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) 285B:26 –31, 2005


Design and Utility of a Web-Based Computer-

Assisted Instructional Tool for Neuroanatomy Self-
Study and Review for Physical and Occupational
Therapy Graduate Students

The cadaver continues to be the primary tool to teach human gross anatomy. However, cadavers are not available to
students outside of the teaching laboratory. A solution is to make course content available through computer-
assisted instruction (CAI). While CAI is commonly used as an ancillary teaching tool for anatomy, use of screen space,
annotations that obscure the image, and restricted interactivity have limited the utility of such teaching tools. To
address these limitations, we designed a Web-based CAI tool that optimizes use of screen space, uses annotations
that do not decrease the clarity of the images, and incorporates interactivity across different operating systems and
browsers. To assess the design and utility of our CAI tool, we conducted a prospective evaluation of 43 graduate
students enrolled in neuroanatomy taught by the Divisions of Physical and Occupational Therapy at the University of
Utah, College of Health. A questionnaire addressed navigation, clarity of the images, benefit of the CAI tool, and rating
of the CAI tool compared to traditional learning tools. Results showed that 88% of the respondents strongly agreed
that the CAI tool was easy to navigate and overall beneficial. Eighty-four percent strongly agreed that the CAI tool was
educational in structure identification and had clear images. Furthermore, 95% of the respondents thought that the
CAI tool was much to somewhat better than traditional learning tools. We conclude that the design of a CAI tool, with
minimal limitations, provides a useful ancillary tool for human neuroanatomy instruction. Anat Rec (Part B: New Anat)
285B:26 –31, 2005. © 2005 Wiley-Liss, Inc.

KEY WORDS: neuroanatomy teaching; learning outcomes research; computer-assisted instruction; health professions
education; medical education

INTRODUCTION (Berube et al., 1999; McNulty et al., ber of qualified gross anatomy teach-
2000). Contributing reasons for the ers, and the declining number of basic
Use of computer-assisted instruc- growing use include the visual nature science course hours (Cottam, 1999;
tional (CAI) material as an adjunct to of the topic, the desire by students to Drake et al., 2002).
teaching human gross anatomy at have self-study tools outside of the ca- CAI plays a role in the delivery of
health sciences schools is increasing daver laboratory, the declining num- anatomical material to students. For
example, CAI is used to supplement
Dr. Foreman recently received his PhD competence for the interdisciplinary
dissection (Guy and Frisby, 1992; Pre-
from the Department of Neurobiology and health professions. davec, 2001; Bukowski, 2002), as well
Anatomy at The University of Utah, School Dr. Albertine is professor of pediatrics, as to deliver instructional material
of Medicine (SOM). He is a faculty member medicine, and neurobiology and anat-
with the Divisions of Physical and Occu- omy at Utah’s SOM. He is training direc- (Toth-Cohen, 1995; Barker, 1998;
pational Therapy at The University of Utah, tor of the Children’s Health Research Boucher and Hunter, 1999). An ad-
College of Health, and teaches gross anat- Center and director of the Research Mi-
omy and neuroanatomy. vantage of CAI is the use of digital
croscopy Facility at the Health Sciences
Dr. Morton is assistant professor in the
images to illustrate instructional ma-
Department of Neurobiology and Anatomy terial, which is preferred by users
at Utah’s SOM. He teaches gross anatomy *Correspondence to: K. Bo Foreman,
and histology. 520 Wakara Way, Salt Lake City, UT (Cheng et al., 2003). Furthermore, CAI
Dr. Musolino is assistant professor in the 84108. Fax: 801-585-5629; E-mail: provides interactivity with the instruc-
Division of Physical Therapy and director
of Clinical Education, College of Health, at
tional content (Chou, 2003). For the
The University of Utah. Her research area DOI 10.1002/ar.b.20069 purpose of this study, we defined in-
is in curriculum design, development and Published online in Wiley Inter-
Science teractivity as selectable views and
evaluation, with focus areas in self-as-
sessment, service learning, and cultural ( content that permits the user to tailor
self-study and review. Interactivity in-

© 2005 Wiley-Liss, Inc.


