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Senior High School within Esteban Abada Elementary

School why there not attend in school.

In Partial fulfillment of the

Requirements in Practical Research 1

Carmelo john Delacruz

11 – ABM

Senior High School within Esteban Abada Elementary School

Bansalangin St. Brgy Veterans Village , Project 7 , Quezon City

The topic that I chose is about absenteeism. This this study was to examine the direct and
indirect relationship between student school absenteeism, personal factors (academic self-
perception, attitudes towards teacher and school, goal valuation and motivation/self-regulation),
family factors like parents’ educational level and income, and academic achievement in
structural equation model. In Esteban Abada seu its, it has a lot of senior high school students
who participated in the study. The findings revealed that student absenteeism was negatively
related to academic self-perception, attitudes towards teacher and school, goal valuation,
motivation/ self-regulation, and academic performance.
Chapter I

The Problem


One of the most frustrating situations to most educators and classroom teachers is when

they try so hard to provide the education that students need but these students are always absent.

Teachers prepare lesson plans, colorful instructional materials and all other things that will help

the students learn conducively but sadly, some of the students are always either tardy or absent.

In present times, there is a difficulty in achieving perfect attendance because no matter how

interesting and well-prepared teaching materials are, there are students who are likely to miss

out on the day’s activities- willingly or unwillingly. Absenteeism also affects the teacher’s

ability to present classes in a sequential and organized way. This can have an effect on the

progress of all the students in class. Moreover, the teacher will have a limited time to be in

contact with students with difficulty in their lessons because most of them may be absent.

Merriam-Webster dictionary defines absenteeism as “chronic absence” or, in the context

of school, the habitual or intentional failure to attend classes. Due to these absences, students

become absent from school activities and exams. Absence, hence, becomes a problem when the

student is away from school for several days.

Going to school regularly is crucial and important for a student’s education and social

skills. Students who are frequently absent are a disadvantage both socially and academically.

They miss out on critical stages of social interaction and development with peers, and at the

same time limiting their academic progress. This may result in low self-esteem, social isolation,

and dissatisfaction that could hasten non-attendance in the first place.

School absenteeism is an alarming problem not only for School Administrators, teachers

and parents but also to society in general. Unaccepted absences have a negative effect on peer

relationships, which can cause further absences. According to Malcolm, Wilson, Davidson and

Kirk (2003) teachers identified the effects of absenteeism on children as:

 academic under-achievement.
 difficulty in making friends which could lead to boredom and loss of confidence.
 prolonged absence can have deleterious effects for the child in later life.
 students who are absent from school are at the greatest risk of dropping out of school

Absenteeism is also the topmost problem in Senior High School within Esteban Abada
Elementary School. Senior High School within Esteban Abada Elementary School today has a
population of students 153 in grade 11, 42 faculty members and 11 staff. It is located at the
heart of Bansalangin St. Brgy Veterans Village , Project 7 , Quezon City. The number of Grade
11( ABM, HUMSS, ICT, P.A) students reached to 153 as the total population. But sadly, almost
half of the population of the Grade 11 ABM and ICT students are always absent from class.

The researcher handles Grade 11 of (ABM, HUMSS, ICT. PA) sections, so, she finds
absenteeism as the major problem in relation to their academic performance. Even the advisers
are almost giving up the hope that there is a solution to this problem. Home Visitation is only
effective after the teacher has visited the absentee student’s home and having approached their
respective parents, but a few weeks after the visitation, the students continue being absent, hence,
missing out on learning what they should have gained if only they were present in class. The
researcher herself has been witness to this condition. Hence, there is a need to something else,
something that will motivate the students to go to school and attend classes regularly.
Significance of the Study

The result of the findings of this study will benefit the following individuals in their own

respective fields:

The Student. When a person will know the effects of his actions and decisions he or she

has done, he or she will look for ways to lessen the damage done. This study is aimed at raising

awareness of the impact of chronic absenteeism to the lives of the students who commit such acts

by directing the students to do better than what they already are doing. To students who are

chronic absentees, they will be given a new opportunity to go back to school and may decline the

number of the ratio of absenteeism.

The Teachers. Being a teacher means that one must assume the role of the second parent

to the students he or she is in contact with students. However, students who commit chronic

absenteeism are one of the stressors to teachers. This study will be helpful to teachers who

encounter the phenomenon of absenteeism among students. The teacher will be able to devise

intervention programs to reduce the number of students who commit chronic absenteeism. This

study may also become a guide to teachers as they can implement or improve the interventions

recommended by the researcher for future use.

