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A Framework and Toolkit for Managing eHealth Change

A Framework and Toolkit for
Managing eHealth Change:
People and Processes
Pan-Canadian Change
Management Network
About Canada Health Infoway
Canada Health Infoway (Infoway) is an independent, not-for-
profit organization funded by the federal government. Infoway
jointly invests with every province and territory to accelerate
the development and adoption of electronic health information
systems in Canada. These secure systems will allow authorized
health care providers to have quick access to their patients’
vital health information when and where they need it. This
will contribute to better patient care. As well, these systems
will eventually provide Canadians with electronic access to
their health information to help them manage their own health.

For more information about Canada’s efforts to implement

information and communications technologies in health care,

For questions related to this guide, or Infoway’s

approach to change management, contact

(March 2013)

A Framework and Toolkit for Managing eHealth Change

3.3.1 Resources and Tools 26
3.3.2 Further Reading 26
1.1 Objectives and Purpose 6
1.2 Intended Audience 6
1.3 Key Inputs 7
3.4.1 Resources and Tools 28
1.3.1 Current State Assessment 7
3.4.2 Further Reading 28
1.3.2 Literature Review 7
1.3.3 Glossary of Terms 7
3.5.1 Resources and Tools 31

3.5.2 Further Reading 31

2.1 What is Change Management? 8 3.6 MONITORING & EVALUATION 32

2.2 Organizational Change Management 9 3.6.1 Monitoring & Evaluation 32

2.3 Change Management in eHealth 11 3.6.2  Formative (Process) Evaluation 32

2.4 eHealth Change Management 11 3.6.3 Evaluating 32

in Canada 3.6.4 Key Questions 32
2.5 Building a Case for Change 12 3.6.5 E
 xamples of Commonly Used 33
Testing Methods
3.0 A NATIONAL CHANGE 13 3.6.6 Summative (Outcomes) Evaluation 33
3.6.7 Resources and Tools 33
3.6.8 Further Reading 34
3.1.1 Governance 15
3.1.2 Leadership 17 4.0 CONCLUSION: FUTURE DIRECTIONS 35
3.1.3  Key Roles in the Change Process 17
3.1.4 Resources and Tools 19
3.1.5 Further Reading 19
3.2.1 Why Involve Stakeholders? 20
3.2.2  Individual Stakeholder Engagement 21
3.2.3  Process for Engaging Stakeholders 21 8.0 INDEX 116
3.2.4  Coaching and Resistance Management 22
3.2.5 Addressing Challenges 23
3.2.6 Resources and Tools 24
3.2.7 Further Reading 24
A Framework and Toolkit for Managing eHealth Change

Who is this for?

People and Processes reflects leading practices and lessons learned

for managing change in eHealth projects from across Canada. Based
on this experience, this guide and toolkit has been developed as:
• a support for change • a useful resource for • an introductory
management (CM) front line clinicians, resource for
leaders and managers and senior individuals with
practitioners leaders with a project CM as part of their
working within implementation / role but who may
eHealth, particularly quality / risk focus. not yet have any
for jurisdictional formal education.
level and large
institutional projects
and programs.

A Framework and Toolkit for Managing eHealth Change

Executive Summary
Change Management

Change management (CM) is about supporting people through

change. The term “change management” includes a wide range of
activities and means different things to different people; there are
tangible and measurable elements to CM, as well as less tangible
elements, such as behaviours and culture change, which are just as
crucial to overall project success.

Canada Health Infoway (Infoway) established the Pan- implementation of change is achieved when the systems,
Canadian Change Management Network (Network) processes, tools and technology of the change initiative
to support improvements in CM with information and are embedded in the new way health care providers
communications technology (ICT) for health projects. do their work. A focused and appropriately resourced
These members have defined CM as: approach to CM has been demonstrated as an essential
driver of adoption and for realizing the many benefits of
“…a strategic and systematic approach that eHealth initiatives across Canada thus far.1 Conversely,
supports people and their organizations in the ICT project failures often have root causes associated
successful transition and adoption of electronic with CM shortfalls.
health solutions. The outcomes of effective
change management activities include solution This document is focused on CM practices as they relate
adoption by users and the realization of benefits.” to people and organizations undertaking change within
the context of eHealth projects.2 Prosci, an internationally
In the world of eHealth, successful change recognized approach to CM, refers to this concept as the
implementation results in solution adoption and other “people side of change.” 3 Others refer to it as the art of
long-term benefits such as improved patient care and change, implying that there is a need to mesh both science
organizational efficiencies. In other words, successful and art to form a comprehensive CM strategy.

National Change Management Framework

Experience from the front lines, as well as an analysis of the practice, but remain a vague ideal of how the change ought
current state of pan-Canadian CM activities have shown to have occurred. This observation provides an opportunity
that different approaches to CM are in play. CM plans to reflect on new approaches for improving and influencing
must try to anticipate the various individual reactions of user adoption and benefits realization.
people to new and often stressful situations, and as such,
must remain fluid and dynamic. Change leaders from
across the country also report that often, despite best
efforts, plans are not fully executed into actual, tangible

Discussion among the Network concluded that there The CM framework is shown in the figure below:
A Framework and Toolkit for Managing eHealth Change

were key elements within the CM process that needed

to be addressed, both in planning and in execution, Change Management
in order to ensure success. The group also recognized Framework
that sharing information and lessons learned across
projects and jurisdictions is critical for promoting rapid
improvement and a common understanding in process & LEADERSHIP
and approach, based on the collective wealth of expertise
and knowledge.
The Network has developed an integrated framework ENGAGEMENT COMMUNICATIONS
for describing CM activities within the context of
eHealth projects that consists of six core CM elements:

Governance & Leadership: MONITORING &

The mechanisms used to guide, steer or regulate the EVALUATION

course of a project, including how stakeholders can

affect the priorities and progress of a project as well
as the CM activities occurring within a project.
Stakeholder Engagement: ANALYSIS & TRAINING &
The process by which the perceptions, issues and
expectations of stakeholders are learned and managed.
Stakeholder engagement includes focused attention
on the individuals who are expected to change. Their
behaviours and needs must be defined, understood Outcomes of successful eHealth change lead
and considered when implementing eHealth projects. to solution adoption and clinical value, benefits
realization and overall health care delivery
Communications: transformation, positively impacting health
The process of providing stakeholders with what
outcomes for all Canadians.
they need to know, in order to prompt appropriate
responses and/or actions.
Each section of this document contains a brief overview
Workflow Analysis & Integration: of the key concepts for each element of the framework,
The process of understanding current work processes links to relevant tools and templates, and suggestions
and opportunities for improvement, so that new for further reading as derived from the literature review
processes using eHealth solutions can be sustainably and other sources. Where applicable, experiences from
embedded into the culture, as evidenced through Canadian jurisdictions are highlighted throughout.
their presence within steady-state operations.

Training & Education:

The act of imparting both knowledge and specific
skills among key stakeholders to promote adoption.

Monitoring & Evaluation:

The process of reviewing whether CM activities took
place as planned; and the extent to which they were
effective. As proposed in this framework, monitoring
and evaluation take place throughout the lifecycle of
the project.


Background 1

BACKGROUND A Framework and Toolkit for Managing eHealth Change

The Pan-Canadian Change Management Network (Network)
is a grassroots collaborative supported by Canada Health Infoway’s
(Infoway) Clinical Adoption team. It was founded to share experiences
and identify common goals that address ongoing change management
(CM) related issues and concerns within the eHealth space across the
jurisdictions (i.e. provinces and territories). Recognizing the importance
of CM, this network of CM leaders came together to set common
priorities and establish a plan to guide their work.
A subset of the Network, the Change Management Together, this collection offers expertise, insights and
Working Group (CMWG), formed in early 2010 to best practices to help shape CM strategies, and accelerate
undertake a number of activities listed in their 2010/11 adoption and the realization of benefits associated with
established work plan. the use of information and communications
technologies (ICT) for health.
Specifically, the major deliverables for 2010/11 included
the development of the following:

1. Current State Assessment of jurisdictional

CM methodologies and tools.

2. Literature Review to compare and contrast

CM approaches and methods in use nationally
and internationally.

3. Glossary of Terms to develop a “common language”

for discussing CM among CMWG members.

and consolidation of the above three items into:

4. A Framework and Toolkit for Managing

eHealth Change: People and Processes

1.1 Objectives and Purpose of this Document

A survey of CM practices undertaken by the CMWG in • introduce a CM framework that is based on
2010 identified that change leaders have varying degrees of leading practices;
access to tools and supports. Some practitioners reported
• provide sample tools and templates for use;
BACKGROUND A Framework and Toolkit for Managing eHealth Change

having no formal or structured access to tools and supports,

while others indicated they had access to more comprehensive • inform and guide the practice of those new to CM;
CM toolkits. Some jurisdictions have developed their own
templates and guides, while others have researched and • highlight current practices and trends across the
developed tools as needed within a project or program. country and internationally that align to the key
elements of an effective CM plan;
Key challenges identified by CMWG survey participants
included both a difficulty finding appropriate resources • promote dialogue on what constitutes CM
to support change in health care settings, particularly and the important role it plays in achieving
in a large and geographically dispersed region, as well as successful outcomes;
challenges obtaining recognition and ‘buy-in’ of the need
• act as an early step in the process of achieving a
for formalized CM programs, by senior leaders.
national dialogue on leading CM practices for
A Framework and Toolkit for Managing eHealth Change: implementing ICT in health projects, based on
People and Processes addresses these challenges and serves evidence of leading practices;
as an additional resource to highlight where particular
• promote sharing of knowledge, lessons learned,
approaches and tools have been successfully implemented.
successes, and challenges at a project level, regionally
This document is not the definitive guide to CM; rather, and nationally; and
it is intended to:
• build a common language for eHealth CM in Canada.
• communicate the findings from the CMWG
deliverables and serve as a practical resource to
highlight key elements of an effective CM plan;

1.2 Intended Audience

This document is developed as:

• a support for CM leaders and practitioners working • an introductory resource for individuals with ‘change
within eHealth, particularly for jurisdictional level management’ as part of their role but who may not yet
and large institutional projects and programs; have any formal education.

• a useful resource for front line clinicians, managers

and senior leaders with a project implementation /
quality / risk focus; and

1.3 Key Inputs to this Document

As described previously, this resource has been developed • To assist in the creation of a Glossary of Terms by
using three pieces of work undertaken by the CMWG: listing and describing commonly used words and
phrases within eHealth CM.
• Current State Assessment

BACKGROUND A Framework and Toolkit for Managing eHealth Change

Methodology: A comprehensive literature search
• Literature Review was initially conducted by Infoway’s Clinical Adoption
• Glossary of Terms eHealth Information Services team. CMWG members
each reviewed a selection of documents and provided
Each of these inputs is briefly described below. structured feedback via a standardized template that
centered on five core elements of the CM Framework:
1.3.1 Current State Assessment Governance & Leadership, Stakeholder Engagement,
Between June and October 2010, a review of eHealth Communications, Workflow Analysis & Integration
CM methodologies and approaches was undertaken to and Training & Education. Results were reviewed by
gain a better understanding of current practice across the CMWG and a proposed ‘final’ list of documents
Canada. A survey was distributed to all jurisdictions, with was created using specified inclusion criteria.4 A sixth
responses received from Alberta, Yukon, Saskatchewan, element, “Monitoring & Evaluation,” was subsequently
Manitoba, Ontario, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick and added to reflect the importance of evaluating processes
Newfoundland & Labrador. The survey focused on the that confirm successful execution and link to ongoing
following areas: continuous quality improvement activities. In sum, a
total of 49 documents were reviewed by the CMWG.
• Approach After secondary review and discussion, 29 documents
were deemed to meet the inclusion criteria and objectives
• Resources and Structure
of the deliverable. These materials have guided the
• Tools and Supports population of content into A Framework and Toolkit for
Managing eHealth Change: People and Processes.
• Successes and Lessons Learned
• Sustainability 1.3.3 Glossary of Terms
CM terms and descriptions were identified and
Responses were consolidated into a single dataset with documented during the current state analysis and
overall themes, strengths and gaps noted. This synthesis environmental scan. Results were compiled and validated
reflected that the availability of tools and supports varied by CMWG members, based on direct relevancy to the
widely across Canada ranging from jurisdictions with topic of CM and its activities within eHealth. Group
no formal CM supports, to those with some locally consensus was sought for the final listing of terms and
developed templates, to those that had implemented descriptions. In total, 69 terms were initially identified by
formal CM methodologies. the group, with approximately 40 slated for inclusion in
the final glossary.
1.3.2 Literature Review
Between June and November 2010, the CMWG
undertook a literature review with two key objectives:

• To compare and contrast CM methodologies /

approaches in use, both nationally and internationally,
and identify applicable tool sets and resources that
align with the proposed key elements of an effective
CM plan (i.e., the CM framework).


2 Introduction
INTRODUCTION A Framework and Toolkit for Managing eHealth Change

2.1 What is Change Management?

In general terms, change management (CM) is about supporting

people through change. Typical requirements of successful CM
include processes, tools and techniques to proactively manage the
human elements of change to achieve desired business results.5
The end result of effective CM is a change in behaviours, attitudes
and/or work processes to achieve business objectives.
The term “change management” includes a wide range of This document is focused on CM practices as they
activities and means different things to different people. relate to people and organizations undertaking change
There are ‘hard’ aspects to CM, which are “tangible, within the context of eHealth projects.10 Prosci, an
identifiable and measureable,” and there is a ‘soft’ side internationally recognized approach to CM, refers to
to CM that deals with intangible behaviours and culture this concept as the “people side of change,” 11 while
changes.6 These are more difficult to measure and manage, others refer to it as the art of change, implying that there
yet they are crucial to overall project success. is a need to mesh both science and art to formulate a
comprehensive CM strategy.
Research undertaken by the Change Management
Working Group (CMWG) identified that many CM Members of the Pan-Canadian Change Management
practitioners focus on change at an enterprise or strategic Network (Network) have defined CM as:
level, while others are focused on CM within the context
of a single project. This difference is reflected in the “…a strategic and systematic approach that
reporting structures: in some jurisdictions, CM is at supports people and their organizations in
a programmatic level overseeing all aspects of change the successful transition and adoption of
for healthcare technology and in others, CM is a set of electronic health solutions. The outcomes
activities contained within a single project. of effective change management activities
Implementing information and communications include solution adoption by users and the
technologies (ICT) in health care is not easy, “requiring realization of benefits.” 12
organizational commitment, strong leadership, adequate
resources (capital and human), sound project methods, The figure on the following page was developed by the
a skilled team and the utilization of appropriate change CMWG to illustrate how successful change is dependent
management techniques.” 7 As such, CM is an integral on developing and implementing a meaningful approach
part of project management processes, impacting project to a transition that includes a series of relevant and
scope, time, cost, quality, risk, contract/procurement, supporting activities over a sustained period of time.
human resources, communications and more.8 When supporting activities focus on both people and
Ultimately, CM activities result in solution adoption and their organizations, the potential for successful
use, transforming health care quality and efficiency.9 outcomes is created.

Literature has identified that poorly managed change can Figure 1

result in negative consequences including: turnover of valued What is Change Management?
employees; lower productivity; resistance in all forms (passive,
overt, mild, serious); disinterested, unengaged, detached Approaches Future State
employees; increased absenteeism; cancellation of projects; and Activities

INTRODUCTION A Framework and Toolkit for Managing eHealth Change

slow or non-adoption of new methods and procedures; and
little or negative return on investment (ROI).13
A study by AMR Research found companies that OUTCOMES
had successful software implementations spent 10 to
15 per cent of their project budget on CM implementation
activities.14 Allocating funds that support the adoption and
execution of CM practices increases the odds of success, as PEOPLE ORGANIZATIONAL
the necessary focus can be placed on supporting the people CHANGE CHANGE
in the organization who make things happen.15

COACH: Canada’s Health Informatics Association,

suggests that best practices for dealing with implementation Current State
challenges of ICTs for health include: recruitment of strong
champions and sponsorship for change; choosing a well-
designed and resourced CM program that is aligned with working to optimize their engagement and use of the
organizational culture; implementing change with a staged solution and information; and monitoring data quality to
approach, easing disruption and facilitating demonstration provide helpful feedback and education for users of the
of the benefits of the change as quickly as possible; offering system about the importance of data in supporting clinical
sustained support for new users of a solution / system, and organizational decision making.16

2.2 Organizational Change Management

Organizational CM is focused on supporting people the organization and the degree of alignment between any
to change their behaviours in specific, desirable ways, new ideas and the organization’s perceived “real needs.” 20
by providing them with the right tools and supports.17
Effective leadership that clearly communicates this vision From a leadership perspective, there are a number of
is a critical first step.18,19 One must also understand and activities required to facilitate an effective change process.
appreciate the political environment and culture within Hiatt & Creasey’s Prosci model refers to these key
elements as occurring within three phases: 21

Figure 2
Prosci Model: Three Phases of Organizational Change

Phase 1 – Preparing for Change Phase 2 – Managing Change Phase 3 – Reinforcing Change
• Define your CM strategy • Develop CM plans • Collect and analyze feedback
• Prepare your CM team • Take action and implement plans • Diagnose gaps and
• Develop your sponsorship model manage resistance
• Implement corrective actions
and celebrate successes

Another way to consider organizational change is by in Allen’s (2008) The CHANGE Approach© and noted
analyzing the change against six key phases, summarized in the table below.

Figure 3
Six Phases of Organizational Change
INTRODUCTION A Framework and Toolkit for Managing eHealth Change

Creating Articulate why • Is there a clear and compelling reason for adopting this change program?
vision change needs to • Is it clear how, when and where this change will happen?
happen and why it
• What is required to keep the initiative moving forward?
needs to happen
within the planned • Is the objective data needed to convince the skeptics available?
timeframe. • Do people feel the urgency to change?

Harness Get on board the • Who are the stakeholders in this change?
support key decision makers, • What are the motivators for each stakeholder?
resource holders and
• Does the senior executive team support this change?
those impacted by
the change. • Has a communication plan been developed?
• Are all stakeholders engaged in the change process?

Articulate Define in specific • Do stakeholders take ownership of the vision and goals?
goals and measurable • Are program goals SMART (Specific, Measurable, Attainable,
terms the desired Realistic and Timely) goals?
• Are people involved in devolving the goals to lower levels of
the organization?
• Are implementation plans in place supporting attainment of goals?
• Are performance measurement and reporting systems set up?

Nominate Assign esponsibility • Are CM and new operational accountabilities clear?

roles to specific individuals • Are the right people selected for the right roles?
for the various tasks
• Do people with responsibilities have the necessary skills?
and outcomes.
• Are project management principles and methods being used?
• Is the proportion of goal and task assignment appropriate?

Grow Build organizational • Is the training plan sufficiently scoped and adequately resourced?
capability systems and people • Are teams being developed and supported for high performance?
• Is support in place ensuring transfer of training to the workplace?
necessary for
affecting the change. • Is there a focus on soft skills as well as technical skills?
• Do information, human resources and other systems support the
new operational environment?

Entrench Institutionalize the • Are performance results reported and successes celebrated?
changes change to make • Is planning sufficient to ensure some quick wins?
it “the way we do
• Are remuneration, rewards and recruitment systems aligned with
things around here.”
the change objectives?
• Are new meanings provided through creating workplace symbols?
• Do managers and supervisors lead by example?
Used with permission of author.

Failed organizational change tends to occur for several • poor project management skills;
reasons, including: 24
• hope rested on a one-dimensional solution;
• absence of a change champion or one who is too
junior in the organization; • political infighting and turf wars;

INTRODUCTION A Framework and Toolkit for Managing eHealth Change

• poor executive sponsorship or senior • poorly defined organizational objectives; and
management support; • change team diverted to other projects.

2.3 Change Management in eHealth

CM is a necessary component of all aspects of eHealth clinical knowledge and understanding of the effect
initiatives, including project planning, project of technology on clinicians, health systems and care
management and effective use of cross-functional teams. processes to increase the successful adoption of eHealth
The need to integrate CM activities into many aspects solutions. Integrated project planning fully considers the
of eHealth projects necessitates having multidisciplinary technology, clinical and business processes, as well as the
CM teams integrated within the overall project team. people aspects of implementation.
This combined team includes members with deep

2.4 eHealth Change Management in Canada

Adoption and benefits realization of electronic health • Demonstrating early results based on comprehensive
solutions is accomplished using an integrated approach data is important;
to CM, adoption and benefits evaluation. Infoway’s
Clinical Adoption team works to support this • Continuous quality improvement cycles should be
pan-Canadian effort through its investment programs applied; and
and the mandate of its regional teams. CM efforts are • Initiatives that demonstrate clinical value will be
underway in every jurisdiction to support eHealth supported and those that do not include clinical
solution implementation and adoption. Recognizing the adoption as a goal from the beginning will struggle
importance of documenting and sharing the breadth of or fail to be adopted.
CM efforts across Canada led the CMWG to undertake
its current state assessment (please see Section 1.3.1 for Other key findings from the current state analysis are
additional details). described below:

Key findings of the CMWG assessment of change projects Approach to CM: All responding jurisdictions
across Canada identified the following best practices: recognized the importance of CM and have developed
unique delivery approaches. In a number of jurisdictions,
• Those individuals and organizations who directly this tactic resided within project-level implementation
benefit from the initiative are often the most effective methodology. With the exception of Manitoba, which has
at executing the initiative; wholly adopted Prosci 25 as its approach for supporting
• Initiatives that leverage standards and proven people through change, no other jurisdiction referenced
technology are most often successful; one particular CM model, nor did any jurisdiction formally
reference a set of principles guiding their CM approach.

Resourcing: Responsibility for CM resides with senior change, end user sites or privacy and security; while no
management in all jurisdictions and is mostly delivered tools were identified to support the development and
by contracted resources. Across all respondents, no formal communication of value propositions or user adoption. In
governance mechanism guides or supports CM executives addition, the questionnaire administered by the CMWG
and resources. The percentage of total project budget identified sustainability as a critical CM concept, and the
INTRODUCTION A Framework and Toolkit for Managing eHealth Change

spent on CM varies considerably across the jurisdictions relationship between sustainability and continuous quality
and with size, scope and type of project. improvement was confirmed as an important area for future
consideration. Only one jurisdiction reported formally
Tools and supports available: Readiness assessment, identifying sustainability as a required CM deliverable
stakeholder engagement, workflow integration and training within its project management processes, backed by the
are supported with a wide array of tools across the eight support of a Reinforcement Sustainment Plan.
responding jurisdictions. Fewer tools support individual

2.5 Building a Case for Change

The value and benefits of eHealth solutions are not Making a strong case for investing resources in CM will
always readily apparent to all stakeholders. Building a focus stakeholders’ attention on the value proposition; act
compelling case for change is an important first step in as a vehicle to discover value for all stakeholders; act as a
the CM process. For most stakeholders, demonstrating building block for communication and training material;
the WIIFM (what’s in it for me) proposition is essential. and be used to secure additional resources for the project and
communicating value to senior leaders in the organization.
The case for change can be articulated formally as a
business case or a vision statement that clearly articulates The case for change also identifies the positive or negative
the reasons for changing linked to the desired outcomes. 26 influences on the objective of a project. A number of
In either case, leaders should help to build the case for methods can be used to obtain this information:
change and identify the consequences of not changing
by profiling the: • think tank, brainstorming sessions;

• clinical imperative that people understand and support • focus groups, working groups;
(i.e., articulate why the change is important and how • interviews with various individuals from selected
it makes a difference to the work of the organization target populations;
and its stakeholders (clinicians, administrators, other
staff, patients and so on)); • results of questionnaires or grounded studies on
organizational climate;
• desired benefits and value proposition;
• observations, field study;
• forces (external and internal, economic, political,
social) that make this change necessary; and • work flow mapping, process analysis;

• cost of the status quo (i.e., the opportunity cost of • management reports on organizational performance; and
doing nothing).
• analysis of actual clinical use cases.

