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October 16-18, 2015
AIU Campus

2015 Leadership Camp

Our Leadership Camp is a three-day camp that includes a number of speakers,

workshops, breakout group sessions and networking opportunities for participants.

We encourage student-leaders and potential student-leaders from all the faculties

of Asia-Pacific International University and Adventist International Mission School to

take part in the camp. A typical day at a Leadership Camp involves guests who

speak on topics that are relevant to our youth, followed by group breakout sessions

and dynamic group activities where participants can work on applying the

information that has been presented. Our camp focuses on providing our youth

with the opportunity to build relationships among participants and teachers in an

effort to inspire and challenge our youth to implement their ideas and pursue their



“The growth and development of people

is the highest calling of leadership.”
By Harvey Firestone

In today’s world, we have to be comfortable with change and willing to adapt. This
leadership camp features “blocks” of good leadership that enhance and increase
awareness of its value. This leadership camp will guide and help participants
acquire good character and leadership skills. All students who are interested in
discovering their potential as officers of clubs, organizations or student association
are encouraged to participate. It is suggested that students who acquire and
demonstrate the necessary skills at leadership camp be presented as ideal
candidates for election as officers in university clubs, organizations, and student
association positions.


 Develop leaders who are oriented toward achieving outcomes for their
 Energize leaders in the making with fun and interactive conversations
centered on leadership topics
 Develop in the participants an understanding of the processes and demands
of leadership, and provide the tools and tactics to realize their full potential as
 Encourage thinking about the role of character and the moral/ethical
component of leadership

Asia-Pacific International University (AIU) is pleased to extend a warm welcome to each
participant and presenter who is part of the 3 rd Leadership Camp, a workshop developed
and hosted by the Faculty of Education and Psychology. This gathering provides opportunities
for young people to learn how to become more effective leaders by listening, observation,
and practical application of lessons via group activities. It also offers a chance to learn how
to become better followers – how to be supportive and helpful when another person assumes
a leadership role. May the Lord grant each attendee inspiration, insight, and a renewed
appreciation for Jesus, our unfailing example of genuine servant leadership.

Dr. Wayne Hamra, Acting President and VPAA of Asia-Pacific International University

“Follow to Lead” - As a leader of the organization of the Seventh-day Adventist denomination.

I believe that this church was established through God’s guidance. We find in the Old
Testament that God has shown many leaders how to lead God’s people to worship Him and
equip them for His Kingdom. Therefore, as leaders we need to follow God’s instructions and
lead His people according to His plan of salvation. Other denominations and organizations
may have a target or goals to accomplish. They use many methodologies for their success
and are proud of their accomplishments, but as God’s servants we are commissioned to
follow God’s guidance in our leadership and to give honor and glory to Him for any
achievement. In 2 Kings Chapter 2:1-25 we can find the example of a good leader but a
humble follower of Jesus Christ.

Pr. Chanchai Kiatyangyong, Keynote Speaker, President of Thailand Adventist Mission

In the letter of the Apostle Paul to the Ephesians, he says we are ‘God’s workmanship in
Christ Jesus to do good works which God prepared beforehand for us to do’ (Eph. 2:10). As
such every child of God should see himself/herself as a leader prepared by God. The 2015
Leadership Camp convened by the Faculty of Education and Psychology is intended to be
an opportunity for us to remind ourselves of the good works which God purposes that we
carry out as leaders. Leadership requires exercising true authority in Christ Jesus who also
tells us that His power is manifested in our weakness. In other words, there is no one who is in
Christ who is actually too weak to lead. In true obedience to God we can build people up,
mend them and serve them. It is my hope and sincere desire that we will leave this camp
charged to follow Christ’s command and example of Servant Leadership.

Dr. Risper Awuor, Dean of the Faculty of Education and Psychology

Good leaders recognize that they do not have all the answers and are constantly
reeducating themselves and sharpening their leadership skills. Therefore this leadership
camp aims to provide participants the opportunity to explore and enhance their leadership
potential. The “building blocks” of leadership will bring participants a lot closer to their
personal desire of becoming insightful and good leaders. It is my sincere hope and prayer
that this leadership camp will ignite a genuine desire of the participants to make a
difference in their world. The skills and knowledge they learn from this camp will help them
to be effective leaders, servants of God and friends to man.

