2 0 as tron om y , f o l k
t h e q i b l a and t h e a s t r o n o m i c a l l y a l i g n e d v e n t i l a t o r s o f —, a n c i e n t E g y p t i a n : XVII 215 form u lae f o r s p h e ric a l
m e d ie v a l C a i r o , s e e my p a p e r “A r c h i t e c t u r e and A stronom y: — in m edieval E gy pt: H I , IX as tronomy : IX 357; XI
The V e n t i l a t o r s o f M e d ie v a l C a i r o and T h e i r S e c r e t s , " JAOS, - , m e d ie v a l ( C o p t i c ) E g y p t i a n : 102-107
104:1 ( 1 9 8 4 ) , pp. 9 7 -1 3 3 . * P. 373, n . 6 8 : For a l-M a n u f i, I I I 533 fu n ctio n s, a u x i li a r y : IX
- , European: I 1 3 5 8-3 5 9 ; XI p a s s i m
read a l - M i n u f f . T h i s i n d i v i d u a l (on whom, s e e C a i r o S u r v e y ,
- , fo lk : I l ; I I I 549-5 5 0 ; f u n c t i o n s , b e h a v i o u r o f : IX
no. C120) i s n ot t o b e i d e n t i f i e d w i t h Ibn Abi ’ 1—F a t h a l — IV 62, 64, 65 n . 5 ; V I I I 9 361, 363, 365, 367, 370,
S u fi. * P . 376: T h e se i n s t r u c t i o n s w e re c e r t a i n l y n o t Greek: I l ; V I I I 4 and 374; X I I I 9 6 -9 7
w r i t t e n by Ib n Yunus, and a r e p r o b a b l y due t o a l —B a k h a n i q l 15 ( p r e —P t o l e m a i c p l a n e t a r y - , t r i g o n o m e t r i c : IX 351;
( MAY, no. 13 and C a i r o S u r v e y , no. C 2 8 ) . m odels) s e e a l s o s e c a n t and t a b l e s
- , H ebrew: X I I I 108 n . 2 8 ; —, i n v e r s e t r i g o n o m e t r i c :
XIV 322 n . 3 IX 359; XI 109
X I: P. 109: On t a b l e s o f t h e S e c a n t f u n c t i o n , s e e SATMI,
- , In d ian : IV 64; V I I I - , l i n e a r z i g z a g : IX 376
Part I, Section 6 .9 . On m u l t i p l i c a t i o n t a b l e s , s e e now XIV n.73
p a s s i a ; Add. 2
and XV. —, I n d i a n , Mo gh ul: XVI 81
—, S a s a n i a n : V I I I 11 Geniza, C a ir o : I I I 537
X II: P. 255, n . 2 8 : S e e now F . E . Barm ore, " T u r k i s h Mosque — in m edieval S y r i a : I I I , geograph ical c o o rd in ates:
O r i e n t a t i o n . . . , " t o a p p e a r i n JHES. p a s s im , X pa ssim X I I I 86 n . 12; s e e a l s o
— i n Ottoman T u r k e y : I I I tab le s
552 n . 46; X I I p a s s i m gnomon: IV 64
X III: P. 84, n . 10: MS P a r i s B .N . a r . 2560,11 i s i n d e e d a
— i n m e d i e v a l Yemen: IV
t h i r d co p y o f a l - K h a l l l l ’ s t a b l e . * Pp. 120-122: On t h e s e p a s s i m ; IX 344; Add. 2 H anafis: IX 369 n . 6 0
t a b l e s , s e e my p a p e r "Some E a r l y M a t h e m a t ic a l Methods and
T a b l e s f o r F i n d i n g t h e D i r e c t i o n o f M e c c a , " t o a p p e a r in C airo corpus of t a b le s fo r in terp o la tio n : IX 3 5 4-357,
ZGAIM. tim ekeeping: s e e pray ei— 374; XI 109; X I I I 98, 106-
t a b l e s , E gyptian 108
X V I : . S ee now D. P i n g r e e , " I n d i a n and I s l a m i c Astronomy a t C a iro , o rie n ta tio n o f: N 1,
2 la m in a , u n i v e r s a l : III 533;
J a y a s im h a ’ s C o u r t " i n Kennedy F e s t s c h r i f t . ca len d ar, Islam ic: I 1; V I I see a l s o s h a k k a z ly a
X V II: P. 216: The t a n g e n t t a b l e s in t h e Z I j - i - I l k h a n i a r e c a n d l e —c l o c k : IX 376 n . 7 3 Mamluks: III pa ssim
l i f t e d from a l —B l r u n T , n o t Ibn Yunus. I t i s the IIkhani c lo c k s, astron om ica l: III m an uscripts: I 2, 5
s i n e t a b l e s which a r e ta k e n from Ibn Yunus. 545-546; V I I I 8 - , li s t s o f: IV 62; V 131;
-2- -3-

144-146; VI 6 2 -6 4 ; V I I 121; l ; I I 48-515 IX 347, 365, term inology: IX 348-351 v i s i b i l i t y , lunar cre sc en t:
V I I I 4, 5 - 9 , 6 n . 3 , 7 nn. 368; X 8 3 - 8 4 ; XI 99; X I I I tim ekeeping: IX 345—347; V I I I 19-20
2 , 4 - 7 , 19-2 0 ; IX 3 4 7-348, p a s s i m ; XV 415 s e e a l s o t a b l e s f o r t im e ­
3 8 7 - 3 9 2 ; X p a s s i m ' , XI 9 9 - q ib la -ta b le s: I I 48—51; I I I keeping winds: IX 37 1-373
lOO, 109; X II p a s s i m - , X I I I 543; X I I I p a s s i m ; Add. 1, 2 —, Ottoman T u r k i s h co nve n­
84, 86 n . 12, 99 n . 1 6 , 105 quadrants: V I I I 8; IX 346; tion : X II 246, 254 n . l l z e r o , symbol f o r : IX 351
n . 25, 120-122; XIV 3 1 9 - X II 249, 254 n . 6 trep id atio n : V I I I 18, 19 z l je s: 1 5 ; I I 3 9 -4 0 ; I I I
322; XV 4 0 6-416; XVI - , in v e n tio n o f alm ucan tar: tw ilig h t: IX 365; XI 102-103 5 3 5 -5 3 7 ; IV p a s s i m ; V I I
pa ssim I I I 533 121; IX 3 4 3-3 4 5 ; XVII 215
mathematics: X VIII p a s s im - , sin e: X I I I 109-120 v e n tila to rs : IX 365, 371- Add. 1, 2
- i n m e d i e v a l E gypt and - , u n iv ersal: I I I 548-549 373; Add. 2 Zirids: V III 5
S yria; I I I 551 Q u r 'a n : I 1 verse: V III 3 zod ia ca l l i g h t : IX 366
- i n m e d ie v a l M a g h r i b : I I I
551 n. 45 Ramadan: IX 370
“method o f d e c l i n a t i o n s " : R a su l i d s : IV 62—64
V I I I 11 r e f r a c t i o n , atm ospheric: IX
“method o f s i n e s - : V I I I 11 345, 3 7 3-3 76 I N D E X O F N A M E S
muezzins: I I I 534, 550; IX
345 secant / cosecant: XI 109;
Add. 2 n .b .: The names o f Mamluk a s t r o n o m e r s l i s t e d in I I I
m um aqqitsZ I I 46—47; I I I 553—555 and a u t h o r s r e p r e s e n t e d i n t h e J a i p u r m a n u s c r i p t s
534? V I I I 85 IX 3 4 5-346, sexagenarium : X I I I 109
shakkazTya: I I I 544—545, l i s t e d in XVI a r e not i n c l u d e d .