A National Change CHAPTER

Management Framework 3

A NATIONAL CHANGE MANAGEMENT FRAMEWORK A Framework and Toolkit for Managing eHealth Change
A change management (CM) framework has been developed by the
Pan-Canadian Change Management Network (Network). Below is a
discussion of the framework’s key components, a brief overview of
important concepts, links to relevant tools and templates, and
suggestions for further reading as derived from the literature review
and other sources. Where applicable, findings from the current state
assessment are highlighted.
Some tools and templates may be used more than once key elements within the CM process that need to be
through the course of a change initiative and as such, may addressed, both in planning and in execution, to ensure
also be referenced in other sections of this document. success. Additionally, the group recognized that sharing
information and lessons learned across projects and
jurisdictions is critical for achieving rapid improvement
Rationale for a National Change in process and approach based on this wealth of CM
Management Framework experience and knowledge.
Experience from the front lines, as well as an analysis of the The Network membership concluded that information
pan-Canadian current state assessment, show inconsistencies and communications technologies (ICT) for health
in approach to CM. In many instances, elements of CM projects should incorporate the following six core
are done well, but may not have been completed to their CM elements:
full extent. Further, some CM plans are often outdated
or irrelevant by the time solution implementation occurs. Governance & Leadership
As such, they are never fully executed into actual, tangible
practice; thus failing to have the desired strategic impact Stakeholder Engagement
of influencing user adoption and benefits realization to Communications
their maximum potential.
Workflow Analysis & Integration
According to “lessons learned” documents and anecdotal
evidence from change leaders across the country, issues Training & Education
in user adoption were often a result of CM elements
Monitoring & Evaluation
that were either delivered ineffectively or missed
completely. This most often occurs because of a primary The national CM framework is shown on the
focus on technology implementation rather than a following page.
strategic, tactical focus on people. Discussion among
the Network membership concluded that there were

Figure 4 to obtain buy-in from stakeholders and overall

Change Management Framework loss of productivity.

Stakeholder Engagement: Without considering

stakeholders, particularly the actual people who need
A NATIONAL CHANGE MANAGEMENT FRAMEWORK A Framework and Toolkit for Managing eHealth Change

to make the change, there is risk of failed solution

GOVERNANCE uptake, creation of angst and emotional upset, loss of GOVERNANCE
respect for leaders and project implementers, as well
as failure to achieve any return of investment or value.
STAKEHOLDER Communications: Consistent and repeated STAKEHOLDER
communication about the strategy or project and the
desired end goals and objectives is vital. Without it,
information would not reach those who need to know.
EVALUATION The value of what is trying to be achieved may not EVALUATION
be recognized, stakeholders would not be aware or
engaged in the process, innovation and creative ideas
would never be shared, and the required education
WORKFLOW and training would not be successfully delivered.WORKFLOW
Workflow Analysis & Integration: Without
considering the ways that people work and how business
is conducted, it is not possible to incorporate a new tool
Outcomes of successful eHealth change lead or practice, disrupting the workplace and potentially
to solution adoption and clinical value, benefits duplicating efforts. If people are unable to easily use the
realization and overall health care delivery technology or fail to see its value, it will not get used,
transformation, positively impacting health wasting valuable resources and halting progress.
outcomes for all Canadians.
Training & Education: An education plan that
considers approaches to prepare the organization
Why these elements? and users for the upcoming change is critical. It
forms the foundation upon which solution training
Much literature exists to reflect the importance of each occurs, and continues over the longer term, ensuring
of these key elements 27 and the concepts are covered in sustainability and optimal use. Without execution of
more detail throughout this chapter. The value of each of comprehensive education and training plans, few, if
these domains of activity is realized when one considers any of the project goals can be achieved.
the negative consequences of not incorporating them.
Monitoring & Evaluation: Paying attention to
Governance & Leadership: Without an effective process through ongoing monitoring and evaluation
governance structure, the strategic view that links provides opportunity to identify risks. Without
project tasks together – the “what are we doing” focusing on these issues, opportunities to improve
and “why are we doing it,” never gets answered process, to identify gaps or to recognize success do
and the project risks loss of aim, direction and not take place. Ongoing monitoring and evaluation
successful execution. Without an engaged leadership is essential to understand and manage progress
structure supporting the change activities, as well toward the future state. Lessons learned and process
as desired future state, there is risk of discord and improvements need to be integrated in real-time, to
negative impact to organizational culture, failure avoid repeated mistakes.

A national CM framework helps to proactively focus solutions and presents communication opportunities. It
attention to these core and vital activities, aiming also supports the integration of technology into practice;
to minimize negative consequences. Thoughtful and overall, supports people and their organizations as they
contemplation of these undertakings, both in planning transition from the current state to the newly desired end
and in execution, proactively considers users of eHealth state. This is the goal of the national CM framework.

A NATIONAL CHANGE MANAGEMENT FRAMEWORK A Framework and Toolkit for Managing eHealth Change
3.1 initial planning process may reveal below describes the scope of Alberta’s
key partners that, if included in the eHealth governance projects from
governance structure, may result in three different dimensions: planning,
benefits to the project later on. delivery and operations.

There is no single best model for The approach also identifies three
governance; it will look different in elements of a governance model in
each organization. Indeed, one of terms of principles, structure
GOVERNANCE the most critical success factors of and processes, as follows:
& LEADERSHIP effective governance is that the model
must match the unique culture and • Principles: the guiding policies
3.1.1 Governance objectives of each organization. 30 An to which the governance model(s)
approach developed in the province should adhere. Simplicity,
Governance concerns the mechanisms
of Alberta is one example of a useful efficiency, clarity and transparency
that are used to guide, steer or
governance framework for eHealth are identified as useful principles
regulate the course of an organization
programs. This model addresses both for a complex environment such
or system. 28 Strong governance leads
scope and key components of a good as eHealth.
to better decisions, greater alignment
with organizational priorities and governance structure. The figure
more buy-in from stakeholders. 29
With respect to eHealth projects, Figure 5
it is important to establish formal Alberta’s eHealth Governance Framework
arrangements for governance (and
management) of change programs to Planning
clearly establish roles, responsibilities
and “who does what” throughout the
• Visioning • Prioritization
program or project. The governance • Goal-setting • Global budgeting
structure identifies the mechanism • Policy formulation • External liaison
by which stakeholders can affect the
priorities and progress of a project. Delivery

Effective project planning,

• Project approval • Schedule maintenance
stakeholder analysis and engagement • Status tracking and reporting • Resource allocation
at the outset of a project can • Budget monitoring • Change control
contribute to successful governance
and long term project success. Operations
Engaging end users/stakeholders • Infrastructure maintenance • Service level monitoring
when defining governance structures
• Staff management • Procurement and supplier
has been shown to contribute to management
• Troubleshooting
successful outcomes in complex
• User support
solution projects. For example, the

• Structure: the roles, environment, governance mechanisms a method for managing projects
responsibilities and relationships and project management structures within a clearly defined framework.
among the major participants in work hand-in-hand to ensure that PRINCE2 describes procedures to
the information management/ projects progress as expected. A coordinate people and activities in a
information technology common model for integrating project, how to design and supervise
A NATIONAL CHANGE MANAGEMENT FRAMEWORK A Framework and Toolkit for Managing eHealth Change

governance model, including rigorous project management with the project, and what to do if the
individuals, committees and strong governance and project project has to be adjusted when it
organizational units. structures was originally developed doesn’t develop as planned. Working
for use in the United Kingdom, knowledge of this methodology is
• Processes: the operating modes but has since evolved to become a required for some CM leadership
and “ground rules” for operating globally recognized standard project roles in Canadian jurisdictions.
the model and making decisions. management approach, known as the Figure 6 provides a graphical
Having effective governance PRINCE2 (Projects in Controlled representation of one approach for
mechanisms in place to support Environments) methodology. 31 incorporating CM into a project
CM is an important contributor to process and governance structure
PRINCE2 is a structured approach such as that suggested by PRINCE2.
project success. In a project-based to project management that provides

Figure 6
Integration of Change Management Processes into a Project Process and Governance Structure
Adapted from PRINCE2 Project Process and Governance Structure Diagram – (CCTA, 1996) 32

Corporate or Program Management

Directing a Project

Project Project End Stage End Project Lessons
Authorization Initiation Advice Reports
Mandate Brief Reports Reports Learned

Starting up Initiating Controlling Managing Closing

a Project a Project a Stage Stage Transition a Project

Work Pack Quality Checkpoint

Authorization Work Pack Closure

Managing Project Delivery

Project Planning

Change Management Planning


Newfoundland & Labrador’s Centre Figure 7

for Health Information (NLCHI) has EMR Project Governance Structure – Newfoundland & Labrador
adopted an integrated approach to
project planning with a core project

A NATIONAL CHANGE MANAGEMENT FRAMEWORK A Framework and Toolkit for Managing eHealth Change
EMR Project Governance Structure – PROJECT GOVERNANCE
Newfoundland & Labrador displays
the governance model that is in place
for their electronic medical record Department of Health and Community Services
(Project Sponsor)
(EMR) program.

3.1.2 Leadership Project Steering Committee

Clearly defined leadership and
accountability structures at the
outset of the project will motivate Centre Project Project Canada Health
others to adopt change. Successful Team Manager Infoway
CM requires that a variety of
organizational and/or other
governance structures and roles be Change Business
Technical Working Privacy Standards
Management Services
in place to provide the leadership Group
and accountability for ICT projects.

Every project needs to have strategic, is an important characteristic of 3.1.3 Key Roles in the
operational and tactical level Change Process
success. Many projects lack change
leadership and direction to achieve leadership and accountability. A CM initiatives require highly
the required balance of decision “guiding team” of change leaders integrated teams involving a number
making, change progress, and and change agents is required to of distinct roles. Canada’s Health
project success. translate the vision into a reality. Informatics Association (COACH)
Although there is no exact formula has developed a Health Informatics
The guiding team often includes
to follow in implementing an Professional Career Matrix 34 which
multiple levels of leadership and
eHealth system, one ingredient for identifies 65 health informatics roles
management, including:
success appears to be the complete and related competencies, including
and unqualified support of the • The Initiating Sponsor – CM related roles, some of which have
senior executive team, beginning The executive who launched the been reflected in the table below.
with the CEO of the organization. 33 idea. Usually remains committed
The associated toolkit for this
The senior leadership needs to but is a little more removed
document also provides a sample
support not only the objectives of from the daily leadership
job description for a CM project
the project, but also the activities and accountability.
lead role; and a template to assist
that are required to meet them,
• The Sustaining Sponsor – Could in further defining roles and
including CM. Ideally, the objectives
be the program or project steering responsibilities (e.g. RACI chart).
reflect a clearly articulated future
state, rather than simply executing committee, and a group of local
projects on time and budget. leaders who are accountable for
successfully implementing change.
In this context, leadership is
distinct from management, • The Target Sponsor – The local
although effective management level leader of the change.

Figure 8
Change Leadership Roles

Description Examples
Executive Sponsor(s) Program Sponsor,
A NATIONAL CHANGE MANAGEMENT FRAMEWORK A Framework and Toolkit for Managing eHealth Change

e.g. Chief Information Officer,

The executive’s representative for ensuring that:
Chief Nursing Officer,
• appropriate resources are committed; Chief Medical Officer,
• problems are solved; and Chief Technology Officer
• the program succeeds.


Change Leader(s) Business Sponsor,
e.g. Medical Director,
A senior member of the organization who:
Allied Health Director,
• is able to command resources and the attention of the executive team; Clinical Informatics Director,
• has a strong personal commitment to the success of the program; and Information Technology
• is the principal trouble-shooter. Director

Change Agent(s) Project Manager,

Transition & CM Lead,
Members of the project team who are seen to be implementers and
CM Specialist
enablers of change. i.e., these individuals:
• manage and perform tasks to bring about change;
• set up environments so change can happen; and
• maintain the overall responsibility for detailed planning and
implementation of one or more components of the change program.

Advocates Middle managers,

Front line supervisors,
Individuals who:
Team leaders
• are responsible for supporting and communicating change initiatives;
• allocate required resources within their area of control;
• use their influence with others to support the initiatives; and
• support, console and coach others through the change process.
Stakeholders Front line clinicians,
i.e., physicians, nurses,
Individuals who are:
allied health professionals;
• directly affected by, participate in, and will benefit from the change; administrative staff;
• expected to behave differently in the ‘changed’ organization; and researchers; and “users”
• will be accountable for sustaining future state performance. of the solution

Clinician leaders who embrace the as well as roles and responsibilities across all aspects of the organization /
change contribute to the project for all positions including change initiative. Leadership is required at all
vision through their advocacy, leaders, agents and advocates must levels of participating stakeholders.
demonstrated use, and by creating be well articulated and agreed to by
a sense of urgency around the need those fulfilling the roles. Champions
for adoption. Governance structures, of the change need to be cultivated

3.1.4 Resources and Tools Cancer Care Ontario. A Three-Step J. Morazain. Gérer le changement.
The following list refers to resources Method for Large-scale Clinician L’Actualité médicale (Mars 2011)
and tools available in the online Change Management Initiatives « La résistance au changement est
toolkit located in Canada Health (2011, 19p.) incontournable. L’auteur explique
Infoway’s online Resource Centre.36 This presentation describes how l’importance d’apprendre à bien

A NATIONAL CHANGE MANAGEMENT FRAMEWORK A Framework and Toolkit for Managing eHealth Change
to match CM strategies to specific gérer le changement afin d’atténuer
• Organizational Change objectives, identify the right les résistances et de susciter
Readiness Assessment stakeholders and create momentum la coopération.»
at all levels of the organization. It
• Risk Assessment Form Saskatchewan Medical Association.
discusses how to build sustainability
into efforts from the beginning to EMR Champion Guide. Ministry of
• Sample Terms of Reference –
ensure continuous improvement past Health (2010, 18p.)
Governance Advisory Committee
project close-out. “ This guide is for clinic champions
• Determining a Project who have to coordinate the
Governance Structure for Kaiser Permanente. Change Electronic Medical Record (EMR)
Health Projects Management Strategies Workshop: implementation and the associated
Change Management Strategies for Electronic Health Record (EHR)
• Roles and Responsibility Effective EMR Implementations services within the physician clinic.
Charting (RACI) (2011, 33p.) It has been structured to follow the
implementation process and provides
• Job Fact Sheet – Sample Template The aim of this presentation was to
items to consider and activities that
equip organizations with relevant
will happen.”
• Control and Influence Assessment skills and the understanding required
to develop targeted CM strategies. It P. Varkey. Change Management for
3.1.5 Further Reading provides a set of successful practice Effective Quality Improvement: a
approaches and lessons learned.
Canada Health Infoway. White Primer. American Journal of Medical
Paper on Information Governance of G. Pare. Clinicians’ Perceptions Quality (Jul-Aug 2010)
the Interoperable Electronic Health of Organizational Readiness for “The authors provide an overview
Record (EHR) (March 2007) Change in the Context of Clinical of the steps to design and execute
This paper addresses information Information System Projects: QI projects that require change
governance topics with privacy and Insights from Two Cross-sectional management. Adoption of change
security implications for personal Surveys Implementation Science management practices increases
health information in an interoperable (March 2011, 14p.) the odds of success because focus
pan-Canadian EHR and describes is placed on the people in the
“ Organizational readiness is arguably a organization who make
information governance mechanisms
key factor involved in clinicians’ initial things happen.”
that are currently in use in health care
support for clinical information system
in Canada and other countries, or in
initiatives. As healthcare organizations NHS Connecting for Health. Clinical
selected industries outside health care
continue to invest in information Deployment Guide for Clinicians: A
with lessons that could be applied to
technologies to improve quality One Stop Guide to Clinicians Involved
the Canadian health care context.
and continuity of care and reduce in Deploying IT Systems (50p.)
costs, understanding the factors that
influence organizational readiness “The guide is designed to help
for change represents an important clinicians involved in business
avenue for future research.” change projects enabled by
information technology by helping
them understand how they can
contribute effectively and what roles
and responsibilities they may be
asked to undertake.”

3.2 Stakeholder behaviours and needs stakeholder and the degree of

must be defined, understood and openness for sharing of information.
considered when implementing The model below is widely used to
eHealth projects. Often, one of describe stakeholder engagement
the most important stakeholders and forms the basis for this
A NATIONAL CHANGE MANAGEMENT FRAMEWORK A Framework and Toolkit for Managing eHealth Change

is the end user of the solution stakeholder engagement strategy. 40,41

being implemented. Stakeholder Stakeholders may be involved for any
STAKEHOLDER engagement strategies are then one or combination of the following:
ENGAGEMENT defined in response to these needs, for the purposes of sharing
with the goal of creating stakeholder information, providing education,
The term “stakeholder” is used commitment, involvement and seeking feedback, developing
frequently, but is often confused trust. The overall purpose of consensus, creating an involved
and interchanged with partners and stakeholder engagement is to “drive or shared resolution or being
customers. Stakeholders are described strategic direction and operational empowered to devolve decision-
as “…persons, groups or organizations excellence for organisations, making. Stakeholder engagement
that must somehow be taken into and to contribute to the kind of goes beyond informing and
account by leaders, managers and sustainable development from which consulting. Stakeholder engagement
front-line members.” 37 They can be organisations, their stakeholders and requires, at a minimum, some degree
internal or external to an organization. wider society can benefit.” 39 of involvement or collaboration
Stakeholders can be considered as during the change process. These
Engagement can be mapped distinctions are described in the
“any group or individual who can
on a continuum, as the level of table below and are used to inform
affect or is affected by the achievement
engagement will vary depending the tools developed to support
of the organization’s objectives.” 38
on the need for engagement, the implementation of this strategy.

Figure 9 3.2.1 Why Involve

Continuum of Stakeholder Engagement Stakeholders?
All initiatives can derive benefit or
be put at risk through the degree
Inform We will keep you informed
to which stakeholders are engaged
Consult We will keep you informed, listen to you, and provide and involved. Ideally, stakeholder
feedback on how your input influenced the decision involvement will:

Involve We will work with you to ensure your concerns are • ensure stakeholder input into
considered and reflected in the alternatives and provide the project;
feedback on how your input influenced the decision
• prepare stakeholders for the work
Collaborate We will incorporate your advice and recommendations necessary to complete the project;
to the maximum extent possible
• increase the likelihood of an
Empower We will implement what you decide initiative’s success and minimize
the risk of failure;

• create and sustain winning and other forms of engagement such 3.2.3 Process for
coalitions; as working groups and requirements Engaging Stakeholders
gathering undertakings. There are four key components of
• ensure long-term viability of
any good stakeholder engagement
organizations, policies, plans The Change Management Working
process: identification, segmentation,

A NATIONAL CHANGE MANAGEMENT FRAMEWORK A Framework and Toolkit for Managing eHealth Change
and programs; Group (CMWG) survey supports the
analysis and prioritization,
literature in this regard, indicating
• mitigate risk – time investment is understanding and incorporation.
that strong stakeholder engagement
minimal compared with costs of Each is briefly described below.
and training, frequency and quality
not involving stakeholders; of communication, as well as 1. Identify Stakeholders: The
• provide access to a wide range of clear communication channels are first step to any stakeholder
views, expertise, values and beliefs essential. Successful implementation engagement process is stakeholder
that can be integrated into the projects must have structured identification during project
change program; processes and approaches to engage initiation. Although self-evident,
and involve key clinical end user many projects either neglect this
• help stakeholders understand the groups. Experience reported from altogether or limit the attention
value proposition and specifically Saskatchewan indicates building and paid to even the most obvious
their “WIIFM”; and maintaining strong relationships stakeholders. Frameworks for
with stakeholders is important for categorization may vary by
• support the incorporation of demonstrating value and sustaining project, but often include:
a wide range of views into
their buy-in throughout the project internal stakeholders, external
developing a case for change and
lifecycle and beyond. stakeholders and key partners.
in articulating both clinical and
patient benefits. 42 Stakeholders can be engaged 2. Analyze, Segment and
and participate in a number of Prioritize Stakeholders:
There may be different
ways, including: This step attends to the issues and
considerations for individual
concerns of stakeholders throughout
stakeholders compared with • as champions and super-users,
the project duration. Investing time
organizational stakeholders. supporting and promoting the
near the beginning of a project and
change initiative;
re-visiting this assessment at regular
3.2.2 Individual
Stakeholder Engagement • through regularly scheduled work intervals throughout the project
group sessions; lifecycle improves the likelihood
Stakeholders must be identified at
of success. There are three key
the outset of change projects. Their • at structured sessions during components to this step:
expectations with respect to benefits strategy, planning, requirements
and timelines should be anticipated, gathering, prototype and build, Analysis: Understanding the
ascertained and managed from the and testing of the solution phases; issues that matter most to
beginning to avoid misunderstanding stakeholders will assist project
and/or disappointment. • in formal project leadership roles teams to better prioritize,
to engage other end users across understand and mitigate
Stakeholder identification and the jurisdictions; engagement risks.
analysis is often the first exercise in
a series of CM and implementation • for ad hoc information and Segmentation: Identifying the
activities. Results from a complete feedback sessions; and difference between stakeholder
stakeholder identification and analysis groups will provide an
• as participants in formal and
are the foundation for effective opportunity to target messages
informal clinical advisory groups.
communication and training activities, and methods of engagement.

