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Synapse Selections Round 1

Submitted by Phaneendra Sai, pgp34030

-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Round I Tasks-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --

1. Suggest 3 changes or enhancements to any of the existing Synapse portals. How would
these changes impact the student community of IIM Lucknow?

Below are the enhancements I would like to propose:

1. Claroline notifications via e-mail and My Message: -

Problem Statement: -
'Claroline' has been very much useful tool for collaborative academic platform to
register for courses, access course material, submit assignments etc. But I believe
the tools remains largely unexplored. Any course material uploaded or discussion
going on particular courses that a student enrolled for are not reflected directly.
Although the portal has messaging feature it is unclear how to send messages to any
existing students.

Suggestion: -
I suggest that it is important to generate an e-mail notification and a message in
My message page whenever any discussion or uploads going on a particular course
that a student has enrolled.

Impact: - As a result of the above implementation I believe Claroline can be made

more collaborative and accessible tool to the students.

2. Lost & Found page in Etrigan

Problem Statement: -
Every now and then we see students forgetting their belonging here and there and
complaining to the PGP Office and then we get an e-mail from PGP-Office
requesting to deposit in the PGP Office as below. As you can see in the email as
written “As per appended email” these incidents are not being tracked properly.
Suggestion: -

To resolve the tracking of lost & items I suggest we need to have a page on the
‘Etrigan’ with the details of lost item and any specific identification details of the item.
This can be done in two places: -
1. At the Home page of ‘Etrigan’ with the recently lost one details
2. A separate page on the ‘Etrigan’ above student bodies

Impact: -

I think by having a dedicated page for lost items it creates visibility to the lost items,
so that they can be found easily.

3. Comprehensive details of all student bodies in the respective pages: -

Suggestion: -
The student bodies, committees, clubs and AIGs at IIM Lucknow have been putting
lot of efforts year on year. I think it is important to document all of these in the
respective pages with the following tags: - Description, Activities, Team details etc.

Impact: -
Although the ‘Handbook 2018’ PDF give details about this but having a web page will
be more effective and gives a sense of pride. Moreover, the details of previous
year can be archived in a separate page.
2. Suggest a portal that you think should be added to the current portfolio of Team
Synapse. Who would be the target audience for this portal?

Incident management tool-JIRA

Problem Statement: -
With more than 1000 students on the campus and a wide variety of events/activities
going on daily, I see there is a need of incident/process management tool which can
be used for activity tracking in any club & committee also can be used for tracking lost
& found items etc.

Suggestion: -
It is recommended to have a process management tool like JIRA for: -

 Recording date, time, and severity of incidents

 Verification that appropriate controls and processes are in place at all times
 Documentation of incident management processes

For example, each club/committee can be treated as a project and any task or
incident arising out can be easily recorded by creating a ticket for that. This ticket can
be used for further communication regarding that task, thereby can easily track the
like JIRA

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