cludes five dimensions that fulfill CAI DEVELOPMENT All of the imported digital images were
communication needs. The five di- original, thus further avoiding copy-
Software and Authoring right infringement.
mensions are playfulness, choice,
connectedness, information collec- Our goals were to develop a Web- Flash MX was used to design and
tion, and reciprocal communication based CAI tool that was easy to navi- program the CAI tool. First, we im-
(Ha and James, 1998). The dimen- gate, reliable across different operat- ported the JPEG-formatted images into
sion of playfulness incorporates the ing systems and browsers, interactive, Flash MX. We imported images of com-
presence of educational material, and optimized user learning. To meet plete brains and brainstems, as well as
which stimulates curiosity. An ex- these goals, we selected commercial coronal, horizontal, and sagittal slices
ample would be a question-and-an- software developed by Macromedia威 of those structures. In addition, images
(Macromedia), specifically Fireworks威 of head surface anatomy, skull anat-
swer format and/or games. Choice is
omy, and cerebral vasculature were
defined as the amount of informa- MX, Flash威 MX, and Dreamweaver威
added. The Web site had 30 images (to
tion users have access to. Connect- MX, to create the CAI tool. We used
view samples of the Web site, go to
edness is measured by the presence commercial versions of those applica-
of information of interest to the tions because the manufacturer’s terms
anatomy). Buttons and annotations
user. Information collection pro- of use explicitly permit authoring, with- were created using scalable vector
vides tracking use. The reciprocal out issues of copyright infringement. graphics (SVG) and positioned over the
communication dimension provides Because of our familiarity with, and the structures to be identified. In addition,
communication between users and versatility of, Macromedia software, we navigational buttons were created for
authors, such as by electronic mail did not investigate other commercial or zooming, panning, and rotating the im-
(Chou, 2003). However, CAI is not open-source software for authoring our age (Fig. 1). The rationale for creating
without limitations. One limitation CAI tool. components of the CAI tool using SVG
is suboptimal use of the screen area. Fireworks MX was used to edit and is that SVG do not lose clarity when
Examples are use of a fraction of the size the images and drawings. Because enlarged (zoomed in), contrary to pixel
available screen area or lack of con- we had no control over screen area of images, which degrade when enlarged.
trol of the image size by the user. the computers or the Web browsers Figure legends were composed to pro-
Other examples are when annota- that the students used, we determined vide descriptive text. We coordinated
tions are placed around the margins the optimal image dimensions and res- the images with navigation, rollovers,
of an image, requiring the image to olution as well as image file format so and figure legends using ActionScript
be reduced to incorporate both im- that the downloaded images would scripting language within Flash MX.
age and annotations in the viewable nearly fill any viewable screen area. Our ActionScript is designed to write scripts
goal was to minimize the margins and that enable interactivity with the CAI
screen area, or when annotations
tool via the keyboard or mouse. Appli-
and lead lines decrease clarity of the maintain clarity of the images. Clarity
cations created using Flash MX are
image. Lastly, CAI tools often lack was defined as images that were not
compatible with most operating sys-
interactivity by the user. obstructed by annotations and would
tems (i.e., Windows威, Microsoft;
We designed a CAI tool that opti- not degrade (pixelate) when zoomed.
Macintosh威, Apple Computer) and
mized advantages and minimized lim- To meet that definition, the original im- browsers (i.e., Internet Explorer威, Mi-
itations. We hypothesized that stu- ages were initially obtained in a tagged crosoft; Netscape威, Netscape Commu-
dents would recognize the value of a image file format (TIFF), either as dig- nications; Safari, Apple Computer; Fire-
CAI tool in neuroanatomy if the CAI ital photographs or scanned images. fox™, Mozilla). However, a free plug-in
tool was designed for easy navigation However, because of the large file size (Macromedia Flash Player) is required
and facilitated self-study and review. of TIFF files, we compressed the images to view the content. The Macromedia
Therefore, we designed the CAI tool to into joint photographic experts group Flash Player is available for download
optimize use of screen area, provide (JPEG) file format, at 125 pixels per and installation from the Macromedia
user control of the image size and ori- inch. In addition, the images were sized Web site (http://www.macromedia.
entation, use annotations that did not to a 600 pixel height and the propor- com/shockwave/download/download.
obscure the image, and provide user tionate width. This allowed for fast cgi?P1_Prod_Version⫽ShockwaveFlash).
interactivity with the content. The in- download time. Because the majority of Dreamweaver MX was used to orga-
teractive component incorporated monitors have a viewing capacity of 72 nize and modify the Web site. Dream-
playfulness, choice, and connected- or 96 pixels per inch, importing the im- weaver MX software was also used to
ness. Forty-three physical and occu- age into the template at 125 pixels per code the HTML pages, as well as up-
pational therapy graduate students inch retained clarity of the images with load and synchronize the Web site to
enrolled in human neuroanatomy magnification (zooming). To accom- the server.
evaluated the CAI tool. Their evalua- modate for a variety of screen sizes, we
tion addressed navigation, clarity of embedded the CAI tool in an HTML file, THE SURVEY
the images, benefit of the CAI tool for within which we coded the page to be
Study Subjects
self-study and review, and rating the displayed at 100% height and width.
CAI tool compared to traditional Therefore, the CAI tool nearly filled any Thirty-eight physical therapy and 20
learning tools. available screen, regardless of browser. occupational therapy students were