Prioritization: Some stakeholders 3.2.4 Coaching & • ensuring training and education
have a higher degree of influence. Resistance Management programs are aligned with the
In fact, some projects may Developing knowledge is critical to individual need.
have “super-stakeholders” who an individual’s confidence in their
are particularly invested in a The National Health System’s
ability to accept and adopt a change.
A NATIONAL CHANGE MANAGEMENT FRAMEWORK A Framework and Toolkit for Managing eHealth Change

project’s outcome and who Connecting for Health website 46

Coaching increases the knowledge
are highly influential. 43 These details some of the styles of coaching
and skills of the change agents (e.g.
“super-stakeholders” must be that a leader may choose to employ:
managers, supervisors, etc.) to help
identified early on, with specific them manage and support the change • Checklist: Where a coach gives
engagement and management process. Coaching, as defined by guidance on what the person needs
strategies identified for each. Parsloe (1999), is the “process that to do to improve their performance
enables learning and development and where the person is accountable
Some specific and simple
to occur and thus performance to for achieving the agreed actions.
techniques for undertaking these
improve.” Successful coaching requires
analyses are included in • Skill/will matrix: Where
knowledge and understanding of
the toolkit. managers are guided on the best
process as well as the variety of styles,
3. Understand Stakeholder skills and techniques. 44 approach to take when coaching
Perspectives: Anticipating team members. The skill is the
Coaching provides a number experience, training and
and understanding stakeholder
of benefits to the individual understanding of the individual
perspectives is another key step in
transitioning through a change and and the will refers to their
the engagement process. Specific
is based on: 45 motivation, confidence or desire
questions can be unique to each
project. This is an opportunity to to do it. The skill/will matrix
• exploring needs, motivations,
reach out to solicit views about is the original work of Hersey
desires, skills and thought
the project, and how stakeholders and Blanchard and is depicted
processes to assist the individual
wish to participate. in Figure 10. 47
in making real, lasting change;
4. Incorporate Stakeholder • GROW: A model sequence to
• using questioning techniques
Perspectives: The extent to follow when coaching.
to facilitate an individual’s own
which stakeholder perspectives thought processes in order to • Goal – the questions you ask to
are incorporated into projects will identify solutions and actions; establish the short, medium and
vary. Ideally, the “ground rules” long term aims
for such involvement will be made • observing, listening and
explicit at the outset. Stakeholders asking questions that reflect • Reality – exploring the current
need to know their voices an understanding of the situations and discussing obstacles
have been heard, even if their individual’s situation;
• Options – where possible
recommended courses of action
• applying tools and techniques, solutions are explored
are not adopted. Regular feedback
including one-to-one training,
will make stakeholders feel valued • Will – what is to be done next?
facilitating, counselling
and more inclined to participate Where the coach and coached
and networking;
in future projects as well as much agree the action to be taken and
more likely to support, adopt and • possessing the qualifications and make a commitment to carrying
champion the change. experience required in the areas that it out.
skills-transfer coaching is offered;
A detailed explanation of the
• managing the relationship to GROW model can be found in
ensure the individual receives the John Whitmore’s book “Coaching
appropriate level of support; and for Performance.” 48

Figure 10 Change is often met with resistance

Skill/Will Matrix for a variety of reasons. Stakeholders
can feel they:

• have not been consulted or

A NATIONAL CHANGE MANAGEMENT FRAMEWORK A Framework and Toolkit for Managing eHealth Change
involved in the change or its
design, nor have any shared
High Will GUIDE DELEGATE opinions or views been considered;

• cannot identify “what’s in it for me”


• do not feel the wider community

would see the value of the
proposed change;
• like the present status quo and
question their confidence and
competency in the new context;

• do not trust/do not respect/do not

Low Skill High Skill like the person/group proposing
the change;

• have not been given the support

• Co-active: Based on the belief that 3.2.5 Addressing Challenges or time to adjust to the changes;
a person has the answers and the Most major change processes • are expected to change too many
coach helps to unlock that person’s elicit some or all of the following things at the same time;
potential to achieve their goals. reactions: 51
As coaching is about working in • do not have clarity about change
partnership, co-active coaching • Initial disbelief – it won’t happen! aims and objectives;
requires active participation from
• Anger – it won’t happen if I can • believe other things need
both the coach and the stakeholder.
help it! changing more urgently; and
Details on this coaching model,
and the skills and techniques can • Acceptance – if it’s going to happen • do not think the time is right for
be found in “Co-active Coaching” then I might as well do it! this particular change.
by Laura Whitworth et al. 49
• Accommodating new reality Considering the above, planning for
In essence, coaching: focuses – that works quite well and I change involves “not only generating
on tasks; attends to skills and wouldn’t want to change it. enthusiasm for the change process
performance; emphasizes feedback and working with the early adopters
to the learner; addresses a short term As such, any change will have
and converts, but being prepared to
need; and enables explicit feedback its supporters and its resistors
challenge and win over the skeptics.” 52
and discussion. 50 depending on where your
organization is at in implementing a • From the UK’s Northumbria
change AND where the individuals University, Joint Information
within the organization are at with Systems Committee Change
accepting the change. Management toolkit (jiscinfonet.
are some suggestions for dealing
with resistance.

1. Acknowledge that managing 3.2.6 Resources and Tools around proposal development, review
resistance can require the need and adoption; and implementing,
The following list refers to resources
to both challenge and change an monitoring and evaluating strategic
and tools available in the online toolkit
individual’s perceptions and beliefs. interventions. The article argues that
located in Canada Health Infoway’s
wise use of stakeholder analyses can
online Resource Centre.54
A NATIONAL CHANGE MANAGEMENT FRAMEWORK A Framework and Toolkit for Managing eHealth Change

2. Work with the early adopters and help frame issues that are solvable
then move onto the main group in ways that are technically feasible
• Are You EMR Ready?
of staff. Recognise that there will and politically acceptable, and that
A Pre-Implementation
always be some staff that finds advance the common good.
Readiness Assessment
change difficult. Identify and NHS Connecting for Health.
work with this group to minimize • Stakeholder Engagement
Clinical Deployment Guide for
their impact by ensuring the Planning Template
clinicians: A One Stop Guide to
majority are on board. Clinicians Involved in Deploying
• Stakeholder Analysis
3. Confront the sceptics head on. and Segmentation IT Systems. (50 p.)
“The guide is designed to help
4. Reflect on activities and processes • Target Audience
clinicians involved in business
undertaken to date. Question if Analysis Template
change projects enabled by
there are other ways to achieve information technology by helping
• Model for Prioritizing
the desired outcomes. them understand how they can
contribute effectively and what roles
Undertaking a force field analysis
• Communicating and responsibilities they may be
may be one way for a CM leader to asked to undertake.”
with Stakeholders
analyze ways to increase the driving
forces and decrease the restraining • Force Field Analysis NHS. Practical Guide to
forces of a change. Additional Stakeholder Engagement
information regarding this approach • Resistance Management
This slide deck developed by the
can be found in the toolkit section. Framework
National Health Service explains the
value of working with stakeholders
Assumptions within the force field 3.2.7 Further Reading and uses case studies to show how
analysis theory include the premise that: J.M. Bryson. What to do when consulting, listening and involving
• “Increasing the driving forces Stakeholders Matter. Public stakeholders is the key to successfully
Management Review (2004) delivering service transformation.
results in an increase in the
resisting forces. Thus, the current vol. 6 (1) pp. 21-53.
Zinger Model of
equilibrium is maintained but This article focuses specifically on how Employee Engagement
under increased tension. and why leaders might use stakeholder “Employee engagement is the art
identification and analysis techniques
• Reducing resisting forces is and science of engaging people in
to help their organizations meet authentic and recognized connections
preferable because it allows
their mandates, fulfill their missions to strategy, roles, performance,
movement in the desired direction and create public value. A range of
organization, community, relationship,
without increasing tension. stakeholder identification and analysis customers, development, energy, and
techniques is reviewed, including
• Group norms are an important well-being as work connections are
organizing participation; creating ideas leveraged, sustained, and transformed
force in resisting and shaping
for strategic interventions, including into result.” This guide provides a
organizational change.” 53 problem formulation and solution 14 element model for defining
search; building a winning coalition employee engagement.

3.3 • reporting progress – or lack of • consider who the message is

– so people can be responsible coming from;
contributors to success.
• make use of a variety of tools
Minimum core components of and outlets;

A NATIONAL CHANGE MANAGEMENT FRAMEWORK A Framework and Toolkit for Managing eHealth Change
communications plans include
the following: • provide a mechanism for sharing
project information;
COMMUNICATIONS • definition of target audience;
• ensure there are two-way dialogue
The ability to deliver the right • information requirements; and feedback mechanisms;
message, by the right person,
• key messages; • organize the content of messages
through the right channel, to the
after consulting the final users and
right audience, at the right time • required frequency and format; and other stakeholders;
is very important. An effective
communications approach • responsibility for the provision • identify and gather
“requires a matrix of thinking and of information. knowledge objects;
organization.” 55 Communications
Communications planning builds • manage rumours and handle
serve to inform diverse stakeholders
upon stakeholder analysis and misinformation;
and prompt appropriate responses
CM planning exercises to identify
and/or actions. Targeted approaches
messages for specific stakeholder • create a feeling of belonging; and
to communications are defined in
groups and various ways to deliver
response to the stakeholder analysis.
messages to these audiences. The • evaluate the effectiveness of the
Change leaders and implementers communications approach.
CMWG Current State Assessment
need to understand their respective
found that in Yukon, frequent, Workflow analysis (described
roles in communicating with a broad
well-timed and well-considered below) can also contribute to
range of stakeholders.
communications delivered by a single communications activities by
As applied to the eHealth context, point of responsibility have been a identifying the magnitude of the
the goals of communication include: major contributor to project success. change required from stakeholders.
Communication approaches Significant changes will require a
• soliciting feedback – engaging in heightened communications effort
two-way communication that promote awareness and
understanding of the expected over a longer period of time.
and dialogue;
change by all affected stakeholders Change leaders should report
• providing people with what they are required. Specifically, the achievements regularly and widely to
need to know to make informed approach to communications should: keep people motivated and involved
choices about whether/how to
• start early in a project and and the initiative moving forward.
comply with or commit to
the initiative; describe the why, what and how;

• building trust with candid • consider the audience (messages,

information about the need format, language, outlet,
for change and the difficulty frequency, etc.);
of changing, including
the consequences of not
changing; and

3.3.1 Resources and Tools 3.3.2 Further Reading

The following list refers to resources C. McCarthy, D. Eastman. Change
and tools available in the online management strategies for an
toolkit located in Canada Health effective EMR implementation.
Infoway’s online Resource Centre.56 HiMSS. Chicago: 2010.
A NATIONAL CHANGE MANAGEMENT FRAMEWORK A Framework and Toolkit for Managing eHealth Change

• Key Questions Associated with  his book discusses general reasons

to communicate, successful practices
Communication Planning
for effective communication
• Communication Planning Tools – and includes a communication
Audience Assessment Template implementation checklist (pg 107).

• Communications Plan Template Communications Planning

Slide deck that provides a
• Preferred Media – Project
comprehensive guide to
Communications communications planning and is
closely aligned with the Stakeholder
• Communication Diagnostic
Engagement domain of the CM
• Simple Communications Tools Framework. This tool is based
primarily on Dan S. Cohen
• Sample FAQ Template “The Heart of Change Field Guide”
(2005) also contains numerous
templates. (Available in the
online toolkit.)

3.4 to discuss and create workflow clinical needs are represented in the
integration, communications, newly designed workflows.
knowledge management and training
plans to create a collective vision to Even the strongest CM plans can
direct the change process. Typically, be weakened significantly if there

A NATIONAL CHANGE MANAGEMENT FRAMEWORK A Framework and Toolkit for Managing eHealth Change
the business analysis team conducts is poor correlation or integration
the process mapping with the with project plans. Current state
stakeholder working group and then workflows are typically documented
WORKFLOW ANALYSIS early in the change process;
& INTEGRATION transitions the information to the
CM team for further consideration therefore, a workflow analysis can
and integration into CM plans. 58 serve as a “petri dish” for other
The objective of workflow analysis
aspects of CM occurring later in the
and integration is to embed new
Often, the implementation of new project. For example, change leaders
processes using eHealth solutions
systems focuses on training users can get a first-hand look at:
into the operations of health service
rather than examining how the new
delivery organizations. Analyzing
systems can impact workflow. 59 • potential early wins or roadblocks
and integrating work processes prior to implementation;
Implementing new systems provides
to implementing new technologies
an opportunity to reexamine • stakeholders who may become
will stimulate critical analysis on
workflows and processes so that champions or who may create
how work is performed in the
they may take full advantage of resistance to the change process;
current environment, the ways in
capabilities of these new systems.
which these current processes can • additional opportunities for
For example, implementing a new
be improved and identify further change; and
electronic medical record into
opportunities for progress afforded
a physician office environment
by new or enhanced technology. • opportunities to communicate the
represents an opportunity to think
potential benefits of change.
In Alberta, workflow assessment and about processes that might have been
integration is considered to be a key in place for many years, or processes Integrating people, process and
component of CM. Projects that that have been adapted to meet the technology through coordinated
follow their project management demands of other technologies or implementation plans,
office framework must, as part systems (e.g., manual scanning of communications plans, workflow
of their ‘Organization Change documents, physical location of redesign efforts, training and other
Requirements Plan’ address workflow equipment, etc.). CM tactics ensures that all activities
impact. Business requirements are contribute to a successfully aligned
There is often a struggle between
documented early in the project and implementation and appropriate
technical and clinical requirements
cover business and information flow. 57 communications at ALL stages of
when implementing new solutions.
implementation. Accomplishing
In New Brunswick, the Ideally, designing new workflow
this can be done by involving team
implementation approach for their processes should incorporate best
members in a variety of planning
drug information system (DIS) practices from both the clinical
activities and by producing an
supports integrated strategic practices and technological requirements. In
integrated deployment plan that
that include a deeper and more reality, teams are often pressured
can ensure timely delivery of related
substantive understanding of how to change their workflows solely to
project activities.
people change within organizations. meet the requirements of the system.
The project team makes full use CM leaders play an important role
of stakeholder working groups in ensuring stakeholder-identified

The work of the CMWG found that 3.4.1 Resources and Tools S. McLaren. Successful EMR
introducing standard, consistent, The following list refers to resources Adoption: Optimizing your
repeatable processes throughout the and tools available in the online Workflow. Ontario Medical Review
provincial and territorial projects has toolkit located in Canada Health (September 2010, 2p.)
reduced the variance across project Infoway’s online Resource Centre.62 This article provides a practical
A NATIONAL CHANGE MANAGEMENT FRAMEWORK A Framework and Toolkit for Managing eHealth Change

delivery. Manitoba successfully utilizes look at physician office workflow

this approach to reduce process • Analyzing Workflow – and assessment.
variance and improve quality of project Questions to Consider
outputs. Organizational commitment G.R. Hayes. Organizational
• Mapping Current Workflow Routines, Innovation, and
to CM has increased and the practice
and Processes Flexibility: The Application of
is now an integral component of
project delivery in Manitoba. • Flow Process Chart Template Narrative Networks to Dynamic
Workflow. International Journal of
A conceptual maturity model 60 • Systems Flow Chart Medical Informatics (2011, 17p.)
used by Alberta benchmarks
The purpose of this paper is to
progress of health technology use 3.4.2 Further Reading demonstrate how current visual
toward a notional ideal state where California Healthcare Foundation. representations of organizational
processes, solution functionality Workflow Analysis: EHR and technological processes do
and solution use are optimized and Deployment Techniques (2011, 10p.) not fully account for the variability
become integrated into continuous present in everyday practices. The
process improvement. As comfort This issue brief explores the stages
authors further demonstrate how
of workflow analysis, process
and traction are gained over time, narrative networks can augment these
mapping and process redesign. By
meaningful opportunities to extend representations to indicate potential
documenting and mapping all back
the change are identified and areas for successful or problematic
office, front office, IT, and provider
implemented, with workflows being adoption of new technologies and
processes, the clinic team can
continuously improved. potential needs for additional training.
identify the waste and bottlenecks
embedded in its system. This current Stratis Health. Health Information
eHealth Ontario has developed a
workflow is then used as a foundation Technology Toolkit. (2010.)
guide about process integration
for envisioning an improved workflow
written specifically for implementers facilitated by the EHR. The Health Information Technology
of new technologies in clinical Toolkit for Physician Offices helps
environments. 61 This guide eHealth Ontario. Guide to Process these health care organizations
introduces a systematic methodology Integration (May 2009.) assess their readiness, plan, select,
that provides a step-by-step approach implement, make effective use of
(Available in the Workflow Analysis &
to process integration. and exchange important information
Integration folder available in the
about their clients. The toolkit contains
online toolkit located at:
Integrating workflow improvements numerous resources, including tools
and technology adoption into for telehealth, health information
operations that become engrained This Guide and its associated tools exchange and personal health records.
in organizational culture over time are intended to provide readers with
can be particularly challenging. a systematic methodology to develop,
Sustainable culture change is one of in a step-by-step fashion, a customized
the last things to occur and is highly process integration approach. Using
dependent on results that add lasting this approach will allow practitioners
to align business processes to realize
value. Clinician champions play
the value of eHealth solutions and
a significant role here, as they can
incorporate their new functionality
provide insight into how work gets
into day-to-day processes.
done using the new systems.

3.5 • Training is defined as an • Tends to be narrowly focused;

organizational activity aimed leads to a high proficiency in
at imparting information a specific skill
or instructions to improve a
recipient’s performance or to • Effectiveness is measured

A NATIONAL CHANGE MANAGEMENT FRAMEWORK A Framework and Toolkit for Managing eHealth Change
help him/her attain a required by what you can do when you
level of knowledge or skill. have completed it

TRAINING & One of the main objectives • Focuses on doing and

EDUCATION of a training encounter is the improvement in performance
ability to perform a skill to a
When implementing new eHealth specified standard at the end When considering the nuance
systems, approaches to user of a session. Key attributes of between these two ideas, those
education, training, knowledge training include: leading and those receiving the
development and capacity will have education or training may find it
to be specific, practical and offered helpful to ask some key questions:
on the job in a timely fashion.

Education and training are sometimes Figure 11

simply described as the difference Key Training and Education Questions
between “knowing” and “doing.” 63

• Education refers to a program of Role Education Training

instruction in which knowledge Perspective
or skill is developed or obtained
through a learning process. The Leader Are we educating the Are we getting staff
overall goal is to know more at the team so that they are up to speed so that
end of the process than you did aware of the reasons they can hit the
at the start. Knowledge tends to for the change? ground running?
be focused more on the longer-
term tenure. As such, it is a key Recipient What are we How do I use the
influencer of project sustainability. implementing and what transactions to enter
Key elements of education include: does this mean to me? data, display information
and get the reports to
• Provision of a broad perspective do my job?

• Flexibility of approach

• Measured by tenure

• Encourages general approaches

to problem solving

While educational initiatives should Training strategies should focus Experience from the CMWG activities
begin early in a project and be on achieving skills through, for suggest the CM resources should lead
tightly linked with communications example, putting education into the education and training components
messaging (i.e., clearly and practice, with an instructor standing of the initiative. Even if requirements
consistently delivered, relevant back, monitoring and correcting. are established at the outset and the
A NATIONAL CHANGE MANAGEMENT FRAMEWORK A Framework and Toolkit for Managing eHealth Change

to the target audience, frequently Common mantras like “tell, show procured vendor is contractually
delivered), training activities are and do” are effective strategies in compelled to deliver training, the
often most successful (in terms supporting individuals to implement CM team is often best positioned to
of improving retention of both and achieve new skills. know the unique requirements of the
knowledge and skill) when offered environment, and its key players.
through ‘just in time’ delivery. An effective long-term training
strategy needs to incorporate Infoway’s Clinician Peer Support
When planning for education and the concept of maturity of use. Network 64 is supporting CM efforts
training, remember to take the time Users have different needs at across the country. The peer-to-
to do the education (i.e., educate different stages: new users need peer programs are supporting the
on process and procedure) prior to to be acquainted with the basic education and training of eHealth
the training. Dedicating time and functionality, while advanced solutions for physicians, nurses and
resources to produce quality education users should be empowered to use pharmacists within their practice
and training materials presented by technology as a tool for innovation. settings – from clinician to clinician.
qualified instructors, is also critical for Each program in the network is
reducing as much stakeholder angst Key components of an integrated and managed and operated autonomously
and adoption risk as possible. effective training strategy include: to meet the unique requirements of
• analyzing learning needs regarding the jurisdiction.
Standardized plans, tools, resources
and media should be in place to the new clinical workflow and A recent example of the support
meet initial needs prior to and system functionality; this program provides comes from
during implementation to ensure • linking stakeholder analysis and Newfoundland & Labrador’s Peer-to-
sustainability of adoption. The communications plan; Peer Network. In this project, both
content and delivery of these education and training on specific
resources should have consistent • linking changes to what we are eHealth solutions were identified
core components, while allowing for changing, why we are changing as needs for practicing and student
customization where necessary. and how we are changing; clinicians. Throughout the initiative,
physician, nurse and pharmacist peer
Educational programs can make • determining learning objectives leaders shared their experiences about
use of tools like videos, manuals, and content;
incorporation of eHealth solutions
web-based programs, workshops into clinical settings with colleagues
• developing appropriate methods
and seminars, but should focus on and students, and at conferences such
to deliver content;
giving an individual the information as the Primary Healthcare Partnership
needed to promote a particular topic • assessing the results of education Forum. Peer leaders promoted EHRs/
or idea. This could be as simple (but delivery approaches and EMRs through articles published
important) as the reason behind a methods; and in their respective professional
process change. While the individual association newsletters and also at
may not be ready to take the • offering a means of continuous
in-person workshops around the
controls, they know what needs to learning (continuous
province. Lastly, peer leaders received
be done; they just may not have yet improvement and ongoing
CM training and support through
developed the necessary skills. learning for new staff).
Newfoundland & Labrador’s Centre
for Health Information.

From a national perspective, 3.5.2 Further Reading J. Pfeffer, R.I. Sutton. The Knowing-
education and support for front-line California Healthcare Foundation. Doing Gap: How Smart Companies
users of eHealth solutions is also Training Strategies: EHR Turn Knowledge into Action. Harvard
provided through the Clinicians Deployment Technique (2010, 6p.) Business School Press (2000.)
in Training initiative; 65 a joint This book addresses the challenge

A NATIONAL CHANGE MANAGEMENT FRAMEWORK A Framework and Toolkit for Managing eHealth Change
This issue brief explores some
collaborative effort between Infoway of turning knowledge about how to
approaches to training, their influence
and national associations like the improve performance into actions
on the implementation strategy,
Association of Faculties of Medicine and the ways they can streamline that produce measurable results,
of Canada (AFMC), and Canadian workflow and standardize policies based on research undertaken in
Association of Schools of Nursing and procedures. private industry. Authors show how
(CASN). The goal of this program some firms overcome the knowing-
is to better prepare students to National e-Health Strategy. National doing gap, why others try but fail,
practice in modern, technology- e-Health and Information Principal and how still others avoid the gap
enabled, clinical environments and Committee (September 2008.) in the first place.
improve quality of care, access and This resource notes that education
productivity through the use of ICTs campaigns should be supported by
for health. This program is seen to be an appropriate time-limited incentive
a critical first step in educating front- program to actively encourage care
line users and supports successful providers to purchase and implement
CM initiatives. high priority eHealth solutions
as they become available. It also
3.5.1 Resources and Tools discusses the need to implement
changes to vocational and tertiary
The following list refers to resources training programs to increase the
and tools available in the online number of skilled, nationally available
toolkit located in Canada Health eHealth practitioners.
Infoway’s online Resource Centre.66

• Training Roles and


• Training Session
Evaluation Template

• Computer Training
Needs Assessment

• Training and Course

Planning Matrix

3.6 3.6.2 Formative the effectiveness of change activities,

(Process) Evaluation 67 interventions and processes. Formative
Formative evaluation helps to or process evaluations can evaluate
confirm if goals and objectives are whether targeted users are actually
being achieved across the continuum using the solution, and if so, how –
A NATIONAL CHANGE MANAGEMENT FRAMEWORK A Framework and Toolkit for Managing eHealth Change

of the project – from key milestones and also identify opportunities to

at the outset through to mid- and engage and enhance user optimization
MONITORING later phases of implementation and of the solution.
& EVALUATION solution integration. For eHealth
Examples of formative evaluation
projects, formative evaluation
questions and tools are provided
offers a means of examining the
3.6.1 Monitoring & Evaluation below. Infoway’s System and Use
form and content of the
Monitoring and evaluation are Survey is an available survey tool that
implementation plan, including
important concepts that extend facilitates evaluation and analysis of
communications, training, education
throughout the lifecycle of eHealth use and user satisfaction of a solution
etc., and assures the technology is
projects and into the operational life that can be administered at any phase
meeting all levels of requirement,
of the solution. Benefits, stemming of project implementation. 68
such as usability, functionality
from the use of information and and instructional effectiveness.
communications technologies ( ICT) 3.6.3 Evaluating
for health in delivering and supporting Conducted at every stage of the Test methods (e.g. surveys, interview
health care, need to be established project lifecycle and across all key questions) should be developed to
during the planning phase of major mechanisms including governance best align with the following types
projects. A sustained effort is required structure and leadership support, of questions:
to ensure these benefits can be realized formative evaluation provides an
over the longer-term. opportunity to engage those leading, • Did I achieve my goals
managing and affected by the and objectives?
The methods and timeframes for solution. It also provides a structure to
monitoring and evaluation differ • What were the obstacles?
implement and test innovative ideas as
depending upon the context of a means to support effective ongoing • Did the users benefit in the way
the change initiative. The concepts rollout and solution integration. I intended?
of formative and summative Additionally, evaluation also provides
evaluation provide a foundation for an opportunity to assess project risks, • What were the unintended
differentiating between process-related identify issues and develop mitigation consequences?
evaluation of change management plans. The earlier formative evaluation
(CM) activities and benefits-focused begins, the more likely an effective 3.6.4 Key Questions
outcomes evaluation. project that achieves its intended Key questions evoked by formative
objectives will result. evaluations include:
Building a CM plan around the
framework outlined in this guide Formative evaluations are intended to • Are the CM activities being
will help to ensure that evaluation be built into the overall components effectively executed?
takes place at the appropriate stages of a CM approach, but are often
of a project’s lifecycle. A variety • Does your solution accomplish
ad hoc and not always part of
of examples are included in the what it is supposed to, or is
an integrated evaluation plan.
information below. anticipated to?
Ideally, a CM plan will contain a
comprehensive approach to measuring

