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Lesson 3: Similes & Metaphors and Application to Literature

Grade Level:​ 11th Grade Teacher: ​Ms. Marquez

Subject: ​English Language Arts
Select grade level appropriate standards:
CCSS: RL.11-12. 4
1 Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in the text, including figurative and
Common Core connotative meanings; analyze the impact of specific word choices on meaning and tone, including
and Content words with multiple meanings or language that is particularly fresh, engaging, or beautiful.
CCSS: W. 11-12.9
Draw evidence from literary or informational texts to support analysis, reflection, and research.

2 What materials and resources will you and the students need for the lesson?
Resources/ Metaphor and Simile WorkSheet
Lesson Whiteboard/ELMO/ Projector
Preparation Highlighters
“The Yellow Wallpaper Copies”

What should students ​know​ and ​be able to do​ after the lesson?
Objective(s) Students will be able examine and evaluate the use of figurative language such as simile and
metaphor to convey deeper meaning within a text.

☐ Level 1: Recall ☐ Level 2: Skill/Concept

☐ Level 3: Strategic Thinking ☐Level 4: Extended Thinking

Explain how the lesson addresses each box you checked:

Level 1: ​Students will label and annotate worksheets.

Webb’s Depth of Level 2: ​Using context cues students will identify the meaning of the figurative language used and interpret
Knowledge Level what the language means.

Level 3: ​After identifying the figurative language, the students will determine the author’s purpose and derive
their own interpretation of the readings.

Level 4: ​The students will analyze the texts and annotate common themes and discuss with the class.

☐ Demonstrating independence ☐ Building strong content knowledge

☐Responding to varying demands of audience, task, purpose, and discipline
College and
Career Ready ☐ Comprehending as well as critiquing ☐Valuing evidence
☐Using technology and digital media strategically and capably
☐ Coming to understand other perspectives and cultures
Explain how the lesson addresses each box you checked:

The lesson has the students building on their content knowledge by learning more about diction and
figurative language and identifying it in actual texts. Students are annotating worksheets and
understanding the topic meanwhile asking questions for better comprehension. Using texts and
worksheets they are able to use evidence and context cues to support their answers. The resources
and lesson will be available on the teacher website allowing for students to have better reference
and study aid. The think-pair-shares and class discussion is making sure the students have the
discipline and communication skills to follow through with instructions and present their ideas to an

☐ Communication ☐ Collaboration ☐ Critical Thinking ☐ Creativity

Explain how the lesson addresses each box you checked:

21​st​ Century The lesson calls for different types of activities involving group work and critical thinking in forming and
Skills supporting their own mini theses. They are taking part in think-pair-shares and read-alouds that yield great
communication of what the student is comprehending and what they are struggling with. These skills are
necessary in order to have effective communication, collaboration, and critical thinking.

Lesson Delivery
Identify vocabulary and key terms that are important for students to know to understand the lesson:
Terms Metaphor
8 Describe how you will adapt your lesson for the following learners:
● English Learners
o Explanation of text -specific vocabulary
o Visual Representation (Whiteboard / Elmo)

● Special Needs
o Preferential Seating
o Visual Representation (Whiteboard / Elmo)

● Accelerated (Gifted/Talented)
o Flexible pacing/Freedom of self-management

9 Describe at least TWO different types of formal or informal assessments you will use during your
Assessments lesson to check for student learning:
As a formal assessment students students will complete the Metaphor and Simile Worksheet.
Informal assessments will be conducted through a fist-of-five survey, student repetition of
instructions, pair-sharing and whole-class discussion.

10 Prior Knowledge, Context, and Motivation ​(How will you connect the beginning of the lesson to
Lesson Delivery what students already know and/or motivate them to learn about the topic?)
To connect this unit to previous sessions the instructor will access prior knowledge by recalling
events from the previous lessons. Instructor will have students discuss amongst each other
important content specific vocabulary as well as the application of these terms in the real world.
The instructor will then explain how the day’s lesson will exhibit how these terms are expressed
through various written and literary works

Describe each step of the lesson

Teacher will… Students will…
● Begin instruction by having students ● Students will pair-share what they
pair-share what was learned in the learned about Diction, Denotation and
previous lesson connotation as well as provide
○ 5 Mins examples of each
● Instructor will transition to an ○ Students will share their
explanation of the lesson objectives as answers when called upon by
well as a walk through of the day’s the instructor
schedule ● Will note both the schedule and the
○ Instructor will gauge student objectives within their notebooks
knowledge by asking them to ○ Students will be called upon to
define simile and metaphor discuss what they know about
○ The instructor will then provide simile and metaphor
students with a worksheet ○ As the instructor reads from the
pertaining to the use of simile document, students will
and metaphor annotate the text accordingly
○ 3 Mins
○ Educator will read the
document aloud providing
further depth to the terms while
instructing students on what
portions to annotate
■ Instructor will provide
definitions to words the
students may be
unfamiliar with
■ 3 mins
● Instructor will then have students
analyze the meaning of the first poem ● Students will attempt the first poem on
“Metaphors” by Sylvia Plath their own using evidence from text as
○ After having students explain well as the literary terms to explain
their interpretation using the their answer
terms denotation and ○ Students will then perform the
connotation the instructor will next poem alongside the
provide the students with the instructor
actual meaning​ 5 mins ○ Students will work on the next
○ Using the ELMO the instructor two poems individually, once
will model an analysis and finished students will
written explanation using the pair-share their interpretations
terms with one another
○ 5 Mins
○ The instructor will then analyze
the next poem alongside the
students repeating the same
format. ​5 mins
○ Instructor will then have
students perform the last two
poems on their own.
■ It should be noted that
students do not have to
have the exact
meaning, they must
simply be able to
support their
interpretation using the
correct terms and
evidence from the text.
○ Instructor will circulate the
room to provide students to
monitor progress and provide
them with assistance
○ 10 mins
○ Instructor will then review
students answers through open
discussion ​5 mins
● Instructor will then transition by
providing students with copies of “The
● Students will take turns reading aloud
Yellow Wallpaper”
alongside the instructor
○ As the class reads, students will
○ As students read they will
not only answer the guided
answer the guided reading
questions but but also highlight
questions as well as highlight
any possible similes and
any similes and metaphors they
metaphors along the way
may come across
○ The class will read the first
three sections of the text.

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