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Homework Grading Policy

Mrs. Chappell

PEP has developed a standard procedure for math homework to be graded that is
generally followed by the PEP math tutors. Parents have an active part in this process.
Here are the rules:

1. All original homework done by the student is to be completed in pencil.

2. Students are to fold their paper vertically and work down the left side of the paper
only. Label and date each assignment in the top right corner. Problems should be clearly

3. Students are to show all of their work with steps clearly shown or they will not receive
credit for the problems. They are not to use a calculator unless specifically stated.

4. Parents are to grade their child’s homework with the solution manual and circle the
problems to be corrected in red ink.

5. Next, the students are to correct their work on the right side of the paper next to the
missed problem in red ink, so that it is differentiated from their original work. They
should not consult the solution manual. Parents then check and see that they attempted

6. Finally, the students check their corrected problems (in red) with the solution manual.
They should make their final corrections in blue or black ink. Any problems they simply
couldn’t solve they should copy from the manual. This should help them in
understanding the problems.

7. Students should write down the numbers of any problems they still didn’t understand
in the appropriate box on the assignment sheet checklist.

8. Parents are to initial the assignment sheet checklist.

All of these steps must be followed for the student to get full credit. If a students follows
all of these rules, he or she will receive 100% on the homework, even if they missed
problems and had to make corrections.

If an assignment is turned in completed and on time but without corrections, it will

receive a 20% reduction and will be returned to the student ungraded. The student will
need to make corrections and turn it at the next class meeting to receive any credit.

If an assignment is late one class meeting, it will receive a 25% reduction. It will need to
be completed, checked and corrected. Homework received two class meetings late will
receive a 50% reduction, and after that homework will not be collected and will receive a
zero unless a parent has communicated with me.
If there are excused absences, this will, of course, affect these policies. Parents need to
contact me if there are true obstacles in finishing assignments on time, and we will
discuss the situation.

Parents should understand that it is normal for students to need to make some corrections
in their homework. Math homework is where they learn from their mistakes! The tests
are a more true reflection of what they have learned. Homework will count for 35% and
tests 60% of their final grade. Classroom participation/behavior counts for 5%.

If students are truly struggling on a regular basis and having many errors in their
homework, they will need to seek the aid of a private tutor. I and other PEP math tutors
are available for private tutoring.

Parents must sign the Introductory Letter, stating that they understand these homework
grading policies. Please contact me if you have any questions.

Thank you,
Sara Chappell

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