• Does it impose minimum • Online chat interview: Conduct The NLCHI framework provides a
obstacles between the user one-on-one or group discussions common sense set of considerations
and use? for direct feedback. for any kind of measurement
and evaluation:
• Does it ensure the interface • Pre- and post-tests: Test people

A NATIONAL CHANGE MANAGEMENT FRAMEWORK A Framework and Toolkit for Managing eHealth Change
doesn’t get in the way of the before and after using the solution Step 1: Identify key stakeholders
learning (use)? i.e., (or participating in educational
Step 2: Orient key stakeholders
session, etc.) to measure strengths
• Are users able to understand and weaknesses, as well as whether to the rationale for why
instructions? the instruction is necessary evaluation is needed

• Are users able to navigate • Surveys: Users can complete Step 3: Agree on when
through the solution? a survey to indicate their to evaluate

• Are the headings and buttons expectations, rate the Step 4: Agree on what to evaluate
clearly labeled? communications, educational
instruction, etc. Surveys are Step 5: Agree on how to evaluate
• Is it visually appealing and particularly useful if you are
Step 6: Analyze and report
easy to read? doing mass testing of a solution
and are looking for trends (e.g., Step 7: Agree on recommendations
• Has the communications strategy in things like appeal of the and forward them to
influenced the target audience
course, anticipated benefits, first key stakeholders
(e.g., measuring awareness of the
impressions, etc.)
initiative through a survey or key Outcome evaluations are often distinct
informant interviews)? initiatives from CM, but should ideally
3.6.6 Summative
• Have users been satisfied with (Outcomes) Evaluation be aligned and integrated.
the training (e.g., training Summative evaluation is a method
evaluation survey)? of judging the impact of a project 3.6.7 Resources and Tools
or program at the end of the The following list refers to resources
3.6.5 Examples of Commonly implementation. The focus is on and tools available in the online
Used Testing Methods the outcome. 69 Generally speaking, toolkit located in Canada Health
• Electronic communications with outcomes evaluation examines Infoway’s online Resource Centre.73
stakeholders (i.e., asynchronous whether the initiative achieved
• Benefits Approach to Evaluation
discussion) via list servs or targeted levels of adoption and
bulletin boards anticipated benefits. There are many • Evaluation Methodology Used in
methods, timeframes and data sources Evaluation of Newfoundland &
• Focus groups or 1-1 interviews that may contribute to an outcomes Labrador TeleHealth Strategy
evaluation. In the context of eHealth
• Observation: This is usually done • Methodology Used in NB iEHR /
projects, Infoway’s Benefits Evaluation
by observing two or more people Lab Scoping and Planning Initiative
Framework 70, 71, 72 and considerations
using the solution. Record where
for measurement and evaluation
they click, how long things take • Canada Health Infoway – System
as described by the Newfoundland
to finish, at what point they ask & Use Survey
& Labrador Centre for Health
questions, etc. Observer should
Information (NLCHI) are key
ask questions upon completion
resources to assist in the design of
an outcomes evaluation protocol.

3.6.8 Further Reading NLCHI Framework and

University of Victoria. eHealth Evaluations (website)
Observatory (website) The NLCHI provides quality
As part of a joint Infoway/CIHR information to health professionals,
eHealth Chair position, the eHealth the public, researchers and health
A NATIONAL CHANGE MANAGEMENT FRAMEWORK A Framework and Toolkit for Managing eHealth Change

Observatory was established system decision makers. The centre

to monitor the effects of ICT supports the development of data
deployment in Canada. It is to serve and technical standards, maintains
as a laboratory where researchers key health databases, prepares
can evaluate the effects of eHealth and distributes health reports, and
through the entire system lifecycle supports and carries out applied
from requirements, deployment, and health research and benefits
use to adaptation, and then share this evaluations. The centre’s mandate
new knowledge to advance the field. also includes the development and
Their website contains resources, implementation of a confidential
methodologies and publications and secure provincial electronic
authored by eHealth Observatory health record (EHR), including the
staff and associates. CM required to support adoption
by end user clinicians. The goals
US Agency for Healthcare of the project referenced above
Research and Quality. Health were to: review current approaches
Information Technology Evaluation to evaluating the impact of health
Toolkit (website) information systems (particularly
those leading to an EHR); and
 his toolkit provides step-by-step
T develop an evaluation framework
guidance for project teams who which addresses the information
are developing evaluation plans for needs of key stakeholders and
their health information technology the identified best practices in the
(health IT) projects. evaluation of such initiatives.

Conclusion: Future Directions CHAPTER

for Change Management 4

CONCLUSION: FUTURE DIRECTIONS FOR CHANGE MANAGEMENT A Framework and Toolkit for Managing eHealth Change
eHealth change management (CM) is foundational to achieving
effective and efficient use of information and communications
technologies (ICT) for health. Successful change implementation
results in solution adoption and other long-term benefits such
as improved patient care and positive organizational impacts.
Success occurs when the systems, processes, tools and technology
of the change initiative are embedded in the new way clinicians do
their everyday work. CM is an essential driver of adoption,
realizing many benefits of eHealth initiatives across Canada.
CM practices vary across Canada. Each jurisdiction is Canada Health Infoway and its CM partners remain
at a different place on the CM journey and has focused committed to this objective, and to a continuous
its efforts in different areas. The Pan-Canadian Change learning process. Collaboration is essential!
Management Network (Network) has made considerable
progress toward developing a repository of knowledge
and leading practices to foster learning across Canada.
This document and toolkit represent a synthesis of that
work and a starting point for future directions.

As Canadian investments in eHealth continue, it is

essential that we continue to examine, learn from and
share lessons around CM activities, successes and failures.


5 Change Management Toolkit

TOOLKIT A Framework and Toolkit for Managing eHealth Change

Introduction to Toolkit

In this section you will find a sampling of tools and templates that relate
to the proposed change management (CM) framework and content
presented earlier in the guide. These tools are intended to provide
practical support for readers of this document. For the most part,
these resources have been used in Canadian eHealth projects, and
have been shared by the jurisdictions to support collaboration amongst
peers, exchange of best practices and facilitate knowledge dissemination.
You are welcome to adopt and adapt these tools to best We hope you will visit there often to access the materials
fit your environment and need. When doing so, please and to suggest inclusion of new items. If you have a tool,
recognize and note any of the specific references or citations template, presentation, success story or case study example
located on some of the examples. of a challenging situation, we would love to hear from you!
Contact us at
Resources provided within this document represent a
sampling of the wealth of information and supports that Together, we can continue to profile and support effective
are available. To better support this valuable collection of eHealth CM practices, one step at a time, working
assets and to ensure ongoing relevancy and currency of collaboratively to achieve successful outcomes that
information, an online toolkit has been created at: benefit our patients, our providers and our health care delivery system overall.

Get connected
Connect with members of the Pan Canadian Change Management Network through their LinkedIN group
located at:


TOOLKIT A Framework and Toolkit for Managing eHealth Change

1.1 Organizational Change 39 & INTEGRATION
Readiness Assessment 4.1 Analyzing Workflow – 85
1.2 Risk Assessment Form 45 Questions to Consider

1.3 Sample Terms of Reference for 47 4.2 Mapping Current Workflow 86

Governance Advisory Committee and Processes

1.4 Determining Project Governance 49 4.3 Flow Process Chart Template 88

Structure in eHealth Projects 4.4 Systems Flow Chart 89
1.5 Roles and Responsibility Charting (RACI) 51
1.6 Job Fact Sheet – Sample Template 53
5.1 Training Roles and Responsibilities 91
1.7 Control and Influence Assessment 58
5.2 Training Session Evaluation Template 92
2.0 STAKEHOLDER ENGAGEMENT 59 5.3 Computer Training Needs Assessment 93
2.1 Are You EMR Ready? 5.4 Training and Course Planning Matrix 95
A Pre-Implementation
Readiness Assessment 60 6.0 MONITORING & EVALUATION 96
2.2 Stakeholder Engagement 63 6.1 Benefits Approach to Evaluation 97
Planning Template 6.2 Example Evaluation Methodology 98
2.3 Stakeholder Analysis and 64 (Used in Evaluation of Newfoundland
Segmentation & Labrador Telehealth Strategy)
2.4 Target Audience Analysis Template 65 6.3 Example Evaluation Methodology 99
2.5 Model for Prioritizing Stakeholders 66 (Used in NB iEHR / Lab Scoping
and Planning Initiative)
2.6 Communicating with Stakeholders 67
6.4 System & Use Assessment Survey 100
2.7 Force Field Analysis Process 68
2.8 Resistance Management Framework 69

3.1 Key Questions Associated with 72
Communications Planning
3.2 Communications Planning – 73
Audience Assessment Template
3.3 Communications Plan Template 74
3.4 Preferred Media – 75
Project Communications
3.5 Communication Diagnostic 78
3.6 Simple Communications Tools 80
3.7 Sample FAQ Template 81

1.0 Governance & Leadership

TOOLKIT / GOVERNANCE & LEADERSHIP A Framework and Toolkit for Managing eHealth Change

Organizational Change Readiness Assessment

Risk Assessment Form

Sample Terms of Reference for Governance Advisory Committee

Determining Project Governance Structure in eHealth Projects

Roles and Responsibility Charting (RACI)

Job Fact Sheet – Sample Template

Control and Influence Assessment


1.1 Organizational Change Readiness Assessment

TOOLKIT / GOVERNANCE & LEADERSHIP A Framework and Toolkit for Managing eHealth Change
Project Name Project Acronym or No.

Project Sponsor Target Project Completion Date


Project Manager Version No. Version Date

0.0 yyyy/mm/dd

About the Change Readiness Questionnaire

This questionnaire is ideally used when planning for 1. By comparing their profiles, the team can share their
change. It is designed to give a quick snapshot of the assumptions and come to a common agreement about
organization, how the levers are currently aligned, and the organization’s and people’s readiness for change.
profiles the “change readiness” of the organization at a
point in time, in the eyes of the people who answered 2. They can agree where they will need to focus their
the questions. initial efforts, and what pitfalls may emerge later
down the road.
Managers, supervisors, change agents, and some
champions, if available, should each fill out and score This questionnaire should be repeated at different times
the questionnaire. It will take no more than 15 minutes. during the change process as a way of monitoring how
They should then share their profiles as a group. This will change is progressing.
yield two important results:

Organizational Change Readiness Assessment

Please check the appropriate box (1 through 5) for each item below.

1 2 3 4 5
TOOLKIT / GOVERNANCE & LEADERSHIP A Framework and Toolkit for Managing eHealth Change

1 To achieve the directions and priorities, Clearly Defined Somewhat Not Very
what we have to change is: Defined Defined Defined Ill-Defined

2 The directions, priorities and the Well Understood Somewhat Not  ot at all
reasons for the change are: understood by staff understood understood understood
by staff by staff by staff by staff

3 The external pressure to change is: Well Understood Somewhat Not  ot at all
understood by staff understood understood understood
by staff by staff by staff by staff

4 The external pressures and trends Greatly Encourage Neither Discourage Greatly
will encourage us to change: encourage encourage Discourage

5 Commitment by all staff to the new Very high High Average Low Very low
directions, priorities and changes is:

6 The culture and organization Greatly  ssist with

A Neither Inhibit the Greatly
values will: assist with the change assist nor change inhibit the
the change inhibit change

7 In terms of helping us reach our Greatly Assist Neither Inhibit Greatly

directions and priorities, the existing assist assist nor inhibit
management style will: inhibit

8 The current organization structure Very Conducive Neither Not  ot at all

and job classification system is: conducive to change supportive conducive conducive
to change nor resistant to change to change
to change

9 The management team leading Works  orks well

W Neither Does not  oes not
the change: very well together works well work well work at
together nor poorly together all well
together together

10 In terms of the competency Very well Well Somewhat Not well  ot at all
and training required to achieve equipped equipped equipped equipped equipped
and sustain the planned change,
the existing staff are:

11 Our human resource systems (human Very well Well  either well
N Not well  ot at
resource planning, performance nor poorly all well
management, compensation systems
and training and development
systems) support change:

Organizational Change Readiness Assessment

Please check the appropriate box (1 through 5) for each item below.

1 2 3 4 5

TOOLKIT / GOVERNANCE & LEADERSHIP A Framework and Toolkit for Managing eHealth Change
12 Our communication processes and Very well Well  either well
N Not well  ot at
vehicles are aligned and positioned nor poorly all well
to support this change:

13 We recognize and reward behaviours Very well Well  either well

N Not well  ot at
that will help move us forward toward nor poorly all well
achieving our priorities:

14 Our leadership will support the vision, Very well Well  either well
N Not well  ot at
and has the courage to support and nor poorly all well
sustain the change:

15 We will be able to overcome any Very well Well  either well

N Not well  ot at
initial resistance to change that is nor poorly all well
likely to surface:

16 In terms of risk taking, we are: Very open  pen to

O Neither Not open  ot at all
to risk taking risk taking open nor to risk open to
closed to taking risk taking
risk taking

17 In terms of the capability, motivation Very well Well Neither Not well  ot at all
and confidence to bring about the equipped equipped equipped equipped equipped
change, we are: nor ill-

18 Change efforts that we have Very Successful Somewhat Not  ot at all

undertaken in the past have been: successful successful successful successful

19 In terms of having an executive Well Prepared Somewhat Not  ot at all

sponsor who will initiate and authorize prepared prepared prepared prepared
the change and give credibility to it,
we are:

20 In terms of having project support Well Prepared Somewhat Not  ot at all

staff who will carry the changes down prepared prepared prepared prepared
into the organization and support and
monitor the changes, we are:

21 In terms of having experienced Well Prepared Somewhat Not  ot at all

resources who will work on the design prepared prepared prepared prepared
changes and provide the required
consultation and implementation
support, we are:

22 In terms of having people in the Well Prepared Somewhat Not  ot at all

organization who will champion, prepared prepared prepared prepared
influence and support the change,
we are:

Organizational Change Readiness Assessment

Please check the appropriate box (1 through 5) for each item below.

1 2 3 4 5
TOOLKIT / GOVERNANCE & LEADERSHIP A Framework and Toolkit for Managing eHealth Change

23 In terms of being clear on which Very clear Clear Neither clear Not clear  ot at all
organizations or groups will be most nor unclear clear
affected by the change, we are:

24 In terms of being well equipped Very well Equipped Somewhat Not  ot at all
to deal with the “pain” that will be equipped equipped equipped equipped
experienced by various groups and
individuals in the organization, we are:

25 Information to assist us with the Readily Available Somewhat Not  ot at all

change process is: available available available available

26 Productivity tools to support the Readily Available Somewhat Not  ot at all

change process are: available available available available

27 Our work is organized into “silos,” Not very  little

A Somewhat Mostly Very
so that groups who work on different organized organized organized organized organized
parts of the same work have little to into silos into silos into silos into silos into silos
do with each other.

28 Tasks are broken down into Organized Mostly Somewhat Mostly  roken down
sequential “bits,” not organized into complete complete incomplete into “bits”
into complete jobs. complete

29 Our organization structure supports Strongly Mostly Somewhat Mostly Weakly

getting decisions made: strongly weakly

Change Readiness Questionnaire Scoring Profile – Instructions

Part A Part B
Each lever is represented by a particular set of questions. Using the average scores calculated for each lever in
(e.g. Lever A: External Environment is represented by part A, place an X in the appropriate box (1 to 5)

TOOLKIT / GOVERNANCE & LEADERSHIP A Framework and Toolkit for Managing eHealth Change
Questions 3 & 4)
If you find you have extreme scores making up an average
Calculate the average score for each lever in the chart score (i.e., you have 2 questions with answers of 5 and 1),
below (round up to the nearest whole-number for each the average is 3, however this hides the extreme range.
decimal > .4) Place an asterisk (*) beside the average score to alert yourself
to discuss the underlying scores with your change sponsor
and project team members.

In Part B, the X’s tell you which levers will prove a

hindrance to change, and which will provide support.

Change Readiness Questionnaire Scoring Profile – Part A

Insert your previous responses from the Add the Divide &
Questions from change readiness questionnaire below numbers from round the total
Lever Change Questionnaire (e.g., enter “5” for Q3) each response (> .4, round up)

A External Environment Q3 +Q4

(Questions 3 & 4)
  +  = /2 =

B Leadership Q7 +Q9 +Q14 +Q19 +Q22

(Questions 7, 9, 14, 19 & 22)
  +  +  +  +  = /5 =

C Strategic Direction Q1 +Q2

(Questions 1 & 2)
  +  = /2 =

D Organization Structure, Tasks Q8 +Q27 +Q28 +Q29

and Work Processes
(Questions 8, 27, 28 & 29)   +  +  +  = /4 =

E Management Processes Q12 +Q18 +Q23 Q24

and Communication
(Questions 12, 18, 23 & 24)   +  +  +  = /4 =

F Culture, Norms and Morale Q6 +Q15 +Q16

(Questions 6, 15 & 16)
  +  +  = /3 =

G Human Resources Systems Q11 +Q13

(Questions 11 & 13)
  +  = /2 =

H Employees’ Personal Goals Q5 +Q10 +Q17 +Q20 +Q21

and Competencies
(Questions 5, 10, 17, 20 & 21)   +  +  +  +  = /5 =

I Information Processes Q25 +Q26

(Questions 25 & 26)
  +  = /2 =

Readiness for Change Questionnaire Scoring Profile – Part B

Will likely greatly support Will likely greatly inhibit

change effort change effort
TOOLKIT / GOVERNANCE & LEADERSHIP A Framework and Toolkit for Managing eHealth Change

Questions from Change

Lever Questionnaire 1 2 3 4 5

Business Directions

A External Environment                                                                

(Questions 3 & 4)                

B Leadership                                                                

(Question 7, 9, 14, 19 & 22)                

C Strategic Direction                                                                

(Questions 1 & 2)                


D Organization Structure,
Tasks and Work Processes
(Questions 8, 27, 28 & 29)                                                                                

E Management Processes
and Communication
(Questions 12, 18, 23 & 24)                                                                                

Support Systems

F Culture, Norms and Morale

(Questions 6, 15 & 16)                                                                                

G Human Resources Systems

(Questions 11 & 13)                                                                                

H Employees, Personal Goals

and Competencies
(Questions 5, 10, 17, 20 & 21)                                                                                

I Information Processes
(Questions 25 & 26)                                                                                

1.2 Risk Assessment Form – Part 1

TOOLKIT / GOVERNANCE & LEADERSHIP A Framework and Toolkit for Managing eHealth Change
Project Name

Project Manager

Risk Item # Date: Risk Owner

Priority: (H,M,L) Probability: (H,M,L) Risk Category:

(Scope, Quality, Schedule, Cost, etc.)

Risk Statement

A Risk Statement should include: Consequence: The impact(s) of the actualization of the risk
Condition: A concise statement of risk. A sentence that or issue. A brief statement that describes the key, possibly
briefly describes the key circumstances, situations, etc. that negative outcome(s) of the current conditions.
have caused concern, doubt, anxiety, or uncertainty. Context: The what, when, how, and why of the risks,
describing the circumstances, contributing factors,
and related issues (include background and additional
information that is not included in the risk statement).

Potential Impact

Impact: The criticality of the loss or effect of the undesirable event on the project if the risk occurs.

Approach (Accept, Avoid, Mitigate, Transfer)

Accept: Recognize the risk and its uncontrollability Mitigate: Take action to reduce risk likelihood or impact
Sometimes implementing a positive, controlling response to This is by far the most common risk response. It implies
an identified risk is either not possible because it is outside the that the response is an identifiable action that will form
project’s sphere of influence or not cost effective. Examples part of the project plans and will be monitored regularly.
might be the expected development of new technology or An example might be resolution of technical issues during
the imposition of legislation that might leave some of the a design phase.
project objectives fundamentally flawed. It is still important to Transfer: Shift the risk to another party
document these risks even if no actions can be taken.
Risks should be borne by the party that is best equipped
Avoid: Use an approach that avoids the possibility of to deal with them and will benefit most from the rewards
risk occurrence of success. The most obvious example of risk transfer is
This approach is often used in the planning stage of a project. contracting to suppliers for whom the risk is reduced.
An example might be using a tried and trusted technical
solution rather than depending on one that is less understood.

Actions to be Taken

Actions which are immediately incorporated in the work plan to avoid or mitigate the risks.

Mitigation/Contingency Plan

Contingent actions, which are included in the project risk mitigation plan, and which will only be included
in the work plan if and when the corresponding risks occur.

Risk Assessment Form – Part 2

Project Name

Project Manager
TOOLKIT / GOVERNANCE & LEADERSHIP A Framework and Toolkit for Managing eHealth Change

Risk Item # Date: Risk Owner

Priority: (H,M,L) Probability: (H,M,L) Risk Category:

(Scope, Quality, Schedule, Cost, etc.)

Risk Statement

Potential Impact

Approach (Accept, Avoid, Mitigate, Transfer)

Actions to be Taken

Mitigation/Contingency Plan

Sample Terms of Reference for Governance
Advisory Committee

TOOLKIT / GOVERNANCE & LEADERSHIP A Framework and Toolkit for Managing eHealth Change
Insert Project Name Governance Advisory Committee
Terms of Reference

Mandate The Insert Project Name Governance Advisory

To provide advice and make recommendations to the Committee is not a legal entity, and will not have legal or
Leader Position, e.g. CEO of the Organization to contractual responsibility for the Insert Project and the
support Insert expected benefits, as well as creating information associated with it.
long-term trust in the Insert Project / Program Name,
for both users and the public. Chairs
The Committee shall be co-chaired by a representative
Scope of the Organization and an elected representative of the
The Insert Project Name Governance Advisory remaining members. The elected co-chair shall serve a
Committee (“Advisory Committee”) is responsible term of two years.
for advising on all Insert Project matters related to
the collection, use and disclosure of personal health Responsibilities
information. Specific responsibilities of the Advisory Committee
include but are not limited to:
• Providing advice on the development of Insert Project
The Leader Position, e.g. CEO will appoint the members
policies that are associated with the collection, use and
of the Advisory Committee to represent key stakeholders.
disclosure of personal health information;
These appointments will be based on the recommendations
of representatives of the following organizations: • Making recommendations for policies on secondary
use and disclosure of personal health information
• List participating organizations & associations associated with the Insert Project;
& roles;
• Reviewing reports on user compliance and other
• List participating organizations & associations activities of the Insert Project;
& roles;
• Recommending changes to the personal health
• List participating organizations & associations information disclosed to the Insert Project; and
& roles; and
• Advising on written agreements associated with the
• etc. Insert Project.
• Other Advisory Committee members may be included
at the discretion of the Leader Position, e.g. CEO
and with the advice of the Committee.

