20 KVA Solar

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Table of Contents

Section 1. Executive Summary ............................................................................................................ 3

Section 2. Company Profile ................................................................................................................. 4
2.1 Overview ................................................................................................................................... 4
2.2 Services ...................................................................................................................................... 4
2.3 Benefits Offered: ........................................................................................................................ 4
2.4 Our Team ................................................................................................................................... 5
2.5 Mission Vision & Values ............................................................................................................. 6
2.5.1 Mission ................................................................................................................................ 6
2.5.2 Vision .................................................................................................................................. 6
2.5.3 Values ................................................................................................................................. 6
2.6 Why Us? .................................................................................................................................... 7
2.7 Expertise .................................................................................................................................... 7
2.7.1 Project Management ........................................................................................................... 7
2.7.2 International Affiliations ...................................................................................................... 8
2.7.3 Clients ................................................................................................................................. 9
2.8 USP ............................................................................................................................................ 9
Section 3. Solar PV Technology ......................................................................................................... 10
3.1 Project Development ............................................................................................................... 11
3.2 Site Selection ........................................................................................................................... 11
3.3 Plant Design ............................................................................................................................. 12
3.4 Commissioning ......................................................................................................................... 13
3.5 Operations and Maintenance ................................................................................................... 13
3.7 How Solar & its Components Work .......................................................................................... 14
Solar Array ........................................................................................................................................... 14
Inverter ............................................................................................................................................... 14
Charge Controller` ................................................................................................................................ 14
Battery Bank ........................................................................................................................................ 14

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AC and DC loads .................................................................................................................................. 14
Balance of System ............................................................................................................................... 15
3.8 Overview of a Typical Hybrid Solar PV System .......................................................................... 15
3.8.1 System Description ............................................................................................................ 15
3.8.2 Selling electricity to the Grid .............................................................................................. 15
3.8.2 Selling electricity to the Grid .............................................................................................. 15
Section 4. Client Details ................................................................................................................... 16
4.1 Optimum Tilt and Azimuth Angle For Solar Modules in Lahore ................................................. 17
Section 5 System Design .................................................................................................................. 20
5.1 Solar PV System Design Features .............................................................................................. 20
5.2 Solar Panels ............................................................................................................................. 20
5.2.1 Characteristics of CS6P---250P Solar Module ..................................................................... 20
5.2.2 I---V Curve of Solar Module ............................................................................................... 21
5.2.3 Orientation/ Mounting Angles ........................................................................................... 22
5.3 Inverters .................................................................................................................................. 23
5.4 Earthing & Lighting Protection ................................................................................................. 23
5.4.1 Design Criteria ................................................................................................................... 23
5.5 Safety Equipment: .................................................................................................................... 23
5.5.1 DC Breakers: ...................................................................................................................... 23
5.5.2 AC Breakers: ...................................................................................................................... 23
5.5.3 Surge Arrestors .................................................................................................................. 24
5.6 Assumptions ............................................................................................................................ 24
5.6.1 Shading consideration ....................................................................................................... 24
5.6.2 Load Factor ....................................................................................................................... 24
5.6.3 Meteorological data .......................................................................................................... 24
Section 6. System Performance Analysis .............................................................................................. 25
6.1 Solar Path ................................................................................................................................ 25
Section 7. Financial Proposal................................................................................................................ 27
7.1 Warranty: ................................................................................................................................ 27

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Section 1. Executive Summary
Pak Solar is a leading Solar Engineering, Procureme nt and Construction company operating in
Pakistan since 2006. Pak Solar is pleased to offer the client an innovative approach to supply
Grid-Tied Solar Solution for their office facility.

Pak Solar proposes to construct a 25 KWp of solar panels generator array along with at least
20KW of SMA - Made in Germany Grid-tied Inverter. The system will provide 3-Phase alternating
current (“AC”) to operate all designated appliances in the office building. This energy will be used
for internal consumption inside the building. A Grid tied Solar PV system is a grid-connected system
where the inverter converts DC power from solar PV modules to match the AC wave of the grid and
the output is sent to the AC LT Panel.