Mr. Naltan Lampadan, Director of Leadership Camp


Session 1: Leadership and Boundaries

Dr. Risper Awuor, Dean, Faculty of Education and Psychology

Session 2: Leadership & Discipleship-Relationship

Mrs. Nola Tudu, Lecturer, Arts and Humanities

Session 3: The Role of Leadership

Dr. Noah Balraj, Dean, Business Administration

Session 4 (Vespers): Biblical Principles of Leadership

Mrs. Ritha Maidom Lampadan, Dean, Arts and Humanities

Session 5 (Sabbath Worship): Leadership and Empowerment

Dr. Bienvisa Nebres, Lecturer, Arts and Humanities

Session 6 (Leadership Activity)

Dr. Nicole Mauzard, Lecturer, Education and Psychology

8:00-8:20 am Registration 07:00 am Breakfast 07:00 am Breakfast
8:20:8:30 (IT228)
08:30 – 09:15 am (IT306/307) 08:30-9:15 am (IT306/307)
Devotional by Dr Luna Miguel Devotional by Danny Storie
Naltan Lampadan, Camp Director
8:30-9:00 am (IT228)
Devotional by Dr Sang-Hoon Jee
9:00-9:05 am (IT228)
Dr Risper Awuor, Dean of the Faculty of
Education and Psychology
09:15-10:30 am (IT306/307)
9:05-9:15 am (IT228) 9:15-10:30 am (IT306/307)
Introduction of the keynote Speaker SESSION 6: LEADERSHIP ACTIVITY
by Dr Wayne Hamra, AIU Acting Dr Nicole Mauzard
Mr Naltan & Student Officers
9:15-9:50 am (IT228)
Pr. Chanchai Kiatyangyong, President of
Thailand Adventist Mission
09:50-10:10 am Break & Refreshments 10:30-10:45 am Break & Refreshments 10:30-10:45 am Break & Refreshments
10:45-11:20 am (IT306/307)
10:10-11:40 am (IT306/307) 10:45 – 12:10 am (IT306/307) Final Reflection and Evaluation
Ice Breaking & Grouping/Unit SESSION 5: (Worship Service) 11:20-12:10 pm (IT306/307)
Naltan Lampadan & Student Leadership and Empowerment CLOSING CEREMONY
Officers Dr Bienvisa Nebres Presentation of Certificates,
Appreciation & Group Picture
11:40 – 01:00 am Lunch 12:10 – 01:45 pm Lunch & Siesta 12:10-1:00 pm Lunch
01:00-02:10 pm (IT306/307)
SESSION 1: Leadership & Boundaries
Dr Risper Awuor
02:10-2:20 pm Break
2:20 – 03:30 pm (IT306/307)
01:45 – 05:00 pm - Pasak Jolasid
SESSION 2: Leadership and
Mrs Nola Tudu
Mrs Idalida & Mrs Shibi
03:30-03:50 pm Break &
03:50-05:00pm (IT306/307) SEE YOU AGAIN AT LEADERSHIP
SESSION 3: Role of Leadership CAMP 2017
Dr Noah Balraj
05:00-06:45pm Supper
Supper and Sabbath Preparation
06:45-08:00 pm
SESSION 4: (VESPERS) - Auditorium 06:45-9:30 pm –
Biblical Principles of Leadership (Outdoor/Auditorium)
Mr Naltan Lampadan
08:15-9:00 pm ((IT306/307)
Student Officers
Naltan Lampadan & Officers

Pattern of the SESSIONS - (60-70 minutes)

1. Presenter (15-20 minutes)
2. Group Activity (25-30 minutes)
3. Group Reflection (15-20 minutes)
4. Presenter’s conclusion (5 minutes)
5. Total: 60-65 minutes

