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Needs help In progress Good Very Good
Comprehension and
ability to follow 1-2 3 4 5
Pronunciation and
1-2 3 4 5

Accuracy of responses:
use of vocabulary and 1-2 3 4 5
grammar studied
Task achievement 1-2 3 4 5

Description of critical levels

Needs help level: A student gets 4-8 as a final score. He shows tech savvy to interact with the class
but lack of knowledge and practice does not allow him to perform in the level.

In progress level: A student gets 12 as a final score. This is not a passing grade. The student shows
tech savvy to interact with the class but it’s clear that he has not completed previous work and needs
to struggle to reach level.

Good level: A student gets 16 as a final score. The student shows tech savvy to interact with the
class and it’s clear that he has completed previous work. However, he needs reinforcement and
additional practice in the topics discussed.

Very good level: A student gets 20 as a final score. The student shows tech savvy to interact with
the class and it’s clear that he has completed previous work. He can perform tasks easily and shows
an excellent command of vocabulary and grammar structures.

Punctuality for sessions

10 minutes late Tolerance

15 minutes late - 2 points
20 minutes late - 4 points
30 or more minutes late Absent (0)

* Tech savvy must be a prerequisite to take part in synchronous sessions. Teacher may be flexible
during the first sessions as students get used to the platform.

*Any other combination of performance levels for criteria is possible.

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