A solar system makes environmental sense by producing nonpolluting and renewable energy. 25KWp of PV
panels will be mounted on the rooftop of the premises. The mounting of these panels will
require shade free rooftop area to install arrays of 100pcs PV mo dules of 250watt capacity. These
panels will be connected to built-in MPPT charge controllers and inverters. The AC supply from
inverters will be connected to local distribution panels. The power generated will be consumed
across the appliances / machinery in the building. Pak Solar recommends use of Trina Solar 250Wp
PV modules and Germany Made SMA STP20000TL Grid Tied inverters . The recommended inverter is
a German made high quality equipment and ensures maximum utilization of the produced power. The
inverter is a reliable and durable product with 10 years manufacturer warranty extendable to 20

Pak Solar will provide the following services:

• Electrical design
• Structural engineering design
• Import and Supply of required equipment
• Installation and commissioning of the specified system
• Training
• Maintenance of the system as per SLA (which can be signed later on)

• Provision of Net Metering Solution through One Window Operations

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Section 2. Company Profile

2.1 Overview
Pak Solar Pakistan is a sustainable energy solutions provider established in 2006 with its head office in
Lahore. We focus on providing customized, innovative, turnkey renewable energy and
energy efficiency solutions as well as on-going maintenance and support. Our expertise spans across
energy efficiency and various technologies including: solar PV, solar thermal, wind turbines, biogas, and
hydropower. We also offer Energy Auditing services through our ESCO company Pak Energy
Solutions and also manufacture and import LED lighting solutions through our sister concern Pak

2.2 Services
Pak Solar provides following services to its clients.
• Turnkey renewable energy solutions
• Energy efficiency and Auditing Services
• Feasibility studies and techno-economic models
• EPC Services & Consultation for Renewable Energy Power Generation Projects
• Project management, on-site supervision, and After Sales

• Supply and Installation of Solar Water Pumping Solutions

• Supply and Installation of Solar Medical Refrigerator

2.3 Benefits Offered:

• Reduced electricity costs
• High Quality and Performance
• Environment Friendly
• Customized solutions
• Independent and Maintenance Free
• All products with warranties and International Certifications
• Long term Investment and quick payback

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2.4 Our Team
Pak Solar has a very talented and capable design, engineering, marketing, procurement and commercial
setup in Lahore, PAKISTAN. The setup is an amalgamation of team members dedicatedly committed,
technically sound and altruistically working towards a mission of cleaner and greener world. The team
mission is to provide competitive engineering solutions and technical services to its business users in
Pakistan at the lowest consistent rates, safety for public, reasonable protection of
environment and development of technology to provide remarkable services.

2.5 Mission Vision & Values

Our unique vision, mission and values capture the essence of who we are and how we interact with one
another. In addition, it speaks to how we go to market and our commitment to delivering
excellence to our clients, shareholders, and the community.

2.5.1 Mission
To design and implement, sustainable energy solutions that address client---specific needs and provide a
solid return on investment. We want to offer a comprehensive portfolio of cutting edge technologies and
products to all our clients with the help of world market leaders who do not compromise on quality. Our
company model is based on working with only top international brands
and service companies thus enabling is to strive for excellence in the renewable energy industry

2.5.2 Vision
To create sustainable energy solutions and provide solar energy based products for the prevailing energy
issues and challenges of tomorrow

2.5.3 Values
• Client Centric: We always think in terms of what is best for our clients; offering
solutions that are not only theoretical but also workable.
• Integrity: We do the right thing regardless of the consequences.

• Pursuit of Excellence: We continually strive to exceed the expectations of our clients.

• Accountability: We take responsibility for individual and collective actions.
• Collaboration: We work together to achieve collective and individual goals.

• Passion: Our energy and enthusiasm are contagious. We are inspired to make a lasting
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• Power of Diversity: We share a corporate culture of mutually respecting individual
abilities and in turn helping one another to grow.
2.6 Why Us?
Pak Solar provides an atmosphere to involve clients as working partners such that it forms a binding
team. This working relationship is evident in the success of all the projects of the company.
Some of the company’s salient features are:
• Vast Experience in the Renewable Industry across Pakistan and Afghanistan
• Hands on experience with various technology platforms in the Solar Industry
• Customized and Efficient Solutions that fulfill the requirements of each client
• Performance Guarantee and complete Responsibility of the System
• Excellent Brand Equity and Product Quality
• After Market Support
• Strong International Support Base
• Readily Available Product Line
• Dedicated and Well---Rounded Project Management and Execution Team
• Nationwide Presence Skilled and expert workforce

2.7 Expertise
Pak Solar demonstrates its expertise in every facet of business including Project Development, Project
Management and monitoring, Service Line and Global & Regional services for arranging
international joint ventures. We offer optimal and high---quality solutions to all our clients.

