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Section data & Loadings 07/27/2018

Section Details and Applied Loadings
I Section with equal or unequal flanges

Segment comprises a symmetric I-section
Segment comprises an open section with one web only
This calculation does NOT cover hybrid beams (Refer to Cl. 5.1.8)

Section Details Units Ref

Concrete slab width, b= 3000 mm Cl. 4.4.1
Concrete slab depth, ds= 250 mm
Short term elastic modular ratio, ae= 6.25
Long term elastic modular ratio, ae= 12.51
\Effective elastic modular ratio, ae= 6.25
Top flange width, bf= 600 mm
Top flange thickness, tf= 40 mm
Clear depth of web between flanges, d1= 1950 mm
Thickness of web, tw= 16 mm
Bottom flange width, bf= 800 mm
Bottom flange thickness, tf= 50 mm

Section Materials Units Ref

Concrete slab, fc'= 40 MPa
Compression flange, fy= 340 MPa Table 2.1
Web, fy= 350 MPa
Tension flange, fy= 340 MPa
Young's modulus, E= 2.00E+05 Mpa Cl. 2.2.5
\Shear modulus, G= 8.00E+04 MPa

Slenderness Limits Ref

Compression flange, residual stress class HW Table 5.1,Table 10.4.2
Web, residual stress class HW
Tension flange, residual stress class HW

Co-existant Load Effects Ref

Beam Sagging Effects
Dead Loads (on beam only section), M*DL= 3475 kNm
Perm. Loads (on Comp. Section), M*SDL= 0 kNm
Live Loads on (Comp. Section), M*LL= 1 kNm
\M*= 3476 kNm
Coexisting N*= 0 kN
Beam Hogging Effects
Dead Loads (on beam only section), M*DL= 0 kNm
Perm. Loads (on Comp. Section), M*SDL= 0 kNm
Live Loads on (Comp. Section), M*LL= 0 kNm
\M*= 0 kNm

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Calcs by: PAJE 393112916.xlsx Job No. 42126423
Section data & Loadings 07/27/2018

Coexisting N*= 0 kN
Construction Load on Pre-composite Structure (Transient Sagging Moment)
Transient construction loads, M*CN= 311 kNm

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Eff. Length Beam Only (Sagging) 07/27/2018

Effective length calculation
I Section with equal or unequal flanges (Cl.

Segment is restrained at both ends
Full or partial restraints at ends comply with Fig. & Fig.
Poisson's ratio = 0.25 (refer to Cl. 2.2.5)
Segment comprises a symmetric I-section
Segment comprises an open section with one web only

Section Details Units Ref

Compression flange width, bf= 600 mm
Compression flange thickness, tf= 40 mm
Clear depth of web between flanges, d1= 1950 mm
\Depth between flange centroids, df= 1995 mm
Thickness of web, tw= 16 mm
Tension flange width, bf= 800 mm
Tension flange thickness, tf= 50 mm

Section Materials Units Ref

Compression flange, fy= 340 MPa Table 2.1
Web, fy= 350 MPa Table 2.1
Tension flange, fy= 340 MPa Table 2.1

Effective Length (Restraint at both ends of segment) Units Ref

length of Span= 48950 mm Between supports
Span End Restraints PP Cl. 5.6.5, Fig.
Sub-segment length 6000 mm Between restraints
\L = 6000 mm
Check for full lateral restraint
I y= 2.854E+09 mm4
A= 95200 mm2
\ry= 173.1 mm
\L/ry= 34.7
bm= -1.00 Cl., Fig.
Second moment of area of compression
flange abt. Mid-plane of web, Icy= 7.200E+08 mm4 Cl.
\r= 0.25 Cl.
Zex= 5.667E+07 mm3 Cl. 5.1
(80+50bm).(2rAdf/2.5Zex) .(250/fy) =
0.5 0.5
21.2 Not fully restrained
Restraint Arrangement FF Cl. 5.6.5, Fig.
Lateral rotation restraints at ends Both ends Cl. 8.4.5, Fig.
Longitudinal position of load Within segment
Load height position Top flange
Twist restraint factor, kt= 1.00 Table 5.6.5(A)