367; X 75 a t p a s s i m i X II
245 a t p a s s i m 54 8-549
su n d ials: I I I 546-548; V I I I e Abd a l - R a h i m i b n a l - B a n n a ' : Ibn B a k h s h i s h ( ? ) : V 144
notation : IX 348—351 8; IX 346; X I I 253 n . 5 VI 65, 66 n. 12; VI 63, 64, 65
n u m e r a ls : s e e a b j a d in a l —A b h a r i : I I I 533, 534 Ibn a l - B a n n a ' : I I 39 n . l l ;
Index V ta b le s fo r astro la b e a l —A f g a l ( R a s u l i d s u l t a n ) : VI 49; V I I I 4 n . 4 a t
n u m e r a ls , G r a e c o —C o p t i c : IX co n struc tio n : I I 5 3 -5 5 IV 63; V 132 p a s s i m ; XV 413
388 - of a u x ilia r y fu n ction s: Al^mad E f e n d i : X I I 250 a l-B a tta n i: I I 37, 39;
I I 4 9 - 5 1 ; I I I 543; X 8 1 - Ahmad Muea y y i d ( ? ) : XV 409 I I I 532; V 130; V I I I 6,
o b se rv a tio n s : I I I 543; IV 835 XI p a s s i m ; X I I I 105- Ahmad i b n Musa: VI 64 10; IX 344, 362, 366; XI
62; V I I p a s s i m ; V I I I 5, 108 Ahmad i b n T im u rba y: III 101; X I I I 8 1 - 8 2 n . 3 , 99,
6, 9; IX 343; XVI 81 - , format o f : IX 3 5 1-3 53 550
- of ge og rap h ic al l O l n . 2 0 , 103 n . 22; XVII
observatories: s e e Baghdad, A kba r (Moghul e m p e r o r ) :
co o rd in ates: X I I I 86 n . 12 215, 216
Maragha and Samarqand i n XVI 81
- , la rg e: XIV 321, 322 n . 7 B a y e z i t I I (Ottoman
Index IV Ibn a l - A k f a n l : I I I 542, s u l t a n ) : X I I 247
Observatory of a l-A f d a l / - o f s o l a r , l u n a r and
550 a l-B iru n i: IX 355 n . 2 0 ,
a l-B a t a 'ih l: I I I 532 p lan etary equ ation s: I I
Ibn a l —A e 1am: XVII 216 364 n . 40, 366; X 77; X I I I
" O b s e r v a t o r y ” o f Ibn Yunus: 55; V p a s s i m ; VI p a s s i m ;
“ A l l i b n Ahmad: V III 81 n . 2 , 101 n . 2 0 ; XVII
IX 344; XVII 217 XIV 322 n . 7 ; Add. 1
8 n. 40 215; X V I I I 296; Add. 2
octants: I I I 549 - d i s p l a y i n g p r a y e r —t i m e s :
s e e prayer— t a b l e s CA1I i b n Am aj u r: I I 44; IX a l-B itru ji: I I 38; XVII
o rien tation s: Add. 1, 2 345 215*
Ottomans: X II p a s s i m - d is p la y in g the q i b l a :
6 A l I ibn Ibrahim : V III 8 B ra h e , Ty cho: XVII 217
see q i b l a - t a b l e s
n. 1
param eters, plan etary: V - f o r sexagesim al d i v i s i o n :
XV 411 a l —“Ami I T : XVII 214 C assini: I I I 552; X 84
133, 134; VI 57; V I I I 10, Ibn a l —c A r a b a n i : I I I 550
- f o r sexagesim al M u l l i Chand: XVI 81
m u ltip lica tio n : I I 4 0 -4 1 ; Ibn a l - cA r a b r , Muhammad ibn C h io n ia d es, G regory: V 133
—, t e r r e s t r i a l l a t i t u d e
XI 109; XIV p a s s i m ; XV Mutiammad: V I I I 8 n.2 Chrysococces: IX 344
and o b l i q u i t y : V I I 122; IX
p a s s i m ; Add. 1 A ris to tle : XVII 215 C o pern icus: I I I 539
357; X p a s s i m ; XI 99, 100
107 n . 7; X I I p a s s i m ; X I I I - , r e c o m p u t a t i o n o f : I I 40 a l —A s h r a f ( R a s u l i d s u l t a n ) :
86 n . 12; XV 409 n . 13; V 140; VI 5 6, 57; IX IV 63 Ibn a l - D a h h a n : I I I 532
pendulum: XVII 21 7-218 3 5 3-3 5 5 ; XI l O l ; X I I 247; Ibn a l - eA s s a l : I I I 533, al-D ala m i ( c o p y i s t ) : VI 63
p l a n e t a r y m o d e ls : I I I 537— X I I I 95 537 Ibn a l —D a m i r i : X I I I 122
539; V I I I 12 -1 5 ; XVII 215 - o f s p h e ric a l astronom ical Ibn a l - eA t t a r : I I I 549 a l-D a n u s h lrl: VI 64
p r a y e r s , d e te rm in atio n of f u n c t i o n s : I I 44—48; I I I a l - * A z i z (Fatim id c a l i p h ) : D aren d eli: X II 247, 249
times o f : I 1; I I 46—48; 5 4 0-5 4 4 ; IV 63; V I I I 8 ; IX IX 343 a l-D ih la w i, F a rid a l-D in :
IX 3 4 5 -3 4 7 ; X p a s s i m i X II p a s s i m ; X p a s s i m ; XI p a s ­ XV 411; XVI 81
passim s i m ; X II p a s s i m ; Add. 1 a l —B a g h a w l : IX 346 n . 10 a l-D irin i: I I I 549
prayer— t a b l e s : Add. 1 - fo r sundial c o n stru c tio n : a l —B a g h d a d i , c Abd a l —L a t l f : Dunas i b n Tamlm: Add. 2
- , E g y p t i a n : I I 48; V 131; I I 5 1 - 5 2 ; I I I 547 IX 372 D u r r l , Sulayman: XV 409
IX p a s s i m ; X 7 7 -7 8 ; Add. 2 - f o r tim ekeeping: see a l —B a g h d a d i , Abu ' 1 —Qasim
- , M aghribi: V I I I 8 p r a y e r - t a b l e s and t a b l e s i b n Ma hfuz: V 131 Ibn Abi ' 1 —F a d a ’ i l