2.7.1 Project Management

Project management success requires discipline at both the individual at organizational levels. As project
management experts, we understand how hard it can be to change behaviors. We work with our clients
to solidify adoption of their business process and build the discipline that will guarantee
long term success.

With a varied background in project implementations, we provide project management resources to

meet the needs for any contract length. Through our experienced certified project managers, we
supplement project teams with:
• Leadership and planning necessary for successful project completion and closure
• Coaching of individual project managers, their teams, and/or their managers
• Planning and then supporting execution of an organizational change program

• Acting as external “Project Management Office” to audit projects, assess risks, enforce
compliance and coach enterprises team during this transition period

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2.7.2 International Affiliations
In our quest to introduce highest quality products matched with the latest technology to all renewable
energy applications in the region; we have collaborated with the world’s leading and largest
manufacturers of renewable energy equipment from all spheres as their Authorized
Representatives for AfPak markets.
One of the largest Solar Panel Manufacturers in the
World. We are the authorized distributors of
this giant in Pakistan

A leading designer and manufacturer of

advanced power electronics for renewable
energy, backup power and mobile applications
from USA. We are the authorized distributors of
this brand for Pakistan & Afghanistan

One of the most famous trademarks in China and

manufacturers of power equipment for solar---PV
and Wind Power Projects. We are the authorized
distributors of this brand for
Pakistan & Afghanistan

World’s most reliable solar panels as the brand

states, headquartered in Bordeaux, France. We are
the authorized distributors for these panel
manufacturers in Pakistan

Provider of residential, commercial, and remote

telecom PV market with innovative and
technologically superior electronics based in USA.
We are the Exclusive distributors of this brand for
Pakistan & Afghanistan.
Market leader in solar---powered water pumping
solutions from Germany. Designers and
Manufacturers of Solar Tracking systems as well.
We are the authorized distributor of Lorentz
products for Pakistan & Afghanistan

SMA is the largest company in the world

manufacturing state of the art solar inverters.
We are the authorized distributors of this
brand for Pakistan & Afghanistan

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2.7.3 Clients
We are privileged having served some of the world’s most prestigious organizations in various
renewable energy projects in Pakistan and Afghanistan

2.8 USP
Our uniqueness grows as we serve the unique needs and desires of our clients with:
• Reliability
• Sustainability
• Skill set
• Our style

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Section 3. Solar PV Technology
The applications of solar PV power systems can be split into four main categories: off-grid domestic;
off-grid non-domestic; grid-connected distributed; and grid-connected centralized. The main components
of a PV power plant are PV modules, mounting (or tracking) systems, inverters, transformers and the grid
connection. Solar PV modules are made up of PV cells, which are most commonly manufactured from
silicon but other materials are available. Cells can be based on either wafers (manufactured by cutting
wafers from a solid ingot block of material) or “thin film” deposition of material over low cost substrates.
In general, silicon-based crystalline wafers provide high efficiency solar cells but are relatively costly to
manufacture, whereas thin film cells provide a
cheaper alternative but are less efficient.
Since different types of PV modules have different characteristics (in terms of efficiency, cost and
performance in low irradiation levels, degradation rate), no single type is preferable for all projects. In
general, good quality PV modules are expected to have a useful life of 25 to 30 years,
although their performance will steadily degrade over this period.
A few large manufacturers based predominantly in Europe, North America and China dominate the PV
module market. Selecting the correct module is of fundamental importance to a PV project, keeping in
mind the numerous internationally accepted standards. When assessing the quality of a module for any
specific project, it is important to assess its specifications, certifications
and performance record besides the track record of the manufacturer.
PV modules must be mounted on a structure. This helps to keep them oriented in the correct direction
and provides them with structural support and protection. Mounting structures may be either fixed or
tracking. Since fixed tilt mounting systems are simpler, cheaper and have lower maintenance
requirements than tracking systems, they are the preferred option for countries with a nascent solar
market and with limited indigenous manufacturers of tracking technology (such as Pakistan). Although
tracking systems are more expensive and more complex, they can be cost-
--effective in locations with a high proportion of direct irradiation.
PV modules are generally connected together in series to produce strings of modules
of a higher voltage. These strings may then be connected together in parallel to produce a higher current
DC input to the inverters. Inverters are solid state electronic devices that convert DC electricity generated
by the PV modules into AC electricity, suitable for supply to the grid. In addition, inverters can also
perform a range of functions to maximize the output of a PV plant. In general, there are two main classes
of inverters: central inverters and string inverters. Central inverters are connected to a number of
parallel strings of modules. String inverters are connected to one or more series strings. While numerous
string inverters are required for a large plant, individual
inverters are smaller and more easily maintained than a central inverter.
While central inverters remain the configuration of choice for most utility-scale PV projects, both
configurations have their pros and cons. Central inverters offer high reliability and ease of installation.
String inverters, on the other hand, are cheaper to manufacture, simpler to maintain
and can give enhanced power plant performance on some sites.