Person/s In charge Program - Remarks
Attendance of
participants - morning

Registration Mrs Shibi & Mrs Luna & Ms Dora (materials + T. shirt)
To be distributed to the
students on Thursday
Welcome by Naltan All Stage participants will
Naltan Lampadan
Lampadan be seated in front
Songs of Praise and
Devotional: Dr. Sang-
Introduced by Idalida Luna Prayer by Elwina &
Hoon Jee
Dr. Wayne Hamra Introduced by Dr. Risper
Student Officers usher Pr.
Introduced by
Chanchai to his seat
Dr. Wayne Hamra
Keynote Address, Pr. accompanied by Dr.
Token of Appreciation by Naltan
Chanchai Kiatyangyong Risper and Mr. Naltan
Dr. Wayne Hamra & Pr Chanchai
T. Shirts
Mr. Ebenezer will guide the
Picture Taking
participant to its location
Light Refreshments Prepared by Mrs. Tamara Storie
Group them in advance
and assign 1-2 officers in
each group
Grouping & Ice-Breaking
By Naltan & Officers Flag reflecting what your
group is – 3 minutes
sharing of who you are as
a leader
Introduced by Mr. Naltan
SESSION I: Dr. Risper
SESSION 2: Mrs. Nola Introduced by Dr. Risper Awuor
SESSION 3: Dr Noah Balraj Introduced by Mrs. Shibi Chacko
Songs of Praise and
SESSION 4/VESPERS: Mrs. Introduced by Mr. Naltan
Prayer by Choice and
Ritha M Lampadan Lampadan
Led by Naltan Lampadan Only for the camp
Leadership in Prayer
& Officers participants

Day 2 – SATURDAY, OCTOBER 17, 2015
Devotional: Dr. Miguel Introduced by Mrs. Idalida Luna Songs of praise & Prayer
Luna All Officers

Sabbath Morning Worship Naltan & Student Officers Sabbath Activity

Activity Leadership in the Bible
SESSION 5: Dr. Nebres Introduced by Dr. Nicole
Sabbath Outing Arranged by Mrs. Luna & Mrs. Shibi Pasak Jolasid Dam
RESCUE NIGHT Naltan Lampadan
Student Officers
MG Officer (2)

DAY 3 – Sunday, OCTOBER 18, 2015

Devotion: Danny Storie Introduced by Dr. Risper Songs of praise & Prayer
Som & Friends

SESSION 6: Leadership Introduced by Mrs. Shibi 1:30 hour activity

Activity – Dr. Nicole
Final Reflection Naltan & Groups Post evaluation and oral
CLOSING CEREMONY Certificates Distribution of Certificate
Appreciation & CLOSING REMARKS Group picture
– Naltan & Risper

Recommended Pattern of ALL the SESSIONS except for Vespers (60-70


Presenters (15 minutes)

Group Activity (30 minutes)
Group Reflection (15 minutes)
Presenter’s conclusion (5 minutes)
Total: 65 minutes


ITEM TASK of specification IN-CHARGE

Devotional Speakers To inform the speakers Mrs. Luna
Invite Keynote Speaker To inform all the guest speakers Mr. Naltan Lampadan
Session speakers and Letter head for the keynote speaker
Invite Dr. Wayne as a To welcome and introduce the Mr. Naltan Lampadan
representative from AIU keynote speaker
Faculty Information To send email and inform faculty Dr. Risper Awuor
And sponsorship deans about this program
Preparing the program To design and print Mr. Naltan Lampadan
Booking of meeting To make sure rooms are booked Mr. Naltan Lampadan
rooms Check with Mrs. Santi and Mrs Mrs. Ampawa
Ampawa - meeting room and Mrs. Santi
learning center (table)
Chair of 80
Advertisement To design and post posters and Mr. Ebenezer & Shibi
registration form
T. Shirt & Design To purchase & to design the T. Shirt Mr. Naltan & Mr. Nuit
Certificates Officers
Resources Purchasing Materials Mr. Naltan and Mrs.
Photography & To compile pictures and video during Mr. Ebenezer & Officers
Videography the Camp
Token of Appreciation To prepare the tokens of Mrs. Shibi and Dora
Financial Controller To withdraw and collect money from Dr. Risper & Mrs. Shibi
students and faculty
Facilities Managers To prepare meeting rooms Naltan & Student
Mrs. Ampawan
Cleanliness To make sure the room is always Dr. Nicole
clean and neat Student officers
PA System and PPT for PPT - computer Naltan Lampadan
the speakers To make sure PA system is always Mr. Tharadol & IT
ready Student Officers
Time Keeper To make sure time is observed and Mrs. Idalida Luna
Transportation (outing) To book and finalize destination Mrs. Luna and Mrs. Shibi