- , Syrian : X passim of s p h e ric a l astronom ical a l —B a g h d a d i , Hasan Shah: V (h isto ria n ): I I I 535
prosthaphaeresis: IX 360; fu n ction s 145 Ibn F a l l u s : XV 413
XVII 218 - of trig on om e tric fu n c­ a l-B a ljt it i (c o p y is t): VI 62 a l —F a r g h a n i : I I 38, 53—55;
tion s: I I 4 1 -4 4 ; IX 359; a l —B a k h a n i q i : I I 55; I I I I I I 545
q ib la, de te rm in ation of: I XI 109; XVII 216; Add. 1 ,2 535, 541, 542, 545; IX 388, M u l l a F a r i d a l —D in : see
389; Add. 2 a l —D i h l a w i
-4- -D-

a l-F a ris!: IV 62, 64 Ibn a l —Kammad: V I I I 6 . 11 535, 540, 5 4 7 -5 4 8 , 552; V Muhammad (Mamluk a m i r ) :
a l - F a r i s i , e Umar: I I I 529 al-K a ra d isI: I I I 547; VI 131; IX 362, 364, 388, I I I 550
a l - F a s I , e Abd a l —Rahman: 64 389; X 77; Add. 2 Abu N a s r : XI 99, 107 n . 7 ,
V III 3 n .4 al-K a ra k l: I I I 543; X 78, a l —M a r i d i n ! , Jamal a l —Din: 108 n . 19; X I I I 84 n . 9
Ibn Abi ’ 1—F a t h : see a l - 79, 80 I I I 548, 552 a l —N a y r l z ! : IX 344. 366;
Sufi a l —K a s h i : V 131; IX 355 n. a l —M a r i d l n l , S i b t : I I 53; XI 107 n . 7 ; X I I I 81 n . 2
a l - F a y d l , M ustafS: VI 65. 20; XI 109; XVI 81; XVII I I I 547, 549, 551, 552; VI
66 214 48; IX 367; XI 109; X I I I P t ole m y: V 129, 130, 134;
a l —F a z a r l : V I I I 7 n . 2 ; XVII Ibn a l —K a t t a n i : I I I 541; 82, 98, H O , 111-115; XV VI 48, 49; IX 344, 373;
217 IX 391; X 78 407 XVII 217, 218
Abu ’ 1 - F i d a ’ : I I I 535. 539; a l —KaM as hI: IV 62; V I I a l —M a r r a k u s h l : I I I 535,
V III 3 n .3 121; X I I I 121 5 3 9 -5 4 0 , 550; V I I I 6; IX Qad! Zade : I I I 552; X II
a l —Kaixm a l —R l s h l : I I I 534, 366 n . 46, 367; X 83; X I I I 246
Ibn a l —G h u z u l l : III 549 536, 537 82, 83. 9 9 -1 0 5 , 109, 118 Ibn a l —Q a l a * I : VI 65. 66
a l - K h a l l l ! (Shams a l —D i n ) : Masha’ a l i a h : XVII 217 a l-Q a lla s: V I I I 19
Habash: I I I 532; V 130; IX I I 49, 50; I I I 535, Mehmet I I (Ottoman s u i t a n ) : a l-Q a y in l: IX 366
344, 351 n . 17, 366; XI 99, 5 4 2 -5 4 3 , 552; VI 48; IX X I I 246, 247 Q a y s a r , c Alam a l - D I n : III
107 n . 7 , 109; X I I I 81 n . 2 , 361, 364 n. 38, 367; X 79, Abu M i q r a * : V III 9 533
84 n . 9, 101 n . 2 0 , 103 n . 2 2 80, 8 0 - 8 4 ; XI p a s s i m i X II Q ay t bay (Mamluk s u l t a n ) :
a l —M i n u f i (Shams a l —Din
Muhammad a l —Habbak: V III 246, 248, 250; X I I I Muhammad): I I I 534; IX I I I 551
8 n.2 p a s s i m i Add. 2 Ibn Qayyim a l —J a w z I y a : III
373, 376; Add. 2
Ibn a l - H a ’ im ( J e r u s a l e m ) : a l - K h a l i l x , Sharaf a l -D I n : a l —M i r r l k h : V III 5 551
I I I 551, 552 XI 108 n . 15 a l —M i s r T , Najm a l —D i n : II a l - Q a z M l n l , c Abd a l —Rahim:
Ibn a l —Ha’ im ( M a g h r i b ) : al-K h a ra q l: I I I 539 4 4 - 4 5 ; I I I 535, 540, 541, XV 412
V I I I 6, 7 a l —K h a t t a b , Yahya i b n 552; V 144 n . 14; XIV 322 Ibn a l - Q i f t l : I I I 533
a l —Hakim ( F a t i m i d c a l i p h ) : Muhammad: VI 64 n.7 a l - Q i p j a q i . B aylak: III
IX 343; X I I I 110 a l —K h a w a n i k l : VI 64, 66 a l-M izzI: I I I 535. 542, 533
al-H a la b i: I I I 535. 536; a l —Kha yy at, M u f ^ a f a : VI 65 543, 552; X 78, 80, 81; Q iryaqus: V 131
IX 364; XV 413 a 1- K h u ^ r I , Must a f a X I I I 86 n . 12, 109 Ibn a l - Q u n f u d h : V I I I 4 n.4,
a l -H a m d a n l : IV 62, 65 n . 3 a l - O i m y a ^ I : V 145 n.2J Moshe G a l 1i an a ben Yahuda: 7
a l -H a m z a w ! : I I I 535, 551; a l-K h u rfa n l: VI 63, 64 X I I I 108 n . 28 Qusca : s e e Husayn Qu^ca
XV 409 KhimansarT: XV 407 Mucadh i b n J a b a l (Companion a l —Q u s h j ! : i l l 552; XI I
Abu ' 1 —Hasan ibn e Abd a l —K h w a r iz m l: I I 37, 39, of the P ro p h et): IV 64 246
a l - H a q q : s e e Ibn a l —HS’ im 56; V I I I 4 e t p a s s i m i X I I I Ibn MueI d h : V I I I 6 ; IX 367
(M a g h r i b ) 121; XVII 214, 215, X V I I I a l —Mu’ ayyad (R as u l i d Ibn a l -R a q q a m : V III 7
Ibn a l —Haytham: I I I 532; 296; Add. 1 s u l t a n ) : IV 63 Ibn a l - R a s h i d ! : I l l 541,