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Eff. Length Beam Only (Sagging) 07/27/2018

Load height factor, kL= 1.40 Table 5.6.5(B)

Lateral rotation restraint factor, kr= 0.70 Table 5.6.5(C)
\Effective length, Le 5880 mm Cl. 5.6.5

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Calcs by: PAJE Ns & Nc (Sagging) 07/27/2018

Section Compressive Load Capacity
I Section with equal or unequal flanges

Section capacity is based on the beam only section
Member capacity is derived using stiffness of the transformed composite section
Capacity is determined using the lowest yield strength of the component plates
Segment comprises a symmetric I-section
Segment comprises an open section with one web only
This calculation does NOT cover hybrid beams (Refer to Cl. 5.1.8)

Section Details Units

Compression flange width, bf= 600 mm
Compression flange thickness, t f= 40 mm
Clear depth of web between flanges, d 1= 1950 mm
Thickness of web, tw= 16 mm
Tension flange width, bf= 800 mm
Tension flange thickness, tf= 50 mm

Gross Beam Only Section Properties Units

Steel sectional area, Ag= 95200 mm2

Section Materials Units

Compression flange, fy= 340 MPa
Web, fy= 350 MPa
Tension flange, fy= 340 MPa

Slenderness Limits Yield Limit

Compression flange, residual stress class HW 14
Web, residual stress class HW 35
Tension flange, residual stress class HW 14

Section Slenderness (Cl. 5.1.2) Result

Compression flange, le= 8.5 Fully effective
Web, le= 144.2 Reduced area
Tension flange, le= 9.1 Fully effective

Effective Section Properties Units

Effective width of compression flange= 600.0 mm
Effective width of web= 473.3 mm
Effective width of compression flange= 800.0 mm
Effective area, Ae= 71573 mm2

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\Form factor, kf= 0.75

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Calcs by: PAJE Ns & Nc (Sagging) 07/27/2018

Section Capacity Units

Ns 24335 kN
f= 0.90
\fNs= 21901 kN
N*= 0 kN
\N*/fNs= 0.00

Member Capacity Units

Section is restrained about minor axis by transoms/concrete deck
Segment length, L= 4.25 mm
ke = 1.00
Effective length, Le= 4.25 mm
I= 1.625E+11 mm4
A= 2.151E+05
r= 869.2 mm
l h= 0.0
aa= -13.8
ab= 1.00
\l= -13.8
\h= 0.000
\x= 21.706
\ac= 1.00
\fNc= 21901 kN
N*= 0 kN
\N*/fNc= 0.00

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Table 2.1
Table 2.1
Table 2.1

Table 10.4.2
Table 10.4.2
Table 10.4.2

Cl. 10.2.4

Cl. 10.2.4

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Table 3.2
Cl. 10.2

oncrete deck

Cl. 4.3.2, Fig.

Ms composite sagging
Cl. 10.3.3

Table 10.3.3(B)

Cl. 10.3

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Calcs by: PAJE Ms (Beam Only Sagging) 07/27/2018

Section Moment Capacity
I Section with equal or unequal flanges

This calculation is for the beam only section
Elastic moment capacity determined using the yield strength of the steel flanges
Segment comprises a symmetric I-section
Segment comprises an open section with one web only
This calculation does NOT cover hybrid beams (Refer to Cl. 5.1.8)

Section Details Units

Compression flange width, bf= 600 mm
Compression flange thickness, t f= 40 mm
Clear depth of web between flanges, d 1= 1950 mm
Thickness of web, tw= 16 mm
Tension flange width, bf= 800 mm
Tension flange thickness, tf= 50 mm

Gross Beam Only Section Properties Units

Steel sectional area, As= 95200 mm2
Depth to plastic N.A.= 1515.0 mm
(From extreme compression fibre)
Depth to elastic N.A.= 1184.3 mm
(From extreme compression fibre)

