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Chorizo Scotch quail’s eggs

For the eggs
 1 tbsp vinegar
 12 quail’s eggs
 100g stale bread
 100g blanched almonds
 small pack flat-leaf parsley
 250g cooking chorizo
 2 hen’s eggs
 3 tbsp plain flour
 sunflower oil, for deep-frying
For the mayonnaise
 5 tbsp mayonnaise (shop-bought, or try one of our homemade mayonnaise recipes - see goes well with)
 1 tsp smoked paprika
1. Fill a large pan with water and a good-sized bowl with iced water. Bring the water in the pan to a rolling boil, add the
vinegar, then slowly lower in your quail’s eggs with a spoon. Let them cook for 1 min, then quickly take the pan off the
heat and let them sit in the water for 30 secs. Scoop the eggs out with a slotted spoon and plunge straight into the
bowl of iced water. Leave them to cool for 10 mins while you prepare the coatings.

Eggs Florentine pizza

For the base
125ml milk
Milk mill-k
One of the most widely used ingredients, milk is often referred to as a complete food.
While cow…
1 tsp golden caster sugar
2 tsp dried yeast
500g ‘00’ pasta flour or bread flour, plus extra for dusting
1 tbsp olive oil
For the topping
4 tomatoes
2 garlic cloves, crushed
small bunch oregano, chopped (or 1 tsp dried oregano)
80g bag baby spinach
50g parmesan (or Vegetarian alternative), grated
125g ball mozzarella, torn into pieces
4 large eggs
1. Pour 150ml boiling water into a jug with the milk and sugar. Sprinkle in the yeast and leave to stand for 10 mins or
until frothy.
2. In a large bowl, stir together the flour and 1 tsp salt, then make a well in the centre. Pour in the olive oil, followed by
the yeast mixture. Stir well, then knead together in the bowl to form a soft dough.
3. Transfer to a floured surface and knead for 10 mins. Put the dough in a bowl, cover with cling film and leave in a
warm place for 1 hr.
4. Peel the tomatoes by scoring the skins with a cross, putting them in a bowl and pouring over just-boiled water. Drain
the water after 2-3 mins and the skins will peel away easily. Coarsely grate the tomatoes, then stir in the garlic and
oregano. Blanch the spinach by drenching it in boiling water in a colander over the sink. Leave the spinach until it’s
cool enough to handle, then squeeze out any excess moisture.
5. Heat oven to 220C/200C fan/gas 7. Divide your dough into 4 and shape each piece into a ball. Roll the bases out flat
to about 25cm diameter and dimple the surfaces with your fingers. Spread each one with the tomato paste, season,
then divide the cooked spinach between the 4 pizzas. Top with grated Parmesan and torn mozzarella.
6. Slide the pizzas directly onto hot oven shelves or baking sheets. Bake 2 at a time for 5 mins, then nudge the toppings
away from the centre slightly to create a gap in which to crack the eggs. Return the pizzas to the oven to finish
cooking – they should take another 6-7 mins, depending on how you like your yolk.
Egg custard tarts
For the pastry
 200g plain flour, plus extra for rolling
 1 tbsp golden caster sugar
 100g unsalted butter, chilled
For the filling
 4 egg yolks
 1 tbsp cornflour
 100g golden caster sugar
 1 vanilla pod
 1 cinnamon stick
 thick strip of lemon zest
 250ml milk
 250ml double cream
1. Tip the flour and sugar into a large mixing bowl. Slowly add around 150ml very cold water, or just enough so that you
have a soft dough that picks up all the crumbs from the outside of the bowl, but isn’t too sticky to handle.
2. Wrap the dough in cling film and chill while you coarsely grate the butter. Roll the dough out onto a floured work
surface to a 30 x 40cm rectangle, then sprinkle the surface with half the grated butter to form an even layer. Don’t
worry if the butter clumps together, just make sure the pieces are evenly distributed. With the shorter edge facing
you, fold the top third of the dough towards you to the centre and the bottom third up over it. Give the dough a quarter
turn, then roll out to the same size as before, sprinkle with the rest of the butter and repeat. Wrap the dough tightly in
cling film and chill for 30 mins while you make the filling.
3. Put the egg yolks and cornflour in a large heatproof mixing bowl and whisk in the sugar until pale and thick. Split the
vanilla pod in half along the length and scrape out the seeds. Put the seeds in a medium-sized saucepan, along with
the empty pod, the cinnamon stick and the lemon zest. Pour the milk and cream over the aromatics, stir and heat
very gently until only just simmering. Pour the hot mixture over the egg yolks and whisk well. Pour the custard back
into the pan and warm through for 2-3 mins or until thickened slightly to a consistency similar to double cream. Strain
the custard through a sieve into a large jug and set aside, covered with cling film.
4. Heat oven to 200C/180C fan/gas 6. Grease a 12-hole muffin tin with butter. Take your pastry out of the fridge and roll
it flat to 40 x 20cm. Starting at the longest side, roll it up tightly to make a long roll of pastry. Trim the ends, then cut
into 12 pieces, and turn them cut-side up on the work surface, so the spiral is facing upwards. Carefully flatten them
out until they are big enough to line the holes in the muffin tin, trying not to skew the spiral shape too much. Press
into the tins, then carefully pour in the custard mixture, filling each tart almost to the top.
5. Bake for 30 mins or until the pastry is cooked through and the custard is just starting to puff up but not balloon.
6. Remove from the oven and allow them to cool and sink gently back into shape. Serve cold with coffee.