IX 367; X I I I 81 n . 2 , 82 Ibn a l - K i t a n l ( x i c ) : see Muhammad ( t h e P r o p h e t ) : 543; IX 389; X 80
n . 4 , 83, 100, 115-118 Ibn a l - K a t t S n l i n 542; V II 124; IX 346, R a z I , M ard an shah: XV 408
al-H ay th a m l: I I I 549 K u sh ya r: XI 109; XIV 319; 370 Ridwan E f e n d l : VI 63. 64,
Ibn H i l S l : V III 5 XV 408 Muhammad i b n Ahmad: V III 66
a l —H u n a y d l: VI 65, 66 8 n.4 Ibn Abi ’ 1 - R i j a l : V III 3
Husayn H u s n l : X II 252 a l-L Id h iq x : IX 348, 3 7 0 - Muhammad i b n K 3 t ib S in a n : n.4, 4 n.4, 5
Husayn Qus‘ a : V III 7 371, 373, 374 X II 247
Ibn a l —L a j a ’ I : V I I I 8 n.2 Muhammad i b n Muhammad a l - S a b t i , Abu ’ 1 - H a j j a j :
Ib r a h im a l —h a s i b : III 535, Lalan de: I I I 552; X 84 (u n id e n tifie d ): X III V III 6
550 Ibn a l - L u b u d l : I I I 533 108 n .2 8 a l-$ a fa d l (h is t o r ia n ): III
Ibn I s h a q : V I I I 6, 9; XV Muhammad Shah (Moghul 546
407 a l - M a g h r i b ! , Muhyi ’ 1 - D I n : em peror): XVI 81 S alih E fen di: IX 362, 376
I I I 534, 551 Muhammad a l —T u n i s ! : see n . 56; X I I 250-251
a l-J a b a rtl (h isto ria n ): a l - M a g h r i b ! , Samaw’ a l i b n S a n j a q Dar a l —S a l i h ! : I I 55; I I I 535,
I I I 552 Yahuda: XV 408 a l -M u j a h id (Rasul id 536; V 131, 133, 145
J a b i r ibn A f l a h : I I I 539; a l —Mahal I I : I I I 549 s u l t a n ) : I I I 535, 545 n . 2 1, XIV 322 n . 7
XVII 217 al-M ahan!: X I I I 103 n . 2 2 a l —Mukha l1a l a t ! : XV 412 al-S a m arqa n di: I I 41
a l —J a d a r l : V III 3 n.4, 5 Ma imonide s: V III 6 Musa J a l I n u s / G a l l n u s : see Ibn a l - S a m h : XVII 217
n. 6, 9 Ibn a l - M a j d l : I I I 535, 537, Moshe G a l 1i ano a l —S a m u i l , e Abd a l —M a j i d :
a l —Jaghm lnx: I I I 552: XI I 547, 550; V 129, 131, 133, a l -M u s t a e!n (M erin id XV 416
246; X I I I 8 1 -8 2 n . 3 141-142, 145-146 n. 31; su lta n ): V III 3 San jaq Dar: V III 7
Jai Singh: XV 408; XVI VI 48—49 a t p a s s i m i IX a l - M u z a f f a r (R as u l i d Sanj a r a l —Kamal1: see
p a ssi» 364, 372; XI 109; X I I I s u l t a n ) : IV 62 S a y f —i M u na jj im
J a m li y S n , Mahmud E f e n d l : 112; XIV 319; XV 407 a l - S a r h l , e Abd A l l a h : IV
XV 411 a l —M a j r T t I : VI 64 a l - N a q q a s h , Nur a l - D I n 64, 65 n . 3 ; XV 407
a l —J a y y a n l : s e e Ibn Mueadh a l - M a ’ mun ( A b b a s i d c a l i p h ) : e A l i : VI 63, 64 a l —S a r h l , a l —H asan: IV 64
J i h a n g lr l, Sadiq: X I I 251 IX 343; XVII 214 a l —N a ^ i r Ahmad (Mamluk Ibn a l —S a r r a j : I I I 535,
a l —J u z a j a n l ( C a i r o ) : III al-M a q d is! (s-ic): see al — su ltan ): I I I 535 5 4 4 - 5 4 6 , 552
539 Maqsi a l —N I s i r Muhammad i b n S a y f - i M u n a jji m : X I I I 121
a l —J u z a j a n l ( s t u d e n t o f Ibn al-M aq rlzT ( h i s t o r i a n ) : IX Q a l a ’ un (Mamluk s u l t a n ) : a l - S h a k k a z , e A l ! ib n
S in a): I I I 532 372 I I I 535 K h a l a f : I I I 533, 544
a l —M a q s i : I I 5 1 -5 3 ; I I I Nasir a l - D I n Abu ' 1 —Fath Ibn a l - S h a t i r : I I 51; I I I

VI 66; V I I I 7; x 84; XII Handy T a blesZ V 130, 133, a l-T ir a z a l-m u *Ia m Z V 144
535, 536, 538-5 3 9 , 542, n*. 14
246, 250; X III 81 n . 2 , 101 134; VI 50; IX 344; XI 108
543, 5 4 5-5 4 6 , 548, 550; V Toleda n T a blesZ I I 39 n . l l ;
n . 2 0; XV 407, 408, 409; n. 32
146 n . 31; VI 48; V I I I 7, V I I I 6, 10; XVII 215
8 n . 2 ; IX 367; X 76, 78, XVI 81; XV II 216
a l —U q l l d i s I : XV II 214 Ifra d a l-m a q a lz X 77 T u h fa t a l-a h b a b Z IX 372
79, 84; XI 99, 109; X II
246; X I I I 83, 86 n. 12, 99, Abu ’ l - eU q u l : I I 46, 47; IV
a l-J a d n a l a l-a f a q lz X I I I 84 a l - UqnumZ V I I I 3 n.4
109; XVII 216 63, 65 n . 3
a l —* U r ^ I , h u ’ ayyad a l - D I n : e t passim U n iversa l T a blesZ see a l -
a l - S h i r a z I , Qutb a l - D i n : I I I Jadnal a l - a fa ql
I I I 534, 537, 538 J a m ic - i B a h a d u r-K h a n lz XIV
537, 5385 XVII 215 e Uyun a l - h i s a b z XV 407
Ibn A b i U s a y b i * a : I I I 533 322 n . 4
S ibt a l-M a r id ln l: see al — V e r y U s e f u l T a blesZ see K.