Figure 1. a: Screen capture of a sagittal view of the brain. Orientation for the image is provided by the text at the top of the image. The
navigation tools (bottom of the image) provide instructions on using the CAI tool (“? Instructions”), image rotation (arrows), zooming in and
out (“⫹” and ”⫺“, respectively), reset button (“reset”), hiding text (“Remove text”), and hiding buttons (“Remove buttons”). Blue dots
identify rollover buttons that highlight a region of interest when activated. b: Sagittal section of the same brain. The area highlighted in blue
was displayed by placing the cursor over the corresponding rollover button in panel a (circled blue dot). The highlighted area (lateral
ventricle) is described by the text at the top of the image.

enrolled in a laboratory course in hu- Watkins, 2000). Students were also (Fig. 1). Rollout from a button re-
man neuroanatomy (44 hr of labora- asked to give a brief written descrip- moved the highlighted area and re-
tory session; 88 hr of course contact) tion of their response to the CAI tool. moved the related text from the figure
in the spring of 2003, for a total of 58 Results are shown as mean ⫾ one legend. The figure legend could be dis-
students, 35 (60%) males and 23 standard deviation, as well as mini- played (enabled) or hidden (disabled)
(40%) females. Fifty-six of the stu- mum and maximum values (Mi- by the viewer. This design feature al-
dents were in their first year of train- crosoft Excel 2000, Microsoft). lowed the user to choose an unob-
ing in a master’s degree program. Two structed view or an obstructed view,
of the students were in their second respectively. In addition, the buttons
year. Each student was asked to par- SURVEY RESULTS and highlighted areas were overlays
ticipate voluntarily in the study. The CAI Tool that were not embedded (flattened)
study was approved by the University with the digital image. Because we
of Utah Institutional Review Board From the Web site, the students used used Flash MX software and Action-
(IRB). The need for consent was the CAI tool to choose among the im- Script programming language, the
waived. ages. The CAI tool provided nearly digital image and its overlays moved
full-screen-sized digital images that together in register. Therefore, the
could be interactively zoomed in to highlighted area moved with the im-
Evaluation view small structures. Furthermore, age when the image was zoomed,
On the final day of class, students the CAI tool enabled the user to pan panned, or rotated (Fig. 2).
completed an IRB-approved question- and rotate (360°) in any direction.
naire that evaluated navigation, clar- Buttons, created as SVG objects,
ity of the images, benefit of the CAI were placed over structures to be
Study Subjects
tool, and rating of the CAI tool com- identified (Fig. 1). When a button was Forty-three of the 58 students (74%)
pared to traditional learning tools. rolled over, SVG overlays were completed the questionnaire. The
The six evaluation statements are pre- opened that highlighted the underly- mean age of the students who used
sented in Box 1. The questionnaire ing structure. Simultaneously, related the CAI tool was 25 years (range,
used a Likert scale (Portney and text was loaded into the figure legend 21–37 years).

