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Gangs of Five Fingers v1.6 09-30-10

Rules by Son of Menoth



I do not own any of the rules or IP for the Iron Kingdoms, it is the sole property of Privateer Press.
Names and places, Steam Jacks, Five Fingers, Ord, and anything else in here is pretty much borrowed
from them. This is a fan-made game using their universe and most of their rules. At any time, this project
may be canceled if they so asked me to do so. I am not making any money off of this, it is just for fun and
for the rest of those that want to play it. If you have paid to play this game, get your money back.

Revision info

v1.2 changes
v1.3 changes
v1.4 changes
v1.5 changes
v1.6 changes
Changes to Piracy Racket
Shenkriel lost Big Hands
Foreign Agents: Khador clarification
Changed XP cost for Specialties and Leader ability
Specified Heal [x] ability
Trollkin: Gained Big Hands and added new rule for regenerative abilities
Changes to Shields and Bucklers
Additional Mundane Upgrades
Campaign Skill Set added in
Additional Brigands, slight change to hiring Brigands when out-classed

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Gangs of Five Fingers v1.6 09-30-10


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Gangs of Five Fingers v1.6 09-30-10

Gangs of Five Fingers

The Rules
The Gangs of Five Fingers is about a small group of down and out members of the Iron
Kingdoms that have taken their future into their own hands, by joining one of the many
gangs in Five Fingers, Ord’s premier town of gambling, freedom and piracy.
Gangs of Five Fingers is designed to be played as a campaign-style series of games but
can be played as one-off games, using the same rules either way. The basic rules are
provided here, with the campaign specific rules following later.
Because Gangs of Five Fingers mostly uses the rules from the Warmachine MK II Prime
rulebook, and I don’t want to be hunted down by several years worth of steam powered
necromantic badness for violating copyright law, the main play rules will not be included.
I will however explain the changes and additions, with provided page numbers for

PAGE 5: This page is always important and relevant to the game, read it and keep it in

PAGE 27: WHAT YOU NEED: There are no stat cards for Gangs of Five Fingers, but you
will need to print off a Gang Charter in order to keep track of your Gang members’
progress as well as their victories and their injuries. Probably should also have a pencil,
or put it in a page sleeve and use a dry erase marker, whatever works for you (don’t
suggest a stone and chisel though, too hard to correct mistakes).

PAGE 31-32: MODELS-THE DOGS OF WAR: Ignore the whole thing about Warcasters,
for the purpose of this game, they do not exist.
WARJACKS: Warjacks don’t exist here either. Steamjacks however do.
Steamjacks are the less-battle oriented little brothers of Warjacks. Don’t be fooled
though, it’s hard to fight a 6-ton metal monster, whether it lifts crates or carries a sword.
Steamjacks are not controlled telepathically, they are controlled by mundane mortals by
SCREAMING, SHOUTING and GESTURES (depending on your Gang, occasionally rude
ones). They may not have the flash of a Warjack, but they will still treat the other Gang
like a small yapping dog (and punt them down the street).
UNITS: Go ahead and ignore units and all of their rules too. In Gangs of Five
Fingers, all models can act independently, they are not part of units. Basically, treat them
all as Solos. There are no Troopers, Grunts, Unit Commanders, Leaders or Officers and
there are no Attachments.

PAGE 33-36: ADVANTAGES: Advantages in Gangs of Five Fingers are called Skills. For
the most part, they are the same as they are in WARMACHINE, but there are some that
are a little different due to the scale of the game. Check the Skills section of these rules
to see any changes (the Skills section is in the Post Game section), which take precedent
over the original rules. This holds true for everything up until the section titled Special

PAGE 36: FEATS: Warcasters don’t exist in this game, so neither do their Feats.
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Gangs of Five Fingers v1.6 09-30-10

PAGE 38-41: PREPARING FOR WAR: Ignore this whole section, read the Gang
Creation section for how to build up your list for the game.

PAGE 42: MAINTENANCE PHASE: Once again, ignore all mentions of the word FOCUS,
the same goes for the CONTROL PHASE. In place of the #1 under MAINTENANCE
PHASE, have the following:
Roll 1d6 for each model that is on its back, and compare to the RECOVERY CHART:
1-2 Recover: Forfeit move or action and stand up
3-4 Nothing: Model remains on its back, roll again next turn.
5-6 Remove from play: the model no longer takes part in the game must roll on the
damage Chart (See post game section).
If a model has stood up from losing its last wound, all of its stats (other than ARM) are at -2 until it
is healed or the game ends. If they model is up, it does not have to roll on the Damage Chart. If
the model is still on its back, then it rolls on the Damage Chart.
Other than that, all the rules for the Turn Sequence are the same. How a model ends
up on its back will be talked about with the DAMAGE Section (or PAGE 66 in the MKII

PAGE 66: DAMAGE: When a model is BOXED in Gangs of Five Fingers, it is not
immediately destroyed, it becomes DISABLED. Place the model on its back (or use a
token if you don’t want to lay your models on their backs). During the MAINTENANCE
If the model is BOXED while it is DISABLED, then the BOXED model is immediately
removed from play. This only applies if it is DISABLED, not knocked down as an effect
from an attack or from other effects.

PAGE 67: WARCASTER DESTRUCTION: If I need to tell you this now, then you will
never learn…
PAGE 68: REACTIVATING WARJACKS: No models will ever have the Battlegroup
Commander special ability and there are only Jack Marshals, so there will never be a
need to reactivate a Steamjack. Normal games will not have the need to reactivate
Steamjacks. In the Jackwerks Scenario, the rules will be provided.

PAGE 70: ANATOMY OF A UNIT: Ignore all of these rules, there are no units in Gangs of
Five Fingers.

PAGE 73: WARJACKS: All of the “FOCUS:” should be removed. They can however, be
used by using the JACK MARSHAL Advantage/Skill.

PAGE 74-79: WARCASTERS AND FOCUS: …Neither of these exist in this game…

PAGE 80: The rules for JACK MARSHALS in units are not used for this game. There are
no units, and the JACK MARSHALS Advantage does not get passed on.

PAGE 81-83: Everything but MAGIC ABILITY rules are not used in this game in any form,
some for varying reasons already mentioned.
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Gangs of Five Fingers v1.6 09-30-10

PAGE 85: add this rule to Command Checks; ROUTE TEST: whenever a gang has 30%
or more of its gang (in approximate points) has been removed from the game or is down
(on its back, not from a Knockdown effect), then a CMD check must be taken with the
model with the highest CMD. If the test is failed, all friendly models must flee to their
starting board edge and the game is over. If they pass, then they may continue to fight.
If they pass, they must take another CMD test at the beginning of each turn that they
have lost another model, or they may voluntarily choose to fail their test and end the

PAGE: 86-89: Use these rules for terrain other than setup. Each individual scenario will
have its own type of requested terrain, but in the case of one-off games, you can use
whatever you feel like.

NOTE: Just a general note of advice. I would suggest reading though most of the Iron
Kingdoms book Five Fingers: Port of Deceit. It will give you a lot of background
information on the city of Five Fingers, as well as plenty of ideas on building up your own
Now that we have butchered the Warmachine rules that we all know and love, we will get
into the rules that are specific to the Gangs of Five Fingers…

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Gangs of Five Fingers v1.6 09-30-10

Recruiting your Gang

This section of the rules shows you how to build your Gang.
You have 1000 Coins to spend on recruiting and equipping all the thugs and low-life criminals that
you want. As you purchase models and equipment, make sure to keep track of how much you
have left to spend.
In the case of one-off games, you can decide to use more Coins for your Gang or even if you
want to have a larger, more violent campaign you can do that too.
When playing a campaign, you can keep any unspent Coins to be used at a later date, such as
saving up to get your steamjack a better cortex.

All Gangs have somewhat different rules when it comes to what options they can take, but there
are some things that are universal, no matter what the Gang is. The first thing to consider when
creating a Gang is what type of Gang you want to run. There are Gangs that specialize in Knives,
or those that specialize in muscle. Some Gangs are differentiated by what race is allowed into
their group, like Gobber Rigging Gangs. The easiest way to build your gang is to pick one of the
following before moving on to the next section of the rules.
Each Gang will be displayed in the following format:

[Gang Name]
Location: This is the Island that the Gang is located on (which is important in Mapped
Campaign play).
Rackets: This will tell you what type of illicit activity your Gang specializes in (this is also
important in Campaign play) Whenever your Gang partakes in this activity, they
gain bonus income (see the Income section of course). If you are not playing a
Campaign, then this is just some side information.

