Unit - 1 Assignment

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Unit -1

Q.1: Organizations follow different types of production system as per their
requirement. Elucidate.

Q.2: Define productivity. Explain the factors affecting productivity

Q.3 Operation management is different from production management. Justify.

Q.4 Explain different types of productivity

Unit -2
Q.1: Services can be classified as per their characteristics and nature. Explain.

Q.2: What do you mean by capacity planning? Explain the challenges of service
capacity planning with examples.

Q.3: SERVQUAL model was designed to improve the quality of services.


Q.4: Explain the factors affecting service operations.

Q.5: What is product and service design? Why is redesigning required?

Unit -3
Q.1: What do you understand by production planning and control? What are the
main objectives and functions of PPC?

Q.2: What do you understand by inventory and inventory management? Explain

the various techniques to manage inventory.

Q.3: Success of an organization depends upon its location; explain the various
factors affecting location planning.

Q.4: What is plant layout? Explain the objectives of plant layout.

Q.5: Differentiate product and process layout.

Unit -4


Q.1: Discuss the role and application of IT in Supply Chain Management with
special reference to customer interaction process.

Q.2: What is inbound and outbound logistics? Explain with proper examples.

Q.3: What are the methods of managing bullwhip effect in logistics?

Q.4: Lean and Agile manufacturing both are latest trends in manufacturing but
work on different philosophy. Justify.

Q.5: Aggregate production planning works with some alternatives or strategies.

Discuss how?

Unit -5
Q.1: Explain the concept of TQM. What is meant by Quality Circles?

Q.2: 7 Quality Control tools are required to maintain quality in an organization.

Explain all tools in detail.

Q.3: TPM is essential to work in modern era and its successful implementation
depends upon five pillars of it. Explain

Q.4: Explain the Deming’s 14 principles of quality management.

Q.5: Write short notes on- PDCA, Six Sigma, KAIZEN

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