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A MikroTik system administrator implemented OSPF Routing

protocol in the network. But realized that he has a static route on the routers.
What can be done to make the static route work as a failover whenever the dynamic
routing protocol fails. A. Delete all static routes because there is no way for it
to work with OSPF B. He should use "netwatch" to trigger static routes whenever
OSPF fails C. He should manually disable the static routes and enable them whenever
OSPF fails D. He should increase the administrative distance of the static route
Penjelasan : untuk membuat failover atau jalur cadangan seperti kasus diatas bisa
dengan memberikan angka distance yang lebih besar pada static routingnya karena
router akan memprioritaskan angka distance yang lebih kecil 2. /ip route
configuration on router, /ip route add gateway= /ip route add dst-
address= gateway= /ip route add dst-address=
gateway= /ip route add dst-address= gateway=
Router needs to send packets to Which gateway will be used? A. B. C. D. 3. RouterOS device has
acquired an IP address from an ISP using DHCP client. The same router is used for
assigning IP addresses to local users using DHCP server, masquerade rule is
configured properly. Packets that are coming from the ISP have TTL=1. Select
correct statement: A. Router does not have access to the Internet, but clients have
B. Neither router nor clients have access to the Internet C. All clients and router
have access to the Internet D. Router has access to the Internet, but clients do
not Penjelasan : sesuai namanya TTL (TIME TO LIVE ) merupakan header yang
menunjukan berapa lama paket itu bisa bertahan, untuk setiap kali
mampir di sebuah roter nilainya akan berkurang satu, jadi apabila habis ia tidak
bisa terkirim ke tujuan selanjutnya, jadi klo TTL nya 1 ia tidak bisa diteruskan
lagi :D 4. You have a router with the following IP addresses: ether1:
ether2: ether3: wlan1: wlan2:
You have a customer directly connected to ether2, and another customer directly
connected to ether3. Your wireless radios are used for wireless connectivity to two
different towers, and ether1 goes to another wireless access point for other
subscribers. You need all of the subnets distributed across your OSPF Network You
need to configure OSPF to talk on this router, what would be the best
configuration. A. Set Ethernet 1, 2, and 3 to passive mode B. Set Distribute-
Connected=yes C. Set OPSF networks to only D. Set OSPF networks to E. set distribute-default=always-type-1 F. set distribute-state=yes G.
Set OSPF Networks to,,,, and H. Set OSPF networks, to, I. Set Ethernet 2
and 3 to passive mode J. Set OSPF Networks to,,,, and Penjelasan: kita harus melakukan
routing pada semua ip agar mereka bisa saling terhubung an bertukar data 5. What is
the administrative distance of OSPF routes? A. 120 B. 110 C. 20 D. 10 Penjelasan :
– Connected routes : 0
– Static Routes : 1 – eBGP: 20 – OSPF: 110 – RIP : 120 – MME : 130 – iBGP: 200 6.
Consider two geographically separate sites. At each site, there is a RouterOS
device. Ether1 is connected to the LAN and Ether2 is connected to the Internet. An
EoIP tunnel is created between the two routers. And on both routers a Bridge
interface with the EoIP tunnel and Ether1 as ports. 10 users are connected at site
A and 30 users at site B. All users are configured to use a DHCP server to obtain
IP address configuration. What is the minimum number of DHCP servers needed,
(select correct configuration): A. 1 DHCP Server: 1 server on site B's router, on
the Bridge interface. B. 2 DHCP Servers: 1 server on each router, on the LAN
interface. C. 1 DHCP Server: 1 server on site A's router, on Ether2. D. 2 DHCP
Servers: 1 server on each router, on the EoIP interface. E. 2 DHCP Servers: 2
servers on site B's router, one on the LAN interface and one on the EoIP interface.
Penjelasan : diberikan DHCP disana dengan tujuan client dari kedua router dapat
menerima ip dari satu sumber yang sama 7. When adding a static route, you must
always ensure that you add both the gateway and the interface. False Penjelasan :
untuk static router kita cukup menambahkan salah satu saja interface atau ip
gateway nya 8. When using routing option 'check-gateway=ping' after how many
timeouts is gateway considered unreachable: A. 1 B. 3 C. 4 D. 2
Penjelasan :
9. EOIP tunnels can not be bridged because they are not true layer 2 tunnels. False
Penjelasan : bisa kok
10. Consider the following diagram. We want to communicate from a device on LAN1 to
a device on LAN2. Assuming that all necessary configurations are already included
on R2, which of the following configurations in R1 would enable this communication?
