463 Sol08b

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Mar 28, 29 /2001 Part B due in 4th floor Box Tues Apr 3 at 2pm
2. The following diagram shows an air distribution system for a 48" x 48" Air Handling Unit (AHU). Specific
information for louvers, filters,
coils, diffusers and duct
components is available as a
package of materials available in
the lab session. You are required
to select an appropriate fan speed
and motor for the system. Assume
standard air pressure and
temperature in your calculations.

(a) Calculate the External Static Pressure

drop for the longest duct, Branch C.

Duct to Room C contains:

30" dia duct 20ft x 0.1"wg/100' 0.02"wg

Fitting #1 Diverging Wye, Main run (Table 6-10A) in=30"dia, 8000cfm,

main out=26"dia, (8000-2670) cfm
)P =C*PV = C * (VC/4005)2 where VC = upstream velocity in fpm
C depends on Vs/Vc
VS = downstream main velocity in fpm
VC = QC / AC = 8000 ft /min / [ B (30in) /4 ] *144in2/ft2 = 1630 fpm
3 2

VS = QS / AS = (8000-2670)ft3/min / [ B (26in)2/4 ] *144in2/ft2 = 1446 fpm

VS/VC = 1446/1630 = 0.89
Table 6-10A Y C = 0.01
)P =0.01*(1630/4005)2 = 0.0017"wg 0.0017"wg

26" dia duct 10ft x 0.1"wg/100' 0.01"wg

Fitting #2 Diverging Wye, Main run (Table 6-10A) in=26"dia, 5330 cfm,
main out=20"dia, (5330-2665) cfm
from above, VC = 1446 fpm
VS = (5330-2665)ft3/min / [ B (20in)2/4 ] *144in2/ft2 = 1222 fpm
VS/VC = 1222/1446 = 0.84
Table 6-10A Y C = 0.02
)P =0.02*(1446/4005)2 = 0.0026"wg 0.0026"wg

20" dia duct (5ft+15ft) x 0.1"wg/100' 0.020"wg

Fitting #3 90° Elbow (Table 6-6A) for R/D=1.5, Table 6-6A Y C=0.15
from above, V=1222 fpm so )P =0.15*(1222/4005)2 = 0.0140"wg 0.0140"wg

Fitting #4 Balancing damper (Table 6-14A) for 2=10°, C=0.52

from above, V=1222 fpm so )P =0.52*(1222/4005)2 = 0.0140"wg 0.0484"wg

Fitting #5 Square Outlet Diffuser (Table 9-5)

use V=1000 fpm (maximum in table) 0.130"wg


The static pressure loss in duct C is 0.25 inches of water (61 Pa)
MecE 463 LAB 8 Solutions Part B page 2

(b) Calculate the External Static Pressure drop for Branch A which has an additional reheat coil.
Which is the greatest, (a) or (b)?

Duct to Room A contains:

30" dia duct 20ft x 0.1"wg/100' 0.02"wg

Fitting #1 Diverging 45° Wye, Branch run (Table 6-10A) in=30"dia, 8000cfm,
branch out=20"dia, (2670) cfm
AB/AC = (20"/30")2 = 0.444 \
QB/QC = 2670cfm /8000cfm = 0.334 \>> C.0.41
VC = QC / AC = 8000 ft /min / [ B (30in) /4 ] *144in2/ft2 = 1630 fpm
3 2

)P =0.41*(1630/4005)2 = 0.0017"wg 0.0679"wg

Fitting #2 20° Elbow (Table 6-6A) for R/D=1.5, 20° Y C=0.15 * 0.31 = 0.0465
V = Q /A = 2670 ft /min / [ B (20in)2/4 ] *144in2/ft2 = 1224 fpm

)P = 0.0465*(1224/4005)2 = 0.0043"wg 0.0043"wg

20" dia duct 15ft x 0.1"wg/100' 0.015"wg

Fitting #3 Round to Rectangular, 2=45°, (Table 6-7C, Table 6-7B)

per Table 6-7B, A1/A = (28"*28")/(B*202/4) = 2.50 Y C=0.29
)P = 0.29*(1224/4005)2 = 0.0271"wg 0.0271"wg

Fitting #4 Reheat Coil, 1 row, 8 fpi (fins/inch) (Figure 9-5)

V = Q/A = 2670 ft3/min / (28"*28") * 144 in2/ft2 = 490.4 ft/min
Figure 9-5 Y )P = 0.06"wg 0.060"wg

Fitting #5 Rectangular to Round, 2=30°, (Table 6-8A)

V = Q/ADOWNSTREAM = 2670 ft3/min / (B*202/4 in2) *144 in2/ft2 = 1224 ft/min
Table 6-8A with A1/A = 2.50 (as above) Y C = 0.05
)P = 0.05*(1224/4005)2 = 0.0047"wg 0.0047"wg

Fitting #6 Balancing damper (Table 6-14A) for 2=30°, C=4.50

As above, V=1224 fpm so )P =4.50*(1224/4005)2 = 0.4203"wg 0.4203"wg

Fitting #5 Square Outlet Diffuser (Table 9-5)

use V=1000 fpm (maximum in table) 0.130"wg


The static pressure loss in duct A is 0.25 inches of water (190 Pa)

The static pressure loss across Duct to Room A is greater than that to room C so we use loss in Duct
A to calculate total static pressure loss for fan sizing.
MecE 463 LAB 8 Solutions Part B page 3

(c) Calculate the Total Static Pressure

drop including components in the
AHU as well as the greatest
External Static Pressure drop..

