Freak The Mighty Freak The Mighty Freak The Mighty Freak The Mighty - Themes Themes Themes Themes

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Friendship Positive Self-Concept Acceptance

Difference Between Myth and Reality Worth in All Human Beings Dealing with Death

Why do we care about Max and Kevin?

~The story is told through a teenager’s point of view which is easier to understand and relate to (word choice and tone)
~Freak the Mighty is told like someone is verbally telling the story. There is more emotion and personality in the writing
~Max and Kevin are the constant underdogs. They are smaller or dumber than most of their villains; however, they always seem to conquer
them as a team
~There are elements of suspense: Discussion of getting a gun, Kenny getting parole, Kenny kidnapping Max, Kenny attempting to kill
Loretta and Max, Kevin’s seizure and disease…

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