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c?,63 Third Semeste r B. Sc. (CBCS) Examination

Tuesday, ZTtn Oct-20t5
Time: 10:3d amto 01:30 Pm fq{o" of Pnl
Subject: PHYSICS [US()3CPHY01]
Total Marks 70

N.B:All the symbols have their usual meanings'

Que.-1 To answer the questions choose the correct option' t10l

(1) ln Hygen's eyepiece the focal length of the field lens is
the focal length of the eYe lens'
(a) three (b)four (c)two (d)five
(2) ihe expression for Newton's formula is
(a) frfz (b) X1f1= X2f2 (c) Xrfz= Xzfr (d) X1X2= f,1o
in'Newton's ring experim"niine interference is produced
because of

(affivefront splitting (b) wavelength splitting

(c) amplitude division (d) frequency splitting ,

(4) 'iire ObnOing of waves around the edges of an obstacle is called

@ interterence (b) refraction (c) ditfraction (d) reflection

(5) in'Fresnel diffraction the *--.- from an obstacle'
(a) source and screen are at infinite distances
and screen is at infinite distance
ioi uour." is at finite distance
i.j r.r."n is at finite distance and source at infinite distance
(d; source and screen are at finite distances
(6) in'r crystal the relation between refractive indices of ordinary
and extraordinary rays is given by ----------
(a) pott .(b) pr>po (c) Pu=Fo (d) none- of these
shape of wave
(7) n6dorO'ind io Hygen'i'.if trn"tion of double refraction
front for ordinary raY is
(a) parabola (b)-ellipsoid (c) spherical (d) none of these .
polarization of light
(8) Wnicn of the iottowing phenomenon causes the
(a) interference (b) double refraction
(c) diffraction (d) double reflection
at launching end with an
(e) - iays which are incident
bnry t6or. light
,ngi. 0., will propagate in the opticalfibre'.
than (d) all of these
i"igt."t.t th.n (b) equal to (c) less
(10) T--'.
Ait[. output end of optical fibre system there is (d) quartz crystal
irj pnoto bloo. 1u; sound source (c) nicol prism
Que.-2 Answer brieflv anv tenof the following questions' t20l
(1) Define monochromatic aberration'
(2) Mlntion any two differences between Hygen's and Ramsden's
(3) What is Astigmatism?
(4) Expfain brieity about the different techniques used to obtain
interference fringes.
(5) What is a biprism ?

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(6) what is the advantage of Febry-Parot intederometer over
(7) wnat is double refraction? Give the name of crystals which
doubly refracting'
i8i l-.ristinouish
v,vrrr rve,v. between unpolarized and plane polarized light'
(e) Briefly explain poiarization by scatiering'
(10) Define opticalfibre'
(1 1) Explain fractional refractive index change'
{121 Eniitt advantages
of step index multi mode fibre'

Que.-3 what is coma? with necessary diagram explain the methods 110l

removal of cometic aberration.

explain cardinal points and planes of a co- 110l
Que.-3 with suitable diagrams
axial lens sYstem,

Describe the construction and working of Lloyd's..

mirror' Also l06I
Que.-4 (a)
mirror and
;ffi;; the interfeience rringes produced by Lloyd's
(b) Howbiprismcanbeusedtodeterminethethicknessofthin
transparent sheet?
Explain the experimental arrangement to observe the Newton's ring [061
Que.-4 (a)
,ni ,no* how it is used to deteimine the wavelength of light. t04l
(b) iraunhoffer diffraction at double slit with different conditions'
polarized at
Explain the theory of superposition of waves linearly
Que.-S (a)
right angles
(b) oTscusiBrewster's law and state its applications'
and working of LCD' [061
Que.-S (a) Explain the construction
(b) Oive tne Huygen's explanation of ddubb refraction in uniaxial crystal [041

Que.-6 (a) Forastepindexopticalfibre,derivetheformulaforacceptance
oo= sin-1 ^tqq
Explain in brief necessity of cladding'

Que.-5 (a) Writenoteson(i)Stepindexfibreand(ii)Graded-indexfibre'
(b) Explain in brief all glass fibres.