Recommendations and Decision-making Quorum

Recommendations to the Leader Position, e.g. CEO Quorum for meetings will be attendance by a
will be made by consensus. simple majority of Advisory Committee members
and must include representation from the Indicate
• It is desirable that recommendations are acceptable to required bodies, such as representatives from
TOOLKIT / GOVERNANCE & LEADERSHIP A Framework and Toolkit for Managing eHealth Change

all Advisory Committee members; therefore the process regulatory colleges.

should be continued until a consensus is achieved.

• If a consensus in the Advisory Committee cannot Duration

be reached on an issue that requires action by the The Advisory Committee will remain in place
Organization, the Leader Position, e.g. CEO for Indicate timeline or until such time as the
will be advised. Organization Board of Directors authorizes an
alternative governance structure.
Dispute Resolution
A dispute between the Leader Position, e.g. CEO Amending the Terms of Reference
and the Advisory Committee shall be documented by The Terms of Reference may be revised by the
the Advisory Committee and directed to the Board of Leader Position, e.g. CEO upon the recommendation
Directors for resolution. The Board of Directors may of the Advisory Committee.
solicit advice from other parties, including but not
limited to, the Indicate higher authority, e.g. Minister
of Health.

Meetings will be held as required, but not less than once
per quarter. Meetings will take place in person or via
telephone conferencing. The Organization will reimburse
reasonable travel costs associated with the meetings in
accordance with the Organization travel policy.

1.4 Determining Project Governance Structure

in eHealth Projects

TOOLKIT / GOVERNANCE & LEADERSHIP A Framework and Toolkit for Managing eHealth Change
Following is a list of many of the decision-making tasks In assigning decision-making authority, bear in mind
your organization may encounter in its eHealth projects. that one individual may be the decision maker for some
The list is sequenced so tasks generally requiring more tasks, but if a group of users will be impacted by the
senior-level individuals to make decisions are first. decision, the decision should be made by representatives
Identify for your organization at what level each of of the group.
the decisions should be made. Add additional tasks as
required, or delete tasks that don’t apply.

Decision-Making Task Organizational Unit to Make Decision

Release of funds
Contract approval
Contract negotiation
Benefits expectation setting/benefits realization
Project staffing/steering committee formation
Community engagement
Contract management
Communications plan
Code of conduct
Goal setting
Strategic plan
Acceptance testing
Project management/domain team formation
Project budget
Functional requirements
Chart conversion and pre-load strategies
Turnover and rollout strategies
Issues management
Super user identification
Clinical documentation standards
Design of screens
Adoption of care plan templates, order sets

Decision-Making Task Organizational Unit to Make Decision

Clinical work flows

Customization of screens and templates
TOOLKIT / GOVERNANCE & LEADERSHIP A Framework and Toolkit for Managing eHealth Change

Alert rules
Customization of reports
Data dictionary/master files and tables
Data conversion
Contingency planning
Staff development
Medical staff introduction
End user training
Data quality management
Interface testing
System testing
Go-live readiness
Archive requirements
Network bandwidth requirements
Change control
Document management and control
Security controls
Other (specify):

Copyright © 2009, Margret\A Consulting, LLC. Used with permission of author.

Accessed at: Stratis Health at

1.5 Roles and Responsibility Charting (RACI)

TOOLKIT / GOVERNANCE & LEADERSHIP A Framework and Toolkit for Managing eHealth Change
• RACI is an acronym that stands for Responsible, • Developing RACI charts surfaces many organizational
Accountable, Consulted and Informed. issues because it reconciles the three elements of roles
and responsibilities:
• Responsibility Charting is a technique for identifying
functional areas where there are process ambiguities, • Role Conception: what people think their jobs are.
bringing the differences out in the open and resolving
them through a cross-functional collaborative effort. • Role Expectation: what others in the organization
think another person’s job function is and how it
• Responsibility Charting enables managers from the should be carried out.
same or different organizational levels or programs
to actively participate in a focused and systematic • Role Behaviour: what people actually do in
discussion about process related descriptions of the carrying out their job.
actions that must be accomplished in order to deliver a
successful end product or service.

RACI Chart Example

Department: Change Management

Procedure: Communications Plan – Project Planning Phase
Updated: 06/01/11

Front Line Working Project Project Advisory

Step Task
Staff Group Change Team Manager Committee
1 Develop key messages C R A
2 Identify target audiences C R A
3 Identify critical timelines I C C R, A I
Develop draft of
4 C R A I
communications plan
Draft email, newsletter and
5 C R A
briefing note content

R Performs the task Note, some groups add a category entitled “S” for
A Accountable for the task being completed “Supports.” Supporting personnel or groups provide
C Consulted with prior to the activity being performed resources for a task to be performed. These variations are
I Informed that the task has been completed known as “RASCI” Charts.

Used with permission of author. Spafford Global Consulting, 2004-2008.

Accessed at:

RACI Chart Tool


TOOLKIT / GOVERNANCE & LEADERSHIP A Framework and Toolkit for Managing eHealth Change


Step Task Group A Group B Group C Group D

R Performs the task

A Accountable for the task being completed
C Consulted with prior to the activity being performed
I Informed that the task has been completed

Used with permission of author. Spafford Global Consulting, 2004-2008.

Accessed at:

1.6 Job Fact Sheet – Sample Template for a Provincial

Level CM Project Lead Role for EHR Program

TOOLKIT / GOVERNANCE & LEADERSHIP A Framework and Toolkit for Managing eHealth Change
The following template was developed by the form provides information that enables job evaluation
Newfoundland & Labrador Centre for Health and benchmarking for pay purposes. Areas such as
Information and can be adapted to a specific project, independence of action, impact of errors, supervision,
program, organization, or region of responsibility. demands and working conditions (Sections 5 – 12) are
all essential in addition to the job description and the
Purpose of Form qualifications to enable full and equitable evaluation
This form is used to identify the job (Section 1), of the position.
create a job description (section 2) as well as detail
This form can be completed by incumbents and/or
the qualifications for the job (sections 3 & 4). These
managers and supervisors. It should be agreed to by
sections are used for recruitment, selection and
all parties and signed off (Section 1).
identification of training requirements. In addition, the

1. Job Identification
Division or Department
Job Title Change Management Project Lead
Title of Immediate Supervisor
Branch or Section Change Management
Approval Signatures

(Employee) (Supervisor) (Manager)

Instructions for Creating the Job Description

• Provide a brief overview of the job, describing it any reader can relate to the functions. It may be
so that a person unfamiliar with the work would helpful to make a checklist of the components of
be able to understand it. the job to ensure that answers are as complete as
• Consider the major activities or responsibilities possible.
(usually 3 to 5). Take your time and think about • Estimate the percentage (to the nearest 5%) of
the job before you begin to respond to each time spent on each. If there are fluctuations in the
section. Describe each activity or responsibility level of work activities, consider the work over
with a phrase at the top of each box. Include a one-year period. Then describe each activity
a detailed breakdown to provide examples so using details or examples.

2. Job Description & Purpose

In the space below, provide a brief description of the job and its purpose.

Change Management (CM) is a critical aspect of Electronic benefits. The incumbent will be the organization’s CM
Health Record (EHR) implementation; a strategic, lead for specific project(s) to support adoption by end
TOOLKIT / GOVERNANCE & LEADERSHIP A Framework and Toolkit for Managing eHealth Change

systematic approach that supports individuals and users, and therefore benefits realization of the EHR.
their organizations in moving forward and successfully The purpose of this position is to develop and
employing electronic health solutions. The outcomes implement a CM plan that serves to guide the project
of eHealth CM activities result in solution adoption by team(s) and appropriate stakeholders, so that end user
clinician end users and ultimately, the full realization of adoption is maximized to its potential.

Break down the job into major activities or responsibilities.

Describe each by a phrase and provide additional detail with examples.

Activity A: Measurement of Current State Activity C: Tactical deployment of the EHR CM

and Change Readiness (15%) strategy within the insert name of organization /
Introduction of the EHR will require significant locale (70%)
attention to CM, from both the technical/workflow Working in consultation with the organization’s CM
and human change aspects. Education and training staff, and indicate others, the incumbent will lead CM
are key components of the CM strategy. In order initiatives to enable smooth implementation of the EHR.
to understand the needs/requirements for CM, CM will include various tactics including, but not limited to:
the incumbent will require skills to perform current
• development/implementation of change
state and/or change readiness assessments to build
readiness assessments through surveys, focus
appropriate CM plans, and to identify the current state
groups and interviews;
or baseline. These assessments are part of the cycle
for continued improvement to support adoption of the • development and implementation of CM plans;
EHR within the region. • communication to various stakeholder audiences
The incumbent should be knowledgeable in terms of through numerous media and venues;
the structure and functions within the provincial health • development and implementation of education for
system, such that identification of necessary individuals regional stakeholders regarding the EHR and vision
and functions will be included for CM activities. for the future;
• implementation of education and training programs
Activity B: Engagement of key stakeholders and
with appropriate staff (e.g. ‘train the trainer’ sessions
relationship management to support CM (15%)
or direct training by the incumbent);
CM will require involvement and support of key
• participation with regional CM coordinators,
stakeholders within the provincial health system. The
colleagues at insert organization and others to
incumbent will identify and partner with necessary
identify and leverage best practices and lessons
personnel to create the environment for positive
learned to facilitate optimum implementation
change. The ability to establish and maintain key
and adoption of the EHR; and
relationships with professional groups and associations,
in order to engage groups of front line clinicians and • evaluation of CM initiatives and creation of
other key stakeholders, while engaging CM champions, complementary new interventions to support
will be important to the success of this position. EHR adoption as required.

Activity D: ( %)

Activity E: ( %)

3. Other Key Abilities and Competencies

List other key abilities and competencies required • She/he will be required to coordinate travel and
to perform this job. workload to meet the needs of the region within
• CM specialists can have a background in specified time constraints.

TOOLKIT / GOVERNANCE & LEADERSHIP A Framework and Toolkit for Managing eHealth Change
human resources, education, business or • The proven abilities to organize and multi-task
organizational development. are assets.
• As above; experience specific to adult education • Experience in adult education, quality improvement
would be a definite asset. or CM.
• The individual should be self-motivated,
results-driven and action oriented.

4. Education and Specific Training

(a) What, in your opinion, should be the minimum (b) Is there any provincial or other vocational or
schooling or formal training for a new person being professional certification or degree necessary
hired into this job? to perform in this position.
• Minimum requirement Bachelor’s degree; Mandatory Preferred Not applicable
• Clinical background (e.g., nursing, pharmacy, Please Specify:
allied health or other) – highly recommended; and
• Familiarity with the Insert organization / program /
project etc. is highly recommended.

5. Work Experience

What, in your opinion, would be the minimum What, in your opinion, would be the minimum
experience necessary to do this job effectively? “on the job” learning time required for a new person
to be fully effective in this job?
1 month 3 months 6 months About:
1 year 2 years 3 years 1 month 3 months 6 months
5 years 7 years 10 years 1 year 2 years 3 years
more 5 years 7 years 10 years

6. Initiative (Independence of Action)

(a) List the decisions made or duties performed (b) List the decisions that require the supervisor’s
without seeking supervisory approval. approval.
1. Identification of key provincial stakeholders 1. Budget to implement training activities
2. Coordination of training plan 2. Final sign off for training plan once developed
3. Relationship management 3. Final sign off for communications plan

6. Initiative (Independence of Action)

(c) What guidelines, procedures, manuals etc. are (d) State any financial responsibilities
available to guide decision-making and actions? (and amounts) the job involves e.g. cash,
• Numerous documents relevant to EHR CM sales, budget, inventory.
TOOLKIT / GOVERNANCE & LEADERSHIP A Framework and Toolkit for Managing eHealth Change

strategy and plan • Travel budget (TBD)

• Organizational Administrative Policy and • Training budget (TBD)
Procedure Manual

7. Impact of Errors

Describe two typical major errors that could 1. Poor key stakeholder identification and relationship
reasonably be made in this job, even with due management, with resulting low adoption of EHR,
care. Indicate the worst consequences, e.g. waste, which could result in loss of time, money and
delays, time lost, money lost, injury, damage, effect most importantly negatively impact success of the
on people. provincial EHR strategy.
2. Poor organizational skills may result in wasted
time and money.

8. Working with Others

With whom will the employee be required to communicate in doing this job?
Use titles. (In Person; Telephone; Writing.)

People Contacted How Often Purpose How

Within CM Team internal Weekly Strategy and tactics Telephone,
Organization to project team and teleconference, face
Regional Health to face
Clinical and IM/IT Daily Strategy and tactics Varied
Users of EHR Daily Training, education
Outside CM team from the Varied Gap analyses, Varied
Organization organization relationship
management, CM
training, evaluation
of interventions
Project teams and Varied Gap analyses, Varied
others relationship
management, CM
training, evaluation
of interventions

9. Supervision or Direction Exercised

Indicate any jobs or work groups that the employee (b) Provide technical or functional guidance to other
will supervise under one or more of these categories: staff (as above in (a)).

TOOLKIT / GOVERNANCE & LEADERSHIP A Framework and Toolkit for Managing eHealth Change
(a) Assign and check work of others doing similar work (c) Supervise a work group; assign work to be done,
(e.g., Lead hand): Integration with project team, methods to be used, and responsibility for all the
internal and external stakeholders is required. work of the group (as above in (a)).
Indirect reporting may be required.

10. Employees Supervised

On the appropriate line, please indicate the total actual number of staff
for whose work the employee will be accountable.

1-3 4-10 11-20 21-30 31-60 61-150 151 Plus

Full time Combined Total

Part time Full time equivalent

employees (2000 hrs/yr)

11. Physical, Mental and Sensory Demands

Enter estimated percentage in appropriate box Percent of Total Work Time

Explain any condition that applies to the job 0-5% 5-20% 20-40% 40-70% Over 70%
a. Comfortable; few exceptional demands X
b. Intense concentration (visual, listening, tactile) X
c. Lifting, carrying, climbing, standing
d. Other heavy physical effort

12. Working Conditions

a) Explain any unpleasant aspects of the working environment.

E.g. heat, cold, odours, noise, work interruptions, cramped conditions, outside work, danger.
Minor unpleasant aspects
Major unpleasant aspects
(b) What is the scheduled work week? Monday to Friday, 8:30am to 4:30 pm
What, if any, shift work is required?
Other unusual hours?
(c) Overnight travel: % of time away? Approximately 25 % travel potential
Driving vehicle during work: % time? Approximately 25%

1.7 Control and Influence Assessment

TOOLKIT / GOVERNANCE & LEADERSHIP A Framework and Toolkit for Managing eHealth Change

The following diagram was developed by British Columba

Interior Health* and is useful for conceptualizing and
listing those factors and stakeholders that are within or out
of the control / influence of the project or its mandate.




*Reproduced with permission


2.0 Stakeholder Engagement

TOOLKIT / STAKEHOLDER ENGAGEMENT A Framework and Toolkit for Managing eHealth Change
Are You EMR Ready? A Pre-Implementation Readiness Assessment

Stakeholder Engagement Planning Template

Stakeholder Analysis and Segmentation

Target Audience Analysis Template

Model for Prioritizing Stakeholders

Communicating with Stakeholders

Force Field Analysis Process

Resistance Management Framework


Are you EMR Ready? A Pre-Implementation
Readiness Assessment
TOOLKIT / STAKEHOLDER ENGAGEMENT A Framework and Toolkit for Managing eHealth Change

The following tool was developed by the Clinical Use this guide to gain a better understanding of the
Adoption Team at Canada Health Infoway in support impact that an EMR system implementation will have on
of electronic medical record implementations. your practice, and what you can do to support a smoother
transition from paper to electronic.
EMR Pre-implementation Guide
Undertaken by academic researchers, “Experiences from What is your EMR area of focus?
the Forefront of EMR Use” captures the implementation 1. Contemplation
experiences from 20 Canadian primary care offices in 2. Leadership and commitment
Canada. In studying the diverse clinics, from project 3. Solution provider and system support selection
inception to execution, it is clear that there are factors 4. Preparation and readiness
common to every successful EMR implementation. 5. Managing change

There are five key areas of the pre-implementation stage, Make your way through the five key areas of
but no matter what stage you’re in, there’s a lot to consider. pre-implementation to self-assess your EMR readiness.
Leveraging lessons learned from physician peers and their
patient care teams, the following guide was created to
provoke your thinking and consideration of EMR system
implementation in your practice.


Reviewing this EMR pre-implementation guide You have begun gathering information about EMRs
might be your first step in contemplating an EMR and the implementation process that lies ahead.
implementation. Engaging your team, identifying
what it will mean to your practice, and what will You consider your office team knowledgeable
be involved in your implementation will set the about EMRs in general.
foundation for your EMR journey.
You have taken advantage of any available
Making sure you have taken the following steps in EMR system implementation support; for example,
understanding contemplation will help ensure your a local Clinician Peer Support Network.
care team’s readiness for an EMR implementation:
Your office team culture is one that is open
to discussion.

You can clearly articulate the reasons prompting

your office to implement an EMR system.

Leadership and Commitment

Every successful EMR implementation has been You have developed a comprehensive project plan
led by a practice champion. This is a valued and for your office EMR system implementation including
essential role ensuring that all team members are dedicated resources for the work required? For

TOOLKIT / STAKEHOLDER ENGAGEMENT A Framework and Toolkit for Managing eHealth Change
engaged and understand the value and progress example, a plan for team education and training,
which is communicated to them throughout all privacy and security impact and a clearly defined
implementation stages. process for how decisions will be made.

Making sure you have taken the necessary steps You have identified channels that will support
in understanding leadership and commitment communicating most effectively with your office team
will help ensure your care team’s readiness for about the EMR system implementation; for example,
an EMR implementation: newsletters and regular face-to-face meetings.

You have the commitment from at least one In your project plan, you have identified when
physician to champion the implementation and how you will measure the success of your EMR
through all stages of EMR system implementation. system implementation with your team.
(In a large inter-professional practice, you will need
additional champions to support your team needs).

Your office team understand the benefits of

implementing an EMR system.

Solution Provider and System Support Selection

If you’ve done the following, you are on the right You have EMR system provider selection criteria
path to selecting an EMR that will meet your available to use during the selection process; for
practice needs. example, standardized terminology, electronic
prescribing, etc.
You have identified your office requirements in an
EMR system – considering your needs now and You have discussed the pros and cons of the
those of the future; for example, interoperability various EMR systems with your office team.
with other electronic health information systems,
chronic disease management, etc. You have identified ongoing support and
maintenance resources required for the EMR
Your EMR system will support integration in the office system once implemented.
between both clinical and administrative workflows.

Preparation and Readiness

Refer to the checklist points below to ensure that Your office team will be involved in hardware
your practice is well positioned to transition from a selection and placement.
paper patient chart to an electronic medical record
TOOLKIT / STAKEHOLDER ENGAGEMENT A Framework and Toolkit for Managing eHealth Change

as you approach your EMR system go-live date: You have decided if your hardware devices will
be hardwired or wireless connections.
You have identified what needs to be done to
prepare and support your office team for the EMR You will place hardware in locations where
system implementation; for example, general your patients can be involved; for example, a
computer skills training for each team member. computer in a patient exam room so results can
be reviewed together.
You have identified your approach for rolling out
the EMR system functionality in your office; for You have identified who will be responsible for
example all functionality at once (big bang) or a ongoing support of software and hardware issues
staged rollout. after go-live. Alternatively, there is someone from
your office team appointed to be responsible for
You have worked with your system provider information management and technology. You’ve
to create feasible project plan timelines. considered all resources including financial, time
commitment, and relevant skill and knowledge.
You have a plan in place for how to manage
incoming paper from external points of care; You have a plan in place for handling
for example, lab results, consultation notes. system downtimes.

You have planned an approach for entering

data from paper patient charts into the EMR.

Managing Change

Ensure that you understand your practice team’s Your office culture encourages continuous
level of readiness in making changes and how you improvement, change and support for one another.
can successfully support them through the EMR
implementation: Your office practice using an inter-professional,
collaborative team approach.
Your office team is comfortable with making
suggestions about alternative workflows when All team members have a clear understanding of
supported by EMR functionality. how their work will be impacted by go-live. This
includes identifying what they will stop doing and
You can identify a team member who understands what they will start doing. You have coordinated a
from an overall office perspective what a day/week/ practice run — with one of you acting as the patient.
month looks like.
You plan to involve your patients in viewing the
Your office team is capable of performing initial and screen along with you – so you can show them
ongoing workflow analyses and improvements to their health information and provide education.
ensure that the right team member with the right
skill level is doing the right job at the right time You have communicated to your patients about
with the right resources or equipment. the EMR system implementation explaining what it
means to their care and how it may impact them.
You have short term and long term plans in place
for your paper chart storage.

Full EMR system functionality training has been

completed as scheduled for all targeted team members.

2.2 Stakeholder Engagement Planning Template

TOOLKIT / STAKEHOLDER ENGAGEMENT A Framework and Toolkit for Managing eHealth Change
Key Interests & Engagement Key
Stakeholders Priorities Objectives Activities




2.3 Stakeholder Analysis and Segmentation

TOOLKIT / STAKEHOLDER ENGAGEMENT A Framework and Toolkit for Managing eHealth Change

This grid identifies the groups who can affect the project • Level of support identifies their anticipated support
or are affected by the project according to: and commitment toward the success of the project.

• Level of influence defines their breadth of power and • Level of project engagement required identifies
influence in the project. the intensity and type of engagement required during
the project. This may vary by project phase.
• Impact indicates the degree to which they will be
impacted directly by the project.

Stakeholder Level of Impact Current Context & Level of Approach/ Relationship

Group influence level of major issues engagement strategy for manager
support or concerns required involvement

Level of influence Impact Current level of support

1 = No decision making authority or influence 1 = Low 1 = Negative
2 = Some influence but not critical 2 = Medium 2 = Resistant
3 = Influencer but no decision making authority 3 = High 3 = Compliant
4 = Medium level of influence and decision making authority 4 = Interested
5 = High level of influence and decision making authority 5 = Positive

2.4 Target Audience Analysis Template

TOOLKIT / STAKEHOLDER ENGAGEMENT A Framework and Toolkit for Managing eHealth Change
The following table was developed to support a PACS
implementation; however, it is easily adaptable for other
eHealth uses.

Position Number of Staff Vendor Tools / Solution Tools / Training Solution Comments
Tasks Tasks

2.5 Model for Prioritizing Stakeholders

TOOLKIT / STAKEHOLDER ENGAGEMENT A Framework and Toolkit for Managing eHealth Change




1 2 3 4 5

Low Support High Support

(“Challenger”) (“Champion”)

The above model presented above has been adapted from • Low Influence Challengers: Maintain awareness of
Sharma (2008), who groups stakeholders into cohorts: any actions that could potentially harm the project,
but put less energy into converting these challengers
• High Influence Challengers: Outreach efforts should into champions
focus on converting these individuals to champions.
Failing that, plan countermeasures that could help • Low Influence Champions: Ensure that positive
neutralize any actions they might take that could relationships are maintained, but put less energy into
potentially harm or derail the project. further cultivating these champions.

• High Influence Champions: Proactively leverage According to Sharma, project leaders are best advised to
the positive energy from these individuals / groups allocate stakeholder engagement resources to the High
to further your objectives and to build a strong Influence Challengers and High Influence Champions.
foundation of support.

2.6 Communicating with Stakeholders

TOOLKIT / STAKEHOLDER ENGAGEMENT A Framework and Toolkit for Managing eHealth Change
The following stakeholder map can be used to identify The four groups identified within the stakeholder map
the most appropriate means of keeping stakeholders (Monitor, Keep Informed, Keep Satisfied, and Manage
informed of developments within the project. Closely) can provide the basis for a communication strategy.

