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Irondale Church News

Irondale Church is a place of promise to grow and belong August, 2018

The Long and Winding Road , Part 3

In 2017 I wrote parts 1 NC. My great-grandfather ment we recall as West
and 2 of The Long and William Martin Hodgin (first Meadows Drive near Colora-
• Pray always Winding Road. I wasn’t ancestor to drop the “s”) was do Springs CO. Six months
sure if there would be a born in 1880 and died in 1923 there, then off to West Ger-
• Pastor David and part 3, but here we are. and like his father spent his many for six months. While
Parts 1 and 2 were about life in Macon County NC. in Germany I celebrated my
all the various jobs I have Next was my grandfather, 19th birthday. Then back to
• Community Soup
had and part 3 will be Charles, born in Macon Coun- Colorado Springs to a 2 bed-
about all the places we ty NC 1904. Married at 18 room four-plex on Bonnie
• Our outreach and
have lived. To start the and a father at 22 in the midst Court. A few months later
story I want to go back in of the Great Depression he Colleen’s younger brother
witness to our
time a long way. heard there was work about came to live with us and we
My 6th Great- as far from home as he could needed one more bedroom
Grandfather George Hodg- go, so in 1932 he moved his so we started looking again.
• Busy Hands
son (the Scottish accent family 2800 miles to Hamilton We had no idea we were
doesn’t pronounce the “s”) WA. He died in 1985. Then about to enter one of our
• People struggling
was born on 1701 in Don- there is my Dad. He moved most difficult times.
with illness caster, South Yorkshire, the 2800 miles with his family We found a nice 3 bed-
England. He died in August to a house in Hamilton. Later room in the smaller town of
• Young families and of 1774 in Greensboro, they moved 4 blocks to an- Fountain CO. and made
single parent fami- North Carolina of Colonial other house, then after mar- plans to move in. Our land-
lies America. His son Joseph, rying my Mom, he moved lord on Bonnie Court re-
my 5th great-grandfather, across the street and lived leased us from our lease
• Those struggling was born in 1740 and died there until he passed away in and we were excited to
with addiction in 1826 having lived his life 2011. have a yard. The day before
in the Greensboro area. So that leads to me. we moved in we met the
• Schools: students, His son Joseph Jr. (first to Raised in a single house in new landlord at the house.
staff, administra- spell his name Hodgins) Hamilton WA until 1974 when We had seen it before it was
tors was born in 1760 in Colleen and I married and cleaned and it was nasty
Greensboro and died in moved to 429 ½ Puget Street with two large dogs living in
• Missionaries 1840 25 miles south in Ran- in Sedro-Woolley. You know the house. Now it was clean
dolph County NC. His old- the house is small when the and we were preparing to
• Homeless, helpless, est son Martin, my 3rd great address includes a “½.” But take possession. Colleen
hopeless, hungry -grandfather, was born in newlyweds don’t need much mentioned a black line of
Randolph County in 1805 space, they just need to be filth, about a ½ inch wide all
• Local, state, national and died in Macon County together. A few months later along the baseboard
and world leaders NC in 1860. During his life we purchased a lovely home throughout the house. Next
he moved 260 miles west. on West State St in Sedro- thing we knew the landlord
My 2nd great-grandfather Woolley. Colleen and I lived was going off about how
Marion was born in 1846 there until I joined the Army picky we were and how he
and died in 1929. He spent when I moved to Fort Polk LA. didn’t have to rent to us and
his life in Macon County Then we moved to an apart- we found ourselves back in
Continued p.2
Page 2

