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Energy Policy 31 (2003) 1573–1577

LPG: a secure, cleaner transport fuel? A policy recommendation
for Europe
Eric Johnson*
Atlantic Consulting, Obstgartenstrasse 14, Gattikon CH-9136, Switzerland


LPG should play a greater role in road-transport-fuel policy in Western Europe, because (1) it is more secure than conventional
and most alternative road-transport fuels; (2) it is superior to most road-transport fuels with respect to public health and
environmental impact, and (3) it is available commercially today, which most alternatives are not. Policy makers should target a
2010 market share for LPG (known as Autogas when used as an automotive fuel) at 3–5% of road-transport fuel, up from its current
level of about 1%.
r 2002 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Energy security; Environment; LPG

1. Transport fuels: increasing concerns of security and * lower in general the vulnerability of energy supplies.
public health
The EU Directorate general for Energy and Transport’s
main policy aims are to encourage conservation and to
In the past 3–4 years, energy security has revived itself
increase alternative fuels’ market share to 20% by 2020
as a policy issue. Over the past decade, concerns about
from less than 2% today. To support this, preferential
the health impacts of road-transport pollution have
tax regimes have been prescribed for biodiesel (Eur-
grown. Governments believe they can attack both
opean Commission, 2000, 2001a).
problems simultaneously, while also cutting the impact
UK policy is being led by DTI, DEFRA and the
of such pollution on the environment.
Cabinet Office. The latter’s Performance and Innovation
Unit issued a 218-page report (UK Cabinet Office, 2002)
1.1. Energy security is back in fashion in February 2002, that is more an analysis than an
action plan. It calls for conservation, carbon trading and
Ever since oil prices soared in 1999–2000, European more use of renewables in power generation. Specific
governments have revived their interest in energy policy is supposed to be recommended in a White Paper,
security, which had died during the glut years of 1985– which the government says it will issue by the end of
1999. As Helm points out: ‘Energy policy is suddenly 2002.
back in fashion’ (Helm, 2002, p. 173). Every time fuel Other EU national governments are pursuing similar
prices spike this topic will grab headlines—and politi- programmes, but in all cases the policy debate is still at a
cians’ attention. And price spikes are more likely and very general level. Most of the details of actual policy
frequent today than they were a few years ago, especially have yet to be determined. And of course, it is these
given the current tensions in the Middle East. policy details that will have ramifications for all fuels in
In response, governments in Western Europe are terms of tax rates, subsidies, environmental regulations
pursuing ambitious plans to: and commercial standards.
* slow demand growth for energy;
* reduce dependence on imports from ‘instable’ 1.2. Growing concerns about road-transport and public
sources; and health

*Tel.: +41-1-772-1079. The impact of road-transport pollution on the

E-mail address: (E. Johnson). environment has been a policy concern dating back at

0301-4215/03/$ - see front matter r 2002 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
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1574 E. Johnson / Energy Policy 31 (2003) 1573–1577