A'. J a m i e a l - m a b a d i ' m a - ' l -
M aridin I, Sibt Shayat a l - i n t i f a e
Shaykh V e t a : XI I 246 ghSyStZ I I I 5 3 9 -5 4 0 ; V I I I
Ibn S i n a : I I I 532
6 ; X I I I 99
a l - S i n h a j l , Muhammad: V III ya ntra J a rk a liZ V III 4 n .l
W a b ik n a w l: X I I I 121 a l - J ami c a l - m u f l d z VI 49
8 ‘ n.2
Abu ’ 1- W a t S ’ : X I I I 101 n . 2 0 J a r ld a t a l-d u ra rZ see Z l j
S i r a j al-D un y a w a - ’ I - D i n : Zad a l-m u sa fir z see Z l j of
al-W a fa ’ I: I I I 534, 544, o f Taq i ’ I - D i n
I I I 549 a l —Da ylami
552; VI 63, 64, 65; XI 100; K. a l-J a y b Z IX 359
Ibn Sudun: I I I 547 Z l j - i R sh ra flZ X I I I 121
a l —S u f i , Ibn Abi ’ I —P a t h : XV 407
Kanz a l - f a m a 'i d Z XV 407 a l -Z l j a l-8 th lr lz H I 534,
I I I 535, 536, 549, 552; V al-W a rd a n l: VI 64
K ashf a l-h a q a 'i q Z VI 49 536
131; VI 48, 64, 65; IX Z lj o f a l —B a g h d a d i : V 131
373 n . 68; X I I I 112; XV 407; Yahya i b n A b i Ma nsur: IX Khandakhadyakaz XI 107 n . 7
343, 344, 351 n.’ l 7 ; V 130 a l - L u m c aZ see Z l j of a l — Z lj o f Ibn a l - B a n n a ’ : V III
Add. 2 4 n.4 e t p a ssim
a l -S u y u t i (p olym ath ): III Ibn a l —YSsa mln: V I I I 3 n.4 Kawm a l —R l s h i
Y a z d l , Muhammad B a q i r : XV Z l j o f a l —B a t t a n I : see
H a lh a m a Z I I I 551 a l - Z l j a l- S a bi'1
K. a l-H a y lZ IX 358 Z l j of a l-B iru n i: XVII 215;
a l - T a b r l z I , Taj a l —D i n : I I I Ibn Yunus: I I 43. 44, 48,
55; I I I 532, 5 3 5-5 3 6 , 540, Add 2
541; IV 6 3, 65 n . 6 ; V N a tlja t a l-a fk a rZ IX 348, Z l j of C a ssin i: I I I 552; X
a l-T a n d a ta ’ I : s e e a l —Ta n tawl
p a s s i m " , VI 63; V I I 121; IX 3 7 0-3 7 1 , 373, 374 84
a l - T a n t a w I , Muhammad: IX
p a s s i m - , X 77; XI 99, 100, H ih a y a t a l - idra k z X V II 215 Z l j o f al-D ay lam ? : X I I I 121
373 n . 68; X 81
101, 109; X I I I 81 n . 2 , 82, H ih ayat a l - s u 'l z I I I 538 Z l j o f a l - F a r i s T: IV 62
Taqi ' 1 - D I n : I I I 552; X II
84, lOO, l O l n . 20, 103 K. a l-H is b a a l -s i t t l n i y a z XV Z l j o f Abu ' 1 —F i d a ’ : III
248-2 4 9 ; XV 4 1 3-4 1 5 ; XVII
n . 22, 11 0-111, 112, 121; 409 535; s e e a l s o a l - Z l j a l -
XV II 216, 217; Add. 2 Hanzum
a l-T Iz in l: I I 53; I I I 535,
Yu su f i b n K h i d r b e g : X II O p tics (Ptolem y): IX 373 Z l j o f Habash: IX 351 n . 1 7 ;
547; XV 406
254 n . 18 XI 107 n . 7
Ibn a l —Turjuman: V III 5
a l-T u s I, N a slr a l -D i n : III Y u su f i b n Tughan: I I I 550 P Ia n eta ry H ypotheses Z l j a l-h a b ta q Z V 145 n. 21
(Pto lem y ): XVII 218 a l - Z l j a l-H a k im lZ I I 44;
535, 5 3 7 , ' 5 3 8 , 539, 550; V
Zacuto: V I I I 7, 19 P ru ten ic T a blesZ I I 39 I I I 5 3 2 , * 5 3 7 ; IV 63; V 129
133; IX 344; X II 246, 249;
a l —Z a r q a l l u : I I 39 n . l l ; 131 e t p a s s i m i IX 362 e t
XV II 215, 216; Add. 2
V I I I 5, 11; XVII 215 a l-Q a n u n see
a l - M a s c udlZ p a s s i m i X 77; XI 99, l O l ;
Ibn Z u r a y q : I I 49 n . 3 0 ; Z l j of a l-B Iru n i X I I I l i o ; XVII 216, 218;
Ibn a l —Ukhuima: I I I 534, 550
U lu g h B eg: I I 39—40 n . l l , X I I I 86 n . 12 Q u r 'a n z I l ; IX 37 6-3 7 7 Add. 2 ; s e e a l s o Z l j e s
44, 55; I I I 536, 537, 550; o f Ibn Yunus
Ram fat a l-m u n a jjim ln Z V III Z l j o f a l —Hamdani: IV 62,
20; XV 408 64 n . 3
R u z n a m e -i VefaZ XII 247 Z lj-i T l k h a n IZ I I I 536,
550; v 133; v i i i i o ; ix
X N D E X □ F K . a l-S a m tZ IX 345; X 77, 78 344; X I I 249; XV 413; XVII
S h a d o w s ( a l —B l r u n I ) : see 216; Add. 2
I f r a d a l - m a qa l Z l j o f Ibn I s h a q : V I I I 6, 9
n .6.: The t i t l e s l i s t e d in a l-D u r r a l - yat l mZ V 131, S i d r a l-m u n ta h a Z see Z l j of XV 407
XVI a r e not i n c l u d e d . 141, 146 n . 3; VI 49 e t Taq i ’ 1 -D In a l - Z l j a l-J a d id Z I I I 536,