The Long and Winding Road, part 3, continued

the car with no place to lieved. the little armloads at the
move. Our Bonnie Court We moved into the grocery store and we
landlord had already rented singlewide and were there were broke. I went to a
out our four-plex so we a couple of months when nearby secondhand store
loaded the U-haul and put Jim came by to tell us he to see if I could find a
everything in storage. We wanted to sell it, but not chainsaw. The merchant
moved into the Fort Carson to us, to his mother-in- told me chainsaws were
lodge, the “Rainbow Motel,” law. However he had scarce, but he did have an
for a maximum of 30 days. good news, the people old one man buck saw. I
We searched every day who had bought the prop- bought it with plans of
for a place to move to, but erty we were interested in cutting my own wood. As
with an income of about had decided to rent it, and “luck” would have it the
$600 a month we couldn’t he had told them about us railroad came through
afford much. With the near- and they wanted to meet and replaced the ties near
by military base, low rent us. At the meeting we hit our house. I gathered
was very difficult to find. it off well…all except one every creosoted hunk that
Finally we decided to sell thing…the house wasn’t would fit in the fireplace
our house back in Sedro- ready yet, they needed and used it for a couple
Woolley and buy something another 30 days to get the weeks until it was gone. I
there. We met with a local boiler up and running. found a pile of limbs and
realtor, Jim Snead. We had After some more failed cut and burned those.
seen a house he listed and searching for another We scrounged and made
thought we could afford it. rental, I went back and do until finally the land-
At that meeting we found asked if we could move in. lord repaired the boiler. It
out that the house had sold, The landlord thought I was was so nice to have heat
but Jim was willing to rent crazy, it was winter in Col- and a whole house. After
out a singlewide we could orado and there was no almost 6 months of uncer-
afford. It would not be heat in the house. I plead- tainty and struggles we
ready for another month. ed, there was a cone fire- were set. We stayed
My stomach fell. How could place and I could get fire- there until I ended my
we find a place for one wood and we could all enlistment, 709 East Iowa
month? I went to the office sleep in the living room, it Street turned from a
at the Rainbow Motel to see would be cold but we struggle to a blessed
if there was any way we could do it. He agreed as memory in our past.
could stay another month. I long as we didn’t move We returned to Sedro
had my long speech all pre- anything beyond necessi- -Woolley and the house
pared in my mind, if just ties into the house. I hail we owned, I got a job at
Colleen and the kids could from Washington, The the local sawmill and
Treasurer Report
stay I would sleep in the car Evergreen State, where things were looking good.
7/26/2018 that way they wouldn’t be there are trees every- We desired to have room
General Operations: renting to me but my family. where; a place where if for a couple horses so we
To my shock the guy at the you need firewood you sold our Sedro-Woolley
Income: $52,863.46 desk said, “Oh you can stay place and moved to a
just buy it. The high prai-
Expenses: $52,089.48 another month. 60 days is ries of Colorado are not place in Hamilton. After
the limit, I just tell people like that. Firewood was two months and the on
Annual Budget: $164.554.00
30 so they’ll plan to get nearly impossible to get. again, off again life in the
Budget YTD: $53,796.50 out.” Whew! I was so re- All that was available was milling industry we moved

Continued p. 3
Page 3 Page 3
The Long and Winding Road, part 3, conti
The Long and Winding Road, part 3, continued
to Montana. for about 10 days while the back to Washington. We
By moving to the Missoula County opened our road and a found a small house to rent
area we were near Colleen’s few others. During our stay I on a local beef ranch. We
family. We planned to rent would walk to the house every lived there for about 3 ½
until we could find the perfect other day to check on our ani- years and saved money for
place. Guess what? We mals and house. Of all the a down payment on our
couldn’t find a rental we could times to run out of propane. I next place. We found that
afford. So after a month of went to our local propane place about 2 miles east of
living with family and a month store they loaned me a 100lbs Hamilton WA and lived
in our tent trailer, we decided tank, all I had to do was get it there for a couple years.
to buy something…anything. to the house. I found a friend It was then that God
We found a single wide on 10 of a friend with a snowmobile called us to a missionary
acres outside Frenchtown MT. and trailer. He was able to get camp with Youth With A
We moved in just before win- all but the last 200 yards and Mission. We sold every-
ter hit and wouldn’t you know the snowmobile started thing except what we could
it, it was the coldest winter getting stuck. I pushed the put in a 12’ U-haul trailer
anyone could remember, -20 trailer and we made another and left for Colorado. There
degrees for almost 2 months. 50 yards, then we had to in the high mountains our
Our household plumbing froze physically lift the stuck snow- family of 4 moved into a
and we employed a man who mobile out of a rut and dis- 400 sqft aged log cabin. I’ll
brought out a gas powered connect the trailer so he could spare you the details and
welder, hooking one lead to a pack a trail so we could get just say things didn’t work
pipe on the back of the house the rest of the way. While he out and we returned to
and one on a pipe in the front was packing in a path I pulled Hamilton after just 3
of the house, he started the and push the trailer to get it months. After a fashion we
welder and the electrical cur- unstuck from the rut. Once he managed to buy a nice ram-
rent flowing through the pipes returned we made it to the bler out of foreclosure and
thawed the ice and we had house and hooked up the gas with a lot of elbow grease,
water again. After that we lines. Everything seemed to water pipe repair and free
left every faucet, hot and cold, be hooked up, but I couldn’t furniture we had a house
running a nearly penciled get the furnace to light, prob- again.
sized dribble of water for the ably because it was zero de- We lived there until
entire winter to keep it from grees in the house. The snow- 1989 when on December 26
refreezing. mobile had to return home we loaded up a U-haul and
One morning some before dark so he left. I even- moved to Alberta Canada to
friends called and wanted to tually got the furnace lit attend Bible College. We
take us to breakfast at a local (before the water froze again), moved into a two story
café. We met for an hour or phoned Colleen who picked house in Three Hills AB. The
so and at breakfast we decid- me up at the bottom of the house was so unlevel that
ed to drive up to our house hill after a 2 mile walk through to test it I laid a quart jar on
for something. When we the snow. the kitchen floor and when I
turned off highway 93 the Eventually the County released it, it rolled away.
wind had blown our road full plowed everything and we got The jar started rolling so
of snow. I mean full, as in ten home. The propane co. fast I thought it was going
plus feet of snow over the brought more propane and to shatter when it hit the
road, it was unbelievable. We we survived the winter. In the wall, so I jumped and
stayed with those friends for spring we decided to move stopped it. In 6 months we
Continued p. 4
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The Long and Winding Road, part 3, continued

