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© M.T. Keshe/The Keshe Foundation 2004/2006. All rights reserved.

Author: Ing. Mehran Tavakoli KESHE

Date of Internet release: October 8, 2006

The production of atomic carbon at room

temperature and atmospheric pressure.
By Mehran Tavakoli Keshe, nuclear engineer
The Keshe Foundation, Research and Development Organization
Augustus 14, 2006


Repeated experiments and tests in simple static reactors, and tests in more
complex dynamic reactors, proves that atomic separation and recombination of
matter like carbon and hydrogen can be reached at room temperature and a t
atmospheric condition.

These results are achieved by applying new first principles of physics, and not b y
those of chemistry. By the specific set-up of the reactors, including at least one
electromagnetic source, and the correct choice of matters, all physical parameters
were made available to create a self-sustaining environment, in which a continuous
interaction of plasmatic magnetic fields of atoms emerges, and leads to create to
the conditions necessary to transform the positioning of the matters in controllable
sub-sequential step of processing.

This technical approach is based on the assumption that all sub nucleus and sub
electron components of the atom are just collection of specific entangled plasmatic
magnetic fields, each with their own proper plasmatic magnetic energy.

This hypothesis brings a new understanding of how matter is created in the

Universe, and is the origin of gravity.


In this paper methods of new reactor technology are described. They are based on
a new understanding of the creation of the cosmos and gravity.

In the paper titled "The Atom" by M T Keshe, where, the fundamental method of the
creation and development of components of any matter is explained, where it i s
said about the simplicity of creation of an atom: "The universe is made of energies
and not matters. Where, atoms are created in the cold conditions in the weakest
magnetic strength fields regions of a system (like galaxies), and totally in
opposite point, where molecules and matters are created out of collection of the
same atoms, in relative strong and condense magnetic fields regions of
the systems. How these energies orginally interact, and how the lower base energy
levels come together to guarantee their existence, decides what it appears a s
different parts of the atom".

The general hypothesis is that for the creation of matters neither needs e x c e s s
temperature, nor extreme pressure, but all matters charachteristics can b e
reached by altering the fundamental plasmatic magnetic energy (PME) of Specific
Entangled Plasmatic Magnetic Fields (SEPMAF). Like PME A and PME B in image
1A. Where SEPMAF's are what we call today in physics; initial parts of
fundamentals of particles and atoms. Protons, neutrons and electrons are
collections of SEPMAF's which their magnetic fields have a specific structural
magnetic entanglement, for example as the double plasmatic magnetic structure
shown in image 1A.

Each type of SEPMAF's has a proper strength and magnetic structure. These b a s i c
plasmatic magnetic entanglements have a loose binding character, and not a fixed
single magnetic field as in solid magnets.

Image 1. Concept of Specific Entangled Plasmatic Magnetic Fields

That loose plasmatic magnetic binding of a SEPMAF may be altered by the

presence, characteristics and behavior of other SEPMAF’s (like in image 1B the
PME G & H in PME C), namely by their plasmatic magnetic strength and structure,
and by their position and motion. The strength of SEPMAF’s of the same type c a n
alter within certain limits, thus their structure is dynamic.

In other words: Under the right conditions – like minimal distance - these
SEPMAF’s interact and can influence each other in several ways, in example like;
one or more SEPMAF's can have a change in the plasmatic magnetic field
structure; one or both of the SEPMAF's can disentangle; SEPMAF's can reposition
between each other or change position in the surrounding fields.

When SEPMAF's are in motion they will be influenced by the SEPMAF’s, which they
pass and come into.

As such the "Atom" is a combination of several types of SEPMAF's, and molecules

are more complex SEPMAF's.

The physical interactions between SEPMAF's are one of repeated states of balance
or unbalance. To the observer this flux of magnetic changes means property
changes of the atoms and of the molecules.

Once we understand these basic plasmatic magnetic interactions in the building

elements which compose matters, like molecules, we are able to change all
properties of matters, and atoms, by using, in the correct way plasmatic
magnetic fields provided by the SEPMAF's themselves and by additional
magnetic and/or electromagnetic sources, in solid or liquid form, which are in
fact more complex SEPMAF's themselves too.

This means that such processing happens in a smooth way on the fundamental
magnetic level, and not by brute forces, like in reactors, which need high
temperature and high pressure conditions.

