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Conditional Sentences

Conditional Sentences by Carmen Torres

First Type: Possible & Probable conditions Second Type: Possible & Improbable conditions Third
Type: Impossible conditions...
First Type: Possible & Probable conditions IF CLAUSE MAIN CLAUSE Simple Present Simple Future
Imperative Can If you come...
First Type: Possible & Probable conditions IF CLAUSE MAIN CLAUSE If you ........ (drink) a lot
I .......... (leave) yo...
Second Type: Possible & Improbable conditions To express an imaginary present or improbable
future situations IF CLAUSE MA...
Second Type: Possible & Improbable conditions IF CLAUSE MAIN CLAUSE If you ........ (drink) a lot
I .......... (leave) ...
Third Type: Impossible conditions To express a regret for an impossible situation happened in the
Past with NO solution IF...
Third Type: Impossible conditions IF CLAUSE MAIN CLAUSE If you ........ (drink) a lot I ..........
(leave) you If the ...
More practice IF CLAUSE MAIN CLAUSE If you had missed the train I .......... (not see) you If he
lost the map He .....
Assessment <ul><li>In pairs, describe the main problems that affect the world and our society at
the moment. Then state yo...

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Conditional Clauses
31 307 vues


Carmen Torres
Carmen Torres

Publié le 30 oct. 2008

A presentation to help ESL students to understand and study Conditional

Publié dans : Formation, Technologie

4 commentaires
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Conditional Clauses

1. Conditional Sentences by Carmen Torres

2. First Type: Possible & Probable conditions Second Type: Possible & Improbable conditions
Third Type: Impossible conditions Conditional Types
3. First Type: Possible & Probable conditions IF CLAUSE MAIN CLAUSE Simple Present Simple
Future Imperative Can If you come I will be happy If you want to pass Study ! If we buy a ticket
We ................ (go) to the concert If she ..................... (arrive) soon she will come with us If they
dance too much They ............................. (get) tired If you need my car .............................. (take)
4. First Type: Possible & Probable conditions IF CLAUSE MAIN CLAUSE If you ........ (drink) a lot I
.......... (leave) you If the road ............ (be) wet ............(watch out) ! If he .......... (lose) his key
You ................ (lend) him yours If she .............. (not buy) any food We ................(have dinner) If
they ......... (not stop) talking We .......... (not finish) our lesson If you ....... (take) the dog for a
walk I ................ (give) you some money
5. Second Type: Possible & Improbable conditions To express an imaginary present or
improbable future situations IF CLAUSE MAIN CLAUSE Simple Past Would + root verb Could +
root verb If she studied she would pass her controls If he ran he would catch the bus If I went to
China I could be with him If I were ..................... ....................................
6. Second Type: Possible & Improbable conditions IF CLAUSE MAIN CLAUSE If you ........ (drink)
a lot I .......... (leave) you If the road ............ (be) wet You ............(have) an accident If he ..........
(lose) his key You ................ (lend) him yours If she .............. (not buy) any food We ................
(have dinner) If they ......... (not stop) talking We .......... (not finish) our lesson If you ....... (take)
the dog for a walk I ................ (give) you some money
7. Third Type: Impossible conditions To express a regret for an impossible situation happened
in the Past with NO solution IF CLAUSE MAIN CLAUSE Past Perfect Present Perfect Conditional
(Would have + past participle) If it hadn't rained We would have gone to the country If she had
studied She ............ (pass) her controls If you ................... (invite) them They 'd have come to the
party If I had known it I .......................(arrive) earlier If he............................. (phone) I 'd have
seen him
8. Third Type: Impossible conditions IF CLAUSE MAIN CLAUSE If you ........ (drink) a lot I ..........
(leave) you If the road ............ (be) wet You ............(have) an accident If he .......... (lose) his key
You ................ (lend) him yours If she .............. (not buy) any food We ................(have dinner) If
they ......... (not stop) talking We .......... (not finish) our lesson If you ....... (take) the dog for a
walk I ................ (give) you some money
9. More practice IF CLAUSE MAIN CLAUSE If you had missed the train I .......... (not see) you If
he lost the map He ............(not find) the house If he .......... (forget) the book The teacher will get
angry If she weren’t so mean Everybody ................(be) happier If they ......... (not insult) me I
wouldn’t have called them names If you tell my secret I ................ (never forgive) you
10. Assessment <ul><li>In pairs, describe the main problems that affect the world and our
society at the moment. Then state your possible solutions if you hypothetically were able to
solve the problems. </li></ul><ul><li>What would you have done in the following situations?
</li></ul><ul><ul><li>A mother found drugs in her son's pocket. She told the police who
arrested the son. The son was sent to prison. </li></ul></ul><ul><ul><li>A man found a wallet
with € 1,000 in it in the back of a taxi. He put it all in a briefcase and run. </li></ul></ul>


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