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Surgical management for Hirschsprung

disease: A review for primary care
Holly L. Green, MPAS, PA-C; Denise Rizzolo, PhD, PA-C; Mary Austin, MD, MPH

Primary care providers may encounter infants and children
with Hirschsprung disease, a congenital colonic defect.
Although primarily a surgical problem, the disease requires
extensive supportive care and a multidisciplinary approach
that often extends beyond surgical correction. This article
reviews the management of Hirschsprung disease.
Keywords: Hirschsprung disease, pediatric, congenital,
surgical management, ganglion cells, colon

Learning objectives
Explain the pathophysiology, causes, and clinical presenta-
tion of Hirschsprung disease.
Discuss the management of patients with Hirschsprung
disease, including perioperative, surgical, and postsurgical
Describe the collaborative roles of primary care providers
and surgeons in the care of patients with Hirschsprung

irschsprung disease is a congenital defect manifested
by the absence of parasympathetic ganglion cells in
the distal colon. Patients have a lack of peristalsis
and a loss of involuntary relaxation of the internal anal FIGURE 1. Abdominal radiograph showing dilated colon in a
sphincter, which leads to functional bowel obstruction. patient with Hirschsprung disease
Severe constipation and mega-colon proximal to the area
of affected bowel can occur, and can cause life-threatening some patients, variable longer segments of the bowel are
enterocolitis if left untreated. The rectum is always involved, involved; total colonic aganglionosis occurs in 8% to 10% of
with 80% of cases limited to the rectosigmoid colon.1 In patients with no significant differences by sex of the patient.1
Hirschsprung disease is found predominantly in males
Holly L. Green practices pediatric surgery in the Division of Surgery, (male-to-female ratio 4:1) and is associated with trisomy
Department of Pediatric Surgery at Children’s Hospital Los Angeles in 21 and other genetic syndromes. Incidence is usually reported
Los Angeles, Calif. Denise Rizzolo is a clinical assistant professor in as 1 in 5,000 newborns. However, a recent large European
the PA program at Pace University in New York City and an associate
study reported a prevalence of 1.09 cases per 10,000 births.2
professor in the PA program at Seton Hall University in South Orange,
N.J. Mary Austin is a pediatric surgeon in the Department of Surgical Fortunately, overall mortality showed a significant decline
Oncology at MD Anderson Cancer Center in Houston, Tex. The authors between 1978 and 2002, from 7.1% to 3%.3
have disclosed no potential conflicts of interest, financial or otherwise. Surgical intervention with resection of aganglionic bowel
DOI: 10.1097/01.JAA.0000481397.68475.41 is the principal treatment for Hirschsprung disease, and
Copyright © 2016 American Academy of Physician Assistants has evolved since the 1950s. Traditionally, colostomies