By repeated experiments and tests in simple reactors, working at room

temperature and at atmospheric pressure, we have evidence – which is confirmed -
that this type of processing is very feasible and reliable and are normal
daily occurrence in the world of physics, if and only if the correct conditions are

We have now indications - through static and dynamic tests in our reactors - that
the Universe was made in normal condition of cosmos, which was originally nothing
but packages of plasmatic magnetic fields of different strength, which these
packages were themselves nothing but area's of plasma or collections of loose
magnetic fields energies. Where magnetic fields of different strength in-locking t o
each other, by principle of their plasmatic magnetic energy (PME), have caused in
the first stage the creation of fundamental particles, secondly atoms, then
molecules and then matter, clouds and asteroids and then stars and galaxy's".

The interaction and accumulation of the plasmatic magnetic energies usually leads
to creation of energy, heat and/or of motion of their given atomic structure in the
inner sanctum of the each atom (and molecule), which finally leads to creation of all
sorts of matters in the cosmos.

In the universal order, binding energy of a nucleus of matter is lost through

plasmatic magnetic energy losses.

That is to say, in a solid magnet, the magnetic energy of the matter is permanent
according to realignment of electrons within the materials of the magnet and c a n
not be altered by its use, but in the plasmatic magnetic energy in the nucleus of an
atom this is not so. There the magnetic energy in plasmatic state which can b e
transferred from one level of an atom to another level, or commonly from one atom
to another, independent of temperature and pressure.

A vacuum condition may enhance or facilitate the condition of such transfer of

plasmatic magnetic energy in ambient condition in a simple plasma structure
environment. See the paper "The atom".

A major parameter, the mediators, which have never been considered in real term
in the world of physics, is the presence of intermediary matters in the universe,
which facilitate these interactions, combinations and disassociations of
plasmatic magnetic energy atoms between and from each other. These are not
catalysts in the chemical sense.

They exist in every level of molecular structure, in the atmosphere, in the body and
in the cell of a man. There are matters (like blood), which are the intermediaries in
this process, and other matters like metallic atoms in them are facilitators.

Also in the combination H-O-C-N, related to “life”, the presence, the balance and
the interaction between mediators and facilitators determines the outcome.


Through the "Keshe model" of creation of atoms, and physical tests like these t o
produce carbon in atomic level, there are now strong indications that the Universe
has not been made out of a big bang, but in a smoother and less violent way.

By use of the new understanding of creation of matters and the real relationship
between all elements and their connection and transfer of energy in simple way,
and not necessarily in the complicated chemical and biochemical reactions and
connections, we predict that atomic plasmatic magnetic energy of any element
can be replicated, where after separation of atoms from composite matter then the
same atoms can be re-accumulated on a given position and in a specific place.

Where, the same occurs in the cosmos for creation and disintegration of stars and
planets on continuous bases.

In reality physics of the matter comes first, then chemical interactions between
different atoms, which in final stage of its completion appears as complicated
physical biological matter like cells.

The structure of an atom is the simple version of the universal order of creation
and is similar to a solar system or a galaxy. Its structure and its working is in
principle the same as for all the other tangible and non-tangible structures of life in
the universe.

Where it is stated in the paper by MT keshe titled "The atom" that "It is important 3/16
to note that, in an atom "the interaction between the two plasmatic magnetic fields
of neutrons and protons, is in fact the creator of the double magnetic field of the
atom and consequently is the creator of the gravitational field of the whole atom
(very much like the double magnetic field created in the center of the Earth, a s
explained in the paper "The creation of Gravity").

Where the magnetic energy of the nuclease can be increased, up to a limit without
disintegration of their inner gravitational forces of its constituent (like neutron and
proton plasma magnetic energies) for it to attain the plasmatic magnetic energy of
higher element".

One of our predictions is also that several biological processes in the human body
can be influenced in the positive sense by the inhalation, drinking or injection of
small quantities of enhanced plasmatic magnetic energy of different atomic
matters and molecules.

Experiments and tests with Carbon.

The above given new insights of plasmatic magnetic energies in S E P M A F ’ s

provides a new approach in the control of matters within a closed environments like
so called reactor with which the correct conditions can be created and maintained
in. For example, in our reactors we have the separation of matters like carbon and
hydrogen where separation is achieved by separating these atomically from their
original composites, and then selectively collected in a given area as atomic
hydrogen for energy production and/or deposited as carbon on predetermined
surfaces for production of new materials like graphene or glassy carbon.

By using this simple method in a simple reactor, the carbon atoms are deliberately,
as it is done in cosmos, separated from their constituent composite materials, and
then recollected on elements, which are specifically positioned and placed in the

For simplicity and confirmation of the proof of concept, a Cola bottle (50cl) was
used as a reactor, at room temperature and pressure, without the use of any
external means or effects. Inside an electromagnetic wave source was mounted
and the bottle was filled with a composed liquid and then closed.