Section Materials Units

Compression flange, fy= 340 MPa
Web, fy= 350 MPa
Tension flange, fy= 340 MPa

Slenderness Limits Limit Yield Limit
Compression flange, residual stress class HW 8 14
Web, plastic N.A. ratio, rp= 0.76
43.4 102.2
Web, elastic N.A. ratio, re= 0.59

Section Slenderness (Cl. 5.1.2) Result

Compression flange, le= 8.5 Non-compact
Effective width of compression flange= 600.0 mm
Web, le= 142.1 Non-compact
30tw(250/fy) =
405.7 mm
\Height of "web reduction"= 333.0 mm
Mid-depth of "web reduction"= 612.2 mm
(From extreme compression fibre)

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Section is Non-compact

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Calcs by: PAJE Ms (Beam Only Sagging) 07/27/2018

Plastic Moment Capacity (For Compact Sections) Units

Plastic section modulus, S= 7.509E+07 mm3
\Mp= 25531 kNm
1.5fy.Ze= 28899 kNm
\Ms= 25531 kNm

Elastic Moment Capacity (For Non-Compact Sections) Units

Effective steel sectional area, As= 89872 mm2
Depth to effective section elastic N.A.= 1218.2 mm
(From extreme compression fibre)

I x= 6.903E+10 mm4
Zcompression= 5.667E+07 mm3
Ztension= 8.401E+07 mm3
\Effective section modulus, Zen= 5.667E+07 mm3
\Ms= 19266 kNm

Section Moment Capacity Units

f= 0.90
\fMs= 17340 kNm
M*= 3786 kNm
\D/C= 0.22

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Table 2.1
Table 2.1
Table 2.1

Table 5.1
Table 5.1, Appendix E
Table 5.1

Cl. 5.6.5

Cl. 5.6.5
Cl. 5.1.4, Fig. 5.1.4

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Table 3.2
Cl. 5.2


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Mb (Beam Only Sagging) 07/27/2018

Member Moment Capacity Calculation (Sagging)
I Section with equal or unequal flanges (Cl.

Segment is restrained at both ends
Full or partial restraints at ends comply with Fig. & Fig.
Poisson's ratio = 0.25 (refer to Cl. 2.2.5)
Segment comprises a symmetric I-section
Segment comprises an open section with one web only

Section Details Units Ref

Compression flange width, bf= 600 mm
Compression flange thickness, tf= 40 mm
Clear depth of web between flanges, d1= 1950 mm
\Depth between flange centroids, df= 1995 mm
Thickness of web, tw= 16 mm
Tension flange width, bf= 800 mm
Tension flange thickness, tf= 50 mm

Effective Length Units Ref

\Effective length, Le 5880 mm Effective length calcs

Section Properties Units Ref

Young's modulus, E= 2.00E+05 Mpa 2.2.5

\Shear modulus, G= 8.00E+04 MPa 2.2.5
I y= 2.854E+09 mm4
Second moment of area of compression
flange abt. Mid-plane of web, Icy= 7.200E+08 mm4
Torsion constant, J= 4.880E+07 mm4 Appendix A4
Warping constant, Iw= 2.143E+15 mm6 Appendix A4
Monosymmetry section constant, bx= -790.7 mm

Reference Buckling Moment Units Ref

p2EIy/Le2= 1.629E+08 N
p EIw/Le =
2 2
1.223E+14 N
GJ= 3.904E+12 Nmm2
\Mo= 9.280E+04 kNm
Member Moment Capacity Units Ref
Slenderness reduction factor, as= 0.92 Use 0.92 Eq.
Moment modification factor, am= 1 Table 5.6.1
f= 0.90 Table 3.2
\fMs= 15989 kNm Cl. 5.2
N*/fNc= 0.00 Ns & Nc Sagging Calcs

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Mb (Beam Only Sagging) 07/27/2018

\fMrx= 15989 kNm Cl. 11.4.2

M*= 3786 kNm
\D/C= 0.24 OK

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Calcs by: PAJE Ms (Composite Sagging) 07/27/2018

Composite Section Moment Capacity (Sagging)
Composite I Section with equal or unequal flanges