Questionnaire Results
Student assessment of the CAI tool
was by a questionnaire distributed af-
ter the neuroanatomy course ended.
The questionnaire was based on a Lik-
ert scale of 1 (strongly agree) to 7
(strongly disagree) for five of the six
statements. The sixth statement was
based on a Likert scale of 1 (much
better than traditional tools) to 5
(much worse than traditional tools).
Graphical representation of the
questionnaire responses is shown in
Figure 3. Eighty-eight percent of the
participants determined that the CAI
tool was easy to navigate, with a mean
score of 1.40 ⫾ 0.82. Eighty-four per-
cent of the participants also deter-
mined that the images were clear,
with a mean score of 1.72 ⫾ 0.85.
Eighty-four percent of the partici-
pants determined that the CAI tool
provided education in structure iden-
tification, with a mean score of 1.65 ⫾
0.92. Seventy-six percent of the partic-
ipants determined that the CAI tool
was beneficial for self-study and re-
view, with a mean score of 1.81 ⫾
1.10. Eighty-eight percent of the par-
ticipants determined that the CAI tool
was overall beneficial, with a mean
score of 1.49 ⫾ 0.77. Finally, 95% of
the participants determined that the
cial versions of the software because 2003). Design is important because it
CAI tool was much to somewhat bet-
Macromedia software products li- provides the structure and method to
ter than traditional tools (atlases),
censing agreement permits licensing deliver content. Furthermore, we
with a mean score of 1.56 ⫾ 0.67.
of original compositions when the learned the importance of interactiv-
commercial version of their software ity, which is crucial in acquiring
DISCUSSION programs is purchased (http://www. knowledge (Sims, 1997). Interactivity
We designed a CAI tool for self-study plays an important role because it en-
and review of neuroanatomy by first- This broader use is not permitted by gages the learner with the educational
year physical therapy and occupa- the licensing agreement for educa- material. However, evaluation of CAI
tional therapy students. The study was tional versions of Macromedia soft- tool design and interactivity in health
designed to subjectively assess naviga- ware products. science students’ education has not
tion, clarity of the images, benefit of The design of the CAI tool allowed been reported. Instead, evaluation has
the CAI tool, and the rating of the CAI the user to choose among 30 digital been on outcomes data, such as exam-
tool compared to traditional learning images. Each image could be zoomed ination scores (Erkonen et al., 1992;
tools (specifically, neuroanatomy at- in/out, panned, and rotated. In addi- Stanford et al., 1994; Devitt and
lases). We used a Likert scale to eval- tion, SVG buttons were placed over Palmer, 1999; Garg et al., 1999;
uate the CAI tool. Student evaluation structures of interest. Rollover of an Bukowski, 2002; Fleming et al., 2003).
indicated that our Web-based CAI tool SVG button highlighted the underly- Paradoxically, the impact of CAI tools
was easy to navigate, the images were ing structure. Simultaneously, related on student performance on tests may
clear, the CAI tool facilitated self- text was displayed in the figure leg- be influenced by design features of the
study and review, and the CAI tool end. The user had the choice to dis- CAI tool. For instance, if the design
was rated higher than traditional play (enable) or close (disable) the fig- does not provide easy navigation and
learning tools. ure legend to control the screen clear images, then students may not
We used software designed by Mac- content. use the CAI tool. In that case, test per-
romedia (Fireworks MX, Flash MX, From this study, we learned the im- formance might be expected not to
and Dreamweaver MX) to compose a portance of evaluating the design of improve.
CAI tool for interactive use via the CAI tools. Design is an important fac- Design of CAI tools should be struc-
Internet/intranet. We used commer- tor in the context of learning (Chou, tured around a technical framework.

Figure 2. Sagittal view of the brain. a is the window that was displayed when a rollover button was selected. b is the view after the new
window was zoomed, rotated, and centered to magnify the highlighted area (thalamus).

