Checklist Formal Requirements of A Thesis

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The Formal Requirements of a Thesis/Mini-Thesis/Research Paper

Checklist for Supervisors and Chairpersons of Department

The following formal requirements have to be met before the Supervisor/Co-Supervisor and the
Departmental Chairperson/Co-Chairperson may sign off on theses/mini-theses/research papers:

Title Page: The student’s correct names/initials and surname (as formally registered at UWC), student
number, title of thesis/mini-thesis/research paper and the name of the supervisor and co-supervisor (if
applicable) must appear on the Title Page. Supervisors must please ensure that the full registered thesis
title, and not an amended and/or abridged version, appears on the Title Page. The student must also
provide a description on the Title Page of the work submitted, e.g.:

‘Submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the LLM degree in the Faculty of Law
of the University of the Western Cape’.

Supervisors must check that there are no spelling errors and/or inconsistent use of capital letters on the
Title Page (these are quite common and must be corrected before submission).

Plagiarism Declaration: In terms of Rule A.5.4.4(f) and Rule A.5.5.7, a signed Plagiarism Declaration must
be included for all submissions. It should state:

‘I declare that …………………………………. is my own work, that it has not been submitted before for any
degree or examination in any other university, and that all the sources I have used or quoted have
been indicated and acknowledged as complete references’.

Signed ……………………………………….. (signed by student and supervisor(s))

Dedication and/or Acknowledgments: These are not formal requirements, but may be included.

Key Words: The Key Words must conform to those reported to the Senate Higher Degrees Committee
when the thesis/mini-thesis/research paper title was registered.

Abstract: Abstracts are required for all doctoral and LLM/MPhil full theses (i.e. Mode III).

Abbreviations and/or Acronyms: To be listed in alphabetical order.

Table of Contents: The Table of Contents must set out in detail the various chapters and page numbers,
bibliography and appendices (if applicable).

Bibliography: A detailed Bibliography must be included listing all works cited as per the prescribed Faculty
of Law ‘Referencing and Style Guide for Postgraduate Students’ *See LHD 2012/6+. Common categories
include: books; chapters in books; articles; cases (with different jurisdictions in alphabetical order);
legislation (with different countries in alphabetical order); treaties and conventions; internet sources; and
newspaper articles.

Word Count: The student must stipulate the final Word Count at the end of the final chapter. The Word
Count is as follows:
Rule H.43.5.1: research paper approximately 18,000 words (chapters and footnotes only); Rule H.49.1:
mini-thesis approximately 30,000 words (chapters and footnotes only); Rule H.54.1: full LLM/MPhil thesis
50,000 words maximum (chapters and footnotes only); doctoral thesis between 80,000 and 100,000
words (chapters and footnotes only).

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