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Research Title: The influence of workplace, socio-culture, familial and religion on Female Doctors.
An Exploratory study of Pakistan Health Sector.

Researcher Name; Ali Raza

Degree and Affiliation: PhD, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Penang

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I am voluntarily agreeing to participate in research specifying female doctors in Pakistan

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I agree to allow interviewer to record i.e. Audio/Video my interview.

I understand that I can cease my participation at any time without any showing the cause.

I agree that interview may last from 60 to 90 minutes.

I agree to make myself available for further interview if required.

I understand that my participation in this research will be treated with confidentiality.

I understand that any information that may identify me will be de-identified at the time of analysis of any

I understand that no identifying information will be disclosed or published.

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I am aware that I can contact the researchers at any time with any queries. Their contact details are
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