Image 2A: Empty cola bottle with new electrodes before filling with the Kt

Image 2B: Cola bottle filled with the Kt liquid.

Image 2C: Voltage test on two electrodes, one in liquid and one in plasma.

Image 2D. Emptied Cola bottle after the test where the electrodes
are covered with black deposits (sp2, sp3 and Glassy carbon).

After one hour the first black deposits of carbon were noticed. After five hours the
electrodes, which were positioned above the liquid, were completely black. Parts of
the electrodes positioned inside the liquid were not covered with carbon deposits.
The carbon atoms and carbon walls - several hundreds of atomic layers thick -
were collected on the electrodes in this simple reactor, and a sample was tested
and confirmed by Raman spectroscopy to be containing atomic carbon cluster
known as graphene (sp2) and probably sp3 which according to report could b e
hidden beneath the SP2 layer and clear layers of glassy carbon on the poles of the
This examined electrode shows several sp2 layers on top of each other. The
reason is that we used the tested sample previously for several different loadings
and several carbon extractions from several materials. The tested electrode was
just picked randomly from some 30 or 40 pieces.

Image 3. Lunch box with 27 copper electrodes.

For the test a liquid was inserted and the box was closed.
Level of liquid: till one third of the box.

Through the same principle, then a 27 electrodes reactor (a lunch box - Image 3)
was used to produce in larger quantities the same atomic carbon, and atomic sp3
(three dimensional carbon, known as diamond) was collected.

Image 4. View of treated electrodes . The parts of electrodes which

were lying in the liquid are not covered with carbon.

Further it was found that glassy carbon was simultaneous produced in the reactor,
which has been confirmed in the Raman spectroscopy report.

Image 5A and 5B.
View of a carbon deposited electrode and
the graph with two peaks found by Raman spectroscopy

The Raman Spectroscopy shows two main peaks in the graphs (image 5B), one in
the sp2 area and one in the sp3 area. The sp3 may indicate either that the weight
of the upper layers have caused broken connections in the lower layers, or means
that the carbon layers on the electrode also contains some sp3, thus diamond-like
deposits. Other tests have been performed, such as atomic carbon deposit t e s t s
and voltage/current tests in reactors only filed with plasma (a moisture of a K T

Image 5C: Voltage test on two electrodes, in a reactor only filed with plasma.

It is important to note that the processes in the reactor are not chemical, as there
were no deposits of any form on the submerged part of the electrodes.


By principles of physics and by new understanding of connection of matters and

applying this the relationship in a reactor and not a chemical interaction between
different atoms in a composite, it becomes very easy to disintegrate composite
matters like carbon and iron, and then deposit the carbon, which changes to gas in
atomic level on to a given surface.

From the point of disassociation from iron atoms', the carbon automatically
recombines with oxygen in its environment creating CO2 by use of additional
plasmatic electromagnetic source, which this is disintegrated to carbon and
oxygen and then the carbon can be attracted and deposited on to a pre-designated

In our tests, carbon atoms are extracted from C O2 gas, plastic, metals and

In these tests we use a mixture of hydrogen liquid as the mediator, an

electromagnetic wave source, and copper electrodes as the collector.

It has to be made clear that the carbon was only collected and deposited on the
electrodes, which where not placed in the liquid, this proving the clear plasmatic
transfer of the carbon from the liquid and the carbon content of the container which
included a PET-plastic cola bottle (Image 2), containing in its molecular structure,

By the same measure it has to be said that there were no carbon deposits on the
electrodes which were submerged in the liquid, this confirming that there has never
been any catalysis process present in this technology, which carbon or other
matters could be transferred from one element to the other as in plating system.

It is important to note that the mediator in the reactor is not acids and b a s e s
either, that can cause chemical reaction needed for catalytic process.

In the universe acids are composites of further inter-compositions of atoms, and

atoms are created long before any acids are created.

At the same time when the bottle were emptied and then refilled, the deposition of
the graphene is instantaneous and covers all elements even the ones which are
going to be submerged in the same process.


It was noted that no deposits of carbon on electrodes were collected while the core
was empty.

The deposition of graphite occurs only when the medium liquid was introduced into
the core, and the reactor was closed. In the set-up electrodes hang in the reactor,
some completely in the upper-part without being in the liquid, and others partly in
the liquid.

Several electrodes (Image 5A) and several reactor shapes (Images 2, 3 and 6 )
were used, and all follow the same principle of atomical separation of carbon.

The duration of the exposure of the electrode in the core determines the number of
layers of sp2 and glassy carbon.