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3.1 Project Development
The development of a PV project can be broken down into the following phases: conceptual, Pre-
feasibility study, feasibility study, development and design. In general, each succeeding phase entails an
increased level of expenditure but reduces the risk and uncertainty in the project. In practice, the
progression through these phases is not strictly linear. The amount of time and money committed in
each phase wil
l vary, depending on the priorities and risk appetite of the developer.
A typical scope for a feasibility study would include the items below:

• Production of a detailed site plan.

• Calculation of solar resource and environmental characteristics.
• Assessment of shading (horizon and nearby buildings and objects).
• Outline layout of areas suitable for PV development.
• Assessment of technology options providing cost/benefit for the project location:
• Module type.
• Mounting system.
• Outline system design.
• Application for outline planning permission.
• Grid connection – more detailed assessment of likelihood, cost and timing.
• Predicted energy yields.
• Financial modeling.

3.2 Site Selection

Selecting a suitable site is a crucial part of developing a viable solar PV project. In selecting a site, the aim
is to maximize output and minimize cost. The main constraints that need to be assessed include:
• Solar resource – Global Horizontal Irradiation, annual and inter---annual variation,
impact of
• Local climate – flooding, high winds, snow and extreme temperatures.
• Available area – area required for different module technologies, access
requirements, pitch angle and minimizing inter---row shading.
• Land use – this will impact land cost and environmental sensitivity. The impact of other
land users on the site should also be considered.
• Topography – flat or slightly south facing slopes are preferable for projects in the
northern hemisphere.
• Geotechnical – including consideration of groundwater, resistivity and load bearing
properties, soil pH levels and seismic risk. Geopolitical – sensitive military zones should be
• Accessibility – proximity to existing roads, extent of new roads required.
• Grid connection – cost, timescales, capacity, proximity and availability.
• Module soiling – including local weather, environmental, human and wildlife factors.
• Water availability – a reliable supply is required for module cleaning.
• Financial incentives – tariffs and other incentives vary between countries and regions within
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3.3 Plant Design
The design of a PV plant involves a series of compromises aimed at achieving the lowest possible
cost of electricity. Choosing the correct technology (especially modules and inverters) is of
central importance. Selecting a module requires assessment of a complex
range of variables.
At the very least, this assessment would include cost, power output, benefits / drawbacks of
technology type, quality, spectral response, performance in low light, nominal power tolerance
levels, degradation rate and warranty terms. The factors to consider when selecting inverters
include compatibility with module technology, compliance with grid code and other applicable
regulations, inverter---based layout, reliability, system availability, serviceability, modularity,
telemetry requirements, inverter locations, quality and cost. In
designing the site layout, the following aspects are important:
• Choosing row spacing to reduce inter-row shading and associated shading losses.
• Choosing the layout to minimize cable runs and associated electrical losses.
• Allowing sufficient distance between rows to allow access for maintenance
• Choosing a tilt angle that optimizes the annual energy yield according to the latitude
of the site and the annual distribution of solar resource.
• Orientating the modules to face a direction that yields the maximum annual revenue
from power production. In the northern hemisphere, this will usually be true south.