High Keep Satisfied Manage Closely

Power • Exploit existing management • Frequent personal briefings and Q&As
meetings and committees to • Proactive risk and issue awareness;
explain project and respond first points of contact for news
to queries and concerns (positive and negative)
• Presentations at stakeholder events • Workshops to develop involvement
• Regular item on key committee agendas and exploit knowledge and skill
available; and tie-in key stakeholders

Monitor (Minimum Effort) Keep Informed

• No specifically targeted • Newsletters, posters, flyers,

communication effort websites, etc.
• Receives general information, • Contact phone line
Low e.g., press releases, newsletters • Project email address
Power • Monitor communication traffic from this
sector for items requiring a response

Low Interest High Interest

Source: NHS Practical Guide to Stakeholder Engagement


2.7 Force Field Analysis Process

TOOLKIT / STAKEHOLDER ENGAGEMENT A Framework and Toolkit for Managing eHealth Change

A force field analysis usually involves the development differing strengths indicating the relative importance
of a diagram. The driving forces and resisting forces are of each aspect. An example of a force field analysis is
identified and then indicated pictorially with lines of shown below.

Force Field Analysis Example (Force Field Analysis – Kurt Lewin)


(Positive forces for change) (Obstacles to change)



Force Field Analysis Worksheet

For further instructions on force field analysis, visit

To use:

• Describe your plan or proposal for change in the middle. • Assign a score to each force, from 1 (weak) to 5 (strong).
• List all forces for change in one column, and all forces • Once you have carried out an analysis, you can decide
against in the other column. whether or not a project is viable.

Forces FOR change Score Change Proposal Forces AGAINST change Score

Total Total

© Copyright Mind Tools Ltd. 2006-2011. Please feel free to copy this sheet for your own use and to share with friends, co-workers or team members, just as long as you do
not change it in any way.

2.8 Resistance Management Framework

TOOLKIT / STAKEHOLDER ENGAGEMENT A Framework and Toolkit for Managing eHealth Change
The following model has been reproduced with Step 3:
permission from British Columbia’s Interior Health Affirmation: With the first words out of your mouth,
Change Management Super User’s Toolkit. This say something that demonstrates empathy. Statements
resistance management framework is sometimes referred like, “That is really frustrating. I can understand how
to as the “CLARA” framework. you feel” or “I understand how time sensitive this is
for you.” Empathy statements acknowledge to the person
you are serving that you understand where he or she
Customer experience: Begin with the mindset to
create a positive customer experience; stay calm is at. In order to be effective, empathy statements must
at all times in order to be genuine.

Listen: Seek first to understand what the problem Empathy absorbs emotion so you may need to repeat the
or issue is before you speak. Once you think you listen and affirm steps several times before moving on to
are clear on what the issue is, respond with the next step depending on the situation. By repeating
Affirmation: Begin with a statement of empathy the listen and affirmation steps you are helping to calm
to show understanding of where the person is the person down.
coming from and then
Step 4:
Re-state and respond: Re-state the person’s
specific concern to ensure you’ve heard correctly. Re-state and respond: By re-stating what you think
If accurate, respond to the person’s problem. you’ve heard to be the specific issue, you are checking for
In closing, understanding before you attempt to resolve anything.
Add a new piece of information from your Before you move forward to resolve the issue, ensure that
perspective and if the problem or issue cannot be you’ve got agreement from the person on the issue. Once
resolved, find an appropriate escalation path. there is agreement, work to resolve the issue to the best of
your ability in a timely fashion.

Explanation of the CLARA Framework: Step 5:

Add: In closing, speak to something positive about the
Step 1:
project from your perspective. Share a positive comment
Customer experience: Begin each conversation with a you’ve heard about Insert Project / Solution name along
customer service mindset: “What can I do to create an the way or share a helpful tip that will benefit the person.
excellent customer experience [focus on both technical In your mind, circle back to the question, “Did I do my
and people aspects]?” Stay calm at all times in order to best to create a positive customer experience?” If the issue
cannot be resolved, identify and follow through on an
Step 2: escalation path.
Listen: Listen closely to what the person is saying and
how the person must be feeling as a result; try not to
interrupt the person in the process. Once you think you
are clear on what the issue is, respond with

Other helpful tips for applying CLARA: 2. Acknowledge the feeling expressed. Even if you
cannot find common ground to affirm, you can
I. Ways to calm yourself if the person you are
probably genuinely empathize with a feeling that
TOOLKIT / STAKEHOLDER ENGAGEMENT A Framework and Toolkit for Managing eHealth Change

helping is upset:
is expressed: i.e.,
1. Be aware of your emotional response to the person’s
statement/attitude. Try counting to ten in your i. “I can see that this has been difficult for you”
head while the person is talking.
ii. “This is not easy”
2. Focus on your breathing. Take 3-5 deep breaths.
iii. “I’d feel (frustrated, upset, angry) if I were in
Feel your tension de-escalate.
your shoes, too”
3. Clarify your intentions. Silently say to yourself
3. To be affirming, this step must be genuine,
“I am here to help,” “I want to help,” “I want to turn
not perceived as sweet or slick talk. Speak
this person’s concern into a positive experience.”
spontaneously rather than develop “pat” answers.
Affirming may not feel natural at first, but it will
 ays to listen and look for common ground
with the person you are helping: get easier with practice.

1. Listen respectfully and demonstrate you are 4. PAUSE so the person can clarify their feelings or
listening by positive eye contact and other attentive reactions, or disagree with you. If necessary, listen
non-verbal cues. again for what you can next affirm or acknowledge.

2. Listen and look for common ground, for what

IV. Add – to continue to build the relationship
you share with this person: a hope, a concern, and open the possibilities:
an experience, a feeling, an interest, a question,
1. Include a positive comment about Insert Project /
a value. State your common ground as a part of
Solution that you think will help the person to see
your empathy statement.
a positive angle on the project. Relate the comment
3. Try to not interrupt the person when he or she to a value you picked up on in the conversation
is talking. If the person continues to talk, send a you have just had.
subtle message by your body language; shift your
2. Share a quick user tip or cheat sheet reference to
weight or step slightly toward the person to catch
leave with the person if he or she does not already
his or her attention.
have one that will be of help for the future.
III. Ways to affirm and acknowledge the 3. If you are unable to resolve the issue yourself,
other person: identify the appropriate next step in order to
1. Affirm the common ground you share with your ensure the issue gets resolved. This may include:
best guess about what it is: i.e.,
• Finding an appropriate super user
i. “I share your concern about...”
• Contacting the service desk
ii. “I understand why…”
• Following up with your manager
iii. “I think you are right about...”

iv. “I agree with you about…”


3.0 Communications

TOOLKIT / COMMUNICATIONS A Framework and Toolkit for Managing eHealth Change

Key Questions Associated with Communications Planning

Communications Planning Tools – Audience Assessment Template

Communications Plan Template

Preferred Media – Project Communications

Communication Diagnostic

Simple Communications Tools

Sample FAQ Template


3.1 Key Questions Associated with Communications Planning

TOOLKIT / COMMUNICATIONS A Framework and Toolkit for Managing eHealth Change

Questions to consider when building the plan: Change-Specific Communications Planning

• Who is the audience? • What are the goals?
• What information needs does this audience have? • What are the themes, messages and information
that need to be communicated?
• What is the desired response?
• Who must receive the message (internal/external)?
• What is the likely response?
• What do the stakeholders need to know?
• How will information be communicated to
the organization? • What is the desired and likely response?
• How should the message be delivered (via what • What is the organization’s flow of communication
channel)? How often? and tools and processes?

• Who should deliver the message? • Who should deliver the message?
• How will we capture feedback and input? • What channels will reach different stakeholders
• How will we follow through on feedback and input?
• How should the message be delivered (media)?
• How will we measure communication effectiveness? How often?

• How will communication effectiveness be measured?


3.2 Communications Planning – Audience Assessment Template

TOOLKIT / COMMUNICATIONS A Framework and Toolkit for Managing eHealth Change

Adapted from Cohen, 2005,
The Heart of Change Field Guide

Stakeholder Description Criticality How the Effort Concerns / Degree of

or group of stakeholder to success change required issues (what commitment*
or groups (1-5) affects this to change this audience (Negative (-)/
audience (1-5) needs) Neutral (0)/
Positive (+))

1 = Low
5 = High

In addition to using the “-” or “+” symbols, numeric values can be applied to further note level of commitment. E.g., +4 or -3.

3.3 Communications Plan Template

TOOLKIT / COMMUNICATIONS A Framework and Toolkit for Managing eHealth Change

Adapted from Cohen, 2005,

The Heart of Change Field Guide

Communi- Key Audience Due date Channel Develop Review Deliver Status
cation messages targeted /approve
/action /details

3.4 Preferred Media – Project Communications

TOOLKIT / COMMUNICATIONS A Framework and Toolkit for Managing eHealth Change

The following tool describes the advantages and
disadvantages of using various communications media /
channels for key stakeholders. Adapted with permission
from Manitoba eHealth.

Stakeholder Preferred Media Advantages Disadvantages

Sponsors Standing meetings/ Provides opportunity for dialogue Difficulty in finding time in sponsors’
presentations with Ensures the message is delivered exactly calendars
senior project team as intended Time intensive for senior project team(s)
member(s), i.e.,
Ensures message is consistent
steering committee
and targeted
meetings/ other
standing meetings

Written reports Ensures message is consistent Does not provide on the spot feedback
and targeted Unsure if document is read
Allows sponsors to choose convenient
time to review

Email/memos Ensures message is consistent and targeted Does not provide on the spot feedback
Allows sponsors to choose convenient Unsure if document is read
time to review May be lost in the “shuffle”

Leaders Standing meetings/ Provides opportunity for dialogue Difficulty in finding time in
presentations Ensures the message is delivered exactly stakeholders’ calendars
with project team as intended Time intensive for project
member(s) team(s) members
Ensures message is consistent
i.e., standing and targeted

Ad hoc meetings/ Provides opportunity for dialogue Difficulty in finding time in

presentations Ensures the message is delivered exactly stakeholders’ calendars
with project team as intended Time intensive for project team(s) members
member(s), i.e., kick-
Ensures message is consistent Must be perceived to be relevant
and targeted to stakeholder

Written reports Ensures message is consistent and targeted Does not provide on the spot feedback
Allows stakeholders to choose convenient Unsure if document is read
time to review

Email/memos Ensures message is consistent Does not provide on the spot feedback
and targeted Unsure if document is read
Allows stakeholders to choose convenient May be lost in the “shuffle”
time to review

Stakeholder Preferred Media Advantages Disadvantages

Leaders Website Ensures message is consistent Does not provide on the spot feedback
(continued) Allows stakeholders to choose Unsure if stakeholders use website
convenient time to review
TOOLKIT / COMMUNICATIONS A Framework and Toolkit for Managing eHealth Change

Resource intensive to create and

keep updated

Newsletters Ensures message is consistent Does not provide on the spot feedback
and targeted Unsure if stakeholders review material
Allows stakeholders to choose Must be “targeted” for stakeholder group
convenient time to review
May be lost in the “shuffle”
Resource intensive to create

Project Team Project Team Provides opportunity for dialogue Difficulty in finding time in team
Meetings Ensures the message is delivered members’ calendars
exactly as intended
Ensures message is consistent
and targeted
Ensures team has current information

Email/memos Ensures message is consistent Does not provide on the spot feedback
and targeted Unsure if information is read
Allows team members to choose May be lost in the “shuffle”
convenient time to review

Newsletters Ensures message is consistent Does not provide on the spot feedback
and targeted Unsure if team member reviews material
Allows team members to choose Must be “targeted” for team members
convenient time to review
May be lost in the “shuffle”
Resource intensive to create

Website Ensures message is consistent Does not provide on the spot feedback
Allows team members to choose Unsure if team members use website
convenient time to review Resource intensive to create and
keep updated

End Users Email/memos Ensures message is consistent Does not provide on the spot feedback
and targeted Unsure if information is read
Allows stakeholders to choose May be lost in the “shuffle”
convenient time to review
Question: Are all end users on email?

Stakeholder Preferred Media Advantages Disadvantages

End Users Newsletters Ensures message is consistent Does not provide on the spot feedback
(continued) and targeted Stakeholders may not believe information
Allows stakeholders to choose convenient is credible

TOOLKIT / COMMUNICATIONS A Framework and Toolkit for Managing eHealth Change

time to review Unsure if stakeholders review material
Must be “targeted”
May be lost in the “shuffle”
Resource intensive to create

Website Ensures message is consistent Does not provide on the spot feedback
Allows stakeholders to choose Unsure if stakeholders use or have
convenient time to review access to website
Resource intensive to create and
keep updated

Face-to-face Provides opportunity for dialogue Difficulty in finding time in

meetings with Ensures the message is delivered stakeholders’ calendars
Project Team exactly as intended Time intensive for project team members
Ensures message is consistent Must be perceived to be of value
and targeted

Face-to-face updates Provides opportunity for dialogue Difficulty in finding time in stakeholders’
from supervisors/ Provides end users with strong sense calendars (shift work etc.)
managers of credibility Time intensive for supervisors/managers
Must be perceived to be of value by
both parties
Resource intensive
Question: is message being delivered
consistently and in a timely manner?

Lunch and Learns Provides opportunity for dialogue Must be perceived to be of value by end
Increases visibility of team members users to attend as many may not consider
their lunch hour as “working time”
Ensures message is delivered consistently

3.5 Communication Diagnostic

TOOLKIT / COMMUNICATIONS A Framework and Toolkit for Managing eHealth Change


• Please read each statement and indicate the extent

to which it describes the norm in your organization
as a whole. Your responses should reflect what you
have experienced as well as what you have generally
observed in your organization.

• Answer the questions using a 5-point scale; the far left

of the scale indicates that you strongly disagree and the
far right of the scale indicates that you strongly agree.
Please respond by checking the box that corresponds
most closely to your situation.

• Please take the time to respond to the open-ended

questions at the end of the survey. Your responses are
crucial in improving the change initiative.

• Be honest in your responses. There are no right

or wrong answers, and your answers will remain
completely confidential.

As a member of this organization, I…

Strongly Strongly Don’t

Disagree Agree Know

Feel that the change initiative is communicated effectively, giving

TOOLKIT / COMMUNICATIONS A Framework and Toolkit for Managing eHealth Change

everyone a solid understanding of our future

Feel that the change initiative has been explained in clear terms

Feel that the change initiative is communicated frequently

Feel informed on the progress of the initiative

Do not feel overloaded with data, because communications have

been clear and heartfelt

See multiple forms of communication (e.g., large and small meetings,

1-to-1 discussions, memos, newsletters, e-mails, conference calls, etc.)
being used to communicate the change initiative

See leadership avidly communicating the need for change and why
it is in our best interest

See managers avidly communicating the need for change and why
it is in our best interest

See that leadership doesn’t just talk about the change vision,
but leads by example

See that managers don’t just talk about the change vision,
but lead by example

Feel that activities in our organization that are inconsistent with our
change vision have been clearly explained

Receive clear (not mixed) signals about the change initiative

See that feedback mechanisms for employees to express their opinions

and interests in the change initiative are in place

Believe that those feedback mechanisms are being used

Feel that there is constant dialogue between all levels of the

organization regarding the change initiative

Subtotal x1 x2 x3 x4 x5

Grand Total

3.6 Simple Communications Tools

TOOLKIT / COMMUNICATIONS A Framework and Toolkit for Managing eHealth Change

The following two tools – the elevator speech and simple Simple Speaking Statements
speaking notes – have been reproduced with permission Completing the cells in the table below will assist change
from British Columbia’s Interior Health Change practitioners in developing simple, straightforward
Management Super User’s Tool Kit messages for a variety of communications pieces.

Elevator Speech
• What is Insert Project / Solution name about?
• Why is it important to do?
• What will success look like?
• What will we need from you?

Why Change? What are the Benefits?

Short Term

Long Term

3.7 Sample FAQ Template

TOOLKIT / COMMUNICATIONS A Framework and Toolkit for Managing eHealth Change

The following tool has been reproduced with permission Project Scope:
from British Columbia’s Change Management Super Revise these questions as relevant to the project
User’s Tool Kit / implementation

Project Background: Q. Why would Indicate type of user;

Q. What is the Insert Project Name Project? e.g. public health, clinicians, etc. users support
moving to a new application when we have Insert
A. Indicate project goals, target audience, value proposition
name of legacy system?
(i.e., why is the project being done). Who is leading
the project? What are the expected benefits? A. Articulate WHY a user would want to get on board
with the new project?
Q. How does this project contribute to Indicate
Jurisdiction eHealth Vision? Q. Why not complete a pilot project first, or a
phased implementation, so that we know the
A. Indicate how this project fits into the ‘bigger picture.’
application works?
What is the jurisdiction’s vision for eHealth?
A. Answer as relevant; or remove question
Q. What will be delivered through the
implementation? Q. Who will pay for the implementation
of Insert Project Name?
A. Specify functionality that will become accessible
for use through project implementation. A.

Q. Who makes the decisions about Governance:

Insert Project Name? Q. What is the governance structure of the project?
A. Indicate who the decision makers are, how A. The overall Project governance is identified on the
collaboration is undertaken, how feedback is received following page.
and incorporated.

Revise table as required

Project Management Office Manages the process and procedures governing access to all Project functions/
modules in all jurisdictions.
TOOLKIT / COMMUNICATIONS A Framework and Toolkit for Managing eHealth Change

Manages operations and enhancements for Project over the long-term,

Project Management Committee
its membership consists of jurisdictional representatives.

eHealth Strategic Council …

Joint Executive Committee (JEC) Has a decision making role with regard to the implementation project, with the
authority to direct resources, allocate funding and determine project scope.

Issues Management Team Provides project staff support to the JEC and the Implementation Leads Committee
to assist in resolving escalated issues.

Implementation Leads Committee …

Implementation Working Group Provides input, advice and recommendations on configuration, data conversion
scope, data access models, business scenarios to support the Conference Room
Pilot process, communicate with constituents in their own organizations.

Q. What role do Indicate ‘players’; Q. What is the relationship between the

e.g., Regional Health Authorities, LHINs, Implementation Working Group and the
Ministry, Organization type, etc. Implementation Leads Committee?
play in the governance structure? A.
Q. In the situation where the Implementation
Q. How are ______ Chief Information Officers (CIO) Working Group identifies a gap between the
involved in this Project? current application’s functionality and desired
A. functionality, is there a process for addressing
those gaps?
Q. What is the mandate and membership of A.
the Implementation Working Group?
A. Q. How will ______ have input into the Project?
A. ______ will have input into the project in a number
Q. What is the mandate and membership of of ways – most notably through the Implementation
the Implementation Leads Committee? Leads Committee and Implementation Working
A. Group processes.

Q. How will Project decisions be communicated? Q. What is the approach to ensure realistic data is
A. included in the training materials and scenarios?
Q. How will jurisdictional enhancements
(add-on functionality) be funded? Q. Would there be user defined data in the training

TOOLKIT / COMMUNICATIONS A Framework and Toolkit for Managing eHealth Change

A. database specific to each ______?
Q. How many trainers are expected to be trained? Is
Q. What is the role of ______ in configuration?
there a limit and a location for training?

Q. What skills are needed from ______ to support

Q. Will tools and materials be available to support
configuration as well as implementation as
training efforts?
a whole?

Change Management:
Q. What is the role of ______ in data conversion?
A. Q. What is the change management approach
for the Project?
Q. What is the Project Team’s role in A.
data conversion?
A. Role and Responsibilities:
Q. What is the role of Canada Health Infoway?
Q. How does Insert Solution name compare to the
existing system – Insert Legacy system name?
A. Q. What is the role of the Ministry / Department
of Health?
Q. Will every ______ be able to develop their own
User Defined Forms (UDF)?
A. Q. What is the role of Vendor?
Q. Will ______ be able to develop reports?
A. Q. What is the role of the Complete this
question for all other stakeholders involved
Q. Will ______ be able to develop ad hoc queries? in the project
A. A.

Q. What is the training approach that will be used for
the implementation?

4.0 Workflow Analysis & Integration

TOOLKIT / WORKFLOW ANALYSIS & INTEGRATION A Framework and Toolkit for Managing eHealth Change

Analyzing Workflow – Questions to Consider

Mapping Current Workflow and Processes

Flow Process Chart Template

Systems Flow Chart


4.1 Analyzing Workflow – Questions to Consider

TOOLKIT / WORKFLOW ANALYSIS & INTEGRATION A Framework and Toolkit for Managing eHealth Change
The following template provides a list of some questions that
can be used to help describe a process from end-to-end.

Question Response

What is the process? (For example, registering

a patient or refilling a prescription.)

Are there important patient care processes that do

not involve seeing a patient? (For example, dealing
with an abnormal lab result.)

What are the tasks or steps involved? (For example,

checking a patient’s health number or confirming a
prescription is up-to-date.)

What are the variations to these processes?

Are there acceptable reasons for process variations
by clinic site?

Who completes the process? Do several types of staff

perform the same tasks? Is this a good example of
cross-training or is it a duplication of effort?

How long does it take?

Where are the bottlenecks where the process gets

interrupted or slowed? Has some staff member
already found a way around such points?

Do some tasks need to be done more than once in a

given process? (For example, must the same data be
entered at different points during patient check-in?)

Template adapted from source:

Kushinka, SA. California Healthcare Foundation.
Workflow Analysis: EHR Deployment Techniques. 2011, 10p.

4.2 Mapping Current Workflow and Processes

TOOLKIT / WORKFLOW ANALYSIS & INTEGRATION A Framework and Toolkit for Managing eHealth Change

The following steps should be used to map current Workflow and Process Redesign
workflow and processes: The following steps should be used to map how workflows
and processes will be performed with eHealth solutions:
1. Identify processes to be mapped, those that will be
impacted by the eHealth solution being acquired. A 1. Identify potential problems in current workflows and
good place to start identifying processes to be mapped processes and determine their root cause. Study the
is those you have envisioned for eHealth solutions. following areas:
2. Use individuals who actually perform the process. Bottlenecks
They know it best and they need to own the
Sources of delay
impending change. You may need to hold a retreat or
some virtual meetings with field personnel to ensure Rework due to errors
they become engaged in the activity. Role ambiguity
Unnecessary duplications
3. Instruct persons on process mapping, why it is being
done, and how it is done. Ensure that people know Unnecessary steps
the purpose is to get automation right, not to lay Long cycle time
blame. Then, be sure no one insinuates blame for Lack of adherence to standards
current issues. Encourage staff to identify all problem Lack of information
areas so they can be addressed through automation.
Lack of quality controls
4. Map current processes. Avoid identifying opportunities
The following tools may be helpful in identifying root cause:
for improvement now because critical controls built
into current processes may be overlooked. Statistical charts
Radar Pareto Control
5. Validate maps to ensure they reflect current processes,
all variations, all data collected (the information Relations diagrams
payload), and all decision making. Tree diagram
Affinity diagram
6. Collect all forms and reports that are part of processes
to be automated through eHealth solutions. Force field analysis
Cause and effect diagrams
7. Obtain benchmark data to define expectations for
Physical layouts as applicable
change and for use in benefits realization studies.

