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4th Year Rep

Waiting for Godot Directed by: Moni Yakim

Master Run Sheet PSM: Cristina Sison
Issued: 2/18/18
Version FINAL

Time Who Action Cue Notes

VACUUM stage
See attached BAREFOOT MAP for Mabel's path
CHECK Mabel's path
Chris On Arrival on and backstage
CHECK for ladder SR Ladder should be preset SR for intermission
CHECK for invisible wall SL Preset SL for Mabel's en/ex
McKenna CHARGE vape battery On Arrival In road box
CHECK/charge spikes See SPIKE MAP
Wardrobe Check for Jake's (Pozzo) jacket SL w/hanky
McKenna Before house opens
CHECK masking SR & SL
TURN OFF run light SL
-25:00 STRIKE hole guards
Chris OPEN trap Before house opens
REMOVE trap pin
CHECK block spike Block in trap should be on WHITE spike
-10:00 McKenna CHECK for pocket props 10 minutes to places Check for pocket props, see Wardrobe Pocket
Chris STANDBY w/Nick Places Standby in trap w/Nick (Estragon)
McKenna STANDBY w/Allen Places Make sure Allen (Vladimir) is at the HR door
-1:00 McKenna TURN OFF run light SR SM calls house to 1/2
ACT ONE 1:18:00
INSERT trap pin After Nick closes trap
1:00 TURN ON run light SL After blackout
McKenna TURN ON run light SR After blackout
Microwave vegan chicken in prop shop freezer for
Allen says, "Shall I tell it to
15:00 McKenna Warm-up vegan chicken 45 sec. on each side, then place in tissue box inside
wicker basket SL

Prepared by: McKenna Warren Page 1 of 4

4th Year Rep
Waiting for Godot Directed by: Moni Yakim
Master Run Sheet PSM: Cristina Sison
Issued: 2/18/18
Version FINAL

Time Who Action Cue Notes

CHECK Scout's belt
17:00 McKenna BeforePozzo/Lucky en SL
SET-up Scout Help Scout (Lucky) with props SL
Jake (Pozzo), "I need a
1:08:00 McKenna CATCH Lucky props SR TRACK props to SL, STRIKE long rope & stool
running start"
1:03:00 Chris TURN OFF run light SL Before blackout
1:05:00 Chris STANDBY w/Mabel SM cue Invisible wall is preset SL
1:14:00 McKenna CHECK Mabel's slippers When she exits SL Check to make sure Mabel puts on her slippers SL
1:17:00 McKenna TURN OFF run light SR
Check to make sure Nick (Estragon) puts his
1:18:00 McKenna CHECK Nick's slippers End of show
slippers on SL after exit

Prepared by: McKenna Warren Page 2 of 4

4th Year Rep
Waiting for Godot Directed by: Moni Yakim
Master Run Sheet PSM: Cristina Sison
Issued: 2/18/18
Version FINAL

Time Who Action Cue Notes

TURN ON run light SR After blackout
STRIKE Pozzo props STRIKE Pozzo props to road box
-10:00 McKenna TRACK Pozzo jacket Make sure Pozzo's (Jake) jacket is SL
Before places
CHECK Nick's belt Nick (Estragon) should have breakaway belt on
CHECK Lucky short rope Check to make sure Scout has the short rope on
2 minutes after intermission
-09:30 Chris SET 7 leaves on tree branches
STRIKE carrot SR of mound Can be thrown away
-02:00 McKenna STANDBY w/Nick & Allen Places STANDBY w/Nick & Allen SR for en cue from SM
Chris TURN OFF run light SL Before blackout
McKenna TURN OFF run light SR Before blackout

Prepared by: McKenna Warren Page 3 of 4

4th Year Rep
Waiting for Godot Directed by: Moni Yakim
Master Run Sheet PSM: Cristina Sison
Issued: 2/18/18
Version FINAL

