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Respected Sir,

I am thankful to ALLAH Almighty, for making my efforts worthy of consideration. I are thankful to
my internship instructors and my sincere gratitude for continued assistance & cooperation
especially Syed Haider Meerza, Mr Basit (H.R), Mr. Muhammad Fouad (M.SFGCS), Mr. Shariq
(M.P PLANT) Mr. Naveed Mohsin (CHIEF PRODUCTION) and all other members of QHSE
Departments, whose assistance, guidance and support from initial to final level enabled us to
develop the understanding of the industry.

We thank you for sharing your praiseworthy knowledge with us which enabled us to accomplish
this report.

Zain Mohiuddin Ahmed

Pakistan Petroleum Limited (PPL) is the pioneer of Sui Gas in Pakistan. Sui is situated in Dera Bugti
in Balochistan province. In 1949, Government of Pakistan allowed Burma Oil Company to conduct
aerial survey of Sui. The survey was a successful one. Pakistan Petroleum Company (PPL) came
into being on 5th June 1950 and drilled the first well on 10th October 1951. Since then, 107 wells
have been drilled in the area.

The elliptically shaped Sui field had almost 10 trillion cubic feet recoverable reserves at the time
of discovery. Sui field has contributed almost 20% of the total gas production in the country since

PPL operates in six producing fields in Sui, Kandhkot, Adhi, Mazarani, Chachar and Hala and has
working interest in fifteen partner-operated producing assets such asOGDCL, MOL, ENI, POL,
OMV etc.

On March 31, 2014, PPL’s proven recoverable reserves were 2.267 trillion cubic feet (Tcf) of
natural gas, 40.293 million barrels (MMbbl) of oil/ NGL and 412,557 tonnes (tons) of LPG.

Quality, Health, Safety & Environment
The main purpose of this dept is to provide guided principles of safety to its employees and
visitor’s. Pakistan Petroleum Limited (PPL) urge and aims to achieve operational excellently by
incorporating industry best practice & systems, particularly related to HSE.
PPL has developed various policies to define relevant HSE rules & responsibilities for staff,
contractors & other stakeholders who are directly involved in the company’s operations. The
policies are displayed prominently at all company locations, including head & regional office &
fields, the polices are,
• Smoking policy.
• Mandatory PPEs of work force
• Seat Belt policy.
• Health & Safety Environment.
AS a part of HSE Policy, organizational rules and responsibilities have been assigned to all the
employee of the company. HSE has given special importance to following matters,
• Smoking & open flame.
• Safe use of compressed air.
• Driving Safely.
• First aids medical treatment of injures.
• Reporting of the hazards & unsafe condition.
• House – keeping

Personal Protective Equipment
PPE is equipment that will protect the user against health or safety risks at work. It can
include items such as safety helmets, gloves, eye protection, high-visibility clothing, safety
footwear and safety harnesses. It also includes respiratory protective equipment (RPE)
Hazards exist in every workplace so strategies to protect workers are essential. The
priority should be the elimination and control of hazards at their source or along the path
between the source and the worker. Many methods are available, and those most
appropriate to the specific situation should be used.


• The Core object of the compressor plant is to compress the natural gas from two major
sources SML (Sui Main Limestone) and SUL (Sui Upper Limestone) to a working pressure
of 68.0 brag, to make it process able for Purification Plant and DHP.

• The Gas from SML coming through Northern and Southern headers is compressed with
the help of seven Gas Turbines Driven Compressor Train having the numbers C-101A to
C-101G, one and the same in operation and design. After compression the gas is sent to
Purification Plant through Northern and southern discharge headers.
• The Gas from SUL is compressed in three VFD Motor Driven Compressor train (two in
operation with one standby).having the number of C-201C, alike in operation and design.
Actually SUL gas is sent to DHP in conjunctions with the compressor plant just for
Plant utilities comprises of 4 turbo-generators (3 in operation and 1 standby), 3 instrument air plants (2
in operation and 1 standby), 2 plant air plant (1 in operation and 1 standby), 1 nitrogen unit, 2 fire water
pumps (1 electricity driven and other diesel engine driven), one potable water pump & one emergency
diesel engine driven generator.