2. Identify changes that may be able to resolve problems • Systems flow chart: a commonly used tool that is
today. Implement these and revise maps to reflect relatively easy to construct and especially easy to use
the changes. in visualizing workflow. It uses two basic symbols: A
rectangle denotes the step in a process where a task
3. Educate about health care information technology is performed. It should answer “who does what.” For

TOOLKIT / WORKFLOW ANALYSIS & INTEGRATION A Framework and Toolkit for Managing eHealth Change
(HIT) and electronic health records (EHR) and identify instance, a task may be “nurse’s aide records patient
further changes that will be possible and are desirable. temperature.” A diamond shape denotes where a
4. Document in a new map the potential new processes decision must be made. For example, after recording
reflecting desired improvements. the temperature, the nurse’s aide may need to decide
whether the temperature is within the normal range,
5. Use maps reflecting new processes to create use case and if not, what to do next. Such a decision would
scenarios to identify HIT functional specifications incorporate the decision “Normal?” in the diamond
for vendor selection, and later to build out the HIT shape, with one branch denoting “Yes” and leading
application during implementation to achieve the to the next step; and one branch denoting “No” and
desired improvements. leading to the alternative next step. Where the system
flow chart addresses the issue of envisioning decision
6. Test new workflows and processes once incorporated
points, a disadvantage is that it does not enable much
into the HIT.
description in its symbols.
7. Train all staff on new workflows and processes, using
• Systems flow chart with sticky notes: A final option for
the maps as guides.
constructing a process map is in the form of a systems
8. Incorporate changes from the maps into policy flow chart with sticky notes. Upright, the note forms
and procedure. Some organizations use the maps a rectangle, and tilted the note forms a diamond.
themselves to construct their policies and procedures. Because sticky notes can be placed on a blank wall
or large sheet of paper and then moved around if
9. Conduct benefits realization and celebrate successful tasks are noted to be missing, the sticky note tool is
change/correct course as necessary. especially useful where mappers are new to mapping,
or where there is potential variation among different
Process Mapping Tools staff, different locations, etc.
A variety of tools are available for process mapping:

• Flow process chart: a template that enables steps in a

process to be enumerated in a list format. This tool is
often used by clinicians who are unfamiliar with flow
charting. The disadvantage of the tool is that it is more
difficult to spot decision points and clearly see the various
branches in thought processes when making a decision.

4.3 Flow Process Chart Template

TOOLKIT / WORKFLOW ANALYSIS & INTEGRATION A Framework and Toolkit for Managing eHealth Change

The two types of tools are illustrated below.

Flow Process Chart

Process: Performed by:

Present Proposed Analysis () Date:
Why is it done this way?
Why is it done by this person?

Why is it done at this time?


Why is it done at this location?



Why is it done – is it necessary?


Details of present/proposed process: Notes

O > D 1.
O > D 2.
O > D 3.
O > D 4.
O > D 5.
O > D 6.
O > D 7.
O > D 8.
O > D 9.
O > D 10. (Note: Additional rows will be needed)
Totals: Present Proposed
O Summary: No. Time No. Time
> Transportations
D Delays

Used with permission. Amatayakul, M. (2007). Strategies for the digital future of healthcare information. Margaret \ A Consulting. Available by contacting author at:

4.4 Systems Flow Chart

TOOLKIT / WORKFLOW ANALYSIS & INTEGRATION A Framework and Toolkit for Managing eHealth Change
Below is a process map for medication administration from
a Critical Access Hospital with five nurses. The numbered
items in the symbols represent variations in how nurses
perform the specific component of the process.

Medication Administration

Medication, route, Notification of nurse giving new medication

Medication Transcribe order dosage put on MAR. 1. Sticky note on patient MAR
order on chart by RN or LPN May or may not
OR 2. MAR taken out of 3 ring binder
include time
OR 3. MAR on counter
OR 4. Verbal communication
1. Med put on tray with MAR OR 5. Never told
for one patient
OR 2. All patient meds put on
large tray with all MARS
OR 3. Put meds on cart with MARS

No Is med in pyxis?

1. Write time on MAR under

date given to indicate that
med is checked out Med nurse writes down med
needed, patient name, ect on
OR 2. Write time, cross through
sticky note and gives to charge Yes
and initial under date
nurse who goes to pharmacy
OR 3. Leave blank until given and signs out med.

1. Check med out of pyxis for

single dose
1. Take med to patient room Medication given to med nurse
OR 2. Check out meds for shift
in blister pack by charge nurse
OR 3. Check out meds for 24-48 hours
OR 2. Take out of blister pack

Med nurse checks med

with MAR
ID patient with 1 form of ID
Chart med on
1. MAR in room
OR 2. MAR outside room on cart
Administer med after ID and
Compare med to MAR in room watch patient take med OR 3. MAR at nurses station

Used with permission. Amatayakul, M. (2007). Strategies for the digital future of healthcare information. Margaret \ A Consulting. Available by contacting author at:

5.0 Training & Education

TOOLKIT / TRAINING & EDUCATION A Framework and Toolkit for Managing eHealth Change

Training Roles and Responsibilities

Training Session Evaluation Template

Computer Training Needs Assessment

Training and Course Planning Matrix


5.1 Training Roles and Responsibilities

TOOLKIT / TRAINING & EDUCATION A Framework and Toolkit for Managing eHealth Change
The following role descriptions have been adapted Master Trainer
from those used as part of a Clinical Documentation
Identify scope of role, as appropriate
Improvement (CDI) program in London, Ontario.
• Conducts needs assessment for target audiences
Master Trainer Strategist
• Identifies training needs (e.g., clinic /
Identify scope of role, as appropriate department workflow)
• Provides overall training strategies and framework • Provides direction to training resources for materials
for all sites and delivery, specific to clinic/department
• Provides high level direction to master trainers of • Establish location for training (e.g., training rooms,
site teams within clinics)
• Approves and oversees the co-ordination of • Co-ordinates vendor training
vendor training
• Develops training schedules and planning
• Guides and coaches training resources with needs
assessment, design/development of materials and • Establishes an evaluation process for each training activity
delivery as well as the evaluation process
• Creates and coordinates communication with
• Assists teams with planning and project management Coordinators/Super Users/Learners

• Assesses and obtains resources • Escalates issues to Master Trainer Strategist

• Escalates major issues to Clinical Core Team • Partners with other Master Trainers, Clinical
that impact the project deliverables Coordinators and Super Users.

• Partners with Communications and Trainers

Change Management
Identify scope of role, as appropriate
• Assists with the development of clinic/department
specific training materials/support materials for learners

• Conducts “1 on 1” training with physicians, clinical

staff, super users

• Facilitates classroom training, if necessary


5.2 Training Session Evaluation Template

TOOLKIT / TRAINING & EDUCATION A Framework and Toolkit for Managing eHealth Change

Please complete and return to:

Classroom 1 2 3 4 5

The classroom setting was a comfortable Stronly Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly
environment for learning. Disagree Agree

The amount of training time was sufficient. Stronly Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly
Disagree Agree

The classroom pace was comfortable. Stronly Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly
Disagree Agree

Materials 1 2 3 4 5

The training materials were sufficient. Stronly Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly
Disagree Agree

Trainer 1 2 3 4 5

The trainer communicated clearly and in Stronly Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly
a language you understood. Disagree Agree

The trainer was knowledgeable and able Stronly Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly
to answer your questions. Disagree Agree

Your Feedback

What positive feedback would you like to share?

What feedback would you like to share for improvement?

Job Title Date


Your feedback is so important to the success of this project.


5.3 Computer Training Needs Assessment

TOOLKIT / TRAINING & EDUCATION A Framework and Toolkit for Managing eHealth Change
The following document has been adapted from Employee Name
Computer Training Needs Assessment tools developed
by British Columbia’s Fraser Health and Interior Job Title
Health Authorities. Dept. / Unit
In order to prepare for implementation, we need to
identify your computer training requirements. Please take
a few minutes to complete this form and return to your
department/unit manager.

Windows Operating System

Log-on to Windows Not Familiar Sometimes have difficulty Can easily complete

Log-off of Windows Not Familiar Sometimes have difficulty Can easily complete

Identify screen elements, i.e., menus, Not Familiar Sometimes have difficulty Can easily complete
icons, taskbar, start button, toolbar

Use the right and left mouse buttons Not Familiar Sometimes have difficulty Can easily complete

Use computer keyboard Not Familiar Sometimes have difficulty Can easily complete

Minimize, maximize & close programs Not Familiar Sometimes have difficulty Can easily complete

Start programs, i.e., Word, Outlook Not Familiar Sometimes have difficulty Can easily complete

Use cut and paste within applications Not Familiar Sometimes have difficulty Can easily complete

Install printers from the network Not Familiar Sometimes have difficulty Can easily complete

Open and save files to a hard drive, Not Familiar Sometimes have difficulty Can easily complete
network drive or other storage medium

Use SharePoint Not Familiar Sometimes have difficulty Can easily complete

Use Windows Help & Support Not Familiar Sometimes have difficulty Can easily complete

Request assistance from Help Desk Not Familiar Sometimes have difficulty Can easily complete

1 2 3 4 5 6
Write the number of the screen component
on the blank line to the left of its description.

Maximize Button
Title Bar
Minimize Button
Scroll Bar
Close Button
Menu Bar
Toolbar Button

Internet Browser

Describe the difference between Not Familiar Sometimes have difficulty Can easily complete
Internet and Intranet

Start Internet Explorer Not Familiar Sometimes have difficulty Can easily complete
TOOLKIT / TRAINING & EDUCATION A Framework and Toolkit for Managing eHealth Change

Start corporate Intranet Not Familiar Sometimes have difficulty Can easily complete

Search for and view information Not Familiar Sometimes have difficulty Can easily complete
over the Internet

Use of sophisticated web based applications Not Familiar Sometimes have difficulty Can easily complete
such as online banking and/or shopping sites

Identify file and shortcut to desktop Not Familiar Sometimes have difficulty Can easily complete

I have taken the following training: Yes No Don’t know

Computer Basics & Windows Tasks   

Outlook E-Mail & Contacts   

Outlook Calendar & Tasks   

Word: Introduction   

Word: Intermediate   

Word: Advanced   

File Management   

Excel: Introduction   

Excel: Intermediate   

Which method of training do you feel would be most effective to achieve your learning goals:

Classroom training (hands-on) Not very effective Somewhat effective Very effective

Presentation (demo) Not very effective Somewhat effective Very effective

On-line tutorials (hands-on, self-paced) Not very effective Somewhat effective Very effective

On-line user guide (self-paced) Not very effective Somewhat effective Very effective

Please select the most desirable day(s) and time(s) for you
to attend training programs (select as many as apply): A.M. P.M. No preference






5.4 Training and Course Planning Matrix

TOOLKIT / TRAINING & EDUCATION A Framework and Toolkit for Managing eHealth Change
The following matrix was developed to support the training
needs of the North Network, a telehealth organization that
is now part of Ontario’s Telemedicine Network.

Category Training Modules Content Audience Primary /

Backup Trainer

One row per Identify training Describe module e.g., clinical Identify recommended
category, e.g., module name content, e.g., staff, managers, training staff / group
• General • General operations administrative support
Information staff, physicians, etc.
• Troubleshooting
• Hardware
• Roles and
• Software responsibilities

• Peripherals • Other content

specific to the
• Information for audience

• Train the Trainer

• Privacy

• Other

6.0 Monitoring & Evaluation

TOOLKIT / MONITORING & EVALUATION A Framework and Toolkit for Managing eHealth Change

Benefits Approach to Evaluation

Example Evaluation Methodology Used in Evaluation

of Newfoundland & Labrador Telehealth Strategy

Example Evaluation Methodology Used in NB iEHR /

Lab Scoping and Planning Initiative

Canada Health Infoway — System & Use Survey


6.1 Benefits Approach to Evaluation

TOOLKIT / MONITORING & EVALUATION A Framework and Toolkit for Managing eHealth Change
A benefits approach will help you to engage different
stakeholders and organizations, and also enable you to
establish baselines and quantify improvements.

Long Term Short Term

Personal • Outcome: How would I like to be? • Outcome: What will I achieve this week?

• Benefits: What will that give me? • Benefits: What value do I get from
These could be in health, time, achieving this (and does the value I get
growth, happiness. contribute to my longer-term aim)?

Organizational • Outcome: What will we as a community / • Outcome: For each project: what is the
organization look like at the end of this outcome of this project? Projects may
transformational programme? have milestones indicating a particular
achievement, etc.
• Benefits: What will the value-add be?
Organizational or community benefits • Benefits: What are the short-term benefits
are more likely to be population health, or values of achieving this? (Once again,
quality of life / length of active life for a do the short-term benefits contribute to
segment of the population, resources the longer-term benefits? If not, do they
freed up and used to deliver additional represent ‘quick wins’ which keep people
services, staff career opportunities, etc. motivated and engaged?)

Adapted from UK National Health Service.


6.2 Example Evaluation Methodology

Used in Evaluation of Newfoundland & Labrador Telehealth Strategy
TOOLKIT / MONITORING & EVALUATION A Framework and Toolkit for Managing eHealth Change

Step 1: Step 4:
Identification of key stakeholders in each jurisdiction: Agree on what to evaluate: There are virtually an
It is important that a wide range of stakeholders be endless number of other evaluation questions that
involved in and/or apprised of the evaluation efforts could be posed about complex health information
within their own jurisdictions because it will improve systems such as the Telehealth Strategy. However,
the likelihood that: (1) information exchange will occur; resources to pursue these issues are limited, in terms of
(2) comparable evaluation approaches will be introduced; funding and availability of personnel with expertise to
(3) greater strategic alignment between the goals of conduct the evaluation.
the broader health system and the goals of the specific
Step 5:
initiative will occur; and (4) champions for evaluation
Agree on how to evaluate: A discussion of the most
will be engaged.
feasible methods for approaching the selected evaluation
Step 2: questions will involve consideration of the tradeoffs
Orient key stakeholders to the rationale for why involved with the methods chosen.
evaluation is needed: It is important to orient key
Step 6:
stakeholders to the telehealth initiative and the evaluation
Analyze and report: Many researchers have noted that
process as early as possible, to determine their:
(a) expectations of the telehealth initiatives and (b) views the task of consolidating the findings of a multi-method
on what an evaluation plan should address. A workshop evaluation is perhaps the most difficult component of the
format has proved useful for this type of stakeholder study of complex health information systems.
engagement, wherein an overview of the telehealth Step 7:
strategy and key initiatives is presented; expectations Agree on Recommendations and forward them
documented and views on evaluation elicited. to key stakeholders: Likelihood of agreement on
Step 3: recommendations increases if stakeholders are involved
Agree on when to evaluate: Ideally, evaluation of in their development and dissemination.
complex information systems should involve longitudinal
evaluation, that is, evaluation that occurs over time, and/
or involves multiple data collection points. Whenever
possible, the evaluation of complex health information
systems initiatives such as the Telehealth Strategy should
involve data collection at three or more points: (1) baseline
(pre-system implementation); (2) during implementation
and (3) post implementation (preferably multiple measures
at 6 and 12 months post implementation).

6.3 Example Evaluation Methodology

Used in NB iEHR / Lab Scoping and Planning Initiative

TOOLKIT / MONITORING & EVALUATION A Framework and Toolkit for Managing eHealth Change
The benefits evaluation model below demonstrates the deliverable addresses the first three elements:
broad strokes of defining and identifying benefits. Its Evaluation & Issue Identification, Logic Model,
circular nature highlights the process of learning, refining and Indicator Selection.
and growing the depiction of benefits. This planning

Elements of the Benefits Evaluation Framework

Evaluation Issues & Questions

• Sets out questions of interest to the evaluation
• Why are we doing what we’re doing?
Issues and
What do we hope to learn?

Logic Model
Interm and Logic
• Shows connections between actions and
Final Report(s) Model
expected results
• Allows us to clarify our thinking re outcomes
Indicator Selection PROCESS
• Prioritization of potential indicators
• Input from literature, experts, sponsors, Infoway
Technical Indicator
• Relevance and feasibility Reports Selection

• Technical where applicable Measurement
• Interim reporting throughout the evaluation,
e.g. annuallly
• Final report on benefits achieved, timing tbd

6.4 System & Use Assessment Survey

TOOLKIT / MONITORING & EVALUATION A Framework and Toolkit for Managing eHealth Change

This document is designed to detail the process of adapting Background

and administering the System & Use Assessment Survey The S&U Survey was created with the intention of being
(S&U Survey). used to assess quality and use components of health IT
systems, and to flag obstacles to adoption and the realization
For any questions relating to the S&U Survey or for
of net benefits from the system. The questions that make
further information please contact the Infoway Clinical
up the survey were developed by evaluation Subject
Adoption team at
Matter Experts and Infoway’s Benefit Evaluation team.
Evaluation Objectives To date, a number of projects such as those listed in
The customizable System & Use Assessment Survey is the following domain areas have successfully customized
intended to be administered soon after a project has the System and Use Survey: drug information systems,
gone live. Its purposes are to: diagnostic imaging, EMR pharmacy integration, clinical
information systems, and clinical outcomes data projects.
1. Provide benefits statements to drive adoption in
later implementations Survey Process
2. Assist in identifying barriers to adoption so that The S&U Survey process is divided into four phases.
remedial action may be initiated The activities that make up each the phase are outlined
in Table 1. More detailed descriptions of select activities
3. Identify additional functionality which could be that require additional explanation are discussed following
provided in future releases the table.
4. Provide analysis of the viability of communication
and training strategies

5. Provide stakeholders with the assurance that their

adoption of the solution is important.

Table 1: Survey Activities

Activity Involvement Timeframe

Plan and Adopt Survey

TOOLKIT / MONITORING & EVALUATION A Framework and Toolkit for Managing eHealth Change
Identify opportunity for survey use and assess Project Ideally during planning
appropriate timing of administering survey. • Project Evaluation Lead stages of project

• Benefits Evaluation (BE) Lead

Survey template shared with Project team Project Ideally prior to

and questions are customized to suit project • Project Evaluation Lead implementation
(please see appendix B for survey template). stages of project
The inclusion of Infoway’s Core Questions is
discussed with Project team (Appendix D). • BE Lead

Process agreed upon for distribution for survey Project See above
i.e. survey instructions, timelines, survey leads etc. • Project Evaluation Lead
• BE Lead

Project approves final version of survey. Project See above

• Project Evaluation Lead
• BE Lead

Electronic, web-based version of Infoway See above

survey is created. • BE Lead
• Information Management and
Technology (IMT)

Table 1: Survey Activities (continued)

Activity Involvement Timeframe

2. Data Collection
TOOLKIT / MONITORING & EVALUATION A Framework and Toolkit for Managing eHealth Change

Project compiles a list of potential survey par Project

ticipants and decide on method to distribute • Project Evaluation Lead
survey (both electronic and paper versions).
• BE Lead

Link to electronic S&U Survey enabled. Project

• Project Evaluation Lead
• BE Lead
• Information Management
and Technology (IMT

Survey software automatically collects Infoway

participants responses. • Information Management
and Technology (IMT)

Reminder email #1 sent out to non-responders. Project 1-2 weeks after

• Project Evaluation Lead initial email

Discussion of need to administer paper-based Project 2 weeks after

survey to non-responders. • Project Evaluation Lead initial email

• BE Lead

Infoway provides Project team with copy Project 2 weeks after

of paper-based survey and Project team • Project Evaluation Lead initial email
prepares to distribute it.
• BE Lead

Reminder email #2 sent out to non-responders. Project 3 weeks after

• Project Evaluation Lead initial email

Paper-based survey is distributed by Project 3 weeks after

Project team. • Project Evaluation Lead initial email

Table 1: Survey Activities (continued)

Activity Involvement Timeframe

3. Analysis and Report

TOOLKIT / MONITORING & EVALUATION A Framework and Toolkit for Managing eHealth Change
Project evaluation lead provided with raw survey Project Frequency to be
data results throughout survey and at completion • Project Evaluation Lead determined with
(see Appendix C for sample reports). project
• BE Lead
• Information Management
and Technology (IMT)

Project may choose to conduct additional Project Once collection of

analysis of raw data. • Project Evaluation Lead responses is complete

• Evaluator and/or
• Third party organization
(responsibility of Project)

4. Data Storage

Both Project and Infoway retain data sets with Project

no personal identifiers. • Project Evaluation Lead
Infoway may aggregate the survey data with Infoway
results from other evaluation projects and use • BE Lead
it in pan-Canadian studies.

Sample Size Results

Prior to administering the survey, it is important to Infoway’s survey software will collect and store the raw
determine the number of potential survey participants. data collected from electronic survey participants. The
In order to calculate a response rate for the survey it collection and storage of the paper version will be the
is necessary to track the number of people invited to responsibility of the project evaluation team.
TOOLKIT / MONITORING & EVALUATION A Framework and Toolkit for Managing eHealth Change

participate in the survey, and how many people complete

the survey. A high response rate is important to legitimize Infoway will provide the project evaluation lead with
a survey’s results. When a survey elicits responses from a data result reports periodically. Please see Appendix A
large percentage of its target participants, the findings are for examples of the two formats that data is presented in.
seen as more accurate.
Privacy and data storage
The survey sponsor needs to determine who in their
organization will take the survey. Some choices are:
the whole company, only permanent and/or full-time The survey is anonymous. The survey does not ask for
employees, or only certain job positions (i.e. physicians, participants to provide any personal identification such as
nurses, pharmacists, support staff). name or employee ID number, or any other information
that is potentially identifying.
Administering paper based version of survey
To ensure confidentiality compliance, all responses
While the S&U Survey is designed to be administered inputted into the electronic survey will be stored on
electronically, the electronic method can sometimes Infoway’s secure server. The data will not have any
result in low response rates. Distributing a paper copy personal identifiers. The server administrator will
of the survey to participants in addition to the electronic require a password to access the data.
version is possible, but will require additional labour
from the project team. The project evaluation team will be responsible for ensuring
the paper copies of the survey are kept confidential.
Infoway will provide the project evaluation team with a
paper version of the electronic survey; however, the project Data retention
evaluation team will be responsible for distributing the
Infoway will maintain the results from the electronic
paper version, collecting the completed surveys, and
survey in accordance with stringent data protection and
inputting the responses into the electronic version of
management requirements to protect the confidentiality
the survey.
of the data and to prevent unauthorized use or access.
Possible methods of distributing the paper survey include:

1. Sending out survey attached to employees’ pay stubs

2 Organizing sessions in which groups of employees

complete the survey together (either in regular group-
meeting times or in larger groups at a special event)

3. Project evaluation team personally handing out

surveys to individuals or departments and arranging
a convenient drop off location


6 Glossary

GLOSSARY A Framework and Toolkit for Managing eHealth Change

The following terms and descriptions have been assimilated from the
efforts of the Pan-Canadian Change Management Network and are
intended to present a foundation of common language and dialogue
within the eHealth change management community. This listing is
expected to be further developed and refined.
Descriptions come from multiple sources as cited.

Term Description

Adopters of Change 74 Adopters of change are grouped into five categories: Innovators (venturesome);
Early adopters (respectable); Early majority (deliberate); Late majority (skeptical);
Laggards (traditional).

Adoption 76 The acceptance of technological innovation in everyday practice regardless of the degree of infusion.

Advocate 75 An advocate is a person who helps build a case for change by drawing support from within
the industry, by selling the idea of change. Advocates do not need to be people in authority
or in the organization. The key attribute of an advocate is having the trust and confidence
of potential sponsors and being able to influence the sponsor’s decision.

Benefits Evaluation An assessment of the impact, benefit or change resulting from participation in an initiative,
program or effort.

Benefits Realization Benefits realization is the process of achieving objectives, which generally includes three
components: (1) Articulation of the benefits; (2) Identification of key assumptions or conditions,
and development of action plans to address them; and (3) Measurement against objectives.

Business Process Business transformation is the institutional capability of translating the strategic business
Transformation 77 vision for products, services and processes into a commitment and plan for execution.
It entails new ways of working, reconfiguration of people and competence to deliver
strategic objectives, new ways of influencing and support business change, and ultimately
a way to rethink stakeholders’ needs to be responsive.