Key points of cases, the diagnosis is made beyond the newborn period.6,7
Failure to pass meconium in the first 24 hours of life is the
Surgery is the principal treatment for Hirschsprung dis- classic presenting symptom and warrants further evalua-
ease, and usually takes place in infancy. tion. Infants can present with abdominal distension, con-
Hirschsprung enterocolitis is a life-threatening complica- stipation with megacolon, and signs of bowel obstruction,
tion of the disease and can be prevented. which may coincide with poor feeding, bilious vomiting,
Management of patients with Hirschsprung disease during or signs of enterocolitis such as fever, explosive bloody
childhood requires a multidisciplinary team. diarrhea, and dehydration. Some children with short (bowel)
segment Hirschsprung disease may be diagnosed later in
life and may present with chronic constipation, malnutri-
were routinely performed to prevent enterocolitis, and tion, and failure to thrive. Consider Hirschsprung disease
“pull-through” corrective surgery (in which abnormal in the differential diagnosis for any child with refractory
bowel is removed and healthy bowel connected to the anus) constipation and abdominal distension.
had higher rates of complication compared with present-
day rates.4 Between 1997 and 2006, the frequency of DIAGNOSIS
colostomies performed in infants in the United States Diagnosis begins with physical examination, diagnostic
decreased from 36% to 28%, and pull-through operations imaging, and anal manometry and is confirmed by rectal
are now performed at a younger age with greater success.5 biopsy. Palpation of the abdomen can indicate abdominal
Pediatric surgeons follow children with Hirschsprung distension, and a digital rectal examination identifies a
disease from diagnosis to corrective surgery in infancy, and tight anal sphincter, often with the absence of stool in the
manage postoperative care as well as long-term complica- rectal vault. Withdrawal of the examiner’s finger may elicit
tions. Primary care providers should be familiar with the an explosive release of stool and gas.
signs, symptoms, and treatment of the disease to facilitate An abdominal radiograph will show dilated loops of
communication with the child’s surgical team. bowel (Figure 1), often with the absence of stool and gas
in the rectum. In patients with bowel obstruction, the
CLINICAL PRESENTATION abdominal radiograph may show air-fluid levels in the
About 80% of patients with Hirschsprung disease are colon; pneumatosis intestinalis and free air in the abdomen
diagnosed in the first few months of life, but in about 20% are more ominous signs of enterocolitis with perforation.8
A water-soluble contrast enema may show a tapering
transition zone between normal and aganglionic bowel,
most often in the recto-sigmoid colon, and the recto-sigmoid
index (the ratio of the diameter of the rectum to the diam-
eter of the sigmoid colon) will be less than 1 (Figure 2).9
A systematic review by de Lorijn and colleagues showed
that contrast enemas had only 70% sensitivity; false-
negative results occurred after rectal washouts or digital
rectal examinations, and false-positive results occurred in
patients with meconium plugs.10
An absent rectoanal inhibitory reflex has a negative
predictive value of 100%, and can be evaluated by anal
manometry most effectively in children older than age
1 year.11 However, manometry is now considered to be
unnecessary because the reflex also can be evaluated with
a modified contrast enema.11,12 If the results of these initial
tests suggest the diagnosis of Hirschsprung disease, or raise
significant clinical concern, a rectal biopsy is necessary to
confirm the diagnosis.
The gold standard for diagnosis in newborns is a rectal
suction biopsy, which has mean sensitivity of 97% and
specificity of 99%.13 A rectal biopsy can be done at the
bedside by the surgeon using a suction catheter. Several
samples of the rectal mucosa should be obtained 1 to 3 cm
above the dentate line and should include the submucosa.
FIGURE 2. Abdominal radiograph showing contrast enema with Hayes and colleagues found that a single rectal suction
transitional zone biopsy can exclude a diagnosis of Hirschsprung disease
Surgical management for Hirschsprung disease: A review for primary care providers