As the gas leaves the well head, it is saturated with water vapours. When the gas flows through pipelines
through surface gathering network, the pressure of the gas reduces due to friction. The temperature of
the gas also decreases. The liquid particles saturated in gas are condensed. Thus the flow in gas gathering
network is of 2 phase.
To make the flow smooth and to protect the compressors from liquid particles, the condensate is drained
at various points before compressors. For this purpose, slug catchers, scrubbers, and knock out drums are

After removal of condensate from raw gas in slug catcher and scrubber, it flows towards suction header.
There are seven turbo compressors for SML gas out of which, five remain in operation to meet the flow
requirement. Here the pressure of the gas is boosted in two stages up to 76 barg. The gas is then
discharged in Discharged header. To control the discharge pressure and discharge flow, PID (Proportional
Integral Derivative) controllers (PIC-506 & FIC-506) are used.
The compressed raw gas is purified at Purification Plant where H2S and CO2 are removed by absorption


SUL (Sui Upper Lime Stone) gas is sweet gas having H2S 3 to 4 PPM which is acceptable. So, no requirement
of purification. The gas is dehydrated in Dehydration Plant. The well head pressure is 31-32 barg which is
throttled before compression to 24 to 25 barg. The daily production of SUL is 45 MMCFD at 71-72 barg
discharge pressure.
There are three VFD motor (ANSALDO, 2.2 MW) driven compressors (C-201A/B/C). The gas from the well
head is collected in gas gathering main (GGM). Then it flows through slug catcher (A-602) and scrubber
(D-601A/B) where the condensate and solid particles are removed. The gas enters the train by train inlet
block v/v XV-1400. Then through suction knock out drum, it is passed through the LP compressor C-201
where the pressure is increased from 25 to 45 barg. To reduce the temperature of gas after compression,
it flows through the fin fan coolers E-201. After that gas flows to HP compressor C-202 through
intermediate knock out drum where the pressure is boosted up to 72 barg. The gas is cooled by fin fan
coolers E-202. After passing through discharge knock out drum, the gas is discharged in discharge header.
For lubrication and heat removal from the bearing lube oil system is installed. There are two pumps
installed for this purpose. One operates as main and other as standby. The pumps are of screw type and
are motor driven. Here in the compressors sealing is provided with the help of gas taken from the
discharge end and using instrument air as buffer air. All the parameters of the motor and compressor are
controlled from the control room. This gas is used as a fuel for Gas Turbines and rest of the total gas
produced is sold to SNGPL.

Utilities are composed of Instrument Air Compressors, Plant Air Compressors, Nitrogen Package, HVAC
plant, and Fire Water System.

Gas in Sui Field is mainly contained in two reservoirs mainly Sui main Lime (SML)and Sui upper Lime
(SUL).As the former reservoir has H2S CO2,as impurities so termed as sour gas and needs to be purified ,
while the later one is called sweet gas as they do not contain H2S and need not to be purified .
The plant consist of 8 banks to sweeten the raw gas six Dehydration units to remove the water conte nts
from the purified gas 14 water tube boiler for steam(400 psi & 503 F) generation,
The raw gas contain H2S (95 grain / 100scf), CO2 (7% by volume) and other impurities. Girbotol Gas
Purification process is used to sweeten the raw gas is purified up to the content of H2S (0.25 grains / 100
scf ) and co2(0.25% by volume).
Natural gas that contains Sulpher bearing compounds and Carbon dioxide is called sour or raw gas. Carbon
dioxide reduces the heating value of the gas whereas Sulpher is corrosive and tox ic. Natural gas is thus
required to be cleaned from these acid gasses. Purification plant is installed to remove these gasses from
the raw gas and convert it to sweet gas.

The main purpose of the Gas Purification Plant, as the name suggest, is to purify the Natural Gas extracted
from Sui. The extracted Natural Gas contains impurities which reduces its heating value. For the gas to be
used as a source of energy, it is required to be cleaned from these impurities. The main impurities present
in Gas are Hydrogen Sulphide (H2 S) and Carbon dioxide (CO 2) and Water (H2O). The Process Department
of the Gas Purification Plant is responsible for carrying out the purification process of the gas.

Purification mainly consists of two processes, Sweetening Process and Dehydration Process. A brief
description of these is as under.