Baked eggs with potatoes, mushrooms & cheese


3 baking potatoes, peeled and cubed

1 tbsp sunflower oil
600g mushrooms, quartered
2 garlic cloves, sliced
2 tbsp thyme leaves
140g cheddar, grated
4 eggs

1. Heat oven to 200C/180C fan/gas 6. Put the potatoes in a pan of water,
bring to the boil, cook for 5 mins, then drain. Heat the oil in a large frying
pan. Cook the potatoes, mushrooms and garlic for 5-8 mins to soften the
mushrooms and brown the edges of the potatoes. Stir in half the thyme and cook for 1 min more.
2. Spoon the potato mixture into a baking dish and sprinkle with the cheese and the remaining thyme. Make holes in the
mixture and break in 4 eggs. Bake in the oven for 12-15 mins until the eggs are set and the cheese has melted.
Scotch egg pie
 8 medium eggs

 14 Lincolnshire sausages
 1 tsp ground mace
 1 tbsp thyme leaf
 100g fresh breadcrumb
 500g pack shortcrust pastry
 flour, for dusting
 tbsp sesame seed

1. Put 6 of the eggs in a large pan of cold water. Bring to the boil, then remove from the heat. Leave for 5
mins, then lift out eggs and cool under cold running water. Peel.
2. Snip the ends of the sausages and squeeze the meat out into a mixing bowl. Add the mace, thyme, 75g
of the breadcrumbs, 1 remaining egg and some ground pepper, and mix together well – you’ll probably
need to get your hands in.
3. Heat oven to 200C/180C fan/gas 6. Criss-cross 2 long strips of baking parchment in a 20cm pie tin or
round cake tin (to help you lift out the pie). Roll out half the pastry on a lightly floured surface to line the
tin. Scatter remaining breadcrumbs over the base of the pastry, then pat in about a quarter of the
sausage mixture. Evenly space the peeled eggs on top, then gently pack the meat around and over –
trying to evenly cover the eggs without leaving any gaps.
4. Roll out remaining pastry, cover the pie, then trim the edges. Pinch and crimp edges to seal, poke a
steam hole in the top, then glaze with the final egg, lightly beaten with a fork. Scatter with the sesame
seeds, then bake for 30 mins.
5. Remove the pie from the oven and carefully remove it from the tin. Place on a baking tray and return to
the oven for 10 mins to brown the sides of the pie. Transfer to a wire rack to cool, then serve in chunky

Bacon & Brie omelette wedges with summer salad

 2 tbsp olive oil

 200g smoked lardon

 6 eggs

, lightly beaten
 small bunch chives, snipped
 100g brie, sliced
 1 tsp red wine vinegar
 1 tsp Dijon mustard
 1 cucumber, halved, deseeded and sliced on the diagonal
 200g radish