Racket Types
• Assassination:Choose 1 Opposing model at the start of the game. If the model is
removed from the game or is down, then in the Income step of the Post Game, gain
XPxd6 Coins.
• Conning: When selling an item, make a CMD check. If the CMD checked is passed, gain
an additional D6 Coins per point the check is passed by.
• Extortion: During the Income step, gain an additional D6 Coins for each Territory owned.
• Fencing: When selling items, gain an additional 2 Coins per Item sold
• Muscle: Each model that takes the Work option for Income gains an additional d6 Coins.
• Protection: Each surviving model gains an additional 2 Coins on Raid, Dock, Warehouse
and Defend Scenarios.
• Smuggling: When making a CMD check for Black Market items, add 1 to the model’s
• Piracy: For each model sent, roll a d6 and compare it to the following:
1: Dead or Captured: Remove the model from the Roster
2: Out to Sea: Miss the next game, roll again
3: Gain 2d6 Coins
4: Gain 3d6 Coins
5: Gain 4d6 Coins
6: Roll another d6:
1-4: Gain 5d6 Coins
5-6: Gain an Artifact. If the Gang already has an Artifact, gain 5d6

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• Theft: For each model sent, roll a d6 and compare it to the following:
1: Killed or Captured
2: Gain 1d6 Coins
3: Gain 2d6 Coins
4: Gain 3d6 Coins
5: Choose 1 Item from the Market List
6: Choose 1 Item from the Black Market Lis
Restrictions: This will tell you what models, weapons and equipment your Gang cannot take.
Special Rules: This will tell you if there are any special benefits your Gang receives. It
may also contain disadvantages…
Options: This will tell you what options your Gang has access to during its creation. You
can take any and all of them, but you can only take each one once.

Five Fingers Gang

Location: Any Island

Rackets: Any Rackets (choose 1 for a permanent Racket)
Restrictions: Five Fingers Gang has no restrictions
Special Rules: This Gang has no special rules
Options: This Gang MUST take a model with the Leader upgrade. This Gang may take the Jack
Marshal, Mechanic, Doctor or Spell-caster upgrades.

Mercenary Charter

Location: Any Island

Rackets: Protection
Restrictions: None
Special Rules: Law Abiding: Cannot be the Attacker on Raid Scenarios, unless the opposing
Gang is Cryxian, Thamarite or another Unlawful Gang.
Watch: models in this Gang can choose to partake in the Watch during the Income step.
Models taking part in the Watch gain 10 Coins each.
Jack Works: Any time a Steamjack is repaired, it does not have to pay the extra d6
Options: This Gang MUST take a model with the Leader Upgrade. This Gang may take the
Jack Marshal, Mechanic, Doctor or Spell-caster upgrades.

Gobber Rigging Gang

Location: Captain Island

Rackets: Smuggling
Restrictions: May only include Gobbers and Steamjacks.
Any Rig Runner (see below) cannot take Military Rifles, Crossbows, Blunderbuss,
Shotguns, Long Guns, Carbines, Slug Guns or Grenades.
Special Rules:Rig Runner: A model with the Rig Runner ability has the Ambush skill.
Special Delivery: A Rig Runner can make Deliveries during the Income step.
A Rig Runner that makes deliveries gains 1/2SPDxd6 Coins.
Options: The Gang MUST take a model with the Leader Upgrade. This Gang may take the Jack
Marshal, Mechanic and up to half (rounded down) can be Rig Runners (for no cost).

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Duelist Gang

Location: Bull’s Island

Rackets: Extortion
Restrictions: Cannot take Ogrun
Cannot take more than 2 Trollkin Gangers
Cannot take Spears, Whips or Halberds
Can only take the following Ranged Weapons: Shoddy Pistols, Pistols, Heavy
Pistols, Dueling Pistols, Hand Cannons and Throwing Knives
Special Rules:
Knife Fighters: Models in this Gang gain boosted Attack rolls when using Hand Weapons
and Throwing Knives.
Options: The Gang MUST take a model with the Leader Upgrade. This Gang may take the Jack
Marshal, Doctor and Spell Caster upgrades.

Thamarite Cult

Location: Dicer/Bolis Island

Racket: Assassination
Restrictions: Can only take Human and Risen Gangers
Special Rules: Mother of Sorcery: In addition to the Leader Upgrade, the Leader must also take
the Spell Caster Upgrade. This does not count towards the maximum number of upgrades the
Gang can take. (ie, this Gang may upgrade 4 models at Gang Creation, one of which must be
Spell Caster for the Leader)
Sacrifice: The model that kills an Assassination target gains +1 XP (in addition to the XP
gained for killing a model). If a model is Captured on the Lasting Injury Chart, it may be
killed to give the Leader +1 XP.
Scion: Each Thamarite Cult must pick one of the following Scions, gaining the listed
Aiden: gain +3d6 Coins during the Income step
Bolis: during each game, this Gang may make 3 re-rolls
Delesle: When a non-Leader, non-Risen Ganger dies, add 1 Risen to the Gang.
Khorva: Models gain +2 to Back Strikes (total +4)
Nivara: Spell Casters start with 2 Spells instead of 1 Spell.
Options: The Gang MUST take a model with the Leader Upgrade and the Spell Caster Upgrade.
This Gang may take the Jack Marshal and Spell Caster Upgrades.

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Pirate Crew

Location: Wake Island

Rackets: Piracy
Restrictions: No Rhuls
Special Rules: Gang: All models have Gang: this model gains +2 to MAT when in Melee Range
of an enemy model that is in Melee Range of another friendly model with Gang.
Press Gang: If a model is Captured on the Lasting Injury Chart, it must make a CMD
check. If it fails, it is added to the Gang. If the model passes its CMD check, then it may
be treated as normal.
Scurvy: Pirates cost 1 additional Coin each in the Income Phase for Upkeep
Professional: If you roll a Lost result on the Pirate Chart, you may re-roll on the chart. An
additional roll of Lost stands.
Options: The Gang MUST take a model with the Leader Upgrade. This Gang can take the Jack
Marshal, Mechanic and Doctor Upgrades.

Shenkriel Gang

Location: Hospice Island

Rackets: Muscle
Restrictions: May only take Trollkin Models
Special Rules:
Fell Caller: the Leader of the Shenkriel Gang gains Fell Caller. As a Special Action, the
Leader may make one of the following Calls:
War Cry: friendly Trollkin within 6 inches gain +2 to MAT and RAT rolls.
Shatter: SP 8, POW 10
Reveille: friendly Trollkin within 6 inches that are Knocked Down immediately
stand up and act as normal if they had not already activated. This does not affect
models that are down because they are out of wounds.
Options: The Gang MUST take a model with the Leader Upgrade. This Gang can Take the Spell
Caster and Doctor upgrades.

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Foreign Agents

Location: Any Island

Racket: Espionage
Restriction: Gangs are restricted to models based on their Patron Nation
Special Rules:
Espionage: target an enemy model at the beginning of the game after deployment but
before the first turn. For each turn a model remains within 6 inches of the model, gain 1d6
Coins. When this Gang Defends Docks, Raids or Protect, this gang gains +1d6 for each
surviving model.
Hide in Plain Sight: ½ of the models in the Gang can Advance Deploy
Patron Nation: At Gang creation, choose one of the following:
Khador: May upgrade a model to a Spell Caster without paying the 10 Coins, but
the model still gains the XP. Can take Human and Gobbers
Cygnar: Watchman Brigands cost 10 less Coins. Can take Human, Gobbers and
Rhullic models.
Ord: Gang starts with a Five Fingers Map. Can take Human, Gobber Trollkin, and
Rhullic models.
Llael: the Leader gains boosted Melee Attack Rolls. Can only take Human
Cryx: The Gang also has the Piracy, Extortion, or Smuggling racket at Gang
Creation. Can take Satyxis, Human, Trollkin and Ogrun modesl.
Rhul: When repairing a Steamjack in the Post Game sequence, the extra d6 does
not need to be paid. Rhulic Gangs may recruit Ogrun models, but there can never
be more Ogrun than Rhullic models.
Options: The Gang MUST take a model with the Leader Upgrade. This gang can take the Jack
Marshal, Spell Caster and Doctor upgrades.

Cryxian Reavers

Location: Wake Island

Racket: Piracy
Restrictions: Cannot take Rhulic models
Can take Satyxis and Thralls
Special Rules:
Sacrifice: The model that kills an Assassination target gains +1 XP (in addition to the XP
gained for killing a model). If a model is Captured on the Lasting Injury Chart, it may be
killed to give the Leader +1 XP.
Low Profile: Satyxis can only use Piracy in the Income step and cannot have their CMD
used when searching for items on the Black Market. Thralls cannot partake in the Income
step for any reason, including counting for Upkeep.
Hunted: Any Satyxis or Thrall that is Captured on the Lasting Injury Chart can be turned
into the Watch for double the standard amount of Coins.
Options: The Gang MUST take a model with the Leader Upgrade. The Gang can take
the Jack Marshal, Mechanic and Spell Caster upgrades.