Change 78 Change involves a shift in action or thinking. It is about the events or circumstances
that impact and affect the organization. These could include a new leader, changes in
government policy, technology, stakeholder expectations, etc. Thus, change is typically
outcome or results focused, in that organizational change is usually a solution to someone’s
perception of a problem or opportunity.

Term Description

Change Agents 79 Change agents are those who make the difference in implementing change at a local level.
This will depend on the nature of the change, but the role often falls to middle managers
because they have the influence and authority to make the change happen.
GLOSSARY A Framework and Toolkit for Managing eHealth Change

Change Champions 80 These are the early adopters, colleagues who want the change implementation to succeed,
and believe the change will be beneficial to the institution. The change champions will be
staff affected by the change. They do not have to have management responsibilities.

Change Consultant 81 The role of consultant is very different from a line manager who has authority, responsibility
and accountability for specific results and outcomes. A consultant role is not the same as a
staff role sanctioned by senior management to use specific expertise to implement a project
or initiative. Consultants use their expertise, influence and personal skills to facilitate a
client-requested change without formal authority to implement recommended actions.

Change Maintenance 84 Too frequently, organizations discontinue their support of change management on
completion of implementation. In fact, effective change management requires ongoing
support through the measurement of compliance with the change, as well as support for
performance adjustments on an “as needed” basis to facilitate acceptance of the change in
the organization.

Change Management 82 A strategic and systematic approach that supports people and their organizations in the
successful transition and adoption of health information systems. The outcomes of these change
management activities result in solution adoption by users and the full realization of benefits.

Change Managers 83 Change managers have the expertise to lead the change and can act as role models. They
are given responsibility for the day-to-day change implementation. They design the change
process, strategy and approach, and confirm these with the change team. They design the
communication strategy and contingency plans for the change. They facilitate key events to
build commitment for the change, monitor progress and communicate the change results
throughout the organizational structure.

Change Management The Change Management Framework is a model of the fundamental elements needed
Framework 85 for inclusion in an integrated change management approach, and is designed to achieve
strategic objectives. The framework strives to provide information supporting the
complexity of change and includes the core elements of: leadership and governance;
stakeholder engagement; communications; workflow integration; training and education;
and outcomes measurement.

Change Participants 86 Change participants are all those affected by the change. They will need to know the reasons
behind the change as well as the intended effect on them and their work practices. They
are stakeholders, but a change may also have stakeholders who are not directly affected. For
instance, the funding bodies or governors may have a stake in seeing a change implemented,
but the change may not have any immediate impact on their working practices.

Term Description

Change Sponsor 87 Someone who has the authority, seniority, power, enthusiasm and time to lead/carry
through/oversee changes. The change sponsor may not get involved with the day-to-day
management of the change but should support and monitor progress. Usually the change

GLOSSARY A Framework and Toolkit for Managing eHealth Change

sponsor is a senior member of the management team given responsibility for affecting the
change. This person ensures the availability of necessary resources and accepts ultimate
responsibility for the successful change implementation. Sponsors approve the change
strategy and approach. They are active champions and role models for the new reality and
they monitor and communicate change progress to interested parties.

Change Team 88 The change team is made of staff members charged with implementing the change. They
support the change manager in undertaking his or her role and responsibilities. They must
have the confidence of both the management and the staff affected by the change. They
should be drawn from all areas affected by the change and it is essential they demonstrate
commitment to the change. They will need to be given the time from their regular job
functions and recognition to undertake the role of implementing change.

Clinical Transformation 89 A comprehensive, ongoing approach to care delivery excellence that measurably improves
quality, enhances service, and reduces costs through the effective alignment of people,
process and technology.

Culture 90 An organization’s culture is the set of values and beliefs that cause people to behave in
certain ways. When they behave that way and get the results they expect, it reinforces those
values and beliefs. This self-reinforcing cycle creates a culture.

Early Adopters 91 Those who are opinion leaders in most social systems (respectable).

Early Majority 92 Those who adopt new ideas just before the average member of a social system (deliberate).

Facilitator 93 A facilitator eases the way for all stakeholders in the change process, providing the
environment where they can be actively engaged and empowered. Ideally, facilitators
use participatory methods and have a broad base of knowledge and experience as adult
educators and leaders of change.

Force Field Analysis 94 Force field analysis is a specialized method of weighing pros and cons. It is essentially a
technique for looking at all the forces for and against a decision and weighting these factors
to determine if a plan is worth implementing. Any status quo is a balance of the current
forces acting on the system. Change will only occur if that balance is altered by adding forces,
strengthening the forces for change, or reducing forces hindering change. When a decision is
made to carry out a plan, force field analysis helps to identify changes that could improve it.

Gap Analysis Gap analysis evaluates the difference between the organization’s current position and its
desired future. Gap analysis results in development of specific strategies and allocation of
resources to close the gap. (Sometimes referred to as “Fit” analysis.)

Term Description

Governance 95, 96 Governance concerns the mechanisms that are used to guide, steer or regulate the course
of an organization or system. Within the realm of information and communications
technology (ICT), governance refers to the structures and processes needed to ensure
GLOSSARY A Framework and Toolkit for Managing eHealth Change

organizational ICT strategies and objectives are achieved.

Information and ICTs are defined as technologies that facilitate communication and the processing and
Communications transmission of information by electronic means. ICT for health refers to the interaction
Technology (ICT) between patients and health service providers, institution-to-institution transmission
for Health 97, 98 of data, or peer-to-peer communication between patients and/or health professionals.
Examples include health information networks, electronic health records, telemedicine
services, wearable and portable systems that communicate, health portals, and many other
technology-based tools assisting disease prevention, diagnosis, treatment, health monitoring
and lifestyle management.

Innovators 99 Those who are very eager to try new ideas (venturesome).

Laggards 100 The last group to adopt an innovation (traditional).

Late Majority 101 Those who adapt new ideas just after the average member of a social system (skeptical).

Learning Organization 102 The learning organization facilitates the learning of all its members and continuously transforms
itself. Change management for planned and unplanned change is easier in such organizations.

Outcomes Refers to the extent to which a program achieves its stated objectives. Also referred to as
Measurement103 “outcomes evaluation,” it measures outputs and outcomes (including unintended effects) to
determine program effectiveness, but may also assess program process to understand how
outcomes are produced.

Process Owners104 Process owners are involved in identifying the business capabilities that need to be
developed. They are often involved with providing information for solutions across
business units and from end-to-end, integrating new business processes and selecting
enterprise solutions. They define investment strategies and assist with transition plans.
Their knowledge is needed to ensure the compliance of all enterprise solutions with the
appropriate architecture and registration. They may establish and support a change leader
/ agent network to drive change management activities. The process owners have direct
influence on stakeholders, the ability to monitor performance and determine the impact
of the change on stakeholders, and track and report progress in alignment to the business
change strategy.

Process Measurement105, 106 Evaluation that focuses on what occurs in a program as it is delivered and documents the
extent to which intervention strategies and activities are executed as planned. Involves
monitoring implementation activities and processes. This type of information can be used to
adjust activities in real-time throughout a program’s life. In the ICT context, it can refer to the
process of delivering the program or technology, including alternative delivery procedures.

Term Description

Sponsorship An analysis of the level of support and the sponsorship competency of all key business
Assessment 107 leaders involved in the change.

GLOSSARY A Framework and Toolkit for Managing eHealth Change

Stakeholder 109 An individual or group with an interest in the success of an organization and its products.
Thus, stakeholders could consist of the organization’s own members, senior authorities
either within or outside the organization, suppliers, etc. Stakeholders are groups internal
and external to the organization that affect the organization’s interests.

Stakeholder The process by which the perceptions, issues and expectations of stakeholders are
Engagement 109, 110 learned. The overall purpose of stakeholder engagement is to drive strategic direction
and operational excellence for organizations, and to contribute to the kind of sustainable
development from which organizations, their stakeholders and wider society can benefit.

Stakeholder A tool used to assess a project’s impact on various stakeholders. Project phases and activities
Impact Map 111 are assessed against key stakeholders and results of each assessment are compiled to reflect
the overall impact. The results yield a chart indicating the overall level of change needed
and the aspects of the project most likely to be affected.

Sustainability 112 Described as “when new ways of working and improved outcomes become the norm.”
Sustainability is achieved when processes have changed and benefits are realized and
have even further evolved over time. Sustainability results when the change becomes an
integrated or mainstream way of working rather than something “added on.”

Transition 113 Transition is an internal, psychological re-orientation experienced by people coming to

terms with a change. It is a process or inner experience not necessarily focused on outcome
or results. It is timed differently from the external changes that caused it.

What’s In It For Me A useful way to consider the different needs and attitudes of those who will be key
(WIIFM) 114 stakeholders in an improvement initiative is to carry out a “what’s in it for me” analysis.
WIIFM criteria could include: deeply held values and beliefs; working relationships;
conditions of work: place, hours etc.; salary; job security; nature of work: tasks, responsibilities
etc.; and power: status, position, identity. The more criteria that are negatively affected by the
change, the greater the resistance to change. Changes that negatively interfere with a person’s
power, status, position and identity will evoke the most emotion.


7 Endnotes & References

ENDNOTES & REFERENCES A Framework and Toolkit for Managing eHealth Change

1  agle, L., Catford, P. (2008). Toward a model of

N 9  aluzny, A.D., McLaughlin, C.P., (2009).
successful electronic health record adoption. Continuous quality improvement in health care.
Electronic Healthcare. Vol. 7.(1). Accessed at: 3rd edition. Jones & Bartlett, 2009.
10  hile some tools and approaches may be used for
2  hile some tools and approaches may be used for
W enterprise CM, our intention was to support CM
enterprise change management (CM), our intention at a project level.
was to support CM at a project level.
11  ore information on Prosci’s approach
3  ore information on Prosci’s approach
M to CM can be found at:
to CM can be found at:
12  s accepted by the Pan-Canadian Change
4 I nclusion criteria included: source easily accessible; Management Network, March 1, 2011.
minimal to no copyright or proprietary licenses to
consider; and information contained within source 13  anadian Society for TeleHealth. Telehealth Change
aligned to core element(s) of the proposed framework. Management Repository – Change Management Roles.
Discrepancies were resolved through discussion. Retrieved from:
5  iatt, J., Creasey, T. (2003). Change management:
The people side of change. (Loveland, CO: Learning 14  etouhoff, N., Chandler, T., Montag-Schultz, B.
Center Publications, 2003). (2010). The business impact of change management:
What is the common denominator for high
6  eyland, M., Hunter, D., Dietrich, J. (2009).
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Integrating change management into clinical Management, Pepperdine University. Retrieved from:
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McMaster University, Hamilton, ON. 2009 change-management/.
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the Management of e-Business. 15  arkey, P., Antonio, K.(2010). Change management
for effective quality improvement: a primer. American
7  anada’s Health Informatics Association. (2010).
C Journal of Medical Quality. Am J Med Qual.
CPHIMS-CA: Canadian supplemental review and 2010 Jul-Aug; 25(4):268-73. Retrieved from:
examination guide. Use and adoption challenges
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8  oropajev, V. (1998). Change management –
V examination guide. Use and adoption challenges
a key integrative function of project management in for health information systems. Available at:
transition economies. International Journal of Project
Management. 16.1 (1998):15-19.

17  llen, L. (2003). Organizational change management

A 28  anada Health Infoway. (2007). White Paper on
— The new imperative. Business Performance Pty Information Governance of the Interoperable Electronic
Ltd. Accessed from: Health Record (EHR), March. Available from:

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18 Ibid. governance-of-the-interoperable-ehr.
19  iatt, J., Creasey, T. (2003). Change management: The
H 29  annoni, R., Ricketts, G. (2010). From Change
people side of change. (Loveland, CO: Learning Center Management to Governance – A Framework for
Publications, 2003). Increasing Success with Technology. International
20  llen, L. (2003). Organizational change management
A Association for Human Resource Information
— The new imperative. Business Performance Pty Management. Volume XIV, Issue 6. December 2009/
Ltd. Accessed from: January 2010. Accessed at:
management/change_management.html. blog/2010/03/change-management-governance-
21  iatt, J., Creasey, T. (2003). Change management: The
people side of change. (Loveland, CO: Learning Center 30 Ibid.
Publications, 2003). 31  alder, A. (2006). IT Project Governance and
22 Ibid. PRINCE2 Project Management. [Electronic document].
Accessed from:
23  llen, L. (2008). Managing change in the workplace.
A governance-and-prince2-project-management.pdf.
(2nd Ed). Business Performance Pty Ltd. Available
at: 32  entral Computer and Telecommunications Agency
managing_change.html. (CCTA). (1996). PRINCE2: Project Management for
Business. The Stationery Office, London.
24  llen, L. (2003). Organizational change management
— The new imperative. Business Performance Pty 33  ollege of Healthcare Information Management
Ltd. Accessed from: Executives (CHIME). (2010). The CIO’s Guide to
management/change_management.html. Implementing EHRs in the HITECH Era. p.13.

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M 34  anada’s Health Informatics Association. (2009).
found at: Health informatics professional career matrix.
Accessed on April 11, 2011 from: http://www.
26  or further information, including a case for
measuring the ROI for change, please see The case Career_Matrix_11_2009.pdf.
for change management: Three people side ROI factors
at: 35  llen, L. (2003). Change program roles. Business
Performance Pty Ltd. Melbourne, Australia. Accessed
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M from: businessperform. com/change-management/
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Cady, S., et al. (2007). The change handbook – The
definitive resource for today’s best methods for engaging 36 Located at:
whole systems. Berrett-Koehler Publishers Inc. 37  ryson, J. (2004). What to do when Stakeholders
San Francisco, CA. matter. Public Management Review (2004) vol. 6 (1)
pp. 21-53.

38  reeman, R. (1984). Strategic Management:

A stakeholder approach. Boston: Pitman.

39 AccountAbility. (2005). Stakeholder engagement 49  hitworth, L., Kimsey-House, K., Kimsey-House,

standard. Exposure draft. London, United Kingdom. H., Sandahl, P. (2007). Co-active coaching. New skills
[Electronic document]. Retrieved from: for coaching people toward success in work and life. Davies-Black Publishing. Mountainview, CA.
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50  ational Health Service (NHS). (2011).

40  ryson, J. (2004). What to do when Stakeholders
B Connecting for Health. Mentoring and coaching.
matter. Public Management Review (2004) vol. 6 (1) Retrieved from: http://www.connectingforhealth.nhs.
pp. 21-53. uk/systemsandservices/icd/informspec/careerplan/phi/
41 I nternational Association for Public Participation.
(2006). Accessed at: 51 J ISC infoNet. (2009). Good practice and innovation.
Change management – resistance to change.
42  ational Health Service (NHS). (2010).
N Northumbria University. Retrieved from:
Practical Guide to Stakeholder Engagement.
Retrieved from: management/resistance/.
52 Ibid.
43 S harma, R. (2008). The six principles of stakeholder
engagement. Supply chain management review 53 Ibid.
(October) pp. 1-9.
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44  arsloe, E. (1999). The manager as coach and mentor.
Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development, 55  ollege of Healthcare Information Management
CIPD House. London, Britain. Executives (CHIME). The CIO’s Guide to
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coaching and mentoring? Retrieved from: 57  hange Management Working Group. (2010).
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Retrieved from: http://www.connectingforhealth.nhs. Current state analysis – New Brunswick’s response.
uk/systemsandservices/icd/informspec/careerplan/phi/ Information available by contacting
47  ore reading on Hersey and Blanchard’s Situational
M 59 e Health Ontario. (2009). A guide to process
Leadership Theory can be found at: integration. (Available in the online toolkit located at:
48  hitmore, J. (2002). Coaching for performance.
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8 Index
A Framework and Toolkit for Managing eHealth Change

Acknowledgements Culture Innovators Sponsor

117 3, 4, 8, 9, 14, 15, 28, 40, 43, 105, 108 17, 18, 39, 41, 43, 75, 99,
44, 60, 62, 107 104, 105, 107
Adoption Laggards
3, 4, 5, 8, 9, 11, 12, 13, 14, Education 105, 108 Sponsorship
18, 19, 24, 28, 30, 33, 34, 35, 4, 7, 9, 13, 14, 20, 22, 29, 9, 11, 109
49, 54, 56, 60, 100, 105, 106 30, 31, 32, 54, 55, 56, 61,
4, 7, 8, 9, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, Stakeholder Engagement
62, 90, 106
Advocate 18, 21, 32, 38, 41, 43, 44, 4, 7, 12, 13, 14, 20, 21, 24,
18, 105 eHealth 60, 61, 79, 106 26, 59, 63, 66, 98, 106, 109
2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 11, 12, 14,
Benefits evaluation Learning Sustainability
15, 17, 20, 25, 27, 28, 29, 30,
framework 22, 29, 30, 33, 35, 55, 92, 7, 12, 14, 19, 29, 30, 109
31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 49, 54,
33, 99 99, 108
65, 81, 86, 105 Training
Change Measurement 4, 7, 10, 12, 13, 14, 21, 22,
2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 10, 33, 54, 99, 105, 106, 108 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33,
4, 7, 13, 14, 25, 32, 33, 34,
14, 15, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 40, 50, 53, 54, 55, 56, 61,
54, 56, 90, 92, 96, 97, 98, Monitoring
23, 24, 25, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 62, 65, 83, 85, 90, 91, 92,
99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 4, 7, 9, 13, 14, 15, 24, 30,
32, 35, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 47, 93, 94, 95, 106
105, 107, 108 32, 39, 96, 108
50, 51, 54, 68, 72, 73, 78,
79, 80, 86, 87, 105, 106, Executive Summary Outcomes
4, 14, 24, 97, 105, 107
107, 108, 109 3 3, 4, 6, 8, 9, 10, 12, 14, 15,
24, 32, 33, 36, 54, 99, 100, Transition
Change management Facilitator
106, 108, 109 3, 8, 15, 16, 18, 22, 27, 60,
2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 107
62, 106, 108, 109
12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, Process
Force field analysis
21, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 31, 32, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, What’s In It For Me (WIIFM)
24, 68, 86, 107
33, 34, 35, 36, 51, 53, 54, 14, 15, 16, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 12, 21, 23, 109
55, 56, 83, 105, 106, 108 Gap 23, 24, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32,
9, 14, 31, 56, 82, 107 35, 39, 41, 42, 43, 44, 48, 51,
Definition 4, 7, 12, 13, 14, 25, 27, 28,
60, 61, 68, 69, 72, 82, 85,
3, 8 Governance 30, 31, 54, 61, 62, 84, 85,
86, 87, 88, 89, 91, 98, 99,
4, 7, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 86, 87, 91, 106
Framework 100, 101, 105, 106, 107,
19, 32, 38, 47, 48, 49, 81,
3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 13, 14, 15, 16, 108, 109
82, 106, 108
21, 24, 26, 27, 32, 36, 106
Information and
Coaching 9, 19, 22, 23, 24, 27, 41,
18, 22, 23, 91 69, 109
technology (ICT)
Communications 3, 5, 6, 8, 9, 13, 17, 31, 32, Roles
4, 7, 8, 10, 12, 13, 14, 15, 21, 34, 35, 108 2, 6, 10, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19,
25, 26, 27, 30, 32, 33, 43, 49, 21, 24, 25, 27, 29, 47, 51,
51, 54, 55, 67, 71, 72, 73, 74, 53, 61, 82, 83, 86, 91, 95,
4, 8, 10, 13, 14, 24, 27, 33,
75, 78, 79, 80, 89 106, 107
34, 35, 45, 46, 49, 53, 56,
60, 61, 62, 64, 86, 91, 105,
106, 108, 109


9 Acknowledgements

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS A Framework and Toolkit for Managing eHealth Change

Canada Health Infoway (Infoway) would like to acknowledge and thank
the many individuals and organizations that contributed to the development
of this product. In particular, Infoway would like to acknowledge and
express its appreciation to the members of the Pan-Canadian Change
Management Network (Network) and especially the Change
Management Working Group (CMWG), who provided invaluable
guidance and efforts in developing the core content for A Framework
and Toolkit for Managing eHealth Change: People and Processes.

Change Management Working Group

Susan Anderson Cassie Frazer Dave Kerr Pierre-Martin Tardif
Executive Director, Benefits Realization & Change & Evaluation Directeur, Direction de
Information Management Quality Improvement Leader, Specialist, Atlantic Region l’arrimage des projets
Alberta Health and Wellness Clinical Adoption Team Canada Health Infoway et des déploiements
Canada Health Infoway Ministère de la santé et des
Tim Bedo Rosamund Levy services sociaux, Québec
Team Lead, Ian Hodder Senior Implementation
Transition Services Team Manager, Change and Adoption Specialist Jessica Young
eHealth Saskatchewan Management, Clinical eHealth Ontario Projects Coordinator
Information Programs Department of Health
Ken Collins & Quality Alison Loh-Kandylis and Social Services,
Change Management Lead Centre for Health Change Management Government of the
Centre for Health Information, Newfoundland Specialist Northwest Territories
Information, & Labrador eHealth Ontario
Newfoundland & Labrador Karen Zimmer
Lori Holuk Siddall James Nick Director,
Margaret Duffy Change Management Director, Program Corporate Services
Business Clinical Lead, & Clinical Adoption Management Division eHealth Saskatchewan
Clinical Information System Specialist Manitoba eHealth
Health PEI Manitoba eHealth
Glen Paskiw
Cindy Fajardo Martin Hodgkinson Transition and Change
Change Management Change & Evaluation Management Coordinator
Specialist Specialist, Ontario Region eHealth Saskatchewan
eHealth Ontario Canada Health Infoway
Joan Rabillard
Cindy Hollister Manager,
Clinical Leader, Primary Health Care
Clinical Adoption Team Fraser Health Authority
Canada Health Infoway

Pan-Canadian Change Management Network Members

& Other Contributors
Anne Baldwin Rob Crawford Virgine Jamet Dr. Mel Petreman
Change & Evaluation Consultant Manager, eHealth Co-Chair, Clinical Oversight
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS A Framework and Toolkit for Managing eHealth Change

Specialist, Western Region Rob Crawford & Associates Information Services, Committee, iEHR/PLIS; &
Canada Health Infoway Clinical Adoption Team PITO Peer Mentor (BCMA)
Dennis Ferenc Canada Health Infoway BC Ministry of Health
Marilyn Barrett Manager, Services
Director, Primary Care Change Management Nicole Lemyre
Networks & Chronic OntarioMD Information Specialist, Mark Simmons
Disease Prevention / eHealth Information Ontario Ministry of Health
Management Simon Hagens Services, Clinical and Long Term Care
Health PEI Director, Benefits Adoption Team
Realization & Quality Canada Health Infoway Keren Taylor Hughes
Myriam Brel Improvement, Clinical Change & Evaluation
Change & Evaluation Adoption Team Michelle Medland Specialist,
Specialist, Quebec Region Canada Health Infoway Project Coordinator Mid-West Region
Canada Health Infoway Fraser Health Authority, BC Canada Health Infoway
Dave Harrhy
Maureen Charlebois Change & Evaluation Janet Nyberg
Chief Nursing Executive Specialist, Manager, Information
& Group Director, Clinical Mid-West Region Systems (CIO)
Adoption Team Canada Health Infoway Department of Health
Canada Health Infoway and Social Services,
Government of Yukon

Special thanks to Ian Hodder (co-chair CMWG

and Pan-Canadian CM Network) and Infoway’s
Clinical Adoption core project team members Cassie
Frazer (co-chair CMWG and Pan-Canadian CM
Network), Christina Scicluna, Simon Hagens and
Maureen Charlebois.
Pan-Canadian Change
Management Network


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