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A r macell - Technical Ar ticles Issue 4

Key terms in low-temperature insulation:

by Dipl.-Ing. Hubert Helms, Armacell GmbH

How can moisture penetrate insula- If there are different temperatures and
Part 4: tion materials? humidities on the two sides of the compo-
nent/object, a vapour pressure difference
WATER VAPOUR Air is a mixture of several gases. At sea level, arises as a result of the different water
pure dry air contains approximately 78.1 vapour partial pressures. Because pressures
TRANSMISSION vol. % of nitrogen, 20.9 vol. % of oxygen, naturally endeavour to achieve a balance,
0.9 vol. % of argon, 0.03 vol. % of carbon the difference in pressure is the driving
dioxide, 0.01 vol. % of hydrogen and traces force behind water vapour transmission
In the case of low-temperature insulations of further inert gases. (see Model calculation and Figure 1). Water
there is the danger of moisture penetrating vapour transmission is the natural move-
the insulation material. ment of the water vapour (the water vapour
Apart from the substances mentioned, molecules) through building and insulation
The top priority when considering the design “normal” air also always contains a quan- materials. Due to the temperature and par-
of low-temperature insulation is, therefore, tity of invisible water vapour which can be tial pressure ratios, in refrigeration plants
not only to prevent condensation forming larger or smaller. the diffusion current is generally directed
on the surface of the insulation material, at the insulated object. If the diffusing
but also to protect the material against the water vapour falls below the dew-point
penetration of moisture. As already explained in the first part of this temperature, it condenses and builds up
series, atmospheric (humid) air is a combi- as moisture in the insulation material, with
If this danger is not eliminated, water and/or nation of the two substances dry air and the possible consequences mentioned at
ice will form at those points in the insulation water vapour. Every gas of this compound the beginning of this article.
system where the temperature is below the generates a pressure which is also called
dew-point temperature. partial pressure. Under normal ambient
conditions, each individual gas in this gas Model calculation for partial water
mixture distributes itself as if to take up the vapor pressure:
Water and ice must not penetrate the whole of the space available – unhindered
insulation system for the following by the other gases. So the total pressure Temperature °C 6 22
reasons: in a gas compound is calculated as the
sum of all partial pressures. The following
• In the insulation material they reduce the therefore applies for the total pressure Relative
insulation effect considerably, because (barometer reading) of humid air: humidity % 100 85
water conducts heat around 20 times
better than static air (λair ≈ 0.025 W/(m. Saturated water
K); (λwater ≈ 0.6 W/(m . K)). The thermal P = PL+ PD in Pa, hPa vapour pres-
9.35 26.47
conductivity of ice is around 100 times (Pascal, Hectopascal)
sure PS hPa
higher. This not only leads to increas-
PL = partial pressure of the dry air
ing energy losses, but in certain circum- Partial water
stances also means that the insulation PD = partial pressure of the water vapour
vapour pressure 9.35 22.45
thickness determined in the dry state is
no longer sufficient. This in turn results in PD hPa
additional condensation forming on the Only the partial water vapour pressure is
surface of the insulation material. of importance for processes concerning
building physics.
• Water can cause corrosion on insulated
plant and on the inside of any metal
jackets. In the worst case this “creep- There is a certain partial water vapour
ing” corrosion can mean that the whole pressure (PD) for every temperature and
refrigerating plant has to be replaced. relative humidity.

• It is also important not to underestimate As we already know from Part 2 of this

the substantial weight gain due to water series, depending on its temperature air
and ice, which can lead to static prob- can only absorb a certain, limited amount
lems – especially in combination with of water vapour, i.e. depending on the
the corrosion processes mentioned. temperature, the partial pressure of the
water vapour can also only have a certain Figure 1:
maximum value. The maximum partial
Moisture transport through pressure of the water vapour is known as
The driving force behind water vapour diffusion.

water vapour transmission the saturated water vapour pressure PD.

Ar m ace l l

In the next issue:

Part 5 - Installing elastomeric insulation materials: Reliable bonds

Armacell-Technical Articles | March 2006 | Page 1

Issue 4: Water vapour transmission

Every (building) material offers a differ- The resistance to water The Sd-value is the thickness of a static layer
ent resistance to the migration of water of air in metres, which displays the same
vapour. vapour diffusion factor resistance to water vapour transmission as
the building material in the thickness s with
The most important parameters are: the resistance to water vapour transmission
The resistance to water vapour diffusion value µ. As Figure 4 shows, the static layer
factor, also known as the µ-value for short, of air would have to be 133 m thick to build
. The water vapour diffusion coefficient δ describes the ratio of the water vapour dif- up the same resistance to water vapour
(small delta) fusion coefficient of the air δL to the value transmission as 19 mm AF/Armaflex.
δmaterial of the building material in question
. The resistance to water vapour diffusion (Figure 3).
factor μ

. The water vapour diffusion equivalent air Water vapour

layer thickness Sd diffusion
Bulding equivalent air
material layer thickness

The water vapour diffusion Mineral wool

coefficient μ ≈3; s = 100 mm Sd = 0.3 m

The water vapour diffusion coefficient

indicates the amount of water vapour [kg] Polyurethane
Sd = 10 m
which diffuses through a layer of material μ ≈100; s = 100 mm
which is 1 m thick and has an area of 1 m²
at a partial water vapour pressure differ-
ence of 1 Pa in 1 hour. (Figure 2) AF/Armaflex
Figure 3: Resistance to water vapour Sd = 133 m
μ ≥ 7000; s = 19 mm

Table 1: Emision and absoption coefficients

of surfaces of insulation systems.
The µ-value is a measure for the vapour
tightness of a material. It indicates how
many times greater the resistance to trans- As explained in this and the previous articles
mission of a layer of building material is in the series, when insulating refrigerating
compared to a static layer of air of the same plant it is essential to determine the correct
thickness. insulation thickness in order to prevent
condensation and to select an appropri-
Water vapour diffusion equivalent air layer ate insulation material which will reliably
thickness protect the insulation against moisture
penetration in the long term. However,
The following applies for the water vapour good physical technical values are only
diffusion equivalent air layer thickness (sd- one of several aspects when assessing and
value) of a building material: selecting a material. The best properties
Figure 2: are no use if the insulation material is
Difusion coefficient δ
poorly installed. In the next part we will,
sd = μ · s (m) therefore, present fundamental aspects of
installation, taking elastomeric insulation
materials as an example. Here adhesion will
play a key role.
Ar m ace ll

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Armacell-Tecnichal Articles | March 2006 | Page 2

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