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Gang Model Types

Now that you have chosen what type of Gang you want to lead, you need to understand the
basics of the gang structure. There are 4 main different types of models that make up the Gang.
Some of them cost a bit more than a standard model and any increased cost will be noted by the
model. The model types are Leaders, Gangers, Specialists and Steam Jacks. The different
types will be presented with a description, cost (if any) and their benefits.
Note: when you are building you Gang, you must have at least 5 non-Steam Jack models in your

Leader (+20 Coins): The leader is the head honcho of the Gang. He is the most important
model in your Gang. This model has the Leader Skill, +1 CMD, +1 MAT or RAT and +5 Health.
The Leader also starts with 15 XP. The Leader also plays an important role in the Post Game
phase of the game, which will be described in that section. The Leader has access to the
Leadership Skill set and any 3 Skill sets. A Leader may take any Specialists upgrades, but it
counts towards the maximum 3. Add the XP to the Leader’s starting XP.

Gangers (+0 Coins): A ganger is a basic run of the mill gang member. Gangers have access to
any 3 Skill sets.

Specialists (by specialty): Specialists have rare skills that set them apart from the rest of their
Gang brothers. Each Gang can take up to 3 specialists, which are determined by their Gang List.

• Jack Marshal (+10 Coins): A Ganger with the Jack Marshal specialty is the minder of the
Gang’s Steamjack. The Jack Marshal starts with the Jack Marshal Skill and starts with 4
XP. The Jack Marshal has access to the Jack Marshal Skill set and any 2 Skill sets.

• Mechanic (+10 Coins): A Ganger with the Mechanic specialty is tasked with keeping the
Gang’s mechanika in working order. They are desirable in gangs that make use of
Steamjacks, but not all such Gangs have the head for learning such things. The
Mechanic has the Repair [6] Skill and starts with 4 XP. The Mechanic has access to the
Mechanic Skill set and any 2 Skill sets.

• Doctor (+10 Coins): While not a Doctor as such, this Ganger has the basic knowledge to
patch his brethren back together. The Doctor has the Heal Skill and starts with 4 XP. The
Doctor has the Heal Skill and access to any 2 Skill sets. Heal [6] Target friendly model in
B2B contact with this model regains d6 health. If the model is DISABLED, the model is no
longer DISABLED and does not suffer the -2 Stat penalty for recovering. A model that
recovers from being DISABLED will still be Knocked Down.

• Spell Caster (+10 Coins): Spell Casters are usually pretty rare among Gangs, but those
Gangs that can attract a Spell Caster will do whatever they can to hold on to this asset.
The Spell Caster has the Magic Ability [6] with access to a single spell and starts with 4
XP. The Spell Caster has access to the Spell Caster Skill Set and any 1 skill set. For
one-off games, the Spells are in the Skills Section.

Steamjacks (see below): Steamjacks are models like the rest of the gang, but they are not
affected by Gang special rules unless the rule specifically states that it affects Steamjacks.
Steamjacks have the Special Rules as mentioned in the MKII Prime Rulebook. Steam Jacks
have special rules regarding repair that can be found in the Campaign section of the rules. Note:
The Jack Marshal ‘free focus’ can be used to Shake Effects.
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The other important part of a model, whether a Leader, Grunt or Specialist is their race. There
are several races living (and unliving) in Five Fingers that can join Gangs. The races a Gang can
take are listed in their Gang roster.


Human 65 6 4 3 5 12 12 7 5
Humans are the generic baseline race, they have no special rules or abilities.


Rhulic 65 5 4 3 5 11 12 8 5
Rhulic models can purchase non-shield, non-buckler armor for 5 Coins less.
Rhulic models do not suffer the -1 SPD penalty from using Heavy Armour.


Gobber 40 6 2 2 2 14 12 7 5
Gobbers are a cowardly race and will usually leave the leading to a braver individual. Unless the
Gang contains only Gobbers and Steamjacks, a Gobber will not lead a Gang.


Trollkin 80 6 5 3 8 12 12 7 5
Trollkin are a strong and resilient race. Trollkin have the Tough Skill. Trollkin also have the Big
Hands rule: when a model with Big Hands purchases a Ranged Weapon other than Crossbows,
Throwing Knives, and Grenades, they cost +5 Coins. When a Trollkin rolls on the Lasting Injury
Table, it may reroll a DEAD result once during each Post Game sequence.


Ogrun 90 5 5 3 9 12 12 7 10
Ogrun can never have the Jack Marshal Skill or the Mechanic Skill. Ogrun do not suffer the -1
SPD from Heavy Armor. Ogrun have the Big Hands rule: when a model with Big Hands
purchases a Ranged Weapon other than Crossbows Throwing Knives and Grenades they cost +5


Satyxis 70 7 5 3 5 13 12 7 5
Satyxis are Cryxian raiders that occasionally find berth in Five Fingers, and while not a
comfortable sight, they have been known to stalk Five Fingers.


Thrall 50 6 4 3 6 13 10 5 5
Thralls are basic Cryxian undead, they are not really made for fighting, but they have their uses.
They are basic, cheap labor and are treated as such. Thralls are Undead, they are fearless, but
because of this, they will never gain experience.
NOTE: When Risen are specified, they use the exact same rules and stats as thralls.

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Steamjacks are some of the heavy ‘muscle’ of the Gangs. Most of the Steamjacks are older
models used to load and move cargo, but in a pinch they are assets in a gang brawl. They are
big, expensive and slow, but they are worth their weight in gold to a gang leader strapped for

There are two different classes of Steamjacks. The first and most common are light Steamjacks.
They are faster and more nimble than their larger counterparts, but they are more fragile. They
are usually used for light hauling and construction work. The second are heavy Steamjacks,
much larger, more durable and stronger, they are slower.

Nothing beats sending a heavy Steamjack barreling through an enemy gang.

Steamjacks are slightly different from other Gangers. Their damage does not automatically heal
after a game has taken place, but their damage has to be repaired at a cost (see the Lasting
Injury section).

Light Steamjack: 175 points

6 8 4 4 12 16
Damage: 16

Weapons: x2 Open Fists, x1 Right, x1 Left
Cortex: Cupernum-grade

Heavy Steamjack: 225 points

5 10 4 4 10 18
Damage: 20

Weapons: x2 Open Fists, x1 Right, x1 Left
Cortex: Cupernum-grade

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The Armory
The final step of constructing your battle group is to purchase weapons, armor and other
equipment. It really isn’t all that smart to go to battle with your bare hands and your everyday
Each warrior model can be armed with 2 ranged weapons and 2 melee weapons, in addition to
the Hand weapon that they already come armed with.
A Steamjack can only be equipped with 2 weapon systems, 3 if one of the systems is a Buckler.
If a Steamjack is equipped with 2 Shields, then the Steamjack’s SPD is at -1. You may purchase
additional weapons and equipment during the post game sequences at the end of each scenario.

Melee Weapons
Any of the weapons marked with a (*) cannot be used by a Steam Jack. A weapon purchased for
a Steam Jack costs an additional 5 Coins each.
Weapon POW Special Cost
Hand Weapon* 3 Improvised Weapon 0/5
Steam Fist 4 If 2, may make a combo-strike 10
Sword 5 None 5
2-Handed Sword 6 2 Handed 5
Axe 6 None 10
2-Handed Axe 7 2 Handed 10
Hammer 7 None 15
2-Handed Hammer 8 2 Handed 15
Spear 4 Set Defense or Brutal Charge, Reach, Spear 10
Halberd 5 Reach, 2 Handed 10
Shield 2 +2 Arm, Critical Slam 15
Mace 5 Critical Concussion 10
Flail 4 Chain Weapon 10
Whip/Chain* 3 Reach, Chain Weapon 15
Bayonet* 3 Must attach to gun 5
Horns 4 Critical Knockdown --
Improvised Weapon:
If a model is killed by an attack from this weapon, the model recovers during the Recovery phase
on a roll of 6 instead of 5-6.
Instead of making 2 initial melee attacks, instead make 1 melee attack that deals a STR + Double
This model cannot use another weapon while using this weapon, nor may it use a shield other
than a buckler.
Set Defense:
+2 to DEF against Charge Attacks.
Brutal Charge:
+2 to Melee Attack rolls on the Charge.
This weapon cannot be used with another weapon other than a Shield or Buckler.