The electrical design of a PV project can be split into the DC and AC systems. The DC system
comprises the following:
• Array(s) of PV modules.
• Inverters.
• DC cabling (module, string and main cable).
• DC connectors (plugs and sockets).
• Junction boxes/combiners.
• Disconnects/switches.
• Protection Devices.
• Earthing.

• AC cabling.
• Switchgear.
• Substation.
• Earthing and surge protection.
Every aspect of both the DC and AC electrical systems should be scrutinized and optimized. The
potential economic gains from such an analysis are much larger than the cost of carrying
it out.

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3.4 Commissioning
Commissioning should prove three main criteria:
• The power plant is structurally and electrically safe.
• The power plant is sufficiently robust (structurally and electrically) to operate for the
specified project lifetime.
• The power plant operates as designed and performs as
expected. Commissioning tests are normally split into three groups:
• Visual acceptance tests. These tests take place before any systems are energized and
consist of a detailed visual inspection of all significant aspects of the plant.
• Pre-connection acceptance tests. These include an open circuit voltage test and short
circuit current test. These tests must take place before grid connection.
• Post-connection acceptance test. Once the plant is connected to the grid, a DC current test
should be carried out. Thereafter, the performance ratio of the plant is measured and compared
with the value stated in the contract. An availability test, usually over a period of 5
days, should also be carried out.

3.5 Operations and Maintenance

Compared to most other power generating technologies, PV plants have low maintenance and servicing
requirements. However, suitable maintenance of a PV plant is essential to optimize energy
yield and maximize the life of the system. Maintenance consists of:
• Scheduled or preventative maintenance – planned in advance and aimed to prevent
faults from occurring, as well as to keep the plant operating at its optimum level.
• Unscheduled maintenance – carried out in response to failures.

Scheduled maintenance typically includes:

• Module cleaning.
• Checking module connection integrity.
• Checking junction / string combiner boxes.
• Thermo graphic detection of faults.
• Inverter servicing.
• Inspecting mechanical integrity of mounting structures.
• Vegetation control.
• Routine balance of plant servicing / inspection.

• Tightening cable connections that have loosened.

• Replacing blown fuses.
• Repairing lightning damage.
• Repairing equipment damaged by intruders or during module cleaning.
• Rectifying supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) faults.
• Repairing mounting structure faults.
• Rectifying tracking system faults.
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Careful consideration should be given to selecting an operation and maintenance (O&M) contractor and
drafting the O&M contract to ensure that the performance of the plant is optimized. After the project is
commissioned, it is normal for the EPC contractor to guarantee the performance ratio and
the O&M contractor to confirm the viability and, ideally, the performance ratio.

3.7 How Solar & its Components Work

PV Power generation systems are made up of interconnected components, each with a specific function.
One of the major strengths of PV systems is modularity. As your needs grow, individual components can
be replaced or added to provide increased capacity. The selected components will vary depending on the
applications, what follows is a brief overview of the components of a typical Solar Electric PV system.

Solar Array
The solar array consists of PV modules which convert sunlight into electric
energy. The modules are connected in series and/or parallel to provide the
voltage and current levels needed. The array is usually mounted on a metal
structure and tilted to face the sun.

An inverter is required when you want to power AC devices. The inverter converts
the DC power, or direct current, from the solar array and batteries into AC power.

Charge Controller
Although charge controllers can be purchased with many optional features, their
main function is to maintain the batteries at the proper charge level and to
protect them from

Battery Bank
The battery bank contains one or more deep---cycle batteries connected in
series and/or parallel depending on the voltage and current capacity needed.
The batteries store the power produced by the solar array and discharge it when
need it.

AC and DC loads
These are the appliances (such as lights or radios), and the components (such
as water pumps and microwave repeaters), which consume the Power
Generated by your PV array.

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Balance of System
These components provide the interconnections and standard safety features
required for any electrical power system. These include: array combiner box,
properly sized cabling, fuses, switches, circuit breakers and meters.

3.8 Overview of a Typical On-Grid Solar PV System

3.8.1 System Description

Agridtiedsystemhastwoessentialparts,thesolarmodulesandtheinverter.Thesolar modulesareusually
installedonarooforapole.TheyconvertsunlightintoDCpower.The inverterconvertstheDCpowerintoAC
powerforuseincommercialbuildings.Theinverter thenfeedstheACpowerintoyourexistingbreaker
paneland/orontotheutilitygrid.Anon- gridsolarPVsystemusuallyhasnomovingpartsorbatteries.
system requiresminimummaintenance.