1. Turn on the grill and heat 1 tsp of the oil in a small pan. Add the lardons and fry until crisp and golden.
Drain on kitchen paper.
2. Heat 2 tsp of the oil in a non-stick frying pan. Mix together the eggs, lardons, chives and some ground
black pepper. Pour into the frying pan and cook over a low heat until semi-set, then lay the Brie on top.
Grill until set and golden. Remove from the pan and cut into wedges just before serving.
3. Meanwhile, mix the remaining olive oil, vinegar, mustard and seasoning in a bowl. Toss in the cucumber
and radishes, and serve alongside the omelette wedges.
Basic omelette recipe
3 eggs, beaten
1 tsp sunflower oil
1 tsp butter

1. Season the beaten eggs well with salt and pepper. Heat the
oil and butter in a non-stick frying pan over a medium-low
heat until the butter has melted and is foaming.
2. Pour the eggs into the pan, tilt the pan ever so slightly from
one side to another to allow the eggs to swirl and cover the
surface of the pan completely. Let the mixture cook for
about 20 seconds then scrape a line through the middle
with a spatula.
3. Tilt the pan again to allow it to fill back up with the runny
egg. Repeat once or twice more until the egg has just set.
4. At this point you can fill the omelette with whatever you like – some grated cheese, sliced ham, fresh
herbs, sautéed mushrooms or smoked salmon all work well. Scatter the filling over the top of the omelette
and fold gently in half with the spatula. Slide onto a plate to serve

Son-in-law eggs
10 eggs
140g palm sugar or light muscovado sugar
100ml fish sauce
1 tbsp tamarind pAste
groundnut or vegetable oil, for frying
4 shallots, thinly sliced
4 garlic cloves, thinly sliced
6 red chillies, thinly sliced
large bunch coriander, chopped

1. Put the eggs into a pan of cold water and bring to the
boil. Time 8 mins from boiling. Cool under running water,
then peel. Meanwhile, combine the sugar, fish sauce and
tamarind in a pan. Heat gently until the sugar has
dissolved, skimming the top if you need to. Check the
taste, it should be sweet and sour. Adjust with sugar, fish sauce or tamarind if you need to.
2. Meanwhile, heat a 5cm depth of oil in a wok or large frying pan. Once shimmering, add the shallots, garlic
and chillies. Fry for 1 min or until golden and crisp. Drain on kitchen paper. Can be done a few hrs ahead.
Fry the eggs for 3-4 mins or until the outsides take on tinges of golden brown. Remove from oil and drain.
3. To serve, quarter the eggs and place in a serving dish. In a separate bowl, combine the coriander with the
crisp chilli, garlic and shallots. Mix well. Pour the sauce and coriander mix over the eggs and serve.
Baked eggs with ham & spinach
 1 tbsp olive oil

 1 small onion,finely chopped

 1 garlic clove, crushed
 1 small green chilli, deseeded and finely chopped
 400g can chopped tomato
 100g ready-roasted pepper from a jar, drained and sliced
 180g pack ham, torn, or shredded ham hock
 50g baby spinach
 2 medium eggs
 pinch cayenne pepper
 crusty bread, to serve

1. Heat oven to 180C/160C fan/gas 4. Heat the oil in a small
ovenproof sauté pan. Add the onion and cook for 6 mins
until softened. Stir in the garlic and chilli, and cook for a couple mins more. Add the tomatoes and 100ml
water. Season well and stir through the peppers and ham. Bring to a simmer and cook for 10 mins until
the sauce has started to thicken. Add the spinach, stirring through to wilt.
2. Make 2 hollows in the sauce and crack your eggs into them. Add a pinch of cayenne, transfer to the oven
and bake for 10 mins until the whites of the eggs have set. Serve straight away with crusty bread.

Dippy eggs with Marmite soldiers

 2 eggs

 4 slices wholemeal bread

 a knob of butter

 Marmite
 mixed seeds

1. Bring a pan of water to a simmer. Add 2 eggs,
simmer for 2 mins if room temp, 3 mins if fridge-cold,
then turn off heat. Cover the pan and leave for 2
mins more.
2. Meanwhile, toast 4 slices wholemeal bread and
spread thinly with butter, then Marmite. To serve, cut
into soldiers and dip into the egg, then a few mixed

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