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Model has a melee range of 2 inches

Critical Slam:
On a Critical hit, instead of damaging the model, the model is Slammed d3 inches for a Small-
based model, or d6 for a Medium or Large-based model. The model suffers a damage roll equal
to the STR+POW and model hit by the slammed model suffer an equal damage roll.
Critical Concussion:
On a Critical hit, the hit model is at -2 MAT, RAT and DEF next turn
Chain Weapon:
Damage from this weapon is not affected by Shields or Bucklers
Critical Knockdown: On a Critical hit, the model hit is knocked down.

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Ranged Weapons
All Ranged weapons, with the exception of the Crossbow, Throwing Knives and Grenades are
black powder weapons and have the following rules:
Reload: For every turn a Black Powder Weapon fires, it must spend 1 turn being
If a model has 2 Black Powder Weapons, it can fire both of them one turn and reload both
the next, or it can fire one each turn, reloading it the next.
If the weapon has a ROF of more than 1, the ROF is the number of times that it can be
fired before needing to be reloaded.
Unstable: Whenever a to-hit roll for a Black Powder Weapon rolls double ones, roll a d6
on the misfire chart here:
1-2: Nothing: The weapon must be reloaded to be fired
3-4: Jam: Weapon cannot be fired for the rest of the Game
5: Break: the weapon must be repaired for 2d6 Coins
6: Explode: the wielding model suffers a POW 10 damage roll and the weapon is
removed from the model’s equipment
Weapons marked with (*) can be purchased for Steam Jacks. They can be bought individually or
bought in pairs of 2.
When being purchased for a Steam Jack, they lose one of their Open hands to wield it.
Weapon Rng RO AO PO Special Cost
Shoddy Pistol 8 1 - 10 Black Powder roll on any Doubles to Hit 5
Pistol 8 1 - 10 None 10
Hand Cannon* 12 1 - 12 None 20
Military Rifle 10 1 - 11 None 15
Quad Iron* 10 1 - 10 Multi-Fire Special Attack 25
Crossbow 10 1 - 8 None 10
Blunderbuss* 8 1 - 12 Grape Shot 20
Shotgun SP8 1 - 12 None 15
Dueling Pistol 10 1 - 12 None 15
Cannon* 10 1 3 14 Warjack Only 30
Long Rifle* 14 1 - 10 None 20
Carbine 10 2 - 10 None 15
Grenade 6 1 3 12 Cumbersome 20
Slug Gun* 4 1 - 14 None 20
Throwing Knife 6 1 - 2 Add model’s STR to POW 5
Heavy Pistol* 8 1 - 12 None 15
Multi-fire Special Attack:
If this weapon hits target model, it may make another ranged attack with this weapon against the
target model or another model in 2 inches. It may make up to 4 total attacks this way. If one of
the attacks misses, then the shooting stops.
Grape Shot:
This may fire with the given profile or as a SP 6 Attack.
This weapon may not be used the same turn that another ranged weapon was used.

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Any weapon may have a single Mechanikal upgrade. Any of these upgrades can be applied to a
ranged or melee weapon (other than Horns, Shields, Throwing Knives and Magelock Pistols).
Critical Effect (30 Coins)
Effected weapon permanently gains one of the following: Knockdown, Slam, Beatback or
Critical Damage Effect (35 Coins)
Effected weapon permanently gains one of the following: Brutal Damage or Armor Piercing
Critical Continuous Effects (40 Coins)
Effected weapon permanently gains one of the following: Critical Stall, Critical Corrosion, Critical
Fire or Critical Freeze.
Weapon Effect (40 Coins)
Effected weapon permanently gains one of the following: Trash, Slam or Knockdown.
Greater Weapon Effect (50 Coins)
Effected weapon permanently gains one of the following: Beatback, Detonator, Stall or Freeze.
Greater Weapon Damage Effect (60 Coins)
Effected weapon permanently gains one of the following: Brutal Damage, Poison, Armor
Piercing, Corrosion, or Fire

Mundane Weapon Upgrades

Reach: The weapon upgraded with Reach has a 2” melee range (+10 Coins)
Combined Weapon: This must be applied to a Ranged weapon and a Melee weapon. This
upgrade allows the model to make an Assault Order. As part of a charge, after moving, but
before making its charge attack, this model can make a range attack with the Combined Range
weapon targeting the charged model. There is no penalty for shooting into melee with this attack.
If the charge fails, the ranged shot must still be fired. (+15 Coins, must only be paid once for the
Combined weapon)
Thresher: When then weapon, is used, it can make a Special Attack: Thresher. When a
Thresher attack is made, it targets all models in this model’s front arc and reach. (+20 Coins)

Light Armor: Provides +2 ARM, +20 Coins
Medium Armor: Provides+ 4 ARM, + 45 Coins
Heavy Armor: Provides +6 ARM, -1 SPD, + 70 Coins
Buckler: Provides +1 ARM, does not keep a model from using another weapon, +10 Coins. A
model may only take up to 2 Bucklers

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Campaign Rules

To start a campaign, you need to have at least 2 players, preferably more and an even number to
keep everyone playing. Each person should have their Gang, roster, models and everything else
they need to play. In theory, people can run more than one gang to increase variety of games,
but this could get confusing in the record keeping department.
After the players have their Gangs and are ready to play, the Win Conditions need to be
determined. These are what determine if the game is finished or not. If you are playing a
narrated style campaign, then the Win Conditions will probably be determined by the campaign
organizer. The Win Conditions can be either player-wide conditions or individual conditions.
Some of the Win Conditions ideas are the following:
The first Gang with a Leader to reach 100 XP or higher, wins the Campaign
The last Gang to have its original Leader still alive, wins the Campaign
Face a “Low-Captain’s Gang” controlled by a Game Master
Pretty much anything you can come up with can be used as a Campaign Win Condition, just
make it obtainable.
Gang Rating
The Gang Rating is determined as follows:
Add 1 for each Gobber and Thrall
Add 2 for each Human, Rhulic and Satyxis
Add 3 for each Trollkin
Add 4 for each Ogrun and Light Steamjack
Add 8 for each Heavy Steamjack
Add 1 for each Spell the Gang has access to
Add 1 for each Drive the Gang has access to
Add the combined number of Levels the Gang has
Added all together, this is the Gang’s rating.

For the Gang with the lowest Gang rating, there two options.
• For each difference in Gang rating, if the Gang with the lower rating wins, then the Gang
gains extra XP equal to the difference in Gang ratings, that is divided evenly (everyone
gets 1 before anyone gets 2 and then so on) among the surviving Gang members.
• If the Gang Rating difference is too great, the player with the lowest Gang rating gets 5
Coins per difference to use towards hiring a Brigand for the duration of the Scenario. At
the end of the game, the Brigand will leave and cannot be retained by paying their

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Lasting Injuries
A model that is taking out of the game, must roll on the Lasting Injury Chart. It covers everything
from lost limbs, to being captured, to death.
If a model is DISABLED at the end of the game, make a CMD check. If the CMD check is
passed, the model recovers as normal. If the CMD check is failed, then the model must roll on
the Lasting Injury Table.
If the model is simply Knocked Down, then no roll is required. All models that do not roll on the
chart are automatically healed to full health before the next game.

Roll 2d6 and compare it to the following:

3 Leg Wound: Roll 1d6; 1-3 miss next game, 4-6 model looses ½ its SPD. If a
model rolls this twice, then it has to be removed from the roster
4 Arm Wound: Roll 1d6; 1-3 miss next game, 4-6 model looses 1 arm. If a model
rolls this twice, then it has to be removed from the roster
5 Massive Injury: Roll 1d6; 1-3 miss next game, 4-6 model must miss next 2 games
6 Head Wound: Roll 1d6; 1-4 miss next game, 5-6 model loses -1 MAT, RAT and
7 Recovers
8 Recovers, must miss next game
9 Recovers, model gains +1 XP
10 Traumatic Injury: Roll 1d6 before each game and compare to the following;
1-2 model must miss this game, 3-4 model suffers from Berserk this game,
5-6 model may act as normal
11 Captured: captured model can be ransomed back to the Gang or sold to
the Watch for 5d6 Coins
12 DEAD! (again)

