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Name Raymond M. Widjajahakim, Dr. Sp. K.K. FINSDV , FAADV

Place of birth Padang, West Sumatra, Indonesia
Date of birth 03 March 1964
Home address Jl. Jati Gang Jati 1 Block D/3, Pekanbaru, Riau, Indonesia
Office address Jl. Melur No. 32, Pekanbaru, Riau, Indonesia
Office phone +62-761-27261
Cell phone +62-812-754-1314

Medical Doctorate degree, General Practitioner
School of Medicine, Universitas Andalas, Padang, West Sumatra, Indonesia
Year of graduation: 1991

Specialty in Dermatology and Venereology program

School of Medicine, Universitas Diponegoro, Semarang, Central Java, Indonesia
Year of graduation: 2001

Workshop “Laser and Light Treatment”. National Congress (KONAS) XII. Association of
Dermatovenereologist of Indonesia (PERDOSKI). 2008.
Cosmetic Dermatology Training. National Symposium & Workshop in Cosmetic Dermatology. Cosmetic
Dermatology Study Group of Indonesia with PERDOSKI. 2010.
Hands on training in “The Art of Body Scuplting VASER Basic Related Application”. The Advanced Body
Sculpting Institute. 2010.
The 2-Day Live Surgical Workshop with Operating Room Experience. Latest Minimally Invasive
Techniques on Most Cosmetic Surgery and Dermatology Procedures. Philippine Society for Cosmetic
Surgery. 2010.
Advanced Skin Surgery Workshop: improving competence in skin surgery in anticipation of a new
upcoming Indonesian law in medical practice. Department of Medical Science of Dermatology and
Venereology, School of Medicine, University of Indonesia. 2010.
Workshop “Asian Blepharoplasty vs Caucasian Blepharoplasty“. 3rd Spring meeting of the International
Society for Dermatologic Surgery (ISDS) in cooperation with the Association of Dermatovenereologist of
Indonesia (PERDOSKI). 2011.
Workshop “Abdomen and Lateral Upper Thight Liposuction Autologus Fat – Augmentation“. 3rd Spring
meeting of the International Society for Dermatologic Surgery (ISDS) in
cooperation with the Association of Dermatovenereologist of Indonesia (PERDOSKI). 2011.
Workshop “Flap Surgery“. 3rd Spring meeting of the International Society for Dermatologic Surgery
(ISDS) in cooperation with the Association of Dermatovenereologist of Indonesia (PERDOSKI). 2011.
International Liposuction Workshop 2011. Philippine Society of Liposuction Surgery Inc. 2011.
Live Workshop “Dermsurg 2013: Unending Quest for Excellence”. Philippine Academy of Dermatology
Surgery Foundation, Inc. 2013.
Raymond M. Widjajahakim, Dr. Sp. K.K.

TR AINING (continued)
Course “Laser Safety/ Biophysics of Laser Applications”. American National Standard for the Safe Use of
Laser in Health Care. 2014.
Workshop “Dermatological Diagnosis from Clinical, Dermoscopic, and Histopathological Point of View.
National Congress (KONAS) XIV. Association of Dermatovenereologist of Indonesia (PERDOSKI). 2014.
Workshop “Fat Grafting Southeast Asia Summit”. American Academy of Aesthetic Medicine. 2015.

Residency of Medical Doctor and Head of Public Health Center
Public Health Center (PUSKESMAS) of Siak Sri Indrapura town, Riau, Indonesia

Medical Doctor, General Practitioner

Santa Maria Hospital of Pekanbaru, Riau, Indonesia

Medical Doctor, Dermatology and Venereology Specialist

Santa Maria Hospital of Pekanbaru, Riau, Indonesia

Head of Medical Committee

Santa Maria Hospital of Pekanbaru, Riau, Indonesia

Locum tenens physician

multiple Public Health Centers in greater area of Pekanbaru city, Riau, Indonesia

Medical Doctor, Dermatology and Venereology Specialist

Private practice

[The Issue and Solution to the Aging of Skin]. “Kulit Menua (Skin Aging) Permasalahan dan
Penatalaksanaanya”. Seminar. Association of Dermatovenereologist of Indonesia. Pekanbaru 2011.
[Beauty, Healthy, and Youthful Skin with Physiotherapy]. “Tampil Cantik, Sehat dan Awet Muda dengan
Fisioterapi”. Seminar. Physiotherapy of Universitas Abdurrab. Pekanbaru 2012.
“Recent Management of Dermatology in Daily Practice”. Seminar. Association of Dermatovenereologist
of Indonesia. Pekanbaru 2014.
Raymond M. Widjajahakim, Dr. Sp. K.K.


Indonesian Doctor Association (IDI) of Pekanbaru, Riau
Association of Dermatovenereologist of Indonesia (PERDOSKI)
Cosmetic Dermatology Study Group of Indonesia
Laser Dermatology Study Group of Indonesia
American Society for Laser Medicine and Surgery
Asia Pacific Academy of Cosmetic Surgery

Head of Education for Pekanbaru administration,
Association of Dermatovenereologist of Indonesia (PERDOSKI)


[The Use of Sun Protection for Skin]. “Guna Pelindung Matahari Bagi Kulit”. Riau Mandiri newspaper. 14
April 2010.
[Pregnant with Sensitive Facial Skin, and Black Spots]. “Hamil, Kulit Muka Sensitif dan Muncul Flek-Flek
Hitam””. Interview from Riau Mandiri newspaper. 18 April 2010.
[Black Streaks along the Stomach]. “Garis-garis Kehitaman Memanjang pada Perut”. Riau Mandiri
newspaper. 25 April 2010.
[The Myth of Oily Face with Acne]. “Mitos Kulit Berminyak dengan Jerawat”. Riau Mandiri newspaper.
2 May 2010.
[Physiological Changes of Skin during Pregnancy]. “Perubahan Fisiologis Kulit Selama Kehamilan”. Riau
Mandiri newspaper. 9 May 2010.
[Wrinkles, Fears, of Middle-aged Women]. “Kerut, Momok yang Ditakuti Wanita Usia Paruh Baya”. Riau
Mandiri newspaper. 6 June 2010.
[Cellulite, The Orange Skin]. “Selulit si Kulit Jeruk”. Riau Mandiri newspaper. 13 June 2010.
[The Effect of Menopause and Andropause on the Aging of Skin]. “Efek Menopause dan Andropause
pada Penuan Kulit”. Riau Mandiri newspaper. 18 July 2010.
[Measles, Categorized as a Severe Disease]. “Campak Tergolong Penyakit Berat”. Azam newspaper.
2 November 2010.
[Preventing Aging during Hair Treatment]. “Merawat Rambut Agar Tidak Menua”. Haluan Riau newspaper.
14 November 2010.

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