pa ssim a l - S i r a t a l - m ustaqlm Z VI 65 538, 550; X 84; X I I I 86
81ma g e s t Z I 5; V 130; VI a l - S i r r a l-m aktum Z see V III n . 12; s e e a l s o Z l j o f Ibn
50; IX 344; XVII 217 El eritentsZ I 5 3; III 535 al-S h a tir
Al manac ot Z a c u t o : V III 7 S u lla m a l-m a n a ra z V 144 n . 10 Z l j e s o f Ibn al-Kannnad: V I I I
8 s n a ' 1 - ma n a h i b Z see Z l j e s K. Fadl a l -d a 'i r z IX 345; X 6
ot Ridwan Ete ndi 78 a l-T a d h k ira Z III 535, 539; Z l j o f Jai Singh: see Z l j - i
XVII 215 Muhammad S h a h 1
C alendar of Co r d o v a : V III 9 A'. S h a y a t a l - i n t i f a e Z V a l-T a lk h ls z VI 49 Z l j o f a l —K a s h i : see Z l j - i
C o m p e n d i u m o f a l —A f d a l : V 131; IX 345 e t p a s s i m i XI K. a l -T a s h l l » a -'1 -t a q r l b Z V Khaqanl
132 99, 109 141; VI 63 Z l j o f a l —K a w a sh I: IV 62;
S h a yat i t q a n a l-h a r a k a t z see TashTl z lj a l-D u rr a l-y a tlm z V I I 121; X I I I 121
K. a l - D a ' i r Z X 77, 78 Z l j of a l-S a rh l VI 64 Z lj o f a l —Kawm a l —R l s h i : III
de r e v o l u t i o n i b u s Z I I 39 S h u n y a t a l - fahlm z VI 49, 63 Taysfr a l-m a ta lib Z see Z l j 536; V 145 n . 21
a l - D u r r a l - fa r i d / al-nazlmZ of a l —KawashI Z l j - i K h a q a n lz XVI 81
see Z l je s o f Ridwan E te ndi a l-H a ll m a -'1 - t a r k t b z VI 65 Jira z a l-g h u ra rZ VI 63 Z l j o f a l —K hw a riz m i: II 39;
-9 -
-8 -
Edirne: X I I 251 N a b lu s : X 84
V III pa ssim i XVII 21S IX 344; XI 101; XV II 215
Egypt: I I I p a s sim ', see a l s o
Z ij of Lalan de: I I I S52; X Z ij of a l-S a r h lz IV 65 n . 3 ; Pakistan: XII 250
Cai r o —F u s t a t
84 XV 407
Erzerum: X I I 268
21j o f a l —Maghri b l : I I I 536 Z T j - i Shah ja h a n lz XV 411 Qayrawan, Mosque o f SI d l
Z ij of a l-M a jrltl: V I I 64; a l - Z I j a l-S h a m ilZ see V III c Uqba: V III 8
Fez: V I I I passim
V III 4 a t passim 7 n.2 Qus: V I I 121 a t p a s s i m
—, Buc i n a n l y a M a dras a: V I I I
a l - Z I j a l-M a n fu m z V I I I 3 n.3 Z ij a l - S h a m s m a - ’ 1 - qamarz V
8 Q usun tin iy a: V I I I 3 n. 1
a l - Z Z j a l-M u k h ta rZ V 131- 144 n . 12
—, Q a r a w l y i n Mosque: V I I I 8
132 e t p a s s i m ' , IX 359; 369 Z Z j o f Ibn a l - S h 5 £ i r
Fustat: s e e C a i r o —F u s t a t Raqqa: I I I 532
n . 6 0 ; XI 109; s e e a l s o Z i j (P to lem a ic!: I l l 538; s e e
Rh odes: X I I 247
o-f Abu ’ 1—c Uqul also a l - Z I j a l-J a d ld
Z T j - i Muhammad S h a h i" . XV Z i j a l-S in d h io d z V III 4 Hama: III 535
Sabta: V III 5
408; XVI 81 n.3. 6
Isfah an : XVII 217 Sal a m an ca: V III 7
a l - Z I j a l-M u m ta h a n Z I I I 532; Z i j o f a l —S u f i : I I I 536
Z lj-i S u lta n iZ I I I 536, 550; Ista n bu l: I I I 552; IX 362; Samarqand: I I I 537, 552; V
V 133, 134; V I I I 20; IX
v 131; vi 66; V I I I 7; IX X 80, 81, 84; X II p a s s i m i 131; VI 66; V I I I 7; XI 109
343, 351 n . 17
373 n . 68; X 84; XVI 81; XV 415 X II 246; XV 409; XVI 81;
a l - Z i j a l-M u sta la h Z III
X V II 216 —, Mosque o f S u l t a n Mehmet XVII 216
535-536, 550; V * 135-136 a t
Z I j a s o f T a q i ’ 1—D i n : X II Khan: XV 409 S an aa: IV 63; V I I 121; XII
248; XV 4 1 3-4 15 Izm ir: X II 268 2 5 l ; X I I I 121
a l - Z T j a l-Q a m lm Z V I I I 7 n.2
Z T j o f U lu g h Beg: see Z l j - i Sf ax: XV 408
Z i j o-f a l —QazwTnT: XV 412
Sul t a n I J a ip u r: XVI p a s s i m Sha r ja h »: IX 372
Z i j o f Qiryaqus: V 131
Z i j o f Abu ’ l - cU q u l : IV 63, Jerusalem : I I I 540, 543; V S hiraz Z I I I 540; X I I I 121
Z i j o f a l —Ou su n tT n l: V III
65 n . 3 ; see a lso a l - Z I j 131; X 80; X I I 252 Spain, N .: V I I I 19
a l-M u k h ta r —, Ma drasa o f Q ay t b a y : I I I S yria: I I I pa ssim i X pa s-
Z I j a s o f Ibn al -R aq qam : V I I I
