Career Action Plan

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Career Café - OVES

Goal: Increase career exploration and interest in 5th grade students by providing exposure to engaging info sessions​
Target Group: 5th Grade Students
Data to Identify Students 5th Graders with self-reported interest in learning about certain careers will sign up for lunch session(s)
ASCA Data Outcome Data
Domain and (Projected (Achievement,
Mindsets & number of Perception Data attendance and/or
Behaviors Curriculum and Projected students (Type of surveys/ behavior data to be
Activities Standard(s) Materials Start/End affected) assessments to be used) collected) Contact Person
Guest Speaker:  M 4.  Curriculum and    Participants will identify at 
materials will be  Feb 1, 2018  least one skill they learn in  Nicole Simpson 
A. Gladieux   
determined by the    school that is important in 
(Pharmaceuticals)  RED.CR.2.1    24  TBD   
guest speaker,  12-12:30pm​   the workforce. Participants  nesimpson 
  whois provided a  will fill out Google Survey. 
(Interest form sent home to all 
general outline. 
5th grade parents/guardians) 
M 4.    Participants will identify at  Nicole Simpson 
A. Fought    Feb 6, 2018  least one skill they learn in   
Determined by   
(Production Manager:   RED.CR.2.1 guest speaker. 
24  school that is important in  TBD  nesimpson 
12-12:30pm  the workforce. Participants 
PNC Arena) 
will fill out Google Survey. 
M 4.    Participants will identify at  Nicole Simpson 
K. James    Feb 16, 2018  least one skill they learn in   
Determined by   
(Marketing Manager:   RED.CR.2.1 guest speaker.  24  school that is important in  TBD  nesimpson 
CISCO)  12-12:30pm  the workforce. Participants 
   will fill out Google Survey. 
M 4.    Participants will identify at  Nicole Simpson 
Feb 23, 2018  least one skill they learn in 
R. Colwell    Determined by   
  24  school that is important in  TBD 
(Vet Technician)  RED.CR.2.1 guest speaker.  12-12:30pm 
the workforce. Participants 
   will fill out Google Survey. 
M 4.    Participants will identify at  Nicole Simpson 
  Mar 1, 2018  least one skill they learn in   
L&R Larille  Determined by 
RED.CR.2.1 guest speaker. 
  24  school that is important in  TBD  nesimpson 
(Military)  12-12:30pm  the workforce. Participants 
will fill out Google Survey. 
M 4.    Participants will identify at  Nicole Simpson 
  Mar 6, 2018  least one skill they learn in 
D. Panella  Determined by   
RED.CR.2.1 guest speaker. 
  24  school that is important in  TBD  nesimpson 
(Project Management)  12-12:30pm  the workforce. Participants 
will fill out Google Survey. 
M 4.    Participants will identify at  Nicole Simpson 
  Mar 9, 2018  least one skill they learn in   
B. Hancock  Determined by    24  school that is important in  TBD 
(Physical Therapist)  RED.CR.2.1  guest speaker.  nesimpson 
12-12:30pm  the workforce. Participants 
will fill out Google Survey. 
M 4.    Participants will identify at  Nicole Simpson 
  Mar 16, 2018  least one skill they learn in   
S. Bruneau  Determined by    24  school that is important in  TBD​  
(Marketing/Software)  RED.CR.2.1  guest speaker.  nesimpson 
12-12:30pm  the workforce. Participants 
will fill out Google Survey. 
M 4.    Participants will identify at  Nicole Simpson 
  Mar 22, 2018  least one skill they learn in   
N. Walker  Determined by    24  school that is important in  TBD 
(Hair Stylist)  RED.CR.2.1 guest speaker.  nesimpson 
12-12:30pm  the workforce. Participants 
   will fill out Google Survey. 
M 4.    Participants will identify at  Nicole Simpson 
  Mar 27, 2018  least one skill they learn in   
T. Evans   Determined by    24  school that is important in  TBD 
(Painter)  RED.CR.2.1 guest speaker.  nesimpson 
12-12:30pm  the workforce. Participants 
   will fill out Google Survey. 
Computers,    Participants will identify at  Career Interest  Nicole Simpson 
Holland Code  M 4.  Google Classroom  Mar 22 - 27  least one skill they learn in  Inventory  
Classroom    PowerPoint,    103  school that is important in   
(compare 5th graders 
Career Interest  2:40-3:35pm   the workforce. Participants  nesimpson 
Guidance  RED.CR.2.1  who participated to 
Survey  will fill out Google Survey.  those who did not) 
M 4. Understanding that postsecondary education and life-long learning are necessary for long-term career success 
RED. CR.2.1 Explore the activities performed and skills used in various occupations. 

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