3.8.2 Selling electricity to the Grid

WhenthesolarproducedbythePVsystemexceedsloadrequirementsoftheconcerned building,electric
powerissoldbacktotheutilitypowergrid.Attheendofeachmonth,the utilitycompanysubtractsthesolar
powerfedintothegridfromthetotalconsumedpowerand thecustomerischargedfortheremainingpower
consumption.Electricpowerismeasuredin kilowatt-hours(kWh),whichequals1000wattsforanhour.
the numberofkWh’spurchasedfromtheutility.

3.8.2 Required Area and Shadow conditions

The shadow-freearearequiredforinstallationofarooftopsolarPVsystemisabout12m
per kW(kilowatt).ThisnumberincludesprovisionforclearancesbetweensolarPVarrayrows.The solar
panelsmaybeinstalledontheroofofthebuildingwithasouthfacingtiltangle.Thetilt anglevariesaccording
tothelocationofthePVinstallationandiscalculatedaccordingtothe geographicallocationoftheregion.
Sufficientareashallbeavailableforservicingthesystem. Theminimumclearancerequiredforcleaningand
servicingofthepanelsis0.6mfromthe parapetwallandinbetweenrowsofpanels.Inbetweentherowsof
solarpanelssufficientgap needstobeprovidedtoavoidtheshadingofarowbyanadjacentrow.Thesolargrid
inverter shallbeplacedatasuitableposition,consideringthecharacteristicsoftheinverterandthe
possible lossesthatmayoccur.

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Client Details

Section 4. Client Details

Clients Details
Country Pakistan
Site Karachi
Office Karachi
Purpose Solar Solution for the Office Building
Table 4---1: Client Information

Premises and Meteorology Details

Location Coordinates 24.8600° N, 67.00° E
Annual Average Solar Irradiation per day 5.44 kWh/m2/day
Required Area Shading Free Roof tops
Grid Voltage 230V (400V, 3-Phase)
Grid Frequency 50Hz
Shading Consideration Shading free
Table 4-2: Premises and Meteorology Details

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Solar Irradiation

4.1 Optimum Tilt and Azimuth Angle For Solar

Modules in Karachi
Solar panels are installed after calculating two angles, tile angle and azimuth angle. The azimuth angle is
the compass direction from which the sunlight is coming. At solar noon, the sun is always directly south
in the northern hemisphere and directly north in the southern hemisphere. The azimuth angle varies
throughout the day as shown in the figure below. At the equinoxes, the sun rises directly east and sets
directly west regardless of the latitude, thus making the azimuth angles
90. at sunrise and 270° at sunset. However for fixed frames the optimum output is achieved by setting
the panel orientation according to the azimuth angle at solar noon, i.e. 0 degrees south for
northern hemisphere and 0 degrees north for southern hemisphere.

Figure 4-1: Solar Azimuth Angle

The tilt angle of the PV module is the angle between the PV module and the horizontal surface. The tilt
angle of the photovoltaic (PV) array is the key to an optimum energy yield. Solar panels or PV arrays are
most efficient, when they are perpendicular to the sun's rays. The angle of the sun’s ray’s
changes across the year as the earth revolves around the sun in an elliptical orbit.

Figure 4-2: Solar Tilt Angle

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Solar Irradiation
As the earth is tilted by 23.5° around its own axis, this results in a 23.5° steeper angle at summer solstices
and 23.5° smaller angle on winter solstices in the northern hemisphere. At spring and
autumn equinoxes the angle is equal to the latitude angle of the location.

Figure 4-3: Path of earth around the sun

As, the latitude of site is 25°N, at equinoxes (20 March & 22 September) the optimum tilt angle for solar
panels in 25° from ground. At summer solstice (21 June) the sun will be at a steeper angle so the
optimum angle will reduce by 23.5° to around 2°. During winter solstice (22 December) the optimum
angle increases to 48°. During the year the optimum angle will vary between these two
extremes of 2° and 48°.