This is also called Gribotol Process and is carried out to remove acid gasses (H 2S and CO2) from the raw
gas. Raw gas contains approximately 95 grains per million standard cubic feet (MMSCF) of Hydrogen
Sulphide and 7% by volume Carbon dioxide.

The chemical used in this process is Mono Ethanol Amine (MEA). MEA absorbs acid gas when it comes in
contact with the raw gas in the MEA contactor. MEA is then reactivated so that it can be used again. After
this process, the sweet gas contains lass then 0.25 grains per MMSCF of Hydrogen Sulphide and 0.25% by
volume of Carbon dioxide.

The raw gas coming from the Sui Gas field Gas Compressor Station (SFGCS) enters the Purification plant
through north and south headers at a pressure of about 1100 psig and it is fairly at high temperature. So,
first of all, its temperature is reduced by feeding the gas to the shell and tube inlet gas cooler with water
as a cooling medium. Any condensate formed in reducing the temperature in the inlet gas cooler is
removed in the inlet gas scrubber to ensure entrance of gas into the Absorber (MEA Contactor) without
any liquid carry over.

The gas enters from the bottom into the MEA Contactor at the bottom tray. Acid gases are chemically
absorbed by the MEA at high pressure and low temperature condition of the absorber and sweet natural
gas leaves overhead from the contactor and H2S and CO2 are absorbed chemically by the MEA. Following
equation shows the chemical absorption in the sweetening process:

2HO-CH2-CH2-NH2 +H2S (HO-CH2-CH2-NH2)2. S

2HO-CH2-CH2-NH2 +H2O+CO2 (HO-CH2-CH2-NH2)2. H2CO3


Sweet gas coming from the banks is cleaned from acid gasses but contains large percentage of water in it.
To further improve the quality of the gas, water contents need to be removed. For this purpose,
dehydration units are installed in the plant. The chemical used for dehydration is Tetra Ethylene Glycol
(TEG). In the Glycol Contactor, TEG absorbs water contents from sweet gas. The dehydrated gas contains
approximately 7 lbs per MMSCF.

Dehydration Process: Sweet gas at a pressure of about 1080 psig is fed under flow control to the inlet Gas
Scrubber to ensure that there is no entrained liquid carry-over into the Glycol Contactor .The liquid from
the inlet gas scrubber is routed under level control to the process condensate system. The glycol stream
containing from about 1 to 5 percent water contacts the gas in a short, countercurrent column. The glycol
absorbs water from gas. The dehydrated gas flows through glycol scrubber to remove any glycol carry
over. This entrained glycol is routed to rich glycol stream for regeneration

Site Visit:
Site Visit encompassed the operations performed on the well. Firstly, Flow Recorder is checked in which
is installed a Radial Chart. This chart provides the information regarding:-

 Static Pressure (Blue)

 Differential Pressure (Red)
 Temperature (Green)

The Red Marker which shows the Differential Pressure if the line strays from linearity, then a clear
indication of presence of water in the line. So in this case first the Wing Valve is closed and Closing Valve
along the Drain Valve is opened. Hence the contaminated water is disposed of. After the drainage of water
firstly Drain Valve is closed then Wing Valve is opened and Closing Valve is closed which restores the flow
of Gas in the line. On one side of the well Condensate Tank is present which sends mixture of Condensate
and Corrosion Inhibitor through Pump into the Annulus through which it enters into the tubing to prevent
corrosion. Dip Rod is used to check the level of Condensate present in the Tank. A Panel Room is housing
a Panel along with a pilot. Panel is controlling working of well while pilot is ensuring its safety. Pilot has
two gauges, low and high. In case of any gas leakage if the pressure falls below 150 psi it activates both
the SSV and SSSV and shut the well, while in case of high pressure due to kick if the pressure crosses 600
psi it activates the SSV and shuts the well.

Production Yard Visit:

Christmas tree:

It consists of three valves:

 Swab Valve,
 Wing Valve,
 Subsurface Safety Valve, and
 Master Valve.

