Group One: Hartati and Dwi Yuliah Nengseh: Lines

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Group One : Hartati and Dwi Yuliah Nengseh


A. Understanding of Lines
Understanding lines according to Graphic Lexicon (researchers) is a thin
two-dimensional object lengthwise. While Lillian Gareth (researcher) defines the
line as a set of points that when dragged then the dimension of its length will look
prominent and the figure is called the line.
So it can be concluded that the line is a collection of dots that are infinitely
numerous, with the distance between the points very close.
The formation of lines is the movement of a point that traces the trace so as
to form a scratch. To cause scars, use pencils, pens, brushes and others. For the art of
line has a fundamental function, so it is likened to the heart of fine arts. Lines are
often called contours, a word that is vague and rarely used.

B. Kinds of Line
1. Line paralel
Types of Lines Parallel Lines Two lines are said to be parallel when the two lines
are located on a single plane that will not intersect even if it is extended
2. Lines squared
Lines squeeze Two lines on a plane are said to coincide if and only if they have
at least two cut points (two points of partnership).
3. Line Intersect
Intersecting Lines Two lines on a plane are said to intersect if and only if they
have a common point.
4. Cross line
Crossed lines Two lines are said to cross, if they are not parallel and do not
5. Horizontal line
Horizontal line A line is said to be a horizontal line if the line is horizontal. The
horizontal sense is the horizon parallel (the lower sky that borders the earth
according to the eye view),
6. Vertikel line
The vertical line of the vertical line is a line perpendicular to the horizontal line
7. Straight line
Straight line It is said straight line if the ends A and B are perpendicularly
straight unlimited then the line is called a straight line AB and is written AB
8. Curve line
The curved line Line connecting two points and points in a straight
9. Zigzag line
Group One : Hartati and Dwi Yuliah Nengseh

C. Line Sample
1. Parallel line

Parallel. This lines l and m are called parallel (//) if both do not have any
common incidence point. From any two parallel lines, we can always define
(from) a plane that contains those two lines.

Example : You can pay attention to the pool. You can see the ropes for every
swimmer. The ropes never intersect. In this case the rope barrier is said to be

2. Lines squared

Coinciding. Line m coincides line n if every single point on line m is also

located on line n, and vice versa. A sufficient condition for coincidence of two
lines is to have two common incidence points.

Example : You can pay attention to the wall clock. . At 12.00 hours, a long
needle coincides with a short needle (clockwise needle), or lies on a line.

3. Line Intersect

Intersecting. Two lines g and m intersect each other if both have exactly one
common incidence point; that is, the point at which the two lines cross with one
another or point of O. Any two lines can only be intersecting if they are located
on the same plane
Eample: Looked your note math textbook or notebook. Suppose your book is
rectangular. Both borders on the book intersect at one point. The two boundaries
are intersected at one point. The two boundaries of intersection are shown as two
intersecting lines.
Group One : Hartati and Dwi Yuliah Nengseh

4. Cross line

The lines g and h are said to be skewed if both lines do not have any common
incidence point, nor are parallel, and are located on two different planes.

Example : Looked the bridge over the river. In this case the bridge will never cut
the river. Bridges and rivers are not parallel because they do not lie in one area.
The position of the bridge and the river can be regarded as a crossed line.
5. Vertical lines

6. Garis horizontal (Horizontal line)

7. Arrow lines

8. Zigzag line

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