65% of the time.14 The combination of aganglionosis and bowel is inevitable. The anastomosis must be proximal to
hypertrophic nerves in the biopsy is diagnostic and along the dentate line to reduce injury to the internal anal sphincter
with pathology assessment is essential in the diagnosis. and pelvic nerves and maintain fecal continence. All three
Calretinin and acetylcholinesterase stains aid in identifying techniques can be performed with open abdominal incisions
aganglionosis and hypertrophic nerves, respectively. A or laparoscopic-assisted. They can be done as two-stage
full-thickness open rectal biopsy is performed in nonneo- (with an initial diverting colostomy) or as single-stage. The
nates and requires anesthesia. Swenson and Soave techniques also can be performed
completely from a transanal approach.
HIRSCHSPRUNG DISEASE ENTEROCOLITIS The most commonly used technique is a laparoscopic-
Hirschsprung disease enterocolitis can occur preopera- assisted transanal pull-through; an adaptation of either
tively (up to 50% incidence) or as a postoperative com- the Soave or Swenson technique.19 When surgery is per-
plication (up to 22% incidence).15,16 Patients present with formed as a single-stage procedure, patients have less pain,
abdominal distension, fever, vomiting, and explosive shorter hospital stays, and improved cosmesis.20 With the
diarrhea. Fecal stasis from aganglionosis leads to bacte- refinement of the pull-through operation in which a pelvic
rial overgrowth in the gut, followed by inflammation of
the mucosa with fever and an elevated white blood cell
count. Bowel perforation, septic shock, and death can
result if enterocolitis goes untreated.
Up to 60% of children
Patients with Hirschsprung disease enterocolitis should have complications after
be treated with rectal irrigation, antibiotic coverage for
Gram-negative organisms and anaerobes, nasogastric corrective surgery.
decompression, and IV fluids. If an infant presents preop-
eratively with severe enterocolitis, a diverting colostomy
proximal to the aganglionic bowel is indicated as the first dissection is avoided, sequela of urinary and sexual dys-
stage of a two-stage corrective surgery.17 Consultation with function have been minimal.21,22
the pediatric surgeon in the first few days of life will lead In a two-stage surgery, a diverting colostomy is done
to better prognosis, as the earlier Hirschsprung disease is initially, followed by a pull-through procedure weeks to
diagnosed, the sooner rectal washouts can be initiated and months later. Diverting colostomies are no longer routinely
the lower the incidence of enterocolitis.15 PAs should be performed because corrective surgeries are being done at
able to recognize a child with enterocolitis and be prepared a younger age, before patients develop enterocolitis. Sur-
to initiate emergent resuscitation if necessary. geons now are moving more toward single-stage procedures.
However, a temporary ostomy is indicated as the first stage
PREOPERATIVE MANAGEMENT if the child presents with severe enterocolitis, total colonic
Infants with Hirschsprung disease will have corrective aganglionosis, perforation, malnutrition, or a massively
surgery within the first few weeks of life or months later, dilated proximal bowel.4 PAs in primary care should be
depending on their overall health, and degree of colonic familiar with ostomy care and be able to recognize a healthy
distension.17 The goal of preoperative management is to ostomy as having pink viable mucosa with slight protrusion
prevent enterocolitis and to reduce colonic distension. from the abdominal wall after postoperative swelling has
Infants who do not have an ostomy need daily rectal irri- resolved. Stomas that are dark in color, prolapsed, retracted,
gation to prevent enterocolitis until they are ready for or stenotic require further evaluation.23
surgery. Rectal irrigation with 10 to 20 mL/kg of warm
0.9% sodium chloride solution can be done at home by LONG-TERM COMPLICATIONS
the parents to facilitate passage of stool and to keep the Up to 60% of children have complications after corrective
rectum decompressed.8 A large-bore rubber catheter is surgery.18,21 In the immediate postoperative period, 50% of
used and allows efflux of the 0.9% sodium chloride solu- patients have fecal soiling and diarrhea unrelated to obstruc-
tion and stool.8 tion, which typically normalizes over several months.17 This
can be treated with fiber to add bulk to stool and loperamide
CORRECTIVE SURGERY to slow colonic transit.18 During this transition, young
Corrective surgical techniques have evolved over time. children may have severe perianal excoriation that can be
Historically, three techniques (Swenson, Duhamel, and treated with a barrier cream such as zinc oxide.
Soave) have been used, and studies show that some patients Long-term obstructive complications leading to consti-
will have postoperative defecation disorders no matter pation can result from anastomotic stricture, achalasia of
which type of procedure is performed (Figure 3).18 Pull- the anal sphincter, or residual aganglionosis. Patients can
through procedures rely on the ability to anastomose healthy also have fecal incontinence of varying degrees, or recurrent
colon to a rectal cuff, but some risk of residual aganglionic enterocolitis. Children with these long-term complications

FIGURE 3. Swenson, Soave, and Duhamel techniques29

In the Swenson technique, a rectal dissection is performed and
an end-to-end anastomosis is formed between the ganglionic
bowel and a short rectal cuff. The Soave technique was devel-
oped to avoid dissection in the pelvis that might injure pelvic
nerves and lead to sexual dysfunction or neurogenic bladder.
This technique involves submucosal dissection of the agangli-
onic bowel that leaves the muscular layer of a rectal cuff. The
normal bowel is then pulled through the cuff in a telescoping
fashion and anastomosed just above the dentate line. The
procedure has evolved to leave a very short rectal cuff that
minimizes residual aganglionic bowel. The Duhamel technique
involves a limited pelvic dissection, and resection of abnormal
colon with an aganglionic rectal segment left in place, side-to-
side anastomosed with the healthy colon.