Z i j o f a l —W a b ik n a w j: X III 546-547 « » ; s e a a l s o Damascus
Z f j e s o f Ridwan E f e n d l : VI 121
Z lje s of Ibn Yunus: V 131; Lattakia: X 84 Tai z : I I 46, 47; IV 62, 63;
see a lso a l - Z I j a l-H a k im i V I I 121; IX 362
a l - Z I j a l-K Iq a n lZ V III 20
M aghrib: V I I I 5—9 Taza: V I I I 5, 7, 8 n . l
a l -Z T j a l-S a b i 'IZ V III 10;
M ara gh a: I I I 534, 537, 540; T1emcen : V I I I 5, 7, 9
X II 249; XVII 216, 217 T oledo: V III 5
M a rd in : I I I 534, 536 T rip oli (S y r ia ): I I I 543; X
Marrakesh: I I I 539; V I I I 5, 84
I N D E X O F 7, 8 n . l ; X I I I 99; XV 413 Tunis: I I I 5 4 3-5 4 4 ; V I I I 5,
Mecca: I I I 543, 544; IX 8; X 84
368; X 80; X II 249, 251,
(Only l o c a l i t i e s where a s t r o n o m i c a l a c t i v i t y was co n d u c t ed Yemen: IV p a s s i m i VII 121
252; XV 413
a re l i s t e d here. See a l s o Index I u nd er Astronomy and
M e din a: IX 390; X I I 251
M a t h e m a t i c s .> Zabid: IV 63
Meknes: V III 5

Aden: IV 62, 63 —, a l —Maqs: Add. 2

A lexa n dria: V I I 121 a t - , Mu’ ayyad Mosque: I I I
passim 534
A lgiers: I I I 536; V I I I 7, - , T u r u n t a y M a d r as a: I I I I N D E X O F T E C H N I C A L T E R M S
8; XI I 251 539
A le p p o : I I I 543, 547; VI Fustat: IX 354, 357 ( P e r s i a n and T u r k i s h ter ms a r e i n d i c a t e d by P and T. For a
65; X 80, 84; X II 251; XV - , Mosque o f e Amr: I I I 534 l i s t o f t er m s p e r t a i n i n g t o s p h e r i c a l t r i g o n o m e t r y , s e e IX
409, 415 Ceuta: see Sabta
3 4 8-3 5 1 .)
A nkara: XI I 268 C o n s ta n tin e : see Q usun tin iy a
Cordova: V III 5
Baghdad: I I 45, 56; I I I 540. Crete: X II 251 ' bqtyZ I I I 537 da'irZ IX 359 n . 2 5
545; V I I I 19-20; IX 363; X ' btqyZ I I I 537 a l - d a 'i r al-afaqlz IX 389
76, 77; X I I I 98, 121 Damascus (Umayyad M o s q u e ) : abjadz IX 351, 388; XIV 319 d a ’ i r a t a l - m u ca d d i l z III
Bursa: X II 246 I I 49, 51; I I I p a s s i m i V c adadZ IX 351 549; XV II 217
131; VI 48; V I I I 7, 8 ; IX anma' Z XVII 214 daqa'iq al-ikhtilafz IX
C a i r o —F u s t a t ( M i s r ) : II: 362, 373 n. 68; X p a s s i m ' , XI c a s S M u cadh i b n J a b a l z IV 373
44; I I I p a s s i m i VI 48; IX 99; X I I 248, 249, 250, 251, 64 duhaZ X I I 246
p a s s i m ; X 7 7 -7 8 , 81, 84; XI 252; X I I I 83—84 a t p a s s i m i aslz X I I I 101
99; X II 249, 251; X I I I 84, XV 412 a l - a s l al-mutlaqZ X III 101 azani (T ): X I I 252
99, 110; XV 411 - , Y a l b u g h a Mosque: X 80; 112
- , Azhar Mosque: I I I 534 XI 107 n . 5 c asr Z IX 369 f a d 1 1 al- ayyamZ VI 59
552 Dam ietta: X II 251 ayyam a l - m a s l r z VI 52 fadl a l - d a ' i r z IX 359 n.2 5
- , Gh aw riya M adras a: I I I Darende: X I I 249 a l - f a d l al- muqamnamZ V III
534; IX 373 D e lh i: XV 411 ba d a h a n j Z IX 371—373 16
—, Ibn Tulun Mosque: I I I Dubai: IX 372 b u ed a l - q u t r Z X I I I 112 fajrz IX 366
534, 546-547
dahmaz see duha habtaqz III 536; V 129,
-1 0- -Ll-
132-133; Add. 2 m u ca d d i 1 z V III 3 n .l, 8; Janin, L .Z I I 51 3, 4; X V I I I 296
h a ll a l-d a r a ja t z XV 415 see a ls o d a ’ i r a t a l- Jensen, C . : XI 107 n . 7 Rus ka, J . : I 3
h issa : IX 367 muc a d d i l J uschke w itsch : see
h is s a t a l-s a in t: X III 103 m uri / m u r l : X III 109 Yo usch k ev i t c h Sabra, A . I . : IX 367
m u vak k ith an e (T ): X I I 253 S alib a . G .: I I I 531, 539
ik h tila f a l-u fq Z IX 363; n. 3 Kennedy, E . S . : I 3—5 ; I I 131; X I I I 7 n . 2 ; Add. 1
X III 103 m um afiqaz X I I 251 39, 49 n . 3 0 ; I I I 539; V Sarton, G . : I I 39
im sak : IX 370 134; VI ( j o i n t a u t h o r ) ; Sauvaget, J . : 1 4
in h ira f a l-q ib la Z X III 82 n a s T ': XVII 215 X I I I ( j o i n t a u t h o r ) ; IX S a y ili, A .: 1 3 ; IX 344; XI
346, 366, 394; X I I I 86; 107 n . 6 ; X II 253 n . l ; XVII