least to the passage of the US Clean Air Act in 1970. In the EU Green Paper and the UK Energy Review, there
the past decade or so, policy concern has become less an does not appear to have been any consultation with the
environmental issue and more explicitly a public health LPG industry except from integrated oil and gas
issue (Kunzli et al., 2000; Stedman et al., 1999; Beer producers, for which LPG is a minor interest.
et al., 2000; Johnson, 2002a; Warren, 2000). Nevertheless, Autogas could play an important role in
The public health issue is fairly straightforward: boosting supply security in the Western Europe, as
regulators are concerned about the effects on humans discussed in Section 2. Moreover, its wider use would
of inhaling exhaust fumes. The primary concern is represent a marked benefit in public health and
particles (also called ‘particulate’ or ‘PM’ or ‘soot’), environmental impact, as outlined in Section 3.
which are seen to be responsible for and/or to aggravate Why has this not been spotted by policy makers?
respiratory ailments such as asthma; plus they are Autogas’s lack of policy profile is due to lax marketing
classified as carcinogens. (The California Air Resources by the LPG industry, contends a recent report from the
Board says diesel particles are a known carcinogen, the International Energy Agency (IEA, 2002, p. 90). Says
US EPA says they are a likely carcinogen, and the the report: ‘Liquid Petroleum Gas (LPG) is in some
German Environmental Agency says they are a ways similar to CNG1 but offers some advantages in
suspected carcinogen.) Naturally, regulators are dispro- terms of performance, cost, and range, etc. LPG also
portionately concerned about particle emissions in offers good emissions performance, including low NOx
urban areas, where they are most likely to be inhaled. levels in engines optimised for LPG. However, until
(The residence time of particles in the atmosphere is recently the LPG industry has not consistently pro-
typically only 3–5 years (Jacobson, 2001), much shorter moted this fuel’.
than most other pollutants, most of which are gaseous.)
Although environmental impacts (or health of ani-
mals, plants and inanimate objects) and public health
2. How secure is Autogas?
are very much intertwined, human health usually is
perceived as more important. Consequently, govern-
Among alternative road-transport fuels, Autogas and
ments reach consensus more easily to spend money or
biodiesel are probably the most secure. In heating and
take action to protect public health (consider the recent
electricity markets, LPG’s security advantage to other
outbreaks of foot and mouth disease and BSE).
fuels is less obvious.
Environmental programmes are much more open to
cost–benefit debates. For instance, the US automobile
industry argued passionately against the 1975 manda- 2.1. What is energy security?
tory introduction of catalytic converters, contending
that the economic costs would outweigh the environ- Energy security or energy-supply security as applied
mental benefits. to types of fuels traditionally rests on three factors, in
Because of their health impact (less so because of their descending order of priority (Lovins and Lovins, 1983,
environmental impact), reducing concentrations of 2002; Gannon, 1996):
particles in urban areas has become a key aim of road-
transport emissions policy in Western Europe and * Dependence—How dependent is supply of fuel on
North America. The other key aim in Europe is to potentially hostile producers such as Iran or even
reduce CO2 emissions. By contrast, this clearly is an Russia? What sort of redundancy, storage and spare
environmental aim (as opposed to a public health one), capacity is available to compensate?
and consequently it is subject to more cost–benefit * Decentralisation—How concentrated, hence vulner-
debate—as currently carried out by governments of able, is supply to attack? For instance, the Lovins
North America and Western Europe. (2002) seriously argue that the trans-Alaska pipeline
In any event, European governments also believe they can be put out of action by a moose hunter’s stray
can reduce health and environmental impacts while shot. Pipelines are perceived to be almost inherently
simultaneously bolstering energy security. insecure.
* Destructiveness—How much of a weapon is the fuel
1.3. Full benefits of LPG (Autogas) not recognised itself? Kerosene obviously showed its potential in the
terrorist attacks of 11 September 2001. By contrast,
Noticeably missing from both the EU and the UK photovoltaics are pretty harmless.
policy debate is LPG (known as Autogas when used as
an automotive fuel). The EU dismisses LPG’s benefits as For current policy purposes we would suggest a fourth
‘limited or uncertain’, whilst the UK loses LPG some- factor:
where in discussions of the gas and refined products
markets. In the consultation rounds surrounding both Compressed natural gas.
E. Johnson / Energy Policy 31 (2003) 1573–1577 1575

Table 1
Security of motor fuels to 2010, UK

Security factors

Dependence Decentralisation Destructiveness Availability

Conventional fuels
Petrol By 2010, significant net High pipeline need, High Very high
importer centralised
Diesel By 2010, significant net High pipeline need, Medium Very high
importer centralised

Alternative fuels
Biodiesel Potentially self-sufficient High pipeline need, less Medium Moderate
Compressed natural gas By 2010, significant net High pipeline need, less High Low
(CNG) importer centralised
Fuel Cells or hydrogen Fossil-fuelled, e.g. likely High pipeline need, Low–moderate for fuel Very low
to be net import decentralised cells, high for hydrogen
LPG Net exporter through Low pipeline need, High Moderate
2010. Generated as by- decentralised

* Availability—At what scale is the fuel available, in Table 2

terms of both supply and demand, for commercial Surplus LPG, UK ð1000 t=yrÞ
use? Year 1999 2010a

Production 6450 4708

2.2. Security: Autogas versus other motor fuels Of which
Refined 1500 1500
Based on the above factors, we compared LPG Associated gas 4950 3208
against other motor fuels in the UK (Table 1) based Consumption 3140 3828
Surplus 3131 880
on public data (UK Cabinet Office, 2002; Purvin and
Gertz, 2002; European Commission, 2001b). By inspec- Pessimistic case for production as presumed in ’: Consumption
tion, it can be inferred that Autogas is highly secure assumed to grow at 1990–1999 average of 2% pa.
among the alternative fuels. Its security is comparable to
biodiesel’s and greater than CNGs or fuel cells/hydro- Western Europe produced 24; 264 kt and consumed
gens. Its moderate availability suggests that Autogas is 21; 608 kt of LPG; net excess was 2656 kt or nearly 11%
not by itself a complete answer to energy security, but of production (WLPGA, 2001). Another 6700 kt were
part of a package of answers. We have neither quantified consumed as refinery and petrochemical feedstocks;
the analysis here nor summed the result into a unitary perhaps two-thirds of this, 4500 kt; could be displaced
ranking of each fuel, because no obvious method for this by processing and feedstock adjustments. Thus, the
is available. This might be an area for further research, available excess could be in the range of 2500 þ 4500 or
but for policy purposes, we do not believe it to be 7000 kt; which is nearly one-third of current consump-
necessary. The ship of state does not turn on such a tight tion. By contrast, Western Europe imports about one-
radius. half of its oil and one-third of its gas consumption.
To further elaborate on the first column of Table 1, Deliberately we have posed this argument in broad
here is the UK surplus of LPG out to 2010 (Table 2), terms using public data. Hairs may be split, but the
based on Purvin and Gertz (2002) and WLPGA (2001). overall picture is that Autogas is one of the more secure
An additional security feature of Autogas only hinted at transport fuels—and it is available now.
by this table is that LPG is generated as a by-product,
either of oil and gas production or refining. Even under 2.3. Non-motor fuel markets
relatively dramatic circumstances, it will continue to be
produced, even if hostile gas suppliers shut the taps or Power generation and heating are much less depen-
fewer oil tankers can land crude. dent on oil-based fuels, which are by far the most
Rather than run through a similar analysis country by insecure. Because of scale economies they also are better
country (which would require more space and detailed able to cope with dirty fuels. Thus LPG’s security
data than we have to hand), we would extend the advantage in these markets, if there is one, is less
argument to Western Europe as follows. In 2000, decided.
1576 E. Johnson / Energy Policy 31 (2003) 1573–1577

