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Turn 1

Daemons enter. Horrors, Daemonnettes, Plaguebearers.

Decide to castle in center of board in order to react to smurf drops. Emerge into a passage
between two rocky areas. Daemonnettes castled in the center, protected by horrors to the
south and supposedly plaguebearers to the north. Unfortunately the plaguebearer scatter
too much to close the wall.

Three drop pods land, two containing tactical squads to the north and one containing
sternguard to the west slightly thurther out. Shooting is largely negated by cover and
invulnerable saves.

Turn 2

Asterion, Masque, and Bloodletters arrive.

Masque pulls sternguard into range for the plaguebearers charge. Horrors kill some tacs
from the eastmost squad. Bloodletters position ready to charge the sternguard next turn.

Plague Bearers charge the Sternguard, but loose about 8 models from combat and
resolution. Daemonnettes charge the central tac squad, slaughtering half of them. My
opponent thought he got Macharius rule even if he was not on the table, so they were not
forced to run.

some terminators arrive. termies to the north. Daemonnettes remain locked with tactical
squad. Plagues remain locked with sternguard. Horrors are depleted by shooting.

Turn 3

Soulgrinder arrives

Bloodletters charge the sternguard and wipe them out. HK charges the sternguards drop
pod and removes its weapon. KOS charges to aid daemonnettes, wiping out the tacs.
Masque moves termies away then charges drop pod, but does no damage.

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