The External Static Pressure drop is

0.749"wg (see (b))

The air handling unit contains

-intake louver
-coil, and
-unit/duct transition.


Louver (48"x48" Square, 4" Depth x 45° blades)
Free Area, AFREE = 6.6 ft2 (per Table 9-3 for 48" x 48")
VFREE AREA = Q/AFREE = 8000 ft3/min / 6.6 ft2 = 1212 ft/min
Figure 9-13 Y )P = 0.2"wg 0.2"wg

Filter (Disposable Flat Panel, Table 9-1 (1C))

Design )P = 0.2"wg 0.2"wg

Coil (4-row cooling with condensing, 8 fins/inch, Figure 9-9)

Face Velocity = 8000 ft3/min / (4ft*4ft) = 500 ft/min
Figure 9-9 Y )P = 0.44"wg 0.44"wg

Transition Rectangular / Round, 2=180°, (Table 6-8A)

A1 /A = (48"*48") / (B *(30in)2 /4) = 3.26
Table 6-8A Y C=0.41
)P = 0.41 *(VDOWN/4005)2 = 0.41*(1630/4005)2 = 0.067"wg 0.067"wg

Total Internal Static Pressure Loss 0.907"wg

Fan Static Pressure = TSP = ISP + ESP = 0.749 + 0.907 = 1.66"wg

(d) A manufacturer’s fan selection program produced the attached family of fan curves. Select the appropriate fan
speed to provide the required flow and Total Static Pressure. Justify your answer.

On the fan curve for 18-AFSW-21 fans, 8000 cfm / 1.66"wg corresponds to a fan speed of 2690 rpm.
This is a good operating point since it is far from the surge point. The flow would need to be reduced
to less than 4000 cfm (with static pressure above 7.5"wg to put the fan into surge at 2690 rpm.

(e) The program indicated that a 7.5 hp fan motor is required. Is this a good motor selection? Why or why not?

A 7.5 hp motor is not a good selection. It will actually work at the planned operating point (8000 cfm,
1.67"wg). However, higher static pressure will result in pressure / flow ranges where the required
power is greater than 7.5 hp. Hence, the motor would be susceptible to tripping and/or overheat
damage in the event of dirty filters, plugged diffusers / etc. A 10 hp motor is recommended.
MecE 463 LAB 8 Solutions Part B page 4

3. A set of classrooms on one floor of a new building is being ventilated by a single air handling unit. There are
three classrooms and one design lab. The classrooms will be occupied most of the day and the design lab only
3 hours per day. Details of the rooms are:
Room Occupants Hours/d Supply Air Outdoor Air Room % Outdoor
ay Requirement Requirement Air

Classroom A 105 6 5000

Classroom B 45 6 2500

Classroom C 65 6 3000

Design Lab 40 3 5000

15,500 cfm
Assuming that each person requires 15 cfm and using the ASHRAE 62 reductions for partially occupied rooms, find
the required fraction of outdoor air blended with recirculated air to make supply air at 1.

First, fill in the table of outdoor air requirements and percentages using 15cfm/person for classrooms
A, B and C and 7.5 cfm/person for Design Lab which can use half the required amount due to low

Room Occupants Hours Supply Air Outdoor Air Room fraction

/day Requirement Requirement Outdoor Air
Classroom A 105 6 5000 1575 0.315
Classroom B 45 6 2500 675 0.270
Classroom C 65 6 3000 975 0.325
Design Lab 40 3 5000 300 0.060
Total: 15,500 cfm 3525 0.227

The <criteria' room is Classroom C which requires 32.5% fresh air. However, the floor on average
only needs 22.7% fresh air. Using Equation 6-1 from ASHRAE 62, the adjusted fresh air requirement
for the floor is:

Y = X / (1 + X - Z) per ASHRAE 62-1999, Eq 6-1

where X = uncorrected outdoor air requirement= 0.227
Z = critical space requirement = 0.325
Y = adjusted outdoor air requirement

Y = 0.227 /(1 +.227 - .325) = 0.252 QO = 0.252 * 15,500 cfm = 3,900 cfm

The floor requires 25.2% outdoor air (3900 cfm).

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