3. What does increased Autogas usage do for public 3–5% share for Autogas, which has been ignored in
health? the action plan, could improve results significantly in
this period and meaningfully in the longer haul.
Particle emissions would be cut substantially if * European capacity for LPG production—A tripling or
Autogas were substituted for diesel as a road-transport quintupling of Western European Autogas consump-
fuel. Due to the chemical composition of diesel fuel, tion, currently at around 2 million tonnes per annum
when combusted it generates greater amounts of (WLPGA, 2001), can be absorbed without compro-
particles than other automotive fuels such as petrol or mising the security of the market. Not all of the new
LPG. In conventional engines today, particle emissions demand need come from new production. Several
from diesel cars are about 10 times higher than petrol million tonnes could be shifted from chemical and
and 100 times higher than LPG (Beer et al., 2000; Wang, refinery sector demand, which has the flexibility to
1999; Wang and Huang, 1999). Thus, substituting move to other feedstock sources.
Autogas for diesel would be a more effective policy
than would substituting petrol, at least in terms of
public health. References
Even if diesels were to install filters that lower particle
emissions by an estimated 90% (DEFRA, 2001), a Beer, et al, 2000. Life-cycle emissions analysis of alternative fuels for
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0411/1.1/F2 for the Australian Greenhouse Office.
just in the UK—would cut transport particle emissions Department for Environment Food & Rural Affairs, 2001. An
by another 2–7% in 2010. In the UK alone this economic analysis to inform the review of the air quality strategy
reduction in particle emissions causes 100–400 fewer objectives for particles. A Second Report of the Interdepartmental
hospital admissions for respiratory problems and 20–80 Group on Costs and Benefits. Department for Environment, Food
fewer premature deaths over the period of environ- and Rural Affairs, London.
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Because on balance, existing studies show that Autogas and other alternative fuels for road transportation. Directorate
and diesel are about equal in global warming terms. General for Energy and Transport, October 2001.
Two studies show Autogas about equal to diesel (Wang, European Commission, 2001b. 2001—Annual Energy Review. Office
1999; Wang and Huang, 1999). Two show LPG as a of Official Publications of the European Communities, ISBN 92-
clear winner (Beer et al., 2000; LPGA, 2001). One shows 894-3110-5, Luxembourg.
Gannon, J.C., 1996. A global perspective on energy security. Presented
diesel winning by a 3% margin (ETSU, 1996). All of to the Energy Council Conference on Energy and the Environment.
these studies are based on bi-fueled Autogas vehicles Helm, D., 2002. Energy policy: security of supply, sustainability and
(which are less efficient than dedicated ones), and they competition. Energy Policy 30, 173–184.
do not account for the global warming effect of black International Energy Agency, 2002. Bus Systems for the Future—
Achieving Sustainable Transport Worldwide. IEA, Paris, ISBN 92-
carbon in diesel particles (QUARG, 1993; Jacobson,
2001). Both of these factors would favour Autogas. Jacobson, M.Z., 2001. Strong radiative heating due to the mixing state
of black carbon in atmospheric aerosols. Nature 409, 695–697.
Johnson, E., 2002a. Diesel’s particle problem. Atlantic Consulting.
Gattikon, Switzerland.
4. A target for Autogas: 3–5% of road-transport fuel by
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2010 comparison: particle traps versus LPG vehicles. IAIA Conference
2002 Annual Proceedings, International Association for Impact
Based on its secure supply and its potential benefits Assessment, The Hague.
for public health and the environment, we believe a .
Kunzli, N., et al., 2000. Public-health impact of outdoor and traffic-
related air pollution: a European assessment. The Lancet 356, 2
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about 1% today. This is based on two considerations: Challenge. Submitted in response to the UK Government’s ‘‘Green
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* Existing EU policy for alternative fuels promotion— Lovins, A.B., Lovins, L.H., 1983. The fragility of domestic energy. The
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fuels by 2010 and a 23% share by 2020, up from less Purvin, Gertz, L.L.P., 2002. World LPG trade shows signs of recovery.
than 2% now. Individual-fuel shares in 2010 are: Alexander’s Gas & Oil Connection 7(7, 8) April. www.garandoil.
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