Jan Feb Mar

Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
41 33 25 17 9 2 9 17 25 33 41 48
Table 4-3: Optimum angle of solar panels across the year

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Solar Irradiation

Figure 4-4: Apparent Path of Sun on Summer Solstice

Figure 4-5: Apparent Path of Sun on Equinoxes

Figure 4-6: Apparent Path of Sun on Winter Solstice

• On the 21st December, the sun will rise 79° east of due south and set 79° west of due south.
• On the 21st March/21st September, the sun will rise 91° east of due south and set 91° west
of due south.
• On the 21st June, the sun will rise 103° east of due south and set 103° west of due south.

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System Design

Section 5. System Design

5.1 Solar PV System Design Features

Following table gives the overview of the system.

System Overview

Solar Array Peak Power (Watts) 25000 Watts

Total Number of Panels 100pcs
Connection of PV Modules in Each String Series
Grid Tied Inverter SMA STP 20000TL High Power, 3 Phase String
Inverter (Made in Germany)
Total Number Of Inverters 01
Inverter Topology Transformer less
Table 5-1: System Overview

5.2 Solar Panels

There are a number of different types of solar panel, from an ever-increasing range of manufacturers.
We use modules from Trina Solar Inc. because of its high quality standards. It is the
4 largest solar manufacturing company in world. There are two main commercial types of solar
1. Mono crystalline
2. Polycrystalline

After the geological and thermal analysis of Lahore, we are recommending Polycrystalline solar modules
due to its efficiency in high temperature and thermal effects. Following are the details of
250W polycrystalline solar module.

5.2.1 Characteristics of Trina Solar -250w Solar Module

Electrical Data of Trina Solar Module at STC

Electrical Data (STC)

Nominal Maximum Power (Pmax) 250W

Optimum Operating Voltage (Vmp) 30.3V

Optimum Operating Current (Imp) 8.27A

Open Circuit Voltage (Voc) 38.0V

Short Circuit Current (Isc) 8.79A

Module Efficiency
Operating Temperature ---40°C ̴+85°C
Maximum System Voltage 1000VDC
Maximum Series Fuse Rating 15A

Power Tolerance 0 ̴+3W

Table 5-2: Characteristics of 250P PV Module at STC

• Under standard test conditions (STC) of irradiance of 1000W/m², spectrum AM 1.5 and cell temperature of 25°C

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System Design

Temperature Characteristics of Trina Solar Module

Temperature Characteristics
Temperature Coefficient (Pmax) ---0.41%/°C
Temperature Coefficient (Voc) ---0.32%/°C
Temperature Coefficient (Isc) 0.05%/°C
Normal Operating Cell Temperature 44±2°C
Table 5-3: Tem perature Characteristics of TSM ---250W

5.2.2 I---V Curve of Solar Module

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5.2.3 Orientation/ Mounting Angles
Following are the Orientation and tilt details for solar modules

I Azimuth Angle II Tilt Angle

The tilt angle of the photovoltaic (PV) array is the
Azimuth angle is the angle between a line due
key to an optimum energy yield. Solar panels or PV south and the shadow cast by a vertical rod on
arrays are most efficient, when they are
Earth. This convention states the angle is positive
perpendicular to the sun's rays. For fixed
if the line is east of south and negative if it is
structures optimum angle is used, which is 25 west of south. For fixed structures optimum
degrees in current scenario.
angle is used, which is 0 degrees south in current

Figure 5-3: Tilt angle for solar panels

Figure 5-2: Azimuth angle for solar panels

Panels will be mounted on frames made up of galvanized iron pipes. Galvanized iron is a cost effective,
strong and rust proof material for making frames for solar modules. Galvanized iron is
cheaper and stronger than aluminum and provides better strength during strong winds. For
current project, the frames will be fixed angled at 25 towards south. The base of the frames will be
mounted on concrete blocks. The concrete blocks will be 8 inches in length and width and 6 inches in
height. Two panels will be stacked vertically while the horizontal length will be different for different

Figure 5---4: Frames structure for solar panels

The frames will be mounted on rooftop in rows. Each row of panels will have strings of panels
and will be connected to an inverter.
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5.3 Inverters
A solar inverter, or PV inverter converts the variable direct current (DC) output of a photovoltaic (PV)
solar panel into a utility frequency alternating current (AC) that can be fed into a commercial electrical
grid or used by a local, off-grid electrical network. On-grid inverters are the best choice for
the system specified by the management.