moved to a house on cam- often creates a certain builder is God.
pus and spent 2 years there. separation from any geo- And the most reward-
After I graduated we graphical place to call ing passage for those who
moved back to Hamilton home and creates a con- wander is, John 14:1–3,
and bought 3 acres of bare nectedness to spiritual “Let not your hearts be
ground, installed all the util- places. Moving makes the troubled. Believe in God;
ities and put a doublewide following passages seem believe also in me. In my
on it. We lived there until all the more encouraging Father's house are many
1998 when we were called and fills our hearts with rooms. If it were not so,
to pastor the Mazama Com- hope for a home to come. would I have told you that
munity Church near Win- Hebrews 13:14, For I go to prepare a place for
throp WA. We lived in Win- here we have no lasting you? And if I go and pre-
throp until we moved to the city, but we seek the city pare a place for you, I will
parsonage behind Irondale that is to come. come again and will take
Church in 2000 and finally 1 Peter 2:11, Beloved, you to myself, that where
the house on West Valley I urge you as sojourners I am you may be also.
Road in 2003. and exiles to abstain from (ESV)
When I say “The Long the passions of the flesh, It takes some people
and Winding Road” it is which wage war against a long time to figure out
heavy on the winding, I your soul. where they are supposed
count 25 moves. My grand- 2 Corinthians 4:18, As to be; because some peo-
fathers were bold men who we look not to the things ple really do have a home
traveled and moved as they that are seen but to the somewhere else. 2 Corin-
needed to, maybe a little of things that are unseen. thians 5:1, For we know
that rubbed off on me. For the things that are that if the tent that is our
None of us were famous for seen are transient, but the earthly home is de-
our travels but we seemed things that are unseen are stroyed, we have a build-
to manage to feed our fami- eternal. ing from God, a house not
lies and do what needed Hebrews 11:10, For he made with hands, eternal
done. This life is not for the was looking forward to in the heavens. (ESV)
faint hearted, but for the the city that has founda- God bless you and
courageous. Moving so tions, whose designer and enjoy the rest of summer,
-Pastor David

August Birthdays and Anniversaries

15. Yako Gilbertson
1. Shirley Gadbaw
Wayne Shirts
Kim Wilcox
20. Micah Conklin
3. Su Tipton
Audrey Mackey
7. Leroy Inman
22. Kathleen Horner
Chad Crandall
24. Bill Croft
12. Colleen Hodgin
29. Fritz Gordon
Jodi Hallinan
13. Morgan Headley
Belinda Price
Sherry Boyd

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