Repairing Steamjacks
Steamjacks do not roll on the Lasting Injury Chart. Between each Campaign game, the
Steamjack must be repaired. If you have a Mechanic in the Gang, you may use the repair skill
once. The rest of the Damage bust be repaired by a reputable mechanic. Roll 1d6 when you are
going to repair a Steamjack, this cost is paid in addition to the actual damage repaired. You do
not have to have all of it repaired, but you must have at least one functioning box for the
Steamjack’s Systems.
Each Hull damage box costs 5 Coins to repair
Each System damage box costs 10 Coins to repair
Any System with an upgrade costs an additional 5 Coins per damage box to repair (such
as Enhanced Pneumatic Arms which will cost 15 Coins per box)
Thralls do not roll on the Lasting Injury Chart. Instead, roll on the following chart:
1-2 Thrall is destroyed, remove it from the roster.
3-5 Thrall is in need of repair, costs 2d6 Coins to repair.
6 Thrall is fine.
If a model is killed, the owning controller may try to recover some of the lost model’s equipment.
For each item that the model carried, roll a d6:
1-4 Item is unrecoverable
5-6 Item is salvaged

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If the item attempting to be recovered is an item of armor (Light, Medium or Heavy Armor), a
Shield (shield or buckler) or a Mechanikal Limb, it is only recovered on a roll of 6.
During a campaign game, the participating models gain experience as shown in the following
+1 to the Leader of the Winning Gang
+1 per 5% difference in Gang Rating (for the Gang with the Lower rating)
+1 for surviving the battle
+1 for killing an opposing non-Steamjack model
+1 for DISABLING an opposing Steamjack
+1 for wrecking an opposing Steamjack
+X for completing Scenario based objectives, see Scenarios for more explanation.


As model’s gain experience, they will be entitled to advancements. When a model

reaches a new level, it is entitled to either a new Skill or a Stat increase. A stat increase
can be with CMD, SPD, MAT, RAT, STR, DEF or Health. A model with a Skill[X] may
increase their skill rating by 1 for a Stat Increase. A model that is entitled to a Skill must
pick one from its existing skill lists, or decided to start a new Skill Set by picking a Skill
from that Set. If a model has the maximum number of skill sets, then it must choose a
Skill from one of its existing Sets. No stat may ever be increased past +3 from its starting
stat, CMD and Skill[X] can never be increased past 10. When Health is upgraded, the
model gains +2 Health instead of 1, and it may take this up to a total of 3 times.
EXP Level Stat Increase Skill
2 1 X X
4 2 X
6 3 X
8 4 X
10 5 X
15 6 X
20 7 X
25 8 X
30 9 X
35 10 X
50 11 X
50 12 X
60 13 X
70 14 X
80 15 X
90 16 X
100 17 X
115 18 X
130 19 X
145 20 X

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A model can choose from any skill sets that it wants up to the maximum allowable skill sets. A
Leader may have skills from the Leader Skill set and 3 other Skill Sets, a Spell Caster can have
the Spell Caster Skill Set and any 1 other Skill Set. Any other model can have skills from any 3
Skill Sets. Skill marked with “*” can only be taken once per Gang.

Leadership Skill Set

Leader*: Models in this Model’s CMD range may use its CMD for CMD checks. As long as this
model is in play, use its CMD for Route Tests.
Fearless: This model never flees. If the Gang fails a Route Test, this model will fall back. If this
model’s CMD is used for Route Checks, it must take the check as normal.
Inner Silence: This model cannot be attacked by attacks generated by Berserk
Sucker: If this model is hit by a ranged attack, a friendly model in 2” may be automatically hit
Victory Howl: When this model kills an enemy model, enemy models in 6” must make a CMD
check or flee.
Alert: This model has no back arc, its front arc extends 360 degrees.

Jack Marshal Skill Set

Jack Marshal: this model may control Steam Jacks. A Steam Jack controlled by a Jack Marshal
may run, charge, boost attack roll or boost damage roll once per activation, as long as the Steam
Jack is in the Jack Marsha’s CMD range.
Drive: Haste*: Make a CMD check during activation. If the check succeeds, the target Steam
Jack gains +3 SPD during its movement this turn.
Drive: Off Road*: Make a CMD check during activation. If the check succeeds, the target Steam
Jack gains Pathfinder this round.
Drive: Pronto*: Make a CMD check during activation. If the check succeeds, the target Steam
Jack immediately moves up to its current SPD in inches
Drive: Power Attack*: Make a CMD check during activation. If the check succeeds, the target
Steam Jack may make Power Attacks without spending focus and gains +2 MAT when making
Power Attacks
Iron Wall: When this model is in B2B contact with a friendly Steam Jack, this model gains +2
Synergy: When this model is attacking a model that is in melee range of a friendly Steam Jack,
this model gains +2 MAT.

Mechanic Skill Set

Bodge: Repair any 1 Damage point anywhere on a Steam Jacks damage grid.
Repair [x]: Choose 1 column on a friendly Steam Jack. Repair d6 damage from that column.
Dismantle: This model gains an additional d6 to damage rolls against Steam Jacks.
Scavenge*: During the post game, if this Gang wrecked an opposing Steam Jack, then this gang
gains +5d6 Coins.
Iron Wall: When this model is in B2B contact with a friendly Steam Jack, this model gains +2

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Shooting Skill Set

Sniper: When damaging a Steam Jack, this model can choose which column to damage. If it
hits, it may choose to do 1 damage instead of rolling for damage.
Gun Fighter: This model has a melee range of 0.5” and can make ranged attacks targeting
models in melee. This can only be used with Pistol weapons
Crack Shot: This model does not suffer a penalty for shooting into melee
Vital Shot: When this model makes a ranged attack that fails to exceed a model’s ARM, it deals 1
damage to the model instead.
Point Blank: This model may use a Pistol Ranged Weapon as a Melee weapon while in close
combat with another model. Attacks made using Point Blank are rolled with this model’s MAT.
Double Tap: If this model has a ranged weapon that has ROF of 2, then it may make 2 ranged

Melee Skill Set

Flying Steel: Choose one of this model’s melee weapons. The weapon has d3 initial attacks.
Roll for the initial attacks each time this model wants to make attacks with the weapon.
Parry: This model cannot be targeted by Free Strikes
Combat Master: Choose one of this model’s melee weapons. The weapon has 2 initial attacks.
Riposte: If this model is missed by a melee attack and the attacking model is in this model’s
melee range, this model may immediately make an attack.
Unstoppable Charge: This model may re-roll a failed Charge Attack.
Forfend: This model may make a melee attack against an enemy model ending its movement in
melee range of this model. If it makes an attack, it cannot make a melee attack this round.

Spell Caster Skill Set

Spells [x] (see below)

Battle Wizard: If this model kills an enemy model with a melee attack, then it may immediately
cast one spell.
Furious Casting: This model may cast 2 spells per turn instead of one.
Create Potions*: Instead of gaining Income during the Income phase of the Post Game, this
model may spend 3d6 Coins in order to make a Potion and give it to any model. A Potion is a
one-time use Spell that is cast by a CMD check. Any model may only carry one potion.

Ferocity Skill Set

Tough: When this model takes enough damage to be BOXED, roll on the following Recovery Chart
instead of the normal rules:
1-3: Recover
4: Nothing
5-6: Injured
Assault: As part of a charge, after moving, the model may make a single ranged attack targeting
the charged model. This model is not considered to be engaged when making the ranged attack,
nor is the target considered to be in melee.
Insult to Injury: If this model makes melee attacks and is unengaged at the end of its activation, it
may make a ranged attack.
Berserk: Whenever this model kills another model with a melee attack, it must immediately attack
another model in melee range, friend or foe. Models killed by these attacks will generate further
Berserk attacks.

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Terror: Model’s in this model’s melee range or wishing to assault this model must pass a CMD
check or flee.

Stealth Skill Set

Pathfinder: This model ignores movement penalties from and may charge across rough terrain
and obstacles.
Lurk: Model may forfeit its movement to gain +4 DEF. This model also gains the aiming bonus.
Camouflage: this model gain an additional +2 DEF when benefiting from concealment or cover.
Backstab: This model gains +2 to attack rolls when attacking a model in its back arc.
Stealth: Ranged and Magic attacks that originate from further than 5” away automatically miss.
NOTE: a model must have Lurk before it can take Stealth.
Bushwhack: This model can make a Ranged attack before moving, but cannot make other
actions after it has moved.

Campaign Skill Set

A Gang member may learn a single Campaign Skill during the course of a Campaign. It does not
count against their Skill Set limit.

