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Animals are one of the most beautiful things that nature possesses; are
magnificent species that adorn our landscape; but little by little we are
destroying these and destroying their environment.
We people are giving you an accelerated and indiscriminate way the forests
and rivers where many species of animals live and these, because they do
not have a habitat in which to continue subsisting, do not survive and reach
their total extinction.
Humans are responsible for the destruction of animal habitat by activities
such as logging on large numbers of trees, water and soil contamination;
and in addition, one of the worst causes of the disappearance of the animals
is the illegal hunting of these, as they have become a very common activity
among people for their beautiful skin or for marketing.
There are currently over 2448 taxa of endangered animals and 1665 more
critically endangered animals, as well as all extinct species such as: Japanese
sea lion, golden toad, java tiger, baiji dolphin, seal monk of the Caribbean
and many other beautiful animals that would have been a pleasure to know.
We have to be aware of the damage that we are causing the animals,
because they are wonderful and precious species that would be a sin to be
extinguished in a few years because of us, so we care to continue to live and
enjoy with them longer.

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