At the bottom of the Christmas tree we have a lower Master Valve and above it lies the upper Master
Valve, Upper Master Valve which is also called the sub surface safety valve. The purpose of the master
valves is to ensure the safety of the valves. Then is placed a T block to which we connect upper master
valve, wing valve and swab valve. Swab valve lies at the top of the Christmas tree while wing valve is
connected horizontally to the T block. Swab valve is used for well intervention while wing valve is used for
killing or taking the production. In order to perform any work over job. BOP is placed below Christmas
tree, wing valve is closed while all the remaining valves are opened to perform the desired job. Below
master valve is connected an adapter spacer spool which converts 3kip to 2kip now starts the well head.
Below adapter spacer spool is connected tubing head adapter which is used to hold a Christmas tree,
through it we can also control the opening or closing of tubing. Below it is connected tubing head spool,
tubing head spool is used to hold the tubing hanger we can also control the annulus valve through it.
Casing Head Housing provides the transition between pipe and flange built tree.

Cathodic Protection:
Cathodic protection protects our casing from erosion. This is because this is because initially our casing
acts as anode as its potential is higher than that of the sand and as current travels from high potential to
low potential so due to this reason casing start to erode. In order to prevent it we use anode sacrificial
method commonly known as Cathodic Protection. At first the depth of casing is measured and according
to that depth calculations are made and then the distance of placing Ground Bed is dete rmined. Ground
Bed is basically anode having a length of 6 ft which is most commonly placed at a distance of 300 ft. from
the well. DC Source is connected having its positive terminal connected to ground bed (anode) and
negative terminal connected to casing. Conventional flow of current begins from negative to positive
terminal as a result negative ions from ground bed (anode) travels through soil towards the casing and
deposit on it and form a protective layer which prevents casing from erosion. Half Cell is used to measure
the Pipe to Soil Potential (PSP) minimum voltage travelling through the soil is considered 0.85 while
maximum voltage considered is 1.3. Soil having rocks allows good conduction of current while the soil
having sand only have high resistivity which make it a poor conductor.

SUL Dehydration Plant Visit:
SUL gas saturated with water arrives at the inlet of dehydration unit. This wet gas then enters in upstream
filter along with some liquid and sand particles. When liquid exceed the Liquid Control Valve setting point
it is automatically drained to open pit side. Sand impurities stop in the side of filter element and clean wet
gas will be out from upstream filter. The wet gas then enters the contactor tower from the bottom section
called inlet scrubber, having a baffle plate. When the stream of gas strikes the baffle plate its velocity
reduces and gas water separation occur. All the free liquid then settles at the bottom of the tower from
where it is drained. The upper section of the column consists of bubble cap trays. Gas rises up the tower,
while glycol is showered from the top. A contact is made on the bubble cap tray. Glycol being hygroscopic
absorbs the water vapors from the gas stream, but the gas during this contact also absorbs some glycol
content which is removed in the demister. Dehydrated gas from the absorber tower contains some minor
amount of moisture (glycol traces) so as it enters the downstream filter glycol is stopped and dry gas is
discharged. This dry gas is then supplied to Sui Northern Gas Pipeline and Sui Field Gas Compressors. Lean
glycol after absorbing water vapors from the gas become rich and flows from the bottom of contactor to
glycol pumps. This high pressure rich glycol is used to drive the glycol pumps some gas also comes with
glycol in order to provide sufficient drive. Rich glycol along with some gas then goes to the flash separator
that removes gas from rich glycol. This recovered gas can be used as a fuel to reboiler. Rich glycol has to
be converted into lean glycol for recirculation or reuse. For this purpose it is to be regenerated. This is
accomplished in the reboiler. Rich glycol is heated at atmospheric pressure to a point at which evaporation
begins while glycol remained in the liquid state. The hot water vapor rises through still column to the
atmosphere. Some glycol also evaporates with the water vapors. In order to minimize this glycol content
still column is provided with an internal cooling coils i.e. Reflux Coil. The relatively cold glycol from
absorber flows through the coil while the heated fluid is placed around the coil in a vessel. As a result of
indirect heat exchange between the cold glycol and hot fluid the glycol start to condense and start to fall
down into the reboiler. Now the hot glycol from reboiler and cold glycol from absorber are sent into the
surge tank (buffer tank). It contains a heating coil through which cool glycol from absorber is passed and
hot glycol is placed in its surrounding, in the vessel. As a result of heat exchange regenerated glycol is
obtained. This surge tank also provides the function of storing lean glycol.


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