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Design feature and criteria for different river valley structures

A separate volume discussing in details (unless otherwise stated) the following points and additional
points if any as relevant to the project shall form an appendix of the project report. It shall include
structural and hydraulic design calculations for the following components of the project: -

Earth Dam, masonry dam, spillway with gates and energy dissipation arrangements, coffer dam, diversion
tunnel, diversion channel, outlets-regulators, river sluices, penstocks (typical), Monoliths, with openings
like stair-wells, shaft, step foundation treatment, Barrage-spillway, under sluices, silt excluder, regulators
(with gates), Intake structures, conduit systems, surge shafts, power house, canal, canal lining in typical
reaches, canal structures costing more than Rs. 0.5 crore etc.

To reduce the bulk of the volume only essential structural calculations considered absolutely necessary
shall be furnished. However, for stability analysis loading diagrams considering various conditions of water
level, earthquake, drainage other forces stresses considered, shall be included.

Summary of the report appended for the relevant items shall be furnished under this Chapter.

Scales of maps and other relevant details shall be as per Annex. 1,2 and 3.

Cross reference shall be given to other chapters and appendices wherever necessary.

7.1 Structure and layout

7.1.1 General--Brief

(a) Headwork's its site and vicinity-stage of the river (Mountain/sub-mountain/plain with slope of the
river in the vicinity of the structure).

(b) Reasons for choice of the layout of the project

(c) Type of structure--Dam (Earth/Rock-fill/Masonry/Concrete)/Barrage/Weir.

(d) Layout of the Dam and Spillway/Barrage/Weir/approach channel and tail channel in case of
spillway is located in other than main river gorge and appurtenant/auxiliary works, reasons for choice
of site.

(e) Layout of the Power House, Canal alignment etc.

7.1.2 Geology, seismicity and foundation-Brief

(a) Geology of the entire project areas.

(b) Geo technical evaluation of foundations, abutments, reservoir and other major components.

(c) Seismicity of the region indicating the history of the earthquakes that have occurred with dates,
distance/depth of epi-centers. Evaluation of seismic coefficient (horizontal and vertical) as per IS
Standard 1893-1984, clearance by the National Committee for Seismic Design Parameters for river
valley projects. Details of dynamic analyses proposed to be undertaken at the detailed design stage
and the dynamic analysis undertaken at DPR including the seismic parameters adopted should be
d) Geological log of bore/drill holes, pits, drifts, geo-physical data etc.

e) Evaluation of foundation and abutments and other major components for treatment (including
grouting, drainage etc.)

f) Engineering properties of the foundation materials including results of the in-situ tests like density,
permeability, shear, bearing capacity, penetration, modulus of elasticity, bulk modulus, Deformation
Modulus etc. and evaluation of design parameters.

7.1.3 Alternative studies carried out for selection of site and type of structures: Dam(s)(Earth/Rock-
fiIl/Concrete/Masonry)/Barrage/Weir, Regulator(s), Outlet(s), Power House(s) and appurtenances etc.
and alignment of main and branch canals/Water Conductor system.

7.1.4 Choice of final layout of all major components of the project and reason-Details.

7.1.5 Design Flood and Sediment Studies-Brief

(a) Design flood approved by CWC its frequency, stage discharge curve at the proposed site with
supporting data etc. Any other flood to be considered along with Deign flood such as Glacial lake
outburst flood.

(b) Yield and sediment studies approved by CWC (Moody's/Area Reduction method)-Basis for fixing
reservoir and other control levels (MWL, FRL, DSL/LWL and Tail Water Level (TWL) (maximum and

(c) Flood routing studies, different Crest levels, length of spillway and size of gates to arrive at
economical height and layout of the structure(s).

(d) Afflux and back water studies, (special attention to be paid at confluence points of major

7.1.6 Free Board

Free board calculations by relevant IS standards for FRL and MWL conditions In the Reservoir to fix
the top elevation of the structure.

7.1.7 River Diversion arrangements-choice of design flood with Hydrographs.

(a) Coffer dam(s)

(b) Tunnel(s), Construction Sluices etc.

7.1.8 Construction Materials-Brief

(a) Qualitative and quantitative assessment of availability of construction material for core and casing
(borrow area) sand, transition filters, aggregate, rock-fill (quarry), pozzolana, lime, cement, steel,
explosive (source) etc. indicating lead(s) involved. Transport constraints if any.

(b) Engineering properties of the materials and evaluation of design parameters (shear/compression
/tensile strength, permeability, gradation, density, moisture etc.)

(c) Special considerations with regards to the scarce materials, if any,

(d) Details of tests undertaken for assessing the suitability of the construction materials

7.1.9 Details of the model studies for important structures

7.2 Dam

7.2.1 Embankment Dam

(a) Design criteria for

(i) Section and economic zoning in relation to availability of suitable material.

(ii) Cut-off trench/diaphragm/sheet pile etc.

(iii) Key trenches

(iv) Key arrangements with masonry/concrete/abutments-interface aspects, treatment at steps in

foundations, and outlet locations etc.