The technical framework should in-

corporate interactions between learn-
er/interface, learner/content, learner/
instructor, and learner/learner (Chou,
2003), because without interaction,
delivery of instructional content could
be discouraged. The CAI tool that we
designed incorporated interactions
between learner/interface and learner/
content. The learner/interface interac-
tion occurred through a single-menu
page in which the user could select an
image from the image library. The
learner/content interaction occurred
by providing flexibility for the user to
highlight structures of interest and
manipulate the image (e.g., zoom,
pan, and rotate). Our CAI tool did not
include design for learner/learner and
learner/instructor interaction, such as
electronic mail to other learners or Figure 3. Students’ rating of the CAI tool. A Likert scale of 1 (strongly agree) to 7 (strongly
instructors, respectively. Those types disagree) was used for statements 1–5. The sixth statement was based on a Likert scale of
of interactions were not included be- 1 (much better than traditional tools) to 5 (much worse than traditional tools).
cause that was not the goal of our
study. Nonetheless, learner/learner they access Web-based CAI tools, also promised by either the type of com-
and learner/instructor interactivity should be assessed when developing puter equipment or the students’
could be beneficial to encourage com- CAI tools. Assessment is warranted network connection. We did not as-
munication. because access and willingness to use sess these technological issues in the
The computer equipment used by CAI tools can be limited by accessibil- present study. We are in the process of
the students, and the speed at which ity. Accessibility issues may be com- a technological needs assessment to

characterize the types of computer tion images and three-dimensional Cheng W-C, Thompson CB, Smith JA,
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and the type, speed, and method of
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Chou C. 2003. Interactivity and interactive
Limitations of our study may have Web-based CAI tools because Web- functions in Web-based learning sys-
affected the results. One limitation is based CAI tools can be easily and re- tems: a technical framework for design-
the small sample size (n ⫽ 43) from a peatedly updated, whereas CD or ers. Br J Educ Technol 34:265–279.
single institution. In addition, learn- DVD-based CAI tools cannot. Another Cottam WW. 1999. Adequacy of medical
recommendation was for addition of school gross anatomy education as per-
ing styles of students were not as- ceived by certain postgraduate residency
more structures to the Web site. Ex-
sessed. Therefore, the applicability of programs and anatomy course directors.
perience taught us to anticipate this
our results to other health professions Clin Anat 12:55–65.
criticism and we intend to expand the Devitt P, Palmer E. 1999. Computer-aided
schools is not known. Because of
library of digital images, which is eas- learning: an overvalued educational re-
these two limitations, and given that
ier to accomplish on a Web-based CAI source? Med Educ 33:136 –139.
instructional methods vary among
compared to a CD/DVD-based CAI Drake RL, Lowrie DJ Jr, Prewitt CM. 2002.
schools, a multicenter study in which Survey of gross anatomy, microscopic
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In conclusion, our study shows that courses in medical school curricula in
same CAI tool would provide more
the design features of our CAI tool the United States. Anat Rec 269:118 –
comprehensive results.
accomplished the goals of easy navi- 122.
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content was perceived as better than section. Invest Radiol 27:744 –747.
not complete the questionnaire. Of
traditional atlases for self-study and Fleming DE, Mauriello SM, McKaig RG,
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review. Thus, our study emphasizes Ludlow JB. 2003. A comparison of slide/
had insufficient time to use the CAI audiotape and Web-based instructional
the importance of design to create CAI
tool. Seven other students did not pro- formats for teaching normal intraoral
tools for students in health profes- radiographic anatomy. J Dent Hyg 77:27–
vide a reason. Two students indicated
sions schools. A next step will be to 35.
that they had difficulty accessing the
perform learning outcomes research. Garg A, Norman G, Spero L, Taylor I. 1999.
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Such research should focus on objec- Learning anatomy: do new computer
used a different Web site; the other models improve spatial understanding.
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and knowledge retention.
heard that the CAI tool did not display Guy JF, Frisby AJ. 1992. Using interactive
a comprehensive library of images. videodiscs to teach gross anatomy to un-
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sity. Acad Med 67:132–133.
assessed student subjective percep- Supported in part by grants from the Ha L, James EL. 1998. Interactivity reex-
tions of the CAI tool. Our study did Educational Computer Committee amined: a baseline analysis of early busi-
not assess knowledge gain. Assess- and funds from the Department of ness Web sites. J Broadcast Electron Me-
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frequency of use (McNulty et al., of Physical Therapy, at the University computer-aided instruction in a basic
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needs to be conducted to evaluate Portney LG, Watkins MP. 2000. Founda-
knowledge gain and retention be- tions of clinical research: applications to
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