Character Name Alternate Identities Player Name

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Character Name Elani

Alternate Identities
Player Name


Val Char Points Roll Maximum Current Total Points 500

10 STR 0 11- END 60 Total Experience Earned 0
20 DEX 20 13- BODY 10 Experience Spent 0
15 CON 5 12- STUN 38 Experience Unspent 0
15 INT 5 12-

10 PRE 0 11- HTH damage (STR/5)d6 2d6 3d6 STUN N BODY To Defense/
Roll Location x STUN x Hit Weight
OCV Lift 100kg STR END Cost 1
3-5 Head x5 x2 x2 -8 /
5 10
5 DCV 10 Phases 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 6 Hands x1 x½ x½ -6 /
3 OMCV 0 7-8 Arms x2 x½ x½ -5 /
9 Shoulders x3 x1 x1 -5 /
5 6 5 5
3 SPD 10 Base OMCV 3 Base DMCV 5 10-11 Chest x3 x1 x1 -3 /

Combat Skill Levels 12 Stomach x4 x1½ x1 -7 /

10 PD 4
13 Vitals x4 x1½ x2 -8 /
10 ED 4 +10 with energy blades, beam weapons, and rocket pistols
14 Thighs x2 x1 x1 -4 /
15 REC 11 15-16 Legs x2 x½ x½ -6 /
60 END 8 17-18 Feet x1 x½ x½ -8 /
10 BODY 0 Total Cost
Average Def
38 STUN 9 121 Presence Attack (PRE/5)d6 2d6 DCV Modifier Total Weight
Armor Notes
Maneuver Phase OCV DCV Effects
Type Amount/Effect
Block ½ +0 +0 Block, abort
Brace 0 +2 ½ +2 OCV vs R. Mod. Normal PD 10
Disarm ½ -2 +0 Disarm, STR v. STR Resistant PD 4
Dodge ½ — +3 Abort, vs. all attacks Range (m) 0-8 9-16 17-32 33-64 65-125 126-250
Grab ½ -1 -2 Grab 2 limbs Normal ED 10 OCV mod -0 -2 -4 -6 -8 -10
Grab By ½† -3 -4 Move & Grab; +(v/10) to STR Resistant ED 4 Targeting Shot OCV Hit Location
Haymaker ½* +0 -5 +4 DCs to attack Head Shot (Head to Shoulders) -4 1d6+3
Move By ½† -2 -2 STR/2 + v/10; you take 1/3 Mental Defense 0 High Shot (Head to Vitals) -2 2d6+1
Move Through ½† -v/10 -3 STR + v/6; you take ½ or full Power Defense 0 Body Shot (Hands to Legs) -1 2d6+4
Multiple Attack 1 var ½ Attack multiple times Low Shot (Shoulders to Feet) -2 2d6+7*
Set 1 +1 +0 Ranged attacks only
Flash Defense Leg Shot (Vitals to Feet) -4 1d6+12
Shove ½ -1 -1 Push 1m per 5 STR * Treat a 19 as the Feet location
Strike ½ +0 +0 STR or weapon
Throw ½ +0 +0 Throw w/ STR dmg
Trip ½ -1 -2 Knock target Prone

Flying Dodge ½ — +4 Dodge All Attacks, Abort; FMove Type Combat Noncombat
Passing Strike ½ +1 +0 2d6 +v/10; FMove SENSES Run (12m) 12m 24m
Counterstrike ½ +2 +2 4d6 Strike, Must Follow Block Perception Roll (9+INT/5) 12- Swim (4m) 6m 12m
Martial Block ½ +2 +2 Block, Abort Enhanced and Unusual Senses H. Leap (4m) 4m 8m
Takeaway ½ +0 +0 Grab Weapon, 20 STR to take weapon… UV Perception (Sight Group) V. Leap (2m) 2m 4m
Weapon Bind ½ +1 +0 Bind, 20 STR Telepathy 3d6 (Human and Alien Cla…
Quick Shot ½ +1 +0 Strike, +2 DC

Bite ½ -2 +0 HKA 1d6 +1

Movement SFX

Character Name Elani Campaign Name

Height 2.00 m Weight 100.00 kg Genre
Hair color Brown Eye color Brown Gamemaster


Cost Name Roll Cost Name Power/Equipment END

50 +10 with energy blades, beam weapons, and 12 Scales Resistant Protection (4 PD/4 ED)
rocket pistols 10 Dinosore LS (Expanded Breathing (Underwater); Longevity: Immortal)
3 Fast Draw: Energy Blades 13- 5 Ultravision UV Perception (Sight Group)
4 WF: Beam Weapons, Energy Blades, Rocket
Pistols 53 Ragdoll Blast 8d6, Indirect (Source Point is the same for every use, path is from Source Point to
3 Weaponsmith (Energy Weapons, Missiles & target; +¼), Reduced Endurance (½ END; +¼), Double Knockback (+½); Gestures (-¼),
Rockets) 12- Reduced By Range (-¼) 3
30 Force Hand Telekinesis (20 STR) 3
0 Language: Cretacean (completely fluent; 24 Telepathy Telepathy 3d6 (Human and Alien Classes of Minds classes of minds), Reduced Endurance
literate) (0 END; +½) (30 APs); Communication Only (-¼)
0 PS: Warrior 11-
0 AK: Cretaceous Earth 8- 60 Plasma Blade Multipower, 90-point reserve, all slots Reduced Endurance (0 END; +½) (135 APs); OAF
0 CuK: Cretacean 8- Durable (-1); all slots No Knockback (-¼)
5f Burning Blade 1) HKA 2d6, NND (defense is Resistant ED or ED Barrier defined as an EM field or the like;
3 SS: Chemistry 12- +1), Does BODY (+1); No STR Bonus (-½), No Knockback (-¼)
3 Acrobatics 13- 4f Hardened Blade 2) HA +12d6 (60 APs); Hand-To-Hand Attack (-¼), No Knockback (-¼)
3 Breakfall 13-
3 Electronics 12- 25 Rocket Pistol RKA 3d6, Area Of Effect (1m Radius; +¼); OAF Durable (-1), 2 clips of 8 Charges (-¼) [8]
3 Mechanics 12-
3 Shadowing 12-
3 Tactics 12-
3 Teamwork 13-

5 Flying Dodge
5 Passing Strike
4 Counterstrike
4 Martial Block
5 Takeaway
4 Weapon Bind
1 Weapon Element: Energy Blades

4 Quick Shot
1 Weapon Element: Rocket Pistols

4 Bite (Killing Strike)

228 Total Powers/Equipment Cost
20 Base, 100 points (Damaged Vault)

3 Lightsleep
4 Environmental Movement (no penalties in Cost Complication
water) 10 Distinctive Features: Dinosaur (Concealable; Noticed and Recognizable; Detectable By Commonly-Used Senses)
3 Resistance (+3 to roll) 15 Enraged: When reminded of her race's extinction (Common), go 8-, recover 11-
25 Physical Complication: No Knowledge Of Earth Culture (Very Frequently; Greatly Impairing)
15 Psychological Complication: Code of Honor (Common; Strong)
10 Social Complication: Non-person (Frequently; Minor)

151 Total Skills, Perks, & Talents Cost 75 Total Complications Points

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