This calculation is for the composite section
Elastic moment capacity determined using the yield strength of the steel flanges
For plastic moment capacity, concrete slab width in plastic/steel units is determined using the compression
flange yield strength
Steel segment comprises a symmetric I-section
Steel segment comprises an open section with one web only
This calculation does NOT cover hybrid beams (Refer to Cl. 5.1.8)

Section Details Units

Concrete slab width, b= 3000 mm
Concrete slab depth, ds= 250 mm
Elastic modular ratio, ae= 6.25
479.6 mm
\Transformed conc slab width, belastic=
(elastic/steel units)
Plastic 'modular' ratio, (fy/0.85fc')= 10.00
300.0 mm
\Transformed conc slab width, bplastic=
(plastic/steel units)
Compression flange width, bf= 600 mm
Compression flange thickness, t f= 40 mm
Clear depth of web between flanges, d 1= 1950 mm
Thickness of web, tw= 16 mm
Tension flange width, bf= 800 mm
Tension flange thickness, tf= 50 mm

Gross Composite Section Elastic Properties Units

Steel sectional area, As= 95200 mm2
\Total transformed sectional area, Ac+As= 215108 mm2
Depth to gross section elastic N.A.= 704.5 mm
(From extreme compression fibre)

Gross Composite Section Plastic Properties Units

Steel sectional area, As= 95200 mm2
\Total transformed sectional area, Ac+As= 170200 mm2
\Depth to plastic N.A.= 266.8 mm
(From extreme compression fibre)

Section Materials Units

Concrete slab, fc'= 40 MPa

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Compression flange, fy= 340 MPa

Web, fy= 350 MPa
Tension flange, fy= 340 MPa

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Slenderness Limits Limit Yield Limit
Compression flange, residual stress class HW 8 14
Web, plastic N.A. ratio, rp= 0.01
4100.0 282.3
Web, elastic N.A. ratio, re= 0.21

Section Slenderness (Cl. 5.1.2) Result

Compression flange, le= 0.0 Compact
Effective width of compression flange= 600.0 mm
Web, le= 142.1 Compact
30tw(250/fy) =
405.7 mm
\Height of "web reduction"= 0.0 mm
Mid-depth of "web reduction"= 695.7 mm
(From extreme compression fibre)
Section is Compact

Plastic Moment Capacity (For Compact Sections) Units

Plastic section modulus Case 1, S= 0.000E+00 mm3 Does not govern
Plastic section modulus Case 2, S= 1.220E+08 mm3 N.A. within top steel flange
Plastic section modulus Case 3, S= 0.000E+00 mm 3
Does not govern
\Mp= 41464 kNm

Effective Composite Section Elastic Properties Units

Reduced steel sectional area, As= 95200 mm2
Total transformed sectional area, Ac+As= 215108 mm2
Depth to effective section elastic N.A.= 704.5 mm
(From extreme compression fibre)

I x= 1.625E+11 mm4
Elastic Section modulus, Zcompression= 3.576E+08 mm3
Elastic section modulus, Ztension= 1.025E+08 mm3
\Effective Section modulus, Zenc= 1.025E+08 mm3
\Ms= 34853 kNm

Section Moment Capacity Units

f= 0.90
\fMs= 37318 kNm
N*/fNs= 0.00
\fMrx= 37318 kNm
M*= 3475.9904809572 kNm
\D/C= 0.09

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mined using the compression





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Table 2.1
Table 2.1
Table 2.1

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Table 5.1
Table 5.1
Table 5.1

Cl. 6.1.8

Cl. 5.6.5
Cl. 5.1.4, Fig. 5.1.4

n is Compact

Does not govern
N.A. within top steel flange
Does not govern


Cl. 6.3.4

Table 3.2
Cl. 5.2
Ns & Nc Sagging Calcs
Cl. 11.3.2


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Restraint Arrangement List
Lateral rotation restraints at
One end only
Both ends

Longitudinal position of load

Within segment
End of segment
Load height position
Top flange
Shear centre
Residual Stress

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