Glassy carbon can normally be generated at about 700 degree centigrade and
usually in ovens at 2000 degree centigrade in industry.

In our test reactors - through the new understanding of gravity - Graphene and
Glassy carbon is created at room temperature and pressures, in simple plastic

In these reactors, we managed to accumulate several hundreds and even

thousands, of layers of graphene and glassy carbon with thickness' of several
microns, accumulated on top of each other on several electrodes, at the s a m e
Flat electrodes were used to create wafers like graphene and glassy carbon sheets,
where they can be cut to pieces and used as electronic components like
transistors, resistors and superconductors.

It is noted that the electrode layers accumulation is exposure time dependent in

the rector, longer exposure time in the core tends to gather more carbon layers, a s
long as the carbon atoms are present within the environment of the core, once the
core is loaded with the medium material.

When the core is emptied of the liquid, just by the presence of the moisture of the
mediator in the core, the carbon deposition on the electrodes always carries on
until all available carbon atoms in the core are deposited on the electrodes. Further
it is noted after the core is emptied, that the electrodes, which were in the liquid
mediator, start attracting carbon from the moisture.

The part of the electrodes that were in the liquid and then totally removed from the
core environment condition will stay copper clean.

It is noted that carbon does not deposit on plastic material, and plastic or
petroleum based products can be used as a protective cover.

During some of the carbon deposit tests the electrodes were connected to a multi-
meter for measurement of voltage and current. During other tests they were not
connected. This difference did not stop the process of deposition of carbon.

Results for Hydrogen atom separation.

It has to be said that at the same time, we have managed to do the same with
atoms of hydrogen, where hydrogen is atomically removed from water, and then
ionized to create current and voltage for energy production, without use of any
external heat or pressure, and totally in the room's ambient conditions.

This proving that there is no need for highly elaborated systems to create
hydrogen atoms to operate any fusion nuclear reactors.

These tests have been carried out several hundreds of times over a period of
several months, through static cores and dynamic cores, and results became
predictable after the first few initial tests.

This confirming that the outcome for separation of atom and production of energy
can be replicated in any containment and that the process is conclusively
independent of reactor shape, or dimension, but very much source position
dependent in relation to the totality of the core internal composition.

This is the way first fusion states of matter in the cosmos takes place, that is in
cold normal conditions and not in hot bodies like the center of the sun.

We have created several reactors for the proof of this concept. Image 6 shows a
plastic film container is used to create a 1.5 volts DC and 1.2 Ac voltage
simultaneously from 4 terminals.

Image 6. Film container acting as a battery-like reactor.

It has to be said that this closed battery-like reactor has been tested for four
months, and still generated the same voltages. This battery is calculated t o
generate power for several years. In annex A the output in voltage and current of a
cola bottle with four electrodes is shown in a graph.

The nano-oxide production

During the test process and through specific methods applied to the use of the
reactor, copper-oxide was created and deposited on the surface of the electrodes.

This has shown itself as normal copper oxide green colour deposited (Image 4 ,
center electrode)

The oxide is always deposited on the top of the SP2 layer and in specific way and
through specific procedure.

The oxide is several nano meter thick.

Several other oxide like nickel and composite material were deposited on
electrodes using the same principal methods.

The glassy carbon

In the process of creation of graphene in the core, tests have been done and
conditions in the core were created that the same carbon atom through electrode
positioning and carbon flow conditioning, changes its crystal orientation pointing t o
deposition of the glassy carbon as found on the electrodes by Raman

This condition is motion and turbulent dependent and is always uniform in

thickness and strength.
The thickness of the glassy carbon is in microns and always has been found to b e
more dependent up on the vertical flow of the carbon atom.

It has been noted that better results in obtaining glassy carbon and even SP3 are
gathered in vertical position material, where the matter can slide, than it is in flat
surfaces were the carbon is piled on top of each other to create graphene layers.
This has been seen by Raman spectroscopy on electrodes.

Glassy carbon has hardness characteristics, which can be used for resistance
Nano wire

The silicon plate with copper dust embedded on the surface is put in the core,
allowing for the graphene to grow on these copper dust spots leading to the
production of nano wires, to the length corresponding to the duration of the
exposure in the core and thickness corroding to the or the diameter of the dust
particle, giving the ability to produce nano wires of varying diameter according t o
the diameter of the embedded copper particles.

This approach can also be used to create multi-layer composed wall with materials
different from carbon, where in our reactor tests we have managed to do the s a m e
with layers of sp2 covered with layers of copper oxide.