For the optimized and maximum usage of the system we are using two Inverters. They are
separated on their cost:
1. SMA STP Sunny Tri Power -
25000W (Made In Germany).

5.4 Earthing & Lighting Protection

5.4.1 Design Criteria
I Grounding Criteria
The grounding design calculation shall conform to IEEE Standard 80---2000.Earth electrodes shall be
provided throughout the plant areas along with the main earth grid. The number of earth electrodes
shall be according to achieve the total earth grid resistance less than 10 ohm. Earth electrodes shall be
provided in earth pits. The earth pits shall be of two types namely treated with test links and untreated.
Earth electrodes shall be of heavy---duty GI pipes, 32mm diameter and 3 meter long. The
main buried grid conductors shall be connected to all the earth electrodes to form a total earth grid.

II Components Earthing:
The frames of all electrical equipment and structural steel work shall be earthed by connection to
earth grid by branches of same cross sectional area of the earth grid.

5.5 Safety Equipment:

Circuit breakers are safety equipm ent designed to protect an electrical circuit from damage caused
by overload or short circuit. It protects electric equipment from all sort of abnormalities. Two types
of safety breakers are to be used
• DC Breaker (to be installed with PV modules)
• AC Breakers (to be installed with Grid)

5.5.1 DC Breakers:
These breakers are installed between the connection of Inverter and PV modules. These breakers save
the system from any damage and also help to isolate the PV Modules for the maintenance
purposes if needed.

5.5.2 AC Breakers:
These breakers are installed between the connection of the Grid and Inverter. These breakers protect
the system form any damage caused by the grid fluctuations or any other reason. These breakers save
the system from any damage and also help to isolate the inverters for the
maintenance purposes if needed. We understand the importance of the safety breakers and

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have designed installation of breakers in the system as per the standards.

5.5.3 Surge Arrestors

Surge Arrestors will be installed for protection of the inverter. Surge Arrestors protect the
inverter against the spikes or surges in the electrical grid.

5.6 Assumptions
5.6.1 Shading consideration
No shading has been considered at the site during the calculation design. So it is advised that at
the time of execution, please check whether there is any kind of obstacle in the site which may
cause partial/full shading on PV strings and/or PV array. If the shading occurs, then the estim ated
power generation will not match the actual power generated.

5.6.2 Load Factor

Here, the produced power from the PV plant will be fed to the Factory Facility Grid. So, while designing
the system, no unbalanced load considered in 3-phase configuration. In other words,
calculation is done at unity power factor.

5.6.3 Meteorological data

The meteorological calculations in this document are based on the highly reliable meteorological data
collected from NASA. The values presented in this report are calculated according to the geographical
coordinates of Lahore. For a different location (coordinates), the system design will

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Section 6. System
Performance Analysis
The performance of the system can be analyzed by keeping a number of factors in consideration. The
maximum possible output of the system depends on the solar path and the peak sun hours for which
the PV modules will receive proper irradiance. The output of the system also depends on the operating
temperature, which may cause variance in module efficiency. The output also depends on the
thickness of the cloud cover during cloudy days, which may result in smaller irradiance/light
from reaching the modules.

6.1 Solar Path

The following diagram depicts the apparent path of sun above Lahore. These images are obtained
from NASA’s global irradiance calculation portal

Figure 6-1: Solar path for Karachi

Figure 6---2: Solar path for day across the year

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Section 7. Financial Proposal

S. Item
DescriptionQty UoMTotalPKR

1 SolarPanels-TrinaSolarPolycrystalline
250Wp 100 Pcs

2 SMASTP20000TL-30HighPowerPV
Inverter(20KW)01 Pcs

3 SMA InverterManagerIM-201 Pcs

4 SMADCCombinerCMB01-201 Pcs

5 SMAClusterControllerfor
StreamlinedCommunications1 pcs
PKR 2,175,000/-

6 AC/DC,Earthing,CommunicationCables&LVSwitchgear 1 Set

7 CompleteBalanceofSystem1 Set

8 GalvanziedPVMountingStructures&
Civil works1set Set

9 Design,Installation&Commissioning1

10 P Commissioning1 site

7.1 Warranty:
• Solar Module: Trina Solar25 Years
• Inverter: SMA Sunny Tri Power 25-30 - 25KW
10 Years
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