A. /ip route add dst-address= gateway= B. /ip route add dst-
address= src-address= gateway= C. /ip route
add dst-address= gateway= D. /ip route add dst-
address= gateway=Ether1 E. /ip route add dstaddress=
gateway= penjelasan : dari soal diatas ada tiga jawaban
Jawaban yang A memakai default route, jawaban D sama cuman dia memeakai interface
utuk gatewaynya dan yang E ia memakai ip yang tepat untuk mengisi dst.address, dan
gatewaynya 11. /ip route can have DS flags simultaneously. true 12. When using
routing option 'check-gateway=ping' what is the ICMP echo request interval (in
seconds)? A. 60s B. 20s C. 30s D.10s Penjelasan :
13. In OSPF interface configuration what effect will a “passive=yes” option have on
a specific interface ? A. It will prevent all traffic through that interface B. It
will prevent all OSPF traffic through that interface C. It will prevent routes
learned through the interface from being listed in the routing table. D. It will
action a mirroring of all routing upgrades to that interface Penjelasan : passive
interface akan membatasi penerimaan dan pengiriman data pada interface tersebut 14.
If one of two gateways is unreachable in an ECMP route with check gateway set, 50%
of packets will be lost . False Penjelasan : apabila salah satu interface tidak
berfungsi maka interface satunya akan menjadi link backupnya (failover) 15. There
is no way to establish OSPF adjacency when the link doesn't support multicast
traffic False Penjelasan : masih ada jalan lain apabila link tidak support
multicast seperti broadcast dan unicast 16. To assign specific traffic to a route –
traffic must be identified by a routing mark. Each packet can only have one routing
mark. true penjelasan : routing mark tidak bisa 2 hanya 1 saja 17. In case it is
not administratively defined, how is OSPF Router ID determined? A. Random number.
B. Random IP addresses from any interface included in OSPF. C. The highest IP
address of any interface on the router. D. The lowest IP address of any interface
included in OSPF. E. Random IP address from any interface on the router. F. The
lowest IP address of any interface on the router. G. The highest IP address of any
interface included in OSPF. Penjelasan : untuk percobaan coba kita masukan ip pada id nya maka akan muncul ip yang terbesar, biasanya diisi dengan ip
loopback 18. It is possible to create a configuration where VLAN and PPTP
interfaces are bridged together. False Penjelasan: jika pptp dilakukan masih bisa
di ppptp tapi klo di vlan gk bisa karena sudah di bridge 19. Which routing table is
used to apply recursive routing at MikroTik RouterOS A. It is not possible B. It is
possible in all the routing tables installed in a router C. It is only possible in
the main routing table D. It is only possible on the x86 platform 20. Which static-
route rule will have priority for destination A. dst-
address= gateway= distance=1 B. dst-address=
gateway= distance=3
C. dst-address= gateway= distance=5 D. dst-
address= gateway= distance=2 E. dst-address=
gateway= distance=1 Penjelasan : yang di prioritaskan adalah yang
memiliki distance paling kecil, tapi tetap perlu diperhatikan ip dan netmask nya
21. Router A and B are both running as PPPoE servers on different broadcast domains
of your network. It is possible to set Router A to use "/ppp secret" accounts from
Router B to authenticate PPPoE customers. False Penjelasan : tidak bisa karena
broadcast domain yang berbeda 22. OSPF area ID does not need to be unique within
the AS. False Penjelasan : area id dlam sebuah mesti unik dan tidak ada yang boleh
sama satu dengan yang lainnya 23. When sending out an ARP request, an IP host is
expecting what kind of address for an answer? A. 802.11g B. MAC Address C. IP
address D. VLAN ID Penjelasan : arpbertugas untuk mencatat mac address 24. The
correct order for PPPOE discovery stage is A. Initialization, Offer, Request and
Session confirmation B. Request, Offer, Initialization and Session confirmation C.
Request, Initialization, Session confirmation and Offer D. Initialization, Session
confirmation, Request and Offer Penjelasan : - initialization = mencari dimana
pppoe server - offer = pppoe menjawab proses sebelumnya dengan memberikan
identitasnya - request = konfirmasi dari sisi client , sekarang ia sudah bisa
menghubungi mac address si server - session confirmation = server memberikan id
kepada client
25. Which route will be used to reach host /ip route add disabled=no
distance=1 dst-address= gateway= add disabled=no distance=1
dst-address= gateway= add disabled=no distance=1 dst-
address= gateway= A. Route via gateway B. Route via
gateway C. Route via gateway Penjelasan : yang A salah karena 55
tidak termasuk dari range /16 ini
Sedangkan B&C termasuk

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