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published: 28 August 2013

NEURAL CIRCUITS doi: 10.3389/fncir.2013.00137

Illusory patterns are fishy for fish, too

Christian Agrillo *, Maria Elena Miletto Petrazzini and Marco Dadda
Department of General Psychology, University of Padova, Padova, Italy
Edited by:
Davide Zoccolan, International School for Advanced Studies, Italy
Reviewed by:
Davide Zoccolan, International School for Advanced Studies, Italy
Vera Schluessel, Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelm Universität Bonn, Germany
Keywords: visual illusion, comparative perception, fish, illusory pattern, animal models

It has been widely recognized that size, Despite the existence of a large num- orientation, rather than discrimination of
shape, and distance perception are not the ber of studies, it is still unclear to what shape, was also tested in a second exper-
mere translation of images in the eyes, as extent previous experience plays a role in iment. Subjects were initially trained to
retinal images are inherently ambiguous. how the brain/mind interprets and recon- discriminate between a vertical and a hori-
Some form of knowledge and/or assump- structs physical reality (Hebb, 1949; Bod, zontal line with real physical contours. In
tions by unconscious inductive inference 2002; Quinn and Bhatt, 2006). For prac- test trials vertically and horizontally ori-
seems to be necessary (Gregory, 1997). tical and ethical reasons, it is very difficult ented illusory lines were presented, cre-
With respect to this topic, visual illusions to manipulate experiences during develop- ated either through interruption or spatial
are a valuable tool for understanding the mental periods in human and non-human phase-shift of diagonal lines (see Table 1).
neuro-cognitive systems underlying visual primates. Furthermore, as primates lack Redtail splitfin were found to perceive illu-
perception by indirectly revealing the hid- independence at birth, different proce- sory contours in both experiments.
den constraints of the perceptual system dures are used for studying newborns, Wyzisk and Neumeyer (2007) suc-
in a way that normal perception cannot. juveniles, or adults, presenting one of the cessfully trained goldfish to discriminate
In humans, such constraints have been major drawbacks when studying the devel- between triangles and squares. After reach-
often summarized as the so-called “Gestalt opment of visual perception in primates, ing the learning criterion, the authors pre-
principles,” which can be briefly described i.e., the difficulty of devising experimen- sented a Kanizsa triangle and a Kanizsa
by the motto “the whole is greater than tal paradigms applicable to different ages square, and found that goldfish were able
the sum of its parts” (Wertheimer, 1938). (Bisazza et al., 2010). The recent dis- to discriminate between the two patterns
Almost a century of experimental inves- covery that even relatively simple organ- based on the illusory contours. Goldfish
tigation on visual illusions has broad- isms like fish, whose divergence seemingly showed high orientation sensitivity with
ened our comprehension of the perceptual occurred approximately 450 million years respect to the pacmen generating the illu-
mechanisms that enable us to perceive fig- ago (Kumar and Hedges, 1998), also per- sory patterns. Interestingly, if black lines
ures and forms instead of just a collection ceive visual illusions, as humans do, paves were over-imposed on a Kanizsa trian-
of lines and curves. Such mechanisms are the way for the use of new animal models gle or square, the illusory perception was
highly adaptive, as they allow for a quick to investigate the relative contribution of disrupted, as has also been reported in
and stable picture of the environment, genes and experience. humans, suggesting the existence of an
enabling an appropriate motor response in Redtail splitfin, for instance, was shown end-stopped property similar to the neu-
every context (Ikin and Turner, 1972). to be able to perceive illusory contours rons in V2 found in monkeys (von der
Given their high ecological value, there (Sovrano and Bisazza, 2009). Fish were Heydt, 2004).
is little reason to believe that selective pres- required to discriminate between a square Data collected on redtail splitfin
sures to develop a visual system that is able or a triangle and the corresponding back- and goldfish are particularly inter-
to segregate objects from the background ground. After reaching a learning crite- esting as the two species are only
have acted only on hominids. Indeed, over rion, subjects performed test trials in the distantly related. According to recent
the last decade, research has demonstrated presence of two stimuli: one consisted of estimates, the Ostariophysi, the group
that both apes and monkeys are deceived a subjective figure (triangle or square) to which redtail splitfin belong, and the
by illusory patterns. For instance, baboons induced by interruption or spatial phase- Acanthopterygii, the group to which
perceive the Zöllner illusion (Benhar and shift of diagonal lines; the other consisted goldfish belong, diverged more than
Samuel, 1982), capuchin monkeys per- of a series of diagonal lines only. In a sub- 250 million years ago (Steinke et al.,
ceive the Müller-Lyer illusion (Suganuma sequent test, two figures were presented: 2006). The fact that even distantly related
et al., 2007), and rhesus monkeys per- one in which pacmen were positioned species perceive illusory contours sug-
ceive numerosity illusion (Beran, 2006; in order to reproduce the Kanizsa tri- gests the existence of orientation-selective
Beran and Parrish, 2013), thus showing angle or square, and one in which the neurons—responding to edges, lines, or
that the organization of visual information same pacmen were scrambled in different bars of high contrast—in a wide range
is similar between human and non-human positions so as to prevent an impression of teleost fish. Also, more recent evi-
primates. of a subjective figure. Discrimination of dence further suggests similar perceptual

Frontiers in Neural Circuits August 2013 | Volume 7 | Article 137 | 1

Agrillo et al. Illusory patterns are fishy for fish, too

Table 1 | Summary of static illusory patterns investigated in teleost fish (chronological order).