anastomic stricture has been prevented and/or treated with

daily anal dilation at home by the parents using an anal
dilator or digital manipulation. However, especially in
older children, this method can cause psychosocial prob-
lems. Temple and colleagues found that weekly anal dila-
tion in the surgeon’s office let parents remain in the role
of protector and was just as effective as daily dilations.24
• Anal sphincter achalasia, or persistent neurogenic spasm
of the internal sphincter, is characterized by constipation
require a multidisciplinary approach of coordinated care and fecal incontinence. The pediatric surgeon will admin-
with a pediatric gastroenterologist, pediatric surgeon, ister botulinum toxin (Botox) injections for achalasia.
nutritionist, psychologist, and the primary care provider. Basson and colleagues found that Botox injections had a
PAs should be familiar with the causes and treatments 36% success rate (in 4 out of 11 patients with Hirschsprung
of long-term obstructive complications. disease) for achalasia.25 Alternatively, anal sphincter acha-
• Anastomotic stricture can occur secondary to stenosis of lasia can be treated with topical nitrous oxide or posterior
the rectal cuff or from anastomotic leakage. Historically, myomectomy. Areas of residual aganglionosis may be
Surgical management for Hirschsprung disease: A review for primary care providers

missed in the initial surgery due to patchy areas of normal PAs should be prepared to initiate resuscitation if an
bowel at the transition zone. If chronic constipation is due infant presents emergently with enterocolitis. Additionally,
to residual aganglionosis, a repeat pull-through operation if the child has a colostomy, the family will need follow-up
or a permanent colostomy may be necessary. for management for ostomy care. Communication and
• Constipation from obstruction can be treated with care- coordination between the care teams often is the respon-
ful bowel management with fiber, adequate oral hydration, sibility of PAs. A child with Hirschsprung disease without
and laxatives. For patients with severe constipation, the complications should be followed regularly to at least age
Malone antegrade colonic enema procedure, allowing 5 years, and the PA should observe for signs of long-term
colonic irrigation from the ileocecal junction, had a 100% postoperative complications.4 With routine multidisciplinary
success rate in 10 patients with Hirschsprung disease, and supportive care, children with Hirschsprung disease can
provides autonomy for older children.26 have a good quality of life and productive adulthood.22
• Fecal soiling, although usually not severe, can have a
significant psychosocial effect on children with Hirschsprung CONCLUSION
disease, causing embarrassment and social isolation.27 PAs in primary care will encounter patients with
Abnormal anal sensation results from residual agangliono- Hirschsprung disease in their practice and should under-
sis or as a sequela to surgery. Soiling becomes a problem stand the disease and its management. PAs should be
when the anal sphincter is injured during surgery or sec- prepared to advocate for their patients, recognize problems,
ondary to constipation with overflow incontinence. Soiling order appropriate testing, and communicate with special-
tends to improve with time; however, this is a postoperative ists to optimize care. JAAPA
concern to some degree for more than 50% of patients
during childhood.21 Children who cannot control fecal Earn Category I CME Credit by reading both CME articles in this issue,
reviewing the post-test, then taking the online test at
leaking are prone to social rejection. Parents should be
Successful completion is defined as a cumulative score of at least 70%
counseled to avoid strict toilet training and to understand correct. This material has been reviewed and is approved for 1 hour of
that the soiling is not a deviant behavior on the part of the clinical Category I (Preapproved) CME credit by the AAPA. The term of
child. Diseth and colleagues found that parental warmth approval is for 1 year from the publication date of April 2016.
was the strongest predictor of psychosocial outcome in
adolescents with Hirschsprung disease.28 A supportive
home environment for children with Hirschsprung disease REFERENCES
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