11 students from the faculty of Arts and Humanities

2 students from the faculty of Religious Studies

1 student from the faculty of Science

3 Students from the faculty of Business

8 Students from AIMS (Student Council)

35 student from the faculty of Education & Psychology + Officers

8 Teachers (Education & Psychology)

Students: 60

Faculty and Speakers: 16

Total: 76


Name I.D. No. Faculty

1 Marcella Jikson 201300239 Arts & Humanities

2 Chomphunood 201200107 Arts & Humanities

3 Khin Myet Thwe Hnin 201400323 Business

4 Suan lian Kham 201500198 Applied Theology

5 Kim Sian Mung 201500169 Applied Theology

6 Katleeya Jongsuksathaporn 201200292 Arts & Humanities

7 Crystal Daniella 201400233 Education & Psychology

8 May Movera Herry 201400237 Education & Psychology

9 Hnin Wutyi Aye 201200171 Education & Psychology

10 Mpho Molopa 201500179 Arts & Humanities

11 Nang Sein Pwint 201400252 Education & Psychology

12 Hammey Molumin 201200332 Education & Psychology

13 Thang Sa Vuta 201500090 Business

14 Nang Rayshi 201500183 Education & Psychology

15 Naw Zin Mar Hnin 201500234 Education & Psychology

16 Saw Aung Naing Soe 201200204 Education & Psychology

17 Phanom Raksaphanapai 201400256 Science

18 Roi Ji 201400341 Education & Psychology

19 Naw Gold Rain 201200236 Education & Psychology

20 Nang Hseng Hom 201400403 Education & Psychology

21 Saylar Kaewlumpri 201100349 Education & Psychology

22 Nokae Huaiphaichit 201300216 Education & Psychology

23 Wansa Kasiarthara 201300217 Education & Psychology

24 Jindaporn Wirachongphaophong 201100348 Education & Psychology

25 Dimmy Tawinchaiyo 201300214 Education & Psychology

26 Tin zar Wint 201200191 Education & Psychology

27 Hnin Phway Phway 201200308 Business

28 Dora Otieno 201380023 Education & Psychology

29 Tamara Storie 201500204 Education & Psychology

30 Melanie Storie 201400344 Education & Psychology

31 Saw Say Wah 201200238 Education & Psychology

32 Nan Lin Thanda Aye 201500181 Arts & Humanities

33 Thipachan Boualaphet 201100303 Arts & Humanities

34 Kannika Seesoohphu 201200144 Arts & Humanities

35 La Thanh Tuoi 201200224 Arts & Humanities

36 Lal Suan Mawi 201200174 Arts & Humanities

37 Gan Jiayi 201200321 Arts & Humanities

38 Parinyanatsaenzong 201200222 Arts & Humanities

39 Hang Thun Hy 201100284 Education & Psychology

40 Elwina Yeo Hui Yien 201300348 Education & Psychology

41 Nantana Chumsoeng 201300215 Education & Psychology

42 Pitayut Sindhuvaniah 201300218 Education & Psychology

43 Nan Cho Cho Aung 201400269 Education & Psychology

44 Chanyaporn Kiatyanyong 201400241 Education & Psychology

45 Nant Hsan Bwah 201300223 Education & Psychology

46 Saw Min Zaw Htay 201300322 Education & Psychology

47 Saw Sam San 201200237 Education & Psychology

48 Niu Yijie 201300304 Education & Psychology

49 Saw Alexander 201300220 Education & Psychology

50 Ellen Sentianiugrum 201300226 Education & Psychology