The School Administrator. The School Administration is the primary people affected

upon knowing the effects of absenteeism. Their concerns can then be discussed with the student

body and so as the student body sharing their troubles to the administration. Through a

conference the administration might be able to arrive to solutions which can be applicable o

different situations.
The DepEd Authorities. The Department of Education main goal is to be able to

produce productive citizens of the community. Absenteeism is one of the factors that disturb the

stableness of this goal. When the results are evident, the DepEd authorities together with the

different school administration may arrive to a step by step planning to kill the rodents of


The Parent. The parents are the direct and the baseline in communication in relation to

their child’s regular truancy. Knowing the impact of absenteeism to their child’s learning

performance, a parent will be at the concerns of convincing their child to attend school and

protect them from the primary causes of their absences.

Statement of the Problem

Since middle of june up to present, there is about 30% or 65 of the Grade 11 – ABM, PA,

HUMSS and ICT students in Senior High School in Esteban who are always absent and/or late in

attending to their subsequent classes. Some of them are absent during the morning classes and

come to school but some of them are always absent. The sample of this study is the number of

students who are habitually absent, or 40 are always absent (ABM, HUMSS, PA and ICT) from

June of 2018 up to present.

This study will answer the specific questions as follows:

1. What are the common causes of absences committed by the Grade 11 students?

2. What is the level of respondents’ learning performance in terms of:

a) The students participation to oral discussions

b) Performance in group works.
c) Scores in Quizzes
d) Techniques in coping up
e) Social relation with Teachers
f) Social relations with classmates
g) Contribution to lesson application
h) General Average
i) Speed of analysis and comprehension
3. What are the possible solutions to the identified causes of absenteeism as perceived by

teachers and parents?

Scope and Delimitation

The study will be conducted within the classes of sections Diamond, Amethyst, Sapphire and

Emerald. This group of student belongs to the K+ 12 Curriculum Program of Senior High Within

Esteban Abada Elementary School . The total of this group of students for these sections from

Grade 11 – ABM, HUMSS, ICT, and PA is 153, with 72 who are male and 75 who are female.

Information acquired and provided by students will be used to confirm or negate the possible

causes of absenteeism. The result of the survey will then contribute insight in planning and

drafting of the solutions in addressing the said problems being identified that needs appropriate


An Action Plan or Intervention Plan for this problem will be the final output of the said

research to be implemented upon approval of the School Administrator.

The researcher will use a sampling method with inquiries which is not answerable by yes or

no. The researcher arbitrarily selects this group of students for they well represent a typical

student which his/her primary aim is to learn and excel in school.

Definition of Terms Used

There following are the terms used in this study. These terms need to be defined to clarify the

meaning of the words included in this study:

Absenteeism, according to Casio (2003) is “any failure of a student to report in class.

Merriam-Webster dictionary defines absenteeism as “chronic absence” or, in the context

of school, the habitual or intentional failure to attend classes.

Absenteeism in school is the habit of staying away from school without providing a

genuine or any reason for not attending classes. Absenteeism is a truant behavior that

negatively affects the performance among students.

Absenteeism- In this study, absenteeism is considered chronic if a student incurs 3

absences within one school week and 40 days within one school year based on DEPED

Order # 88, S. 2010 (See School Form 1 and School Form 2 Rules on Absenteeism,

attached as “Appendix 1”).

Sec. 157.1 Attendance and Punctuality.

Sec 157.2. Absences. A pupil or student who incurs absences of more than twenty

percent (20%) of the prescribed number of class or laboratory periods during the School

Year or term should be given a failing grade and given no credit for the course or subject.

Furthermore, the School Head may, at his or her discretion and in the individual case

exempt a pupil or student who exceeds the twenty percent (20%) limit for reasons

considered as valid and acceptable to the school. Such discretion shall not excuse the

pupil/student concerned from responsibility of keeping up with lessons, assignments and

taking examinations when indicated. The discretionary authority is vested in the School

Head, and may not be availed of by a student nor granted by a faculty member without
the consent of the School Head. Habitual tardiness especially during the first period in the

morning and in the afternoon shall not be allowed. Teachers concerned shall call for the

student concerned or visit him or her at home.

Family problem. Family problems can affect student school attendance. This includes

financial support (the family can’t afford education or education is not a primary

necessity), differing community attitudes towards education (the people that surround the

students’ home and within it education is not given importance), transportation (the

family might live in a very rural community where in transportation cannot easily reach.)

Grade 11- In this study, some selected Grade 11 students are the students belonging to

the K + 12 Program of the Department of Education, currently enrolled in Senior High

School within Esteban Abada Elementary School. They are the respondents of this study

who are taught English by the proponent of the study.

Individual learning performance. The variation on the learning of a student being

monitored in different ways (e.g. class interaction, test results, quizzes, etc.)

Teacher Factor- One of the causes why students do not come to school regularly is the

behavior of some teachers which could be linked to higher dropout rates due to too much

absenteeism among students.

Truancy, according to Bell et. al. (1994) is an “unexpected and unlawful absence from

school without parental knowledge.

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