Heal [x] Target friendly model in B2B contact with this model regains d6 health. If the model is
DISABLED, the model is no longer DISABLED and does not suffer the -2 Stat penalty for
recovering. A model that recovers from being DISABLED will still be Knocked Down.
Barter: When purchasing a Rare item, the item cost is reduced by 1 Coin multiplied by the
difference of the CMD roll. (CMD 8, Rarity 2; a 5 is rolled, meaning 1 coin is saved)
Hard Worker: When this Ganger Labors during the Income Phase, this Ganger gains +1 Coin
Slave Driver: When your Gang generates Coins from a Territory, you may choose to take a CMD
check to gain more income. You gain an additional D6 Coins per point passed by. If the CMD
check is failed, then the territory is removed from the roster.
Fast Talker: Whenever your Gang has the option to gain a new member through a Territory or
Scenario, you may reroll the dice roll to determine if you receive a new member or not. If you are
purchasing a new Ganger, you may take a CMD check. If you pass, the Ganger costs 5 Coins
Politically Savvy*: If the Campaign is using the Heat Rules, during the Heat Reduction phase,
this Gang reduces its Heat by 1 additional point.
Con Job*: If the Campaign is using the Heat Rules, during the Heat Reduction phase, this Gang
can transfer 1 Heat from itself to another Gang. This Gang must still pay the Cost of losing the

Models that have the Spell Caster ability have access to 1 spell when they are created or take the
Spell Caster Skill. In Campaigns, when a model is entitled to a Skill upgrade, then it may instead
choose to learn a new spell from the list. If a model has the Furious Caster Skill, it may cast the
same spell twice per turn and does not need to have access to 2 spells. In the case of buff spells
(shown by a *), only one model may be affected per model casting the spell.

Arcane Bolt: Rng 12 POW 11 magic attack

Blinding Flash: While in CMD range, all enemy models suffer -2 RAT for 1 round.

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Blur*: This or target model in 6 inches gain +3 DEF against shooting attacks

Deadeye*: This or target model in 6 inches gains +1 die on its next ranged attack

Giant Slayer: This or target model in 6 inches gains +2 damage against medium-based models
and +4 damage against large-based models.

Temper Metal*: Target steamjack in 6 inches gains +2 ARM and is immune to continuous effects.

Feint: This or target model in 6 inches may immediately move 3 inches after an enemy model
ends its normal movement engaging this model. This move ignores free strikes.

Blood Ritual: Rng 10 POW 10 magic attack. If this attack boxes a model, this spell may be cast
again at another target.

Return Fire: This or target model in 6 inches gains Return Fire. A model with Return Fire is
missed by an enemy attack, it may immediately make an attack at the attacking

Dash: Target steamjack within 6 inches gains +1 Mov and cannot be target by free strikes this

Stasis: This or target model gains immunity to knockdown and continuous effects, but
suffers -2 DEF

Fly’s Kiss: RNG 8 POW 10 AOE 3 magic attack. All models in AOE suffer POW 10 Damage

Solid Ground: Friendly models in this model’s CMD range cannot be knocked down or slammed.

Ravager: This or target model in 6” can make an additional attack with each Melee weapon it
has, but suffers -2 DEF.

Scything Touch*: This or target model in 6 inches gains +2 STR

Venom: RNG SP 6 POW 10, models hit suffer Corrosion

Puppet Strings: This or target model in 8 inches can cause a friendly steamjack to make a single
out of activation attack. If the steamjack has not activated yet, it does not affect its

Storm Rager*: This or target model gains +1 STR, +1 MAT and +1 ARM for one round.

Arcane Shield*: This or target model in 6 inches gains +3 ARM for one round.

Redline: Target steamjack in 6 inches gains +2 SPD and +2 STR, and can run, charge,
slam or trample for free.

Arc Lighning: RNG 10 magic attack. Target model suffers POW 10 Electric Magic attack.
Attack arcs to d3 additional targets within 4” not hitting any model more than once.
Hit models suffer POW 10 Electric Magic Attack.
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Curse: RNG 10 POW 10 magic attack. When a model is hit by this attack, the hit model
suffers -2 DEF

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Starting a Campaign Game

Each player rolls 1d6 and adds their gang’s highest CMD value to the roll. Whoever has the
highest total chooses which scenario will be played, and whether they will be the attacker or
defender. If a scenario has any alternating selection, the player who did not win the roll will get
first choice, such as setting up terrain for the game.

If the player with the lower rating wins the roll, roll on the following chart to determine the
Scenario that will be played:
1 Scenario 9: Warehouse
2 Scenario 8: Enemy Territory
3 Scenario 7: Docks
4 Scenario 3: Land Grab
5 Scenario 2: Raid
6 Scenario 1: Skirmish
If the player with the higher rating wins the roll, roll on the following table to determine the
Scenario that will be played:
1 Scenario 6: Ruins
2 Scenario 8: Enemy Territory
3 Scenario 5: Defend
4 Scenario 4: Rescue
5 Scenario 3: Land Grab
6 Scenario 1: Skirmish
If the players have tied their rolls, then play the Skirmish Scenario.

Basic Set-up Rules

The basic game board for a game should be set up on a 4x4 foot table. If there are any Scenario-
specific terrain features, make sure to set them up first. Each player takes a turn setting up a
piece of terrain. There should always be a way to move around the board, but one or two dead
ends won’t kill the game. Keep alternating setting up terrain until one player decides that there is
Many Scenarios call for the use of Tokens. Any model can forfeit their action to pick up a Token
and can only carry 1 token at any time. A model that is carrying a Token cannot run. A model
carrying a Token cannot drop the Token unless they are Knocked Down. When Tokens are
placed on the board, they must be at least 6 inches away from another token and at least 8
inches away from any model.

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Scenario 1: Skirmish

Target: Make one Gang Route

Set up: Standard deployment. Two deployment zones across the board.
Terrain: Mostly buildings for the main terrain. Roads and alley ways, crates and wagons.
Bonus Earnings: None

Scenario 2: Raid

Target: Remove as many Loot counters from the defender’s deployment zone as possible
Set up: Defender places d3+1 Loot Tokens on the front edge of their deployment zone. Two
deployment zones across the board. Cannot block off routes from one board end to the other.
Terrain: Buildings, roads and alley ways, walls, crates and wagons.
Bonus Earnings: Each model that is in possession of a Loot Token at the end of the Scenario
gains +1 EXP. For each Loot Counter the Attacker has at the end of the game, roll on the
following chart:
1 10 Coins
2 20 Coins
3 30 Coins
4 Any 1 Mechanika upgrade
5 Any 1 White Market item
6 Any 1 Black Market Rare(1 or 0) item

Scenario 3: Land Grab

Target: Have more models in the building than the other Gang
Set up: In the center of the table, set up a building in the center of the table that is at least 6x6
inches in size. Note: it would be best to have a building with multiple entrances, not just one. It
would also be a good idea to have a building you can fight inside of.
Bonus Earnings: Any model that ends the game in the building gains +1 EXP. The Gang with
the most models in the building at the end may roll for a new Territory. See the Income area for
the Territory table.

Scenario 4: Rescue

Target: Get in, rescue the model, get them out alive.
Set up: In the Defender’s deployment zone, there needs to be an additional model set up. The
Defender must keep this model from entering base to base contact with an Attacker. Once the
model is in Base to base contact with an Attacker, the attacking player gains control of the model.
Note, the defender cannot kill the captive before the Attacker takes control. If desired, any Gang
may attempt to take this Scenario to rescue a Captured model if they desire. Replace the
Captive’s stats with the model’s stats. The model may not use any special rules, skills or abilities.
The model does not possess any of their old equipment.
4 -- -- -- 12 12 7 5
This model cannot attack. It can only run during its activation if it makes a CMD check.
Bonus Earnings: Any model that is within 6” of the Captive at the end of the game gains +1
EXP. If the Captive survives the Scenario, the Leader gains +1 EXP and the Gang gains 25

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Scenario 5: Defend

Target: Keep the opposing player from stealing your holdings

Set up: Set up a 6x6 building in the Defender’s deployment zone before the rest of the terrain.
This follows the same Set up rules as Land Grab other than the location of the target building.
Bonus Earnings: Any model that is in the building at the end of the game gains +1 EXP. If the
Attacker has more models in the building than the Defender, each player rolls 1d6 with the
Attacker getting a bonus for the difference in models in the building. If the Attacker’s total is
higher, then the Defender looses 1 Territory. If neither player had a Territory, then the attacker
rolls on the Territory chart.

Scenario 6: Ruin

Target: Find the artifact before the other Gang and get out with it alive.
Set up: The Ruin does not follow the normal set up rules. Set up should be a large central room
of at least 9x9 inches with multiple entrances and connected to a large maze system. Use
dungeon tiles or other similar set up. Each player sets up 2 pathways leading to the central room.
Randomly determine where each Gang starts. At the center of the set up, place an Artifact token.
The Gang that has control of the Artifact Token when the first Gang Routes, or one model gets
the Artifact Token to their deployment zone.
Bonus Earnings: Any model that has control of the Artifact at the end of the game gains +1 EXP.
If a model that possess the Artifact Token gets it back to their deployment zone, then the Gang
may roll on the Artifact table at the end of the Black Market Section.