Time Who Action Cue Notes

ACT TWO 1:04:00
Chris TURN ON run light SL After blackout
McKenna TURN ON run light SR After blackout
30:00 Chris SET-up Scout Before Pozzo/Lucky en SL Check his rope/belt attachment
Jake (Pozzo), "One day we'll
CATCH Lucky props SR STRIKE all props to roadbox
McKenna go deaf"
STRIKE Lucky props After Pozzo/Lucky ex SR
Chris STANDBY w/Mabel SM cue Invisible wall is preset SL
58:00 McKenna CHECK Mabel's slippers When she exits SL Check to make sure Mabel puts on her slippers SL
Chris TURN OFF run light SL Before blackout
McKenna TURN OFF run light SR Before blackout
SET hole guards
STRIKE leaves from tree
STRIKE hat from tree
STRIKE boots House clear
McKenna STRIKE breakaway rope Return to costumes
STRIKE peops to roadbox
STRIKE prop table cover SL

Prepared by: McKenna Warren Page 4 of 4

4th Year Rep
Waiting for Godot Directed by: Moni Yakim
Props List FINAL PSM: Cristina Sison
Issued: 2/18/18
Consumable prop
Costume prop

Pg Prop # Where/Who Notes Reh Show

Act One
1 Hats 2 Didi & Gogo Costume prop X
Boots 1 pair Gogo Costume prop X
Breaks in half, Costume
Rope belt 1 Gogo X
Consumable, In his
Turnip 1 Didi X X
Consumable, in his crotch
Carrot 1 Didi X X
Black radishes 2 Didi In his jacket pocket X
Clown nose 1 Didi In his jacket pocket X
Clown horn 1 Didi In his jacket pocket X
Hankie 1 Didi In his breast pocket X
Will be around Lucky's
14 Long rope 1 Pozzo X
Hats 2 Pozzo & Lucky X
Bags 2 Lucky X
Stool 1 Lucky X
Picnic basket 1 Lucky X
Pocketwatch 1 Pozzo In his vest pocket X X
Hankie 1 Pozzo In his jacket pocket X
Whip 1 Lucky X
In his vest pocket,
Pipe 1 Pozzo X
Batteries need charged
In his vest pocket, No
Lighter 1 Pozzo X X
Consumable, Gluten free
Treats Mult. Pozzo X
Puffins, In his vest pocket
Coat 1 Pozzo Lucky carries on stage X
Pince-nez 1 Pozzo In his pocket X
In picnic basket, With
Plastic wine bottle 1 Lucky/Pozzo X X
Consumable, In container
Chicken on bone 1 Lucky/Pozzo/Gogo X X
in picnic basket

Prepared by: McKenna Warren Strikethrough = Cut 1 of 2

4th Year Rep
Waiting for Godot Directed by: Moni Yakim
Props List FINAL PSM: Cristina Sison
Issued: 2/18/18
Act Two
Didi & One is preset onstage
47 Hats 3 X
Gogo/Onstage (Lucky's)
Boots 1 pair Onstage/Gogo Same as Act 1 X
Rope belt 1 Gogo Same as Act 1 X
Black radishes 2 Didi In his jacket pocket X
Clown nose 1 Didi In his jacket pocket X
Clown horn 1 Didi In his jacket pocket X
Hankie 1 Didi In his breast pocket X
Piece of shoestring 1 Didi In his pants pocket X
Leaves 8 Tree X
Will be around Lucky's
67 Short rope 1 Pozzo X
neck, 6ft long
Hats 2 Pozzo & Lucky X
Bags 2 Lucky Same as Act 1 X
Picnic basket 1 Lucky Same as Act 1 X
Same as Act 1, Inside
Whip 1 Lucky X
picnic basket

Prepared by: McKenna Warren Strikethrough = Cut 2 of 2

4th Year Rep
Waiting for Godot Directed by: Moni Yakim
Wardrobe Pocket PSM: Cristina Sison
Breakdown Issued: 2/18/18 vFINAL
Can be removed
at intermission