Authors Species Type of illusion Schematic representation

of stimuli

Wyzisk and Neumeyer, 2007 Carassius auratus Illusory contours

Sovrano and Bisazza, 2008 Xenotoca eiseni Amodal completion

Sovrano and Bisazza, 2009 Xenotoca eiseni Illusory contours

Darmaillacq et al., 2011 Variola louti and Scarus niger Amodal completion

mechanisms between fish and primates: and cognition. Indeed, recent studies have genetics, is especially welcome, given the
reef fish tested in their natural environ- already adopted fish to study the ontogeny possibility to extend the investigation on
ment exhibited amodal completion, as and the developmental trajectories of per- illusory perception with genetic and neu-
they tried to attack their own mirror image ceptual and cognitive systems (Bisazza roanatomic aspects. The anatomical, phys-
even when they could see a fragmented et al., 2010; Miletto Petrazzini et al., 2013). iological, and genetic components of the
image of themselves (Darmaillacq et al., Given that adult fish vision seems to be zebrafish visual system have been widely
2011). It is interesting to note that fish did based on Gestalt principles, the devel- investigated in both larval and adult indi-
not attack their imagine when they could opment of such principles may be now viduals (e.g., Bilotta and Saszik, 2001).
see only a portion of the body in a single investigated using newborn/juvenile fish Several studies indicate that zebrafish are
square, thus showing that their aggres- as a model. capable of high-level motion processing.
sive behavior was not simply triggered by A validated method exists to study cog- In particular, two visually guided behav-
some specific body features, such as color. nition and perception in newborn fish iors received great attention in the litera-
Amodal completion was also reported in (Miletto Petrazzini et al., 2012). This ture: the optokinetic response (OKR) and
another fish species, the redtail splitfin method involves introducing two stim- the optomotor response (OMR). The OKR
(Sovrano and Bisazza, 2008). uli (i.e., two different geometric figures) is a consistent behavior in which mov-
These studies have theoretical implica- at the opposite ends of the tank and ing objects across the visual field evoke
tions in the debate surrounding human delivering food near the discriminative stereotyped eye movements (Neuhauss,
visual perception. It has been suggested stimulus. Discrimination is inferred from 2003; Huang and Neuhauss, 2008). These
that a single unit-formation process may the portion of time spent near the trained eye movements consist of two distinct
underlie modal (the perception of both stimulus during final probe trials. The components: a smooth pursuit movement
real and subjective contours) and amodal method has been shown to be very rapid and a fast saccade which resets the eyes
completion, as completion processes (only 12 reinforced trials) and successful once the object has left the visual field
would depend on a common underly- in discrimination tasks (i.e., circle vs. tri- (Portugues and Engert, 2009). A small
ing mechanism connecting edges across angle), thus making it a good candidate hindbrain area in rhombomere 5 has been
gaps (Kellman et al., 1998; Palmer, 1999). for investigating the ontogeny of Gestalt found to be necessary for this response to
Fish species reported in the literature principles in rapidly growing species, such occur properly (Schoonheim et al., 2010).
(Table 1) showed a successful perception as fish. Based on previous literature, the Neuhauss et al. (1999) found that zebrafish
of both modal and amodal completion. focus should be given initially to illu- mutant belladonna (bel) often displays an
This finding indirectly aligns with the idea sory patterns called “Fictions”—including OKR opposite to the direction of move-
of a single mechanism for the two pro- illusory contours—in the classification ment of the objects. Interestingly, Huang
cesses. Nonetheless, we believe that future advanced by Gregory (1997). First, it et al. (2009) found that a subset of the
research on newborn and juvenile fish would be interesting to see if/which Gestalt same mutants also display atypical circular
will provide even more useful insights, principles are inherent; if not, it would be swimming patterns (“looping”) as a result
especially in the debate surrounding the challenging to study their developmental of illusionary self-motion perception. On
developmental trajectories of Gestalt prin- trajectory and the influence of maturation the other hand, the OMR occurs when a
ciples. Due to their relatively short lifespan and experience. whole-field moving stimulus is presented
and independence at birth, fish repre- The use of zebrafish, one of the main and the fish turn and swim according to
sent an excellent experimental model for model organisms for neurobiology stud- the perceived motion direction (Neuhauss
studying the development of perception ies of vision and neurodevelopmental et al., 1999; Portugues and Engert, 2009).

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Agrillo et al. Illusory patterns are fishy for fish, too

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