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Reply to “Comments on ‘Waveguide Miniaturization Using

Uniaxial Negative Permeability Metamaterial’”
Silvio Hrabar, Juraj Bartolic, and Zvonimir Sipus

In their Comments [1], F.-Y. Meng, W. Qun, B.-S. Jin, H.-L. Wang,
and J. Wu expressed their concerns regarding correctness of the use of
left-handed metamaterial theory in the interpretation of experimental
results published in our paper [2]. In their numerical simulations, they Fig. 1. (Derived using CST MW Studio). Computed distribution of the mag-
observed a passband at frequency of about 8 GHz (similar to the re- netic field vectors on a cross-section of the miniaturized waveguide at 8.2 GHz
sults obtained in our experiments [2]). However, the distribution of the (the MSRRs with correct diameters; outer diameter of 4 mm).
normal components of the magnetic field vectors on the opposite sides
of the modified split-ring resonator (MSRR) ([1, Fig. 1]) does not seem
to be consistent with the theory given in [3]. On the other hand, the with wrongly stated diameter happened to be similar to the frequency
authors of the comment observed the second, unexpected passband, of a passband found in experiments of [2]. The hypothesis of occur-
also located below the waveguide cutoff, at a much lower frequency rence of the second resonance at 8 GHz can be proven by analysis of
(4.6 GHz). Distribution of the magnetic field vectors on a plane per- the currents flowing on the MSRR rings. The currents flowing in two
pendicular to the MSRR (i.e., on a cross section of the waveguide [1, rings of the MSRR at the second resonance have opposite directions
Fig. 2]) at frequency of 4.6 GHz seems to be consistent with the theory (please see [4, Fig. 6]). This is the reason [4] why the second MSRR
presented in [3]. resonance cannot produce magnetic dipolar moment and cannot excite
During analysis of the results from [1] and [2], we found a mistake the negative magnetic polarization. The inverse currents cause inverse
in our original text [2]. In the experimental part of our paper ([2, Sec. normal components of the magnetic field vectors on the opposite sides
IV]) it is written, “The rings had inner diameter of 4 mm …” This is a of the MSRR as shown in [1, Fig. 1].
mistake and the correct sentence should read “The rings had an outer We have also used CST MW Studio [5] and repeated all simulations
diameter of 4 mm …” Thus, the MSRR diameter was wrongly stated in described in [1], with the same simulation parameters and the same
the original article [2]. Due to this mistake, the authors of [1] performed waveguide excitation, but now with the correct MSRR diameter (outer
a full-wave simulation with MSRRs that are significantly larger than diameter of 4 mm). We found occurrence of the propagation band at
the ones used in our experiments [2]. frequency of 8.2 GHz, which is very close to the experimental result of
It is well-known [3], [4] that the first, quasi-static resonance is 7.9 GHz presented in our paper ([2]).
responsible for the excitation of dipolar magnetic moment of the In addition, we computed the distribution of the magnetic field vec-
MSRR (and therefore excitation of negative effective permeability). tors on a plane perpendicular to MSRR (i.e., on a cross section of the
The dipolar magnetic moment is caused by the fact that the currents waveguide) at 8.2 GHz (Fig. 1). It can be seen that the MSRR does pro-
in both rings of the MSRR flow in the same direction [3], [4]. Un- duce dipolar magnetic moment. The normal components of the mag-
fortunately, the quasi-static resonance of the MSRR with wrongly netic field vectors on the opposite sides of the MSRR are in-phase as
stated diameter is located at a frequency significantly lower than the expected by the theory given in [3]. This shows that the passband ob-
resonant frequency of the MSRR with correct dimensions. This new tained in our experiments in [2] indeed corresponds to the quasi-static
quasi-static resonance corresponds to an occurrence of an unexpected resonance of the MSRR.
passband at frequency of 4.6 GHz and it also corresponds to the In [1], the authors also stated that “…there is no left handed metama-
distribution of the magnetic field vectors shown in [1, Fig. 2], which is terial at all in this case.” In our paper ([2, Fig. 11]), we experimentally
consistent with the theory given in [3]. proved the existence of the backward-wave (or left-handed) propaga-
But, where does the distribution at 8 GHz that exhibits inverse tion. In addition, we have verified the existence of the backward-wave
normal components of the magnetic field ([1, Fig. 1]) come from? propagation numerically, as well. The computed distribution of the
The mean circumference of the MSRR with wrongly stated diameter magnitude of the normal (x-oriented) component of the magnetic field
is equal to 15.7 mm, which is close to half of a free-space wavelength vectors at the central plane located at the waveguide line of symmetry
at 8 GHz (18.75 mm). It is clear that the wavelength of the signals (a plane in which the MSRRs are located), at frequency of 8.2 GHz, is
on the rings is shorter than free-space wavelength due to presence of presented in Fig. 2.
the dielectric slab [4]. Taking this fact into account, and the effect of Fig. 2 shows the computed distributions of x-oriented component of
the slit, one concludes that the effective MSRR circumference is very the magnetic field at two instants of time corresponding to phase an-
close to half of a wavelength. Therefore, we believe that the passband gles of 0 degrees and 90 degrees (at the source location), respectively.
at 8 GHz observed in [1] corresponds to the second MSRR resonance It can be clearly seen that the pattern in the miniaturized waveguide
[4] and it is not associated with experimental results given in [2]. So, it (the central part of the figure) moves toward the source (backward-
is a pure coincidence that the second resonant frequency of the MSRR wave propagation) while the patterns in the feeding J-band waveguides
move outward from the source (forward-wave propagation). Thus, the
Manuscript received October 20, 2006; revised November 25, 2006. miniaturized waveguide indeed behaves as a one-dimensional back-
The authors are with the Department of Radiocommunications and Mi- ward-wave metamaterial (or left-handed metamaterial), as elaborated
crowave Engineering, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing, Uni- in our paper [2].
versity of Zagreb, Zagreb HR-10000, Croatia (e-mail:; Finally, we would like to thank the authors of [1] for their comments;
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available online that helped us to find an error (the word “inner” instead of “outer”) in
at our paper [2] and to additionally verify the backward-wave propagation
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TAP.2007.891881 in the miniaturized waveguide.

0018-926X/$25.00 © 2007 IEEE



The authors would like to express their gratitude to Prof. S. Maci

from the University of Siena, Siena, Italy, for providing them with ac-
cess to the Microwave Studio simulation tool used in the preparation
of this Reply.

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[2] S. Hrabar, J. Bartolic, and Z. Sipus, “Waveguide miniaturization using
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Fig. 2. (Derived using CST MW Studio). The snapshots of computed distribu- Propag., vol. 53, pp. 110–119, Jan. 2005.
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setup from [2] at 8.2 GHz (the MSRRs with correct diameters; outer diameter in negative permeability and left-handed metamaterials,” Phys. Rev. B,
of 4 mm). The feeding source is located at the left-hand side. Upper: the field vol. 65, pp. 144440-1–144440-6, Apr. 2002.
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the source location, Lower: the field distribution at the time instant that corre- “On the resonances and polarizabilities of split ring resonators,” J.
sponds to phase angle of 90 degrees at the source location. Appl. Phys., vol. 98, pp. 033103-1–033103-6, Aug. 2005.
[5] CST Microwave Studio 5.0 [Online]. Available:

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