Allen T. (Vladimir) Preshow Presets Jake F. (Pozzo) Preshow Presets

Coat Pants Vest Jacket Pants
Jacket preset SL
Up Left- Center Front- Up Left- Front Left-
Inside Left-
Turnip (Real) Carrot (real) Pince-nez Pipe
Up Right- Front Right- Bottom Left-
Clown nose Shoestring Treats
Bottom Right- Up Right-
Clown horn Lighter
Breast- Bottom Right-
Hankie Pocket watch
Bottom Left-
2 Black Radishes

Allen T. (Vladimir) Intermission Presets Nick P. (Estragon) End of Act 1

Coat Pants Coat
Up Left- Front Right- Front Left-
Turnip (Real) Shoestring Chicken leg
Bottom Right- Front Right-
Clown horn Clown nose
Bottom Left-
2 Black Radishes

Allen T. (Vladimir) Post Show

Coat Pants
Up Left- Front Right-
Turnip (Real) Shoestring
Bottom Right-
Clown horn
Bottom Left-
2 Black Radishes
Director: Moni Yakim
Waiting for Godot PSM: Cristina Sison
Issued: 2/18/18 vFINAL
Entrance and Exit Plot w/Times
Prepared by: McKenna Warren
Act One Page 1 of 2
Beat 1 Beat 2
Actor Character Pg.1 Pg. 8 Pgs. 9-13 Pg. 14 Pg. 15 Pg. 16 Pg. 26 Pg. 27 Pgs. 33-35
nt-HR x t/nt-HR xt -HR nt-HR
Allen Tedder Vladimir/Didi X X X X X
01:52 14:41 /15:08 44:28 45:17
Nicholas Podany Estragon/Gogo X X X X X X X X
Jake Faunce Pozzo X X X X X
(nt-SL/xt -SR) (nt-SR)
Scout James Lucky (X) (X) X
22:35/22:49 25:23

Mabel Byrne A Boy

Beat 3 Beat 4
Actor Character Pgs. 36-37 Pg. 38 Pg. 39 Pgs. 40-42 Pg. 43 Pgs. 44-45 END
xt- SR
Allen Tedder Vladimir/Didi X X X X X X
xt- SR
Nicholas Podany Estragon/Gogo X X X X X X
xt -SR
Jake Faunce Pozzo X
(xt -SR)
Scout James Lucky (X)
nt-SL xt -SL
Mabel Byrne A Boy X
1:10:00 1:14:00

X = on stage / nt = enter / xt = exit

(Parentheses) = not speaking HR=House Right / T=Trapdoor / US=Upstage SR=Stage Right / SL=Stage Left / R2=Fence
Director: Moni Yakim
Waiting for Godot PSM: Cristina Sison
Issued: 2/18/18 vFINAL
Entrance and Exit Plot w/Times
Prepared by: McKenna Warren
Act Two Page 2 of 2
Beat 1 Beat 2 Beat 3
Character Actor Pgs. 47-48 Pgs. 63 Pg. 64 Pgs. 65-66 Pg. 67 Pgs. 68-79 Pg. 80 Pg. 81 Pg. 82
Vladimir/Didi Allen Tedder X X X X X X X X
xt / nt-SL
nt-R2 xt/ nt-SR
Estragon/Gogo Nicholas Podany xt/ nt-SR X X X X X X
02:00 28:14
nt-SL xt -SR
Pozzo Jake Faunce X
33:41 53:20
(nt-SL) (xt -SR)
Lucky Scout James (X)
33:41 53:20
A Boy Mabel Byrne X

Beat 3 cont'd.
Character Actor Pg. 83 Pgs. 84-85 END
Vladimir/Didi Allen Tedder X X
Estragon/Gogo Nicholas Podany X X

Pozzo Jake Faunce

Lucky Scout James

xt -SL
A Boy Mabel Byrne
X = on stage / nt = enter / xt = exit
(Parentheses) = not speaking HR=House Right / T=Trapdoor / US=Upstage SR=Stage Right / SL=Stage Left / R2=Fence
4th Year Rep
Directed by: Moni Yakim
PSM: Cristina Sison
Waiting for Godot Issued: 1/30/18
Barefoot Map Prepared by: McKenna Warren

Mabel’s path



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