(v) Upstream impervious blanket

(vi) Upstream rip-rap

(vii) Filters transition zones, drainage, relief wells etc.

(viii) Rock toe.

(ix) Stability analysis including pseudo static and pseudo dynamic analysis and factor of safety for
checking the stability of the earth/rock-fill dam/natural slope (a closed grid pattern of centers of
slip circles tested, shall be followed). The dam section may be checked by dynamic analysis at
detailed design stage.

Upstream slopes to be tested for sudden draw down condition, Steady seepage condition
considering tail-water with and without earthquake. Downstream slopes to be tested for steady
seepage condition considering tail water level with, and without earthquake and heavy downpour
condition, downstream slope protection against surface flow and tail water erosion.

7.2.2 Concrete/Masonry Dam/Weirs

(a) Non-overflow section-design criteria

i. Section
ii. Stress allowed (Masonry/Concrete/Steel/Foundation).
iii. Grout curtain, consolidation grouting and drainage including internal drainage.
iv. Uplift
v. Cooling of concrete and thermal stresses.
vi. Joints and seals
vii. Hydraulic conditions considered
viii. Keying arrangements, interface aspect, treatment of steps etc.
ix. Shear friction
x. Sliding factor
xi. Various conditions of NWL, FRL, TWL, uplift, drainage, earthquake stresses etc. considered for
stability analysis of the dam and other components and factor of safety.

(b) Spillway -- design criteria

i.Type of foundation i.e., rock foundation or permeable foundation

ii.Spillway profile and pier shape
iii.Capacity of spillway
iv. Energy dissipation arrangements and protective works downstream.
v. Spillway gates, type, size and hoisting arrangements and stop-logs, including operating cranes
vi. Spillway bridge
vii. Scouring/river sluice Gates type, Size and hoisting arrangement and stop logs including
operative cranes etc.
viii. By pass arrangements--Sluices.
ix. All items under 7.2.2(a) (i)-(xi)
x. Approach channel and tail channel in case the spillway is located in other than main river

7.2.3 Opening through dams.

(a) Galleries, adits, shafts. stairs-wells etc.

(i) Location, layout and purpose.

(ii) Shape(s) and size(s).

(iii) Stress around the opening arid design criteria.

(iv)Air supply to openings.

(v) Special problems of design, if any.

(b) Outlet(s)/sluice(s)

(i) Location, layout and purpose.

(ii) Geology of the foundation (where required)

(iii) Capacity, hydraulic design, size and shape of the conduit.

(iv) Entry and exit conditions, invert levels and energy dissipation arrangements discussing
measures for ensuring free flow.

(v) Size and type of gates and hoisting.

(vi) Flow profile and air supply.

(vii) Junction with earth dam on either side provision against seepage along contact plane,
differential settlement etc.

(viii)Design criteria for intake well.

(ix) Loading condition and structural design criteria for box/barrel etc.

(x) Siltation problem.

7.3 Barrage(s)/weir(s) and Head regulator(s)

7.3.1 Sediment data

(a) Suspended silt carried by the river during various stages, supported with data,

(b) Gradation of the river bed material with Lacey's silt factor adopted, where applicable.

7.3.2 Assumed retrogression at maximum and minimum discharges.

7.3.3 Looseness factor

7.3.4 Scour factor

7.3.5 Intensity of discharge under design/super flood condition.

(a) Spillway

(b) Under sluice

7.3.6 Co-efficient of discharge

7.3.7 Exit gradient value

7.3.8 Stress allowed (Concrete/Masonry/Steel Foundation etc.)

7.3.9 Type (Concrete/Masonry)/profile cutoffs up-stream and downstream aprons, uplift pressure relief
arrangements etc.

7.3.10 Various conditions of MWL, TWL, Drainage, Earthquake etc. considered for stability analysis of
the different components of Barrage (spillway, under-sluice, divide wall, canal-bay, fish ladder, bridge
etc.) and values of factor of safety.

7.3.11 Gates, type, size and hoist arrangement and stop-logs including operating cranes.

7.3.12 Detail of spillway bridge Guide and afflux bunds, sheet piles, abutments, divide wall, wings wall,
flare out wall, upstream/downstream protection etc.

7.5 Canal Structures/Gates etc. (cross drainage works/regulators etc.)

(a) List of canal structures with salient features, location, type, capacities etc.

(b) Layout of the proposed structure

(c) Test pit/bore-hole data for deciding the nature of the foundation

(d) Bed level, FSL & capacity of the canal at the point of entry of the structure

(e) Transition in canal section and head losses

(f) Stresses allowed (concrete/masonry/steel/foundation etc.

(g) Cross drainage.

(i) Criteria for maximum flood discharge and HFL of the drainage

(ii) Choice of structure i.e. syphon/super passage/aquaduct etc.

(iii) Percentage of fluming proposed

(h) Regulators--cross regulators (spacing etc.)--basic design criteria

(i) Escapes, falls, road bridges, standing wave flumes--basic design criteria

(j) Conditions assumed to check the stability of the structure

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