51 Ron Daneel Acousta 201300219 Education & Psychology

52 Doung Minh Thi 201200198 Education & Psychology

Adventist International
53 Har-Rim Ji
Mission School

Adventist International
54 Chrystal Naltan
Mission School

Adventist International
55 Denny Abragan
Mission School

Adventist International
56 Lin Chan Ju
Mission School

Adventist International
57 Jasperine Phetchareun
Mission School

Adventist International
58 Nicha Wareewarach
Mission School

Adventist International
59 Prin Siripattanakul
Mission School

Adventist International
60 Kodchakorn Promjare
Mission School

61 Naltan Lampadan AIU

62 Ebenezer Belete AIU

63 Risper Awuor AIU

64 Shibi Chacko AIU

65 Nicole Mouzard AIU

66 Idalida Luna AIU

67 Danny Storie AIU

68 Oktavian Mantiri AIU

69 Ritha M Lampadan AIU

70 Nola Tudu AIU

71 Bienvisa Nebres AIU

72 Noah Balraj AIU

73 Wayne Hamra AIU

74 Chanchai Kiatyangyong AIU

75 Sang-Hoon Jee AIU

76 Miguel Luna AIU

Student Officers: Student Officers:
Ms Chanyaporn Kiatyanyong Ms Ellen Sentianiugrum Kuncoro
Hang Thun Hy
Group 1:
Chrystal Naltan Group 2
Crystal Daniella Dora Anyango Otieno
Denny Abragan Suan Lian Kham
Dimmy Tawinchaiyo Gan Jiayi
Saylar Kaewlumpri Hammey Molumin
Naw Gold Rain

Student Officers: Student Officers:

Mr Pitayut Sindhuvaniah Mr Saw Aung Naing Soe

Group 3: Group 4:
Har Rim Jee Khin Myet Thwe Hnin
Hnin Phway phway Kim Sian Mung
Hnin Wutyi Aye Kodchakorn Promjaree
Jasperine Phetchareun La Thanh Tuoi
Kannika Seesoohphu Lal Suan Mawi
Chomphunut Phutikettrkit Lin Chan Ju

Student Officers: Student Officers:

Mr Ron Daneel Acosta Ms Nant Hsan Bwah
Ms Nantana Chumsoeng Mr Saw Alexander

Group 5: Group 6:
Marcella Jikson Nang Hseng Hom
May Movera Herry Nang Rayshi
Melanie Storie Nang Sein Pwint
Mpho Molopa Tamara Storie
Nan Lin Thanda Aye Thang Sa Vuta
Katleeya Jongsuksathaporn

Student Officers: Student Officers:

Mr Saw Sam San Saw Min Zaw Htay
Elwina Yeo Hui Yien
Group 8:
Group 7: Phanom Raksaphanaphai
Naw Zin Mar Hnin Prin Siripattanakul
Nicha Wareewarach Roi Ji
Niu Yijie Thipachan Boualaphet
Nokae Huaiphaichit Tin Zar Wint
Jindaporn Wirachonphaophong Wansa Kasiarthara

The Blind Man

1. The blind man stood by the road and he cried

The blind man stood by the road and he cried
The blind man stood by the road and he cried
He cried oh, oh, oh

Show me the way

Show me the truth
Show me the life
And the way to go home…

2. The woman stood by the well and she cried

The woman stood by the well and she cried
The woman stood by the well and she cried
She cried oh, oh, oh

Show me the way

Show me the truth
Show me the life
And the way to go home…

3. Jesus rose from the dead and He cried

Jesus rose from the dead and He cried
Jesus rose from the dead and He cried
He cried oh, oh, oh

I am the way
I am the truth
I am the life
And the way to go home…


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