Modul Coreldraw X6

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Fusion 360 Mastery

Lesson: Challenge 1
Challenge: Create an adaptive belt that can update based on component position.
 Create a folder called Challenge Assignments in Fusion Mastery>Tier 2
 Upload the file Bodies and Components Challenge1
 Create an Offset Plane 22mm above XZ
 Draw a Belt Path to Extrude as a new Body in component Tensioner Pulley
 Drag the extrude and sketch to the end of the timeline
 Move the end of the timeline before the extrude and sketch
 Move the Tensioner, capture position and move the timeline to the end

Step 1: Create a Belt

1. Create a new folder in Fusion
Mastery>Tier 2 called
Challenge Assignments.

2. Upload the file Bodies and

Components Challenge1.

3. Activate the component

Tensioner Pulley that is a sub
component of the Tensioner.

4. Create an Offset Plane from the

XZ plan inside of the Tensioner
Pulley up 22mm.

5. Create a new sketch on the

offset plane. Use
ct on the Hub of Pulley1 on the
Tensioner to get the reference
for the belt.

6. Use Sketch>Project/Include>
Project on the outside edge of both
pulleys mounted to the base plate
for the outside reference for the

7. Hide both Pulley components

and hide Body1 in the Tensioner
Pulley component and draw
tangent lines to complete the
outside belt shape using the
Sketch>offset tool to make a
5mm offset of this shape inward.
8. Stop Sketch and Extrude the
belt upwards 5mm as a New

9. Show the hidden Bodies and

Components previously hidden,
activate the top level component,
rotate the tensioner to one side
and capture position.

Note: The belt moves but doesn’t stay

wrapped around the pulleys because the
belt feature happens before the capture
position in the timeline.
10. Drag both the Extrude and
Sketch for the belt after the
Capture Position in the timeline.

11. Now the belt can update as long

as the capture position is before
the sketch and extrude for the
belt. Save the file.


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