a l-J a d m a l a l-a fa q lz X III q ibla : I 1 XIV 322 n . 4 ; XV 4 0 9; XVII 213, 217
pa ssim 213, 215 Schm alzl, P . : X I I I 109
a l-ja d m a l a l - cish rJ n lz s a l ami I I I 542; IX 370-371 Kennedy, M . H . : I 5 Schoy, C . / K . : I 3; IX 344,
X III 122 sanduq a l-y a m a q F t : I I I 548 Krause, M .: 1 2 , 3 368, 369; X I I I 81 ( d e d i c a ­
j a d m a l i - y a m o r a b b a c- a la m shafaql IX 366 t i o n ) , 99, 115
d a r 15m ( P ) : X I I I 121 shakkazlyaZ s e e I I I 544— L e v e y . M. : XI 109 S e d illo t. J .J .: I 3; I I I
ja d m a l a l - n i s b a 549 L u ck e y. P . : 1 3 ; XI 109; 539; IX 344; X I I I 99
a l-s ittF n F y a l XIV 319 sittF n F l see ja d m a l XIV 321 n . 2 ; X V I I I 296 Sed i l l o t , L . A . : I 3, 5; I I I
a l-ja d m a l a l - s i t t i n F : XIV 540
319 tabaq a l-m a n a t iq l XVII 214 Mach, R . : XI 108 n . 14 S erje an t, R .B .: IV 64
ja y b : XVII 244 t a cd F l : XI 104 M a ddiso n , F . : 1 3 ; XVII 218 Sezgin , F . : I 2 - 3 , 5; I I
ja y b a l-t a r t F b z XI 100 a l - t a cdFl a l-a s g h a rZ XV M atvievskaya, G . P . : 12, 3 39; X I I I 7 n . 2 ; XVI 82
416 Mayer, L . A . : I 2; X I I I 109 Storey, C .A .: I 2; XVI 82
k u flu k (T ): X II 246 a l - t a cd F l bayn a l-s a tr a y n l M ill as, J .Z I 3 S uter, H .: I 2, 3; I I 3 8 -
XV 412 M orley, W .: X I I I 109 39; IX 346; XVII 214;
lib n a : XV II 217 a l - t a ed F l a l-m u h k a m i V 129 X V I I I 296
a l - t a t dFl a l-m u sa h h a h l V N a llin o , C .A .: I 2, 3; IX
m absutal VI 52—53 135 344; X I I I 99 T ek e li. S . : XVII 217
m adkhall VI 49 ta *d F l a l-s a m tz X I I I 103 Napoleon: I I I 546 Toomer, G . J . : I S ; XIII 5
m ahalla i s i c ) l see m a h il l a tafyl I I I 542; IX 370-371 N asr, S .H .: XV II p a s s i m Tuckermann, B . : V I I 125
a l-m a h fu z Z XI lOO ta yla sa n Z X I I 249 ( r e v i e w ) ; X V I I I 295 Turner, A .: XVII 218
m a h illa Z IX 372 Neugebauer. 0 . : 1 3 ; XIV
m a h lu lS t: I I I 536 a l-u fq a l-h a q F q F z IX 373 322 n . 3 Ull m ann , M . : 13
m a jm u c a : VI 5 2 -5 3 a l-u fq a l - m a r ' Fz IX 373 Neugebauer, P . V . : V I I 125 Unver, A . S . : X II 253 n . l
m Fqat: s e e tim ekeeping in Newcomb, S . : IX 343
Index I zahute (T ): see duha Newton, R . : IX 343 V elsch iu s: X I I 247
m iqa tFZ III 534
P e d e r s e n , 0. : 15 We nsin ck , A . J . : X 75 n . 2
P i n g r e e , D. : X I I I 3, 4 n. Wiedemann, E . : 1 2 , 3; IX
XVII 213, 215; Add. 2 346; X 75 n . 2 ; X I I I 109;
P o u l 1e , E . : X I I I 109 XV II 213
I N D E X O F A U T H O R S Woepcke, F . : 1 3 ; X V I I I 296
P r i c e , D . J . de S . : X III 8

Dorn, B . : X III 109 Yo uschkevitch, A .: 13;

A abo e, A . : IX 342, 394 R ash ed , R . : I 4; XVII 214
Dreyer, J .L .E .: I 4 1 2
XVII 213; X V I I I 296
a l —A h d a l , A. ( Z a b i d ) : X III Renaud, H.P . J . Z
120, 121 R o s en-feld , B. A . : I 2,
A hlw ard t, W .: I 2 E is e n h o w e r , D .D .: X V I I I 296
A zzaw i, A . : X II 253 n . 1
Frank, J.Z IX 347; X 75 n . 2
Bacharach, J . L . : I 4
Barmore, F . E . : Add. 2 G h u l , M. : V 144 n . 1
Berggren, J . L . : I 4 G in gerich , 0 .: I I 56; I I I
von Braunmcihl, A . : X I I I 99 531; V I I ( j o i n t a u t h o r )
B rieux, A .: I 3; I I I 531 Gokmen, F . : X I I 252
Bro ck elm an n, C . : 1 2 ; I I 39; G o ld stein , B .R .: IX 342
XVI 82 ( d e d i c a t i o n ) , 346, 394
G o liu s, J . : IX 343
C a u s s i n de P e r c e v a l : VII
121; IX 343 Haddad, F . I . : I I 49 n . 3 0 ;
X I I I 86 n . 12
D atfa, A .A .: X VIII p a s s im H artner, W .: V 145 n . 2 l ;
< r e v i ew> XVII 216
D a v i d i a n , M .—L . : IX 366—367 Hauser, F . : IX 346
D e la m b r e , J . —B . : IX 344, Huber, P . : V I I 125
360; XVII 218
D i z e r , M .: I I I 531; X I I 252 Ir a n i, R .A .K .: IX 351; XI
D’ Ohsson : X I I 249 107 n . 1, 109

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