Scenario 7: Docks

Target: Get the other Gang to Route, but watch out for weak decking
Set up: Place few buildings, a crane or two, crates, barrels, maybe a ship if there is one. Set up
terrain as a normal.
Special Rules: Any model that moves more than a walk or gains any boost to its MOV, it must
pass a CMD check. If the check is failed, remove the model from the game and roll on the injury
chart at the end of the game with a +1 to its roll. If a Steam Jack moves more than a walk, roll a
d6. On a roll of 1 or 2, the Steam Jack is removed from the game and suffers 2d6 damage.
Bonus Earnings: None

Scenario 8: Enemy Territory

Target: Sometime you are in the wrong place, it is time to get before they find you.
Set up: Place a 6 inch corridor down the center of the game board. Parallel to the ‘road’ place an
8” deployment zone along each back of the board.
At one end of the road, is the defender’s deployment zone.
Each model that makes it to the other end counts as a scoring model.
Bonus Earnings: Each model that makes it to the end of the corridor gains 1 EXP. If the
Gang Routes, then all only the model’s that make it gain EXP.
If the Gang routes, then they do not gain EXP. If the Attacking Gang Routes, then the surviving
models automatically gain the EXP and win the Scenario.

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Scenario 9: Warehouse

Target: Trying to rob a warehouse that is already being robbed.

Set up: Enclosed space. Shipping Containers, Crates, boxes, barrels. There need to be 2d6+1
tokens, one marked differently underneath, so no one can tell which tokens are which. After
setting up the terrain. Each player places a Loot token within the center of the game board,
alternating until they are all placed on the game. The Gang ends when one of the Gangs Routes.
Any Loot Tokens that are not picked up are ignored.
Bonus Earnings: Each model with a Loot token gains +1 EXP. The Gang that has possession of
the marked Loot Token gains +1 EXP. The Gang that has the marked Loot Token gains 50
coins. For each unmarked Loot Token roll on the following table:
1 Orgoth Ruins Map
2 5 Coins
3 10 Coins
4 15 Coins
5 20 Coins
6 25 Coins

Post Game actions

After the Scenario has been played out and any Lasting Injuries have been determined, the Gang
determines how many funds it has accrued.
Adding Everything up:
First, add up anything that has been gained from playing the scenario, such as Coins picked up
from playing a Warehouse Scenario.
Then, add up Income that the Gang collects during their day to day business. Each Gang
member that has survived can choose to do one of the following options to help generate income
for the Gang:

1) Racketeering: Gangers may choose to fulfill one of the Rackets that are not completed
during a game.
2) Territories: The Ganger can collect income as designated by any Territory that is held.
Note, that a Territory can only be used once per Income step.
3) Work: The Ganger finds a miscellaneous job to do. Any model that works gains 2D6??
Coins, but the Ganger does not count when determining the Gang’s upkeep required.

Assassination: Can only be completed in-game
Conning: When selling an item, make a CMD check. If the CMD checked is passed, gain
an additional D6 Coins per point the check is passed by. Can be taken once per Ganger
sent for Conning.
Extortion: During the Income step, gain an additional D6 Coins for each Holding.
Automatic for any Territory that is collected on.
Fencing: When selling items, gain an additional 2 Coins per Item sold. Does not require
sending any Gangers.
Muscle: Counts as taking the Work option for Income, gains d6 Coins instead of .d3
Protection: Can only be completed in-game

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Smuggling: When making a CMD check for Black Market items, add 1 to the model’s
CMD. Must choose the number of Gangers to send before rolling number of available
Black Market items.
Piracy: For each model sent, roll a d6 and compare it to the following:
1: Dead or Captured: Remove the model from the Roster
2: Out to Sea: Miss the next game, roll again
3: Gain 1d6 Coins
4: Gain 2d6 Coins
5: Gain 4d6 Coins
6: Roll on the Artifact Chart
Theft: For each model sent, roll a d6 and compare it to the following:
1: Killed or Captured
2: Gain 1d6 Coins
3: Gain 2d6 Coins
4: Gain 3d6 Coins
5: Choose 1 Item from the Market List
6: Choose 1 Item from the Black Market List

Whenever a Gang gains a Territory that is not stolen from another Gang, roll on the following
chart to determine what Territory the Gang has.
2 Tavern: Gain 3d6 Coins, or this Gang can ignore the first failed Route Test next
3 Gambling Hall: Gain 10 Coins or (d6-1)x5 Coins.
4 High-end Shop: Choose one player, the next time they make purchases from the
White Market, gain 5 Coins +1 for each item that is purchased. Gain 5 coins if they
make a purchase from the Black Market.
5 General Store: Choose one player, gain 1 Coin for each surviving Ganger the
other Gang has, plus 5 if they have a surviving Steam Jack.
6 Bridge: Gain 2d6 Coins
7 Slums: Gain 5 Coins +1 per each additional Slum. If there are 5 Slums and only
one is worked, then you get 5 Coins plus 4 for the additional Slums. If all 5 are
worked, then you would get 45 Coins.
8 Merchant Contact: Whenever you sell an item, you gain +1 Coin per item sold.
9 Drink Vendor: Each of your living Ganger’s cost 1 less Coin in the Upkeep step.
10 Workshop: For 30 Coins you may upgrade a weapon’s ROF by 1.
11 Pit Arena: Gain 3d6 Coins. Or, if you have captured a model and the owning
player does not want to ransom them back or try to rescue them, then you may sell
them for (10+EXP)x2 and sacrifice the model.
12 Housing Area: 9+d6 Coins. If you only roll a 1, make a CMD check (using the
Ganger’s CMD that is working this Territory). If the CMD check is passed, then
you may purchase your next new Ganger at half price. If you have multiple
Housing Areas, you can only get 1 new Ganger at half price.

If the Jack Marshal decides to Work for Income, any Steam Jack that has all of its systems still
functioning (ignoring the hull), then it may also work. If the Steam Jack works with the Jack
Marshal, the Jack Marshal does not need to have its upkeep paid and the Steam Jack’s upkeep is

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After the amount of Income the Gang has collected has been determined, subtract the following
for general upkeep for the Gang.
Each Human, Gobber, Rhul and Satyxis 4 Coins each
Each Trollkin and Ogrun 6 Coins each
Each Light Steam Jack 15 Coins each
Each Heavy Steam Jack 30 Coins each
Any model armed with a Black Powder Weapon 1 Coin each
Paying Brigands xx Coins Each
The cost is determined by what brigand you wish to hire.
Once the Gang’s total Income has been determined, they may spend the remaining money in the

New Recruits

New recruits may be bought in the same way a model in the Gang Creation section is bought.
Choose a model and a Specialty (if there is an opening), their weapons and armor and pay for
them. You are not required to pay their upkeep until the next game.
Any new model hired into the Gang must follow any restrictions that your original Gang
recruitment followed.


If you choose to hire any Brigands, then you must purchase them at this stage. You may hire
them by paying their Hire Fee. The Brigands can be found after the Market Sections.


Markets are divided into 2 markets, White Markets and Black Markets.

White Market items are commonly available and can be purchased freely without any looking.
Black Market items are a bit harder to get a hold of. To determine the availability of Black Market
items, roll a d6 when buying items to determine how many Rare items are offered. Pick out the
Rare Items you wish to try to purchase and then make a CMD check. Each Black Market will
have a Rarity number from 0 to 3. This represents a negative modifier to CMD. If you pass the
CMD check, then you can purchase the item.
Selling items is never as lucrative when they are used.

If you ever wish to sell any items while at the Markets, they are automatically worth half of their
original cost. Rare Items are always worth their full price if you decide to sell them. On the other
hand, you can always hang on to any older items to hand them off to any new recruits or to
replace lost or damaged weapons as a campaign goes on.