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it ! ,-'
3'd Semester B. Sc. (Under CBCS) Examination-2015
Thursday, 2gth Oct-2015
Time: 10:30 am to 01:30 pm
IBasic Solid State Electronics]
Total Marks:70
N,B: {i) All the symbols have their usual meanings,
(ii) Figures at the right side of questions indicate full marks.

.Q-f Choose the correct option for the following questions.

(1) A good biasing circuit establishes the quiescent point on a load line.
(a)at a middle of the active region (b) near of the cut off region
(c)near saturation region (d) outside active region
(21 The ilansistor parameters are _ dependent,
(a) pressure (b)temperatur.e (c)clipping (d) resistance
t3) ln voltage divider network, the quiescent point of the NpN transistor can
be made almost independent of _.
(a)y (b) a (c) $ (d) r
(4) Which of the following h-parameter gives forward current ratio of
common Emitter transistor?
(a) h," (b) ho" (c) h;g (d) hre
{5) The coupling capacitors mainly affect _ cutoff frequency of an
(a) single (b)triple (c) upper (d) lower
(6) With negative feedback, the output impedance of the amplifier _.
(a) increases (b) becomes infinite
(c) decreases (d) doesn't change
(7) ln negative feedback amplifier, the feedback voltage and input voltage
are _.
(a) in phase (b) out of phase (c) both (a)&(b) (d) none of these
{8) lf a feedback signal is proportionalto output voltage irrespective of load
then such amplifier is known as feedback amplifier.
(a) voltage (b) current (c) both (a)&(b) (d) none of these

(9) The Bar'khausen criterion of oscillation for which the amplifier becomes
an oscillatoris_.
(a ) AB = 1 (b) AB < L (c) AB >1 (d) None of these
{10) The high degree of frequency stability is obtained in oscillator.
(a) Phase shift (blWein bridge (c) Hartley (d) crystal

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q-2 Answer the following questions in short : (Attempt Any Ten) [201
(1) What is thermal runaway of transistor? Explain with proper diagram.
(2) What is need for bias stabilization in transistor circuits?
(3) Give reasons why the fixed bias circuit is not widely used?
(4) Define small signal amplifier,
(s) Why dB is used?
(6) Draw the labeled circuit diagram for small signal amplifier.
(7j What are advantages of negative feedback in amplifiers?
(8) Explain the terms : (a)Open loop gain (b)Closed loop gain.
(s) Draw the block diagram for the series- voltage feedback amplifier.
(10) Explain piezoelectric effect in brief.
(11) State the basic principles of RC oscillators.
(12) Differentiate between sinusoidal and non sinusoidal oscillators,

q-3 (a) What is operating point? Explain selection of proper operating point [06]
using output characteristics of NPN transistor,
(b) A collector to base bias circuit having Vcc = 10V , Ra = 500KO , R. = 500 O [04]
and B of the transistor equal to 100. Find its.collector current and
q-3 (a) What is voltage divider biasing circuit? Using approximate analysis [05]
explain determination of Q-point of such circuit,
(b) Write a note on emitter biasing circuit using NPN transistor. [04]
Q-4 (a) Explain graphical method for calculating current gain and voltage gain [06]
using C-E mode of a NPN transistor
' (b) Draw the amplifier circuit for (a)DC behavior (b)AC behavior [04]

Q-4 (a) What are h-parameters? Explain development of h- parameter [061

equivalent circuit.
(b) Define multistage amplifier. Explain need and gain of multistage [04
amplifier in detail.
Q-5 (a) Derive the equation for the voltage gain of a negative feedback amplifier. [05]
(b) With necessary block diagram, prove that the negative feedback in the [05]
amplifier: increases the input impedance,
Q-s (a) Prove that the negative feedback in the amplifier decreases the output [05]
impedance of it.
(b) Write a note on Emitter follower circuit with necessary diagram, [05]
Q-e What is positive feedback in amplifier? With suitable diagram, explain [101
Hartley oscillator and Colpitts oscillator in detail.
q-5 What is crystal oscillator? Explain the principle of working with [10]
advantages and disadvantages of materials. Also discuss crystal oscillator
circuits using FET and Vacuum device,

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