Tests with cables and wires with insulation jacket

Some tests were performed with cables and wires in static plasma reactors. A
small quantity of the special Kt Liquid was used, and other tests happened in pure
plasma condition with only a Kt moisture in the test reactors. No additional
external energy sources - like EUV from arcs, magnetic fields from solid magnets,
electrical current, etc - were used.

Before the tests different type of cables, such as standard electric wires,
complete telephone cables and small wires (containing 7 copper strands). So all
copper wires and strands were still in their insulation jacket.

After expose in static Keshe reactors it has been found that all copper wires and
strands were fully covered by atomic carbon. That means that the carbons atoms,
entering by one end of the cable, were deposited on the copper surface of each wire
and strand.

Image 8: Deposits happen inside the insulation of cables and wires.

The coverage of wires which are still in their insulation jacket is just one of the
industrial applications. This is working on atomic and nano level. The insulation
material - which we normally think as being very tight to the copper strands, still
have gaps like tens of meters wide from the copper strands themselves, were the
carbon atoms - with a size of ping-pong balls - can travel through. So we just
mount full telephone cables in the wall of our reactors leaving the rest of the cable
outside the reactor, and the cables acts like exhaust pipes to transport the atomic
carbon while depositing them on the copper.

There are indications that the deposits are fullerenes, a combination of s p 2

(graphene) and sp3. Each strand is completely insulated from the other strands in
the same insulation jacket. Although the strands are in direct contact with e a c h
other, they are still insulated from each other by the atomic carbon layers. This i s
proven in tests with multi-meters and physical tests with batteries and lamps.

Image 9A: Treated copper strand in full contact (twisted) are insulated
from each other.

Image 9B: A 9V battery powers lighting through copper strands

in full contact (twisted) with each other.

Proof of concept through independent Raman spectroscopy


For confirmation and validation of the tests, and proof of technology through new
understanding of creation and the ability of repositioning and transportation of
matter, that carbon atoms can be separated atomically, from solids and/or liquids
and then be collected and deposited on a given position, a sample of the electrode
was randomly collected and used for the Raman spectroscopy test. 12/16
Test results from the sample (image 5A) has shown clearly the SP2 cluster, the
glassy carbon indication, and even the possible presence of SP3 on the lower
layers of carbon deposition on the electrodes.

Reactors can be build to have only one specific outcome (like glassy carbon) or t o
have composed layers.

Further Raman Spectroscopy tests are planned on electrodes processed under

different time frames and from different carbon sources and from other sources.


After some twenty years of research and development, and through physical
development of several static and dynamic cores, it has become possible to prove
that there is a simple way to produce matter on an atomic level for use in medicine
and science, like in treatment of cancer, and use in nanotechnology components in
the electronic world.

As these carbon atoms as graphene or nano-oxide on the electrodes and hydrogen

atoms for generating energy in small cores, are a by product of bigger research and
development program to create gravity, showing that atoms are created in the
universe in a very simple way and through plasmatic magnetic energy transfer and

Image 7: This image shows that atomic hydrogen has been created , that in
conjunction with the core parameter hydrogen plasma is created in the cola
bottle leading to generation of voltage and current while producing at the same
time sp2, sp3 and glassy carbon, all this at room temperature and at
atmospheric pressure, which has been achieved in the world of science.

This proves that the other results which have been attained through operation of
the same reactors, showing that we are on the right path to confirm that matters
can be disassociated from each other without the use of brute force, extreme
heats, chemical interactions and extreme pressures conditions.

Where atoms posses their own individual plasmatic magnetic energy structure,
which can be moved from one matter and positioned to combine or interact with
another and be used to create new matters and conditions, like the creation of
gravity, which one required for a given purpose.

Further with these tests we have serious indications that the Universe could have
been made or was made in the conditions similar to the simple core(s) as
described and shown in this paper. Where the big bang theory conditions have no
room in the reality of the creation of the Universe.

With test results from the operations of these simple core(s) we have proven that
matters can be separated from their composites or molecules and then
reconstituted in other positioned due to their plasmatic magnetic energy by
applying the new understanding of the relationship between gravitational fields of
matters like in an atom, a planet, a solar system and a galaxy, where a l s o
simultaneously a vast amount of energy is generated.

Thus to understand the principal order of atomic structure of matters it i s

important not to be entangled in complicated physics, but simply to look at the real
world of creation.


© Mehran Keshe 2006. All rights reserved. International patents pending.

Annex A. Test for voltage and current. Result from a cola-bottle (Images 2C and

Annex B. Another test for voltage and current. Some photo’s.

The photo with the –364 mV shows an automatic recharging process in the


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