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Gangs of Five Fingers v1.6 09-30-10

The Markets
White Market Price List
Melee Weapons
Hand Weapon, Sword, Bayonet 5 Coins
Steam Fist, Axe, Spear, Halberd, Buckler, Mace, Flail 10 Coins
Hammer, Shield, Whip/Chain 15 Coins
Ranged Weapons
Shoddy Pistol, Throwing Knives 5 Coins
Pistol, Crossbow 10 Coins
Blunderbuss, Shotgun, Military Rifle, Dueling Pistol, Heavy Pistol, Carbine15 Coins
Hand Cannon, Long Rifle, Slug Gun 20 Coins
Light Armor 20 Coins
Climbing Gear 20 Coins
Smoke Bombs 25 Coins
Medical Kit 30 Coins
Gunner’s Kit 30 Coins
Mechanic’s Tools 30 Coins
Five Fingers Map 40 Coins

Black Market Price List Rarity

Ranged Weapons
Grenades 20 Coins 1
Quad Iron 25 Coins 1
Cannon 30 Coins 3
Medium Armor 45 Coins 1
Heavy Armor 70 Coins 2
Soul Cage 50 Coins 3
Mechanikal Limbs 35 Coins 2
Critical Effect 30 Coins 0
Critical Continuous Effect 40 Coins 1
Weapon Effect 40 Coins 2
Greater Weapon Effect 50 Coins 3
Potion 20 Coins 1
Hooga Cigars 25 Coins 1
Exceptional Black Powder 15 Coins 1
Orgoth Map 50 Coins 3
Blessed Charm 25 Coins 1
Fine Uniform 35 Coins 1
Arcane Scripts 65 Coins 3

Climbing Gear:
As long as this model walks, it may climb up vertical surfaces as long as it has enough movement
to reach the top of the object being climbed.
Smoke Bombs:

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Gangs of Five Fingers v1.6 09-30-10

This model may place a 3” Smoke Template within 1” of this model.

Medical Kit:
This model gains +1 to Skill [X] when trying to heal a model. If double 6’s are rolled, then the
supplies run out and it can no longer be used.
Gunner’s Kit:
This model may re-roll a misfire roll when using a Black Powder weapon.
Mechanic’s Tools:
This model gains +1 to Skill [X] when trying to repair a model. If double 6’s are rolled, then the
supplies run out and it can no longer be used.
Five Fingers Map:
When ever this model rolls to determine what scenario is played, roll 2 dice and choose
whichever one you want. If you roll the same on both die, the map has worn out and is useless.
Soul Cage:
When a living model is removed from the play within 6” of this model, it gains 1 soul token. The
soul token may be used to make an additional attack, boost a to-hit or to-damage roll, or cast an
additional spell. If this model is captured, it is worth +20 Coins when turned in and is immediately
executed. It may not be Rescued.
Mechanikal Limbs:
If this model has lost an Arm or a Leg, this will replace it. The model losses the penalty for the
lost limb and gain an additional +1. A Mechanikal Leg provides +1 SPD and a Mechanikal Arm
provides +1 STR.
Mechanika Upgrades:
These are the exact same as the options that are provided in the Armory.
Potion: Choose any one spell. This model may take the Potion as its action, immediately casting
the spell. The spell cannot be a spell that causes damage to an opposing or friendly model.
Hooga Cigars:
There are 2d6 Cigars. Each Cigar may be given to a Ganger instead of paying that model’s
upkeep during the Income step. Brigands WILL NOT accept payment in Cigars (unless specified)
Exceptional Black Powder:
Choose one of this model’s Black Powder weapons. The weapon no longer has to roll for
Orgoth Map: roll a d6 and compare it to the following:
1 The map is fake, completely worthless
2 The Gang can automatically play the Ruin Scenario next game
3 The Gang gains 1 Slum Territory
4 The Gang may advance deploy during Ruin Scenario games
5 The Gang immediately gains 1 Black Market Item
6 The Gang immediately gains 1 Artifact
With the exception of #4, after the map is used, it can no longer be used.
Blessed Charm: After this model is boxed, destroy the Blessed Charm. The model carrying the
Blessed Charm heals d6 health.
Fine Uniform:
If worn by the Leader, the Leader gains +1 CMD when other models need to use this model’s
CMD to make a CMD check.
Arcane Scripts:
A model that takes the Arcane Scripts can take the Spell Caster Ability if the Gang has not used
all 3 of its Specialists. If the Gang already has a Spell Caster, it can be used to permanently give
the Spell Caster +1 to Spell Abilities [X] or to learn 1 additional spell.

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The following upgrades may be purchased for Steamjacks. If an item or upgrade is considered to
be a Rare Item, it will have the Rarity listed by the price. No upgrade may be taken more than
once other than Armor Plates. Armor Plates may only be taken 2 times.
Should a steamjack with an upgraded cortex want to upgrade the cortex again it will loose all the
benifits of the first upgrade.
Ferrum Cortex 30 Coins
Aurum Cortex 60 Coins 2
Arcanum Cortex 100 Coins 3
Armor Plates 25 Coins
Lashings 15 Coins
Enhanced Pneumatics 20 Coins 1
Advanced Stabilizers 30 Coins 1
Head Spike 15 Coins
Advanced Boiler 25 Coins 1

Ferrum Cortex:
The Steamjack may increase MAT, RAT or DEF by 1, or it may learn a single, non Leader, non
Specialist Skill.
Aurum Cortex:
twice, the Steamjack may increase MAT, RAT or DEF by 1, or it may learn a single, non Leader,
non Specialist Skill.
Arcanum Cortex:
three times, the Steamjack may increase MAT, RAT or DEF by 1, or it may learn a single, non
Leader, non Specialist Skill.
Armor Plates:
The Steamjack may increase its ARM by 1 without using an Open Hand. If the Steamjack takes
this option twice, it has its MV reduced to 4.
Models in B2B contact with this Steamjack cannot be knocked down by knockdown effects.
Enhanced Pneumatics:
Steamjack gains +1 STR each time this option is purchased.
Advanced Stabilizers:
this Steamjack cannot be knocked down by knockdown effects.
Head Spike:
when using the Head Butt power attack, this model deals STR+2 POW
Advanced Boiler:
This model gains +1 SPD. This is added after Armor Plate reductions.

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Brigands can be hired by any gang as a normal model. They are cheaper than most normal
Gangers in the short run, but during the Post Game sequence, the model’s upkeep cost must be
paid. They do not have to pay for normal gang upkeep. If the Gang cannot or will not pay the
upkeep cost, then it will leave. Brigands do not gain experience, nor do they every receive

Thief 55 Coins to Hire

Gobber Stats (Human or Rhul: +5 to Hire) 10 Coins Upkeep
Gear: x2 Hand Weapons, Crossbow +7 to Gang Rating
Stats: +1 MAT, +1 RAT, Lurk, Stealth
Special Rules: If the Scenario involves Loot Tokens, then the Thief has the Advanced
Deployment Skill.

Back Alley Doctor 40 Coins to Hire

Human Stats 15 Coins Upkeep
Gear: Hand Weapon, Medical Kit +12 to Gang Rating
Stats: Heal [7] (includes Medical Kit)
Special Rules: If this model fails its skill check by rolling double 6’s, the model suffers 1 wound

Pitfighter 65 Coins to Hire

Human/Rhul Stats (Trollkin:+ 10 to Hire) 25 Coins Upkeep
Gear: Sword, Chain, Light Armor, Buckler +10 to Gang Rating
Stats: +1 MAT, Flying Steel (Chain),Victory Howl, Unstoppable Charge
Special Rules: None

Gunmage Expatriate 65 Coins to Hire

Human Stats 25 Coins Upkeep
Gear: Hand Cannon, Hand Weapon, Light Armor +10 to Gang Rating
Stats: +2 RAT, 3 Rune Shots
Special Rules:
Choose 3 of the following. Each time the Hand Cannon is fired, it may use one of the 3
special attack types.
Thunder: hit model is slammed d3 inches away from the Attacker
Fire: this attack causes the Fire continuous effect
Corrosion: this attack causes the Corrosion continuous effect
Freeze: the hit model becomes stationary for one round
Smoke: place a 3” Smoke AOE over the hit target
Flare: hit model suffers -2 DEF for one round
Ricochet: make a second ranged attack roll against a model against another
model within 4” of the original target.
Long Shot: This attack has +4 RNG

Watch Guard 50 Coins to Hire

Human Stats 20 Coins Upkeep
Gear: Halberd, Heavy Pistol, Medium Armor +8 to Gang Rating
Stats: +1 RAT, Forfend, Combat Master (Halberd)

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Special Rules:
This model cannot be sold or ransomed when captured.

Watch Captain 70 Coins to Hire

Human Stats 35 Coins Upkeep
Gear: Sword, Heavy Pistol (ROF 2) Medium Armor +11 to Gang Rating
Stats: +1 RAT, +1 Mat, +1 CMD, Combat Master (Sword), Fearless
Special Rules:
This model cannot be sold or ransomed when captured
Watch Leader: While within this model’s CMD area, Watch Guard are Fearless.

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