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Learning Activity 1

Evidencie: A World of imagen

Name: Katherine Delgado Garrido

Idiom: Examples:

Can't judge a book by its cover  The man did not look very intelligent, but you can’t
judge a book by its cover.
 Do not form opinions of a persons character by looking
• You cannot know what at his appearance. You can’t judge a book by its cover.
something or someone is like
by looking only at that person
or thing's appearance In Colombian spanish:

No debes jusgar un libro por su portada

Idiom: Examples:

A piece of cake  Her picture's in the papers now, And life's a piece of
Definitions:  The English test was a piece of cake

 Something is very easy In Colombian spanish:

 An activity that requires Esto es pan comido.

little effort to finish; a job
that's simple; easy.
Idiom: Examples:

Curiosity killed the cat.  He started asking too many questions of his neighbours
about their whereabouts during the weekend, they
Definitions: warned him that curiosity killed the cat.

Being Inquisitive can lead you  Joe was very curious about where Sarah was getting all
into an unpleasant situation. her money from, but all she said was that curiosity killed
the cat.

In Colombian spanish:

La curiosidad mato al gato.

Idiom: Examples:

Taste of your own medicine  I don’t feel at all sorry that people are calling you
names. You’re getting a taste of your own medicine.
 I'm tired of him always finding faults with me. I'm going
Means that something happens to to give him ataste of his own medicine.
you, or is done to you, that you
have done to someone else In Colombian spanish:

Una prueba de su propia medicina.

Idiom: Examples:

Get out of hand  The party got out of hand and the guests started to
throw bottles at each other.
 The football match got out of hand.
 When you lose control of
 Something that In Colombian spanish:
become imposible to
control any longer Se salio de las manos..
Idiom: Examples:

Hit on the nail  You’ve found the problem, so You hit the nail on the

Definitions:  Carlos hit the nail on the head when he got the result of
the football match
Aggressive, assertive, unyielding.

find the exact answer

In Colombian spanish:

Dar en el clavo.
Idiom: Examples:

 Between the sword and the 1. Sebastian is between the sword and the wall, to
Wall. go between the soccer game or visit her favorite
2. Mariana is between the sword the wall to
 Having to choose between choose between engineering and medicine to enter
two things the university.

In Colombian spanish:

Entre la espada y la pared.

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